HomeMy WebLinkAboutRace Point Corp. Amend #56 WHEREAs, o petition was heretofore filed with the TOwn Board of the Town of Southold by ......Z.~.Z....~!......~.~.~.. ~ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made o part thereof by chang- ~ng from ...i'.~'...~'~S~,~t~,~, & ~r'~"~'~[ .......... District to ...".~1.?.. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, o public hearing in relation to ~aid petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ],2~ day ................................ 19.~-~.-.-, and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is g~IC~i~t~o Order o~ the 8outho,Ld Town BOard A~bert :.~£~t.t~mV~on~' o£ ~anu~ry ~.?, ~964. T~en CAezk SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. COOm~ or d&~y o£ ~anuar~ -- -- 19..~4 ~ · :-':':': OP ZONING ORDJZ~CE I~IOTICE IS ~y t~t ~r a public ,h~ held me 'm~: of '~ut~, Suffo~ County, ....~w York, w~ dffiy ~nded at a ~~_.,~~ of _..,mt five bea~ ~fe referred to ,the true..~an~:': - ."::::<:::'-:::' '--' -: -- : :::: .... ~:.~ .......... being duly Sworn, says that .... 'ff..~... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; the Southold Town Board held 'on 'I:~ecember 10, 1963, as ,f,o,Bo, ws: I and that the notice, o.f which the annexed is a printed copy, · 1.- Sy clhang~ ~rom A Resi- dential, and AgriCUltural District'l has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each to. "B" Business Disi~et .the fol-t lowing .desqribed proper~y: "'All that oe~tain tr. act or par- :eel' .of land si~ua~: .at Cutch0gue, in .t a he Town of Southold, Suf- .. folk '.Oounty, New Y0r,k, ,and more 'particul~ly ~bounded 'and .de- sc.ribed .as follows. Beginnir4g .~.t a point on .the igortht~rly line' of Main l~oad at the Southwest corner of land now 'or formerly o.f .Austin and Rttnning thence S. 49° 38' 5t)" W~st 554.04 feet .along t~ne erly line of Main Road to a point, .said point' .being at the center, line of a rig, hr of way at the Sou.thwe~st corr~e, of the ' lands herein descri~d~ thence: : l~l.. 43° 1~/' 50" West 635.08 feet along :the. center line of the said right of way to land now or for- merly of R. Sterling Estate liaence 'along said land of R. Sterling Estate N. 47° 06' 20'" East 551J90' feet .to land now formerly of Doroski; thence along said land of Doroski S.I 43° 5~/' 10" East 493.95 feet tot a manmnent at .the l~orthwestl 'corner of land now or formerly t ,of Austin; .thence from said ,monument. al, ong said lands of Austin S. 41° 50' 40" East 165.82 f.~.ee.t to the ,point or pl~c,e Of be- ginning. 2:. By ohar~ging .from ,'A" denti, al and Agricultural Dist~ct to "B" Busine6s Distric~ .the" foli~w- ing described ,property' All-th.at certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers' Is- land, in th~ Town of Southold-, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded 'and .de,scribed as follows' Parcel indicated as Bio. 2 on ma~ of Plan of Fort H2 G. Wright RaserVat~~n ,by Ohandler Palmer., Revised February 21, 1957' Beginning at .a point on ,the Northwesterly line of Whistl- er Avenue, said point being locat- ed 1110.48 feet South of ~ point w~i~h is 6518.48 feet west of 'the said "PROS"-mon~ent and thence' running North 25 ° . 10' We,~t 159.9 feet; them~ South 53° 15' West 89.31 feet; thence South 6?° 17' W.~st 157.85 feet; .thence North 43° 06' West I177~41 feet} ,these .last four lines iabutting Northeasterly and Northwesterly on land of .the said ~rry Dis- trict; thence South 4~° 06' West ,10~,85 _f~ .abuttiing' Northwest- :erly: On ~he" land desli~ated as ',U.-S. C. ~. quarters Site"; thellce'-~south 41° 52, Fast 456.33 feet, abutting Soutlawesterly on said Ferry District land; thence '.along said Whistler-Avenue line l~l~rt~ 6~o 13' East I~22.1 feet to ~;. ~the. point,of .begi~g, me bear- rags in .the above d~bed 'par- cel 'are referred to true meri- · dian. week, for .......................................................... ~~-~ .......................... week~ successively commencing on the ........... ~:~.& ............. day of ..... ~~.~.~:-~--:'. ...... 19,(~. ..... , S,wo.rn to before me this .... /...~....~..,. .... ~ day of .......... ~i'[...~ ..... "~ "'.~ ........ -(~-'-. [ $"f:'.. ~ "_ . '~_.'-.:. ,. -, [".IOTAR~" [.' .' · :, ,' i'::w York lie: i:_:' ' '" :otinty Clkz. l" . - .... Commission E:::.i,' es March 30, l ,map of Plan of Fort H. G. Wright .i~eservation by Chandler & Palmer, l~evised February 21, 1957' Beglrming ,at a po.iht on the Northwesterly line .of W,his- Avenue, said ,point being~ tler ~ a ~o[nt~ ~hich ~' 5843.~ t of the said P ' ' - merit %nd , thence running North 41 52 West 618.6 ~et to~ land designated as the U..S. Ooast Guard .~te for ~,ers Is- land Life Boat Stati, on , abut-' ting No~r~eas~rly on said Fer- ry District land, this last bear-~ lng is referred to the true m.er-I idian; thence south 55° 30' West~ ~265.70 feet to a spike, abu~ Northwesterly on .~id Life Station :Site; thence North 5 00' West 119.95 f~t to a rod,' abutting Northeasterly on said Life Boat .station Site and a site of the Department of the Navy; thence ,South 50° 33' west 18;2.75 feet; the~e North 49~ .51' West -- 25.0 feet; thenc,e North 50° 3~' -- ~ast 40.0 feet; thence No~th 49° -- 51' West ?0 f~et to a rod; thence .North 41 09 East 31~.2 feet a r~ at the shore of ~she~ Isled ~und, these last five lines abutting Nor~westerlY, on the ~id Navy ,Site, these seven bearings are refe~ . the m. agntic meridian; then~ following .the m.~ders .,o[ s~ shore line in a ,~u~wester~y rection ,~bout 1800 feet ~ l~d~ ': North 67° 13 ~t,f~~, 12~ thence ~uth ~z feet; thence ~orth 67 329~2 feet; t~ence North 2~ West 125 feet; thence N,orth 6~/* .13' East 768,,55 feet .to ~he ,point of beginning, these last five lines abutting southeasterly, South- westerly, Southeasterly, No ~rth- easterly and So.tttheasterly on land of said ,Ferry District, these NOT ICE OF OF ZONING AMENDMENT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 5 6 NOTICE IS ,rs uant to the ( including suffolk of the ~REBY GIVEN, that after a requirements of law, the the Building zone MaP) of the county, New York, was pub lic Southold hearing Building zone held ordinan Town of Southold, duly amended on December Town Board held at a regular meetir. 10, 1963, as loll( District By to changing from "A" "B" Business Residential and Agricultural District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or s ituated at Cutchogue, in the suffolk county, New York ~ and parcel of land Town o f Sou thold 0 more particular ly bounded and de s c rib e d as follows: Beginning at a of Main Road at the or formerly of Austin 38' 50" West 554.04 of Main Road to a point on the southwest Northerly 1 ine and corner of land now thence S. feet Running Norther ly point, along the center line of a right of said point corner of the lands herein way at the 43° 17' 50" line of the West said 635.08 right described;' feet along the formerly of Ro sterling of way to land said land of R. sterling line East 551.90 feet to land Estate; being at the Southwest thence along said land of thence N. 493.95 feet to a monument center land now or formerly of now or thence along Estate N. 47° 06' 20" now or Doroski at the Austin; formerly of Doroski; S. 43° 57' 10" East Northwest corner of thence from said "Page 2 Legal Notice son umen t along said lan d East 165.82 feet to the o By District to Property: of Austin S. 41° point or Place of $0' 40" beginning. changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural "B" Business District the following described All situated Suffolk bounded that certain tract at Fishers or Parcel County, Is land, in,he Town and York, and more descr/bed as follows: of land of Southold, particularly Fort Parcel indicated as No. H. G. Wright Reservation February Revised Northwesterly the being located 2 on map of 5518.48 by Chandler 21, 1957: Beginning at a line of Whistler Avenue, 210.48 f~et feet West thence running South 53° 15' of the South of a said ,. PROS North 25° 10' West 157.85 West 89.31 feet; thence these last four lines Northwesterly thence South Northwesterly Quarters s ite"; feet, on land West 48° 08' feet; Plan of & Palmer, po/hr on North abutting land; thence said point abutting 67° 13' the East point which to monument and 159.9 of the thence 43° 06' feet; thence South 67°17, West 377.41 Northeasterly said Ferry West 108.85 feet and designated 41° 52' District; abutting on said as "U. S. C. on the land East 456.33 Ferry District Avenue thence SOuth point of line North beginning, Southwesterly along said WhiStler 322.1 Ge bearings in meridian. Parcel are re£erred feet to the the above true described feet; page Legal Noti=e Parcel H. G. Wright February westerlY 21, line 346.92 feet west of the North 41° 52' indicated as Boat station", Reservation District No. 3 on map by chandler & 1957: to a Beginning of at a point of Whistler Avenue, south of a point which plan of s a i d "PROS" Palmer, on the Fort Revised N~rth- s a id po iht be ing is 5843.34 feet monume n t an d west 618.6 feet to land coast Guard site for abutting Northeasterly land, this last bearing me r ldian; south 55 thence running des ignated as Island Fishers spike, thence abutting Life S it e; thence station to a rod, abutt lng station on sa id Ferry Navy; iS referred 30' west site and to the 205.70 Northwesterly thence south North 51° 00' feet on said Life Boat Nor theas te rly a site of the west 119.95 feet on said Life Boat 50° 33' west Department of feet 182.75 North 49°- 51' west 25.0 feet; thence East 40.0 feet; thence North North 49° 51' west to a rod; thence North 41 09' East 317.2 rod at the shore lines f ire/abu tt lng of Fishers NorthwesterlY, sa id Navy on the Island sound, =eferred to the Northeasterly site meanders magnetic Southeasterly bearings are following the southwesterly of the said East 785.60 thence North 22° 47' West 768.55 feet of said shore direction about Ferry these the thence Distr ic t; feet; thence 50° 33' 200 feet feet to a these and last last seven met idian; 1 ine in a 1800 feet to south land 67° 13' thence Nor th thence 22° 47' East 125 feet thence 67° 13' East 329.2 feet~ 125 feet; thence North 67° 13' to the point of beginn lng, North East these last Page 4. - Legal Notlce five lines abutting Southeasterly, Southwesterly, S outhea s te r 1 y, Northeasterly and Southeasterly on these last five of said Ferry District, bearings land are referred to the true meridian. DATED: December 10, 1963. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN ~DARD ALBERT W. TOW~ RICHMOND, CLERK PLEBE A-mF IDAV ITS PUBLISH ONCE, OF PUBLICATION DECEMBER 2 0, TO THE TOWN 1963, AND FORWARD CLERK, MAIN ROAD, sE (6) SU~THOLD, NEW YORK. MINUTES TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 12, 1963 A public hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Sou/hold on Tuesday, November 12, 1963, at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. There were present: Supervisor Albertson, Justice of the Peace Clark, Councilman GrathwohI, Councilman Demarest, Harold Price, Superintendent of Highways and Albert Richmond, Town Clerk. Absent: Justice of the Peace TuthilI. The Legal Notice was read as follows: Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of SouthoId, Suffolk County, New York, public hear- ing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on the 12th day of November, 1963, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposaIs to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southo~i, Suffolk County, New York. (1) By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Cutchogue, in the/own of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as folIows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Main Road at the s~outhwest corner of land now or formerly of Austin and running thence South 49 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds West 554.04 feet along the northerly line of Main Road to a point, said point being at the center Iine of a right of way at the southwest corner of the lands herein described; thence North 43 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds Southold Town Board -2- November 12, 1963 West 635. 08 feet along the center line of said right of way to land now or formerly of R. Sterling Estate; thence along said land of R. Sterling Estate North 47 degrees 06 minutes 20 inches East 551.90 feet to land now or formerly of Doroski; thence along said land of Doroski South 43 degrees 57 minutes 10 seconds East 493.95 feet to a monument at the northwest corner of Land now or formerly of Austin; thence from said monument along said land of Austin South 41 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds East 165.82 feet to the point or place of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated October 22, 1963. By order of the Southold Town Board, Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk. The affidavit of publication was noted. follows: The recommendation of the SouthoId Town Planning Board was read as In the matter of the petition of Irving J. Billard, Ellis F. BiILard and Russell E. Billard for a change of zone (description follows as above). RESOLVED that the Planning Board favorably recommends to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on the property of Irving J. BiIlard, Ellis F. BiILard and Russell E. BilLard. The Board feels that this is a natural extension of the Business District as the area has been used for business purposes for many years. It is further RESOLVED that the PLanning Board further recommend to the Town Board that the property of Austin immediately to the East of the BilIard property be included in the Business District. Since the Austin parcel is only 100 feet wide it is the only parcel which separates the Billard property and the present business property of Doroski to the East. SUPERVISOR: We have the application signed by Russell, Irving and Ellis BilLard. Is there anyone who wishes to speak in favor of this change of zone? RICHARD CRON, ESQ.: I am appearing on behalf of the BiIIards in favor of this zone being changed from "A"Residentiai to Business. The lands to the West are ali zoned for business. The land at the East is also zoned Business; it is about 200 feet to the Doroski land which is zoned business. This would be a contiguous parcel if zoned business. A portion of the Billard premises has been used for an unconforming use. A cider mill has been run on this property for many years. SUPERVISOR: Does anyone else wish to be heard in favor? Does anyone else wish to be heard in opposition to this change? No one at ali. Are there any questions any member of the Board would like to ask the attorney for the applicants ? SouthoId Town Board -3- November If not we will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. The hearing was closed at 7:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Margaret A. Youn~ 1963 WILLIAM WICKHAM CUTCHOGUE, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK November 6, 1963 Hon. Lester M. Albertson Supervisor, Town of Southold South Street Greenport, New York Dear Let: It has been brought to my attention that you are to have a hearing on an application for a change of Zone on property on the north side of Main Road, Cutchogue, now owned by Billard interests. Since I view the application with some alarm, I am taking the liberty of Urging your denial of it. Cutchogue is still a small Country hamlet with adequate business section. It would seem unwise at this time to establish another unless it is the intention of the Board to open up all of Route 25. In the past year I have had several inquiries for the purchase of my frontage on the Main Road for commercial purposes. I have turned them down on the 'basis of this being a residential section and would not eVen Consider making an application to your Board. There are, of Course, exceptional instances where a change of Zone is desirable for the proper expansion of business sections or for the good of the community. This in my humble opinion, is not one of them. WW: rash Very cordially yours, ? · 'ursua. nt--ro Section 265 of .the' Town Law and Article IX of 'the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public ben, rings will .be held ,by. the . South old Town Board ,at the office of ,the Supervisor,. 16 South Street, ~r~rt, New York, in 'said town on ,the 12th day of Nov~nber,. 1~3, .at 7:30 o'clock in ,the evenh~ of '~id ~day, on the ~follow~n~ pre~o~ to ~',amend .the Building Zone Ordinance (includ- ing ~he Build~.~g Zcme Ma~s) of the Town of Southold, Suffo}~ Coun- ty, New York. I~'. 1._ i3y c~ang!n..g' f~om "A" Resi- · · B ' Businass.: District the fol- ' ~owing .desC,~bed '. l~ro~er~y: All that eer~in tract or Par- eel of land situated .at. Cutohogue, in the Town of Southold, Suf- folk ,Oounty, New York, and more l~articularly ~bounded 'and de- ~eri.bed as follows: Begi~ .at a point on ,the Northerly line of Main Road at the Southwest corner :"of land. .now or formerly of Austin and Rurming ther~ce S. 49° 38' 50/' West 554.04 feet al~mg t~he ~lorth- erly l'me of Main P~oad to 'a point, said point' ,beir~g ~t the center line of a right of way at the Sou,thwest corne~ of the lands here~n described; thence ~. 43° 1.7' 50" 'W~st 635.08 feet along the center line of t~e said right of way to land .now or f~r- ,merly of P~. · Sterling Estate; ~ence 'along said land of R.' Sterling Estate N. 47 ~t 551~ feet-.to lar~d now formerly of ,Do--i;. thence along said land of Doroski S. 43° 57' 10" l~st 493.95 f~et to ,a m~nument at the Northwest 'corner of land now or formerly of Austin; .thence from said ·non, un~nt 'along said land of Austin S. 41° 50' 40," East 165.82 ft~et to the ~oint or pla~: of" be- .Any ,person deS',~ring ,to be heard on the proposel amendment ~hould appear at the time and ol~ce above specified.- DA~: October 32, 1963. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD T~WN BOARD A~T W. RICHMOND, TOWN STATE OF NEW YORK, ,~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, .......... ~ .... ~/~::~....~.~~~~ ..... ~~.~..~:~.~m ......... being duly Sworn, says that .... '~ ........... is P~nter ~d Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenpo~, ~ said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a p~nted copy, has been published in the s~d Suffolk Times once in each week, for .......................................................... ~.~ ........................... week~ succesmvely commencing on the ....... ~~:~~ .... ~ ..... Sworn to before me this day of ........... : ........ ~ ............ ~= ..................... NOTARf FUL~LiC. Statc of New York Residin~ i:; ~';uf~',lk County Clks. N,. 52-5826400 Commission Expires March 30,196 LEGAL NOTICE , _ ' .........11 ,ill NOTICE OF HE~ING TO AMEND ZONING ON PROPOSAL ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the To~n Law and Article IX of the Bulld/ng Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 sOuth Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on the 12th day of November, 1963, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. District By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of Main Road at the Southwest corner of land now or formerly of Austin and Running thence S. 49 38' 50" West 554.04 feet along the Northerly line of Main Road to a point, said point being at the center line of a right of way at the Southwest corner of the lands herein described; thence N. 43° 17' 50" West 635.08 feet along the center line of the said right of way to land now or formerly of R. Sterling Estate; thence along said land of R. Sterling Estate N. 47° 06' 20" Page 2 - Legal Notice East 551.90 feet to land now or formerly of Doroski; thence along said land of Doroski S. 43° 57' 10" East 493.95 feet to a monument at the Northwest corner of land now or formerly of Austin; thence from said monument along said land of Austin S. 41° 50' 40" East 165.82 feet to the point or place of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: October 22, 1963. i BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD i TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. TOWN RIC BMOND, CLER~ PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 25, 1963, AND FORWARD AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE TOWN CLERK, MAIN $OUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on October 23, 1963.. The $ u f fo lk Time s The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Richard J. Cron, Esq. Watchman THREE (3) Southold Town Planning Board 'c;OUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNI N~ BOARD MEMBERS ,John '~/ickhem, Chairman I'len ry Molsa Alfred grebe Archibald Young ~t¢'il lie m UnEelb~ch Report to: Southold Town Board Southold, New yOrrk October 4, 1963 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting Tuesday, October 1, 1963: In the matter of the petition of Irving j. Billard, Ellis F. Billard and Russell E. Billard for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Cutchogue, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of Main Road at the Southwest corner of land now or formerly of Austin and running thence S. 49° 38' 50" West 554.04 feet along the Northerly line of Main Road to a point, said point being at the center line of a right of way at the Southwest corner of the lands herein described; thence N. 43° 17' 50" West 635.08 feet along the center line of the said right of way to land now or formerly of R. Sterling Estate; thence along said land of R. Sterling Estate N. 47° 06' 20- East 551.90 feet to land now or formerly of Doroski; thence along said land of Doroski S. 43° 57' 10" East 493.95 feet to a monument at the Northwest Corner of land now or formerly of Austin; thence from said monument along said land of Austin S. 41° 50' 40" East 165.82 feet to the point or place of beginning; it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board favorably recommends to the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B' Business District on the property of Irving J. Billard, Ellis F. Billard and Russell E. Billard. Page 2 - Report to: South~ld Town Board The Board feels that this is a natural extension of the business district as the area has been used for business purposes for many years. It is further RESOLVED that the Planning Board further recommend to the Town Board that the property of Austin immedia~ly to the east of the Billard property be included in this business district. Since the Austin parcel is only 100 ft. wide it is the only parcel which separates the Billard property and the present business property of Doroski to the east. Respectfully submitted, Archibald N. Young, Acting Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /jb OFF~ERK SOUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. Sept. 25, 1963. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I., N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Irving j, Ellis F. and Russell E. Billard of Cutchogue, N.Y. relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Cutchogue, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/mr Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond TOWn Clerk CAS NO: ..f.t..5[. ........... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTtlOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. ~, ...W.e,....R.~:.s..~.]:~...~.*....]~5:~'.~.{~ ........ residing at ..... ~¢~.9..h..q.g~..e. ........................... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ...... ~,~g~l.~ ................................ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of Main Road at the Southwest corner of land now or formerly of Austin and running; thence S. ~9~38'50'' West 55~.0# feet along the Northerly line of Main Road to a point, said point being at the center line of a right of way at the Southwest corner of the lands herein described; thence N. ~3°17'50'' West 635.08 feet along the center line of the said right of way to land now or formerly of R. Sterling Estate; thence along said land of R. Sterling Estate N. 47~06'20'' East 551.90 feet to land now or formerly of Doroski; thence along said land of Doroski S. ~3~.57'10" East 493.95 feet to a monument at the Northwest corner of land now or formerly of Austin;~x~~xE~ ~x~x~tx~l~x~i~x~x~mx~x~Ei~r~X thence from said monument along said land of Austin So ~1°50'$0'' East 165.82 feet to the point or place of Beginning. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the 'rown or Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including lhe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To amend the zoning restrictions of the above described parcel from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District pursuant to Article IX of the Building Ordinance of the Town of Southold. It is respectfully submitted that said parcel along the distance of its Southerly boundary on South Main Road be rezoned to "B" Busi- ness District to a minimum depth of 350 feet Northerly from said Southerly boundary line. 3. Such requestis madeforthefollowing reasons: The above described parcel of land is bounded on the West by lands of Sterling which are now zoned "B" Business District. On the East b~undary, with the exception of a small parcel of land having approximately 100 foot frontage on the Main Road, there is land belonging to Doroski having a minimum 200 foot frontage on the Main Road, which is also zoned "B" Business District. Your Petitioners' lan~ upwards of 50 years, has been used to conduct a business of operating a Cidar Mill, which use of the premises is non-conforming to present applicable zone restrictions. The non-conforming use of Petitioners' land, and the character and uses of the surrounding land requires that the above described parcel be also zoned for business if there is to be z conformity with any overall plan of development for the area. To rezone the subject premises would in no way be detrimental to the owners of the adjacent and surrounding properties and would, in fact, be beneficial to the community and to that a~c~n ~a~ it ~w~ldbn~ovi~e a bus~nems district in an area where there n~ exists ~s~w~ic~ ~$ ~$n$~aRe~ntial and Agricultural and which are now and have been for a long period of time used for business purposes. (L. S.) .................... STATE OF NEW YORK,) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) Irving G. Billard Ellis F. Billard Russell E. Billard ................................................................................ BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) o~vn knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it te be true. Sworn to before me this ..1.~.h.. day of ......~.~.p.~..e..m..'~..e.?.. ....... 19...~3 I~ICI~ARD ].C~ON~ --* $2-5861280 - Suffolk Cou,~tY . / WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....... Jl4~JJB..I~.~(~fT..(:J~RIflI~BATI:tJlIJ' ......................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a port thereof by chang- ing from .-~&."....JJ~ll'J,do~JJ,J.~..ll~6istrict to "B" B~,lfll~Olllll Ag:r 1 f~lt,~lgL~. ............................................ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in rela¢ion to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....]....~..?~... ....... day of ............ ~ ................. · 19.....6..3., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is By Grde,T o£ the Baud. hold ~ ~d. B~fec~vo an o~ ~y 17, 1~4. OFF~~ ~ ERK S~UTHE}LD, L. I., N. Y. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and sams that he resides at Southold, N.Y. in the Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk; that he ks the Town Clerk of the Town of $outhold; that on the 7th day of January , 19 64 , he posted a copy of the NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING NO. 56 , together with the official Zoning Map showing same, on the signboard maintained by him pur- suant to town law in the $outhold Town Clerk's Office at Southold, New York; that such posting by him was done pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law and pursuant to the resolution of the $outhold Town Board. A copy of the Amendment is annexed hereto. ~'/ (L.S.) Subscribed and SWorn to before me this 7th day of January 19 64 No, ar y Public that "~r. a public h~ held ~s~t ~ ~ ~~men~'. of ~w,'~e ~ll~ng Zone.O~~e (inclu~g t~ B~~,Z~e '~p) of the 'Town of Southold, Suffolk County, lFew York, was duly amend~ at ,a regular m~eti~ of the .Southold Town Board held on ,.D~mber 10, 1963, ~s follows: 1.-By c~h.~nging Sore "A" Resi- dential ·.and Agricultural District to "B" Bu~ess District the fol- ~lowing desqribed Brope~ty' Ail .that ee~tain tract or par- eel of land Situated .at Cut~hogue, in the Town of SO~tliold,:~'Suf- f01k Oounty, New Yor, k, and more particularly ,bounded and de- ,Scribed as follows: ~Begi~ .a~..a point on..the l~orth~rly line Of ~alii l~Fd '-at the Southwest corner of land now or formerly of Austin and Running, thence S. 49° 38' 50." West 554.04 feet along 't~e ~or. th- erly line ,of Main R~d to a point, said point .being at the center line of ~a right of-way .at ,the Sou.thw~st corr~r of the lands herein described;, thence N. 43° 17' ~50"'West 635.08 feet along the center line'of the said right of way to land now-or f~r- merly of R. Sterling Estate; ~hence 'along said land of R. Sterling Estate N. 47° 06' 20" East 551'~0 feet .to land now-or' formerly of Doroski;. "thence along said land of Doroski S. .43° 57' ~lO" East 493.95 feet 'to .a m~nument at 'the Northwest corner of land now or. formerly of Austin; .thence from said monument .along said. land of Aus~;in S. 41° 50' 40,, ~ast' 165.82 {.ee.t t~ the point or pl.a~e.of be- ,ginning. - ..... . . , 2. By changing' .from "A" P~si- dential and Agricultural. District to "B" Business D~stric~ .the folibw- lng described ,pro~rty:i . _ - , Ail that certain tract-or parceli of ,~a~d' situated ~ F~%s ~s-I ' land, in th, e Town of Southold,I Suffoik~ County, New York, ~andI ' ~nore particularly ~bounded an~d! de~ribe.d as followS: '-'.. ~ ' ] Parcel indicated ~s 1~o. 2.on .map of Plan of Fort. H,. G. Wright ~rvatlon ~ Chandler . & true meridian. l~,dmer, Revised February. 21, 1,95.7: Beginning :at ,a' point on .the Northwesterly line of Whistl- er Avenue, said point' ~ing locat- "'ed ~21.0.45-feet South of ~ point w~h ~s 55t8.48 feet west-of the said "PROS" monument and . .~e._.nmning Nort~ ~:0 10, 'west 159'9 feet; thence Sou. th 53°. 15' West 89.31 fee~; thence' South 67° 1T"'W. est 157~ feet; .thence North- 43° 06' West ~??.4! feet; ,the~ 1.asr four lines, abutting Northeasterly and Northwe~te~ly .~n land of .the said ~nerry Dis- trict; thence South 4S° ~' West 1~.85 feet .abuttiing l~orthwest- erly On ~he land d~ated ~ · "u. s. c. ~. C~~S''~ rote '; thence .south 41° 52' East-456.33 feet,'~'abutting SouthWeSterly on ' ~aid.~~~,: ..~...S~C~]I~; thence ings. in ~he above d~~ar-! TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; ~n.d that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said S.uffo~ Times once in each week, for ............................................................... ~f...c~. ...................... week~ succesmvely commencing on the .......... ~~.~ .......... .... day .............. ~'['~ Swo,rn to before me this ...... /...~......~...:... ~ dayof .......... ~~~... 19 ..... ..~.~ STANLEY 3. CORWIN NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New Yo~ Reddi.n~ i:'.,_ ::;:.!'f?.]_!~ County Clks. N:::. 52~5526400 Commission Expires M~rch 30,196 ! Parcel indicated as No. 3 / map of Plan ~of Fort .II. G. Wrig. ~ 'l~eser~ation by Chart ~ - , dler & Palmer, Revised February 21, 1957' Beginning ,at a point on the Northwesterly line, of W~his- tier Av, enue, said ,point being 346..92 feet South of a point which is .5843.34 feet West of the said "PROS" monu_l~~. ment aond' then~ce running North 41 .52 West 618.6 ~,,eet to land designated as the U. S. Coast Guard .Site for Fishers Is- land Life Boat Start,on", abut- ting Northeasterly .'on said Fer- ry District land, this last bear- ing is referred to the tru,e mer_/too idian; South ~55° 3.0'. thence West 1205.70 feet to a spike, abutting p~r '..N~rthwesterly on said Life . Station .Site; th,ence North 00' West 119.95 feet to a abutting Northeasterly ,on said t~qdo~ Life Boat .Station Site and a site l[a.~q~ i of the Department of the Navy.~ ~u~. ~. thence .South~ 50° 33' West-18'2.75 ~¥ feet; ther~ce North 49° ,51' West/pIot .2.5.0 feet; thence North 50° ~East 40.0 feet' tih,en.ce North 49° ~qm~ $1' West 200 feet to a rod; thence/~.xru!~ North 41° 09' East 3.17,2. feet to ,~ a rod at the .shore .of Fishers ~. p~.a Island SOund, these last five Ilnes abuttir~g Northwesterly, ~I l~orth, easterly and Southeasterly ) oI~I On the said~ Navy .Site, these last .'Z even bea~ngs are referred to tuo ~he magntie meridian; thence .following 'the°meanders ~)f said ~ah0re line in a 'Southwesterly dj- ~ ~t~.~ rection .about 1800 feet to, land · of the said Ferry District; thence North 67° 13' .East 78.5.60 feet. tahence South 2,2° ' 47' ~V, ast 125. l~t; thence ~o"rth 67° 13' Eastt 329:2 feet; th, erme North 22° · W~st 12.5 feet; thence N, orth o !1 ' ' : 67 · 3' East 768.55 feet .to t~e ,point[ . o! beginning, these last five l'mes! abuttiag Southeasterly, south_ I W _e~oerly, Southeasterly, 1Vorth-~ east~, fly and Sou,th.easterly on/ land .of said 'l~erry District, these t LEGAL NOTICE - "'" '" ' ' '~ - - - i ! 1~ i ~1 ___~ NOTICE OF OF ZONING AMENDMENT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 5 6 NOT ICE IS ~pursuant to the (including the Suffolk County, of the Southold HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public hearing held requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance Building Zone Map) of the Town of Southold, New York, was duly amended at a regular meeting Town Board held on December 10, 1963, as follows: 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of Main Road at the southwest corner of land now or formerly of .Austin and Running thence S. 49° 38' 50" West 554° 04 feet along the Northerly line of Main Road to a point, said point being at the center line of a right of way at the Southwest corner of the lands herein described; thence N. 43° 17' 50" West 635.08 feet along the centex' line of the said right of way to land now or formerly of R. Sterling Estate; thence along said land of R. Sterling Estate N. 47° 06' 20" East 551.90 feet to land now or formerly of Doroski; thence along said land of Doroski S. 43° 57' 10" East 493.95 feet to a monument at the Northwest corner of land now or formerly of Austin; thence from said Page 2 - Lega± Notice monument along said land of Austin S. 41° 50' 40" East 165.82 feet to the point or place of beginning. 2. By District property: changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District ~the fo 11 ow in g described Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated Suffolk bounded at Fishers Island, in ~he Town of Southold, County., New York, and more particularly and described as follows: Parcel indicated as No. 2 on map of Plan of Fort H. G. Wright Reservation by Chandler & Palmer, Revised February 21, 1957: Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly line of Whistler Avenue, said point being located 210.48 f~et South of a point which is 5518.48 feet West of the said "PROS" monument and thence running North 25° 10' West 159.9 feet; thence South 53 o 15' West 89° 31 feet; thence South 67°17' West 157.85 feet; thence North 43° 06~, West 377.41 feet; these last four lines abutting Northeasterly and Northwesterly on land of the said Ferry District; thence South 48° 08' West 108.85 feet abutting Northwesterly on the land designated as "U. S. C. G. Quarters Site"; thence South 41° 52' East 456.33 feet abutting Southwesterly on said Ferry District land; thence along said Whistler Avenue line North 67 13' East 322.1 feet to the point of beg inn lng, the bearings in the above de s cr ibe d parcel are referred to true meridian. Page ~ - Legal Notice Parcel H. G. Wright February 21, westerly line 346° 92 feet West of the o North 41 the "Uo So indicated as No. 3 on map Reservation by Chandler & 1957; Beginning at of Whistler Avenue, South of a point which s a i d "PROS °' monument 52' West 618.6 feet to of Plan of Fort Pa liner, R evis e d a po int on the N~rth- said point being is 5843.34 feet and thence running land designated as Coast Guard Site for Fishers Boat Station '° , District land, Island Life abutting Northeasterly this last bearing is thence South 55° 30' true meridian; to a spike, abutting Station Site; thence toa rod, abutting Northwesterly North 51° 00 .' on sa id Ferry Station Site and a referred to the West 205.70 feet on said Life Boat West 119.95 feet Northeasterly on said Life Site of the Department of Boat the Navy; thence South 50° North 49-0 51' West 25.0 33" West 182.75 feet; thence feet; thence North 50° 33' East 40o0 feet; thence North to a rod; thence North 41° rod at the shore lines five/abutting Southeasterly of Fishers Northwesterly, on the referred meanders bearings are following the O 49 51' West 200 feet 09' East 317.2 feet to a Is land Sound, these last Northeasterly and sa id Navy Site, these last seven to the magnetic meridian of said shore line in a thence Southwesterly direction about 1800 feet to land of the said Ferry Distric t; thence Nol.th 67° 1.3' East 785.60 feet; thence South 22° 47 ' East th en c e Nor th 22° 47 ' West 67' 13~' East 329.2 feet; 125 feet; thence North 67 768.55 feet to the point of beginn lng, thence 13' these 125 feet; North East last Page 4- Legal Notice five 1 ines abutting Southeasterly, Southwesterly, Southeasterly, Northeasterly and Southeasterly on of said Ferry District, these last five bearings referred to the true meridian. DATED: December 10, 1963. land are BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD SOUTHOLD ALBERT W. TOW~ RICHMOND, CLERK PLEBE PUBLISH ONCE, AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION NEW YORK. DECEMBER 20, 1963, TO THE TOWN CLERK, AND FORWARD SIX (6) MAIN ROAD, SU~P~HOLD, ~earing on change of zoning at Fishers Island, New York November lb, 1963 A hearing was held by the Southold Town Board at the AmerXc~ Legionpublic Pall, Crescent Avenue, ~tshers Island, N~ York at 2:3~ p.m. ~ursday ~ov~her 14th, 1963. ~ere Were present: Messrs. ~he~ Tasker~ Louis ~me~st~ Oratwohl ~d Judge Hen~ ~ark. ~e meeting was opened by Justice of the Peace E. Pe~ E~ds who officiated in the absence of To~ Supe~sor Lester Albertson. Justice of the Peace E~ds read the follo~ng not~ce of P~perty ~der question: le ~ ch~ging ~m "A" Residenti~ ~d Ag~cultura! ~st~ct to Business ~strtot the following desc~bed property~ Ail that Oertain tract of parcel of land situated at Fishers Isl~d~ in the T~ of Southold, S~folk Co~, ~ew York and more parti~lar!y bounded ~d desc~bed as follows: Parcel in'cared as ~o. 2 on map of PI~ of Fort H. ~. W~ght ~se~'ation by Ch~er & Palmer, ~vised Feb~ta~ 21, 1957: Be~_mnin2 at a point on the ~orthwesterly line of ~istler Avenue, said point being loca~ , _ . ~nin~ ~or~h 2~ lO'~st 1 ~u 06~ We~ ~"- ,,.~o~ of 3.'f~ West l~v ae ~ - 53 15~ Wes~ N--+~-- ~ -J ~*~ feet; thcs, ~,, ~ ~'*~ zees} thence t~2~e~Y. ~d North~,est~rlJ ~2°~ ~_aines abutting ~ ---~ oou~ a8o 08~ ~--~ ,2~ !~" A~a of the said m -- ~he l~d de.~ .... -~ Auo.~5 feet ab-++~- - _ ..er~y · =. ~ar~ers Site,; thence !~lblie Healing - 2 . Southo~d Town Board November 14th, 1963 South 4lo 52' East 456.33 feet~ abutting Southwesterly on said Fa.try District land; thence along said I'~i t 67u 131 East ~2o · ~ ...... . . s let Avenue line North ~ ~.- ~=~ so Re pomnt of beginning, the bearing in the above described parcel are referred to true meridian. Parcel indicated as No. 3 on map of Plan of Fort H. G. Wright Reservation by Chandler & Palmer, ReVised February 21~ 1957~ Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly l~ne of Whistler A~enue~ said point being 346.92 South of ~ point which is 58~1.34 feet West of the said "PROS, monument and thence ~',m~ninE ~orth 41° 52~ West 618.6 feet ~o land designated as the "U. So Coast ~uard Site for Fishers Island Life Boat Station, abuttinE Northeasterly on said Ferry District land this last bearing is referred to the true meridian; thence South 55° 30~ I'~est 205.?0 feet to a spike, ahuttingNorthwesterly on said Life Boat Station Site; thence North 51° 00, 'West 119.95 feet to a rod~ abutting Northeasterly on said Life Boat Station Site and & site of the Depar+~ent of the ~avy; thence 2~.+.~ 50° 33 West 18~.75 feet; thence Nort o ----' ' 50~ 33' East 40.0 feet. ~ ~9~.~i.+~es~t-25~O feet; thence ~orth rod; thence North o '91h~e'"'~ ..... ,~ ~yo ~1' West 200 feet to a 41 O. ~ast 317.2 feet %o a rod at the shore of Fishers Island Sound, these last five lines abutting North. westerly~ Northeasterly, and Southeasterly on the ~aid Navy Site~ these last seven bearings are referred to the magnetic meridian; thence following the meanders of said shore line in a Southwesterly direction about 1800 feet to land of the said F~rry District; thence North 67° 13, East 785.60 feet; thence South 22u 47' East 125 thenc, North 13, feet; thence orth 47' Wes 125 feet; thence North 13~ East ?68°55 feet to the point of begi~.i~, these last five lines abutting Southeasterly~ South. :~eo~erly, ~ ~ou~heasterly, ~ortheasterly and Southeasterly on land of ?:Id Ferry District, these last ~'~= bea~ings are referred to th~ ~rue meridian. Justice of the Peace Edwards then read a letter from the Southold Planning Board to the To~ Board whereby it stated "REsoLVED theat the Planning Board favorably recommend to the To~n Board that the praperty of Race Point Corpor,~tion, Fishers, Island, New !fork situated in +,he for~er Fort Wright area, as described hereto fore~ b, changed from "A" Residential and Agricultural District +m ,B, Business Dist~ e~. The members of the Plannfhg Board have inspected this property. It is practically all occupied By warehouses, shops and barracks and business type installations, some presently in use by the Coast ~uard and U. S. Navy. The property contains practically no sites ~uitable for residential Public Nearing - 3 - November 14, 1963 Southold Town Board buildings and we feel that if it were rezened to "B" Business some ,~se would be made of mamy of the existing buildings,. This letter of which a excerpt was as above was signed by John Wickham, Chairman of the Southold Town Planning Bo~rd. Justice of the Peace Edwards then asked for comments from anyone in favor of thi~ change to "B" Business District. Mr. H. Lee Ferguson, Jr. made the following ststement: "~ have been authorized +~ represent the Race Point Corporation and on their behalf they feel it would be in the best interest of all concerned to have these parcels of land rezoned from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business. The type of b~dldings that are involved can o~ly be used for business Purpose~ end ~or the ares t~volved "B" District would seem the most ~ract~eal., Justice of the Peace Edwards asked whether there was anyone in opposition to the change of zon~ No comments were m~de at this time except for ~ request by Mr. A. John Gada to see a map of the~e areas as the descriptions of same did not ~nlighten him any. ~is request was aoknowledged and s map was shown with no comment of opposition f~om Mr. Gada ncr anyone else present. Justice of the Peace Edwards then asked for any other oow~emts either In favor of or opposed to this change of zoning. No comments were made° Justice of the Pe~ce Edwards then closed the hearing at 2:~5 p.m. for f,~rther deliberation from the Board. Respectfully submitted~ Eileen C. Grebe Secretmr~~ ~R~F. HPORTo lq. 'F., FRIDAY, NOTmE O~ ~00~ , Pursuaut to ~~ ~ of ~e ~n ~w ,~d ~le ~ of ~ ~~ ~~ O~~ce of ~e To~ of ~u~old, ~uffo~ ~~ty, New York, ~blic ~~g ~ ~ ~held .~ the So.old ~n ~~d t~~nt Av~ue,~ ~~s ~d ~.~w York, ~ ~id ~~ :~ .~e 14~ day of No~m~r. 1~3, ~t 2:~0 day. ~ the follo~ ~~ to ;:~~d' the ~B~~~ ~e ~n- ~n~ (~cludl~ ~e ~~ Zo~ ~) of-the To~ of ~uthold' SuHol~ cowry. New Y0~k. dent~'. ~ ~~ult~ ~ct ~ ."S" B~~ ~st~ct ~e ~011ow' i~g d~ri~d pro~y: ~ t~t ~n ~t~ or p~el of l~d situa~ at ~e~ ~- 1~, ~ ~ Town of Suffolk Co~ty, ~ew Y~k, ~d ~re pa~~arly ~d~ a~ ~ri~ ~ follows: P~cel i~~~ ~ No. 2 on m~ of PI~ of Fo~ ~~, ~v~d ~~~ .2~ 177: ~~~ at ~ ~ on ed ~210.~ f~t~~~ of ~'~~t ~d' "P~". ~. mon~nt W~t 159.9 f~t; ~~~u~ 53~ 15' W~t ~.31 f~; ~~~uth 6~~ 1~' ~t 15~.85 l~t; ~~ No~ ~ ~' We~ ~.41 .f~t; ~h~ 1.~t fo~ ~~'. abutt~g Nor~~terly ~d N~h~ly on l~d of ~the ~d ~ D~- t~ct; the~ Sou~ ~ ~' West 1~.85 f~ .abuttii~ ~Orthwest- erly on the l~d d~.a~ ~ "U. S. C. O. ~~rs Si~"; ~~ ~uth 41~ ~' ~t ~6.33 f~t, abutti~ ~~w~~ly on~ ~id ~~ ~~ct l~d; thence '~o~ s~d ~ist~r Avenue ~e ~r~ ,67~ 13' ~t 3~.1 feet ~ th,e po~t of ~~g, ~he ~ar- ~ in ~he' above' ,d~c.rib~ ~r- ,cel '~e refund ~ t~e me~- dian. Parcel ind~.ated ~ ~o. 3 on ~ of Plan of Fort H. ~.. Wright ~~rwtion by Chandler & p~m.~, ~vised ~b~~ 21, 1957: ~g~g ~t a point the N~hw~terly line ~ W&is- ~ler Avenue, sai, d ~nt ~being 3~..~, feet ,~uth of ~a po~t ~ch ~ ~3.34 feet West of t~ s~d "P~" m~,u,- merit ,~d' ~e~e ~~g North 41~ 52' W~t 618.6 f~t to land ~d~igna~ ~ the YU S. ~s~ G~d ~ for ~rs ~- l~d ~fe ~at S~tiOn'', abut- ~ ~~e~~ly ~ ~id Fer- ry D.~ict l~d, .~ l~t' ~'~ ~ferr~ to the true mer- id n; th,~ce ~u~ ~ ~' West ~5.~0 f~t ~ ~a ~ike, ~but~ N~hwes~rly on ~d ~fe Boat S~tion Site; the~ ~rth 51 ~ ~' W~t ~11,9.~ f~t ~ a~ r~, of ~e De~~~t of ~ feet; ~e~ Nor~ 49° ~- ~1, W~t ~.0 f~t; Sh~~ Nor.~ 50° 33' ~t ~,0 feet; the~ ~h ~o ~l'-W~t 2~ f~t ~ a r~; She~ ~o~ 41° ~' ~t- ~17.2 f~t ~ a r~ ~t ~e shore of _~~s~ I~d ~~d, the~ ~t ~tve~ STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ SS' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ......... .... .......... says that ~JJ is Pn ' · - ..... .... ,~:-: ....... 'n~er and Publisher of the SUFI.,'0LK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been. published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. for ....................................................... ~~.~ ................................ week~ successively commencing on the ........ ..~.[.~.~...~~_ .... .......... : ............. Sworn to before me this .... ~..~..._~.~i.~... ~ ' d o .......... ........ Clks, No. 52.5826400 Cotnmiesion Expires March 30,196 q th.e magntic meridian; thence following .th.e .meanders .of said shore line in a SoutJ~we,sterly di-~ rection .~bout 180,0 feet bo land of the said ,Ferry District; bherrc, e [ thence South 22 47 East 125 feet; thence N, orth 67° 13' 329~2 feet; th.e~ce North 22~ 47' West 125 ~eet; ~hence North 67~ 13' E'~t 768.55 fee~ to ~he .poin~ of be~nning, thee last five l~es abutMng South, eas~rly. South- westerly. Sou~he~terly. North- easterly and ~u,the~terly on land of said ~rry District, ~se 1,as, t five bearings are referred to .~e true me. dian. Any .~rson desi~ng ~ be heard on the proposal am~dment ~ould a~pe~r ,at ,~he time and place .above ~ecified. DA~: Oc,~ober 22. 1963. BY ~~ O~ ~E . SOUEO~ TO~ BOA~. A~~T W. ~IC~~, ~~' CLERK. 1~025 '1 [. ~oJ~S 4uoJ~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING TO AMEND ZONING ON PRO POSAL ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk CountY, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the American Legion Hall, Crescent'. Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, in said town on the 14th day of November,~ 1963, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounde~ and described as follows: Parcel indicated as No. 2 on map of Plan of Fort H. G. Wright Reservation by chandler & Palmer, Revised February 21, 1957: Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly line of WhistlerAvenue, said point being located 210.48 feet South of a point which is 5518.48 feet West of the said "PROS" monument and thence running North 25° 10' West 159.9 feet; thence South 53° 15' West 89.31 feet; thence South 67° 17' West 157.85 feet; thence North 43° 06' West 377.41 these last four lines abutting Northeasterly and Northwesterly on land of the said Ferry District; thence South 48° 08' West 108.85 feet abutting feet; Northwesterly on the land designated as "U. S. C~ G~ Page 2 - Legal Notice Quarters Site"; thence South 41° 52' East 456.33 feet, abutting land; thence 67° 13' East the bearings Southwesterly on said Ferry District along said Whistler 322.1 feet to the in the above Avenue line North point of beg inn lng, described parcel .are referred to true meridian. Parcel indicated as No. 3 on map of Plan o f Fort H. G. Wright Reservation February 21, 1957: by Chandler & Palmer, Revised Beginning at a point on the North- westerly 1 ine of Whistler Hvenue, said point being 346.92 feet South of a point which is 5843.34 feet West of the said "PROS" North 41° 52' West 618.6 the "U. s. Coast Guard monument and feet to land thence runn ing des ignated as Site for Fishers Is land Life Boat Stat ion", Dis tr ict land, abutting Northeasterly on sa id Ferry this last bearing is referred to the true meridian; thence South 55° 30' to~ a spike, abutting Northwesterly Station Site; thence North 51° 00' to a rod, abutting Northeasterly on West 205.70 feet Station Site-, and a Site of the on said Life Boat West 119.95 feet sa id Life Boat Department of the Navy; thence Sou th North 49~ 51' West 50° 33' West 182.75 feet; thence 25.0 feet; thence North 50° 33' 40.0 feet; thence North 49° 51' West 200 feet to a rod; thence North 41° 09' East 317.2 feet to a rod at the shore of five 1 ines abutting Southeasterly on the bearings are referred following the meanders Fishers Island Sound, these Northwesterly, Northeasterly said Navy Site, these last tO of the magnetic meridian said shore line in a last and seven thence Page L=ga~ Notice Southwesterly direction about 1800 feet to ].and of the said Ferry District; thence North 67~ 13' East feet; thence South 22 ~ 47' East 125 feet; thence North o 67 13' East 329.2 feet; thence North 22° 47' West 125 feet; thence North 67° 13' East 768.55 feet to the point of beginning, theme last five lines abutting Southeasterly, Southwesterly, Southeasterly, North- easterly and Southeasterly on land of sa id Ferry District, these last five bearings are referred to the true meridian. 785.60 Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed should appear at the time DATED: October 22, 1963. and place above specified. amendment BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD. SOUTHOLD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK. PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE , OCTOBER AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO ROAD , SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. 25, 1963, AND FORWARD TPIREE (3) THE SOUTHoLD TOWN CLERK, MAIN Copies mailed to the following on The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck New London Day Race Point Corp. October 23, 1963: Watchman OFFi~D-E~K SnUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. October 2, 1963 Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board cutchogue, L.I., N.Y. Dear Mr. wickham; The original petition of Race Point Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain prop- erty situated in Former Fort Wright Area, Fishers Island, New York, is in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to;s prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR/ r Very truly your~ Albert W. Richmond Town clerk Southold Town Planmng Board SOLITHDLD, L. I., N. Y. PLAN N I NC-~ BOARD MEMBERS John Wickhem, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young '~Y/il lia m U~kelbach Report to: Southold Town Board Southold, New York October 4, 1963 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting held Tuesday, October 1, 1963: In the matter of the petition of Race Point Corporation for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at former Fort Wright Area, Fishers Island, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Parcel indicated as No. 2 on map of Plan of Fort H. G. Wright Reservation by Chandler & Palmer, Revised February 21, 1957: Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly line of W~istler Avenue, said point being located 210.48 feet South of a point which is 5518.48 feet West of the said "PROS" monument and thence running North 25' 10' West 519.9 feet; thence South,° 15' West 89.31 feet; thence South 67© 17' West 157.85 feet; thence North 43e 06' West 377.41 feet; these last four lines abutting Northeasterly and North- westerly on land of the said Ferry District; thence South 48© 08' West 108.85 feet abutting Northwesterly on the land designated as "U" S. C. G. Quarters Site"; thence South 41° 52' East 456.33 feet, abutting Southwesterly on said Ferry District land; thence along said W~istler Avenue line North 67° 13' East 322.1 feet to the point of beginning, the bearings in the above described parcel are referredto true meridian. Parcel indicated as No. 3 on map of Plan of Fort H. G. Wright Reservation by Chandler & Palmer, Revised February 21, 1957: Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly line of Whistler Avenue, said point being 346.92 feet South of a point which is 5843.34 feet West of the said "PROS" monument and thence running North 41' 52' West 618.6 feet to land designated as the "U. S. CoastGuard Site for Fishers Island Life Boat o Page 2 - ReF~_t to Southold Town Board Station", abutting Northeasterly on said Ferry District land, this last bearing is referred to the true meridian; thence South 55° 30' West 205.70 feet to a spike, abutting Northwesterly on said Life Boat Station Site; thence North 51° 00' West 119.95 feet to a rod, abutting Northeasterly on said Life Boat Station Site and a Site of the Department of the Navy; thence South 50° 33' West 182.75 feet; thence North 49° 51' West 25.0 feet; thence North 50° 33' East 40.0 feet; thence North 49° 51' West 200 feet to a rod; thence North 41° 09' East 317.2 feet to a rod at the shore of Fishers Island Sound, these last five lines abutting Northwesterly, Northeasterly and Southeasterly on the said Navy Site, these last seven bearings are referred to the magnetic meridian; thence following the meanders of said shore line in a Southwesterly direction about 1800 feet to land of the said Ferry District; thence North 67° 13' East 785.60 feet; thence South 22° 47' East 125 feet; thence North 67° 13' East 829.2 feet; thence North 22° 47' West 125 feet; thence North 67° 13' East 768.55 feet to the point of beginning, these last five line abutting Southeasterly, Southwesterly, Southeasterly, North- easterly and Southeasterly on land of said Ferry District, these last ~ve bearings are referrred to the true meridian~ it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board favorably recommend to the Town Board that the property of Race Point Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, sitated in the former Fort Wright area, as described heretofore, be changed from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District. The members of the Planning Board have inspected this property. It is practically all occupied by warehouses, shops and barracks and business type installations, some presently in use by the Coast Guard and U. S. Navy. The property contains practically no sites suitable for residential buildings and we feel that if it were rezoned "B" Business some use would be made of many of the existing buildings. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chair~2n Southold Town Planning Board /jb TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, .... l~gs..P, oinl;...U, orp.ora.~lon ................ , residing at ...... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .... · F. 9.~.e.?....F..°?.~..~?...i.g.h.~.....~...e.~ ........ and more particularly bounded and described ~5° 30 ~ We~ 205.?0 on': ~'~d Life ~al Siatton --.-- ---- ..... lhen~e ~uth' ' ~~.. ~hence ~~h'49 51 =~~ '"" · - '.- ;;7 .... '-~on ~ut 1800 feet ~,.:.. -~h~Ucs No~h 67 ~-_ -- ~r~,~.- 990 4~u W~~ fi~a X!nas ,~.bu~ting Souihaa. s'~er'~ these last five be~ings No.... ' STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE. OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. PETITION TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 1. I, .... l~oa.~.oial..~orp.ora.~loa ................ , residing at ...Y.l~hera ~eland,..~ew..Ic~.k (insert name of petitioner) "' " · Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at Former For% Wrigh~ tree . and more particularly bounded and described as follows. 'land deet_~t_ed as ali. $o C. G, 'qua----------------~ter~ $it:e"~ thence Xiae l/o~h 67° '1~' Ea~ $22.1 feet. ~o' the point' of 'tmginn/~g, ~~~ ~ioh is ~43.~ f~,et ~fes~ of ,he S~d uP~S, ~~ ~he~~ ~g_~O~h 41° ~2.0, ~Ot' 618.6 feo~ to ~h .~ ~u~h 55° 30 ~ Ife~ 205.T0 Sit~; t[i~n~e ~o~t-h 5i'~ O0'~e~t ~'9.'95 feet lo a ~d a c~'~e of ~ho Da.~-'~me~t' OE ~a ~a~; ~he~o South'0 ~ '"'~ ~f~st 1WZ,75 fee~ t~ence ~~h 49 51 eet 25, fee~; ~a~2c~a ~.~,or.'~'a 5 ~3 ~ ~s~ 40.0 feet~ ' lhence ~~h '49° 51 ~'00 ~ "' io ~ud lh,~ncc ~~h 41° 09.~ East a17.2 feet'to a Tod a'~ '~'";~'~' sho~ of Fishers Isl~d '~~d~ '~h~s~ last o~A th~ staid ~Tmvy Si'~e, ~he, se l~t ee~n ~ari'~s' ~ ~f~re, d said sho~'e line ~ = $ou'~hwest~'~ d~c~ion ~ut 1800 feel to la-,d of l~e s~d F~~ Di~tx'i~tl theuce No~h 67 785~60 feet, thence $out~ 22° '47~ ~asl 125 feet; 'thence ~~ i'~e'~i thence ~o~'~h 67~ 18 ~ ~~i T68.o5 fe~i to the . r-~fer~ea to the tru~ moridi~n~ .- CASF. NO: ...... .~-/....l.-~........ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~o~. o~ ~~ ~ow~ o~ so~~o~, s~~o~ ~:o~~, ~w ~o~. PETITION TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD- 1. I, .... R~o~..~.oi~i...G. orP.o~.a.~ion ................ , residing at ...... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New Yo.rk, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .... .F..°.~.o..r.....F.o.r~..~.r...i.g.h.~.....~..~.a. ........ and more particularly bounded and described as follows' 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows' The above properties to be zoned business as per suggestion of Planning Board in January ~ 96~. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons. This area was deemed business at time of purchase by Race Point Corporation but by request of Race Point Corporation was d~ided to leave it as residential until such time we requested the suggestion of the Planning Board be followed. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) James E. Plymire .................................................................................. , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information .and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this. 18th day of September 19 63 ...... ..... ............ ...... .... .............. ~ ........ ........... ................ ?c;~;'.;:~,, ~)' '" Notary Public. ~-DHM /V/AL/A/OI4,'_?/~,/