HomeMy WebLinkAboutCove Beach Est. Amend #76 WHEREAS, o petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of $outhold by ......~e..~kl~..l~l~r,~M,...l~...l~-...~l~'~-.l~..,...~'°!'° requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ~1~..~1~.1~111111 ............... District to .~..~*....~.....~.~... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relatior~ to sold petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....... .~.~...'~.._..day of .......... ~.?..~'~ .................... , 19.....~?.,, and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~ik'rlD[ JnA~Z~ XTo ].967 ~ Al (~ff JXI;]~ItX 27, X~J67. AZLEII'Z #. ~XCnllOl~ ~Onll C~llmC STATE OF ~# YOBK~ COUNTY O~ ALBBR? W. RICHMOND, of Southold, ~own of Southold New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years ~ that on the 17_th day of January 19 67 Sworn to before me this 17th~ay of jan~Ua~ .].9 6 7 Nota~ ~1 ic ~,.~. he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public " place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, to wit~ Town Clerk ' s Bu 11 etin Board ~':i!~ ~ .... ~.~ ~ .-'-i~ .- ' Town of $outhold, ~uffolk County OF-ZOm~G O~.mNANCE ,, ,AM~X~MENT NO. afar a public h~ng held p~suan~ t~ ~~emen~ .of law,_th~ Bm~- ~ne ~d~ce (~ctumng me B~ Zone-~P), of t~ T~ /.~u~~ s~om co~t~, ~ew ~, ~ d~y' ~ended at a ~~ the'~uthold ~wn Board ~ld on J~~ 3, x~, ~ ~ouo~,, _ . s ~1 t~t ~in trot or ~~I o ~d ~tua~ ~ E~t Ma~on, of ~uthold, Suffolk ~unW, New y~ ~d more partic~lY ~und- ~ ~d d~~ ~ fo~.s' p~~ I ~ ~gi~ng at the ~uthw~lY ~er of the pre~nt "B" Zone a~oi~g l~d of ~tham ~d o~ers on t~ ~uth, and land of G~araes on the west, ~om .~d ~t of '~gi~ing ~nning ~ong s~d land of Guimar~S, N. 11° 26' W. 1~5.0 feet' t~n~ four co~s ~ follows: .... (1) N. ~8° 34' ~ · .... E. 38~.8~ feet'; then~ (2) S. 56° 26' E. 3~.0 f~t'; ~en~ (3) E. 1150 feet more or lesa ~ the southerly corner of the pre~nt "B" zone; thence (4) northwes~rly 35~ ~~~more or less; thence. ~ong said. '-~.~ of Latham and others S. ~4~, . 1T'?~" W.~~ feet more or le~ to "./t~. point of ~inning. . PARCEL II -- All ~ha~ ceftin' 't~ct or parcel of land situate, lying and being a.t East Marion, ~ the ToWn of Sou~hold, .in the C~ntY Suffolk and State of New York, ~unded on the no~h by land Cove Beach Estates, Inc., on the e~t by land of Fred Ta~r, on the south by land of Jo~ph ~ken, ' on the west by land of Cove Beach ~ . Es~tes. 2. By changing from "B" Businessi District to "M" Multiple ~sidence the fol~~g descried Property: · ~?~ A~ ~t c~tain trac~ or ~rcel of l~d sl~a~d in E.~t Ma~on, the ~Town of ~uthold, Suffolk ~C~ntY,. New York, and .m~e ~rti- c~arly ~unded and d~i~ ~: · ..-P~CEL I~Beginning at a ~int on ,.the ord~ry high wa~r 0f ~ng Island ~und at ~e north~ W~rly ~rner of the Pre~nt "B" · ~~ ~o~ing land of Guimaraes' from said ~int of ~inn~g run- .~ 'ni~ along e~rly said' high wa~r mark 650 feet more dr le~; thence two co~ses as follows' (1)S. 33~ 34' West ~ ~0 f~t more or le~; '~n~ (2) S. ~8° 34' W. 38~.8~ feet' : t~ace ~ong ~id land of Guimar~s N.'ll°' 26' W..~3~ feet more br le~s ~ the point of ~gin~ng. PARC~ II~gi~g at on the o~nary high wa~r mark of ~ng ~and ~und' 3~ feet north- wes~rly.,~°ng ~id high wa~r mark from ~int where ~id high water mark is in~cted by .~u~eas~rly ~e of the pre~nt "B" Zone; from ~-~id ~t of ~gin~ng ruling four co~s ~ follows:~(1) S. 34' W. 250 f~t more or less; thence (2) ..N. 56° R6' W. 350.0 f~t; thence (3) N. 11° 26' 'West 300.0 f~t' thence (4) N. 33° 34' E. 350 .f~t. more or le~ ~ ~d ordina~ high wa~r mark of ~ng Island' thence ~uth- ~rly ~ong ~id high wa~r mark ~ feet more or less to the ~in~ of '.~gi~ing. 3.'~ changing from "A" Residential and Agricuit~al District to "B" Busi- ne~ District fhe following de,rind pro~y: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of the Main Road, 145.82 feet westerly along said southerly line from "Dolphin Drive" said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of lot number 1,4, as shown on "Map of Southold Shores", filed in Suffolk County Clerk's Office, as Map .No. 3853; from said point of beginning run- ning along said lot 14, $. 1S° 15' 09" E. 55.11 feet; thence along a pro- posed canal as shown on said map two courses (1) S. 76° 45' 00" W.-- 40.0 feet; thence (2) S. 13° 15' 00" E. 700 feet; more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Pecordc Bay' thence 'westerly along said high water mark 250 feet more or less, to land of Sledjeski; thence along said land of Sledjeski, N. 13° 15' 00" W. --630 fee~, more or less, to said southerly line of Main Road; thence along said southerly line, (1) N. 69~ 0r, 20" E.--151.91 feet; thence (2') N'. 51° 3'I' 20" E. 154.01 feet to the point of beginning. ~A~-~r~..T~,nuarv 3. 19~'/ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ~ ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southoid, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... .~'~~~-~ .... [i~.~...~-. weeks/ successively, commencing on the .............. ..~.....~.. '~: ' day of ........ ~..~~.~ :, (~-J .... ,,,19...~';..~~' / / Sworn to before me this .......... '~'. ..... day of ...... ......... .... ...... ADELE PAYNB Notary Public, State of New Yoftl Residing in S~.~folk County No. 52-3SL';IO00 ~ Commission Expires triarch 30, 19!~ THE S~JFFOLK WEEELY TIME~0 GRF, EHI)ORTo H, Y, FILl]: .. II I I I Il I , II I I I I I I IIIII Il I I itilitli t I i I s i LEGAL N(YTI~ ALB]DRT %¥. I%~0ND, ~ !OH,, WI NOTIL~ OF AlV~ND~ ~~T N,O. ~/6 NOTiCe. is ~Y ,GZVE~, ~.at after a ~b~c h~r~g ~eld ~rs~t ~ the req~.~en~ ~w, the B~di~ Z~e ·Ordinance, (.i~~ the B~.l,di~ Zone ~p), of the T~ of ~ut. hol. d, S~fo~ Co~ty, N~ York, ~uly ~e~d~ at t~ m~~ .m~t- lng of .the ~u~ho~d T~'~d · -~~ on J~~ 3, 1967, ~ f~- lows :~ 1. By c~~ f~ "B" ~i- ~ n~ ~rict ~ "A" ~side~t~ ~ A~i.~tu~' ~tr~-t the fol- .l~~g de~r~bed pr~e.rty' ~1 t~t ~rt~ t~t or ~cel' ~n, T~n of ~~.old, ~ty, ~. York, .~d m.~e ~ly .~d~ ~ de-' ~~ ~ fg~s: ~A,~ I- ~~ at ~he . ~th~~~lY corner of .~e ,pre- ~ "B" ~e ~joi~ ~nd of ~u~., .~ ~.~ of ~u.~~s on .th~ w~t, from ~d ~int of ~ ~ ~g ~d ~d '-of .~a~, N. 11° 26' W. 1~.- 0 f~t; ~ f~ ~~ f~t ;- thence (2) S. ~o 26' E. 3~.0 f~t; t~~e (3) S. 11° 26' E. 11~ f~t ~~ or le~ ,~ southerly ~n~ of ~e print "B" ~e; ~~ (4) .w~rly ~ f~t more or 1~; ~.- ~ f~t m~e or ~ ~ ~t or ~el ~ ~ s.it~,' .ly~ ~ ~~ ~ ~t ~l~, in ~e ~ of ~~ol'd, in C~~Y of S~fo~ a~ S~ of New Y~k, :~~ on the ~ l~ of ~ve B~.h ~, ~c., ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ of ~~r, ~ ~e ~h by ~d of ~.~h ~~, a~ on west by 2. By c~ ~from "B" n~ D~ct ~ .... M" ~t~e ~n~ ~ fo~~g de~,ri~d pr~y: ~ ~t ~~ ~t or ~1 folk ~~, N~ York, m~e ~a~ic~ly ~u~~ and d~r~ ~ f~ll~s: Ser mark of L~ng I~land SoUnd at the ~orthwes~erly cc~ne,r of -.t~he. persen.,t "B" Zone adjoining ~ of ~~ra~s; from said po[ut of b.eg~ng runnir~g easterly s~d higl~w~ter mark 6.501 ~eet m~re or less, thence two. cau.r~s ,as foUo. ws (1) -S. 33°. 34' ~bst~.-400 feet .more .or less;{' {thence (2) S; 't8° 34' W. 38'~.8'~} feet; ~t~ence along said land of ~uinmres 'N. 11 o 26' W.-350 feet more..or less to the poi.n:t of be- p~l~~ .II - Beglnnir~g at a po'i~t on .the ordinary high w:a- ter .mark of I~ I. ~o~nd 300 feet .nc~wes~erly alor~ saki hig~h W~ster mark from ,point where said ~igh w~ter n~ark ~s' inter- cepted by s~easterly line of -the present "B" Zone, from said ~o~nt of .b~inni~g runnin~ four l courses ~ follows: - S. 33 ..... ~ ss' J ""/~ . ~. ./ -',.,. 'i' ~ ~_.-~.~ being duly Sworn, .... , .'-. -; . ~-.< , . .' ........ ~'-';.'. .... s~s that .. .~''~' ~ ., is Printer and Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a news~per pubUsh~ ~ Greenport. in said countw and ~at the noti~, of which the ,~ne~d is ~ print~ ~py. ,~s ~e'n published in the ~d Suffolk Week~ Times once in each week, ~r .......... ~'./~.~.;. .......... week~ suc~ssively commencing on ~e .";~.~.~.~-~-%*:-.%~,~:~; ....... day of ... -)~.~-~%~%.'%~ ,.. 19~.~~_ - .~. 'o ~.~e , ,~~o~~ ~ S~r'n ~ ~fore me this . ./..? ~A .... ~ wa.ter mark from ~point where said kfigh water n~a. rk is' inter- ce!pted by saul~b, eaaterly line of the present "B" Zone, from said ,point of hginnia, g rmmJ_qg four courses .a~ fallc~s: - S. 33° 34' ,W..250 feet more ar less; thence (2) N. 56° '2,6' W. 350.0 feet; thence (3) N. 11° 26' West 300.0 feet; ~the,r~ce (4) N. 33 ° 34' E. 350 .feet' ,rr~ore o~ l.e,~.~-~ to sa~l ordir~ary high w~,r mark of Long Island. S~an~; thence s~uSn.e~a',~e:rly alang said high v~ater ~m..~rk 700 fee,5 more or less to the point of ,begmni'~g. 3. By :c~i~a,ngir~g from "A" Res,i- ~Ser~tial ,and ~gricultural Dist.rict to "B" Busi~e.ss Dist~-i.ct t2ae fol- lowing des~r~be:d property: All th:a:~ certain p~,a'r~, piece or parcel .of ~a'.r~d situate, lying and ,being in Southo~d, in ~th, e Town of ~Sou~hol,d, sar.folk Caunty, New Y(~rk, an, d more partic,ulariy ,baur~ded and d~cr£bed.~ as fol- lows: [Beginning at ,a point on the southerly line of ~t~e Main Roa,d, 1~5.82 feet we.sterly along sai~i soathe, rly line .frc,m "Dc.liphin Drive" said poix~t of beginning being the northwesterly ,,corner of 1~5 r~mn, ber 14, as ,sk~own on '"Map .of S~u~hol~ Shores," fried in Suffolk 'C~)aaty Cqerk'.s Of- 'See a,~ .map No. 34~53; .from said point .of begixming_ rmming a~ong said lot 14, S. !3° .1:5' 00" E. 55.11 feet; t&ence along a 'p proposed (~anal as ,~hown on -~: said map ,taro couxses (1) S. 76 ° -r ~5' 00" W.-40..0 feet; ~tk4~e (2) S. 13° 1'5' 00" E. '/0O feet; more or less, to ~r 'dinary tngh w~Ser mark of Peco~c Bay; thence westerly .alang ,~aid high water mark 250 f.e~t ~e or less, ,to ~r~d of Sledjeski; tixence ,along said lar~d of Sle~kjeaki, N. 13° 1:5' 00" W.-63~ feet, .more .or less, to ,said southerly line of Main Ro~d; tlhence .along said south- erl, y line, (1) N. 69 ° ~)7' 20" E.- 151.91 feet; ,thence (2) N. 51° 37' ,20" ,E. 1~54.01 feet to the poir~t of beginning. DATED: J~x~ 3, 196.7, BY O~ OF ~ SOUTHOLD TO~ BOARD 26' le. (1) M. 78'" 34' (2) S. 56~* 26' i;. 300.0 feeL; thence (3) 1150 g~et more or 1~ ~ ~ ~rly 3S0 ~t ~ or Xemm~ ~M mX~ said l~d of ~~ S. 74'~ 17' 40" ~ .~ f~t ~ or less to o~ the eidt by land of~ Fre~ Tabor, on the sou~h by All ~t ~ tr~ or ~l Of 34' h~t. - 4~ f~t ~ ~ l~8y ~ (2) $. 79* M. ll 26' >;.-350 f~t ~ GE lesl ~ ~e ~t o~ ~ Xl - ~i~ at a ~k on wa~x ~ ~ of ~ lll~d S~ 300 f~k ~ ~s ~ ~oXl~a~ - (1) s. 33~ 34' ~ ;~. 2S0 f~t ~ ~ Xum; ~ (2) s. s6~ 26' ,,. 3So. 0 ~t; M (3) N. XX 26' w~ 3~.0 ~ ~M (4) Be~tnnl~ mt a ~int on ~e s~9~Xy Item o~ ~e 14S.02 f~ ~s~rly al~9 mml~ ~em~rl~ ~r O~ lot n~ 14, ~ ~n ~ said lot 14, ~. 13'~ 15' ~" ~. 55.11 ~m (Z) ~. 76~ 4S* ~ ~.~ 40.0 ~et~ ~M ~* E. 7~ ~r ~ or XemI, ~ mr~ o~ ~ hy~ ~ ~w~ly al~ mead ~r 250 bt ~e or ~e~. ~ ~d o~ SledJe~ ~em (2) S. 51 37' 20" E. 1~4.01 ~et ~ Southold Town Planning Board SI-IUTHOLD, L. I., N. ¥. PLANNINg= BOARD MEMBERS John ",Y/icl~harn, Chairman Henry Mo[sa Alfred Grebe Arch/bald Youn~ REPORT_ TO: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York February 4, 1965 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a special meeting held on February 3, 1965: In the matter of the resolution by the Southold Town Board to change from "B" Business District to "A" Agricultural and Residential District and to change from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence the following described property on Cove Beach Estates, East Marion, New York: PARCEL I ~ Change from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District. Beginning at the southwesterly corner of thepresent "B" Zone adjoining land of Latham and others on the South, and land of Guimaraes on the west, from said point of beginning running along said land of Guimaraes, N. 11° 26' W. 1095.0 feet; thence four courses as follows: (1) N. 78° 34' E.387.87 feet; thence (2) S. 56~ 26' E.-300.0 feet; thence (3) S. 11° 26' E.-l150 feet more or less to the southerly corner of the present "B" Zone, thence (4) north- westerly 350 feet more or less; thence along said land of Latham and others S. 74° 17' 40" W.-450 feet more or less to the point of beginning. PARCEL II - change from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District. All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded on the north by land of Cove Beach Estates, Inc., on the ~ast by land of Fred Tabor, onWe south by land of Joseph Boken, and ont he west by land of Cove Beach Estates, Inc. Report to: Souchold Town Board -2- PARCEL III - Change from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence. Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound at the northwesterly corner of the present "B" zone adjoining land of Guimaraes; from saidpoint of beginning running along easterly said h~gh water mark 650 feet more or less; thence two courses as follows: (1) S. 33° 34' W. 2400 feet more or less; thence (2) S. 78° 34' W.-387.87 feet; thence along said land of Guimaraes N. 11~ 26' W.-350 feet more or less to the point of beginning. PARCEL IV ~ Change f~om "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound 300 feet northwesterly along said highwater mark from point where said high water mark is intersected by southeasterly line of the present "B" Zone; from said point of beginning running four courses as follows: (1) S. 33° 34' Wo-250 feet more or less; thence (2) N. 56° 26' W.-350.0 feet; thence (3) N. 11° 26' W.-300.0 feet; thence (4) N. 33° 34' E.-350. feet more or less to said ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence southeasterly along said high water mark 700 feet more or less to the point of beginning. It was RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District and from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence on the above described property of Cove Beach Estates, East Marion, New York. The Planning Board held a lenghty discussion with the president of COv~ Beach Estates, Inc., and the SupervisOr was also present at this meeting to discuss the change of zone. This changeof zone meets the approval of all parties involved. Respectfully submitted, Jo~n Wickham, Chalrm~an Southold Town Planning Board /Dc ~-RK T~ SOUTHOLD, I. I., N. Y. January 20, 1965 Mr. John Wickham Chaimman, Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The resolution of the Southold Town Board for a change of zone on parcels in Cove Beach Estates, East Marion, New York, which was passed at a meeting held on Tuesday, January 19, 1965, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/ Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk -2- ~SU~~ ~ Or.~.~ of the ~ of Sou~do ~ffolk Camry, aeu -,...~...-) of ~: ~ of .a~Xd, auffo.l~ County, Mew the-~ of-So~~ld, suff~l~ cmmt¥-, tree ~, and m~r.e .~:teu',Zarly 0~5' 40.~ B.-63S. 81 ~~.-f ~ (3) 8. 49~ 34' 40' ac.-.~R. 98 foot, thence aXonv ~ of ~ ~ -catboAt. u.~ of, 28' ~ ~ K..23.67 feet ~nc~ (31) ~. 37" ~3' the pettt~ 30" ~.-7OO/B7 fee~.~. u fellovs-,~ (1) s. 7e' 40~ ~.'-~e5o55 feet~ of ~ HOuse Road, .ii'. $2° SS' 20~-' E...A67.30 P~.~ Boird, An Iff%divLt of publ.~t..Lon on h legal l~%mnn~ ~d JUt vas and ~~- '.%~%t.ur~ D.~:Let pr,~y 1c!4~~ ~ Cutch~, ~mun p%mmntng ~d. '" z wou:td %.Ake to ~tn~ out a few · it extends we are. are ~ .An~,' An alX .people.. eora ~ of aoue ~ .-f~ Ch As reason. ~ proper~y no res~.den-~s ar~ ~:~. meyer ~.. -o~~~n of sehoo! ~ .a. oado ,~e ,~ere also. aiked .~o ~dAea~.e ~..~ the c ue.~e F~ ~~. more or~r!M~ mea~s £or ~ ~re'~ ~e~. around The. cutabog'~e F~e E~u~~eot hc..i, li-t~e.- to ~ec~ the 'busine~ in~e~s~. -.,in Cuteboguo, and Me ~:e roa~ ~,d ~ m ~ pe-~e.la ifs primarily l~ ~u~ '~, ~ 'to ~be bua~ ]La C~~e. the ~t bua~a ,d~~~.t cad that Aa a .matt~r of ~, % hope not bou~ & f~ of ittorueFa. As % miAd, and ~ out -7- e ~t n~r of ~tem. not '~ neva~.tvo att%~, ~ own M~ ~ don*t have r~a could, be add~oo~ed ~ ~, appl~tA~ at the .m tame:. ) W~FL~--~M~ #-.~-'-KHAM, ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~Ake ~o ~j~ *to that. my' ~~tl ~ ~be east $%di. pm~oeX ~ At ~ ~. a~s bls remirk.e ~o ~ mpp.'t~t~ o£ ~r',In4 Lu (.~re vu no reepeuie, ) the. other (There ~la no m~. ) further ~MI~~-of boar~, · u ~e more ~eu (2) s. 49' 34' 4'0"" .~.-~2. '~ 709 28' 40' w'.-23. &7 land -~'terl~ t.~ of S~ HO~-M .RO~4.,I{o 52° 5-5' 20' %,-X67,39 £oe~ ~ ~ appear a.t ~ tM ~d place above apec~f~ was end and /eh~! Son, aated ~wuaher 23. 10640 map ~ -%%- At f~ of of the Bonrd. Z XJ,ke -to ~ on ~;%f of (refer -!.2 %1: w~o~ ~-~ Remen ca~Le olooeee.:., on. ~ proIbM~¥ %t · me~ ~e pert of of.- ~se Pur~ of ~t ~ ~ pze~ty ~ld b~ ~ a ..ree~.~t~X ezea, ~.t ! :the ~iAdzen from ~he adjoJ, n.tng pretty. AS f~r u ~ ~ ~e of thJ~ ~&~t~ ~ (~ w .no_ zes~. ) cB(ii, oppoltt~on to th. atte~ttmn Of tt~d, ~ the /t~ren. d John C. ~~r of ~ ~ Clthol~. C~~. ~n i fram Rea tdent ~~ .and Agr tcu l".t' ura. l ~A ~' boundary. 4,t,m-~~ o{ ~ 'v~;L.~o, Ve of ¢-us~bo~ue. Ho sound r~aon .Am pore~.t~Xy po~~4 out-., ~: pm~:l. Au -14- north that no~ ,pried. cu~u~~ could ~ attendlmt ~t ~e chan~e of ~n~u~ o£ tho of ~riffin~ ~%d '..be.. den~ in al.l 'lmm:tins ~%q~%ew %n ~ 'vIl.l.&ge o£ C'utch~, ~ w~,'..i furor from an app,t.~~~ of · ~3. A furf~em' reason the Vl-llla~e of Cut~, q 'FOr aX%.-of ~ .foreqo:~ reasonm, and ~ .~~t Lrreim~~e have addAttmmt r.emarka that % ~-ld l~e to make. % wou%d 'M,e some X ~.~ .we m putt~ %f we aXlou e~eh a ~opmont ~, fur'~r ueov..an~ you can. Xoe~ at where ~~ng areas have made That ~ty does not bound ~y o~ buw~ ~ ~y. 'mint ~ to mt~p. any ~ e%~ from ~~.'.~.er appeal~ a~ ~.00 ~t ar.u. %'~ ~~ld be a map o£ p~q -%7- property plan ~ can ,An~ eXoe v~ ~ ~ hoard oppoe.~%.on to ~d q .that Me m p~oud o~ 'we ~ the v~%~e ~ .and of ~ Mid 'the people m proud ch~d e~t. be .~.%~n. ~o ~ V~J.X~ Green. way ~-the otb' er o C'u~ue. A. Ake h~. and .-1 dOll*t foal and built a ~Lent poet of'f~.~e ~o a l-.et~or a ~e have e~ c ut~ ~.r~u a fLrot c~~. Poet offt~l.. 250, GO0 '~e dA.~-.~ buJAd A c~~.An m~ on ~t ~t of.- cu:~~que. vo~ ~ opm, a ~~f, .~. Lu ~t ~itLon, tn my to aec Reverend Sr~, and ~ ~ed h..bu of' ~r for People. ~hA~ man and ~ante. to And ~ lu i ~n C-u.t~. Am~le or' ~eo ~~ My ~s ',.~e ~ ~. x ovn an ~Wd~ ~. of Chain ave' Of ~.,fm. Lmt'a e]cpe~d, a poet. off~. ~ probLea of Cutehogue nov C~hou~e hu M'e .~ot ~he land, an..d no .~ 1~ C'ut~ any .more X ~ld IL J Is ~ say that.. X%v~n~ %n Cu'tebogue we.~ ~e preq~:jo£ ~~ th~J bu.$.Lnmas, area. 30 acre.o, and we m aak~ ~ $ acm. ~y have no r~ argument, Baxter Z admAt ~t we wzre of.' ~. ~itc~ that 30 ae~ ~re %aveXve.'.~. ~h.en ye found .that ~ ve~ v~, we w~ut to ~ .~d .every person ~t -the remarks of fir. ~-ter one e..t~e w~ ~.~ be Those. him. '..~.~.'¥ tel! ~ if 40-5~0 nmmm that, th~,. he %0. a l~. I could ~ov..~ I ~ld l.J~~ to po~t axe v tl,%mim bum~w sul~ .is.-. a. v11 don*t ~ to 'be jol~ J~-OX. men ~'t mB-em ~ h%msel£. pXoto ~t ~~n~. ~ ~a~Aml~ hal vid no re-'.~. ) .x v~.l ~ the. ~~ at ~Le ~ we w~% no pr~Mme4 ~ of ~~d, suffo~ Couua¥, Ivy-~, and ']J' ~~ idjoLuLnv ~u~ of La~ and. o~s on ~ SeU~o, an~ %~d 7...-8' 34' Bt. of 74° .%7' 40~ ~.-4$0 ~ moat or "~lJtL zZ - and 8t4tt4 of Stlfjb~, 56 * 26' · ot, lt~, Xuc. or lesl ".~o s&:td ].and of ~lc.'t or Pirc/A. Of Xand /~ttute, the ~ of $~%d. J,n the County boun~ on the ~th ~ .hndof~ cove tn Stuffoj,k county, moro o.f ~ ~me &djo~nLu~ at & poAnt ~ h said 'h%.~ ~u'~r .mark 65-0 (.1L) a. 33.0 -400. £oet more ¢3) S. 7a ° J4' W.-.MJT.8'7 ~t ~~ a,:tOU~ ca:rd ~and of feet more e. SG' 26' ~*.-3.50..0 feet~ then~ .(3) (4) a.. 33.0 ~' ~.-3$0 feet 24, 19~4. (l~.'al do-set lption ~-s ~..~ ~a~). Ltl "~e..~pectfullM subletS., /"/ ~ohn ~~., Ch/J3/in, ilou~d w~s 'to s~ ~ ~r of thJ. s ..appl~tAon? Z a~ ~e pree~Mt. C e~e ~ lr, a-~~a. (There ~ ~ roo~,. ) who. v~~. ~, (~,,aze was no ~a~. ) (T.,~ ~ no zeaponoe. ) ..and A~.r~ltu~&l u~i~~ct the fo,tl~~ dmmr~bed ~y~ the ~ of ,$ou~ld, su£folk Com~ty, iek ~, end Mmndod* land of Mom~ Po~t PreOert~s, ~., on ~r LS, 1964~ zu~X c~p., -~nd ~~ ~ aAong" on/d-.:tiM= of ~~ Road., ~2' ~- eIX~ .MAd &and .of Mutiny0 $o~~ 21° 04' .~0~ ~t, '...$13.03 feet. to (:t) ~ .9.* $9' 10' wee.~t, 268..88 f~-t ~ an Lron ptpe~ ~ (2~. South set on the ~rly l. lne Of ,Old I On MOVEalIbOr 24, 3.964~ "'~n ~ mater of the ~AtLon o£ john J~ a~ for a ~ of peztAcu.:lar%y ]=~un. dod &..nd dl'scz~d is ,not r~:d &gaLa. ) 'Board th e ~- of moue ~ "A -~ R'~A~~Xal and A~z~u%-tufa! ~:tstr-~t ~ ~'"~.~ ~~ D~JJtZ.~t Oa the property of j~ H-. .~ ?o~n of $~l~ I ,fram .OLd a fro~~ ~ 717.2.0 M't. of ~ and ar'. ,~1~ vho ate the ~.'-tttl~r8 here'.~ a:~re t~eoentl¥ ~d ton. &%~h ~e are sure.- Cent. TaX Su£fo~ -33- ~o ~e approve the tO blt o~r~lr of of ~e. X ~~ ~e Soard fo~d that. ~ ~ea ~Lo ~e ~rty. ham ~e par~eA :..here ~: ~n. ~e rap~.X¥ beoem~ ~e ~ a ~ a'tatAon ow one office LUlpO~t need, PA'~'- ' a ~eon Lua any you ~~uld r~. of' not be elose ~ ~ fX~end8 and nel~., z o~ron~l~ remmmund the apprmX o.~. ~LB ~~. eA~ vLah ~ be ha~Td An .£~ of ~~.a wes no z~~e. ) to. -the ~urm~- The e~ ~aue 'or~~t~ of a up quAte a heard (There ~.~ r.eo.~e..) C~ul.d a · .nu~.~ln~ hene -he ..b~,ttt ~ ~ ~rty lbs .p~t On that ~r~y. ~ t~i. chan~e of 'sene. not here can ~ the ~rchime~ of ~ ~ty-.that it will t~ a nuz~%n~ 'home. have no ot~er ~~ £o~: ~ propert, y. ~ an 4J~e that ~ ~t].~ ~ to put up a nur.'s~ ~ ch.L..nk the { awh.tle. ~~ ~ thLl f. teX~. ~.e ~ mu-' .porv~ed by tAe .S~ of for Mlltt-t. tmak ~tll zmtve; f/v~~ ~0ult~attoa.. -Th.La, to riot. a que.e~ of ~e men'. Md'. ~f ~z. ~l-.ty are 4oa1~ w:t.~ :land 'here. -37- ].amd ..area do w%'~ t.h~ :Land. a ~o"-~- hame .~t Mll.l:d ~t%~ ~ ~is is a utee tram., % .~l..&'t ~lnt to ~ it ~lc~e .~.~~ a ~d%~m by--~ aour~ of ~m. ~ am ~uee~e~d Ln ~ar,~ to ~he sa.~y' of ~he peop%e ~~ tA~e ~.;Ld ~e .be m ~.-.-Lr-e ~drma~ ~here ~d ~ ,eo~.Ld -are no wurm~ ~nd a ~~ pXaee. ~~0 %oeat,ton ~ atfMt de~Lr~%e. belt %oea~Lon for a n~ home. If ~ don,~ ~t ~ nuro..~.' homo, Z ~'t ~mnt -.to oee oeue mad ~ ~le-~ .for m~A~/' ~ -'~-~~. a~l~-~ ~,tA~ ~ 'th~ ~ ~d for nura.~' .home .l-~ vould same ~Ao dk~Itl c~a~~te ~m ~ m'e X~ve a mlA e of' ~ ~aee. lJJou~d :be Chev vould o~- e.t~ht hle ~ taken quAt~ ~I and X ~~ she fane 'e~tf~te ~d on van'no relpeuoe. ) I (Ttmre wao .no rJspon~.. ) m ~~ar~t of Social Welfare ~lll forward copiea of ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ P~ for d~~lbu~~ ~ ~ ~ by ~ (1) Divi~l~ of ~v~cn~eatal ~ealth 3ervioee--for water amd ~ewage, geaeral ~anitatic~, food ~ervioe, radiologlcal c~trol, a~ (2) Dlrioic~ of Chr~lc DLooaoe Services--all data ar~ pl~ (k) Divi~iem of Lat~a~to~t. oe and Reeear,:,m--inforuat.:Lo,~ end jd.ano oover't.n~ ,~'La~rxoet, ic laborat, eri. eo,. All r~e~~~ for G~n4e~ to ~et t~e requlr~eata eg ~ ~e~tt~~ Cede a~ t~e ~vblio ~aA~b LaM aJ~ t,o be for'~ar6ed t,o the 9tv~~m eg · ~~ltal ~evie~ ae~d F~ for aaae~linA and ~raaal%tal b ~ 8ta~lJ 1)0~% of SociaL1 Welfare amd ,the ~ard eg ~~AI ~Xf~ ~ f~ t~ ~tl~ of the ~~, r~Xee a~d byla~ b fa~LIAW. LAh~l~, th~ D~_vl~icm ~ trim,t% c c~~cat~m which amd are e~ by ~ bt.]~ ~ ,~:~_---_--_ib~lit~ aa ~ ~e~ a~ with b $1~al~ k~rd of ~ial Wolf&rm smd tdmmm ~parm%, ~ :,-_ ..... ~-~Amner of the ~ Ym-k City i~pnrtmm% ef I~q~kt~X~ rill al~. be ;_.., ~__~le for ~'~e tary n~s Ln~ hcnm~. o NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSALS TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Office of the Sup- ervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New, York, in said town on the 14th day of January, 1965, at 7:30 P. M., on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building ,Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Busi- ness District, the following described property: Ali that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Griffing Street 294.93 feet northwesterly along said northeasterly line from the Main Road; said point of beginning being the westerly corner of land of Schneider; from said point of be- gining running along said north- easterly line of Griffing Street, Three courses as follows: (1) N. 39° 09' 20" W. --4.56 feet; thence (2) 49° 34' 40" W. 122.50 feet; thence (3) N. 38° 05' 40" W.---554.91 feet; thence northeasterly on a curve to the right having a radius of 24.56 feet a distance of 39.01 feet to the southea~erly line of School House Road; thence along said southeast- erly line, N. 52° 55' 20" E. 144.10 feet to land of Wickham, thence along said land of Wickham, two courses as follows: (1) S. 37° 04' 40" E..2i9.84 feet; thence (2) S. 36° 53' 20" E. 306.04 feet; thence along said land of Wickham and along land of Case, S. 37° 20' 20" E. 140.56 feet; thence along land of Wolf, S. 37° 34' 20" E. 35.20 feet; thence along said land of Schneider, S. 51° 55' 40" W. 131.92 feet to the point of beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Busi- ness District the following described property: Ail that. certain .tract ~r parcel of land situated at Cutchogue, in the Town-. of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more par- ticularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northwesterly .line of School House Road with the southwesterly .... line of'Griffing Street and running along said southwesterly line of Griffing Street, two courses as fol- lows: (1) S. 38° 05' 40" E. 635.81 feet; thence (2) S. 49° 34' 40" E.. 122.93 feet; thence along land of the land of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre three courses and distances as follows: (1) S. 70° --.. 28' 40" W. 23.67 feet; thence (2) S. 39° 51' 40" W. 185.55 feet; thence (3) N. 37° 13' 30" W. 790.57 feet; thence along other ,land of the petitioners herein on the direct ex- tension southwesterly of said north- westerly line of School House Road, N. 52° 55' 20" E. 167.39 feet to the t~.point of beginning. ,By changing from "B" Business 'A" Residential and Agricultural District the following described prop- erty: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in East Marion, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bound- ed and described as follows: PARCEL I -- Beginning at the southwesterly corner of the present "B" Zone adjoining land of Latham and others on the South, and land of Guimaraes on the west, from sai~ point of beginning running alon~ said land of Guimaraes, N. 11° 26' 1095.0 feet; thence four courses as follows: (1) N. 78° 34' E.--387.87 feet; thence (2) S. 56° 26' E. 300.0 feet; thence (3) S. 11° 26' E. 1150 feet more or less to the southerly corner of the present "B" Zone; thence (4) northwesterly 350 feet mo~:e or less' thence along said land~ of Latham and others S. 74° 1' 40" W.--450 feet more or less to the point of beginning. / PAI b II -- All that certain tract o, parcel of land situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the,[: $~FO[_K Town of Southold, in the County of t ss' Suffolk, and State of New York, N~ ¥~K bounded on the north by land of Cove Beach Estates, Inc., on the east by land of Fred Tabor, on the south by land of .Joseph Boken, and on the west by land of Cove Beach. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says Estates, Inc. is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND 4. By changing from "B" Business District to "1~" Multiple Residence the _ MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- following described .property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of ed at Southold, Jn Suffolk County; and that land situated in East Marion, in the~ which the annexed is a printed copy, has been Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularlyI scid Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- ~bounded and described as follow~' on the ordinary high water mark of ach week for ........... wee Long Island Sound at the north- /~/~~._. westerly corner of the present "B", commencing on the ........... ,~ ........... zone adjoining land of Guimarae~ from said point of beginning run-~ ning along easterly said high water ! '~-"*~~ ......... '//~ Y":;:,'"'~.~ mark 650 feet more or less; thence II two courses as follows: (1) S. 33° /-'///'I,~"'~. 34' W.--400 feet more or less; thenc~ (2) S. 78° 34' W.--387.87 feet; thence ............................................. '~/ .................... along said land of Guimaraes N. 11° 26' W.--350 feet more or less to the point of beginning. PARCEL II--Beginning at a point ~ ~ . on the ordinary high water mark of ior Long Island Sound 300 feet north- westerly along said high w~ter mark from point where said high water ...~. ~..~~ ....... ~ ]9.~...~.~ 'mark is intersected by southeasterly! line of the present "B" Zone; from said point 'of beginning running four courses as follows' (1) S. 33° 34' W.--250 feet more or less; thence (2) N. 56° 26' W.--350.0 feet- thence ... (3) N. 11° 26' W. 300.0 feet; thence (4) N. 33° 34' E.--350 feet more or less to said ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence southeasterly along said high water mark 700 feet more or less to the ~ point of beginnin .~,,,~ ,. 5. ]3-y chhrigh~g-from "C" Industrial District to "A" Residential and Agri- cultural District the following describ- ed property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Bayvie~: in South- old, in the Town of Southold, Suf- folk County, New York, and bound.- ed and described ag follows' j Beginning at a point on the~ northerly line of North Bayview! Road at the southwesterly corner of land formerly of J. B. Coleman; and running westerly along said north- erly line of North Bayview Road 420 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of North Road to Bayview.; thence northerly along said easterly line of North Road to Bayview 122 feet more or less to land now or formerly of Meadow POint Proper- ties, Inc.; thence northerly along said land of Meadow Point Proper-. ties, Inc., 1200 feet, more or less; . thence easterly through land of ' Reese 450 feet, more or less, to land! the proposed amendments should ap- Pear at the time and place above specified. 'DATED- December 22, 1964 BY ORDER OF TIlE SOUTItoLD TOWN BOA~.r~ formerly of Coleman' thence south- erly along said land formerly of Coleman, 1200 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Contain- ing about 12 acres. ~ 6. By changing from "A"/~gricultural anal Residential District to "B" Busi- ness District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows:- Beginning at a concrete monu- ment set on the southerly line of Main Road, at the northeasterly corner of land of Long Island Ice and Fuel Corp., and running thence along said line of Main Road, 52° 02' 10" East, 717.20 feet to a con- crete monument and land of Frank Murphy; thence along said land of Murphy, South 21° 04' 50" East, 513.03 feet to a concrete monument set on the northerly line of Old Main Road; thence along said line of Old Main Road, two courses as follows: (1) South 56° 57' 20" West, 28.88 feet; thence (2) South 84° 42' 10" West, 288.26 feet to an iron pipe and land of Frank Nawrocki, thence along said land of Nawrocki, three courses as follows: (1) North 9° 59' 10" West, 268.88 feet to an ',~.~~-~; thence (2) South 52° 13' t~oad, thence along sai~l l~n'e-o~~ld Main Road South 88° 34' 50,' West, 246.14 feet to a concrete monument and said land of Long Island Ice and Fuel Corp., thence along said land North 23° 00' 50" West, 108.53 feet to the point of beginning, con- taining 4.269 acres. Any Person desiring to be heard on Notary Publlc / ADELE PAYN£ Notary Public, State of New Yor~ Residing in Suffolk County ~;o. 52-:J341000 Commission Expires M~rch 30, ~ .{3) ~- Southold Town Planning Board c;OUTHE)LD, L. I,, N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John %V/ict~harn, Chairman REPORT TO: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York December 7, 1964 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held November 24, 1964: In the matter of the resolution by the Southold Town Board to change from "B" Business District to "A" Agricultural and Residential District and to change from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence the following described property on Cove Beach Estates, East Marion, New York: PARCEL I - Change from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District. Beginning at the southwesterly corner of the present "B' Zone adjoining land of Latham and others on the South, and land of Guimaraes on the west, from said point of beginning running along said land of Guimaraes, N. 11° 26' W. 1095.0 feet; thence four courses as follows: (1) N. 78° 34' E.-387.87 feet; thence (2) S. 56° 26' E.-300.0 feet; thence (3) S. 11° 26' E.-l150 feet more or less to the southerly corner of the present "B" Zone; thence (4) north- westerly 350 feet more or less; thence along said land of Latham and others S. 74° 17' 40" W.-450 feet more or less to the point of beginning. PARCEL II - Change from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agri cultual District. Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, and state of New York, bounded on the north by landof Cove Beach Estates, Inc., on the east by landor Fred Tabor, on the south by land of Joseph Boken, and on the west by land of Cove Beach Esaates, ~nc. Report to: Southold Town Board PARCEL III - Change from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence. Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound at the northwesterly corner of the present "B" Zone adjoining land of Guimaraes; from said point of beginning running along easterly said high water mark 650 feet more or less; thence two courses as follows: (1) S. 33° 34' W.-400 feet more or less; thence (2) S- 78° 34' W.-387.87 feet; thence along said land of Guimaraes N. 11° 26' W.-350 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Parcel IV - Change from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence Beginning at a point on ~e ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound 300 feet northwesterly along said high water mark from point where said high water mark is intersected by southeasterly line of the present "B" Zone; from said point of beginning running four courses as follows: (1) S. 33° 34' W.-250 feet more or less; thence (2) N- 56° 26' W.-350.0 feet; thence (3) N. 11° 26' W. 300.0 feet; thence (4) N. 33° 34' E.-350 feet more or less to sai.d ordinary high water mark of Long Is~nd Sound; thenee southeasterly.,along said high water mark 700 feet mol~or less to the point of beginning. ~t was RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "B" Business District to "A" Residential and Agricultural District and from "B" Business District to "M" Multiple Residence on the above described property of Cove Beach Estates, East Marion, New York. The Planning Board held a lenghty discussion with the president of Cove Beach Estates, Inc., and the Supervisor was also present at this meeting to discuss the change of zone. This change of zone meets the approval of all parties involved. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /Dc OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON FRONT STREET AT MAIN (! Cove Beach Estates, Inc. EAST MARION. L. I., hi. Y. HAROLD E. RUSSEL 6'7 GOODWIN AVE. STATEN ISLAND 14. N. Y. Southold Town Planning Board Southold, L.I. ,J~.Y, Port Washington, Long Island November 4, 1964 Dear I,~r. Wickham: As requested, we have forwarded to Surveyor Otto W. ~n Tuyl for fmrther h~ndling, a new Map of T~nd of our property in East Marion, drawn up to conform with verbal agree- ments reached on rezon~nE, at our meeting on October 15, at which meeting Mr. Van Tuyl also was present. The changes made in zo~E - in comparison to previous Map of Land submitted on August 9, 1957, ~n~ on file in the Town Clerk's Office in Southold - are as follows: Parcel I L.I.Sound area, to change from "B" to -("A" Residential ("M" ~,Jtiple Residence ("B" Basiness subdivided and measured-off and placed as shown on the new Map of Land, t~ ~rovide for the Parcel I-A Pony Golf Course, on South/~est side of Bluff Read. Parcel I-M(1) Motel Bldgs., on East Section of Bluff. (2) Motel Bldgs., on West Section of Bluff. Parcel I-B(1) Restaurant, on Central Section of Bluff. (2) ~m~-~stration Bldg., o~ West Ead of Entrance Read. (3) Beach House, at Foot of Entrance Road. Note: above Parcel I includes ample off-street parking areas. Parcel II Interior area, to change from "B" to "A" Residential. Parcel III - Road area (on State Highway 25) to rem~Lu "B" Business. We have been given to understand that new classifications in zoning were established since these parcels of our property were originally zoned "B" for Business on September 11, 1957. As a result of this, the Town Board of the Town of Southold has requested the Southold Town Plann~ Board to review these zoned parcels and recommend changes to have them placed in their new "Z~m~r~ District~ to comply with the revised Town of Southold Build,nE Zone Ordinance as amended April 28, 1958. It was pointed out that these changes will in no way affect our original plans for developing these parcels for a Resort Motel Operation with its attendant facilities. The measurements and placement of the new Zoning Districts were taken from our projected plains for ~eveloping this 35 acre section of our property, as depicted on the Scale Model of the Resort Motel Site, which was shown to the Southold Town Planning Hoard for the specific purpose of establish~ an equitable subdivision for the operations o~$1 ~ned. 2 to Sou~hold Town Plann~nE Board from Cove Beach Estates, Inc. By copy of this letter to Supervisor of Southold Township, ~r. Lester ~lbertson, So also was at the meeting to help m~e decisions, I personally want to thank the Supervisor and the Planning ~oard F~mbers for the amiable way in which this zonin~ problem was settle~to the satisfaction of all concerned. Very truly yours, Cove~tBeach Estates, Inc. Otto Uhl, Jr. - Pres. In case of reply, direct s~m~ to ~ter at: 9 Derby P~ad Port Wasbt-_~ton, L.I.,N.Y. cc Southold Town Supervisor, Lester M. Albertsen. cc Surveyor, Otto W. Van T~yl. - Please tu_~n enolosed ~ap of Land over to the Southold Town Planning B~ard, after it has served your purpose o FIFFII ERK SOLITHOLD, L. I., N. Y. October 5, 1964 Mr. John wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I., N.Y. Dear Mr. wickham; Enclosed herewith is a copy of a resolution passed by the Southold Town Board at a meeting held on the 29th of September,19&4. You are instructed to prepare an official report thereon pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. AWa/ Very truly y~our~s~ Albert W. Richmond TOWn clerk At a Meeting of the Town Board of the of · ' ....... ~"~' 0 1964, at the Town of Southold0 held Supervisor's office° 16 on the South Street, Greenport~ New York. WHEREAS, this Board deems it in the public interest and in the pro- motion of the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the Town of $outhold that certain Suffolk County, New from "B" Business NOW, dinance of the a part thereof, premises at East Marion, in the Town of Southold0 York. hereinafter more fully described, be rezoned District, to "A" Residential and Agricultural District THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Building Zone Or- Town of Southold0 including the Building Zone Map forming be amended by the Town Board on its own motion by changing from "B", Business District, to "A" the following described premises: Residential and Agricultural District, ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land · ituate, ly£n~ and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, generally bounded and described a~ follows: PARCEL 1; Bounded on the north side of t, ong Island Sound; on the east by land of Cove Beach Estate~, Inc.; on the south by the several lands of Spencer Terry and Irving Latham; on the west by land of Arlin lie Guimaraes; PARCEL 2; Bounded on the north by land of Cove Beach Estates, Inc.; on the east by land of Fred Tabor; on the south by' land of Joseph Boken; on the west by' land of Cove Beach Estates, Inc.; PARCEL 3; Bounded on the north by land of Cove Beach Estates, Inc.; on the east by land of Joseph Boken; on the south by State Highway #25; on the west by land of William Boken. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to Article IX, Section 901 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold0 the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution together with their recommendations. 'i lng said Planning Board to prepare an official report concerning the same, to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold with a written request instruct- Siirl'i.T&illl. ?IMIELITIIIf &ND LI~fDIEIO &TTO, IJe~Y~ ~,wD c.ouJeslLom'm A.T LAW September 11, 1964 Hon. l.~ster M. Alb~rtson lhp~rvisor, Town of So~thold 16 !~:~th Street Greenport, New York l)ear Sir In accordance with your request, I have prepared resolutJt~ns for the re- zoning of property at East Marion from "B", Business, to "A", Resident/mi ~nd Agricultursl, end property at Bayview from "C". Industrial, to "A", Residential ~nd Agrtculturel. which the Town Board will change on its own motion. An original snd two copies cfi' e&ch resolution are enclosed here- with and shollld be considered by the Town Board at /ts ne)ct meeting. It would seem to me thet t~e owners o! the properties involved should be given notice of the public hearir~ on the,e m~tterSo I do no! know the names or addre,ees of the owners. Before proceeding to the public hearln~ and preferebly before the Plmaning Board considers the~e matters, I believe that the property owners involved should be apprised of the action by the Town Board In order that .they may appear before both Boards, ROBERT RWT:JM ~t / ; 1 ',,,, WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold b~ ....... JJJ~i~...~.~. ................................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang lng from ....~.A.~..A!I~..~.~..~.¢....~.....I~....~.t District to ...~B.~...J~.:i~.? ............. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, o public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....~).'~. ...... day of ....... J[i~.~#ll,blJ~ ..................... , 19..~.6.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is grent.~, COU]iTY OF SUFFOLKs ALBBRT #. ltZ~, of Southold, Town Southold New York, berg duly ~rn, mayo that he ~s over tho age of yearo~ that on the Jan, uary he &£££xed a notice of which the ann~ printed notice ia & place in ~e TOwn of Southold, Suffolk County, ~o wits Sworn to before ne this ...... ~_~_hdmy of Town Clerk°s Bulletin Board Town Clerk Office, ~uthold, AIVlIENiXM~T N'O. 76 AI~BRT TOWN ~ ss: NO~iC~ IS ~y GI~, ~l~t ~ter a ~t~blic h.ear~g ~el.d purser ~ the req~vemen~ l~w, ~e B~ing Zon, e Ordnance, (i~I~ the ~.l, di~ Zone '~p), of ~he T~ of ~mol. d, S~f~o~ ~~ty, New York, ~ly ame~d~ at t~ re~~ meet- i~ of ,the ~Utho~d-T~n ~. ~ on J~~~ 3, 1967, ~ fol-' lows- 1. By ~~ f~ "B" · 'n~ ~ict ~-"A" ~ A~i~tur~ ~tr~t the ,~~g ,d~b~ pr~,rty' ~ t~t cer~ trot or ~cel ~~ty, ~~ York, and more ~~~rly ,~nd~ ~d de~ . ~t~~~ly ~orner of ,~e pre- ~~t "B" Z~e ~j~~. Mhd of ~~ ~ ~er~ on ~e :~u~, .~ ~ of ~u~~s ,the w~t, fr~ ~' ~nt of ~ ~ ~~ ~d l~d of' ~~'a~s, N. 11 o 26' W. 1~.- 0 f~t; ~e~ f~ cq~, f~ows' (1) N. ~8° 34' E. 38~ feet; .thence (2:) S. ~ 26' E. · 3~.0 f~t; ~~e (3) S. 11° 26' E. 11~ f~t .~~ or le~ ,~ the so~t~r~ ~n~ of ~e print "B" ~; ~~ (4) no~- w~ly ~ f~t' more. or 1~; ~.- ~ ~~ m~e er ~~ :~ IY~ ~ ~~ ~ ~t ~~,, in ~e ~ ~ ~~ld, ~ ,~e~ N~. y~k, ~~ on the nor~ ~ ~ of ~ve B~.h ~, ~c., ~ ~e ~ ~ ~M. of ~ ~,~~. ~~, a~ on, west by ~d ~ ~,e ~ ~~t~. 2. By ~~ ,from "B" B~i- ~~ ~~ct ,~ "M" M~t~e .~- ~~ b~e foiling ,d~,rib~ pr~y- ~ ~t g~~ ~~t ~ ~1 0f ~,nd sit~ ~ ~t M~~, in ~e ~ ~ ~u~ld, Suf- fo~ ~~~, N~' York, m~e ~~}~ly ~u~ and de~ri~ ~ foH~s: P~ I ~ ~~~g at a ,~~t ~ the ~d~~ high wa- ~ ~k of ~ng ~land ~u~' ~t ~ ~~~~~rly c~ne.r of .~e ~r~nt "B" Zone ~d'joim~ ~. of ~~~; f~m ~id ~t of b~~~ m~ing ~~g[ ~t,~ly ~d h~~~r m~k 650 ieet ~e. or 1~, ~.e~ two~ ;~~ ,~ fo~ows (1) S. 33° 34' ~~t.-4~ f~t .more or 1~; ~~e (2) S. 78° 34' W. ,~7.87. feet;. ,~e~e ~ng ~.d l~d of ~~ N: 11'2.6' W.-~ feet more or le~. to the ~~t of ~- ~~t on .t~ ord~ Mgh wa- ~r '~k of ~ I. ~~d 3~ feet n~~~~~rly ~~ ~d hi~h{ says that WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~xt G:reenport, in said county: and t~at the 'n'otic~, ,of which the annexed is ~ printed copy, ,has been published in the s~id Suffolk Weekly Times once in eoch week, for ...... ~.'-/.qq-'. .............. week~ successively commencing on the .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · day of i.'c~ 'Lv~.~-.'.~,~. .. 19(* .........~,./, .,~...~~..~.~. T.~~-~~-~' .... ~.:~. · / ~,,~,_.~~~ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · e ~-e · · · · · · · eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeoeeeoeeeeoeeeeeeeeee eee-eeeeee oeeoooee eoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoee W~ter mark from point where said h~gh w~te~ n~ark J,~ inter- .cepbed by soc~t~eazterly line of · the pre~~. "B" Zone, .from said po~t of bginni~g rurming four courses as f. ollc~s: - S. 33° 34' ~W. 250 feet-more ar l~ss; th,ence (2) N. 56° 26' W. 350.,0 feet; .thence (3) N. 11° 2(~' West 3,00.0 feet; .,thence (4) N. 33 ° 34' E. 350 ,feet; ~nore or le,':~ to sai,d ordi'n~ry high w~te,r m~rk of Long Island, Sound; thence s~utn'aa~l.y ,along- sai. d high v~ater mark 700 fe,a~ more or less to the Point of ,be.gi,nni'ng. ,3. By :Vl~angir~g from "A" l~e.s~- ~der~tial ,and Agricultur:al District to "B" ]~usi.~e~ Distci,ct. the foi- l,owing desc~bed property' Ail tb.~ ee.rtain pl~0¢, piece or Pavael of ~ar~d ~i.tu~te, lying and ,being in S~:uthcr~d, in ,t.h,e Town of ~outh~ol,d, Suffolk Co. un~y, New Y(~rk, an,d mor~ parti¢ula, rly baur~ded and dascribed as fol- lows' ~agi~ix~ .at ,a.point on t~he sottt&e.rly line. of ;the Main Roa,d, .145.82 feet westerly al,o.ng saic~ southerly line ,from "D,a~phin Drive" said poix~t of begirming being the no.westerly .ce¢.ner of l~t .r~un~ber 14, as ,shown on '"Map of S~u~l~ol~l Shores," fried in Suf. folk 'C~u~ty C'lerk'~ Of- ~frce as .rrr~p No.' 3853;. from said point ,of .be. gin~ng .ru~mmg a~ong said lot 14, S. 13° .15' 00" - E. 55.11 .feet; t~ence along a -proposed (~acml as ~shown on sa~,d map ,taro courses (1) S. 76 ° 45' 00". W.-40,0 feet; ~~e (2)' S. 13° 1~' 00" E. 700 feet; more .or less,..to or, dinaxy lugh w~ter maxk of P~ Bay; therrce westerly along ,said. high water mark 250 f,¢et m~e or less, ,to l~r~d .of Sledjeski; t~ence along said land of Sle~tjeski, N. 15° 15' 00" W.-630 feet, .more-or less, to aaid s(milherly line of Ma~n l~o~d; thence .alorrg said erly line, (1) N. 69° 07' 20" E.- 1,51~ql feet; ,thence (2) N. 51° 37' · 20" E. 1,54.01 feet to the po~t DATED' Ja¢l~ 3, 1967, BY O~ OF TH~ SOUTHOLD ~OWN BOAI~D of- land fNt.~, ~ (R)$, 56~ 26' ~. 300,0 bt~ ~ (3) ~. 74~ l?' 40" ~.~ Mt tma'e ~ .ira ~ point of by :laud .of Cove. ~ ~Zw ~' emmta~X¥ smJ, d h:t.~nt~r ~ stalk 6SO .feet more or, ]~mo~ ~~. tMo ~..oos. ~ feX~o~ (X) $, 33''='* 34' ~'.. ~?.iJ? feotr thou~ .aXonv sut(t ~~. of outu ef 2SO feet moz..e or lemm~ tl~~ (3)/. S6..~ 3&* '~..]SO. 0 feet-~ feet! ~. (4) W. 33t~ poLut of boV. LuV.. 700 feet more or..l~ to..the. $0u~.d0 Su~:fo3A County, -b ~c..x~, .and mmrm ~~I~Xy' a? ..... ~. 14, mfs. aho~-.n-. ~- C. le~ ' m mm '~ ia. 3853~ ~. med.,d ]pe~. mi of lot. .14, S. 13 ~'~ IS" O0~ $.. SS. 1! thluem mX~ omLd ~ther'l~r l'~Anm., (1) W, 69~ 07' 20~ tSi. gX Mt! ~-~m~ {.2.) N. $.1 37' 20~ ~. 154.01 the po_' t .of begtnn, tug. MINUTES S OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD December 20, 19'66 PRESENT.- SUPERVISOR IE STER M. ALBER. TSON jU~STICE HENItY CLARK C-OUNC~ HOWARD VALENTINE LOUZS DEMAREST m m m,mmm~ ,mmm~ m mmmmmmmmm TOWN ATTOttiIEY ROBERT W. TASKER TOWN CLEP. K ALBERT W. RIC~ -2- SUPERVISOR ALBBRTSON~ We will open the hearing at this time by reading the legal not,ce as ~t concerns this hearing. "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Bulld~ng Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yor, public hearings will be held by the $outhold Town Board ~n the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in sa~d Town on the 20th day of December 1966, at 7~30 6~'clock tn the evening of said day on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (~ncluding the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York. "By Changing from "A" Resident~al and Agricultural Distric t to "B-2" Bus,ness Distr~ct the follow~ng described property~ "Ail that certain plot, p~ece or parcel of land s~tuate, lying and being at Matt~tuck, ~n the Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York~ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "BE.GINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of wickham Avenue at the northeasterly corner of Ruland~ running thence along sa~d last ment- ioned land south 47° 38' west 236. feet~ running thence south 43° 12~ 20" west 88.40 feet~ thence south 43° 19~ 30" east 106.92 feet~- thence south 43° 12~ 20': west 200 feet to the northeasterly s/de of Ma/den Lane.~ running thence along the northeasterly side of Maiden Lane north 48° 57" 30" west 307 feet to the mean highwa%.er mark of Matt~tuck Creek~ thence along said mean h~ghwater line in a northerly and northeasterly d~rectioon approximate~f 500 feet to land of Williams~ running thence south 44° 11' east 220 feet running still along said land of williams north 47° 38* east 101.34 feet to ~e southwesterly side of w~ckham Avenue~ thence along said line of Wickham Avenue south 39° 07~ 20" east 49.58 feet to the point or place .of beginning. "Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and ~lace above specified. "DATED= NOVEMBER 29, 1966,, · ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK,, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHoDL TOWN BOARD -3- SUPERVIS-OR ALBERTSONs I ~ill now read the report-of the Planning B-oard. There is also an affidav.~t of publtcat~on of the legal notice in the f~le. "Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the $outhold Town Planning Board ~ a regular meeting held on November 15, ! 966 ~ "IN the matter of the petition of Home Exohange, I~nc., 250 Fulton Street,, Farmlngdale, New York, relative to a .change of zone from "A" Resident~al and Agricultural District to "B-2' Business D~strict on certain real property situated at Mattituck, in the Torn odBouthold, Suffolk County, New York., and bounded and described as follows: was no read again) "~t was RESOLED that the Southold To~n PlannLng Board favorably recommends to the Southol.d Town Board the change of zone from 'A" Residential and Agricultural Distr~ct to 'Ba2' Bus,.ness District the above described properttyo "The Planning Board has followed this application rather carefully. There ts correspon4ence showing that Maiden Lane can be widened to a 50 foot or 60 foot raod ~nd d~dicated to the Town. In view of the fact there has been several attempts in the past to bring Maiden hane up to standard width, we lee'3, that this package real benefit to the Town. "Respectfully submitted, /s/ John wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPBRVISOR ALBERTSON2 At this time ~s th.eec .anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of the relief ~ sought in this petition. WILLIAM NILES, ESQ.: I am an attorney ~n Farmingdale, 250 Fulton Street. Th~s applicat~on concerns itself with property owned by Harold Reeve & Sons, Inc., the property under d~scussion. My client is purchasing this ~ operty subject to the faro. table granting of this petition would l~e t° point .out the applicat~on ~tself ~erta~ns -4- tO property that fronts on Mattituck Creek. T~e property that is owne~ by the Reeve family which/$ the subject of this a~plication. There is 180.50 feet on the north side of Middle Road and extends northerly 188 feet. That property is already in a Business District and thenc.......... MR. WILLIAMS~ Is that property along between the laundromat and Maiden lane ? WILLIAM NILE S, ESQ.: Ye s. B~e,.:~: ~.. en the Laundromat and Ma i den Lane. That is in the business zone to a depth of 188 feet. The -property which is the subject of th~ application is the remains of the Reeve property extending north 180 feet all the way to Mattituck Creek, extending easterly to Maiden Lane, all the way to the property that is bounded on the east by williams, extending to Wickham Avenue. The reason of making this application is to use all the property as bu~iness. My client felt it is not a feasible situation for him to attempt to use only the front part of the property 'without having access to Mattituck Creek and the same business purpose. The property that will be involved is approximately three and one half acres. What he propOsee to do on the property, my client has a Long Island franchise on amphi-cars, German manufactured automobiles that go into the water and become a boat. He has a sales office in Bethpage and proposed to use the front p~rtion of the ~roperty for that same ~'urpose, but with the obJecti~e of being able to use the rear part in order to have access tothe water. This three and one half acres apparently is too large to completely devote to this one portion to sell a small complex on this ~roperty. What h.e plans is a small marina for boats and a restaurant to accommodate people by motor traffic and people on boats off Long island Sound. These are the ~ three purposed for which the property is intended to beused. Part of the property is already zoned business. In connection with the recommendation made by the Planning Board, the Planning Board -5- is aware and I would like to make this Board aware to dedicate the widening of Maiden Lane. I would like to say some~ng about the ded~cation of Maiden Lane to the Town. Apparently there had been some problem of getting cooperation from the res.idents along Maiden Lane and ~ts widening. That can be acoomplished with the granting of this applicat~on. Any additional question would be happy to MR. SEILER.- I don~t get the connection between the cars and the marina. WILL~ NIL~S, ESQ. = The amphi-car situation does require access to the water. This piece of property as it stands is more valuable than simply to be devoted to amphi-cars. He needs access to Mattttuck Creek in order to make it feasible for him to use the ~roperty on Mattituck Creek for a marina to hep carry that property. SUPERVIS~ ALBIERTSONL ~s there anyone else present who wishes to speak in favor of th~s applicati.on? (.There was no responae.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON-. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in oppos~tion to this a~plication? MR. WILLIAMS= I would l~ke to open my remarks to the members of the group and Mr. Albertson with a question ~f I may. Supposing this Board members were to come out of you front door in the morning to get a paper or whatever and see on the front of your property, cartons, milk cartons, empty beer cans just laying there, and in addition 9lastice jugs. we think all of t~e people would try to do something about it. Would try to find out what was causing the situation, find out what was happe, ning and tr~ to clean it up. I am not opposing to the front ~art of the property to be used for ampht-cars or whatever . thought it was going to be a motel. The only information I got was that Home Exchange, with an office at 250 Fulton Street was making an application. As a property owner on MN the Inlet, this is the way ~ -6- want to talk to ~ou. As a man re~resenting the Westphalia Civic Associat~on who are unable to be here tonight. The pres ident ask me to relay this thought to you. we have at the present time a tremendous drive to keep various natuaal resources as clean as possilbe. The Secretary of Interior has traveled with Mrs. Johnson to maintain the beauty in areas with natural assets. During the past years, especially since the Town dock opened, we are faced with a very serious problem, that is the water becoming a good deal more polluted that it was a few years ago. Boats come in there and anchor. There was 130 boats in there last July 4th weekend. This is a natural result of the fact that MattituCk at the time. is the only harbor between Orient Point and ~rt Jefferson. Th is isn't just a problem in this area. would like to read yuussomething from the Suffolk Sun, dated December 19, 1966. (Mr. Williams read an article pertaining to the problems faced in East Hampton relative to the harboring of boats. ) we are faced wi%~h a very similar situation living on the water. X moor my boat off my own dock and I have a head on it which we very use. Over three years ago this creek was clean as a whistle, n~ there is scum. ~%~en the tide changes it drags away from my boat. we are faced with a very serious p~llution ~roblem. We need an extra marina in Mattltuck Inlet like we need an extra hole in the head. we have Anchor Inn, Naugles Dock, Mattituck Doc].. and Harbor Xnn, and that is a sight X wish I have never seen. That was approved two years ago, and I don't know when they aze going to get it done.. But to put another marina in there and dirty up this water more, I would say is going to make that inlet so that when my grandchildren come down they can't go down there and s~Im. You have to go down to the Sound. This is a ~ r id~culus situation. As far as. the proposed arrangement ~.s concerned I am not in favor of it. If they are going to bulkhead, bring in more boats and a restaurnat, I am sorry, I am -7- agains t it. we had a study made on ~ollution and Mr. Seller has something to say about that. The Supervisor read the foX,wing letter: "December 20, 1966, Gentlemen "Mr. Horace J. williams is hereby authorized to represent the Westphalia Civic Association"s membership of one hundred and ten in it's opposition to the proposed amendment to the building zone ordinance, changing from "A" Residential to "B-2" bus,ness, certain land along Matt~tuck creek in the area of wickham Avenue and Ma~den Lane "/s/ William F. Taylor, pres&dent." MRo WILLiAMS~ I missed a point ! wanted to make. have approached two or three people on this. I quote walter Juttner, editor of Motor Boat magazine. He tells that no one can dock a boat and flush the head. The only thing that can be done is to have receptlcles at the heads that can be ~ emptied. That law does not go into effect until 1968. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON~ Is that a Federal Law? MR. WILLIAMS: That is a New York State Law. If you are going to run boats you must have pumps to clear out these recepttc&es but can not seal the heads. MR. SEILER: I live on West View Dr~ve, Matt~tuck. I am speaking for the Broker Woods Association. made a study of the water pollution in Mattituck Inlet. This stud~ was started at the time Harbor Inn was under cons lderat ion. The figures that we have are frightening. The and set to the lab. On October, 1965, the bacteria count was 20; June 1, 1966, the bacteria count was 80~ _.E,_.~.'~.~..?~_. Labor Day, 1966, at 4 pm, the baceeria count was 400. This is to the point of absolute pollution, and not at all for swimming. The town has a sign up, no clamming on the east side Grand Avenue. That may not be due to the boats~ may be due to the cause Mattituck Inlet u~ to 400 bacteria count. It is appall ~ng. Mrs. Seiler and I are representing the Brower Woods Ass. oc~at~on. We are 100 per cent against any more marinas. We are still fighting this Harbor Inn and may ~ I add is just going to the ~oint of a cesspool. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Thank You. (Supervisor &lbertson asked if all the samples' had been taken in the same spot and Mr. Seiler' said they had.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak against this appllc&t~on?' THEODORE MARANGAS~ I live on Maiden Lane and Hamilton Avenue. speak just for my family., myself and my wife. we live at =he foot of Maiden Lane and I feel the same way these other folks do. As far as Maiden Lane itself, no one has even approached me to my knowledge as to our feel lngs on th is. MRS. MARANGAS: We ~on't approve this road, which he told you that we do. SUPERVISOR ALBEItTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard~n opposition to th~s application~ MR. WILLIAMS: We have yo-ung grand children. If they want to swim they have to go down to the Sound° We have come in on our boat on a Sunday afternoon and we have to come in ~ so that you can't pass another boat. There was 130 boats last fourth of July. There was some at Anchor Inn, down at the Town dock. The whole basin was filled with boats. Where are yo~ going to put ~~w anymore boats. You can't get in and out of there now° Before we can use our beach we have to rake of the debris. It never was like that before. That isn't why we came here ~k~ but that is ~ what we have got. -- 9¸- MRS. SELLER= The Harbor Inn will have 144 boats in there. forgot the number of .'/',,.~-_,t~ boats this gentlemen wants there. think- it was 132 boats in there and there was 144 at Hahbor Inn. This is 400 boats. At a Town Board hearing here on September 1964 in regard to tax on property if it got tothe ~oint would are taxes be decreased, yes you told us that it would be taken into consideration. Every year the taxes have gone up. I don't knowif anything has been done on that now. I think it ~s something the Town Fathers should look into. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: It may be in th.e future the property would become less valuable, it would be, accessed accordingly. Wort. SMITH: ! live on Cox Neck Road. 'we have access at Harbor Creek across from westphalia, We are at the end of the creek, we don't swim in the creek bm.cause it is so polluted. Most of the people that live along the creek are summer people. They can't swim in the creek they are going to get sick fromsswimmlng. we have go todo ~ some thin~ about it. He didn't tell us how big of a marina he would have. WILL~ NILES, ESQ.: twenty five to thirty boats. MR. G"JERTIN~ We have right of way to Maiden Lane and no one came to use and asked us what we thought. Another thing, if they get 25 boats whatto stop them from 144 boats. SUPERVISOR ALBERT$O~: Let me answer that ~uestion in this way. What we have to do here is consider the ~ property. This man can tell us what he is going to put there. He can sell this property next week. If this property is changed from "A" to "B-2", any.thing al lowed in the "B-2" distr~ct can go in there. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER~ What is allowed in the "B-2" bussiness d~strict (.Supervisor Albertson read from the Southold Town Building Zone Ordlna~ce the permitted uses in the "B-2'" district. ) UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER-. is there anything in there to limit the number of boats? SUPEI~VIS~OR accommodated. ALBERTSON: They are limited by the amount that can be -10- MR. A. ~UA~E~~ I am right across the water from Harbor Inno spoke againet that. i can tell you about the assessment° It ~epends on the value of the ~roperty. I don~t want to see th~s property for commercial pur~ses and that is why I am here. have be6n here for many years. I don~t think it is going to do our town any good to have th~s kind of a b~at and ~t w~ld never be an ~_~~ asset. I th~nk a "B-2" district would be a bad situat~on in this area. If he has a marina he will need gas pumps to service the boats. .The decision is up to the Town Board. I know our whole area is very much opposed to th is down zonlng. SUPERVISOR ALBERT$~~ Is there anyone else ? MRo DELEHANTY: I wish we could settle this once and for all. TheEe will be more a~plications for this type of thing. A!ot of people who own residential property want to change to business because they can tripple the value of the land. I live on the inlet and this will affect me. People bought property on Mattituck Creek because it was residential. Everybody that comes into this town can buy a copy of the Zoning Ordinance. No one buys of land for zoning. ?~y can't it stay the way it is. ~uw~~-~x,~ ~-~ The Town Board is always looking for places to get ~ney from to maintain a stable tax rate. We have plenty of business areas. Let the people go and pay the price for the land . Not buy it cheap and then have the zone change4. We have made studies to preserve open space in Suffolk County. Let's try and hang on to it. SUPERVISOR ALB~R?S~: Thi~ can' t be rapped up tonight. We C a~' t make a decision tonight that would say no more changes of zone o n property. Anyone can ask for a changeof zone. They can ask for this change of zone over and over again if they want. You can't rezone one section of an area without be confrunted with spo~ zoning to anything other than residential. Some of you pegple would say this is spot zoning. Does anyone else wish to be heard in opposition to? (There was no response. ) -11- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON~ Anyone w~sh to be heard on way or the other ? WILLIAM NILES, ESQ.: I would l~ke to take a minute for rebuttal. observe that property owerns are very much concerned with reason to a pollution problem that has been getting worse. I would like to point out ~ts first of ~on~ng I am sure propertdevelopment of this area an~ present property values. Th~s is property with 400 feet of frontage on Matt~tuck Creek, presently iD a "A" zone. would respectfully submit to you that ~~_*~_.~ valuable use will be made of th~s property~ ~ Th~s property is in back of an existing business area, which is characterized by a laundromat. You haveaa gas statton adJoi~ing that on the east, and you have the Town dock at Mattituck Creek. Th~s extends a character for the immediate vicinity of the neighborhood that wuuld preclude this property from b~lng developed into 20, 0(D square foot plots. This property should be for a commercial use. started to comment with regard to pollution. I sympathize with them . think steps should be taken to N~ solve this problem. I hope ! ~ have made some point with the Board. We want to use this property in a way that is suitable in consideration w ith its value. MR. WILLIAMS: X think that is Just too bad a little piece of property this isn't the only thing that could come there. .There could be things that would be detrimental to the people living in this area. SUPERVXSOR ALBERTSON: There was mention made of the Town Dock. This is not a Town Dock° This is a park district, owned and ope rated by the park district. Is there anyone else ~resent who wishes to speak one way or the other on this application? ~'(There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR HEKH ALBERTSON: Hearing n-one,. I w ill close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. -12- S'UPERVXSOR ALBEItTSON~ we will open the second hearing by reading the legal notice as it 8oncerns this hearing. "Bychanging from "A" Resident~al and Agri~ultural Distr~ct to "B" Bus,ness District the following described property.-. "All that certain plot, piece or .~_~ parcel of land situate lying and being in $outhold, in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, Ne~ York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows-. "Beginning at a .point on the sou~therly line of the Main Road, 145.82 feet westerly along said southerly line from "Dolphin Drive" s&~d point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of lot number 14, as sho~n on "Map of $outhold Shores"., filed In the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, as Map no. 3853; from said point of beginning running along said lot 14, S. 13~ 15' 00" E. 55.11 feet; thence along a proposed canal as shown on said map two courses (.1) S. 76° 45' 00" W.- 40.0 feet thence (2)S. 13° 15' 00" E. 700 feet; more or less, to ordinary highwater mark 250 feet more or less to land of sledJeski; thence along said land of Sled~eski, N. 13° 15' 00" w. 630 feet, more or less to said southerly line of Ma~n Road~ thence along said southerly line (!)~. 69° 07' 20" E.- 151.91 feet~ thence (2) N. 51° 37' 20" ~.- 154.91 feet to the point of beginnt ng. "Any pesson desiring to be heard .on the above applicati~n s~ould appear at the time and place above specified. DATED.: NOVEMBER 2 9, 1966, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHoLD TOW~ BOARD, ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERKo. ,, SUPEltVXSOR ALBEltTSO~: There is an affidavit in the file indicating that publicat~on was made of this legal notice. now read the re. commendation of the Planning Board. -13- "This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on November 15, 1966: "In the matter of the petit ion of Harold R-.ese, 855 Sunrise Highway, Lynbrook~ New York, relative to a change of zond from "A" Residential an~ Agricultural District to "~" BuSiness D~strict o~ certain real property siutated at Southold, in the Town of Southoid, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows~ (Legal Description was .not read again. ) "It was RESOLVED that the Southold T~-;n Planning Board favorably recommend ko the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business D~$trtct on the above described property: "This change of Zone would be an extemsion of the existing business zone in the immediate area. "Respectfully submitted,. /s/ john Wi~kham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPERVlSOR:Albertson: Is there anyone present who wishes to peak in favor of this app1 ication ? HAROLD REESE: I am in favor of it. ~BERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone present ~ish to speak in opposition to this appl ication ? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak one way or the other? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR ALBERTS~: Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board/ To~e~.L~w a~d ~e. ,I~ .of the ,I~_.~~. ~ '~ance of the ~ ~.,~~~ ~~om ~- ,t~, New :~or~ ~1~ h~~ '~H ~' ~'~ 'o'~~k m ,the ev~' of ~ ,~ ~d. ~e ~~ ~e ~d~ (~~ 'the oM, .~' ~ty, New_ Y~. · '~~' '~....~~]d, ~'~~ ' -~~ .... ~~.."Yor~,~ ~d A~. ". at "~ .. :'n~~l~ · ~' ~,..~~. ~:~'x~t; ~'t~ '~ ~0.-~.5~~ '~" We~ ~ ~...~.~'.~~r · m~k ~....~o: ..~, ..~ '-~01.s4 'f~t W~ Aven~; t~e ~d~ .I~ '.~. ~ Aveu~ .~1 · ' '" ~; .~ .~~ from ';"a" '~- t~'~ "B" ~~-~~i the or ~r~l of ,~ ~~~, .. T~n , of' '~~t~M,' Suffo~ '~~tY, New y~k, ~d the ~u~~tY.'~e of-,~e/'~ ~~ of' lot' 14, .~ ~~n on "~ of '~~~ ~~~';. fH- ~~ ~ l~ ~14; S. 13° 1~' ~" ~d. j ~'-::. ~: 'sh~ on ~6° .~' ~" w.~.0., f~t; ~en~ (2) .S.-. 13' 15' ~" ~.,:...';...~~ ~ ~~--~y; ..~~,.. ...... ~~y .~o~.. ~d __~_~,..~. ~{ ~5:~ w,~! .~ .... ..'~. of t~.'~ ~; (~)'N. 51'. 3T' ~' E.; ~~d. on. the. men,~ ~ ~~ ~' ~' t~ .. - .~ ,, ,,. . .. ,. -.,.... ..,'., . - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF NEW YORK, ....~.. ~.-'~~~. ,~ .'~.~.' .... being duly Sworn. says that . .~,'J.., is Printer and Publisher of flae SUFFOLK W.E:EKLY TIME.S, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said cou,nty; and tfhat the 'n'otic~, of which the .annexed is ~ printed copy, .has been published in t'he said Suffolk Weekly Times once in ec, ch week, ~or ............ ~~'. ......... week~ suc~.ssivel¥ ,ommenc~ng on the ..... ~F~~ ........... day of ~ ....... ..... · · · · to } day of ... 19.¢./3 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee®ee eeeeeeeeeee®/ee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee STANEEY S. NOTARY' PU~.LIC "~.~'. r-~r ',~;.,.,, York (._2.' ' "" . :.i',.. " NOTICE OF ItEABINC ON PROPOSAL. ~TO ZONING O/tDINANCE ~a-nt to ~ction 265 of the ToWn ~~.~..a~ ~ticle IX of the B~~g Z~~~inance of t~ To~ of ~uth- ~ O]d?~olk County, New York, ~bHc hea~.~' will ~ held by the ~uthold ~~.~ in the Office of the Su~r- ~, ~16 ~uth Strut, Green~~, New y~ ~ ~id.Town on the ~. d? of' ~~r, 1~6, at .7:30 0~Z ~n the e~~ of said day on the f0How- i~~ ~als to amend the zone" ~~n~~ (including t~ ~ ~e Maps) of the To~ ~f ~uth- old, ~olk County, New York. 1. ~ ch~ging from "A" R~ntial ~and ~ Agricult~~ District ~ ~B~e~ District the follo~ng de, ~~d pro~rty' . "~ that cer~in plot, pi~e or ~ ~I of land ~a~, l~g and ~ ~~g' at. Mattituck, in the;~Town of ~ ~uth°ld, Suffo~ County, ~~ York, and more ~~icul~ly bounded ~d -~ described as follows' ~ BEGINNING at a point on the southw~terly side of Wic~ Ave- nue at th~ northeasterly'~~er- of Ruland; run~~ th~~ ~o~ ~id l~t mentioned land south 47~ 38' · west 236. feet; ~n~ng then~ ~utl~ ~ 12'- 20" west 88.~ 'f~t;~ thence: ~uth 43° 19' 30" east l~.~.~feet; ' thence sout~ 43~ 12' 20" W~ feet to the northeasterly side of Maiden Lane; running the~ ~ong the northe~~ly side of Maiden Lane north 48e 57' 30" west 307 feet to the mean ~ghw~ter mark of Mattituck ~eek; thence ~ong.~id m~n ~ghwa~r line in ~n°rtherly and northeas~rly d~ectiOn approx- imately 500 f~t to land of Willies; ~ r~ning thence south 44~ 11~ east 220 ~ feet; r~ning still along ~d l~d ~ of Williams no~h 47° 38' e~t 101.34 ~ feet to the southwesterly side of ~ Wickham Avenue; thence.al~g ~id ~ line of Wic~am~ Avenue .~th 39~ ~ 0~' 20" e~t 49~58 f~t ~ the point ~ or place of ~gi~~g. :~2. By changing, from "A" ~~dential ~and A~cult~al District to ~"B" Bu~- n~ Dis~ct the followi~~ de~ri~d Ail that certain plot, pi~ or ~pn~ ~o. ~uoKu~ ~~ p~o~u~ ~~ol~z~nb ~& .~~pu~m ~-pnq looq~ ~q~ ~Ao io~u~ ~lq~zPlS ~ -uoo p~pu~n~ K~~ ~~ -~q OTTqn~ ~ p~p~o~d ~z~nq ~ ~ noK ~q~q& ~o~,, qOTq& UOT~OOe ~uo ~pnTo~. ~T~OO ~q~ ~q sxO~X~STUTmPV ToOqoS. ~ po -~nqT~P ~~ns UOT~SOnb-~q~T~ ,,-~uoT~o~ -vonp~ .oq~ ~o spu~q oq~ uT TOOqOS ~o ~o~o ~o~od ~o ~~PTlO~OO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t ss' STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- successively, commencing on the ........... .~..' ................... ~/~) ~; ~. 1~,/': /',/' day of ..u,~~,s...,~ ........... , ~//./....~.,~. _? _, .... ~'~.~~/,~, /eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeee~eeeeee~eeee le ~tee leele Sworn to before me this ......... ~. ......... day of ........ ..... , / ..~ !/ i" ;z.-" ._. Notary Public / ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 19! Pursuant to Section 265 o£ the Town ~a~ and Article the BuAldLng Zone Ordinance o£ the Town of Southold, Suffolk- County, New York, public hea. r~ngo w~.ll be held ]~y the South.old Town Board An the O££Lce of the Supe~~oor0 16 South Street, ~reenport, ~ York, Xn e&:Ld Town on .the. 20th 966, at 7 t 30 o* clock Xn the evenXng o£ s&Xd da~ on the £oll0~~ng propo~&lo to .amend the BuXld~nq :~on® OrdLuance (~nclud~Lng the Building Zone Mapo) of the Town of .~outho~Ld, Su£~olk County, Ne~ York. and Agr~~!tural All that certain plot, p~ece or parcel of land 8:Ltuate, lyXng iud bo:LifO at Attt~Ltuck, Xn the To~nof' Southold, suffolk,County, Blew York, and more partAcularl¥ bounded and doscr~d a8 roi lo. az lJl~~~ at a point on the southwesterly sXdo of Avenue at the northe~terl¥ corner o£ RulLad~ 38' ~st 236, £eet~ running the~ south 43" 12' 20" west 88.40r thence south 43~' 19' 30" east 106.92 £eet~ thence south 43 12' 20" west 200 feet to the northeas~rly s~de of NaXden Lair runnLng the~ aXonq the no_rtheasterl~ sXde o£ J~Xdon Lane north 48 57' 30" west 307 feet to the mean hAghw&ter mark of Nattttuck Cr~~ thence along sa~d mean hXqhwa~r line Xn & norther!¥ and northeaster.ly direction approximately 500 £eef~to land of wXlliamo; 2 runn~ the~ south 44° 11' east 2.20 £~t~ runnlnq stall along ~Xd land o£ wXll~ams north 47'~ 3~' east 101.34 £eet to the aou~eoterl.~ aide of ~lckham Avenue~ thence along $&td 11ne of ~tckham Aven.~ south 39~ 07 ' 20' east, 49.58 ~eet to the po:Ln~ or p1~ of bevlnnXng. 2. By Changinq from "A" Reoldent~l and A~ricu. ltur&l Dls'-trLct to ~-B" Buolneas District the £ollowtn~ ~eocr~d ~ro~r-t~: Ail that certain plot, p:L~ or parcel of land. and b~tq In $outhold, tn ~.e ToMn of Sout~old, SuffoLk Counter, He~ York, and more pmrtl~larl~ bcmnded and &eacrlJ~d as £ollow8~ BF~/MIIIIfG at a l:)oXnt:, on the s~therXy 1Xne of the Main Road, 145,82 feet westerl~ &long oaXd southerly 11n~ from "DoZl~Xn Drive'0 $&ld point of begXnnXnq be~n~ the northveaterly corner of lot 14~ as shown on "Nap of' Sout~~~o~o", £11ed In au££olk County Cl~rk* · O££1c~, ao map ~3~53; from. saXd poXnt of beq~nnXn~ rtmnXng along e-atd lot. 14, $. 13;*~ 15' 00' ~.-$5.11 feet; thence alonq a pro. poaed canal as shown on map, two cou-raes~ (1) 8. 76~*: 45' 00' ~;.-40.0 thence (2) $. 13~:~ 15' O0" E.-70-0 £ee't~ more~ leaa, to ordinary h&ghw&ter mark of PeconXc Bay; thence, wedmrl¥ alonq aaXd hlqh water mark, 250 £eet more or leas, to .land of SledJeokX; t. hence along said land of $1edJeak/o ,. M. 13 15 ' 00" ~. - 630 feet more or lef8, to a&Ad southerly llne of the Math Road; thenc~ along sou .~.erl~ 1tn~0 (l) H. 69 ~' 07' 20" E.- 151.91 £e~t; 37' 20" ~.- 1$~..0l feet to .~h.e point thence (2) o £ beg X'nn 1hq. --3'-- person .desiring ~o 'be heard on the proposed amendments oh~ld appear at the t~ne and place above 29, i966, ALBBRT w. FXVE (S) AFFX]:tAVXTS OF PUBLZCATZ~ Coptem marled to the £ol.lowtng on TO THB $OUSBOLD ..TO~'-N 30, 1966: The Long bland Trmveler-Mmtt~ The $'uffolk '~eekly Trees wtlltam i, Mtlei, a/c Hcme ~,_e~.~_~n.ge, Harold Reeoe Southold Town Planning Board ~OLITHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNINC~ BOARD John W~clcharn, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young November 16, 1966 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on November 15~ 1966: In the Matter of the petition of Harold Reese, 855 Sunrise Highway, Lynbrook, New York, relative to a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Southold, Sn the Town Of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of the Main Road, 145.82 feet westerly along said southerly line from "Dolphin Drive", said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of lot 14, as shown on "Map of Southold Shores", filed in Suffolk County Clerk's Office, as map ~3853; from said point of beginning running along said lot 14, S. 13° 15' 00" E.- 55.11 feet; thence along a proposed canal as shown on said map, two courses: (1) S. 76° 45' 00" W.-40.0 feet; thence (2) S. 13° 15' 00" E.- 700 feet;more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Peconic Bay; thence, westerly along said high water mark 250 feet more or less, to land of Sledjeski; thence along said land of Sledjeski, N. 13° 15' 00" W.- 630 feet more or less, to said southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said south~y line, (1) N. 69° 07' 20" E. 151.91 feet; thence (2) N. 51° 37' 20" E.-~54.01 feet to the point of beginning. It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the above described property. This change of zone would be an extension of the existing business zone in the immediate area. Respectfully submitted, Southold Town Planning Board October 21, 1966 Mr. Harold Reese 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, New York Re: Change of zone application Dear Mr. Reese: From study of the sketch inclosed with your application for a change of zone, it is our feeling that a forty foot channel would be inadequate for the use wh:l.=h you have :Ln mind. The next regular meeting of the ?1arming Board will be held on November 15, 1966, at the Town Office in $outhold. We would be glad to have you present at th~s meeting to further ~suuss your a~pl~cat~on. Very sincerely, John Wtckham, ~hairman Southold Town Planning Board WESTERN UNION - AUGUST 2, 1966 HOWARD TERRY: REGRET UNABLE TO ATTEND MEETING TONIGHT. MARGERY BURNS CAN EXPLAIN. PLEASE ASK BOARD MEMBERs TO EXCUSE MY ABSENCE. HAROLD REESE OFFI~ ,ERK SOUTHI3LD, L. [., N. Y. July 27, 1966 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.N.Y. Dear Fir. Wickham; The original petition of Harold Reese, 855 Sunrise Highway, Lynbrook, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Southold, N.Y. is in the files 855 SUNRISE HIGHWAY LYNBROOK. N. Y. 516 - L¥ 3-5200 I-IF'Fli ,EF~K TI SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. July 27, 1966 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Harold Reese, 855 Sunrise Highway, Lynbrook, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Southold, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly yours,-? Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk C.\Sk; NO.: .............. ST-\TE Og NEW YORK PETIT[ON T( ~\V~,,~ OF .qOUTHOi. D IN THE MATTER OF TIlE PETIT[ON OF F()R A CHANGE. M{)I)IFIC.'tTION OR_\MENDMENT OF THE BUII.D[N(; ZONE ORDI- N_kNCE ()F Tlql,~ TO\VN OF SOUTHOi. D, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEkV YORK. TO TH£ FI'OXVN BOARD OF TItE TOWN OF SOUTHOLI): Ihlser[ ]1sine ()f petitioner) Count)'. New York, the undersigned, am the ow~ler c,~ certain real property situated at .......... .~..~.'."F. ]?.~.q'.'-.~'~, ............... and more particularly bounded and described as follow:~: Beginning at a point on tho southerly line of the i',.Iain Road,ll,,5,~2 feet west- erly along said southerly line from Dolphin Drive , said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of lot 14, as shown on "Map of Southold Shores," filed in Suffolk County Clerk's Office, as map #3853; from said point of beginning running along said lot 14,S. 1~° 15' 00"E. - 55.11 feet; thence along a proposed canal as shown on said map, two courses: (1) S.76° 45' 00" W. - 40.0 feet; thence (2} S 13° l~' 00" E. - ?00 feet~ more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Peconic Bay; thence, w. este. rly alon~g, said high water mark, 250 feet more or less, to land of Sledjeskz; thenc~ along said land of Sledjeski, N 13° 15~ 00" W. - ~30 feet more or less, to said southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, (1) N. 69° 07' 20" E. - l~l.91 feet;I thence (2) N. %1° 37' 20" E. - 154.01 feet to the point of beginning. '~ Please note the above description includes a 200t in depth strip' running the full width of the plot south of lloute 25 which ;is now zoned Business B. Please refer to plot plan for clarification. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Sou[hold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance ~,£ the Town of Stol[hold, Suffolk Coutlty, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as folh)ws: Rezone rear of property described above from Residential Business B. Refer to Plot Plan. to 3. Snch request is made for the following reasons: Proposed canal on East side of property will provide a natural separation of the residential and business areas. Property adjoining area in question to the north and west now zoned Business B. (L. S.) .......................... STATE OF NE\V YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLI,2, SS:-- ...... ?~'~.'.'~'.'~..~.~....../...5 !'.~?:.. :. .............. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the coutents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledg'e, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and helief, and that as tt~ thuse matters he l>etievcs it to be true. (T.. S.) .............................. .~. ........ Sworn to before me '~/ / this.., y.. da,, ............. , . ../ / /~ ~ ·