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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51539 Date: 01/10/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Janet L Filasky PO BOX 372 Aquebogue, NY 11931 To: Construct additions and interior alterations to include window and door replacements and legalize "as-builts"conditions to an existing single-family dwelling as applied for per SCHD and ZBA approvals. Additional certification may be required. Premises Located at: 1345 Old Main Rd, Laurel, NY 11948 SCTM# 122.-7-7.1 Pursuant to application dated 08/12/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 01/10/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: As Built Addition/Alteration $1,185.00 Single Family Dwelling- Addition &Alteration $994.00 CO Single Family Dwelling-Addition/Alteration $100.00 Total $2,279.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 k Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax(631)765-9502 litt s:/ww Southold owmi ov Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT LQJ) For Office Use Only PERMIT NO, Building Inspector. Awl!-' 12:1262.14 p —'`— BUILDING OE�r Applications and forms must be filled out in their entire Incomlet p i`� Y9' Ill, L.i e applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: ------------------------ N'amer `` SCTM#1000- ProjectAddress: �1 Phone#: Email: Mailing Address: CONTACT PERSON: Name: ' Mailing Address: � e. � � Phone#: �..-' DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Addr Phone#: 35 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Ad dress: — Email: w Phone#: -- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Iteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑NehwerStructure dditi�ni* . Will the lot be re-graded? OYes/cRo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes o 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of ro e p nY p Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to property? I1Yes p ......� I»� o IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ��hedk goxi er e�adtrlg; t"Naw�rawwaer,�caarrtr��r air/ prarolksslan�l Is r�aa Nbiww A aNN da lna arrad stwaw�r,water tsIsuft �;er z�b at tlrw t"xrawn��AN?Nstl�at"r141't I1 RMl�1M"MwtlAl�l�tcw th+rw or* � rnn ���wrwl wNwda�lraallc t��4lwr�r2NrwrNl rths'15WOnceof a arllding'wnit Fwrsrwrt to th#Widing�2oar aar dwN wa>y Ik taw wwt+ara rracwaNcirri rrwokl 6wrra Nw q r6 r�w TNrwr papgN r�Na tw�ww a �N fort *Construction0bulNatir , h� and r arlatlons and to,admit anrthorjX04 Insia tars an premises wad In trulld� s 4a n��n inspections.ali rbirr Uw,$ Ordiimftos,WWI" w 4ON purdhsb as o cla A misdemeanor punuant,to smton 210,45at the*ev Y 5tzrtwr 0 0)fl rMFalse,ottrfgrruwr rrwrwdt herein are Application Submitted By(print name). LPIN --,e,4 Signature of Apptic t ner t: "Date: Authorized`-7 1 I tan' STATE OF N E W YOR K) SS: COUNTY OF being duly he is sworn,deposes and says that s arms f individual sig g contract)abov n ed, the applicant (S)he is the ( ontractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of saidowner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith„ Sworn before me this day of ap°y"P blic Cheryl J. Armstro g t �"' A Notary Public, State of ew York (V !here the applicant is rltt Etta owrner TInfU No. OARG3225 Qualified in Suffolk C u'nty. Commission Expires Apr G, 20Z I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 S,C,T M, NO, DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 122 BLOCK: 7 LOT(S):7.1 #R-21-0399 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES VACANT PERMIT FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION FOR A ? SINGLE.FAMRY RESIDENCE ONLY .A OFFICES W/PUBLIC WATER W/ kdA I. 121j%,U/� H OS R,CrYy o,!"✓ �e� n '^� Eu\� nr 1", SEPTIC OVER 150' / APPR'OVFCk FOR MAXIMUM OF .HREE YEARS FROM� ROYAL WORK r+` T A P EXPIRES OM DATE a'}F � m,yW , " ...A..,...�..w..,m....,,�.w. �vnP W/WELL WATER Y urv0 /F OF NCoa, M1I ATTIT—PROPE— ,,. ANAGEM1IENT i LC F i/ EL f SEPTIC OVER 50' s d 1M A\ ,✓,"--.._., �, MR�ater'iin-e�rawest aamsarted�wy tha,, A"��,�T, �" SM1r�lo9WL tmn Ct4 H a'�Chu��rces„, PC 1 Call(632)852-5754,48 hours in EL p I' 6T I/ .µ{ advance,to schedule inspection(s). tu19.1_ ./y +91 pAlro%aedl WXu �"^"4 r'""Yl.)r.A ""1 •- "----.��,_, EHzr EDWY w.D �... .r--^ EL151 .,.,,..-.,�..� LA ryM111 3 1YIpY+� "N 5 r t-11P VAr h O t,,._ venial re(,rIXr, &f YA ynW6 b .+ ST M1 w W F LAND N/F OFr C.—I REALTY CO COIIM BLDG "� I W/PUBLIC WATER SEPTIC OVER 150' A EI „ 24.0 � / f nOPSE FeA1I BROWN ��' V�.�S / � WELL/SEPTIC OVER 150` OL LOAM "„ y —2.0" BROWN SM SILTY SAND _ IV/ (� PALE BROWN WELL AND LATERAL MUST BE ' FINE 2023 SP TO E° SHOWN_ N FI AL SU V�' �.,. „/ 0 EL 7.0 — 17' U)IL )(Mt TOWN ��', �®�f-�*[a. LD NO WATER ��p )Bg aL D � SUITABLE I�.%SLATE OR y, R END as seta. � �..R� "'Iw ' ��..�OR PLUG 'VE' OR PLUG EL 4..3 HIGHEST EXP, GROUND WATER EL 4.3 w �� rA S MARCH 25 2019 _�,..-..,,,�,�,�._ -.�_�_..... w._ �.............�.... PREVIOUS SURVEY I" Aban O Oahe exists ySteuTr rT:Z; be in 30' ELBOW NATHAN CORWIN LS 60 WYE Submitcomptlete r1IVA(V -., �� _..�c1ts. or o1A nce with the merit's re a irem � rM-0'$Q��proof REVISED 11-06-22 � , .. ..... �.... - "�"" FLOW— REVISED 09-08-22 THE WATER SUPPLY, WELLS, DRYINELLS AND CESSPOOL REMOVE PROP.ACC.APARTMENT 04-22-22 LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS REVISED 09-21-21 AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. REVISED 08 17-21 NA"La88 ELEVATION DATUM: -.... ..•-._-- AREA:58„32619 SOFT or 1 34 ACRES R�1NUaayATH rI"'LR"N�r rr ,1L FtAI^a�nON �V .*DorgN FO, THr S5 ,V'Rar"w w:s, Aa rrOCA T1�CF,SEaY. ION 7?,'0 E�10'' 1vraa�rEWR'CWK 51-I'a;1EDIX AFX&,4,v,IXYdN;r aCr"rsa Of "I r�V.FRI CY AN,dP Nd07 ,8r',.9RINL'a N9'dti N.IXNL"H StdTP''GfC YC4R S FA�k3C7aSF0" ;xF"Y0C SJ rL C ONLY, ro IYHp R'"EI'P 54'r"rrd'9"+,OJ4 flCI8L91Aa PMBE a"F'P°r',`5"d'S F"duk"F"a"1'7a Lr,� �SNt^,ON HPS j:?EH,�kIN' NO rNW 71ri' C�«"Uk P41V4 aSLL RUN C7tt2;"Ir1N,IfPJ TAf., „4�(�11d'",W 1kRdL?KEAdCNPFJTr'}N'S�FP N''I,,;'F1�W o5vto 4RIEsw, .FANG" TO 74 As58m(S Or fHF P.ENDFNa„"u.INSTIF4/POV, OUA1"�"WANWFS 1Vd�E Not d"R.VA^Sri F' d.Td.E rs,�F OFF5Fr5 Cf C"TMFNSVONNS SHOW d„RFNNI N 8 dOA9 TNdE'"FMOf✓ERT d.dNf� 1HOMl4 VSMfNCISU�� 0Oe1�CW SICV C�rPJRLSHOR�4�O�rPROM1d�eRp%��fFVXS1HE rSC�dfAIf;S 040F NN r$NOF�LN fcJ MAC,7N'd mrw rHt PRO�PERr'r uNES OR F"O rufAr rHk f" I'C GND10A S4q,j SLeR,%CF'S'dV7L+IC`6Lafx^ES M1rYr CFD M1OlN I„:+N,PVC'GI,'71dWEdm 'IRE allor uLmr?A d"'Co U NLCSS d"Nt'CS'a0.;„1L4?"F'6LPP0rNr r.;W '1HC A'PPCAP,5F,1'S 'I r rHF IMIC Or 5`UR%IE r CERTIFIED TO, JANET LAINE FI A SBI(% sulzvEY OF:DES CRIBED PROPERTY � �aF �tlE19+ � -•- 6 � F MAP OF: O,FILED: SITUATED AT:MATTITUCK r _ TOWN OF:SOUTHOLD s KENNETH YYG]? L ) n PLLC P PHONE i(631)29611588 g A.N.,1iL'in Design SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK421'ek OSOBFN w - P.O. Box 153 Aquebo ue, New York 11931 FILE p 221—131 SCALE:1' 40' N,YS LI FAX (63l) 296-1568 2021 SC NO O5 - - DATE:DULY S, � 0882 meintsming the recorOs of Robert J.Hennessy k Kenneth M.Wo)'chuk BOARD MEMBERS �� Sol, Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road • P.O. Box 1179 Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Southold,NY 11971-0959 `�^� Patricia Acampora C fface Luc ii0n:. Eric Dantes , Town Annex/First Floor, c' 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Robert Lehnert, Jr. '�00UNTY, Southold, NY 11971 Nicholas Planamento U L http://southoldtownny.gov RECEIVED ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Pita 6 3:31 U ���� 1 '2:02 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JUL 3 { Tel. (631) 765-1809 1t11lcr ptrz' Southold Town Clerk Towil 01 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF JULY 25, 2024 ZBA FILE: 47919 NAME OF APPLICANT: Laine Filasky PROPERTY LOCATION: 1345 Old Main Road, Mattituck,NY SCTM No. 1000-122-7-7.1 SE Rpw DETERMINA PION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions„without further steps under SEt RA. SUIWFOI�II COUN"IY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated March 18, 2024 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. I " "RPC ,dTEIITAT ION_.'The relief,permit,or interpretation requested in this application is listed under the Minor Actions exempt lust and is not subject to review under Chapter 268. I''ROPER "Y FACTS DESCRIPTION'.- The subject property is a 1.34 acre conforming lot in a B Zoning. District. The lot is irregularly shaped,and has a road frontage along Old Main Road of 340.65 feet,, it then turns northwest for 282. 67 feet before heading northeast for 191.38 feet before returning. 15 1.34 feet back to Old Main Road. The property is improved with an existing two story frame residence,a metal barn with attached lean-to. There is also a shed in the rear yard all as shown on survey prepared by Kenneth M, Woychuk, LLS, last revised July 25, 2023. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for a Variance from Article XI, Section 280-49; and the Building Inspector's February 5, 2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to a single-family dwelling, at 1) located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 100 feet; located at: 1345 Old Main Road, Mattituck, NY. SCTM No. 1000-122-7- 7.1. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant requests to construct additions and alterations to a single family dwelling having a front yard setback of 57.26 feet, instead of the minimum required 100 feet setback in Business(B)Zoning District. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: No member of the public spoke in opposition of the application. Page 2, July 25,2024 97919, Filasky SCTM No. 1000-122-7-7.1 FINDINGS OF FACT/ REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on July 11, 2024 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. Town Law 267-b � b 11 �. Grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The subject property is in a Business (B)Zoning District, but the property is used as residential property. The subject lot has an irregular shape and the front property line is partially angled rather than parallel to the dwelling. Due to the irregular shape of the property and the location of the existing dwelling closer to the street rather than being than centered on the lot,the existing house does not meet the minimum front yard setback for the B zone. Any additions to the front of the house would require variance relief. If the property was in a residential zone, it would meet all the required setbacks without variance relief. The subject lot is very wide and deep and there are no other homes nearby. Across the street there is a deep wooded buffer on a gated property that is a private horse farm. Therefore, the proposed additions would not produce any change in the character of the neighborhood. 2. Town Law 267-b b .. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. Due to the existing location of the house outside of the allowable setbacks, any addition to the front of the house would require variance relief. The proposed additions are both covered porches, and are open, and not habitable space. 3. Town Law 267-- 3 b' ' ., The variance granted herein is mathematically substantial, representing 43%relief from the code. However,the property is located in a B zone; if the property was zoned residential, the proposed additions would not need variance relief. The existing residence is located on the property towards the southwest end, and not centered as per zoning regulations. There is no circumstance in which an addition to the existing residence would not require an area variance. 4. Town Law 267-b 'b 4'. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code. 5. Town Law 267-b b . The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant purchased the parcel after the Zoning Code was in effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use of the parcel under the Zoning Code in effect prior to or at the time of purchase. 6.Town -21 ,,.67�b. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of covered entry porches while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION Off:THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B,motion was offered by Member Lehnert, seconded by Member Dantes, and duly carried,to GRANT the variance as applied for, and shown on the Site Plan and Architectural Plans, (Sheets La thru Ta, 6.b, 6.c, 6.d, 7.b, D.-1 thru D-3) prepared by Raymond J. Caliendo, Architect, last revised October 30, 2023. Page 3, July 25, 2024 #7919, Filasky SCTM No. 1000-122-7-7.1 This approval shall not be deemed effective until the required conditions have been met. At the discretion of the Board of Appeals,failure to comply with the above conditions may render this decision null and void That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. IMPORTANT LIMITS ON THE APPROVALS GRANTED HEREIN Please Read Carefully Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision, or work exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit and/or the issuance of a Stop Work Order, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variances) granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, demolitions, or demolitions exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. TIME LIMITS ON THIS APPROVAL: Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three (3)years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration,grant an extension not to exceed three(3) consecutive one (1) year terms. IT IS THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY"TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH"I'llE CODE RE LIRED TIME FRAME DESCRIBED HEREI i. Failure to comply in a timely manner may result in the denial by the Building Department of a Certificate of Occupancy, nullify the approved variance relief,and require a new variance application with public hearing before the Board of Appeals Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Weisman (Chairperson), Dantes, Planamento, Acampora and Lehnert. (5-0) Leslie Kanes t i trt r� , Cl�a rperso Approved for filing 12 ` ` REScheckSoftware Version 4*7,2 Compliance ��0�&����' ��'=�Q�������������/ �--��'� � � ��|� �w��� �����' �^���/Ny ��� � ����� 0�n�� _ /� \H/ ��� --� Project Fil@8ky Residence - Alterations D. 10, ,~- `w" ^' ^ 'F� MAY Energy Code: 3�8|�C � � � Location: MettitucN, New York Construction Type: Single-family TOWN ------~=- � Project AlterationType� Alteration --'— -- Climate Zone: 4 (5331 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: l345 Old Main Rd LaineR|asky Zackerys. Nicholson, RA Mauituck, NYll952 z]45 Old Main Rd ZENDes|gn wattituck, mYl193s 12zO Evergreen Drive LDPUesigns@yahoo.cum Cmzhogue' NY1l935 6]1.51].6589 ZENichobon.ARCH@gmai|.com NOTE: Slab-on-grade tradeoffs are no longer considered in the UA or performance compliance path in REScheck. Each slab-on- gradeassemb|yinthespedfiedc|imateaunemuatmeettheminimumenergycodeinsu|adonR'va|ueanddepthrequirements. Ell Ell"" Basement North Wall: Wood Frame xVa|| height: 7.0' 313 21.0 1.0 0.056 0.059 15 lh Depth below grade: 0.0' Insulation depth: 7.0' Window C: Wood Frame:Sing|ePane SHGC: O.0O Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash ur frame. Window o: Wood prame:Sing|epane SMGC: O.00 __ __ sxemptinn: Glazing replacement in existing sash ur frame. Window E: Wood Foame:S|ng(e Pane SHGC: U.00 Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash o, frame. Window p:Wood r,ame:Sing|ePane SHGC: 0.00 Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. vvindowG: Wood prame:Sing|ePane SMGC: O.0O Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash nr frame Door 012: Solid 20 0.250 0.350 5 7 Door 013: Solid 20 0.250 0.350 5 7 Basement East Wall: Wood Frame Wall height: 7.0' 187 21.0 0.0 0.055 0.059 10 11 Depth below grade: 3.5' Insulation depth: 7.0' Window A:Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. Window B:Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 .... .__ .._ --- Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. Basement South Wall: Wood Frame Wall height: 7.0' 313 21.0 0.0 0.048 0.059 15 18 Depth below grade: 6.0' Insulation depth: 7.0' Basement West Wall: Wood Frame Wall height: 7.0' 187 21.0 0.0 0.055 0.059 10 11 Depth below grade: 3.5' Insulation depth: 7.0' 1st FI-North Wall: Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 549 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 30 31 Window H:Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 __. _ ._.. __- -_- Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. Window I: Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 m _ __. __._ ___ --- Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. Window J: Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. Window K: Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 _µ -_- _-_ _ Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. Window L: Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 _ ___ ._ Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or fra me. Window M:Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 __ ••w _ _,._ Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or _ frame. Window N: Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. Window 0:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 15 0.270 0.350 4 5 SHGC: 0.27 Window P:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 15 0.270 0.350 4 5 SHGC: 0.27 1st FI-South Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 134 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 6 6 Window U:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 27 0.270 0.350 7 9 SHGC: 0.27 1st FI- East Wall: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 253 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 14 15 Project Title: Filasky Residence-Alterations Report date: 04/30/23 Data filename: E:\00 -ZEN Design Build\01_CLOSED\Filasky_1345 Old Main Rd- Page 2 of 4 Mattituck-Renovation\Filasky - Renovation - REScheck- REDO.rck 1st FI-South Wall 2:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 415 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 19 20 Window X: Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 11 0.270 0.350 3 4 SHGC: 0.27 Window Y:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 11 0.270 0.350 3 4 SHGC: 0.27 Window Z:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 11 0.270 0.350 3 4 SHGC: 0.27 Window AA:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 11 0.270 0.350 3 4 SHGC: 0.27 Door 100: Solid 45 0.250 0.350 11 16 1st A-West Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 189 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 7 8 Window Q:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 19 0.270 0.350 5 7 SHGC: 0.27 Window R:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 19 0.270 0.350 5 7 SHGC: 0.27 Door 101: Solid 20 0,250 0.350 5 7 1st FI-West Wall 2:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 64 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 2 2 Window V:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 5 0.270 0.350 1 2 SHGC: 0.27 Window W:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 5 0.270 0.350 1 2 SHGC: 0.27 Door 113: Solid 16 0.250 0.350 4 6 2nd FI-North Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 369 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 21 22 Window BB:Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 .-- - --- --- --- Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. Window CC: Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 _.. .. --- Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame, Window DD: Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 _.. ._ ___ _ -_ Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. Window EE: Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC: 0.00 Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or fra me. Window FF: Wood Frame:Single Pane SHGC:0.00 _- _.._ -- .-. --- --- Exemption: Glazing replacement in existing sash or frame. 2nd FI-East Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 220 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 13 13 2nd A-South Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 369 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 16 16 Window GG:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 22 0.270 0.350 6 8 SHGC: 0.27 Window HH:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 11 0.270 0.350 3 4 SHGC: 0.27 Window II:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 8 0.270 0.350 2 3 SHGC: 0.27 Window JJ:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 11 0.270 0.350 3 4 SHGC: 0.27 Window KK:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 8 0.270 0.350 2 3 SHGC: 0.27 Project Title: Filasky Residence-Alterations Report date: 04/30/23 Data filename: EA00 - ZEN Design Build\01_CLOSED\Filasky_1345 Old Main Rd- Page 3 of 4 Mattituck Renovation\Filasky- Renovation - REScheck- REDO.rck Window LL:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 2 0.270 0.350 1 1 SHGC: 0.27 Window MM:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 11 0.270 0.350 3 4 SHGC: 0.27 Window NN:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane 22 0.270 0.350 6 8 SHGC: 0.27 2nd FI -West Wall: Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 220 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 13 13 Kitchen Ceiling: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 312 49.0 0.0 0,026 0.026 8 8 Ceiling 2: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1,232 49.0 0.0 0.026 0.026 32 32 Floor 1:All-Wood joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned 312 21.0 0.0 0,044 0.047 14 15 Space Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.7.2 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Zackery E. Nicholson, RA �2_7& 05.01.23 Name-Title Signature N Date Project Notes: SCTM# 1000-112-7-7.1 D A O " E. N/ " O � 0 � O N� Q4442'' ' F N Project Title: Filasky Residence -Alterations Report date: 04/30/23 Data filename: E:\00 - ZEN Design Build\01_CLOSED\Filasky_1345 Old Main Rd- Page 4 of 4 Mattituck_Renovation\Filasky- Renovation - REScheck- REDO.rck S.C.T.M. N0. DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 122 BLOCK: 7 LOT(S): 7.1 #R-21 -0399 \ VACANT OFFICES / W/PUBLIC WATER / SEPTIC OVER 150' / LAND N/F OF / MATfTUCK PROPERTY / MANAGEMENT LLC WELL EL 6.5 60-0 / 0,— 1 6 OVER UUeaTla+WELL Pv SAW t2w � AQ, a26.7 a24.1 ' IE Rc. 001 a 29.7—, ' r I CP- ExLsrnlc + a 23,5 1 150SWA ^� O BE A890 A eauaNm I AM) a`� `'D arm MAR&SAW 22.3 ASPHALT ORNMAY �-� a z5.1 , r a 24.1 \ a z4.o i� 24-M ' a27.4 f x \ a2.15 SANITARY SYM 27 - - 01 L. ` f 1 22.2 z z N s 254 a 23.7 5 M r a U7 TIO #, , LAND N/F OF STD j COFAM REALTY CO r f 'Q�O ^� a COMM. BLDG. W,t'P#lT3Li0 WATER TO SE STEPS HORSE FARM WELL/SEPTIC OVER 150' ELEV. 24.0 OL BROWN �- LOAM —2.0' , S BROWN M SILTY SAND —2.0' PALE ' BROWN r, FINE SP TO MED. _ SAND TYPICAL CLEAN OUT — 17 SLATE OR STOPPER END a2ao SUITABLE COVE OR PLUG 14.3' NO WATER - 17' 30' ELBOW HIGHEST EXP. GROUND WATER EL 4.3 60' WYE MARCH 25, 2019 McDONALD GEOSCIENCE FLOW--"- THE WATER SUPPLY, WELLS, DRYWELLS AND CESSPOOL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVA77ONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS AREA:58,326.19 SQ.FT. or 1 .34 ACRES ELEVAT70N DATUM. NAVD88 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERA77ON OR ADDIT70N TO THIS SURVEY IS A IWOLAT70N OF SEC77ON 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCAT70N LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO 7HE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE T77LE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INST7TU77ON LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INS77TU770N, GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE OFFSETS OR DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE THEREFORE THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO MONUMENT THE PROPERTY LINES OR TO GUIDE THE EREC77ON OF FENCES, ADD177ONAL STRUCTURES OR AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. EASEMENTS AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUfURES RECORDED OR UNRECORDED ARE NOT GUARANTEED UNLESS PHYSICALLY EVIDENT ON THE PREMISES AT THE 77ME OF SURVEY SURVEY OF:DESCRIBED PROPERTY CERTIFIED TO: JANET LAINE FILASKY, MAP OF: FILED: SITUATED AT:MATTITUCK TOWN OF:SOUTHOLD KENNETH M WO CH K LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Professional Land Surveying and Design P.O. Box 153 Aquebogue, New York 11931 PHONE (631)298-1588 FAX (631) 298-1588 FILE #221 —131 SCALE:1 "=40' DATE:JULY 5, 2021 N.Y.S. LISC. NO. 050882 maintaining the records of Roberti. Hennessy & Kenneth M. Woychuk TYP. ROOF CONSTRUCTION -25 YR, Architectual Asphalt Shingles A . Ice & Weather min. 24" past plane of exterior wall i� 1 p I PROPOSED -"�'- 3/4" cdx Plywood. i� 12 . R-30C insulation i' EXISTING . 2x8 Roof rafters t2.75 v ®1b o c. ,' x 12 . 1" Corrigated ventilation baffles NEW 2x8 R.R. "ATTIC at3.25 \ e. XI 016 o. . TYP. WALL CONSTRUCTION - R-21 insulation . 2x6 double late �I i e P � I In PROPOSi�D . 2x6 stud wall I LOFT . 3 4" CDX sheathingEXISTING e . 15 FELT i' ' I r # 0 TV Roots I . 2x6 shoe PR PO"ED l I r T� 3/4" T&G plywood sub floor glued 12 �' EXISTING & nailed .=tic•1 in 5.5 I 2x10 rim joist 12 . EXISTING 200 1st FI joist ip �t10 . R-21 insulation N � + , EXIST. 2x8 F.J. m 16" o.c. M TYP. FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION 1 00 8" Continuous poured concrete rat MLID. (� W./D. HALL EXISTING N fdn wall , w/three rows of 2- #4 rebar y M71.F P OP SED RM. � _ WAY DINING 1'1 C Vt: rU J RM. 8"down from top of fnd. 48"up from bottom of fnd. PORCH i0 Mlµ 8"up from bottom of fnd. I o_ . Continuous damproofing to code . 16" X 8" Continu p ous '`ICN I N rx.h poured concre#4 rebar 1 te Footing n - - -- ,- - you - EXIST. 200 F.J. 0 16"o.c. r5M EXIST. 2x10 F.J. 0 16'o.c. I I � I I _________________ I Nam\ I !•iMPUR00F SECTION A-A BATH#2 BATH#3 z v s v SCALE: 1/4" 1-0" 11/2 v :tit v 1 J/2 v 11/2V 11/2 v :.Vz V q e' 4' EW uv uV 1 WC W° !'RIRV ROOF nR NOTE: 2ND FLOOR SHWR 2• 2• ?. ?, 2• 2• ?• MANUFACTURE: ANDERSEN 400 SERIES TYPE: DOUBLE HUNG TILT WASH, CASEMENT & PICTURE. s 3. 3• ' NFRC PERFORMANCE: Low—E4—SmartSun—w/Hectl-ock. BATH#1 POWDERRM. KITCHEN U—FACTOR = 0.26 SHGC= 0.19 1'V 1•V 11/2V 1WV 1 1/2V T11 11r2v LAV LAV OA.I. WASH W.C. MACH D.W. 1STfL00R �• SHWR Id/1' TABLE R301.2(I) aruTe�cmuAnxc oeNCN�uennu� 2 !' 2• J !, 2' Cu�cemA�woe a 2• WIND DESIGN SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM CO. CE BARRIER GROUND SEISMIC WINTER UNDER- AIR MEAN SPECIAL WIND- FROST FLOOD !' !" SNOW SPEED TOPO DESIGN V,EgT1��, TERMITE DESIGN LAYMENT FREEZING ANNUAL TO APPROVED SANITARY LOAD (MPH) EFFECTS WIND BORNE CATEGORY LINE TEMP. REQUIRED HAZARDS INDEX TEMP. DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGION DEBRIS DEPTH ZO PSF. 130 EXF't130 NO NO ZONE 1 B SEVERE 3'-0" I6 YES F E.M.A. <1,600 60.8 MCIDERATE AS PER BAR BATHROOM e TO HEAVY LAUNDRY 11/2V 11.12V 11/2v 11/2V uv uv WC' REV. DATE REVISIONS � WASH Proposed Alterations & Additions BASEMENT 1Q 12-30-24 Changed window Manufacture from FILASKY RESIDENCE z•W 2, ! 2, Pella To ANDERSEN. Added 2020 NYS c.o. R301.2 (1) Code 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 !" RICHARD SECTIONS A—A a K. PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM ANDERSEN PROJECT MANAGER:RIoh An Ceram DUEL DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. # EJECTOR BC NO SCALE: PUMP ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: E.W. 22 MONTAUK AVE. 7 a 1 EAST MORICHES N.Y.11940 s AS NOTED K (sm)902-3501) ISSUED DATE- -30-23 or 13PI S 15 39 N. 68 55'101, EXIS G ,04E CAR G RAGE = 31 s ft. EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT. to be removed = 725.0 sq. t. IN G I R FL — 1 .0 q. ft. N _ . 191-381 p EXISTING SECOND FLOOR = 685.0 sq. ft. o LOT COVERAGE ALLOWABLE CALCULATION. 2 LOT AREA = 58,326 x .30% = 17,497.8 SQUARE FOOT. \0`po PROPOSED COVERED ENTRY PORCH = 229.0 sq. ft. ss, Itor. 2 PROPOSED EAST SIDE ENTRY. = 25.0 sq. ft. LOT COVERAGE PROPOSED CALCULATION �, a PRIMARY STRUCTURE = 1 ,869.0 — METAL FRAME BARN _ 876.0 P POSED S ON FLO OOR ADD ON = 10. sq. ft. METAL FRAME LEAN—TOO 561 .0 / / SHED = 131 .0 / \ PROPOSED TWO STORY SPACE IS 80 sq.ft.x2 = 160.0 sq. ft. TOTAL = 3,437.0 sq. ft. \ GFA ALLOWABLE CALCULATION. / LOT AREA —58,326 — 40,000 =18,326 x .05% / �0 � = 916.3 + 5,100 = 6,016.3 SQUARE FOOT. PROPOSED / 0 \ 1 SECOND FLR. SHED DORMER ADDITION / / -9�2� GFA PROPOSED CALCULATION / Or�O 46 -0" W x 10 -0 D O, FIRST FLOOR = 1 , 603.0 EXIST/NG / n,� �p, SECOND FLOOR = 685.0 73.8 / PROP. 2ND FLR. ADDITION = 310.0 PROP. TWO STORY SPACE = 160.0 61.3' L2ST1 RY FRAME DWELLING TOTAL = 2, 758.0 sq. ft. (RENOVATED)00 ti3 IM PROPOSED 15.0' MASONRY - PROPOSED COVERED 46.3' _ MASONRY flWl! _n ENTRY PORCH -o_ EAST SIDE ENTRY 7' 011Wx3' 6" D 00, .�..., M 28'-0" W x 8'-2" D -off � ,. .- 0 0 / z � -� .off 00 ��O � � '< N PROPOSED lu 0 REV. DATE REVISIONS D M 0 'v ��. �J► / 1 09-21-2023 Reduced Proposed Finished Basement from 465 CANTILEVERED x -U � 4 / sq. ft. to 278 sq ft. for a total finished -0 �0 M o '0 �JA ; basement are of 725 + 278 = 1004 sq. ft. F1 SECOND FLR. ADDITION � W o O 0 / s s I m 0 11 �� m ( ) kP 2 to A 10-30-2023 Add Existing Finished Basement to be removed. ._.� Q 17 -0 W x 1.-8 D z 0 m J► 0 61 •� Omit PROPOSED additional finished basement 00 - 0 �,0 'y of 278.0 sq.ft. o 0 0 � s� s� •`�� N bo = v •ems, �0, �, _ i 0 ,,0• SITE PLAN s 00 100, ooy20 SCALE: 1"=20' 4 2$ 5• Proposed Alterations & Additions S. 56°57'20" W. 129.52' 0 25 50 100 REp FILASKY RESIDENCE 0 0 J. cq '�i 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 RICHARD SITE INFORMATION BASED ON SURVEY PREPARED p K. P I BY KENNETH M. WOYCHUCK LAND SURVEYING, PLLC — ANDERSEN PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen & DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW # E DATED DULY, 7, 2023. ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: E.W. La 22 T MORI K AVN SCALE: AS NOTED 1 EAST MORICHES N.Y. 11940 (631) 902-3501 ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF r'Al kprc\Richard ,AnciPrsnn\f,)Ask*nn\nni-Rich Fnlrlorc\00r)-Rich All prnin-tc\I ainP & lop FilackvM/orkino nwagTale & Filaskv. 1.a Site Plan.dwn, 10/30/2023 3:59:52 PM 61'-O" KEY O — STEEL COL. 8" 44'-8" 15'-0" — ' — ' — • — — FLUSH STUCTURAL MEMBERS 3'-4j" 7'-6j" 12'-4" 7'-10" 8'-2j" 5'-4j" �]14'-4" g" — POINT LOADS FROM ABOVE 100* —1ST CONC, LEVEL —2ND CONC, LEVEL —3RD CONC, LEVEL —4TH CONC, LEVEL •,:i _ ,, .-•".:"': :�,:. —5TH CONC, LEVEL 02 PLANTING PLANT. 01 m I. 03 D1 BED Q � GBED -------—————— —FTG 04 — — — — — — — —HIDDEN MEMBERS ABOVE DROPPED BEAMS ABOVE r-------------------- ------- --------------1-------------- I ------------ -- ------------- -------- ---------� —FRAME WALLS (SEE 2.c) 001 01 r0 I 00 _ I t° f29'-3 " ' STRUCTURAL KEY I EXISTING UNFINISHED O —4 1/2" sTl. COL. EXISTING FIREPLACE REMAIN N BASEMENT 0 —3 1/2" STL. COL. Os MECH. SLAB REMOVE EXISTING r —INDICATES FLUSH CONNECTION EXISTING I ONE CAR %//////////////////////////// —LOAD FROM ABOVE AREA #1 WALLS ' SLAB G REMOVE EXISTING STL COLUMNS. I SLAB GE 0 —GIRDERS (DROPPED MEM—HEADERS (FLUSH BERS) INSTALL NEW 4"x4"x1/4" STL. COLS I I W/ NEW 30"x30"x12" CONC. FTGS. I r=y —POINT LOAD ABOVE WOF I I L i N —POINT LOAD r--- -1rXISTING (3)2x12 ----� I ® 0 0 11 FLUSH GIRDER TO REMAIN I I N ML — I L——— —----� 1 3 Q6$ FIRE q6 DR. ` --� I� r----------------kJ ��/ ----- ----, r-- ----------------- UNFINISHED M BASEMENT = 1 ,190 SQ.FT. -- EXISTING REMOVE -- -- EXISTING EXISTING MECH. ONE CAR 05 I I WALLS AREA #1 I I oo GARAGE = 315 S Q.F T. I ; 1n I I `I SLAB I r = i n ii i i I lul k_________ I I I I I :,S I I A L 00 I I I I I I I I UP. UP. I I I in i, _ 2 --------------------J --------- ------- ----- ____________ STAIRS EXISTING �-'--- --- i K.. i I I EDq � _ ,e- L4 Do r,.�?. i;.. si'4 00 �fi�\�QND I •j� I x m l Q C NA �; O 7.b ;a. I 1 I CM CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR A COVERED RY00 I I PORCH ABOVE I `. I 00 I •'` I O FILL WITH CLEAN SA SMOKE DETECTOR I Viz. I COMPACT TO 2000 PSI I I L--------------------------------------------------------- I REV. JDATE I REVISIONS ✓•Y+k fi.:f'.in •fi` r L47 y ,4 .:S I a.. '�#`.�S ..: •f F��r.{, t':ti`�h a... `''�. ,�:�Z';z:�'� F ti..,,�t d T?'`-:L"r..•;���6"k'~,•��..,�e: t'�ri' Fs•�.Mi z: .r='• : •.X'r'�Y•}i?�`• L---------------- , —_-----_—_______� {• — _____� Q 09-21-23 Added kitchen to basement, added �-- — — — — — — — —� I v two mechanical rooms. Finished I I I I I I Basement is now an Accessory Apartment A10-30-23 Remove accessory apartment plan and 01 calculations. Add Unfinished basement .0 J8'-6" 8 9'-1" 9'-0" 3'-6" 1'-10" labeling. 9'-0" 28'-0" 10 46'-0" 15'-0" 61'-0" Jpol Proposed Alterations & Additions FILASKY RESIDENCE 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 FOUNDATION BASEMENT FOUNDATION / UNFINISHED BASEMENT PLAN RICK. ACCESSORY APARTMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen Q ION DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. # ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: RKA 22 K AV SCALE: AS NOTED 2.a EASTT MORI MORICHES N.Y.N 11940 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 10/30/2023 3:35:20 PM f61'—O" 100 14'-6j" 2'-9" 4'-8" 2'-9" 2'-2j" KEY m I. Q v I O — LEADERS � ^ I 2'-0 j" 2'-04" — — — — — LINE OF SECOND FLOOR ABOVE 07 08 t0 t` I 13 I 14 ———————- — LINE OF CLG. EDGE ABOVE — ——— — — —— — LINE OF BEAM EDGE ABOVE I 16'-7j" 12'=2 o c° I I = - . . - . . - . . - . . - .�' - II."� - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . . - . - . . - .. - . - . N LINE CLOSET POLES & SHELVES - - � MIR vI I �� —� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — M ------------------ I00 ��� Co KITCIHEN Y — WALLS I :cat �l� 1 I t5 v� — MED. CAB. 0 BATH RMS. co oaf I = 0 3'-6 " r � 1 " 3' 6 " LIVING I I °' DIN I 1 24" 3 —6 = I MASTER RM. N I N CAB, oco BDRM. #1 N Y I I RM. 4 01 48" O I N Y ( I I 16 = O 1 REFG./ 00 I 0 i j ri •I FREZ. Al �F-------� I 2 66$ � „ 59io" 0 24" 1 1 I I I $ 6 —0 I CAB. I 1 I I co O 2 6 I 5 5 ),el I N 1 I 1 I I i P K T.D R. P K T.D R. 2 6 ---� ------ �--- N 00 N - - - - = 00 (4)1668 CM OI — — CV - - --1- - - N t7 rn I I B i— Fold 3'_3 "— :� 0 " t —3-2 I I oE .. I HALLWAY ti '`� - s 3 '� `~ _ �j I II DIN r=iN 2 Q 6$ 2 Q6$ N i0 I II c� _— s= to M -H 4'L6j" - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - — II �� D W a`O CL. CT—. i' -H II w v� — I I M W II 04 04 U ENTRY ►—i Q; (0 FOYER ------ o o v 19 "� I t8 6 3' 6" 3 3'-6" 3'-7 " I I \ ----- MUD /i DIN 2" Z D3 = � 1 O 1 �� COY --- , �B6$ (� W l i --HH Cp UP.I h5 IS IRS 7 " I I E O - - _ `g�ER OARC' I 114 E DS I� 1 .2 �� —�-- Q DN 3 R ER ® .5" " I 2 H DN 2" 2 F 6$ I I I I I I I o o w 2 EA ® 12.0 LA 22 (2) 1-3 ,4"x7-1/4" (2 1-3/4"x7-1/4"I (2) 1-3/ "x7-1/4" O '1 LVL_FLUSH C.J_. I _ —D4 L— _FLUSH C.J.. I LVL. FLUSH C.J..— N'A COVE" D �o c, * J u O C, N 7 b i III X EN aY III X a m I l i n +�y/� Q ( I i Q 1° 7 b `'M CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR N �o P CH I I I x° \ II '00I\ I II I vh� I I ^pj� I I M� �\ M�� I III I ^ DO 1 SJ 8 I I ..r I 1,0 SMOKE DETECTOR LV)L.1DRP4GDR.1/4" I N _LV)L.1DRP4GDR.1/4" I LV)L.1DRP4GDR.1/4„ \� I II I (4) 8" x 8" REV. DATE REVISIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WOOD COLUMN WITH = pO _ ___ _ ] --® �DN _ _ _—— —_ _ _ _ _ —_ _ _ _ 3.5'x 3.5'x 3/16" co — --- — — --- — — — — ---- I HHS STEEL TUBE co 10-30-23 Change hall closet back to existing — — — — — — a z- — o w w— — — —I—II— — — — — — — — — CENTER TYP. basement stairs. I � M N 6 9'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 6 2'_6 " 2'-9" 2'-2" 34"3'-6" [1'-10" I 01 9'-0" 28'-0" 5�" 9'-0" 5'-4" 10 100, f46'-0" f15'-0" Proposed Alterations & Additions 10 t61'-O" FILASKY RESIDENCE i 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 RICHARD FIRST FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN K. SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" 0000 sq. ft. A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen & DRAWN BY. RKA DRAW. �► ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: 22 MONTAUK AVE. SCALE: AS NOTED 3 .a EAST MORICHES N.Y. 11940 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 10/30/2023 3:39:25 PM f61'-o" KEY 01 10 10 f46'—O" t15'-0" — — — — — LINE OF WALL BELOW ———————— — LINE OF ROOF ABOVE 3'—3" t39'-6" 10 t3'-3" 70, — — — — — — — — — LINE OF CLG. ABOVE — POINT LOADS (WOODEN) „ t12'-4j" 3 t14'-1" 3 f11'-10i' 3 „ --'--"-'--'-'-"'--'----- — LINE CLOSET POLES & SHELVES lo —WALLS mj I• '� t° — MED. CAB. ® BATH RMS. 24 25 26 I BATH. #3 �2 46 I" f14'-0" t11'-9 j" 011 4 — ------- 4—0 I 5,__I" I BDRM. #3 0 00 TV ROOM. 0 o i w % 4'-3" x 0 0 7 —d � Ll o — — -r- 7 —0 I I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - .IX ---------� S S N +i �r II 3' p„ 5„ : 1 N - a I 31 I co BATH,-#2 , U �� 3 6$ P T.D R . `.m U I O — L - - - - - - -� — ` _ I I N - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - -nat. - - 00 � $ -H I 1�6 /21z6 $ 109-1 OPPI CNI S I CM BALCONY II. x �o I LN S ;� III ICI I�M M III III li�� I I � —°" -- F 7J-0' --- OPEN TO r' 6 _009 fiBDRM. 2 I � . BELOW 2 -25 » - - �4'—d» y• ®o __— i LOF» T Y XN o ' � - — — -- — — zio4 I --0) w - 0" 12'-10" `j18'-6i 1 � f8 8 Z �27 -H �Y 8 -8» (3)2x6 HDR. (3 "� I I I I I ` 2x6 HDR. ,, 2 � � ' ) NI — II — L (3)2x6 HDR. r °0 30 _I C C 7.b I � CM 2'-1 2'-0" 0j" '•b ",111 01 .1 2'-9" 2'-0" CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR Ze- I 3� 3 j» 3" 4 4 j" 3'� �" O SMOKE DETECTOR 8010" REV. DATE REVISIONS 29 0 m I Q o r ri 2'-0" 42'-0" I 10. t46'-0" t15'-0" f61'-0" ol Proposed Alterations & Additions 0 ARC&/�, FILASKY RESIDENCE c S. A4iFtioC'� 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 SECOND FLOOR PLAN c at ,` RICHARD SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" 000 SO. FT. r ��� � K. �O A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen �T,9 2g DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. # F O ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: EX 22 MO AV SCALE: AS NOTED 4.a EAST MORICORICHES N.Y.N 11940 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE:09-05-23 OF to C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 3:01:49 PM 00 3'-3" 39'-6" 18'-3" 70, m I v I Q � I I I � wo I I o � z I I O a o C,4 < O CV Of O c~n 0 o o EXISTING � � � _ o X ,x � z BRICK N rw- z ¢ x ~_ 0 Q I u o CHIMNEY "' U-C) 0 I w a 0 u� (°n I I oar o � of a. c� ¢ o a � I I oQa of LU �,,� o �¢< I - - wLO (n x 0 a_ ~ 0rn- d CV Q w (n a- � u7 (n a cam, a I EXISTING RIDGE LINE I I I PROPOSED I FALSE BRICK VENEER 6'-0" J CHIMNEY i o \ < EXISTING RIDGE LINE EXISTING RIDGE LINE zCD z (n 0 OO W C Of O cV a Of I Ckf F- 0 of ova v�v �pA 0 I d N v p �.� S� w X a FV I � v� p w 4 I Q- Li lCD I wF- Q O \ oazZ J 0 � N CrOj - m0 00 f-I = ¢ 0 acr I Lu oo0Q_ 0 wa 0W ¢ oQ I O d O ui O w O Of 04 a w a w w wo w ¢ a N o u Q J PROPOSED n PROPOSED _j > I o ? GAMBREL ROOF GAMBREL ROOF ? N >- I I a PITCH 12/7 PITCH 12/7 = 0 ofI ow - 0 � in - o- o � 0 n- PROP SED a PROPOS GAMB EL - - - - - - GAMBRE ROOF C PITCH 6 36 C PROPOSED w '�? PROPOSED 7.b PORCH ROOF o 0 � m o PORCH ROOF 7.b PITCH 12/5.5 0 = w � PITCH 12/5.5 o ,P En m zo U o � � p�O -• F� as w 0za S� REV. DATE I REVISIONS I v 0° I: ¢ I: 1 00-00-00 2'-0" 42'-0" 2'-0" 15'-0" 46'-0" 15'-0" 01 Proposed Alterations & Additions ROOF PLAN ��o . CA4Z � FILASKY RESIDENCE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" W�0 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 RICHARD ROOF PLAN � � K. 229� A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen & DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. # ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY:22 K AV SCALE: AS NOTED 5 .a EASTT MORI MORICHES N.Y.N 11940 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE:09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 3:01:10 PM - ------------------------------- 7 7 1 1 1 1 12 \ 12So 1 1 II II -- -4 --------------------------- -- -- ---------------------------L -- I ----------------- - ——————————— -- — 6 7 30 29 ` ` 28 ` 1 � � � , I II 3W 3241 LLL 3241 S W 2341 S W 3W 3241 RRR 1 / 2 -- P kH 32-- FAH 23- PAH 1 / A 3OVE ABOM ABO \ III 1 1 -IN 0100 -- ------------ _= ---------------------- - M s CV -----------------------------i N CV CV - - - --- - ----- II 23 22 \� 21 Zp 18 D4 DE 1001 3241 L 3241 L 3241 S 3241 R r I 2W 4159 S 308Q 3080 i I j I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------- L----------------------------------------------- --------1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ------1�---- —————————————— ----------- ----------------------------L-------I-------------------------j �SO ARC,��T Co J Cq4 �o� ��o I FRONT ELEVATION (P� 4 29 SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" (SOUTH ELEVATION) REV. JDATE—FREVISIONS Proposed Alterations & Additions 0 FILASKY RESIDENCE 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 RICHARD FRONT ELEVATION K. A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen & DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. O ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: RKA 22 K AVE. EASTT MORI MORICHES N.Y.N 11940 SCALE: AS NOTED 6.a (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF C-\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 3:00:41 PM ———————————————————— III PROPOSED 12 - _' EXISTING III _ �_ -_ f 2.75 I� _ 12 ` a t3.25 =-_- --' ----------- .,; /----- -- - - ----- -``--- d_ _ itr-1 EXISTING I i i I i 12 ---- G \ t I 27 ±1u / I l / i—/——— ———————————\--. II II I it III / / ----- — _____________ II PROPOSED it I ;i _____ I 12 3241 R y III 5.5 p II o N o IN a / 18 �17 41 16 15 III N \ 00 / r / �� N \ / N 1741 S 3259 L 4159 S 3259 R W 41-- T vt � I I 3068`� II I ---- ---------------------------------- TCl II III I pl I II III I I III I III III I I III I III III I I III I al III I I al I III I I I p l I III I ,I rL_________________J N ry L-----------------'i III I III III I III I II i III I III I III III I III I III III I pl I III III ---- -- — ----- --- — — —------------ --- ---- ------- - -------------------------------- -----------L 4-------- — �Y L_J Uj �o � RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION �-�T 291 SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" (EAST ELEVATION) REV. DATE I REVISIONS Proposed Alterations & Additions 0 FILASKY RESIDENCE 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 RICHARD RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION K. A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen & DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW # OASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: RKA 22 K AVE. SCALE: AS NOTED 6.b EASTT MORI MORICHES N.Y.N 11940 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATES 09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich rolders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 2:59:56 PM ---- - I -------- ------------------------------------- - ------------------------� I I II II I I I I I I I I II II I I II II I -------------- ----------- -----I� - ---- � I-------------------------- - ----------------- ----------------------------------- -- --------------------' ---- II II I 1 i JM \ 25 4 24 II II I I II I II 1 II 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I II II I II I I II I ---------------}-i------------------ -------- ------------- ----------- ---- ----- - --- � \ / 12 / 10 08 07 UIE 00 U=- \j j, ___ ------ - ---------- L --3241 R --- 2W 3247 L R ;-KV 2347 L 5347 S 2347 R 3247 L 3247 R I I N -=-- ____ -------- ----- 0 1:11:1 El El El I 2 / I 1 04 � � � � 03 0� � � � 02 l j � � � � D2 ❑ I II � � I � i i , 011. 1 1:11:111 El El i �I I (2W) 3241 L/R \ D1 (2W) 3241 L/R I 3241 L I I 3241 R 1 I I I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ � I I \\ I I 1 I I I I I I 3068 � I I I ---------------- --------------------- - - - --------------- - - -- - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------j AR Cy/T REAR ELEVATION o cq`'���`'� SCALE: 1/4" = V—D" (NORTH ELEVATION) s �. � o 229 �� F NA REV. DATE I REVISIONS Proposed Alterations & Additions A FILASKY RESIDENCE 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 RICHARD REAR ELEVATION K. A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen O & DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. # ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: RKA 22 MONTAUK AVE. SCALE: AS NOTED 6.c EAST MORICORICHES N.Y.N 11940 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 2:59:21 PM ----------------------------i—II I II EXISTING `= PROPOSED IIII f3.25F---' f2.75 III III -- '----------- — ------------- ---- — - III -------- -------- — ------------ ---- ----------------- II r II I I 31 \ II I II I I I 0110 or II -- ————--——— -- I �- _ II II I it II II I � I I! I =_ = EXISTING EXISTING I!ML3__� BSMT. 06 I BSMT. 05 III III WINDOW I I WINDOW III I I III I III I I III I III III I III I I III I III I I III I II III I III I I III I III f I III I III I I III I III II III I III I I III I ——————————————————— ———————————————————— -- --------------------------- —r-------------------------- ��1 L--1 L_L I I I I �,p ARC C� �20 � LEFT SIDE ELEVATION Q ^ M: . .� SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" (WEST ELEVATION) T 229 REV. DATE I REVISIONS Proposed Alterations & Additions A FILASKY RESIDENCE 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 R I CH AR D LEFT SIDE ELEVATION K. A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen O & DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. # ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: RKA 22 MONTAUK AVE. SCALE: AS NOTED 6.d EAST MORICORICHES N.Y.N 11940 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 2:58:42 PM TYP. ROOF CONSTRUCTION .25 YR. Architectual Asphalt Shingles Ice & Weather min. 24" II------------------------ past plane of exterior wall II I 3/4" cdx plywood. it PROPOSED �2-30C insulation II 12 EXISTING 2x8 Roof rafters ii t2.75 © ® �6„ O.C. fXjST 2 g 12 1" Corrigated ventilation baffles 8 R.R R,R NEW 2x ' AT ® 1s oaf 3.25 I S6 MMWi EXIS x6 C.J. ® 16 o.c. TYP. WALL CONSTRUCTION _ - III R-21 insulation 2x6 double plate 2x6 stud wall jl " PROPOSF,15 . 3/4" CDX sheathing i� I � = LOF Ir I � i EXISTING 15# FELT li I o 0 TV ROOM ` 2x6 shoe PROPOSED 11 I n 3/4" T&G plywood sub floor glued = 12 iD n EXISTING & nailed 5.5 p II I 1 1 ` 12 2x10 rim joist �j 11 , EXISTING 2x10 1st FI joist 11 1 f10 N -- -- _ . R-21 insulation � - - — - EmmaEXI T. 2x8 F.J. ® 16" o.c. r EXIST. 2x8 F.J. ® 16" o.c. d -- - - - _ M TYP. FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION = 8" Continuous poured concrete M = N MUD I-+ W./D. HALL EXISTING fdn wall . w/three rows of 2- #4 rebar = I 17Id r PROP SED RM. WAY DINING rIN O _ I 8"down from top of fnd. I I �T �D a RM. 0 I1 00 48"up from bottom of fnd. r PORCH- m = 8"up from bottom of fnd. 0 Continuous damproofing to code 16" X 8" Continuous = iv poured concrete Footing , EXIST. 2x10 F.J. ® 16"o.c , !ems EXIST. 2x10 F.J. 016" o.c r - -- w/2 - #4 rebar -_ - r-K-4 I I Ei . I I LLI I I I O ,1----,-L----------------- _I F, _ 11 N 4"THRUROOF BATH#2 BATH#3 21V TV SECTION A-A 1112V 1112V 1112V 1112V 11/2V 1112V SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" L4V caV W.C. W.C. 41 THRU ROOF 2ND FLOOR SHWR Tuu 2^ (�R n 2" 2^ 2n ?" 2" 2^ 3" 3" 3n 3^ 2"V 8ATH#1 POWDER RM, KITCHEN NOTE: 2"V 1112V WINDOW SPECS JV2V IV2V IV2V 11,/2V PELLA LIFESTYLE SERIES C�_�P :;�7 V CT 11/2V �� �� �� �� �� PREFINISHED WHITE INTERIOR O.A.I. WC WASH W.C. 1srFLooR 'V2" SHWR MACH AW 1112^ WHITE HARDWARE 2" 4" 2" 2' 4- 2" 7/8" SIMULATEDDIVIDED LITE W/ SPACERS ,�� T 2" 3 CA</� Co. STANDARD SCREENS `�' off° TO APPROVED SANITARY 4" 4" ADVANCED COMFORT LOW E INSULATING GLASS '� , ° DISPOSAL SYSTEM ( NY STRETCH CODE COMPLIANT ) Y O BAR LAUNDRY BATHROOM q F 11/2V LAV IV2V .1112V LAV IJ12V w.C. REV. DATE REVISIONS RIC MACH Proposed Alterations & Additions BASEMENT 1VT SHWR 0 1 FILASKY RESIDENCE 2"W co. 2" 4" 2^ 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 4" RICHARD SECTIONS A— A PLUMB RI 41 K• PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM DUEL A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen NO SCALE: EJECTOR Q ASSOCIATES S O CI A DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. its TE S PUMP CHECKED BY: EX 22 K AVE.EASTT MORICHES 11940SCALE: AS NOTED Ta MORI N.Y.N (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE:08-30-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine&Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 2:58:09 PM (3) 1-3/4"x9-1/2" LVL. RIDGE EXISTING PROPOSED FALSE CHIMNEY CHIMNEY -- ------ 1 pro o------` RR� 12(2) 1-3/4"x7-1/4"— ———— —— —————— -- LVL. PURLIN. TYP. 7���R ® "� 76..o c Q 7 12 2� 12 ----------- --- - - -- ------------------- ——————————————————— --- ---- u l 6 -0ff I I o 71 � II '00 � I \ ^o - � � 3241 LLL II 3W 3 R�16 "0) 2x8 C.J. ® 16 O.C. k8 RR -1 -- 2x8 C.J. ® 16" o.c. 2x8 C.J. C o.c. HW LIM— I -10mcm TYP =:W. CAt 3241 L \ \ / / 3241 S OHO _ (L ' O 308 / 3080 '�`� O --- ——---—----—----——— -— ��-- — -— -- ejt� ------ - -- -- - - - ------ q 9 �� F I ' I I I I I I I I REV. DATE REVISIONS Proposed Alterations & Additions r- --------------------------------------------------------------L, L------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 FILASKY RESIDENCE 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 ---------------- ------- — ------------------ RICHARD SECTIONS B—B & C—C ------------ — --———------------------- — K. SECTION C-C ANDERSEN PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen SCALE: 1/4"AA= 1'-0" O C DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. # A S S OI A TE S 22 MONTAUK AVE. CHECKED BY: E.W. eaa� �e�saw�si� EAST MORICHES N.Y. 11940 SCALE: AS NOTED 7.b (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 2:57:38 PM FF� SYMBOL LEGEND WALL TYPE LEGEND DRAWING NOTE • ALL EXTERIOR BUILDING DIMENSIONS EXISTING WALL ARE TYPICALLY TO OUTSIDE OF+ ' O SMOKE DETECTOR PLYWOOD SHEATHING.ASSUME EXISTING CMU WALL TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL DIMENSION CM CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR m 4�'UNLESS NOTED OTHER. .r• NEW MASONRY • ALL INTERIOR BUILDING DIMENSIONS DEMO'D WALL ARE TO OUTSIDE OF�'SHEETROCK. ASSUME TYPICAL INTERIOR WALL .�., PROPOSED WALLS DIMENSION 4�'UNLESS NOTED _-_=_- OTHER. NEW DOOR EXISTING DOOR ENLARGE EXISTING OPENING ENLARGE EXISTING OPENING FOR NEW 3'-0" EGRESS DOOR FOR NEW 3'-0" EGRESS DOOR _ EXISTING FINISHED BASEMENT EXISTING GARAGE EXISTING MECHANICAL &STORAGE O O O O qr o M � CV EXISTING BATHROOM EXISTING MECHANICAL 130 L REV. DATE I REVISIONS 0 O UPI I UP DEMO EXISTING MASONRY STEPS p,RCHI DEMO EXISTING MASONRY STEPS ��Q-O �• GAL/FNOo � Proposed Alterations & Additions K FILASKY RESIDENCE uj O 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 13Az�UIENT DEN40 '� s 2���� RI CH ARD BASEMENT DEMO PLAN K. A N D E R S E N PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen & DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. f OASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: RKA 22 K AVE. EASTT MORI MORICHES N.Y. 11940 SCALE: AS NOTED D- 1 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 3:04:59 PM SYMBOL LEGEND WALL TYPE LEGEND DRAWING NOTE • ALL EXTERIOR BUILDING DIMENSIONS EXISTING WALL ARE TYPICALLY TO OUTSIDE OF�' O SMOKE DETECTOR PLYWOOD SHEATHING.ASSUME Zxx'XxXxa_rxXX.ax!x EXISTING CMU WALL TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL DIMENSION CM CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR =4�' UNLESS NOTED OTHER. ••r••1`:.:�:'•• k_ :'s NEW MASONRY • ALL INTERIOR BUILDING DIMENSIONS DEMO'D WALL ARE TO OUTSIDE OF J'SHEETROCK. ASSUME TYPICAL INTERIOR WALL PROPOSED WALLS DIMENSION=4�'UNLESS NOTED „ OTHER. NEW DOOR EXISTING DOOR y N to o EXISTING BEDROOM z p EXISTING LIVING ROOM C, p EXISTING DINING ROOM J e J - U c0 U. c0 00 `-1 p ei N u� X EXISTING SUN ROOM I w] EXISTING FOYER EXISTING BEDROOM I EXISTING BATH EXISTING KITCHEN REV. DATE REVISIONS UP A DEMO EXISTING MASONRY STEPS DEMO EXISTING MASONRY STEPS �C H I TE OP CT Proposed Alterations & Additions OALIE"°o FILASKY RESIDENCE ° ) 0 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 F I R Z103")T F 0 E o RICHARD K FIRST FLOOR DEMO PLAN `9 ANDERSEN PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen & DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW. # OASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: RKA D-2 22 MONTAUK AVE. SCALE: AS NOTED EAST MORICHES N.Y. 11940 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 3:04:18 PM SYMBOL LEGEND WALL TYPE LEGEND DRAWING NOTE • ALL EXTERIOR BUILDING DIMENSIONS w EXISTING WALL ARE TYPICALLY TO OUTSIDE OF�' O SMOKE DETECTOR PLYWOOD SHEATHING.ASSUME EXISTING CMU WALL TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL DIMENSION CM CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR =4 j'UNLESS NOTED OTHER. ••r••1'•_��:�•r � • NEW MASONRY • ALL INTERIOR BUILDING DIMENSIONS DEMO'D WALL ARE TO OUTSIDE OF J'SHEETROCK. ASSUME TYPICAL INTERIOR WALL PROPOSED WALLS DIMENSION=4 j'UNLESS NOTED OTHER. NEW DOOR EXISTING DOOR v7 L N EXISTING BATHROOM o 6 V U Z O 0 O V co X1 N EXISTING BEDROOM 00 EXISTING BEDROOM N N W W EXISTING ATTIC SPACE (UNFINISHED) EXISTING OFF-1 FICE DN EXISTING STORAGE EXISTING STORAGE REV. DATE I REVISIONS A EXISTING CEILING BELOWJ EKISTING CEILING BELOW OPRCHITEcT Proposed Alterations & Additions 0ALIEN�0 FILASKY RESIDENCE O 1345 OLD MAIN RD. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 b"' ECOHD FLOOR DEWD" PLAN s' RICHARD K. SECOND FLOOR DEMO PLAN ST ANDERSEN PROJECT MANAGER: Rich Andersen & DRAWN BY: RKA DRAW OASSOCIATES CHECKED BY: RKA D-3 f 22 MONTAUK AVE. SCALE: AS NOTED EAST MORICHES N.Y. 11940 (631)902-3501) ISSUED DATE: 09-05-23 OF C:\Users\Richard Andersen\Desktop\001-Rich Folders\000-Rich All Projects\Laine &Joe Filasky\Working Dwgs\Dale & Filasky. 2.a-7.d..dwg, 9/5/2023 3:03:42 PM