HomeMy WebLinkAbout51559-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51559 Date: 01/15/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Peconic River LLC 90 Lafayette Ave Sea Cliff, NY 11579 To: install generator as applied for per Trustees approval. Premises Located at: 450 Basin Rd, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM#81.4-18.1 Pursuant to application dated 11/15/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 01/15/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: GENERATOR $125.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $100.00 CO-R IpENTIAL $100.00 Total S325.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 httl�s://www.southoldt"�iwiiny.gov Date Rliceived APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT or,Office Use Only � PERMIT NO. +� Building Inspector., N 0 V I f Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. .; e Date:11/7/24 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:Peconic River LLC SCTM #1000-81-1-18.1 Project Address:450 Basin Road Southold NY 11971 Phone#:917 214 7417 Email:aprestandrea@gmail.com Mailing Address:90 Lafayette Ave Sea Cliff NY 11579 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Jaclyn Fagereng Agent Mailing Address:620 Ostrander Ave Riverhead NY 11901 Phone#:631 903 7833 =mail- ackie@vitalhabitats.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Kathryn Fee AIA Mailing Address:Po Box 1733 Sag Harbor NY 11963 Phone#:631 377 0316 Email:kathryn@kathrynfee-architect.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Vital Habitats Inc. Mailing Address:PO Box 2510 Sag Harbor NY 11963 Phone#:631 377 0915 Email:kimberly@vitalhabitats.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure [--]Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: DOtherGenerator t 001D Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes WNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ❑No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION dproperty: Existing use of property:Residential Intended use of residential zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes ❑No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ❑ Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION 15 HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and in buiklingls)for necessary Inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210A5 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name):Jaclyn Fagereng BAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 1113/41 STATE OF NEW YORK) S COUNTY OF Q(; 1 ✓ being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of indiv' ual signildcontractiAove named, (S)he is the (Contractor,Aged,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make an f'a h'' application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and b of and ,,, that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. N } T N N Sworn before me this q v ° aZ ova Z °ry s n LU M� r l� day of 20 rq L./a _ W tl 4allot Public } o W D�� Lu m'E u o a 0 � (Where the applicant is not the owner) Peconic River LLC residing at 450 Basin Road Southold NY 11971 do hereby authorize Jaclyn Fagereng to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as descri ed'herein. /17 1 �S Ow s Si nature bate Print Owner's Name 2 � fft BUILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ° Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 � Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (631) 765-9502 �01, jamesh@southoldtownn.y..gov— sea nd souith�oldtownn . ov APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (Ail Information Required) Date: Company Name: G. Craig Electric Electrician's Name: William Hanusa License No.: 4432-ME Elec. email:jeanette@mapeselectric.com Elec. Phone No: 631-283-4616 ❑✓ I request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: 360 Magee Street, Southampton, NY 11968 JOB SITE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: Peconic River LLC Address: 450 Basin Road, Southold Cross Street: Paradise Point Road Phone No.: 631-287-4616 Bldg.Permit#: 5 email: jeanette@mapeselectric.com Tax Map District: 1000 Section:81 Block: 1 Lot: 18.1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): Genreator Square Footage: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: YES 7 NO Rough In 11 Final Do you need a Temp Certificate?: El YES 7 NO Issued On Temp Information: (All information required) Service Size Ell Ph 03 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground❑Overhead # Underground Laterals 1 2 D H Frame Pole Work done on Service? Y N Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION Glenn Goldsmith,President �� S Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ° P.O.Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 28, 2024 Robert Herrmann En-Consultants 1319 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 RE: PECONIC RIVER, LLC 450 BASIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD SCTM# 1000-81-1-18.1 Dear Mr. Herrmann: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees grants a• Final One (1) Year Extension to Wetland Permit#9930, as issued on June 16, 2021, and Amended on June 15, 2022, on April 19, 2023, and Amended again on January 17, 2024. This is not an approval from any other agency. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, a Glenn G.XsrWith, PPident Board of Trustees GG/ec 1 0 v Glenn Goldsmith,President ®F SOIJ7� Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President P.O.Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski 1IS Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples + Fax(631) 765-6641 " COWN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 18, 2024 Robert Herrmann En-Consultants 1319 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 RE: PECONIC RIVER, LLC 450 BASIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD SCTM# 1000-81-1-18.1 Dear Mr. Herrmann: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, January 17, 2024: WHEREAS, En Consultants, on behalf of PECONIC RIVER, LLC applied to the Southold Town Trustees for an Amendment to Wetland Permit#9930 under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated December 26, 2023, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation that the proposed action be found Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program policy standards, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the detached deck be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has furthered Policy of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program to the greatest extent possible through the imposition of the following Best Management Practice requirements: deck location will no longer be seaward of flood zone, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on January 17, 2024, at which time all interested persons were given a6 opportunity to be heard, and, 1 7-HEDE QNENGqNE RSHAI kNDD_�NNG 5 STE.-B3. 2 ElDCREEMENI -M SUF ANCI—s COWNT DESPA�M-�T 3FLEA��H ANC 5-'­BE A-14 ER 0 O�FS IHIL NEC IT ER THE RE�_,-T MT EM W I-FFQ-11 SOUTHOLD BAY C D-BART MENT OP HEA E E GNEE OR RE ORA VIDE R�0-10 RE A, E Ii-LOPE�TONANC.AINT 1110EC.NT RE.�E . F_k1NDTmE-0---Y. OWNER 5.4A,LUEPROVDED .GAR..Ac_QRN3EF,5FA4 NCTBEINSTAUED RE4,13FTNE­MOR3 5 J L2E-ST.- AW INEISIRMRT ARRIV.A-- PRW_-BYT EMA.1�­Q­IRER 7 C- CA� MNE,qNO_.0 T I'. C-_ RCL R��EL MB Q.-I T LE A�-E r ilk COWR I PANUT Z.-RIF NBOX5NA,BESE E TO 09 5-DNA PRECAS:CONCRET P-cSTAL N--D FA, C,-S .�ov PRO EG. , C�,, - -O�-m - -- PROPOSE. T�11 A,,1 1 F Au BE %1,11?0­13��. .1 OR EWA-, 5 INCH-GH, �O T MW�,F 3 P_ R'BE EVE SuRE 6mAL BE OST_� D IN-SE - 71ENH_ TE SEPARAM CA.NNO _ 4 a. B11K ARE EiID 1"HE A 10 NEW UAO��.S.5-q MT 8EvENf-D`L1R0.GMRLNMS 0 NPLA:CE I c� M9­ EMB. NDWAAAD 7 CESCR2ED EROFES LOT MAE OF PMI�MEE OD.NT SEC N 'I 3NO 61 _DAFR lc.1,125 00 A. ca F51 F1 C.E;y_NE%A yo.E.K I 0) a' ONO'ACR MEA 32.6 70N.-IGM-Ro. Z CD-5FE2C%0F -AR EA.) ------ ,E; CA GE� WE, 'o:Ik DECIE. v EXISTING TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: U le 9% 1—J 1 ED 0 ­7 W�o 2,5?65- J7 png—'m 1-71 HO�E: D CK: 1,29 SF CWER�FORCmS S MY-VINQ F001, cav_.NACE A,E 7 1TESM­,F-Mq T—L AREA.1 I.T...-CE:U,11. —t­- - V W 4 N,w-p C?w .ENNE MV-.OYCfI0K R 64;.R�E:;NG.P zr SV -Z 9 _41 Lu-ELI-RQFZSS'-ALDNSURWEYM AND DE -N F Q Box 5q FWN�. L)Z 01 M-15- I_AQ B0G1E,.1PVYuRKI1931 _-AN!! -HON,(5-31, E-AX W0298-15-u-8 f P 0 0 N, z w < _N_ x wo- TOT,AL MLS1111 CF 611ROM11 I Jj 0 9 K� A SIZE RE R M GID zREAC-NG REQLIRE�DY475 P-f� 0 o > M HYDROAC-ONAN4E30 D op-P.RclmosE -Af- (2i 5 X NG LEAC"I P00 �­ OP_( -SF PROSED; —..NGspp­ stmmvED mp RAI !_,H', -Em,MA�#3610313167.m _uo -BROWN SAI,--y (MLI as A�D O ST M n 0W hI ANY SA�D a MEAND (SP' PROPOSED SEPTIC PLAN GRAVELISP) 1 oDAj:1L CEROUND�JA7ER EICW��R- Tc R� Ltz ORAL I 1 4_11 y y�rr.+a+A 5"H Na�C nw•yU r� o7�✓h p%"M1YUN90 Nww �C7"bvr m n 'Mfd'N nuW Jr^ } "7Y"r�2 .? dny a 37 d4 d'Y4 `u"�a 49 •w1i�'L '1*nio�;6w + ; + r ; xdw +" µ BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 7p J 41 4 PERMIT NO.9930 DATE: JUNE 16,2021 ISSUED TO: PECONIC RIVER LLC PROPERTY ADDRESS: 450 BASIN ROAD SOUTHOLD t . SCTM# 1000-81-1-18.1 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in ,am accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on June 1�0,21, and in s consideration of application fee in the sum of S250.90 paid by Peconic River ITC and subject to the Terms ' and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the 1 following: t ' Wetland Permit demolish existing two-story,2,300 sf,FEMA-noncompliant,single-family dwelling with 460 sf attached deck and 761 sf detached garage;and construct at least+17 feet farther landward a new ip one to two-story,3,200 sf,FEMA-compliant,single-family dwelling with 106 sf entry porch,945 sf attached deck,850 sf attached garage,850 sf swimming pool(equipped with saltwater filtration system), 580 sf structurally detached deck,and 7'x 46'uncovered basement egress;install pool enclosure fencing I with gates; remove existing nonconforming septic system located+/-42' from bulkhead,and install new r I/A OWTS sanitary system outside Chapter 275 jurisdiction; install a drainage system of drywells to collect and recharge roof runoff and pool backwash;install new pervious gravel driveway and parking areas; remove specified trees located no closer than+/-69 feet from bulkhead; and establish and perpetually maintain a 27' to 39'wide,approximately 5,959 sf buffer area adjacent to bulkhead, f including existing 4,259 sf naturally vegetated embankment and additional 10'wide,t1,700 sf non-turf t buffer to be established in place of existing lawn along top of bank;with the condition of the use of " stainless steel hardware on the detached portion of the deck;all as depicted on the site plan prepared by -; Kevin O'Sullivan&Assoc.,LLC,last dated June 4,2021 and stamped approved on June 16,2021. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Sea]to be affixed, and these t presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of the 16th day of June,2021. 4K, f C C ; � hflf}.i u ,Fr a Ail fi••MMfnh!'C4 �r�.n,;nrti:, M n•dgaA�r datiaiu n Gab {N•}1ABJ aA'Pix 'r kY b.fNwifi Lw&,W Pd iirf, . +'iW n h W. ti R rPt.+ r 6 µ kv Po r[.ti n!It.nr'br8+ 0.9Y G xt�i�a � '�,�«. "''Ad•—.M�"✓� � "�"�,"' �� � �� � law•.W.�"."'".....�..f:.-'.'" C� „,,,.,,^'• ^'�ci« :".' S.C.T.M. NO. DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 81 BLOCK: 1 LOT(S): 18.1 SOUTHOLD BAY TIE LINES 5'r:4,5' FLO-TM DECK 0 r(. i MHW LINE " N 88'S7' 0" E bl' VINYL BULKHEAD H£AD y 97 � W S 82`47 46. "E S 81Y15'04*IN``j 8.23' 1 VINYL BULKH LOCATION OF PREVIOUSLY OMMfN0 WA 6.0 EMBANKMENT AREA DEBT CONST CT10N IN PROCESS OF BEING REPLACED TO TOWN WEIIANDS PERMIT"No.10235_ "Ors. 10 o PPI"EV40UL LOCAr �o0s 03A _ rOP FANK lopIT u o _ . . q ARY CwIMMIN3 APPRo%. Lr r OP w r' �0 B c1 — 12"OAK PS RARIL GRAD OILD " 24"OAK 6 P NE W I W7r11 10"0 D b1 N r PIPE 14"OAK 4 2 c=i L,,... DEMOR�'°�1I 1 "k1AK� � �---'-' J 20"OAK "v o ———....—....—J 10'OAK ;U A J 10"OAK 1 I —T---� 3 r---.._-------- -.—„�——— —. I """'— L I / I 5 12"OAK 1B" —J / F I �GCnlls LAND NSF OF 1 r a 10 L I/ 8 = STY, Uu�ELLIN; 1 Lr D f EMOUV' fumMARY ZUPA LQ (R10"OAK DWELLING "OAK L 2" I N� L— -----J ——�� � L — ----UBLIC WATER -jW/P EN " i" LAND N/F OF DWELLINGS JOSEPH MAZZZA W/PUBLIC WATER ——— ——— _— --,— POOLLOT 3 150 lA '& WANDI A14 O 1F Al r----J I "ru" : 12�"C1AK SwImmIll9 F'nOL ..�...�.._ ".". ( �w I IIFdYR1F*;� •6' ---� EXI4nNG YallNI D 2 TORY I 2 STY. DWELLING I � i �"0"It7AK KIIV�4i 0 II � 1w111 Y I I RCP„ RESIDE il'CE BEAK I C!2"111 Lp 2 apl14'OAK 7," /4-0 1 '1PH �� :. ,": �.. �y^� ,�'4,02• , I _ 1 wirar _ . I",D D � h .� PIPEN9ffRgDu➢ " ' PpV" SLC O EN ," CI�� o-DwY"Atl � r \ �,„ E Y e"" I N V6YG 0 17 O " * ,t23„ \ —6 .. 1 ..., 16 FEMA MAP#36103C0167H LAND N F of "' \ ON. MARY 2UPA ACCESS VW PRESCRIPTIVE' G ^■ —15• 1 15 EASEMENT x� ELEV. 17.0 THE WATER SUPPLY, WELLS, DRYWELLS AND CESSPOOL 0/RT 0 `"" 1 14 + LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS �stONE _13 ~ r,. - l3 OL SANBROWN 0.4' AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. ' f _l T — AREA: 32,665 S.F. or 0.75 ACRES ELEVATION DATUM. — 10 �, k SM L BROWAD 2.4' NAVD88 ..� ,, � — UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION 70 THIS SURVEY IS A WOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY W M DRIVEWAY O BROWN VE MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION HYD. . "" MEDIUM� „, � SP SAND 3.3' LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION, GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE OFFSETS OR DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON FROM THE PROPERTY LINES 7O THE STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPEC PURPOSE AND USE THEREFORE THEY ARE ` OF,,A � GRAVEL NOT INTENDED TO MONUMENT THE PROPERTY LINES OR TO GUIDE THE ERECRON OF FENCES, ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES OR AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS EASEMENTS — GUAR &D UNLESS PHYSICALLY EVIDENT ON THE RIVER SCE OF SURVEY �••� 9.3' AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUCiI/RES RECORDED OR UNRECORDED ARE NOT � MEDIUM SURVEY OF:DESCRIBED PROPERTY & LOT 4 CERTIFIED T0. ` WA"R" SW SAND Duim ADVOCATES ABSTRACT INV." a.. & .., GRAVEL MAP OF. PARADISE POINT SEC. 1 WESTCOR LAND TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES; DWELLINGS LI ^..,,FlLED:ARP. 1 1 th, 1963 NO. 3761 W�pUB C WATER SITUATED AT:BAYVIEW ��1 �� 1 "i 150' ��"'' .�,� � WATER SAND N WATER EL 1,6 TOWN OF:SOUTHOLD «<, NA G, PLLC REVISED 02-07-24 SW & GRAVEL 1 T SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK hk� P. s of 9 Aq ebSurveying 1y NealeYorkel Ba LOCATE NEW BULKHEAD 10-23-23 FEB. 14, 2020 1931 TREE LOCATION 04-19-21 K. WOYCHUK LS FILE #19-162 SCALE: 1"=30' DATE:DEC. 11, 2019 N.Y.S. LISC. NO. 050882 PHONE (991)299-16BB FA%(e91) 296-1686 ADD ADJOINING HOUSES 01-19-21 ss GENERAC Protector PROTECTOR° SERIES Series Standby Generators Liquid-Cooled Gaseous Engine r INCLUDES: Standby Power Rating • Two-Line LCD Multilingual Digital Evolution" Controller (English/Spanish/French/Portuguese) Model RG048 (Aluminum-Bisque) -48 kW 60 Hz With External Viewing Window for Easy Model RG060 (Aluminum-Bisque) -60 kW 60 Hz Indication of Generator Status and Breaker Model RG080 (Aluminum- Bisque) -80 kW'60Hz Position i • Isochronous Electronic Governor • Sound Attenuated Enclosure • Closed Coolant Recovery System DONEgA�__=r _a • Smart Battery Charger _ • UV/Ozone Resistant Hoses • ±1%Voltage Regulation • Field Convertible Fuel Type With No Mechanical Adjustment Required. W '_ • 5 Year Limited Warranty • UL 2200 Listed • Listed and labeled by the Southwest Research Institute allowing installation as close as 18 in (457 mm)to a structure* '' rr *Must be located away from doors,windows,and fresh air OOT us QvI� intakes and in accordance with local codes. https://assets.swri.org/library/DirectoryOfListed Products/ ammuc ma mnm wro Constructionlndustry/973_DoC_204_13204-01-01 Rev9.pdf Meets EPA Emission Regulations CA/MA Emission Compliant FEATURES O INNOVATIVE DESIGN & PROTOTYPE TESTING are key components of O SOLID-STATE, FREQUENCY COMPENSATED VOLTAGE GENERAC'S success in "IMPROVING POWER BY DESIGN." But it doesn't REGULATION.This state-of-the-art power maximizing regulation system is stop there. Total commitment to component testing, reliability testing, standard on all Generac models.It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to environmental testing, destruction and life testing, plus testing to changing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY applicable CSA,NEMA, EGSA,and other standards,allows you to choose by electronically torque-matching the surge loads to the engine. Digital GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS with the confidence that these systems will voltage regulation at±1 provide superior performance. O TEST CRITERIA: O SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from Generac's extensive dealer ✓PROTOTYPE TESTED ✓NEMA MG1-22 EVALUATION network provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit, from the ✓SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED ✓MOTOR STARTING ABILITY engine to the smallest electronic component. O MOBILE LINK° CONNECTIVITY: Free with select Protector Series O GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES. Long life and reliability are standby generator sets, Mobile Link Wi-Fi allows users to monitor the synonymous with GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this generator set status from anywhere in the world using a smartphone,tablet, confidence is the GENERAC product line is offered with its own transfer or PC. Easily access information such as the current operating status and systems and controls for total system compatibility. maintenance alerts.Users can connect an account to an authorized service dealer for fast,friendly,and proactive service.With Mobile Link, users are taken care of before the next power outage. GENERAC t GENERAC® 48 / 60 / 80 kW application & engineering data GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 48 kW 60/80 kW 48 kW 60/80 kW Type Synchronous Synchronous Make Generac Generac Rotor Insulation Class F H Model Inline 4 cylinder Inline 4 cylinder Stator Insulation Class H H Cylinders 4 4 Telephone Interference Factor(TIF) <50 <50 Displacement(Liters) 4.5 4.5 Alternator Output Leads 1-Phase 4 wire 4 wire Bore(in/mm) 4.5/114.3 4.5/114.3 Alternator Output Leads 3-Phase 6 wire 6 wire Stroke(in/mm) 4.25/107.95 4.25/107.95 Bearings Sealed Ball Sealed Ball Compression Ratio 9.9:1 8.85:1 Coupling Flexible Disc Flexible Disc Intake Air System Naturally Aspirated Turbocharged and aftercooled Excitation System Direct Brushless Lifter Type Hydraulic Hydraulic VOLTAGE REGULATION ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM Type Electronic Oil Pump Type Gear Sensing Single Phase Oil Filter Type Full Flow Spin-On Cartridge Regulation :t 1% Crankcase Capacity(qt/1) 12/11 GOVERNOR SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM Type Electronic Type Ethylene Glycol 50/50 Mix Frequency Regulation Isochronous Water Pump Belt-Driven ±0.25% Fan S Steady State Regulation peed(rpm) 2,100 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Fan Diameter 48 kW(in/cm) 20(50.8) Battery Charge Alternator 12 Volt 35 Amp Fan Diameter 60 kW and 80 kW(in/cm) 22(55.9) Static Battery Charger 2.5 Amp Fan Mode Pusher Recommended Battery(battery not included) Group 27F(48kW),725CCA FUEL SYSTEM System Voltage 12Volts Fuel Type Natural Gas,Propane Vapor GENERATOR FEATURES Fuel Shut Off solenoid Standard Revolving field heavy duty generator LP Fuel Pressure 7-14 in Water Column Directly connected to the engine NG Fuel Pressure 3.5-14 in Water Column Operating temperature rise 120°C above a 40°C ambient Class H insulation is NEMA rated Class F insulation is NEMA rated All models fully prototyped tested ENCLOSURE FEATURES Aluminum weather protective Ensures protection against mother nature. enclosure Electrostatically applied textured epoxy paint for added durability. Enclosed critical grade muf-Quiet, critical grade muffler is mounted inside the unit to fler prevent injuries. Small,compact,attractive Makes for an easy,eye appealing installation. SAE Sound attenuated enclosure ensures quiet operation. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514,ISO3046,IS08528,SAE J1349 and DIN6271) GENERAC® 48 / 60 / 80 kW operating data GENERATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE/kW-60 Hz kW LPG Amp LPG kW Nat.Gas Amp Nat.Gas CB Size(Both) 120/240 V,10,1.0 pf 48 200 48 200 200 RG048 120/208 V,30,0.8 pf 48 167 48 167 175 120/240 V,30,0.8 pf 48 144 48 144 150 , 277/480 V,30,0.8 pf 48 72 48 72 80 120/24OV,10,1.0 pf 60 250 60 250 300 RG060 120/208 V,30,0.8 pf 60 208 60 208 200 120/240 V,30.0.8 pf 60 180 60 180 200 277/480 V.30,0.8 pf 60 90 60 90 100 120/240 V,10,1.0 pf 75 312 80 333 400 120/208 V,30,0.8 pf 75 260 80 278 300 RGO80 120/240 V,30,0.8 pf 75 226 80 241 300 277/480 V,30,0.8 pf 75 113 80 120 1 150 SURGE CAPACITY IN AMPS ENGINE FUEL CONSUMPTION Voltage Dip @<.4 pf Natural Gas Propane 15% 30% (ft3/hr) (m3/hr) (gal/hr) (ft3/hr) (I/hr) 120/240 V,10 100 300 Exercise cycle 101 2.86 0.67 24.5 2.54 RG048 1201208 V,30 118 242 RG048 25%of rated load 201 5.7 2.88 104.7 10.9 120/240 V,30 144 260 50%of rated load 336 9.5 4.16 151.3 15.7 277/480 V,30 64 123 75%of rated load 447 12.7 5.28 192 20 120/240 V,10 150 413 100%of rated load 604 17.1 6.61 240.4 25 RG060 120/208 V,30 135 313 Exercise cycle 103 2.9 0.9 33.2 3.5 120/240 V,30 117 289 25%of rated load 257 7.3 2.1 78 8.1 277/480 V,30 54 122 RG060 50%of rated load 432 12.2 4.4 161.2 16.8 120/240 V,10 283 600 75%of rated load 618 17.5 6.8 247.2 25.7 RGO80 120/208 V,30 236 500 100%of rated load 808 22.9 8.4 305.6 31.8 120/240 V,30 204 432 Exercise cycle 103 2.9 0.9 33.2 3.5 277/480 V,30 102 192 25%of rated load 292 8.3 2.6 93.6 9.7 RGO80 50%of rated load 534 15.1 5.7 208.8 21.7 75%of rated load 799 22.6 8.3 303.2 31.5 100%of rated load 1,063 30.1 10.8 393.2 40.9 Note:Fuel pipe must he sized for full load. For Btu content,multiply ft3/hr x 2,520(LP)or ft3/hr x 1,000(NG). For megajoule content,multiply m3/hr x 93.15(LP)or m3/hr x 37.26(NG). Refer to "Emissions Data Sheets" for maximum fuel flow for EPA and SCAQMD permitting purposes. STANDBY RATING:Standby ratings apply to installations served by a reliable utility source.The standby rating is applicable to varying loads for the duration of a power outage. There is no overload capability for this rating.Ratings are in accordance with ISO-3046-1.Design and specifications are subject to change without notice, GENERAC® 48 / 60 / 80 kW operating data ;ENGINE COOLING 48 kW 60/80 kW Air Flow(inlet air including alternator and combustion air in ctm/cmm) 2,829/80.1 3,197/90.5 System Coolant Capacity(gal/liters) 2.9/11 4.5/17 Heat Rejection to Coolant(BTU per hr/MJ per hr) 201,600 204,570 ' Maximum Operation Air Temperature on Radiator(IF/°C) 150/66 150/66 Maximum Ambient Temperature(IF/°C) 140/60 140/60 COMBUSTION REQUIREMENTS Flow at Rated Power(scfm/cmm) 92.7/2.6 j 170.4/4.8 SOUND EMISSIONS Sound Output in dB(A)at 23 ft(7 m)With Generator' 68 68 "In exercise mode EXHAUST Exhaust Flow at Rated Output(scfm/cmm) 104/2.9 181/5.1 Exhaust Temperature at Muffler Outlet ff/°(3) 945/507 1,213/656 ENGINE PARAMETERS Rated Synchronous rpm 1,800 1,800 POWER ADJUSTMENT FOR AMBIENT CONDITIONS Temperature Deration....................................................................................................................3%for every 10°C above 25°C or 1.65%for every 10 IF above 77 IF Altitude Deration(48 kW).............................................................................................................1%for every 100 m above 183 m or 3%for every 1,000 ft above 600 It Altitude Deration(60 kW and 80 kW)............................................................................................1%for every 100 m above 915 m or 3%for every 1,000 It above 3,000 It CONTROLLER FEATURES Two-Line Plain Text LCD Display.............................................................................................................................................Simple user interface for ease of operation. Mode Switch: Auto....................................................................................................................................................Automatic Start on Utility failure.7 day exerciser. Off.................................................................................................................................Stops unit.Power is removed.Control and charger still operate. Manual.................................................................................................Start with starter control,unit stays on.If utility fails,transfer to load takes place. Programmable Start Delay Between 10-30 Seconds.........................................................................................................................................................10 sec standard Engine Start Sequence...............................................................................................................................Cyclic cranking:16 sec on,7 rest(90 sec maximum duration) EngineWarm-up..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 sec EngineCool-Down..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 min Starter Lock-Out.........................................................................................................................................Starter cannot re-engage until 5 sec after engine has stopped. SmartBattery Charger.................................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard Automatic Voltage Regulation With Over and Under Voltage Protection........................................................................................................................................Standard AutomaticLow Oil Pressure Shutdown........................................................................................................................................................................................Standard OverspeedShutdown.......................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard,72 Hz HighTemperature Shutdown......................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard OvercrankProtection...................................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard SafetyFused...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard Failureto Transfer Protection......................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard LowBattery Protection................................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard 50 Event Run Log.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard FutureSet Capable Exerciser......................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard IncorrectWiring Protection........................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard InternalFault Protection..............................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard CommonExternal Fault Capability...............................................................................................................................................................................................Standard GovernorFailure Protection........................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard GENERAC® 48 / 60 / 80 kW available accessories Model # Product Description Generac's Mobile Link allows you to check the status of your generator from anywhere that Mobile Link°4G LTE you have access to an Internet connection from a PC or with any smart device.You will even G0071690 Cellular Accessory be notified when a change in the generator's status occurs via e-mail or text message.Note: Harness Adapter Kit required. ' Available in the U.S.only. Kit,Adapter Mobile Link The Harness Adapter Kit is required to make liquid-cooled units compatible with Mobile G006478-0 L/C (Required for QT and Link°. RG Series) If the temperature regularly falls below 32 OF(0°C),install a cold weather kit to maintain G007992-0 Cold Weather Kit optimal battery temperature. Kit consists of battery warmer with thermostat built into the wrap. G007990-0 Extreme Cold Weather Kit Recommended where the temperature regularly falls below 32 OF(0°C)for extended periods of time.For liquid cooled units only. G005651-0 Base Plug Kit Add base plugs to the base of the generator to keep out debris. If the generator enclosure is scratched or damaged, it is important to touch-up the paint to G005703-0-Bisque Paint Kit protectfrom future corrosion.The paint kit includes the necessary paintto properly maintain or touch-up a generator enclosure. G007991-0 Scheduled Maintenance The Liquid-Cooled Scheduled Maintenance Kits offer all the hardware necessary to perform Kit complete maintenance on Generac liquid-cooled generators. G006664-0 Local Wireless Monitor Completely wireless and battery powered,Generac's wireless remote monitor provides you with instant status information without ever leaving the house. G006665-0 Wireless Remote Recommended for use with the Wireless Remote on units up to 60 kW, required for use on Extension Harness units 70 kW or greater. G007993-0 E-Stop E-stop allows for immediate fuel shutoff and generator shutdown in the event of an emergen- cy. The Wi-Fi enabled LP fuel level monitor provides constant monitoring of the connected LP G007005-0 WI-Fi LP Fuel Level fuel tank.Monitoring the LP tank's fuel level is an important step in making sure your Monitor generator is ready to run during an unexpected power failure. Status alerts are available through a free application to notify when your LP tank is in need of a refill. Smart Management Modules (SMM) are used to optimize the performance of a standby G007000-0 (50 amp) Smart Management generator.They manage large electrical loads upon startup and shed them to aid in G007006-0(100 amp) Module recovery when overloaded.In many cases, using SMM's can reduce the overall size and cost of the system. An ultra-concentrated anti-corrosive cleaning solution engineered to reach the smallest Ultrasonic Cleaner A0000018981 cavities to clean the toughest contaminants.This water based formula is non-toxic, Solution biodegradable,safe for both metal and plastic surfaces, and is superior in rinsability. A0000019001 All Surface Protectant All surface protectant for vinyl,rubber,plastics creates a barrier that seals&protects sur- faces from water, UV rays while renewing the look of the surface. cn SL Protectoro Series co D C3 CD C 0 WEIGHT DATA SERVICE ITEM 4SL NOTES: CD WEIGHT WEIGHT OIL FILL CAP LEFT SIDE CA) ENGINE/KW ENCLOSURE GENSETONLv SHIPPING SKID G WEIGHT OIL DIP STICK LEFT SIDE 1.MINIMUM RECOMMENDED CONCRETE PAD SIZE IS 6'OFFSET OF OVERALL LENGTH MATERIAL KG ILBSI KG 9•BSI KG SHIPPIN ILBSI OIL FILTER LEFTSIDE AND WIDTH OF GENERATOR.11193.8(47-)WIDE X 24232(95.4')LONG).REFERENCE co 4.SLNBKW AL 808117811 5111121 859118931 OIL DRAIN HOSE RIGHT SIOE INSTALLATION GUIDE SUPPLIED WITH THE UNIT FOR CONCRETE PAD GUIDELINES.GR CI' RADIATOR MAIN HOSE RIGHT SIDE REFERENCE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS IF USING ENGINEERED,PREFABRICATED SLABS. RADIATOR/EXHAUST AIR INTAKE COOLANT RECOVERY BOTTLE RIGHT SIDE 2.ALLOW SUFFICIENT ROOM ON ALL SIDES OF THE GENERATOR FOR MAINTENANCE j RADIATOR FILL CAP ROOFTOP AND SERVICING.THIS UNIT MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT DISCHARGE AIR -REMOVE COVE11gOTH SIDES) APPLICABLE NFPA 37 AND NFPA 70 STANDARDS AS WELL AS ANY OTHER FEDERAL, BOTH SIDES FOR ACCESS TO .AIR CLEANER ELEMENT LEFTSIDE ( ) STATE,AND LOCAL CODES. QRADIATOR FILL SPARK PLUGS LEFT SIDE 3.CONTROL PANEL/CIRCUIT BREAKER INFORMATION: CAP MUFFLER SEE NOTE 11 -SEE SPECIFICATION SHEET OR OWNERS MANUAL DRIVE BELT EITHER sloE -ACCESSIBLE THROUGH CUSTOMER ACCESS ASSEMBLY DOOR ON REAR OF GENERATOR. BATTERY LEFrstDE 4.REMOVE THE REAR ENCLOSURE COVER PANEL TO ACCESS THE STUB-UP AREAS AS FOLLOWS: REFERENCE OWNERS MANUAL -HIGH VOLTAGE CONNECTION INCLUDING AC LOAD LEAD CONDUIT CONNECTION FOR PERIODIC REPLACEMENT NEUTRAL CONNECTION,BATTERY CHARGER 120 VOLT AC(0.5 AMP MAX)CONNECTION. ;?;r'�`" `T'_""•<or'-.-i"T'-'?wK;a vi-t??:..`� PARTS LIST -LOW VOLTAGE CONNECTION INCLUDING TRANSFER SWITCH CONTROL WIRES. r-.;=,; y^� '-;,{•_ _ 5.CENTER OF GRAVITY AND WEIGHT MAY CHANGE DUE TO UNIT OPTIONS. 6.BOTTOM OF GENERATOR SET MUST BE ENCLOSED TO PREVENT PEST INTRUSION AND I• r�' ""'' - : .uI RECIRCULATION OF DISCHARGE AIR AND/OR IMPROPER COOLING AIR FLOW. ;.- ;•.1S e w"_`.'t,Y._� - ,�•=y 7.REFERENCE OWNERS MANUAL FOR LIFTING WARNINGS. '',h`'h - _ • ': %;] S.MOUNTING BOLTS OR STUDS TO MOUNTING SURFACE SHALL BE 518-11 GRADE 5 ;s,Y„>, i .n;i �•'�_ TC*-V-`-==,��__ .] (USE STANDARD SAE TORQUE SPECS) i:r'X fir;•� ''-'`$ ``_.�" r;j -:f 9.MUST ALLOW FREE FLOW OF INTAKE AIR,DISCHARGE AIR AND EXHAUST.SEE SPEC y'(%•�'� - SHEET FOR MINIMUM AIR FLOW AND MAXIMUM RESTRICTION REQUIREMENTS. BATTERY 12V 10.GENERATOR MUST BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT FRESH COOLING AIR IS AVAILABLE 843[33] GROUP 27F AND THAT DISCHARGE AIR FROM RADIATOR IS NOT RECIRCULATED. TOP VIEW NEGATIVE GROUND 11.EXHAUST MUFFLER ENCLOSED WITHIN GENERATOR ENCLOSURE, CENTER OF GRAVITY PIN G058665 REMOVE FRONT PANEL TO ACCESS. (SEE NOTE 5) 1211[47.7] VICE ACTION LATCH HAUST MUFFLER REAR ENCLOSURE DOOR TYP ONEPER DOOR ENCLOSED WITHIN CIRCUIT BREAKE COVER PANEL ONE LIFT OFF DOOR PER GENERATOR ENCLOSURE SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE 4 SIDE OF GENERATOR • ^-' `"- _ USTOMERACCESS 7C. '' _ 'fir.-. :�-�' •y'i +4 i.=t5i. :" - _ i":' r�• 1' k`s.7.9?.4 �,� .r•,i; ASSEMBLY,CONTROL a r- •_. 'L''r:' ';. '' t ',..•,• _ _I•- - b, ;,r.- L»' PANELACCESS I:'�'., %�, -h,.,:.._: =.) -,I _ "5-�;+.'�'3:;t•-' i. 1168[46.0] BATTERY CHARGER x�' i;i-•f-.; - -:�-`=.i- .r -• F ar A ,c'�`" .',y.` _-err '•;`F'• OVERALL LOCATED WITHIN r_ RADIATOR/EXHAUST f=•.: + ,i: ~!_ _ :1'"`�]'' HEIGHT _ SEE NOTE4 _ :t-�.E<f' ' = - •IC t�+ DISCHARGE AIR Jk ;'• - '` -,• :�{S'Yf' ,1�+ti -:�:v� <( - g- ��'� ."Ez• •i: y �i- .r='. f]i�E'_' '• _•�Ja. .,.i� ..+5•`Y_e;r•- �:. a :f. ^r_,.•�`' 65 •1 4' 58 12.31 I FUEL LINE CONNECTION TYP 47 I+ 2026 [79.81 TYP 318.6 1-114'NPT FEMALE TEE [1.8] LOBS [35.01 [12.54] THROUGH BASEFRAME OPENING 2119 OVERA� � RIGHT SIDE VIEW �• r [83.4] y OV�Er��-I�ef/'TeW d m DIMENSIONS:MM[INCH] o m n o n co cm 13.5 X 29.5 � [.53] [1.2] D MOUNTING SLOTS 'NOTE: co 4X STUB-UP AREA FOR HIGH AND LOWCD VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS,CIRCUIT BREAKER, N NEUTRAL AND CUSTOMER CONNECTION OPENING. w ' a n IGH AND LOW ! p x VOLTAGE N STUB-UP AREA 786 [30.9] 162 Ma [6.4] o STUB-UP AREA 46.6 162 9 L 51 [1.83] [6.4] [A] [2.0] STUB-UP AREA EMOVABLE 1867.3 251.E [73.5] [9.9] STUB-UP COVER TOP VIEW 850 [33.5] 100 I 1919[75.5] -� L 838.1 [33.00] ►I [3.94] MOUNTING SLOT CENTERS MOUNTING SLOT CENTERS 2119 [83.4] REAR VIEW LEFT SIDE VIEW y m DIMENSIONS:MM[INCH] z m m D o n ,c ProtectorO" Series Cocn 0 D o o CD 0 N co NOTES- co RADIATOR/EXHAUST SERVICE ITE51 4.5L 1 —•-- ----- DISCHARGE AIR OIL FILL CAP I LEFT SIDE `: I MINEMUM RECONIVIENDE0 CONCRETE PAD SIZE-18-LARGER PER SIDE THAN GENERATOR] [BOTH SIDES) (— 1269 [50"1 WIDE 2786 [I0'1 LONG. OIL DIP STICK —I LEFT SIDE - 960 —r - OIL FILTER LEFT S!�l REFERENCE INSTALLATION GUIDE SUPPLIED,WITH UNIT FOR CONCRETE PAD GUIDELINES 1 Q 1 Z ALLOW SUFFICIENT ROOM ON ALL SIDES OF THE GENERATOR FOR MAIL ENANCE 137b1 { OIL DRAIN HOSE I LEFT SIDE AND SERVICING.THIS UNIT MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT CG(SEE NOTE 51 ` APPLICABLE NFPA 37 AND NFPA 70 STANDARDS AS WELL AS ANY OTHER FEDERAL. IV RAOiATOR GRAN H0 ii RIGHT SIDE STATE AND LOCAL CODES. - --i COOLANT RECOVERY BOTTLE RIGHT SCE 3 CONTROL PANEL/ CIRCUIT BREAKER I4FORF.lATIOI a- - +try -- RADIATOR FILL CAP ROOF SEE SPECIFlCATION SHEET OR DINNERS MANUAL ACCESSIBLE THROUGH CUSTOMER ACCESS ASSEMBLY ON REAR OF GENERATOR. f AIR CLEANER ELENENT�EITHER SIDE US•+- ;� ) } --I---•-------i 4.INSIDE STUP AREA FOR AC LOAD LEAD CONCUR CONNECTION. NEUTRAL CONNECTION, u SPARK PLUGS - l LFFT St0� BATTERY CHARGER 12O VOLT AC(5 AMP MAXI CONNECTION AND ACCESS TO TRANSFER MUFFLER NOTE SWITCH CONTROL WIRES REMOVE REAR COVER FOR ACCESS. S.CENTER OF GRAVITY AND WEIGHT MAY CHANGE DIE TO UNIT OPTIONS FAN BELT EITHER SIDE ; 6 BOTTOM OF GENERATOR SET MUST BE ENCLOSED TO PREVENT PEST INTRUSION AND BATTERY _ LEFT SIDE RECIRCULATION OF DISCHARGE AIR AND/OR IMPROPER COOLING AIR FLOW, 7- z ^ 7.REFERENCE OWNERS MANUAL FOR LIFTING WARNINGS. 011.DRAIN_.) / 8.M.OIINTING BOLTS OR STUDS TO MOUNTING SURFACE SHALL BE 5/8•if GRADE 5 REMOVE COVER FOR-1 / (USE STANDARD SAE TOROIE SPECS) ACCESS TO RADIATOR BATTERY 12V 9.MUST ALLOW FREE FLOW OF INTAKE OUR, DISCHARGE AIR AND EXHAUST.SEE SPEC FILL CAP GRP 27F SHEET FOR NIMMUM AIR FLOW AND MAXIMUM RESTRICTION REOUIREAENTS. NEGATIVE GROUND REFERENCE OWNERS MANUAL 10.GENERATOR MUST BE 96TALLED SUCH THAT FRESH COOLING AIMS AVAILABLE P/N 6058666 AIR INTAKE FOR PERIODIC REPLACEMENT AND THAT DISCHARGE AIR FROM RADIATOR IS NOT RECIRCULATED. [BOTH SIDESI PART LISTINGS. R REMOVE FRONT END PANEL TO ACCESS EXHAUST MUFFLER.ACCESS AVAILABLE TOP,VIEW THROUGH OODRS TO FAN BELT. EXHAUST MUFFLER---; r-VICE ACTION LATCH ENCLOSED WITHIN ONE PER DOOR GENERATOR ENCLOSURE ONE LIFT OFF DOOR PER -104I4 14L001- CIRCUIT BREAKER--, SEE NOTES S.10 6 if DOOR WIDTH TYP I SEE NOTE 3 � J SIDE OF GENERATOR EAR ENCLOSURE f`R COVER PANEL ;,.M:t. _ - �l ,�.'1`� ,'t..,�•`.q'.I',;s SEE NOTE 4 RADIATOR/EXHAUST DISCHARGE AIR ,.,`, g '•_ 1241 148.91 xgt, I OVERALL CUSTOMER ACCESSAMMULY ; r HEIGHT PANEL ACCEGSOSNTROL tog BATTERY CHARGER 14,31 c LOCATED WITHN L—- ------- SEE NOTE 3 6 4 - j 964 13&01-• j �-FUEL Lff E CONNECTION '\--RADIATOR ORAN 68 TYP 47 TYP E f+ --- -- 2357 19261 TIP -- -- _063.5 12.51 OVERALL WIDTH 1.1/4'NPT FEMALE TEE 12.71 11.8] LIFTING EYE REAR-MEW 350 +- THROUGH BASE FRAME OPEUNG ._._..._-...._. (0] 0381 OVERALL LENGTH RIGHT-VIEW. _ — WEIGHT DATA T WEIGHT WEIGHT LEFT.-VIEW ENCLOSURE WEIGHT; co) j ENGTdE/KW MATERIALN URE GENSET ONLY Sh.PPING SKID I$Hp KG 1LB51 ' m KG(L851 KG ILBSI 1 ............. ..N....._._...,..,..w_,.«.._.._.....,_....I _� 4.SL/60KW I AL 657 02901 79 11751 936 120641 4.SL/BOKW y__.-A._....._.?._903(H901 ; 79 11751..._.�.._903 Q16SL__--- d rt m C o n ,c GENERAC® 60 / 80 M installation layout o Drawing#A0000293264 (2 of 2) 00 � ma s• w m � a Md I a N, ..aNm p$ O "6a d; me w IQ i I ! � i i 1 y � � 1 F� m > N4 N j g t rw l t ; III OU � I I� I aw m �=U O GENERAC' Generac Power Systems,Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY.59,Waukesha,WI 53189 • generac.com ©2019 Generac Power Systems,Inc. All rights reserved. All specifications are subject to change without notice.Part Number A0000373704 Rev E 9/25/2020