HomeMy WebLinkAboutRace Point Corp. Amend #74 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ..JJ~l~t.~QJ, ll, t..J~Jlll~Ji~ll,t,;LtJJ .............................. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from .~I,."...~J~,...&.II~I:;L~,.. District to ...'.J~..~J. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... of ............. ii' ........................... , 19.~.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~1 May 13, 1966. ]~'~&:~! May 20, 1966. By Order of the Southold Town Board. Albert W. RiChmond Town Clerk Town of Southold I I STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS: - ALBERT W. RICHMO~, of Southold,' New York, Town of Southold, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the _ _24th ...... of-~_ __May 19__66_ he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit :- L.I. N.Y Town Clerk Bulletin, outhold, , . Board T~~Clerk, %°~ ~o-f- ~0uth°la ...... ' Sworn to before me this 24th Ma~, day of , !964. Notary Publ ic,/' MARION A. R~'CENT NOTARY PUBLIC, S',s~-e c! [,:._'..w York No. 52-3233120 Suf;'oik Country Term Expires March 30, 19.i~7' I,EG~ NOTiOE NOTICE 'OF ~D~T · OF ZONI~I,G OR~INANOE NOTICE ~ ~Y ~~, :t'~t ~r :a ;~bIic he~g held puraua~t to t~he ~~remen~ ~f ~l~w, ~e B~.~ng Zone Ordi~.ce (Inc~ading the B~d~g Zone of ~he TOwn~ of '~ubh.old, Su,f~olk C0unby, N~ YorK, w.~ duly amended .at a regula,r '.meebing of bhe Sou~o~d-Tc~n ~oar. d ~el.d on ~ 13, 1~966, ~ foll.~s: 1. B~ 'changing .from "A" Resi- dential ~nd Kgric~t~al District to '"M-I" M~tiple Residence Dis- trict the following described prop- erty: All ~a.t certain tract or par- cel briand ,situated at F~er,s ~land,-in t~ Town of Sou~old, S~folk ~unty, N~ YOrk, and ,msre particularly bounded a.~d de, ri.bed ~ fellows, ~G~~G at an iron .pipe on ~e prod Nor~westerlF l~e of ~stler .~venue at ,diVidirg line ~tw ~.en the ,here- in d~r~-d tr~l ~d lahd ~e B~rd of ~ cation, ~.- ers ~la~ Mnion Free Sch~i ~tflv. t No. 4 ~ pcint ~in.~ 261~1. feet N~ ~. a poirt ~~h M. ~.~ feet West of a ~.~en~ ~rk~g the. U~d Sta~ co~t ~~e~c survey tion s~tion "P~" and t~~e r~n~ ~~ ~d pro- ~d avenue H~ ~Uth 67~ 12' 'W~t 11~.93 ~feet ~ a d~ hole at ~e p~ No~e~rly ~ of ~~ ~ive; th~ ~g: ~d' ~d line and ~ no~e~rly line of ~~. ~ve N~h ~ 10' W~ ~ feet; thence alo~ ~e~rly lt~ of Winthr~~ ~~ ~~ S~. ~, ~t f~t; ~ence Nor~ 67~ .-~'-~t ~.4 f~t ~ ~ lr~ ~n~ No~h 27 ~' We~t M~ ~t ~ a ~n~ent; ~~ No~h ~* 21' ~t ~9.~ feet to a 'mon~ent; t~~e ~u~ ~o 46' E~t 102.~ fe.~t ~ a monument; ~e~e No~h 67° 13' ..~st 154.35 f~t a mon~ent; th~ce ~uth 22~ 4T~ 161.55 feet to ~e point of ~i~lng, co.~taini~g 5.al ~r~, more or 1~. DA~: ~Y I3~. 1~6~ BY ~ OF ~ ~~HO~ ~W~ ~T W. ~~, ~~ O~.~ 1:~0 . . . . GOUNTY OF SUFFOLK, '1 ~ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, j says that .. :~. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WE'EKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~xt Greenport, in said county; and t~hat the noUcc, ,of which, the anne~ced is a printed copy, .has been published in the .,~a.id .Suffolk Week~ Times o.nce in each week, for .......... ~~ ............ week~ successively commencing on the . .~~'~~.~~~ ..... .......... ~.. 19~Q S~rn to befo ~ day of .... [~'[~ ........ 19.Q~.. J .............. ...... .... .~. [ .¢?r~q ~-'. · P;~- · · COItNEtI~ C. LEGAL'NOTICES NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZON'ING ORDINANCE, , AMENDMENT NO. 74 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Build- ing Zone Ordinance (Including the Building Zone Map) of the Town-of Southold, Sifffolk County, Neva York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town-Board held' on May 13, 1966, as follows: 1. By changing from "A" .Residential and Agricultural District to ."M-I" Multiple Residence District the. follow-. lng described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of · :land situated at Fishers Island, in the Town · of S0uthold, ~ Suffolk county, New York, and more par- ticularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on 'the proposed Northwesterly' line of Whistler Avenue at.the dividing line between the herein described tract and land of the Board of Education~ Fishers Island Union Free School District No. 4 said point being 261.81 feet North of a point which is 4446.44 feet West' of a monument marking the United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS" and thence running along said proposed avenue line .South 67° 13' West 1134.93 feet to a.drill hole at the proposed Northeasterly "line of Trumbill Drive; thence along said proposed line and .the north- easterly line of Winthrop-' .Drive North 25° 10' West 170.60 feet; thence -along the southeasterly line of Win- throp Drive North 8-0 02' East 5.43 feet; thence North 67° 46' East 286.4 feet to an iron piPe' thence North 27° 39' West 33.26 feet to a monu- ment' thence North -62° 21' East ~. 699.9,4 feet to a monUment; thence South 23° '46' East 102.40 feet to a monument; thence North 67~ 13' East 154.35 feet. to a monument; thence South 22° 47' East 161.55 feet to the point of beginning, contain- ing 5.41 acres,' more or less. DATED: MAY 13, 1966 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TO~ BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK .STATE OF NEW YORK SS' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCH.MAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .... ~.',~,'~-~...~i//~g week? successively, commencing on the ............. ~.. day of ......~.~.~.~ ....... ...///.., ............... ...... .... ...... ....... · .···oo·,· ,~e·,,,,,·,·°...·~. ADELE PAYN! Notary Public, State of New Yorl~ Residing in Suffolk Couaty No. 52-3041000 ~ Commission Expires March 30,, 19,~ NOTZ. C~: OF ~ OF' ZC~]:NG ORDZA]~~, ~ ~. 74 HOTZCE ~9 HEP~BY G~, that a£ter a public hearing held pursuant to the requ~rmaents of law, the Building Zon& Ordinance (Znclud~ng the Building Zone Map) o£ the Town o£ Southold, Su££olk County, ~ew York, ~al duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on Ma~ 13, 1966, as followsz 1. By change.hq from "A" Residential and Agricultural D~st~ct to ".~-.,1" Multiple ltes~dence D~str.~ct the £ollo~ing descr~.d property~ All that certain tract or parcel o£ land s~tuated at Fishers Island, ~n the Town of /outhold, Suffolk County, New York, and descr~d as follows~ B~G.iN~ZNG at more ~articularly bounded and an iron p~e on the proposed northwesterly line of Wh~~ Avenue at the d~v~ding l~ne between the h~re~n described tract and land of the Board of Educ'&t~on, Fishers Island Union Free School Distr~ct No. 4 sa~d point l~e~g 261.81 feet NOrth of a .point which is 4446.44 feet west of a monument marking t~e United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS" and thenee running along ~-&d proposed avenue l~ne South 67° 13' west 1134.93 feet to a drill hole at the proposed Northeasterly l~ne of Trumb~ll Dr~ve~ thence along sa~d propesed l~ne and the northeasterly l~ne of winthrop Drive North 25" 10' West 170.60 feet~ thence along the southeasterly line of winthrop Dr~ve North 8° 02' Leg&~ Page E&$~ 5.-43 £ee~ thence North 67° 46 * Bas~ 286.4 £ee~ ~o an i~on pipe~ Thence North 27° 39' wes~ 33.26 £ee~ ~o a monumentr Thu nee North 62 o 21' Eas~ '699.94 £ee~ ~o a monumen~.~ thence south 23° 46' B&e~ 102.40 £ee~ ~o a morionS; thence North 67° 13' East 154.35 feet to a monument~ thenue South 22 ° 47 * East 161. $5 feet to the point of beginning, containing 5.41 acres, more or less. DATBDt MAY 13, 1966 BY O/DBR OF THE $OUTHOLD ~ BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMmND TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBliSH ONCE AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION MAY 19, 1966, AND (5) $OUTHOLD, Copies mailed to the follow~ng on May 17, 1966~ The Long I.sland Traveler-Mattituck The Suffolk Weekly Thues Otto Van Tuyl Race Point Corp. watchman ~ pub~_ic hesrin~., ..~:_ wa.,s held at 12:~0 p.m. .......... '~r~ ~ay, i'-%y 1-~,, 1 96~'~ , :. "~ +~ Ne to hear st t~e 'Vire !louse, Fishers island, Town of ou,..,r~o]d, w York, ' _. .,~e Builaing Zone ord~.,Dar_~ce those intaresteo in the p~or:,osa! to amend t~ ' ~ ~ by chanf~ing fro~, "~" !~esid. ential and .agricu'ltur81 district to "Y-l" '~u~.ti'?le' "Ees~d. ence, _ D~stri~t~_ .a portion of land for~',er].y known ss For*~ Wright now pr-~vetelv owned Mr. Les%er ~lbertson, Supervisor, called, the m~-:~e'tin.~I to orSer and read. ali.. the legal notices and notices of publication to those assen~b].e~. ;-le then asked al? t!-'-~_ose inter,rate5 in speaking in favor of the re-zoning t: speak st this ti~,e. There were no corr~,ents. Mr. ~.].bertson then asked those opposed, to the m~tter to be heard. There wer~t no c o mfr, e nfs. ~. Albertson a6journed, the meeting at 12:~.5 p.m. Respectful] y submitted, Lucy 7. &~on Secretary f~r the meetinr~ NOTICE OF HI~ARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Tow: Law and Article IX of the Buildin~ Zone Ordinance of the Town of South. old, Suffolk County, New York, publi~ hearing will be held by the Southolt Town Board at the Fishers Island Pire House, Plshers Island, New York, in said Town on the 13 day of May, !966, at 12:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day on the' folowing proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance , (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Coun- ty,' New York. 1. By changing from "A" Reside~itial and Agricultural 'District to "M-I" Multiple Residence DistriCt" the follow- ._ in~ described property: . An that certain tract Or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, in the, Town of Southotd, Suffolk · County, New York, and more par- ticularly .bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the proposed Northwesterly 'line of Whistler Avenue at the dividing line between the' herein descried tract and land of the Board of 'Education, Fishers Island Union Pi'Ce School District No. 4 said point being .261.81 feet North of a'point which~is 4446.44 feet West of a monument marking the United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS" and thence running along said proposed avenue line South 6?° 13' West 1134.93 feet to a drill hole at the proposed Northeasterly line of Trumbull Drive;. thence-along said proposed line and the north- .easterly line of Winthrop Drive North 25° 10' West 170.60 feet; .thence along the southeasterly line of Win- throp Drive North .8° 02' East 5.43 ~feet; thence North 6.~° 46~..East 286.4 feet to an 'iron pipe; thence North 2'/° 39' West 33.26 feet to 'a monu- ment; thence North 62° 21' East 699.94 feet "to a monument; thence South 2~° 46' East 102.40 feet to .a monument;-thence North 6~/° 13' East 154.35 feet to a monument; thence South 22° 4'/' East ,161.55 feet to the-point of begi .nning, contain- ing 5.41 acres, more or less. Any person desiring to be heard' on the ~bove proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified.. DATED: APRIL 19, 1966 BY ORDER OP THE SO~OIiD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, -,,~r,a ~,LERK. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a.nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ......... .~.~~..~Z~._._.._ week~/ successively, commencing on the ............ ~.'..~.".. ................. ..... ....... eeeeeeeeeeee ~eee®ee Sworn to be{ore me this ...... ~;~..~.~.. ........ dc¥ o* ........ ............ ADELE PAYN ~. )~otary Public, State of New York, Residing in S~!i'o)k County No. 52-3541000 ,-%remission Expires March ~ 197 ~ I~EGAJ~ NOTIOE i :' NOTi~ .~ ~O. ON ZONIi~G O~INAN~ ~uant'to section 2~ of ~e T~wn law and ~ction IX of the ~,b~l~g ~ne o~di~ce of ~e Town -of ~uthold, S~fo~ C~n- ty, New York, ~blic-heari~ ~ he~ by the ~~old ~~ ~ard .at the ~shers ~l~d ~e House, ~shers '~l~d, New Y~k, in ~id ~n ~on _~ .13-.~y' ~ ~,-- 1~, a~ 12:.30 o~l~ in ~he ~temoon .of. ~id day on ~ ..loll~n~ ,pro~; amend ~e B~~ z~e ~ffin- ance (incl, udin~ ~he Bu~~ Zone ~ps) o~ ~e ~ o.f ~u~ld, ~i,~ ~~y, N~ York. 1. By chan~ lrom "A" ~si- e~ia and ~ric,~~l ~~ o M-I" ~~iple ~dence ~s- bric~ ~he foll~n~ de~b~ p~ erty: ~1..~h.~t. c.e~an ~r~ o~..~. ~la~d, in ~he Town of ~~, SUffolk ~u.nby, H~ "York,' "and ,more ~r~ular!-~. ~~ded ,de~~. '~ follows, . . - ~~G. a~ an ir0h' ~Pe' on.'~e prod Nor~wes~rly l~e 0f ~~ler Avenue a~ ~he di~din~ line be~w~-~he here. ~,e ~rd el ~~ion,.'~- e:r,s. ~.~-~U~on ~ ~~1 of a~ ~,~e~t ~r~ng the U~~. S~~ ~~ and ~~e~ S u'r v e y ~ri~~- ti:on~;~ Station _ "p~,, and p~ 'svenue li~' ~~h, ~"' 13 w~s~ 1134.93 fee,~ ~ a '~ .hole a~ ' ~he p~~ ~i~ ~ ~bu~ Dr~e;' ~h~ce ~on~ ~M ~r~d line'. ~he n~r~e.~r;!Y '~e"' of - . 17~ .~ee~ .... ~hen~' .~1o~. ~.e southern.fly li~ of'-.-:WinbhroP Drive No~ 8° ~' '~s~ .~ve'"'=,~~ a° 0~,. ~' f.~ ~henc'e No:r~ 6~~ 46' ~t ~;6.~. fe..eb' ~ .~ .. iron'.. 33.~ ~ee~ ~: · s mon~en~ ~hence ',~5~h ~° 21' ~s~' f. ee~'~ ~o. s mon~en~; s~ 2~° 46'~ E~' .1~.~ f~ ~o a .monument; .~e.n~e.N~.-~ 6q° -" 13' ~. '..1~:35 ~- f~ '- ~o s m~fi~e:n~; ~e~e~ ~u~- of ~i~.~g, cQn~in~. 5.41 Any ~r~n de~r~ ~ be he~rd on ~h.e a~ve.pr~-~e~en~ should-.~Ppesr a~ ~he t~e ~d~ place '~ve s~.cified. ~~: 'AP~ 19,- 1966, BY O~-, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, } sa' STAT£ OF NEW YORI[, ...'~.. .... ~?.~.'.~..~-~~./~...~-.~'~... being duly Sworn, says that . :,...e~-:..., is Printer and Publisher' ~of the SUFFOLK W,E',EKLY TIMES. a newspaper published ~t Greenport, in said county; .and ~hat the 'notice, of which, the ,annexed is ,~ printed copy, .has bee'n published in the ;said .Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, to'r ........ . .~-ff~....c~. ............. week~ · successively commencing on the .~.-~..,~¢~..~.~. ~..?~~.. '~-. d~/' of ...~.~ ......... !9~.~.. Pu-~t~ to~'~n '~~ the Tow~ ~w an~:~Article Bu~~ ~ne~ ~'Or~nan~ To~ of Southold, Surfboa- ts, ~w Yor~ public, he~_ b~. ~d b~ ~he South~d .~vn. BO~ ~ the ~,~shers l~~re Ho~,. Fishe~ Island, N~ ~k, in ~ ~ow~On the 13{h'"lay of MaY, i~, a~;.1~:30 o'cl~ in the alton o~aid da~ on ti~e follewhlg pr0~Osal to CAt,end the Bul]~I~ Zo~. Ordinancd (includ- ing ~ B~ng Zone .'~aps~. ~f the ~wn'[~ Southold? County, N~ork. 1. ~ cha~ng from "A" de~ial andi~cultural , District to "M-I" M~[ple R.~ldehce Dis- trict ' t h.e ~llowing described pr ty: "~, ' · ~thatc~tain ~ract o~ parcel I of land situated at .Fis~rs Is- '[land, in the ' To~ ef ~.thold, [Suffolk County, New Y~k and [ more p~rticul~ly boun~d' and ]describ~ a~ follows: [' BEGGING at an.i~'~ ~pe .on ~the ~ro~sed North~~~ line of ~is~ler Ave~ ~ ~e lng I1~ be~een the scribed tract and Board 0f E~ucatlon, Fisher~ land Union Free Sch~-D~S~ No. ~ said ~lnt being North of ~ point whlch~s feet West of a monumeA~ mark- lng the United States Cd~t aud Geodetic Survey Triangulation ,Station "PROS" and the~ run. i nl~ along sa~ prop~ ave- ~nu~ line South ~ ~ f~.West ]]~3~.~3 fe~t to a drill hol~ at ~the proposed Northeaster. llne 'of Trumbull Drive; thenc6~'along ~sa~ proposed llne and t~. e~sterly line of Wlnthr~~e .N~th 2~~ ~0' West thee along the Iso ~ East 5.43 feet; thence lNor~ ~ a6' East '286.~ f~t ~t6 '~' .'~an .' 1~ _2ipe; thenc~ monist ?~~. North ~East 6W.~;~.:'~-'~' a monu~nt; I t~ene~ut~~ ..... a6' ~t.. t.~:a0 l feet ~ monet; th~Le_~th I ~ ] ~st t ~'-"feet t6~~u- I m~t; thence ~outh 220 ~7'~ East ]]6~.55 feet to the polnt of lnln;, containing ~.al acres, "more ' Any person desiring to be hea~l on ~e above ~opos~ amend- merit should ap~ar' at the time and Rlace able specified. Dated: April ~9, ~66, B~ Order ot the Southold Town Boa;d. ALBERT ~.. ~ICHMOND, Iown CI~rR. THE'DAY, NEW LONDON, ~I~ONN., THURi~ZK%Y', ~,.~RIE"' 28, 196~ Puget ~ ~Xon 265 o£ the ToMn La~ and &r~Xcle o£ ~he BuLldLnq Zone OrdAnanc~ of the Town of Southold, York, public he~xXnq will be held by the South~ld Tram Boa~-d at the Fishes isled Fi~e .House, Fishers lsXand, ~e~ Yo=k, ~n said Town on the 13 day of 1966, at 12~30 o'cloc~ ~n the all--moon of said day on the £olXo~~nq pro~s~ to ~nd the Build,hq Zone the ]auXldXn~ zone ltaps) o£ the Town of[ Sou'thold, 8u££olk Co~.nt~, New ¥ozko 1. By ch~~n~ from "A'' Resident,taX and A~ricultural descrt~d pro/ratty: that certain tract or pardi of land $ovthold, Suffolk County, partXcul~ly bounded and New. ~oZk, and more aa BI~X]fNXifG at an iron pipe on the pro--ed <LtvXd~ line be~~n -.the here~ 6es~tbed tract and land o£ the Board o£ Education Xlland Uni.on. F~ee School District No. 4 said poltn't being 261.81 feet North o£ a point ~hich ia 4446.44 feet West of a mon~nt marking the Un.ired States Comst and Geodetic Survey Triangulation St~..tXon and thence runnigg along' said avenue line South 67° 13' West 1134.93 feet to a drill hole at the proposed $othe&sterly liner of Tr~~ull Drive~ ~ence l~ne and the noz~~eaeterly line alonq said. proposed Hort~ 25° I0' West 170.60 feet~ then.ce along the line of W~throp Drive ~orth 8~ 02'" / East 5.43 feet f thence Ifor~h 67° 46' ~ut 286.4 i~eet to. an !ton plpe~ thence N~~ 27 ' 39' wea~ [[ ~3.26 £eet to a ~ontaaent ~ .thee l~orth 62 o 21' B:a~t 699.94 £ee~ to a monument~ then~ e-outh 23 ~ 46' rdmt 102.40 feet to a 'monument~ t~ence East 154.35 feet to & mon~'nt~ ~hen~ $~th 22°. 47' East 161.55 feet. to. the potn-t o£ beginning0 containing 5.41 acres, more or:Less. Any person doaXr~ng to be heard on the shove proposed should &ppe at the tia~ and place above, epecXfXed. DATEDi AFRIL 19, 1~66, BY OJlOBR. O~ ~ S'~ ~ BOARD AFFXDAVXT~ OF PUBLXCATX(:~ APR~ 28, 1966, AMD FORWARD FOUR to the TOP~ CLERK, NAXif ROAD, (4) ~qI~ITtI, TASKEi~, FINK~iLSTEIN ANI) LUND~Ei~G May 23, 1966 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Clerk of the Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York Re: Change of Zone Whistler Avenue, Fishers Island Dear Albert: Enclosed herewith is photostatic copy of the Town Board resolution with respect to the change of zone at Fishers Island, adopted May 13, 1966, together with an affidavit of personal service thereof upon Fishers Island Utilities, Inc. For 3,our information, the purpose of serving a copy on Fishers Island Utilities was to make the ordinance change effective imme- diately as to Fishers Island Utilities, Inc. The enclosures should be kept in your office as a record. Yours very truly, RWT:JM Enclosure ROBERT W. TASKER of Southold, May, 1966, at the Fishers Island New York. Moved by Justice Edwar~s~ At a meeting of the Southold Town Board of the Town Suffolk County, New York, held on the 13th day of Fire House, Fishers Island, seconded by Councilman Demarest; WHEREAS, Race Point Corporation by petition verified the 5th day of April, 1966, petitioned the Town Board for a change of zone of certain real proper~y described in said petition from "A" Residential and Agriculural District to District, WHEREAS, "M-l" Multiple Residence and the said petit[on was referred to the Planning Board for its official recommendation and report, and WHEREAS, the Town Board pursuant to due notice thereof held a nearing thereon on the 13th day of May, 1966, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Southold Town Bulldlng Zone Ordinance, including the Building Zone Maps, be amended from "A" Residential and Agriculural District to "M-i" Multiple Resid- ence District on the followlDg described property: ALL that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, i~ the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded a~d described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the proposed north- westerly line ~f Whistler Avenue at the divid- ing line between the herein described tract and land of the Board of Education, Fishers Island Union Free Scho{~l District N~,. 4 said point being 2~1.81 feet N~rth of ~ point which is 4446.44 feet West ~,i a m{~nument marking the United States Coast anU G=..~tt±c Sur~cy Triangulation Station "PROS" and thence running along sal,] proposed avenue ]]ne S~utn 6?° 1~' West 11 {4.93 feet to a drill ~,~le at t},e pr{~posed Northeasterly line of Trumbill Drlve; thence along said pro- posed line and th~ northeasterly line of Winthrop Drive North 25° 10' West 170.b0 feet~ thence along the southeasterly line of Winthrop Drive North 3° 02' East 5.43 feet: thence North 67° 46' East 286.4 feet to an iron pipe: thence North 27° 39' West 33.26 feet to a monument; thence North 62© 21' East 699.94 feet to a monument; thence South 23° 46' East 102.40 feet to a monument; thence North 67° 13' East 154.35 feet to a monument; thence South 22° 47' East 161.55 feet to the point of beginning, containing 5.41 acres, more or less. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the TOWn Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to cause notice of said amendment to be posted and published [~ursuant to law. Vote of Town ~oard: Ayes-Supervisor Lester M. Albertson councilman Louis M. Demarest Councilman Howard C. Valentine Justice Ralph W. Tuthlll Justice Henry A. clark Justice E. Perry Edwards TC~N OF SOUTHOLD 'SEAL This is to certif, that I, Albert W. R,chmond, Clerk of the town of S.-,,u-'~ -., the said County of Sdffolk, have compared the foregoing cop~ e' -e~ ._" w~th the original resoluhon now on file ~n this ofhce, and wh,cr by the Town Board of the town of 5outhold in sa~d Co~JnK o' the ...Z.'~-~q.. day of ........ ~' ..................... 19...~.~ 3nd thc' ~, o correct and true transcript of such original resoiuhon and the v, ho.z in Witness Whereof, I hGve hereunto set my hand aha oft~xec: of said To~n th,s ... -~9~C~ day of . ..~'t~l,~ ..............~c, 6~ Clerk ,,f thc Town Board Town of $outhold. County of Southold Town Planning Board -~nUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John ~Y/ickh~m, Chairman Henry Mols~ Alfred Grebe Archibald Young Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York April 14, 1966 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a special meeting held on April 13, 1966, at the Office, of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York: In the matter of the petition Race Point Corporation, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" Multiple Residence District on certain real property situated at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the proposed Northwesterly line of Whistler Avenue at the dividing line between the herein described tract and land of the Board of Education, Fishers Island Union Free School District No. 4 said point being 261.81 feet north of a point which is 4446.44 feet West of a monument marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS" and thence running along said proposed Avenue line South 67° 13' West 1134.93 feet to a drill hole at the proposed northeasterly line of Trumbull Drive; thence along said proposed line and the Northeast~ay line of Winthrop Drive North 25° 10' West 170.60 feet; thence along the South- easterly line of Winthrop Drive North 8° 02' East 5.43 feet; thence North 67° 46' East 286.4 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 27~ 39' West 33.26 feet to a monument; thence North 62° 2~' East 699.94 feet to a monument; thence South23° 46' East 102.40 feet to a monument; thence North ~67° 13' East 154.35 feet to a monument; thence south 22° 47' East 161.55 feet to the point of beginning, containing 5.41 acres more or less. Report to: April 14, Page -2- Southold Town Board 1966 It is hereby RESOLVED that the $outhold Town Planning Board favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-l" Multiple Residence District on the property of Race Point Corporation, as described above. These buildings on the~property are existing buildings, built by the Government. They were built larger than is normally used for one family occupancy. The people on Fishers Island think this will be beneficial to them and to the community. This seems like a logical and reasonable use of the property as there are other multiple family dwellings owned by the Government in the Soho~l District on the same side of this Street. The proposal of the owners, Race Point Corporation, to improve these buildings will be in the best interest of the Town of ~outhold. Respectfully submitted, J Wickham, Chairman ~-~ Southold Town Planning Booked /bd cc: Town Clerk OFF .ERK SOUTHOLD, L. I,, N. Y. April 13, 1966 Mr. John Wickham chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Race Point Corporation , Fishers Island, New york, relative to change of zone from "A" ReSidential and Agric- ultural District to "M-l" Multiple Residence District, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at $outhold, New York, You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with · the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk April ?~ 1966 Cravath Swaine & Moore, 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza New York, N.Y. 1000~ Attorneys Attn: James ~n~ing Dear Sir; "A" to today. Your application A/C "~~" district, Whistler Race Point Corp for change of zone, Ave, Fishers Island was received F~.closed please find receipt for $2%.00 fee for same. This will be referred to ~he th,~ Town Board can May. I will keep go before the Town Board on April Planning Board for their May '3rd set a final hearing date at t~..,~,J_r you posted on it's progress. !gth and should m~-'~,eting so that first m~eting in I have ta].ked with he is quite happy about it J. P. Perry ~dwards on ti~is so I expect it will progress yester~ay and normaly. Your s truly C..\SE NO.: .............. STATE OF NE'~V YORK PETITION T()\VN OF SOUTItOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION C}F RACE POINT CORPORATION FOR.\CHANGE. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF T[IE BUILDING ZONE ORDI~ XANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TO\VN BOARD OF TI{E TOXVN OF SOUTHOLD: having an office ag 1 Chase Manha~an Plaza, 1. M.. RACE..POINT. C. ORPORATION ..... ~m~mm .................................... ~ Cotints~ New York, the undersigned, ~ the owner of certain real propert) situated at ........ ,l~.~b.O.~ .I.$.,l.~.D.d. ........... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe on the proposed Northwesterly line of Whistler Avenue at the dividing line between the herein described tract and laud of the Board of Education, Fishers Island Union Free School District No. 4 said point being 261.81 feet North of a point which is 4446.45 feet ~est of a monument marking the United grates Coast aud Geodetic Survey Triangulation Btation "PROB" and thence run~ing along said proposed Avenue line South 6T° 13' ~est 1134.9~ feet to a drill hole at the proposed Nort~easterly line of Trumbull Drive~ thence along said proposed line and the Northeasterly line of Winthrop Drive North 25° 10' West 170.60 feet; thence along the Southeasterly line of Winthrop Drive North 8° 6Y2' East 5.43 feet; thence North 67° 46' E~st R86.4 feet to an iron pipej thence North 27° 39' West ~3.26 fee~ to a monument; thence North 62° 21' East 699.9~ feet to a monument; thence South 23° 415' East 102.40 feet to a monument; thence North 67° 13' Ernst 15~.35 feet ~oa monument; thence South 22° 4T' East 161.55 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5.41 acres more or less as described on the survey filed with this Petition and which is entitled: nPlan For Road Dedication At Fort H. C. Wright Property For The Race Point Corporation" It does 2./~,~}~ hereby petition tile Toun Board of thc Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Buihling Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps beretta'ore made a part thereof, as follows: By designating the classification of the real property described in paragraph l, above, from "A" Residential and Agricultural District ~o "M-i" Multiple Residence District. ~ ' ~ ~~or~ 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The improvements located on the proDerty described in paragraoh l, above, were constructed by the United States free of zoning requirements and are designed, in the main, for occupation by two or more families. To rehabilitate the existing structures or to demolish and build new improvements so as to conform with existing use requirements is impractical. Petitioner's request for a re-classifi- cation and variance will not (i) prevent the orderly and Dermltted use of properties in adjacent use districts, (ii) effect a change in character of the area, or (iii) cause an overcrowding of land or undue concentration of population. RACE POINT CORPORATION, STATE OF NEW YORK, ) NEW YORK ) SS:- COUNTY OF ~[I~IL~.~, ) ti. LAWRENCE BOGERT, JR. , BEING DULY S\VORN, deposes and says that '" P/~'i ~'d~'rit' '6 ~' ......................... he is,~he petitioner iu the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to bis}{l~-~ own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged GU information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. H. Lawrence Bogert, ~Vr. Sworll to before me this .?.... day of ........ ~p.r::L1 ......... 19..66 Notary Public. No. 31-8705~ Commission [xpires MB~ ~. !~ CRAVATH, ,$WAINE & MOORE I CNASE ~IANNATTAN PLAZA NEV¢ YORK.N Y. IOOO5 Race ?oint Corporation Petition for a Chan~e of Bull~lng 'Zone Ordinance April 5, 196b Dear Sirs: Enclosed for filing on behalf of Race Point Cor- poration is a Petition (in duplicate) requesting a change in the Building Zone Ordinance, toEether with two copies of the one-page plan described in Paragraph 1 thereof. am also enclosing this firm's check payable to the Town in the amount of $25 in payment of the filing fees. The strip of land approximately 1,134.93 feet in length and 20.3 feet in width lying between the northwesterly line of Whistler Avenue (as it now exists) and the southeasterly line of the parcels described on the enclosed plan and numbered 21-31~ inclusive~ is owned by Petitioner and has been offered to the Town for the purpose of widening Whistler Avenue. Said strip is a portion of the right of ways proposed to be dedicated to the Town and is the sub- ject matter of an Application filed by Petitioner with the Town Planning Board on August 5, 1965. It will be appreciated if you will keep me informed of developments concerning this matter and if there is any additional information which you may reauire, kindly communicate with me. Town Board, Southold, New York. Ver~ truly yours, ,/ames P. Manning Encls. ~i LVE:'~ ~---,l[: L ~L,Z~,N 4~'01~ q~.~:)A. D DED kCATI 0 N