HomeMy WebLinkAboutVictoria,William&ReginaAmend#48WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....~~~,.~I~..~...~~...V..~.~.~!.. ..................... requesting a change, modification and a:mendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from .. ::j~.n... ~,t11-~ · .'~m~-;L~..& District to ...... District the pKoperty described in sa.id petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a pu.blic hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the .... ~ ........day of ....... 11~ ....................., 19..~,X., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is 6, 1.96]., .N~ I8 HEREBY 0~, that a2~r a pu.titc heai~g 'held (~n~d ..tug ,t~,.mmmag zo~ York, ~ d~ ~ ~Ja r~~ ~~ ~ the ~old '~~ ~ h~ ~~~r 9,..1~1,'.~ ~~s~ ~n~ ~d ~~ ~ct '~ '~" ~~' ~ct ~e fo~- ~ d~~b~. ~: ., of ~d. ~-~~ .~t ~u~d, ~e-~ 'of ~~d, Suf~ ~~, .... ~' YOrk,/ ~d ~~~ly ~~d~ ~d ~'~f~t ~~r~-fr~ ,~~ ~~ ::~ the ~~ly ~e of ~~ "~, ~id w~r~ ~~ of the ~' of ide~ ~..~d '. s~, ~' ~r~y ~ of We~ A~~: S.I~~~ 4~1.~8 f~t < ~'~ 1~.89. f~ ~ l~d ~~d:.:~ ~ f~er~ 0~ Suf- ~'~ ~' ~. o~r I~d of th~ ; .'~.'..,~'- ~~' .,~.'. ~Id ~ '~ S.~'I~~." 148 / '~. ~'~ ~~~ ~ .~~-~~.~ ~-, ~ ~..':~~~:' -" -~, ~.-:a ~~-~ ~: /.'~ o. v~: .~ {-.-~.~~t '~d ~ ~~. ~d 'now [ '..:~t .~d" ~ ~~'of a ~nd; ~ ~. ~ ~e '~. ef wh~h · 'f~' .~ .".~~-,'. ~q~ ,. ,, ~~; ,~, ~~..N~ ss- -f~t" ~ ~ ~ncr~ ~n~nt; "~. m~"~th ~':~s~4~o,'' '~~ ......~;,.,.: ~g,'. mence~ ..~.. the ~me ~~ ~a ".~e'~e ~ 'of'~ch ~ ~h , ~~. ':.now.. or · ~~~ly 'of · ~~, mO~~t · ~d ~ong .~d .~~.::' n~ ,07: fe~e~l~ o~,'~~a · .... ~' 0~~. O~ -~- . ~~T W. ~~~, ,4 ~,~?._:~:,:_1..:. ..... .' ,. :-. . - ..., .: ¥~:::~, :.:... : - -~.~ .... _ ~ ..~. ........... STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss' ...... ...~"~ ..... r~:~..:~.-~/~...-~,: ..... (~..4:...Y.~.5:..~:t:~.J.:&.? ......... , being d~y Swo~, says that ...... ~v~: ....... is P~ter and Publisher of the SUFFOLK ~S, a newspaper published at Gree,npo~, ~ said county; and that the notice, of which the a~exed is a p~ted copy, has been published in the s~d S~o~ ~mes once in each week, for .......................................................... ~~ ................................. week~ successively commenc~g on the ..... ~:~~~~~ ........... day of ......~'. ~~:~~_~~: ........ 1 9.~..f,... ............................ ~: ............. :. ................. ~~ ......... Sworn fo before ' ~'~' ' o: ....... ........ ~ ........... ~...~ .... ............................................................................. C~RNELIA C. KEOGH NOTARY PU3LtC, State ef I~eW N ..... 2.2093890 Qualified in Suffolk count~ Term Expires March 30, NOTICE OF OF ZONING AME~.NT (~.DXNANCE ~OTIC~; IS HEREBY GiVE, N, that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requ~re~nts of law, the Building Z one Ordinance (including the Building ~one .Map) of the Town o f Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on November 9, 1961, as foXlows: By changing from "A" Res~dential and Agr£cultural Distr~ct to "B': Bus,.ne, ss D~strict the. folkmwing described property:. All that ceftin tract or arcel of land s Stuated at S.outhold, in the Tow n of Southold, Suffolk county, New York, and more particularly bounde. ~d and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of wells Avenue 200 feet southe~ from ~ts inte=sectlon with the aoutherly line of Main Road, said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of the premises late of Adeline j. Becktold zoned Commercial;. running thence along 'the easterly side of Wells Avenue $.15'~45'10"E. 471.78 feet to the northerly i lne o f wells Avenue; running thence N. 70 ~ 22'20"F~. 149.89 feet to land now or formerly of suffolk County Trust Co.; running thence along sa~d land now or formerly of suffolk county Trust Co. and a right of way N. 15 "55'50"W. 464.12 feet %o sa~d other land of the ~-state of Adeline J. Becktold zoned "B" Comme. rcial and runnin g thence $. 73~ 17 * 20"~'. 148 feet more or less to the point or place of ..beginn~g. Page :2 - Leg&l Nol::t. ce By changing £rom "A' l~es~dent~al and Aqr~~Ltural DXo~:Lct ~o "M" MultXpld ReoXdence DXstric~ ~J~e ~ollow:Lng described property~ All thak certain tract or percel o~ land situated a~ Southold, ~n the Town of $outhold, suffolk County, Sew York, and more particularly bounde~ and des~ibe~ as follows: Beginn~ng at a .point on the westerly boundary llne of premises of will,am Victoria and Regina Victoria which poi.n~ ~s located South 25053` west a Distance of 250.00 feet from a concrete monu~nt set in 'the souti~,erly llne. of Ma~n Bayview Road at. northwest corner of said premises of w~.lliam Victoria and Regina G. Victoria; runn~Lng thence South 64° 07 ' east along lands of will,am Victoria Regina G. Victoria a distance of 840.00 feet to the westerly side of a private roadway; running ~.en.ce south 50°15'20" west along and across said private roadway a distance of 88.40. feet to a concrete monument and the meadow land now or formerly of Howard Terry and others ~ running thence North 830 08' we.~t along sa~d last mentioned]ands a distance of 75.37 feet to a concrete monument and the shores of a pold; running thence along the shores of said pond a..s the s~ue winds and. turns the t~.e lines of wh£ch are South 75 ': 21 ' 50" west 257.72 feet and North 0" ~.,',~, ~' ~ ..~.~'" ~'~,.~ ~-' west 72.19 feet to a concrete monument; running' thence ~orth 65 ~ 02 ' 10" west a d~.stance of 21.11 feet to a concrete mon~ent; running thence South 18°47'2e" Page 3 - ~,~~1 Hot~:Lce shores of Corey Cr'e.ek-: running the'nee along the shores of Corey Creek as the same winds and turns the tie line o~ which is South 77~36'20" west 639.22 feet to lands now or' formerly of ~oke Estate: running thence North. 2.5053' east through a concrete mon~nt and along sa~d lands now or £o='merly of .the l~.oke Estate a distance o~ 748.92 f~et to the ~Do~nt or place of beginning. DATED~ November 9, 1.961. BY ORDER OF Ti~ $OUTHOLD. TOWN ALBERT W. R~CFa~OND, TOWN CL~RK. AFFIDAVITS OF PLq~L.ICATI~ XHMEDL%~LY TO THE TO~N .CL~RK, MA~ ROAD, SOUTh., NEW york. cop. les ma~led to the follkwtng on November 14, 1961= The Suffolk Times The Long ~sland Traveler-Mattituck Watchman. PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 10, 1961 P r e s e n t : LESTER M. ALBERTSON, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Councilman CORWIN GRATHWOHL, Councilman ROBERT W. ALBERT W. TASKER, ESQ., Town Attorney RICHMOND, Town Clerk WILLIAM VICTORIA AND REGINA VICTORIA SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open this part of the hearing by reading legalnotice of the hearing. "LEGAL NOTICE, Notice of Hearing on Proposal to Amend Zoning Ordinance. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southo~Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on the 10th day of October, 1961 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. '~3, By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: "All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary line of premises of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria which point is located South 25~53' West a distance of 250.00 feet from a concrete monument set in the southerly line of Main Bayview Road at the northwest corner of said premises of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria; running thence South 64~07' east along lands of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria a distance of 840.00 feet to the westerly side of a private roadway; running thence South 50°I5'20'' west along and across said private roadway a distance of 88.40 feet to a concrete monument and the meadow land now or formerly of Howard 3 M. Terry and others; running thence North 83°08' west along said last mentioned lands a distance of 75.37 feet to a concrete monument and the sh~res of a pond; running thence along the shores of said pond as the same winds and turns the tie lines of which are South 75~21'50" west 257.72 feet and North 0~05'10'' west 72.19 feet to a concrete monument;running thence North 65°02'10" west a distance of 21.11 feet to a concrete monument; running thence South 18'~47'20'' west a distance of 146.11 feet to a post and the shores of Corey Creek; running thence along the shores of Corey Creek as the same winds and turns the tie line of which is South 77°36'20'' west 639.22 feet to lands now or formerly of the Koke Estate; running thence North 25°53' east through a concrete monument and along said lands now or formerly of the Koke Estate a distance of 748.92 feet to the point or place of beginning. "Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. "Dated: September 26, 1961. By Order of the Southold Town Board. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I have the following affidavit from the publisher. "S~te of New York) SS: County of Suffolk) "F. Langton Corwin, being duly Sworn, says that he is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for one week successively commencing on the twenty-ninth 4 day of September, 1961. "Sworn to before me this S. Corwin, Notary Public, SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: the Planning Board. F. Langton Corwin. 29th day of September State of New York." I will now read the 1961. /s/ Stanley recommendation of "Report to: Southold Town Board, Southold, New York, September 26, 1961. "Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on September 13, 1961: "In the matter of the petition of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on certain real property situated at Bayv£ew, Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary line of premises of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria which point is located South 25~53' west a distance of 250.00 feet from a concrete monument set in the southerly line of Main Bayview Road at the northwest corner of saidpremises of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria; running thence South 63~07' east along lands of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria a distance of 840.00 feet to the westerly side of a private roadway; running thence South 50°15'20'' west along Rnd across said private roadway a distance of 88.40 feet to a concrete monument and the meadow land now or formerly of Howard M. Terry and others; running thence North 83°08' west along said last mentioned lands a distance of 75.37 feet to a concrete monument and the shores of a pond; running 5 thence along the shores of said pond as the same winds and turns the tie lines of which are South 75221'50'' west 257.72 feet and North 0'~05'10" west 72.19 feet to a concrete monument; running thence North 65~02'10'' west a distance of 21.11 feet to a concrete monument; run- ning thence South 18~47'20" west a distance of 146.11 feet to a post and the shores of Corey Creek; running thence along the shores of Corey Creek as the same winds and turns the tie line of which is South 77~ 36'20" west 639.22 feet to lands now or formerly of the Koke Estate; ~unning thence North 25~53' east through a concrete monument and along said lands now or formerly of the Koke Estate a distance of 748.92 feet to the point or place of beginning. It is hereby "RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the ~wn Board this change of zonefrom "A" Residential and Agricultural Distric~ to "M" multiple Residence District as shown on map of William Victoria at Southold by Alden W. Young, dated July 10, 1950, July 7, 1961 and September 25, 1961. "This property has been non-conforming since prior to the enact- ment of Zoning and an enlargement of the use will in no way harm the character of the area. Mr. and Mrs. Victoria wish to maintain the f~ont of the property facing on Main Bayview Road in "A" Residential and Agricultural District as a buffer. The Planning Board feels a change to "M" would be "Very truly yours, Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTS ON: heard in the most reasonable use for the property. /a/ John wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Is there anyone present who wishes to be favor of this change of zone from "A" to "M"? 6 THOMAS STARK, ESQ., Riverhead, of the applicants here, William and Regina Victoria. to review the facts that we setforth in the petition. "On April 29, 1950, your petitioners acquired a tract of approx- imately 12 acres situate on the southerly side of Main Bayview Road, New York: I appear in behalf I would like 1956 your petitioners constructed on this property ten resort type summer cottages each for single family residency containing two bedrooms and housekeeping facilities. Said cottages were constructed on the southwesterly portion of the entire property and a private access road thereto was constructed running southerly along the property from the south side of Main Bayview Road. Also constructed at that time was a small office building near the cottages. The intent and purpose of your petitioners was to develop the property and facilities into a high class summer residential resort catering to family occupancy for the season or shorter periods, either of a month, two weeks or one week. "The renting of the cottages according to this plan was started in the years 1955-1956 under the name of "Victoria Cottages." By reason of the waterfront location of the cottages and the facilities offered for fishing, bathing, etc., your petitioners attracted a substantial clientele of families many of whom have returned from year to year. Accordingly, at the time of the adoption of the original Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance in April, 1957, the premises having a frontage of approximately 800 feet on said road and extending southerly to the shores of Corey Creek. During the years 1955 and 7 upon which the cottages are located had assumed a definite use characteristic for this type operation. Under the original Building Zone Map adopted in April, 1957, the area in which the cottages are located was classified as "A" Residential and Agricultural District, and the use of the premises by your petitioners as aforesaid has been continued as a non-conforming use pursuant to Section 1007 of the Building Zone Ordinance. "By reason of the popular demand for your petitioner's cottages over the last several summers, your petitioners desire to construct additional facilities for the accomodation of summer residents. Such facilities would be in the nature of a building containing ten to twelve ~fficiency apartments, each apartment being self sufficient and having either one or two bedrooms, living rooms, kitchen and dining space and bath. Said building is proposed to be located in the same area as the existing ten cottages being immediately to the east and across the access road. Your petitioners would also construct sufficient parking area for the occupancy of said apartments. It is the intention to operate said apartments on the same basis which your petitioners have heretofore operated the cottages, that is, for family type occupancy on a seasonal, monthly, by-weekly or weekly basis. For the purpose of permitting the erection of these additional units, your petitioners are requesting that the Town Board reclassify a portion of their property from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" multiple Residence District. As shown on the plot plan accompanying this application the area requested to be so reclassified is limited to that area already occupied by the existing 8 cottages and the marshland and pond directly to the east. No request is made concerning change of classification of the other property of your petitioners lying along the southerly side of Main Bayview Road and having a uniform depth of 250 feet. The reclassification of the area to "M" Multiple Residence District would be entirely in accord- ance with the comprehensive plan of the Town Board, which was adopted in April, 1958, for the creation and establishment of such districts in the Town of Southold for the accomodation of the many summer visitors to the area. The basic use of the premises as a family type summer resort would not be altered or changed, nor would the reclassifi- cation of the property disturb the orderly and reasonable use of the adjacent properties and the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience or the order of the town would not be adversely affected. "The new building would in all respects comply with the provisions of Article IIIA relating to "M" Multiple Residence District. More than adequate open areas would remain and the area is sufficient to provide all of the offstreet parking as required by Section 359. The requirments of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code relating to water supply and disposal of waste would be fully complied with. The additional units would not create any substantial increase in the traffic of the area and would create no noise or disturbance. "The reclassification would be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold." MR. STARK: Gentlemen there is not too much I can add to the facts stated in their application. These facts were present and set 9 forth to the Planning Board at their meeting and we have heard the recommendation of the Planning Board. This hearing is basically a request to change a non-confirming use area which e~isted prior to the enactment of the Zoning Ordinance. It does not ask for an extension of the use to outside of the area where the cottages are . It would in no way change the character of the area as the pre-existing multiple residence use does exist. We have here an extra copy of the map which may be examined. We also have an architects sketch of the proposed type of building which would be erected. This may not be the final plan but something the Victoria's have in mind. There may be a question at this hearing as to whether this requested change of zone would adversely affect property values in this area. I offer the following testimony of a real estate agent on this point. DANIEL SMITH, ~outhold, New York: As a real estate broker I was asked to consider this proposed change and also being familiar with the property for many years. I made a special trip down there to study it further and in line with the proposed map to reserve 250 feet back from Bayview Road as Residential and zoning in back of that as multiple residence I can't see where it would devalue any property in the area. I realize some people think that it might. I don't think that as it is indicated now that it can be seen from the Road and particularly with the residential property in front of it. This property was bought with this purpose in mind many many years ago and I feel it is unfair if these people cannot use it. ~hen zoning started out it was my understanding that it was to be 10 flexible and we must have some leeway somewhere and make room for business. We have built many cottages in Southold for people who stay at the Victorias' for just a few weeks. As have come out to far as devaluing anyones property. the property I cannot see where it would devalue MR. STARK: Mrs. Victoria, the principal owner of the property is here and would be happy to answer any questions of the Board or interested citizens. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else present who wishes speak in favor of this change from "A" to "M"? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in opposition to this change of zone? MR. JAMES P. BIRCH, Laughing Waters, Southold, New York: I live in Laughing Waters and we When a similar application was reasons for turning it do not appear in blind opposition. filed last year one of the basic down was it was in a strictly residential to area on the east side of the Creek. On our side of the Creek is also strictly residential. There is evidence of growth in [he Laughing Waters area. Our year around population has doubled in the last year from 7 to 14. We also have another problem with that creek. On our side of the water we have the inlet to the creek and all traffic is through our side, our problem is created by the Boating Ordinance. We are having trouble with speed boats, and that is all on our We do want to say that our side is strictly residential and we want side. don't to see the easterly side go for business and you can go just 11 so far with business and you can ruin an area completely. If it is going to help the area we~nt it approved and if it is going to hurt the area we want it disapproved. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else who wishes to speak in opposition? (There was no response.) MR. STARK: In answer to this last gentlemen, this is an application to change to "M" that which is already in "M". No business such as stores, etc. is permitted in the "M" zone. The present use of the property for the ten existing cottages is the only type permitted in this zone. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else who wishes to say anything one way or another? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I have received the following communications: 9 Telegrams: "Re hearing October 10, 1961 I am definitely opposed to the selfish change of zoning requested by the Victoria. /a/ William J. Lohn , New York, New York." "Hearing October 10th 7:30 P,M. protest zoning changes Bayview, Southold requested by Mr. and Mrs. Victoria. /a/ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Yaro Laughing Waters." (Kew Gardens, N.Y.) "As an owner and taxpayer of property adjacent to Victoria property on Bayview Road Southold, N.Y., I strongly protest the request for a zoning change from "A" zone to "M"zone as requested 12 by Victoria and wife. /s/ John A. Lemens Bayview Road Southold, LI.,NY" (New York, New York.") "We are protesting any change in zoning at Bayview by Mr. Victoria we feel it would spoil the dignity of our beloved Southold. /s/ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R. Hau, Main Bayview Road." (Brooklyn, N.Y.) "Protest change of zoning requested by Victoria Cottages of Bayview. /s/ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aldrich, Southold." (Floral Park) "We wish to protest the rezoning of Victoria property. Property originally purchased because strictly residential area. /s/ W. R. Boil,w. Gless, R. Diffenbach, Bayview Road, Southold." (North Merrick) "Oct. 10 7:30 P.M. hearing protest change of zoning for Victoria ¥ OD Bayview Ave. /s/ W. K. and Rose Van Der Beck, Lffing Water." (Malverne) "Protest William Victoria request for zoning change granting of this change would be an imposition on private property owners there are many areas in the North Fork where motels for transients are welcome and desirable Corey's Cove is not one of them. /s/ Dr. John F. Kelly MD" (Brooklyn) "Wish to protest the rezoning of the Victoria property. /s/ W. R. Boiley." (North Merrick) 7 Letters: "Please take note of the protest on my part against the pending application of "Victoria~ Cottages" for a change of zoning of a parcel of land adjacent to Bayview Road, Southold. "This neighborhood is prime residential land. I suggest it be kept that way and further commercial encroachments be prevented. /s/ Joseph C. Riemer, Jr." (Jacobs Lane, Southold.) 13 "I notice that Mr. William Victoria is again petitioning for a change in the zoning laws which are now in effect on his property on Bay View Road, from residential to multiple dwelling (A. to M). Since our property adjoins his, I am interested in this. Although Mr. Victoria's intentions are not stated, as I believe they were last year, I should like to protest any change in the zoning of this neighborhood. This was, I believe, thoroughly gone over last year, and the arguments against a change are as good now as then. "1. Multiple dwellings would change the character of the neighborhood, which is a scattered community of one-family homes. "2. Mr. Victoria's low-lying land is not appropriate for the building of multiple dwellings, which require much more extensive cesspools and need better drainage than single dwellings. This drainage problem will cause pollution of the creek. "3, The creek provides recreation for several communities other than those on Bay View, and multiple dwellings with attendant sanitation troubles will greatly restrict, if not eliminate completely, the clamming, scalloping and swimming in the creek. "4. The creek area is too small to provide space for a barge, even if it were drawn up to the headwaters, a marsh which is periodically flooded by high tides. "5. Multiple dwellings will require additional services from the town and the county because of the increased fire hazard, the maintenance of roads, to say nothing of the health hazard. "~. It seems to me reasonable that a person who owns a home in a residential neighborhood should expect the neighborhood to remain 14. the same, since he lives in a zoned area - else - why zoning? "I am writing this letter in protest ag&inst the change of the zoning on the property of William Victoria and wife on BayView Road from A to M, and request that the letter be entered in the record of your meeting of September 26, 1961. /s/ Helen Greene." "It has come to our attention that Mr. Victoria of Bay View Road has again applied for a variance in regard to his property. My husband and I own property on Bayview very close to the property in question and when this matter came up last year we wrote you regarding our feelings in the matter. Our opinion and feelings remain the same in that we are strongly opposed to any down-zoning of any properties in the immediate area. "As I wrote, in the letter of last year we have purchased this property with the idea of building a retirement house in the amount of about $25,000, and are looking forward to living there, in Southold in peace and quiet. Multiple housing has ruined the area in which we now live causing noise, over-crowding and all the draw backs found in similar situations. "I close with the tDpe that you of the town board will consider maintaining the country charm of our town. Because of time and the distance involved we cannot be present at your meeting on Tuesday but trust this letter will arrive in time to show our good faith. /s/ Dois Reynolds. (Mrs. Wm. Reynolds.)" (Bay View Rd., Southold.) "It has come to my attention that a request has been made to change a zoning law. "As a home owner and taxpayer, I am writing to voice my protest 15 against any change in the local ordinance that will permit multiple dwellings to be erected in the town of Southold. "You must surely realize that such a change, over the years, will completely alter the rural character of the locality, which is the main attraction to both the permanent and summer residents. sincerely hope that this application for change will be soundly defeated now -- and in the future. Yours truly, /s/ Mary Judd Ryan." "Gin Lane Bay Haven, Southold" "I would like to go on record as opposing the zone change to multiple use on property owned by Mr. Cottages. "I feel if we permit this spot zone be no hope that our area will retain its William Victoria of Victoria change in one area there will present residential value. Yours very truly, R. Bettinardi, 36 Millmohr Court, Northport." "As property owners and permanent residents of Bay Haven we decidely object to the proposed "down zoning" of property in Bay View Road owned by Mr. W. Victoria. We have ~und the very temporary tenants of Victoria Cottages to be objectionable. Very truly yours, A. N. Van Nostrand, Iris W. Van Nostrand, Bay View Road, Southold." "As property owners in Bay Haven, Southold, my husband and I wish to register a protest against Mr. Victoria's application to have his property changed to multiple use. Very truly, Norma S. Soper, Mrs. Robert S. Soper, Jr., 214 Prospect Ave., Sea Cliff." "This letter to you is a PROTEST to having property in our area changed to MULTIPLE USE. "It has come to our attention that the Victoria Cottages has 16 made application for a change of this kind... advised to write you and protest his request. "Thank you Arthur Jacobson, MRS. for your cooperation. Gin Lane, REGINA VICTORIA: therefore we have been Very truly yours, Lillian & Bay Haven, Southold." I don't know whether the people realize but actually all we are doing is asking for a legal permit to operate under the same conditions which we are operating as a non-conforming use. - Merely permission to be classified as an "M" area which is what we are, we are just adding other facilities. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: The last time you made the application the line was right along Main Bay View Road and this time you are requesting this line 250 feet back. MRS. VICTORIA: That is right, up to the point where we have our buildings. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Did you have any reason for including the marsh land? MRS. VICTORIA: No, we cannot use the marsh land for anything. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else who wishes to be heard for or against or in relation to this hearing in any way? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none we will close the hearing for the further deliberation of the Board. NOTICE OF ss' at the office of the Supervl~r, 16 South Street. ~~port, NeW York, in said town on the 10th day of-Oc~ber. 1.961 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the. following proposals to amend ,the Bx~ilding Zone Ordinance (includ- ing the Building Zone l~aps) of the Town of South~ld, Suffolk COunty, New York. 1. By changing f. rom ,,A,, Real' denttal and Agricultural District ~o "B" Business District the follow~ lng described property: All tha$-certain tract or parcel of land situated at Southold, in ,the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and mom particulm-ly bounded -and de- scribed as follows: Beginn'mg at a point marked ,by a granite monument set at the point of intersection of no~2~westerly line of Middle a~oad with the northeasterly line of Kenney's Road; and running thence along said line of Ken- r~ey's Road, North 41 degrees 5'/ minutes .50 seconds West ~ dis- tanoe of 220.62 feet to an .iron pipe; thence on a line st right angles to said line .of Kenney's utes 10 seconds East a distance of 131.30 feet to an [ton pipe; .thence along land of the party of the fixst part and along lan,d of Edward Donahue, South 42 degrees 05 minutes 50 aec~nds East 'a distance of 200.0 feet to an iron pipe set on said north- westerly line of Middle Road; .$~e along said line of Mid- dle Road. Sou~h 39 degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds W~st a dis- .tance of 133.38 feet to the point~ of beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Resi- .dential .and Agric~l.tural District to "B" Business Dist~ct the fol- lowing described property; Ail that ce~-tain tract or parcel of land situated at Southold, in ~the Town of Southold, Saffolk ~!ii'i~ County, New York, and more particularly ,bounded an.d de- scribed .as. follows' Beginning ,at a point on the easterly side-of WelM .Avenue. 209 .feet sout~herly from its i~-~ .... f the premises. , oornc~' .~ .~..o~,told zoned , ,, 49 89 feet to l~nd now i '2~ 20 F_,. 1.: ...~..q,,ffolk Trust Go.; · ow .or formerly of ,said l~nd z~ ..... ,. 0.o and al ~o.lk ~oun ,Y .. ~ =o ~a'_aO"W. 464.12 .,-~ht of way ~:~? '~ JJ-,d of '~"Z ~-.of Adenine ~': · ~i~i trict to,, ~w ._%_--_L,_*_-- ' " ~.), ~ar at the. time a~d ~~: ebove .specified. ' ..... ' ~hed at Greenp~rt, in sa~d county; ' .... '' ~ich the ~exed is a p~ted copy, ~~~ ~~ '~,, s~d Suffo~ ~mes once in each ..'~ ~ .... ~. 1~9 ........................ ~ ............................ week~. successively commencing-- ,n the .......~~': ' ~ ---J:~~ ..... day of ......~~~~,.~.~2~-!~ ....... 1 9.{:.J..: .... ~j =- ................ Sworn to before me t~s .... :~...~.:~.~ ...... [ ~ ~--~ ................. of..~~ . ................ ~:: .... ,.~ ~. , ~ ~----------------- -' NOTARf PUBLIC. State 0f Ne Residing in Suffolk Cc Clks. No. 52-~826/ Comm~sion Exoires M~ .Pursuant to Section 265 of t~ Town Law and Article IX of the · Bulldlng Zone Ordirmnce of the:" t0'.:'~.'~$ or'~ Town of SOuthold, Sufiolk' County, ~. . - ' ' being duly Sworn, win'be held 'by th~ Southold Town Board "'~.. -::proUd '~t ,er and Publisher of the SUFFOLK proper~y: All that certain tract or par- cel of land situated at .Soath'old. in the Town .of South, old, Suf-. folk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and ~ described as follows: Beginning at a point on the " weste~rl,y boundary line of pre-. ~ mises of William Victo~ria and ~i ,l~egina G. Vic'toria which point~' 'is located south 250.53' West a~ ~ distance of 250.00 feet from a~ ogr~cre,te monument set in the. .southerly line of Main Bayview Road at the no,rthw:est corner ' of said premises of William Vic- to, ria and Regina G. Vict~:ria; running t~ence South 64°07 east al, cng lands of William Vic- toria ,and I~egina G. Victoria a distance of 840.00 feet to ,the westerly side of a private ~vay; running thence South 50° 15'20" west along and .across said private roadway ,a -distance ,of 88.40 feet to a con;c, rete monu- ~- ment and the meadow land now 'or formerly of Howard M. Terry ,and others; running thence .. ,~orth 8300.8' west along said last mentioned lands a distance ':' of 75.37 feet t9 a concrete monu- m. ent ,and the Sh,a~es of a pond; running thence along the ,shores of sai,d pond as the same winds ,and tarns the tie lines of which are ScutCh 75021'50,, we.st 257.721 feet and North 0°05'10', west 72.19 feet t<) a concrete monu- · ~ ment; ,running thence l~orth 65° ,_~.,~ 0,2'10" west a distance of 2.1.11 feet ~o a concrete m,o.n'um.~nt;~ !~ /running thence South 18°47'20"~ west a distance of 146.11 feet~ 'to .a post and the shores of :'(3orey Creek; running t~hence along tl~e shores of Corey Creek ..~ as the some winds .and turns ,the tie line of which is South i NOT ICE OF HEAR LNG TO AMEND ZONING ON FROPOSAL ORD~E Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on the 10th day of October, 1961 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to '"B" Business District the following described property~ Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Southold, in the To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point marked by a granite .monument set at the point of intersection of the northwesterly ii. ne of Middle Road with the north- easterly line of Kenney's Road; and running thence along said line of Kenney's Road, North 41 degrees 57 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 220.62 feet to an iron pipe; thence on a line at right angles to said line of Kenney's Road, North 48 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 131.30 feet to an iron pipe; thence along land of the party of the first part and along land of E~rard Donahue, South 42 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 200.0 feet to an iron p~pe set on said northwesterly line of Middle Road~ thence along Page 2 - Legal Notice said line of Middle Road, South 39 degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 133.38 feet to the point of beginning. ~ By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property:.~ Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at 8outhold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows ~ Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Wells Avenue 200 feet southerly from its intersection with the southerly line of.Main Road, said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of the premises late of Adeline J. Becktold zoned Commercial; running thence along the easterly side of Wells Avenue S. 15 ~45'10''E. 471.78 feet to the northerly line of Wells Avenue; running thence N. 70'~ 22'20"E. 149.89 feet to land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co.; runnin g thence along .said land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co. and a right of way. N. 15°55'50"W. 464.12 feet to saidother land of the Estate of Adeline J. Becktold zoned Commercial and running thence S. 73°17' 20"W. 148 ~eet more or less to the poi'nt or place of beginning. By changing from "A" Res idential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property= Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at $outhold, in the Town of $outhold, Page 3 - Legal Notice Suffolk County, New York, a.n~ more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary line of premises of William V~ctoria an~ Regina. G. Victoria which point is located South 25°53' West a distance of 250.00 feet from a concrete monument set in the southerly line of Main Bayv~ew Road at the northwest corner of sai~ premises of William Victor ia and Regina G. Victor ia; running thence South 64 °07' east along lands of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria a distance of 840.00 feet to the westerly side of a private roadway; running thence South 50~15'20" west along and across said private roadway a distance of 88.40 feet to a concrete monument and the meadow land now or formerly of Howard M. Terry and others; running thence North 83 °08' ~est along said last mentioned lands a distance of 75,37 feet to a concrete monument and the shores of a pond; running thence along .-the shores of said pond ms the same winds and turns the tie lines of which are South 75`° 21'50" west 257.72 feet and North 0°05'10'' west 72.19 feet to a concrete monument; running thence North 65°02'10" west a distance of 21.11 feet to a concrete monument; running thence South 18°47'20'' west a distance of 146.11 feet to a post and the shores of Corey Creek; running thence alcng the shores of Corey Creek as the same winds and turns the tie line of which /s South 77°36'20'' west 639.22 feet to lands now or formerly of the ~oke Estate; running thence North 25 ~'53'east through a concrete Page-4 - Legal Notice monument and along sai~ lands now or formerly of the Koke Estate a distance of 748.92 feet to the point or place of beginning. Any person des iring should appear at the time to be heard on the proposed amendments and place above specified. DATED = September 26, 1961. BY ORDER OF THE $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD.. ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK. PLEASE -PUBLISH ONCE, SE~R 2 9, 1961, AND AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLiCATiON ~ TH~ TO%~ CLE~, FO WA (5) MA~ ROAD, $OUTHOLD, Copies mailed to the following on Septe~r 27, 1961: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck ~4atchman Rensselaer G. Terry, Jr., a/c Donahue William Wickham, a/c Jackson (Becktold) Thomas Stark, a/c Victoria ] actor isi~dicated by the [ Utoper symbol' -- TELEGRAM lO01 (4-60) 5 International W. ~. M~SH~k. Pn~u~o~ut .............. 1"!,,z filing time sl~own in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I I s!~P=nVl Sn= 8 nFF Ir~-- "..:"LIbl I C I ?A L D £ F I ~',,! I T ~ L Y OPPOS~n T n T",.':'- V ICTO - i--.i _RI fi / , . Tlrl~-COt~I. PANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS' PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE ON ............. ...... wESTERN UNI - SYMBOLS _ CLASS OF SERVICE DL = Day Letter [ This is a fast message NL=Night Letter ! unless its deferred char- [ acre. is indicated by thc T E LEGRAM (4-00) _ LT=kne:~;r~ic?2~lam The filing time sh~n in the date line on domestic telegrams is lOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is lOCAL TIME. at point.~f'--destinati°n.. I 1 0FFIC ;:::_ OF GRECi'.IPORT nRE":I',!PORT 7,~np,, PROTEST C HA t,,., !". g e $ 0 !J T H 0 L D o .,,= o!~F ST F n VICTOR IA- .::,:.,,.q o nTTn y...._ · ---,._ -. .o _AR3 LA ~I,e 711 N G ,_ THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE a~ .... '~ ~T~.~i ales ..... deferred char- [ [ ~~ ketter cte~ .ii indicated by the ~ vopecsymbol. ' / TELEGRAM 1201(44;0) LT=Int ..... tional { The filing time shown in the date llne on domestic teIegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL 7IME at point of destination l ,LFSTEfi AL,.q...FRTo * _. ..... · - _. ,.¢O~.,t~ nLY nn [',.lOT PHOdE cnu~,ITY CI ER'" ,,S nFF IC,~ zn~...]lt,.~u ~nARn SOUT" _ "' - ................. -AS AI,,t O'" __.., ._ " ..... .. ;.,t,.!r-,q At,-.!n T3,:,PAYFP nF 'PPOPERTY ADJACE[tT Tn VICTOR IA PROPFRTY 0!,I ~AYVIEt".J ROAD SOUTHOLg! i",!Y, I STROr4~I ....... Y PROTFST TI-IF P,.=n. IIgST~. .............. FnR A ZONING Ci-IAt,.i(~= FRn'"",.,..,~ '~A" ZOt,.!E TO ~:~,:~' ZO?',!E AS ASI"<~D ~;Y VICTORIA At,iD dnl.--l~'.4 A IF'-~Ir;'° mAYVIFV'.¢ RnA n SO!ITHOLn L I t..!Y ...... -. _ !"i0 ..,, -- ': ........ m J THE COMPANY V]ILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE F SYMBOLS WESTERN UNI.DN[. yL--'Night Letter J Th/, is a fast message I J DL-- Day Letter [ u~dess its deferred char-[ J acter is indicated by thc J W P MARSHALL PR£SiD£NI' ' International k ,,~o,. ? TELEGRAM. . . 1201 (4"O) ' LT--Let,erT..~,~g.rlam~ The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I onAon" SY t.~COnO Pn-Tn!'...! nRnnI(I y~,; ,.'y ~, ~-,... ,..~ . ........ ....... ~._ !...~ ~,..! OCT 9 ?'2c'^ '-PT- SUP'.r:RV 1 SOR, oa!ITI-INLr! TN~'!rqo, r, IP- 'SO!_ITi-iOL9 ~4Y- - a= ~'A "-' nT THE COMPANY ~,I.rILI. APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS-PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE F SYMBOLS WESTERN UNI'DN TELEGRAM  ttcr lc~egram tiling time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination T O~'~r",!_ , ..... i-IAI L i~Rcc"'PORT. - ,,., mY-... nF Z 0;'41 i',.t~ R r:-_ r~lJE ST F n HE!'4fiY ALPRIC!'-'! SOUTHOLD V I CT hr-.'., I A C nTT;.-, ._ i',,! Y 1 1 '-; 1 A E ]';,T THE .CO~APANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE WESTERN NIDN [ ,~=~.L¢~¢~ I This is ~ fast message I ! """~' "' deferred ,h~,-! I~~e~ [acter is indicated b, the , TE LE GR 1201 (460, _ The filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I p.,.n",or',;: Sy l-.!r::AlO$ Pn-Tn'.,--l'- ' ...... . ....... : . ;~- i'...!nR T H "',FR v.. I c" :...I ,.. ,., ,", Y OCT o ~,' _ ,_ .... .....~.,,, _.~,~ ~,.!g ~OAP.,D SOUTI'-~OLD TO~'~i",! EDT' o._ TH.,.qi n k!Y CI ERi,,S OFFICE- ,:.,_ ~;ISH Tn PRnTC-gT._ TH~-,_ ,.,nET.n:',!tt'..lq. OF VICTnplA PROP~.:nTY ? n n p :.-_-~..q T Y ~ ARF ~- ..... . ... ........... L-CAIISF STRICTLY g F S I P !-: t,.! T IA L THE COMPANY V¢ILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE WE. STERN UN][ DN.!--~-L=D'7~-yLe-7~ter [~ SYMBOL'S [ u~le~s its deferred char- ~ ~ ...e.-,~,~-~¥,~, TELEGRAM ,00~ 60) [ LT Iht .... tional W. P. MARSHALL. P.ESlDENT N =Letter Telegram~ roper sym~l. / Th~ filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination I I f c, YDA On SOBS OFFICE- Go r ~'t",!P nRT NY= !',,_ ~ 1no5A Z.nT- 'OCT In 7.SnP"! I-I":-ARI?,IG PROTEST CI--IA!,4GE VICTORIA v nn ~AY',,;IE'" AVF- OF Z 0!',!! [",,ICq F 0~.-..~ 1103AEDT THE COMPANY X¥1LL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE WE.eTERN NIDN' -, LASS OF SERVICE Thi is 'Z~'as~message · DL=Day Letter I uT~les$ its deferred char- NL--Night Letter TELEGIR -. International Iacter is indicated bl the 1201 (4 u0) T=Letter Telegram oper symbol. W P MARSHALL PR The filing timt- shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at 'point of desti'nati(~"n I THE COMPANY WILl. APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE To: Fr om: Wish C. W. Albertson Town Clerk North Merrick, to protest the AM N.Y. rezoning of the Victoria W. R. Boiley pr opert y. MR. ROBERT H. BETTINARD! 36 MILLMOHR COURT NORTHPORT, NEW YORK Gin Lane Bay Haven Southold, L.I. October 8, 1961 Southold Town Beard South S t~e e t Greenport, L.I. Getnlemen: It has come to my attention that a request has been made to change a zoning law. As a home owner and taxpayer, I am writing to voice my p~otest against any change in the local ordinance that will permit multi- ple dwellings to be erected in the town of Southold. You must surely realize that such a chan~e, over the years, will completely alter the rural character of the locality, which is the main attraction to beth the permanent and summer residents. I sincerely hope that this application for change will be soundly defeated now-- and in the future. Yours truly, : Southold Town Planning Board E~OUTHDLD, L. I., N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John ",Y/ickham, Chairman Henry Mois~ Alfred Grebe Report to: Southold Town Board Southold, New York September 26, 1961 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on September 13, 1961: In the matter of the petition of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District on certain real property situated at Bayview, Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary line of premises of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria which point is located South 25~'53' west a distance of 250.00 feet from a concrete monument set in the southerly line of Main Bayview Road at the northwest corner of said premises of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria; running thence South 63~67'east along lands of WiIliam Victoria and Regina G. Victoria a distance of 840.00 feet to the westerly side of a private roadway; running thence South50~15'20" west along and across said private roadway a distance of 88.40 feet to a concrete monument and the meadow land now or formerly of Howard M. Terry and others; running thence North 83008' west along said last mentioned lands a distance of 75.37 feet to a concrete monument and the shores of a pond; running thence along the shores of said pond as the same winds and turns the tie lines of which are South 75021'50" west 257.72 feet and North 0~05'10'' west 72.19 feet to a concrete monument; running thence North 65°02'10'. west a distance of 21.11 feet to a concrete monument; run- ning thence South 18°47'20" west a distance of 146.11 feet to a post and the shores of Corey Creek; running thence along the shores of Corey Creek as the same winds and turns the tie line of which is South 77° 36'20" west 639.22 feet to lands now or formerly of the Koke Estate; running thence North 25~3' east through a concrete monument and along said lands now or formerly of the Koke estate a distance of 748.92 feet to the point or place of beginning. It is hereby Page 2 - Report to Southold Town Board RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board this change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District as shown on map of William Victoria at Southold by Alden W. Young, dated July 10, 1950, July 7, 1961 and September 25, 1961. This property has been mn-conforming since prior to the enact- ment of Zoning and an enlargement of the use will in no way harm the character of the area. Mr. and Mrs. Victoria wish to maintain the front of the property facing on Main Bayview Road in "A" Residential and Agricultural District as a buffer. The Planning Board feels a change to "M" would be the most reasonable use for the property. Very truly yours, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW/j b Is ~oa~ed Sou~ 2~o ~3t ves~ a dia~e of 2%0,00 fee~ Reg~a G, Vioto~ia~ ~ni~ ~enee of ~illis~ '/lot~la ~d Regina G, '/ict~ia a ~stznoe of ~0,00 feet ~o ~e weaterl2 $t~ of · private ~a~; ~ ~' ~" ~lt along ~d ~s8 a~d ~ 88~0 feet to a c~erete ~nt and f~12 ~ H~d M, '2e~ ~d othe~ej 8~° 08' west s..~ J~d last mentioned 1~ s ~st~co of 7%.37 feet to a concrete mon~nt and ~e ~h~ea of a p~ndJ ~n~mg t~ li~a ~ ~l~ ~e ~ 7~o ~' ~0" N~th ~ 0~' 10" vest 72.~9 feet to a con~ete ~nt~ ~nning ~s~e ~ 6~o 0~ 10" ~at a ~atanoe of 21.11 feet to s concrete ~nt~ ~n~ thence S~th 18o ~.11 f~t ~o a poet ~nd ~e ~es of ~ong ~he ~o~s of C~e~ Creek as ~he $~ ~iods ~ ~a the tie line of ~tch tm S~th ~7o 36' 20 ~ a concrete ~n~ ~nd alo~ a~id lands ~ ~ fo~l~ of ~e ~ke est~e a diet,ce of 7~8.92 l'ec~ to ~h~ ~imt ~ plaoe 0 F'F~E~K SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. September 13, 1961. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of William and Regina Victoria, Main Road, Jamesport, New York, relative to change: of zone from "A" Residential and Agricult- ural District to "M" Multiple Residence District of certain property situated in Bay View, Southold, New York, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recon~nendation of your Board. AWR/ Very truly you~ Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk September 7, 1961 Mr. Thomas Stark, 17~ Griffing Ave Riverhead, N.Y. Attorney Dear Sir$ zone Enclosed please find application #97 A/C Wm. & receipt for $25.00 Regina Victoria. fee for change of should be This application will go refferred to the planning to the Board Town Board on the 12th and for their m.eting on the 13th. If you wish to suggest about 8:1% PM as that time. Your s truly attend the planning they have some other Board meeting I would matters scheduled before Building Inspec.tor. Thomas BI. Slack AltornQ¥ at LctW 175 Griifmg Avenue Riverheacl, New 'cork September 6, 1961 PArR 7 3306 I~,. Howard 14. Terry, Building Inspector, Town o£ Southold, Main Rosd, Southold, L.!., Irew York. Re:- Application cZ William Victoria and wife £or change of zone. De~r Howard:- I am enclosing originel matter, together with my in the sum of ~2~.00. and copy o£ the petitio~ in the above client's check ~o the Town of Southold It is my understanding that this petition will be presented to the Town Board ~t its meeting to ne held on Tuesday, September l~ whereupon the matter will be referred to the Planning Board. I believe Wednesday, the time smd place arrange to attend T~B/f a that you advised ms that the Plenning Board will meet on September 13. I would appreciate you letting me know of the Planning Board mestin.r.~ so ~hat I can this meeting alo~g,,witt~ my c!i~ts~. . -. ~' ~.~ , I. !,, DIOMgS M. CASE NO: ...... /..../.. ......... STATE OF NEW YORK TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF WILL.YAM VTC?0RIA PETITION and REGIIIA G. VICT¢,RIA FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: Ws, WILLIAiI VICTORIA and 1. ~, .g~.Cy...Z.R!..~.,...7~I~%.C.~t~.%~ ..................... residing at ~.%.n....g~..e.~.,....~...a~_.~.~Pg.~.~., ..... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at B..~y. 7?..i.p.S!,... p.~.~...~.o..~.l~...o.~..d: .... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: ~v.?. that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Bayview, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNI~NG at a point on the westerly boundary line of premises of William Victoria and Regina ~. Victoria which point is located South 2~o 53' west a distance of 250.00 feet from a concrete monument set in the southerly line of Main Bayview ~oad at the northwest co~ner of said premises of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria; x~Anning thence South 64° 07' east along lands of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria a distance of 850.00 feet to the westerly side of a private roadway; running thence South 50° 15' 20" west along and across said private roadway a distance of 88.~0 feet to a concrete monument and the meadow land now or formerly of Howard M. Terx~j and others; running thence North 83° 08, west along said last mentioned lands a distance of 7~.37 feet to a concrete monument and the shores of a pond; running thence along the shores of said pond as the same winds and turns the tie lines of which are South 75° 21, 50" west 257.72 feet and North 0o 05' 10" west 72.19 feet to a concrete monument; r~nning thence North 65° 02' 10" west a distance of 21.11 feet to a concrete monument; running thence South 18° 47' 20" west a distance of 146.11 feet to a post and the shores of Corey Creek; ~unning thence along the shores of Corey Creek as the same winds and tum~s the tie line of which ia South 77° 36' 20" west 639.22 feet to lands now or fox,hotly of the Koke estate; x-unning thence North 250 53' east through a concrete monument and along said lands now or fox-merly of the Koke estate a distance of 748.92 feet to the point or place of beginning, ~pril 29, Such request is made ]or tho ~ollowing re~so~]s: On 19~0, your pe~i%ioners acquired e ~r~,ct of appro~<in]a~,el~ situate on ~h-- southerly.' side of ~[ain Sayview ~oad, he,zing e £ro~ta£'e of' approximatel,5~ [~00 f~e% on said ro~,d ~]d e:~te~,ding southerly to ~ne shores oi Corsy C~ssk. ~riug ~e ~'ea~,s 19~ and 1956 your pe'~i~ione~,s constructed on ~;his propsrgy ~en resor~ ~yps summer col;ragas each Ior sing2e fs~ily mssids~cy coD~sining ~wo bedmooms and housekeeping £aoilibias. Said cottages wsr. e on ~h~ souBhwsstsrly per,ion of ghs sntire propsr~y and s access road ~hemsto was constructed running southerly across prot~s~ty fro~ thc sou~h side of I.Iain Bsyv'iaw ~osd. Also cons~ructsd at uhst time was a small office building near ~he cot%a~ss. Thc i~en~ and purpose of your ps~i~ioDeus ~.~as ~o de%'olop ~hs s~d faoi].~iss into ~ hig~ class s~v~er ~saidsn~i.,~l resort ~o fsmJ.]l~ oco~3psnoy for the ssaso~ o~~ shorter periods, sigher of mon~h, ~wo ws.~ks or cna week. Th~ reD~ing o£ ~he cottages according to this plan was stg~p'~sd iD ~he years 1951~-19~{6 udder the name oi' "Victoria Get, ages". By rssso~ of ~ns ws~er~ron~ location of %~he co,tad'as ~d facilities offered for fishiu-7, t,a~hing, etc., yo%~m psti~ioDs~s attracted a suos~sn~ial clientele of Iamilies ~,~an~' of whom rs'~urned from ysa~ ~o year. Accordingly, s~ ~he time of ~he adoption of the original Southold Toe-in Building Zone 0refinance in April, 1957, ~he prcr~ises ~po~ ~h~ch thc co~tsges ~rs located hsd assumed a definite use chspsoSeuis~io for ~his ~ype operations. Under ~hs original Building Zone }~sp adopted in April, 1957, ~he aras .i~] which Wne cotts?,~es ~re located was classiz~fed as Agricultural District, and ~he uss of "B" R~sidenti~l end the premises by your construct additional facilities for the accomodation of surmmer residents. Such additional f'acil~tics ~.~ould b~ ~n the nature of a bmildin~ containing te~ to twelve efficiency apartments, each apartmen~ b~ing self sufficient and having eider o~o or ~wo bedrooms., living room, kitchen and di~iog specs and bs~h. Said buil~img is oroposed to be located ip the same area as the s~<isting ten cottages beimS immediately to the cast amd stress ~he access road. Your petitioners would also construct sufficient parkin,= ~,ros for tho occupancl~ of ssid apartmeots. It is the imtemtion to operate said apartments on tho sams basis which your petitioners have helmets!ore operated the cottages, tha~ is, for family ~ype occupancy on a seasonal, moothly, by-weekly or weekly basis. For the purpose of psrmittin~ the erec6iom of these additional units, your petitioners sma requesting that the Town Board reclassify s portion of their property from "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural District to "I,I" I~ltiple Residence Distric~,. As shown on tion the ares requested ares already occupied by the plo~ plan accompsnyiog this applica- to be so reclassified is limited to that the c:<istin{] cottages ~nd the msrshland and pond directly to the ~ast. No request is made concerning changa of classification of ~he other property o£ your petitioners lying along thc southerly side o£ Main Bayview ~,oad and having a upiform depth of 2_b0 feet. The reclassi£icstion of the area to "M" I,k~ltiple Residence District would be entirely in accordamce with the comorehensive plan of the Town Boar~, which wes adopted in Aori!, 19nil, for the creation a~d establishment o£ such distr~c~s in the Tow~ of Southold for the accomodation of the many summer visitors to the ares. The basic use si the premises as a family The mew building would in all respects oo~ply with the pro~,isions of' Article IIIA r~lating ~o "N" ~ul~iple R~sidenoe District. More them adequate open ~res would remsim smd th~ ar~s is suff~ciem~ ~o provid~ ~11 of tho offs%ree~ parkimg ss r~quir~d by Sec~io~ 359. ~e requirements of ~he Suffolk County S~i~ary Code relabiDg ~o water supply and disposal of wsste would be fully co~pl.isd with. The addi~iomsl units would mot create ~my of the area ~;nd would oroa~e substantial increase in the traf£ic no noise or disturbance. ~e reclassification would be ~he general purposes and intent of the B~ilding Zone Ordinance the Town of Southold. in hgrmony with smd promote of STATE OJ? i~IW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUI~'FOLK ) WILLIAm[ VICTORIA a~d REGINA G. '/iCTORIA, each being duly sv~orp, depose amd say: that ~hey ape ~he petitioners im the withiD actiom; that ~hey have read the foregoing Ps$ition smd know bbs contents thereof; tha~ the same is true to their owm kmowled{[e, except as to the matters ~herein stated to be alleged on in£orma- ~iom and belief, and that as to those matters theYbelievs it ~o be true. " 'X ~.S. ?, WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by .....11~..~...~......~..~...~k~..~....~...~~.~..~'..~.......~' requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- lag from ~&~..l~llll~l~#lt~,~l~. ....... District to ..'~R~...~II~II~. ............. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Boarcl for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held bv the Town Board on the ~ .......... c~ay of .......... ..O.~.~..~.. ..................... , 19....~..~.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~, ~ of the II~lt, ko.t,d ~fi~.lve p,~ of Do.inditer E] FFT~~SE ~ K BBUTHBLD, L, I,~ N, Y, Imllml mm mm to Irr'rrq T. BOK[N LF2~AL NOTIC~ ~ ZON~O c~n~A~CE ~~ NO. 48 that ~r a pu~ ~g held~ ~~ ~ the r~~~~ ~w, t~ B~i~ Z~e ~~e (incl~g .the Bu~d~g ~ of ,the ~ of ~~d, S~fo~ ~un~, New York, was d~y ~d~ ~t a re~~ m~~ ~ the 1. By chan~g ~~ "A" ~nt~ and A~~ral ~t~ct ~ "B" B~in~ D~rict ~e foll~- l~ desc~b~ ~ope~: ~1 t~ c~ tr~ or of l~d si.~~ at ~u~hold, ~e ~ of ~uth~d, Suf~lk ~~~, New York, and ~a~lcu~ly bounded ~d ~:g~~g ~t ~ p~ on ~e e~rly sfde ofW~.~ Av~~ 2~ ~t ~~erly f~ ~rs~tion ~ the ~utherly line of M~n Road', said ~int w~rlY ~mer of the pr~.es ~ of ~de~e J. ~~d ~n~ "B" ~~~i~~ ~ng thence, along ~: e:ms~y ~e of Wel~ Avenue S..I5'°~'10~. 471.78 f~t to ~he ~he~y Iine of Aveuu, e; ~~g thence N.70° 22'20"E. 149.89 feet ~ land now or f~~y of' S~f~Ik ~ty said ~d now' or fo~,erly of Suf- folk ~~y ~t ~. ~d a ~ght of way N:l~°5~,"~. ~4.12 ,f~t ~ ssid other ~l~d of the ~~e of A~eline..~. ~k~ld ~.. ning ~-en~ s~73° I7'2~'~. '. 148 or p~e of b~ning. '' 2. By ch~~· ~. "A" R~- trict. ~.~ "M?~ M~'~ ~~ence D~tr~t ~.. f0ilow~ d~b~ ~1 ~-~~~ ~act or c.el~, o[ l~d~ ~~ s~ ~uth~ld, ~-the ~. of/ ~u~td, ~Olk. Co~~,~ ~ew Y~k, ~d ~~ pa~tic~ly ~u~~.. and d~r~~ ~. ~~ng' at a ~t on the . ~~ly~ ~~-1~' of pre- m~es of.' W~m V~~'~d ~ l~a~ ~~ ~o~, W~t a ~~. ~~0.~0 f~t f~m a ~r~e ~n~ent ~t ~ the ~u~herlY I~e of' ~~ ~~ew ~,~ ~ t~ ~,~hw~t ~er ~-~i~. ~e~ of W~am Vic- ~a ~ ~ G. Vic~; ~: ~~ ~uth ~'~0~ e~t ~~' ~~ of W~~ Vic- ~ri~ ~ ~g~a G. V~~ a .~.~~ ~de efa p~va~ .~d- ~; ~~~ ~nce ~$h 15~" w~t al~g and ~ ~ld ~va~ ~way a d~ce of ~nt ~d ~ m.~dow l~d now ..er f~~rly of ~~ M. ~d o~ers; ~ ~~g then~ · ~~ ~~' w~t ~o~ s~d .~t ~tion~ l~ds a d~t~ce ~ ~5.3~ f~t ~ a ~n~~ monu- ~ment ~d ~e S~ of a ~nd; .~g ~en~ along the shores of ~d ~nd ~ ~,e ~e ~d tu~ ~.e t~e ~es of wh~h · ~ ~u~ ~5°21'50'' w~ ~.~2 ~ ~ No~h 0°05'10'' w~t ~2.19 f~t ~ a ,c~.cr~e monu- ~nt; ~~g thence No~h 65~ ~'10" w~t a ~t~ce of 21.11. f~t ~ a ~ncre~ ~n~ent; ~~ing thence ,~uth 18 · ~ west ,a d~~~ of 1~.11 ~' .a ~t and ~e sh~ of .~rey Cr~k; r~~g ~e.nce ~~ t~e ~ores of Corey Cr~k ~ the ~me wln~ and tu~s .~e tie l~e of which ~s S~uth ~36'20" w~t 639.22 f~t lan~ now or fo~.erly of Koke Estate; .~nning ~ence No~h 25~53' ~t ~o'ugh a~ ~n, ce~ monument and ~ong~ ~d lands .nGw or fo~erly _of~ ~he K°ke ~te a d~tance of ~.~ feet to the ~int or pl~~ .of beginn~g. DA~' ~ovember 9, 1961 BY O~~ OF THE ~UTHO~ TO~ BO~. A~ERT W. RIC~O~, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ...... ..c.~..% .... ~...%.~:.~.~.~:;~.~....~.~.:.~..~.&~.,.?.~.~ ......... , being d~y Swo.~, says that ~~/ .. is P~nter ~d Pub~sher of the SUFFOLK TI~S, a newspaper pubEshe.d at Gree.n~~, ~ said county; and that the notice, of which the a~exed is a p~ted copy, bas been published in the said Su~~ ~mes once in each week, for ............................................................... :~.-.:..~ ............................. week~ ~uccessively commencing on the ....... , day of ..... ~.~.~:~:f~:~:~?'~~.~ 1 ~..[ ...... ....k ...... :.~.~:~:~.~.= ........... :: ...... : ............. ~.~:...~ .............. Sworn to before me tMs ...,:...;:.::~f:~..:: ....... NOTICE OF OF ZON~ AME~NT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 48 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a pursuant to the requirements of law, the (including publ ic hear ing held Building Z one Ordinance the Building Zone Map) of the Town of Sou thold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amended at a regular meeting of the $outhold Town Board held on Novembe~r 9, 1961, as follows: By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the folk)wing-described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at $outhold, in the Tow n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Wells Avenue 200 feet southez~ from its intersect/on with the southerly line of Main Road, said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of the premises late of Adeline J. Becktold zoned Commercial~ running thence along the easterly side of Wells Avenue $.15 ~45'10''E. 471.78 feet to the northerly line of wells Avenue~ running thence N. 70° 22'20"E. 149.89 feet to land now or formerly of Suffolk. County Trust Co.; running thence along said land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust .Co. and a right of way N. 15°55'50"W. 464.12 feet to said other land of the Estate of Adeline J. Becktold zoned "B" Commercial and running thence $. 73°17' 20"w. 148 feet more or less to th~ point or place of beginning. Page 2 - Legal Notice 0 By changing from "A" Res ident ial an~ Agricultural District to "M" Multipl~ Residence District the following described property Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more bounded and described as follows -. particularly Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary line of premises of william Victoria and Regina G. Victoria which point is located South 25 ~53' west Distance of 250.00 feet from a concrete monument a set in the souti~erly line of ~in Bayview Road at the northwest corner of said premises of William victoria and Regina G. Victoria; running thence South 64"07' east along lands of william Victoria a~d Regina G. Victoria a distance of 840.00 feet to the westerly .side of a private roadway; running thence South 50"15'20'' west along and across said private roadway a distance of 88.40 feet to a concrete monument and the meadow land now or formerly of Howard M. Terry and others; running thence North 83~08' west a long sa~d las t mentioned lands a distance of 75.37 feet to a concrete monument and the shores of a po~d~ running thence along the shores of said pond as the same winds and turns the tie lines of which are South 75~21'50" west 257.72 feet and North 0~05'10'' west 72.19 feet to a concrete monument; running thence North 65:02'10'' west a ~istance of 21.11 feet to a concrete monument; running thence South 18~47'2~'' Page 3 - Legal Notice west a distance of 146.11 feet to a post and the shores of Corey Creek~ running thence along the shores of Corey Creek as the same. winds and turns the tie line of which is South 77°36'20" west 639.22 feet to lands now or formerly of Koke Estate; running thence North 25°53' east through a concrete monument and along said lands now or formerly of the Koke Estate a distance of 748.92 feet to the .point or place of beginning. DATE-D: November 9, 1961. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. TOWN R]~C.HMOND, CLERK. PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE , NOVEMBER 17 , 1961, .AND FORWARD FIVE (5) AFF~AVITS OF PUBLICATION LMMED~~LY TO THE TOWN CLERK, MA~N ROAD, $OUTHoLD, NEW York. Copies mailed to the foll~wing on November 14, 1961: 'The Suffolk Times The Long island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman. PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 10, 1961 P re s e n t : LESTER M. ALBERTSON, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Councilman CORWIN GRATHWOHL, Councilman ROBERT W. ALBERT W. TASKER, Town Attorney RICHMOND, Town Clerk MR. FREDERICK L. JACKSON, ESTATE OF ADELINE J. BECKTOLD~ SOUTHOLD 2 SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open this hearing by reading the legal notice of the hearing. "NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE, Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on the 10th day of October, 1961 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. "2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: "All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows "Beginning at a point on the eaRterly side of Wells Avenue 200 feet southerly from its intersection with the southerly line of Main Road, said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of the premises late of Adline J. Becktold zoned "B" Commercial; running thence along the easterly side of Wells Avenue S.15~45'10"E. 471.78 feet to the northerly line of Wells Avenue; running thence N.70°22'20"E. 149.89 feet to land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co.; running thence along said land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co. and a right of way N. 15°55'50"W. 464.12 feet to said other land of the Estate of Adeline J. Becktold 3 ZONED "B" Commercial and running thence S.73~17'20"W. 148 feet more or less to the point or place of beginning." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I also have the following affidavit from the printer. "STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)ss: "F. Langton Corwin, being duly Sworn, says that he is and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, in said county; and that the notice, copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, Printer a newspaper published at Greenport, of which the annexed is a printed "Sworn to before me this 29th day of September 1961. /s/ Stanley Corwin, Notary Public, State of New York." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: The following is the report of the Southold Town Planning Board. "Report to: Southold Town Board, Southold, New York, September 15, 1961. "Gentlemen: This is taken by the Southold Town to certify that the following action was Planning Board on September 13, 1961: "In the matter of the petition of Frederick L. Jackson, the administrator of Estate of Adeline J. Becktold for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Southold, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Wells Avenue 200 feet southerly from its intersection with the southerly line of Main Road, said for one week successively commencing on the twenty-ninth day of ~eptember 1961. /s/ F. Langton Corwin. 4 point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of the premises late of Adeli~ J. Becktold zoned "B "Commercial; running thence along the easterly side of Wells Avenue S.15°45'10"E. 471.78 feet to the northerly line of Wells Avenue; running thence N. 70~22'20"E. 149.89 feet to land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co.; running thence along said land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co. and a right of way N.15 55'50"W. 464.12 feet to said other land of the Estate of Adeline J. thence S.73 I7'20"W. 148 beginning. Map of Southold by Otto W. Becktold zoned "B" Commercial and running feet more or less to the point or place of land of the Estate of Adeline J. Becktold at Van Tuyl & Son dated May 9, 1961. It is hereby "RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board this change of zone from "A" Residential and to ~ricultural District "B" Business District. "This property is presently zoned "B" Business for 200 feet depth. Applicant intends to sell the parcel for commercial use and it is believed good planning and will better serve the needs of the community if the entire parcel is zoned "B" Business. On the opposite corner the property is Business, across the street is Business and to the east of this property for the balance of the business section of Southold the zone is "B" Business. "Respectfully submitted, /a/ John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board." SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: be heard in favor of this Is there anyone present who wishes to change of zone from "A" to "B"? WILLIAM WICKHAM, ESQ., Mattituck, New York: I would like to speak on behalf of the petitioner. I regret that the petitioner, Mr. 5 Jackson is unable to be here tonight to answer any questions. He lives and works in Connecticut and it would be some difficulty for him to come over and go back in time. However, there is little we can add to the petition or to the statement we made to the Planning Board. This property cameinto our hands as part of the estate and in the distribution of the estate we have to dispose of it. We have to dispose of it of course with the approval of the Surrogate and it is our opinion he would not like to see sold in parts. One part is on commercial and the other part is residential. As you know the part on the Main Road is quite high above the Main Road and the part to the south is quite low. By selling it as one parcel the purchaser can easily level it off and make it one grade from the Main Road south. With traffic as it is in Southold and in the summer time particularly, theproblem is quite acute. With one purchaser taking over this property on a commercial venture it is a natural. We have had a numberof substantial inquiries and almost all on the basis of commercial. After we submitted this petition to you we had one inquiry which made us take further action. We had a hint that one purchaser might like to take it and hold it and perhaps convert the residence to an office or store. I see that as a very distastful operation and I have never seen that work in any village. We have had an opportunity to have the house razed and the barn is to be removed shortly and the property cleared up. With your permission in zoning this "B" the Town will benefit greatly. Southold Village is expanding greatly in the business area. 6 It must now expand outwardly. We feel we have done more than is necessary to place this property in a position for possible commercial expansion and we think that it should be done, not only as a resident of the ToWn but out of respect to the previous owners who would like to see it turned into an asset to the hamlet of Southold. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else present who would like to speak in favor of this change of zone from "A (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: in opposition? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none we will close the public hearing for the further deliberation of the Board. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak N<~C~.' OF am~U~o ZONING ~ANC~ · Put. s~t .to Secti0~ 265 of Town Law and Article'IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town ~f So~t!~old, Su~olk COunty, New. Yo~k, p~.bllc hearties will be · held by the Southold Town Bcmrd at t2~e office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street. ~n:~, New York, tn said town on the 10th day of' October. 19~1 at 7."30 o'clock · ~n the evening of said'day, on the following proposals to amend ~the Budding Z~ne Ordinance (lnclud- tn~ the Building Zone lV~aps) of the Town of South~ld, Suffo, lk "J.Om~ty,' New Y(Xrk. '1. By changing ~ "A" Rest- den, rial and Al~ricultural District . ,to "B" Businass District the follow- ' trig, described property: All th~ c~ tract or parcel of land.-situ~ted at SoUthold, .tn ,the Town of Southold, Suffo.l~ Ooun~,' New York, and parttcule~ly bounded and de- scribed as follows' ~eginn~ ~t a po.tnt, marked ,by a ,l[rantte monument set at .the point of intersection of the ~westerly line of Middle · ~oad with,the northeasterly lineI .of Kenney s Roaxt; and running.1 the~.,ee alon~ said. line of Ken-I heys Road, North 41 degrees minutes ,50 seconds West ,a dis-[ ,tance of 220.62 feet to. an ironI pipe; thence on a 1L~e ~t ri~,t! angles to satd line'of Kenney s Reaxt, ~ 48 degrees O2 min- utes-10 seconds East a dis~e of 131.30 feet to an-~n pipe; .thence along land of the party of the first part and along land of Edward Donahue, South 42 .det~rees 05 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 200~0 f~et to an trcm pipe set on said north- westerly line of Middle theace along said-line of Mid- .die Road. South 3'9 degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds Wtest a dis- '' tance of 133.38 feet to the point ~ of beginning. ~ 2. By changing from "A" Resi- · denttal .and Agric~,t'aml District .~ to "B" Business D~rict the fol- ~ 1~ described property; 't -All that ~ tract or parcel ~.. -~ of land situated at Sou,thold, in .~ ,the Town of Southold, St~ffolk ,~ -Countsr, New York, and rrmre ,t( . particularly ~bounded and de- ~ ~cribed as foIlows: al,j~. Beginning ~t a poh~t on the as" easterly side of We]M Avenu~ .2~ feet southerly from its in~ '..te~sectlon with the southerly line of Main l~.oad, said point .of bogim~ing belong' the south- westerly corr~r of the premises I~ ~ate of Adetine J. Beck.tol, d zoned "B" 'Comn~ecial' .running thence ( 'alor~g th~ easterly side of Wells , Avenue S.1,5°45'10'~. 4~1.~8 feet to the northm;ly line of W~lls A~ue; running thC. ce N.?0° 22'20"E. 149..89. feet to land now' ' ~r .f~rly of Suffolk C~unty T~t Oo.; running .tl~ence al,~g said l~nd ri'ow o~ fomerly of Suf- folk' C~unty Trttst C~. and a rig. hi ,of way N.1,5°55'50'~V. 464.12, ,feet to'said other land ~.f the~ Estate 'of Adeline ~l. B.eckt~~ . T,, 20" west 63~22 f~e~ to '~~ 2~053' east through a c0ncere m~nmnen, t- and ~long s~dd lands now .or formerly of ~h~ ~ Estate a d~~ce of 748~2 feet to ~he point or pl~ce .o~ be~unm~. Any ~n d~ ,to .be h~rd en the proposed amencJm~nt sho~-'d appear ~t the time a~d place above specified. - BY ORDER OF THE 1 ~ ss: J r;, ' ~~~ ............ , being duly Sworn, ~ter and Publisher of the. SUFFOLK shed at Greenpo~t, in said county; dch the annexed is a printed copy, said Suffolk Times once in each TOW~ OI.,ER~. ltS20 .................. (~.~ .................................... week~ ,~access~v~y-:Commen~mg on the ....... ~~ ~! .... ~f...~...:~:~ .... ' ............................ 8worn ~o before me ~hi8 .... .--~..~:<~i~..~ ..... ....... ~ 01/1E ~ P U B [ I C. State o~ ~ 'fork Residinll in Suffolk County Commb~ion E~ir~ M~rch ~, 196 ning thence S.73° 17'20"W. ""~/~ fe¢,t more or less 'Go t~e poin{i!' or pl. sme of beginning. 3. By changing' from "A" Resi- dential .and Agri.cultural Dis- trict to "M" Multiple Resi, dence District the following described p, roperty' All that certain tract or par- cel of land situated at Southold, in the Town :of South. old, Surf- folk County, New York, .and more particularly bounded and de, scribed as foil. owe' Be,ginning at a point ,on the w. cste;rl,y boundary I.irre of pre-]' raises .of William Victoria and Regina G. Vic,toria which point'l 'is located south 250.53, West a distance of 250.00 feet from a eormr, e~e monument set in the ,southerly line of Main Bayv~ew Road at tire northwest corner ,of said premises of William Vic- toria .and Re~na G. Victoria; running thence South 64°07 east al. ong lands .of William Vic- toria ,and Regina G. V£ctoria a distance of 840.00 feet to westerly side of a l:rivate .road-It 'way; running thence South 50°1! 15'20" west along and across saidi~,, private ro:~dway a distance ofl--- 8~.40 feet to a con, crete mo.nu-I! rrrent and the meadow land -o.f Howard M. Terry f~ or formerly ,and otheorsi running ~orth 83 08' we, st .along said] last mentioned lands a distance of 75.37 feet to a concrete monu-I~tl merit and the shores of a pond;~q running t.he.n¢e along the shoreslp~ of said pond as the s, ame winds ,and t~rns the tie lines of which are Sout~h 75°21'50', west 257.72 feet and North 0°05'10', w, est 72.19 feet to a concrete monu-~ ment; .running thence N~)'rth 65° 0~2'10" west a distance .of 21.11; feet to a concrete monument; ;running thence South 18°47'20''~ west a distance of 146.11 feet! to .a post and the shores of Oorey Creek; running t~h.ence al'or~g tire shores of Corey Creek as the some winds and turns. the tie line of which is South; ~ZC~ O~ ~G O~ ~1~0~ TO ~~ ZO~Z~ 0~~~ Puxsuant to Sect.ion 265 of the Town --Law and .Ar- ticle IX of Building Zone Ordinance of the ~ o.f S~thold, SuffoLk CountY, New York, public hearings w'ill be held by the Southolcl Town Board at the office, of the Supe~~sor, 16 S_ou~ $~reet, Greenpoz~t, New York, in said town on the 10th day of October, 1961 at 7~30 : .o'clock in the evening of said .day, on the ~o11~~ng p'roposals to amend the Bu~l. d~ng Zone ordinance (~nclud/ng the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. By changing from "A~ Residential and Agricultural D,istrict to "B~ ~usiness District the following ~escribed property=~ Ail that cer-.tain tract or parcel of la.nd s.ituated at $outho. ld, tn the To~n of Sou'thold, Suffolk County0 New York, and more particular bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at a point marke~ by m granite monument set at t~e-~oint of in.ta, rsection of the northwesterly line. of Mi~.dle Road with the north- easterly line of ~.enne¥'$ Road~ and running thence along said line of Kenney's Road, North 41 ~egrees 57 minute~ 50 seconds B~est a dis.tance of 220.62 feet to an iron pip~ thence on a line at right angles to said line of Kenney's Road, degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds East a d.~stance of 131.30 feet,, to an iron pipe~ thence along land of the party of the f:ir-st ~ar2 and alon-g land of Edward Donahue, South 42 degrees 05 m/nutes 50 seconds East a distance of 200.0 feet to an ~ron pipe set on said northwesterly l~ne of MXddle Road~ thence along ~ge 2 - Legal said line of M~ddle Road, South 39 degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds west a distance of 133.38 feet to the point of beginn~g. By changing from. "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B"-' Business District the following ~escribed Ail that certain tract or paruel of land property: situated at 8outhold, in ,the Town of $outhotd, Suffolk County, New York, ara d more particularly bounded and described as follows= Beginniag at a point on the easterly sloe of wells Avenue 200 feet southerly from its. lnte.rse, ctic~ with the southerly line of l~tn Road, .said .point of beginning being ~he southwesterly corner of the premises la~e of Adellne J. Becktold zoned commercial; running thence along the easterly side of Wells Avenue S. 15 :"'"4§'10''?~,~,. 471.78 feet to the northerly line of i<ells Avenue; running thence 22'20~'}';. 149.89 feet to land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co.; runnin 9' thence alcng said land no.~' or formerly of Suf. folk County Trust Co. and a right of way ~.15"5.5'~q0"'w. 464.12 feet to saidother land of ---the. Estate o f Adeline J. Becktold zoned "B"' Commercial and running thence 8.73 o 17 ' 20"W. 148 feet more or leas to the point or place of beginning. By changing from "A '~ Residential and Agri~ltur&l District to "M''~ Mtlltiple Residence District the foil.owing 4ascribed property: All 'that certain tract or parcel of land situated at $outhold, in the Town of Southold, Su£folk C~ty, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows... Beginning at a point on ..the westerly boundary line o£ premises of William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria which point is located South 25 53' west a distance of 250,00 feet fr~m a concrete monument set in the southerly line of Main BayvXew Road at the. northwest corner of said premises of William Victoria and ~egi.na G. Victor'iar running' thence South 64;~'07' east along-lands of Wi11/~m Victoria and Regina G. Victoria a distance of 840,00 feet the wes2erly side of a private roadway~ running t~hence $ou~ 50'~'15 '20" west along and across said pr lvate roadway a d/stance o E 88,40 feet to a con. crete monist and the meadow land now or formerly of .~oward ~. Ter:~ and others ~ running .thence North 83 '~ 08' ~est along said last mentioned Lands a distance of 75.37 feet to a concrete monument and the shores of a po-nd~ run~ln9 thence along the shores of said pond as the san~ winds and-turns the tie lines of w~iCh are South 75 '~21 ' 50 '~' west 257.72 feet and North 0 :~ 05 ' 10" west 72.19 feet .~o a concrete monument,; running thence NOrth 65 '~ 02' 10"' west a distance of 21.11 feet to a concrete mon~nt; running thence South 18 47' west a d .is'tahOe of 146.11 feet to a post and t/~e 'shores of corey Creek~ running thence alcng the shores of corey Creek as the same winds &nd turns · the tt~ line. of which ~ South 77036'20" west 639.22 £eet to lands now or formerly of the }-;~oke 'Estate; running thence North 25 53'es.st through a concrete Page 4- Legal Notice monument and along said lands now or formerly of · the Koke Estate a distance of 748.92 feet to the ~)oint or place of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on. the pro~osed~n~ments sh~ld appear at the time and place above-s~cified. DATED ~ September 2 6, 19~1.. BY ORDER OF THE. TOW~~ BO~. ALBERT W. R~HMOND TOWN CL~RK. 961, A~D FO~W~. F~ (5) AFF~VITS OF Pt~BLICATIO~N TO ~ T~ CLERk, ~.XN ROAD, SOU:THOLD, Copies mailed ~ the following on September ~7~. 1961: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mat~lt~--ck ..~'atchman Bensselaer G. Terry, Jr., a/c Donahue William Wickham, a/c Jackson (Becktold) ~s S~mrk, a/~ Victoria Southold Town Planning Board ~;EIIITHOLD, L. I., N.Y. Report to: Southold Town Board Southold, New York September 15, 1961 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on September 13, 1961: In the matter of the petition of Frederick L. Jackson, the administrator of Estate of Adeline J. Becktold for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Southold, New York and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Wells Avenue 200 feet southerly from its intersection with the southerly line of Main Road, said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of the premises late of Ads,ne J. Becktold zoned "B" Commercial; running thence along the easterly side of Wells Avenue S.15°45'10"E. 471.78 feet to the northerly line of Wells Avenue; running thence N. 70°22~20"E. 149.89 feet to land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co.; running thence along said land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co. and a right of way N.15°55'50"W. 464.12 feet to said other land of the Estate of Adeline J. Becktold zoned "B" Commercial and running thence S.73°17'20"W. 148 feet more or less to the point or place of beginning. Map of land of the Estate of Adeline J. Becktold at Southold by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated May 9, 1961. It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board this change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District. Page 2 - Report to Southold Town Board This property is presently zoned "B" Business for 200 feet in depth. Applicant intends to sell the parcel for commercial use and it is believed good planning and will better serve the needs of the community if the entire parcelis zoned '~B~' Business. On the opposite corner the property is Business, across the street is Business and to the east of this property for the balance of the business section of Southold the zone is "B" Business. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board JW/jb LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM MATT[TUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK MATT. 9- 8331 September 12, 1961 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York Re: Estate of Adeline J. Becktold Gentlemen: We believe that the Town Board has referred to you for consideration the application of Frederick L. Jackson, administrator of this estate, dated August 16th, 1961, to change a portion of the property fronting on Wells Avenue from residential to commercial so that the whole parcel running approximately 147 feet on Main Road and approximately 671 feet on Wells Avenue would be under the commercial zone. In the application it was stated that better planning, both for the village and for the property, could be ob- tained by having the whole parcel under one type of zoning and that the parcel was sufficiently large for a single construction multiple business enterprise. In line with this statement, we have contracted with North Fork Wrecking Company to demolish the buildings on the property and we understand that work has already commenced. It has been our observation in many instances that where au attempt is made to alter a residence for commercial purposes the result is impractical and unsightly. We intend to put this property on the market only as a single parcel and we believe that we can do no more to contribute to the orderly development of the village. Ver~ cordially yours, WW: jh SDUTHDLD. L. I.~ N. Y. August 30, 1961. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Frederick Jackson, administrator for the Estate of Adeline Becktold, Southold, N.Y. relative to change of zone from "Af'' Res- idential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain property situated in Southold, N.Y. is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly ,Dy~ Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM HATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORk August 16, 1961 Office of the Building Inspector Town of Southold Town Clerkts Office Southold, New York Re: Estate of Adeline J. Becktold Dear Sirs: I herewith enolose an application for a change in zono covering property on Main Road and Wells Avenue in Southold. Application is in duplicate. Very cordially yours, William Wickha~~ WW:jh Encs: P.S. Also enclosed is check to your order for $25.00. PETITION CASE NO: ..... ' STATE OF NEW YORK TOVv'N OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, ~,IOD1FICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF TIlE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTPIOLD: 1. l, FREDERICK L. JACKSON residing at R.F.D., Durham, Connecticut (~nsert name of petitioner)the administrator of Estate of Adeline J.Becktold Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, amY~he owner o~ certain real property situated at Southold, New York ........................................................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Wells A~enue 200 feet southerly from its intersection with the southerly line of Main Road, said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of the premises late of Adeline J. Becktold zoned "B Commercial"; runnin~ thence along the easterly side of Wells Avenue S. 15~ 45~ 10" E. 471.7~ feet to the northerly line of Wells Avenue; running thence N. 70~ 22~ 20" E. 149.89 feet to land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co; running thence along said land now or formerly of Suffolk County Trust Co. and a right of way N. 15~ 55' 50" W. 464.12 feet to said other land of the Estate of Adeline J. Becktold zoned "Bo Commercial" and running thence S. 73e 17' 20" W. 148 feet more or less to the point or place of beginning. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the 'row, of Soutbold to change, modi~ and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yo~, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: 200 feet extending southerly from the Main Road is "B Commercial", the remainder extending southward and fronting 471.78 feet on the easterly side of Wells Avenue is "A Agricultural". It is requested that this latter portion be changed to "B Commercial". Suchrequestismade forthefollowing reasons: The present division of this property between commercial and residential zoning presents a difficult problem for both sale and use. Its location at the westerly extremity of the business section of Southold on the south side of Main Eoad presents a logical means for the extension of this business district and with the rapid expansion of residen- tial properties in Southold, more commercial locations seem highly desirable. It is the intention of this estate to put this property on the market in one parcel since that is the only way the Surrogate would probably allow its sale. It is submitted better planning both for the village and for this parcel could be obtained by having the parcel in one ownership and under one type of zoning. The parcel is sufficiently large for a single construction multiple business enterprise rather than a series of small buildings under separate ownership, with proper allowances for parking, traffic access, drainage and good general appearance. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) FREDERICK L. JACKSON ............................................................................ BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it tc be true. Sworn to before me this 16th day of August 61 Notary Public. NJ A I N ~ 3 ,.J t,A/F_ L L$ MAP ,OF LAND ~STATE ADEL. I N F J, ~,0UTHOLD , N.% /g 0,4 O 'b $. 64°07'E. /~ /~UZ?/,~Zx-r I~E$1DEA'CE ' 840.00' OTE: ·, CONC MONUMENT PLAN TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FOR"CHANGE IN ZONING USE DIST- RICT OF THE TOWN OFSOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. JULY 7, 1961 SEPT. 25, 1961 14//L //,4M ViC TO,q/,4 $OUTHOLD SUFFF CO., AZ Y Ju/.,v /0,/950 Soo~e: ~In = ALDEN W YOUNG LICLNSED LAND SURVEYOR N Y STAqE LICENSE NO. 12845 DIVERI4EAD, N.Y.