HomeMy WebLinkAboutWilsberg,Ernest&Howard Amend#77 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ......... i~"~J~""ZJ¥~' ...................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ...... ~.~..~.t...~..~.~istrict to ....... ~..~.~. ........ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....~.~.~ ....... day of .....~..i~.~.~..~'..,~ ........................... , 19.~..., and due deliberation having been hod thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is illp]~rOV~do Order of ~he Sou~hold ~ Board Datedt March 24, 1967 Alert W. ,1_ 1, , , . 'Il · II [ [~ Il. I l~um~nt to ~ .requl. rements, of (:~~ ~ ~~ ~ne ~), of the'~, of ~u~ld, d~y ~~ ~t ~ ~~r m~- ~ ~ .the ~thom T~ l,-By ~ fr~ "A" ~~ ~ ~~tur~.. ~ct '~" ~~ ~r~t~ the fol- ., ~ ~ ~n. ~~, pl~es T~wn of" ~/Old,' Suffolk .~ty,' New York,. ~d'- s ~~ent ~ ~e ~~erly ~e of .~e-~in ~ at ~he ~~,~rly ~o~ ~' the pre- :~s h~m d~.~~ ~ the ~ut~~r~y. ~r of now or f.o~~M of. W~n, f~ ~o~'"~ ~ ~:~ f~erly 0f~ W~'"N~h 24° ~, ~,. W~' "~' d~ ~ ~'a ~n~ ~df l~"~'of ~n~ ~' ~~o~; ..~n~ ~e~-~'~ ~ of Lo~ ~~~ ~~_~o.43, f~ ~ ~ ~ or formerly of W~r~, fO~rly ='~ g~es Yeu~; .~-~ ~d.~.n~ ~ forum of W~, ,~w~ ~~ ~d. ~s- ~' 1) ~~ 21° 415.11 f~t; .~~ce 2) ~~ 21° 1~" ~" ~ a ~e of ~2.60 f~ ~ a ~~ent .~ ~e n~~r~ ,~de. ~ ~ ~. ,~ ~o~ ~e ~~ ~o 20' 10" ~ ~ ~n~e of 3~.~0 f~t ~ ~e m~~ent DAy' MARCH '17, 1967 [ [ I [ [ [] ! /toaxl ~t the point .or place of PARCEL IH -.~1 't~t ce~~ -. 'plot, pie~ or parcel of' 1~ sit- ~, ly~ a~ ~.i~g. at ~~, ~~ ~tituc.k, in the ~n of ~~hold, County of Suffo~ S~ o,f N~ Y~k, ~unded ~~NG a~ ~ poi.~t fomed by the in~r~,tion of the west- er~ side of pr~L~s of S~ of N~ York wi:th ~~er~y line of the ~~ R~d . ~ ~in, t of ,~g~n~g ~ing ~~d at ~he south~t~ly c~r of the ~b,j~t pre,mi.~s~ a~ from ~ld ~t ~f be.~- n~g ru~~ ~~e along the ~~erly Hne of ~n ~t.h 51° .58' 50" We~t 50~.16 f~t. $o ~ of Chew; the~e al~ng~ ~ 1.~d ~f C'h~, North 3~°; ~' 20" ~t 401.61 feet to l~d~ of P~ce.; ~e~e ~ng Mhd of ~ the roll, lng ,two co~rse~ ~d d~nc~: 1) No~ 60 24 ~" ~ 246.40 f~.t; 2) no~ 65° ~' ~" ~ 1~0.63 f.~t to ~nd ~ G~; thence along of Graff, ~h 61° 36' 50" ~t ~.42 f~t ~ 1~ of ~e ~ate ~ N~ York; ~e.~e a~o~ the ~ w~rly line of l~d of the ~ S~ of N~ York, ~uth 38° ~1' 10 .... ~st 310.49 feet ~ ~e ~~e~y side ~f ~n ~ ~o~ ~F ~ ~U~O~ ~~T W~. ~HM~D,  ~~ o~ ltM17 · :-~ ~.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ] $~ATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss' ...... -;?.-~.... ~".,_,...<~ .".-..,,..~-,...'~. lng duly Sworn. eays that ...',~ .'yis Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper pubUshed irt Greenport. in said cou. nty;-and t~hat the 'notice, ,of which the ,annexed is ~ printed copy, ,has been published in t'he s~id Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, f~r ......... .~½:a.% .............. week~i successively commencing on the .. ~v~. ~~. ~..~~~.~.... z-.~ /,., S~orn to before me t'his.':/.~'...... I PAP~F_~L II - BEGINNING at a point on the. northerly line of Main Road .at the so:u.bhwes~t corner of land no;w or formerly of George L. Pe~y an~d running (:hence ~u~h 47~ 51' 30" West along the northerly line of Main Ro,ad, 171.48 feet to ~he sou~h- e~'~ corner of land now or for- me,dy of the State of New York; thence ~ong said l~d now or fomerly of the .S~te of New York fihe following ~wo eour,~s ,a~d .disC~aces: 1) Nor~ 37 deg. 57' 30" ~st 172.0 feet; 2) Sou,~h 72 deg. 24' 50" Wes< 240.16 f~t to land n~ .or f~rmerly Olivio; the~e Nop~h 21 deg. 04' 50" Wes~ alo~ said la~d n~ or formerly of Oli~io 109.~ ieet to land .n~w or formerly of Wil- liam ~:~'che; the. nee :~oag said land of Willi~ Wyche ~he fol- low~ ~o courts and dis- ~nces: 1) in a general eagerly d~r~tion 15,9.~ f~.~; 2) 87 deg. 25' Ea~ 152.1 f~.t; thence nor~rly ,~g ~ or fom~ly of Wll~m .~~e, B~h~ & H~on ~he following ~wo c~rses ~d ,t~s: 1) No~ 18 deg. 34' 20" We~ 228.0 ~eet; 2) No.r.~h 26 deg. 41' 20" Wes~ 277.~ fee~ to of t.he ~ng ~l~d ~l~oad; th~ along said ~d of ~he ~ ~~d ~r~ ~ follow- ing ~.r~ c~~s a~d ~s~nces: 1) North ~ deg. 43' 50" East 46.36 f~t; ,2) S~ 33 deg. 11' ~t 9.0 f~t; 3) North 44 deg. 43' 50" ~ 138 f~t ~ Za,~d now or .fomeriy of G~rge L. Pen- ny; ,~hence ~,ong said la~d n~ ~ fo~r~ of ~ge L. Pe,~y ~e f~~~ ~~' 1) ~u~ 21 ~, 56' ~" ~,~ 407~ f~t; 2) ~th 21 d~. 17' '20" ~t 282.60 f~t ~ the n~erly line of ~in ccub',rr sur oz ) Ut'"' ~~.V,~..!~~~~- .............. , of $ou~old, Town o£ Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is obex the age o£ t~enty-one that on the 24th day of March notice of ~h~ch the annexed printed notLco and substantial manner, ~n a most public place ~n the T~wn o£ Southold, ~~lm. 77 that after a public hoar,Lng hlXd pu%ouant to tho roqu%zi.uon.~ o£ law, the (.t,.~~~g the BuiXdJa~ Sone 8ap), o£- t~e-Town o£ southold, Suffolk County, He~ York-, was duly amondod at a regular. ~mtXng of ~e 3ou~hold x. By chang fron pr-opert¥~. "A" Rom%dont.~ and A4j% All th~ ce~~ plot~, p%eces or pareelo of land .%~t~., lyLng and being at Nttt%t~, Toen of $outhold, ¢oun~ of .Suffolk and state of Nee York, nor-M%¥ w%do of the Mm~n Road at the iouthoaf~erly tho prgmt~e8 hereLu doaertbod and ~ oouth- saXd point of bog~%~ runn%ng along wa%d land n~ or foraerly of .~%loon,. North 24' 04' 20" ~*eat a d~atance of 7XX.70 foot '-.to a monument and land of ~ bland lmAlroad; ru~ the~ al~g nad land of Long %a~Rnd RiXlroad, South 44~ 43' SO" ~ewt a d%w~ of 3X6.89 foet to land ~ or ;~-~-;;rly of ~%lfborg, for- merly of Jmno8 Young r r~.-~-~g ~henc~ along wa-~d land 7? 20" BAst a dlst~n~ of 282.60 .feet to & mouuBont &long the nort3~l¥ 0~4o of tho platn Road, Blorth 10" ]~dt adJ. mt~u~~ Of 340.?0 feet to the monuiiorit it the po~nt or p~ace of~ beg. ~nn/rig. P~ IX - BB~~~ at a po~t on the not--fly line o£ NatnRoad at the mmth~mt corner of land now or foruerly of ~rije L. Penny ~nd ~n~ng thence South 47~ il, 30" ~est a~onq the northerly l/ne of Road l?l. 41J feet to the moutheAlt c~rner o£ .land now or foruizly of the Sttte of Ne- XOrk; thence along sa~d land no~ or formerly of~ the Stite of Hew Yor~ the fol,tow~ two ~rlel end dtlt,&ncesz 1) /or-~ 37 deg. 57' 30' west i72.0 .feet~ 2) South ?2 ~eg. 24' lC)" Kelt 240.16 bt to l~.d .now~ or foruorl¥ of Ol%vto~ then~ fomrl~ of Ol&vXo 109.60 '-feet to land no~ or formrly of ~tllLum wyehe~ thereto &long saXd land of W tllXam the follewXng two co~~m aud dlstanee.~ ~ 1) In a 9~ral easterly dtrectJ, m~ 159. 06 feo.t~ 2) South 87 dig. 25' Bast 152.:L fEH~.t; the~ northerly alon~ .land now or fomrly of ~J/lm ~y~he, BrunmhXll & Heboon the .follo~ ~ng two mmroem ~d ~w~i~ l) ilorth 18 dlq~. 34' 20" '~elt 228.0 feet r 2). north 26 deg. 41' 20" welt 277.04 feet to land o£ the Long Xmland RmXlroad; thenee aXo.~ .mXd land of the Long XmX.a~d ffa~XXz'oad the ~ollow~ th~ cmarm and dJJtaneem, X) /orth 44 dog. 43' S0 "' mawr 46.36 feet Lega~ Auon~n~ Page -3- 7'7 SOUth 3-3 dog. 1!* '-.Saot. 9. 0 3) 44 dog. 43' 50' East 138 feet to land .now or ~ormerl¥ o£ · oorge h. Penny r ~hen~ .al-.~ said land now. or formerly of Oeorge L. Pe~ ~ ~o~o~~ ~wo courae8 and 1) south .21 ~og'. 56' 20" East 407.~4 foet~ 2) Sou~h 21 dog. ~7' 2-0' East 282.60 feet to the north- erl¥ l.tne of Math 'Road at the potnt or place of begtnnLnv. P~~~ ~zX - AX..I t~at ourSe.An plot, pAec~ or peroe% of' land sX.t~~e, lyl~j and be~ at Laurel, near I~ttXtue~, ~-~he To,~ of $ou~hold, County of and StaU of New 'York,. boun4od and doser~d BB~~~~ a~ a- po~n~ formod by ~he ~nt~L~~~t~on-of York w -l~h ~he norther!y, X %ne of the Mien Road aLtd ~o. rner of ~he subject premlaee and from eaXd potnt of beqtAntnV rumLng ~ along the northerly ! %ne of Road, to land of Char th~ aXong eaXd land of C:heu., thence along land of Price the fol_lesq, XJ~ two ~ and d-tm~unc~-~ 1) north 60 ~ 2'4' 30" Eamt 246.4.0 feet; 2) Hort~ 65~'~' OS' 00' Bast XTO, 03 feet to land o.£ Oraff~ along land of ~r&ff, North 61 ~ 36' $,O' lC~t 98.42 feet to land of ~he $..~u~e of Hew Yor~r ~henee .along the westerly .Line of land of the .S~a~ of b York; South -38 '~' 0l * lO "' lalt 3.10.49 foot to ~he northerly eide of Ma-tn. - Road and the point or ~ of begAnnlng. 77 C:opXea maXled to the ~ollowXng on )tar~ i4, 1967,~ The SuffoAk W~ly T~ueo R~d Cron. Koq. Otto '~. Van. TuF. X ~atellum bIINUTES SOUTHOLD TOVIrN BOARD January 24, I967 PRESENT: Supervisor Lester M. Albertson Juslice Henry Clark Justice Ralph TuthilI Councilman Howard Valentine Councilman Louis Demarest Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Town Clerk Albert W. Richmond (1) Proposed Ordinance to provide for a partial tax exemption of real property owned by certain persons with limited income who are 65 years of age or over. (2) Proposed change of Zone from "A" to "B" at Mattituck, New York. (3) Proposed change of Zone from "A" to "B" at lV[attituck, New York. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open the hearing at this time by reading the legal notice of hearing. (Copy of said notice is attached hereto and made a part hereof.) There is an affidavit in the file indicating publication was made of this legal notice. I might state before we get into the hearing part of it that under the Law each taxing agency - the town, the village, the school districts - must necessarily hold public heari~lgs after due notice on this part of the Real Property Law. The public hearing in the County has already been held and the County has gone along with it. The Mattituck School District has gone along with it. This is the hearing for the town. After this hearing at the next meeting of the Board, action probably will be taken by the Board. This is not something we will have to do every year. You just have to file your application each year. It might be helpfuI if I read the text of the law as found in Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law. (Copy of text as read is attached hereto and made a part hereof.) At this time I would like to open the hearing and hear from those who would like to be heard for or against. Please give your name and residence before you speak. MR. MANIS: I rent small bungalows on my property. I am not entitled to the benefits if my place of residence is considered business? THE SUPERVISOR: Rents are considered income. MR. MANIS: Bungalows for summer are included? Is Social Security included? Southold Town Board THE SUPERVISOR: Yes. passing this kind of legislation? -2- January 24, 1967 Is anyone here opposed to the Town Board MR. MANIS: I have a friend of mine who has motel and $5000 or $6000 profit but the net profit is less than $1000. lirith Social Security it ~vould be under $3000. THE SUPERVISOR: If his net income is less than $3000. MR. MAiXriS: Gross or net? THE SUPERVISOR: Net. MR. TASKER: I-Ie is using the property for other than residential so it doesn't qualify. The question is what you are using the property for. You can only use it for residential purposes. Therefore, it would not qualify. THE SUPERVISOR: Does she live in the motel? MR. MAN-iS: No. She lives in a house. THE SUPERVISOR: The property has to be used exclusively for residential purposes. MR. IvIANIS: I have bungalows that are rented for the season. Is it considered business? I live there. ARTHUR FRANK, Mattituck: About this Social Security. I think the legislature is going to change this so it says taxable income. There is no tax on Social Security. MR. TASKER: It does not say taxable income. Income means every- thing you receive except money you receive through gift or inheritance. MR. FRJkNK: Social Security is federal assets that is not taxable in any form. Southold To~m~ Board -3- January 24, 1967 THE SUPERVISOR: Section 467 reads: "Such income shall include Social Security and retirement benefits, interest, dividends, rental income, salary or earnings, and income from self-employment, but shaI[ not include gifts or inheritance. TM Anyone else wish to speak on this subject. If no one else wants to be heard, we will close the hearing for the further deliberation of the Board. Thank you ali for coming. * * THE SUPERVISOR: I will open this hearing at this time by reading the legal notice of hearing. (Copy of notice with description attached hereto. ) There is an affidavit in the file indicating publication was made of this IegaI notice. (Read letter of Planning Board disapproving proposed change. ) I will open the hearing by asking those in favor to speak. RICHARD CRON, ESQ.: I am appearing here on behalf of the applicant for this particular zoning change. The premises in question here is a parcel which fronts on Middle Road and Westphalia Avenue. It is in the northwesterly corner. It has a frontage on the Middle Road of Approximately 300 and somewhat feet, about 306 feet. It runs along Westphalia Avenue north 241 feet. Now this application is being made for two reasons. We think that each of the reasons has equal weight. Before getting into our reasons for requesting this particular change I would like to point out to the Board the character of the parcel and its relationship to the existing area. A review of the Southold Town Zoning Map will indicate that the Southold To~zn Board -4- January 24, 1967 premises are in the vicinity of an area zoned for business running along Lipco Road where it meets the Middle Road said business zoned parcel being approx- imately 175 feet from the southerly line of the particular property £or which we seek change. I don~t mean to mislead anyone when I say 175 feet, I mean the prolongation of the existing line along Middle Road. Now further looking at the zoned business area on the south side of the Middle Road area, you will note that it runs along the Long Island Railroad and do~rn Love Lane. Now on the south side of Middle Road the business zoned area runs approximately 175 feet £rom our area. On the north side of the business zoned area it runs approximately 405 fee~. The character of the area has been chan ged by the widening of Middle Road. There are two reasons £or requesting tile change. First, we believe that the subject parcel lies within the natural existing business area. By virtue of the widening of the Middle Road the sub~aet premises are not conducive for the purpose for which it is now zoned. In the vicinity of the subject premises there are operated other business. To wit, we submit that on the southwesterly side of Westphalia Avenue and Middle Road there is an oil business being conducted. And more than likely it is being conducted as a non-conforming use. Also in this particular area you have premises which are conducted in conjunction with a lumberyard, to wit, George L. Penny. There is also a service road in connection with the lumberyard itself. Further looking at the character of the Middle Road, it is noted that in front of the premises for ~vhich this application is sought there are three lanes for traffic. It cannot be questioned that Middle Road as it exists today is a main traffic artery for the Town of Southotd. You have a light right at the intersection of Westphalia and Middle Road. Now ail Southold Town Board -5- January 24, 1967 of these factors lead one to the conclusion that the subject premises are not conducive or cannot be used for a residential purpose. That the only purpose it can be used for at the present time is a business area. We have some plans here dealing with what we would like to put into this particular parcel. THE SUPERVISOR: You can leave them with the Board2 MR. CRON: Yes, we can. The finished product of the restaurant will look something like this. You may have this for your record. We also have here an aerial view of the area including the subject parcel. I know not of the date. It gives a good view of that area. I may have more to say with respect to this particular application later. To sum up, we have two principal reasons for requesting this change of zone. It lies in the natural and ordinary extension of the existing business area. Two, the property is not conducive for the purpose for which it is zoned because of the change of character because of the Middle Road widening. We will rest at this time. THE SUPERVISOR: Anyone else here wish to speak in favor of this application? Anyone wish to speak in opposition to the relief sought in this application ? CLARENCE BENNETT: I represent the Westphalia Civic Association. I went around to get petitions signed and we found quite a concern among our neighbors and friends and we felt this would make a hazardous traffic condition in this section and take away from the scenic beauty. We have the church and the creek. The church is beautiful and it is an attractive view of the creek. I would like to present this letter of our Association. I have about 100 names Southold Town }Board -6- January 24, 1967 which represents about 90% of the people living in Westphalia. These people are very serious. They would like you to give them consideration. I also have a letter from the Historical Society of which I am a Trustee. THE SUPERVISOR: Would you like to include these? MR. BENNETT: Yes. CHARLES S1V&[TH: I have a petition signed by 58 taxpayers and residents of Mattituck - residents from that area of the town. ~Ve feel there is already enough business property in Mattituck. We feel that any commercial structure at this site sould spoil the natural beauty of Mattituck Inlet. \Ve feel it would add a hazard to traffic. We feel the commercial use of this site would be unfair to the homeowners of the area who wish to preserve the residential atmosphere. AL BURLINGA1V[E: SVe are also in opposition to a rezoning here. We just put up a new church and we are planning in the future to pu~ up an extension and this would interfere with the beauty of the church as one comes down the highway, expecialIy from the East. Therefore, on behalf of the members of the North Fork Baptist Church we wish to be heard as against this zoning change. FRANK BORN: So far those who have spoken automatically assumed ~hat whateYer will be built there will be disfignring to the locating. However~ I have submitted a plan. Anything we put there would be colonial. I am from Mattituck. I am presently building and ail colonial. I am concerned myself very much with the town. Maybe the residents are not familiar with tha~. I would want to add to the beauty of the location. This particular site is not far from the Town Dump. Nothing could deter from that. If a home was built there according to town specifications it could deter from the beauty of the place. But a business with Southold Town Board -7- January 24, 1967 proper landscaping wouId add to the beauty. We are willing to meet any require- ments to see that this is a beautiful, seeni~i Iocation. There is nothing there now that would be beautiful in my opinion. But what I intend to put there would definitely be an asset to the community. I am willing to submit my plans to the Board or to the residents of this civic chtb. I would like to cor~orm to coIoniai architecture so this would be the case. I would not just throw up retaiI stores. I would enhance the location. MR. CRON: If I may make a concluding statement. Number 1. I think we are losing sight of a problem which exists with respect to this particular parcel. It cannot be used for the purposes which the zoning ordinance provides. I thing it is highly unlikely that you are going to use this parceI for residential purposes. I say this because of the character of Middle Road itself. It is not a matter of restric~ng it for what it is presently zoned, but can we use it for what it is presently zoned. I don~t think you are going to find many people buying property here for a one family residential purpose. Secondly, I fail to see why putting up a pubhc restaurant is going to render the area more hazardous than it already is. But I don~t feel there is any real merit to an argument that people fee they are going to havre an adverse situation. I don~t have anything else to say. MR. BORN: Just one other point. The night we went before the Board they had this intention of not cluttering up this road as has happe~ed on other roads like the Veterans Highway. However, we are not asking for an area in the middle of farmland where it might cause a traffic hazard. We are asking for land where the section already has two blinker iights which stow down traffic and there is a Southold Town Board z church on Sunday with an officer there. down in that area. Therefore, the Board should not look at it as a hazard. are not going to make a high speed area. CHARLES ABRAHAMS: I would like to present my thoughts as to the propriety of the application. The applieant has in mind a specific use for a building which he wishes to erect. Then he should have come in under an application to the Board of Appeals for a non-conforming business building in a residential zone. It would eliminate the change of zone in the future. THE SUPERVISOR: As far as this thing is concerned. The Board of Appeals cannot by any action change the use from one use to another. They can extend it - lmake it a little Larger in area or even change the type of business allowed. But this must be a change of zone. MR. ABRAHAMS: Would it specify the exact nature of the use for which it would be put ? THE SUPERVISOR: No. This Board under the law has to determine whether this is the proper use of this property for the well being of the people of the Town of Southold. If we change this property from "A" to "B" anything allowed in the ordinance in the "B" area can be constructed. MR. ABRAHAMS: That is my point. MR. BORN: I can see his point. There could be put up a less attractive building. However, in Riverhead there is a passing on the plans before it is accepted. Could it be restricted to a restaurant? -8- January 24, 1967 Therefore, the traffic is already slowed We this is the lightest use in the "B" Business Zone. But you haven't asked for "B2" THE SUPERVISOR: We have "Bi", '~B2" and "B3" but I think that a restaurant business comes under a full ~[' This could be applied for under "B2" - SouthoId Town Board -9- January 24, 1967 you asked for "B". MR. CRON: But we would probably have the same type of opposition to "B2" ill that same area. THE SUPERVISOR: You will never know unless you apply for "B2". Anyone else want to be heard? Any questions we might an~wer? (There was no response.) Then the hearing will be closed for the further deliberation of the Board. THE SUPERVISOR: I will open the hearing at this time by reading the legal notice of hearing. (Copy of notice and description attached hereto. ) We have affidavits of publication. (Read recommendation of Planning Board approving change of zone. ) At this time we would like to hear from those in favor of the relief sought in the petition. RICHARD CRON, ESQ.: I am also here to speak in behalf of this application. I am in 100% agreement with the findings of the Planning Board. We have here three parcels and these parcels are conti~o~uous to each other. The only thing that separates them is the lands of the State of New York. These lands owned by the State of New York would not be used for residential or agricultural purposes. This application is an ordinary and natural extension of the business area. If one Iooksoon both sides of Route 25 they would find innumerable businesses - a real estate office, a garage and Frank Murphy's - on the other side there are also businesses. I have nothing else to add. Southold To~vn Board - 10- THE SUPERVISOR: Anyone else in favor of? Does anyone wish to be heard one way or the other? Board. January 24, 1967 Anyone in opposition to ? We will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Y~'IL, ~ ~o ~q:~..rrlaor'a Off.e, i leew Y'or~, c~ the ~t~ d~y of the metier o! ~ ~k~tion of w~th ~ h~ccene who ~e 651 Boe,rd ~' the ~ of 8euthold, I~ffo~ Oottnty ~ Yorlt ~ roi-, ~a~Ll be e~m~ ~ town taxes em m~ f~e ~ ~M~ ~y in ~e ~r'a of~ atL f~ f~ ~ f~ ~nt ~ll ~ f~ by ~w. ' b. ~ ~e of ~e ~ ~ ~d ~ of the~ : ~s m~ ~ exe~ ~ for ~r ~ the ~ ~t ~ ~P~- l ~, ~ ~ in whole or In ~ ~ ~de~e ~ ~ own- ~a. ~ o~ ~l ~ke BY ~ ~ T~ ~ W. ~ND 467 of the Boa! Proporty T8~ Law J467o Peroous ~Ll~y-£1ve years of age or over. 2. Ixelq~l~m from f~xatAou for oehool purpooeo ohall no~ bo grant4d An ~he ease of real property where · child realties if ouch ~hAid ·ttendo · pebXlo o~hool w~thAn ~he school district. 3. If· e~emptlm ·hall be granted (a) If the Lucerne of tho rumor or the combined An~mo of the ·unrra of the property ez~oede the om of ~-ee dollars for che t~elve e~oe~utive montha ~,maodiately preceding the date of making applieati~ for e~emptAon. ~here title vested An et~her ~he husband or ~bo wife, their ccmbAned may not eax~ed m~h sum. Such An~mo shall include security a~d re~Lremmat benefits, Anteroat, dividends, rental inc~, salary or earnings, and income frmu ·elf-employment, but oh·Il no~ Anelude glftm or CD) umleeo tho title of the proper~y ·hall have beE· An the tamer or all of eb~ ·mere of the property for et · Ant7 owe~dtAve ·rathe prior to ~he date of making applAna~Lcu for exemptAnn ~ (o) unless the property Ao u~ed ex~luively for purpose·; (d) --boo tho real property is the legal reoidenoe of and is occupied An ~bolu or An pert by the rumor or by all of the oM·ors of the property. 4. ApplieatAcm for ouch owe·priori must be mode by the tamer, or all of ~he ow·rTe of the property, o~ forms to be ~urniohed by the appropEiate aneesoAnv authority and shall furnish ~he AnforumtAou and be executed An the manner FequAred or presoribed An ouch formo,, and ·haXX be fixed in ouch alOellOr"l of~'i~o at Xea·e ninety days before the day for fiXAng the fA·aX au·ese·mt roll. 5. Any ~o~vic~A~ of having made any wilful faloe statement An the applicat~Lom for ouch exet~lm, oh·IX be lmniohable by · fAne of not more tJmn oM hundred deli·re and shall dlaqualif~ ~ho applA~nt or appll~an~ fr~m ftt~her ezemp~lou for · petard - 3- i~m~~ mm (i) Mouth 'TO'* ~ Bmmt liS.lO bet to m, it,; (J) 8mm~ ~t' ~06~0 leer tm land o~ N~d~mr; and betl~ at ,Mm.t. ttM. T07~. of l~old, Oounty ~ ~ff~t ~d ~ ~ ~ Y~k. ~- a ~t ~ ~ ~rly ~e of ~ ~n ~ at ~ ~t~rly co~r ~ the ~ ~e~ ~ ~ t~e southw~r~y ~ or ~ or fo~ ~ ~n. f:~ ~ ~ ~ n~, or fo~riy of Wtl~ ~th 24 ~' ~)' W~t a ~ of ~ll~O ~ a ~ and l~ Wl~ri. f~rly of ntn~ rusgttn~ t~ &ionli the ~a~rtherly ~ m' I~&kl BO&d, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSALS TO AMEND Z4~NINO~ ORDINANCE Pursuant ta Section 265 of the TO~ n ~w and Article IX of the Buildin, hearings will be held by ~l~c Sou~hold Town Board in the Office of ~he Suer- old, County of Suffolk, and Sta~e l'ormcrly of ~he Sta,e :,r N~:,x Ym[: i( OF SUFFOLK ~hc f,qloxxing rxw~ colll-e> ..iici di~, J)F NEW YORK I beginn/ng. York with the northerly linc of the 2. By changing fron~ "A" Residential Main Road said point of beginning :tnd Agricultural District to "B" Busi-ibeing located at, tile southeaS~rly ness District the followln~ descried {corner of t.he subjec% premiss ~nd old, Om ntv. of Suffo k and Stare. ~°f Chew: ~henee' along .~a d land of the Main Road at the southeasterly earner of tile premises herein de- Wilson. from ~aid point of 20" West a distance of 711.~0 feet along said land of Long Island Rail- ro~t. South 44 43' 50" West a dis- tance of 316.89 feet to land now or formerly o[ Wilsberg, formerly of .said land now or formerly of Wils- South 21' 56' 20" East 410.11 feet:' thence 2) South 21' 1T 20" East. a merit on the hart.herb- side of the! the net' ly side of the Main Road, Nor- 20' 10" East a distance of' ,dace of beginning. e.' .EL II -- BEGINNING at a ~!'~ int'on the northerly line of Main Road at the southwest corner of Penny and running thence South 4~° 51' 30" West along the northerly 60' 24' 30" East 246.40 feet; 2; nortlx 65~ 05' 00" East 171).03 feet to la~d of Graft; ll~ence aloha land of Graft. North 61 36' 50" East 98.42 feet to land o[ the State of New linc of land Gl the State of New l York, South 38' 0I' 10" Bast 310.49 beginning, torrid appe~-r at the time and Dlace ~ove specified. ATED: JANUARY 3, 1966 BY ORDER OF THE soUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLER~ C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND ER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- inted at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- ~.,~..~ - /'// each week for ....~,.~.....~.~;,,..o.,am/..... week~' iely, commencing on the .......... .z(...~.5. ....... .~* .... ' '.~.~d...*.'-.-..rt......, 19..~../ ....................... ..... Sworn to before me this ...... ,~.. ............. day o~ ..... / .......... / Commission fixo,res t~tarch 30. 19' ~' j~ ZONINO ORDINANCE ~t Town ~w ~d ~e ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ of the ~,New Yor~ ~d ~ .~ ~ld T~n port, N~ Y~k, the 2~h ~ ~ J~, 1967 old, ~fo~ ~ty, New Y~k. 1. By den~ ~ d~ ~rty: ~ ~ at ~t~,'~ ~e ~y, New York, ~ly ~ ~ de- ~ ~t a ~de~~ Ave~ · ~t ~ ~ ~e ~ 'h~n ~ (1) a ~t 21 deg. 17' 20" East 282.60 feet' to tile n. erly line of Main Road at ~ _ point or place of -ginning. PARCEL III - All that certain plot, pieee or parcel of land sit- ua~e, lying and being at Laurel, near M~tit.uck, iii the Town of Sou. thold, County of Suffolk and ,State of Ne,w York. bounded and ~ff~GINNYNCr at a point formed by the inter,section of the west- erly side o~ p~emi,$es of the ~tat. e of New Yor~ with the northerly line of the Main Road said point of beginnLng being located at the southtmsterly ~ ss: ~..~.~..c.?..: ~.,.-. .... being duly Sworn, ; Printer (md Publisher of the SUFFOLK ~ewspaper published (ri Greenport, in sold cornel' of the su,bject premises notic~, of which the annexed is ~ printed and from said point of begin- ning rum~ing tlxence along the ,:~.,..~ in the s~id Suffolk Weekly Times northerly hne of Main /toad, South 51: 58' 50" We.st 507.16 feet ~0£ ....... q~ .............. week~ to land of Chew: the e alon said land of Chew, North 37 aci~ O~ ~e ... 54' 20" ~st ~1.61 feet to land - of .Price; thence ~ong land of Price the following two courses and distances: 1) North 60: 24' 30" F-4~t 246.40 feet; 2~ north 65' 05' 00" East 170.03 feet to land of Gruff; thence along lanai of Oraff, North 61< 36' 50" Eaa~ 98.4~ feet t~ land of the SLate of New York; thence along t.he we,~ter]y line of ]and of the ~t~te of New York, South 38' 01' 10" E~st 310.49 feet to the norSheDly side o[ MmJn Road and the point or pla~e of begirming. ;,ny person desi, ring to be heard m the above proposed ]amend- ~u~n.t.s ,%hould appea~ at the time ~ place ~bove specified. Dt%TIDD: JANUAftY 3, 1966, BY OR, UflR OF THE SOUTHOLD ~WN BOAI%D ALI3E~T W. TOWN CLEI%K ltJ13 ,i 2/; m~,, ~urveto tl~e riser ~ a xadh~ cd' I~1~.86 feet a distm~ee of 3~.~ ~ ~r, N~ ~' ~' ~" We~ ,at ~ me p~ ~ ~;~961~ ~ ~e~ of l~d ~ ~d d~ p~ a ~nt sou~w~r~ ~r of ~o~ ~d W~t · dt~ ~ ~1130 ~t~ Long ~ ~; feet ~ ~ n~ ~ folly of WIM~rg, f~rly ~ J~ ,~ld ~ 418.11 f~t; ~ 2) ~ 21~ 17' 2~' ~ a ~ of ~.60 northerly ,side of the Main P~oad, 1 ....... NorLh 48' 20' 10" East a distance { mi the l;oLn,L or place o' begin- ~ng. PARCEL II - B~G~N[NG at] alcn~ the uortherly lh~e of Main Roa~d. 171.48 feet ~o the south- merly of the State o~ Ne~' York; formerly of the State of New York the following two eoura~s and distmnces: 1, North 37 deg. 57' 30" ~{}s% 172.0 feel; 2~ South ~2 deg. 24' ~" West 2~.16 feet ~ to la~d nmv or formerly '~ Olivio; thence Nor,th 21 deg. 0~' '~ 50" Wes~ along said lam5 now I' '~ or formerly of ,Ol~v~o 109.~ f~et to land now or formerly oi Wil- ltmm ~'~yehe; thence ~long ~id land of William Wyche ~he fol- l~w~g ~wo cour~ and dis- ta~ees: i~ i~ a general ea~'~erly · ~ - 87 deg. 25' East 152.1 · -J ~he~e northerly M~n,g ~nd now or formerly of William following ~wo courses ~nd t~nces: 1~ North 18 deg. 34' 20" West 228.0 feet; 2; North 26 4~' 20" W~% 277.04 f~% to land of %he ~ng' ~land Railroad; ~h~e alo~ said ~d of the 1) No~h ~ deg. 43' 50" E~% ~.36 f~t; 2) Sou~h 33 deg. 11'~ ~ 9.0 f~%; 3) North 44 deg.' ~3' 50" ~ 138 f~t ~o ~aad now' or formerly of ~rge L. Pen- or fo~erly of ~orge L. Pe~ ~e fol~g two courses ~ 20" E2,$% 407~ feet; 2) ~ oureumn.t to Sm~-~t.ion 265 of the Town Lm~ and Artial e XX the Bu~t. dtn~ Zone Ord~e of the ~ of S-outhold, Suffolk. !County, gev York, Board dm the public hear. tAgs w tll be heXd ~¥ 'the :: Om~mnport, ~I~ York, 1n m&Zd Town on the 24th day' o£ .,Tanuary, of s&td daf on the ~ol:Lowtng. proposals to amend .-the BuidAng Zone Ordinance (lncivdAn~ '.the iI Building ~ne Map) of the Town of Sou. thold, Suffolk Count~, '.! ~ ~ropert¥-. "A' ~e. midential .and Agricultural D~t~ict the foll.ow.~ dea~~d All that ~min plot, p.tec, e oz' parcel o£ land and be inq at lttttttuck, of .$~t~old, County o£ Su£fo]~, mad State of Mew York., boundmd and ~te-mcr.il~d ~ 'fox BiMiBiING at a concrete monument the. northwea'terl¥ corner o~-the premises herein doecr~d.~ running .thence alon~ . eetphalXa Avenue two courses, and distances: {i) South 7.0 '~ 00' East .116. lO feet to 36~ 23' 4'0" East 12'5.00 feet: t~ a mon~nt and Middle Road C.R. 27~ running thence southwesterly along Road C.R. 27 on a curve to-the r~ght havin9 a radAus o£ i799.8~ ~eet a dAmtance o~ 306.90 feet to land o.£ Kaiser; runn~n~ thence along amid land o£ Kalaez, Nort~ 67° .3d' west 205-.85 i~eet to a ~umont at the aouth~ea'terly Legal Jfot~L~ P~e -2- corner of the :premises hereLu dowc~~d~ rmm~,ng 'th~ Eorth 36* 47' 30~ I~'.~t 3S8.96. feet to the moum~ut-at-'---the po,nt or p~aee of begS.trig. . " "'" ' ~ 't.' 2 Dy Changing freu A Row%don~l~&l md Agr .eultural "Bus~ DLgt~%et the £ollc~kug doscr~.d propert~ .~1- those eerta~ plots, p:L~. or per. l. of laud wlm~J, lyLug .-and be~ at Mattltuek, bn o£ Southold, County of Suffolk and State of H~ YC~ko bounded Itt,_U~:uY- % - m~~ at 'a ~~-~t on the northerly e%de of the J~~ Road at the southeasterly eorner of the prenkoes here~n ~'Lbed and t~e sou~terly eorner of laud hoe or .'~-~l,y of W.~loon, frou sa%d po%nt of ~3~8en., Borth 24° 04' 20" West & dks~ of 711.70 .bt to a monument and land of Long ~ thence LLonq sa%d Land of Long blend South 44'~ 43' 50' ~est i d3~tanco of 316.89 feet ~ land no. or foruezly of w%l.aberg0 ~---~zly of J~_~ ~j and d]~~wt l) South 21° 56' 20" Bast 418.1% foet~ thence 2) South 2l° 17' 20" of :~$~t..60 bt to & monument on the northerly w%do of- the #Ltn toad~ runn~ thence a,l.o~m~l tho northerly w%do of ~ Jla.J.n Road. ilorth 48" 20' 2.0" Rawt fi d:Letance of 340.'/0 .feet to the eouunent at 'tho. point or place of Page -]- at a point, on the X~- of Ma. tn Road at the of or L. ~h~ $out~ 47''~ 51' 30" welt aXong of- )ia.~ Road, 1~1.48 foot-, to ~he of Xand noM or foraerly of 8ta~ of jam Yor~f -thence aXong aaXd s.ta. t4 of ~ York the x) $7" 3.0'" West X73.0 fee~ ~} Sou~ 72 dog. 24' 50" 240. X6 feet -.to Xand -nov OX:iv:Lo/ iJor~ 21 dog. 04' 50" WOet sm:kd Xand O~ formo~y of X09.60 feet to Xand now or foraerly of ~XX.XXom w~e~ aaXd Xand of w'tll:Lam foX'X Lug and d44~, *t) La a general X59. OS -feetf 2 ) lovt, h 87 dog. 25' ~a~'t 1S2. l feet; thenge '.no~therl_y a~ Xand no~ o~ ~ornorly of w.~X.:L~ lzunihtJ,.l & foXloe Lng ~o x) Jor , th X8 dog.. 34' 20." 228.0 bet; 2) llozt~ :16 deg. 41' 20" Wllt 277.04 feet ~ land of ~he LO~ XIXand taXX.~; &Long la:Ld land of tAe XIX~d RaXlraod-the three eournee and dAatm~cea, X) HorSt 44 deg. 't3' 50" feet~ 2) SOUt~ 33 dog. l X' BaSt 9.0 feet! SO" Bast X38 feet to Xand now or or. formerly of ~Leorge L. penny t~e foll~.~lng t2m and d,:La't, ance-a $ X) South 21 dog, 56' 20' But 40'7.24 feet1 2) sou- --2x deg. x?' 20- .East ~O2.&O feet to lXno of Rain Road at ~ po!nt or place of Leg&l llot.tc.e ~e -4-- and S U~ o.f New Y~rk, bounded nd .BttGXINXIf~ at a po.~nt £~-d by ~ .tnteraec~ton of.. beg.~uning being loeatmd at ~he sou~~erX¥ ~~~uar of ~he m~j~mc..t ~ and from said potnt of beg~nn.~ng cunning ~hence aXong ~he nort~erl:F l the of ~n Road, Sou~ S:L~' $8' --50' ~est 507. X6 feet to land of C~ew~ 401.6.T feet ~ land of Pr:Lc~~ .~enee LToug ].and 24' 30-" ILal.t 246.40 ~~ 2) no~ 6S '~ 05 * 00" Baat :L?O.. 03 feet land o~ Gra£.f~ ~~e along Xmnd of Oraf£, /o~ 50" Bast. 98.42 bt ~o :Land of t~e $'~~e of /ew of ilev York, Sou~ 38~'*'*~' 0l' :LO"' Balt 3X0.49 foot ~o the sA. dm of .MaZn Road and ~ poJ~nt or pX.m~m of dms~t~ ~o be heard em (s) wa~~duan.~ Southold Town Planmng Board SDUTHDLD. L. I., N. Y. PLANNIN~ BOARD MEMBERS John '~icl~ham, Chairman Alfred ~rebe December 22, 1966 PARCEL I - Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a special meeting held on December 20, 1966: In the matter of the petition of Ernest E. and Harold W. Wilsberg and Casbor, Inc., relative to a change of ~one f~om "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property siutated at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly side of the Main Road at the southeasterly corner of the premises herein described and the southwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Wilson, fmom said point of beginning running along said land now or formerly of Wilson, north 24° 04' 20" West a distance of 711.70 feet to a monument and land of Long Island Railroad; running thence along said land of Long Island Railroad, south 44° 43' 50" west a distance of 316.89 feet to land now or formerly of Wilsberg, for- merly of james Young; running thence along said land now~ formerly of Wilsberg, two courses and distances: 1) south 21° 56' 20" East 418.11 feet; thence 2) south 21° 17' 20" East a distance of 282.60 feet to a monument on the northerly side of Main Road, running thence along the northerly side of the Main Road, North 48° 20' 10" East a distance of 340.70 feet to a monument at the point or place of beginning. Southold Town Board page -2- PARCEL II - BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Main Road, at the southwest corner of land now or formerly of George L. Penny, and running thence south 47° 51' 30" West along the northerly line of Main Road 171.48 feet to the southeast corner of land now or formerly of the State of New York; thence along said land now or formerly of the State of New York the following two courses and distances: 1) north 37° 57' 30" West 172.0 feet; 2) south 72 deg. 24' 50" West 240.16 feet to land now or formerly of Olivio; thence North 21 deg. 04' 50" West along said land now or formerly of Olivio 109.60 feet to land now or formerly of William Wyche; thence along said land of William Wyche the following two courses and distances: 1) in a general easterly direction 159.06 feet; 2) south 87 deg. 25~ East 152.1 feet; thence northerly along land now or formerly of William Wyche, Brunshill & Hobson the following two courses and distances: 1) north 18 deg. 34' 20" west 228.0 feet; 2) north 26 deg. 41 20" West 277.04 feet to land of the Long Island Railroad; thence along said land of the Long Island Railroad the following three courses and distances: 1) north 44 deg. 43' 50" East 46.36 feet; 2) south 33 deg. 11' East 9.0 feet; ~) north 44 deg. 43' 50" East 138. feet to land now or formerly of George L. Penny; thence along said land now or formerly of George L. Penny the following two courses and distances: 1) south 21 deg. 56' 20" East 407.24 feet 2) south 21 deg 17' 20" East 282.60 feet to the northerly line of Main Road at the point or place of beginning. PARCEL III - BEGINNING at a point formed by the intersection of the westerly side of premises of the State of New York with the northerly line of the Main Road said point of beginning being located at the southeaseerly corner of the subject premises and from said point of beginning running thence along the nc~therly line of the Main Road, South 51° 58' 50" West 507.16 feet to land of Chew, thence along said land of Chew, North 37° 54' 20" West 401.61 feet to land of Price; thence along land of Price the following two courses and distances: 1) north 60° 24' 30" East 246.40 feet; 2) north 65° 05' 00" East 170.03 feet to land of Graff; thence along land of Graff, North 61° 36' 50" East 98.42 feet to land of the State of New York; thence along the westerly line of land of the State of New York, South 38° 01' 10" East 310.49 feet tothe northerly side of Main Road and the point or place of beginning. IT WAS RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board favorably recommends to the Southold Town Board the Change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described property. $outhold Town Board Page -3 The Planning Board feels this is a proper use for this land and a logical extension of the existing business zones the area. Respectfully submitted, Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /bd cc: Town Clerk ~DUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. November 30, 1966. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutehogue, L.I.eN.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Ernest E. and Harold W. Wilsberg and Casbar, Inc., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agriculur~DistNict to "B" Business District on certain property situ- ated on Main Road, Mattituck, New York, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AW~/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk RICHARD d. CRON MAIN ROAD ,,! ST:\TE OF NEW YORK TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF TIIE PETITION ERNEST E. HAROLD W. PETITION WILSBERG, WILSBERG and CASBOR, INC. FOR A C~{ANGE, MODIFIC.\TION OR ~\MENDMENT OF TIlE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- N_\NCE OF THE TO\VN OF SOUT~IOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE\V YORK. TO THE TO\VN BOARD OF TIlE TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD: ERNEST ~. ~nSB~RS, ~0~ W. ~. U~, ~k~R~. ~¢~. 9~.~9B~..J~9:.., ,'~di,~g ~t ...g~.~¢.~¢~gk .................... l insert tmme of petitioner) are Suffolk Couuty. New York, the uuders~gned. ~ the owue~o~ certain real property situated at ...... M..a.t.~:~_.t..lj.C..k ..................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: (See annexed schedule of description) Parcel I - Casbor, Inc. Parcels II and III - Ernest E. Wilsberg and Harold W. Wilsberg WE 2. X do hereby petition the Town Board of the Towu of Southold to change, modify and ameud the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New ¥.rk, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore nmde a part thereof, as follows: By amending the zoning restrictions of the above described parcels from "A" Res~tential and Agricultural District to "B" Business Disgrict pursuant to Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. 3. Such request is made for the folloxving reasons: See annexed statement. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) CASBOR, INC. ~rnest E. Wilsberg ~ Harold W. Wilsb~rg ~ FR_aaq'KLYH J. BORxN, ERlq'EST g. Ie/%L$.BF~RG..and..t:I&RO%iD..lq,..IRII,SBItRO BEING DULY SWORN, depose~ and sayJ that 'fihey are ' ~ the petitione~in the within action; that~te~ha~read the foregoing Petition and know~ .,. ~eir the contents thereof; that the same ~s true to ~ own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters~l:,elicve/ it to be true. Sworn to before the ' Ernest E.-Wi igberg ~9.~'~.N~av o f... ~_x.u~Nm.b. ~.r. ......... 19{5.6.. {_~:~....,,-.~ ~. ', "~aroiO W. WizsDerg SCHEDULE OF DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY situate, Suffolk ALL those certain plots~ pieces or parceIs of lying and being at Mattituck~ Town of SouthoId, and State of New York., bounded and described as Main Road at the scribed and the s Wilson, fro'm said tot formerly of W'~ feet to a monumen along said land o dis tance i merly of ! merly o~ a monument on the i a!ong the norther a distance of 340 beg~.nning. land County of fo 1 lows: PARCEL I BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly side of the southeasterly corner of the premises herein de- outhwesterly corner of land now or formerly of i point of beginning running along sa d land now lson~ North 24° 04' 20~' West a distance of 711.70 t and land of Long Is land Railroad; running thenc f Long Island Railroad, South 44° 9 feet to land now or formerly of of 316.8 James Young Wilsberg~ two 1) Sou 2) Sou running thence along said land now courses and distances: th 21° 56' 20" East 418~11 feet~ th 21° 17' 20'~ East a distance of northerly side of the Main Road; ly side of the Main · 70 feet to the 43' 50~ West a Wilsberg~ for- or for- thence 282.60 feet to running thence Road~ North 48° 20' 10'' East monument at the point or place of at the sou and running of Ma in Road · formerly o ! formerly o I distances- BEGINNI thwe s t thenc 171. f the f the NG at a oorner e South 48 feet State of State of !i fo ! lowing PARCEL II po int on the northerly of land now or formerly 47° 51' 30" West along to the southeast corner New York; thence along New York the following 1) North 37 deg. 57' 3 South 72 2) deg. 24' 5 'i or formerly of Olivio; thence Nor land now or formerly of Olivio 10 ~of William Wyche; thence along sa two courses and dis tanc 1) In a general easter 2) South 87 deg. 25' Ea =l°ng land now or formerly of Wil the follow I ing two courses and dis 1) North 18 deg. 34' 2 2) North 26 deg. 41' 2 sland Railroad; thence he following three courses !) North 44 deg. 43' 50'~ 2) South 33 deg. _l]' East 3) North 44 deg. 43' 50" f George Lo Penny; thence the Long ii Raj!road formerly o line of Main Road of George L. Penny the norther!y line of land now or said land now or two courses and 0" West 172.0 feet; 0" West 2.40.16 feet to land now th 21 deg 0/-+' .50" West: ~long 9.60 feet to land now or formerly id land of William Wyche the direction 159.06 feet~ 152.1 feet; thence northerly am Wyche, Brunshiil & Hobson nces: West 228.0 feet; West 277.04 feet to land said land of the Long es 0~ 0'~ along Island and distances: East 46.36 feet; 9.0 feet, East 138 feet to along said land land now or now or formerl of George L. Penny the 1) South 2 1 2) South 2 1 erly line of Ma in Road following two dego 56' 20** deg. 17' 20" at the point courses and distances: East 407.24 feet; East 282.60 feet to the or place of beginning. north- PARCEL III _ ALL that certain plot~ piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Laurel near Mattituck, in the To~m of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as fo llows: BEGINNING at a point formed by the intersection of the westerly side of premises of the State of New York'with the north- er!y line of the Main Road said point of beginning being located at the southeasterly corner of the subject premises and from said point of beginning running thence along the northerly line of Main Road, South 51° 58' 50'~ West 507.16 feet to land of Chew; thenc e a long to land of Price COI/~ses and distances: 1) North 60° 24' 30" East 2) North 65° 05' 00" East thence along land of Graff, North 6.1° land of the State of New York; thence land of the State of New York~ South to the northerly side beginning. said land of Chew~ North 37° 54' 20~' West 401.61 feet thence along land of Price the = ~ _ ~o!!ow~ng two 246.40 feet; 170.03 feet to land 36' 50'~ East 98.42 along the westerly line 38 ° 01' 10~' East 310.4.9 of Main Road and the point or place of of Graff; fee t to of feet Such request is made for the following reasons: Ail of Main Road except for Ma in Road described feet. If New York ing, that extensive contiguous effecting the aforementi (Route 25)~ Mat Parcel III whi by lands of the have a total ro one~ however~ c as not suitable is, residential one tit ch St ad OIlS for d and described paz~cels front on the uck, New York, and are contiguous~ ±s separated ~rom Parcel II on the ate o£ New York. The three parcels frontage on Main Road of 1,019o70 iders the lands owned by the State the uses restricted by present zon- or farming, then for all parcels herein described are one the Main Road for purposes of development purposes parcel a zon~.ng all three fronting on change. Since the t imity to other the area~ to wi She!l Gasoline Tuthill~ s Garag that a re-zonin natural and ord hree parcels described are business zoned areas~ and t: Frank Murphy' s Garden Service Station~ Mattituck e and g of erly 1oca ted in businesses close prox- conducted in Center~. Olsen Realty~ Mason and Supply Compan~ Bergen's Service Station, it would appeared the subject parcels would constitute a extension of the present business areas. It might also change in the cha p loyed with busin vicinity. Due to ma in highway, and nesses, it is mos a residential typ to which the parc quirements. be noted that there would be no substantial rac ter of the area~ since same is ess property wi th few residences the fact that the subject in close proximity t un likely that the e of development or eIs are restricted present ly em- in the immediat parcels are on a to presently opera ting busi- ! parceIs can be utilized for...i a farming operation~ uses . by the present zoning re- Ill submitted that the subject parcels are ideally suited poses of a business zoned area~, and a reclassification zone for that purpose is reasonable and in accord with comprehensive plan of the zoning ordinance~ light of all factors to be considered~ it is respectfully for put- of the the om I "--03 · . t > I F