HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuthill, Harold Amend #72 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....... ~.?.J~.....~..~J'... ............................................ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ...~lkJ~..J~Jl.,...&..JJ~J'.~.~..~ District to ..~J~...~ ............. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...~'..4..~... ....... day of .............. .~....~ ................. , 19.~.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~l~'~lJt~lJ. February 14, 1966 ' A~bert W. R~_hmond runntn~ thence ~ said land of Brsun, North 8 degrees ~ 4~nUtts ~0 secon~ wes~ a ~ut~ ~r ~ f~t ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly swam, soys that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND 'TRAVELER - MAq-I'ITUCK WATCH/V~N, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- successively, commencing on the ............. ...~..~.-..~... .......... cloy of ..... ..~..~/-~.~...~. ....... ~.~.~.. Sworn to before me this ........ ..~.... ......... dog of ..... ADt[LE PAYH~ Notary PL~bhc, State uf New Yofl Residing in Suilolk County No. 52-3341000 Commission Expires March ~)~ ~m/~', New York, was duly ~ ~t · re6ular meetln~ of the ~thoid Tow~ ~ held on ~1 i.~a~F_ ~$. :I9~6, a~ f_o ,,ll~.,,: ~b~ or ~ 'o~ ~ -~~8~ s ~n~ ~ me t. ~ 2~ fe~, 8"~s- _~ ~.~r l~d ~ Har- ~;~, ~ 8 ~ ~u~ ~ ~on~ e~s~ · ~- ' f~t ~ ~nd of ~ence de- ~id runnin~ of ~7 rain- distance jg !~ feet ~o ,~ .e~:al$_~!~ one and o~e- third acres, be the sa~ne more COUI~/TY OF SUFFOLK, ~ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, ....c/-~.,.. ~.'.~..2~-.....~.~a/~<~... ~... bein~I duly Sworn, says that . :~.. is Printer ~d Publisher et ~e SUFFOLK ~EKLY TIMES, ~ news~per .publish~ ~t ~nport, in ~d countyl and th~ the noti~, ,of which ~e a~e~d is ~ ~inted ~py, has ~en published in the ~id Suffolk W~kly Times once in e~ch week, tot ....... ~ .............. w~k~ suc~ssiv~ly commencinq on the .. ~.~ ........... S.orn to ~fo~:~:'~'~ ......... STANLEY S. CORWIN Commission Expiresblarch30,196, {~ STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, New York, Tc~wn of $outhold, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years~ that on the 4th of ....FebruarY 19 66 he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit =- Board . -. Te~n Clerk, Sworn to before me this 4th day of FebrU~-y- ........., 1964 . after of zone ox'~.~,--~ (~n~Au~ the 'au~dlag 'Zone Hap) of .'-the Tram of Southold0 Suffo~ County, Bleu 'York, amended at a regular moetAng of the Southold ToMn Boird held ~. By ~~ ~ "A" nes:tdont.~2, and Agrl,cu~tura.t DJ~tz~ to 'B" BuoJ]Mas'o D-~trJ~t: the foXXo~l~g dooc~~. All that .tra~ or pare~l of :Land, aLt.unto, lytng and flout, hold, t.n b VOun of 8ou~14, C~nty of ~ffOlXo aod eta.to of Jau YOZ~. ~b.Z,~__~~. and dooL~Lbed BBO.~~ at & po:tnt on tho ~d southerly l~ne of ~e Road i~ the noz*h~-_aterly eorner of land of ~.-~a arm ~nd tho ~terly ~orner of sourly 11no of lttddle Road on & g~um to the left having & r&d~ut of 2325.01 'feet, a diJtan~ of 325.0e feet.~ runnJ~g thenee aXong other :l~nd of llaro~d 1:. Tu~t1X, South 8 ~;..--~m 5.7 mtnutem 3.0 mommdm tarot a d~t. uce of 263.42 --f~t to ]~nd of Bu~t~' runn~ ~_~~__~_ along :Land of Bue~:L, oouth 81 dogmm 16 m~nutom SO geL, iodE Meet m dlm~ of 300 feet to ea~.d Xan4 of Oeorge Br&unr of Braun., ~ 8dJgzeea $7 minutes 30 le~ondo Moat & .dl,m~ ~~ of X37. S9 feet- to the point or pXa of begJaning. the ~ more or Xelll. DATiiD.t ~Y 2S, X96dS, ~ (4) AJTZDA~ (/P _pi~i/tY._i~ATZOil TO ~ TONM CLBiK, ¢~~ .mm~ed to the fol]Lo~tng on J~ 26, 1,.966, b Long bLtmd Trmler~ttlM0 Tho Suffo]J: ~ekl'¥ TM 1. Terry, Jr., Boq. 1.066 sumv~ L,BSTmt ii. A~-~SOll JUST~B HmflmY CLimK TOWIi ¢~ ALm T W. R.~ -2- open the heart, ag a~ th~s t/me readtng the legal "Pu.-~auant to seet~on 265 of the Town .Law and Article ZX o£ the Building Zone Ordinaries of the i~wn of Southold., $'uf£olk C~ty, New York, publtc h.ear~ng8 M~ 11 .be held. b~ the $outhold Town Board ~n the Off,ce of the Supervisor, 16 South St~eetr (Jreenport,. Hew York r :In: sa~d Town on the 14th day of January, 1966, at 7~ 30 otc. lock ~n the evening of sa-id day on the following proposals to amend the Building zone O~dtnance (/ncludtng the Butldlnq Zone Haps) of the Town of $outhold, Suf£olk COUnty, Hew- Yorko "1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agra. cultural D~str~ct to 'B" aus.~nea. DLa~r'~ct the fo-ll~inq deacxZbe-d propert~ "All that certain tract or par~l of land, situate, lying and being at S.ou~old, in the -Town of $ou~hold, County of Suffolk and State o£ ~ew York, ~dod north b~ other land of ~eorge A. Barsac,~r., 200 £eet~ east by other land of George A. Barzac, Jr. r' 160 re'et; South by land of ~.Ho Caao~dy 200 feet; and~ot by Bo~sseau Avenue, 160 ~eet. "2, By ~h~g~ng from 'A" Res~dontAal and Agr~ultura! D~st~~et to "B" Business Dlotrict the fo!l~ing doo~zibed propertM: "All that cer-ta!n tract or panel of land, situate, lying and being ~n Southold, In .the Te~j of Southold, Count. ¥ of- Suffolk, and State of New York, bonded and described as £ollows~ "BBGIHM~ at a point on the curved southerly line of Middle Road at-che northeasterly corner o'£ land of George Braun and the northoe..eterly corner of premises herein .doserlbe. d; running thence easterly along · said southerly 1 ins o£ Middle Road on a curve to the le£t havAng a radlus of 2325.01 feet, a dlstance of 325.08 £eet~ running thence, along oth.e~ land o£ He, old B. Tuthtll, south 8 degrees 57 m/nutes 30 seconds -3- east a distance of 263.42 feet to land of Bu~t.; ~n~nq ~h~e along said land of Bucci, south 81 degrees, 16 m~nutes 50 seconds. west a distance' o.£ 300 feet to said land of Ooorqe Braun~ running thenee along sa~d land o£ Braun, l~orth 8 degrees $7 n~Lnute, 30 s~ds weak a dia~~ of 137.59 ~eet to the l~oXnt or place of beqXnninq. Said premises conta~~q one and one-thlrd acres, be the same mo~.e ~.An¥ per~ closuring ~o be heard on the above proposed amendnents should appe~ at .,the t~me and place above 21, 1965, BY ORDER ~ THE $.O~TiH3~D T~MBJ ~, from the Lonq Xaland Traveler and the Suffolk Woekly tM ~ndtcat~ng the lmbltcation was made o£ ~h~ legal notice. will now read the reconm~ndation of the Plann.~ Board. ~It is hereby RB.~~ that.--,the $Ou~ld Town Planning Board un£avora~l¥ rec~auuends to the SouthOld T.c~n ~d -.the change of m~ne from "A~ Reaidonttal an.' ~d Aqricu. ltuz&l District to ~B" Busine'as D~'trlet on .the proper~ of ~eorge Ao Barzac, Jr., as doocr~ed ab0~e. ~The Board feels that the type of bus,ness the applicant purposes would be unf, atts£actor~ ~n this partt~l'ar ne~ghbo~-~, due. to the use .o£ the .adJo-intnq prope~'t~ which ~ a potato gradinq station. The potato 9wa~ static, the noise, duot, d~rt, and trailer truoks backing in and out all contribute to mak-~ng this an ~at~$£actoy locakion ~or the type of bus lness proposed. "~e~ectfully s~tted, /s/ John Mickh.am Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPB3F~iSO/ ~TSGtJ~ At this t~ne is there anFone present who w~ahes to speak ~n favor o~ this change o~ ~one ? -4- aB~.~_._~_~_~ G. ~Y, jR., ESOt Mr. Supe~isoE and ~entlemen the Town Board, ! app~a~ ~ l~hal£ of ~. Baraac, the applicant.. Barzac ~s asking to change .the zone of th~$ ~~~!ar. area because h~s w~£e la a be'au She would l~ke to operate a. ~eauty parlor on the prem~seso There are no~ t~o b~!d~nga on the premises. She ~ould l~ke to develope one o£ these into a beauty pa~loz. This man has sene. 610 feet on. Boisse&u Avenue and he is building another house to the northo He merited to me that he had talked to o£ the ne$ghJ~ors and they are w~llSng to have a beauty parlox there and have it act a~ sort of a buffer situatioo4~ere. As far a~ the Planning Beard's recosnendat~on., the loga-~-t:L~ of the potato grading station is far enough back so that i don't, think that it w~ll interfere w~th the business° i t-h./nk that the Planning Board has st&red,hat perhap- she w$11 not be a~le to ~e.t ~stome. r.$ to go there becau:Je of noise, dust, etCo The' appl$c'at~on :La for a change..~£ zone. for the operation of a beauty parl'or. detr~nental to the .characte= of the ne~~=hood, and ~t would obsezve the spirit of the Ordinan.~e. X don't kno~ how good she is or whether ..he will be seems she should have the right to o~era~e a beauty pa=loz and use thio property in such & lash inn. It will not be detr~taio ask that the Board give favorable consideration to this change of ZOrt~ o SU~E. RVI~ ~BRTSG~: I ~ou.ld l~ke to ask you a question. Why a~'e you asking for' a mb" zone ? why not a "B-1" zone ? -5- · . TB~it~,,3~. ~:~SQ~ T~ere are no in the zone for a boau~¥ parlor. ~ sta~es a .baEbe~-shop, bu~ no~ The app! teau~ wou~d be happy w:t~ any zone ~ha~ would permit the operat~~ of a beauty parlor° Anyone w~sh to be honed in opposition to thio ehange of zone~ JJ~:.K DBLAMBYB :[ don't know If would l~ke to ask a couple o£ .questions. I a~u one o£ the ne lghbors that Mr. Barzac spoke to, and I assured h~n that X~ld have no objection to a beauty parlor in th ts ne~ghborhood~ If th1. variance ts granted what e££ect will thtl have on any parcels adjo:LnXng? make it any easier for any one · else to .get a var_Lube? one question. Another question that X have deais with a point that Mr. Terry brought out, whether or not Xt would be poas~le for a business of this nature to operate Xn thio area due to the close proximity of th~$ potato grading plant. The n.oXae eXoment and quite heavy the large trucks. Should a beauty parlor fail there, there would be no way of know:Lng what th~s same building would be used for. Also X would like to ~Mk, ~f the variance to fXnd out ~Om the BOard what would have Xo gr~~ed X would to be done by the people in this area to block a future down zming in that area? SUPERVISOR AT~~_~ Gift You've asked two or three questions. far as if some one could make a l~ln9 on bus~ness ~n this this is not part of ~hat we have to d~cideo we have to ~ide whether or not this is the right place for business to be established. Not just this partieu, lar business, but any kind of business. Xf a person passes away a year after he gets a change of zone, we have to consider what else could come in this area. .That is the reason that Fou would not have to be dO~ zoned this far. -6- jACE ~_n~~_~~y~ .Zn other~rds, ~n the Town Zoning there another' ~ne that wou!d !~u~t Ar. Terry (A brief was held on the var~$ uses pe~~tted ~n the d~£forent "B" sones.) RB~SSUT~nR G. TBRRY, JRo, B~. ~ The appi~cant would be willXng to leave Xt as a reaidentX,al~e aa long as he can operate a beauty parlor. $:,~.:~:~-.VISOlt A_t/n~= ar. Delane¥, Four other quent~on was how can you keep the hush. sa none Fr~ expand~ng. That ~s the reason- we have hear~n-gs. JACK DBLA/BY~ ~ Man appear at the hear~q. Would have to appe~ or would a petition be Just as e f£eet~ve. SUFiRVI~ A_~~t~~f: The~ could sign a pet!tt~ and at the the he&r~ng they eoild de,~gnate one person to speak for In &~r to your other question. If th~$ changed · and now. we have zones in .th~s area, it might be easier to get a third .business. I th~ght that )tr. Cass propert~ was zoned tndvstrial. In a situation l~ke that ~£ he was 9oLnj to change, he mlght ask for an lndust=rlal mae. Nz'. B~Zac has built h~a hmno on the_ nor~, he doesn't want to do an~h~g that would ~inj ute h~mei£ ~n any Wa~o SUPBF;I$OR M. ji~T~Oii: Th-~$ bue~nenen~ne mAght keepthe commercial zone £rom expand~ng. Xs there anyone else present who w Lshe8 to be heard on this ahange o£ zone apple, cat,on one waF or -the other ? (There ~u, no response. ) -7- Hearing none X wAX! mt-thlm tine' for the further doliberatXon of I wXll open up the-hear, lng iecond per~l land in of the Planning _Board. hereby aBSOLVED that the Southold Board reeoumend to the $outhold Town Board change of Rem iientlal and Aqric~.ltuza!' Di.m~ict on the property of H&rold ~. Tuthill as dosez~d .above. "The Board points out at this tiros that the County highway will probably be wido~d on. this side .of the highway, which may present some problems. 'Very sincerely, /s/ John Wiekham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board. $~XSOR ALBBRTS~t X fi' anyone preoent who wishes to be heard In favor of proposed change of roue? on behal £ of NZ. 'T~~ill, and lit. William prospe-~ive pur'eha r o~ ~e property. The propoeed change :tn eompl ianee with the character of the ne igltborhood. Across the street there garage. There a har'~are store in the immediate area. ,The property to the west already n~n. ed bus,ness. This would be an exI~no:L~ of the ~ua~ss district- and we ask ~ha.t the Board give favorable consideration to this appl ieation. The property to the ~est is tuned for- Who mens it? 9eorge Braun owns the property to the west. (MT o Will iam Smith poi~ated out on .the survey the location o~ -the property in question. ) Nt. ~iLLiAN ~~ i thX~~ that a good deal o! 'this property zoned for busings. S~lSCt ~TS(~~ Anyene else w~mh to be heard ~n favor of th~s change o~ zone? (There was no reoponse. ) Anyone present who w~lahes to be he~.d in oppos.i-tion to th t.-s change of zone (There ~af no re.ponse. ) SUPBRVI~ Atn_~-O~ la there an~~ present who wishes to be heard one way or the other on. th~$ proposed change of z..one? (There was no .response. ) SUPBRVXSOR ~X~~~, He&rXng none, X wall close .the h~Xng at ~Ls time £o~ the further deli.be, ration of the Board. · .~ ~o- -~n~~c~ ~t.' to' section' ~: .~ '~ and ".T~ '~' ~mo]d, S~folk- ~4th da~ of-'~~~,, .l~;.'~'-~t ~end-. the ~~~ '..~~ ' ~ '~ c '"-"~' ' ' ~'" I~ .o~~,.CO~~. ~'.~ : ~~ns- .- ~. . .... :'~ .t~t' 't~g! or': t:-p~a':..'of ,.~e ~./~~rly "~mer ,of ~e- , ~e':: ~--.-.~,~ ~-~~;. 'r~~ . l'a~. of ~~f; .~~ 81 de-- .~~e '~'. ~. ' :.~~d-, pre_ ,~rd ~ .'~-...~e ~-' m~'e or- l~,' .. ':.-: - .... .. ' ~7. ~r~. ~~~ W.be 'heard. .on the .,pr~~:. amen~en~ ~ar ~t the t~e ~l~ ,~~e-~fl~.' .- . .. -' ~N-:'.'~,:'~T, W. ~~,.--~~. COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~. ) STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: J · .. :'"~.'. "~'"'~ ~' ..... ~'~ ~~:.'"'~~~ being duly Sworn. says that"'~]" ~i' -'"~ ............. ........ 's Print.r and Publisher of the SUFFOLK W. EEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published <xt Greenport, in said cou.ntw and t~at the notice, ,of which the mmexed is ,u printed copy, .has been published in the :~aid .Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, to'r ........... ~.:'"'.~". '.~-~... .......... week~ successively commencing on the..~f~~.'~~7..~~;~ dayof..~-.~~~,_.~.~. 19(~.~.- ~ ~ Sw, c~rn to before me this ~'. ~~'~ .... I day of . ." "f.~f~~r.~..~.. 19(z .... .. ,,..,-.&.- . .-~..'x~..~....'-~n-~.... ........... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · STANLEY S. CORWIN N 0 TAR f P U 8 L I C. State of New Residing i~ 5uifotk County. Clks. No. 52-5826400 .C,o~Dsion Expires March 30, of Purouunt to 8eetieu :16S of the Tguu ld~ and .ArtleXe /X the ktJAd%ng Beam ~*~:__--~~ of th4. Tram of fleuthold, iuffoik 8o~tho:Ld Teun Board Lu the OffJ~e of X4th dny of ,~'~m_ry, XOS6, at 7.30 o*eXeek ~n 'tho eventug seuo Ord,~-~_~~ (~udJJq tho Bu~.dlng Souo ,ape) of the. Teuu of ~,l..d, MrfO~,~ty, iEM YOZJC. DJ~~~ ~o 'm' Bualmmm D..Lgtz~~ the follo..~- do~J3md that 8nd being at Southold, Lu ~he Toun of Southoid, County.-' of luffolA .nd Irate of lieu. York, boundod north by' other ]~ud of ~~~ A. Barma~, J~., 160 ~~ oouth by hnd of ~. R. c~.t~ 200 foet. r ~ '-oot by BoLa. eau AToBue. 16.0 foot. 2~. By ChmigAM' freu 'A' io~.t~tLul ~. Agr~lt~Lt AXX t]mt tz~t or ~X of :Land° ..ttumU, X~,~ and be~ tn :BBl. SouthoXd, Lu tam ~ of' Sou~Xd, Cmm.~y of h.f~, and lit, ate of Blew York ~~ at a po~t on the ~~~dl eou~:k:F i J ac of' ~_-_~ Braun and the ~~'~XF eorner of * ~...'.ong aa.Ad eou.br~y X...lne of p.i.~le ReBd oil i elarv~ ~o-Mum :kef~ haviag a '-~-t--e of 2..3'-~S .OX foe~. a Xand of ltaroX.d I. Tu~X. XX0 South · ~~,~l 57 ~t. el 30.' ~ eaet a d,Jjtancm of ~63.4~ feet to ~ of ex degrees X6 mbmtoo SO eeemsde, vo.et a dLe,~.~ of &Long ea~ Xand of Braun, iSoz~ ·-dogzeel $7 miLums, ~JO ~.-_~_~_:d,f ~lWt a dJ~l~alMMJ of X.37.$9 -foot to the po: lnt, or of begLun ng. I Southold Town Planning Board -~OUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John %Y/iclchem. Cheirm~n Henry Molse Altrcd Grebe Archibeld YounB Williern Unkelbech Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on December 15, 1965: In the matter of the petition of Harold E. Tuthill, relative to a changeof zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the curved southerly line of Middle Road at the northeasterly corner of land of George Braun and the northwesterly corner of premises herein described; running thence easterly along said south- erly line of Middle Road on a curve to the left having a radius of 2325.01 feet, a distance of 325.08 feet; running thence along other land of Harold E. Tuthill, south 8 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 263.42 feet to land of Bucci; running thence along said land of Bucci, South 81 degrees 16 minutes, 50 Seconds West a distance of 300 feet to said land of George Braun; running thence along said land of Braun, North 8 degrees, 57 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 137.59 feet to the point or place of beginning. Said premises containing one and one-third acres, be the same more or less. IT is hereby RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board favorably recommend to the Southold Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of Harold E/ Tuthill as described above. The Planning Board points out at this time that the County highway will probably be widened on this side of the highway, which may present some problems. Very sincerely, n Wickham, Chairman~ff'°r2 Southold Town Planning Board /bd ALB EI~T W. RICHMOND r'IFFI! .ERK SOUTHBLD, L. h, N. Y. Dece~be~ ~5, 1965 Mr. John Wickham chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickhaml The o~iginal petition of Harold E. Tuthill, Southold, New York, relative to change'of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B~ Business District on certain property situated in Southold, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recomendation of your Board. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk CASE NO.: . .I..t:4...-~. ...... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOIVN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FORA CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDI- NANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigued, am the oxvner of certain real property situated at ..... $9.~..~.h. 0~Al~..~.,...~.: ..............and more particularly bounded aud described as follows: ALL that tract or vareel of land, situate, l~ing and being at Southold, in the Town of $outhold, County of guffo]J~ and State of New York, bounded and deseribe4 as follows: Bll0-II, IITI'sl} at a ~oint on the eurved southerly line of Middle Road at the northeasterly eorner of land of George Braun and the northwesterly oorner of ~remises herein dessribe~[; running thenee easterly along said southerly line of Middle Mead on a eurve to the left having a radius of 2~25.01 feet, a distanee of 82~.08 feet; running thenee along other land of Harold E. Tuthill, South 8 degrees ~? minutes ~0 eeeonds last a distanee of 2~.42 feet to lan4 of running thenee along said land of ~a~ei, So~Ath 81 degrees 1~ minutes 80 sesonds ~test a distance of 800 feet to said land of george Braun; running thenee along said land of Braun, No~h 8 degrees 57 minutes ~0 seeonds West a distanee of 157.59 feet to the point or place of beginning. Said premises eontainlng one and on-third seres, be the same mope or less. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Towu of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Snuthold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Change from "A# Residential and Agrteultural Zone to "B" ~u~lnees Zone. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: I have sontraeted to sell a ~art of said premises to be used for a real estate office and contr~eting business, the contrast of sale being subject to approval of ohange of zone. ?remises to the West are zoned "B" Business and premises immediately aoPoss the street ape zoned "B" Business. The proposed change would extend the "B" Business Zone along the south side of Middle Road amd woul~ conform with the "B" Business Zone on the north side of the ~oad. The proposed change would appear to be within the g~i~it an~ intent of the zoning or~lnanae. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) HAROLD E. TUTHILL .............................................. , BEING DULY SIVORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereo£; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworll to before mc REN$S£L~£/~ G. TERRy. JR. NDfary FL'blic, State of New York Residing in Suffolk County ~o. 52-395~50 Commission Expires i~*~er*~ Ill r