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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51527 Date: 01/08/2025 Permission is hereby granted to: Richard Rutkowski 695 Theresa Dr Mattituck, NY 11952 To: install a new HVAC system as applied for. Premises Located at: 695 Theresa Dr, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM# 115.-15-6 Pursuant to application dated 11/08/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 01/08/2027. Contractors: Required Inspections: ELECTRICAL- ROUGH, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL-FINAL, FINAL, Fees: Single Family Dwelling- Alteration $250.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $100.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $450.00 - . Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD-BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 r Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 ht- ; 1'www. outllok townn . o Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT �w= For Office Use Only j PERMIT NO. J Building Inspector:.,-, ............. 0 N Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete Owner's Authorization form(Page )shall be completed.,not the owner,An. Xfl�r� �� PP P PP � . Date: 11J12 V OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name Ic,.1464 D -o-,( l '6:4 -f KOWS°V- SCTM#1000- Project Address: & 5 T-H /zEs'A Phone#: 6 3 J q �`5U� % 3 Email: Y�U���®uJ�0 tDv1 1ir1C' kiEt Mailing Address: �'kE1qtst3 �R I VC /-fl*— "�"C'fS CONTACT PERSON: Name: 61 G(7WCV)Slcl Mailing Address: �� T'HE;Q E-5/9' ��) v M"g-TTIT LIfel N Y J/ 5 a Phone#: �P 3 J _ � 7 _ F p 3 Email:yV a-rkOyUC O µoh 1r Yle - Y►C--f DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTf�ACTR°IMOMTION: Name: ®L, ff��J%/N� sl- CcCL-1"C' A Mailing Address: P © 13 ox /d(p A I r7-fTlil C/<-,- Phone#: .. .TEmail: w VV u/.)co/h WeaG7"i cad ,C4?> i DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition [--]Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: NOther nJ7' L lR CprVblT101v'I NCr / 1 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes 5dNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes 24No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: 11Z E-5 J.X>67,VT-//41- Intended use of property: g-ESjbE-Aj--j-1f9&, Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? [JYes XNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ............ --'-77--,7 N Check Box After Reading; The ownerftontraitor/deslgn pr6fasiiiirkil is nispcihiible for illi'dralisa,lile and storm water lssti0s,Ai provided by ClhaOtet 2360 theTowWC*de—AP0uCAnoN 1$,HtREsV NN koito the 841(4ins,oew NeW OM or the lss4antp I f of a sullding Petmit pqrsuant to�he am kilosZone Ordloarxe of the Town OfSoudhofd,Su,R61kC,6Uqty,,, York anO Other' poUoble Lav0s,,0rdkvance,s or R*g4tatloats,for the construiction,of buRd I logs, Mon as adOitfd4s,-Altotat Otis o r Oescribet The'4q#jItanta gees to Cd01P,1Y,#, 4h 011,00 w table las,o rim rdina ,bullft'o6;16, lhouring code and,regqlattonsand to adMit authciir6djospac'tombh,prerrili�s necessaryinspec ats,made herein are punishable as a Class A misderneanor pursuant to copn,410.4S of the New! `$tate Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): A'-6 T— 0Authorized Agent XOwner Signature of Applicant: Date: Nov, 0 oq STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF 'C4 FFQ I-J< Al 6 A G 110-,7 V77KC VISV--I being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this a day of 6/0 V 9CP-- i2l 20 Z Notary Public MADISON MESS FNA NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION Registration No.01ME6370536 (Where the applicant is not the owner) C QuWdled in Suffolk County AN ommission Expires Febnjary 5,20 residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical pP 29k ; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 'a � Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO B 17T Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (631) 769542. �� ' ro err southoldto vnn . w o° and Southold o nn . ov APPLICATIC NTOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Date: NOV' 9 ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (All Information Required) a. o�L Company Name; Custom Lighting of Suffolk Inc Electrician's Name: Benjamin Doroski License No.: 38893-ME Elec. email: Clos5170@gmail.com Elec. Phone No: 631-298-4588 EE I request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: PO Box 1698 Mattituck NY 11952 JOB SITE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: (C�/� I� MAR �4 J2 C RUT V� 5 K Address: �-fticl ll q.51 Cross Street: E U FrDL AVE, Phone No.: - 2q S -5 2` email: Bldg.Permit#: � � �w � �tine net Tax Map District: 1000 Section: 1/5 Block: 15 Lot: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly: 11-15V LL C L Ai9 evAIPI i lo)//1J4 Square Foota e: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: YES NO Rough In Final Do you need a Temp Certificate?: YES F-1 NO Issued On Temp Informa 11 tion` (All information required) Service Size�1 Ph E]3 Ph Size: A #Meters_ Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground Eloverheadl #Underground Laterals 1 2 H FrameLl Pole Work done on Service? Y N Additional Information: PAYMENT IIJE WITH A,IPLICATION APPROVED S NOTED DAT S.P. FEE 4 ,o —1 BY. NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT 631-765.1802 8AM TO 4PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: 1. FOUNDATION-TWO REQUIRED FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH—FRAMING&PLUMBING 3. INSULATION 4. FINAL-CONSTRUCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTON ERRORS COMPLYITS ALL CODES OF ELECTRICAL STATENEW YORK CODES INSPEc'nON REQUIRED REQUIREDAS AND D D[TIONS OF O OILD W Z A OLO 0dEPJO EO �i SOLO' TOViN TRUSTEES �X& O Sou OLD HI�O sov USEISUNLAWFUL WITHOUT CK OFOCCUPANCY HIGH EFFICIENCY 4SCU16LE SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONER PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS UP TO15.2 SEER2 FORM NO,4SCU16LE-100(08/2023) i r..,m oaom i��r�aluitlY" tlY mI0.1Nm p i,. f " COILS OmniguardT"' total corrosion protection technology designed coil • Enhanced tube-and-fin coil design featuring MHTT"' Technology � r • Lanced fins for maximum heat transfer • Every coil factory tested for leakproof construction • Raised coil prevents debris from impeding airflow COMPONENTS • 45-degree offset gauge ports for easy service • Factory installed high and low pressure switches • Thread-on pressure switches with Schrader core for simple, quick replacement • Filter drier shipped loose for installation flexibility Fan orifice for smoother airflow and sound level reduction • Charged for 15 feet of line set • Sealed Contactor with lugs COMPRESSOR • High-efficiency scroll compressor WARRANTY • R410A refrigerant 10 year limited warranty on compressor • Grommet mounted compressor for quiet 10 year limited warranty on all parts, extended operation warranty available* • Internally protected against high temperature motor overload conditions 'Warranty provides for a total of 10 years of limited warranty coverage • Heavy-duty compressor sound blanket for quiet (Standard 5-year limited parts warranty plus an additional 5-year limited operation factory installed extended parts warranty). Warranty must be registered online within 60 days of installation to qualify for 70 year coverage. Unregistered equipment defaults to 5-year coverage.See full warranty at www.alliedair. CABINET com for terms,conditions and exclusions. • Full metal louvered panel with 2 screws to remove for ease of coil cleaning and service • Corner-mounted controls for easy service • Rounded corners for safety and attractive, clean appearance NOTE: • Baked polyester paint finished over galvanized For the latest AHRI system matches, please visit steel for maximum durability .www.aIliedratings.com or www.AHRldirectory.org • Removable PVC coated wire fan discharge grill • External gauge ports for easy service /r%'///%j TM 0MI 1IGUARD M ON. 191ST „ Intertek Page 1 SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONER 4SCU10-LE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE 4SCU16LE136P - 52A REFRIGERANT MINOR REVISION CODE 4=R410A MAJOR REVISION CODE SCU 5X=OMNIGUARD' SPLIT AIR CONDITIONER ELECTRICAL SEER P-208-230V/60HZ/1-PHASE 16 TONNAGE TIER 18,24,30,36,41,42,47,48.59,60 LE=LOUVERED ENHANCED REGION RESTRICTIONS 1:ALL REGIONS PHYSICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA Min. Voltage Max.Over Compressor Outdoor Current ,Fan Motor Model Voltage/Hz/Phase Circuit Rated Locked Full Range Dev ice Rated Nom. Amp. Load Rotor Load (amps) (amps) (amps) (amps) HP RPM 4SCU16LE118P-52 208-230/60/1 197-253 12.0 15 9.0 48.0 0.7 1/10 1075 4SCU16LE118P-53 208-230/60/1 197-253 12.0 20 9.0 56.3 0.7 1/10 1075 4SCU16LE124P-52 208-230/60/1 197-253 14.6 20 10.9 54.0 1.0 1/6 825 4SCU16LE124P-53 208-230/60/1 197-253 14.6 25 10.9 62.9 1.0 1/6 825 4SCU16LE13OP-53 208-230/60/1 197-253 17.0 25 12.8 67.8 1.0 1/6 825 4SCU16LE136P-52 208-230/60/1 197-253 18.8 30 14.2 80.6 1.0 1/6 825 4SCU16LE141P-52 208-230/60/1 197-253 18.0 30 13.6 80.2 1.0 1/6 825 4SCU16LE142P-52 208-230/60/1 197-253 21.9 35 16.7 113.0 1.0 1/6 825 4SCU16LE147P-52 208-230/60/1 197-253 22.9 35 16.9 94.0 1.8 1/3 825 4SCU16LE148P-52 208-230/60/1 1 197-253 24.8 40 18.5 94.0 1.7 1/4 825 4SCU16LE159P-52 208-230/60/1 197-253 28.8 45 20.8 127.1 2.8 1/3 V Spd 4SCU16LE16OP-52 208-230/60/1 197-253 29.6 50 22.2 127.9 1.8 1/3 825 UNIT DIMENSIONS (IN.) Dimensions(inch) Shipping Model Weighty � A-Width B-Depth C- Height (Lbs.) 4SCU16LE118P-52,53 24.75 26.75 29.75 155 4SCU16LE124P-52,53 29.38 31.25 29.75 171 4SCU16LE13OP-53 29.38 31.25 37.75 187 4SCU16LE136P-52 29.38 31.25 29.75 205 4SCU16LE141P-52 29.38 31.25 37.75 227 4SCU16LE142P-52 29.38 31.25 37.75 234 4SCU16LE147P-52 35.75 37.75 33.75 272 • •� 0 4SCU16LE148P-52 29.38 31.25 37.75 255 4SCU16LE159P-52 35.75 37.75 43.75 284 4SCU16LE16OP-52 35.75 37.75 43.75 284 Note: Dimensions listed are unit sizes w/o packaging Page 2 SOUND RATINGS Estimated Sound Pressure(dBA)2 Model Sound Power' Approximate Distance 3.3 Feet 6.6 Feet 9.8 Feet 0 Meter) (2 Meters) (3 Meters) 4SCU16LE118P-52,53 70 62 56 52 4SCU16 LE124P-52,53 77 69 63 59 4SCU16LE13OP-53 75 67 61 57 4SCU16LE136P-52 78 70 64 60 4SCU16LE141P-52 74 66 60 56 4SCU16LE142P-52 77 69 63 59 4SCU16LE147P-52 79 71 65 61 4SCU16LE148P-52 76 68 62 58 4SCU16LE159P-52 77 69 63 59 4SCU16LE16OP-52 78 70 64 60 1 Bated in accordance with AhfRl standard 270(2015),AHRI Standard 270 establishes a method of rating outdoor unitary equipment in terms of Sound Power. 2 Rated if)accordance with AHPI standard 275(2010),AHRI Standard 275 provides the calculations for estimating the A-Weighted Sound Pressure at a given distance from the equip- ment.That is a more useful number because that is what humans will hear. 3 Based only on distance factor,other factors may change this value such as Unit location(reflective surfaces adjacent to the unit) Barrier shielding.sources Sound path/elevation Outside noise sources ACCESSORIES System Accessory Where Used Kit Number Purpose Liquid Line Solenoid All models 60M52 Prevents liquid migration to the compressor especially for high liquid riser applications Low Ambient(cooling operation) All models 34M72 Enables cooling demand down to 30*F. Will require freeze stat,CC heater and TXV Compressor Short Cycle Protector All models 47J27 Delays compressor start 5-7 minutes to prevent short cycling 18 1OJ42 Scroll compressors usually do not require hard start;maybe needed for Hard Start 24 thru 60 88M91 utility brown-out or low voltage areas 18,24,30,36 93MO4 Crankcase Heater 41,42 93MOS Prevents liquid migration to compressor in cold weather 47,48,59,60 Factory Installed Sound Cover Factory Installed Lowers compressor sound level Loss of Charge Kit Factory Installed Protects the compressor if refrigerant charge is too low Additional System Accessories(indoor section) 18,24,30 H4TXV01 TXV Kit 36,41,42,47,48 H4TXV02 TXVs provide superior refrigerant flow control,comfort and efficiency compared to pistons 59,60 H4TXV03 Outdoor Thermostat-Electric Heat All models 1OZ23 Prevents electric heat operation above specific ambient conditions Outdoor Thermostat-Mounting Box All models 31461 Mounting box for outdoor thermostat Freezestat All models 93G35 Protects the compressor at low suction pressure conditions Overflow Switch All models 11U75 Turn the system off,if condensate water overflows due to clogged drain pipes Blower Time Delay All models 58M81 Improves system efficiency and comfort Single Point Power Supply All models 21H39 Provide single power source in one junction box Auxiliary Blower Relay All models 85W66 Maybe required to select multiple indoor blower speeds Page 3 SPI IT SYST:=\A1 AiR COND!T IOP�I!ER 4SCUl6LL REFRIGERATION DATA Ref rig. piston Refrigerant Line Size Outdoor Unit Indoor Unit Model Charge TXV Connection Connection (oz.)_ Size Suction Liquid Suction Liquid Suction Liquid 4SCU16LE118P-52 81 0.049 H4TXV01 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/8 4SCU16LE118P-53 68 0.049 H4TXV01 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/8 4SCU16LE124P-52 69 0.057 H4TXV01 3/4 1 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/8 4SCU16LE124P-53 81 0.057 H4TXV01 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/8 4SCU16LE13OP-53 112 0.060 H4TXV01 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/8 4SCU16LE136P-52 121 0.067 ``H4TXV02 7/8 3/8 7/8; 3/8 7/8 _ 3/6 4SCU16LE141P-52 148 t H4TXV02 7/8 3/8 7/8 3/8 7/8 3/8 4SCU16LE142P-52 146 0.076 H4TXV02 7/8 3/8 7/8- 3/8 7/8 3/8 4SCU16LE147P-52 180 t H4TXV02 7/8 3/8 7/8 3/8 7/8 3/8 4SCU16LE148P-52 152 0.083 H4TXV02 7/8 3/8 7/8 3/8 7/8 3/8 4SCU16LE159P-52 186 t H4TXV03 11/8 3/8 7/8" 3/8 7/8 3/8 4SCU16LE16OP-52 203 0.097 H4TXV03 11/8 3/8 7/8"" 3/8 7/8 3/8 'Factory charged for 75 feet of line set "Adapter shipped with unit t TXV only COOLING PERFORMANCE WITH DTC' Outdoor Model Indoor Model Capacity EER2 SEER2 (BTUH) 4SCU16LE118P-52,53 EAC4X24B 18,000 11.5 13.4 4SCU16LE124P-52,53 EAC4X24B 23,600 11.7 13.4 4SCU16LE13OP-53 EAC4X30B 28,200 11.5 13.4 4SCU16LE136P-52 EAC4X36B 34,000 11.2 13.4 4SCU16LE141P-52 EAC4X49C 36,600 11.7 13.4 4SCU16LE142P-52 EAC4X49C 39,500 11.2 13.4 4SCU16LE147P-52 EAC4X60C 46,500 12.2 13.4 4SCU16LE148P-52 EAC4X60C 45,500 11.5 13.4 4SCU16LE159P-52 EAC4X60C 56,000 11.7 13.4 4SCU16LE16OP-52 EAC4X60C 58,000 11.5 13.4 1 DTC=Designated Tested Combination NOTE: For the latest AHRI system matches please visit www,alliedratings.com or www.AHRldirectory.org Page 4 °1 -SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONER 4SCU16LE AALLIED TM Air Enterprises 1-800-448-5872 All specifications and illustrations subject to change without notice and without incurring obligations. Form No.4SCU16LE-100(08/2023) ©2023 Allied Air Enterprises LLC,a Lennox International Inc..Company Printed in the U.S.A. Page S w a BCESE PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS COMPACT AIR HANDLER APPLICATION • 2-5 ton systems • Sequenced for demand management • External access to heater circuit breakers INSTALLATION • One piece design • Smaller profile for tight application areas • Multiposition-Factory ready for upflow,downflow,and horizontal left/right applications • Approved for installation in manufactured housing and mobile homes CABINET • Foil faced insulation for enhanced indoor air quality • Double hemmed technology for increased structural rigidity • Improved gasketing on doors to reduce air leakage • Filter rack with thumb screws for easy access and removal • Polymer plugs on drain locations for easy installation • Baked polyester paint finished over galvanized steel for maximum durability • High-strength,UV and heat resistant polymer drain pan designed for corrosion resistance • Antimicrobial polymer drain pan built to resist mold and mildew growth • 2%or less air leakage COILS • Omniguard'"total corrosion protection technology designed coil • Enhanced tube-and-fin coil design featuring MHTT"Technology • Lanced fins for maximum heat transfer • Factory leak tested and pre-charged with nitrogen holding charge COMPONENTS Efficient Constant Torque blower motors • Standard transformer and blower relay OMIN'AG A DTM • Field installed 5-20kW electric heat kits with easy plug connections • Blower time delay for increased efficiency • Sleeves on distributor tubing to protect tubes 1...........ar..limited i ,WARRANTY. u m" war ranty on all parts,extended warranty available` �lw Intertek 'Warranty provides for a total of 10 years of limited warranty coverage(Standard 5-year limited parts warranty plus an additional 5-year limited extended parts warranty).Warranty must be registered online within 60 days of installation to qualify for 70-year coverage. Unregistered equipment defaults to 5-year coverage.See full warranty at www.alliedair. NOTE' com for terms,conditions,and exclusions. For the latest AHRI system matches, please visit www.alliedratings.com or www.AHRIdirectory.org Page 1 COMPACT AIR HANDLER BCESE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE BC E 5 E 24 M A 4X 50 PRODUCT 1 -� REVISION NUMBER BC=BLOWER COIL 50=OMNIGUARD COIL FEATURE SET METERING DEVICE E=ENHANCED FEATURES 4X=R410A TXV SERIES VOLTAGE 5=5 SERIES(1 PIECE PLATFORM, A=208/230V-1 PHASE-60HZ OMNIGUARDT"') POSITION MOTOR&CONTROL M=MULTI-POSITION C=PSC E=CONSTANT TORQUE TONNAGE V=VARIABLE SPEED 24,30,36,42,48,60 PHYSICAL Max.Elec. Transformer Filter Size Refrigerant Connection Installed Weight Model Volts/Hz/Phase Heat(kW) Size&Type (in.) Suction(in.) Liquid(in.) TXV Size (lbs.) BCE5E24 208-230/60/1 10 40 VA Class 2 15 x 20 3/4 3/8 H4TXV01 127 BCE5E30 208-230/60/1 15 40 VA Class 2 15 x 20 3/4 3/8 H4TXV01 133 BCE5E36 208-230/60/1 1 15 40 VA Class 2 18 x 20 7/8 3/8 H4TXV02 163 BCE5E42 208-230/60/1 15 40 VA Class 2 18 x 20 7/8 3/8 H4TXV02 168 BCE5E48 208-230/60/1 20 40 VA Class 2 18 x 20 7/8 3/8 H4TXV02 186 BCE5E60 208-230/60/1 20 40 VA Class 2 18 x 20 7/8 3/8 H4TXV03 186 INSTALLATION CLEARANCES WITH ELECTRIC HEAT Cabinet 0 in.(0 mm) To Plenum 0 in.(Omm) To Outlet Duct within 3 ft.(914mm) 0 in.(0 mm) Floor 0 in.(0 mm)See Note#1 Service/Maintenance See Note#2 1 Units installed on combustible floors in the downflow position with electric heat do not require a downflow combustible flooring base. 2 Front service access-24 in.(610 mm)minimum. Note-If cabinet depth is more than 24 in.(670mm),allow a minimum of the cabinet depth plus 2 in.(51 mm), Page 2 ............ ...............----------- ......................... ACCESSORIES s. Description Where Used Kit Number 24.30 Y9658 Downflow Kit 36,42,48,60 Y9659 Horizontal Support Frame kit All Models 56J18 Side Return Unit Stand(upflow only) All Models 45K32 Single Point Power Kit All Models 21H39 Wall Hanging Bracket Kit(upflow only) All Models 45K30 ELECTRIC HEAT Electric Heat Kits with Terminal Block Size Model C/B Size Where Used Cat# 5 kW ECBA25-5 NA 24,30,36,42,48,60 16Y36 7.5 kW ECBA25-7.5 NA 24,30,36,42i 48,60 16Y37 10 kW ECBA25-10 NA 24,30,36,42,48,60 16Y38 Electric Heat Kits with Circuit Breaker 5 kW ECBA25-5CB 30A 24,30,36,42,48,60 16Y39 7.5 kW ECBA25-7.5CB 45A 24,30,36,42,48,60 16Y41 10 kW ECBA25-10CB 60A 24,30,36,42,48,60 16Y42 12.5 kW ECBA25-12.5CB 50A+25A 30,36,42,48,60 16Y43 15 kW ECBA25-15CB 60A+25A 30,36,42,48,60 16Y4 20 kW ECBA25-20CB 60A+50A 48,60 16Y46 Replacement Circuit Breakers(2 pole) Volts Size Cat# 25A 4IK13 30A 17K70 35A 72KO7 ------------- 208/240V-I phase 40A 49K14 45A 17K71 50A 41K12 60A 17K72 Circuit breaker must match rated"Max CIB Size";replace breaker as necessary. Page 3 COMPACT AIR HANDLER BCE5E .............. ........................ ............. ELECTRICAL ..................... Heating Capacity(240V) Min.Circuit Ampacity Max.Circuit Breaker Single Point Power Supply Size Blower Model Nominal Amps 208V 240V 208V 240V 208V 240V Heater kW Btuh SizekW 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Amps Fuse Amps Fuse 0 0 0 5.1 5.1 15 15 BCE5E24 5 4.8 16400 4.1 27 1 30 30 30 7.5 7.5 25600 39 44 40 45 10 9.6 32700 48 55 50 60 0 0 0 5.1 5.1 is 15 5 4.8 16400 27 30 30 30 BCE5E30 7.5 7.5 25600 4.1 39 44 40 45 10 9.6 32700 48 55 50 60 12.5 12.5 42600 43 19 48 22 45 20 50 25 62 70 70 70 15 14.4 49100 48 22 55 25 50 25 60 25 70 70 80 80 0 0 0 5.1 5.1 is is 5 4.8 16400 27 30 30 30 BCE5E36 7.5 7.5 25600 4.1 39 44 40 45 2 0 39 10 9.6 32700 48 55 50 60 12.5 12.5 42600 43 19 48 22 45 20 50 25 62 70 70 70 15 14.4 49100 d48 22 55 25 50 25 60 25 70 70 80 80 0 0 0 7.5 7.5 15 15 5 4.8 16400 29 33 30 35 BCE5E42 7.5 7.5 25600 6.0 41 47 45 50 10 9.6 32700 51 58 60 60 12.5 12.5 42600 45 19 51 22 45 20 60 25 64 70 73 80 15 14.4 49100 51 22 58 25 60 25 60 25 73 80 83 90 0 0 0 9.5 9.5 is 15 5 4.8 16400 31 35 35 35 7.5 7.5 25600 43 49 45 50 BCE5E48 10 9.6 32700 7.6 53 60 60 60 12.5 12.5 42600 47 19 53 22 50 20 60 25 66 70 75 80 15 14.4 49100 53 22 60 25 60 25 60 25 75 80 85 90 20 19.2 65500 53 43 60 50 60 45 60 50 96 100 110 110 0 0 0 9.5 9.5 is 15 5 4.8 16400 31 35 35 35 5 7.5 7.5 25600 43 49 45 50 5 BCE5E60 10 9.6 32700 7.6 53 60 60 60 ....... ....... 12.5 12.5 42600 47 19 53 22 50 20 60 25 66 70 75 80 15 14.4 49100 53 22 60 25 60 25 60 25 75 80 85 90 20 19.2 65500 53 43 60 50 60 45 -60- 50 96 100 110 110 7. For 208 volt use.757 correction factor for kW and Btuh 2. 12.5kW 15 and 20kW(2 stage models)require 2 supply circuits 3. Circuit#1 includes blower motor amps except 20kWmodels Page 4 CI \C_, P'CI BLOWER Motor Blower Speed CFM @ ESP-in.W.C. Model Size(hp) Size Tap Application 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (in.) 1 Fan Only 590 575 530 480 430 2 Matched with 1.5 ton condensing unit 750 650 610 550 480 BCE5E24 1/2 10 x 8 3 Nominal 2 ton match without electric heat 950 825 785 740 690 4 Nominal 2 ton match with electric heat 1040 1020 985 940 920 ------------ 5 High static application 1160 1140 1120 1080 1050 1 Fan Only 700 665 625 565 490 2 Matched with 2 ton condensing unit 860 810 770 715 665 BCE5E30 1/2 10 x 8 3 Nominal 2.5 ton match without electric heat 1040 1010 980 940 890 4 Nominal 2.5 ton match with electric heat 1140 1100 1045 1015 980 5 High static application 1390 1375 1340 1285 1245 1 Fan Only 850 800 750 665 600 2 Matched with 2.5 ton condensing unit 1080 950 910 850 775 BCE5E36 1/2 10 x 8 3 Nominal 3 ton match without electric heat 1270 1230 1170 1120 1060 4 Nominal 3 ton match with electric heat 1440 1400 1330 1280 1240 5 High static application 1540 1475 1430 1380 1300 1 Fan Only 990 915 860 810 725 2 Matched with 3 ton condensing unit 1190 1150 1100 1060 1020 BCE5E42 3/4 12 x 10 3 Nominal 3.5 ton match without electric heat 1390 1350 1315 1280 1230 4 Nominal 3.5 ton match with electric heat 1665 1625 1585 1550 1510 5 High static application 1750 1710 1675 1640 1600 1 Fan Only 1250 1210 1185 1130 1110 2 Matched with 3.5 ton condensing unit 1500 1465 1435 1400 1 1360 BCE5E48 1 12 x 10 3 Nominal 4 ton match without electric heat 1715 1670 1635 1615 1575 4 Nominal 4 ton match with electric heat 1770 1735 1700 1670 1650 5 High static application 1895 1860 1835 1795 1760 1 Fan Only j 1100 1050 1000 925 830 2 Matched with 4 ton condensing unit 1625 1595 1565 1520 1490 BCE5E60 1 12 x 10 3 Nominal 5 ton match without electric heat 1815 1785 1760 1730 1685 4 Nominal 5 ton match with electric heat 1905 1870 1835 1810 1765 5 High static application 1980 1955 1925 1895 1860 All data given while air handler is operating with a wet coil and without air filter installed. Speed tap 1 to be used for continuous fan operation. Speed tap 2 to be used for cooling speed of 112 ton smaller outdoor unit match.Speed tap 3 to be used for cooling speed of nominal tonnage match Speed tap 4 to be used for heating speed for units with electric heat.This is the minimum speed for heating.Speed tap 5 to be used for high static applications. Page 5 COMPACT AIR HANDLER BCESE DIMENSIONS(IN.) 1(25) DETAIL OF PIPING PLATE ---- --- ----- 3/4 4-314 SUCTION (121) SUPPLY AIR I P-- 1' OPENING LIQUID CONDENSATE 14-1/2 LINE �DRAINS(2) (368) 2-3/8 0-1�1(Horizontal) 1(25) (60) CONDENSATE 4 t DINS ) -3 r LOW VOLTAGE (7 0(111)8 o 2-314) (URApflow and Downflow) 0— INLETS (Top and Right Side) LINE VOLTAGE INLETS (44) (89) (Top and Left Side) TOP VIEW ---------J 3/4 22 (19) B (559) LINE VOLTAGE INLETS (Top and Right Side) CIRCUIT LOW VOLTAGE BREAKER INLETS COVER (Either Side)"�'� 0 AIR FLOW A PIPING PLATE CONDENSATE DRAIN SUCTION PIPING PLATE(3) (2_1/4 x 3-3/4) LINELIQUID ES O FILTER LINE ACCESS D 1-118 1/2 20-3/8 1-118 (29) (29) (13) (518) (29) OPENING OPENING FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW ................... 24 30 36-42 48 60 Dimension .............. in. m m in. m m in. m M in, m m in, m m A 45.5 1156 47 1194 53.63 1362 55 1397 59.75 1518 B 18.5 470 18.5 470 21.5 546 21.5 546 21.5 546 C 16.5 419 16.5 419 19.5 495 19.5 495 19.5 495 D 16.25 413 16.25 413 19.25 1 489 19.25 All specifications and illustrations subject to change without notice and without incurring obligations. Page 6 COMPACT AIR HANDLER BCESE ..., w----------,—,. .. ®., ........... ANLLIE TM Air Enterprises 1-800-448-S872 All specifications and illustrations subject to change without notice and without incurring obligations, FORM NO.BCE5E-100(08/2023) t7 2023 Allied Air Enterprises LLC,a Lennox International Inc.,Company Printed in the USA- Page 7 9ERVAYIOMkAUL�RO EDE FROM fELO0 bFM-OOT1MROM O„EHe THE WATER SMFFLY"D aEWAUE OI 1.1—TEME FOR THIS FS E WIL:. 6"M TO IRESGIEFRA9 OF THE$UFFOLR COOxTY OF—TME„MOF HEALTH APPLICANT 3 RLICANT: — _ T E L.— /VCW SUFFOLK 4VENUE 7o,,k E s r awA ,!fi a waoo G a i. O s N d INOdp- '56pJ7G lOAk Q qOV rg+ al necx � • a/v K.9 Ala N; New yc b017 " t N.97•/9 20-w /82.07' Lot 39 N N07F: CoRMC . •MONUMENT O a F/PE SUBO/V/S/AV MA" F/LEO/N THE 0PF1 CC dA TNECLERK ASU�rOV0.4 MY ON ✓AN.78v/965 AS F/LEND.4P58. WAVER S ER V I C E ' PR/VATE WELL NEAREST PURL/CWATERMA/N+4M/LES! 36 r �2 6+ 4c", U��j REvsloNs YOUNG & YOUNG 3 l 400 OS TRANDER AVENUE,RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK ALDEN W.YOUNG R.W.YOUNG Ell"I'll Ue SURVEY FOR: ,,,.E Eo.... NArRAN C. MARDER 9 MARION C.MARD LOT NO 40 tTN11 or ,, DEEP ROLE CREEK ESTATESNµD SIAL.F A9FW „Re AT MATTITUCK GUAR nR T o B YA TOWN OF Sour OLP SUFFOLK CO.,N.Y. ®YIf x? SCALE: /,.G 40' .ATE:OCT 24/9B5 7A,> ,y�r