HomeMy WebLinkAbout51536-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51536 Date: 01/10/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Michael Kimmelman 1865 Highland Rd Cutchogue, NY 11935 To: Install roof mounted solar panels to an existing single-family dwelling as applied for.Additional certification may be required. Premises Located at: 1865 Highland Rd, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM# 102.-8-6 Pursuant to application dated 11/04/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 01/10/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: SOLAR PANELS $100.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $125.00 Total $325.00 D 'D Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD-BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vo y" Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 1 1 97 1-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 httr)s://www.sotitholdtowii y.gov Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For office use Only PERMIT NO. v "' Building Inspector: 1 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete � ti " applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: 0n )�k' OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: t� Name: 1' -,b'" az /\j m&,K) SCTM# 1000- 0'�Z . Project Address: l S G H ) �� l� : t d')Oc �2 Phone#: 63 1- LA, 1p Email: Mailing Address: ot etr WSJ``" CONTACT PERSON: Name: .)wr ,k, t Mailing Address: �N ?0 cS(Ian L a-�. Y IiC(,�-.�.).�. IC^d � l I, `� � S� Phone#: I -3 E S --�0`1 / DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: E E-WqL4 Llei Mailing Address: 0 d- IBC . /Y)kJ- J .. Phone 9 q3 Email: )0("Km 'S DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alta ation ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ther CSO Jets 7 'SL . /Y-) $ 3 9, 0 0, Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Ye�_21No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑YesXNO 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to kk2 this property? ❑Yes K& IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ❑ Check Box AfterReading: The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and In building(s)for necessary Inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name):Lbr wx, 01R-17i -2Authorrized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: 6 � � " Date: (L.V I Zy STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF�-S k.hCu I i!C ) being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is theLoof'r—eA-clo Y— (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this 2q day of 20 34 ..--� 4NotPublic LOUIS J ROMEO Notary Public,State of New York No.01 R06314813 Qualified in Suffolk County PROAUTHORIZATION Commission Expires November 17,20 (Where the applicant is not the owner) I, "'i( t6 (fL l , VIAW[&i�residingat eny ,r . -? " to apply on '�-� do hereby authorize my behalf tope Town of Southold BIa ng Department for approval as described herein. AOLwne D to r yl te Notary Public,State of Newyork No.01 R06314813 Print Owner's Name ommiissionled in Suffolk Exp Expires November C ,20 2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall Annex - 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (631) 765-9502 + an esl , soutbol l;t nn . ov seam sot tholdt nn . ov APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (All Information Required) Date: Company Name: E l-e M Yl 4- G L Lam. Electrician's Name: " /Y11 n,lr�l Lg License No.- j; q-t-t i5 Elec. email: Pe—r'rn l-l- Elec. Phone No: 43 t_-7-�a_-?99 I request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: -1 '-t7 o .Sc, e— JOB SITE INFORMATION f,, (All information Required) Name: I r I c ?at J [< ) f` M� Address H i L,h la d 7,h 0 6 40-, � Cross Street: < ..r ` Phone No.: 45 L — l 5� Bldg.Permit#: 5115 3Lo email: PIP_rm 14S G Tax Map District: 1000 Section: aZ, Block: ELot: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): =r-s+a•.►1 t �.� YZ !'o n-1e�� �S�!s� �' mS �S4 r�'� `f - nn0aLL.kS . J t ke-b Ll 2-5(V- 5 L114 0 - En cam.,, t mc, I Square Footage: Circle All That Apply: I -•7 -)--l`1_16 Is job ready for inspection?: ❑ YES NO Rough In Final Do you need a Temp Certificate?: E, YES NO Issued On Temp Information: (All information required) Service Size1 Phi Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground❑Overhead #Underground Laterals 1 2 H Frame 0 Pole Work done on Service? Y N Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION ACC>RaCERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DDrYYY 7/16/2024 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND„ EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW„ THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an A DDITIONAL INSURED„the pollcyyliesj must have ADLYITiONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed, If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A state this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorse— ment onent(sJ. PRODUCER NTAC ROBERTS. FEDE INSURANCE AGENCY NAME; PHONE 23 GREEN STREET,SUITE 102 FA1AdX o 3W- HUNTINGTON,NY E-MAIL _ — ~ ••. 11743 ..�DRE _.....� ROBERTS. FEDE INSURANCE - IN,SURE_ R'(S,)APFOROIN{:COVERAGE HAIL# INSURED INS ADMIRAL INSURANCE COMPANY 2_ INSURER 4856I ��.. Element Energy LLC INSURER B � : DBA ELEMENT ENERGY SYSTEMS INSURER C c 7470 SOUND AVENUE INSURER°:GEN0W_5TARWWAGT&TEN � �-- MATTITUCK, NY 11952 INs1RE:r E. COVERAGES INSURER ; CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS W CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES,LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, LTA 1 TYPE OF INSURANCE S d U R POU'CY NN�MBER POLE Y EFF POLPCY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY I MMd°°' MMID NYYY' LIMITS CLAIMS-MADE �!OCCUR X X E ADITL'� A CA00005380701 7/14/2024 7/14/2025 A E rS 1,000,000' ACH OCCURRENCE t PR a c urr ,e) 1 - 30Q000 X IMA389203C MED EXP(Any one per'scn) $ 5000 �"�-----� GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: 7/19/2024 7/19/2025 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1000000 I POLICY PELT LOCRO- .GENERAL AGGREGATE $. 2,„000 000.. OTHER; PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG -$ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY $ C M INEC SINGLE LIMIT ANY AUTO $ OWNED [SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ED NON-OWNED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ HIR AUTOS ONLY _. AUTOS ONLY PROPERTY LAMA ',E $ Per a dent UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR $ EXCESS LIAR CLAIM'S-MADE'. EACH OCCURRENCE 5.. AGGREGATE DEC RETENTION S WORKERS COMPENSATION $ AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY 124494445 E.L.EACH R ANY PRCPRfE' RIPARTNERrExEcuTf�rE YIN ' 7/13/2024 7/13/2025 STATUT B Mandatory iOFFICEPJMEn NH)BER XCLLPCEO7 N/A ACCIDENT $ 10000001 fr es,descAbea E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE 0 SCRIPTPON OF OPERATIONS oe$ow NY State DBL E.L.DisEASE-PClL1OY uMlr s DBL567527 1l01/2024 12/31/2025 Statutory DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSURED- CERTIFICATE HOLDER CAIeICELLATION Town Of Southold SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 54375 Main Road THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Southold, NY 11971 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE f Rlobn?if L S. Fade, 4CORD 25 2016/03 ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ( ) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Workers' ers' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE r Ce om Board NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To be completed by NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits carrier or licensed insurance agent of that carrie ._......... 1 a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 71'c. b. Business Telephone Number of Insured ELEMENT ENERGY LLC 7470 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK, NY 11952 Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured Work Location of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to or Social Security Number certain locations in New York State,i.e., Wrap-Up Policy) 823336604 _. ......... ............. ............. .._.._ _..... ........ 2. Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a. Name of Insurance Carrier (En ity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 54375 MAIN STREET 3b. Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"1a" SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 DBL567527 3c.Policy effective period 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2025 4. Policy provides the following benefits: © A.Both disability and paid family leave benefits. B.Disability benefits only. C.Paid family leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: © A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. ❑ B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penalty of perjury,I certify that.I am an authorized represntatdve or licensed agent of khe insurance cagier referencedtaove and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described above. Date Signed 7/10/2024 B y (Signature of insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that insurance carrier) Telephone Number 516-829-8100 Name and Title Leston Welsh QhiefExecutiveOfficer IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked, and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 46,4C or 5B is checked, this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd.8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be emailed to PAU@wcb.ny.gov or it can be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(Only if Box 4B,4C or 513 have been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained'by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board, the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law(Article 9 of the Workers'Compensation Law)with respect to all of their employees. Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title Please Note:Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. DB-120.1 (12-21) 111111111 � 1111111 NYSIF New York State Insurance Fund PO Box 66699,Albany,NY 12206 1 nysif.com CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (RENEWED) AAAAAA 823336604 ROBERT S FEDE INSURANCE AGENCY 23 GREEN ST STE 102 %-M HUNTINGTON NY 11743 SCAN TO VALIDATE AND SUBSCRIBE POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER ELEMENT ENERGY LLC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DBA ELEMENT ENERGY SYSTEMS 54375 MAIN ROAD 7470 SOUND AVENUE SOUTHOLD NY 11971 MATTITUCK NY 11952 POLICY NUMBER CERTIFICATE NUMBER POLICY PERIOD DATE 12449 444-5 962287 T07/13/2024 TO 07/13/2025 7/11/2024 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 2449 444-5, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW, AND, WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK, TO THE POLICYHOLDER'S REGULAR NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY. IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS REGARDING SAID POLICY,INCLUDING ANY NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATIONS, OR TO VALIDATE THIS CERTIFICATE,VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT HTTPS://WWW.NYSIF.COM/CERT/CERTVAL.ASP.THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND IS NOT LIABLE IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATIONS. THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER THE SOLE PROPRIETOR, PARTNERS AND/OR MEMBERS OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. THE POLICY INCLUDES A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION ENDORSEMENT UNDER WHICH NYSIF AGREES TO WAIVE ITS RIGHT OF SUBROGATION TO BRING AN ACTION AGAINST THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER TO RECOVER AMOUNTS WE PAID IN WORKERS'COMPENSATION AND/OR MEDICAL BENEFITS TO OR ON BEHALF OF AN EMPLOYEE OF OUR INSURED IN THE EVENT THAT, PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER HAS ENTERED INTO A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH OUR INSURED THAT REQUIRES THAT SUCH RIGHT OF SUBROGATION BE WAIVED. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. NEW YORK STAT SUR NDE FUND DIRECTOR,INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING VALIDATION NUMBER: 74379900E � 1 0 Z--FS- ®01 ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. EZSYS$ 7470 SOUND AVENUE, MATTITUCK, NEW YORK, 11952 DATE: 12/28/2024 MICHAEL KIMMELMAN Job Address: 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 REV-A Plan revisions noted below. 1. Please revise your design criteria to reflect 130 mph wind speed as required per 2020 residential code of NYS figure R301.2(5)A. -Wind speed has been updated on the cover sheet(PV-1.0) Page 1 of 2 Current 10/29/2024 Renewables Element Energy LLC Engineering 7470 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY, 11952 Subject: Structural Certification for Installation of Residential Solar Job: Kimmelman, Michael - 1865 Highland Rd Project Address: 1865 Highland Road, Cutchogue, NY, 11935 Attn.: To Whom It May Concern Observation of the condition of the existing framing system was performed by an audit team of Element Energy LLC. After review of the field observation data, structural capacity calculations were performed in accordance with applicable building codes to determine adequacy of the existing roof framing supporting the proposed panel layout. Please see full Structural Calculations report for details regarding calculations performed and limits of scope of work and liability. The design criteria and structural adequacy are summarized below: Design Criteria Code: 2020 NYSBC, IBC 2018, IEBC 2018, ASCE 7-16 Risk Category: II Ult Wind Speed: 128.0 mph Ground Snow: 30.0 psf Min Snow Roof: N/A Exp:09/30/2025 ��-OF NEW Y A. 1qa0'p� Current Renewables Engineering Inc. Professional Engineer 0-- info@currentrenewableseng.com 106793 F Na Signed on:10/29/2024 1760 Chicago Ave Ste J13, Riverside,CA 92507 (951)405-1733 info@currentrenewableseng.com Page 2 of 2 Summaries: Check 1: Shingle roofing supported by 2x8 Rafter @ 16 in. OC spacing. The roof is sloped at approximately 38 degrees and has a max beam span of 14.0 ft between supports. Roof is adequate to support the imposed loads. Therefore, no structural upgrades are required. Check 2: Shingle roofing supported by 2x8 Rafter @ 16 in. OC spacing. The roof is sloped at approximately 20 degrees and has a max beam span of 14.0 ft between supports. Roof is adequate to support the imposed loads. Therefore, no structural upgrades are required. 1760 Chicago Ave Ste J13, Riverside,CA 92507 (951)405-1733 info@currentrenewableseng.com ROOF MOUNT SOLAR PERMIT PACKAGE ® E C E dYE OFNEwr h�P P5 ZANp/F�•p'F MICHAEL KIMMELMAN p ti JA N - 8 2025 10.200 KW DC GRID TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 1010 a euerding®�9��rfnaent ToWh®f)eP."' f d oAR FE IONP 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 Exp.01/31/2028 Signed on:IM7/2024 AERIAL VIEW VICINITY VIEW CODE INFORMATION GENERAL NOTES THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN _ - - ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT THE INSTALLATION OF SOLAR ARRAYS AND PHOTOVOLTAIC PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT POWER SYSTEMS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES: 1. LOCAL UTILITY PROVIDER SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO USE AND ACTIVATION OF ANY RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. - SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION 2. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL ORDINANCES 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 3. PROPER ACCESS AND WORKING CLEARANCE WILL BE PROVIDED Current~' 4. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE n. Renew�bt�s 4� 2020 EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE UNDERSIGNED 2020 FIRE CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 5. ALL APPLICABLE PV EQUIPMENT LISTED AND COMPLIANT WITH UL2703,UL1741 AND Engineering 2020 PLUMBING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE UL1703 2020 MECHANICAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 6. ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS TO BE SEALED WITH A HIGH PERFORMANCE ROOF SEALANT CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. •' '` r 2017 NEW YORK STATE ELECTRICAL CODE SUCH AS GEO CEL 2300 CLEAR SEALANT 3600 Ume Street,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA92501 7. THE SYSTEM WILL NOT BE INTERCONNECTED UNTIL APPROVAL Email: ite: .creng.solar ROVAL FROM THE LOCAL •-,;9�. • Websfte vnvw.aeng.co 4'F„ JURISDICTION AND THE UTILITY IS OBTAINED PHONE:951 215-6354 AHJ: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 8. THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION SHALL NOT OBSTRUCT ANY PLUMBING, MECHANICAL,OR BUILDING ROOF VENTS CONTRACTOR INFO 9. IF THE EXISTING MAIN PANEL DOES NOT HAVE VERIFIABLE GROUNDING ELECTRODE,IT a,. IS THE NECESSARY TO INSTALL A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE LEGEND 10. EACH MODULE WILL BE GROUNDED UL 2703 OR UL 1703 APPROVED USING THE SUPPLIED CONNECTION POINTS IDENTIFIED ON THE MODULE AND THE uM UTILITY METER PM PRODUCTION METER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS" CZSYS 11. A LADDER SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR THE INSPECTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH OSHA SP MAIN SERVICE PANEL INV INVERTER REGULATIONS- 12. MAX HEIGHT OF MODULES OFF OF ROOF FACE:<6"• ELEMENT ENERGY LUC. 7470 SOUND AVENUE MATTITUCK NF RMATION C❑ COMBINER uB SUB PANEL 13. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WILL COMPLY WITH 2O17 NYSEC. NEWYORK 11952 14. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM INVERTER IS UNGROUNDED.NO CONDUCTORS ARE SOLIDLY PH:(63p 7797993 "ces@e2sys.em 1 STORY HOUSE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ❑ MODULE LP BACKUP LOAD PANEL GROUNDED IN THE INVERTER,AND SYSTEM COMPLIES WITH 690.35. Licence-ME-52689 15. MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703. (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) 16. INVERTER CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 1741. LK HOME IMPROVEMENT) 61 ROOF OBSTRUCTIONS (SUFFOLK HOMEIMPROVEMEND IQ IQ CONTROLLER 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE:V-B OCCUPANCY: R3/U 17. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL TO BE LISTED,LABELED,AND INSTALLED PER ® 36"ACCESS PATHWAYS BATTERY THE NYSEC,THE INSTALLATION STANDARDS/MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS MICHAEL KIMMELMAN ® APN : 1000102000800000000 AND IF REQUIRED A RECOGNIZED ELECTRICAL TESTING LABORATORY.- 18"ACCESS PATHWAYS 18. CONDUITS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT ON ROOF SHALL BE LOCATED NOT LESS THAN 7/8'. 1865 HIGHLAND RD, QH Q.HOME HUB ABOVE ROOF SURFACE. CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 SHEET INDEX ROOF ACCESS POINT 19. IN EXPOSED LOCATIONS,WIRING AND CABLING SHALL BE IN CONDUIT OR CABLE SHALL AC ESS DISCONNECT BE RATED FOR EXPOSURE;TYPE NM CABLE ALLOWED IN PROTECTED LOCATIONS. AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PV-1.0 COVER PAGE MAIN BREAKER WITHIN ATTIC SPACES,ALLOWED TO RUN TYPE NM(ROMEX)10/3 OR 12/3 CONDUCTORS BE ENCLOSURE LC LOAD CENTER THROUGH OPEN SPACE OR TYPE THHN IN MINIMUM 3/4"ALUMINUM CONDUIT LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY AUTOMATIC TRANSFER PV-2.0 SITE PLAN 20, MATERIALS,EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS, UTILITY (LIPA) Ts SWITCH SEPTIC TANK STANDARDS,RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING AND BE MOST SUITABLE PV SUMMARY PV-2.1 ROOF PLAN 0 TO THE PURPOSE INTENDED: SYSTEM sizE (KWDC) : STC 425 X 24=10.200 PV-3.0 STRUCTURAL OP PERMANENT ANCHOR SSS LEACH LINES PTc 398.1 x 2a=9.554 PV-4.0 ELECTRICAL 3LD �� PROPANE TANK WIND SPEED 130 (KWTACM SIZE TO TEMPORARY ANCHOR 7.sB INKO(�240 PV-4.1 ELECTRICAL SLID Q WELL SNOW LOAD 30 MODULES 24 1KIV4 SOLAR JKM425N-54HL4-B IL INSTALLER LADDER O EXPOSURE CATEGORY C MICROINVERTER 24 ENPHASE PV-4.2 ELECTRICAL PHOTOS POWER LINES IQ8MC-72•M-US PV-5.0 BOM STUB-OUT NO LADDER ACCESS PV-6.0 SIGNAGE&PLACARD ® 0 (STEEP GRADE SKYLIGHT OR GROUND LEVEL PV-7.0 SPECS+ ❑ RESTRICTED ACCESS OBSTRUCTIONS) Rev Description Date As GAS SHUT OFF 0 INITIAL DESIGN 1 112 912 024 CONDUIT Hzo WATER SHUT OFF A UPDATED DESIGN 12/28/2024 B JUNCTION BOX 0 SERVICE DROP PROJECT# NA E AC DISCONNECT DATE DRAWN 12/2 812 0 24 RAIL DRAWN BY ER RAFTER SHEET PV-1.0 ATTACHMENT TITLE COVER PAGE R324.6.1 PATHWAYS: NOT LESS THAN TWO MINIMUM 36-INCH WIDE PATHWAYS ON SEPARATE ROOF PLANES, LEGEND OF NEW p FROM LOWEST ROOF EDGE TO RIDGE,SHALL BE PROVIDED ON �tP Pl1 ZA f, ��5 ALL BUILDINGS. Q� N AT LEAST ONE PATHWAY SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE STREET OR UM UTILITY METER DRIVEWAY SIDE OF THE ROOF. FOR EACH ROOF PLANE WITH A PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY,A MINIMUM SP MAIN SERVICE PANEL r W 36 INCH-WIDE PATHWAY FROM THE LOWEST ROOF EDGE TO RIDGE SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE SAME ROOF PLANE OR STRADDLING ti V THE SAME AND ADJACENT ROOF PLANES.PATHWAYS SHALL BE COMBINER � 101084 HIGHLAND R D c❑ OVER AREAS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING FIRE FIGHTERS ❑ A� IO�Q ACCESSING THE ROORPATHWAYS SHALL BE LOCATED IN AREAS MODULE WITH MINIMAL OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS VENT PIPES,CONDUIT,OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. Q ROOF OBSTRUCTIONS Exp.01/31/2028 R324.6.2 SETBACK AT RIDGE: Signed on:12127/2024 FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS OCCUPYING NOT MORE THAN 33 . 36"ACCESS PATHWAYS PERCENT OF THE PLAN VIEW TOTAL ROOF AREA,NOT LESS THAN THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT AN 181NCH CLEAR SET BACK IS REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF A ROOF LINE ROOF OBSTRUCTION ® 18"ACCESS PATHWAYS PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN HORIZONTAL RIDGE. PROPERTY LINE ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS OCCUPYING MORE THAN 33 ROOF ACCESS POINT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT PERCENT OF THE PLAN VIEW TOTAL ROOF AREA,NOT LESS THAN A I RENEWABLES ENGINEERING I 36-INCH CLEAR SET BACK IS REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF A HORIZONTAL RIDGE. —r— — 1�51-5" R324.6.4 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING:PANELS ••` !t.';e ���` �� Current AND MODULES INSTALLED ON DWELLINGS SHALL NOT BE PLACED Renewables THE PORTION OF A ROOF THAT IS BELOW AN EMERGENCY ESCAPE ; •�` \ �. Engineering AND RESCUE OPENING.A 36-INCH-WIDE PATHWAY SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING. l +•• A�1_(�n I CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. ", , `Y .7 3600 Lime Street,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 NOTES: I / Emil:PwieclsQcreng.solar 1. MINOR FIELD ADJUSTMENTS ALLOWED BASED ON ACTUAL • ' WebsOe:www.creng.co SITE CONDITION AND MEASUREMENTS. ENLARGED •• •� �� PHONE:951 2156354 t:; 2. THE 30 SECOND SHUTDOWN REQUIREMENT IS INCORPORATED CONTRACTOR INFO INTO THE 2017 NYSEC AND UL STANDARD 1741. VIEW 3. EXISTING ROOF VENT SHOULD NOT BE COVERED. uM MSP __ -i i •• ROOF ACCESS POINT - j 651-611 c j ® ® 65' EZSYS� .T- FENCE ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. Im__�__ __�__o__s__e • 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATfITUCK NEW YORK 11952 6 PH:(631)779 7993 t i services@e2sysmm FENCE ; ' (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) o ' L 61 O , (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) I MICHAEL KIMMELMAN ROOF ACCESS POINT t 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 i II t � � AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD f UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY i (LIPA) f 121'-3" PV SUMMARY / SYSTEM SIZE STC 425 X 24= 0200 (KWDC) SHED If M SIZE PTC 398.1 X 24=9.554 SYSTE (KWAC) : 7.66 tQ240 PROPERTY LINE MODULES 24 JIN1.121 R JKM425N-54HL4-B i MICROINVERTER 24 IQ8MC 72-M-US f J �1 J 1 ' ��L`—•"""�'c��-�«_=��==c_,��,�_�_-�___� ��`oc_ 1 Rev Description Date � 0 INITIAL DESIGN 11/29/2024 185'-311 I A UPDATED DESIGN 1=8/2024 e PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 12/28/2024 DRAWN BY E.R SITE PLAN 1 tp TITLE SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" SITE PLAN ARRAY AREA STRUCTURAL NOTES : LEGEND ARRAY ROOF ROOF TOTAL 1.THESE PLANS ARE STAMPED FOR STRUCTURAL CODE COMPLIANCE OF THE ROOF FRAMING. ,OF NE{y y ROOF #OF AREA AREA uM UTILITY METER *� p ROOF AZIMUTH AREA AREA SUPPORTING THE PROPOSED PV INSTALLATION ONLY. � SN ZANp 0'P TILT MODULES (Sq.Ft.) (Sq.Ft.) COVERED BY COVERED BY 2.THESE PLANS ARE NOT STAMPED FOR WATER LEAKAGE. ARRAY(/o) ARRAY(/e) 3. PV MODULES, RACKING,AND ATTACHMENT COMPONENTS MUST FOLLOW MANUFACTURER GUIDELINES sP MAIN SERVICE PANEL #1 38° 222° 4 84.08 2127 3.95 r W AND REQUIREMENTS- #2 20° 222° 1 8 168.16 2127 7.91 23.72 COMBINER � 4. PLEASE SEE THE ACCOMPANYING STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. C #3 38° 222° 12 252.24 2127 11.8s 5. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF BEFORE INSTALLATION AND NOTIFYOTHE� SOLAR THE E.O.R IF HERE IS ANY INCONS STENCY BEETWEEN SITE ROOF ING INFO ❑ MODULE VERIFICATION AND FOLLOWING:2x8 RAFTERS @ 16" OC SPACING WITH MAX UNSUPPORTED SPAN EQUAL O ROOF OBSTRUCTIONS OR LESS THAN 14 FT. . 36"ACCESS PATHWAYS Exp.01/31/2028 Signed on:12/272024 HIGHLAND R D 18"ACCESS PATHWAYS THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN RAIL ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT RAFTER RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. ATTACHMENT . current . . 46 Renewables Engineering CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. 3600 time Street,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 Email:Pmjects@cmng.solar O O Websde:vnvw.creng.00 PHONE:951 21.354 CONTRACTORINFO UM MSP C O �©n CZSYS4 ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. O 7470 SOUND AVENUE MATfITUCK NEW PORK 11952 PH:(63D 779 7993 NA servicesLale2sy— ticenre-ME-52699 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) ticonce-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENn a I I I I I I I I I t I I MICHAEL KIMMELMAN I I I I 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 � 0 t t11 t TTTt II III 411 AHJ TOWNOFSOUTHOLD � e II I II III II � � I16111311 UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY O (LIPA) I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PV SUMMARY SYSTEM SIZE(KWDC) STC 425 X 24=10200 X 24=9.554 ROOF#3 ROOF#1 SYSTEM SIZE 68 @240 ROOF#2 (KWAC) MODULES 24 JINKO SOLAR JINKO SOLAR JKM425N-54HL4-B 1KM425N-541-11.4-B MICROINVERTER 24 ENPHASE IOBMC-72-M-US Rev Description Date 0 INITIALDESIGN 11/29/2024 A UPDATED DESIGN 12282024 B PROJECT NA DATE DRAWN 12QS,2024 DRAWN SY E.R ROOF PLAN SHEET PV-2.1 TITLE 2DSCALE: 1/8" = 11-0" ROOF PLAN TABLE 1 TABLE 2 s+ FRAMING TYPE RAFTER ROOF ROOF ROOFING FRAMING FRAMING OC MAX PENETRATION MAX OF NEW y O NO. TILT TYPE TYPE SIZE SPACING SPACING OVERHANG �,tP p5H zAN�iF��¢ B2 ATTACHMENT IRONRIDGE HUG y ROOF 1 38° COMP SHINGLE RAFTER 211X8" 16" 64" 24" r 1r s3 RAIL IRONRIDGE AIRE A2 RAIL ROOF 2 20° COMP SHINGLE RAFTER 211X8" 16" 64" 24" ti ROOF 3 38° COMP SHINGLE RAFTER 2"X8" 16" 64" 24" �F�'°iP 10084 Exp.01/31/2028 Signed on:12272024 THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. Current . Re;newables Engineering CURRENT RENEWASL.ES ENGINEERING INC. 3600 Lime StreeLBldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 Email:Pmjects@cmng.SOIaT Website:www.creng.co MODULE PHONE:951 2158354 CONTRACTORINFO S3 S2 ROOF TABLE : PENETRATION CZSYSO GUIDE FOR INSTALL ELEMENT ENERGY LUC. 7470 SOUND AVENUE MATTITUCK TWO OR MORE ROWS OF PANELS NEWYORK 11952 PH:(638 779 7993 services@e2sys... Uum -ME-52689 S,) (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) 2.5"MIN.EMBED. Licence-HI-17461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) MICHAEL KIMMELMAN I I I 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 (2)-#14 X 3"SELF DRILLING I I I I I I I I STRUCTURAL SCREWS TO AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IXISTING STRUCTURE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY ENLARGED VIEW iL (LIPA) PV SUMMARY STACKED STAGGERED FULLY STAGGERED SYSTEM SIZE 3/j (KWDC) : STC 425 X 24=10200 PTC 398.1 X 24=9.554 GII /N SYSTEM SIZE 768 @240 Md ONE ROW OF PANELS (KWAC) MODULE MODULES Y4 11NKOSOLAR IKM425N-54HL4-B MICROINVERTER 24 ENPHASE 148MC-72-M-US I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEE ENLARGED VIEW I I I FULLY STAGGERED STACKED/STAGGERED S1 Rev Description Date ROOF 0 INITIALDESIGN 11/29@024 A UPDATED DESIGN 1212812024 B ROJECT# NA /28I2 DATEDRAWN 1Z024 ATTACHMENT DETAILS DRAWNBY E.R P ISHEET# PV-3.0. TITLE STRUCTURAL BACKFEED BREAKER SIZING MAX.CONTINUOUS OUTPUT 1.33A @ 240V ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT LIST S�P�pEL M Cr0 31.92 1XI 1.25 1 = 139.90AMPS 140A BREAKER-OK METER NUMBER-98278258 * U C G S.NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION QTY. SEE 705.12 OF 2017 NYSEC JINKO SOLAR UTILITY-9629001553 r- 200 1XI 1.20 = 240 1 PV MODULE JKM425N-54HL4-B 24 ` Fn J•- 240 -1 200 1 140A ALLOWABLE BACKFEED 2 MICROINVERTER ENPHASE IQ8MC-72-M-US 24 / F� 3 COMBINER ENPHASE IQ COMBINER 18j488��:� 5/5C (E)UTILITY METER TO UTILITY GRID Baled 02jan2025 mike@h2dc.com J 3 NOTE:TWO QUAD BREAKER NEEDED TANDEM TO ELECTRICAL RICPLL NY CoA#:PB-082933 MAKE A ROOM FOR POI IN MSP. LEC ONST ONLY (N) ENPHASE RECONSTRUCTION DRAWING SET COMBICOMBINER BOX THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT NER I V /� PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN (E)200A RATED U ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT MAIN SERVICE PANEL PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT CELL WIRE LESS 1 PH,120/240V 60HZ RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. MODEM COMMS Current .l IQ GATEWAY enewables 1 (E)200A/2P Engineering A MAIN BREAKER 2 (N)15A�� (N)40A/2P PV (BOTTOM FED) CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. r— BREAKER 3600 Ume Street,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 Emil:Projects@crengsolar Website:v .creng.co I I 1 BRANCH OF 12 �� I I PHONE:951 215E354 PV MODULE N I I CONTRACTOR INFO I t (N)20A/� I I � _ 41 --- ----i (N)20�_ I 1 0 E2SYS 2 BRANCH OF 12 I L------ L------- - -----—----— ELEMENT ENERGY U.C. PV MODULE N --- ------� ——— 7470SOUNDAVENUE MATNTUCK. r NEW YORK,11952 t I PH:(63V 7797993 J I services Ucence-ME-5E-5268969 L-——————————————— (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) Ucence-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMUM B MICHAEL KIMMELMAN (E)GROUNDING ELECTRODE = 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CONDUCTOR #6 BARE COPPER MODULE CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 MANUFACTURER JINKO SOLAR AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD MODULE MODEL JKM425N-54HL4-B UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY (LIPA) MODULE(W) 425 PV SUMMARY MODULE PTC(W) 398.1 (KwocM SIZE STC 425 X 24=10200 PTC 398.1 IXI24=9.554 NOTE: MODULE Isc(A) 13.58' SYSTEM SIZE 7.68 @240 �,A,Ao) ao MODULE Voc(V) 38.95 1)CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS MODULES : 24 JINKO SOLAR MODULE Imp(A) 13.13 AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. ENPH2ASE-54HL4-B 2)ALL CONDUCTORS NOT UNDER ARRAY ARE TO BE IN CONDUIT MINIMUM 7/8"ABOVE ROOF WITH MICROINVERTER 24 IQSMC SE, MODULE Vmp(V) 32.37 PROPER JUNCTION BOX AT EACH END PER 690.31A NOTE:EGC AT ARRAY SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE WIRE CALCULATION STARTING TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM STARTING Rev Description Date CONDUCTOR CONDUCTOR CURRENT FACTOR FOR ADJUSTED CURRENT TAG CONDUIT ALLOWABLE TEMPERATURE CORRECTION 0 INITIAL DESIGN „nsnoza QTY. SIZE AWG DESCRIPTION APPLIED TO MORE THAN 3 CONDUCTOR APPLIED TO A UPDATED DESIGN 12/28/2024 ( ) SIZE&TYPE AMP(B)(1 RATING ('C) CONDUCTORS FACTOR CONDUCTORS AMPACITY CONDUCTORS B 310.15(B)(16) IN RACEWAY 310.15(B)(2)(a) 310.15(B)(3)(a) IN RACEWAY PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN ,22a12024 SKU:Q-12-RAW-300,THHN DRAWN BY E.R A 2 12 N/A FREE AIR 30 90. 15.96 0.96 1 28.80 19.95 1 8 THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) SHEET# PV-4.0 3 g THWN-2 COPPER-(L1,L2) TITLE B 3/4" PVC 40 90° 15.96 0.96 1 38.40 19.95 ELECTRICAL 3LD 1 10 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) FBACKFEEDAKER SIZING ,EOF IVSPOUS OUTPUT 1.33A @ 240V ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT LIST1.25 = 39.90AMPS 40A BREAKER-OKS.NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION QTY. METER NUMBER-98278258 2017 NYSEC JINKO SOLARvn - 1.20 = 240 1 PV MODULE JKM425N-54HL4-B24 UTILITY-9629001553 1200 = 40A ALLOWABLE BACKFEED 2 MICROINVERTER ENPHASE IQ8MC-72-M-US - 24 r Ntt`O 3 COMBINER ENPHASE IQCOMBINER 1 ((l"• A�O�SS'J����� 5/5C (E)UTILITY METER TO UTILITY GRID ealed 02jan2025 mike@h2dc.com 2DC PLLC NY CoA#:PB-082933 3 NOTE:TWO QUAD BREAKER NEEDED TANDEM TO LECTRICAL ONLY MAKE A ROOM FOR POI IN MSP. RE CONSTRUCTION DRAWING SET (N) ENPHASE THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT COMBINER BOX U PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN (E)200A RATED v ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT MAIN SERVICE PANEL PRIORRENEWABNLES ENGINEERING INC APPROVAL FROM . CELL WIRE LESS 1PH,12o124ov60HZ MODEM COMMS Current . IQ GATEWAY Renewables (E)200A/2P Engineering MAIN BREAKER . `L A (N)15A•, `• (BOTTOM FED) CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. (N)40A/2P PV 3600 Lime Stn et Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 BREAKER Email:Projects@cmng.solar •�• Website:�w.w.creng.w • • • PHONE:951 215�6354 1 BRANCH OF 12 •�• CONTRACTOR INFO PV MODULE N •�• • (N)20A (N)20A/ •�• ©n •�. E2SYSA 2 BRANCH OF 12 • ELEMENT ENERGY LUC. 7470 SOUND AVENUE MAITITUCK PV MODULE <N� NEWYORK 11952 PH:(63D 779 7993 services@e2sys.com Ucence-ME-52669 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) Ucence-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) B MICHAEL KIMMELMAN NOTES APPENDIX(AS APPLICABLE FOR TO BE BUILT DRAWING SETS):(A)TOTAL AC VOLTAGE DROP NOT TO EXCEED 2%TO (E)GROUNDING ELECTRODE — 1865 HIGHLAND RD, INTERCONNECTION,<3%FROM INVERTERS TO UTILITY TRANSFORMER.(B)ALL CONNECTORS 75C RATED.(C)ALL CONDUCTORS CONDUCTOR #6 BARE COPPER CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 MODULE COPPER,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.(D)OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT NEMA3R.(E)ALL CONDUCTORS MUST BE PROTECTED FROM MANUFACTURER JINKO SOLAR ACCESS BY A FENCE OR SUITABLE COVER,OR OUT OF REACH.(F)PROPERTY LINES,BOUNDARIES AND ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEASUREMENTS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY,AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR OR CIVIL ENGINEER. (G)NO PVC ALLOWED ON ROOF OR IN ATTIC. (H)MC4 CONNECTORS MAY NOT BE JOINED WITH'MC4 COMPATIBLE'CONNECTORS.(1)TAP LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORnY MODULE MODEL JKM425N-54HL4-B CONNECTIONS IN PANEL MUST NOT VIOLATE CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTABILITY FROM PANEL MANUFACTURER'S NRTL LISTING,OR UTILITY (I IPA) FIELD LABEL REQUIRED.(J)PV WIRES MAY NOT BE LAID DIRECTLY ON ROOF. (K)TY WRAPS FOR WIRE MANAGEMENT MUST BE STRUCTURAL(S21)UL APPROVED,OR EQUAL.(L)DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND INDICATE GE-NERAL ARRANGEMENT OF PV SUMMARY MODULE(W) 425 SYSTEMS AND WORK.-CONDUIT ROUTING,WHEN INDICATED,DOES NOT SHOW ALL OFFSETBS,DROPS,AND RISES OF RUNS.(M) SYSTEM SIZE BURIED CONDUITS UNDER AREAS SUBJECT TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC REQUIRE MIN 24"COVER. (N)NM-B OR PAPER INSULATED (KWDo) STC 425 x 2a= o2DD MODULE PTC(W) 398.1 CONDUCTORS MAY NOT BE USED EXTERIOR. (0)THE DEVELOPER IS REQUIRED TO CONFIRM EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE SIZE PTC 398.1 x 2a=9.554 MODULE Isc(A) 13.58 FROM THE UTILITY,AND MAY NOT RELY S-OLELY ON EXISTING BREAKER SIZES.(P)CONNECTING TO UTILITY EQUIPMENT SYSTEM SIZE 7.6a @zao REQUIRES PRIOR UTILITY CONSENT.(Q)WHEN BUILDING PV SYSTEMS WITH POWER LINE COMMUNICATIONS FOR RSD SOLUTIONS, NOTE: (KWAC) MODULE Voc(V) 38.95 FOLLOWING MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS ON CONDUCTOR AND CONDUIT SPACING IS PARAMOUNT,OR HAZARD MAY RESULT. 1)CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS MODULES P4 IINKO KM4 SOLAR I (R)NOTIFY ELECTRICAL ENGINEER WHO'S SEAL IS ON THIS DRAWING PRIOR TO ANY AND ALL CHANGES IN DESIGN.(S) PROJECT KM425N-54HL4 B MODULE Imp(A) 13.13 RELATED SIGNAL/COMMUNICATION CONDUCTORS MAY ONLY BE RUN IN THE SAME CONDUIT WITH POWER CONDUCTORS IF THEIR AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. MICROINVERTER 24 ENPHASE RATING FOR THE OUTER MOST JACKET IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE INSULATION REQUIRED FOR THE HIGHEST VOLTAGE 2)ALL CONDUCTORS NOT UNDER ARRAY ARE TO BE IN CONDUIT MINIMUM 7/8"ABOVE ROOF WITH IQ8MC-72-M-US MODULE Vmp(V) 32.37 POWER CONDUCTOR CIRCUIT THAT THEY ARE SHARING THE RESPECTIVE CONDUIT WITH. PROPER JUNCTION BOX AT EACH END PER 690.31A NOTE:EGC AT ARRAY SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE WIRE CALCULATION STARTING TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM STARTING Rev Description Date CONDUCTOR CONDUCTOR CONDUIT ALLOWABLE TEMPERATURE CURRENT CORRECTION FACTOR FOR ADJUSTED CURRENT 0 INITIAL DESIGN 11/29/2024 TAG QTY. SIZE(AWG) DESCRIPTION SIZE&TYPE AMPACITY RATING (°C) APPLIED TO FACTOR MORE THAN 3 CONDUCTOR APPLIED TO A UPDATED DESIGN 12rzar2O24 310.15(B)(16) CONDUCTORS 310.15(B)(2)(a) CONDUCTORS AMPACITY CONDUCTORS B IN RACEWAY 310.15(B)(3)(a) IN RACEWAY PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 12/2a@024 SKU:Q-12-RAW-300,THHN DRAWN BY ERA 2 12 N/A FREE AIR 30 90° 15.96 0.96 1 28.80 19.95 1 8 THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) SHEET# PV4.1 3 8 THWN-2 COPPER-(L1,L2) TITLE B 3/4" PVC 40 90° 15.96 0.96 1 38.40 19.95 1 10 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) ELECTRICAL SLID EXISTING SERVICE PANEL PHOTOS �EOFNEyyy L Mc o # �6 cG l Y II•' �87488 OSS10�:�' ealed 02jan2025 mike@h2dc.com 2DC PLLC NY CoA#:PB-082933 LECTRICAL ONLY RE CONSTRUCTION DRAWING SET THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT I RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. Current . Renewabl" Engineering CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. 3600 Ume Street,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 Emil:Projects@creng.solar Website:vm 'reng.co 1 PHONE:95 21 5E354 CONTRACTORINFO EZSYS ELEMENT ENERGY LA - 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATIITUCK NEW YORK 11952 PH:(630 779 7993 servicas[ole2syscom Licence-ME-52689 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) Uwnce-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) , MICHAEL KIMMELMAN 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD LRILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY (..PA) PVSUMMARY SYSTEM SIZE(KWDC) STC 425 X 24= 0.200 _ - PTC 39B.1 X 24=9.554 SYSTEM SIZE(KWAC) 7.68 @240 MODULES P4 JINKO SOLAR 1KM425N-54HL4-B MICROINVERTER 24 ENPHASE IQSMC-72-M-US Rev Desaiption Date 0 INITIAL DESIGN 1 1/2 912 0 24 A UPDATED DESIGN 12/28/2024 B LPROJECT# NA 1212812024 E.R PV-4.2 TITLE #' ELECTRICAL PHOTOS MATERIAL LIST ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS QTY. PART TYPE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 24 MODULE JKM425N-54HL4-B JINKO SOLAR JKM425N-54HL4-B 24 MICROINVERTER IQ8MC-72-M-US ENPHASE IQ8MC-72-M-US 1 COMBINER X-IQ-AM1-240-5/5C Enphase IQ Combiner 5/5C THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. Current 16 Renewabtes Engineering CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. 3600 Lime StreeLBldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 Email:Pmjects@cmng.solar Websde:vrxw.creng.co 51 - - PHONE:9 215-6354 CONTRACTORINFO IgBREAKER FUSES a QTy• PART TYPE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION CZSYC. ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. 1 BREAKER 40A 2-POLE BREAKER(S) GENERAL 40A 2-POLE BREAKER(S) 747050UND AVENUE,MATRTUCK NEW YORK 11962 PH:(631)779 7993 2 COMBINER BREAKER 20A 2-POLE BREAKER(S) GENERAL 20A 2-POLE BREAKER(S) Licence-ME-52689 Licence-ME-52699 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) Licence-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT MICHAEL KIMMELMAN 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RACKING QTy• PART TYPE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION UTILITY (ONG AjISLANDPOWERAUTHORITV 14 RAILS &SPLICES AE-Al-170B AIRE RAIL Al, BLACK, 170" SYSTEM SIZE SUMMARY (KWDC) : STC 425 X 24= 0200 36 CLAMPS & GROUNDING AE-MID-01-B1 AIRE.LOCK MID, BLACK (30MM -40MM) PTC 398.1 X 24= .554 SYSTEM SIZE T 6B @240 24 CLAMPS & GROUNDING AE-END-01-B1 AIRE LOCK END, BLACK (30MM -40MM) `"W"C' INKO MODULES 24 IIKM4 SOLAR JKM425N-54HL4-B 6 CLAMPS & GROUNDING AE-LUG-01-M1 AIRE LUG MICROINVERTER 24 ENPHASE IQBMC-72-M-US 56 ATTACHMENTS AE-DOCK-02-B1 AIRE DOCK, BLACK 56 ATTACHMENTS QM-HUG-01-B1 HALO ULTRAGRIP, BLACK 8 RAILS & SPLICES AE-AlTIE-01-M1 AIRE TIE, Al (BONDED SPLICE) Rev Description Date 0 INITIAL DESIGN 1 V2912024 A UPDATED DESIGN 1212at2024 B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 12/2812024 DRAWN BY E.R SHEET# PV-S.D TITLE BOM CAUTION 5 ��°F"S� '���p.EL PHOTOVOLTAIC — MULTIPLE SOURCE OF POWER * 11t r~ '. In EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN F- A �8748a C9 RAPID 690.12 �O SS1011 ealed 02jan2025 mike@h2dc.com 2DC PLLC NY CoA#:PB-082933 LECTRICAL ONLY RE CONSTRUCTION DRAWING SET TURN LR10 — - , • THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT ONPROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO RATED ' OUTPUT CURRENT • ' ■ PRIOR RITTENN AP ROVALENGIN FROMING CURRENT EWASTHE"OFF" POSITION TO AC AC NORMAL" OPERATING VOLTAGEVOLTS SHUT DOWN PV SYSTEM 690.14,690.15,690.54 Current AND REDUCESHOCK _ o �enewables I "WANING" HAZARD IN THE ARRAY Q Engineering � � -• - • - CES PM CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC.690.56(C)(1)(B) • , SOURCE PHOTO— • q 3600 Lime Street,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92601 Email:Projeds@creng.solar = Website:w .creng.co ■ , A OUTPUT ■ CURRENT ■ • ■ PHONE:951-215b354 AC NORMALOPERATING V• 'GE - 240 VOLTS PV ARRAY CONTRACTOR INFO VN 690.54 a w r*1 — — OPTIONAL SOLAR LOAD CENTER _ C2SYSI ENARRAY MAIN SERVICE PANEL ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. 7470 SOUND AVENUE.MATTINCK NEW YORK 11952 PH:(63D 779 7993 J0 services@e2sys.c UTILYMR (Lice. ME-521I689 MASTER ELECTRCIA N)JRR COMBINER Licene(SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) L — PHOTOVOLTAIC BACK-FED CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAIN ELECTRICAL MICHAEL KIMMELMAN ■ ■ • ■ • • PANEL IS AC DISCONNECT PER NYSEC690.17 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 DO NOT RELOCATE NEC 690.31(G)(3)&(4),CRC R324.7 AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OVERCURRENT DEVICE "WARNING" LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY (UNLESS BUSBAR IS FULLY RATED) L — UTILITY (I IPA) 705.12(D)(2) PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER • - PV SUMMARY SYSTEM SIZE(KWDC) STC 425 X 24= 0.200 EVERY 10'ON CONDUIT AND ENCLOSURES PTC 398.1 x 2a=9.554 SYSTEM SIZE(KWAC) 7.68 @240 MODULES 24 11INKO SOLAR 1KM425N-54HL4-B ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD MICROINVERTER 24 ENPHASE DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS I IQaMcaz-M-us TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE 3 LOAD SIDES MAYBE ENERGIZED IN OPEN POSITION I NOTES: DO NOT DISCONNECT FUSES UNDER LOAD THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS I 1. NYSEC ARTICLES 690 AND 705 AND NYSEC SECTION R324 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE I MARKINGS SHOWN HEREON. UNGROUNDED AND MAYBE ENERGIZED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM I 2. ALL MARKING SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: Rev I Description Date DC DISCONNECT A. UV RESISTANT SIGN MATERIAL WITH ENGRAVED OR 0 INITIAL DESIGN 11/29/2024 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY MACHINE PRINTED LETTERS OR ELECTRO-PLATING. A UPDATED DESIGN 12/28I2024 ( I B. RED BACKGROUND COLOR WHITE TEXT AND LINE B WORK. PROJECT# NA Note:WARNING labels must resemble format C. AERIAL FONT. DATE DRAWN 12128 zoza in example above with over-sized WARNING. 3. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE SIZED APPROPRIATELY AND PLACED IN DRAWN BY E.R exclamation point in triangle,colors,etc. THE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED. SIGNAGE CANNOT BE SHEET# PV-6.0 HAND-WRITTEN. TITLE 4. SIGNS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT WITH SIGNAGE POP-RIVETS OR SCREWS. ^rIENGINEERING DRAWINGS MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS IT-7. Front Side Back No.of Half Celts 108 12 x 541 1134-14&6" 1416" 1722 x 1134 x 35mm(67.79 x 44.65 x 1,38 inch) 4w ilriu Weight 22.Ckg 148.5lbs) Front Glass 3.2mm,Anti-Reftection Coating ,_ ,THE M O ST High Transmission,Low Iron,Tempered Glass Frame Anodized Aluminum Alloy THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN 3 Jun 6 Rated ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN VVITHOUT cfic�nflox_ UP S_ DEPENDABLE A Output Cables 12 AWG,1400mm 155.121ril or Customized Length PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT E RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. t: Connector Staubli MC4 SOLAR PRODUCT i�.11KR L____ 6 Firer e T e I Currentypyp Fpressure Rating 54001ca(Snow)&24001a(Wind) W Renewa es EAGLE 54HM G6 Engineering TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS CURRENT R NEWASILIE ENGINEERING INC. E SI 3600 Unie Street,Btdg 2 Riverside,CA926111 420-440 WATT- N-TYPE TOPCON Length-*2mm Temperature Coefficients of Pmax -&29%/*C -E-ii:Projects@cteng.solar Width: Website:�.crengxo Positive power tolerance of 0-+3% 2mm Temperature Coefficients of Voc -0.25%/'C PHONE:(951)-215-6354 Height::L Imm Temperature Coefficients of Ise OX45%PC F_ Row Pitch:*2mm CONTRACTOR INFO o 17-11minal Operating Cell Temperature INOCT) 45±2*C • NYSE-listed since 2010.Bloomberg Tier I manufacturer • Top performance in the strictest 31d party tabs ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE&TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE MAXIMUM RATINGS • Automated manufacturing utilizing artificial intelligence Current-Voltage&Power-Vottage Temperature Dependence Operating Temperature I*CI -40*C-.85*C E2SYS8 • Vertically integrated,tight controls on quality Curves[44OW) of Isc,voc,Pmax FMaximum System Voltage -IQ.no.voc ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. • Premium solar factories in USA.Vietnam,and Malaysia Maximum Series Fuse Raring 25A 7470 SOUND AVENUE MATITTUCK, NEW YORK 11952 ------- PH:(630 779 7993 services@e2sys.com Licence ME-52689 zz!::---- (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) KEY FEATURES • PACKAGING CONFIGURATION Licence-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) Superior Aesthetics 2 Fliw. ai�.7.=one stack] 31pcs/pallets,62pcs/stack.806pcs/40 NO Container MICHAEL KIMMELMAN residential applications. Voltage IVI 1865 HIGHLAND RD, N-Type Technology a O Black backsheet and black frame create idea[took for N-type cells with Jink6s in-house TOPCon technology WARRANTY CILITCHIDGUE,NY 11935 offers better performance and improved reliability. cettTemperature f'C1 AHJ TOWN 0 SOUTHOLD 25-year product and 30-year linear power warranty Thick and Tough 11 year degradation not to exceed 1%.each subsequent year not to I LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY Fire Type I rated module engineered with a thick frame. exceed 0.4%,minimum power at year 30 is 87.4%or greater. UTILITY (LIPA) 3.2mm front side glass,and thick backsheetflor added durability. PVSUMMARY SYSTEM SIZE Shade Tolerant (KWDC) STC 425 ix 124 I=[0200- Twin array design allows continued performance ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 9.554 _ even with shading by trees or debris- Module Type JKM420N-54HL4-8 JKM425N-54HL4-8 JKM430N-54HL4-B JKM435N-54HL4-B JKM44ON-54HL4-B SYSTEM SIZE Ise@,240 (KWAC) NOCT STC NOCT STC NOCT STC NOCT STC NOCT JINKO SOLAR Protected Against All Environments Maximum Power IPmax) 420Wp 316WP 425Wp 320W`p 430Wp 323Wp 435Wp 327Wp 440Wp 331Wp MODULES 24 JKM425N-54HL4-B Certified to withstand humidity,heat MICROINVERTER 24 ENPHASE .rain,marine environments, Maximum Power Voltage(Vmp) 32.16V 29.95V 32.37V 30.19V 32.58V 30.30V 32.78V 30.50V 32-99V 30.73V IQSMC-72-M-US @ wind,hailstbrms,and packed snow. Maximum Power Current limp) 13.06A 10.55A 13.13A 10.60A 13.20A 10.66A 13.27A 10.72A 13.34A 10.77A 0 - ----- ---' - --- -`---- - ---- - - Y '- _ _ Warranty FOpen-circuit Voltage(Vocl 38.74V 36.80V 38.95V 37.00V 39.16V 37.20V 39.36V 37.39V 39.57V 37.59V 25-year product and 30-year linear powerwarranty. Short-circuit Current Itscl 13.51A 10-91A 13.58A 10.96A 13.65A 11.02A 13.72A 1111.00A 13.80A 11.14A FMod.t.Clfici..cy STC11%1 21.51% 21.76% 22.02% 22.28% 22.53% .............. *STC-.-,4r-Irradiance 1000W/m2 Cell Temperature 25°C <�> AM cc 1.5 Rev ---Description Date • I509001:2015 Quality Standards IS045001:2018 Occupational Wind Speed 1 m/s 0 INITIAL DESIGN 11,2912024 -- -IrradianceBOOW/ml Ambient Temperature 20'C -a NOCT.'* A UPDATED DESIGN 12128/2024 • IS014001.2015ErrizronmentaLS[andards Health&Safety Standards us <!�> AMcc 1.5 • IECbI2I5,IEC61730 certified products • UL61730 certified products CE C@ 'Power measurement tolerance;±3% 8 - LISTED The company reserves the final right for explanation onany of the information presented hereby.JKM420-440N-56HL4-B-FI-US PROJECT# I NA BUILDING YOUR TRUST IN SOLAR.WWWJINKDSDLAR.US AnKO BUILDING YOUR TRUST IN SOLAR.WWWJINKOSOLAR.US A DATE DRAWN 1212M024nKO DRAWN BY E.R SHEET ft PV-7.0 TITLE MODULE SPEC v ENPHASE. IQ8MC Microinverter Commonly used module partings .w - - - - 260-460 - - wModuiecomp�ility I To meet compatibility.PVrnuJules must be within the following max input DC voltage and mau.module is - - - Module compatibility can be checked at httPs✓%nohese comAnstaUsm/rrdwok wrters/calcuLdor. - �MPPT voltage range V - - - - - - - —25-45 - THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN I - - Operating range V 7B-58 ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT I Min./Max.slag Voltage - V _ - - - - - 22/58 - - RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. _ Max input DC voltage V 60 ---- ----! Maz caIuasoperating Occurrent. A - to Current. - Mac input DC short-circuit current A eneiiables Max.�edrgel. - ♦f- -- - _ 20 Engineering owrw#age lose DC port Il I � � ( CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC.I DC port backfeednmem - rM _ - - O - - 3600 Lime Street,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 - PV artayeonfigmation ` I Ungrounded array;rro additional DC side protection requinalt AC side protection requires rrras20Aper branch circuit EmaebsiteProjec wxreng.seiar Webske:vrvnv.creng.co \ - - - - PHONE:951-215.6354 `'Peatoufpuipwiar_ VA 33D 315 - CONTRACTOR INFO Mac continuous output power I VA 320 310 ,.----- -- -- : ._. V 240 Nornirel gridvolrage(L-L) : -- -. . -- ,spirt-ph ase((-LJ,180'- - - - 208,single-Phase(L L),120• _ . IQ8MC Microinverter - - -- a - - - -- ----- -- -- --- i Easytoinsta - MMin./Maxgrid voltage' v 211-264 _-1 • 183-229 Iv lawn* Our newest 108 Series Micriourverters;are the indusWs first aficrogrid-formingi%software- I Lightweight and compact with plug "IS,comhluousoutputcurrent - A: 133 149 •• defined microutverters with split-phase power conversion capability to convert DC power to I and-play connectors- Nominal frequency equuy 11z I 60 AC power efficien8y.The brain of the semiconductor-basedrriicroirwarteris our proprietary i .. Power line Communication(PLC). ---- -. - -- - ---- _ -_- - - - -- -- - - - C SYSEt application-specific integrated circuit(ASIC),which enables the mierolnverterto operate ai I between CDJnpOfIP_ti5• Lc..aeH t{,equ�gy ag __ ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. gild-tied OT Off-gild mDde5.Tt16 chip is built 111 advanced 55-rlfntelhmDlOgy with high-speed - ACefrortcircuit faulicurrerdorverifuea_. 7470 SOUND AVENUE MATTITUCK 'Easier Installation with simple tV+'O-were' A� 2.70 NEWYORK 11952 digciallogic and has supariastrespo�eSmestochartgirtg loads and grid eventsaflevraimg I - cycles I 93 constraints on battery sizing for home energy systems. cabrmg sarvi�e4s@ersv9cam Max.unftpsr20A(L-labranchclrcu60 -12 Dcence-ME-52689 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) FLgh productivity and refiabTrty Total hammrtic distortion 1 _ - 11 % a5 Dcence-HI-67461 ' ! - Produces power even whenthe grid is _ I (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) - .-down' _ - - -- Overvoltageelass ACport = _ -- ---- - - :-: - - 1a - - More than one m)Iljon cumulative hours AC pon backfeed current I mA 18 MICHAEL KIMMELMAN # of testing . power tactorsettmg: --_ 1865 HIGHLAND RD Class Il double-insulated enclosure " ' Part of the EnphaseFJlargySysfem 108SeriesMcroirnertersredafine Grid-tied Power factor Imiustablel 0.65 Wading_0851aggigg CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 1083eriesMicroinwrWmimegrdewith reliatOdystandards with more than one ! Optimized for the latest high-powered � - the IQ Battery,IO Gateway,and the nu-8ion cumulative hours of power-on PV modules Peak effidar°cY % 97A" - 972 . Enph—Apmonitoringandanallysts testing,enabling an industry-leading T--" _ AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD p 33 software. Gmitedwarrantyofupto25years. : - - - .'- - CECweighredeffkWitcy --------j-- 9c--' —'—' ---97D _. -..-- —�--- ----- ------ g6.5 -- ----- LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY Microgrid-forming mV!MghtrmePowerconsumptiori t = - 25 UTILITY ' I - - - _ - (LIPA) Compries with the fatest advanced grid ' MECHANICAL DATA support - _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _UNITS PVSUMMARY i - IAmbieni temperature range - - - - .-40'Cto65'C(-40'Fto149`� - - - SYSTEM SIZE Remote automatic updates for the L------------'----=---,-----=---------- -- ----- ------ (KWDC) STC 425 X 24= 0200 e .latest grid requirements _ Relative humidity range 4%to10D%(wrrdereing) Configurable DCcomlector SYSTEM SIZE PTC 398.1 X 24= .554 gU support a wide range 1YPe: staubn MC4 7.68 @240 of. nd rohles (KWAC) Connect PV modules quickly and easily 108 Series Microinverters are UL Listed g P Dimensions(H W D);Weight 212 mm(8.31•175 mm(6S')•302 mm(12-Y Lt kg(2.431bs) 11NKO SOLAR to the 108 Series Microi verters that have as PV id shutdown Meets CA Rule _.' MODULES 2a 1KM425N-54HL4-B rap' equipment and LCoormg_ _ Natural co tars ENPHASE integrated MC4connectors. CorlfomLs with various regulations when 15472016(UL 1741-SB) — MICROINVERTER 24 IQ8MC-72-M-US installed according to the manufacturer's �. Approved forwet locatlona Pollution degree Yea PD3 instructions. ( - Enclosure - - -, -Class II double-insulated,corrosion-resistant polymeilc enclosure NOTE ( •-t08 M5cro1nvortersearxiot barNxed together with Eaviron.category,UV exposure rating NEMAType6;outdeor ' I WNkM9enQati0IL50}EnphaSBrNCIWnVErtara 0a7 Serlm 106 SmlesreuObl thesameaystern. _ •Moots UL17410*wlenbewgodxuhlOSysAn Comro5er2ond3. I' lOG re aiawayisgwredtod.M.thed.Wltgdd -CA Rule 21(UL-1741-SA);UL 62109-1;IEEE I.5472018(UL 1741-SB),FCC Part15CIass B,ICES-0003 Class B,CAN/CSA-C222 NO.107.1-01 protBe at the timeof twunation to meet Gw1ocal I Certifications This product Is UL Listed as PV rapid shutdown equipment and conforms with NEC 2014,NEC 2017,NEC 2020;and NEC 2023 section 690.12 and Aau'°'uyHmb'gJmim°U°"(Atu)req'i'errer'ts.- - - C22.1-20I8Rule64-218rapidshutdownofPVsystemsforACandDCconductorswhen(nstalledaccordngtothemanufacturer'sInstruction& Rev Description Date O waFnphaseFsergy AOriynsnaserved Ertpha�e,theeard CClogos.lq endetntetnouavinarks Ostedet •� - - i (ONoeftrced DC/ACmfo. 0 INITIAL DESIGN 1 1/2 912 0 24 httos/renohase.comrhademark-isaeo-ouidetinesa uadanwLsot Fsptm EnDW.kcintho USandodi counvkm (2)Nam5ralvdragerar We beextwWedbwmdnomh lifmquiredbytheurIDty. Oarasrdyect todange. IOBMC-MC4-DSH-00049-3AfN-Us-2(713-70-18 (3)(knimm2yvary,RefwtokwWrogt&omenfstoda8rethemrmberofndcfdnverteraperbrenchiny=area. MBMC-MC4-DSH-00049-3A-EN-u5-2023-1D-18 A UPDATED DESIGN 1212SF2024 B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 12/28/2024 t DRAWN BY E.R SHEET# PV-7.1 TITLE MICROINVERTER SPEC ENPHASE. IQ Combiner 5/5C MODEL NUMBER -- -- -- = ! L IQ Combiner 5 with IQ Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue-grade PV- •IQ Combiner 5(X-I0-AM1-240-5) - production metering(ANSI C12.20±0.5%),consumption monitoring(±2.5%),and IQ 1 Battery monitoring(t2.5%).Includes a silver solar shield to deflect heat. It l a ENPHASE IQ Combiner 5C with IQ Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue-grade PV production metering(ANSI C12.20±0.5%),consumption monitoring(±2.5%),and IQ Combiner SC(X-IQ-AM1-240-SC) IQ Battery monitoring W-51%).Includes Enphase Mobile Connect cellular modem (CELLMODEM-Mt-06-SP-OZ Includes a silver solar shield to deflect heat. THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT j+ PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN l LIWTHE BOX ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT o PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT I IQ Gateway printed circuit board 10 Gateway is the platform for total energy management for comprehensive,remote. RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. maintenance,and management of the Enphase Energy System ., 80 A busbair with support for one.IQ Gat - - r t I Busbar PPo away breaker and four 20 A breakers for Current installing IQ Series Microinverters and IQ Battery 5P es Renewabl IQ Gateway breaker Circuit breaker,2-pole,10 A/15 A _ I X-IQ AN11-240-5 j 'Production CT to Pre-wired revenue-grade solid-core CT,accurate up to±0.5%- .ei�i Engineng X-IQ-AMI-240-5C Consumption CT Two consumption metering clamp CTs,shipped with the box,accurate up to 3600 Lime street,Bldg z Riverside,cn szsot CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. Email:Projects@creng.solar ` IQ Battery C7 One battery."metering clamp CT shipped With the box atxtirnte up to±2S% ebsrte:wvnv.creng.co boarControl board for wired communication with 10 System Controller 3/30 and the PHONE:sst z15�354 IQ Combiner 5/5C ��Ld I013attery5P CONTRACTORINFO II Enptiase Mobile Connect(only with IQ Combiner SC) 4Gfiased LTE-Mil cellular modem(CELLMODEM-M7-orLSP-05)with a 5-year T-Mobile ` The 10 Combiner 5/5C consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and i Smart - data plan- _ streamlines 10 Series Microinverters and 10 Gateway installation by providing a consistent •-Includes 10 Gateway for pre-wired solution for residential applications.IQ Combiner 5/5C uses wired control I communication and control: Accessories kit Spare control headers for the COMMS-KIT-2 boardnN communication and is compatible with IQ System Controller 3/3G and IQ Battery 5P. Includes Enphase Mobile ConnecC ACCESSORIES AND REPLACEMENT PARTS (NOT INCLIJDED, ORDER (CELLMODEM-MI-06-SP-05),only: C�SYS$ The IQ Combiner 5/5C,IQ Series Micromverters,10 System Controller 3/3G,and with 10 Combiner 5C CELLMODEM-MI-06-SP-05 4G-based LTE-Mil cellular modem with a 5-year T-Mobile data plan IQ Battery 5P provide acomplete grid gnostic Enphass Energy System - - - - - - - -.- - Supports flexible rtetworiurlg Wi-A,' i CELLMODEM-MI-06-AT-05 " AG-based LTE-Mi cellular modem with a 5-year AT&T data plan ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. 7470SOUNDAVENUE MATiITUCKEthemetorCel171ar' Supports Eaton BR2XX,Siemens Q2XX,and GE/ABB THOL21XX Series circuit breakers NEW YOR 7 11952 IIII Provides Production rneteri PH:(63A 779 7993 P n9 Circuit breakers(off-the-shelfl UUC represents 10,15,20,30,40,50,or 60).Also supports Eaton B122206,BR230B,and �er.i�es@e2syscom (revenue grade)and consumption BR240B circuit breakers compatible with the hold-dawn kit. - ucence-ME-52689 monitoring (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) I. BRK-10A-2-24OV,BRK-15A-2-24OV,BRK-20A-2P-24OV,BRK-15A-2P-24OV-B.and _ I-i�nce-HI-67461 " ;.CRCDlt breakers(provided by Erlptoase); - (SUFFOLKHOME IMPROVEMENT) - - .BRK-20A-2P-240V-B(more details in the Accessories"section) , - - —. Easy to Install IQ Series croinverters IQ System Controller 3/3G Mounts to one stud with centered XA-SOLARSHIELD ES Replacement solar shield for lQ Combiner 5/5C Ml M I CH AE L K I M M E L MAN The high-powered smart grid ready IQ Series Provides microgrfd interconnection device brackets XA-ENV2-PCBA-5 = IQ Gateway replacement printed circuit board(PCB)for IQ Combiner 5/5C- 1865 HIGHLAND R D, Micro martens(IQ6,107,and 108 Series) (MID)functional _ try by automatically detecting Supports bottom,back,and side X-I0-NA-HD-125A Hold-down kit compatible with Eaton BR-B Series circuit breakers(with screws) CUTCH OGU E NY 11935 simplify floe installation process grid failures and seamlessly Vansitioning l conduit entries - - - - - . . - - the home energy system from grid power to ; XACOMMS2'PCBA-5 Replacement COMMS-KIT-2printed circuit board AHJ TOWNOF50UTHOLD backup power. Supports up to four2-pole branch' - �.�-+-�- -. - _circuits for 240VAC plug-in breakers ELECTRICAII SPECIFICATIONS _ _ LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY ---_ (riot inchided) _ - - - - - - _ - UTILITY Rating -80 A (LIPA) 9� 80 A total PV branch circuits e°^ System voltage and frequency 120/240 VAC or 120/208 VAC,60 HZ PV SUMMARY • BIUetooth-based WKFi provisioning _ - - - -- - - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ SYSTEM SIZE STC 425 X 24= 0200 for easy WrFi s_etup Busbar rating 125 A (KWDC> Fault current rating 10 kAIC. - - - SYSTEM SIZE �C 3240 24=9.554 X Reliable - (KWAC) 7.68 @40 --� `�- - Maximum continuous Current rating - - - - - 11NKO SOLAR IQ Battery 5P Durable NRTL-certified NEMA 64 A _ MODULES 24 IQ Load Controller type 3R. (input from PV/storage). 1KM425N-54HL4-B Fully integrated AC battery system.includes Helpsenclosure_ = ENPHASE prioritize during a Up to four 2-pole Eaton BR,Siemens Q,or GE/ABB THQL Series distributed generation MICROINVERTER 24 IQ8MC-72-M US, six field replaceable IQSD BAT Microirrverters. grid outage to optimize energy consumption I- 5=year limited warranty' Branch circuits(solar and/or storage) (DG)breakers only(not included) and prolong battery life. 2-year labor reimbursement program C Ma*imumtotal branch circuit breaker rating�- (input) 80 A of distributed generation/95 A with IQ Gateway breaker included coverage included for both the. IQ Combiner SKUs IQ Gateway breaker 10 A or 15 A rating GE/Slemens/Eaton included NON �L • UL1741 Listed--------- ----- --' ! -- -- - - - - ' - - - - - - • - - - - - - I Production metering CT 200 A solid core pre-installed and wired to IQ Gateway �' a �`"' - Consumption monitoring CT(CT-200-CLAMP) A pair of 200 A clamp-style current transformers is included with the box Rev Description Date - - ' - - - - - - - - - -- - 0 1INITIAL DESIGN 1112912024 IQ Battery metering CT 200 A damp-style current transformer for IQ Battery metering,included with the box A UPDATED DESIGN 12J26 zoza 5-year limited warranty B *For country-specific warranty information,see the httpsJ/enphasecom/instaliers/resources/warranty page. PROJECT# NA 'Aplug-and-play InduWlal-grade cell modem torsystem of up to 60 mlcroinvertem Available In the Untted Stater Canada,Mmdco,Puerto Rloo,and the US VbgN Lslands,where them Is adequate 6 02024 Enphase Energy.All rights reserved.Errphase,the Band CC Iogos,10,and certain other marks listed at DATE DRAWN ce0ular service In the Installa0on area 12I26I2024 Mtns//enohms m/trademark-usaao-ouideGnmmlrademarksof EnPhase Energy.Inc.tnthe U.Sand othercourRdm DRAWN BY E.R Datasubjecttachange, IOC-5-5C-0SH-00007-5D-EN-US-2024-08-16 IOC-5-5C-DSH-00007-5.0-EN-US-2024-08-18 SHEET# PV-7.2 TITLE COMBINER SPEC • .. .. - ®`� IRONRIDGE Aire® Flush Mount System Rails Aire' Ai Rail AireP A2 Rail AireP Rail Ties Aire' Dock -- THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECT ON BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN I _-_� _ _ - � __��_ •�__��- ~ � ���-' ANY FORM S EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT -- � •�, • The lighter,open Airea The tougher,open Aires rail Structurally connect and Connects Aires Rails to RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. rail for standard conditions. for higher load capacity_ bond Aire''Rails together. attachments with ease. • 6'spanning capability - 8'spanning capability • Reinstallable,up to 5x • Clicks on,slides easily Current • Wire management tray -.Wire management tray . Internal splice design . Drops into open slots Ftenewable's - . Mill or anodized black Mill or anodized black • No more splice rules • Anodized assembly (0Engineering CURRENT RENEWABL£S ENGINEERING INC- Clamps&Grounding 3600 Lime Steet,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 Email:Projects@creng—lar Web'i":—cra q! Are Lock Mlds Air&Lock Ends Aires Lock Stealthy Aires Lug PHONE:951 215G354 CONTRACTORINFO iON NOW— A 10 d 1 _ ..� -_— -- - - EcSYS Securely bond between Securely bond modules to Securely bonds modules to Bonds Aires Rails to modules to Aires Rails. Aires Rails along ends. rail ends,entirely hidden. grounding conductors. 747o sou�'No T ENE G LLC.MATnT,cK NEW YORK 11952 1 • Fits 30-40mm modules - Fits 30-40mm modules - Angled for easy install . Simplified with single boft PH:(631)7797993 • Utilizes UFOs design • Easy rail engagement - Robust tether leash • Low-profile form factor Li enca ME 52689 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) • Minimal 1/2"gap • Clean aesthetics . Fits most modules • Works with 10-6 AWG Licence-HI-67461 Breathe easy With accelerated installations. (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) Accessories The AlreP racking system has been carefully engineered to streamline every part of the installation process. MICHAEL KI MMELMAN We've eliminated tiresome hassles,so that you get off the roof and on to your next project faster than ever. AreO Caps Aires Clip Aires MLPE Mount Aires All Tile Hook 1865 HIGHLAND RD, Aires retains the strength and reliability that IronRidge installers depend on.It also takes wire management to CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 the next level with the first(and only)NEC-compliant rail,formally approved and listed as a cable tray. "' AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD •"''yam~—''___ UTILITY LONG) ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY �' .--~'-`�-� PV SUMMARY Strength Tested PE Certified _-- - � � SYSTEM SIZE All components have been evaluated ® Pre-stamped engineering letters are Block entry and provide a Keeps wiring contained in Securely bonds MLPE and Attaches rails to file roofs, (fWDC) STC 425 X 24= 0.200 for superior structural performance. available online for most states. finished look to Aires Rails. open Aire Rail channels. accessories to Aires Rails. with Aire Dock included. SYSTEM SIZE PTC 398.1 x 2a=9.554 (KWAC) 7.68 @240 • Stay secure on rail ends No module interference Glove-friendly installation - Works on flat,S,&W files ODULES ; 24 1INKO SOLAR • Symmetrical,with drain Simple press-in design Lays flush in rail channel . Single-socket installation 1KM425N-S4HL4-B Class A Fire RatingApproved Cable Tray MICROINVERTER 44 ENPHASE pA y Cover rough-cut ends Slot for easy removal Low profile form factor • Optional deck flashing IQSMC-72-M-US 1 Certified to maintain the fire resistance Open channel listed to NEMA VE 1, rating of the existing roof structure. certified to hold PV and DG cables. Resources Design Assistant ,.�F`e�9poti, Approved for FL Hurricane Zones UL 2703 Listed System 25-Year Warranty == ' _ = Quickly go from rough layout =*a°° "° *W AireP has Florida Product Approval. a_I? !3'T:'= i Rev Description Dale to fully engineered system. _a - z= Additional details can be found on the 0 INITIAL DESIGN „ns/zoza ® Entire system and components meet ® Products are guaranteed to arrive _ '_ �; Florida Building Code website- �7— Go to IronRidge.com/design % �s pR 9F �0; g A UPDATED DESIGN 12/28/2024 the latest effective UL 2703 standards. without any impairing defects. �'^' == -=.,4 tea, a _�,L11t11L _ Learn More at bit.ly/florida-aire B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 1212812024 c 2023 Pending. r , w DRAWN BY SHEET# PV- PV-7.3 TITLE RAIL SPEC /fir IRONRIDGE QuickMou f O Adaptive, Rafter-Friendly Installation The Respect Your Roof Deserves When integrating with a home,solar attachments must be dependable for the lifetime of the rooftop. • . • ¢ THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT �a ' .-i � � PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN Due to recent innovations,many asphalt shingles £• -,f \�JJ }` ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT _ '� j PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT have bonded courses.A mount that protects without _. - the need to pry shingles can really speed thins _ RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. g �- �..`""""` � • � { ,p! ; ,, Current Halo UltraGripP(HUGI)is here to respect the roof_ _- -__ __ ____ _ F = • U'' Its Halo is a cast-aluminum barrier that encases the � . - - ReneWa�lleS UltraGrip,our industrial-grade,foam-and-masticA_b'. -, = Engineering seal.This allows HUG to accelerate the installation CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. 360D Lime Smet,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 process and provide the utmost in waterproofing •• ain. Still • luck?Install the rest. Emil:Projec s(�creng.solar protection.Gore your roof a HUG!" ••• it • maWebsite:www.cmng.w When you find a rafter,you can move on. Place another screw to the left or right.If If more than 3 screws miss the railer, PHONE:951-215-6354 only 2 RD Structural Screws are needed. rafter is found,install 3rd and final screw. secure six screws to deck mount it. CONTRACTOR INFO Multi Tiered Waterproofing Hueutazes a mut&tiered stack of its to provide revotatiGnary Trusted Strength&Less Hassle14 M___ _ � ing 'The Halo cast- CZSYSi{ ak irlumOw UftraGrip nrfoundation t Structural Capacities of HUGS were reviewed in IraasFic sew coiddriall no many load directions,with racking rail running ELEMENT ENERGY LUC. wawr iIIIIIIIIISiDn by a 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATNTUCK •- with the a cross-slope or up-slope in relation to rootpidich. NEW YORK 11952 - PH:(630 779 7993 -HaiO UltraGrl is art Licence ME-52689 A'"- P For further details,see the HUG certification of the QuickMounty (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) roduct line. - - - letters for attaching to rafters and decking. Ucence-HI-67461 I __ (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) — = IronRidge designed the HUG,in combination MICHAEL KIMMELMAN uttraGrip Seal Technology _ _ _ —w with the RD Structural Screw to streamline HUG UhraGriput,T¢esastateof: --_ -= — installs,which means the following: 1865 HIGHLAND RD, art seat design that uses a call �r CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 toam-arod-mastic cAmbaoatiGn.The -_ . ¢pafn�agked adhesive pfOVldp,S` .' - • No prying shingles AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD i' - No roof nail interference CGIIfOrmS arld adtlereS tD every: _ -,:25'Ydr:VllarfYKYk`�"� -` - LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY - No pilot holes necessary UTILITY arc--wofcompo�n — - ;Plod(ictguaianleeii'iree-V (LIPA) fiElitar yaps and shingle step dorms of;r a;9- defects:,= No sealant(in most cases) (up to iB'in Height). j • No butyl shims needed SYSTEM SIZE PV SUMMARY _ _-'_ - _ (KWDC) : STC 425 X1141 24= 0.200 _ PTC 398.1 IX1241=19.554 - Water , SYSTEM SIZE : 7.68 @240 (KWAC) iINKO - •- • • Design • 425N-54 SOLAR MODULES : 24 1 1KM4HL4-B PHASE MICROINVERTER 24 IQ8MGa2-M-US Rafter&Deck Mounting Options The rafter-mounted Parts are designed HUG passed both Systems conform to Mount Hue to the roof ratters,the roof HUG has been and certified for the UL 441 Section UL 2703 mechanical deck,or both with our custom engineered Triple Rated&Certified _ _ -_i RD(rester-or,4L-M SW(trral Screw_The RD tested and rated to compliance with 27"Rain Test'and and bonding structural ors tu al Screw anchors HUG to the root to Respect the Roots . support 1004(Ibs)of the International TAS 100(A)-95 requirements.See Revwith an EPDM seating washer. Deaaipijdn Dale 1° UL 2703,441(27) ' file stack of waterproofing barriers.Seen= uplift and 368(Ibs) Building Code& "Wind Driven Rain Flush Mount Manual 0 INITIAL DESIGN ,vzs2oza hrtedek- TAS 100(A)-95 = `_ backside for more installation information. of lateral load. ASCE/SEI-7. Test'by Intertek. _ for more info. A UPDATED DESIGN 12r2Br2024 -"_ - -------- - - B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 12/282024 WIPE c•2023 Ironplidge,Inc.All rights reserved.Visit www.ir-patmts.com for patent information.Version 1.03 DRAWN BY E.R SHEET# PV-7.4 TITLE ATTACHMENT SPEC 28357 Industrial Blvd. 28357 Industrial Blvd. I RON RI DGE p ro.CA 94545 ��� RON RI DGE Hayward, 94545 'I-8o0-227-s523 1-8oa227-9-ss23 IronRidge.com IronRidge.com Attn:Corey Geiger,COO,IronRidge Inc. Date:July 1501,2022 The parameters and adjustments allowed in the span tables are defined as the following: THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT 1. The Aire Rail System is designed as a Risk Category II structure as defined by ASCE 7-10 Chart 1.5-1_ PROTECTION IS By U SLAW.SLY REP FORBIDDEN WITHOUT TO Re:Structural Certification and Span Tables for IronRidge Aire Rail System ANY PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT 2_ The wind speed selection shall conform to ASCE 7-10 Fig.26.5-1A(Risk Category 11 wind)and any state&local RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. This letter addresses the structural performance and code compliance of IronRidge's Aire Rail System.The contents of county/city amendments to the IBC.No special wind topographic features are included in the span tables and the the letter shall be read in its entirety before applying to any project design.The Aire Rail System is a proprietary rooftop topographic coefficient(Kzt)is taken as 1.0. Current mounting system used to support photovoltaic(PV)modules installed in portrait or landscape orientation and set parallel Renewables to the underlying roof surface.PV modules are supported by extruded aluminum Aire Rails and are secured to the rails 3. The snow load used in the span tables is the ground snow and shall conform to ASCE 7-10 Fig.7-1 and Engirle.erif)g with ironRidge mounting clamps.The Aire Rails are mounted to a roof attachment using the Aire Dock and 3/9'hardware applicable state&local county/city amendments to the IBC.If the local jurisdiction specified snow load is in the and the attachment is secured directly to the underlying roof structure.Assembly details of a typical Aire Rail System format of a flat roof snow load,it shall first be converted to a ground snow following the local building CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. installation and its core components are shown in Exhibit EX 0021. codefamendment before the application of the attached span tables.No special snow conditions are considered 3600 Lime Stree ldg 2 v ide,CA 92501 Emil: ar including unbalanced,drifting,sliding,retention,or ponding snow.The span tables do not include buildings which website:w .creng.co PHONE:951 2158354 The IronRidge Aire Rail System is designed and certified to the structural requirements of the reference standards listed are intentionally kept below freezing,kept just above freezing,or unheated. below,for the load conditions and configurations tabulated in the attached span tables. CONTRACTOR INFO 4. The span tables reflect the ASCE 7 prescribed earthquake loads with the maximum magnitudes being: ASCE/SEI 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures(ASCE 7-10)2015 International Building Code(IBC-2015) a) For ground snow no greater than 42psF S.s 2.Og for Site Class A,B,C.or D. a 11111111101111 rb) For ground snow greater than 65psf:Ss<_1.0g for Site Class A,B,C,or D. 2017 NYS Uniform Code Supplement �/ � 2015 Aluminum Design Manual(ADM-2015) c) For ground snow between 42 and 65psf:S.s 1.5g for Site Class A,B,C,or D. CZ S i S$ 5. Roof zone size and definition conforms to ASCE 7-10 Figures 30.4-2B and 30.4-2C. 7470 SOUND"AVEN E.Mamn,cK, The tables included in this letter provide the maximum allowable spans of the Aire Rail System for the respective loads NEW YORK.11952 PH:(638 779 7993 and configurations fisted,covering wind exposure categories B,C.&D,roof zones 1.2,&3,and roof slopes of 8'to 45`. se.vicea@ers9scnm 6. The maximum rail cantilever length,measured from the rail end to the nearest attachment point,shall be the Licence-ME-52689 The tabulated spans are applicable when the following conditions are met lesser of the following two conditions:113 of the allowable span provided for the respective load&configuration (M ure R ELE e-H167461 condition from the span tables,or 36'. (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) 1_ Span is the distance between two adjacent roof attachment points(measured at the center of the attachment 7. An array to roof clearance of 2"minimum must be provided. M I CHAE L KI M M E LMAN fastener) 1865 HIGHLAND RD, 2. Each module shall be supported by 2 rails-(2 rail system)or 3 rails(3 tail system).Spans are calculated based on 8. Aire Tie rail splice can be installed at any location within a span.No splices are allowed in the rail cantilever. CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 2 rail systems and are conservative deemed acceptable for 3 rail stems. AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD � � systems. 9. Shaded cells of the span tables indicate conditions in which Aire Lock Mid Clamp connection capacity is exceeded.If such conditions are encountered contact techsuaport(a�ironridge.com. UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY 3. The underlying roof slope,measured between roof surface and horizontal plane,is 80 to 45°. (LIPA) _ PV SUMMARY 4. The mean roof height,defined as the average of the roof eave height and the roof ridge height measured from SYSTEM SIZE(KWDC) STC 425 x 24= 0.200 grade,does not exceed 30 feet PTC 398.1 X 2a=9.554 SYSTEM SIZE 7.66 @240 (KWAC) 5. Module length and area shall not exceed the maximum values listed on the respective span tables. MODULES : 24 IIINKO KM4 SOLAR KM423N•54HL4-B MICROINVERTER 24 ENPHASE 6. All Aire Rail components shall be installed in a professional workmanlike manner per IrontRidge's Aire Rail IQBMC-72-M-US Installation Manual and other applicable standards for general roof construction_ Rev Description Date 0 INITIAL DESIGN 1 1/2 912 0 24 A UPDATED DESIGN 12/2 812 0 2 4 B 02022 IronRidge,Inc. NY Aire Rail System Certification Letter-1 02022 IronRidge,Inc. NY Aire Rail System Certification Letter-2 PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 1=8/2024 DRAWN BY E.R SHEET# PV-7.5 TITLE CERTIFICATION 28357 Industrial Blvd. I RON RI DGE Hayward,CA 94545 1-800-227-9523 IronRidge.com 10_ Systems using Aire Lock Stealth module clamps shall be installed with the following guidance: a) Aire Lock Stealth will function within a module's design load ratings.Be sure the specific module being used with Aire Lock Stealth meets the dimensional requirements shown in the figure below and that the module selected is suitable for the environmental conditions of a particular project THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW.REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. Module Glass/Cells Current. .Renewables Engineering CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. j 3600 Ume Stmet,Bldg 2 Riverside,CA 92501 ,I r Emil:Projects@creng.solar f ; Webslte:Tw/w.creng.co I a PHONE:951 215-6354 Frame Compatibility: - CONTRACTOR 1NFo ! i X=1-5mm r, Y=8-35mm a Ig nw -Y �� � �: EZSYSH I _ _ ELEMENT ENERGY U.C. 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATTITUCK Figure 1:Aire Lock Stealth Module Frame Dimensional Requirements NEW PORK 11952 PH:(63A 779 7993 services@e2syscom Licence-ME-52689 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) Lirence-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) The span tables provided in this letter are certified based on the structural performance of IronRidge Aire Rails only with MICHAEL KIMMELMAN no consideration of the structural adequacy of the chosen roof attachments,PV modules,or the underlying roof supporting members.It is the responsibility of the installer or system designer to verify the structural capacity and 1865 HIGHLAND RD, CUTCHOGUE NY11935 adequacy of the aforementioned system components in regards to the applied or resultant loads of any chosen array configuration.This letter certifies the IronRidge products referenced within this document and provides no determination AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD of the project specific conditions including site loads,building profile,&roof zones,which remain the responsibility of the UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY (LIPA) installer or system designer. PV SUMMARY SYSTEM SIZE(KWDC) STC 425 X 24= 0200 P!C 398.1 X 24=9.554 41: NE►y' SYSTEM SIZE 7.68 1@240 Digitally signed (KWAC) Q- ;G XV 0 _ -- 11NK0 SOLAR Sincerely, ��, ' GQ` !�/� _ _ MODULES 24 1KM42SN-54HL4-B - bPHE y Gang XUan MICROINVERTER 24 IQBMC-2-M-US z _ t 2022.07.19 VX �. aA o9s 79. `ti= 08:45 30 -07'00' Rev Description Date 0 INITIAL DESIGN 11/29/2024 A UPDATED DESIGN 12/28/2024 Gang Xuan,PE B Senior Structural Engineer PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 12/28/2024 DRAWN BY E.R _ SHEET# PV-7.6 @ 2022 IronRidge,Inc. NY Aire Rail System Certification Letter-3 TITLE CERTIFICATION