HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Bros. Inc. Amend #73 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ...... .V..a..'i..~:......~....~..~..t.~......~..~.t~.....~.?.~..~...~.~:~.~..~.....~.~'.Z.'.~... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- · "A" Res. & Agric. "B" Business ing Trom ............................................ District to ............................................ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....... ~..4..~..h....day of ........ ?...e.]~.~..~..~ .................... , 19....6..6.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is gra~3ted. By Order of the Southold Town Board. D&ted~ February 28, 1966. Effective as of M~rch ?, 1966. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ALBERT W. To~n of Southold, being duly of twenty-one years ~ that on 19~_66 he affixed a notice of is a true RICHMO~., of Southold, New York, sworn, says that he is over the the _ 28th of which the annexed copy, in a proper and public place in the Town of prXnted notice age to wit =- substantial manner, in a most Southold, Suffolk County, New York, .... Town Clerk Bulletin, Southold' L X..., N Y .......... '" ' -' :-- -'..." ....' i~ . ~;, :, - -. ................ . ...... 7-'. ...... - .... LL~_-7 ................ ~ ' El' 4~ Board ..... · · . ' .- :~.u~ .... ~.. -. -.-- ..... ....... _ ....... .... " "-: ....... :" .~--: - '- ...... ~-'__. ~.rr__ Cz%k;-? n o, sou hola Sworn to before me this _.28th ......day of Pebr 'u=ar-- 1964 r;~AR]O,N A. REGENT NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New Yor~.' .No. 52-3233120 Suffolk County Term Expires IVtarch 30,. 19..~ and ' :: ...... '-.~-:. :~ .... '?. :-.'.',~ . ='-, ~ *~' :- t: ~.'. "?' .. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- M^TTITUCK W^TCHMAN, a public news- p,per printed ot $outhold, in. Suffolk County; ~nd that the notice of which the a:nnexed is a printed copy, 'has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .... ~~~/~. .... e ~u¢¢es$iyel¥, ¢ommen¢infl on th~ ............................. d~y o{ ....... ~ 19 Sworn to b~{or~ m~ thb .......~...~~ ........ oha¥ o{ LEGAL NOTICE OF ZONING ORDINANCE A~DMEN~ NO. 73 NOTrC~; '~S ~Y G~VEN, that after' a public hearing held ~ursuant to the requirements, of law~ .the Building Zon~ Ordinance (including the Building Zone Map) ,of the Town of Sout~old, Saffolk Cour~ty, New York, _ was duly amended ~t a 'regular' meeting of the Southold Town Board held .on F~hruary 14, 1966, as follOWs- 1. By c~anging from "A" Resi- dential and Agricultrual District to "B" Bu~in~ District the fol- lowing described property' Ail that certain l~act or pa~'cel of land situated at Peconic, in the Town of Sout~old, Saffol~ Oaun-' ty,~ New York, arid more 9a.rtic- · uhrly bounded and described follow' B~G~NI~G at a point on the e~sterly line .of Peconic Lane ~point is 2,33.0. ~eet northerly ~aid easte~-ly~ line from. the.~ , intersection thereof with t~e northerly line~ of ,Main l~o,ad. From ~aid. point of-~ beginning ~unning t~er~ce along.land now or former- ly of Carl E, VaU .and RiChard.'T. yail. '~wo. cour, S~S a~ follOWs' -North 58 d~gre~ 51 minutes 20 secor~ds ~ 1,60.9~ fe~t to a mon- 'ument;. thence' (2) South 40 de- grees 01 mir~utes 30 second~ 'East. 20.,0 feet' to a mo.r~ ,ument 'tl~ence~ alontg land now or .formerly of Stanley' Clra~'~two ,coarses as low, s: (1) NOrth- 48 degrees~ 39 min- .utes 30 secon~ East I?0.0 feet to ~ monist;- thence (2) SOuth 40. . de~ees 01 mln~es 30 sec°nds east 180.0 feet to a monument set on i .t~e ~no~herly.line of Math ~; running thence along land now or formerly 'of ~GozelSki North 30 de- grees 00 mim~t~ West 310 feet; thence South 58 d~rees 51 min- utes 2.0 seconds West 361 feet, more or less to said easterly line of Peconic Lane.;. thence along said easterly line of Peconic Lane S~uth 30 de~rees 00 minutes 150.0 feet to a mort ~ument and the poin~ or pls~e~of tbeginning. DATED:' FEbrUArY 14, 19t~, BY ORDER OF ~~ ~W~t ~~D. ~T W. R~CHMOND, TOWN~ OLER~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, } STATE OF NEW YORK. ~ ss: .. >.~.:. ~.~ .~. ~~..~.. ~~~....c~.q'.~~...~. ....being duly Sworn, sm/s that ...~~.v., is Printor and Publisher of the SUFFOLK W. EEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~t Greenport, in said county; and ~hat the 'notice, of which the, annexed is ~ printed copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekl~ Times o.nce in each week, for ........ ..~..~¥.c~ .............. week~ successivc~ly commencing on the . .~.~.~.~..~'..~ .~, ~-..~~.. d~of..~~~ .'~~ ~~ .... 19.~. S~arn to before me this . ,~~~'~. ~. I } · · · ~ , · · · · I ............... ........ HOTICB IS HBR~B.Y ~IV~0 .that after & public hear~ held pursuit to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance (~nalud~nq .the Bu~d~g Zone Map) 'o£ the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Hew York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town S. oard .%.-. held on February 14, 1966, as £ollows ~ 1. By changing £rcm "A~ Res~d~nt~&l and Agricultural District to SB" Business District the property: £ollow ~nq described All that cer-ta~n tract or parcel of land s Xtu.ated at Pecon,~c, ~ the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, and more part~cul&rly bounded and described as BB~~~ at a point on the easterly l~ne o£ Pecontc Lane which point ~s 233.0 feet northerly along sa~d easterly l~ne from the of Main Road. ~ntersectlon thereof w~th the From sa~d point o£ beg~nn ~ng northerl~ line running thence along land now or £ormerl~ of C&~I B. V&~i and R~ch&rd T. Vail two courses as £ollowa~ (1) North 58 degrees 51 m~nute.s 20 seconds Bast 160.97 £eet to a mon~nt~ thence (2) South 40 degrees O1 m~nu~es 30 seconds East 20.0 feet to a monument thence alnng land now or formerly of[ Stanley C~r&ch two courses as (1) North 48 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds Legal. Not:Lee -2- 170.0 feet; to a reorient; thence (2) south 40 degrees 30 sec~n~s east 180.0 feet to a mon~nt set 01 m~nuteo on the northerly line of Main Road; runn~u~g thence along land now or formerly of ~ozelsk~ No~~ 30 aegrees 00 m~nu~es west 310 feet~ thence sou.th 58 ~egrees 51 m~nutes 20 seconds west 361 feet, note or less to said ea.oterly line of Pe~tc Lane~ ~hence along sa~d easterly l~ne of l~con~c Lane South 30 degrees O0 m~nutes East 150.0 feet to a monument and the point or place of beginning. DATBDs FEBRUARY 14~ 1966, BY ORDER OF TIlE $O~ TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. R XCHMOMD, TCMN CLERK PLBASE P' L]:SH FBBRUARY 24, 1966, AND FORWARD FOUR (4") AFFXDAVITS OF PUBLICATI~ TO THE TONN CLERK, MAIN SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on February 15. 1966~ The Long Island Traveler~ttitu~ The Suffolk weekly Times Otto Van Tuyl & Son Vail B~os., Znc. MINUTES TOWN BOARD February 14, 1966 P R E S E.N T: SUPERVISOR LESTER M. ALBERTSON JUSTICE RALPH TUTHILL COUNCILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE COUNCILMAN LOUIS DEMEREST TOWN ATTORNEY ROBERT W. TASKER TOWN CLERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND VAIL BROS., INC SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open the hearing by reading the legal notice. "NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article /3f, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board in the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 14th day of February, 1966 at 7:00 o'clock in the evening of said day on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. "1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: "All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Peconic in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point on the easte~line of Peconic Lane which point is 233.0 feet northerly along said easterly line from the intersection thereof with the northerly line of Main Road. From said point of beginning running thence along land now or formerly of Carl E. Vail and Richard T. Vail two courses as follows: (1) North 58 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds East 160.97 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 40 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds East 20.0 feet to a monument thence along land now or formerly of Stanley Cirach two courses as follows: (1) North 48 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East 170.0 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 40 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds east 180.0 feet to a monument set on the northerly line of the Main Road; running thence along land now or formerly of Goselski North 30 degrees 00 minutes West 310 feet, thence south 58 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds West 361 feet, more -3- or less to said easterly line of Peconic Lane; thence along said easterly line of Peconic Lane South 30 degrees 00 minutes East 150.0 feet to a monument and the point or place of beginning. "Any person desiring to be heard on the above proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above s~ecified. "DATED: JANUARY 25, 1966, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, ALBERT W. RICHOMND,TOWNCLERK." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: There are proofs of publication in the file from the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman and from the Suffolk Weekly ~imes. I will now read the report of the Planning Board. "Gentlemen: "This is to certify that ~ at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, held on January 11, 1966, the following action was taken: "In the matter of the petition of Vail Bros., ~nc. Peconic New York, relative to a change of zone from "a" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particular bounded and described as follows: (legal description not read again.) "It was ~/~SOLVED that the $outhold Town Planning Board favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of Vail Bros., Inc., as described above. "The Planning Board points out at this time that there may be some traffic )roblems with the police department across the street and some )roblem with access onto this highway. "Respectfully submitted, /s/ John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." -4- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: At this time is there anyone present who wishes to be heard in favor of this change of zone~ HERBERT WELLS: We have gone as far as we can on the present property, we have to have more land. This is why we have contracted to purchase 150 feet north on Peconic Lane to our easterly boarder which is about 360 feet. THE SUPERVISOR: Anyone else wish to be heard in favor of this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard in opposition to this application? (There was no response. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard one way or the other on this application for a change of zone~ (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. LEG~ so'rXCE NOTICE OF' ON PROPOSAL TO AM~gD ZONZNO ORDXN~CE Pursuant ~ ~ctlon ~5 of the Town ~w and Art~le ~ of the B~ng .Zone ~d~ce of the T~n ~ ~u~old, Suffolk C~- ~, N~w Y~k, "public,~ he~ln~ w~ ~ held by ~e ~u~.old Town ~a.rd .at the Office of the S~er- v~r, 16 ~uth Street, G~een~rt, New Y~k, in said ~~ on the 14th ~y of F~.~, 1~, at ~'~ ~'~ in ~ even~ of ~d day, on ,the fol~wing proD~~ to* amend the B~~g Zone' Ordin- ~ce (inclu~ ~e B~ldt~ Zone M~) of the Town of ~uthold, Suffo~ cowry, New York. 1. By ~.~i~ from "A" ~si- d~~ ~ ~lt~l D~t~ct ~ "B" B~e~ D~ict the ~i~ .d~~d ~e~y' A~ t~t cern t~t or p~cel ~ land .~t~ted ~t Pe~n~, ~. T~ ~. ~u~otd,' ~~ O~- ~9gly ~~ed and d.~rl~d ~G~INO at a ~~t on t~ ~~,rly l~e of P~~c ~ane w~ ~t ~ 233.0 feet no~he=ly ~~ ~d ~s~ly line from the ~.r~tion' thief ~th ~e ~herly line of ~in Eoad. From ~e~e ~o~ land n~ or ly of Carl E. '~ ~ ~~a~d T. V~' two .~~ ~-Z~~s:- (1) No~ 58' .~ 51 ~nut~ ,~ent; ~e~ ~) ~th ~ de- ~s .01 m~u~ 30 ~m& ~t 20..0 fe& ~ a ~~~t ~nce a ~n~~t; t~~ (2) ~th 40 ~' ~t ~'.a ~~t' ~t on ~e no~herly ~ne of ~n ~; r~~ t~~.e ~~ l~d ~ .or fo~e~y of G~~i N0~ 30 de- ~~ ~ ~n~ W~t 3-!0. feet; u~s ~ ~&. W~t ~1' ~re 0r l~ ~ ~ ~~ly line of P~ ~ne; ~~ .~~ ~d e~rly ~ne of P~o~c. L~e ~u~ 30 ~r~ ~ minut~ I~.0 f~t ~ .a mon~e~ .a~ ~y ~rs~n d~i~ ~ ,be hear~ should-~~ar at the time ~nd '~lace .s~bove ap~ified. '.DA~' J~~Y ~, l~, BY O~ ~ .~ SO~O~ ~~ ~~, AI,~T W. ltF2 ~OUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 'STATE OF NEW YORK, .~ ss' ....,-¢.,. · ...... says that . :~... i~ Printer and Publisher ,of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published ~t Greenport. in said county; and that the 'ri. erich. ,of which the, ,annexed is ,~ printed copy. has been published in the ,~a, id Suffolk Weekly Times o,nce in each week. ~o'r ......... ~ ........... week~ successively commencing on the .. :~..~~. ........... day,of .,',~.~.".... 19.~..~ Sw, o, rn to before me this . .~.~: .... ,~ eee.eeeeeeeeea%eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *e · STANLEY S. COR'~rIN NOTARf PUBLIC, St~,te of New Yo~ (lika. ?q::,, 32-~820400 ~~sio-n Explre~ March30, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX 'of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, publiC hearing~ will I/e held by the Southold Town Board in the Office of the Super- visor, '16 South Street,:~ Greenport,. New York, in said-Town on the 14th day of 'February, 1966, at -?:00 o'clock in the evening of said day on the following proposals ~to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of S0uthold, Suffolk County, New-York. 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Busi, ness District the following desc~bed property' .. ' All that certain tract Or parcel of land situated at Peconic, in the To~ of Southold, S~ffolk .county, New York, and more particularly bounded and -described as follows: BEGINNING. at a point on the east, erly line of Peconic-Lane which point is 233.1~ feet northerly along said east- erly line from the intersection thereof with the northerly line of Main Roa~. From said 'point of beginning.ru~min~ thence along land now or formerly of Carl E. Vail and Richard T. Vail two courses as foUows: (1) North 55 de-- grees 51 minutes 20 seconds East 169.9'1 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 40 degrees 01 minu~tes 30 seconds East 20.0 feet to a monument thence along land now..or formerly o$ Stanley Cierach two courses as follows: (1) North 48 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East 170:0 feet to a monument; thence South 40 degrees 01 minutes $0 seconds 'east 180.0 feet to a monmmen~ set on the northerly line of Main Road; run- ning thence along land now~"or form- "'erly of Gozelski North 30 ,degrees O0 mi'nutes Weqt ~10 feet; thence South 58 .degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds West ~1 feet, more or less to said easterly line of Peconic Lane; thence along Said easterly line of Peconic :Lane ~quth 3/)degrees 00 minutes East 150.0 !eat to a' monument and the point or p~ce of ~ .Any' person desiring to' be heard on -.the above proposed amendment should appear, at the time and place above .~qfied. ~&TED' JANUARY 25, 1966 '-' BY ORDER OF TIgE SOIYI'HOLD' · .ALBERT W. RICHMOND, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss. C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TFL~VELER- ~ATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the onnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for /.k,w.~~_.~ - . ' ....... . .~;....~..Z,~e kTv successively, commencina on the day of ...... .~. ~x~.__.~.~.. ; "~'~.~,,,~,.,.~ _ _ Sworn to before me this ....... ~~..,. ......... day of ......~:' ~' ' ' 19 teeelee e~ el J '~'e leeeeeeeeeel eee ~ eeeeeeeeel ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New YorR Residing in Su',i,}lk County No. 52-3041000 Commission .Expires March 30, 19I~'/ Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wiclchem, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe REPORT TO: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York January 14, 1966 Gentlemen: This is to certify that ata regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, held on January 11, 1966, the following action was taken: In the matter of the petition of Vail Bros., Inc. Peconic New York, relative to a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINIqING at a point on the easterly line of Peconic Lane which point is 233.0 feet northerly along said easterly line from the intersection thereof with the northerly line of Main Road. From said point of beginning running thence along land now or formerly of Carl E. Vail and Richard T. Vail two as follows: (1) North 58 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds East 160.97 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 40 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds East 20.0 feet to a monument thence along land now or formerly of Stanley Cirach two courses as follows: (1) North 48 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East 170.0 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 40 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds East 180.0 feet to a monument set on the northerly line of Main Road; running thence along land now or formerly of Gozelski North 30 degrees 00 minutes West 310 feet; thence south 58 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds west 361 feet,more or less, to said easterly line of Peconic Lane; thence along said easterly line of Peconic Lane, south 30 degrees 00 minutes East 150.0 feet to a monument and the point or place of beginning. Report to Southold Town Board --2-- It was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of Vail Bros., Inc., as described above. The Planning Board points out at this time that there may be some traffic problems with the police departmen~ across the street and some problem with access onto this highway. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman ~"~ Southold Town Planning Board /bd OF'FI .ERK 'I" ALBEI~T W. I~IOHM[3ND ~OUTHOLD~ L. I., N. Y. December 22, 1965 Mr. John wlckham Chairman Plan~ing Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. wickham; The original petition of vail Bros., Inc., located at corner of route 25 and Peconic, Lane, Peconic, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Peconic, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/ Very truly yours, TOWn Clerk CASE NO.: ..l ........... ST.\TE OF NEx. V YORK PETITION TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR:\ CHANGE. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY. NE\V YORK. TO TItE TO\VN BOARD OF THE TO%rN OF SOUTHOLD: We, Vail Brothers, Inc. Located at Cor of Rte 25 & Peconic La., 1. X ..... LiL1 lan..A,.. G. oz.elaki ........ residing at . 6. Orton:.D~.iv.e, ............. ~econic (illSel't name of petitioner) East Northport, N.Y. Suffolk Cotmty, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at in the Town of '~';~'~i~; ..... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a r~oint on the easterly line of Peconic Lane which point is 233.0 feet northerly along said easterly line from the intersection thereof with the northerly line of Main Road. From said point of beginning running thence along land now or formerly of Carl E. Vail and Richard T. Vail two courses as follows: (1) North 58 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds East 160.97 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 40 degrees O1 minutes 30 seconds East 20.0 feet to a monument; thence along land now or formerly of Stanley Cirach two ccurses as follows: (1) North 48 degres, s 39 minutes 30 seconds East 170.0 feet to a monument; thenc~ (2) South 40 degrees O1 minutes 30 seconds East 1~0.0 feet to a monument set on the northerly line of Main Road; running thence along land now or formerly of Gozelski North 30 degrees O0 minutes West 310 feet; thence South 58 degrees 5]- minutes 20 seconds West 361 feet, more or less, to said essterly~ne of Peconic Lane; thence along said easterly line of Peconic Lane South 30 degrees O0 minutes ~sst 150.0 feet to a monument and the point or olace of beginning. 2. I do hereby I,etition the Town Board of the Town oi Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance uf the Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps hereto, fore made a part thereof, as follows: To change from residential to business~ "B" BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of l~econic Lane which point is 233.0 feet northerly along said easterly line from the intersection thereof with the northerly line of Main Road. From said point of beginning running thence along land now or formerly of Carl E. Vail and Richard T. Vail two courses as follows: (I) North 58 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds East 160.97 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 40 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds East 20.0 feet to a monument; thence along land now or formerly of Stanley Cirach two courses as follows: (1) North 48 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East 170.0 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 40 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds East 180.0 feet to a monument set on the northerly line of Main Road; running thence along land now or formerly of Gozelski North 30 degrees 00 minutes West 310 feet; thence South 58 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds West 361 feet, more or less, to said easterly line of Peconic Lane; thence along said easterly line of Pecon[c Lane South 30 degrees 00 minutes East 150.0 feet to a monument and the point or place of beginning. CASE NO.: .............. STATE OF NE'~V Y'ORK PETITION TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE M:\TT/~:R OF THE PETITION OF FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF TItE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE\V YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: We, Vail Brothers, Inc. located at Cot of Rte 25 & Peconic La.,Pooonic~N.Y. 1. I, . .I~_.l)_.~q.. ,~,....G.o.z.e.l$.k.i. ............... residing at . ~..0.~?.o.r~. ~)~.i.v.~ ~..E.8:s..t..N.c..r~;.h,R.q .r.t ,N.Y. (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk Couuty, New York, the uudersigued, am the owner of certain real property situated at ..... P.~.ePP,~.q: .......................... ~m.d41~ore particularl],:-q~ounded and described as follows: in the Town of Sou;hold.z C~ty of]'~~ of New York, bo~ded and described as fol~ws: BEGI~ING at the p~h~ntersection of the oaste~ side el Peconic Dopo~ Lane with the northerly line ~ land now or former~ belonging to Vail Brothers (Carl E. Vail and Richard~ Vail); ~nning the~ast~.~ong the northerly line of said Vail Brothers,/a ~istance of 161 feet,~ess, r~ing thence southerly along the easterly~liu~ of sa~ ~d ~ V~~ a distance of 20 feet, more or less, to land no~ or fo~[~ ~ley Cierach, r~ning thence easterly along the northerly line o~land~w]or former~f said Stanleytgierach, a distance of 170 feet, mere or les~; ~i~ thence s~th{rly along the.--~ster~ of said l~d now or for- merly ~ ~id Stanley Cie~ac~ $o' ~n~s~f the Main Road (N.Y. State Highway~oute ~25) a ~e~8~Teet~more or less; ruling thence northerly a distance of 310 feet, ~ ~ less, along a line paralle~ t~nic Depot ~ne to a point formed by tBe intersection~aid li~e ~ith a l~u~ing perpendicular to Peconic Depot Lane and begi~t~a~te~y ~f Peconic Depot Lane 150 feet north of the intersec~e eas~i~-.o~s~.id Peconic Depot L}ne witk the northerly line of land~elonging ~ o~rm~ ~o said Vail Brothers, r~ing thence westerly a distance of 360(feet,~e Or l~s, to the easterly side of Peconic Depot Lane along the aforesaid ~line ~whIch ~ perpendicular to Peconic Depot Lane 150 feet north of the intersection of th* easterly side of Peconic Depot Lane with the Northerly line of land belonging no~ or formerly to said Vail BrothersI r~ing thence southerly along the easterly side of Peconic Depot Lane to the point~. ~ To change from residential to business of intersection thereof with the northerly line of said land now or formerly be- longing to said Vail Brothers, bein~ a distance of 150 feet. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to chanMe, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To change from residential to business. 3. Such request is made for the followiug reasons: Expansion of our growing automobile business. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUI FOLK, SS :-- Vail Brothers, Inc. and .L.~i..1.i.a.~ .~....~o.~?.1.~.5 ........................ BEING OUL\- SUrORN, deposes and says that he is the petitiouer in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition aud knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knoxxledge, except as to the matters thereiu stated to be alleged on information and bclief, and that as to tht}se matters be believes it to' be true. (L. $.) ~ -'~ ~--c. Sworn to before me . ~ '5~ ,' ,. this .I,.S~ day o[ ..~.~.. 19. G~(L.S.) C~-m~ e~- Lillian A gozelski - ....... Notary Public.