HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown Board Motion Amend#66 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....ll~l~ll~l~..Of...t,~ll..~OIIt,~l~..~..B~. requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ...~C~'...*~I~JI~,~.~ ....... District to ....~.~..~...~...~...~....11~1~ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....... ~,~:h...day of ............... ~ll~lll~l~t ............... , 19~..., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is STATE OF NEW ¥O~K) COUNTY OF ,.gUFFOLK) SS: - ALBERT W. RI~O..ND, of Southold, New York, Town of Soutnold, 'being duly sworn, says that he is over the age o f twent y- one that on the 1st of February , 19 65 ~"~e affixed a notice of which tae annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in t3~e Town o~' Soutnold, Suffolk County', New York, to wit:- _____~_n~ Clerk_Bu!l_et!n Board, $outhold, New York Town Clerk, 'Soutnold, New York Sworn =o '-before me this 1st d.a$~ of ,~ei<r._ua_r.¥_ ~ · 1.964. Public ~'~or;,~.-.,'; i,:' :'" ',-,' ..... ,_:. :'.. , ,......, : ~ ~. , "''' ,. *~; Alo. 52-3233120 ,Term .Expires March 30, 19 ~'7' -'7 NO~XCE oF OF .ZONINO. OBDINANCE AME~-DMm~r 'NO. o NOTICE IS HER~Y GIVEN, that after a public heart~ held pursuant. to the requirements of law, the Build- lng'. Zone Ordinanc~e,. (including-. the. Building .Zone-'. Map) of the- Town of~ Southold, Suffolk County,' New, . York , .. was duly. amended at a re~ular- meet- trig of the .Southold Town Board held: on .January 19, 1965, as' ..follows. 1. By.. char~!n~ ~from "C" 'Industrlal ~District to "A" Reside~tial ' ~and Agrt- ~ cultural District. the-following-described All that certain'tract or"pareel of land situated at Ba~e. w in South- oki, in the Town of...Sou~old, Suf- folk County, ~ew. York, and bounded and described-as Beginning at a l~Otnt-on-the. northerly line of North 'Bayview ROad'at the southwesterly corner of land formerly of .J.B.'Colem~; and-rtmntng westerly'-along said northerly line of North BaFeiew Road 4~0 .feet, more .or less, to the -easterly line 0f'N~ Rosd. to Bay- ~dew; thence nortl~erly along said eas~rly line of North Road to Bay, view 122 feet more or less to-land now or formerly of Meado~ Point Properties, Inc.;-thence northerly along said-land of Meadow Point Properties, inc., 1200 feet, more or less; thence easterly through-land o~ Reese 450 feet, more or less, to land formerly-of Coleman; thence southerly along .said land formerly of Coleman, 1299 feet, more or less, to .the ~nt of.beaming, .contain' in~ abe~ 1~. acres. ~v oa~m~ :o~ T~ SOU~OL~ ALBERT W. R~C~O~, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, 'has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...... ~-~.//_,,r~.......~././..__~wee/~ successively, commencing on the ............ .c~.~.'~ ............... day of .....~.~.-..,..~.~,~ ...... , 19. ...i ..................... Sworn to before me this .............. day of Notary Public /,/ ADELE PAYNE Notsry Pub',ic, State o( New Yorl~ kesid:,~g in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30.,. NOTICB OF OF ZONIN~ ORDINAHCB NOTICE IS HBRnY GIVEN, that after a public hearLnq held pursuant to the requ~r~nts of law, the BuLidLng Zone Oral/nonce, (~nclud/~q the Build,hq Zone Map) o£ the Town cf 8outhold0 SuffoLk County, Ne~ York, was duly amended at of ~he $outhold Town Board held on ~&nuary 19, ~. B~ changing ~rmn "C" Indum'tr~&l D~trict a regular meet.~ng t,O "A" and Agricultural District ~he £ollo~ing described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Bayview in 8outhold, in the Town o£ 8outhold, SuffoLk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows Beg!nninq at a point on the northerly line o£ North Bayview Road at the $outhwen&erl~ corner o£ land formerly o£ J.B. Coleman; and running westerly along said northerly line of North Bayview Road 420 £eet, more or leos, to the easterly l~ne o£ North Road to B&yvi~~ thence northerly along said easterly line of North Road to Ba~i~ 122 feet more or less to land now or formerly of Meadow Point Properties, Inc. ~ thence northerly along said land of Keado~ Point Proper'ties Inc., 1200 feet, more or lens~ thence easterly through land of Reese 450 feet, more or' less, to land formerly of Coleman~ thence southerly along said land fo~aerly of Coleman, 1200 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing about 12 acres. Legal Notice Page -2- DATED= January 1 ~, 1965, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN ABOARD ALBERT W. R I¢~~. TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JANUARY ~98, 1965, AND Fou (4), AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION iMMEDIATELY TO THE TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, Copies mailed to the following on January 22, 1965= The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck watchman Otto Van Tuyl, Consultant S~~ ~ lq. ?rave ~er-Mi i= ~uc~ Wi '.kc. ~. ¥o~, pub!le ~lngs v ill be. hold by the Southold Tous Board at the ~nmon the 14.-~ dIy of January, IHS, at 7, 30 P.M., ~ ~ fol~Low~ 'zone ~) of ~ ~ of G~-.'-ld, fiuffol~ C~t:y, .wv York, in t he ~ of flea -~old, Su-f~ 'County, ale, Ymrk. and m~r'e beuadod and deaeribed ~. foll~$, "ar, eg~~ at b ~t~.'r~~ of the nor~ -.teriy l.i~ o£ ~ .al,..~ ~ld _~ .$ou'~~zly l. tae of Grtff~ $-~, rue.- course, as L~tlM, (X) S. 384. OS' 40" Ja.-635.81 :Eeet.l thelJc~ (2) $. ~:4.9e 34' 40" feet~ then~ along lJnd o£ t~ l~eman C&~~ I)~ o£ ¢%) a, 70" %.%~ of ~% ~-R~, ..a'. $2°' 55' 20~ feot to ~ po~~ of ~'.lnn..%.~. and. r~ to ~ of 'Milltsm ~ro ~r. o afJ mad +.here .nearby. ~t O~t~ V&n Son, dated l~---,~.~~r 23, %Mf~0 mm~ no. At .thAm time Zi ~ anyone fl~o% Of thAI of 'The feet, boh81f % wou2d l~e _to. bt%rig ou~ a hst Off~, north over out-- % unders. -~d ~e -$- fora ippl~t.~s ~ ~uoe '~e ownerahAp -Am ~L~htly pur~ .for ask Anv ~ peop%e ~ a ~ of ~ .La ~ ~, ~,_ rvaoon. proper~y. .no rea%dense an~ %~ never '~w. land bF t~e Cuteh~ue FAre. a .mo~ or~er%M means '.for ~ care ~o ~ around ~e v1Xllage and mot Les. ~ ~ .~e baaLnoea..Lu~~a't ~n Cut~hegueo and ~e-~~ ~d a,~ tam ~%a Aa ~~mu~rAl¥ lO0~ ~-sAneas, o~ buslne~.$ purpeoes. ~o ~e bua~as An Cu~e, They a~. not~ 9o~ for any pAeaoure an~lee. Jmtier O.f feWto the P~%nv Board ham ~~ ~~- ~ Xn other ~da, ~d 'wXdan~ .. As a matUr of ~., I hope that Xt ~ be that more buwAne~a -An ~he future ~bere %s no .~a.y' of o~~n~' Xt. ~ ~%th~n a bulb.am -.area, them people ~t ~. go to ~o where ~ey- ~ get -7- sh,ouXd ~ thLs. ~ o.f fane? R~~- C~..B ~. = X ~~ -my remlrlL8 ~.Xd be prmmtu~, at th Ls .of v. reater tmpor-~ L.'~ -eat ~. ~do of ~:r-~-ff~' s~. that )ir. ~~Sduu.4l-r~'. were a.~asod to both ~d ~a~l.d ,TLke-tO o~jKt to decided to eX.one ~e ~-J~v co. ~t a~.. ¢~ ~,ld a~ss 'h,~. remarks to both else v t oh to '~ beard .in opposition Co this app~L~at~on ? vas no ~-apemae. ) ~ w%ah be heard one ~ or.' the other on ~:.t8 ~%Lent (~re w no remponoe.) ~d w:L-~ the that c.-.~~u tract in ~e Town of-. $outhol.d0 8.u-£folk C~d~n~¥0 Hew york, and more ~ Se!itnntn~ at ~ in~e,E~tion of ~he, nor~o.~r. Iy line (1) S. 3Ge. 05' 40" E.-63S.8! ~; ~~ (2)$. 34' 4-0" 1~.-12.2.98 feet~ ,then~ ~1~ l.nd o! ~. Land of- the Rommn (1) S. 7.09 28" 40' W.-21.67 feet; '-'-t'he~ (2) $., 399 $:L* 40' '~,-~S. 55 feet; ~ (3) ~. 37° t3' 30'" .W.-7~. $7 £~.~ ~e along ~r la~d of tl~ line o£ School ,~:~e l~~d,H. 52°. 5S' 20" R.-167.3g feet ,to 'the- point of l~~.lnn ~ v~ n~' r~d the. re~--~nd/tton o'~ ~ p~ ~tn~ Bosrd. on Deeeudmr 1.4, 1964.~ ~ "~:' lies ~.,tneH· D~$~~t ~eertatn mi pr~-ty located vim no road ~J,n) and Ag .r ~ulturnl. O.,t, otr,t~N: to "a"' Bus~ D,t,s-~.. ~, on ~ property .of' '~:LLXtam j. Baxt~r, ~r., l,u't.r~eJ, i ~r, ~rt A. Ooeller, ~r., Jane ~ooXler, d ~-~t, ltam J. ~, Sr., as dma.-cr.~d ~e. the bustnnea dis~'~t ~ C'u~!Jogue VLLiage. ue/r~. .Son, datmd ~~ 23, 1.~4, edp no, 1934-.6, vouX d .l~ke M apS~~r on ~Xf of ~ &pp~~".,~ and .~ ~d :L~e to (~fer to. Puge 4 of' .om ~-u~o for r~w on £-%r..it appX Xc~t%on) and .fronts on .~- -%f.£b~j Street, & tattle ~r 6~ '~~t, %~ Lo. ~~d by ~r proper~¥ of ~be app~~t on t~e ~, on ~he ~t by ~e Roman C.athol.-.~. D~oeeoe, on the sou-- ~'.~ by ~ ~oeeoe projMurt¥ an~ pertly by ~ ~%$ beloug~ to the a~X~eant, ~l ~ no~ welX ad~ Xn any ~ ~o :eo%den. t~LuX jams. proper~M X8 ~d%%1~ E~Xe ~.0 bua~' Xne~ prope~. part of ~e ~r~' ~o pl.rtly ,~ed fer .~~u~, the.re ~ alfo that port.Mn ht %8 ~rewn v%~h weeds, faces 'b~s-tn.s ~rty Cron area.., but i are pu.t up..around. o~mr p~rtimm from ---the s~l chAldren.0 rm~er ~ to protect the chll.~ .fro. -the. adjoining property, eoneer~ed, se, roy ~%~h seimo.% ~ del.tl~rately butXt adjaeent at. l~.st on t~o .slLdeo by coamo~~.;l property, l.t i.s up on t~~te '-..'.~, adjo~ILn9 ia--f~e committal buoiaesm, so ! qus~m may crtt-tciam of .' .~.tf Of this. applL~.ttoa ? (~here ~ ~ res~. ) R~iiARD CtClt, ~~. = Mr, Suporvisor, ~r8 o.f the Tram .Boe~d0 · J~e-l~evoreu:d John c. ~~z o£ ~ t~ C mtho].,~c Ch~. -13- "~ Is r~.'.'.ipeetfu%ly aubm.~,t-ted by. ~ u.ndmra%gned0 r- Adorers of the Town of ~~ld .and buo~e~ ~l~ted %n the VAX%age of C u~choguo0 boundary. ~tn ~ v~tle~ of Cutd~guo. T~ ~ fei.Mt. La! 1..~ ~,h~ 'would even.~~y Mi~ the pree~t b~stnmam dJ~.~'-~~ of the vxXxmgm of Cutebogum. ~ se~nd r~~ e~XotJ to expmnd b~...~emi area of the V%~ vmrt~eaJL!y wh~ ample .l. mndl, & ~e that ~ propert.let ~ ~ $oeth Mere .bounde~ an. ar.-.~t..! reo~.~-.lI~ sub~t. Chat cann~. '.'no~ be mi.-de In ~As of-. cu-~~ a Cutehogue ~d be.. en~red, by hafar~ att.en~ v-.At~ ~e :~Z~t and Shopp~n~ area ~med~'telF a-d]otn~n~l the ~l ,~op~r'-.~. .should be. demied ~ all merit ~n ~be VAllage. ~he t~uth of ~ ~e a.-taMnt can ..be r.81d~t,.~ aaeorta.~ ilm~ru~~m, cars of the easterly aide of~ ~rXfftn~ S~to and for the q res~doats of the Teen of seuthol the Board. remarks that I MouXd like-to make. ~at. ~ to a-~op any erie e,~%ae ~ furor ~1~' ano~r 300 ~t %~ ~1~ bm a map o£ PZmnn~ an._d b2~~ ~ ~~tt~Lve bus.~s8. 'Me ~ ~ v.".~.~ ~ and the OLd .of -~qMrk done ~he~r, ~ ~ ~.e m pzoud of ~La. in sueh ~hlnga as memo, t 8hope.. 1' uo~ld l.b ~ m loam be given ~o -th~ VAAI~ ~reen. we have como to Cut~bogue ~y imumers. 8nd :~ love Cutc~. are ~e: ~t ~s of proper~¥ ~ Cu~e. are mR ~tng vent .to brtn~ of b. Aggeot probAem we lake ham.. Poor Offtc~ use to have 1.00,000. otter' a ymmr. ~ullt: a pXmnt Offtme baa 2S0,000 let .to'rs ~n & mbanged Cutchogue £rom m poet:, offtc~ ~fe dld m ~el.t mm.tv ~.' · to o-f cu~ue. A certa~ to open Cutehogue next reek hAmlel..f. They told. nm ue we..~ .$on~ 30 acres ..5. ~ toXmr&~ .'-tn hXa Xtfe ~t and ~a~ts aXot o£ other .~Xe. ~ 'to mm or buy our Of h.M. .,~Xl the. are ~.Zng to put . ~e have laved, tn. for- 20: y~uz. amore -truAnt' ..to heXp c.uteboguo. 1. reek a real estate agr~t nd bought part o.f the and thLe t-e a m..t-le aMay ~rom cutehoq~e. age and I ~ ~ ha. ppen~ ~Ath pa, opm~y. Dut- my sone of 30 he ~ of :LAfe. L~t* $ ~d. post offL~. A ~l~n of cute.~~e n~' ~o l~d~ Cu~e has phony petit, ton '~t these ~ie s~, ~d .the IAea that ~e-.re ~l.d to · -throe people. Thom ~ht ~e ~ere $~tng Bare,, and we are ask.~ for 5 ~creo. ~Ae¥ have no real phony, .tn regurd ~ ~e amount of land ~nvol~d. per o~ 11 y ~mt to see .:. ~--'-~~or Bgw~nar, mad X pmx*smumXl¥ told hlm how much land i ~er oua~ reid h~ ~re ~ 30 ~e8 involved. t adnAt that we ~ of ~ ~Iion that 30 14~.~~ '~re involved. on tha~ -1.Xst. and----"~-,'* and !~.~ person let 'his name s.'..t~ud ,on 'that Mr. ~a~ter" . r~ tha~ are ~~ et,~ w ~-tsh to ~ ~rd em ~..~ 4,0.-~0.~0 th.J~0 he t~ a 1 .tar. for ~, ~. h~ze ~: '~d I A~e ~ poAnt out J~ xal-~ak,t don*~ seem-to '~, v!XX~e im,e ~.nes~ £or h~aseX£. pXOt. vAX~e. of in '-the orJ~,taalX¥ t;o ~.. and ;t, nto 't'tto' -21- on. ~Le appX.%cat%on one way or f~e ~r-~ (~ ~--no reeponse. ) (There w~. no mponoe. ) tame tho Board. 'we v~11 no ~d u%th ~e neat hear~. I-v:R! ~~d ~ r~ the %~ dmw~rLp~.%on am %t ~~&.Ano ~o 'P~ % -'Seg~un~ at ~ mu/thu.ots~%y- ~r of: ~he ~~ · ms fol~o~e~ (:L) iS, 780 34' ]ilo * 2&* 109$, 0 34j7. ti7 £eet~ S.-300.0 feeC~ then(:*- (3) ~e sourly corner of the 11° 2'6' ]K.-ilSO (4) 350 .feet more or Xeaa; ~enee feel: 'BiO21B or ~ poLu~ of' '~SL XX - AX3. of ~ffolk, and_ t~e ~Mn of s~Xd. ~-~e c .ounty l~th ':by land of ~T~ BOkOn, end wear by Land' of C-ave ~)elCh tO "#"' Mul"'tiple ~ or puree:L of a,Xtua~ ;Ln. of $.,ou~, Suf.folk Beg~J3Sg a~, a poin-t: on of Long · ~ .adj o~Lug -nor~ter,%Y cozner of ~k 650 f~Xloww,~ (1) a. 3.30 w.-400 feet more or ~-,Je~ tjmuce -23- (2) $. 78e 34' ~.-3~87.a7 feint thence a~:Lou~ sta~d Lind O. (l) S. 33 e 34' ~.-~SO f'.eet ~ ~ lesm ~ ~ ~. 56 ~ 20' V{'.-350.0 bt~ ~he~ (3) I~. i1° 26.* {V.-3OQ. O feet; ~ (4.) llt. 33° la4* .~.-350 b~. mo~e ~ .leos '~ aaid ~~tina~y h~h water mark 700 -~..ee. t '~ ~ Xes~e ~ ~ .po~in..t- of beV~. '"Any ~son d~.~~ to be 'heard on the peepeee~ mmen~.ts should publication via aide of t~b leg/.l notice. I v~l now ~ ~ 1964. mi~~ of the ~'e $outhold ~ ~d. to ~',~" Btt!%netm and St .e~:t~t~X to CAln~e on Coi~ ~ il.t/~edo that the P.~ann ~'.~ Dm.rd Town and A~r~X~a.l property "?he P~ nJ~ i%so lone "lt~pect f~lt~ ~ttod. v~lheo to s. pelk ~ favor of thtl app%ll.~tAon? ~ ~~ ~uperv~lor and. lm the lP~L'Jlt~t. .o£ C~ ~e. X ~ to Mint exit and Pxann~ :~ ng ord~e ~. auonded Apr~ 28, ~he.se ~ed ~o not at~ our pl..nas fox the ~lopueat of the P~y. The~e chan~ea ~-e 'bo.~. ~ the ln~erea-t of ~e Torn of ~u~id aad Z_st~i-tes. ~ rea:pe~t~-i1¥ ~ that., the chan~-e o:t .~ as rea~. S~~lS,cl~ ~~, An.' M~e elfe wish -to be ~d in ~ of ~La (There vafs no. reo,'.~. ) (There was no ~ea~e. ) la ~.er_.~e ~yone (~here vas no reo~oe. ) the £u~-~er ~elibezation o£ the ~d. ~n Bayv~e~, *~~un~ mt a po~t on the no~1¥ 3.Xn~ of North Road at. ~ oou.~terl¥ ~-of' lmnd -fo~rl¥ of J,S, COlemin; and r~nn~~ MeatorXy alon~ weld northerly I~ of liorth B~.~~ a~~ 42'0 feet, more or ].emio to ..the eilterly l~.ue of ~ Road 122 Mt .more ,or less to land now more or-.. Imam; ~ence ~~l¥ '~ Md of l~ee.~ 450 feet, ~ore or leem to ~ former.!~y of CoXem ; ~Emee s thorXy along sm&d ~ £~r'ly o£ C~em/n, 1200 £eet0 ~ or leo~, to-~e about ~~~JJ(~ A~~, ~e ~ an aff~lavlt ~u ~e ftAe ~tLwg fGentl~t Thlf ti to ~A-f~ that 'the ~en by-~ $ou~~old ~, p.Xemu~.,tng B(Ntrd at & regular ~t.tn~ hiXd on ~r 1.5, 1964m ia . -.-~vox o~, auch a ct~~, This- piece, of .pro~rty is auzroun,""~d b)~ was n~ ~sponse. ) in ~.,tJ~ion to- -28- to ~B'' B~~ne~ D~g~r~et su.f.~ County, boMndod and ~'negXnn~ at a ~te nammant Rcmd, at the of lnn. d of .~ Z&land Zee and Fuel ¢o~p., and runn.~ ~ Llong oatd line of Slain Road, $2e 02' ~ a~ ~Ad ~~ of ~~y, ~~ 21° ~' 50~, ~Ot, 5i3.03 Set on ~e no~er..Iy l. Xne of- Old Imtn .oat.Ad l J J ac O'£ Old Mit.~ Roitd, two courses, am followw~ (1) $ou~ 8ou~ 84° 42 ' .10.." ~fl:t 288.26 feet: pap. and laud of- as fo%lm~s-, (1) 5.-.9' 10' We~, 268.88 an ~.-on paps.; post ~t on the northe, rl¥ Of Old, lane. o~ Old ~~. 88° 34' 246.14 feet to a oonare-te laAd !and North 33 %. land X~ 50~ X. Git. $3 feet to df mcr es. afft4tvlt publ~t~ ~ao toredo. ~ ~~dmt~ o ~ foX:to~tn~ Sout;hold ~ ~d at John of and ~r~r~ and .~=e ~t zead ~.tn. ) ~d the change of proparty of J~ .~ ~ aa deocr~ above. Z oemtton fora nuralng 'borne ,in v'Leu of Board also a ~ ~4ed uae ]~n Tram o'f ~Bei~t_ful;Ly ~t~ttmd, John ~l~, Chairman, ~ql~d Toun offAc~m are at. 344 lPmr~toR R_omd, ~e Bou~onkomm. ~Our pet~t~u ~ a property and Agz~,~.Xtur&! proper y ioid l~d Old f~t. Ln More 25. X. iumdl~tmX¥ Idiot to the ye are requeot. A~ ~ ~ rezoned ~ a ~-'-XAAe sti'tlon .and '~...P-~u~ 25 Au ~h.Lo ar~ aplmired char&ote-r~t~l.y .to ~ -'-and- thore~ ~e .re~Ang c~e ~ouXd so that they may construct and operate a ~urs~ ~me. ~ Ar. Board "'"~e ah~u!d ! ~e -to- dr..~/Four C®n~ral Su£fo:Lk ~p~tal. FrovAde aup!e perking, l~dt it will also peralt us t~ opport~~ty of such t~ue ~we '~~uld mink the advice and t~c to ~ area and ~t the typo :of bue Lueaa ~ .Ln ,~nd ~ operate ~ould -33- ~d try' :~n~ to to~Li you the chaza~--teE o£ ~r ~'~~t, Y~ ~' .now' the -chafer o.£ 'Four ~ -trier. we are ~n~:'t®d ~n ~ f..~t~' .t~ else w~oh to i~ h. eer-~t ~n favor-o~ o~ ~h ~-.Y~ii; ~8ent o~ne:r of the o,f ~e. ~ th~ ,-.the ~d ~s aware of the ~t need Men. subjee-'~ og .c~ .sever~ t~ues, and th,As S~e~~L~ ~XXA not r~~re t~e nox~Xy ll~e .of the one end on the ~ot have a reaA ea.~e o~f~ ~r~0 and ~e have a n~-~ ~~s o~ ~se east boundary o£ ~.~-s .s~".tp-oi land. they cam ~ an.:y ~'t~ ~rn~g ,the o'.,~~t~ o£ the. ~~~' before. ~t-~ sa lslmrtnt. ~d for the ~n. if' any of ~ ever ~'.tx~ to piece & person ...~n a nu~s~ homo ~n the loa~! a~ you. run ~tO probleme. of $~u~--.~o%d ahould have a £aet:Lt'.t~.-here people m ~o ~t w~A:L be (There. wao no z eoponae. ) eot il~ OPPOS.tt:LO~ ~~ ~e are be~ .~-h~r-to .the home. owners ~ ~e area. sit ~or fare y~aroo ~ in four-~ss ~y c~e ~.:Lw ~~s aud acme orgauiaa', t~ o.£ a 'nu~$~ home. Z wou~d ]~ve to see a nur.~ 'home. ~U~IS~ ~~,. Anyone else ~tah to ~e. ~d ~ oppoa~Lt.lon (Thore voz~' no r.eaponfe. ) Could a n.ur~~ heine be butXt on the proper't.y '~ ~ all~ Aa the ~B~' DZe'~tct eould be put on 'RL;mAB&TH Mi~'PHY~ Then -i-~Id l~ke to ~o-on record &a be~ opposed to .~%s ehan~e o.£ asa oppoood to th~8 c ~han~ unless we ~ have ooam guar. an~ from the purchaaer of the ~oper.ty.. that tt will ~ & n~~~~ homo, a nurs~ home.-, · to ~y ~t~st of 81...%, thmt ! wao ~m~. Xu or-do~ ~ o~".taln a of Meu York. 2; w~uld XAke to .read you some of the ~ ~st be ue-t. ~. ~d rea. d $~ of a cop~ t.s at~e'd ,~d marked Scheduler "A"'. ) bu,t~d;Lng, ~and the ~~.~..-~ v.~l have about. 60 beds.. · there h to 'be i0 f~t "..per bed. we 'have no o..~r p~ fox-' ~ property'. so .that only a ~stn~, hems can bo Fut. ~e ? that ~-.oe ~ent~~ are ~o~~il to %m%%d m nu%$~ ~. % mu o.ure .that theoe ~~ ~t ~ put I t~%t~ the. (superv.tsor ,Al'-'~e~ brio fly ~la~ed. ~ ~ Oz,d~ c~ld then wha~ ~d happen? ~b doea ~e make. think ~t that. %0 the ,the. YOUr ~e %t, vould be- to .~. thxmmgh the Mt~OXe proemmm aVatn. Deed -37- ~pt. pu~ & nurw-~ home on :Lt.. bee ~ are ~mt.%nv an-outotand~ ~.t of ~. n.~s~ boron, that tm f~ .~.~t~m for. ~ ne~$. but %f ~ ~ .LI~~TZ~ % ~1~~ ~t a .nmra~ home Aw ~ dz'%~ve~ a%on~ heap..%~ has m~ .~t],d boh~ld ~ gms ltatAon. %ouae up. Na.tt~~. j,Ctlm N~I~A'Y. ~... ~ tm,nAd %%1~e ~ lm'-~t OUt ~t ~2.~ garmg~ subject ~. c~.dAtA~na 'by ~ aoard of Appea.%a. -UP ~'~ ~ti 0£ AppmdJ proto~ a~&~t thLs ~ 0£ th:trig. % only '~ th~ aa Th.e~e ~e o~s % ~d not, 1~ kt · ~ ~%ght a £Are. ~... ALt~AHO, ~ the o~,,e plotect.:L~ tbmt Fou put ~ f~ proof' That ~ one of ~ r~wuh, y ~ came ~he ~u~1%1 garage doe~" t .fLud a ~~r .place. for a nurfluV home. from ~ ToMs o f Pet~~~ue, the ~~n ~d has a bu-Al~ for help ~n, ,~ut i am mo~ ~~ ~t ~.£ ~ Ven~~ peaced ~ .and eou. Zd go ~. ~re ~, s~ as an amu, oe, mn~ perk or aomet~An'.,V of ~t 1£ ~ ~*~ ~t ~ nuro~ 'hone, z ~'~ want t.o. oee some say &~aln, that our ~, a ~',Ve of' smae vas ~ a n-.ur.s~ houe and ~ ~ aAl. time so ~t th'.~', co~d bo relined to. just I vould l~e t.o see.'.' ~~$ ~~ur~ aa goon as, posaAbXe. in z J.eet ehemldn"t we want ~ '~e ~here. f~st and ~ ~~ ~e .~ve more of an -~e ~re j'~t. lave w~~.:~, a Ma. LX~C~T~., X S_ .J, ObM any ~Jeet~ elae wash appXieat~ ~ '~ave or eAght ~ baa been ~en quA~ m..he ~ ¢lome. t~e deal. .Z th/ak else. ~o bo board one waM. or ~he :~ ? (There was ~ r~~. ) for ~ ~t~her' ~e~L~a;tAon of ~e Pla~mtn~ for dia~bu~ ~ ~ ~ by ~ $-~I~, r~iol~lc~ c~ol, a~ ~,L~ease .~e~:e~-~ll la~ a~ ol~ o~r~ for aeee~l~ ~ ~L%~ ~ ~ n~.~ ~. ::: .v medical PROPOSALS TO A~ '-ZONING OBDINANCE Pursuant to Section 255 of the To~ Law ~d ~ti~e ~ .of the Buildi~ ;Zone Ordinance of t~e Town of South- 'old, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings w~ ~ h~Id by the Sou~old To~ ~~. a~ ~ Office ~ the "~up- ervisor, 16 ~uth Street, G~en~rt, New, York, in said-~wn on the 14th day of J~uary, l~5,~at Y:30 P. M.,-~ the following pro~s to amend the B~~ Zone. ~n~ce (including the Building Zone-~~) of the Town of ;S~th~d, ~ S~k' Co~ty, New York. ~1. By cha~ing from "A' Residential an~ Agdcult~ Dist~ct to "B" Busi~ ne~ Di~ct~ ~e fo~wing de,rind pro~rty: ~I that ce~ain tract or ~cel of l~d ~~ ~ Cu~hogue, ~ the T~n ~~~, Suffolk County, New Yor~ .... ~ mo~ p~ticularly ~unded and ~ri~ as f~ows: -~gi~~ ~ ..~a ~int on the nort~asterly ~e of Griffing Street ~4.93 .~t-~h~~ty alo~ northe~t~..-l~ f~m the Main ~~.~ ~t of ~ginning the westerly c~ner of la~ of ~n~d~; ~om ~ ~i~ of be- ~~ ~U~~ a~ ~ north- e~rly line of Gflffing Strut, ~ree'. co~s ~ follows: (1) N. 39~ 09' 20" W. ~.~ feet; thence (2~ ~-34~ ~.,:.W. ~~ ~t; ~nce (~) N. 3~* ~ ~"~W.~54.91 feet; ~n~ ~erth~rly. on~ a curve to the right 'ha~g a r~ius of 24.56 f~t a,d~~ of 39.~-~f~t to the ~h~~~ of~ ~~1 Ho~e ~~; t~~ ~ong said ~utheast- erlY l~e, N. ~* 55' ~" E. 144.10 feet ~. la~' ~. '~~am, thence ~ong '~d "~n~ of -Wic~am, two co~s ~ fo~s: (1) S. 3~~ ~' 40" K'. ~~-.~. ~f~.thence (2) S. 36° 53' 20" E. ~~ feet; thence along ~ land ~f Wic~am and ~ong 1~ of ..Ca~ S. 3~° 20' ~" E. 140.56 f~t; thence a~ng land of Wolf, S. ~ 34' 26" E. 35.20 f~t; thence ~ong ~id i~d' of ~hn~r,. S. 51 o 55' 40" W. 131~92 f~t ~ the point of 2. By chan~g .fr~ ,,A.~,~ ~sidential and Agric~tural District to "B" Busi- ne~ District the following described property:. ~1 that 'certain tract or parcel of land situat~ at Cutchogue,-in the To~ of Southold, Suffolk County, N~ York, ~d more p~- ticul~ly bounded and described as follows: ' Beginning at the intersection of the northw~terly line of ~hool House Road. with the southwesterly line of Gdff~.. Street ~ ~ing along said southwesterly line of Griffing S~, tw~~~-~ foI- lows: (1) S. 38° 05' 40" E. 635.81 feet; thence (2) S. 49~' 34' 40" E. 122.93 feet; thence along land of the land of the ~man Catholic Di~ese of Rockvi~ Centre-t~ee co~ses and dist~ces ~ fo~ows: (1) S. ~0~ 28' 40" W. 23.6~. feet; then~ (2) S. 39~ 51' 40" W. 185.55 feet; thence 40" W.--450 feet more or less to the point of beginning. PARCEL II -- All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded on the north by land of Cove Beach Estates, Inc., on the east by land of Fred Tabor, on the OF SUFFOLK : NEW YORK ss. PARCEL I--Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Long Island. Sound at the north- westerly corner of the present "B" Zone adjoining land of Guimaraes; from said point of beginning run- ning along easterly said high water mark 650 feet more or less; thence two courses as follows: (1) S. 33° 34' W.~400 feet more or less' thence (2) S. '/8° 34' W.--387.8'/feet- thence along said land of Guimaraes N. 11° 26' W.--350 feet more or less to the point of beginning. PARCEL II--Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound 300 feet north- westerly along said high water mark from point where said high water mark is intersected by southeasterly line of the present "B" Zone; from said point of beginning running four courses as follows: (1) S. 33° 34' W.--250 feet more or less; thence (2) N. 56° 26' W.--350.0 feet; thence (3) N. 11° 26' W. 300.0 feet; thence (4) N. 33° 34' E.--350 feet more or less to said ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence southeasterly along said .high water mark 700 feet more or less to the point of beginning. 5. By 'changing from "C" Industrial District to "A" Residential and Agri- cultural District the following describ- ed property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Bayview, in South-- old, in the Town of Southold, Suf- folk County, New York, and bound-1 ed and described as follows: Beginning at a point on. theI northerly line of North Bayview~ ! Road at the southwesterly corner of land formerly of J. B. Coleman; and running westerly along said north- erly line of North Bayview Road 420 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of North Road to Bayview~; thence northerly along said easterly line of North Road to Bayview 122 feet more or less to land now or formerly of Meadow Point Proper- ties, Inc.; thence northerly along said land of Meadow Point Proper-. ties, Inc., 1200 feet, more or less; thence easterly through land of Reese 450 feet, more or less, to land formerly of Coleman; thence south- erly along said land formerly of Coleman, 1200 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Contain- ing about 12 acres. each week for .........."~ / -- ~/~.~...~.'=....[.' ./../. week/_ ¥, commencinfl on the ............. ~.h~. . .... , / ;worn to before me this ........ :.~... .......... day of ADEL£ PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in S:~;~'otk County No. 52-30~1000 Uomm/ssion Expires IWarch 30, 19~ _~---- south by land of Joseph Boken, and on the west by land of Cove BeachC' Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says Estates, Inc. is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND 4. By changing from "B" Business District to "1~" Multiple Residence the:~- ]V~ATTITUCK WATCHMAn, c~ public news- following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of~ted at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that laud situated in ~.ast Marion, in the of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- bounded and described as follows- tension southw, esterly of sa~d north- property: .... ~...-~-- ~--~ ........... westerly line of School House Road, All that certain tract or parcel . 52 55 20 E. 167.39 feet to the land mtuated m Matt~tuck, Town point of beginning. Southold, Suffolk County, New York, 3. By changing from "B" Business bounded and described as follows: to "A" Residential and Agricultural Beginning at a concrete monu- District the following described prop- merit set on the southerly line of erty' M~in Road, ~t the northeasterly All that certain tract or p~rcel of corner of land of Long Island Ice land situated in East Marion, Town and ~el Corp., and running thence of Southold, Suffolk County, New ~long said line of Main Ro~d, 52~ York, and more particularly bound- 02' 10" East, 717.20 feet to a con- ed and described as follows' crete monument and l~nd of ~ank PARC~ I -- Beginning at the Murphy' thence Mong said land of southwesterly corner of the present Murphy, South 21° 04' 50" East, "B" Zone adjoining l~nd of Latham 513.03 feet to a concrete monument and others on the South, and land ~t on the northerly line of Old of Guimar~es on the west, from ss, id Main Road' thence along s~id line point of ~giuning running along of Old Main ~oad, two courses as said land of Guimar~es, N. 11° 26' follows: (1) South 56~ 57' 20" West, 1095.0 feet' thence four courses ~ 28.88 feet' thence (2) South 84° 42' follows- (1) N. ~8~ 24' g.--387.87 10" West, 288.26 feet to ~n iron feet' thence (2) S. 56° 26' ~. ~.0 pipe and land of Frank N~wrocki, feet' thence (3) S. 11~ 26' ~. 1150 thence along said l~ud of Nawrocki, feet more or le~ to the southerly three courses as follows' (1) North corner of the present "B" Zone' 9° 59' 10" West, 268.88 feet to ~n thence (4) northwesterly 350 feet~~~i~~~-.-~..: ~~ 5 more or le~' thence Mong said land ~ ;:~. ,_,~ I~'.M:.~'-~ of Latham and others S. 74° 17'~m-' ~?~m'm~~''~''~''m:'~ t~e ~rtberly line o~ Old M~i~ Ro~d; thence along s~id line o~ Old Main Road ~outh 88° 34' 50" West, 2~.14 ~t ~ ~ concrete monument ~nd said land o~ Long Island Ice and ~el ~orp., thence along said l~nd North 23° 00' 50" West, 108.53 Eeet to the ~int oE beginning, con- raining 4.269 acres. Any person desiring to be he~rd on t~e proposed amendments s~ould pe~r ~t the time and place abo~e specifiC. DATED' December 22, 1964 " BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHO~ TOWN BOARD Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk /noq ~z~_-of ~~.~-. (a.) .~.. '~90' $:z' ~~.' ,~.. Ms.'ss PL^NNIN~ BOARD MEMBERS John ~/ickhem, Cheirmen Henry Moise Alfred ~rebe ^rchibeld Youn~ ~v,~il I ia m Unkelbech Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLO, L. I., N. Y. Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York October 16, 1964 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the the Southold Town Planning on October 15, 1964: following Board at a action was taken by regular meeting held In the matter of the petition of for a change of zone from '°C" Industrial Agricultural and Residential District on cer located at Bayview at Southold, and more par and described as follows: Beginning at a po line of North Bay~iew Road at the southweste formerly of J.B. Coleman; and running wester er ea sa le th 12 45 SO or it ly line of North Bayview Road 420 feet, mo sterly line of North Road to Bayview; then id easterly line of North Road to Basr~iew the Southold Town Board District to '°A'° tain real property ticularly bounded int on the northerly rly corner of land ly along said north- re or less, to~e ce northerly along 122 feet, more or Meadow Point Properties, Inc.; of Meadow Point Properties, Inc. ss, to land ~ow or formerly of ence northerly along said land 00 feet, more or less; thence easterly through land of Reese 0 feet~more or less, to land formerly of Coleman; thence utherly along said land formerly of Coleman, 1200 feet~ more less, to the point of beginning. Containing about 12 acres, is hereby RESOLVED that the Town Board the to "A" Residential described aboue. the Planning Board favorably recommends to change of zone from "C" Industrial District and Agricultural District on the property ALBERT W. RIE:HMEIND TEIWN I~LERK REGISTRAR EIF VITAL STATISTIE:5 E]FFI T SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. ERK TELEPHONE SOLITHOLD October 5, 1964 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Wickham; Enclosed herewith is a copy of a resolution passed by the Southold Town Bo~'d at a meeting held on the 29th day of September, 1964. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report thereon pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT W. TASKER PIERRE O. LUNDBERG FI OWAD lv[. FINEELSTEIN ~rILLIt~I W. ESSEKS SMITH, TASKER, FINKELSTEIN AND LUNDBERG ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT I.,_AW 425 MAIN STREET GREEN PORT, N. Y. GREEN'PORT 7 - 14, 0 0 ARTHUR H. LIYi~DBERG COIJ-NSEI, September 11, 1964 Hon. Lester M. Albertson Supervisor, Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York Dear Sir' In accordance with your request, I have prepared resolutions for the re- zoning of property at East Marion from "B" Business, to "A" Residential and Agricultural, and property at Bayview from ~C~' Industrial to ~A ~ Residential and Agricultural, which the Town Board will change on its own motion. _An original and two copies of each resolution are enclosed here- with and should be considered by the Town Board at its next meeting. It would seem to me that the owners of the properties involved should be given notice of the public hearing on these matters. I do not know the names or addresses of the owners. Before proceeding to the public hearing and preferably before the Planning Board considers these matters, I believe that the property owners involved should be apprised of the action by the Town Board in order that they may appear before both Boards. Yours ~e~~ly, ~ ROBERT W. TASKER RWT'JM Enclosures At a Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, held on the ,: .. ~ ~" ~'~ day of :"~---," ~,: ~-' ...... ~--:.'/~ ." "~ 1964 at the Supervisor'$ office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. WHEREAS, this Board deems it in the public interest and in the pro- motion of the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the Town of Southold that certain premises at Bayview at Southo!d, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter more fully described, be rezoned from, "C", Industrial District, to "A", Residential and A~ricultural District, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Building Zone Or- dinance of the Town of Southold, tncludin~ the Buildin~ Zone Map forming part thereof, be amended by the Town Board on its own motion by changing "A". Residential and Agricultural District, from "C," Industrial District, to the followin~ described premises: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at l~yview at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of North Bayview Road at the southwesterly corner of land formerly of J. B. Coleman; and runair~ westerly along said northerly line of North Bayview Road 420 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of North Road to Bayview; thence northerly along said easterly line of North Road to Bayview 122 feet, more or less, to land now or formerly of Meadow Point Properties, Inc.; thence northerly along said land of Meadow Point Prop- erties. Inc., 1200 feet, more or less; thence easterly through land of Reese 450 feet, more or less, to land formerly of Coleman; thence southerly alon~ said land formerly of Coleman, 1200 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Containing about 12 acres. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to Article IX, i of the Buildin~ Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold0 the r ! Section 901 Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to trarmmit a copy of this Resolution to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold with a wrfl:t~n request instruct- ing ~aid Planning Board to prepar, an official report concerning the ~ame0 together with their recommendations.