HomeMy WebLinkAboutFenmore, Jean Amend #33WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the 'l-own of Southold by ..... ~I'~..F~IiIiII~I ................................................. requesting a change., modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone .Maps made a port thereof by chang- ing from ........",i~."....1~1 lt,~~t,~.. ~..~1[' ~'t,l~t~l~], ......................... District to ..... ':.¢..".. · ~llt~ ~~ ................................................................ District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the .... ~~]1~ .......... day of ........ ~.tt]~1111~.~ .................... l°~..6,~nd due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~tZ'~t,~o ~~AL NQTI,¢E NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMeNDMeNT NO. 33 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Map) of the Town of Southold, ~a~ffolk County, New York was duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held on February 16, 1960, as follows By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District the following described property~ All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of 8outhold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Naugles Drive at the southeasterly corner of the existing "C" Industrial Zone and run- ning thence along said "C" Industrial Zone northerly about 200 feet, then easterly about ~00 feet, then northerly about 200 feet to Mattituck Creeks thence easterly along said Mattituck Creek about 250 feet to the north- westerly corner of the existing "B" Business Zones thence along said existing "B" Business Page 2 - Legal Notice. Zone southerly about 310 feet, then westerly about 60 feet, then southerly about ~31 feet to the northerly line of said Naugles Drive~ thence westerly along said line of Naugles Drive about 650 feet to the point of beginning. Ail as shown on a certain map entitled "Part of Stanley Naugles Property, Mattituck, N.Y." prepared by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Greenport, N.Y., dated January 31, 19~9 and revised January ~, 1960o DATED~ February 16, 196 O. BY ORDER S OUTHOLD OF THE TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. R IOHMOND TOWN CLERK ?ebr't..~arM ]6, ~ :[ 960 Present: h~?~RY T~~TL~,.,~n _..~..,.~ .... ~u'[,erv ~, ..,,.=or RAL~.H TUTH-'L:[,~ Justice of the Feace i,.~e TW, R AIY~W .. ~: .... ~ ,., o'unc i ]. man LC)TI TS D?,MARW.?. ~ C oun,.~, i I man ~ W, gr~ Town Attcrney. ROBERT W. TASi~R, __:.~ ... NO~ TC~,~ 0F ~NR~ !NG~.:....~ 0?~,,, PROPC~AI,.. TO ~,~}~ .:.,~0NTiq,:_. 0RD l~.h, uT: :. ~.a. rsu,~nt to S'er.~'~c,~ 76~: of the To~.~n Law and ~,rt.~,-~e ~reenn, o t ~ ..... in sa,d to~ o~ the 1.6th day of .Febw~,~ry~ ~ ~ ~, 2: o c].oa.. ~n the fol!c~wir.,;g proposal to amer.,~ the B~.ilding Zone O-r~?inance ~=nclt~d~pg the Bui~.ing ,.-.~o e .,,-: ~ps ) o£ the T,~,wr., of Soutnold, Suffo~ k County~ New Yc.,rk; PO By changin,~ from "A" Re~identia~, and Asricu.,.~tura]._': DistrJ. ct. to "~",~ _Tnd-u~_ t.r~:, ..':~ ~~_... D~ st~i,~t.. ~ tha. ._ foll_.owing described_ property: that eerta~.n .~rac~: or parcel of land sit'uated at Ms. ttituck~ _~n the ~own ....... of $c:,'otho!d ~ 2'uffolk Coenty~ New York .nc m .e pa. rticu].ar~y bound, ed and. described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly li~'~e of Naug!es ~r~ve at the so~theaster]y corner of the e.x..~.sting !ndustr~ai Zone and runn'tng t!'~nca along said ",~" !ndu. str~ ~ Zone norther]~y about 200 feet~ then easterly about 400 .feet~ then northerly about 200 feet to Mattituck Creek~ thence easterly aion~ said Mattituck Cr~.r.~k about 2~gO feet to the northwester].y corr~er of the axisting "B" Business Zone; thence along said ex~sting "B" Du. siness Zone southerly about 310 feet~ then westerly about 60 feet, tt~,en southerly about 431 feet to the norther!.? .li,~e of said !Iaugles Drive~ thence westerly along said li~e of Naugles Driv~ ~bout 6[0 feet to the point of be~.~?~n~.~. All as. shown on a certa~'~ map entitl~~,. "~ar~ of Stan].eM Naug]es Pro~erty~ Mattituck~ N.Y." prepare,.~] by Otto W. Va~ ~'~-~,~ ~.~ ~ Gre~,r~port~ N.V~. ~ dated J~,nuary 3]~ ]~4~9, ~d rev~e5 Janizary' ~ ~o6o. Any pe.~oon d~sir~r~g to be hear(] on the ~'~rooose~ amend- ment shou]s ap?,ear ~ + *'h~ ~ ~. _ ,--, ~,~ ~ ,,~me and p].ace above specified. DATED: January 26~ 1960. ~.~ Oraer of the Southo!~ To~ Board ,,=.~, ,. v~. Richmond~ To~,~_ Clark. ! have a cartlfic~tion from the pr'i~ter. State of New York ) 1 ~ ,~ S~ County of S ~f,.c=k ) F. Langton Corwin~ being duly sworn~ says that he is Pr.inter and Publisher of the SUFFOLk[ Ti~S~ a newspaper published at Greenport~ ~_n sa.id co]mty; and that the notice~ of which the a~exe8 is a printed copy~ has been. published in the said Suffolk Times once !,n each week~ for one week success~.vely commencing on the twenty-ninth day of January~ 1960. (signed) F. Langton Corwin Sworn to before me th~s 29th ) day of January~ 1960. ) (signed) ,~ornelia~ .. C. . Keooh~ I wi].] now rea5, the ret::ort of the Southold To~ ?~an- ning Boar5: January 13 1060 Report to: Southold Town Board eouthold New York Gentlemen: by the South¢~],~ Town P].anni?~g Board at its ~eeting on II~ 1960: In the ma~ter of the original petition of Jean Fenm~,re for a change of zone from "~" Residential and A~r.~.~u]. Di~tr'~ * "*~" ~J"-'~t~~ '~ ~ = and adjoining prc~rtv re. commende~ included in this chan~e from "A~' R~i. den+'~,!,~..~ ~._~ and Agr!~-u]t~a~ D~strict ta "~" ~?,~,~ . . ~ ~. = ...... ,.~a~ Distr~ct on the Town Board's c~ .,,,~.o.~ ccvare by ,_,he fol]owins ].e~al by Otto W. Van Tuy] ~: So~ dated Dace.tuber !6~ ].9~9: Be~innimg at a 'pcimt on the northerly ]in~ of Naug]es Drive at the so~the~ster].y aorner of theax~sting'' "C" z, cne a.~a running thence along said "C" Industrial. ~one ~orth- er~.y ab~,~]~ 200 e~t~ then ~a~ter]y about ~,00 fee+ then northerly abo~t 200 feet tc Matt~-u , , -~,.~.~ ~reek; thence easterly ~.iong said Matti'tuck Creek about 2~0 feet to the northwesterly corner c:f the existi~',g "B" B~siness Zone; thence along said existing "B" ~ ~ ~,~,~ines~ Zone southerly about 31C feet~ then we terry about 60 fee~.~ tt,e .... ~.,~tne~.l~ about 43]. feet to the norther]_y line of said Naugles Drive~ thence westerly along said line of Na~]=~ Drive ~bo~t 6gO feet t,~, ~ e ' -~. o ...... . .~ ~h point of beg inning. The P!annlnz .... ~. Bo.=~a has studfed this pr~b]en carefully and has assents from al~ ~-'~'er~ed exceot ~ Dominlck Pardo and C~c~[~lia Aycardi. M~. Parde's property is m~nor and has nc road ~'ntage The ivca~~ ~.r~r~erty fronts on Naugl~ D~!va. whn!ef~,~.!~.e]~ i~.~. the. ~n~' "~¢~-t ............ or ~aving timr~:, and tba® ....... ~e~-lslc, n ........ ~ ~. "}~..,~ ~.et~',=:~ cr nc'.~,.. to .... ~ ~...]uc]e-,- !:~e Par,.:.o; ....... a,~d ...... Ayc~ :.~ pr~per~~, l~e held until. ~' ~ ..... ,, . ~.h~. time of ~he ~--~-.,r';~ is urgent~_~ sh,-~d~. , be hea~.~ ~s s~--n_ . as poss~b]e~ a.s '~t_ ...... ~ ~-' As ....... ~%.~*~,,-,.,.~.-~,.~ r"~~'~.,~ :. ~ ,.'-"'~,..,~.;:,i~.. ~'-' '~ ~...~ n~i~g Boa.rd '~ -: c.f tl-e ,,~.~ that by zoning these. ?r.:~:~-e~t.~es "C" ~n~ustrial wc, u].~ be the use of ~his ~ans wil.b the fut,~re d~ve!opment oF the ~.~.r~a in Very truly yours '~igned) John Wiakham John Wiai:ham, Cha'i r~_an S o~tho].,! Planning Board I~ th~r~ ~,~ybc. dv h~r~ t~ ~'r-,~k in favor of the sa~d nbangn of zonl. ng? ~ =b~':uTL=,: .... ~hnra anybody hem who ~ishes te .. ~u~.~..~ .~ga ..... the ehanje c,~ (There was ~o re-pc ........ n~e~ ) o~'~~ ml~Tr~l TS t~¢~ ,'...'~:-:,.,, .,~, ..... ~,_. CR .......... : ........ re anybody here who wishe~., to soeak for or ags'~ ~ tt in . interest cf the peopl, e~ .~,~. _n,~t or . the . HOWARD ~.1 ~~' (U,~.' ~ d ;'~,~ TM ~ Town -"~ South~'3,~ ~: Renny ~rTM was sunpc~e,i to .... ~-~'r' for ~e .. ~. .... -., ~ ~. ._, ,.., ._ ~.~r. Per;more ' s inl. ere;- t, this afternoon hu~. h~ ~,t not ..=~:~,.~, ~.~p~ y he forFo~ about ~WWl[i:: Th~so twn r,i. ec~s ment. i,'-q~efi f.n the g nPVRV? OR -' -'-" ......... ~ We h~.v~ wrii-?e~, to~,y'~'-~'~ ~,, ~.~_ ,.. and ~rom ghem This oar~y~ P~rdo~ has no access hzgnway. Th:Ls rig:_t-of-way r _ .. ( . . S L~.ERV EFt(':: ~ ~ :'~'I'HIL~ ]-,?- · ~,:.~u].ff be g~v=~..~., t.o._ dikin,j :..,!.' .......... ~:~rv,~,,,'~. big ol].. tanks wh.i~h misht ,'~a~s~ a fire hazard. It might suve us troubl~, i.n the futu?n Th,,sa~ .. peoo].~. ~r~ be!i~w ~ m are ~roing to u~a .... ,:. ~._ _ ..~. ty a CO'~q~: ~C'I' ~ ~'~_ :l!Id ' = ........ .... -~: a:. ~-..a ooi'l~!~liles _.~, ............ .~ _ ~.~ thc.* · - + ' ~ ~ e Lie ~,~ F?_.'iU Ye ~ha,, ~ and it i~ bo~mded on the ~:,~ :,!,._,e by a "~" Business zone. d.r~',~n~e ~'~ rio Otie has any~.n.~.ng else to say in regar:] t~;, th]_.~ I will declare f.he hearing closed. :~=~"~ ~ "~ ~ ~c,'~'~ its ~-,wr: ~otiF,r~ ",~"'~"~'~ed '-' ~'~ff~_... .f~t'r~.. ~,t,,_. _Res. ...... qttai_ and &g~cu!Nu-al ~....-tr:z. cttc "C~' indus~'-.--~' ~)~tri_~t, and ....... az.. 1nt~r. este,] ............ ~ . ~ t2~ ....... l.c. ...... OIlS Were ~!J~r~:'!l ~in o~,.!r:~r z,:.~ ,.. ,.,aln~ o~e Ord; r,.~e, i n,..~ -~i~g o . . ~. .......... ~.~. =~'~ .~,~].. <. ttr a :s .,_ ~-- t.~. s ...... .? .... o ~.. Tp~s' ............ 'al. 'Oi~ i ~.,he fo] ! r,w~'n~o ~ -' in ~ t ox' r~ar,-el of ].and situat, e,~ s.t Mattztuck~ n sim Town --"~ ~-' ~,.e~.,~. ... , New Y.ork~ n, -~ s. rly bounded and d~scribed asr~ ~' J .......... ': ~id mope ~..a: ~.,:'~Ul . -~r.~ ~,-.,w~ Besi~n"!'m{ af % t.,':.~ ~. on the northerly 1 ine of ; .... ..= ...... ~. , ..... . ncr oz tile exi. sfiing '~C" lnr~l~tri_.a]. Zone anti r'tueins thence aloas saii "C" !nd~].st, ria! Zone " · + 400 th~n about 200 feet, then ea~ter].y ~bo...~.~ feet~ about 200 feet to Mattituck Creek; ~h~n~ east~r=y a!nng ~ Mat..i .... u~.~ .~ree~ abou% 2gO e~ to the northwe~ter!y -~ the ex~stin~5 '~B" Business Zone~ thence along said ..c,_~t~.~,~y abcut 310 feet, then existing "~" Business Zone R'~ westePIy about 60 feet~ then southerly about ~%31 feet to t~, northerly .~.i. ne of sa!o. Naug].es DrSve~ ther;ce . pO feet to tee point along said 'ine eft ~!,~n=] ~s ~r'~ve about 6 of beginning. A~I as shown on a certain map entitled "Part of Stanley ~',au~-c].~:: Property~ Mattituck, N v . ~ '' -. 1949 '~ ~' Oreen~or t ~ N.v., dated Jan.~,:~_., y 3 ~ , 0,,.to W Van :..uyi~ _ _ and revised January 4~ ]060. Be it further RE~0L~D that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized to post and publish notice of the adopt_ion of this ordinance as required by law. NO'I~CE OF ON PROPi~AL-' TO ~.ONIKG ORDIN~ Pur~ng ~ ~glOn. To~ ~w and ~iele ~Bufld~g gone. Ord~an~ i To~ of ~uth~d,' S~o~'~~ty,  New York, a. public hea~ng wiU be held by the Sou~01d To~ ~ard t the office of the Su~v~or, ~u~ street, Gr~n~, N~ York, ~ ~e ~ .~ on ~e 16th ~y of ~ebrua~, 1~ .:~at~ follow~ .:pr~~l' W ~~d ~e ~.~ ~ ' .., . - . . ~e ~ ~f ~;:.$~' Y0~,-' no~lY.-.,~ ~ ~~ "C". m~~ ~ne ~~ ~ut ~-, ~t' men' ~~ly' ~t ~ '.~t,. then ~~~ ~ut ~ f~t'~. ~t- n~ut- ~ feet '.'-~.~,the "~~w~t* ~d ~~ "B" B~ ~ne ~u~ly ~ut 310 ~t, ~en' w~rly .~~ no~er~y -'~m~ ~ '. ~d - ~~e~~ D~ve., ~~". w~t~ly line of Na~l~ ~ve ~ut ~1 ~ ~ on a ~nt~tl~ '~~ ~ .S~ey Nau- .gl~ ~y, Matt~tu~, ~. Y." .pre, red by Ot~ W:. Van ~yl,~ ~re~~, N. Y:, ~~ J~~ 31, 1~9 ~ r~~ ~~ 4, ~19~. ~y ~~n debug ~ be he~d ~0~ ~~ ~t the Ume and place abo~ ~ied. DA~- Ja~~ 26, 1~0. SOIJ'I~OI.~. 'I'~Wl~ BOARD ~.~i~RT W..RI~, TOW~ 43T,~ , ltj~.9 · , , ,, , ,, STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, j -~ Y; .~k~: .-~ .... -.~,...~-~ ~..- c...~'~- ~ ~ ~--~ being duly Sworn, ....... · ::...: .... ,: ..... ~- ........ =..~ ................................................................ ~ says that ....... ~. ........ is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, bas been published in the said Suffo,lk Times once in each week, for ....................................................................... ~[~.~=: ...................... week// successively commencing on the ......... i.:!:~.~.=~.?..~[-~.,,! ..... ~./..~..::...~.:.~:-..[*..~i. ..... day of ........... :~f-~-.g,,..~.~.~:=:~=,~.=~ ............ 19.k..~... ~!'. · ..................... Sworn to before me this ....:~.f./*...~.~. .... : ..... ! day of .........~.~.-.::'~'~.':::::.~-:~:~b:,:.~ ......... 19~F..c.TM ..... J ×~ / NOT ICE OF HEAR ING TO AMEND ZONI~NG ON PROPOSAL ORD. IN~NCE Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article iX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, a publ~ hearing will be heid by the S. outhold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on the 16th day of February, 1960, at 2: O0 o ' clock in the afternoon of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Naps) of the Town of Southold, 5.uffolk County, New York: 5 By changing from "A" Residential and Agricu~t~~ District to "C" Indus. trial District the following des.cribed property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Naugles Drive at the southe.asterly corner of the existing "C"' Industrial Zone and run- ning thence along said "¢" Industrial Zone northerly about 200 feet, then easterly about $O0 feet, then northerly about 200 feet to Mattituck Creeks thence easterly along said Nattituck Creek about 2~0 feet to the north- westerly corner of the existing "B" Business 2 - Legal Notice. Zone; thence along said existing "B" Business Zene southerly about 310 feet, then westerly about 60 feet, then southerly about $~1 feet to the northerly line of said Naugles Drive, the,nee westerly along said line of Naugles Drive about 6%0 feet to the polnt of beginning. All as shown on a certain map entitled "Part m.f Stanley Naugles Property, Nattituck, N.Y." prepared by 0tto W. Van Tuyl ~ Greenport, N.Y., dated ~anuary ~1, 19~ and revised ~anuary ~, 1960, Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed should appear at the time and place above specified. amendment DATED ~ ~anuary 26, 1960. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. TOWN RICHMOND, CLERK Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBEI~$ John '~¢/ic~harn, Ch~irmdn Henry Mois~ Alfred Grebe · ~rchib~ld Young ~i].lia~. Report to: January 13, 1960 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meet- ing on January 11, 1960: In the matter of the original petition of Jean Fenmore for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District, and adjoining property recommended included in this change from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District on the /own Board's own motion covered by the following legal description by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated December ]6, 1959: Beginnin9 at a point on the northerly line of Naugles Drive at the southeasterly corner of the existing "C" Industrial Zone and run- ning thence along said "C" Industrial Zone northerly about 200 feet, then easterly about 40© feet, then northerly about 200 feet to Mattituck Creek; thence easterly along said Mattituck Creek about 250 feet to the north- westerly corner of the existing "B" Business Zone; thence along said existing "B" Business Zone scutherly about 310 feet, then westerly about 60 feet, then southerly about 431 feet to the northerly line of said Naugles Drive, thence westerly along said line of Naugles Drive about 650 feet to the point of beginning. Page 2 - Recommendation to Southold Town Board Ihe Planning Board has studied this problem carefully and has assents from all concerned except Mr. Dominick Pardo arid Cecilia Aycardi. Mr. Pardo's property is minor and has no road frontage. The Aycardi property fronts on Naugles Drive. We further suggest that the Town Board advertise this whole parcel in the interest of saving time; and that the decision as to whether or not to include the ~ardo a~%d Aycardi property be held until the time of the hearing. This matter is urgent and should be heard as soon as possible, as it is delaying the use and development of the property in question. As stated previously¢ the Plarining Board is of the opinion that by zoning these properties "C" Indus- trial would be the best use of this land with the future development of the area in mind. Very truly yours, John !;;ickham, Chairma~n Southold Town ~±anning Board /jb ALBERT OF'FI BnLITHOLD, L. I., N. ¥. January 7, 1960 Mr. John Wickham~ Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Cutchogue~ New York Dear ~. Wickham: At a meeting of the Southold Town Board held January 1960~ the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED that the property described in the following description by Otto W. Van T uyl & Son dated December 16~ 19~: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Naugles Drive at the southeasterly corner of the existing "C' Indmstrial Zone and runninE thence along said "C" Industrial Zone northerly about 200 feet~ then easterly about 400 feet~ then northerly about 200 feet to Mattituck Creek; thence easterly along said Mattituck Creek about 2~0 feet to the northwesterly corner of the existing "B" Business Zone; thence along said existing "B" Business Zone southerly about 310 feet~ then westerly about 60 feet~ then southerly about ~31 feet to the northerly line of said Naugles Drive~ thence westerly along said line of Naugles Drive about 6~0 feet to the point of beginning. bev on the Tov~ Board's own mot!on~ changed from "A" Resi- dential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so affected ~ith the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yo~s~. ~ Albert W. Ric.hmond Town Clerk $outhold Town Planning Board SDLITHDLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John "~/ickham, Chairman Hzr~!-~ R Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Yaun~ Wi] ~ !am Un~elbach Report to: December 18, 1759 Southol~ Town Board Southold? New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the folio, wing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on December 15, 1959: In the matter of the petiton of Jean Fenmore for a change of zone from "A" Agricultural and Residential District to "C" Industrial District, certain real prop- erty situated at Mattituck, New York~ and bounded on the north by Mattituck Inlet 300 ft. more or less~ east by property of DeWE~f ~$7 ft. more or less~ south bM land of Fenmore, Aycardi and Naugles Drive~ 3~0 ft. more or less: ~ nd west by right of way and land of P. Vignes, ~70 ft. more or less. Map of Otto Van Tuyl & Son dated October l, 19~9; it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend tc the Town Board the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Industrial District on the abovementioned property~ and the property of Thomas H. DeWulf on the Town Board's own motion. The following description covers the entire parcel recommended for change to "C" Industrial District: Begin- ning at a point on the northerly line of Naugles Drive at the southeasterly corner of the existing "C" Industrial Zone and running thence alone said "C" Industrial Zone northerly about 200 feet~ then easterly about ~00 feet~ then northerly about 200 feet to Mattituck Creek; thence easterly along said Mattituck Creek ~out 250 feet to the Town of t':aid Naugl~s nrive; thene~ westerly along or ~a~g] ..... Pl'i¥,'. abouL 6~0 .feet Lo l.l~u OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK December 16, 1959 FENMORE & OTHERS "B" Business Zone Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Naugles Drive at the southeasterly corner of the existing "C" Industrial Zone and running thence along said "C" IndUstrial Zone northerly about 200 feet, then easterly about 400 feet~ then northerly about 200 feet to Mattituck Creek: thence easterly along said Mattituck Creek about 250 feet to the northwesterly corner of the existing "B" Business Zone; thence along said existing "B" Business Zone southerly about 310 feet, then westerly about 60 feet, then southerly about ~31 feet to the northerly line of said Naugles Drive; thence westerly along said line of Naugles Drive about 650 feet to the point of beginning. To Tovm Planning Board Southold) N. Y. Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son ~anuary ~, 1~60 ~r. Dominiek Pardo 2022 Central Road Ft. Lee, New ~erse¥ Dear Mr. Pardo~ There is a request pending for a change of zone on property west of your property~described as follows ~ North - Mattituck Inlet~ East- 8. Naugles~ South- Right- of-Way~ We~ - Thomas DeWulf~ fro~ hA" Residential and Agricultur District to 'C# Industrial District. Property.' to the east of this (Naugles) has been zoned "B" Business. In view of the fact we feel it is poor policy to have a residential area sanwiched between "B# Business and "C" Industrial use zones we would be interested to know your reaetlon to the proposed change of ~one as it affects your ~roperty. It is now proposed to include all of the meadow land bordering Inlet which is not now zoned the "¢" Industrial District, Bus ine s s D i s~r ict of ~aug les the south side of Mattltuck "C" Industrial District in from Luther~ Road to the "B" proi~rty o~ yom, east. We would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest ~onvenience a~ t,o how you feel abo~t said cla~ge of zone. The Planning Board will meet again on January 11, 1960 at which time this matter will ~e taken up again for further discussion. Very truly yours~ Archibald ~o~ung Acting Chair~.~ S outhold Town P~anning. Board CASE NO: .... ..,ff...i .............. STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF~N~ ~ - FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR m OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1 I, . ...... ':x~¢-,.:.~. .... .. .... ", .... . .. ..'L~,'...:..~..; ........... ;;'..:.~..., residing at ...: ....... :.. :~',.-:'.t... , , (ir~Sert name of petitioner) / ( · Suffolk Codnty, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .- ~ . ' ~" / t~ ~ /Z..',.,-:/,z~, ....,,,:_ . >.,,/., / .............. · ....-.' ........... :,..'.: ....... ..:~..:: ..... -.: .......... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: · k j ,z- l ; 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:m COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .. BEING DULY SWORN, and that he is deposes says the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters h.e believes it to be true. Sworn to before me ...... c~ } :. . No a y ublic. . .. ,,; ..,,. . (L. S.) ,.~ ...... - ..... , x ..-,.: ........ ... .... : I1111 ) November 18, 1959 ~r. Thomas E. DeWulf 36-37 Union ~treet Flushing, New ~ork Dear Mr. DeWulfs We have a request for a change of zone from a non- conforming "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "¢" Industrial District ~he property of ~ean ~enmore which is adjacent -to your property. In addition Naugles property on th® other side ha~ ~l~ead¥ l:~en rezoned to "B" Business District. In view of the fact we feel it is poor policy to have a residential area sandwiched between "B" Business ~ "C" Industrial ~e zonos we would 1~. interested to know your reaction to the application of Mr. Fenmore &nd further we would lil~ to lmow if you wo~tld 1:~ t~clin~t. to having the Town Board, on its own motion, rezone thls entire area, including ye.uts, "O" Industrial District. Your early reply will be appreciated. Very truly yours, John M i ~kham, Southold Town Chairman Planning Bc~rd RALPH P. BI]EITH TOWN OLERK REGISTRAR ElF' VITAL STATISTIOS OFF SOUTHOLD, L. I., LERK D No Y. NOV. 6, 1959. TELEPHElNE SOUTHOLD 5-3'7B3 Mr. John Wickham Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Chairman Planning Board Dear Mr. Wickham; The or ig JEAN FENMORE, of New York, relati part "C" Industr ial and Agricult Industrial Distr shown on the att in the office Southold, New inal petition of Naugles Drive, Mattituck, ve to change of zone from ial and part "A" Resident- ural District to "C" ict, all property, as ached map, is in the files of the Planning Board at York. You are instructed to official report defining the described in the petition and the area so effected with the of your Board. prepare an conditions determine recommendation RPB/mr Very truly yours, R~lpt~ P. ~ooth Town Clerk p'"r A ~ . i - ¸.2 k · '; LAUREL E ~ -r P E $-,~],~ ~O0#=i' MA 0 N / C ~ A Y NEW Ill MA TT/ /UCK l. 0 P",l G /C H /3 /q Y ~D To WN HARBOR /VIE ~; 0 U / HOLD ~a/~ ¢00'= /w' ,.S 0 U N D ~ION 0 /~ I E ~ T H A R B 0 R A LON~ ~EACH BAY _ o - B UIL DING Z 02VE' 2YL4P "I~/" NULTIPL£ R£5. ~ Charl~a V~n Duz~t' Norman E. Kli/~? -- ~u~rgi~o~ ~ ~es~onfia/and~r/cu/~ra/P/s~ic~ ~ ~uxi~ss~ ~rw 2~ ~, ~ ~ ~.<~.~ P~~ o~/~N,'