HomeMy WebLinkAboutWolf, Cora Amend #79 WHEREAS, o petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by .... ~J-,].l.~.il~.A..,./'..~..].~-~"~...~..-t~..~[~;~ ................ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from .~..~..~'...~'~!,~...~...,~..~'.~.~..t.. District to ..~.~...~..~.~? ............. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ..... ~'Ch ........ day of ................ ~1~1~ll ...................... , 19.~..., and due dehberation having been had thereon NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~'llllged. ~/ O~de~ of the I/Iouthold To~n ~rd D'tgl ~ne 19, 1967. ~f~t~ al of ~ne 29, 1967 Alert W. ~i~nO I,~GAL NOTICE /~'OTICE O~ ~~ OF ~G ~CE ~~ NO. 79 ~ ~f~r a p~lc h~ng held P~ ~ ~e r~men~ of law, ~e B~ Zo~ O~ce, (l~u~ ~e ~d~n~ .Zone ~f ~e T~ ~ ~a~ld, S~folk ~y, New York, w~ ~e~ ~t a r~ m~ of ~e S~ ~ ~d held on on J~ 9, 1~7, ~ foH~: 1. By ~ f~ "A" ~si- d~t~ ~d ~c~t~ D~rtct W "B" B~ ~c~ ~ f~- 1~ d~ p~rty: ~ t~ ~ ~ot, pl~e or ~1 ~ ~, ~t~, I~ ~ ~t ~t~, T~ of ~old, ~fo~ County, Y~k, ~ ~d d~ri~ f~s: ~ ~t a ~t on ~rly ~e of West- p~ Avenue, ~oi~ng ~ of' ~ re& f~ ~ ~s~on~ ~ ~ ~u~ly ~ of. ~ia A~nue ~ the ~er~ ll~ of ~ ~d ~ ~d ~; f~ ~d ~e ~o~ ~ ~d of N~th ~rk ~1 ~t ~ t~ ~ ~nd ~: (1) ~uth 19~ 16' W~t 1~ f~t; then~ (2) ~ ~ ~' West ~.15 ~W ~ of ~; ~en~ ~o~ ~d la~ ~ 1~' W~ 49.~ f~t ,to l~d of C~; ~lng the~e ~ ~d ~d Nor~ 19~ 16' ~ 1~.4~ f~t ~ the ~uth- ~e~ly l~e of W~ Av~' ~e; ~ ~e~ ~o~ H~ ~ ~0~ ~' ~ ~5 f~t W ~e ~nt or ~e ~ b~- ~2. By ~ f~ "A" W "~-2" B~in~ D~ct ~e fol- 1~ d~d p~rty: ~ ~t ~ plot, piece or ~el ~ ~nd si~, 1~ ~l~ ~t Cu~, T~n of ~uthold, Suifo~ County, New' York, ~d~ ~ desc~ ~GI~ING at a mon~ent on ~ s~ea~rly line of ~ ~d, 10~1 f~t, more or ~rly Hne fr~ ~ee~ N~k ~, ~ld ~lnt of be-{ g~ ~i~ t~ wester~ cor- ner of ~nd of ~t ~d ~e no~her~ co~r of la~ of Wolf; from ~d ~int of r~ ~o~ ~d land of E~, two ~u~ (1) S. 20" E.-~.0 f~ ~ a me,merit; ~ence (2) S. 29~ 44' ~" W. 1~5.0 f~t ~o ~ iron p~e and l~d of Jo~ Wlck~; the~e ~ong ~ of Wick, N. ~ 20" W. ~.0 feet W ~t~ly 1~ of the ~; ~en~ alo~ ~i~ ~u~h- e~terly l~e, N. ~ ~' ~" 1~5.0 f~t to t~ ~t of g~. ~'~'~: ~ 9, 1~7, ~ W. ~O~, ~ CL~ 1~16' COUNTY OF SUFFOLI(, ] STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: J .... ~.~. ~..~.~.~.~..~---~A~. ?.,. ~ .~...c..'.~.. .... being duly Sworn, says that . .~.. i~ Printer and Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newsier pub~ish~ at Greenport. in s~d countw and ~hat th~ noti~, ~f which ~e ,~e~d is ~ print~ copy, has ~en published in the s~ Suffolk Weekly Times once in ~ach week, ior ........ ~?~ ............. week~ suc~ssiv~ly commencing on ~he .~~ ....... Sworn to before me this .~.~.. .... ............. ...... ...... STATB OF HBW YORKs ALiT We RI(3IMGMD, o£ Sou~/~old, Town of Southold, Hew York, being duly sworn, layl that he lo over the &ga of t~nety-one yearn! that on the ~ of he af£lxed n not4ca of which the ama·xed printed notice is a true copy, 4n · proper and ·ubstentl&l manner, place ~n the Town of Southold, Su£folk County, Swo~n to before me this 19th d·]f of JUNE , to Town Clerk Bulletin ~oard, South?id, i l]]U/qmlt tO ~ ZiiIU.'.~;,T.,;atl .of ,!.Iv, M h%~dl,ng :ieee. heXd of ~X Mt .eortadm pJ~, pLeee or pnzee.l, of Lmd, and lJ*~ mt llmt~Atusk, bm of tm the ~tmtoe4tlam of' t~o a~m~a~Xy ~ .of tho ~Zy %Arno of ~ .-.~h_!.~m~d_.. la'~. Bond C~--~ flrem slid pe~t o~ bogmLug of Pouny, ~~-~ *_~ L%emg 49.06 feet. to ,Land of Chnt~ev~ land llelh. %9 ':~:~ %6' i~lt %48.4'7 0%1 lilt OS' 'Meal. 44.:LS feo~ ~o lmm of ~ 70~' 44' salt 75 feet ~te the ~t ez p~ of' 300. XTS. 0 feet .re .an ~ pLpe amd 3.amd of ~9 44' 1l.. 17S. ,,Tune 9, 1967 PRESEMTt J't~BTiCB RALPH -2- reading the legal not,ceo open the hearing at this time by "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Building Zone Ord/nan e of York public hearings be held Off~ce of the Supervisor 16 South TOWn on the 9th day of June .~967~ said day the foll~Xng Proposals ('including the Building Town Law County, New York. and Art/cie o f Southol d, Suffolk ~ of the by the Southold Town County, Board Xn Street, Greenport, New the at 7:30 o ~clOck in the YOrk, ~n said to amend the Building evening c~ Zone Maps ) o f Z~e Or di ~nce, the Town of Southold, Suffolk "L. By char~~ng fr~ ~" to "B" Business District the Res~dent~&l following certain 9lot, or p~ece or parcel of Town of $outhold, Suffolk as fOllows~ Mat~Ztuak, described westphalia Avenue, south, said line of ~festphalSa Road Company, frma of North Fork and Agrioultural Described propertys la~d, situate, County, at a point adjoining land on the of North Fork O$1 being 294 feet from the Avenue and the northerly of beginning District said ~oint Heat Company two courses Ail that thence (2) South 45 ° 16' west 105.8s feet; lying and being at Penny~ running thence along said land North York, bounded and land running thence along said southwesterly side of Charkow; feet tothe l~ne southwesterly Heat Company on East said line Sou th 70° 44' "Any person desiring Intersection line of Long running thence and distances 05' West 68.15 48~ i7' West of should appear at the time land North of westphalia Avenue; 75 feet to ~he point or to be heard on any of the specified. the and place Wo of the southwesterly by Order of the Southold above Island Rail Town Board, Albert along said land (1} south 19° feet to land of 49.06 feet to 19°. 16 ' East 148.47 running thence along piace o f beginning. propose d amendmens t Dated, May 15, Richard Town Clerk" 1967% ALB~RTS(:~~ --3¸_ ~ w~ll now read the re~o~ndati~ of ~e "It was RESOLVED that the $outhold favorably to the $,~thold T~wn Board the Residential and Agricultural District to above described property. Town Planiing Board re~ ~mmend change of zone from 'A" "B' Bus tness Dis trier on the "The Plannin9 ~oard fur ther recenunends m~tl~n, ch~age the balance of the Town aOard, &n their which is not now zoned the North Fork Business 'B" Business District Property under District and the Heat Company property and lies between ,the present appl icat ion o "Very Board. , s incerely, /s/ John Wtckham, Chairman Southold Town Plann/~g Into SUPBaVXSOR the record. have one letter here which I will read 'P~ttltu~, New York, June 9, 1967. "Gentlemens Zn on property regards to t he change Hattltuck, we wish to lo~ated on west inform you that we of zone from res talent iai Starks and approve whole to the change of z~e. Road, have spoken to heartily of his plans, therefore we do not to obi eot "Yours truly, Edith & Har'~ry Charkow.. SUPBRVXSOR ALBERTSG~, At this thee is there wishes to be heard in favor of this RICHARD LARK, ESO.: represent Mr. starks. any qeesttons/ a cement type the electronic The reas~ X amwi~ with business is. here b oar der s on the build/ag ~n anyone present who appl teat ion ? why the Office of William wlckham. We and the is so that came the manufacture industries. Board would aircraft dlstr&cts and the fact that like to a~ &PPI icati.on s~dth and rear of the requested for this he might be able to construct of a--mall component parts for chan~, The area is surrounded thre NOr ..th Fork Oil Heat who property and Penny Lumber yard on -4- the west and on the about th Is pr'opose d seem to be in favor. land on 2'7A. because of for use as east is the bu 11ding and Across the This land itself is Charkow ~ s, what would street is who we talked to be manufactured unsuitable the lowness and it fllls nothing a residence. ,res ldential up with water, does there, they but vacant development not lend itself suPE~XSO~ ALBR~TSON-. Thank you. who w lshes to speak in favor of this Is there anyone appl ica t ion ? else present (There was no response. ) suP~l$Oa ALBE~~ON: against this application the e anyone present who wishes to speak (There was noresponse. ) SUPF~VXSO~ ALB~TSON, he~d one way or the other Is there anyone present who wishes to be (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR ALB~TSOM~ Hearing none, time for the further deliberation of I will cloee the hearing at su~ls~a ALB~TSON, read the notice. We will know take up .the next hearlngo X By changing from to aB-2" Business' District Residential certain Cu to~hogue, described and Agrlcultura! the following described District property: A11 that plot, Pi~e or parcel of land situate, lying a~d being Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounde~ as follows~ BEGGING at a line of Main mon~ent on the southeasterly Road, 1021 feet, more or less, 1 ine from Fleets Neck Road, the westerly corner of land of Fleet and 50° of beginning Wol f~ from said point two at and southeasterly courses (1) s. southwesterly said along said point ,.the o f beginn ing be ~ng northerly runnAng along said corner of land of 09' 20" E.- 200.0 land of Fleet, feet to a monumentr thence -5- (2,1 a. 29° 44' 00" W.- 175.0 feet to an ~ron pipe and land of John Wlckham thenee aloag land of wtakh~, g. 50.0 09~ 20" Wo 200.0 feet to aa:l.d southeasterly line of the Ma in Road~ thence along south- easterly line N. 29° 4-4' 00" E.- 175..0 feet to the point of beginning. SUPERVISOR' ALBERTSON~ Board. will now read the report of the Planning "It was RESOLED that the favorably to the $outhold T=wn Residential and Agricultural ~Lbo~e described property. Southold Town Planning Board recommend Board the change of zone from "a - District to "B-2" Business DistriCt on the "Xn view of the fact and Agricultural, District "A" Residential this property lies between an and a non-~onforming business and Agziou 1 tufa1 District; and there on the same side of the street further east and west the Planning S~rd would recommedd a Business property, in as much as th~ will be only an office sent thus in the described Premises. There are other opposite side of the street which are zone "B" Buslness purposes outline in the "B" Bus. lness District. "Respectfully submitted, /s/ John Tewn Planning Board." "A" Residential operation in an are other properties zoned "B" Bus'tne,es, District for this type use at the pre- properties on the and used for Southold speak SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there in favor of this application2 anyone present who wishes to RXCiIARD CRON, ESQ.: represent the applic~nt see that the ehange~>~ whleh is .in close area. There change Supervisor, for this Planning Board we showdd in the proximity to other is adj oining this members of the Town Board, I change of zone. am delighted to a non-conforming use a~opted much of the argument for the application. As was pointed out this business in the ~r es, business zone property which is the subject of the of the Chairman of the Planning Board -6- He ~onduuts a business as a h&~ who non-conforming be ~n i~ne w~th the spirit of promuA~ ~o o~h.e~ bus,ness. Viewed At ~n the past 10 days uBe. area and w111 ~e be1~wve ,the Zoning Ordinance, The type of operatl~ that not be detrhnentel Thank You. SUPERVISOR of th~s speak in favor was no response. ) (There it would be an to the t~wn or to there anyone app! lea t I on ? th/8 if one /rePresent the area. else present tO against this appl 1cation ? Is ~here anyone present wh~'w/shes to speak (Theze was no response. ) heard one way or the other on (There was ' no response. ) theze anyone Present this apPliuatlon ? who wishes to,, be at StrPBRVXSOR ~r,_n_n?.TSGiW: He.~~ng none, this t/me for the further del/beratlon of the close the hearing Board. the _will SUFB~~~ AL~~TSGMt At this t/me ~/~ead the legal notice for ~ext he~Ang. to "B" certain By changing District the oz Parcel P!Ot,pleee Residential foli~tnq Cutch~e, ~~ of $outhold, described as fo11~8~ Beginning Main Road where easterly I1ne of aide, of Main Road and southerly along the southerly then=e courses ~d two SOuth 87~ 39' 20" East and A~r~ltural (2) along the land of F. described PrPpertys thencd of land attuate, ly/ng and Su£fo~ County, N~ York at a Point on tbs land of Fllla from sJ. de of Main Road (!) North 89 o 03 ' All that being at bounded and intersects the side of of beglnn said running - ....-'== follow/rig O0" East 68.80 feet 417..t2 feet- to land Blllard Estate ~he of F. Blllard Estate roll. lng two ooursef and -7- 40" 20" east 94.64 feet to land follow~ng t~o ~ses and west ~87.76 £eet; (2) 8Outh 84° 53 ' £eet~ (,2) o£ $1dot ~ thence along land of Sldor the (1) south 5° 06' 40" west 628.13 NOrth 89° 28' 40" West 191.42 feet to .~attituck Estate,, (Suffolk Co~t~ F/Is ~453)~ thence along the northerl~ l lne of Matti~ ~est 288.74 feet to (.Suffolk land o£ lng three courses (2) ~ozth 86 o 18 ' 10" feet to the $'outherl~ County FXle #4453) ~Ozth 87 *~ 26 ' begt~ ~,g. - Filla~ then~ along land of Fills the dlstan~es~ (1) eorth 2° 50' 00" East 565.37 West 7i.33 £~et; (3) North 3° 26; ' 10" East: side of Main Road and the P~int or place of 30" foll~- feet~ 253.61 BOard. will no~ read Planning "It wu RESOLVED the not favorably reec~mend to the from "A" Residential $~uthold Town $~thold To~n and Agricultural descr/bed PrOperty. Board does Board the Dlstrl.c.t to "B" ah~ge of zone Business Distri=t that "It is the opinion for the type of use of the Planning Board this is too large an ~nte~de d. T~e .Pi~n i~g Board al so points ~ t the prol~sed-change would cons/titute spot zoning, as surrounded by "A" Residential and Agricultural District. "Respect. t~ully sul~al~ted, Piann~g BOard. ,, the Property Chaizmmn, $outhold ,peak Xs -.there in £aov~ of this ion ? anyone present that wishes to RoG. X am here be s~ on ~ehalf of the Su~rvisor dtsczipencs, in the legal was notlce. requested to be ahnged was 2 00 feet, to enable Hr. Nidd~ to dep~A of property and members. to use the antique of the ~o~n $~ard Edward Nidds. There seems Zt was my ~.derstand/ng the not the entlre area, ~ly the uoe the foontage of the shop. X think as you know -8- has verM reputable estabiis~t at Nill C~eek and at in Arsh~que, Main Street in $outhold. He a ch~ge of 200 feet in conduct the business in be detx/mental to the depth. We thought offensive t,he house and barn. area. on the or damaging to ~ttque premises Certainly the gr~th printing shop across. of rem/aes. Mr. His operation the area. His shop. It lends in business in the street. known as the 7 Seas · ntends to ask for this would enable him tO I -don' t think this would in the ~st has not been intention was itself to ,the to hold au~ions the Town in the area think this is not Nidds I don* t ~n case I will area . Mr. Nidds ia here public SUPERVISOR entire so that you may examine the th/nk aa kto ch~ge you would l~ke to ask recess this hearing at notice. I think you called for ~e area. aPPlication -you have the an offensive use the entire any questiOnso this time will find ~-the * . . . . SUPB~tVISOR ALBERTSON: t/me. will read the legal "4. By changing from "A" "B-2" Business District the certain pbt, piece or parcel ~reenport, Tc~n of Southold, descirbed as foll~s: ~,/e will go on to the next hearing at this notice for this hearing. and Agricultural DIs trict tO following described Pr~gerty: Ali that of land situate, lying and being at Suffolk County, New York bounded and Pipes Cove at the first part land N. 3° 45' BEGINNING at a point the southeasterly corner ~to Clarence on the ordinary high of land conveyed by C. Roa~.-h ~ running thence along Three hundred (300) s~xte,~n (16) foot southerly line line of a certain E. fifty three thence along said of follows: (1) N. 49° feet ~ thence (2) Lq. 76 ° 45 '- water mark the party of last~ described E. Forty feet, more or less, to way hereina fter right of the southerly described~ said right of way two .courses and eighty-s/x one hundredths (40) feet~ thence along other (53.86) land of -9- sa~d party to the fizst of the first part, being Je~onica described boundary s. 3° 45~ £eet, mOze or. thence along said F~hne, on a Three hundred ordinary gh/h water mark of Ordinary high elthy (80) feet to the point of water mark of pipes~ Cove beginning. 1 lne ~arrallel $/xty ~hree one murzen~a and Cove southwesterly - Beginning at a Point N. 1° 24 '~ 40" E. seventy hundreths (70.63) feet from the northeasterly and corner of of Th~as running thenue along other land of the a~pl~cant, N. 80° One hundred forty six and thence on the extension northerly of the said Thomas Jur~zen~& and land of August and nine seventy-seven one hundreths (i46.77) feet~ division line between land of one hundreths foot (50) strip of land ~. 20.17 (20.09) feet to $1eger, $. 3° 45' W. the northerly llnd ~enty One hundred of a fifty reserved for a road; thence along said 50 foot rese~ed for a read three courses as follows= 1) N. feet; thence IiX 2) ~. 47 ° 33' W. 80.84 feet; -thence 3) 1~ 47.83' fee~; thence along other land o£ Roach, S. 80° 55' E. sere and twenty four one along Other hundreths eig~ht¥ land of (50.4$) s~vxsoa Planning Board. Jur~zen~a, S. to the point hundredths 24' 40" ~g- fifty of beg inn lng. ,' 80° 55' 15° 21' (187.24) £eet; tkmn=e and fourty five will now read the report of "It was RBSg~VED that the Sou th old Tow n favorably to the Southold ~w-n Board Residential and Agricult~al D~tr/ct above des. c~ibed Property. Plannl ng the change of zone to "B-2" Business "The BOmxd finds this use for many years. property has been used as Board recommend from "A" Dtstrlct on tree a non-conforming Town "Respectfully submitted, Pla~Ing BOard. ,, /s/ John Wlckh~, ~h a ~rma~, Sou~hold S UPERVZSOIt AL_BER TSON: speak ~n £avo~ of -10- Is there anyone present ~ho this ap9l~cat~on ~ w~shes to ESQ.~ ~n the f~rst instance ~ would llke b submit to the Board a survey done by Mr. Van Tuyl done in 1966. There is this smrvey and the descri~on for some descripancey be~,eeen Parcel A. If you wish I would SUPERVXSOR ALBE~SON~ Does R.XCHAHD LARK, ESQ.: NOs read the de. scr~ption for the th~s change the use? Board. it revised by the map you have in f:ont of you. Xt should read thence along the southerly line of of way N. 49° 00" E. 87.12 feet Road, thence along the south to the south easterly line southerly right of Silvermere easterly line of Silvermere Road $. of this present Parcel A 3S' E. 18.75 feet. The petloner presently operates a motel and cottage° On parcel B he presently has loc~ated on the south west corner his office and his home, there being signs office. The main reason for and so forth in front of his is to change the 47° the appl lcatl~ non-conforming use that has existed since zoning boarder by Silversands ~tel. came into effect. On the east he is He is boarder by Donal Roach who also , conducts oottage, has for cottages suer rental. pareel B. He presently conducts real estate business on eon~orm with the spirit By changing this property is will Mr. Frohne is also here in case the Board would l~ke to of the Zoning. a~ any questions. SUPERVXSOR ALBERTSON~ intend to use this as motel M~o F~tOHNEt Yes. YOu have requested a "B-2" and cottage operation P zone, do you SUPERVZSOR ALBERTSON: M~. FROHNE~ Yes. That is all you intend to use it for? MOtel ~s "B-2" since 1965. property to the East, the Silversands SUPERVlSO~ERTSON ~ to put there No other type of bua~nees intend -11- been the MR. I~-GHNB~ ~ am in the ~n that bus~ness s~nce beginning Of zoning 2 ele~t=leal buslness the ~egtnntngo Since X~k the beginning there of too, I have electricity or Before zoning. Plan corn:Lng up we The all decision should be Plan ts eomp~ed. are/mtn held In zone was g lve~ to prlor to the the vlew of the fact that you the ~tel bustnessr ! have a Master think that this abeyance un til such t/me X am wllllng There has been alot of talk to change the "B-2" sc~e about other as the Master business to M-1 zone° 9olng in there. ~ Plan there should be s~ restrtctlons~.~put onthls consideration should be taken on thls matter° change, I think WXth the Master may~ we could get a M zone. R~CHA~ IARK,ES~. z Z for $11versands belleve it was back in-1.9'65 he WaS 1~ "A" zon~ to c~nange zone wlthout Notel which Thls ahange wlthout £eom an 'A- to 'B" was Pa~d where he was wan etra:~ht business. any restrictions,. At t~at t/me we dld not have ma de appl 1eat ~ to "B-2" all~ed to "B-2" It lS still zoned as also applied to Insuf£tclent $tlvers&nds on Parcel A. a "B-2" 81de Motel. "A" FaOP~TY ontthe east res/dent/al. Back In 1966, Board of Appeals ~ a11~ him District. yard. This was used to take the take Frohne intends to conduct be more In · f the preeedent conformanoe Master Plan, when s 1de o f Parcel A vacant property. over anythlng When we app!led fox. that we thlnk there should Mr** Jurczen~a ~ to c.~s truer w lth overflow from ro~ertF. 2: have no o~Jec..tl~ to e Some restrictions put on thls man a m~tel business to make the district it does come into effect, existing. prope~-ty, it wash 't smae restrictions on thls gettlng a "B-2" but there must -13- the~e beheard one way or the other on (There ~as no response. ) for S UP~Vl$Oa ~RTSOWL Hearing, the further del lberat ~on of the anyone else present applicat~on ~ none, Z wtll close Board. who w~shes the hearing tO SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON~ Terry ? Have you examlned ~the legal~acri~tl~n Mr. Ro G. T~tRY, SSQ..- for adept of the the letter of the of use, however X had understood Planning Board litt&e J~g of dilemia in Planning in the would that the anything Board, smaller property, 253 disapproves the change. shop w~ld not would be in consort, tuts think we the use of the propeZty by Mr. dlstrict ~~x from the character of the keeping wi.th the SUPERVZSOR Anyone else application was only feet. It appears that large for the type zoning. The are at the point A used furnisher neighborhood, spirit of the Ordinance. wish to be heard (.There was no response) SUPERVXSO~ this time for the Hearing n~e, luther ~el ibezati~ of will close t~e the ~ard. hearing at * . . . . aeetlng adJourned A~dcle I~ :mi 'the ~ldin~ Z~e Ordinate of the ~ ~ ~ ~ the ~ ~d, ~f~ ~, N~ I follows: ~]~.NO At a point on the s~u~ly ~de of West- ph~l.~. Avenue, ~o~ ~d of on ~e ~u~, ~ ~ ~ feet f~ ~ W~Ph~lia~ A~n~ ~d ~ ~of ~ ~ 19° 16' W~t ~ f~t; ~e~ (2) ~ ~' ~' ~t ~ ~ ~ of ~; ~. ~?' 1T W~ ~.~ f~t ~o l~n~ ~ ~ ~ N~ ~o 16' ~ 1~.4~ ~ ~ the ~ ~ of W~ Av~ ~e; ~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~0° ~' ~.*~ ~ f~t ~ ~e ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d, ~ ~, New ~ &~ & mon~ ~ ~d ~d ~n~ of ,~- t~ w~ ~r- ~t ~, ~ 'Z~ GRE~NPORT0 N. Y. FI~DAY. MAY 26, 1967 erly side of ~a~n Road ~nd from said point of beginning ru~ning thence along the south- erly ,side of M~in l~oad the fol- lowing two courses amd dts- f~es: il) North 89° ~F, ast 68.80 feet; (:2) south 87° 39' 20" Erst 4Y/.l~ feet to land of F. Bl!~ard Est,ate; thence along ~the land of S. Blllard ~state the following taro eourse~ and dist~rmes: (1) South 4° 52' 40" West 187.?$ feet; (2) south 84° 53' 20" ea~b 94.64 feet to land of Sidor; thence along land of Sldor the following two courses and ~istance~: (1) South 5° 06' 40" West 628.13 feet; (2) North 89° ~8' 40" West 191.4~2 .feet ~ ~attituck Es- .rates, Inc., (S~ffolk County File No. 453); thence along the north- erly line of Mlttituck F, states, Inc., (Suffolk County File No. 4453) North 87° 26' 30" West ~9~.'74 feet to l~and of Filla; .thence along la~d of Fills the following three co~rses an~l dls- tanct~: (1) North 2° 58' 00" Ea~ ~65.37 ~eet; (2) North 86° 18' 10" W~st ~1.~$ ~eet, North 3° 26' 10" East 253.61 feet to the sout~herl~ side of Ma~n Ro0A and. the ~oint or place of beginning. 4. By ch~ging from "A" Resi- dential a~d A§ri~ultural Dtstrlct to "S-,2" Business District the fol- lowing de~.~ribed prc~erty: All that cer~ai~ plot, piece or parcel of land ~lt~ate and be- ing ~t C~reen~ort, Town of South- old, S~ffolk County, New York, ~bounded and described as fol- lows: PARC~ A -- I~E~IN~f~O at a point on ordinary hlg_h water ~rk of Pipes Cove at the ,~outh- easterly corner of land convey- ed by the party of the f£r~b to Clarence C. Roach; running .i&e~ee along last described land, on the ~bove pro!~sal~ should ap- N.°°3 45:' E. Three hundred (3~0) ~ear at the time and p~ace above ifeet, more .or less, th the ~outh- specified. erly line of a ceftin sixteen (1~) foot right of way herehl- after described; thence along ,said soai~erly line of said right (1) N. 49° E. fifty-three and .ei//~ht-slx one hundredths (53.- 86) feet; thence (2) N. ~6 ~. forty (40) feet, thence along ot~er ~and of ~id p~ty of ~he m .firsb ~t, ~lng Verona Fr~e, first de~r~bed ,~dary, S. ~' W. (,33~) f~t, mo~ ~ l~s, to said o~ln~ ~h ~t~ mark of[ ~ ~ ~ter mark of~ ~ ~e ~uth~esterly eighty~ (80) f~ to ~e ~int of beg~- P~ B ~ Begl~ing ~at a ~int N. 1° ~' ~" E. sevenby ~ s~ty-~hr~ ~e ~nd~dt~s (70.~) f~t ~f~ ~e no~- e~fly ~r~r ~ ~d of Th~. · ~n~, ~d ,~ng thence ~ng other l~d of ~e ~li- ~t, N. ~ 55' W. one ~undred ~ty six ~d seventy-~ven one .B~t~ (1~.77) feet; thence ~ ~e ex,~ northerly of ~e ~v~n ~e betwee~ ~a~d of ~ ~ Jurczenia and ~d of A~ ~eger, S. 3~ ~' W. ,~ty a~ ~e-one h~ed~ (2~.~) feet ~ the n~her~ ~e of a fifty foot (~) s~ ~ }~d re~ed for ~ ~; ~e~e f~t st~ of ~d rescued for ] N. ~ 55' W.-,20.1~ feet; ace 2. N. 4~° ~' W. ~.84 ~t; the~e ~ of · .~ed e~hty-~ven ~nd t~- f~t; ~e ~o~ .o~er ~a~d of ~a, S. 1~ 24' ~" fifty ~ foal-five ~e ,h~d~dths (~.~) to the ~in~ of ~gin- ~y ~ ~es~ to ~ h~rd D~:i'~: May 15, 19/~, BY OR- ~ OF T~E S~UTHOLD TOWN ~T W. ~OND, worn, ?FOLK in suid ~rinted ltM19 Times once ltl each weeK~ ro'r ......... q .,.~.,..~. ........... weel/~ successively commencing on the .. ~..~.~:.~ k?.~.'~. d~y of...(~.'.k~¢ ........ 19~(. ............ Sworn to ~f~e me this .~ ~ ~-... , ........~.:'~'~~./['"~ .... ~"~' .... ~ ........ .... 20" E.~:~20.O l~eet to a monument; t~hene~ (2) 8. 2.9° ~' ~" W, 175.0 1,eet to an iron p~pe ~d /~nd o~ J~hn Wickha~; thence along land of Wi,ckS--, N. 50 09~ 20" W. 200.0 feet 5o said ~uthe~iy li~e 0f the ~n ~d; thence ,alo~ said south- e~teriy line, N. 29° ~, 00" 175.0 iee~ to the ~iat of ~-, ginning. 3. By cha~g~ng from "A" Resi- en,.iai ~n,d Agricul~ur~l Dgtrict to ing descri,bed P,r,q~,rty: A~ b~t c?~in pl~>, piece ~ar~l of l,a~d sit~,e, lying ,being at Cugchague, Town Sout~old, ,Suffolk Coup,y, New ~ork, bau~fled and described as ~E~INNING at a point on the soatherly ,side of ~ain ~o~d .w~ere e~teriy line of 1~nd Fill~ inter~ects 5he sai,d south- NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ofd~ance of the 'Town Of South- old, SuffOlk County, New York, public hearings L~l be held by the Southold ,T0W~n ~in time office of- the Super- visor, ~--~='!~th Street, Grcenport, New York, ~ tn : said Town on the 9th day of ~une, ltW{~,, at 7:30 o'clock in the eve, ning:of~said day on the following pro- IXM~IS to amend the Building Zone Ordinance, (inclUding the Building Zone l~aps) of the Town of Southold, Suffo~ County, New York.' 1. By changing from .... A" Residential and Agricultural DiStrict to "B" Busi- ness District the, following described .... .~ All that' certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, 'lying and being at Mattituck, Toy~ of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: , -BEGINNING at a point on the{ ' ~uthwesterly side of Westphalia Avenue, .adjoining land of North York Oil Heat Company on the South, said ~oint being 294 feet from the intersection of the southwest- erly line of Westphalia Avenue and the northerly line of Long Island Rail Road Company' from ,said point df beginning running thence along said land of North Pork Oil Heat Company two courses 'and dis- tances: (I) South 19° 16' West 105.85 feet; thence (2),South 45° 05* West 68.15 feet to land of Penny; run~ n!ng thence along said land North -48°, 1T' West 49.06 feet to land of .charkow; running thence along said land North 19° 16' East, 148.4~/ feet to the southwesterly line of West- phalia Avenue;. running thence along said line South Y0° 4~' East ~5 feet to the point or place of. beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural' District to "B-~" Business District the following describ- ed property' All that certain plot, piece or . ~el Of land situate, lying and '~hg at Cutchogue, Town of South- old,. Suffolk County, NeW ! York, bounded and described as follows' · · BEGINNING at a mo_nument, on the .southeasterly line of Main Road, 10~.1 'feet, more or.-less, southwest- ly along said southeasterly'.line [ ~j/:~ eets Neck Road, said point {' ing' being the westerly Cor- },'~(- ~d of .Fleet and the'.;north- { ~;'~:~er of ~and of Wo~f, { ~.~;!~t' of ,beginning running' along said land of Fleet, two courses' (1) S. 50° 09' ~" E.---200.0 .feet to a monument; thence (2) S, ~9~'44' 00" W. 1'/$.0 feet. to an iron ~ pipe and land of John wicklmm; ~ thence along land of Wick, ' ' 50° 09' 20" W. 200.0.feet to said sout~terly line of the Main Road; thence along said southeasterly line, N. 29° 44' 00" .E. 1~5.0 feet to the point of beginning.-. 3. By Changing from "A" Residential ~amd Agricultural District to "B" Busi- ness ~Dts~ict the following described property: All that cer6ain plot, piece or par- cel of land situate, lying and being at~ Cutchogue, To~vn of .Southold, S~tffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows' · "BEGINNING at a Point on the southerly side of Main Road where easterly line of land of Pilla inter- sec~ the said southerly side of Main Road and from said point of begiXming running thence along the southerly side of Main Road tl~ fonow~ng two courses and distances: (I) North 89° -03' 00" East 68.80 feet; (2) south 8~° 39' 20" East 4i732 'feet to land of F: Bi]lard Es~; thence along the land of · l%,Bffiard Estate_. the following two courses and distances' (I) South · 4° 52* 40" west 18~ff6 feet; (2) south 84° 53' 20''~ east 94.64 feet to land of Sidor;~ thence along land of Sido~ tile following two courses and dis- tances' (1) South 5° 06'_ 40" West i ~~~~-~-(2)' North 89° 28' =~we~~ ~9~'4~ feet to ~mtuck Estates, ~nc., (Suffolk County File' No. 4458); thence along the north-' erly line' of Mattttuck Estates, Inc., -- (Suffolk County Pile No. 4453) North 8~° -26' 30" West 28834 fee6 to land of ~llla" thence along land . of Pilla 'the following three courses and distances: (1) north 2° 50' 00" East .565.3~ feet; (9) North-86° 18' 10" West ~1.$3 feet; (3) North 3° 96' 10" East 253.61 feet to the south- erly side of Main Road and the · point or place-of beginning. 4~ By chansi~g from "A" Residential and Agricultural .lD~strict to "B-~." Business District the following describ- ed property. Ail tl~at certain'plot, piece or p~cel..of land situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of South- old, Suffolk County,. New York. bounded, and described as follows' PARCEL A- BEGINNING at a mint, on ordinary high water mark m Pipes Cove at the southeasterly~ corner cf land conveyed by the party of the first part to Clarence C. I SS' Roach- running thence along la,st NFW YOR~ described land, N. 3° 45' E. Three hundred (300) feet, more or less, ~o ,the southerly llne of a certain six- t~n (16) foot right of way herein-' after described' thence along said. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys southerly line of said right of way is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND two courses, as follows: ~1) No. 49'" ,---E. fifty-three and eighty-six one_ MATTITUCK WATCHMAN o public news- hundredths (53.86) feet' thence (2)' ' N. 76~ 45' E. forty (40)feet; thence-~d alt Southold, in Suffolk County; and that along' other land of ssid party of- the first part, being Veronica t{ which the ,annexed is ~ printed copy, has been Frohne, on a line parallel to the~ solid Long [s[ond Tmveler-Mattituck Watch- first described boundary, S. 3~ 45" W. t.hree hundred thirty ,.3301, feet, more or less,, to said ordinary high ~ach week {or ...... .~',.~;.... we water mark of Pipes Cove; thence f along said Ordinary high wateri commencing on the ............ ~...~ ......... mark of Pipes Cove southwesterly eighty (80 feet tn the point of beginning.. PARCEL g--Beginnn~g at a point N. 1~' 24' 40" E. seventy and sixty- three one hundredt~ ,:70.63) feet from the northeasterly corner of land of Thomas Jurczenia. and ]'~In~i~g' thence a.lon~ other land of fhe applicanl. N. 80 55' W. one hundred forty ~i:: and ,seventy-seven one hundredth~ ,!~.~) feet' thence on the ¢'xten- sion northerly of ~he division line bet. ween land of said Thoma,, Jur- czenia and' land of August Siesta'. S. 3" 45' W. twent> a.nd nine-one hundredths ,20.09, feet t-(~ the ~;ortherly line o~ a fifty loot ~50~ ~trip of land reservai for a road' thence aiong said 50 foot. strip of land reserved for a road three courses as follows' 1. N. 80 55' W. --20.1; feet' thence 2. N. 47- 33' W. ~.84 feet' thence 3. N. 15 71' 90" E'. 47.83 feet' ~henee alons other land of ~aeh, S. ~ 55' hundred eighty-seven and txventy- four' on.e hundredth~ ~ !87.24'~ Zees' thence along other land of czenia. S. 1':~ 24" ~' W. fifty' and forty-five one hundredths ,50.45': to the point; of ~gimning. , A~W person desiring to be heard on any of the proposal amendments shmfld ap~ar at ihe time and pla. ce above s~eified. D a~D~' May 15 1.96; BY ORDER OF ~E SOUTHOLD TOW'N BOARD ALBERT W. ~IOHMOND, TOWN CLERK ~orn to before me this ....... J'~: ........ day of .... ...... , .... ................... AD£LE PAYNE Nolary Public, State of New Yor{~ Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires IWsrch 30, 19!~-/ Southold Town Planning Board SI-IUTHIDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe WiIHarn Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: May 10, 1967 Southold Town Board 16 South Street G~eenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on May 9, 1967: In the mater of the petition of William A. and Irene Starks, 567 Bayview Avenue, Inwood, New York, for a change o~ zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk Coutny, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Westphalia Avenue, adjoining land of North Fork Oil Heat Company on the South, said point being 294 feet from the intersectbn of the southwesterly line of Westphalia Avenue and the northerly lineof Long Island Rail Road Company; from said point of beginning running thence along said land of North Fork Oil Heat Company two Courses and distances: 41) South 19° 16' West 105.85 feet; thence (2) South 45° 05' West 68.15 feet to land of Penny; running thence along said land muff North 48° 17' West 49.06 feet to land of Charkow; running thence along said land North 19° 16' East 148.47 feet to the s~uthwesterly line of Westphalia Avenue; runn~ thence along said line South 70° 44' East 75 feet to the point or place of Beginning. It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend favorably to the Southold Town Board the changeof zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described property. Southold Town Bpard May 10, 1967 The Planning Board further recommends the Town Board, on their own motion, change the balance of the North Fork Oil Heat Company property which is not now zoned "B" Business District and lies between the present "B" Business District and the property under application. Very sincerely, J/ohn Wickham, Chairman ' Southold Town Planning Board /bd cc: Town Clerk OFF -ERK SQUTHOLD, L. I., N. y. May 11, 1967 Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of William A. Starks and Irene Starks of 567 Bayview Avenue, Inwood, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Resid- ential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain p~operty situ- ated in Mattituck, New York, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWe/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk WILLIAM WICKHAM May ~, 1967 Mr. Howard Terry Building Inspector Town of Southold Southold, New York Dear Howard: We enclose petition in behalf of William A. and Irene Starks for change of zone, together with our check to the order of the Town of Southold for $25.00. W/as enols. Very ~ordially yours, / STATE OF NE\¥ YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF TIlE PETITION OF WII.~IAI~I A. S~A~ql(~q and II~ ~TARK~ FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF TIlE TOWN OF SOUTItOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOAR[) OF TIlE TOYVN OF SOUTtIOLD: William I. Starks and 1.WE,..Irene..S.t.a~k~. .................... residiug at 5.~7..B.a.~j'~...i.o.W..A..v..o:.,...In..w.p.q.d., Nassau (insert name of petitioner) oontraot omrchasers ,~,~111[ County, Ne~v York, tbe undersigued~,lh$! t~eXl~a, arr of cert'ain real property situated at 'W~s~Phalia'&ve"~"lrllt$~i~k. andmoreparticularly bounded and described asfollows: ILL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Westphalia Avenue, adjoining land of North Fork Oil Heat Company on the South, said point being 29~ feet from the intersection of the southwesterly line of Westphalia Avenue and the northerly line of Long Island Rail Road Company; from said point of beginning running thence along said land of North Fork Oil Heat Company t~o courses and distances: (1) South 19° 16' West 105.85 feet; thence (2) South ~5~ 05' West 68.15 feet to land of Penny; running thence along said land North ~8° 17' West ~9.06 feet to land of Charkow; running thence along said land North 19° 16' East 148.~7 feet to the southwesterly line of Westphalia Avenue; running thence along said line South 70° ~' East 75 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 2. ~ do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Soutbold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including tbe Building Zone Mal)s beretofore made a part thereof, as follows: From "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: It is our intention to erect an attractive one-story cement block building on the property. This building will be used for precision engineering in connection with the manufacture of small component parts for the electronic and aircraft industries. The building will be set back sufficiently to allow for an ample black top parking area. After the build- ing is constructed the property will be landscaped to enhance the character of the neighborhood. This location is well suited for this purpose because the general character of the area is of a business atmosphere. The adjacent property to the South belongs to the North Fork Oil Heat Company, which maintains a business of plumbing contracting and fuel deliveries. The western boundary of the property is adjacent to George L. Penny, Inc., which maintains a business of a lumber yard and storage area for building materials. Adjacent to the northern boundary of the property is the residence of Harry G. Charkow. The property is bounded on the West by Westphalia Avenue. (See attached sheet) (L.S.) ....... William'A'."g~ ........ .......... Irene ~arks STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:-- 'F COUNTY OF SU FOLK, ) William A. Starks and Irene St-~w~each ............................................ .~P ,~q3EiNG DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is one of ~the petitionersin t~e within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knoxvs the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and helief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) ... qill't~i"~;"S~a~lk~ ....... L.s. Sworn to ~fore me this~day of ~.. ~ ......... 19..~ Notary Public. To the East across Westphalia Avenue is a vacant wooded lot which runs North to Route 27A. This wooded lot appears unsuited for residential dwellings because it fronts on a busy high speed road; the terrain is much lower than Route 27A and Westphalia Avenue. Also on the East of Westphalia Avenue are two very small one-story structures, one of which is occupied, and the produce warehouse of H. Sacks & Sons. The oil storage tanks and gasoline pumps on the North Fork Oil Heat Company's property as well as the Penny lumber yard connote the business district atmosphere of the neighborhood. The only real residential character of the area is the property of Hr. and Hrs. Charkow who indicated they would have no objection to the erection of our building. In fact, it would enhance the Charkow's easterly view and improve the appearance of the neighborhood. This property would lend itself to the normal expansion projection of the Mattituck business area and, at the same time, improve the quality of the district. t i ' A'¥ S r.,At.C -, 4,'"','-- -,.., i" WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ...CP~i$...'~.~...~-.~....-A~.'~'~''~:''''~'~''~''~'~ ........ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- from *cA# J~8o & .A...~.~'.~.~.~ #~'-2" B~lfJi~efSf; lng ....................... D strict to ............................................ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the P,lanning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ........ .9..~.~......day of .............. ~ ........................ , 19..6..7...., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is O~:dez of the Southold Town Boaz'd. June 19, 1967. W£focti~ve al of J~lno 29, 1967. Albo~t W. Town Clerk ~ ~ ~I~GAL NOTICE ~OTICE OF A~ OF ZON~I~ ORDinANCE ~T NO. ~9 ~ ~ ~Y GI~ ~t ,~ a ~ublic he~lng held )ur~t ~ ~e r~en~ of law, ~e B~ Zo~ ~ce, (i~u~ ~e B~ldi~ Zone {~ the ~n ~ ~old, S~folk ~y, New York, w~ ~ed ~t a r~ m~t~ of ~e ~u~ ~ ~d held on ~ J~ 9, 1~7, ~ folly: d~ ~nd ~c~t~ {1~ d~ ~: ~1 ~ ~d, ~ and ~ ~t ~t~, .~ of ~ ~old, ~ffolk ~n~y, New Y~k, ~ ~d d~r~ f~: ~rly ~e of West- ~ Aven~, ~oi~ ~ of N~h ~rk ~ ~t ~y on ~e ~, ~ ~int ~ing ~ feet fm ~ ~s~tion of ~ ~u~rly 1~ of W~u~a Avenue ~d the ~or~er~ line of ~ Is~ ~ ~d ~; f~m ~d ~t of ~g Fork ~1 ~t ~ ~u~ ~nd ~s~: (1) ~th 19~ ~' W~t 1~ f~t; the~ (2) :~ ~ 05' West ~5 f~t ~o ~ of ~; ~e~ ~o~ ~d ~ N~ ~ 1~' W~ 49.~ f~ ~0 land of C~; r~ng the~e ~_~id ~nd No~ 19~ 16' ~ 1~.4~ f~t ~ the ~ly l~e of W~ Ave- ~e; ~ the~ ~ H~e ~u~ ~0~ ~' ~9~ ~5 f~t ~ ~e ~nt or ~e ~ b~- ~.. By c~i~ fr~ "A" Resi- de~t~ ~d A~r~t~ ~t~ct ~ "~" ~n~ D~t~ct ~e fol- 1~ d~d p~ty: ~ ~t ~ ~ot, piece ~el ~ l~d si~, 1~ ~g at Cu~, T~n ~ubhold, SuHo~ County, New ~INO a~ a m0n~ent o~ ~he ~u~rly line of ~ ~d, 1031 f~t, more or le~, souchw~r~ ~o~ ~d ~rly l~e fr~ Neck R~, ~id ~int of be- .~ ~ the west~ cor- ner of land of ~t ~d ~he no~her~ corer of ~ of Wolf; from s~d ~int of ~i~ng ru~ ~ong ~d l~d of ~, two coupes (~) S. ~ 20" E.-~.0 f~t ~ a mordent; ~en~ (2) S. 29~ 4~' ~" W.~ 1~5.0 f~t ~o ~an iron .p~ and l~d of ~o~ Wick~; the~e ~ la~ of Wickh~, N. ~9~ ~" W. 2~.0 ~t ~ ~he~er~ li~ of ~e Ma~ ~d; ~e~ce alo~ ~id ~ut~~ e~erly line, N. ~ ~' 00" E. 1~5;0 f~ to the ~int of g~g. ~ ~'r~: J~ 9, 1~, ~ B~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~W. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] STATE OF NEW YORK, ? ss: J ...-j~,. ~.~ .u~_~. ~..~ .~_~...c..~.. ...... being duly Sworn, says that ../~?.. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~t Greenport, in said cou.nt¥~ and that the 'notice, ,of which the anne~ced is mm printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in eoch week, ~or ......... ~ ............. week~ successively commencing on the . ~J..'.7-~.a..~....~-~... ...... duy of ............. 19 .~.'~.. Sworn to before me this ./..~--~ .... I day of ..... .~ ...... 19~7.. ! %~d~lO~-O~I yO~tEI1 ts~&l~; ~ t~tO 19th, Of ~, , JUNE true .c.:)pl,, .in & proper and oubotant, t&l mo, nn~r, Lum moat p~blLe place in the To~n of Southold, luffolk (kMmt¥, to vXt., Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Southold, 'Albert: #. RLehuoud, Torn Clerk Town of Southold II~OL~ tO b~foro mo thio 19th dlLy Of .... JUNE ,, N.Y. 79 ~t of Xiv, o£~~ dhmXy muer. dod &~ m heZd 'O, Xg67, Xo nd agr~~tur~LL~ pLeae or p&reeX of &~ IWtt:LM, Torn of moa~ c~~y on ~e South, sa3Ld point ~Xn~ 204 feet from ~ ~t~Meet~ou of tho oo~~xF ~A~ ~of ~e~,~!Lu Avenue end ~he ~~Ay ~&ne of Leug Xand of ~ of Penny~ runn~ t~~nee aZong oAz. u~u~ OS: * ~emt 68. X5 ~ · und of Ch~ov~ of ~eltphal~ Avenue; aaAd 3~md ~ 48 ~ X7' AXX ~t eert&tn p~ot pu~e or pmremX ~ ouf:~ C~, .we~ ~, boundmd and. ~ ~d0 ~d ~Lut of beg!~-~~ be~ the westerly ~d of ~o~f:r. frem siAd potnt of (1) S. SO OO' 20- J.- 200.0 foot to a ~~=ts them (3) S. 29~ 44' 00' 3L?S.0 ~ :'~ an ~ FLpe and ;L~d of ~ehn ~t~, said /X~ of wt~~~ ii. SO ''?' 09' 20" w. 200.0 Mt to iLtd mmutbommt~XF: Xram of the ~ia~ m~~ ~ &xomg IfAd ~.hl!i~Xy Xram- N. 2g (:~ 44' 00 '" B~. 17:5.0 Mt tO 1967, BY SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MEETING June 9, 1967 PRESENT: SUPERVISOR LETTER M. ALBERTSON COUNCILMAN LOUIS DEMAREST COUNCILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE JUSTICE RALPH TUTHILL ALBERT W. RICPI~ND TOWN CLERK William & Irene Starks Cora Wolf & Ano. Edward Nidds Albert & Veronica Frohne '- ~ '- ..... i~ ! _ ~ _ -2- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON reading the legal notice. : I will open the hearing at this time by "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town York, public hearings will be held Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Town on the 9th day of June, ~967, proposals said day on the following th e Bu il ding Z one Maps ) (including County, New York. of Southold, Suffolk County, New by the Southold Town Board in the Street, Greenport, New at 7:30 o'clock in the to amend the Building York, in said evening cf Zone Ordinance, of the Town of Southold, Suffolk "L. By changing from 9%" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the fo 11 ow ing Described property: Ail that certain Dlot~ or piece or parcel of Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk land, situate, lying and being County, New York, bounded and at described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Westphalia Avenue, adjoining land of North Fork southwesterly Oil Heat Company s ide of on the south, said point being 294 feet from the line of Westphalia Avenue and the intersection of the southwesterly northerly line of Long Island Rail Road Company, from said point of beginning running thence along said land of North Fork Oil Heat Company two courses and distances: (1) south 19 16' west 105.85 feet; thence (2) South 45° 05' West 68.15 feet to land of Penny; running thence along said land North 48° 17' West 49.06 feet to land of Charkow; running thence along said land North 19° 16' East 148.47 feet tothe southwesterly line of said line South 70° 44' East 75 Westphalia Avenue; running thence along feet to the point or place of beginning. "Any person des iring to be heard on any of the proposed amendmenst should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: May 15, 1967% by Ord&~r of the Southold Town Board, Albert W. Richmmnd Town Clerk" -3- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board. "It w as RESOLVED that the Southold Town Plan~ing Board recommend favorably to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described property. "The Planning Board fur ther recommends the Town Board, ~n their own motion, change the which is not now zoned balance of the North Fork "B" Business District and Oil lies Heat Company property between the present "B" Business District and the property under application. "Very sincerely, /s/ John Wickham, Chairman $outhold Town Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I have one letter here which I w ill read into the record. ""Mattituck, New York, June 9, 1967. "Gentlemen: In regards to the change of zone from residential to business on property located on the west side of Westphalia Road, Mattituck, we wish to inform you that we have spoken to Mr. William Starks and approve whole heartily of his plans, there fore we do not object to the change of zone. "Yours truly, Edith & Harry Charkow." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: At this time is there anyone present who wishes to be heard in favor of this application? RICHARD LARK~ ESQ.: I am with the Offiee of William Wickham. We represent Mr. Starks. He is here in case the Board would like to a~k any qm~stions/ The reason why the application is requested for this change toaa "B" Business District is so that he might be able to construct a cement type building fDm manufacture of small component parts for the electronic and aircraft industries. The area is surrounded with business distr&cts and the fact that the North Fork Oil Heat who boarders on the south and rear of the property and Penny Lumber yard on -4- the west and on the east is the Charkow's, who we talked to in detail about this proposed building and what would be manufactured there, they seem to be in favor. Across the street is ~ nothing but vacant land on 27A. This land itself is unsuitable for residential development because of the lowness and it fills up with water, does not lend itself for use as a residence. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Thank you. Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak in favor of this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was noresponse. ) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard one way or the other ? (.There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON~ Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the B~ard. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: We will know take up the next hearing. I will read the notice. "2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying a~d being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounde~ and de s c rib e d as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southeasterly line of Main Road~ 1021 feet, more or less, southwesterly along said southeasterly line from Fleets Neck Road, said point of beginning being the westerly corner of land of Fleet and the northerly corner of land of Wolf; from said point of beginning running along said land of Fleet two courses' (1) S. 50° 09' 20" E.- 200.0 feet to a monument; thence -5- (2) S. 29° 44' 00" 175.0 feet to an iron pipe and land of John Wickham thence along land of Wickham, S~ 50 09' 20" W~ 200.0 feet to said southeasterly line of the Main Road; thence along said south- O easterly line N. 29 44' 00" E.- 175.0 feet to the point of beginning." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will now read the report of the Planning Board. "It w a s RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend favorably to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District on the abo~e described property. "In view of the fact this property 1 ies be tw een an "A" Residential and Agricultural District and a non-monforming business operation in an "A" Residential and Agriuultural District; and there are other properties on the same side of the street further east and west zoned "B" Business, the Planning Board would recommedd a "B-2" Business Distr±ct for this property, in as much as the~e will be only an office type use at the pre- sent time in the described premises. There are other properties on the opposite side of the street which are zone "B" Business and used for purposes outline in the "B" Business District. "Respectfully submitted, /s/ John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this application? RICHARD CRON, ESQ.: Mr. Supervisor, members of the Town Board, I represent the applicant for this change of zone. I am delighted to see that the Planning Board has a~opted much of the argument for the changea which we show4d in the application. As was pointed out this is in close proximity to other business in the area, business zone area. There is adjoining this property which is the subject of the change a non-conforming use Xd~ of the Chairman of the Planning Board -6- He conducts a business as a non-conforming use · We belibve thi s will be in line with the spirit of the Zoning Ordinance, it is in close proxmity oto other business. The type of operation if one has viewed it in the past 10 days that it would be an improvement to the area and will not be detrimental to the Town or to the area. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON~ Thank You. Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak in favor of this application ? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: against this application? Is there anyone present who~wishes to speak (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR ALBERTS~N: Is there anyone present heard one way or the other on (There was no response.) this application? who wishes to be SUPERVISOR at this time for ALBERTSON: Hearing none, the further deliberation ill of the close the hearing Board. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: the next hearing. At this time W,rill I/ ead the legal notice for "2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the fo 11 ow ing described prpperty: Ail that certain plot, piece or parcel Cutchogue, ! o~~ of Southold, described as follows: of land situate, lying and being at Suffolk County, New York, bounded and Beg inning at a point on t~e southerly side of Main Road where easterly line of land of Filla intersects the said southerly side of Main Road and from said point of beginning running thence along the southerly side of Main Road the ~z~~-~w~ follow ing two courses and distamces: (1) North 89° 03' 00" East 68.80 feet; (2) South 87° 39' 20" East 417.~2 feet to land of F. Billard Estate thenc~ along the land of F. Billard Estate the following two courses and -7- distances; (1) south 4 52' 40" West 187.76 feet; (2) South 84° 53' 20" east 94.64 feet to land of Sidor; thence along land of Sidor the following two c~urses and distances: (1) south o 5 06' 40" West 628.13 feet; (2) (Suffolk o North 89 County File 28' 40" West 191o42 feet to Mattituck Estates, ~4453); thence along the northerly line of Inc. Mat~ituck Estates, Inc., (Suffolk County File $4453) North 87° 26 ' 30" West 288.74 feet to land of Filla; thence along land of Filla the follow- lng three (2) North courses and 86° 18' 10" distances: West 7~. 33 (1) North 2° 50' 00" East feet; (3) North 3° 26' 10" 565.37 feet; East 253.61 feet to the southerly side of Ma in Road and the point or place of beginning. " SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I Board. will now read the ~port from the Planning "It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning not favorably recommend to the $outhold Town Board the from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" the above described property. Board does change of zone Bus iness District "It is the opinion of the Planning Board this is too large an area for the type of use intended. The Planning Board also points out that the proposed change would cons ititute spot zoning, as the property is surrounded by "A" Residential and Agricultural District. "Respectfully submitted, /s / John Wickham, Ch a irman, Southold Town Planning Board. speak SUPERVISOR ALBER~SON: Is there in faovr of this application? anyone present that w ishes to Re Ge TERRY, JR., ESQ.: Mr. Supervisor and members of the Town Board I am here on ~ehalf of the applicant, Mr. Edward Nidds. There seems to be some discripency in the legal notice. It was my understanding the area that was requested to be changed was not the entire area, only the depth of 200 feet, to enable Mr. Nidds to use the f~ontage of the property to use the antique shop. I think that $~ o nidds as you know -8- has very reputable establishmsnt at Mill Creek and at Main Street a change of 200 feet in depth. in Ar shamomaque, in Southold. He We thought this known as the 7 Seas intends to ask for would enable him to conduct the business in the be detrimental to the area. house and barn. His operation in I don't think this would the past has not been offensive or damaging to the area. His intention was to hold auctions on the premises, antique shop. It lends itself to the purpose. Certainly the printing shop growth in business across the street. in the Town in the area think this is not an - you have the offensive use of the premises. Mr. Nidds I don ' t thi nk ask to change the entire area. Mr. Nidds is here in SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I case will you would like to ask recess this hearing at any questions. this time so that you may examine the public notice. I think you will find the application call ed for the entire area. t ime. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will read the legal We will notice go on to the next for this hearing. hear lng ah this "4. By changing from "A" Res ideti al and Agricultural Dis trict to "B-2" Business District the following described prmperty: Ail that certain Dbt, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and descirbed as follows: "PARCEL A BEGINNING at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove at the the first part , to land N. 3° 45' E. line of a certain southeasterly corner of land conveyed by the party of Clarence C. Roach; running thence along last described Three hundred (300) feet~ more or less, to the southerly sixteeen (16) foot right of way hereinafter described; thence along said southerly line of said right of way two courses as follows: (1) N. 49 E. fifty three and eighty-six one hundredths (53.86) feet; thence (2) N. o 76 45' Eo Forty (40) feet; thence along other land of -9- said party of the first part, being to the first described boundary S. 3 feet~ more or less, to said ordinary thence along said Ordinary high eithy (80) feet to the point of Eeronica Frohne, on a 45' W. Three hundred ghih water mark of water mark of Pipes Cove beginning. line Darrallel thirty (33 0) Pipes Cove; southwesterly "Parcel B Beginning at a point N. 1° 24' 40" E. seventy and sixty three one hundreths (70.63) feet from the northeasterly corner of land of Thomas Jurzenia and running thence along other land of the applicant, N. 80 55 ~ One thence hundred forty six and seventy-seven one hundreths (146.77) feet; on the extension northerly of the division 1 ine between land of said Thomas Jurczenia and land of August S ieger, S. 3° 45' W. and nine one hundreths feet to the northerly lin~ of a foot (50) strip of land reserved for a road; thence along said twenty fifty 50 foot strip of land reserved for a read three courses as follows: 1) N. 80 55' W. 20.17 feet; thence ~ 2)N. 47° 33' W. 80.84 feet; thence 3) N. 15 21' 30" E. 47.83 feet; thence along other land of Roach, S. 80° 55' So One hundred eighty along other land of hundreths (50.45) to seve, and twenty four one Jurczenia, S. 1° 24' 40" the point of beginning." hundredths (187.24) W. fifty and fourty feet; five t~nce one SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will now read the report of the Planning Board. "It was RESOLVED that the Sou thold favorably to the Southold Town Board the Residential and Agricultural District to above described property. Town Planning change of zone "B-2" Business Board recommend from "A" District on t~e "The Board finds this property has use for many years. been used as a non-con forming "Respectfully submitted, /s/ John Wickham, Ch a irman, Southold Town Planning Board.,, -10- speak SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there in favor of this application? anynne present who wishes to RICHARD LARK, ESQ.: In the first to the Board a survey done by Mr. Van instance I would like ~ submit Tuyl done in 1966. There is some descripancey Parcel A. If you betweeen this wish I would s~rvey and the descriDDion for read the description for the Board. SUPERVISOR ALBE~TSON: Does this change the use? RICHARD LARK, ESQ.: NO. It revised by the map you have in front of you. It should read of way N. 49° 00" E. thence along the southerly line of 87.12 feet to the south easterly line southerly right of Silvermere Road, thence along 3S' E. 18.75 feet. The the south pensioner easterly line of Silvermere Road S. of this present Parcel A presently 47 operates a motel and cottage. On parcel B he presently has located on the south west corner his office and his home, there being signs and so forth in front of his office. The main reason for the application is to change the came He is into e f~ec t. bea~der~]by non-conforming use On the east he is that has existed since by Silversands Dona]~ Roach who also conducts cottage, has zoning Motel. cottages for summer rental. He presently conducts real estate business on parcel B. By changing this of the Zoning. Mr. Frohne property is will con~orm with is also here in case the Board the spir it would like to a~ any questions. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: intend to use this as motel MR. FROHNE: Yes. You have requested a "B-2" and cottage operation? zone,do you SUPERVISOR ALBERTsON: MR. FRoHNE: Ye s. That is all you intend to use it for? RICHARD LARK, ESQ.: The Motel is "B-2" since 1965. property to the East, the Silversands SUPERVISOR ALBERTsON: No other type of bus~ness you intend to put there? -11- been the MR. FROHNE: I am in the electrical business there in that business since the beginning. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Since ~ the beginning of beginning of zoning ? too, I have electricity or MR. FROHNE: Be fore zoning. MR. JURCZENIA: The M- 1 z one ~_~.T~ Plan coming up we "B" zone was given ruling. In view of the all are/~in the motel decision should be Plan is comD~ted. There has been alot to us~. fact that business, held in abeyance un til such I am willing to change the prior to the the you have a Master think that this time as the Master "B-2" to M-1 zone. of talk about other business going in there. think there should be some restr ictions-~_~put change, I think onthis I some consideration should be taken on this matter. With the Master Plan maybe we could get a M zone. RICHARD LARK,ESQ.: I bel ieve it was back in 1965 he for his Silversands Motel which was in "A" zone to change zone w ithout any restriction. This was pas~d where he was change f~om an "A" to "B" without any restrictions. made application to "B-2" allowed to SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: At that time we did not have "B-2" it was straight business. RICHARD LARK. ESQ.: THE PROPERTY on-the east side of Parcel A is still zoned as "A" residential. Back in 1966, Mr. Jurczenia also applied to the Board of Appeals to allow him to construct with insufficient side yard. This was used to take the overflow from Silversands Motel. Mr. Frohne in ten ds to conduct a motel business on Parcel A. It will be more in conformanee to make the district a "B-2" it will District. If take precedent the Master Plan, when over anything that is it does come into existing. effect, MR. JURzENIA: When we applied for that proper ty, it wasn't vacant property. We th ink there should be some restrictions on this operty. I have no some restrictions objection to this man Dut on it. getting a "B-2" but there must -13- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON~ Is there beheard one way or the other on this (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR ALEERTSON~ Hearing, for the further deliberation anyone else present who wishes to appl ication ? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: none, I will close the Terry ? of the Board. Have you examined the hearing 1 egal descr iDt ion Re Ge for adept the letter TERRY, ESQ.: I had of the little jog understood that the application was only in the property, 253 feet. of the Planning Board, of use, however Board Planning the area is two anything smaller would the change. disapproves property the use of the of dilemia in shop would would be in not district fumx from the keeping with the SUPERVISOR (,There was ALBE~TSON: Anyone else constitute think we by Mr. Nidds. character spirit of It appears that no response~ large for the type spot zoning. The are at the point A used furnisher of the neighborhood, the Ordinance. wish to be heard? SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON~ this time for the Hearing none, futher deliberation of I will close the Boar~. the hearing at Meeting adjourned erly sicte of .~dn R~ad ~nd (1) N. 49° E. fifty?three .from sa~d l~ir~t ,of ~gi~~ ,ei~ht-~ ~e hundredS. (53._ ~n.~g ~he~e ~O~g t~e sou~- ~) f~t; the~e' (2)' N. 76~ '45' .erly ,side of ,~in ~ad the fo,l- ~. fo~y '(~)~'feet, thence-~o~ l~~g two cour~ ,a~d dis- .o~~ ~nd'of ~d P~ty of the ~es' (1) North 89 ~ 03' ~" ,firs~ ~, .~~g .V~O~a '~st ~.80 ~t; (2) s~h 87~ ~~e, ~ a l~e ~~llel ~ th.e~ ~' 20" Erst 417.1~ feet to land ,fir~ d~d ~~y, S. 3 of F. Bi'rd ~st, ate; ~ence ~' W. ~~-~~~~ ~y ~,~,g ~the ~d of S. Bi~a.rd (330) ~t, m~ ~ I~, ~ ~id ~.~te .~e fo!l~g ,t~o ~~~ ord~ ~ '~t~ ~k.' of ~d dis~c~- (1).Sou,~ 4~ 52' ~~s ~ve;' .~e~. ~O~ ~ld ~ 40" West 187.76 'feet; (2) south ~~n~ ~ ~~. ~rk of ~o 53' 20" ~t ~.~ f~t to ~~ ~ve ~~~ster~ ~hty ~d .of SM.or; thence ~oag ~a,nd (~) f~ ~ ~ ~nt of of $idor '~e f~llowiag two ~. co~ses ,and ,dista~~: (1) ~~th P~ B ~ ~g ,at a 5° ~, ~,, We~ 628.13 feet; (2) ' ~~t N. 1° ~, .~,, ~E. ~ven~y' ~.No~th 89° 18' 40" West ~ ~ty-,~~ ~e 191.~ ,f~t ,to ~attituck ~_ (70~.) f~t ~. ~ n~-~ [~~s, I~., (~S~ffolk 'cowry File e~~rly.~~'~ ~d of ~~. ~o. 453); thence :~ong the north- ' ' ~ . ence '~., (Suffolk Co~ty File No. ~~-N, ~ ~ W. ~3) N~h 87° '26' 30" West ~ty sk ~~ ~venty-~ven ~ ~.'74 f, ee~,t ~ ]~nd .of ~a; h'~~~-(1~.77) ~t; the~e,, ~~ aloag la~d of Fil~ the ~ ~e ~~~~ no~h~l~~ .of~ ~ fo~owi~ three c~urses ~ ~_ ~e ~~gn ~ hetw~~ ~d~ ~M: (1) ~~ 2° 50' ~" ~$t of ~ ~ J,~e~a ~d ~.37 f~t; (~2), Nor~ 86° 18' ~d of A~~ ~~er, ~S. 3° 10" W~t 71.33 feet, North '3~ 26' 45' W..~~ty ~~ .10" E~t 253.61 feet ~ .t~e h~~~ (~.~)f~t ,~ tBe ~~~er~ ~e ~f ~ ~ a~, ~e ~int or p~e of be~. ~~er~ ~e of a ~ty 4. By c~~g fr~ "A" Resi- a ~; ~e~ ~~ .~d ,~ "B ;2" - - Bu~.~~. Dist~t .t~e fol a .r~ ,~ ~~ ~ ff~ows: · 1~ de~i~d p~erty- - 1. ~. 80° 55',W.~.1~ f~t; ' ~ ~t ,cer~~ ~,ot, ~,~e or ~~e ~ N. 4T° ~"W. ~~ ~_ _ ~ of l~d ~~,~ ~d ~- ~~; th~ 3.~N. 15° 21' ~' · " ~ ' ~'~ :' ....... '- ~ '~ ~~~rt, T~n of ~u~- 47[~ f~; ~~ -.~o~ ~~r .......... ~~ ~-~ ~ded ,a~~ descri~b~ ~ fol- h~ ~tY~en ~ ,~. ~ ' ~~ A ~ ~~~NG at f~t; .~~e ~~~ o~ ~~ of Tow~ '~~'~.~~e' -- -~. ~~.t on .ord~~y Mgh wa.~.r ~.~~~a, $. 1° 24' ~" .fifty  :-: ~- ~~~~e. '~k of .E~s ~e at the ,~u~- ~ f~~-1lVe ~ ~~'_~~~~[ ~terly ,corn~ of ~d .~onVey- (~.~) W t~ ~~t of ~gin- ' ~ .~ ~e ~~y of ~e first ~t ~. ~ '~' ~-: Y~~ ~'~~ ~ '-~ Clarence C. R~h; ~ing Any .p~ a~~ W ,~ h~~ Sworn, ~ ~ by .~ ~~ ~n ~~e along l~t d.e~~~ l~d, ~ ,t~ ~~e ~ shoed ap-, ~d ~. ~ ~~e :-~ ~e 8~- ~N. 3° 45' E. ~e. h~.red (~) ~~ .at ~ t~e ~ p~e 'a~ve FFOLK .. 16 ~~--~, ~~n.. ~t, more ~ le~, ~ the ~uth- ~ci'fl~. ... 9~', ~ ~ ~~e,. 1~7, ~~ line ~f a certdn sk~~ ~-~ --.-- . "~ in '~ ~~th,e~ly l~e of said fight ~ ~~... (~~-~, .... :. -- ........~ way ~o ,~urses, ~ foll.~~. ~T W. ~OND, ' ~ ' - ' o'r ...... weekK ~~ =['-'"~'~~t~~:,.~; SUCCeSSively commencing on ~e ..,~'"~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~ .~ .. ~ ~ . . ",' . ~ -~ '~~ · · · · · · · · · · · i · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. .~]d,".~:~;.~~ ~~ S~rn to hefo, ze me this .,~ ~ :~.... ~ ~~~ '~d~ 'd~Ei~' ~ day of ~'~ ~~~G ~ a .~t'~-~e ~~ ..... .......... ........ ~~~ Arena, ~~i~~'~d of . , .,. ~ ..... ~~~a A~.nue.,,~d. the " ' . .-~..: ~ '~0 190 16' W~t 1~.~ ~ . -~t, t~n~ (2) ~ ~o-~'~'~'-~.!5 ~~of~; ~ ~o 17' W~ ~.~ f~t ,~ ~d ~ c~; ~~ the~e '~~-~ld ~ N~~ '19° 16' ~~y ~e of W~~ Av~ ~e; ~ th~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~0° ~' ~sc. ~5. f~t ~ ;..~m~ld, S~~~' C~~tL New Fleet, two courses (1) S. 50 ° 09' ' '20" Ig.-220.0 feet to a mo~um,ent; t~enc)e (2) $. 2,9© 44' 00" W~ 175.'0 feet :to an iron ,p'i~e and~ land of ~lohn Wiclcham; ther~ce along lar~d of Wi, ckhazn, N. 50°: 09© ,20" W. 200..0 feet to saidi so. utheas~.erly lir~e of the Ma~n ,Ro~d; t~hence along ,said scmth- ~ easterly lithe, N. 29© 44' 00" E. f 175.'0 fee~ to the point of be-' ginning. ,3. ~By chCngi, ng fram "A" Res'i-~ .dens, iai a,r~d A¢ri~ul. tur,x.1 Distridt to "~" /~u~iness Dis~ri, ct ~l~e loll, .o~v- lng ,described p~otperty' All t&at certain plo~, piece o,r!~ pare~ of land si ttmt~e., lying an, d ,b,eir~g ~at ,C'u~chague, Town of ,$outl~old, ,Suf~f, olk Cour~cy, New Y,(~rk, ,b, aur~ded ,and described as ,f, ollo,v~s · ]RE~,INNI~(} at ia point o,n the southerly ,si, de of 1V~ain l~oad ~h;ere easterly line 'of land of Fflla in, tersect$ ~he ~ai, d ',south- ~une 12, 1967 Dear Sir~ You? a~plication for chancre of zons from "A" district to --~ ~ ~,strlct will become ef ~.et~ve iFrmediate!y Yours t rz~ly ~IFF SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. May 11, 1967 Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.mN.y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Cora Wolf and Anthony T. Blados, Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agriculural District to "B-2" Business District on certain prop- erty situated in Cutchogue, New York, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Southold Town Planmng Board SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York May 10, 1967 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on May 9, 1967: In the matter of the petition of Cora Wolf and Anthony T. Blados, Main Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District on certain real property situated at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk,County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINN/_NG at a monument on the southeasterly line of Main R~, 1021 feet, more or less, southwesterly along said southeasterly line from Fleets Neck Road, said point of beginning being the westerly corner of land of Fleet and the northerly corner of land of Wolf; from said point of beginning running along said land of Fleet two courses: (1) S. 50° 09' 20" E. 200.0 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 29° 44' 00" W. 175.0 feet to an iron pipe and land of John Wickham; thence along said land of Wickham, N. 50° 09' 20" W.- 200.0 feet to said southeasterly li~e of Main Road; thence along said southeasterly line, N. 29° 44' 00" E. 175.0 feet to the point of beginning. It was RE~OLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend favorably to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District on the above described property. Southold Town Board May 10, 1967 In view of the fact this property lies between an "A" Resid~ tial and Agricultnral District and a non-conforming business operation in an "A" Residential and Agricultural District; and there are other properties on the same side of the street further East and West zoned "B" Business, the Planning Board would recommend a "B-2" Business District for this property, in as much as there will be only an office type use at the present time in the described premises. There are other properties on the opposite side of the Street which are zoned "B" Business and used for purposes outlined in the "B" Business District. Respectfully submitted, ~ohn Wickham, Chairman ~ ~-- Southold Town Planning Board /bd cc: Town Clerk Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle Report To: Southid Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York May 8, 1967 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a special meeting held on May 4, 1967: In the matter of the petition of Croa Wolf and Anthony T. Blados, Main Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a change of zone from A Restidential and Agricultural Dsitrict to B Business District on certain real property situated at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk, County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southeasterly line of Main Road, 1021 feet, more or less, southwesterly along said southeasterly line from Fleets Neck Road, said point of beginning being the westerly corner of land of Fleet and the northerly corner of land of Wolf; from said point of beginning running along said land of Fleet, two courses: 1) S. 50° 09' 20" E. 200.0 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 29° 44' 00" W. 175.0 feet to an iron' pipe and land of John Wickham; thence along said land of Wickham, N. 50° 09' 20" W.- 200.0 feet to said southeasterly line of the Main Road; thence along said southeasterly line, N/ 29° 44' 00" E.- 175.0 feet to the point of beginning. It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described pa perty. Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York May 8, 1967 The ~oard finds there are other business properties to the West and East on this side of the road which are "B" Business District. Also property on the opposite side of the street, west of Deport Lane are zone "B" Business District. The Board thinks it is best to keep the same zone in this area. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /bd OF ALBE/~T W, RI~HHOND SrlLITHE]LD, L. I., N. Y. April 19, 1967 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Cora Wolf and Anthony T. Blados, Main Road, Cutchogue, N.Y. relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricu~ural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Cutchogue, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk RICHARD ,J. CRON MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N.Y. ][1935 April 5, 1967 Lester M. A]bertson~ Supervisor's Office Greenport, N. Y. Supervisor Re: Application for Zoning Change of Cora Wolf and Anthony T. Blados Dear Let: Pursuant to our recent telephone conversation and in accordance with your request, I am enclosing herewith another completed application for a zoning change, identical to the application heretofore submit- ted except that the request is made for a change to a "B-2" zoned business area. Inasmuch as it is desired that the Wolf premises are to be used as a real estate and insurance office, the approval of either application will be in order. If you have any further questions relative to this matter, please feel free to contact me. With my very best wishes to you. Sinc. er ~1~, R±chard J. Cron RJC/j f Enclosure CASE NO.: .............. STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF TIlE BUll. DING ZONE ORDI- XANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFPOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF TttE TOWN OF SOUTHOL1): CORA WOLF and 1. II We, ANTHONY T. BLADOS Cutchogue, ....................................... , residing at ..................... (insert name of petitioner) ............... Snffolk Count5,, New York, the undersigued, am the owner of certaiu real property situated at Main Road: Cutchogue ...................................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southeasterly line of Main Road, 1021 feet, moreor less, southwesterly along said southeasterly line from Fleets Neck Road, said point of beginning being the westerly corner of land of Fleet and the northerly corner of land of Wolf; from said point of beginning running along said land of Fleet, two courses: (1) $. 50° 09' 20" E. 200.0 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 29° 44' 00" W. 175.0 feet to an iron pipe and land of John Wickham; thence along said land of Wickham, N. 50° 09' 20" Wo 200.0 feet to said southeasterly line of the Main Road~ thence along said southeasterly line, N. 29° 44' 00" E 175.0 feet to the point of beginning. 2. ]~edo hereby petition tile Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore nmde a part thereof, as follo;vs: By amending the zoning restrictions of the above described parcel from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2" Business District pursuant to Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The above descr±bed parcel ts situate on the southerly side of Hain Road between New Suffolk Road and Fleets Neck Road, and almost tn a direct l±ne w±th a prolongation of the westerly line of Depot Lane tn a southerly direction. On the north side of Hain Road be- tween Depot Lane and a prolongat±on of New Suffolk Road all of the ex±st±rig area is zoned principally for business purposes. On the south s±de of Hain Road runn±ng easterly from New Suffolk Road there Ks a parcel of land zoned business with a frontage of approximately 125 to 150 feet. The foregoing would ind±cate that a rezoning of the parcel herein described would be directly in the path of the natural and orderly extension of the presently business zoned areas on both northerly and southerly side of Hain Road, part±cularly between Depot Lane and New Suffolk Road. In addition, the subject parcel ts tn quite close prox±m±ty to the business zoned area in the Hamlet of Cutchogue. Thus, a reclassification to a business zoned area would be in accord with the '~' -al.ready.exLsting.zoned..business areas in close proximity thereto, as well as, in accord with the comprehensive plan under the Zoning~Qrdinance. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS:-- ANTHONY T. BLADOS '"b'fi~"/)'f .................................. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that be is/the petitione~in the within action; that be has read the foregoing Petition and kno~vs the contents tlmreof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and hellef, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this .~... day of April 19.67.. / Notary Public. ICHADD j.,~i~ON .v-- C~,SE NO.: I r_~ ~ STATE OF NE~¥ YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOI,D IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FORA CItANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF TIlE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: CORA WOLF and i. xWe, ANTHONY T. BLADOS Cutchogue, "' ........... - ........ , residing at ............ (insert name of petitioner) ........................ Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at Main Road~ Cutchogue, ..................................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BECII~INC at a monument on the southeasterly line of Main Road, 1021 feet, more or less, southwesterly along said southeasterly line from Fleets Neck Road, said point of beginning being the westerly corner of land of Fleet and the northerly corner of land of Wolf; from said point of beginning running along said land of Fleet, two courses: (1) S. 50° 09' 20" E. 200.0 feet to a monu- ment; thence (2) S. 29° 44' 00" W. 175o0 feet to an iron pipe and land of John Wickham thence along said land of Wickham, N. 50° 09' 20" W. 200.0 feet to said southeasterly line of the Main Road; thence along said southeasterly line, N, 29° 44' 00" E. 175,0 feet to the point of beginning. We 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Toxw~ of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Toxvn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: By amending the zoning restrictions of the above described parcel from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District pursuant to Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) Such request is made for the following reasons: The above described parcel is situate on the southerly side of Main Road between New Suffolk Road and Fleets Neck Road, and almost in a direct line with a prolongation of the westerly line of Depot Lane in a southerly direction. On the north side of Main Road between Depot Lane and a prolongation of New Suffolk Road all of the existing area is zoned principally for business purposes. On the south side of Main Road running easterly from New Suffolk Road there is a parcel of land zoned business with a frontage of approximately 125 to 150 feet. The foregoing would indicate that a rezoning of the parcel herein described would be directly in the path of the natural and orderly extension of the presently "B" zoned areas on both northerly and southerly side of Main Road, particularly between Depot Lane and New Suffolk Road. In addition, the subject parcel is in quite close proximity to the business zoned area in the Hamlet of Cutchogue. Thus, a reclassification to a business zoned area would be in accord with XX~ ~he'a'tready-~x.is~ing..aoned.. business areas in close proximity thereto, as well as, in accord with the comprehensive plan und~oning~'~a,~. Richard J. Cron, as attorney ~ /~r Cora Wo~/? ~ ANTHONY T. BLADOS '"0h&"6~f' ................................... BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is/the petitione~Sin the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the tnattcrs therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those mattel-s he believes it to be true.