HomeMy WebLinkAboutKaplan, Bernard Amend #64 WHEREAS, o petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....~'1~i~,..~[;t1~1'1 ................................................ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- lng from ~."...,~l~l;Ll~l~tJ,~.&.. District District the property descriueo in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed witl~ the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ..... ~"~......do,/ of .......... ~1~1~ ....................... , 19...~t/., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~'~'.t.~l. By Order o£ the ~outhoL4 TO~n Board. ~lbert #. ~Lch~nd, ~ Clerk ALBE~T W. RICHMOND =;OUTHE)LD~ L. I., N, Y. I'JJdB CII' JIBIII ~) (m.-6'.) 'dd,8 _ 19~h October, , NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 64 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN., that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Build- lng Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Map) of the Southold, of the Se follows' ' 1. By changing from "A" Residential and .Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the follow- ing described property' All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in East Marion, Town of Southold, Suffolk COunty, Ne~ York, and more particularly bound- ed and described as follows' Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of-Shipyard Lane width ordina~ high" wa~ter mark of Gardiners Bay and running southwest~ly and then ~este~ly along s~id high water mark 1550 feet, more or less' thence along land of the party of the first part on the direct extension southeasterly Of the northeasterly line of Lot 1 as shown on "Map of Section One-Clea_ves Point", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2?52, and along said Lot 1, N. 33.° 22' 56" W. -640 feet, more or less' thence alon, g land of the party of the first part, N. 56° 29' 10' E. -321.14 feet to lan~l of Rutkowski' thence along said land of Rutkowski, 3 courses as follows'- (1) S. 33° 30' 50" E. 287.54 feet; thence (2) N. 85° 45' 20" E. -579.70 feet; thence (3) N. 55° 16' 00" E. 340.0 feet to said southwester- ly line of Shipy .ard Lane' thence along said southwesterly line, S. 35° 41' 30" E. -7~8 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Contain- ing 20% acres, more or less. Dated September 29, 1964 . BY ORDER OlP THE SOUTHOLD .TOWN"' ~OARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I STATE OF NEW YORK . ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .. ~_..~.. wee,ks/ successively, commencing on the ........................................ day of ......... ~.~~/ ' ....... ~,19. ~.~?.~. '~.~ Sworn to before me this ......... . .~.... ......... doy of ....... ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New ¥01'~ Residing in Suffolk Country No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF OF ZONING AMENDMENT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 64 NOTICE IS HE.BY GIVEN,. that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Map) of .the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on September 29, 1964, as follows: 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in East Marion, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York,. and more particularly bounded and described as foilows; Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly 1 ine of Shipyard Lane with ordinary high water mark of C~ardiners Bay .and running southwesterly and then westerly alon~ said high water mark 1550 feet, more or less~ thence along land of the party of the first part on the direct extension southeasterly of the northeasterly line of Lot 1 as shown on "Map of Section One-Cleaves Point", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map ~o. 2752, and along sa~d Lot 1, N. 33°22'50'' W.-640 feet, more or less;thence along land of t~e party of the first part, N. 56 ~29'10" E.-321.14 feet to land of Rutkowski; thence along said land of Rutkowski, 3 courses as follows (1) $. 33°30'50'' E.287.54 feet; thence (2)N. 85°45'20~° Legal Not~ee Page -2- E.-579.70 feet; thence (3) N. 55°16'00" E. 340.0 feet to said southwesterly line of along said southwesterly line, Shipyard Lane thence ~,S. 35 °41'30'~ E.-778 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Con&aining 20% acres, more or less. DATED~ September 29, 1964 BY ORDER OF THE-. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION ROAD, S~LD, NEW YORK. OCTOBER 8, 1964, AND FORWARD THREE IMMEDIATELY TO THE TOWN CLERK, MAIN Copies mailed to the following on October 5,196,4: The L~ng Island Otto Van Tuyl Stanley Corwtn, Traveler-Matt ituck Esq. Watchman OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON PHONE GF~ 7.0170 23, 196~ Proposed Change of zone--"A" ~o "M"--oouthold ?own, i'.!.Y. Dawn Esthetes at '3~'eenport }e¥innin '~.t the inter-s.~ctian ?,f the s~,u~.hw~sterly lin% of ShioveFd L~ne with ordinary ~' ~" .... '~" '~'- ' then westarly ':1, ~i{.i sPi~ hi~:? W top mark 15~0 feet, mope or less; 5 erlce :sx~eNsicn snuthe.-%hePly of tNe r[ophhee.lbePly liN. t ,::,f the_ Suffolk Crunty Cl~rk's c:f'ice es Heu No. 27:°~, end s. lnr~:v_, s:id Lot 1~ N.}}°22' ~0"~.-.6h-O f:et~ moz'e er. less; tber~ce 9l. on~- lsnd of ~,;~ y~r~3' of th: f'iPst [,.j6°2{:~10 ~.-.3,.1.14 feet t l:}nd ~f !iutkoskl; t 9nce (1) ~ -: o~ ' ,,~ ~,~ ~._3 :u ~0 ~.-~_,/.~4 f~et; thence (2) N..~°-;:'°r'"'E~ ,.~, .-~?°~.~.,~'-.. feet; thence (.U) i.!.95°16'C, 6"E.-3~0.0 feet tq, s~-[d southwesterly lir_e ~f' 3r~ipygrd L,~n~; thence ?lon= seid s uthw.est~Pl[,- lin:, 3.3~o'+~'.?0"~.-77.5 f-et, mo~e o~' less, ~, be2'inuin6. Contain~n~ 20~ ~cres, more ? less. ~ of oouthold Su~'veyoz s MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD August 27,1964 P r e s e n t : SUPERVISOR LESTER M. ALBERTSON JUSTICE RALPH TUTHILL COUNCILMAN HOWARD VALENTINE COUNCIL~%N LOUIS DEMEREST TOWN CLERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND BERNARD KAPLAN 2 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will now read the description of the second piece of property in question tonight. "2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: "All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in East Marion, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Gardiners Bay where said high water mark is intersected by the westerly line of Shipyard Lane; from siad point of beginning running westerly along said high water mark, 1915 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of land shown as "Reserved for Beach Area" on "Map of Section I, Cleaves Point", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as map ~2752; thence along said easterly line, north 44° 03' 30" west 190 feet, more or ~ess; thence along a 15 foot right-of-way as shC~n on said map, north 12°53'10" east, 131.27 feet; thence along lot 6, north 8° 13' 10" east, 121.02 feet; thence along lot 5, north 0o22'40', east, 125.15 feet; thence along lot 4, north 16°08'20" west, 131.56 feet; thence along lot 1, two courses as follows:-(1) north 56°37'10,, east, 75 feet; thence (2) north 33022'50,' west, 150 feet; thence across the southerly end of a 50 foot private road know as Maple Lane, n~rth 56°37'10'' east, thence along the easterly line of said Maple Lane, north 33o22' 38 feet; 50" west, 80 feet; thence north 56°37'10" east, 195 feet to land of Rutkowski; thence along siad land of Rutkowski, five courses as follows: 1) south 33o22'50'' east, 57 feet; thence (2) north 58°49'10'' east, 87.89 feet; thence (3) south 33o30'50" east, 427.54 feet; thence (4) north 85c' 45'20" east, 579.70 feet; thence (5) north 55o16'00'' east, 3 340 feet to said westerly line of Shipyard lane, westerly line, south 35041'30,, east, point of beginning. Containing 25.5 "Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments appear at the time an place above specified." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: There is an affidavit in the file which proves publication of the notice appeared in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman. I will now read the recommendation of the Planning Board. "Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken Planning Board at a regular meeting held on July 27, by the Southold Town 1964: thence along said 900 feet, more or less, to the acres, more or less. should "In the matter of the petition of Bernard Kaplan, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on certain real property situated at East Marion, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: (legal description was not read again) "It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board does not favorably recommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on the property of Bernard Kaplan, as described above. "The Planning Board has never recommeded twenty-five (25) acres for a "M" Multiple Residence District, and they see no reason to depart from that policy. The Board feels that this is an excessive amount of land for the purpose specified. 4 "Very Truly yours, /s/ John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: At this time is there anyone who would like to be heard in favor of the change I have just read? STANLEY CORWIN, ESQ.: Supervisor and Gentlemen of the Board. My name is Stanley Corwin. I wQuld like to speak on the importance of this application. I know that the Board doesn't have to, and ordinarily doesn't answer questions at the hearing, but I am sure the public is wondering the same thing. This question is for the classification of a "M" Multiple Residence District. District was very similar Originally the application for a "B" up before this Board not long ago. That application is to this application before the Board now. I wonder if it would be permissable to ask if the minutes of the meeting on this application for a "B" zone could be used and taken into consider ation on tonights hearing. (Supervisor Albertson said that this could be done, since the applications were very similar. Kenneth Slocum, attorney for those against this application, stated that he also was going to ask that the minutes of the meeting for the application of a "B" zone be taken into consideration) STANLEY CORWIN,ESQ.: The people, the buyers of this property checked with the Board before this application was made. We think that the Board should grant this without any question. I have in my hand a zoning map of the Town. I record that it has been amended 5 some 30 times, as also the Zoning Ordinance was amended. This property is actually a non-conforming use. I think it was an oversite of the Board not to zone this property business at the time the Ordinace was put into effect. This is an existing motel operation, a non-conforming use. The purpose of our asking for the change is to provide for some expansion, and that is something everyone has to do. The motel is already there, we have ample room to expand, we see no reason why this application should not be granted. The first time this application was brought before the board, the question came up what was proposed to be done with this property. At that the people who were buying it, nor was I able as to what was to be done with the property. time I did not represent the to make any statement I am now authorized to state the purpose. here to take advantage of this change hotel and restaurant operation on the SUPERV~SORALBERTSON: Anyone else this change? BERNARD KAPLAN: I applied would like to say that there is no intention This to to keep the of zone. premises. wish to be heard in favor of forthis change of zone. My brother and I are joint owners of Dawn Estates. We have been in the real estate business over 25 years. I am very much aware of the value of properS. I am interested in the best possible use of this property. I am in business to make money. I am interested in the best development of this property, and that is to operate it as a motel and restaurant. 6 We know there are expensive home around here. However, we do not intend to set up any honkey tonk operation. We have invested alot of money in this operation and when you invest money you expen~ to get a return. We are not trying to downgrade the area, we need room for expansion. I would be glad to answer any questions anyone would like to ask of me. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard in favor of this application? GENE MAZZAFARRO: I am quite familiar with this property. I can see no objection in changing this piece of property. I am in favor of this change. SUPERVI88R ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard in favor of this change? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone wish to be heard in oppostion to this change of zone application? KENNETH SLOCUM,ESQ.: My name is Kenneth Slocum, address: 202 Front Street, Greenport. I am also a resident of East Marion. Mr. Supervisor and members of the Board, since Mr. C~rwin already asked you to consider the past hearing, which was held on May 19, 1964, for a "B" zone, I ask the Board to take notice of the petition that we submitted at that time, which had more than 50 names. I ask the Board to take direct notice of the fact that all those other people bought residential 7 homes in this area. I fully agree with Mr. Corwin and Mr. Kaplan, we have a little development problem here tonight. We can still say with the knowledge that residential owners bought and purchased down there with the understanding that this was a private residential place where they could relax an~ live without interference from business property. I think that there was some misguiding there when they bought the property. They felt that this was to be a strictly residential area and didn't thish there would be anything of any other type aroundthere. Mr. Kaplan just said that his intentions were not to do anything to make this into a honkey tonk development. I live in East Marion and don't want this type of thing by my home. I don't think you gentlemen on the Board would want it either by your home. The ~lanning Board points out that this is an excessive amount of land for the purpose indicated in the application. I don't have to remind the Board how the people of Gardiners Bay Estates will react if you gentlemen grant this application for an "M" zone. I don't care what Mr. Kaplan says his intentions are. He will not always own the property. Another thing that annoys me gentlemen is that some many people come in and buy property only to find that they are ~oing to have a business right along side of them. Mr. Kaplan stated that he had to protect his investment. They knew this property was "A" zone when they invested in it. Let's look at the investment of 40 to 50 people who put their investment in their land. If you grant this application you are turning down the pe6~le that bought residential property in good faith. 8 to. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard in opposition KENNETH SLOCUM,ESQ.: I represent all the people that were on the original appA~ea~ petition. LESTER BERD: The Gardiners Bay Estates Association do not favor this change one bit. FRANK THORP: Have been resident for the last 30 years. This is an entirely residential section. If the Board allows this business to come in, it is opening the door for other business in East Marion. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard? HENRY KROSKI: What is meant by "M" Dwelling. (supervisor Albertson explained the uses permiRted in a "M" District. i BERNARD KAPLAN: I feel that it is necessary for me to make a statement in regard to down zoning this property. We bought this property with our eyes wide open for one purpose. We do not want to down grade this property. There is an adjacent development where we have put in houses. Many residents regard this as down grading to the area, however, it will not really harm them. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard? STANLEY CORWIN,ESQ.: Mr. Slocum thinks that the petition should be on the record. I feel very strongly against hhat use. He has indicated that that those who own property and residents know that this petition is still effective. He uses that type of approach to the Board people. He says that they bought homes in this area with the idea that it would % always be residential. We have no connections with the previous owners of this property. I know that he is indicating that there are residents and still are residents who want to keep this area strictly residential, but at no time, at no time, was any impression made that the property could not be changed to a "M" zone. No one was ever given the idea that the proposed operation was always going to be residential. There was a petition adopted at the time a application was made for a "B" zone on this property. I should just like to say this--I was a little sur- prised at the peO'~le who signed it. I spo~e to some of the signers of this petition to determine if they were aware of the facts, but none of them were aware of the matter of the petition. This was signed by many people who were asked to sign, but they were lead to believe that this application was for a down grading in the area. The residents were given the wrong impression of the application. I would like the record to be very clear on this. KENNETH SLOCUM,ESQ: Mr. Supervisor, I would like to answer that. No one was mislead by this little the petition-"We,the undersigned, resident-owners of home~ within Crescent Beach Colony; resident-owners of homes on adjacent roads simple statement, and I read from the such as shipyard Lane, Main or North Road, and Gull Pond; and developers of an exclusive residential area of adjacent and contigQous parcels, do hereby register our firm protest and opposition to the application and petition of Cleaves Point Corp. to change, modify, or amend the Building 10 Zone Ordinance of the Town of $outhold, to down-grade its present property holdings, or any part thereof, from an "A" Zone to a "B" Zone." If there was anyone mislead by that, I will take full blame of it. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be hear~? LESTER E. SHAPIRO:I am against this. I was under the impression ~uhat this would always be a residential district. We invest money in building homes valued about 18 to 20 thousand dollars. We were aware of the motel as a non-conforming use, but thought there would be no further expansion onit. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard on (There was no response.) SU~RVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. this applicatiol PBOPOSAL TO APVIENI) ZONING OBDINANr''- Pursus.nl' to Section 265 o, .,~ 'town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk County. New York, pubIic hearings will be held 'by the Southold Tow.n Board at the office of the Super- visor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town of the 27th day of -August, 1964 at 7:30 o'clock in the eve- ning of said day, on the following pro- posals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Busi- ness District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more par- ticular]y bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point where the westerly line of Wickham Avenue is intersected -by ordinary high, water mark ,of Mattituck Creek, said point being S. 28° 48' 40" E. 130 feet, more or less, southerly from a concrete monument mark- ing the northerly extremity of said westerly line of Wickham Avenue which runs S. 28° 48' 40" E.; run- ning thence westerly and south- westerly along high water mark of Mattituck Creek to a point the tie line, from said point to a point on the westerly line of Wickham Ave- nue 90 feet S. 28° 48' 40" E. from said monument above mentione.d, being 69° 28' 10" W. 479.16 feet; thence along said ordinary high water mark of lVfattituck Creek southwesterly and northwesterly to a point, the tie line being S. 63° 23' 00" W. 300.79 feet; thence north- westerly along ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek to a point, the tie line being N. 15° 19' 40" W. 393.76 feet; thence northeasterly. along ordinary high 'water mark of i. Mattituck Creek to a point, the tie i line being N. 34° 48' 40" E. 412.041i feet' thence along other land ofi the said Baker .and Van Buren, the following two courses and dis-? tances as follows: (1) S. 58° 36' 10" ! E. 245.0 feet; thence (2) N. 65° 05'. 40" E 215.03 feet to the westerly line of Wickham Avenue; thence along the westerly line of Wickham Avenue two courses and distances as follows: (1) S. 24° 54' 20" E. 330.00 feet to a monument, thence (2) S. 28° 48' 40" E. 130 feet more or less, to the point or place of beginning. II. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the follow,- lng described property' All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in East Marion,. Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the or- dinary high water mark of Oardin- ~rs Bay where said high water mark is intersected by the westerly line of Shipyard Lane; from said point of beginning running westerly along said high water mark, 1915' feet, more or less, to the easterly line of land shown as "Reserved for Beach Ares" on "Map of Sec- tion I, Cleaves Point", filed in the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...... '~'~.~y?~...([ ./..../... weej,kz" successively, commencing on the ............ ~.. ~~'-' day of ...... .z,:...., 1,. 9..~...~. ' · ....,.o,,oo . ,.,.....,.,..: Sworn to before me this ......... Z .........day of ............. , 19...~....~. Notary Public / a 15 foot right of way as shown on said map, north 12° 53' 10" east, 131.27 feet; thence along lot 6, north 8° 13' 10" east, 121.02 feet; thence along lot 5, north 0° 22' 40" east, 124.15 feet; thence along lot 4, north 16° 08' 20" west, 131.56 feet; thence along lot 1, two courses, as follows: 1) north 56° 37' 10" east, 75 feet; thence (2) north 33° 22' 50" west, 150 feet' thence across the southerly end of a 50 foot private road know. n as Maple Lane, north 56° 37' 10" east, 38 feet; thence along the easterly line of said Maple Lane, north 33° 22' 50" west, 80 feet; thence north 56° 37' 10" east, 195 feet to land of Rutkowski; thence along said land of Rutkow- '.Ski, five courses as follows: (1) south 33° 22' 50" east, 57 feet; thence (2) north 58° 49' 10" east, 87.89 feet: thence (3) south 33° 30' 50" east, 427.54 feet; thence (4) north 85° 45' 20" east, 579.70 feet; thence (5) north 55° 16' 00" east, 340 feet to said westerly line of Shipyard Lane; thence along said wester~ line, south 35° 4d' 30" .east, 900 feet~ more or less, to the · point of 'beginning. Containing 25.5 'acres, more or ]ess. Any,, .person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should ap- ...pear-at the time and place above '".sPecified. DATED: July 28, 1964 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTI-I~I.I~ Pursuant to Sect:~on 265 of- the To~n Law and ~r.t:~cle ix of the BuLld~n~ zone Ozdin~c.e o£ the To~n o£ Southold, Su££olk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the o££ice of the S. ul~.rviSor, 16 south Street.., ~reenpor't, N~ York, in said town of.. the 27th day o£ August, 1964, at 7-. 30 o"clock in the evening of said day, on. the following propo~&ls to .amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By changing from p operty., 'A" Residential and Agricultural All that certain tract or parcel of .land situ&ted at Mattttuck, in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and descz~d as follo~s: Beginning at a point where the westerly 1.~ne of w:Lckham Avenue /~ ~nte~sected :by ozd~ary high water mark of .Mattttu~ Creek, $. 28 '48'40" E. 130 feet, more or less, southerly from a concrete monument mark/rig the northerly extremity of said westerly llne of Wickham ..avenue which..runs S. 28' 48' 40' E.; running thence wes'terly and south- westerly along high water mark of MattXtuck Creek to a point %he t~e line, from said point to a point on the westerly line of Wickham Avenue 90 feet S. 28048'40" from sa. id monu~nt above ment:J~ned, being 69-~8'10'' W. 479.16 feet; thence along said ordinary high watermark Legal ~'otice Page -2- of Matt~tuck Creek sour hwesterly and northwesterly to a point, the tlc 1/ne being $. 6.3 "23'00" w. 300.79 feet; thence northwesterly along ordinary high water mark of ~att~tuck Creek to a point, the tie line being N. 15.0 19' 40" W. 393.76 feet; .thence northeasterly along ordinary high. water mark of Mattituck a po~t, the tie line being N. 34°48' 40~ E. Creek to 412.04 feet; thence along other land of the said Baker and Van Buren, the following ~wo courses and distances as follows: (1) S. 58036'10'' E. 245.0 fe.et~ thence (2) N. 65° 05'40" E. 215.03 feet to ~he weste, rly line of Wickham Avenue~ thence along the westerly l~ne of Wickham Avenue t~o courses and distances as £ollows.: (1) $. 24° 54' 20'" E. 330.00 feet ~o a ~nument, thence (2) $. 28 ~48' 40 '~' ~. 130 feet more or less, to the point or place of beginning. II. By Changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural D~trtct to"M" HultipXe ~es£.dence District the follo~~g c!escr lbed property~ Ali that certain tract or parcel of land situated in East Marion, To~n of $outhold, Suf£olk County, New York, and more .particularly bo~.ded and 4escribed as follows= BeginnAng at a point on the ord~ary high water mark of Gardtners Bay where said high water mark :i.o ~ntersected by the westerly l~e of Shipyard Lane; from said point of beglnn~ng running westerl.y along said higl~ water mark, 1915 feet, more or- less, to the easterly l~e of land eh~ as "Reserved for Beach Area" on "Map of Sec.-=ion I, Cleaves Point ", filed in the SuffoLk C -ount¥ Legal ~ce Page -3 Clerk os O£f~ce as map #2752~ thence along said eas~erl~ ~ne~ nor~ 44o03,30" wes~ ~90 feet~ ~re or leas~ ~ence al~q a 15 f~t rt~t of way ~ sh~n ~ said map, nor~ 12°53.10. 131.27 f~t~ ~ence along lot 6, north ernst, 121.02 feet ~ thence atmnq lot 5 · 22 "40" east, 124.15 feet~ thence along lot north 16 08 "20- wett~ 131.56 feet~ thence along lot 1~ two ~.courses~ as follo~s~ 1) north 10" east:~ 75 feet~ the~lce {2) north 33~22 wes~ 150 feet~ thence across the-southerly end of a 50 foot ~r~vate road known as ~ne, north $6 ~37'10- east, 38 feet~ thence along the easterly 1L us north 33 o22 ' SO" o f sa id Maple Lan- e, west, 80 feet~ thence north 56° 37 * 10" ess t, 195 feet to land of Rutk~skl ~ thence along said land of a. utkc~sklo f~ve courses as follows: (1) south 33°22'50,. east, 57 feet thence (2) north 58049,10,, east, 87.89 feett ~*tence (3) south 33°30.50,, ~ east, 427.54 feet then~ (4) north 85 °4.5 ' 20" east, 579.70 feetl thence (5 } no:th 55 '~16 ' 00" east~ 340 feet to sa ld ~esterly line of S hlpyard Lan~~ ,thence a~on~ said westerly line, south 35' 41 30 east, 900 feet, ~re er less, ~ ~e ~tnt of ~g~ntng. Conta~ing 25.5 a~res', ~re or less. .any person desiring to be heard on and should appear at .the t~lme ~( place above the proposed sl~c~f~ed. amendments DAT~--D~ July 28, 1964 BY ORDER OF TH~, $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBI~I%T W. RI~CHMOND, ~ CLERK PLEASE PUBL][$H .ONC'E, AUGUST 6, 1964, AND FORMARD O~ (6) AF'FXI~VXTS' OF PUBLXCATZON XMMED~~LY TOTTi~ T(Y,~ CLKIt_K, MA~ BOAD, SOUT~OLD, NEW YOitK. Copl. ee mailed to the fol~owing on July 31, 1964: The '.~Lo~ng Lsl~d T,,z&veler Matti~u'ck Watchman Stanley C orw in, E sq. William W~ckham, Esq. Southold Town Planmng Board -c;OIITHrlLD, L. I., N. ¥. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John '~ickhem, Chelrrnan Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York July 27, 1964 Gentelmen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on July 27, 1964: In the matter of the petition of Bernard Kaplan, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on certain real property situated at East Marion, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Gardiners Bay where said high water mark is intersected by the westerly line of Shipyard Lane; from said point of beginning running westerly along said high water mark, 1915 feet, more or less to the easterly line of land shown as "Reserved for Beach Area" on "Map of Section I, Cleaves Point", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as map ~2752; thence along said eaterly line, north 44003'30'' west, 190 feet, more or less; thence along a 15 foot right of way as shown on said map, north 12°53'10" east, 131.27 feet; thence along lot 6, north 8° 13' 10" east, 121.02 feet; thence along lot 5, north 0022'40'' east, 124.15 feet; thence along lot 4, north 16o08'20'' west, 131.56 feet; thence along lot 1, two courses as follows: 1) north 56°37'10'' east, 75 feet; thence (2) north 33022'50'' west, 150 feet; thence across the southerly end of a 50 foot private road known as Maple Lane, north 56° 37'10" east, 38 feet; thence along the easterly line of said Maple Lane, north 33o22'50'' west, 80 feet; thence north 56°37'10'' east, 195 feet to land of Rutkowski; thence along said land of Rutkowski, five courses, as follows: 1) south 33o22'50'' east, 57 feet; thence (2) north 58°49'10" east, 87.89 feet; thence 3) south 33030'50" east, 427.54 feet; thence (4) north 85o45'20'' east, 579.70 feet; thence (5) north 55°16'00" east, 340 feet to said westerly line of Shipyard Lane; thence along said westerly line, south 35o41'30'' east, 900 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing 25.5 acres, more or less, it is hereby Report to: Southold Town Board Page -2- RESOLVED that the Planning Board does not favorably recommend to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on the property of Bernard Kaplan, as described above. The Planning Board has never recommended twenty-five (25) acres for a"M" Multiple Residence District, and they see no reason to depart from that policy. The Board feels that this is an excessive amount of land for the purpose specified. Very truly yours, n wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /bc FI FF~ER K SOUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. July 15, 1964. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Town of $outhold Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Bernard Kaplan, of EdgewoodAve., Smithtown, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on certain real property situated at East Marion, New Y~k~ is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y. You are instructed to prepare an official report definin~ the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours% Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk c^s~ r~o: ST~T~ o~ ~EW YO~K PET~T~O~ TOWN O~ SOUTHOnD ~N T~ M~TTm~ OF T~ P~T~T~ON O~ FOR A CHAIN-GE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE O~' T~E TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOI~ COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, ..B.~..r.~[~.r..~..I~?j~ .................................. residing at Edgewood Ave., Smithtown, N. (insert name of petitioner) ~pu~haser under contract Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the ~c~xbf certain real property situated at ,~...M.~j?~.,...%?~?..?.~...S..q.u..t.~.o~c~ more particularly bounded and described as follows: northerly by the Main Road, easterly by land of Rutkowski and Shipyard Lane, southerly by Gardiner's Bay, and westerly by lands of King, Ywaa Corporation, and others. This petition concerns the southerly part of said premises, as described by metes and bounds in paragraph 2. This application is made with the knowledge, consent, and authority of the owner and seller under contract. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the 'rown or Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including ihe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, :al~:~/l~l~g~ from A to M zone, the following described premises: beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Gardiners Bay where said high water mark is intersected by the westerly line of Shipyard Lane; £rom said point of beginning running westerly along said high water mark, 1915 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of land shown as "Reserved for Beach Area" on "Map of Section L Cleaves Point", filed in the Suffolk county~clerk's office as map #2752; thence along said easterly line, north 44°03'30" west, 190 feet, more or less; thence along a 15 foot right of way as shown on said map, north 12°53'10'' east, 131.27 feet; thence along lot 6, north 8°13'10'' east, 121.02 feet; thence along lot 5, north 0°22'40" east, 124. 15 feet; thence along Lot 4, north 16°08'20" west, 131.56 feet; thence along lot 1, two courses, as follows: l) north 56°37'10" east, 75 feet; thence (2) north 33°22'50" west, 150 feet; thence across the southerly end of a 50 foot private road known as Maple Lane, north 56°37'10" east, 38 feet.: thence along the easterly line of said Maple Lane, north 33°22'50'` west, 30 feet; thence north 56°37'10'' east, 195 feet to land of Rutkowski; thence along said land of Rutkowski, five courses, as £ollows: 1) south 33°22'50'' east, 57 feet; thence (2) north 58°49~10'' east, 87. 89 feet; thence 3) south 33°30'50'' east, 427.54 feet; thence (4) north 85°45'20" east, 579. 70 feet; thence (5) north 55°16'00" east, 340 feet to said westerly line of Shipyard Lane; thence along said westerly Line, south 35°41'30" east, 900 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Containing 25.5 acres, more or less. 3. Such request is made for the fo/lowing reasons: The premises described are a part of a larger parcel of land and comprise that portion thereof presently devoid and set aside for multiple residential purposes. The said lands were devoted and set aside for that use at the time of the adoption of the zoning law and constitute a non-conforming use - are capable of expansion and intended to be extended. Since such extension is the only logical use of the premises and is the only way in which it can be made to bring a reasonable return on investrnent, and since extension is precluded by the present zoning classification, this application is made. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it tc be true. (L. S.) Sworn to before me this ..1..~.h... day of .....................J.~.J:Y.~ ....... 19~.~'... CC, RNELI~ C. KEOGH NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New YO~ Qualified i~ Sulfoll( County JUDITH T. TERRY OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLO Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York [ 197I TELEPHONE 1516) ~65-1801 November 25, 1987 Roderick Van Tuyl Van Tuyl Land Surveyors Front Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Rod: Enclosed is a letter from the president of the Cleaves Point Property Owners Association, Inc. questioning the boundary lines of Change of Zone Amendment No. 64, and I am inclined to agree with him. From the official change of zone file of Bernard Kaplan I am enclosing a copy of the legal notice of the amendment, a copy of the metes and bounds description prepared by your firm, survey map from the file, and that portion of the Zoning Map showing the existing zone as of September 29, 1964, and as il appears as of February 24, 1987. Please research this matter, make whatever correction is required, and advise me of the results. Thank you. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures of So.uthold Suffolk Y~ork and .m..ore p~rl:lcttlszlg bound~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEYV YORK C. Whitney Boot-h, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he ~s the Editor, of THE LONG ).~LANL% TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, o public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is o printed copy', has been published in said Lonfl Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch* ,~on once each week fo~ ..C'~--.-..~. successively, commencin~ on the ........................................ .................................. Sworn to before me this ......... ..~/.. ......... day of ....... ADELE PAYNE Nota~' Public, Stste al New Yo~k OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK Sept. 23, 1964 ?roposed Change of zone--"A" to "M"--Southold Town, N.Y. Dawn Est,~bes at Oreenport -~e .... lna.~at the Ant ~:,:tensi?n scu~he::~teNly of the northeasterly ~2' } I ~'~ .~.? C,I .~,v~t~ OEz ....... ~be =--~'~-~b ~'~.,~ , Clark's o~zc~ ~ w~: Nc. 2752 and ~.~_ ..... _~: se!d ~ot 1, N.p3°22'50"W.-Eg0 feet, m~re_ .-~.. less; . . =,. -:. z~ ~-.-.;,.1~ 1~ Feet ~.1~,-:' said n .... - ~ 2utko~kl o~ follo~.;s: ~l~,~_,Ne L.9.~9~ E~ler~ce ~_~n~ .... said s~uthwss~erly iine~ ~C ~..-. r .... more or less, to the u. ciint Of be.xfinuinE. ContalnmuPj 20~ acres, more or less. ~C IIiOWn of Sou~hotd /2'-~--~--- ~ / ? / Sup~eyors ~J z · :".~,.i'..'-"- .-'~. ' ".,":'..k'. .' , '.' ' ';~."~' '~': ' ' ' ., :. :,..~ ,._~-.~,~... ,.~. ~ :'~ :.'::::.,>.,-... ...... .,.... _.: .. .... ~:~;~ :,: ~.~, ,. :~.'.~.~;:'. ....'.:· ~ .. :.:'. . .- .~ .: ....~. -v.,'.~ .... - -:' .:,,;v.~,,'~ ...... ..: ~ .... ' .~./~ ~r'.' '.:,.'~ - " .,.~. ,~ - , . ,~ - ...., : .,,~ ... ; ..... ; .~ _.. . ~: ~.,..'. ,:> .. ~,. , . ~. ~,' ..... .. , ~ .~,. .'. -,.'~M~. :,:. '~ · '.,~ .... ~.. '.---:..' ' :.-: .... '. .. ':-"-:,.: :-': .-' :~..-,>~':, .... 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TERRY OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTFIOLD November 25, 1987 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1170 Southold, New York I I971 TELEPHONE [5t6~ 765-1801 George J. Garbe, President Cleaves Point Property Owners Assoc., Inc. P. O. Box 219 East Marion, New York 11939 Dear Mr. Garbe: In response to your letter of November 19th concerning the M-1 zoning at Cleaves Point, I am in the process of researching the boundary line you question, and will be in touch with you as soon as the information is available. Thank you for your patience. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry cz Southold Town Clerk RECEIVED I OV 0 1987 CLEAVES POINT PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. 9OX507 · GR~:ENPORT, NEWYORK 11944 Jua:_tt~ ferry, '['own Clerk f'own of main Street ?e: /]-1 ..)nin.~:, ,Cleaves ~-oint, EDst marion question aas ~risen re~arding' the bo~deriea of the ares above. ,:~oninf ~g.~en.iment ,.'6d", adoptec oeptemOer, 1?~, places the ~ouihwestern boundary line about 110 feet %o th~ northeast of the It is aesumed that the above amendment is the latest with raL'ar~ to this proi:,erty. I would appreciate anz informatio~ you me~ be ~ble G'o~;s J. ,Jcrbe '.., . /! .J C 0 V ~' '~ 'x D · -' ,,,.-..~ .,.,,~'-%- .... , "~ .... _.--~ ~~ ~:'-- .. ~ ~'"N .... .~- .,~~~::.:::~ ~, ~ ~---',~ /.. ....... ...~ _ ¢,. ~ .,'~ z.v'.V..V.'.:v.: ~'..~ ~ ~ /." :.v ,': .'- ,-. ~"" ~ __-. _ _.. _ . . ... r ,¥; .-. - .f" N Z:) C: 'I _J al' 1'6 Lok~ SOU TH 0 arbor bl.I Z JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Ot: VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 3, 1987 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE t, 516) 765-180'1 George J. Garbe, President Cleaves Point Property Owners Assoc., P. O. Box 219 East Marion, Ne~V York 11939 Dear Mr. Garbe' Inc. With reference to our previous correspondence relative to the boundary line question at Cleaves Point, I have received a response from Van Tuyl - Land Surveyors who make the changes on our zoning maps (all correspondence enclosed). It appears somewhere along the way the line was erroneously, extended, and has now been corrected, a new section of our Zoning Map issued by Van Tuyl and now is now on file in this office and the Building Department. · .. Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures - cf 0 Z 0 ~ W ~ :b U 41 MAP OF I AI~-ID DAWN ESTATE ~ E ..AST 0~' ~,~EE NIPO P~T -tOWN OF 50L~T~OL-D, N.Y, I ! / ,t'V w,551o O0 ,