HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ordinance Amend. #68Article Article Article II. By 200 of follows: LEGAL NO'TI CES NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 68 NOTICE is hereby given, that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance, (including the Building Zone Map), of the To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on April 6, 1965, as follows' I.-By amending the Table of Con- tents of said Ordinance to read as follows: TABLE OF CONTENTS Short Title Section Article I--Definitions 100 Article II--Districts 200 Article III--"A" Residential and Agricultural District 300 Article IIIA--"M" .Multiple Residence District 350 Article IIIB--"M-I" Multiple Residence District 370 Article IV--"B" Business District 400 Article IVA---"B-I" Business District 420 Article IVB--"B-2' Business District 440 Article V--"C" Industrial District 500 Article VI--Tourist Camps, Camp Cottages and Trailers 600 Article VII--Applications and Permits 700 VIII--Board of Appeals 800 IX--Amendments 9O0 X--C, eneral Provisions 1000 amending Article II, Section said Ordinance to read as Section 200---USE DISTRICT REGULATIONS--- For the purpose of this Ordinance, the Town of Southold, outside of the Incorporated Villages, is hereby di- vided into seven. (7) classes of dt- tricts which shall be designated as follows' "A' RESIDENTIAL AND AGRI- CULTURAL DISTRICTS "M" MT. TLTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS "M-I" MULTIP~ RESIDENCE DISTRICTS "B" BUSINESS DISTRICTS "B-I" BUSINESS DISTRICTS "B-2" BUSINESS DISTRICTS "C" INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS III. By amending Article III, Section 300, Subdivisions 1 to 6B inclusive, of said Ordinance to read as follows: 1--One (1) family dwellings. 2--Churches, schools and libraries. 3--Non - commercial parks, play- grounds, athletic fields, bathing beaches, bathhouses or boathouses. 4~Agricultural farms, poultry farms, nurseries, green houses and truck gardening (does not include farms for the breeding or raising of ducks). 5--The following uses when author- ized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided' -..(a) The conversion of any build- ing in existence at the effective date hereof to a two family dwelling. (b) The erection or construction of a two family dwelling pro- vided that the lot shall have an area of not less than twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet and a frontage of not less than two hundred (200) feet. (c) Clubs, fraternity houses and golf courses. (d) Stables and riding academies. (e) Funeral homes and undertak- ing establishments. (f) Railway passenger stations. (g) Public utility buildings, struc- tures or facilities. (h) Cemeteries and the necessary incidental, structures. (i) Marinas for the docking, mooring or accommodation of not more than six (6) non- commercial boats. · IV. By amending Article III, Section 300~, 'I~o 11, inclusive, of said Ordinance, by renumbering said Subdivisions as follows: Subdivision 7 renumbered Su.b~livi- ,~.;ion 6. Subdivision 8 renumbered Subdivi- sion 7. Subdivision 9 renumbered Subdivi- sion 8. Subdivision 10 renumbered Subdivi- sion 9. Subdivision 11 renumbered Subdivi- sion 10. V. By amending Article IIIA, Section 350 of said Ordinance to read as fol- lows: SECTION 350--In the "M" Multiple Residence District, no building or premises shall be used, and no build- lng shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this ordinance except for one (1) or more of the following uses: 1. Ail permitted Uses in "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural and "M-I" Multiple Residence Districts. 2. Hotels and motels. 3. Tourist cottages (More than one (1) Tourist Cottage may be per° witted on a lot when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided.) 4. Tourist camps, when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. 5. Marinas for the docking, mooring or accommodation of non-com- rnerical boats when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter prov[.d, ed. 6. Accessory uses on the same lb~ with and cu$~marily incidental to any perniitted use and not involv- ing the conduct of a separate business. VI. By amending said Ordinance by inserting therein a new Article to be Article III B to read as follows: ARTICLE III B "M-I" Multiple Residence District SECTION 370~In the "M-I" Mul- tiple Residence District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance except for one (1) or more of the following uses: 1. Ail permitted uses in "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural Districts. 2. Dwellings designed for and oc- cupied by not more than four (4) families. 3. Boarding and tourist houses. 4. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted uses and not involving a separate business. SECTION 371--All premises in the "M-I" Multiple Residence District shall comply with the provisions of Article IIIA with respect to building height, building area, size of lot area, front yard, side yards, rear yard, off-street parking area and signs. VI"I. By amending Article IV, Sec- tion 400 of said Ordinance to read as follows: SECTION 400~In the "B" Business District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, except for one (1) or more of the following uses: 1. Ail permitted uses in the "A" Residential and Agricultural, "M" Multiple Residence, "M-I" Mul- tiple Residence, "B-l" Business and "B-2" Business Districts. 2. Storage houses. 3. Ice manufacturers. 4. Express carting or hauling of- rices or station. 5. Yards for storage and sale of fuel and building materials. 6. Printin~r plants. '/. Book~ 'ng plants. 8. Launa,,< dry cleaning and - trig plants, 9. Creamery, butter and cheese. making and milk bottling and , distributing plants. ~ 10. Carpenter shops. ~ , 11. Plumbing shops. ~ , 12. Blacksmith shops. ~ 13. Electrician shops, i' sworn, says 14. Upholsterer shops. ' 15. Tinsmith shops. !lG ISLAND 16. Painter shop. ~ public news- ty; and that ~py, has been ituck Watch- 17. Marinas, commercial docks, com- mercial fuel docks and piers. 18. Ferry docks and ferry houses. 19. Boat yards, boat storage yards and ,boat storage basins. 20. Any manufacturing, fabricating, txeating, converting, finishing, altering' or assembling, in con- nect. ion with the aforesaid per- mitted uses and which is a necessary incident and accessory to the preparation of articles to be sold primarily on the premises or to the performing of service primarily for residents of the .// .) neighborhood. 21. Accessory use on the same lot. with and customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses. 22. The stripping of land to secure satisfactory top soil for grading or other purposes is permitted, d~¥ of provided material so obtained is ...... used on the immediate premises. If a building is being constructed or altered material excavated in connection with such construe- tion or grading on the premises may be sold however, Cement bl0Ck manufacturin_~; and natural. produc~ion uses such as the ex ...................... cavation for sale of sand, gravel, clay, shale, or other natural min- eral deposit are permitted only as a special exception by the Board of Appeals. VIII. By amending said Ordinance by inserting therein a new Article to be Article IVA to read as follows' ARTICLE IV A 'B-I" Business District SECTION 420--In the "B-I" Business District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance except for one (1) or more of the following uses' 1. All permitted uses in the "A" Residential and Agricultural, "M" Multiple Residence, "M-i" Multiple Residence and "B-2" Business Districts. 2. The following uses when auth- orized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided' weelgs' eeeeleeeeeeee a. Places of amusement. b. Public garages. c. Gasoline service stations. :. d. New and used car lots. e. Fishing stations. 3. Accessory uses on the same lotili with and customarily incidental to iii any permitted uses and not in-:i:: volving a separate business. SECTION 421--All premises in "B-i" Business District shall comply :;f with the provisions of Article IV with ~i respect to building height, building area, front yard, rear yard, density of population, signs, size of lot area and off-street parking area. IX. By amending said Ordinance by inserting' therein a new Article to be Article IV B to read as follows: ARTICLE IV B "B-2" Business District SECTION 440--In the "B-2" Business District, no building or premises shall be used and no ,building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, except for one (1~ or more of the following' uses: 1. All permitted uses in the "A" Residential and Agricultural, "M" Mutiple Residence and "M-I" Multiple Residence Districts. 2. One (1) and two (2) family dwellings provided that such dwellings comply with the pro- - WH.'31V 5. Clinics. 6. Nursing Homes. 7. Offices. 8. Banks and financial institutions. 9. Retail stores. 10. Restaurants. 11. Bake shops (for on - premises sales). 12. Laundromats and similar estab- lishments. 13. Tailors', dry cleaners' and mil- liners' shop~. 14. Shoe repair shops. 15. Jewelers', opticians', watch and~ clock shops and similar estab- lishments. 16. Marinas for the docking, moor- ing' and accommodation of non- commerical boats, including the sale of fuel and oil primarily for. the use of boats accommodated in. such marina. 17. Lodges, chapter houses and clubs. 18. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted uses and not involving a separate business. SECTION 441--All premises in the "B-2" Business District shall comply with the provisions of Article IV with respect to building height, building area, front yard, rear yard, density of population, signs, size of lot area and off-street parking area. DATED: April 6, 1965: BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAI~D ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK NOTICE. OF ~~T OF ZON~O OP~q'~CE AblEN~T NO. '68 ~t~t ~fter a ~ubl~ ~~~ 2eM ~r~~t 'to .the ~u~emen~ of ~w, the B~~ Zone Ordinate (i~ludi~ ~e ~ Zone' Map) the T~ of ~n~Id, Suffolk C~nty, ~ew~ .York, was d~y '~,~end~ at a. ~ar m~t~g of ..~e~~oM ~ ~~d hem on ~ '1. ~ ame~~ the ~ble of ~ T~~F ~~TS . ~~ Tffie ~tion ~ and ~~t~- ~t R~~ D~~t -3~0 ~~le ~ '~' ~~e. ~A "~1" ~ ~ ~0 ~~ct ~~le ~ To~ ~~, ~ Ca~ ~~s and ~cle ~ ~U~tio~ .and 'S~t~ ~ ~f ~d ~~c.e ~' ~ fo~s.: S~.~ ~- U~ ~CT ~ce, the .~~ of Sbu~old, .out- is hereby divid~ c~~ ~ ~c~whi~h '~' be d~~~ ~ .fo~s' "A" ~ A~ AGRI- OUL~ ~~C~ "B" ~BU~ D~~CTS "B-I" ~~ ~D~~ICTS "B-2" ~U~ "C',~ ~U~ . D~~C~ _ IH. ~ ~end~ A~e ~d ~ foUOws: * ~~ (1) f~y dwell~gs 2-Ch~c.h~ ~M ..and Bb~r- les. ' 3-Nonsocial ~~, p~y- ~, atM~Ic, field, bath- i~ be~~, ~bat~o~ or ~.a~~es. - 4-~r~c~tu~ f~, f~ ~~es, gr~o~ and t~ ~d~~ (~~ot ~clude ~ for. ~e .~e~ or ~~'0f d~s), 5~e .foU~g ~ .wh~ au- .thor~ ~ ~ ~~1 excep- tion ,by ~e Board 0f ~pp~S* ,~ here~~r ~~d~: (a) ~e '-~~on of ~d~' ~ e~t~~ at ~e eff~ti~e ~ here- .of ~ a two f~y dweU~ (b) The er~t~n ~ co~~C- tlon of 'Ia two f~y non-,comm, er~f--~ ..... ~h~en ~uth4~ized ,as a special excep- tion 5f the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provi,ded. 6[ Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily inci- dental to any permitted use and not involvh~g the conduct 'of a ~te ,business., VZ. By mn~ing said Ordin- amce by inserting therein a new -Article to ,be Article IIIB to read as follows' '~VI-l" ~t~ple l~e~.dence Dis- triCe S~ON 3~0- In the "M-I" Multiple ~ence Distr~ct, no ~uflding or t~remh~es s.haU be .used, and hi) building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise ~rovided in this Ordin, ance e~cept for one (1)or more of the following use~' 1. All permitted uses in "A" l%eside~tial .and Agriculta;ral Districts. 2. Dwellings designed for and occupied by not more than four (4) famUies. 3~, Boarding and tourist h.,ouses. -4. Accea~ry uses on the samne lot with and custom- a~--ily incidental to any per- .mitred .uses ~-td not involv- ing a ~rate buMness. $]~CTION 371 - All premises in the "M-I" Multiple Resi- dence Dis~ri, ct shall comply --. ~ri~~ the provisio.n~ .of .Article ~ with respect to building height, buildir~g area, size of lot area, fro~t yaFd, side yards, rear y.a~d,~ off-street parking area and signs. VII. By ~amnending Article IV, Section 400 of said Ordinance to read as follows' SECT~,ON 400-. In tl~e "~B" Busin. e~s Di~t.rict, .no building or prern~ shall be used, and no .building shall be t~ereafter erected or alte{red .unless ot2~mvise provided in this Or- dinm~ce, except for one (1) or mnore of the following uses' 1. All permitted 'uses in the "A" Residential and Agri- ,, culhur, ai, "M" 1Viultiple Resi- der~ce, "M-I" Multiple sidence, "B-i" B~sines~ and "B-2" Business Districts. 2. Storage houses., 3. ~Zce man,ufacturers. 4. EXpress carting or haul- ir~g offices qr stations. 5~ Yards .for s~orage and sale of fuel and building materials. 6. Printing pl, anhs. ~. Bookbinding plants. 8. ~ry, dry cleaning and'dyeing plants~ 9. Creamery, butter and cheese making and milk bot- tling and distri,buting plants. 10. Carpenter shops. -~e~ d~o~ ~U]moIAI '~ '~ 0£'6 ' -~S looqos ~ .~zz~ ~of '~ :He~M~H ~o~ '~ ~s~~O xo,~ ~n~ ~o~a~ 'P~OH ~of . 'V gT:8 ~~n90HOT6 ~~ '~ 0S:L E~P~ ~H 099 ~~ 'V ~:9 E~P~ ~HOSTT ~ 2. The .fol~i~ us~ when au- %korized ~ a ~cial e~ception .by the ~ard of ApDe.ais ~. hereinafter provided' a. P~es of ~usement ............... ,b. ~blic c. ~~l~e ~rvice stztio~. d. N~ and u~ ~r lo~. e. ~i~ statio~ ,- .............. ~. ~~ ~s on tke s~e~, lot wi~ ~d c~marily i~i-'. and not involvin~ a se~r~te b~e~. ~N ~1 - All praises " ~ ~e "B-I" Bu~n~ s~l co~ly with the Drovi- " ~io~ of ~icle IV with ~e- s~t to bufl. din~ height, b~d- i~ a~ea, front yard, ~ar ya~, density of ,~~ation, si~, a~e of lot are~ and off- street ~a,rking ~ea. ~. By amend~g ~.id Ordn- ance by ~~i~g therein a new Art~e ~ be ~icle ~ B to read fo~s: ~~ .~ B "B-2" Busin~ D~trict S~n ~- In the_ "~-2" B~~ D~trict, no b~ding or .~em~es ~U be used ~d no building shall be ,hereafter erec~d or ~tered u~,e~ oth- e~i~ Dr, ovided in this Or- dinance, except for one (1) or more of the foll~in~ uses: 1. All permitted ~es in the "A" R~idential and Ag. ri- ,cultural, "M" Multiple Resi- dence and "M-I" Multiple Resi. de~ce D~tricts., 2. One (1) and tw, o (2) ~ily ~elling, s ~ro~ded that such ,~wellings com~ly with the ~rov~ions. of Sections 301 to 308, inclusive, of this ,~dinance. 3. ~ultiple dwellings. 4. Hospitals. 5.~ ,Clinics. 6. Nursing Homes. ~. ~fices. 8. Banks {~d ~ancial in- s~tu, ti~. 9~ Retail ~tores. 10. ~s~ura.n~'. the lot shall have--~'-' - "-i2-[ ~laCirsmm:~iYo~,~:'-::'-: .. · area ,of a~,ot less than 13. Electrician shops. twenty-five t h o u s a n d 14. Upholder Shops. (25,~0) square f~t and 1,5. T~mi~ Shops. ,~ fron~e of not 1.~ 16. Pain~r ~ops. ~t~an two hundred (2~- 174 Mari~, commerc~l feet. ~e~, co~e~M1 fuel d,~ks " (c) Clubs, ~r~rnity ~ houses and piers. .~ and .golf court. 18. Fe~ do~s and fe~  (,d) St~bl~ a~d ~di~g aca- ho~s. ,~[ demies. 1,9. B~t y~, ~at storage ~, (e) ~eral ~mes and ~- yards .and ~ stor~e ba- .::~ ~ing e~blishmen~. ~. (-f) .~fl~y p~enge'r s~- 20. Any ~uf~turing, fab- ,.~ tiom. ri~ting, treat~g, conv.~- ,~'~ (g) ~blic ntility ~fldi~, i~, ~is~ng, ~ring ~r ~- .~ ~~tures or f~.fliti~ ~mbling, in '~nn~tion with .; E (h) C'meteries and the nec- the afo~mid ~mi.t~ u~ ,e~~. ~dental strut- .and whi~ is ,a n~e~ry tures, incid~t and ~e~o~ to, (i) M a r i n~ s f~ the ~he ~a~ation of articles to ,d~~g, m~ring qr ,~c- :~ sold pr~rily on the pre- '~:'~" comm~a~ of not ~.s or ~ ~e ~form~g "-' I .more t~an ~x (6).non- of ,a ~rvice p~arfly for: . ~ commercial boa~. ~i~n~ of the neigh~r- ~.. ~. By amen~g A~icl, e III, h~d.~ S~tion 3~, Sub~v~ion 7 to 11, 21. A,cc~so,~ ~e on the -".~ incisive, of said .Ordi~oe., by s~e l~t ,with and c~o- _ ren~hering said Sabdivisio~ ~ marflv i~c~dent~ to any ~ .... . .: .... -- S~bdi~i~n 8 renum~red S~b- for ~-ad~g o'r omer pu~~s · ~qO'l~9 ~~~'~'!/'.L~-! '~' :i .di.v~ion 7. is pe~it~d, ,pmvi~d mag~["~ STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS: - ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, New York, Town of Soutnold, being duly sworn, says t~at he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on ti-~e 19 6~ ne affixed a notice of which the ~mexed printed notice is a true copy, in ~'a~ proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit :- Sworn to before me this /~ day of 196~. /- MINUTES TOWN BOARD April 2, 1965 Present: SUPERVISOR LESTER M. ALBERTSON C OUNC ILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE COUNCILMAN LOUIS DEMAREST JUSTICE RALPH TUTHILL JUSTICE HE~Y CLARK TOWN CLERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN ATTORNEY ROBERT TASKER AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE . ._ ~ , ~ ~ .., _ . . , . ! . ~ ~ _ [ SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open the hearing by reading the notice. legal "NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE. "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 2nd day of April, 1965 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance~ (including the Building Zone Maps), of theTown of So~thold, Suffolk County, New York$ -2- "1. By as follows: amending the Table of Contents of said Ordinance to read TABLE OF CONTENTS Short Title Section Article Article Article Article II/al Art ic le Article IV Article IVA Article IVB Article V Article VI Article VII Article VIII Article /Df Article X "II. By amen ding read as follows: Definititons Districts '°A" Residential and Agricultural District "M" Multiple Residence District "M-t" Multiple Residence District "B" Business District "B-i" Business "B-2" Business "C" Industrial Tour ist Camps, District District District Camp Cottages and Trailers Applications and Permits Board of Appeals Amendments General Provisions Article II, Section 200, of 100 200 300 350 370 4OO 420 440 5OO 600 700 8OO 900 1000 s a i d Or din anc e to SECTION 200 - USE DISTRICT REGULATIONS - For the purpose of this Ordinance, the Town of Southold, outside the Incorporated Villages, is hereby divided into seven (7) classes of districts which shall be designated as follows: "M-i" Multiple Res~nce "B" Business Districts "B-i" Business Districts "B-2" Business Districts ~! C ~! Residential and Agricultural Multiple Residence Districts Districts Industria~ Districts Districts "III. By amending Article III, Section 300, Subdivisions 1 to inclusive, of said Ordinance~o read as follows: lo One (1) Family dwellings 2. Churches, schools and libraries. 3o Non-commercial parks, playgrounds athletic fiel ds, bathing 6B beaches, bathhouses or boathouses. -3- 4o Agricultural Farms, poultry farms, nurseries, greenhouses and truck gardening (does not include farms for the breeding or raising of ducks) 5o The following uses when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided: (a) The conversion of any building in existence at the effective date hereof to a two family dwelling. (b) The erection or construction of a two family dwelling provided that the lot shall have an area of not less than twenty- five thousand (25,000) square feet and a frontage of not less than two hundred (200) feet. (c) Clubs, franternity houses and golf courses. (d) Stables and riding academies. (e) Fumeral homes and undertaking establishments. (f) Railway passenger stations. (g) Public utility buildings, structures or facilities. (h) Cemeteries and the necessary incidental structures. Marinas for the docking, mooring or accommodation of not more than six (6) non-commercial boats. "IVo By amending Article /II, Section 300, subdivisions 7 to 11, inclusive, of said Ordinance, by renumbering the said subdivisions as follows: SUBdivision Subdivision Subdivision Subdivision Subdivision 7 renumbered Subdivision 6. 8 renumbered Subdivision 7. 9 renumbered Subdivision 8. 10 remumbered Subdivision 9. 11 renumbered Subdivision 10. '°V. By amending Article _TIIA, Section 350, of said Ordinance to read as follows: -4- "SECTION 350 - In the "M" Multiple Residence District,no building or premises shall be used, and no building shall be hereafter erected or altere~ unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance except for one (1) or more of the following uses: 1. Ail permitted uses in the "A" Residential and Agricultural and "M-i" Multiple Residence Districts. 2. Hotels and motels. 3. Tourist cottages. (More than one (1) Tours~st Cottage may be permitted on a lot when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as-hereinafter provided.) 4. Tourist camps, when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. 5. Marinas for the docking, mooring or accommodation of non- commercial boats when authorized as a special exception by theBoard of Appeals as hereinafter provided. 6. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidential to any permitted use and not involving the conduct of a spearate business. "VI. By amending said Ordinance by inserting therein a new Article to be Article IIIB to read as follows: "ARTICLE IIIB - "M-i" Multiple Residence District SECTION 370- In the "M-i" Multiple Residence District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance except for one (1) O or ~, more of the following uses; 1. Ail permitted uses in "A" Residential and Agricultural Districts 2. Dwellings designed for an~ occupied by not more than four (4) families. 3. Boarding and Tourist houses. 4. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidential to any permitted uses andnot involving a separate business. -5- "SECTION 371 - Ail premises in the "M-i" Multiple Residence District shall comply with the provisions of Article II/A, with respect to building height building area, size of lot area, front yard, side yards, rear yard, off street parking area and signs. "VIIo By amending Article IV, Section 400, of said Ordinance to read as follows: SECTION 400 - In the "B" Business District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provied in this Ordinance, except for one ~1) or more of the following uses: and 1. Ail permiRted uses in Multiple Residence, "M-I" "B-2" Business Districts. the "A" Residential Multiple ResidBnce, and Agricultural "B-i" Business 9. C distribut 10o 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Ti 16, Pa 17. Ma 18. F 9 Bo o An ing ted 2o Storage houses 3o ice manufacturers. 4o Express carting or 5o Yards for storage 6. Printing plants. 7o Bookbinding plants 8 Laundry, dry cleaning and reamery, butter lng plants. Carpenter shops. Plumbing shops. Blacksmith shops. Electrician shops. Upholsterer shops. hauling offices and sale of fuel or stations and building materials and dyeing plants. cheese making and milk bottling and nsmith shops. inter shops rinas, commercial docks, commercial fuel docks and piers. erry docks and ferry houses. 1 o a~ yards, boat storat:je yards and boat storage basins. 20 y manufacturing, fabricating, treating, converting, finish altering or assembling, in connection with the aforesaid permit uses and which is a necessary incident and accessory to preparation of articles sold primarily on the premises or to the per forming of a primarily for residents of the neighborhood. 21. to any 22° gra ding or to be service obtained i constructe construction Cement block excavation for mineral deposit are Board of Appeals. the Accessory of the above permitted uses. The stripping of land to secure satisfactory top soil other purposes is permitted, provided material, so s used on the immediate premises. If a building is d or altered material excavated in connection with use on the same lot with and customarily incidsntal permitted for or grading on the premises may be sold however, manufacturing, and matural production uses such sale of sand, gravel, clay, shale or other only as a special except ion being such as the natural by the -6- "VIII. By amending said Ordinance by inserting Article to be Ar~121e IVA, to read as follows: thmrein a new "ARTICLE IVA- "B-i" Business District "SECTION 420 - In the "B-i" Business District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance except for one (1) or more of the following uses: 1. Ail permitted uses in the "A" Residential and Agricultural "M' Multiple Residence, "M-i" Multiple Residence, and °'B-2" Business Districts. 2. The following uses in ~hen authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided: (a) (c) (d) (e) Places Public garages. Gasoline service New and used car Fishing Stations. o f amu semen t. stations. lots. 3. Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted uses and not involving a ~pea~e separate business. SECTION 421 -Ail premises in the "B-i" Business District shall comply with respect to building height, building area, front yard, rear yard, density of population, signs, size of lot area and off street parking area. "IX. By ame~ing said Ordinance by inserting therein anew Article to be Article IVB to read as follows: ARTICLE %VB~- "B-2" Business District SECTION 440- In the "B-2" Business District, no building shall be used or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, except for one (1) or more of the following uses. 1. Ail permitted uses in the "A" Residmntial and Agricultural "M'° Multiple Residence and "M-i" Multiple Residence Districts. 2. One (1) and Two (2) family dwellings provided that such dwellings comply with the provisions of Sections 301 to 308, inclusive of this Ordinance. -7- 3o Multiple dwellings 4o Hospitals. 5o Clinics. 6o Nursing homes. 7o offices. 80 Banks and financial institutions. 9o Retail Stores. 10o Restaurants. 11o Bake shops (for on-premises sales). 12. Laundromats and similar establishments. 13o Tailors' dry cleaners' and milliners' shops. 14. Shoe repair shops. 15. Jewelers' opticians', watch and c~ock shops and similiar establishments. 16. Marinas for the docking, mooring and accommodation of non-commercial boats, including the sale of fuel and oil primarily for the use of boats accommodated in such marina. 17o lodges, chapter houses and clubs. 18o Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidential to any permitted uses and not involving a separate business. "SECTION 441-Ail permises in the "B-2" Business Dist~ct shall comply with the provisions of Article IV, with respect to building height building area, front yard, rear yard, density of population signs, size of lot area and off street parking area. "any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. "DATED: MARCH 9, 1965, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHoLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. R~CHMoND, TOWN CLERK -8- SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard in favor of this proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance? (There was no response. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard in opposition tothis change? MR. PRELLWITZ : Is this part of the Master Plan, or is this to tie in with the master plan. (Supervisor Albertson answered by explaining that this change is not part of the master plan, however, much of what is covered in this change will be covered in the master plan. He explained that there were some changes necessary that could not wait for the master plan.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone who wishes to be heard in opposition to this change in the zoning Ordinance? (Mr. Nelson Axiene asked if there would be a map to accompany the changes to be ma de. Supervisor Albertson explained that there is a zoning Map, and when changes are made in the zones, they are registared on the zoning map. ) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Are there any other questions or comments on this change of zoning? MR. NELSON AXIENE: I would like to go on record as being substantially in agreement with this. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyome else wish to be heard in favor of this change? MR. PRELLWITZ: I am in favor of. MR. EDWIN KING: Favor of. SUPERVISOR ALBERTsON: Anyone else wish to be heard one way or the other~ (There was no respmnse.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTsON: Hearing none, I will clmse the hearing for the further deliberation of the Board. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEAEING ON PROPOSAL .TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of' the To~m Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold T~wn Board at the Office of the Sup- ervisor, 16 South street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 2nd da~ of April, 1965 at 7:30 o'clock in the.evening_of said day, on the follow~ lng proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Build- ing .Zone Maps) of the Town of South- old, 'Suffolk County, New York: 1. By amending the Table of Con- tents of 'said Ordinance to read as follows' '-... TABLE OF CONTENTS Shore Title Section Article I--Definitions 100 i: Arti. cle II--Districts ~0 iArticle III--"A" Residen~ and A~icultural District ~)0 i Article IIIA--"M" Multiple ~ _ Residence District 350 i - Article IIIB~"M-I" Multiple Residence District 8?0 ArtiCle IV--'~B'' Bus,ess District 400 Article IVA--"B-I' ]~siness /:~trict 4~0 ' Article V--"C" Industrial District ArtiCle V~--AppUcatlon and Permits Art~ vIr~--~d of Appeals 800 · ~ X~Genera~ Provisions 1000 ~,. By amending ArtJcle ~I, 8ectJo~ ~0 of ~ ~ce-to read a~ Seetion .900--USE DISTRICT REG~TIONS-- -FJOr the lmrpc~ of this Ordinance, the Town of Southold, outside of the Tneo~~ Villages, is'hereby di- vided into .seven (7) classes of dis- trlcts, which shah be designated as 'folloWs: -A" "RES~~ AND 'A~- CUiZi'URAL DISTRICTS "M-I". MULTIPLE RESIDENCE ~ DISTRICTS "B', BUS~ DISTRICTS "~-~I'-BUSINE~ DISTRICTS "B-2" R2TSINE~ DISTRICTS "~'. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS rff. ~ amendin~ Article III, Section 300, ~vision 1' to' 6B inclusive, of said· Ordinance t~ read as follows: 1--One.. ,(1) family dwellings. ~--Churches, schools and libraries . ~-~ - commercial' . parks, play- ~ounds, athletic fields, bathing beaches, bathhousesor boathouses. ~~ :green houses and truck gardenl~ (does not include farms for the breeding or raising of ducks). 5-LThe followtn~ uses' when author- tzed as a 'special exception by the Board.-of Appeals as hereinafter Multiple Reside.. ~e. Districts. 2. Hotels and .motels.. 3. Tourist cottages (More than. one' (1) Tourist cottage may be-per-. mitred on a lot when authorized-as: a special exception by the Board. of: Appeals as hereinafter provided.) L I Jl' III ~ ~ - -- "~ ':' ' "B-I" T *uess Distaqct s~. comply with-th ..ovisions of Article IV with[ respect to'building height, buildifig~ area, front yard, rear yard, densityl of population, signs, size of lot area and off-street parking area. ,.. -' IX. By amending said Ordinance by 4. Tourist camps, When authorized_ inserting therein a new Article to be as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as. hereinafter-provided. 5. Marinas' for the docking, mooring or accommodation of non-com- mercial boats when auth. orized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. 6. Accea~ry uses on the same lot _.~ith and customarily incidental to any permitted use and not involv- ing the conduct of a Separate business. VI. By amending said Ordinance by inserting therein a new Article .to be Article III B to read as fonows. ARTICI~ III B '.~I-!" MultiPle. Residence Distric~ SECTION 370--~ the "M-I" Mul- tiple Residence District, no building or premises shall be used, and .no building shall be hereafter' erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance except for one (1) or more of the fonowin~ 1, All permitted uses in "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural Districts. 2. Dwellings' designed for and oc- cupied by not more than four' (4) families. 8. B~rdt~ and 'touri~ hou~ea . ,t~ ~~ory ~ on the ~me lot~ wlth and .om~tomm'll~ inctd~a~Ii to any permit~ uses and not, involving a separate business. SECTION 3?l--AIl pre~s in the "M-I" M~ltiple Residence District shall comply with the provisions Of. Article IIIA with ~t to building height, buildin~ area, size of lot area, front yard, side yards, rear yard, off,street parking area and signs. VII. By mending Article IV, Sec- tion'/00 of said Ordinance to read as SECTION 400--In the-"B' ,Business District, no building Or premises shall be used, and no build!ng shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, excelit for one (1) or more of the following uses- 1. Ail permitted uses in the "A" Residential and A~icultural, '~M" Multiple Residence, "M-I" Mul- tiple Residence, '~B-l" .Business and "B-~" Business Districts. 2. Storage houses. 3. Ice manufacturers. 4..Expre~ carting or hauling of- "~fices or station. 5. Yards for storage and sale of fuel and building materials. 6. l'rmtm~ plants. $. Laundry, dry cleaning and dye- '9. 'Creamery, butter and Cheese making and milk. bottling and .distributing plants. 10. Carpenter shops/ 11. Plumbing shops. 12. Blacksmith shopa 1~. Electrician shops. Article IV B to read as follows- ARTICLE IV B )m, soys · "B-2" *Business District SECTION 440--In the "B-2" Business ISLAND ~.District, nobuilding.or.premises shall ]iC r~ews- be .used -and no building shall be hereafter.erected or altered unless Ond that otherwise, provided in this Ordinance, ~cept for one (1) or more of the hos been following uses.: 1. All permitted ..uses in the "A" Residential and AgricUlturaL "M" MultiPle Residence and "M-I",/.._~_~ee~s/ Multiple Residence Districts. 2.. One (1)' and two (2) family dwellings provided that such ............... dwelUngs--comply_ with the pro- visions of Section 301 to 308, in- clusive~ of. this Ordinance. ,3. Multiple dwellings.. 4. Hospitals. ' 5. Clinics. ,~ .... '~ ........ 6. Nursing Homes. ' 7. Offices. 8. Banks and financial institutiona '--~'~ 9. Retail stores. - 10. Res~~ts. 11. Bake shops (for on- premises .... sales). 12. Laundromats and similar estab-~. Ushments. '1~. Tailors',. dry cleaners' and mil- liners' shops.. 1~ Shoe repair shops: 15. Jewelers', opticians', watch and. clock shops and similar estab- ltahme~ts.- · ' ..... ing mad accommodation of non- comm~'dal boats, including the ~1~ of f~l an~ oil primsflly for~ the use of boats aecommodat~ tn clubs. I~. Accessory uses on the same lot' with and customarily incidental to any permitted uses and not' involving a se.pa, rate business. SECTION 44i--All premises in the' "B-2"-Business District shall comply with the provisions of Article IV with respect to ,building height, building area, front yard, rear yard,. density of population, signs, size of lot area and off-street parMng area. Any person desiring to be heard on' the proposed amendment should appear ~at the time and place above specified. Dated: March 9, 1965, BY ORDER OP THE SOUTHOI~ TO~VN 'BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, '.: ..in~ in eX/stence, at the effectfve :~_ -date ....'_hereof to a two family "(b) The .:erection-or construction · of~.a two family dwelling pro- -·lded that .the lot shall have .an area of 'not less than .-': ',tmmtY.-flve thousand (25,000) -"~: .... ~~4.-.~fl~et and a frontage of ~ (:')~;~,'~:. than two hundred Ce) Chll~, fra~rnity houses and ,' .'..i'--Vatf courses. :: ~ ..... ..'.i:.~:,i-~,and' riding academies. ., ? '~(ei,.~..~~s and undertak- - "~ '.,, .~t~z:'~ents. ". ..(~. ~~'-~v_~er stations. ~/.' ~) '~ utill~, buildings, struc- · ':: ~ er facilities. :.:(h)'"'~eteries and the necessary · .~...','.'.:l~~l structures. .:.(D ..'Marinas for the docking, ., ,,... ~ or accommodation of · -.~ more 'than six (6) non- . .~~..,beat~. ~ l~Yil~Jr' am~ding Article YII, Section ~, ~~on ?' to 11, inclusive, of ~ahi O~~e~ by renumbe~ing said ~ubdtvl~m as fellows: '/~u~ "/ renumbered Subdivi- '.~i~visl~m ~ renumbered Subdivt- ~. 9~ ten--bored Sulxtivi- ~~~,: 10 renumbered Subdivi,. ,'. :: ~.llrenumbered Subdivi- ~: ~ amending Article IIIA, Section ~0 'el ~:'.Ordinance to read as fol- ':'~:~d~--In the "M" Multiple ~. Disieict~, no building or ~'~a~l be used, and no build- ' .l~i~' '~ - I~ - hereafter, erected or '_~ mfle~s otherwise provided in th~ ~llnance except for one (1) or :..~..: .~.~,...tl~ following uses: ":,:'-~tj~;.~emlt/~d uses in "A" Resi- dential and A~rtcultural and '~-1" · . . mercial fuel dock,,; and piers. 18. Ferry docks and ferry houses. 19. Boat yards, boat storage yards and boat storage basins. 20. Any manufacturing, fabricating, treating, converting, finishing, altering or assembling, in con- nection with the aforesaid per- mitted uses and which is a necessary incident and accessory to the prel~aration of articles to be sold primarily on the premises or to the performing of a service primarily for residents of the neighborhood. 21. Accessory use on the same lot w,tth and customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses. :22. The stripping of land to secure satisfactory top soil for grading or other purl~ses is permitted, provided material so obtained is used on the immediate premises. ~'f a building is being constructed. or altered material excavated in connection with such construc- tion or grading on the l~remises may be sold however. Cement block manufacturing, and natural production uses such as the ex- cavation for sale of sand, gravel, ....... ..clay, shale, or other natural min- eral deposit are permitted only as a special exception by the, .Board of Appeals. VIII. By amending said Ordinance by inserting therein a new Article te be Article IVA to read as follows: ARTICLE IV A "B-I" Business District SECTION 420--In the "B-I" Business District, no building or premises ~ .be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance execpt for one (1) or more of the following uses' 1. All permitted uses in the"°A'' Residential and Agricultural, Multiple Residence, "M-I" Mul~l~le. Residence and "B-~" Districts. 2. The following uses when'auth- orized as a special excel~tion by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter .......... provided' a. Places of amusement, b. Public garages. c. Gasoline service stations, d. New, and used car Iota e. Fishing stations. 3. Accessory uses on the same let with and customarily incidental to any permitted uses and .not... in- volving a separate business. SECTION 421--All premises in the LEGAL NOTICE NiOTIOE OF HF_~RI~G ON ON Pi~OPOSAL TO A1V~END ZONING ,C~DINANCE Pursuant to Section :265 of the 0 Town Law ~and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinar~ce · of the Town of Southold, Suf, f. olk Ckam.- ty, New York, public heaxing will ,be held by ,the Southold Town Board~ at the Office of ~he Super- visor, 16. South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 2nd day of Akoril, 1'965 ,at 7'30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the ~foll, owing proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordin- ance (incl,udirrg the Buildirrg Zone :.~aps) of the-~own of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: 1. By amen, dng the Table of Contents ,of said Ordinance to read .as follows: TABLE .OF CONTENTS Short Title Section Article I Definitiions 100 Article. II Districts 200 "A" l~eaidential and Agr/cultu.ral Dis- trict 300 Article3~IIA ",lVi" Multiple Re- sidence Distric, t 350 Artcle Il:lB "M-.i" Multiple Residan6e District 370 Article lV "B" Business Dis- trict 400 Article. ~VA "B-i" Business Distr~ct 420 Article IVB, "B-2"'Business District - 440 Article V "C" Indus~ri, al District 500 Article VI Tourist Caraps, Camp Cobtages and [rr. ailers 60.0 Article VII Appli.cations and Permits 700 Article VI~H Soard of Ap- peals 800 Article IX Amendments 900 Article X General Pr~vi- sions 1000 Iii By a,mendlng Article I1, Section 200 of said Ordinance to r~ad as follows: Section 200 - USE DIST~CT P~GULATIONS - F. Gr the p~se of thh~ Ordin- ance, the. Town of Southold, out- ~ide ,of the Incorporated Villages, is hereby ,divided into seven (7) classes ~of .d~tricts v~hi~h sl~all ,be des~g~a,ted as fo11~vs: "A" ~ID~NT~ AND AGRI- CULTURAL DT, STI~ICTS "M" MUlTIPlE RESIDE~TCE I~IS~i~CTS "M-I" MU~TIi~LE t~I~CE DISTI~CTS "B" BUSINESS DI~STRICTS "B-i" BUSINF~S D1ST~RICTS "B-.2" BU~,I~E~S D~ST.P~ICTS "C" IN{),USTI~IAL DLSTR~CTS III. By .amending Article 1II, S~ction 300, Subdivisions 1 to · 6B inclusive, of said Ordinance to ,read .as follows' 1-One (1) fami!y dwellings 2-Churches~, schools and librar- ies. 3-Non-commercial parl~s, p}ay- .great, ds, athletic ~elds, .bath- i~g beaches, ~athhcuses or boa,thouses. 4-Agricultural farms, ~oultry ,farms, ~arseri.se, :greenhouses and truck gardening (c~oe.s not include farms for the .b~eeding or raising of ducks). 5~The following us~s when au- .thorized as 'a special excep- tion by tho Board of Appeals as. hereinafter provided' used, and on building sl~all be hereafter ,erected or altered un- .~,ss .otherwise provided in this ordir~a,rme e~c. ept for one (1) or ,more of the following uses: 1. All permitted uses in "A" Residential and Agriculttrral .and "M-i" Multiple Residence Districts. 2. Hotels a.nd motels'. 3~ Tour'.mt cottages (More than one. (1) Tourist cottage may ,be ,permitted Ion ,a lot ~hen authorized as a special ,ex~ception :by the Board of .~p- peals as hereirrafter provided.) 4. Tourist ,~amps, when auth- orized as a special exception' ~by the. B~ard .of ~ppeals as hereinafter provided. .5. Marinas for the ,docking, · mooring or accomrrrodation .of non-commercial boats when ,a.utharized ,as a special excep- tion Of the l~oard of Appeals .as hereinafter provided. · 6. Accessory us.es of the same lot with and customarily i~ci- dental to any permitted Use' and not involving the conduct of a sep,a~ate business., VI. By ,am eroding said Ordin- ance by insertil~g therein a new Article to be Article LIIB to read as follows: ARTICLE IIlB "M-i" Multiple. l~e'sidence Dis-: trice SECTION 370- In the "M-i" Multiple l~esidence District, no ,building or l~remises shall be used, and no building shall be hereafter erected or albered unless Otherwise provided in this Ordinance e~cept for one (1)or .more of the following uses: 1. All permitted uses in "A" Residential and /~gricult~ral Districts. 2. I~vellings designed for and occapie, d by not more ,. than four (4) families. 3~. Boarding and tourist t~auses. 4. Acc~asory uses on the sa~ne lot with and custom- arily incidental to any per- mitted uses a~d not involv- ing a separate business. SECTION 371 - All premises in tl~e "m-l" Mult~p. le Resi- dence District shall coml~ly with the .provisions of Articl'e ,LII~ wi,th respect bo building height, .bufl, dir~g area, size of lot a. rea, front ya~rd, side yards, rear yard, off-street parking area and signs. VII. By ,amending Article IV, Section 400 ,of said Ordinance to read as foll~ws: ~St~CT]~ON 400- In the '~.B" Business Df.strict, .no building or premises shall be used, and no .bull. ding shall be rrereafter erected .or alte~red .unless ,othe~ise provided in this Of dinance, .except for one (1) or :more .of the following uses: 1. All permitted uses in the "A" Residential and Agri- cultural, "M" Multiple Resi- dence, "M-I" Multiple Re- sidence, "B-I" Business ,and "B-2" Busir~e.ss Districts. '2. Sto,rage houses., .3. Ice ma,nufacturere. 4. 'Expreas~ c//rting or haul- lng offices o,r stations. 54 Yards for s~orage and sale of fuel and building materials. ,6. Printing ~pl, ants. nabUral mineral deposit are permitted on!.y ,as a special ex,~eption by ~he Board of Appeals° VIIL By .ame.~ding said Ordin- ax~ce .by inserting therein :~ new Article to ~.be Article IVA to read as follows: . AP~TICI~ IV A "B-i" Business District SECTION 4~20- In the "B-i" Bu-r Sworn, siness District, no huiI, ding or premises shall be used and noUFFOLK ,bufld~g shall be hereafber erected or altqred unless other- county; ,.wise provided in this Ordinance ,exoept ~or one (1) or more of the ea copy, fol~ow'mg uses' 1. All permitt6d uses in bhe in each "A" ReSidential and Agricul- week~ tural, "M" Multiple Residence," "tVI-l" Multiple Residence .and ~ .......... "B-,2" Business Districts. 2. The following .uses when .au- thorized as a special exception ,by the Board of Appeals as .................. hereinafter provided' a. Places of amusement. ,b. Public garages~ c. Gasoline service sta.tions. d. New and used car lobs. · 3. Accessory 'uses on the same g........... lot with and customarily ir~ci- der~tal to ,any permitted .uses and not involving a separate business. SECTION 421 - All .premises in the "B-i" Business District shall comply with the provi- sions of Article .IV with re- spect to building height, build- lng .area, front yard, rear yard, densi, ty of ,lXqau~ation, signs, size of lot area and off- street parking area. ,IIK. By amending said Ordin- ance by inse.,rting therein a ,new Article to be Article IV B bo read as follows: A~t~ IV B "B-2" Business District "S '2" ~ection 44O- .In the -: Business District, no ,building or ,premises shall ,be used smd .no building shall be ,herea. fter erected or altered unless oth- e.riwise provided in this Of dir~ance, except for one (1) or more of the followir~g ,uses' 1. All permitted uses in the "A" Residential and cultural, "M" Multiple Re.si-. dence and "M-I" Multiple Resi. de~ce Districts., 2. One (1) and two (2) fa- mill (~we.llings provided that such ,dwellings con, ply with the provisions of Sec,tions.: 301 to 308, incl,usive, of bh.is ,Ordinance,. 3. Multiple..dwellings. 4. Hospitals. 5.t ,Clinics. 6. Nursing Honies. 7. Offices. S. Banks ~and fin, ancial in- stitutio~_s. 9., Retail stores. 10. Restaurants. 11. Bake shops (for on-pre- raises sales.). 12. Laundromats and similar establishments. 13~ Tailors', ,dry cleaners' and milliners,' shops. 14. Shoe repair shops. 15. Jewelers', opticians,' ~a,t,c~ a,r~d clock shops and similar establishments. and clock shops axed -simil_ar establishments, 16. Marinas f, or the dockirrg, .mooring and aecommoda.- (a) The conversion of ,any bnilding in ,existence at the effective c~ate here- of ,to a two family dwelling., (b) The e.rection ,or co. nstruc- tion of Ia two family dwelling ~provided that the lot shall .have an ,area ,o.f ~,ot less than twenty-five t ~h o u s a n d (25,00.0) square: feet and .a frontage o,f not le~s ~tl~an two hundred (200- feet. (c) Clt~b.s, iraternity [ houses and .golf courses. (d) ,Stables and riding aca- demies. (e) Funeral l~o,me~ .and un- taking establishments. (f) l~a,ilway passenger sta- tions. (g) Ptrblic :utility lyuildings, struc'tures or facilities.. (h) Cemeteries and the nec- ~essary incidental struc- ~tures. (i) M a r i n a s f, ov the .doc~img, mooring ~r .ac- commodat~on of not more tl~an six (6) .non- commercial boats. IV. By ~arrm.ndir~g Article III, ~ection 300, Subdivision 7 to 11, inclusive, of said .Ordinance., by renun~bering said Sabdivisions as lollows: Subdivision 7 re.umbered Sub- .divisimx 6. Strbdivision 8 renurabered Su~b- ,diviaion 7. Subdivision 9 renurabered ,Sub- ,division 8. ~Subdivision 10 renumbered S~b- division 9, S~bdivi~on 11 ~e~umbe,red Sub- division 1.0. V. ~y amer~dr~g Article IIIA, Section 354) af said Ordin, anc,e to ~'ead ,a~ iollows: S~ON 350- In the "M" Mul, title Residence D~tri. ct, no buff, ding ,or premises shall be 7. Bookbinding plants. 8. Laundry, .dry cleaning and dyeing plants: 9. Creamery, butter and ,cheese making and .milk bot- tling and distribu, ting .plants. 10. Ca.x]penter shops. 11~ Plumbin, g shops. 1.2. B1acksmth shops. 13..Electrici~an shops. 14. Upho~.tere,.r Shops. 15. Tinsmith Shops. 16. Painter shops. 174 Marinas, commercial doc,ks, commercial fuel docks and piers. 18. Ferry docks and ferry houses. 19. Boat yards, bo~t storage y,ards .and ,bo,at storage ba- sins. 20. Any manufacturing, fab- ricating, treating, convert- lng, finishing, altering or ,as- sembling, in connection with the aforesaid permitted uses and which is a necessa~ ir~cide.n~t and accessory to the preparation o,f articles to ,be sold primarily on the pre- raises or t,o the .performing of ,a service .primarily for resic~ents of .the neighbor- hood.~ 21. Accessory. use on the same lot wi th and custo- marily irmtdental to any of the .mbove permitted uses. 22. The. strip.pir~g of land to secure satisf, actory top soil for ~rad'mg or other purposes is permitted, provided ma~er- iai so obtained is ,used on the i ,rnmediate :premises. If a ~buildir~g is being con- strutted or altered material exoavated in eonnec.tion with such construction or grading on the premises may be sold however. Cement block mam- uf.a~turing, and natural pro- duction · uses such as the ex- cawa.t}on for sa~e of sand :gravel, c~a,y, shale, or tion of non-.commerc;ial'''' boats, including the ,sale of ~uel and oil primarily for the. use ,of boa,ts accom.mo- dated in such marina. 17, Lodges, chapter houses and clubs. 18. Accessory uses on the same lot with a.r~d .custom.ar- ily incidental to ,any pe,rmit- ted uses and not involvng a setparate ~b,usiness. SECTION 441 - All premises in the ",B-.2" Business District shall comply with ~he provisions of Art- icle IV with respect to building hei,ght, building ,area, front ya.rd, trear yard, densit, y .of population, ;signs, size ,o,f 1.et area and off- street ,parking area. Any person desiring to be la, card on the ,proposed amendment should a~ppear .a.t the time .and place above speci_qed. Dated: March 9, 1065. ~ao,lmoo Io s~uouiOlhI ~£:9 ,. March 9, 1965 Southold Town Board ~reenport, New York Gentlemen: March voted Please be advised that at a special 9, 1965 the Southold. Town Planning upon the following action: meeting on Board unan~o.lF we hereby approve the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance as proposed in your letter of February 24, and resolution of the Southold Town Board of the 23rd. Respectfully submtt~d, John wickham, Southold Town Cha~x~m~ Plann. L~ Boerd Vezy =~ iy yo~s, Nlreh :LO, ].965 of ~bo ~Men of Oout~oM at a pu~l~.~ hoe~Ang to be hem Board at, ~bo o££Aee of tho · romnttort, iow ~o.rk., ~n oe~ ~ on l~rAday, tho 2nd ~,.y of X96S. Very t,;ruXy ym~o, - Touu of R~.v~.r~ ~ of l~Lr~'h ~00 ~965 supervisor, '-Loo~r K. Al~rr~on, ~6 Sou~h ~omt, G'roenpor ~, Bev York, in said ~ on. day. ~.33~r~ w. BAe~'~.~:'~, Torn CLerk - 'l'ovu of B~ver~d Tmm of~ Yovu of · .---J Vi.,X :Ligo of Groenpo r~ B4erd IotAce of M. r i.ng on proposal to by ~ ~uthold Torn Soard at. the S~~orv~$or, .Lo.~oter #., Alber~oon, 16 Sou~.h Stroet, Greenport, b York, ~n sa~d Town on. Friday, tho ~ud -day of AprLl, 1965, Awn/mr ~lbert w, R~e,~w~.-nd, Town Clerk - 'f'o, uu of liTorhoo~ Vi. 1 Iago $ gnoturo of // // IfOTXCi of~ nmnr:Lng on p~&uX ~ ~ Zon~ Ord._ __~_ Board &~ ~ o£f.A~e o£ ~ f~up~:Loor, Leeter l~i, Alber.t-'ee~o 1..6 SOU~h. S-.~OOt, day' of Apr:Li, X~S. yours, ALBE~T W. ;~1 OH MO NID ERK SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. end the Building Sons T~Am Il ~o ac~ovi~dge reoetpt o! the vrllten LIiAL IK~FX~ of H~aring on propolal to amend Sorting Ordinance o£ ~ho Town of ~o~thold at a public hea~tng to ~e bid by th~ ~u~mld ~ Board at th~ o££1~e of tho lu~l~or, ~l~r II. AXbertlon, X6 faugh Oredmport, I~w YorX, day of April. l~6S. Aaa/ar in laid Town on Friday, ~h~ 2nd Very t=uly Albert W. RLshmodd, Torn · o~-~Town of liverhead TOwn of Southampton To~n of bi,er Island Village o£ Oroenport Suffolk County planning Board ltite Park Commission/ _ ~//~/ /- ALBERT W. RIC:HMnND SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. February 24, 1965 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; Enclosed herewith is a copy of a resolution passed by the South- old Town Board at a meeting held on the 23rd day of February, 1965, at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report thereon pur- suant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Very truly your%, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk I Supervisor~ office, 16 South Street, Greenport, At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold held at the New York, on the 1965. day of February° WHEREAS, this Board desires to amend the provisions of the Building Ztme Ordinance and the Building Zone .,Map forming a part thereof as hereinafter set forth, NOW, .THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. that the Town Clerk of the ~Town of Southold be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transmit to 'the Planntn~ Board of the Town of Southold a certified copy of this resolution 'together with a request in writing to said Planning Board instructing said ';, Planning Board to prepare an official report with its recommendations on ~said proposed amendments, pursuant to the provisions of Article IX, Section said proposed 900 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, amendments being as follows, to wit: i. By amending the Table of Contents of said Ordinance to read as follows' Short Title TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Article 1 Article Article HI Article ..Ill. A Article iH B Definitions Districts "A" Reeidential and ' . ~ Agr~cultura District "M" Multiple Residence 100 200 393 35O District "M- 1" Multiple Residence District "B" Business District Article IV "B-i" Business District Article IV A "B-Il" Busine~ District Article IV B .Article V "C" Industrial District Article VI Tourist Camps, Camp Cottages and Trailers 600 Article VII Applications and Permits 700 Article VHI Board of Appeals $ 00 Article IX Amendments 900 A. rticle X General Provisions 1000 37 0 400 420 440 500 By amending Article II, Section 200 of said Ordinance to read as follow~: SECTION 200 - USE DISTRICT REGULATIONS- For the purpose of this Ordinance0 the Town of Southold, outm. tde of the Inc.ox~orated V1..]2~geS i.S hereby divided into seven (7} classes of districts which ~hall be de-.tailgated as follows: "A" t~--SIDE~~L AND AGR1CULTURA L DISTRICTS "M" MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DiSTRIC'TS "Mol" MULTIPLE i~~~ENCE DiI~TRICTS "B" BUSINESS DISTRICTS "l~- I" BUSINESS DISTRICTS "B-2" BUSINESS DISTRICTS "C" INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS IH. By amendin~ Article HI, Section 300, Subdivisions 1 to 6 B in- elusive, of said Ordtaa~e to read as follows.: 1 - One (1) family dwellings. 2 - Churches, schools and libraries. 3 - Non-commercial parka, play//rounda, athletic fields, b~thtng beaches, bathhouses or. boathouses. 4- Agricultural farms, poultry farms, nurseries, greenhouses, and truck gardenin/[ (does not include farms for the breedin//or rais 'in~ of ducks). 5 - Th~ followin~ uses when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided: (a) The conversion of any bui!din~ in existence at the effective date hereof to a two family dwellin~. (b} The erection or construction of a two family dwellinl~ provided that the lot shall have an area of not less than twenty-five thousand (25, 000} square feet and a frontage of not less than two hundred (20.0~ feet. (c) Clubs, fraternity houses and golf courses. (d) Stables and ridtn/~ academies. (e) Funeral homes and undertaking establishments. (f) Railway passenger ~tations. (g) Public utility buildings, structures or facilities. (h) Cemeteries and the necessary incidental struct e~.. (i) for the docking, mooring or accommodation of not more than six (6). non.- commercial boa. ts. By amending Article HI, Sectmn 3000 Subdivisions 7 to 11, in- clusive, of said Ordinance, by renumberint~ said Subdivisions as follows: Subdivision 7 renumbered Subdivis. ion 6. Subdivision a renumbered Subdivision 7. Subdivision 9 renumbered Subdivision 8. Subdivision I0 renumbered Subdivi~ion 9. Subdivision 11 renumbered Subdivision 10. V~ By amending Article HI A, Section 350 of said Ordinance to read as follows-. -2- SECTION 350 - In the "M~' Multiple Residence Dis- trict, no building or premises ~ .lmll be used, and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance except for one (1) or more of the following uses: 1. All permitted u~-es Ln "A" Residential and Agricultural and "M-i" Multiple Residence Districts. 2. Hotels and motels. 3. Tourist cottages. (More than one (t) Tourist Cottage may be permitted on a lot when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided). 4. Tourist camps, when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. 5. Marinas for the docking, moorLug or accommodation of non-commercial boats when authorized aa a ~pecial exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. 6. Accessory uses on ~he same lot with and & · custom r~ly incidental to any permitted use and no~ involving the conduct of a ~eparate business. VI. By amending said Ordinance to be Article HI B to read as follows: by in~erting therein a new Article ARTICLE IH B "M- 1" Multiple Residence District SECTION 570 - In the "M-I" Multiple Residence District, no buildin~ or premises shall be used, and no building ~hail be hereafter ea, e~ed or altered unless otherwise provided ha this O~dtnance except for one (I) or more of the following uses: 1. All permitted u~em in. "A" Residential and Agricultural Districts, 2, Dwellings de'~igned for and occupied by not more than four (4) families, 3, Boarding and tourist houses. 4, Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily/ncidental to any permitted uses. and not involving a ~.eparate business. SECTION 371 - All premise~ in the "M-I" Multiple Reside'ncc District shall comply with the provision~ of Article Ilia with respect to building height, building area, size of lot area, front yard, ~ide yard~, rear yard, off-street parking area and ~igns. VII. By amending Article IV,. Section 400 of said Ordinance to read as follows: SECTION 400 - In the "B" Business District, no building or premfse~ shall be used, and no buildin~ -3- shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided in thi~ Ordinance, except for one (1). or more of the following uses: 1. All permitted u~e~ in the "A" Residential and Agricultural, "M"' Multiple Residence, "M- 1" Multiple Residence, "B- 1" Business and "B-2" Business Districts. 2. Storage houses. 3. Ice manufacturers. 4. E xpl'e~s carting or hauling offiee~ or statton~. '5. Yards for storage and sale of fuel and building materials. 6. Printing plants. 7. Bookbinding plante. 8. LaundrY, dry cleaning and dyeing plants. 9. Creamery, butter and cheese making .and milk bottling and di~tributing plants. 10. C arpente r e. hop~. 1 I. Plumbing ~hops. 12. Blacksmith ~hops. 13. Ele ctrtcian .shops. 14. Upholsterer shops. 15. Tinsmith ohopa. 16. Painter shops. 17. Marinas, commercial docks, commercial fuel docks and piers. 13. Fern.' docks and ferry houaes. 19. Boat y~.e, boat storage yard~ and boat storage 20. Any manufacturing, fabricating, treating, converting, finishing, altering or assembling, in connection with the aforesaid permitted uses and which is a necessary incident and acce~iaory to the preparation of articles to be sold primarily on the premises or to the performing of a service pri- marily for residents of the neighborhood. 21. Accessory uae on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uae~. 22. T'he stripping of land ._.__,_~'"r~ ...... .--. secure satisfactory top soil for grading or other purposes is permitted, provided material so ob- tained iS used on the immediate premises. If a building is being oonstructed or altered material excavated in connection with such cormtruction or grading on the premises may be sold however. Ce~aent block manufacturing, and natural production uses such as the excavation for sale of sand, gravel, clay, shale or other natural mineral deposit are permitted only as a special exception by the Board of Appeals. VHI. By amending said Ordinance by inserting therein a new Article to be Article iV A to read as follows: -4- ARTICLE IV A 1'* Business District SECTION 420 bufldin~ or premises shall shall be hereafter erecKed provided in this Ordinance of the following uses: - In the "lB- 1" Business Distrlct, no be used and no buildin~ or alte.r, ed unless otherwise except for one (I) or more 1. All permitted uses in the "A" Residential and Agricultural, "M" Multiple Residence, "M-I" Multiple Residence and "B-2" Bu~ine$~ Districts. 2. T'he following uses when authorized a~ a ~pectal exception by the Board of Appeals. as he re inafter provide4: ~' a~ Places of amusement. Public garages. Gasoline service stations. New and used car lots. e. Fiahir~ stations. Accessory uses on 3. the same lot with and customarily incidental to. any permitted uses and not involving a s.eparate business. SECTION 421 - All premises in the "B-!" Bushness District shall comply with the provisions of Article IV with respect to buil.ding height, building area, front ' ri yard, rear yard, density of populat~o., signs, size of lot area and off-street parking area. By amending said Ordinance by inserting therein a new Article to be Article IV B to read as follows: ARTICLE IV B "B- 2" Business District SECTION 440 - In the "B-2" Business District, no build...~g or premises shall be used .and no building shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise pro- vided in this Ordinance, except for one (!) or more of the following uses: 1. All permitted uses in the "A" Residential and Agricultural, "M" Multiple Residence and "M- 1" Multiple Residence Districts. 2. One (1) and two (2) family dwellings pro- vided that such dwellinl~s comply with the pro- 308, inclusive, of this visions of Sections 301 to Ordinance,. Multiple dwellings. Hospitals. Clinics. Nursing homes. Offices. Banks and financial Retail stores. Restaurants. 10. 11. 12. irmtitutio~. Bake shops (for on-premises sales}. Laundromats and similar establishments. -5- 13. Tailors', dry cleaners' and milliners chops. 1~. Shoe repair ~hops. 15. Jeweler's. ', opticians', watch and clock shops and eimtla.r establishments. ! 6. Mar!nas for the doclOn~, moor~ and accommodation of non-commercial boat~ eluding the male of fuel and oil primarily for the u~e of boats accommodated tn such marina. 17. Lodge~, chapter hou~e~ and clubs. 13. ~cce~ory u~e~ on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted uses and not involving a separate business. SECTION 441 - All premi~ee in the "B-2" B. ua~.fl~eas Dis-trier eha!l comply with the provisions of Article IV with reapect to building height, building area, front yard, rear y~rd, den~tty of population, ~ign~-, size of lot are a and off- street parking area. -6-