HomeMy WebLinkAboutDavids, Robert L. Amend #63I"1 FFI ERK BOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. emmTr ~ I~bear~J~ed and mmrn to before mo ~hJdl 22nd day o£ 19,64 ,. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT _OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDME~ NO. 63 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public, hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Build- ing Zone Ordinance (including . the Building Zone Map) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amended at a regular meet- lng of the $outhold Town Board held on September 8, 1964, as follows: 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Busi- ness District the following described 'propg. rty. All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Pz~mic, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and ~ more- particularly bounded and described as follws: - Beginning at a 'point on 'the northerly side of the 'Main Road at the southeast corner of the prem- ises herein described adjoining property formerly of Peconic Truck- ing ComPany, now of Town of Southold on the east; running thence along the northerly side of --' Ma,in Road, S. 48Q_-40' W. 220 feet, more or less, to land of Sterne- mann; running thence northwest- erly along said land of Sternemann 205' feet to a concrete. ~ monument and land of Town of 'Southold; running thence along said land of Town of Southold N. 48° 40' 00" E. 244.84 feet to other land of Town of ~Southold- running thence along said land of Town of Southold, S. 30° 10' 50" E. 208.32 feet to the point or place of beginning. DATED: September 8, 1964 BY ORDER O1~ THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a:nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .......... :-~.~.~..(..L.~ ......... weekf successively, commencing on the ........ .~..~....~.. ....................... day of ......... .~ .~ .~..~ ............ Sworn to before me this ....... l~.h~.........., day of ....... ............... , ...... Notary Public ~ ........... Notary Public, State of New Yore Residin~ in Suffo!k County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires /~arch 30, lg.r(~ NOTICE OF OF ZONING AMENDMENT ORDIN~CE AME~NT NO. 63 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Map) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held. on ~e~E.8~. "19~4, as follows: 1. By changing from "A" R~sidential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property. All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, andmore particularly bounded and described as follows Beginning at a point on the northerly side of the Main Road at the southeast corner of the premises herein described adJ oin ing property formerly of Peconic Trucking Company, now of Town of Southold on the east~ runnin g thence along the northerly s ideof ~.~in Road, S. 480 40' W. 220 feet~ more or less, to land of Sternemann; running thence northwesterly along said land of Sternemann 205 feet to a concrete monument and land :of Town of Southold; running thence along said land of Town of Southold N. 48~ 40' 00~ E.244.84 feet to other land of Town of Southold; Zunning thence along said land of Town of Southold, S. 30~ 10' 50'~' E. 2~8.32 feet to the point or place of beginning. Legal DATED= Notice Page -2- September 8, 1964 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, SEPTEMBER 17 , 1964, A~D FORWARD FOUR (4) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION 1MMED/i%TED TO THE TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the follDwing on September 9, 1964.: The Long Island William Wickham Otto Van T~I Traveler-Mattituck a/c Robert Davi~s Watchman MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD August 11, 1964 Present: SUPERVISOR LESTER M. ALBERTSON JUSTICE HENRY CLARK JUSTICE RALPH TUTHILL COUNCILMAN LOUIS DEMAREST COUNC?LMAN HOWARD VALENTINE TOWN ATTORNEY ROBERT TASKER TOWN CLERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND ROBERT L. DAVIDS PAUL & LOIS WILSON 3 of Town of Southold; running thence along said land of Town of Southold N. 48° 40~ 00" E. 244.84 feet to other land of Town of Southold; running thence along said land of Town of Southold, S. 30° 10' 50" E. 208.32 feet to the point or place of beginning." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will now read the report from the Planning Board: "Gentleman: "This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on July 13, 1964: "In the matter of the petition of Robert L. Davids, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Peconic, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: (Legal description was not read again.) "It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board favorably recommends to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of Robert L. Davids, as described above. "This property is surrounded on two sides by business property. On one side by the Town of Southold, and on the other by the non- conforming business of Sternemann's Plumbing and Heating Business. "Very truly yours, John wi~kham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board°" 4 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: At this time is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of this change. WILLIAM WICKHAM, ESQ.: I have very little to add in addition to the report of the Planning Board. I wish to say that the purchaser wishes to continue along the same line, a machine shop, such as the late Mr. Davids had. ~his in a way has been a nonconforming use since Mr. Davids death. The applicant and his brother have continued to use it on a not too steady basis. We feel that it would be an asset to the Town of Southold, to rezone this parcel. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to be heard in favor of this change? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ~?.~ERTSON: Anyone wish to be heard in opposition to this change? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone wish to be heard one way or the other on this change of zone? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will now read the describtion of the second piece of property. "2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: "All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Manhanset Avenue with the westerly line of Beach Road, running along said westly line of Beach Road, (1) S. 4° 06' 00" E. 48~ feet; thence (2) from said point of beginning two courees as follows: southeasterly on a curve to ~e left having a radius of 436.0 feet a to land of the Town of Southold, S. 33° 10' ordinary high water mark of Sterling Basin; distance of 100.98 feet, 00" W. 202.53 feet to thence in a general north- westerly direction along said high water mark about 700 feet to Saint Agnes Cemetery at a point which is N. 61° 14' 00" W. 616.23 feet from the last described point; thence along said land of Saint Agnes Cemetery, N. 13° 37' 30" E. 652.20 feet to said southerly line of Manhanset Ave.; thence along said southe~y line, $. 67° 48' 50" E. 479.60 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 9½ acres, more or leas. "Any person desiring to be heard on the a~ove application should appear at the time and place above specified. "DATED: July 14, 1964, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK." 7 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: At this time is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of this particular change of zone. WILLIAM WICKF~%M, ESQ.: Again I am here on behalf of the applicant, who is also here. Again I wish to add little to the facts stated in the petition. I would like to call your attention to an article in the local paper July 31, 1964, which stated the huge increase in boats and people at the Sterling Harbor Marina, which is very near by. Of course there are those marinas that increase in size due to large boats. We believe that a marina that will cater to small boats is greatly needed in this particular locality as well as in Southold Town. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone else wish to speak in favor of this change? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone wish to speak in oppostion tothis change of zone? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Anyone wish to speak one way or the other on this change of zone. (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time forthe further deliberation of the Board. 2 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open the hearing by reading the legal notice as it appeared in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman. "LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSALS TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE. "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the llth day of August, 1964, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone ordinance, (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. "1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property. "All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particular~ bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the northerly side of the Main Road at the southeast corner of the premises herein described adjoining pro- perty formerly of Peconic Trucking Company, now of Town of Southold on the east; running thence along the northerly side of Main Road, S. 48~ 40' W. 220 feet, more or less, to land of Sternemann; running thence along said land of Sternemann 205 feet to a concrete monument and land -LEGAL NOTICI NOTICE OF H~ARIN~ ON PROPOSALS TO AMEND ZONING ORDII~ANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Arti. cle IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South- old, Suffolk C~ounty, Nev~ York, public hearings will ,be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Sup- ervisor, 16 South Street, Greenl~ort, New York, in said Town on the llth day of August, 1964, at ?:30 o'clock in the evening of. said day, on the lowing proposals to amend the B~ld- lng Zone Order, (including the BUilding Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural' District to "B" Busi- ness District the following described property- All that ... certain. ~.r~ _ ,,¥ Beginning at a point on the northerly side of the Main Ro~ at the southeast corner of the prem- ises herein described adJo~n!r~_ .property formerly of Peconlc Truck- ing Company, now of Town of Southold on the east; runntn~ thence along the northerly side of Main Road, S. 48° 40' W. 220. feet, more or less, to land of Sternemann; running thence northwesterly alon~ said land of Sternemann 205 feet to a concrete monument and land of Town of Southold; running therice, along said .land of Town of Southold N. 48° 40' 00" E. 244.84 feet to other land of Town of Southold; running thence along said land of Town of Sothold, S. 30° 10' 50"' E. 203.32 feet to the point or place of beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Res"dential and Agricultural District to "B" Busi- · neas District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more par. ticularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Manhanset! Avenue with the westerly line of~ Beach Road, from said Point beginning running along said west- erly line of Beach Road, two courses! as follows:--(1) S. '4° 06' 00" E.' 481.84 feet' thence (2) Southeasterly~ on a curve to the left having a radius of 4~6.0 feet a distance of 10~.98 feet to land of the Town of Southold, S. 33° 10' 00" W. 202.53 feet to ordinary high wster mark of Sterling Basin; thence in a general northwesterly directt, on along said high water mark about ?00 feet to .Saint Agnes Cemetery at a point which N. 61° 14' 00" W. 616.23 feet from the last described point: thence along said land of Saint A~nes Cemetery[ N. 13.0 3?' 30" E. 652.20 feet t~ said southerly line of Man- hanset Avenue; thence along said southerly line, S. 6?° 48' 50" E. 4?9.60 feet to the point of begin- ning. Containing 9~ acres, more or less. . Any person desiring to be heard the proposed amendments should ~p- pear at the time and place above~ · specified. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK. DATED' July 14, 1964 ' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a.nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........ successively, commencing on the ............. ['.~....~.~....~..~;~/" .............. day of ...;,~~/~.-~.~'...~,.~..., 19..~.'.~ ' · '*'**''*"'*''''''''*'*'***,**, ,~" Sworn to before me this ...... .'.~..i..~'.~... ...... doy of ..... " ................ .... 'F'"'"""' ................. ADEL'E PAYI~ Nol2ry Pub);c, ~to~e of New Yore Resldin~ in Su'~',~k L',z, unty Commission [x~'rcs March 30, 19f~ NOTICE_ NOTICE OF }~ARING TO AMEND ZONING ON PROPOSALS ORDINANCE of Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk~ County, New York, public hearings will be held by the $outhold - Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. in said Town on the llth day of August, 1964, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance, (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B~ Business District the following described prooperty: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of the Main Road at the southeast corner of the premises herein described adJ oining property formerly of Peconic Trucking Company, now of Town of Southold on the east: running thence along the nor~%erly side of Main Road, S. 4~I" 40' w. 220 feet, more or less, to land of Sternemann~ running thence northwesterly along sai~ land of Sternemann 205 feet to a concrete monument and iand}of Town of Southold; running thence along said land of Town of Southold N. 48° 40' 00'~ E. ~44.84 feet to other land of Town of Southold; ru~ning thence along said land of Town of Southold~ $. 30° 10' 50" E~ 208.32 feet to. the point or place of beginning'. 2. By District to property: changing from "B" Business "A" Residential and Agr£cultural District the foll~wing described Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk CoUnty, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line Manhanset ..Avenue with ~e westerly line of Beach Road, from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of Beach Road, two courses as follows:- (i) $. 4'~ 06' 00" E. 4.81.84 feet; thence (2) Southeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 436.0 feet a distance of 100.98 feet, to land of the Town of Southold, S. 33° 10' 00" Wo 202.53 feet to ordinary high water mark of Sterling' Basin; thence in a general northwesterly direction along s&id high water mark about 700 feet to Saint .Agnes Cemetery at a point which is N. 61° 14' 00" W. 616.23 feet from the last described point; t~hence along said land of Saint Agnes Cemetery, N. 13~ 37" 30" ~. ~52.20i feet to said southerly line of Manhanset ~venue~ thence along said southerly line, S. 67° 48' 50" ~..479o60 feet to the point of beginning. containing 9-%, acres, more or less, Any person des ir should appear at the time DATED: July 14, 196-4 to ~ heard on the proposed amendmentsi and place above, speclf&ed. BY ORDER OF T~ $OUTHOLD ALBERT W. TOWN RICHMOND CLERK PI~AS~ ~ZSB ONCE July 23, -1964, AND t%FF IDAV ITS OF PUBLICATION IMMED~A~.LY ~ THE FORWARD S 1X (;6) TOWN SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK.. Copies mailed to the following on July 21, The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Robert Day ids Paul $. & Lois T. Wilson Watchman 1964 Southold Town Planning Board ~OUTHFILD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING 8OARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa ^[~red Grebe ^tchib/sld ¥oun~ William Unkzlb~ch Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York July 13, 1964 Geltlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on July 13, 1964: In the matter of the petition of Robert L. Davids, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Peconic, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a poin% on the northerly side of the Main Road at the southeast corner of the premises herein described adjoining property formerly of Peconic Trucking Company, now of Town of Southold on the east; running thence along the northerly side of Main Road, S. 48° 40' W. 220 feet, more or less, to land of Sternemann; running thence northwesterly along said land of Sternemann 205 feet to a concrete monument and land of Town of Southold; running thence along said land of Town of Southold N. 48° 40' 00" E. 244.84 feet to other land of Town of Southold; running thence along said land of Town of Southold, S. 30° 10' 50" E. 208.32 feet to the point or place of beginning, it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board favorably recommends to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of Robert L. Davids, as described above. Report to: Soutk~±d Town Board Page -2- This property is surrounded on two side by business property. On one side by the Town of Southold, and on the other by the non- conforming business of Sternemann's Plumbing and Heating Business. Very truly yours, John wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /Dc OFF~ ~ERK ALBERT W, RI~HMEIND SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. O'Uiy 7, 1964 Hr. ~ohn wlckhmu Chairman plmming Board cutchogve, Lou~ Xfiand Mew York The original petition of ~obert L. David,, WAc, New ~ork, relative to c~ ~£ soue £rom 'A' leiidential the fXXoo in the office of the PX~nning Board at BouthoXd, Mew York. &Tea so effected with the recoaneudatinn of your Board~ Very tr~Xy Fourl0 Albert W. Jtic~m~nd Tram CXerk CASE NO: I '~ ,7 STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTItOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMEINT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, ....Rg..B_..t~...~._:~,...PSY.~ ....................... , residing at ...~.?~.1~?.~..~ ............................. (insert. name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at Peconic, New York ........................................................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of tho Main Road at the southeast co,nor of the p~emises herein described adjoining property formerly of Peconic Trucking Company, now of Town of Southold on the east; running thence along the northerly side of Main Road, S. 48e 40~ W. 220 feet, more or less, to land of Ste~,nemann; running thence northwesterly along said land of Sternemann 205 feet to a concrete menu- ment and land of Town of Southold; running thence along said laud of Town of Southold N. ~8e ~0~ 00" E. 2~.8~ feet to other land of Town of Southold; running thence along said land of Town of Southold, S. 30~ lO~ 50" E. 208.32 feet to the point or place of beginning. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne~v York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: From "A Agricultural and Residential" to "B Business". 3. Suchrequestis madeforthefollowing reasons: Applicant has entered into a contract for the sale of said premises to Charles Slams and Louise Slams, his wife, residing at 9 Bryant Drive, Huntington, New Tork. The contract, however, is contingent upon the change of zone for business use. This was the residence property of applicant's father who also operated a machine shop in the rear building on the premises for many years. The equipment is still on the premises and applicant and his brother have continued to use it intermittently. The purchasers have stated in the contract that they intent to continue to use the parcel for a machine shop. It should be pointed out that the property to the east and north is owned by the Town of Southold for its Highway Department and the property to the west owned by Walter Ste~nemann is used by him for his plu~abing and heating business. Robert L. Davids STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, Robert L. Davids .............................................................................. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (~') own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Robert L. Davids Sworn to before me this ..;k'. ....... day of ......J....~...~ ...................... 19....(~ Notary Public. 'l · :-, ,I . ,I ii II ' 'I II i ii II · i I l , i,ll IllB I1 IIIi/IIIII II II I ·'