HomeMy WebLinkAboutWoodhollow Properties, INC. #46 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....... .~..(~..~..~....~.....(~....~'~..~..~.~....]~..?~.~..~...~.¢......~....~.:. ............ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from .........~..~ ?... ~. ~.-~l,d...~..~..~..~..~...~... ~....~..~ .~...~...~1~....~..~....1~.. ~.~ ................... District to ...... '.'. ]~. ?... ~4 ~1.;I,~.~. II..~. ................................................................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the .....~..~....f'~,. ........... day of ............ ~l,tgl~l~, ..................... 19~...6,~nd due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is gz'~t,~;:~ o Dated: ~tt:ober 6~ Zf£ect::l. ve as of Oct:obar 16, By O~der o£ the Sour. hold ?own Board ?cern Clerk ALB~'RT W. RIBFIMrlND REG',C~TRAR OF VITAL STATISTIE:S I-I FFI TELEPH~JNE SE]UTH E] LD S-37B3 SDUTHE}LD, L. I., N. Y. ¢OttN'l~ O~' SUPFOLK) ALBERT W. RICHMOND, beLng duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at Southold, /n the Town of Bouthold, County of Suffolk, State of New Y~k! th&t he ts the Town Cle=k of the Town of Sottthold! th&t o~ the 6th day of Octobe__~r 19_ 6,1~ , he posted a copy of ~he 'NOTICE OF AN~N~NT OF ZONING NO. 46 , together with the official Zoning Map showing same, on the s:Lgnlx~d umlnt&:Lned by h~m pursuant to town law ~n the Southold T~Wn Clerk's Of£tce at Southold, New York% that such post~ng by him wes done pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law and pursuant to the ltesolutton of the Southold Town Board. A copt of the A~endment ts ~nexed hereto. ~Ll~seZ"%~od and sworn to before ~e this da~, o~' ~0~. , z9 Not~ ~l/c k"tJ~l~ BOWD£N Notary Public, State of New York I~sidin~ in Suffolk County No. 52-0367800 My Commission Expires March 30, 19 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORIMNANCE AMEND~ I~O. 46 NOTICE IS HERI~Y GIVEN. that after a pubaic hearing held pursuant to tl~e requ/remants of law, the Building Zome Ordinance' . (including the Building Zone Map- of 'the Town of Sou~hold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly am-[ ended a/, a regular meeting af theI Southold Tow.n Board held on August 29, 1961, as follows: 1. By changing f~om '.A' Resi- dential and Agricultural Dis~ict to ."B" Business District /,he follow-i ing described property: All that certain tract or par- cel of land ~ituated at Orient in the Town of Southold ~uffolk County, New York, an.c more particularly bound:ed and l described a~ follows; Beginning a/, a point on the ~outherly side of the Main Eoad Which point m~rks the north- westerly corner of premises here- in described and the northeast- erly corner of land of the State of New York; thence running along the southerly side of Mom Road, North 87 degrees 09 min- utes 20 -~econds East 151.72 to la~d of the l. rni/,ed States Government; thence rumfing by las~ mentioned land, Smith 11 degrees 43 minutes 20 ~econds East ~52 feet, to the ordinary highwater mark of Gardiner's Bay, thence running southwest- _erly along the ordinary highwa- ter m~rk of Gardiner's Bay the %ie line of whlch bears South 39 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds Wes/, 348.41 fe~t to land of the b-~tate of New York; thence run- ning b~( last men/,ioned land, North 4 degrees 40 mirmtes 45 seconds Wes/, 1000 feet .to the ~o~/,herly side of the iV~ain P~oad, a.~ the. point or place of begin- nmg. DATED: A~gu~ 29, 1961. BY ORDER-OF THE ~OUTI-IOLD TOVv~N~ BOARD. ALBEi~T W. RIOHiVIOND TOWN ~I,~K lt~8 STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ~-~': ~.~..~....__~.~."....~.__~...~f.._..M~_' ....... ....... , being duly Sworn, TI]W_ES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, bas been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each ~.c~c_~ week~ ~veek, for ............................................................................................................ successively commencing on the ............ ~~ ........................ ' ............. ~worn' to before me this ...... ~....~s.~.....1 Resldin2 in Sutlolk (:ounty Clk~ No, 52-5826400 Commission Expi res Murch 30, · o 9Jm roquXr~~ of lay, the ]mtX~ zouo ozhnce (tncludXng the Suffolk county, BuXl~ zone Hap) of the ~ . o£ Southold0 the Sou-~id Town Board held on August 29, 1961, as follows from "A" Res~dmn~.l&l and AgrXcu~turaX DtfJtrXct.- to "B# Bultnell Dtltrtct the .f. ollowtng descrtbed All ~hat cer~xn trac~ or' purex of Land oXtuated at Or.tent. ~n the Town of Sou'thold, Suffolk County, New York, and more pertXcularly bounded and described as .foXlowm~ Begtnntng at a po tnt on the moutherl¥ m tdm of the MaAs Itoad Whtch poXnt marks the northwoatmzX¥ corner of promXsea berets described and the north- easterly corner of land of the sure of New Yoxk; thee runntnq ~~g the mou..therl¥ made o£ Mats Road, ttorth 87 degrees 0'9 ttnutem 20 mecmdo East 151.72 feet to land of the UsX-trod 8tmte8 Government; thence runnxng by List mentioned land, south degreea 43 mLuutel 20 seconds Bast 752 feet,., to the ord.~_~n~__F¥ hXghwmter mark o£ GmrdXMr*o Bay;' -thence runny' southwemterl¥ along the ordtnary htgh~a .:tez mark of. ~Lu~er'a Bay the t~e IXne of wh,tch be.ars South 39 dmgr~m 44 m~nute8 40 .aeconda west 348.41 Page 2 - ~t~ce o£ ~~t ]so, 46 fee~ to ~and of the State o~ New.. York~ then~ runn]Lng 4.¸5 Lust mentioned land, ~o~ 4 degrees 40 minutes seconds ~est 1000 feet to the southerly a~.de of Ha~n aoBd, at _-the po~n:t or .place of beg~Lng. August. BY GjU]BR OF THB $OUTHOLD TOW~ BOARD ALBrA T W. R:K3BtGiU} PLBASB ~PL~~ISH 'OMCB, 8BFtSNBiOt 8, 1.961, AFFIDAVITS OF POBL~TI~ .TO TIlE Tq:IMII CLERK, (4) COMMISSION SETH A. HUBBARD--Chairman LEWIS H, POMPER--Vice Chairman Suffolk County Department of Planning H. LI:E DENNISON County Executive LEE E. KOPPELMAN Planning Consultont VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE.. L. I., N. Y. S~ptember Mm, 1961 ANdrew 5-0700 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold, New York Dear Mr. Richmonch Re: Amendment No. 46 Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Orient, N.Y. Pursuant to Sec~;ion 13.94 of the S~ffol.k County Charter, the S~.~ffo!k Cou~t':y Planning Commission at a Special Meeting held on September ~-0, 1961, considered the above mentioned %mendmeaks to the Building Zone O~'di ~auce. CGL:Jh It was the decision of the Commission to a??rove the amendments. Very truly yours, Charles g. lind Sr. Assistant Civil Engineer Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 5-O7OO September 7, 1961 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Clerk S'.mthold Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Dear Mr. Richmond: Re: Petition of Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Amendment No. 46 This will acknowledge receipt of notification of the above mentioned (zea~R~-~ti~*) (amendment of a zoning ordinance) which was received by (9e~d~il) (regular mail) on September 1, 1961 pursuant to the re- quirements of Section 1304 of the Suffolk County Charter. A special committee of the Suffolk County Plann- ing Commission will hold a preliminary hearing on this matter on September 20~ 1961 at 1:45 p.M., at Hauppauge . at which time all interested parties will be heard. Very truly yours, Charles G. Lind Sr. Asst. Civil Engineer CGL/rp Form 61-1304-2 ~ SS: i~C°unty of suffolk; 'i ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and ilsays that he is the Town Clerk of the Town of ~outhold, Suffolk ~!County, New York, that on the 3tJ~day of August, ].961, he served ithe within notice o£ ~dm.~n~pon the Suffolk ounty Planning ,: ~!Commission, Veteran's Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, N.Y. by deposit- ~ing a rue copy of the sane securely enclosed in a postpaid wrapper i!in the post office maintained and exclusively controlled by the ?United States at Southold, New York, directed to the said Suffolk it County Planning Commission at Hauppage, New York, that being i!the address within the State designated by said Commission for i~that purpose. Deponent is over the age of twenty-one years. ii Sworn to before me th s !iday of August, 1961. i 31L~t~ ~,, Judith T. Boken, Notary Public ~ibert W. RTchmond, Town Clerk PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 29, 1961 Pre s e n t : LOUIS DEMAREST, Councilman HENRY CLARK, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace CORWIN GRATHWOHL, Councilman ALBERT RICHMOND, Town Clerk WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES~ INC. COUNCILMAN BEMAREST: I will open the hearing by reading the legal notice of hearing and affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper. LEGAL NOTICE, Notice of Hearing on Proposal To Amend Zoning Ordinance. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on the 29th day of August, 1961 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Orient, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of the Main Road which point marks the northwesterly corner of premises herein described and the northeasterly corner of land of the State of New York; thence running along the southerly side of Main Road, North 87 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East 151.72 feet to land of the United States Government; thence running by last mentioned land, South 11 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds East 752 feet, to the ordinary highwater mark of Gardiner's Bay; thence running southwesterly along the ordinary highwater mark of Gardiner's Bay the tie line of which bears South 39 degrees 44 minutes 40 se conds West 348.41 feet to land of the State of New York; thence running by last mentioned land, North 4 degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds West 1000 feet to the southerly side of the Main Road, at the point or place of beginning. Any person desiring to he heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: August 8, 1961, By Order of the Southold Town Board, Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) F. Langton Corwin, being duly Sworn, says that he is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Su~olk Times once in each week for one week successively commencing on the eighteenth day of August 1961. /s/ F. Langton Corwin. Sworn to before me this 18th day of August, 1961, /s/ Stanley S. Corwin, Notary Public. COUNCILM~N DEMAREST: I also have here the report of the Southold Town Planning Board: Report to: Southold Town Board, Southold, New York, August 8, 1961. Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on August 1, 1961: In the matter of the petition of Wood_hollow Properties, Inc., 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, New York, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Busine ss District on certain real real property situated at Orient, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of the Main Road which point marks the northwesterly corner of premises herein described and the northeasterly corner of land of the State of New York; thence running along the southerly side ~ain Road, North 87 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East 151.72 feet to land of the United States Government; thence running by last mentioned land, South 11 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds East 752 feet, to the ordinary highwater mark of Gardiner's Bay; thence running southwesterly along the ordinary highwater mark of Gardiner's Bay the tie line of which bears South 39 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West 348.41 feet to land of the State of New York; thence running by last mentioned land, North 4 degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds West 1000 feet to the southerly side of the Main Road, at the point or place of beginning. It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board this change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on property of Woodhollow Properties, Inc., shown on map of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated April 25, 1961. The Planning Board has studied this location for two years and given considerable thought to a pobsible use for it. It would seem to us that a motel and restaurant is the best use that could be made of this strip of land with the advantages and location of this strip. More than that, it w~uld seem that being adjoining to both the recreational facilities of the State of New YOrk Park and the ferry terminal that a motel and restaurant would be a real asset to the Town of Southold. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, ChaPman, Southold Town Planning Board. COUNCILMAN DEMAREST: I also have a sworn statement from Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk which I will read. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~ ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 9th day of August, 1961, he mailed a legal notice on Proposal to Amend Zoning Ordinance to the Long Island State Park Commission, Belmont Lake State Park, Babylon, New York. ORDINANCE: Change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural Town of Southold, District to "B" Business District on property situated in Orient,/New York, copy of which is attached. /s/ Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk, Town of Southold, New York. Sworn to before me this 9th day of August, 1961, Judith T. Boken, Notary Public, State of New York. COUNCILMAN DEMAREST: We are also in receipt of a letter from the Long Island State Park Commission acknowledging receipt of the Planning Board's letter of June 22, 1961 advising them of the application for change of zone; a letter from the New York State Department of Public Works, stating they have no objection to the approval of the application; a letter from the Suffolk County Department of Planning stating they do not have jurisdiction until the petition has been approved by the Town Board; and a letter from the United States Department of Agriculture, Plum I~land Animal Disease Laboratory, J. J. Callis, Acting Director, stating that they have no objections to the change in zoning of this property . COUNCILMAN DEMAREST: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard in favor of this change? GEORGE A. McMANN, ESQ., Greenport, New York: The petitioners purposes in making this change of zone application coincides with those that you read from the recommendation of the Planning Board. This is a long narrow strip of property between the Federal Government and State Park Commission. The property is particularly suitable for a business and particularly marina, motel and restaurant business, rather than private residences. Next to the Federal Government is the New London Ferry property and almost directly opposite that is the Orient Point Inn, therefore a motel and business is not new to the area. COUNCILMAN DEMAREST: Is there anyone else who wishes to speak in favor of this change? (There was no response.) COUNCILMAN DEMAREST: Is there anyone who wishes to be heard ~ opposition to this change? MR. OTTO UHL, JR.: I am not in opposition, I was just wondering who was behind the property. I did not know it was Walter Uhl~ property. From the legal description in the paper I could not be sure. MR. McMANN: The owner is Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Walter Uhl is Vice President of it. COUNCILMAN DEMAREST: Does anyone else wish ~o be heard in favor of or in opposition to this change? (There was no response.) COUNCILMAN DEMAREST: Hearing none, I will close the public hearing for the further deliberation of the Town Board. STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, TOWn of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the 9th day of August, 1961, he mailed a legal notice on Proposal to Amend Zoning Ordinance to the Long Island State Park Commissioner, Belmont Lake State Park, Babylon, New York. ORDINANCE : Change from "A" Residential and Agric- ultural District to "B" Business District on property situated in Orient, Town of Southold, New York, copy of which is attached. Ri6~ond,~ ~(~n Clerk Town of Southold, New York Sworn to before me this 9th day of August, 1961. ~dith T' Boke~n, Notary Public JUDITH T. BOK£N Notary Public, State of New York t.h, $2-0344963, Suffolk County ..~ C ~.ioo Expires March 30, 19/C3 STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, that on the 9th day of August, 1961, he served the within notice of Hearing upon the Long Island State Park Commission by depositing a rue copy of the same securely enclosed in a postpaid wrapper in the post office maintained and exclusive- ly controlled by the United States at Southold, New York, directed to the ,said Park Commission at Belmont Lake State Park, Babylon, New York, that being the address within the State designated by said Com~lssion for that purpose. Deponent is over the age of twenty-one year s. Sworn to before me this 9th day of August, 1961. N~tary Pub~ic- Judith T. Boken ~JDITH T. BOKEN l%¢,.g'rv Public, StaGe of New York i~, 52:-.}244962. Suffolk County, --. Ce~,~, ss,(). £xpires March 30, 19~',.~' Aibert W. Rt~{mond, Town Cler~--i I~OT~C~. OF O~ ~~. ~ ~D ~G P~suant t~ ~tl~ 2~-of .~e ~n ~w ~d ~le ~ of the B~ ~n~ Or~ of 'T~n ~ ~d, Suffolk ~ty, 'N~ Y~k, p~bl~ h~ w~l hem ~ the ~uthold ~ B~ at ~e office of the Suue~r, 16 ~u~ St~t, O~~,' New York, ~ s~d t~n on ~ 29th day of Aug~, 1~1, ~t ~:~ o'cl~k ~ ~e even~g of ~d day, f~~-pr~ ~ ~nd the B~l~g Zone .~ce (~lud- lng t~e Bulldog ~ne ~) of ~he T~ of ~ut~ld, County, New Y~k. 1. By chang~g f~m '.A" Resi- .d~ ~nd A~~ D~ict ~ "B" ~~ ~ct ~e foUow- ~1 t~ ce~ tr~ ~r eel of l~d ~i~d {t'., ~ient ~ the Town Of '~u~ld, S~o~ Comity, N~ York; ~re pa~icul~ly .~~ de~d ~ ,fo~s; ~ at .a po~t on ~utherly a~ of ~e Ma~ ~ad ~ch ~t ~r~ .the nogh- w~ly ~mer of ~em~ here- in d~~ ~d ~ no~h~t- ~ly comer of land of th~ S~te of New Y~k; ~ence ~g ~ong ~e ~utherly ~de of ~d, No~ 8~ degr~ ~ m~- ~s 20 a~on~ ~'151.72 ~ k~ of ~e ~ited Sta~s~ ~er~ent; th, ence ru~ by I~ men~oned land, S~tl~ 11 .d~u~.s ~ ~ut~ 20 ~on& .~ ~2 f~, to the highwa~ ~rk of O~d~er's Bay, thence ~~ ~u~e~- erly along ~, ord~ highwa- ter ~rk of Gardner's Bay the tie 1~ ~l w~ ,~ars ~u~h W~t ~.~'.~. ~ I~ of ihe' ~' '~ ~: i~n~ land, ~ ~e 9f ~e ~ ~d,. at ~e ~t or. p~e of ~y per~ d~g to ~ h~d on ~e ' p~ ~ndment ~d a~r at ~e t~me ~d pl~ ~ve s~lfted. DA~: A~t 8, 1~1. BY OP, I~ OF ~ SOUTIiOLD TOWR BOileD ' A~,RERT W, ~OND, ltAul8 TOWN STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ~ ss: ....... ..... ..... ......... , says tha~ .... ./.'f~ ........... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, bas been published in the said Suffo~ Times once in each week, for ..................................................... ~[~: ......................................... week~ successively commencing on the ....... .~~.'.L...~..~~.'.~.... day of ........... ~.~..:~...,~. i[,~:~:~ .............. 19...C.-.!. ~ ...... i ........................ ........................ ,~worn to before me this ...i.~....-.¢.".-~i..: ....... } " 8TtNL£Y .......... ~IO~'~l~¥-t~ t~t~;--~t ~l~- ~f - ~--Y-~k ...... l~siiing in Suffl~k C~unty Clks. N0. 5~-5826400 Coramission Expires March 39, 196Z NOT.T.¢E, OF HEARING TO AMEND ZONING ON PROPOSAL ORDINANCE Pt~rsuant to Section 265 of the Town -Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New york, public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervtsor~ 16 South Street~ Greenport, New York, in said town on the 29th day of August, 1961 at ?~ .t0 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following props.al to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, SuffoLk County, New York. lo By changing from "A" Residential and Agxicultural District to "B" Business District the following described property~ All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Orient, in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at a point on the southerly side of the Main Road which point marks the northwesterly corner of premises herein described and the north- easterly corner of land of the State of New York! thence running along the southerly side of Main Road, North 87 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East 151.72 feet to land of the Unlted States ~overnment~ thence running by last mentioned land, South 11 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds East 752 feet, to the ordinary htghwater mark of ~ardine. r's Bay! thence Page 2 - Legal ~ot:Lce running southwesterly along the ordinary highwater mark of ~ardiner*$ Bay the tie line of which bears South 39 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West 348.41 feet to land of the state of New York~ thence running by last mentLoned land, North 4 degrees 40 m~nutes 45 seconds West 1000 feet to the southerly side of the Main Road, at the point or place of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment . should appear at the t~me and place t~ DATED~ August 8, 1961. above spec:Lf:Led. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD. ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK. PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, AUGUST 18, 1961, AND FOR~ FOUR AFFIDAVIT'S OF PUBLICATION IMMEDIATELY TO TT1E TOWN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies ma:~led to the follow.lng on August 9, 1961: The Suffolk Thnes The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck ~orge Watchman (4) Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHE]LD, L. I., N.Y. PLANNINC~ BOARD MEMBERS John '~/ickham, Chairmen Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archib,,Id Young ~,~/il lia rn Unkelbech Report to: Southold Town Board Southold, New York August 8, 1961 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on August 1, 1961: In the matter of the petition of Woodhollow Properties, Inc., 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, New York, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Orient, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- erly side of the Main Road which point marks the northwesterly corner of premises herein described and the northeasterly corner of land of the State of New York; thence running along the southerly side Main Road, North 87 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East 151.72 feet to land of the United States Government; thence running by last mentioned land, South 11 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds East 752 feet, to the ordinary highwater mark of Gardiner's Bay; thence running southwesterly along the ordinary highwater mark of Gardiner's Bay the tie line of which bears South 39 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West 348.41 feet to land of the State of New York; thence running by last mentioned land, North 4 degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds West 1000 feet to the southerly side of the Main Road, at the point or place of beginning. It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board this change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B' Business District on property of Wood/hollow Properties, Inc. shown on map of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated April 25, 1961. Page 2 - Report to Southold Town Board The Planning Board has studied this location for two years and given considerable thought to a possible use for it. It would seem to us that a motel and restaurant is the best use that could be made of this strip of land with the advantages and location of this strip. More than that, it would seem that being adjoining to both the recreational facilities of the State Park and the ferry terminal that a motel and restaurant would be a real asset to the Town of Southold. Respectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board COMMISSIONERS ROBERT MOSES PRES]DENT ANGLER BIDDLE DUKE LANSDELL K, CHRIS:TIE TELEPHONE= MOHAWK 9-$000 STATE OF NEW YORK LONG ISLAND STATE PARK COMMISSION BELMONT LAKE STATE PARK BABYLON. L. !.. N. Y. SIDNEY M. SHAPIRO CHIEF ENGINEER AND G[ENERAL MANAGER CHESTER R. B[-AKELOCK EXECUTIVE ~ECRETARY G. FRANK DOU(~HERTY COUNSEL July 7, 1961 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, L.I., N.Y. Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June ZZ, together with a copy of application for change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, on property owned by V¢oodhollow Properties, Inc. at Orient, New York, situated at the intersection of Route 25 and the entrance parkway to Orient Beach State Park. Very truly yours, V. M. CALDWELL VMC:S1K STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS J. BURCH McMORRAN SUPERINTENDENT AUSTIN M. SARR. DISTRICT ENGINEER S2B WEST MAIN STREET BABYLON, L. !., N.Y., COUNTIES IN lOTH DISTRICT NASSAU SUFFOLK GREATER NEW YORK June 30, 1961 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, L.I., New York Gent lemen: Your letter of June 22, concerning a zone change application by Woodhollow Properties, Inc., has been received. We have no objection to the approval of this application. The applicant is required to secure a Permit, from this office, for access to the State highway. Three copies of a sketch of the proposed entrance to the State highway are required with the appllcatio~ for the Permit. The information you supplied has been forwarded to the Long Island State Park Comm_ission for their review. Thank you for your cooperation in bringing this matter to our attention. VeV .truly yours, District Engineer JWG: hms COMMISSION SETi~ A. HUBBARD---Chairman LEWIS H. POMPER--Vice Chairman Suffolk County Department of Planning H. LEE DENNISON County Executive LEE E. KOPPELMAN Planning Consultant VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, L. I., N. Y. ANdrew 5-0700 3une Z7, 1961 Southold Town Planning Board Town Cie rk' s Office Southold, N.Y. Attention: Mr. 3ohn Wickham, Chairman Re: Petition of Woodhollow Prope rtie s, Inc. , for a change of zoning of property situated at Orient, New York Dear Mr. Wickham: In regard to the above mentioned petition I wish to advise you that this zoning matter lies outside of the Jurisdiction of the Suffolk County Planning Commission as Section Z39M of the General Municipal Law no longer applies to Suffolk County, (s~.e enclosed copy o£ letter sent out on May 1, 1961 in regard to this matter). If and when the Town Board of the Town of Southold approves of this petition, they should then notify the Planning Commission pursuant to the requirements of Section 1304 of the Suffolk County Charter. Action by the Planning Commission will then be taken. If you have any questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Charles G. Lind Sr. Asst. Civil Engineer CGL/rp eric. . 'l ,= c th~ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE ANIMAL DISEASE AND PARASITE RESEARCH DIVISION PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE LABORATORY POST OFFIC£ BOX 848 GREENPORT. LONG ISLAND. NEW YORK JUN ? 19 1 Mr. John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, L.I., New York Dear Mr. Wickham: This will acknowledge your letter dated June 22, 1961 forwarding to our attention copy of the application for a change in zoning from class "A", Agricultural Residential, to class "B", Business District, on the property adjacent to our Orient Point property owned by Woodhollow Properties, Inc. We are pleased to advise that we have no objections to the change in zoning of this property. Very truly yours, Acting Director June 22, 1961 County of SuffOlk Planning Commission Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York Gentlemen: of to "B" Business District on property Propexties, Inc. at Route 23, Orient, between property of the State of New (entrance to the Orient State Park), U. S. Government on the east. We are inreceipt of an application for a change zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District o~.vne d by Woodho 11 ow New York, lying York on the west and property of the We are su~mitting a copy of this application and map to you in accordance with Section 239-m of the General Municipal Law £or your approval and comments. and it is pro~sed to ~nsta!l restaurant on the premises. a comme rc la I mar ina, mote 1 Your early reply will be aPPreciated. Very truly yours, John. Wickham, Southold Town Chairman Planning Board Jun~ 22, 1961 Long Island S~te mabylon, New Y~rk Park Commission Gentlemen= of We are In receipt of an application for a change zone from "A" Residential and Agricultttral District to "B" Bus!ness District on property Properties, In~. at Route RS, Orient, between ~roper~y of 'the grate of New (entrance to the Orient State Park}, U. S. Oovernmell~. on the east. owne4 by woodholIow ~{ew York, lying York on the west and ~roperty of the We are s~itttng a copy of this ap~l~cation and map to you in &~cordance with Section 239-m of the General Municipal Law £~r your approval and comments. and restauran~ on the premises. a commercial Your early reply w~ll be appreciated. motel, Very truly yours, John Wickham, Southold Town ChaXrman Planning Board ~une R2, ~961 New York State Department of Public Office of theDLstrict Engineer Babylon, New York Works Dear Sir: of to Properties~ I~c., between (entrance to ~he U. S. Government We are in receipt of an application for a change zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District "B" Business District on property owned by Woodhollow Route 2§, Orient Point, New York· lying of the State of Ne~ York on the west Orient State Park)~ and property of the on the east. we are subm~tting a copy of this application map to you in accordance with Section 239-m of the Municipal Law for your approval and comments. It is proposed to install a restaurant, e~c. on the premises. commerci&l mar ~.na, and General motel, Your early reply will be appreciated. Very tru 1 y your s, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /Jb ~une 22, 1961 Dr. M. S. Shahan, Director Plum Is lan~ Anal Dlsease Laboratory U. S. De~artmen~ of Agriculture Plum Island, New York Dear Dr. Shahan~ of to "B" BusineSs District on ~roperty Properties, In=. at Route 25, Orient, between property of the State of New (eh. trance to the Orient State Park), U. 8. Government on the east. We are in receipt of an application for a change zone from 'A# Residential and Agricultural Dlstrtc~ owned by Woodhollow New York, lying York on the we st and property of the We are map to you in question su~tt, ttng a copy of thls for approval and comments, bounds property of the U. application and since the parcel S. Government. and It is prol~ose~ to install restaurant on the premises. a commercial marina, motel Your early reply wlll be appreciate4. Very truly your s, john Wtckham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board ALBE~T W, RII~HMOND SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. ,.Tuae 8, 19~1. Mr. John Wickham chairman Plmnnin9 tk~rd Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Wickb~m; The original petition of Wood- hollow Properties, Inc., Oxient, New Yo~k, relative to change of zone frc~ '~A" Resident- ial and Agricultural District to 'B" Bus~'~ess District. is in the filez in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New Yoxk. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions des- ~ibe~ in the petition and determine the area so effected w~th the reco~z~endation of your Bo~rdo Very truly ye s, Albert w. Town Clerk CASE NO: ..... ./..~... ........... STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THK MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Woodhollow Properties~ Inc. FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDIN- ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: We, 1. ~I .....~..o...o..d..~.D..],.~.D..w....P...r..o..p.0 .r..~..i..e...s..,....%.Ilc,. residing at 3.....G..1...s.~...L...a...~..e...:....G...],..~.~.w..o...o...d....La nd lng ~ Nassau(insert name of petitioner) ~ County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .Qr~.~.a...~.~;...~..~D.~9~and more particularly bounded and described as follows: ~LL that certain plot~ piece or parcel of land, situate~ lying and being in the Town of So~thold, County ,~f Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of the Main Road which point marks the northwesterly corner of premises herein described and the northeasterly corner of land of the State of New Tork; thence running along the southerly side Main Road, North 87 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East 151.72 feet to land of the United States Government; thence running by last mentioned land~ South ll degrees ~ minutes 20 seconds East 752 feet, to the ordinary highwater mark of Gardiner's Bay; thence running southwesterly along the ordinary highwater mark of Gardiner's Bay the tie line of which bears South )9 degrees ~4 minutes ~0 seconds ~Yest 3~8.~1 feet to land of the State of New York; thence running by last mentioned land~ North ~ degrees ~0 minutes ~5 seconds West 1000 feet to the southerly side of the Main Road~ at the point or place o£ beginning. 2. X do hereby petition the Town Board of the To~vn of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including ihe Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To change the above described premises from "A" Residential and .igricultural District to "B" Business District. 3. Suchrequestis madeforthefollowing reasons: The above described premises are more suitable for business purposes than residential because the U. S. Government's offices and large parking area abutt said premises on the East. To the East of the U. S. Government installation the New London Ferry slip and parking area are located. Petitioner's premises are bounded on the West by lands of the State of New york~ which were acquired to provide for the possible future widening of the State Park entrance roadway. Said premises are bounded on the North by the State Road and on the South by the Bay. It is the intention of petitioner to erect a motel~ marina and restaurant on said premises. WOODHOLLOW PROPERTILS, STATE OF iN'IEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ............ +.~ ....... : ............. ~ .... m ................... .~.~.....~.~. .... ~BEING DULY S_WORN, deposes and says that Yx,ce Presiaen~ of Wooanoz±ow 2roperties, he is the~petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoihg Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the mat- ters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it tc be true. (L. S.) .............................................. Sworn to before me -~~,~/,r ...,..~...~.~..%..':~..:: .............. 19 61 this ~..'.'...,.. day of ........ ........ ~ ....... z~ ....... ~..~... ~ ...(¥: ................ ~ .' ........ ~' ' ~.~rY Public. NOTARY PU:{LIC, Stgt~ of rJe,',' York ~RIENT BY THE SEA HAROLD UHL, Pres. Tel. No. WALTER UHL, V. Pres. 3 GLEN LANE GLENWOOD LANDING, N.Y. ze?o£m~.,er 30th, 1760 Septembez 9, 1960 ~tr. ~~e~ t. He~lett 12 Knoll~od Road Knolled Beach Huntington, ~e~ York Dear ~tr. He~lett: Please be advised that t~o member, o£ the $outhold Town Plann~nq Board have ~nspected the pzopertM of Edwin H. K~ng, O~t~t, Ne~ York, which ~ou ~ndtcate an ~nterest ~n, and £Lnd that the present laFout ~. not acceptable. Ver~ trul~ ~ours, John Wtckham, Southold Town ChaZrman Planning Board .47- 0,~/,,~--/v 7-;; Az'y 2