HomeMy WebLinkAboutGada, A. John Amend 41 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with thc Town Board of the Town of Southold by ............ ..~..,....~....O.~...G....&~....&. .......................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ......... ?..~.~.... ~ .~..~...~..d..Il...~..~...~..&...~... ~......~...$..~..~...~..t,....1~.. ~ .................. District to ......... ~ .~. ~'.....~1~.....~...~...t~...~...1~... ........................................................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the .... .~1..~..1~ .......... day of ............. ~.~..~ .................. 19~...~.,land due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is c~'Z'lLllt, lldo RK ALBERT W. RICHMr'IND TOWN CLERK RE[SISTRAR DF VITAL ~STATIS~TICS TELEPHONE ~OiithrtlD S-37B3 SE}UTHE]LD, L. I., N. Y. (Lt) JUDITH T. BOKEN Publ!c, State of New York " 2~4763. Suffolk County ' 'q's ldarch 30, 1.9~/ ! ~OT~OE · O~ AMENDMENT. ' 2J~[ENDMEN~ ~O. 41 ~~ ~ ~Y G~, that ~r a pu~i~ ~~g held ~s'u~ ~ t~ r~~~~ ~w, t~ BuH~ Z~e Ord--: (i~l~g the ~~ Zo~ ~p of the ~wn of ~hold, S~fol~ ~unty, New Yor~, ~~ at a re~lar ~~ ~ the~ ~uthold Tow~ ~a~ he~ 1. By- ch~g~g ,f~ A R~tL~ .~ "C:" ~d~a" ~s~t t~ ~1-' l~g d~rlb~ pro~rty: A~ ~at ~,rt~ ~t or ~1 of l~d ait~a~d at F.~s] ~and, in the ~ of '~h-[ old, .Suffolk ~ty, N~ Y~k, and m~re p~tic~afly b~ded ~d ,described as foll~3: ~g~ng ,at ~a ~ pl~ on ~h,e wes~rly side of th, e way extending no~herly from Whistler AEene, s~d po~t ~g oa the divid~g ~e. ~tween t~ aere~ con~d ~rac,t and l~d ,of ,~e Uni~efl Stat~ C,o.~t Guard kno~ ~s ~e f~fly quoters ,t~act ~d ~.en~ee ~naing aloe' the ~esterly line of s~d ~aad- ~ay N~rth ~o 06' '~est 82.20 · f~t;-thence along a~d ,road line ~h 16~ 14' W~st 80.11 ieet; th.e~e~ along said ~d 1Me ~rth 1~ 29' Eaat. 125.3 l~t; the~e ~orthe~terly ~o~ ~id' ~d 1~ ~ l~d of the United States Co~t ~d k~ ~.e '~amm~.cations antra ~i~;, ~ce No~~~ly .~ a s~aight i~e ~ tB~ shore of · F~s ~d ~~, a~tt~g ~orthe~rly on ~id G~rd l~d; thence ~ ~a ge~ ~uthwes~fly' ~r~tlon al~g ~ld ~ore line a~t She en~nce of ~ver ~1 ~ve; ~~e al~g $~ ~e ~e a ~u~~ly, ~~~~ly and Southe~fly d i r e c t i o n !a~ut ~ feet ~ ~d ]and ~~ ~ .the i~ly q~; ~h,~ 54° ~st .a.~ut 1~ feet ~ the ~nt of ~~~. tain~g 2.2 .~res, ~a~e or 1~. ~~' F~b~a~ 14, 1.~1. BY O~R OF ~UTHOLD ~~ A~,~T W, RIC~~, lt~4 ~~ ~~' STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss' su o .K, j ....... .~..., .... ~.~.~~ ..... ...~...~...~..~..'.,~ ................ , being duly Sworn, says that .......*~'~ '~ ........ is P~nter and Pub~sher of the SUFFOLK ~~.S, ~ newspaper published at Greenpo~, in said county; ~nd that the notice, cf which the a~exed is a p~nted copy, has been published in the s~d Suffo~ ~mes once in each week, for ....................................................................... ~.~ ................... week~ successively commencing on the .......... ~- .... ~ ........... :...~ ......... day of ~ ~' /~ ~*' ~ 1 ......... ~ ..... :~= .... ,::..~.~:~...- ..... ~..;.~ ......... 8worn ~o before me ~8 ..... ~2.:x:...u...._: .... ..... _.__ .... ........... .,. · .~ Qum~f:,cd i.~ S~ffolk Count~ Term Ex[~es M~,'ch 30, 196~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF OF ZONING AMENDMENT ORD INANC E AMENDMENT NO. 41 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Map) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, was duly amended a~t a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on January 31, 1961, as fo 11 ows: 1. By changing from District property.' to "C" Industrial "A" Residential and Agricultural District the following described Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows.. Beginning at a brass plate on the westerly side of the roadway extending northerly from Whistler Avenue, said point being on the dividing line between the herein conveyed tract and land of the United States Coast Guard known as the family quarters tract and thence running along the westerly lin~6f said roadway North 37° 06' West 82.20 feet; thence along said road line North 16° 14' West 80.11 feet; thence along said road Page 2 - Legal Notice line North 1© 29' East '125.3 feet; thence North- easterly alongsaid road line to land of the United States Coast Guard known as the communications antenna site; thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the shore of Fishers Island Sound, abutting Northeasterly on said Coast ~uard land! thence in a general Southwesterly direction along said shore line about 450 feet to the entrance of S~lver Eel Cove; thence along said Cove line in a Southeasterly, North- easterly and Southeasterly direction about 700 feet to said land known as the family quarters; thence North 54© East about 125 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 2.2 acres, more or less. DATED: February 14, 1961. By Order of the Southold Town Board Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk. PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, FEBRUARY 24, 1961, AND FORWARD FOUR (4) aFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD $OUTHoLD, NEW' YORK. HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO AMF~D ZONING ORDINANCE Public hearing was held by the Southold Town Board at the Legion Hall, Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island, New York in said town on the 31st day of January, 1961 at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon on the proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance. Present were: Supervisor A/bertson Justice Tuttle Justice Clark Justice Edwards Councilman Demares t Councilman Grathwohle Clerk Albert Richmond Supervisor Albertson read the legal notice of the he, ring as published in the LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-MATTITUCK WATCHMAN and in the NEW LONDON DAY as follows: "Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Legion Hall, Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, in said town on the 24th day of January, 1961 at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. 1. By chang, ing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and more parti- cularly bounded and described as follo~'s: Beginning at a brass plate on the westerly side of the roadway extending northerly from Whistler Avenue, said point being on the dividing line between the herein conveyed tract and land of the United States Coast Guard known as the family quarters tract and thence running along the westerly line of said roadway North 27° 06' West 82.20 feet; thence along said road line North 16° 14' West 80.11 feet; thence along said road line North 1° 29' East 125.3 feet; thence northeasterly along said road line to land of the United S%ates Coast Guard known as the communications antenna site; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the shore of Fishers Island Sound abutting'northeasterly on said Coat t Guard land; thence in a general southwesterly direction along said shore line about 450 feet to the entrance of Silver Eel cove; thence along said Cove line in a southeasterly, northeasterly and southeaxterly direction about 700 feet to said land known as the family quarters; thence No~th 54° Ea~t about 125 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 2.2 acres, more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: January 3, 1961 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BC~RD ALBERT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK Supervisor Albertson explained that the postponement of the hearing from Jan- uary 24th to 31st was due to stormy weather. He then read the reconm~endation of the Planning Board as follows: "Gentlemen: December 29, 1960 This is to certify that the following action was taken by the South- hold Town Planning Boazd at their meeting December 20, 1960: In the matter of the petition of A. John Gada and Race Point Corporation for a change of zone from "A" Residential and aglricultural District to "C" Industrial District on certain property situated at Fishers Island and more particularly bounded and described as follews: Beginning at a brass plate on the Nester~.y side of the roa~'~'~ay extending Northerly from Whistler Avenue, said point being on the dividing line between the herein conveyed tract and land of the United States Coast Guard known as the family quarters tract and thence running along the Westerly line of s&id roadway North 37° 06' '~est 82.20 feet; thence along said road line North 16° 14~ West 80.11 feet; thence along said road line North 1° 29' East 125.3 feet; thence Northeasterly along said road line to land of the United States Coast Guard known as the communications antenna site; thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the shore of Fishers Island Sound, abutting Northeasterly on said Coast Guard land; thence in a general Southwesterly directien along said shore line about 450 feet to the entrance of Silver Eel Cove; thence along said Cove line in a Southeasterly, Northeasterly and Southeasterly direction about 700 feet to said land known as the family quarters; thence North 54° East about 125 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 2.2 acres, more or less. Plan of proMerty to be conveyed by Race Po_~nt Corporation to A. John Gada, Fishers Island, New York, dated December 1960 by Chandler and Palmer Engineers. It is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board reco~nend to the Town Board ~ this change of zone from "A" Residential and A~ricult~zral District to "C" Industrial District. It is further suggested that additional adjoining property be changed to "C" Industrial District and the warehouse area west of tho Ferry District office might well be changed to "B" Business District on the Town Board's own motion. Respectfully submitted, S/ John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board" -2- Supervisor Albertson stated that all in favor of the proposal would be heard at this time. There was no response· He stated that all against the proposal would be heard. No response. He then stated that any comments for or against would be heard. No response. The public hearing closed at 1:15 for further deliberation of th·Board. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · At a regular meeting of the Town Board held February 14, 1961 at the office of tb.e Supervisor, Greenport, New York, a resolution was c. ffered ~.y Just~.ce Clark and seconded by Counci].man Demarest, granting said char~ge cf zone from "A" Eesidential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial Eistrict on. aforementioned property as applied for by A. John Gads, Fishers Island, New York· Eespectful] y submitted, Lucy J. Ahma~h Recording Secretary -3- _ Pursua~, ,o _seeuon Town LaW and _A._r~Cie ,I~ of the ~ul~~ ~ne O~n~ of ~own o~ ~Ou~l~_Suf~ ~un- ty, N~ Y0r~ .pUblic h~nf wlM ~a~~dtb~ ~e ~u.~ ~wn Fishe~ Ishn~ New e~t Aven~ ~or~ in ~d oay of Janua~, ~, o'ql~k ~ the aftern~n of ~id day, .oR-~e' followJnf ~0~1 to ~end the ~ild~~e ~n~ (inclu~n~~e Bulldtnf ~ne Maps) of 01d, ~ffo~ ~u~Y.-New York. ~. ~ cha~lnf ff~m "A" dentf~ and Af~cult~ ~ "~Industri~ ~s~ict ~e fol* lowJnf descfl~ p~~z AIl t~at ce~ln tract or ~el ~ lanu, sit~t~ at ~h~ o nd, In the To~ of S~old, ffolk County, N~ Yo~ and ~ pa~cul~y ~-~und~ and scrlb~ as foMows: ' - Best~)nq at a b~f plate on e westerly sMe of ~e roadway ~xtendin~ N~h~ly ~ Avenue, ~id ~fnt bein~ on ~e dividinf ~e ~tween the ~n ~n~ey~ t~ct and ~d ~e Unft~ S~s Coast Guard m~wn aS ~e fa~ly_ qua~ers ct' and th~ce '-~nMn~ alonf ~e Westerly Hne of hid way Nor~ 3Fo ~' W~t 82.20 f~t; 'thence alon~ nid ~ad line North ~6' ~' West M. lj f~t; thence  lo~ said ~ad l~e asr V2~.3 f~t; thence No. east- erly alon~ ~d road-li~ to land of the Un]t~' S~t~ ~st Gua~ know~ as the .communica~ons ant~ ~; ~ce Northwest- erly In a ~~ht line to the shore of Island ~und, tti~. N0~~s~rly on said. st G~ l~d; thence'~'a ~e~al ~uthwesterly dir~tlon along said shore li~ a~ut f~t ~ ~e ~tran~ of Silver Eel · ~ve; ~en~ ~ong ~d ~ve ~e In a ~uth~terly, _No~h~erly and_~uth~terly diction a~ut ~ fe~ ~ said l~d ~own as the ~amfly qua~e~; thence No~h ~st a~ut I~ f~t to the. ~int 9f ~g~~. ~~~ng 2.2 acres, mo~ or lesi. . .Any ~u d.~l to b~ h~nrd . ~hould ~D~a~. '~ ~ "'Um~ and BY O~ER ~ THE SO. HOLD . TO~ ALERT' W. RI~MOND, ' Town ~erk. ....... ZO.~ oB, DINANOE- .~,,n~ u, S~.on 2~ of' ~h,, 'town Zo~ or.ncc of the To~Uf ~~- old, -. S~o~' ~o~ty, N~ ~~ ~bHe hear~g ~ll be held by the~u~old To~' ~~ at ~e ~on ~, ~~ cent Avenue, ~sh'~ ~~, N~ York, ~id ~~ 0n the ~ ~y of JanuS, 1~1,-at 1:~ o'c~ ~[ ~e. aftern~n, of-~id ~Y, on ~~ propel ~ ~nd- ~e. ~'~e Ormn~~ (~u~~he ~ ~ Ma~)~' ~ ~e..~~ of ~d, ~- fo~ ~o~ty, N~. York. ' ~_'~ ~' and A~ic~ ~ct ~'~" ~~ trial ~stri~ the 'foUo~ .d~~ property:" ..... ' . ~~;'.~~-. ~or~ ~e~ ~'~- } .AV~~/~id ' ~mt ~~ '-Oh~.:~ dt~' line .' be~n ~ ~' ...... - - . ...... 'th~ PrO~ ~en~ a~d_ a~r at the':t~.~d, p~ a~ ~. ~ o~~ o~. ~.~~o~ ALg~T W. R~~O~- ." . . , . , COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Walter B. Gagen, being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for weeks successively, commencing on the ...................................... day of ........... ' 19 ........ Sworn to before me this .............' ......... day of ........ :': ....... ' .................. 19.. ' ee Notary Public ADELE- PAYNE Notary Pub{!c, State of New York Residing in Su,,~:it County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 19.~ ''' NOTICe.. OF H~ARING TO AMEND ZONING ON .PROPOSAL ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building ~.~ne Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, publ lc hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Legion Hall, Crescent Avenue, F/s hers Island~ New Yo~, in said town on the 24th day of January, 1961, at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Bu. ilding Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District the following described property: Ail that certain ~ract or parcel of land situated at F/shers Island, in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and descrY, bed as follows t Beginning at a brass plate on the West.erly si.de of the roadway extending Northerly from Whistler Avenue, sa~d point being on the dividing line between the herein conveyed tract and land of the United States Coast Guard known as the family quarters tract and thence running along the Westerly line of said roadway North 370 06' West 82.20 feet~ thence along said road 1/ne North 16° 14' We. et 80.11 feet z thence along sa~d road Page 2 - Legal Notice line North 1° 29' ~ast 125.3 feet~ thence North- easterly along said road line to land of the United states coast Guard known as the communications antenna site ~ thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the shore of Fishers Island $ound~ abutting Northeasterly on said Coast ~uard land~ thence in a general Southwesterly d/rection &long s&:l.d shore line about 450 feet to the entrance of Silver Eel Cove~ thence along sa~d Cove line in a $outheasterly~ North- easterly and Southeasterly direction about 700 feet to said land known as the family quarters r thence North 54° East about 125 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 2.2 acres, more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amen~ent should appear at ~he time and place above specified. DATEDz January 3, 1961. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBFRT W. RICHMOND, TOWN CLERK TO BE PUBLISHED JANUARY 12, 1961 WATCHMAN, AND TO BE PUBLISHED ON NEW LONDON DAY. BY OR LONG ISLAND TRAvELER-MATTITUCE BEFORE JANUARY 12, 1961, BY~ RACE POINI CORPORATION c/o Simmons Company 300 Park Avenue Ney{ York 22 N.Y. January 9, 1961 Mr. H. Tuthtill, Supervisor Town of Southold Long Island, Ne~v York Dear Mr. Tuthtill: Under date of December 7~ 1960, our President: Mr. Grant G. $immons~ wrote to you advising you that the Race Point Corporation was joining with Mr. A. 3ohn Gada in petitioning you to zone a two acre tract of land for industrial purposes. In case there is any misunderstanding in this regard, we wish to advise you that we do not wish any of the other acreage owned by our corporation to be zoned for industrial purposes. If such o%her zoning for industrial purposes is being considered, please advise us so that we may file a formal objection. Sincerely yours; ..,Vice-Rte sidenj J. Noyes, Jr./jp $outhold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John '~ickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred ~rcbe Archibald Youn8 ~,/il lia m Unkelbach Report to: December 29, 1960 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at their meeting December 20,1960: In the matter of the petition of A. John Gada and Race Point Corporation for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agri- cultural District to "C" Industrial District on certain property situated at Fishers Island and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a brass plate on the Westerly side of the roadway extending Ncr therly from Whistler Avenue, said point being on the dividing line between the herein conveyed tract and land of the United States Coast Guard known as the family quarters tract and thence running along the Westerly line of said roadway North 37© 06' West 82.20 feet; thence along said road line North 16© 14' West 80.11 feet; thence along said road line North 1© 29' East 125.3 feet; thence N~theasterly along said road line to land of the United States Coast Guard known as the communications antenna site; thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the shore of Fishers Island Sound, abutting Northeasterly on said Coast Guard land; thence in a general Southwesterly direction along said shore line about 450 feet to the entrance of Silver Eel Cove; thence along said Cove line in a Southeasterly, Northeasterly and Southeasterly direction about 700 feet to said land known as the family quarters; thence North 54° East about 125 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 2.2 acres, more or less. Plan of property to be con- veyed by Race Point Corporation to A. John Gada, Fishers Island, New York, dated December 1960 by Chandler & Palmer Engineers. It is hereby Page 2 -Report to Southold Town Board RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board this change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District. It is further suggest that additional adjoining property be changed to "C" Industrial District and the warehouse area west of the Ferry District office might well be changed to "B" Business District on the Town Board's own motion. Respectfully submitted, , / ~ohn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board December 26, 1960 lq~. Grant:- G. S :Lmmons President:, R&ce Point ¢orporat::Lon Lake Avenue Oreenw:J. cl~, Connect:Lcut: Dear ~. $ ~mmons: We are in receipt sponsored J ointl¥ by A. President of the ~ace Point corporation, covering certain erty on the east side of Si..lver ~el Cove, Fishers Island, York,. said property being purchased by M~. Oada from ~mce Corporation. of an application for a change of zone John Gads, tndtv~du.ally, and you as prop- New Point Yesterday afternoon the Planning Board visited Fishers Islan~ and looked over all of the prope~y purchase~ by ~ace potn~ Corp- oration from the U. S. Government. The7 have in mlnd recommending zoning the east side of ~lver Po1 Cove f-~om our 9resent "~" $tlv. er Ko1 cove - ~d the so.ice road ~n~g generally nor~- easterly, and pro~rty ~ ~ ~rchaoed by ~. ~~ to ~ ~oned "C" In,stria1 be~en ~e C~st O~rd pro~rty ~ ~e sou~ ~d ~e Coast Guard pro~rty on ~e nor~, ~~ pro~~y berg zoned fr~ Silver Eel Cove to ~e access r~~y ~nn~g northeasterly. ~e ~l.ance of the $~nd fringe nor~. and east of the pro~rty to ~ ~rc~sed by ~. ~~ to ~ zoned "A" ~est~nttal and A~rt- ~ltural District s~llar ~ ~e rest of ~e pro~rty tn t~t-a, rea. Xt Cove beyond the present "B" Business District (warehouse barracks buildings, etc. ) as "B" Business mo that in the opportunity arises to use any of these buildings or sell buildings, there would be no hold-up at that time. is also thought best to zone every~ing west of Silver Eel area, laxge .future If any of these Page :2 - G~ant G. Simmons .This is the thinking of the Pl&nn~ng Board as of now. Do you have any other suggestions as to. the zoning of this property which would be better than this proposal of the Planning Board? The P l&nn~ng Board woul~ recommend ~o the Town Board that this be ~one on the Town Board's own motion unless you have any suggestions that would be better than .th~s. The P.lann~ng Board w~ll make a favorable rec. ommen~t~on on th~s p~opo~ed change of zone on the east l~e of Silver Eel Cove ~o the Town Board at their next meeting. We would appreciate your' comments and ideas on the balance of the property at your earl Lest convenience. Very truly yours, Howard M. Terry Building Inspector ._i December 2S, 1960 Otto VanTuyl & Son, Front & ~Lain St Gr eenpor t, L. I., Engineers N.Y. Gentlem. en$ a chan~e for said Enclosed is in zone. This chan~e of zone. the map of part map is part of of the Ft Wr i ght which i s up application of A.John for Gada Please what you need as I ret~_~rn this must put it print to me back in the as s~,,,on as yo~.l have application file. cOmpleted Your s truly Building \ Inspector." CARPENTRY PLUMBING PAINTIN® REI:RIGERATiON TELEPNONI~ F. 1:231 or 232 ELECTRICAL WORK [LECTRICAL AND GAS APPLIANCES .~OADS AND ~ROUNDS A. JOHN ADA Member Connect:icut: Societ:y of Civil Engineers General Contracting Drawer B I~ishers Island, N. Y. Agent ]m Bottle Ga~, Pe:~o Oii Bur:~e'?'s ri~a ?~ttsbu~gh Paints o J ncere y ~ CARPENTRY PLUMBING PAINTING REFRIGERATION TELEPHONE F. t. 23t or 232 A. JOHN ADA Member Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers General Contracting Drawer 8 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL AND ®AS APPLIANCI;:$ ~OADS AND 6ROUNDS Fishers Island, N. Y. Agent/oT Bottle Gas, Pr. rfc O~i Bm..~e?s .and Ptttsb~gh Paint5 SOUTHOL]3 TCWk: EO'~RD Greenoort~ L.. i. ;:,;ow York ~ea r .~; r s" Her"eiof'ore I ? lie,., ~.-.~ De .... i,o ' tm -,h T ~ .., ~equ~s+inE~ . zonin~ was .:~dvised that the r~e..~, was ur',zoneo Drooer". ,..v. I ~m now ForL ?irr ight_, oroper't.v was er ii ir":.a l l,:.,__ zone ~~*A, '~~e res~dent, ia:~ and 3gricu~tura~ dis~r .~ccor',4in£1'?. .¢ ~ i F,e~e~.v~ amend my s:.,id pe+,.i4, ion bv.., chansin8 parasraph ~wo .... ~1 ~'~ereot (o read as F'ol~ows' t'th.at by' C~',ar1.,~ir'"'l~ CFom ~ ~ ~.e residentia] .aRd asr itu I tur'a [ d i s t r ~ c'i t,o ~'" C e '~;',~ oremi ~e.$ descr' i b.~c'j in i ndustri:::~] d istrici~ ~., ........ oa~asraph one (l) h¢~¢¢'or''' Very t-'uLv you,,"s~ ALBERT W. RICHMDND TOWN CLERK F1 FFI, .EF~K SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. December 16, 1960. Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear ~r. Wickham; The original petition of A. John Gada, of Fishers Island, New York, to zone the parcel described in said petition "C" Industrial District, is in the files in the office of the P~anning Board at Southold, N.Y. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions d4scribed in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. AWR~mr Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk CARPENTRY PLUMBiN® PAINTING REI::RIGERATION TELEPHONE F. ;, 23~ o, 232 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL AND ~AS APPLIANCES ~OADS AND ®ROUNDS A. JOHN ADA M, ember Connect:icut: ~;ociety o[ Civil Engineers General Contracting Drawer El Fishers Island, N. Y. Agent fo? Bottle Ga-s, Pe:~ Od Bm.v.c~s ~ma ?~ttstm~gh Paints Decembe~ o 1960 i"'i \'/ · [;':r · I sinserely [':ope the petition will the Towr ;.:pard, Tuesd~¥ r.,iekt~ For action. be preset, ted to .~JG: -nc' lettsr RACE POINT CORPORATION c/o Simmons Company 300 Park Avenue New York 22, NY December 7, 1960 Mr. H. Tuthtill, Supervisor Town of Southhold Long Island, New York Dear Mr. Tuthtill: We, the Race Point Corporation, who are selling to Mr. A. John Gads a certain two odd acre piece of prop- erty of ours located at Ft. Wright on Fishers Island hereby join with him in petitioning you to zone this two acre tract of land for industrial purposes. Sincerely yours, RACE POINT CORPORATION GRANT G. SIMMONS President C~S:eh ~ certain ~ract o~ parcel of land ~i~ t~e buildin~s standing thereon located et Fishers Island, Town of ~uthold, Suffo~ County, 5tare of ~e~v YorE~ bei~ bounded end ss foilows: Beginnin~ at a brass pla%e on the Westerly side of lhe roadway extending ~or~hel'ly from ~hts~ler ~venue~ said poin~ being on the dtvldt~ li~ ~ween ~he herein conveyed end lend of the Un~ed S~e~es Coas~ G~d known ss the fsmilF que~te~s irac~ and ~hence ~i~ along ~ho li~ of s~d ~oadw~ No~h 87" 06' W~s~ 82.20 feeS; thence elo~ said road line ~o~th 1° 29s ~ -asr 125.3 feet; thence ~ortheaste~ly alo~ s~d ro~ line to land of the United States Coast Gaud known ~ the communications antenna sitei thence ~orthwesterly in e st~a~h~ lt~ ~o the shore of Fishers I81a~ ~und, a~t~in~ ~or~heaste~l~ on s~d Coast Ou~d landI lhence in a gener~ Southwester~ direction alo~ said shore line a~ut 450 feet to the entr~ce to Silver Eel ~ve~ thence alo~ s~d ~ve line in a Sou~he~ter~ ~ortheaste~lE Southe~teri~ direction a~ut 700 feet to said lend k~wn as the f~iy qu~tersI lhence ~orth 54~ East a~ui ~5 feet the ~tnt, of begtn~. Coniaintng 2.2 acres, more or less. Together with a right of way over the sa/d roadway extending Northerly from ~histXer Avenue to and along the her~in conveyed tracto CASE NO: '~';- '~ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert nome of petitioner) hav ir,~ an interest in as contraci ven,~ee Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned/o~x~~~ certain real property/situated at F ish~.r's ~s,'~and ...................... and more particularly bounded and described os follows: ........, o .'o. ,?.o .~ o t, ~,-~. o;. o o o~ .... Besinnin8 at a brass plate on the ',"¢es4:er]y side of the roadway extending i~iorther}y From ¢¢histler ~venue, said point bein8 on the dividin8 i in, e between the herein conveyed tract and land oF the United States Coast Guarc known as · (he F.amiiv quarters tract and thence running alan8 ~he '¢~esterly l ir',e oF said roadway ~" ~h ??o 06~ _ ~ ~ne hor~.h 1A° ,.,or ¢ Wes( 82.90 Feet: thence aion~ said road , ~ ~ ?¢esk 80.11 Feet~ 'thence along said road 1 ine N~rLh t° 29' East I::2~.~ Feet LF, ence f',,'or(heasterly a!ong said road line '~o land oF ~he United .St.a~es Coas~ Guard ¢c-own as the communications antenna .si(e; %hence F~or%hwes%erlv ir, a s(r.ai~h~ l{~e ~.o (he ,~kore oF Fishers Island .}oune~ .abuttin8 F~or(heas~er].y on sa~c} ,~oasl Guard i~nd: (hence in a general oou(hwes(er!y direc(ion a~on8 s.:~[.::¢ shore line ;~:'o~( 450 Feet (o (he entrance (o Silver Eel Cove: ~hence atorh~ s~(.fi Cove i~ne in a Southeasterly~ %ortheas%erl,/ and Sou~heas%erly . direction abou% sO0 Fee( (o said land known as ~he ramify quarters: (hence ~.;or~h 5z° E;as(. abou~ 125 fee( to the point of beginr,[n8. Coc-~,a ;n inE 2.2 acres, more or less. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a port thereof, as follows: By amenoin~ tt~e Euildin8 Zone Ordinance and Euildin8 Zone maps to include the ,above described real pro~eriy ir~ "C'; Industrial Dis~:rict. Said oroperty bein~ property formerly owned by the t~nited States of' .t~merica and being~ a oorti, on of For~. H. G. '~risht. The premises ~re oresent]ty unzoned. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The oremises~ which ,are the subject oF this pe~cition~ are located alon£ the easterly shore oF Si:tver Eel Cove and have erected thereon Fuel stora£e tanks and has in the past been used For the storage oF Fuel. I propose to continue this use, The oroperty in the immediate area ts i ikewise unzoned~ is not devoted to residential purooses~ but f'or tzusines% and industrial, uses. Across Silver Eel uove '~ is the LI. 3. L, oas~ '~ ~ Guard,, .3~akion and Fishe"s island Ferry District oFFice and dock; as shown on +,he oiot p'[~n +~he oro.:)ert¥ surroundin~ the area is United State~ ,Coast Guard owne6. (L. S.) . ','X ' '"'.' ..... ' ' .~. ,John I~ada STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .A. dohn Gada ................................................................................. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this ............ doy of .... Z.L,~:f,-d-;f.6.~...-f~.m, 19...-~...:q... ............... ' ~'~OT.A. RY Pdb;L:,' ~!'¢~ cf- New Yor~ :~uffolk C.ount'y ;qo. 5Z 9775895 T~rm ~xp~res March BO, 196~ November 23, 1960 Fi sher s John Gada~ Contractor Island, ~'.'~ ~ Dear Sir $ In response to our telephone conversation this enclosing the application blanks for zoning the property on the east~r~y side of silver eel cove~ Fishers Island. morning, I am in question Th~ application should be filed in duplicate with a map of the parcel attached, the accurate description given in section one, and a fee of g25.00 sheuld accompany the application. It might expidite matter~ if you signed as pm'chaser under contract, and some one from Race Point C'crp signed as the sollin~ owners. Section 2 should industrial district indic.~, a change from unzoned property to lses for so as to In section ~hree and tell what is show It is not to I would indicate what you intend to use the prem! there no~, and the surrounding Government usew~ b~ insert,~d in a strict!7 residential area. the then The Town Board Planning Boa. rd meets we O.an get th~ ball meets next on November 29th in th~ evening, December 6th, If we have the ap?~'livation by rolling. '"' ~ and ~c:ur s truly Building Inspec,.t~r~.