HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ord. Amend #57COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ISS: NOTICE'. OF ,~Ill/:N~MENT O~F ~)NING, ORDINANCE AMEND~NT NO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a .publi~ heating held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Build- lng Zone Ordinance .(including the Building Zone MaP) of the ToWn of 8outhold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amende~ at a regular meeting 0! the Southold Town Board held on ~a~h. 24, ~:,,i,' a~ ~ono~s. 1. By. amending' Articl.e HI, SectiOn 300, S~bdivision 6. of said Ordinance :bY adding, a neW subdivision 6A to read as follows tures,' or facilities, .when atl~ 'as a specisl ex.c~n of Al~l~als as hereinafter pro~d~l, DATED: March 24, 1964. BY ORDER O~ ALB~T W. t~l~O~, TOWN ~ __ C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch-. man once each week for ................ ~Z/,.' ~ ............ weeks successively, commencing on the ........ ~....('....(.~ ................ day of .......... ..~...~'~-::k.:~,~'~__ .... 719.. ...... .;' .././/'// ,i ........................ ~.. : ......... ;'.~;.~ .... ..... ,.~ ...... / Sworn to before me this...........~--a'6.Z ....... day of (._L , .......... ffZ:.L./.,.;~,¢:~k .... , 19..c.f..~... STATE OF NEW Y~RK) CCKINTY OF SUFFOLK) SS: - ALBERT W. RICHM~D _ L . ., ! .,, 1, I 111 ! ' , of Southold, Town of Southold New York, being duly sworn, says that he is o~er the age of twenty-one years; that on the 27th _ L .~ . .., , day of , 1964 , he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- T.own ..C..le. rk..BUl, letin _Bo~d,. Southold, Sworn to before me this 27th of March 196~. ,No. 52-323.'3120 Su:';'~:k C~uyy . ,Term £xpire$ March 30, 19.~,~..¥ /To~n cle~k,~T°Wn -6f South01d LEGAL NOTICE ~_ i ii i i ----- _JLJI ~ III .... NOTICE OF OF ZONING AMENDMENT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 57 that after a public hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Map) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the SDuthold Town Board held on March 24, 1964, as follows: 1. By amend ing~:'. Article III, Section 300, Subdivision 6 of said Ordinance by adding a new subdivision 6A to read as follows: 6A. Public utility buildings, structures.,, or facilities, when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. DATED: March 24, 1964. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD SOUTHOLD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK. FOUR TOWN PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MARCH 26, 1964, AND FORWARD (4) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION IMMEDIATELY TO THE CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHoLD, NEW YORK. COMMISSION Suffolk County Department of Planning LEE E. KOPPELMAN VETERANS h~EMORIAL HIGHWAY Director of Planning HAUPPAUGE, L. I., N. Y. H. LEE DENNISON Couhty Executive ANdrew 5-0700 April 2, 1964 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. Dear Mr. Richmond: Re: Amendment to the Town of Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance, Article III, Section 300 subsection 6A The Suffolk County Planning Commission having notified the neighboring Town of Riverhead and Incorporated Village of Green- port concerning the above captioned amendment to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, and having received no adverse comments, the l~lanning Commission will take no further action in this matter. Ver?~uly your s,~ Senior Pla~ner ? hb March 25, 1964 Sprague~ Stern, Aspland, Dwyer & Tobin The Nassau Bull~ing 220 Old Country Road Mineola, New York Attention~ Mr. James J. Milligan Dear Kr. Milligan= In reply to your letter of March 23, 1964 concerning the proposed amendment to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold by adding a new subdivision 6a (public utility build~ngs, etc. the Southold Town Board passed this amendment following the hearing on March 24th. This amend- ment will become effective 10 days after posting and publication. Very truly yo~s, Judith T. Secretary Boken MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD March 24, 1964 ~ public hearing before the Town Board of the Town of SouthoId was held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, at 7:00 P. M. on Tuesday, March 24, 1964. PRESENT: Supervisor AIbertson Councilman Demarest Councilman Valentine Justice TuthiI1 Justice Clark Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk The Supervisor opened the meeting and read the Notice of Public Hearing as follows: Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the SouthoId Town Board at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 24th day of March, 1964, at 7 o~clock in the evening of said day on the proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone maps) of the Town of SouthoId, Suffolk County, New York. By amending Article III, Section 300, subdivision 6, of said ordinance by adding a new subdivision 6A to read as follows: 6A. Public utility buildings, structures, or facilities, when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provided. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: March I00 1964. By Order of SouthoId Town Board Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk The Supervisor read the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board. The Planning Board is of the opinion this proposed amendment will enable the Board of Appeals to place the necessary conditions and safeguards upon such facilities. The Supervisor read a letter of Sprague~ Stern, AspIand, Dwyer and Tobin in favor of the proposed amendment. 'Fhe Supervisor asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the proposed amendment. PERRY HATCH, Huntington, New York: A representative of Long Island Lighting Company. I know you are ail familiar with this amendment. Long Island Lighting Company is in favor of this amendment. There are existing in two other towns in Suffolk County amendments similar to this in building zone ordinances. The reason behind such an amendment is that in our business it is not always possible to locate our facilities in proper zones because of load growth and population centers which require servicing by our utilities. This is a method by which we can without too much red tape locate these facilities where they are most needed and we feel that the town still retains control because we would still have to apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a special exception as the ordinance is now written. We are very much in favor of passage of such an amendment. -2- SUi~ERVISOR: Does anyone else wish to speak in favor? Anyone wish to speak in opposition to? (No replies) We will now close this hearing for the further deliberation of the Board. Hearing adjourned at 7:20 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Margaret A. Young -3- _ERK SDUTHE]LD, L. I., N. Y. ~ 13, It&4 ~ of II%~or x Signature of Reci~ient E]FF~ERK SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. Maz~h 13~ 1964 Notice o£ Heazin~ on I~opoaal to ~ Zoning Ordinance Town of lkmtho~d This is to acknowl~lqe receipt of w~itt~n LB~tL NOTX~ of baring on ~o~oal 2o ~d Zon~ Ordinance of t~ ~u~ld at a ~lic heari~ to ~ held by the ~u~old ~ ~ard at the off~ae ~vl~r, ~eter N. A~ortson, 16 ~u~ B~eet, Green~rt, N~York, in said on ~e 24th day of ~rch, 1964 at 7t00 V~ry tzuly youzs, &1bert W. P.,iel. m~ond Town Clerk Town o£ Rive~head x Town of SourJ~mpton Town of Shelter Island Village of (Jreenport Signature of Recipient [] FF~ER K SOUTHOLD, L. ~., N. Y. March 13, 1964 Re: Notice of Hearing on Proposal to amend Zoning Ordinance Town of Southold Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge receipt of written LEGAL NOTICE of Hearing on proposal to amend Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southold at a public hearing to be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, Lester M. Albertson, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 24th day of March, 1964 at 7:00 P.M. Enc. Very truly y~ou~s, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk cc: Town of Riverhead Town of Southampton ~ Town of Shelter Island village of Greenport Signature i Legal No ce NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZO~G ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section ~65 of the Town' Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the ToWn~ of South- old, Suffolk County, New York, Public Hearings will be held by the Southold Towr[ Board at the office of the Sup- ervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, NsW' York; in' Said' '~ On the 24th day of March 1964 at ?:00 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the Pro- ~ to amend the Building Zone ordinance (including the Building Zone maDs) of the Town Of- Southold, Suf- folk County, New York. ' 1. by amending Article III secti°n 300, subdivision $ of said ordinance by adding a new s~bdivision 6A to read as follows' 6A. Public utility butldings, struc- tures, or facilities, when authorized- as a special ex~ption by the Boarc] of Appeals, as herein after provided Any. person desiring to be heard o~ the proposed amendments should al~- ;,pear at the time and place above specified. Dated March 10, 1964 By order of the Southold Town Board · Albert W. Richmond, Town' Clerk COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... ~.~-? c~..~ . .... weeks successively, commencing on the ........ ../~...~.' ~/ day of LEGAL NOTICE _ NOT ICE OF HEARING TO AMEND ZONING ON PROPOSAL ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 24th day of March 1964 at 7-00 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By amending Article III, Section 300, Subdivision 6 of said Ordinance by adding a new subdivision 6A to read as follows: 6A. Public utility buildings, structures, or facilities, when authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. Any person des iring to be heard on the proposed amend- ment should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: Mar ch 10, 1964. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHoLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK. Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman: Please Publish once, March 12, 1964, and forward four (4) copies of affidavits of publication immediately to the Town Clerk, Main Road, Southold, New York. d. RUSSEL SPRAGUE . ~_m.~. i .~:~F~O-2 T: L-~ ~ 2 :; MICHAEL P. ASPLAND MARTIN DWYER, dR. dOSEPH L. TOBIN, dR. dAMES d. Millit3AN SALVATORE C. IMBERGAMO WALDO hUTCHINS ]TI STEPHEN VAN R. ULMAN W. MANVILLE dOh Nson SPRAGUE, STERN, ASPLAND, DWYER ATTORN EYS AT LAW the NASSAU BUILDING 220 OLD COUNTRY rOAD MINEOLA, I. I., N. Y. 11501 PIONEER 6-5700 TOBIN h EN R¥ ROOT STERN 1953- i959 March 23, 1964 Town Bo ard Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This is just to infom you client, New York Telephone of the proposed amendments o£ the Zon~n~ Ordinance by division 6a to read: that we on behalf of our Company, urge the passage to Article ~ Section ~00, the addition of a new sub- "Ja Pub! stru e:ce Appe prov ic uti!try buildings, ctures or faciIities authorized as a special priori by the Board of als, as hereinafter ideal" We understand on Y, arch 24th ments we wi. ll that there is at 7-3n · " "' ~ '~' 0 not be able to to be a hearing but because of attend. on this matt er earlier commit- With thanks >or your cooperation, we ar e Yours very truly, S PRAGUE, STERN, AS PLAND, DWYBR & TOBIN JJM/ab James J. Miliigan ,/ / - Mar ch 19, 196~ Suffolk Coun%y Planning Veterans Highway L.I., N.~. Hauppaugue, Commission Attn: Lee Koppelman, Director Dear Sir; Enclosed please the Southold Town B~llding subsection 6A. fin~ Zone for the a copy of Ordinance~ I am sending this at the Commissions consideration a proposed ammendment A~ticle III, Section request of Supervisor and approval. to Albert s on, Yours truly Building Inspector March 17, 1964 So~thold Town Board 16 south Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen~ The Southold Town Plannlng Board requests an opportunity at your convenience to further d~s~uss ~ropose~ amendments to the Building ~one Ordinance co~cern ing, I. Article III, Section 300, a new Sub- divisio~ 4A concerning Stables and riding academies. II. Article IV concernLng Offices Section 400~ Subdivis ion 5, banks and financial institutions. I~. Article X, a new minimum square foot area Section X000B, for res idences. concerning These are rather complex problems Board would appreciate discussing them the Town Board. and the Planning further w Very truly you rs, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Planmng Board -~OUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John \YJickharn, Chairman Alfred Grebe Archibald Report to: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York March 10, 1964 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on March 10, 1964: In the matter of the proposal of the Southold Town Board to amend the Building Zone Ordinance, the Planning Board favorably recommends to the Town Board the following amendment: By amending Article III, Section 300, subdivision 6 of said ordinance to read as follows: 6A. Public utility buildings, structures, or facilities, when authorized as a special exception by the Bard of Appeals, as hereinafter provided. The Planning Board is of the opinion this proposed amendment will enable the Board of Appeals to place the necessary conditions and safeguards upon such facilities. In connection with the other proposed amendments set forth at the same time, the Planning Board would like to have an opportunity to study them further. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman Southold TOWn Planning Board JW/j b 0 FF~ERK ~OUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. February 4, 1964 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I., N.Y. Dear Mr. wickham; Enclosed herewith is a copy of a resolution passed by the $outhold TOWn Board at a meeting held on the 4th day of February, 1964. You are instructed to prepare an official report thereon pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. AWR/mar Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk At a meetin~ of the Town Board of the Town of Southold held &ttke Offloe. OreeJlmrt. New York. me the ~H~2RIiAS, thi~ Board ciealr~s tc amend the provisions of the Zone Ordinance of the Town of ~outhold aa hereinafter ~et forth. NOVY, THi~~FORii, B~; l'r RiiSi)LV~, ~, that the 'rown Clerk of Town of Southold be nad he hereby l~ authorised ~nd directed to tr~msmit the Pl~nntn~ Board of the Town of $outhold & c.r~/fted copy of thzm toEether with & request tn wrttin~ to said Planning Board said Plm~ning Board to prepare an official report with their commendations on said proposed amendments pursuant to the provtslor~ Arilcle IX, Section 900 of th~ Building Zone ~rdinance of the 'rows of , said proposed amendments ~eing a~ t'ollo~, to wit' L By &mending Article 111, Sect on 300 of said t~rdinance b),. ~cidl~ new subdivision, ~o be Subdivision 4A, to read aa follows. 4A. Stable~ and riding acadeinies, ~vh,.'n authorised aa a special ¢~cception by the ~oard of A ppe~!s aa herinafter provided. 11. By amending Article 111. Section 309. Subdivision 6 of said to read u fellows. 5. Public utili'.y buildi~ig$, structures,, or I'&e/llties, --;rhea authorized aa a speclai~ exception Dy the Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provideA. ILl. By amending Article IV, =ection 4'~9, ~ubdiv]$;:o:~ 5 of said to read ns follows. . .,., ba ka and f~na~c;al lnsti+ut~ons. IV. By amencli~g Article X of said ,L ,rdinance b> a~:ding thereto a new ection to Oe Section I.)00B, to read as fcllown- a~CFICN IO00B - ll~ any iD~atrict, no dweil~n~ shall i~ hereafter erected or altered unless provision sh~ll be made there tn for not less tl~n ='ilIht hundred and fill& (>350) square feet of opae~ within the exterior of the foundation w&ll~ at ground level exclusive of a {&r&{e, car p~rk, car port, op~=~.n porch or terrmcem, or other extensions outside the b(~d>~ of the house, Provided however, that f~,t'y (50) per,.cent of the habitable area of the second story may be used and applied to the area requirement of the first floor. Notwithstandin~ anything hereinabove to the contrary the area of the second floor shall be inc{ uded in computin{~ the area of the t~ tal' lma}~ita{ule area when the finished f!(>or of the second story ha8 a clear headroom of not less than seven and one- half (7 1~2) feet with knee wails of no~'less than five (5) feet and when th~ second floor is serviced by a permanently placed stairway.