HomeMy WebLinkAboutJansen, Jay & Beth Glenn Goldsmith,Presi'�.__; �O�V�S�fFO(,�40, Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski nx, P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • ��� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples ��l ��� Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: (/$ /ZS Completed in field by: usm�A Mark Schwartz Architect on behalf of JAY & BETH JANSEN requests a Pre-Application Site Visit to discuss demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling. Located: 260 Sailors Needle Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-144-5-27 Type of area to be impacted: / Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound ✓ Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: lChapt. 275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Infol needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: 1 e�GfPo.S� ilea �1P U eC Present Were: ZG. G Idsmith Z.N. Krupski .✓E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly E. Peeples 2500, 1 out �D S 5j 223z- D E C E I V E DECK 4 20NEAE6 ZONEX — _ '�o JAN 3 P,I%5 1� n Southold Town N �2\�f ��� BOald Of TR1Sl� \O xF(6 GAO 8 .r xFl6 \ \\ 4�, b \ yry. \ xF! 2 2' r y \ COVERED PATIO F � 9 x FzB ISTORY HOUSE F+\ ? x 6 fO pp �C 4iq4k Wl v 6B Q w PUBLK WA ER F� x l .a 68 L= 78.61' SAIL x b ORS NFF�C \ �6 Ail GE OF Pq VfM [�� 0O, B,C� y f Nr ` O'9 ��o � 0 T°°lO.r A!T RO P� �O EXISTING SITE PLAN JANSEN HOUSE SCALE: V = 30'-0" 1/3/2025 SITE DATA DESIGN No. 1 PROPERTY: 21,892.49 SF 0.5 ac. ESTIMATED AREA OF - �5 0 p. GROUND DISTURBANCE: �NYL 8 v $ U FAD SSI�23.2 W EXISTING: AREA LOT COVERAGE: `fCR HOUSE: 1.910.8 SF ?ONE AE 6 - COVERED STOOP: 15.6 SF ZONE x _' _ !�� COVERED PATIO: 110.0 SF 99 ✓'9 _ KAYAK RACK: 13.1 SF BULKHEAD DECK: 145.4 SF TOTAL: 2.194.9 SF 10.0% N \ PROPOSED: AREA LOT COVERAGE: HOUSE: 1.948.9 SF \ GARAGE: 572.0 SF WORKSHOP: 347.5 SF BREEZEWAY: 77.9 SF I?� PORCH: 362.9 SF ti� Fla [� DECK: 820.0 SF ��3 \ TOTAL: 4,129.2 SF 18.9% EXISTING HOUSE METES AND BOUNDS: SURVEYOR: KENNET'H WOYCHUK LAND SURVEYING \� DATE SURVEYED: APRIL 1.2022 ZONE:R-40 ELEVATIONS REFRENCE: F FLOOD ZONE X NAVD 1988 � big tiF��F + - SCTM: 1000-144-5-27 b � GFA CALCULATIONS a LOCATION: AREA: PROPERTY:21.892.49 SF PROPOSED PORCH Wyse' (280-207d)GFA PERMITTED: 3.689.2 SF PROPOSED M.FLOOR: 1,948.9 SF 1,740.3D GI TOTAL GFA 2N .FLOO Ln v- PUBLIC WATER b1 pq. SAILo b3�b' Pq VFMEN` R�� qTF� PROPOSED SITE PLAN E s SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" oPo JANSEN HOUSE 1/3/2025 } / olo \ j. s r .y°° /♦ r °e \ a, `10 12, P O 4 r ♦ • M T 1p d \ ♦ M 5 � � / ♦ .y � `ONE � �\ 8' d d ♦ ,Ip1 E 3. P r ±. sue„ ••®••••°"•a"• _ .�� COUNTY OFSUFFOLK m NOTICE a o, lard SEGTI()1 NO D ..��_—_ -- ••�J1W�—_ �� O �,.�.. —�— �,�N.� Real Property Tax Service Agency Nv.ae..4.naerana ewaa v o 144 D —_.__ _—..__ r —__— ..,�. 131) r� .. Nf•lO.O TE p �• •� o Y• �Y CHITECT 1 IARK SCHWARTZ &ASSOCIATES 28495 \lain Road•PO Box 933•Cutchogue, NY 11935 631.734.4185 1 www.mksarchitcct.com January 03,2025 vV E Southold Town Trustees Department JAN :3: 0025 54375 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Southold Town Board of Trustees Re: Prouosed house demolition and New Residence Jansen property 260 Sailors Needle Road Mattihick,NY To whom this may concern, We are requesting apre-submission site inspection on Wednesday January 8,202. I will also provide the Site Plan for review. We will submit forms and check prior to inspection as well. had IT Mark Schwartz 631374 4624 cell 631734 4185 office Beth Jansen 917 664 2222 Jay Jansen 631702 3992 Sincerely, llv�� Mark Schwartz -fil: MIA Member Anmican institute of Architecture A:it'PLICAN I'%A.GENT/R1CPRES'IENTA'TIY E. TRANSACTIONAL IDYS,Cg,09 RE FORM The�jown'ofSouihold's'Code of n_officer-and cmployeen.111Cp-11' Si of .this Corm is to nrcividcjnforinrition wliicli can alert the town of possible conflicls'of interest arid.ull'ow ittn.take what<iycr action•is 'ne ' 'gnty to avoid same, 'YOUR1JAIvIB•, �JaV�s,.Q.t�.�: �`.1'-Z,�, 1`r►•; (Lastnarng„frst name,,.rpiddle initial,unless you are,applying in the-name of someone else orother,entity,such,as a company:- sojnd___te.,thc other person's or:cbmpany's panic.) 'NAME.ORAPPLICATION: (Check all that,apply4 Tak Oicvaifee Building Variance :Trustee; x`- C!loko of zone `Coastal-Erosion Approval.of plat Mooring Excmption;from plat'onofftcial'mag Planning Other .(If"Other'•';,name Elie activity:); _. • Do,you personally.(or ttimugh your coinpany,spouse,A ing,parent,or'child)'havc a relatiousttiliavitli airy officcebr cntployce of the Town of Southold? 'Relationship"includcsay'blood,uj•UTiage,pr business interest_"[lusinuss interest l mQ'aus i a busin'ess, inciading a partnership,in;whicti thc`totvn officeroc cniployi:e'has:cycn a partial'owncrshipof(or emnloymcirl by)a eir'rjioraton in dvhich the town officer or employee owns'raom(ht►n,5%ofthe;stiatrs. YES NO X. Ifyiiu.answ,ered"YES' :rnmplete the-bilance,of this.fonn undA6.te•,and sigri where indicated. Name of peison:critployed bythe Town of Southold Titie or position of that . Describe the relationship between-yoursclf(the:ap)licdn,t/agcnVrepresentativc).and,ihe town officer or:cmployee.:Eithcc the6k, the.appropd6i6,liae'A)through D),and/or"dcsc*bc'in the space proy'ided. The town officer or cmptoyee or ws:or her spouse,sibl ng;'parent;o'r child.is(check alI tliat.apply): _ A)-ilio'owner oGgreater.ilran: %of the shames ofthe corporate stock of the applicant (when thc:,aj plicant is u corporadgq); B)the legal or'beneftcial.owner,of any interest.in.a non-corporate'entity(whM the ap.16,nf:is not a corparation); C)an officer,director;partnec,or employcc,.of the,applicant;or D),the actuatapplicant. DESCRlmoiq of REL'AT1oNSH1P 1 Subrnittcd.this -- Signaturc Print Nartie , b 0�. Form TS'! <ardl of Twat OOS Applic*t` <" AUTHORIZATION ('Where thc'.appticarit snot the;owner) IIVJe ' owners of the property;.identified as SCTM# 100;0- Y:`S o7�in the town"of J. New York.hereby"authorizes - to act.As my agent and handle:Al I necessary work involved with the applicationprocess for permit(s):from"the Southold Town Board""of:Trustees for this property. r pe Owner's Sibmature PropertyOwner%—Signatute 0 Z SWORN TO,BEFORE ME THIS .DAY"OF Not y Public _ �'SETPi'G'BANK' Notary pub(i6'=:5tate°df"New York 1NC1.,018A 6;"427783; Qualified-in S;4r glk;County My Commission"Expires Jan 3,'ZQ26 _)akrd, of Trustees Applicati,, AFFIDAVIT BEING DULY'SWQRN A` 0'AFV kM8,,THATliMHE IS THE APPLICANT-FOR THE ABOVE 'PES'CRIBED?'PERMIT(S) AND"TH4T.ALL*STA-TEMENTS'C-ON.TAINED HEREIN ARE.TRUE TO.THEIZEST OF'KIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND-89LIEF,'.00,THAT ALL WOkkl-WILL BE""DONE IN'TIlk-MANNERSEr FORTH IN, THIS APPLICATION AND A8 MAY B),E,APPROVEi I)BY'THESOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES..'THE APPLICANT APREES:TO HOLD THETOWN-OF SOUTHOLD AND THE 'BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ARTY AND ALL,DAMAGES AND I CLAIMS ARISING UNDER 0R.BV VIRTUE 0 F SAID PERMIT(S),-:IF G:RAN, T9D. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION,I'HER EBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES,THEIR AGENTS)OR REPRESENTATIVES,INCLUDING711E. CONISER,VATION ADVISORY COUNCIL,"TO ENTER ONTO MY'PROPERTY TO, INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION, IN0,UDINGA]MAL INSPECTION. f FURTHER,AUTHORIZZ THE:BOARD OF -T RUSTEES To ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY AND AS REQUIRED TO INSURE: 'COMPLIANCE:W,ITH'ANY,CONDITION'OF ANY WETLAND,OR COASTAL EROSION"?ERM'IfISSU -,BYTHE,BOARD'OFTRUSTgES,'DU!tlN'G'TIIETERM OF THE ftkMIT. of Property OWner Signaftir6,of Pt6&rty'Owncr SWORN TO BEFORE.ME'THIS DAY OF .10 Notary°P.ulJlic Y"rk NotdY Public ' O ,'o 1311"0171 Q shy Commission cX0. lr "PStl 3,2026