HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchluensen, Martin Amend #67 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold b~ ..... I!~lk~..~..~...~~ ................................. requesting o change, modification and emendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a port thereof by chang- ing fram ...~A~'...iB~.~,~.*..&..II~IIII.* District to ....~..~1~.~.~ ........... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ..~.t.~ ........ day of ........ ,~ ...................... , 19.&S_, and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~l'~d. By (X-der o£ the Ioutho],d Torn Board Iffe(fl::Lvt u of Nlrch :LO, 5rlUTHC I., N. Y. STATE OF NEW YOR) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at Southold, N.Y. in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk; that he is the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold; that on the 1st day of March , 1965 , he posted a copy of the NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING NO. 67 together with the official Zoning Map showing same, on the signboard maintained by him pursuant to tOwn law in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, at Southold, New Yoirk; that such posting by him was done pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law and pursuant to the resolution of the Southold TOWn Board. A copy of the Amendment is annexed hereto. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of March , 19 65 Not ~r y Public NOTICE OF ~AM~,NDM~,NT OF ZONI~ ORDINANCE A~~~~ NO. 6~ N~CE ~S ~~Y G~, that afar a ~ub~c h~~ held ~sugnt ~ ~e r~u~men~ of law. the Bu~d- ~ ~ne ~d~nance (including the ~lding Zone. ~ of the To~ of ~uthold, S~olk Count, New, York, was duly amend~ at a r~lar m~t- ~g of the ~u~old T~ ~d held on Feb~a~ 16, 1~5, as follows: 1. ~ chang~g from "A' ~dential and~ A~c~t~ District ~ "B" Busi- n~ DiS~ct the f~o~g de~r~d ~ that ce~ain tract or ~rcel of land situat~ in Southold, in the To~ of ~thold, Suffo~ Co~ty, New York, a~ mo~ ~r~c~arly ~unded and deified ~ follows: ~inn~ at a ~int on the north- w~rly ~ne of the Main Road a~ut I,~0 feet southwesterly along ~td no~hwe~rly line from Acker- ley Pond ~e, sam ~int of ~in- nine ~tn~ the ~uth~ly comer of Wffiow Hi~. ~te~' from ~id p~nt of ~nn~g m~tng along sam no~hwe~rl~ line of the M~n ~ S. 39' 03' ~" W~20~.~ i~t ~ ~ iron pi~ and land of ~ld- ~~.; thence .alon~ said land of Oold~tth N. ~ 14' 10" W.~.0~ f~t ~ ~ iron pt~; t~n~ along s~d la~ of ~l~th and ~ong land of Wal~rs N. ~ ~' ~" E. --151.~ f~t ~ ~ ~on pi~; then~ alo~ ~ land of Wafers N. ~ ~' 20" W.--I~ f~t ~ an iron Pi~ on the ~th~ly ~ne oi ~wer Ro~; thence ~ ~td ~utheas~rly Bne of ~w~ Ro~, ~o 10' 20". E.~.9 feet ~ said Wffiow H~I Ceme~; thence ~ong said Willo~ Hffi .~me~ S. ~ 52' 30" E.~8.28 f~t ~- the ~tnt of ~gi~in~. Confining 0.~5 ac~. DA~: ~RUARY 16, 1~5 BY ORD~ OF ~ SO--OLD ~WN BO~D ALB~T W. RI~0ND, ~~ C~K. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND 'TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a~nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... ~.?,/.~. ;~.~...~.'//~.~,..week/s/ successively, commencing on the .......... ~..;-.~['. ........ : ....... day of ........ ~~r~..~z....,.../(..!..., 19.~'T..;-~.. /,,,.. . .............................. ........ Sworn to be{oro m~ thb .......~...~'. ..... ~V o{ ......... AfiELE PAYi'i i!. Res~o'~;g in Sb:f.:i~ L:r.,unty No, 52-3041000 ~EGAL I~OTICE OF ZO1TS~O O~ANCE _ ~r NO. NOTICE IS ~Y _ .;tl~t ~f,te.r a ~ub~c ~~ he~ ~~t ~ th~ ~~em~ of ~w, ~he Su~~ ~ne Or~[ (~luding ~e 0f the T~ of ~u~ld, S~o~ ~nnty, ~ew York, w~ d~[ ~end~ at a ~ar m~t~~ .~[ ~e ~~ld .. ~Feb~ 1~, 1~, 1.~ By c~g~' ~rom 'A de~l '~d ~i~~l to 'B" B~~~t ~e ~l- lowing_ d~r~b~ pr~~y: ~1 that -ce~n trot or par- cel of h~d ~~~ in ~u.th- old, in the Tow~ of S~t~d, Suffo~ ~~ty, N~ York, an~ ~~ ~~~ly ~~ed de~bed ~ follows: ~gi~~g ~t ~ ~i~t on ~e ~r~~rly Ro~ ~~t 1,~ feet s~- westerly, a~ ~d. n0~~t- erly 1~ from A~erly Po~d L~e, ~id'~t of ~.~g ~ ~.u,~ly ~~r of W~~ ~1 C~~, fr~ ~d '~nt of ~ong '~d ~o~~r~ ~e W.-~~ feet ~d 1~ of N. ~o 24' 1~"~'~~.0 f~t ~ ~on p~; then~ ~nd of ~~~ ~d of w~~ N. ~o ~, ~,, to ~ 1~ ~rly ~ l~e ot ~er ~" E.-~ ~d W~ ~ ~e~; ~~: ~u~Y ~6,' STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, j ...... ..?...: .... .~.....~...~...:.%:.~.~.~ ..... ~.:'..~ ............. being duly Sworn, ~'~'~ "--' of the SU~'I.,'OLK says thai ..... ~ ..... ': .......... is rnnter smd Publisher TIMES, ~ newspaper published at Greenpori, in said couniy; ~nd that lhe notice, of which the annexed is ~ printed copy, has been published ~ the s~d 8~fo~ Times once in each week, for ...................................................... ~ .................................. week~ successively commenc~g on the ..... ~:~.~~...~~ or ...... ......... ..... ......... .... ....................................................... 8wo.m to before me this ...~..~., ...... , day of N ~~~ 19 ~ ~ i CORNELIA C. KEOGH NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. -~2-..-:c93890 Qualified in Suffolk County Term E;..'.pires March 30, 196!z7 IfOT~B iS ~Y GI~, ..~t after he!d purmmnt to the requ Lr.-~ts o£ law, :the Butl.dtnq Z e .Or.~~~ (~nclud~g the Bu~ldtn~ Zone Map) o£ the Town of 8outhold, Su££o.lk County, New York, was duly amondod at & regular meet~nq of the. $outhold Town Board held on Februar~ 16, X965, as follows, 1. B.'y changing from "A' Reo~dont~al and Agricultural D~s~-tr~ct to "B" Bus.ness D~str~ct-the £ollo~Znq deac'r~bed propert¥~ All that cer~~ trot or parc~! o£ land fsttu&ted J~ flou~ld, ~n the Toun of 8outhold, Suffolk County. ~ York. mud more. paz~J~cularly bounded and descried as follcM.o~ Beg~un~ at a point on the northu~oterly llne of the Hain load about. 1,000 feet $outh~~terly alonq oa.~d no~terly l~ne from Acker,ley Pond Lane, · a~d po~t of beq~nn.~ng being the .outherly corner o,! wLllc~ HZI,I Ceueter~ frou sa~d po~t of beg. ~nn~ng running along e&.l.d northwesterly line of .the MaAn Road 8. 39° 03' 00" W. -2-07.46 feet to an ~ron pipe and land of OoldmmAth~ thence along oaLd land of ~o1~~~ H. 46° 24' 10" ~:.-82.0 feet to an Iron ptpe~ ~hence along land saAd land o£ ~oldmulth and along 42° 07' 00" B:.-ISI. 36 feet to an ~ron p~pe~ thence a. lonq 8&td land of Walters N. 44 Legal -2.- 37' 20"' w.-148.96 fee~ t.o an Xron pXpe .on the · outho&oterX¥ :L~ne of r, oeor Road~~ th~~ al.~.~ said aoutheaf.'terly ~~e of Lower Roa~0 BI. 32° 20" E.-S0.0 £eet ~o sa~d w~ll~ H~I1 Cemetex~ thence &lonq sa~d ~t11~ ~11 Ceueter~ $. 46° $2' 30" E.-228.28 £eet-to the l~tnt o£ ~Zuntnq. Containing O. 54,5 acre. ~~-, i,mtl~Y 16, 1165 BY ORDER OF THE .80OTBO&D TOt~ BOARD ~? W. R/:CHNOND, TGWiI CLWRK ~~ ~XSH C~F.'.'.?:'- FBiit/M~ 2'6, 196$,. ~ ~D (4) AFFXi)AVXTS CflP PUBLICATX~ 1]Oti~DXAeFffL¥ TO THE Cop:Les mailed t~ the follow~ m Februar~ 17, 1965, The Suffolk Times The Long' Xaland Traveler*Nattttuc~ Nart~n D. Schluenmen Arnold Lateen Otto Van Tuyl TOWI~ BOARD MINUTES January 28, 1965 Pre s e n t: SUPERVISOR LESTER M. ALBERTSON JUSTICE RALPH TUTHILL JUST2[CE HENRY CLARK COUNCILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE TOWN CLERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND MART~[N Do SCHLUENSEN 2 ~UPERVISOR ALBERTSON: It seems to be 7:30, so I will open the hearing by reading the legal notice. "LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE. "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 28th day of January, 1965, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance, (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. "1. By Changing from "B" Business District the "A" Residential and Agricultural District to following described property. "Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particular~ bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of the Main Road about 1,000 feet southwesterly along said northwesterly line from Ackerly Pond Lane, said point of beginning being the southerly corner of Willow Hill Cemetery; from said point of beginning running along said northwesterly line of the Main Road S. 39° 03' to an iron pipe and land of Goldsmith; thence along N. 46° 24' 10" W.-82.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence along said land of Goldsmith and along ~land of Walters N. 42° 07' 00" E.-151.36 feet to 00" W.-207.46 feet said land of Goldsmith 3 an iron pipe; thence along said land of walters N. 44° 37' 20" W.-148.96 feet to an iron pipe on the southeasterly line of Lower Road; thence along said southeasterly line of Lower Road, N. 32° 10' 20" E.-50.0 feet to said Willow Hill Cemetery; thence along said Willow Hill Cemetery S. 46° 52' 30" E.-228.28 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.545 acr~. "Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. "DATED: JANUARY 5, 1965, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: There is an affidavit in the file indicating publication was made of thie legal notice. I will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board. "GENTLEMEN: This is to certify that at a regular meeting of the S~uthold Town Planning Board held on December 28, 1964, the following action was taken: "In the matter of the petition of Martin D. Schluensen for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated in Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: (the legal description was not read again.) 4 "It is hereby RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planniug Board favorably recommends to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, on the property of Martin D. Schluesen, as described above. "The Planning Board has been in contact with the cemetery association and told them that the Board would like to give them an opportunity to give their opinions. The Park district and another interested person has also shown interest in this property, but to date we have received no communication from them. Therefore, we must assume that they are not interested. "Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town P&anning Board" SUPERVISOR ALBERT$0N: At this time is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in opposition to this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard one way or the-other on this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will close the hearing at this time then, for the further deliberation of the Board. I GAL . . NOT~ OF~~,iNG ON -~ ~ ZO~~'. O~D~~CE Pursuant ~ .~ ~ of the Town ~w and Arttc~'~ 0f ~e Zone ~d~an~e of ~ ~ of ~uth- cid, ~01k Co~ty' New:'''Y°rk, pubic he~gs wm ~ hem bY' ~the ~th~d To~ ~d at the' .offi~ of the Su- ~~, 16 ~u~' S~t, Gre~rt, Ne~ York, ~::Satd To~ bn the' 28th day -0f JanuS, ~5'~ at. '~:30 0'cl~k in the e~e~ng of ~ day, on the f~ 'pro~-~ ~end ~e ~ the Buil~g Zone 'of ~thold, ~o~ C~~, ~ 1. By C~ ~m "A" ~entt~ ~d ~~~ ~ct'~ ne~ ,Dtst~ct ~ foBo~g d~~ ~.. pr~r~: To,'of ~~old, ~~. C~~, ~J~ and ~~~'~ono~: ~~~g at a~~t on th~ ~west~lF ~e of ~ ~~ ~d a~ut.'l,~ f~ ~~~r~ ~o~ ~td n~th~riy'. 1~ from Acker- ~y Pond-~e,~M ~ ~g .the ~u~er~' :~m~ of ~ ~ 'cme~;-from ~d ~t of .. ~d'no~hw~rly ~e of the'M~n ~ S. ~9~ ~' ~" W.--2~.~. f~t '~.an iron pl~ and land of ~ld- ~h; th~ ~ong. s~d la~ of ~l&~th' N. ~ '24' 10" W. ~.0 to ~n ~on pi~; ~nce .al0~-~d 1~ of ~1~~ ~d ~ ol w~ ~~ ~ ~the~ly ~e '~.0 feet ~ '~d ~w Hffi Ceme- ~ f~t ~ t~ ~~ of ~~~. C~- ~e ~o~~ '.meu~~t shoed a~- ~e~ at the ~me ad place a~ve' DA~: J~~Y 5, 1~5 .. ~~T W.. ~~O~, ~~ ~erk. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .t~O~r~..~.-...5~...~. week~ successively, commencing ~'~' e ........... . .~... ~... · day of ..... .~,z~.. :~...~'.~.~.../..] ....... ,,~19..~:-.' ~_~~----'  /,.///' *...,..., oo o.,,,o,,,.,,,,,o~.,,,.,,o.o o,,,.,o,,. ,., Sworn to before me this ...... ...~...: ~ day of .... ~ ,.~..,,~..<~,..-~ ......... 1 9.C"~.21 ~ ..... ADELE PAYNE Notary Pu',~;c, Ftcte o[ New Yor/{ R~sid~:'', i~] S~,'{cJk County ['~0. 52-$.L.:(i000 Commission Ex~ires March 30, NOTICE OF H~AR TO AMEND ZONING O~ P~OPOSAL ORDINANCE Pursuant to SectLon 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the $outhold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 28th day of January, 1965, at 7t30 o~clock in the evening of sa~d day, on the follow~ng proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (~ncluding the Building Zone Maps) of theTown of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By Changing from "A" Res~dential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property~ All that certain tract or parcel of land situated ~n $outhold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of the Main Road about 10 000 feet southwesterly along said northwesterly line from Ackerley Pond Lane, said point of beginning being the southerly corner of Willow Hill Cemetery~ from said point of beginning running along said northwesterly line of the Main Road $. 39° 03' 00" W.-207.46 feet to an iron pipe and ~land of Goldsmith~ thence along said land of Goldsmith N. 46° 24' 10" W.-82.0 to an iron thence along said land of Goldsmith and along land of Walters N. 42~ 07' 00" E.-151.36 feet to an iron pipe~ thence along said land of walters N. 44~ Legal Not~ce 2 37' 20" W.-148.96 feet to mn iron pipe on the southeasterly line of Lower Road~ thence along said southe&sterly line of Lower Road, N. ~-:~32' 10' .20" E.-50.0 feet to said W~llow Hill Cemetery~ thence along said Willo~ H~ll Cemetery S. 46° 52' 30" $.-228.28 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.545 acre. Any person des irZng to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: J~Y 5. 1964 BY ORDE~ OF THE $OUTHOIID TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLE~ PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JANUARY 14, 1965, AND FC~~ THREE AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLXCATXON ~MM~DIAT~LY TO THE TOWN CLEItK, MAIN ROAD. $OUTItOLD, NEW YOItK. Copies mailed to the followXng on January 7, 1964: The Long Xsl&nd Traveler-Mattituck Martin D. Schluensen Arnold Larsen watchman Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOAP, D MEMBERS Alfred Grebe REPORT TO: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York December 30, 1964 Gentlemen: At a regular meetingof the Southold Town Planning Board held on December 28, 1964, the following action was taken: In the matter of the petition of Martin D. Schluensen for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District ~o "B" Business District on certain real property situated in Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded as described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of the Main Road about 1,000 feet southwesterly along said Rorth- westerly line from Ackerly Pond Lane, said point of beginning being the southerly corner of Willow Hill Cenetery; from said point of beginning running along said norhhwesterly line of the Main R~ad S. 39° 03' 00" W.-207.46 feet to an iron pipe and ~and of Goldsmith;thence along said land of Goldsmith, N. 46° 24' 10" W.-82.0 to an iron pipe; thence along said land of Goldsmith and along land of Walters N. 42° 07' 00" E.- 151.36 feet to an iron pipe; thence along said land of walters N. 44° 37' 20" W.-148.96 feet to an iron pipe on the southeasterly line of Lower Road; thence along said southeasterly line of Lower Road, N. 32° 10' 20" E. 50.0 feet to said willow Hill Cemetery; thence along said Willow Hill Cemetery S. 46° 52' 30" E.-228.28 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.545 acre It is hereby RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board favorably recommends to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential & Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of Martin D. Schluensen, as described above. Report to: Southold Town Board -2- The Planning Board'has been in contact with the cemetery association and told them that the Board would like to give them an opportunity to voice their opinions. The park district and another person interested has also shown interest in this property, but to date we have received no communication from them. Therefore, we must assume that they are not interested. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman Southold,Town Planning Board Dc SOUTHnLD, L. I., N. Y. December 10, 1964 ~r. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wick_ham; The original petition of Martin D. Schluensen requesting a change of zone of certain property in Southold, New York, from "A" Resident- ial and Agricultural District to "B" Business District is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recom~endation of your Board. Very _truly yours, '7 Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOIVN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, - ::' --- · '-' ~:' , residing at ...... ' ....... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ×.:....:....i..:..': ...... ~ ........ ".L..~.i.:..~.~.:...t.i"and more particularly bounded and described as follows: 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the 'town or Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Soutbold, Suffolk County, New York, including lhe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Such request is made for the follo~ving reasons: STATE OF iN'EW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .....~'~' /~/"- /z ~' '..f. fyg....~..7~.~.z...~Y.~...~.~.~{?~/-, BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the ~vithin action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) o~vn knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me ~his .../ ..... ay of ....... ALFRED C. REALTOR ~'~.:~ ?"1~:~. :-'~. v~ 'g~:~ IE;~NF' T--~B~ M,in Ro,d, Sau~hold, N. Y. TELEPHONE $Outhold 5-2700 HOMES FARMS SHOREFRONT AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES MEMBER NEW yE3RK STATE ~DClETY DF REAL E~3TATE AFaF~I~AISEI~G IX/lAP OF PROPER. TY ~ 5 U FR.V ~'¥ E L') FOP.. ,SCHLU EN.S EN 5. AND M ARTI N ,SC ALE : A~EA = 0.~45 'T'r~_u S'T' Co. ~ ~, D. 5CHLUENSE,N AT' 50UTHO D ,50F FOUK, Co. N. ¥. ACR. E. il .'T- U E ~0 LO .<.<.5 M il'''H fvl¢., s. J. N. 4 ~. ' 07'00" E. - I.~1.~/~ .... >- Oc'r.. !'7 ~gSS. ,. t- 5'ro ~..y J House Pgt~v Y ~oAD N $¢o~6 Po '"' ..... 1000'