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of S°pTyolo Town of Southold * * P.O. Box 1179 40 53095 Main Rd COUNM." Southold, New York 11971 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 45797 Date: 11/25/2024 THIS CERTIFIES that the building SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Location of Property: 5722 Clay Point Rd Fishers Island,NY 06390 Sec/Block/Lot: 2.-1-11.3 Conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore, filed in this office dated: 12/01/2008 Pursuant to which Building Permit No. 34322 and dated: 12/01/2008 Was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: single family dwelling with unfinished basement and reflecting pool as applied for. The certificate is issued to: Hooverness LLC Of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL: R10-05-0066 7/11/2017 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE: 3026757 03/26/2007 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION: Joseph Hirschfeld 10/03/2008 A thorized Signature FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 34322 Z Date .DECEMBER 1, 2008 Permission is hereby granted to: WHITNEY B ARMSTRONG 87 UN PLAZA APT 23E NEW YORK,NY 10017 for DEMO EXISTING DWELLING AND CONSTRUCT NEW ONE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR PER DEC AND ZBA. THIS PERMIT REPLACES 31247 . . at premises located at PRIVATE RD FISHERS ISLAND County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 002 Block 0001 Lot No. 011 . 003 pursuant to application dated DECEMBER 1, 2008 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on JUNE 1, 2010 . Fee $ 2, 103 . 20 Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 3 47 Z ' Date JULY 5, 2005 Permission is hereby granted to: -�- � WHITNEY B ARMSTRONG „ NEW YORK,NY 10 017 for DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING DWELLING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW " DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR PER DEC AND ZBA at premises located at PRIVATE RD FISHERS ISLAND County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 002 Block 0001 Lot No. 1011 . 003 pursuant to application dated JUNE 21, 2005 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on JANUARY 5, 2007 . Fee $ 1, 577 .45 tho ized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 i Form No.6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 , APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings,property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal(S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. SNVO li SLatenielit f:orn plumber certifying that the solder used ni systen,contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building,industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate _ of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building__ 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings(prior to April 9, 1957)non-conforming uses,or buildings and"pre-existing"land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines,streets,building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant.If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied,the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy-New dwelling$25.00,Additions to dwelling$25.00,Alterations to dwelling$25.00, Swimming pool$25.00,Accessory building$25.00,Additions to accessory building$25.00,Businesses$50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building- $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy-$.25 i 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy- $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy-Residential$15.00, Commercial$15.00 Date. /0 New Construction: Z Old or Pre-existing Building: (check one) Location of Property: House No. Street Hamlet Owner or Owners of Property: U A A4 .e, 21 A 2 n S-f a o a9 Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Sectiof( Block O Cj- / Lot O 11 , G 3 3 Subdivision Filed Map. Lot:Permit No. 4 Date of Permit. Applicant: T. o RQ Maid fn�Q ,Jy% -�.T� Health Dept.Approval: Underwriters Approval: Planning Board Approval: Request for: ' Temporary Certificate Final Certificate: (check one) Fee Submitted: $ Q D Applic afore [Jg R�[JELrJfPLFL3L3rC3�[J�[1�[.�[J�rJ�[1�r�CJ�[J�[1[1�rJ�rJ�r�[J�r�rJ�[J�rJ�r�cPrJ�[J�rJ�[1�rJlrJ�cPtJ�[1�rJ�cP[1�rJ�r.PrJ�r�tJ�[J�rJ�rJ�[J�rJ�rJ�rJ�rJ�rJ�[ni�cPr�rJ�rJ�rJ� 0 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE ,OF .COMPLIANCE THE 5 5 NEW YORK . BOARD. OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 5 BOARD,,,-OF. .. ERWRITERS . S 5 BUREAU. -OF ELECTRICITY 5 40 FULTON STREET NEW.YORK, NY 10038 5 CERTIFIES THAT 5 5 Upon the application of upon premises owned;by 5 BD.ELECTRICAL CO INC WHITNEY B. ARMSTRONG 5 5 : 1.02 GREENWICH AVE . CLAYPOINT,RD,. 5 GREENWICH, CT 06390, FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 5 5 Located at CLAYPOINT RD._FISHERS.ISLAND,, NY 06390 5 S 5 Application Number: 3026757 Certificate Number: 3026757• 5 5 Section:. Block: Lot: , -Building Permit: p BDC: ns11 5 5 5 • � Residential Described as a occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of 5 5 electrical devices.and wiring, described,below, located in/on the premises at: S 5 Basement;First Floor, Outside, - 5 5 A yisual:.inspection of.the.premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and ,wiring to the extent detailed 5 5 herein, ,was :conducted in _accordance with .the requirements of the applicable , code ,and/or,• standard . 5 5 promulgated by the State of New York, Department, of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 26th Day of March., 2007. 55 5 Name RTY Rate Rating Circuits Twe 5 AdditionalCharges 5 5 1-30a reflecting pool pump' S S1-30a reflecting pool pump 5 5 1-30a reflecting pool pump 5 5 5-heat pumps' 5 5 5 57heat.pumps 5 5-heat pumps 5 5 Alarm and emergency equipment 5 Sensor 1 0 0 Carbon Monoxide 5 5 Sensor . 1 0 0 Carbon Monoxide . 5 5 Sensor 1 01 0 Carbon Monoxide 5 5 Appliances and Accessories 5 5 ,Dish Washer ' 1 0 1.2 KW 5 5 Dish Washer 1 0 1.2 KW 5 5 Dish Washer 1 0 1.2 KW S 5 Exhaust Fan 3 0 F.H.P 5 Exhaust Fan 3 0 F.H.seal 5 Exhaust Fan 3 0 F.H.P 5 5 '- 5 . 55 Continued on Next Page 1, of 4 5 5 - 5 5 This certificate may not be altered in anyway and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 1�1 1'91'�7P11�11�f1�11�11'1n1�1n1�11�1171r11�1r71'_7r1t=11=1n 1�1f11=11�11=11�11�11_91=1n r11_'ll_91_91_9P'lei-fe11'9P_9P9nnr•1P_9 P-P-P_-fin— -—————P---P-— li7 I:.I�C.fC.I�C.fMfC.nC.fC.I�L1�r�CPC.I�C.I�CJ@.I�C.nC.I�C.@.ILPC.f�C.I�C.nC.I��C.tCJ�C.I�C.nC.I�C.I�C.l�C.nL1�C fC.nCJ�CJ�CJ�C.IC.I@.f2CPr.PC.I�C.ICPC.ICJ�rJ�C.@PCJ�C.I�rJ�C.nI:.f�C.fLlCP 5 BY'. THIS .CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE- THE 5 5 NEW YORK r BOARD , 'OFF 5 5 IRE UNDERWRITERS 5 . 5 BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY. 5 5 40 FULTON STREET - 'NEW YORK, NY 10038; 5 5 5 „ CERTIFIES. THAT 5 SUpon the application of I upon premises owned,by BID 5 1102 GREENWICH AOVE,, CLAYPO NT RD.WHITNEY B. MSTRONG 5 5 :GREENWICH, CT 06390, FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 5 5 Located at CLAYPOINT RD.,FISHERS,ISLAND, NY 06390 5 5 Application Number:' 3026757 Certificate Number: 3026757 5 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: 0 . BDC: ns11 5 5 Residential - 5 Described as a occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of 5 5 electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 Basement,First Floor, Outside, rj 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system' Limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed 5 5 herein, was conducted, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code .and/or , standard 5 5 .promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and.fou,nd to be in compliance therewith,on the 26th Day of March, 2007. e,5] Name 1. QTY Rate Ratin Circuits Twe 5 5 5 Furnace 1 0 „ . Oil 5 Furnace • 1 0 Oil 5 5 Furnace , 1 .0 Oil5 5 Oven.' 2 0 . .. 20 Amps = 5 5 5 Oven 2 0 20 _ Amps 5 Oven 2 0 20 Amps 5 5 Panels 5 5 1 200 32 5 5 1 200- 32 5 5 .200 36 5 5 2 200 36 .. 5 5 .2 ' . 200 36. 5 Wiring And Devices . _ 5 5 Dimmer 5 0 120 V 5 5 Dimmer 5 0 120 V 5 5 Dimmer 5 . 120 V 5 5 Fixture 38 0 Fluor@ant 5 Fixture 38 0 Fluorescent 5 5 Continued on Next Page 2 of 4 5 r 5 5 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 � ?��r�� ��a @LrL rRM, R ���MR] 20 5 BY THIS_ CERTIFICATE OF. COMPLIANCE' THE 5 5 . . NEW ,YO,RK-., BOARD. 'OF --FIRE -• UNDERWRITERS 5 5 5 'BUREAU ,OF ELECTRICITY .40 •FULTON STREET_. NEW,YORK, NY, 10038 . 5 5 ' CERTIFIES THAT.. 5 5 Upon the application of upon premises owned by 5 10 GREENW CH CO OV INC CWHITNEY LAYPO NB,RD MSTRONG 5 5 GREENWICH, CT 06390, FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 5 5 Located at-• •CLAYPOINT RD..,FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 i S 5 5 ."Application Number:. 3026757 � � • •• •� . Certificate-Number: • _ 3026757, 5 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: 0 BDC: 'ns11 5 5 Residential - - ,• . � ; .. ;' - -- 15 5 Described as a .. occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of 5 5 ,electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/oh-the'e premises, at: 5 5 Basement,First.Floor, Outside, 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and' wiring to the extent detailed rj 5 herein, was - conducted in accordance with . the requirements 'of the applicable code and/or, standard promulgated .by -the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to'be in compliance therewith, on the 4th „ Day of. December, 2008. 5 5 . Name _Q_T_Y Rate Rating Circuits Tye 5 5 Fixture 38 0 Fluorescent _ 5 5 Fixture '45 0 Low Voltage. 5 Fixture; 45 0 Low Voltage 5 5 Fixture, 45 0 Low Voltage 5 Fixture 48 0 Incandescent 5 5 'Fixture 48 0 Incandescent 5 . 5 Fixture 48 0 Incandescent �j Fixture 50 0 landscape.' Low Voltage 5 Fixture 50 0 landscape, Low Voltage S 5 Fixture.::. 50 0 landscape Low Voltage: 5 5 S Multi Outlet System. .� .32 ,0 � - • ft 5 Multi Outlet System, '32 0 ft 5 5 Multi Outlet System 32 0 ft 5 5 :Receptacle• 1 0 20a-laundry . Appliance 5 rj Receptacle. 1 0 20a-laundry Appliance Receptacle : 1 0. 20a-laundry _ Appliance 5 5 Receptacle- 1 0 20a-pump Appliance 5 5 Receptacle 1 0 20a-pump Applies 5 5 Receptacle 1 0 20a-pump Appliance 5 5 Continued on Next Page 3 of '4 5 5 This_certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. C 5 5 0 RPRI MPRIRP111C1�C.I@.I�C.lC.I�CJ�LI�C.I�C.I�C.I�LI�C.I�CPC.I�LPC.fCPC1�C.I�C.I�C1�rJ�CJ�C.I�ClCJ�C.I�C.I�C.1iCJ�C.I�C.I�LI�C1�Ll�C..fLI�C.I�Ll�C1C.I�LI�LI�C.I�CPC.I�rJ�rJ�rJLI�rJPPr�L1�r�LI� o 5 BY' THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 5 ' NEW YORK BOARD . OF',• FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 _ 55 BUREAU' OF . ELECTRICITY . - 5 5 40 FULTON STREET NEW YORK, NY 10038 5 5 „ CERTIFIES THAT 5 5 -,Upon the application of upon premises owned by 5 '110 GREENW CH AV INC WHITNEY CLAYPO NT RDMSTRONG 5 5 GREENWICH, CT 06390, FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 5 5 Located at CLAYPOINT RD...FISHERS.ISLAND, NY 06390 . 5 5 Application Number: 3026757 Certificate Number: . 3026757, 5 Section: Block: Lot: ' Building Permit: 0 BDC: ns11 5 5 Described as a' Residential 5 occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of 5 electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 5 Basement,First Floor,Outside, 5 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed 5 herein, was conducted .in accordance with •the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard 5 promulgated by the State, of New York, Department of State Code, Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 26th Day of : March, 2007. 5 5 Name : OTY Rate RaEin Circuits Tyne 5 5 Receptacle 1 0 30a Dryer 5 5 Receptacle •1 0 30a Dryer 5 Receptacle 1 0 30a Dryer • 5 5 Receptacle 10 0 GFCI- S C5� Receptacle 10 0 GFCI 5 5 Receptacle . 10 0 _ _ _ __ GFCI - 5 5 Receptacle - • - - . -. -" .92- - 0 - . - Gen, Purpose- Receptacle 92 0 Gen, Purpose 5 5 Receptacle. 92 0 Gen; Purpose 5 5 Switch" - 62 0 Gen, Purpose 5 5 Switch , 62 0 Gen, Purpose , 5 5 Switch . 62 0 . Gen, Purpose 5 5 seal 5 ,. a of 4 5 5 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 5 5 Town"Alul$31093 WaIn Road Fax(631)765.1823 P.O.SWIM 765-1M $00IM&NOW York 1 D971-ow W"WO DEPARTMENT ENT T*WN OF SOUMOLD CERTIFICATION Date: l 1 2,1 0 Building Permit No. 31 q 7 Owner: Vy k 'U14RrM-SIVbnq (pleas print) Plumber: �� O S e.�� Tl 1 r-Scj/--rd - (please print) I certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1%lead. S wr w= A)9w yow(. f s (20007'y op SUF:1120 X (Pl b rs Signature) Sworn to before me this 3A day of OA6,( 206S' Notary Public, S k County MARY 8 PANKIEWICZ Notary PU*State of Newyork '3 PAi-8267950 r Commission Expires 4110 aoi u QuaI�peJ m S4f k hry SOUl�olo o�yComm TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] 1 LATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [fl FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE A CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: DATE 142 INSPECTOR FIELD INSPECTION REPORT I DATE COMMENTS FOUNDATION(1ST) ^� y -------------------------------------- FOUNDATION(2ND) �d z ROUGH FRAMING& 10, y PLUMBING -� V r INSULATION PER N.Y. y STATE ENERGY CODE FINAL I> ADDITIONAL COMMENTS lalfpcl Z0 m e � � ro y O z 70 v � v Vx � d ro y 9� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD UILD G PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN:IALL �_. Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 R E C E I V(r D 4 sets of Building Plans TEL:(631)765-1802 S U F F O L K v a U N T Y Planning Board approval FAX:(631)765-9502 Survey www.northfork.net/Southold/ PERlGrNO u Check Lfitt�633 Septic Form / N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined 20 Contact: Approved 9 20 Mail to: Disapproved a/c Phone: rat ilding Inspector (�(� APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Soya-m OF SpU ` ttJJ Date 7 ,20 0� INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. �Q b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant.Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. $OD RERODEL106+- P- ST-ORA710 (Signature of applicant or name,if a corporation) Po. eol- 44-7 FISTS ISLAt1 N`1 (Mailing address of applicant) C*30 State whether applicant is owner,lessee,agent,architect,engineer,general contractor,electrician,plumber or builder &ENIXAL C QQ7-9ACTaK/Ar, aQ Name of owner of premises H IT(� 6. (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation,signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. A3 6 83 — k S Plumbers License No. ! -D( P Electricians License No. 0 .0— Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 0O�L Block I Lot 1I . Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot �-� (Name) 2. State e?dsting use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a, Existing use and occupancy �)00f ,A `p b. Intended use and occupancy S f &L.E FA M I Ly I-7AGH E-) >k)EL_U N 6- 3. Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building f✓ Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Description) 4. Estimated Cost Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units I Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars N/A 6. If business,commercial or mixed occupancy,specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any:Front 2.01 Rear 20 t Depth 2 o Height f4 r Number of Stories I Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front /A Rear Depth Height Number of Stories / H / u ,yy lOp 8. Dimensions of entire new construction:Front I 3 Rear 18 3 Depth `7 Height 1 Z-'0 Number of Stories 1 u i 9. Size of lot:Front 1.30. 'q Rear f�� ` Depth 10.Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11.Zone or use district in which premises are situated ie` 1 20 12.Does proposed construction violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation?YES_NO t✓ 13.Will lot be re-graded?YES_NO ✓Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES_NO If— AaMcfL'a J& &W OAJ tT-EA A J'A77 o a ES PLAZA 14.Names of Owner of premises WH ITOJCY B AddressNewYoPx,iJ i Phone No. Name of Architect Address f4c'-W jotu, OV Phone No 21 Z—337—033t� Name of Contractor OP /Mt�1Abbt:Ll� Address$c7� �14-7 Phone No. �31-78>s-7©i1 of 15 a.Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland?*YES ✓ NO *IF YES,SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES&D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b.Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland?*YES y NO *IF YES,D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16.Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17.If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF �ul Kl� �( (&A,& . 1'r wfi e r being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contrac)above named, (S)He is the (Contrtictor,Ajent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me thi day of 4.t4 2005 Notary P blic Signatur pplicant _ ROXANNE SPAULDING NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK No.O1 SP1311304? QUAI II II 11 IN SUI 101 K GOIJN I MY COMM1145ION LxPIRLS AIIG.11,N08 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS OF so Southold Town Ruth D:Oliva, Chairwoman h�� yelp 53095 Main Road - P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer Southold,NY 11971-0959 Vincent Orlando G Office Location: James Dinizio,Jr.. �`�. • �O Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Banl Michael A. Simon �l,Y`,oU 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) ' Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS RECEIVED �5" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809 -Fax(631)765-9064 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION APR 14 2005 MEETING OF MARCH 10, 2005 ZBA File 5577—WHITNEY B. ARMSTRONG 7 Property Location: 2-1-11.3 SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines. that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's 3.15 acre parcel is located on the north side of Clay Point Road, on Fishers Island, and-is improved with"remains from a fire-damaged dwelling and two'accessory structures (building and tennis court) shown'on a 2/21/04 survey prepared by.Richard H. Strouse. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Building Department's December 21, 2004, Notice of Disapproval, citing Section 100-239.4A.1 in its denial of a building permit to construct a new dwelling, replacing the existing fire-damaged building, with a setback of less than 100 feet from the top of the bluff or bank landward of the sound. It is also noted that this new design, prepared December 21, 2004 by Thomas Phifer and Partners will replace the previous design addressed in the September 7, 2004 decision (ZBA application 5577). The requested setback with this new design for the dwelling will extend to 60 feet at the northeast corner(closest point) from the top of the bluff or bank. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on March 3, 2005, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant:. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant wishes to construct a new dwelling with new porch in the same footprint of the fire-damaged two-story dwelling. This new one-story construction will be with variables between 60 feet, at its closest point, to 81 feet from the top of the bank, and greater than 100 feet to the high water of the Fishers Island Sound. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the.basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections; the Board makes the following findings: 1. Grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The applicant wishes to rebuild and enlarge the ,Page'2-March 10, 2005 ZBA Ref. 5661 -Whitney Armstrong CTM ID: 2-1-11.3 house, leaving the extensive landscaping;and`including the. (1927) footprint of the former dwelling that was fire-damaged. This bank contour varies-from-one end of the property to the other. The bank is a gentle slope to the water. The new'dwe'lling'w'iil be of low-profile design to take advantage of the existing landscape with extensive shrubbery and'at least 113 feet from the approximate high water mark of the Fishers Island. Sound. It would also be very costly to relocate the extensive plantings or to move the building, which would disturb the well-established landscape and abundant shrubbery. 2. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The applicant wishes the build a one story house the replace the two-story house that was destroyed by fire. To gain the square footage lost by not constructing a second story, the plan submitted under ZBA 5577 (approved 9/7/04) was revised by applicant to expand the first floor area, beyond the original foot print. - 3. The variance granted herein is substantial, representing a 40% reduction from the code require- ment of 100 feet from the top of the bluff or bank. The property contains a bank area that is stable and gently sloping with abundant landscaping. 4. The-difficulty:fias been self-created: s r`• . �'• " " • '' • .. `• .. ... 'i .. ,.' + !' ti: r. • . i� !)%. (. ��hea. �r��`;iP CIS• . . i �; ,,a '.u; i-.i• ;:• 5. 'No'evidence•has been,submitted,to suggest that 'a,!,�,arianbe'in `this residential:-.'O iinur itywilf have an'adverse:im*poct-on -the physical or'environmental••;coniditions'iri ther.'rielghbo'rhoor&:-, '-`The property is-extensively landscaped with•gardens'and gently--rolling fopograpfiy: 6. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit*of a new dwelling, while preserving`and.protecting the charactee,of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-13, motion was offered 'by Member Dinizio, seconded by Member Goehringer, and duly carried, to GRANT the variance as applied for,'as shown on the•plan•prepared December 21, 2004 by Thomas Phifer and Partners. This action does-not authorize or condone any current or• future,arse; sett 6dk'or other'featur of'ttie=subject property that may.violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses,°setbacks and.other•features as arel expressly addressed=in this action. Vote of the --Board:.-Ayes:•.Members.-Oliva•(Chairwoman),;-:Qrla•ndo,(Vice-Chairman),n:GoQhringer, Dinizio, and Simon. This Resolution duly ad to 0. Ruth D. .Oliva, Chairwoman-4/-13/05: Approved for Filing New 'York State Department of. Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region One Building 40-SUNY,Stony Brook,New York 11790-2356 Phone: (631)444-0365 - FAX: (631)444-0360 Wehsite:www.dec.state.ny.us NJ/NPN GENERAL NOTICIE for Article 25, 6NYCRR 661- Tidal Wetlands Date: /N a mailing address: ,• Facilitu locatio C-Te-:. #.jcvo -- z —t ---tI- .3 Dear Applicant: Recently you requested a Letter of Non-Jurisdiction or determination of No Permit Necessary from this Department. Its many instances our lack of jurisdiction or permitting authority is clear. Your request falls into this category. Letters of Non-Jurisdiction never expire as long as the determining feature upon which the decision was based,such as 300'distance from the tidal wetland,presence of a functional man=made structure,or elevation contour still exists. Additionally, since the letter of Non-Jurisdiction is always issued for the property'and not to the owner,it is not necessary to transfer the letter to a new owner. Certain activities are clearly not within our permitting authority such as interior renovations,installation of alarm systems,new roof,windows,siding,painting,etc.,and a permit for such activities is never necessary from this Department. Accordingly,your proposal to: will receive no further consideration from this Department: S. y s, J e ales M'd 0Z:Tj S006 SZ qa3 0920VVVTMXp3 SEMI NOKAN3 33GSAN DEC PERMIT NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE, 1-4b8-03383/00001 1 ember 17,2004 FACILITY/PROGRAM NUMBER(S) PERMIT -1 IRATION DATE(S) Under theEnvironmental Conservadon Law . September 16,2009 TYPE_OF PERMIT ■New ❑Renewal Cl Modification ❑Permit to Construct ❑Perm It to Operate I J ❑ Article 15,Tide 5:Protection of Waters ❑ 6NYCRR 608:Water Quality ❑ Article 27,Title 7;6NYCRR Certification 360: Solid Waste Management ❑ Article 15,Tale 15:Water Supply ❑ Article 17,Titles 7,8:SPDES ❑ Article 27,Title 9;6NYCRR 373:Hazardous Waste Management ❑ Article 15,Trtle 15:Water ❑ Article 19,Air Pollution Transport Control ❑ Article 34:Coastal Erosion Management ❑ Article 15,Title IS:tong ❑ Article 23,Title 27: Mined Land Island Wells Reclamation ❑ Article 36:Floodplain' 'Management ❑ Article 15,Title 27:Wild. ■ Article 24:Freshwater Wetlands Scenic and Recreational Rivers ❑ Articles 1;3,17,19,27,37; ■ Article 25,Tidal Wetlands 6NYCRR 380:Radiation Control PERMIT ISSUED TO TELEPHONE NUMBER WhitneyB.Armstrong (212)980-5094 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE 860 United Nations Plaza,Apt.23E, New York NY 10017 CONTACT PERSON FOR PERMITTED WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER' BD Remodeling&Restoration,P.O.Box 447,Fishers Island NY 06390 (631)788-7919 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROJECT/FACILFI-Y. Armstrong ProEerty,Clay Point Road,Fishers Island NY LOCATION OF PROJECT/FACILITY SCTM#1000-271-11.3 COUNTY TOWN WATERCOURSE NYTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold Fishers Island Sound- E:752.1 N:4574.2 Description of Authorized Activity Construct a new single family dwelling within the same footprint as the fire damaged dwelling shown on the survey prepared Richard H.Strouse last revised on 6/17/04,and stamped NYSDEC approved on 9/17104. The portion of the subject propeity landward of the 20 foot elevation contour interval shown on the aforementioned survey Is beyond the jurisdiction of Article 25 Tidal Wetlands. By acceptance of this permit,the permittee agrees that the permit Is.contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL,all applicable regulations,the General Conditions specilled see pages 2-4) dal Conditions Included as part of this permlL PERMIT AJITRATOR: ADDRE0,SUNY,St y Brook,NY 11700-2356Jon W (MRP • A D§IGNATURE DAB v Page 1 of 4 September 17, 2004 E -d xdd 13r83SUI dH WIJJ6tr : 1 T tr002 ET 400 SPECIAL.CONDITIONS 1. Limits of clearing, grading and ground disturbance are to be on the existing cleared-areas. 2. Prior to commencement of any construction activities,a continuous row of straw bates shall be staked end to end on the downslope edge of any areas of filling,grading or excavation. The bales shall be maintained,repaired and replaced as often as necessary to ensure proper function,until all disturbed areas are permanently vegetated.-The average useful tide of a bale is approximately 3-4 months. Sediments trapped by the bales shall be removed to an approved upland location before the bales themselves are removed, 3. Straw bales shall be recessed two to four inches Into the ground. 4. All equipment and machinery shall be stored and safely contained greater than 100 feet landward of the regulated wetland or water body at the and of each work day. This will serve to avoid the inadvertent leakage of deleterious substances into the regulated area. Fuel or other chemical storage tanks shall be contained and located at all times in an area greater than 100 feet landward of the regulated wetland or water body. If the above requirement cannot be met by the permittee, then the storage areas must be designed to-completely"contain any aid all potential leakage. Such a containment system must be approved by NYSDEC staff prior to equipment,machinery or tank storage within 100 feet of the regulated wetland or water body. 5. All fill shall consist of clean soil, sand and/or gravel that is free of the following substances: asphalt, slag,.flyash, broken concrete,demolition debris,garbage,household refuse,tires,woody materials including tree or landscape debris,, and metal objects. The introduction of materials toxic to aquatic life is expressly prohibited. 6. All areas of soil disturbance resulting from this project shall be seeded with an appropriate perennial grass, and mulched with straw immediately upon completion of the project, within two(2)days of final grading,or by the expiration of the permit,whichever is first. Mulch shall be maintained.until a suitable vegetative cover is established. If seeding is impracticable due to the time of year, a temporary mulch shall be applied and final seeding shall be performed as soon as weather conditions favor germination and growth. 7. Suitable vegetative cover is defined as a minimum of 85%area vegetative cover with contiguous unvegetated areas no larger than 1 square foot in size. 8. Any demolition debris, excess construction materials,and/or excess excavated materials shall be immediately and completely disposed of on an approved upland site more than 100 feet from any regulated freshwater wetland. These materials shall be suitably stabilized so as not to re-enter any water body,wetland,or wetland adjacent area. DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 2 OF 4 1-47$8-03383/00001 — —' .d Xdd 13MSd71 dH WU6tr : 11 �FOOZ 21 100 Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee expressly agrees to " '-rnnify and hold harmless the Department of f1ronmental.Conservation of the State of New York;Its representatives,employ, and agents('DEC')for all claims,suits,actl,- and damages, to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with,or operation and maintenance of,the facllity or facilities authorized by the permit whether In compliance or not in compliance with the t6rms.and conditions of the permit. This Indemnification does not extend to any claims,suits,actions,or damages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions,or to any claims,suits,or actions naming the DEC and arising under article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect-to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits,approvals,lands,.easements and rights=of-way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any, rights,title, or Interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party tq the permit. GENERAL CONDITIONS General Condition 1: Facility Inspection by the Department The permitted site orfacility,including relevant records,is subject to-inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation(the Department)to determine whether the permittee is complying with this penult and the ECL.Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71-0301 and SAPA 401(3). The permittee shall provide a person to accompany.the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department A copy of this permit,including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. General Condition 2: Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. General Condition 3: Applications for Permit Renewals or Modifications The permittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forn"►s or supplemental information the Department requires.Any renewal,modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. The permittee must submit a renewal application at least: a) 180 days before expiration of permits for State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPOES), Hazardous Waste Management Facilities(HWMF),major Air Pollution Control (APC)and Solid Waste Management Facilities(SWMF);and b) 30 days b6ore expiration of all other permit types. Submission of applications for permit renewal or modification are to be submitted to: NYSDEC Regional Permit Administrator,Region<> .<street>,<city>, <state><zip>,telephone:<> General Condition 4: Permit Modifications,Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right.to modify,suspend or revoke this permit.in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 621. The grounds for modification,suspension or revocation include: a) materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b) failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c) exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d) newly discovered material information or a material change In environmental conditions,'relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e) noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department•related to the permitted activity. DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 3 0174 1-4738-03383100001 — —` .d Xd.d 13MSUI dH WdBt, i T sb00Z ZI 400 ADDITIONAL GENERAL GONDI-I IVN3 FOR ARTIGLE5 15(TITLE 5),24,255,34 AND 6NYCRR PART 608 j (FRESHWATER WETLANDS) 1 1. If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows.or ender)ger the health,safety orwelfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State,and if, upon the expiration or revocation.of this permit,the strudture,fill,.excavation, of other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed,the owners,shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and rnanneras the Department of Environmental Conservation may require,remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercodrse. No'claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or .alteration. 2. The State of New York shall in no case be liabie for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized -which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 3: Granting of this permit does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility of obtaining any other permission,consent or approval from the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, U.S.Coast Guard, New York State Office of General Services or local government which may be required. 4. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 5. Any material dredged in the conduct of the work herein permitted shall be removed evenly,without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across the bed of a waterway or floodplain or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause damage to navigable channels or to the banks'of a waterway. 6. There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the work herein authorized. 7. If upon the expiration or revocation.of this permit,the project hereby authorized has not been completed,the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the 'Department of Environmental Conservation may require,remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure orfill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 8. If granted under 6NYCRR Part 608, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation hereby certifies that the. subject project will not contravene effluent limitations or other limitations or standards under Sections 301,302,303, 306 and 307 of the Clean Water Act of 1977(PL 95-217)provided that all of the conditions listed herein are met. 9. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project,the permittee and contractor shalt sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work and, if required,a survey. 10. All activities authorized by this permit must be In strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by,the applicant or his agent as part of the permit application. Such approved plans were prepared by_Richard H. Strouse Igst revised on 5/17104. DEC PERM[rNUMBER PAGE 4 OF 4 1-4738-03383100001 i 9 -d N_3' 131783SU1 dH WU09 : 11 17002 21 1400 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DEC PERMIT NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE 1-4738-03383/00002 Aril 28,2005 FACILITY/PROGRAM NUMBER(S) PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE(S) Under the Environmental April 27,2010 Conservation Law TYPE OF PERMIT ❑New ❑Renewal ■Modification ❑Permit to-construct ❑Permit to Operate ❑ Article 15,Title 5: Protection of Waters ❑ '6NYCRR 608:Water•Quality ❑ Article 27,Title 7;6NYCRR 360: Certification Solid Waste Management ❑ Article 15,Title 15:Water Supply ❑ Article 17,Titles 7,8:SPDES ❑ Article 27,Title 9;6NYCRR 373: ❑ Article 15,Title 15:Water Transport Hazardous Waste Management ❑ Article 19:Air Pollution Control ❑ Article 15,Title 15:Long Island Wells ❑ Article 34:Coastal Erosion ❑ Article 23,Title 27:Mined Land Management ❑ Article 15,Title 27:Wild,Scenic and . Reclamation Recreational Rivers ❑ Article 36: Floodplain Management ■ Article 24:Freshwater Wetlands ❑_Articles 1,3, 17, 19,27,37; 0 Article 25:Tidal Wetlands 6NYCRR 380: Radiation'Control PERMIT ISSUED TO TELEPHONE NUMBER WhitneyB. Armstrong 212 980-5094 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE 860 United Nations Plaza, Apt. 23E, New York, NY 10017 CONTACT PERSON FOR.PERMITTED WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER Richard F. Lark, 28785 Main Road, P.O. Box 973, Cutchogue, NY 11935 631 734-6807 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROJECTIFACILITY Armstrong ro ert , ClayPoint Road, Fishers Island SCTM # 1000-02-01-011.003 COUNTY TOWN WATERCOURSE NYTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold MY-25 E:752.2 N:4574.3 DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY: Re-develop the property in accordance with the plans prepared by Whitney B. Armstrong dated 1/25/05, last'revised 3/16/05 and stamped NYSDEC approved on 4/28/05. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, the General Conditions specified (see page 2 & 3) and any Special Conditions included as part of this permit. PERMIT ADMIN TOR: ADDRESyS� Reg9nl Headquarters John A. Wi an B d'. #40, SUNY, Ston Brook, Y 11790-2356 THO E SIG ATURE DATE / Page 1 of 4 A ril 8, 2005 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Any work, disturbance, and or storage of construction materials shall be confined to within the limit of clearing and ground disturbance shown on the approved plan. 2. Any demolition debris,including excess construction materials and or excess excavated materials,shall be disposed of on an approved upland site more than 100 feet from any regulated freshwater wetland by the close of business on the day such material.was generated. 3. Prior to commencement of any construction activities, a continuous row of straw bales shall be staked end to end as shown on the approved plans. The bales shall be maintained, repaired and replaced as often as necessary to ensure proper function, until all disturbed areas are permanently vegetated. Sediments trapped by the bales shall be removed to an approved upland location before the bales'themselves are removed. 4. Straw bales shall be recessed two to four inches into the ground at all times. 5. Prior to commencement of any construction activities a continuous line of silt screen,with a maximum sieve opening of U.S sieve#20, shall be staked as shown on the approved plans. The screen shall be maintained, repaired and replaced as often as necessary to ensure proper function, until all disturbed areas'are permanently vegetated. Sediments trapped by the screen shall be removed to an approved upland location before the screen is removed. 6. Silt screen shall be recessed six inches into the ground at all times. 7. All fill shall consist of clean soil,sand and gravel that is free of the following substances:asphalt,slag,flyash,broken concrete,demolition debris,garbage, household refuse,tires,woody materials including tree or landscape debris,and metal objects. 8. All equipment and machinery shall be stored and safely contained greater than 100 feet landward of the regulated wetland or waterbody at the end of each work day. This will serve to avoid the inadvertent leakage of deleterious substances into the regulated area. Fuel or other chemical storage tanks shall be contained and located greater than 100 feet landward of the regulated wetland or waterbody at allk times. If this requirement cannot be met by the permittee, then the'storage areas must be designed to completely contain any and all potential leakage. Such a containment system must be approved by NYSDEC staff prior to placement of equipment, machinery or tank storage within 100 feet of the regulated wetland or waterbody. 9. All areas of soil disturbance resulting from this project shall be seeded with an appropriate perennial.grass and mulched with straw immediately upon completion of the project,within two(2)days of final grading,or by the expiration date of this permit, whichever is first. Mulch shall be maintained until a suitable vegetative cover is established. If seeding is impractical due to the season, a temporary mulch shall be applied and final seeding shall be performed as soon as weather conditions favor germination and growth. 10. Suitable vegetative cover is defined as a minimum of 85% area vegetatively covered and no unvegetated areas larger than one(1 j square foot in size. 11. The permittee shall incorporate the attached Covenant(or similar language)to the deed for the property where the project will be conducted and file it with the Clerk of Suffolk County within 30 days of the effective date of this permit. This deed covenant shall run with the land into perpetuity. A copy of the covenanted deed or other acceptable proof of record, along with the number assigned to this permit, shall be submitted within 90 days of the effective date of this permit to: NYSDEC, Bureau of Habitat Regional Manager, SUNY Bldg. #40, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356. DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 2 OF 4 1-4738-03383/00002 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ARTICLES 15(TITLE 5), 24,25,34 AND.6NYCRR PART 608 ( FRESHWATER WETLANDS ) 1. If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health,safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work,obstructions,or hazards caused thereby without expense to the . State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit,the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed,the owners, shall,without expense to the State,and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of New York.on account of any such removal or alteration. 2. The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State'for the conservation or improvement of navigation,or for other purposes,and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 3. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland orwaterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 4. Any material dredged in the conduct of the work'herein permitted shall be removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across the bed of a waterway or floodplain or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause damage to navigable channels or to the banks of.a waterway. 5. There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the work herein authorized. 6. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall,without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require,remove all orany portion of the uncompleted structure or,fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 7. If granted under 6NYCRR Part 608, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation hereby certifies that the subject projectwill not contravene effluent limitations or other limitations orstandards under Sections 301,302,303, 306 and 307 of the Clean Water Act of 1977(PL 95-217) provided that all of the conditions listed herein are met. 8. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project,the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work and, if required, a survey. 9. All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or his agent as part of the permit application. Such approved survey was prepared by , iJ , n e7 Z7. ,� rr,J ;-v;1 j d 1l e4 DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 3 OF 4 1-4738-03383/00002 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS FtemA:A. ennittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees*to Indemnification ittee expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the w York, its representatives, employees, and agents("DEC")for all claims, suits, actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation-and maintenance of,the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This indemnification does not extend to any claims, suits, actions,or damages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions,or to any claims,suits or actions naming the DEC and arising under article 78 of the New.York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Perm ittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of-way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D:' No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. GENERAL CONDITIONS General Condition 1: ,Facility Inspection by the Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is.subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department)to determine whether the permittee is complying with this permit and the ECL.Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71-0301 and SAPA 401(3). The permittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times of the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. General Condition 2: Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. General Condition 3: Applications for Permit Renewals or Modifications The permittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forms or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal, modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. The permittee must submit a renewal application at least: a) 180 days before expiration of permits for State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES), Hazardous Waste Management Facilities (HWMF), major Air Pollution Control (APC) and Solid Waste Management Facilities (SWMF); and b) 30 days before expiration of all other permit types. Submission of applications for permit renewal or modification are to.be submitted to: NYSDEC Regional Permit Administrator, Region 1, SUNY Bldg#40, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 General Condition 4: Permit Modifications,Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to modify,suspend or revoke this permit in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 621. The grounds for modification,suspension or revocation include: a) materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b) failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c) exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d) newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions,relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e) noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions,orders of the commissioner,any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1-4738-03383/00002 PAGE 4 0174 BD D GN OUP March 18,2008 Building Department Town Hall Southold,NY 11971 RE: Residential Permitr=R�MZd 31247 To Whom It May Concern: - �w�.. Please renew permits for Armstrong project numbered 32211Z and 31247. Let us know if any other action is required. TAka2-----4 A.Peter Sherman • Managing Designer BD Design Inc. 1 The Gloaming,Box 447 Fishers Island,NY 06390 Tel. (631) 788-5648 Fax (631)-788-5647 www.bddesignlrroup.com Copies to:File,BD RR Q THE GLOAMING,BOX 447,FISHERS ISLAND,NY 06390 102 GREENWICH AVE,2-FLOOR,GREENWICH,CT 06830 TEL(631)788-5648 FAX(631)788-5647 TEL(203)983-6083 FAX(203)983-6084 OF SO!/r�ol � o Town Hall,53095 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 G • Q Telephone(631)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971-0959 COUN N,Nc� BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1st NOTICE June lath, 2008 Whitney B. Armstrong 86oUN Plaza Apt 23 E New York, N.Y. 10017 RE: Private Road (Demo/New Dwelling) 5CTM # 2. -1-11.3 Dear Mr. Armstrong, Please be advised that your Building Permit # 31247 issued July 5th 2005 has expired. According to the Code of the Town of Southold, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued prior to use of the structure. To renew your Building Permit, please submit a fee of $2103.20; at that time we can schedule an inspection by one of our Building Inspector's. If you have any questions, please call us at 631-765-1802. Respectful ly, 5OUTHOLD TOWN BUILDING DEPT. oF so�ryo Town Hall Annex l Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971-0959 COU BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 2nd NOTICE August 25th, 2008 Whitney B. Armstrong 860 UN Plaza Apt. 23 E New York, N.Y. 10017 RE: Private Road (Demo/New Dwelling) SCTM # 2.-1-11.3 Dear Mr. Armstrong, Please be advised that your Building Permit # 31247 issued July 5th, 2005 has expired. According to the Code of the Town of Southold, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued prior to use of the structure. _ To renew your Building Permit, please submit a fee of $2103.20; at that time we can schedule an inspection by one of our Building Inspector's. If you have any questions, please call us at 631-765-1802. Respectfully, SOUTHOLD TOWN BUILDING DEPT. 9 �ok�'OF SO!/ryolo Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 1 197 1-0959 22 �Q y�OUNTY,N� BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 4, 2008 BD Remodeling &Restoration P.O. Box 447 Fishers Island N.Y. 06390 Re: Armstrong—Private Rd We are unable to complete your Certificate of Occupancy because of the following reasons: An application for Certificate of Occupancy is not on file. (Enclosed) Ojk/No Electrical Certificate on file The Check is not on file- $ 25.00 o Final Health Department Approval on file. No final inspection has been made. No Plumber Solder Certificate on file. (All permits involving plumbing being issued after April 1, 1984) Certificate of Compliance from Southold Town Trustees. Approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals* Final Planning Board Approval BP#31247 New Dwelling p REMODELING & RESTORATION INC. December 17, 2008 Attn: Gary. Fish From : Shawn Pierce BD Remodeling. Gary here is the electrical certificate for the Armstrong residence on Fisher Island. We have sent asbuilts to the health department for the septic. Thanks . Best regards, AM 00 W� ),,I� Shawn Pierce BD Remodeling Fishers Island NY Cell: 860-287-3176 Office: 631-788-7191 Fax: 631-788-7192 102 GREENWICH AVENUE,GREENWICH,CT 06830 THEGLOAMING,BOX447,FISHERS ISLAND,NY06390 TEL (203)983-6083 FAX (203)983-9084 TEL (631)788-79i9 FAX (631)788-7192 SO!/ryolo Town Hall Annex Telephone(631, 54375 Main Road N _-INCFax(631)765-- P.O.Box 1179 G • Q Southold,New York 11971-0959 'O �yCOUNTr,� BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 9, 2011 BD Remodeling & Restoration PO Box 447 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Re: Armstrong—Private Rd TWO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Following Items Are Needed To Complete Your Certificate of Occupancy: Application for Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) Electrical Underwriters Certificate. /A fee of$50.00. Final Health Department Appro_ual. Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84) Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees#765-1892) Final Planning Board Approval. Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshall. Final Landmark Preservation approval. BUILDING PERMIT : 31247 — New Dwelling SOUr��l Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 COW N BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 4, 2012 BD Remodeling & Restoration PO Box 447 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Re: Armstrong — Private Rd, 2.-1-11.3 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Following Item(s)Are Needed To Complete Your Certificate of Occupancy: Application for Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) 1--- Electrical Underwriters Certificate. X fee of$50.00. PP P Final Health Department Approval. Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84) Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees#765-1892) Final Planning Board Approval. Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshall. — Bob Fisher Final Landmark Preservation approval. BUILDING PERMIT: 31247— New Dwelling souryolo Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 O • �O COU BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 13, 2012 BD Remodeling PO Box 447 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Re: Armstrong — Private Rd, 2.-1-11.3 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Following Items Are Needed To Complete Your Certificate of Occupancy: Application for Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) Electrical Underwriters Certificate. (contact your electrician) A fee of$25.00. Outdated check enclosed Final Health Department Approval. Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84) Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees#765-1892) Final Planning Board Approval. (Planning#765-1938) Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshall. Final Landmark Preservation approval. BUILDING PERMIT: 31247 — New Dwelling ;k 1 / � � �cPi:�o:ri'sir.�tFa a;:rtl °'*'�'•n` CHA- BENJAMIN \ Y`��• ,�. `� f__ w,1 /-. \ BREWSTER 5722 CW PRIM RDAD / \Y4i� �` _. ✓ i! P15NERB R1MID LOCATION MAP SCALE 1'=1000' NEW rows {E —�Y.wr 4 a mrsr wr sw�s.ao��v�m�uamav�c.m�w�cak.�a.[�e�:• iii a iiiiaaiaii uiiii� /1 = Y=— --- --- > ,.,.r<, •3i fi _ � "ems hd ,;'.u.;,s ���m i--==____----- __ •,pi'°'' a"'° s ,. ,„�s„�.0„�.r<.[�. s o pr,�„.o NIP ^� uo u¢vnv[mn D®n s ME s,ac 6®names u ".ti. i anna DIDMK -IF --_ —- BO �\ K C YImFA,ffMEIAI a AZYO W�iD 9tF,EY `J �N2 moo-EEC RIS w¢s ///��/�pi 00� =�[s. \ u bar COPE a rws srtixr tl�wan M,x ME wm s,nT[rors �'I' S1 �'F' � emnJ �� '�" musamn O_� - muTiw[��u�aacwu.Etlms�w oa sx,v¢t�s e1LLucT 6 ME !d", 0 — ��,g r�vw maxrt rwx i Ouabl •-..}; \\ �omill�lurµ.��Bme us mdsr uo¢nOETF � a "'1177 ��s,c 6 N ME rom 6 mumuu.mwrc aP snrux m tl,w,am �'�:,� I may -� , 1 91E06�rN�lapO msnOCT R-t3n ����� BL K 25, NEW F15NE ISUND. f 24 J 19RK DID. ENtF - �� \ ,,sgg ctv• � I � b IW so mte IL 5x:m__.- .e.,>,'. ���, _ N7' i.•, z -� RAN WFORM4TION y��"-�' ,.-.r�• rq, Dm.ae B,�ey.On"r[ea B[ NOV 1 5 2024 s SHEEP 1 04 v •� I U) 1 I YV ( �I �/ •1 �� d/ oU � 00 O C r \ � '2 m v N O O PORTION POS TjON ,.--' 25-13 • -t-5. r-I - ' FISHERS ISLAND SOUND .. 25-11 CO h LT.1 N �i 25-12 Q ........... DEED 26-3 co - A7 .. - - LINE 28 1 .;�.� o Y ... N 1•� 10" E 26-4 28-9 .p.j : O 8 115.75' 27-38 v-3A La 26-10 0 z � LIMITS OF FLOOD ZONE VE EL 13 .• ' o APPROXIMATE S co PER FIRM PANEL 38 OF 1026 " LIMITS TIDAL SSS� \ 26-5 26-9 w M MAY 4, 1998 36103C0038G _-,.- --"" �o WETLANDS ___ __ `... �0 0� 27-2 w APPROXIMATE o N 0' - HIGH WATER �'' - x» m U 27-4 0 _ ! \ 28-6 27-1A 26-12A 30-3 l ) {- r N r C7 s8 9800 y / / 27-10 X26-12 70-4 �•• '� BEN = \\ \\\\ \ \\ 476�0, E • -7 27-5 30-6 27-6 T:- ! kp ��\ -- \ •. LOCATION MAP _____._.__SCALE1_ =400 .'i .- i I�\ �-Cl v �_ ��..-\\ �\ \ t�a9. Si . ,.-, •n~L. .'•.:,;i< _ d' .», ..,. ,.v..t,..; ., a a..s;: �1Lu hI v l CON. i / �/ NOv K \ \ \ MON. i- / SOP � \ fdl\ \\ LAWN1�� /\-� ` `'ao --k`\ \/ �)\ \l\ l� \ \ \ \ \ i i. _ .1• ..._-,. .. .._..�}:.,. b»iv•L.`::'.wi ,..a_r3 / \ _ \ \ \ TEST HOLE DATA . / C � � �\ \\\��\/� L\ \ i; VA STE \ �_ BY GIB3LE NORDEN CHAMPION BROWN KNOCKOUT INLET AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ��_1AN�5GAUD �' \ ~ . OUTLET OPENINGS TEST PIT 1 Z IRR. � � ---�1, r \ Ire I / APPROXIMATEx ES # a+.J, �/AL - - c° / E c HIGH WATER RIBS INSIDE 0.0 -1.0 DARK BROWN LOAMY FINE SA D )v:} y Tom; r �, .s.r, ,n.r r r, �.,.. �J �I `'�'`�• / PLILY OND 1 \ /\\ r ` . „--Aa>` ( \ \ 1.0 -1.2 BROWN COARSE TO FINE SANS 5 .• / Q/ i< - ----I 1.2'-2.8' RUST BROWN SILTY FINE SAND BENCHMARK L \ \\ + N + r. Liu 0 0 of \\ \� \ \\S 1 2.8 3.7 GRAY SILTY FINE SAND, LITTLE COARSE TO ,���.. / \ l ` �\ -�\-� -�\-/\ o 0 0 0 ��I, MEDIUM SAND, TRACE GRAVEL TOP OF IRON ROD / / r / _ --� - /\-/-/\- '�I \ \ \� \ \ El = 21.20 p, `� C� (�' �� AR / PATIO 1 w /` \ �\ %\\ \ 3.7'-6.0� GRAY FINE SAND, LITTLE SILT I 6.0'-9.0 GRAY SILTY FINE SAND, LITTLE COARSE-MEDIUM SAND, � � < �� ���/�• \ ( I / -_ � ./ �`- � `�.., � ,�' AwN ALV ��` � ��;�1 i, �L � (�\�\ \\\�\ \ \ CATR TRACE GRAVEL WITH FEW COBBLES AND BOULDERS ( I . _ N o \ CONCRETE COVE S � �1 \\\ \ 9.0�-11.0 GRAY GRAVELLY COARSE TO FINE SAND ONE R \\\ \ GROUNDWATER: NE LL.I CC Q O 0 Q Q 0 0\' \ _ RTAINI \\\\\\\\ PLAN wN LA \wA TEST PIT #2 U oofl J l _ - _�__ i I t1�V/ COVER LOCKING CASTING Z °QQ EXISTING.. \/� \ o '„ TO GRADE TO GRADE 0.0'-0.3� DARK GRAY SILTY FINE SAND ::,:. :: E S G. I IF DROP \ ( 0.3 -1.3 BROWN COARSE TO FINE SAND, LITTLE SILT W \ ❑/ s - PROPOS ,.•RESIDENCE...;'_ �\ ° IS USED FINISHED GRADE C CHIMNEY 1.3 -2.8 BLACK AND DARK BROWN SILTY FINE SAND ,� RESID CE ::: :. F = LIMITS r.H. L ITS OF COASTAL `^� >', 0 AL �, �1X WI MESH r 4 4 1 A. E ES i x 12.6 2.6 V 1 - IT 8 1 BROWN MEDIUM T FIN AN TRACE SILT F.F. 2 .$3 2. 3. BO0 ES D C WIR MESH EROSION HAZARD AREA � :.': ' ' ' . ..... . _.. ... ><.:.. ,i o \ a- s x s s/s c ES <° , 20" '� - 1 1 R WN I AR T FIN AND::,.: : :.<.;,..,:;.: /° ' ml 6" 3. 2.0' LIGHT B 0 S LTY CO SE 0 E S Z SHEET 45 FI OF 49 8/29 88 �`�' w o . . :: ,::., .,;;..:... ':,.._'.. ::�.:::;.:: .. :::':::.,'. .I ,..., / I � n. m n. Al�° r > ° " SOME GRAVEL O W �r INLET 3•VENT fl 3-veNr� OUTLET GROUNDWATER: NE Of v LAWNLEVEL O 'RR. i PA LI �° ' i 1, �((r�o ���„ _ _ \/ ° 'o CONTINUOUS HOT ' ` TEST PIT 3 /\ 'ALVE �J cL` �v/ `'` �' Li / STOCKADE 0\ I J `vI o I / I of ASPHALT SEAL- L1Nm WITH • '- # O / I/ 5, \� Kj I �w. �L Q . �I� _ b L. to I 0.0 0.7 DARK BROWN LOAMY SILTY FINE SAND >- '�q STONE FENCE I / 4 N F , �'' ( `� PATIO 3 O :r 4» scHEOULe #40 em cAs ' 0,7'-2.0' GRAY SILTY MEDIUM TO FINE SAND `(' I C° / (-\� T.H. //2 W r\ •"' MO I l _ 1 - INLET BAFFLE 1 DEFLECTOR '� .? ACT nnn / n BLACK c^1 FINE SAND O ROBERT M. STURGISI� �� <t�°„ STONE o �, N ; �.o .-Y� ,� , �aN T� B�A•.I<c SILTY FIN AND O DRIVEWAY ,- / _ `V I WLF 11 + � G L� u! Z EXEMPT TRUST _ L-v` `�_'" w" I `� -' 1 I - 4.3 -6 0 RUST BROWN FINE SANDY SILT N 0 /� \ ---- - -'-`-J ¢ / � o ° 4» �3- 6.0'-12.0' LIGHT BROWN FINE SAND, LITTLE SILT, TRACE Q (SINGLE FAMILY-ON SITE SEPTIC ( < <` __ _ �II j --- �/ �1 o r /� i �' CROSS SECTION MEDIUM SAND LL1 Y z Q MUNICIPAL WATER __ I`_-_`-- .6 0 0 11 GROUNDWATER: NE LLJ < V LAWN- ; o _ I 1 1 ? WLF2 1500 GALLON - 2 COMPARTMENT F_ aQ. m of g w BENCH SEA1 I % y ► I I } t V) � m V) r EXISTING qd PROVIDE 3-8 Sb SEPTIC TANK _,..,::',- -%:,' ELEC. METE 2 1 ` ENN ° Li t-i' e ,,• p � 1 . I SLDG:. LEACHING POOLS NOT TO SCALE SYSTEM DESIGN �^�� �I� OF ELECTRIC . .1 Qr COURT \ \` \i IAINN / \ TRANSFORMER k. �, y-. I y VI ° PROVIDE SILT FENCE ;. , Ld IRON ++, r� �1 5 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH GROUND WATER > 13 �uLu x� Lo i �I I -21 -� ,. /� J BACKED WITH HAY BALES �t 9�- PIPE r i;;::.:_. ° WLF 3 PROVIDE 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK STONE --- �c :. ,.'.: , r-- ' ° PROVIDE 1500 GALLON _ ` Z I DRIVEWAY ' r i SEPTIC TANK PROVIDE 3 8'0 x 6' DEEP LEACHING POOLS LL- LIMITS OF FRESHWATER WETLANDS AS W r E \ ° PROVIDE NEW WATER SERVICE. \ I I PROPOSED.. ' I �XPANSIONI `---_ SOUTH .WINg°' 1Y 1 - I ° EXISTING BUILDING I I FLAGGED BY I. COLE (CME STAFF) PROPOSED yF'f''� .�7 o ^\ (TO BE REMOVE) MAP REFERENCES DRIVEWAY w`' /-� -24 103• 0 \ ' \ T.H. ;.J! ` " _ -- 25 ( (�; \ l 1.) TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN MADE ,FOR WHITNEY B. ARMSTRONG; BLOCK 25; FISHERS Q_ � r ` >. . ..;.: �/ �26 `�;� -f U f�y�0�� ISLAND, NEW YORK; SCALE: 1'=20'; CHANDLER, PALMER & KING; NORWICH, O _ \ o CONNECTICUT; MARCH 27, 1986 ry 2.) PLAN OF LOT LINE CHANGE MADE FOR WHITNEY B. ARMSTRONG; BLOCK 25; Q_ FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK; SCALE: 1'=50 FT,; CHANDLER, PALMER & KING; �! r i r - • / / / / �8\ NORWICH, CONN.; MAY 6, 1987 Jo, NIF /��\ / ?�,�i�S ,� • �1 !� , „ � ��„ � � / / // J I`��`: \ ��� THOti1AS W. CASHEL 3.) SURVEY MAP PREPARED FOR WHITNEY B. ARMSTRONG; BLOCK 25; FISHERS } � • �cP p 1 ! \ I / �, �/ ,� i/ l / ��' (SINGLE FAMILY-ON SITE SEPTIC ISLAND, NEW YORK; DATE: 02/21/2004; SCALE: 1 =30 ; SHEET 1 OF 1; CME m I / / / �/ �" / -' Ze ��'- ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEYING & ARCHITECTURE, PLLC; NORWICH, CT. I I / MUNICIPAL WATER) z Z a rV U_lw� LOCKING CASTING �� O TO GRADE PROPOSED GRADE 1.) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE INDICATED HEREON. ANY EXTENSION OF THE USE BEYOND THE PURPOSED AGREED TO ENGAGEMENT. _ / 3 ENDCAP TYPE BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE W 0 LEVELING DEVICES o >[ (21-2"x2"X3' STAKES ' i I , \ / cv v) FILTER FILTER ) �� I I L'-1 FABRIC EACH BALE FABRIC �_ ' I J ' �I \ ) �! MIN. 4' 2.) IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS �. w o POST 2" MIN. ABOVE INLET ACTING, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, TO ALTER AN 4, OUTLET INVERT 2" MIN. ITEM IN ANY WAY. o D 1 �O o I o I \ �� 3.) ONLY COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND SURVEYOR'S COMPACTED \ I I \\ \ I ' SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL ARE THE PRODUCT OF o BACKFILL BAFFLE REQUIRED THE LAND SURVEYOR. Z IF INLET PITCH EXCEEDS ANGLE 10' UP SLOPE �' " r ET PER FOOT FOR STABILITY AND SILT FENCE BACKED N 8.I'10 10 E I I I I I 4.) COORDINATE DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC SELF CLEANING BY HAYBALE BARRIER I (A I I SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATION "NIN" Q NOT TO SCALE p r I TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX o 5. SITE IS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX MAP 1000, I- i I I NOT TO SCALE ) SECTION 002, BLOCK 1, LOT 11.3 Qot (A 6.) TOTAL AREA = 3.15t ACRES. n S 00 89.10'10" W wELE w w 7.) SITE IS LOCATED IN R-120 ZONE. o ? = o Ro � m N I Of I N �� z z Lu Li 8. BASE FOR LEVELS: NGVD 1929. O v iv 9.) PERCENT OF LOT COVERAGE = 3.3% Yo o Z u _I w, (INCLUDING FORMER DWELLING) < o 0 O p ' O W �LEGEN [if 2 O -I z 10.) AREA OF TIDAL WETLANDS = 9500f SO. FT, = 0.22f ACRES. m o o N/F NOW OR FORMERLY 11.) FOOTPRINT OF FORMER DWELLING = 4150t SO. FT. DATE: 01/25/2005 SF SQUARE FEET „ , "13 12.) SITE IS CURRENTLY SERVICED BY ON SITE SEPTIC & MUNICIPAL WATER SCALE: 1 = 30 8 - - EXISTING CONTOURS SERVICE. QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATION R�SS,72,• GROUP REVIEWED DATE 13 32' IRON PROJECT MANAGER �O STONE WALL u �'D �Q R=355.12'PIPe ^ ^ RETAINING WALL SURVEY SHEET �, 7•�� 4 ENVIRONMENTAL - O CIVIL ( '1jr!), FENCE a 30 STRUCTURAL 0 TREELINE GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET a o ARCHITECTURAL " FILE J4955 EDGE OF LAWN Armstrong Home - Fishers Island, New York Energy Code Compliance Report April 26, 2005 DRAFT Prepared By: (I 11AU9 Engineering Analysis P.O.Box 7 Williamstown,Massachusetts,01267 (413)458-9870 F SI L Executive Summary: This report serves as the documentation to demonstrate energy code compliance under Chapter 4—"Residential Building Design by Systems Analysis"of the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code (NYSECCC). The proposed Armstrong Home on Fishers Island,New York does not meet any of the code compliance options outlined in Chapters 5 or 6 of the NYSECCC because of the large percentage of glazed exterior wall area. Chapter 4 allows the trade-off of envelope components and energy efficient heating and cooling equipment through the use of an annual energy simulation. First a"Standard Design"energy model is created as the baseline to represent the code minimum energy performance. Next, a"Proposed Design"energy model is created to represent the proposed alternative design. Finally,if the annual energy use of the Proposed Design is less than the annual energy use of the Standard Design,the Proposed Design is energy code compliant. The proposed alternative design is energy code compliant using the"Residential Building Design by Systems Analysis"methodology in Chapter 4 of the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code. The annual energy use of the Proposed and Standard Design cases are summarized in Table 1. Table I—Energy Summar by End-Use ,F.�.° ..4.e �`�Pro as"ed Buildia` Standeral Buildn End Use- ` ° :' :° Ener Y Type, :Ener Y Peak < yr, �$�; 9Y.. 9V" r� [kwh}. Cool Vvy Space p �;�,<:.Electricity'': Space Heat Electricity ` 12;209` =%9;05`,; HPSupp. Electricity " 0 0:31 5, Hot Water Electricity` :;„ ,} . 2;609=;'.: ; , Vent.Fans Pumps&Aux. Electricity: 6,675; ;;1.66.y. 229 Misc.Equip. TOTAL BUILDING CO NSUMRTION 34,779 12;0.4 X343 17.94 .. A narrative of the proposed alternative design for the Armstrong home on Fishers Island,New York is described in detail in the following Section. Finally there is a'detailed summary of the differences between the Standard (code minimum)and Proposed Design cases. These differences are summarized in an easy to use table format and represent the key energy modeling assumptions used in this analysis. Proposed Alternative Design Narrative: Building Envelope: The external walls of the proposed alternative design are continuous 10 foot high glass panels that surround the entire house. The top 12 inches of the wall surface is a metal, insulated panel with 2.5 inches of insulation and a calculated U-value of 0.078 (R-12.8). The glass panels have a reflective, 1/4"clear outer lite with a low-e coating on the#2 surface(Viracon VRE-159), a half-inch gap filled with Argon gas and a 1/4"clear inner lite. As an assembly the window has a center of glass U-value of 0.223 and a solar heat gain coefficient of 0.332. The glass performance was calculated using the Window 5 software program available through the US Department of Energy Office of Building Technologies. The detailed performance data calculated by the Window 5 program was imported into the energy model for use in the Proposed Design case. The window frames are aluminum with insulated breaks. The roof is a built-up roof with 6"of continuous rigid board insulation, with a 0.0333 U-value, on a 1- 1/2"metal deck supported by steel I-beams greater than 24"on center. Underneath the beams is a 5/8" finished gypsum board ceiling. As a total assembly the roof/ceiling structure has a calculated U-value of 0.024. The home sits over a 5'4"unconditioned crawlspace. The floor above the crawlspace is engineered wood joyce with 6 (R-19) fiberglass batt insulation. The foundation walls are 8"solid grouted concrete block with 3"of polystyrene rigid insulation(R-15)on the outside from the ground to the top of the footing. The crawlspace floor is 3"of concrete on a 6mil vapor barrier. A fixed window shade extends out 60"on the West side of the house and 96"around the remaining three aspects. The two courtyards on the North side of the house both have similar shades. The window shades are all mounted at a height of 10' above the ground and were modeled with a visible transmittance of 50%. The shades are not opaque but they do block 100%of the solar rays when the suns angle is greater than 450, therefore estimating a 50%visible transmittance is a conservative estimate of the actual performance. Heating& Cooling: The proposed alternative uses high efficiency, geothermal heat pumps with variable speed fan motors. The proposed heating and cooling equipment is Florida Geo-Save geothermal heat pumps. The geothermal source was assumed to be a pair of —100' deep wells, one supply and one return,which would require a water pump with a static head of 75 feet to circulate water from the supply well,through the heat pumps and out to the return well. A well system is the worst case energy scenario because of the required pumping energy to meet the static head requirements of an open loop pumping system. A closed loop system,which is still being considered, would require significantly less pumping.energy further reducing the annual energy use. All bathrooms will be mechanically exhausted. Lighting&Equipment: The NYSECCC does not specifically regulate lighting and equipment power density in residential buildings. However, Chapter 4 of the NYSECCC requires that Internal Heat Gains of 3,000 BTU/hr be included in the system energy analysis. Since lighting and plug-loads are both considered Internal Heat Gains these were modeled together as Miscellaneous Equipment and are not reported as separate energy end-uses. The Internal Heat gains were modeled as a constant heat gain 24 hours a day. The 3,000 BTU/hr was apportioned among each of the thermal zones based on square footage. Domestic Hot Water: The domestic hot water system has not yet been designed so it was modeled the same in both the Proposed and Standard design cases. Chapter 4 of the NYSECCC has specific requirements for the modeling of domestic hot water systems which are summarized in Table 1. Description of Differences between the Proposed and Standard designs Both the Proposed and Standard Design cases were modeled using eQUEST v3.54 an energy simulation program that uses the DOE 2.2 simulation engine. eQUEST was created by James J. Hirsch and Associates and is commercially available. The hourly weather file used for the model was the Providence,RI TMY2 file available with DOE2.2. eQUEST meets all the requirements of Section 402.3 "Analysis Procedure"and Section 402.4"Calculation Procedure". Upon request the details of the simulation will be provided for review by the appropriate authority. Two zones in the Proposed design had hours when the cooling temperature setpoint was outside the throttling range.In each case the number of hours out of throttling range is less than 5 which is not significant. A copy of the"eQuest System and Air-side Zone Summary Report"is included in the appendix for both the Proposed and Standard cases.This report includes the"out-of-range"hours for each zone,as well as the design heating and cooling conditions. The one exception to NYSECCC Chapter 4 that we made was with regard to the requirement that only two thermal zones be modeled per living unit. We have modeled four thermal zones in both the Proposed and Standard Design cases due to the size and nature of the proposed house construction. The four thermal zones are identical,as required by Chapter 4 of the NYSECCC,in both the Proposed and Standard Design cases. The following table summarizes the major assumptions and modeling differences between the Design Energy Cost and Energy Cost Budget cases. Building Proposed Building Design NYSECCC 2002 Standard Design Element: BUILDING ENVELOAE c. Exterior Wall All Exterior Walls:Light Frame Construction All exterior walls:Light Frame Construction Construction U Factor=0.0840 U Factor=0.0580 Opaque Doors None Included None Included Roof R42 Built Up roof,U Factor=0.024 Same as Proposed Design Floor Wood Joyce with 6"Fiberglass Batt Insulation— Same as Proposed Design U=0.05—Did not model Crawis ace Overhangs/Window Modeled window shades and overhangs as shown None shades on drawings. Windows Total Window Area= 110%of Conditioned Floor Total Window Area=18%of Conditioned Floor Area (90%of Total Wall Area) Area=816.6 sq.ft. U Factor(glass and frame) =0.228 U-factor(glass and frame)=0.30 SHGC=0.338 SHGC=0.68 Viracon VRE-159 Reflective,low-e,double pane Used DOE glass Library entry 2615 Glass with Argon Gas ELE T 'I = ;C,..,. CAL'SYSTEMS Internal Heat Gain Constant 3,000 BTUIhr heat gain distributed Same as Proposed design (includes lights throughout the four thermal zones. and equipment) MECHANICAL&Q"11PLUMBING`SYSTEMS:.:; HVAC System Type Packaged Florida Geo-Save Geothermal Heat Packaged Trane Precedent Air-cooled Heat Pump Pump with ECM Fan. with Supplemental Electric Heat and Electric 1 Cooling SEER:20 Defrost. Heating COP:4.0 Cooling SEER:10.0(per Table 503.2 NYSECCC) Fan energy included in SEERIHPSF Heating HSPF:6.8(per Table 503.2 NYSECCC) Equipment Sizing based on nominal 3 and 4 ton Fan energy included in SEERIHPSF units. Sizing based on Nominal 3 Ton Equipment Ground Loop Heat Open Loop Well System with 75 feet.Static Head -NA- Exchanger 36'GPM Constant Flow Water Pump Domestic Water Electric Hot Water Heater. 75 gallon capacity. 40 Same as Proposed.Design Heating Gallons Hot Water use per day(per NYSECCC Chap 4 criteria)spread equally throughout each hour of the day. 120F HW temperature Schedules All Schedules are the same in the Proposed and Standard Design Zone Thermostat Heat/Cool Control 5°F Night Setback for 6 hours Same as Proposed Design 1 setup/setback period per day 1 thermostat per zone Infiltration 0.52 Air Changes per hour(per NYSECCC Same as Proposed Design 402.1.3.10) ASHRAE 136 weather factor Providence,RI=0.91 Forced-air No energy savings from low-leakage ductwork Same as Proposed Design Distribution System was claimed or modeled. No duct losses were loss factors modeled. Appendix A—Proposed Design A. Annual Energy Consumption by End-use................................................... 1 page B. Annual Electric Peak Demand by End-use.................................................. 1 page C. System and Zone Air-side Summary report................................................ I page D. Modeling Input File....................................................................................9 pages Project/Run: Armstrong Home Proposed Design Run Date/Time: 04/28/05 @ 15:11 Annual Energy Consumption by Enduse % F� a �;•�„�_ .�1� MElectrlalty .•3 26� Space Cool 4,386 HeaEReject. - 13% Refrigeration - 'SpaceHeat.; r12;20,9 19% HP Supp. - Vent. Fans < of Ext. Usage 80% Miscr`Egf?�p°'r f`;:.° :•:8;9.00. Task Lights 359% 11 %Area"Lights' 0 Area Lighting ® Misc. Equipment ® Pumps &Aux. Water Heating Space Heating Task Lighting 0 Exterior Usage rX Ventilation Fans ® Ht Pump Supp. 0 Refrigeration Monthly Electric Consumption (kWh) (xooD) 5 ........................................... 4 3 .............. 2 1 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Monthly Electric Consumption (kWh x000) :-..,.- 1? �,,�:..µ `.:;.._... �.,.:�:;.�_ gA"•;��,5 Pam. __ vim,. , '�<Tota1:. Space Cool 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.35 0.65 1.04 0.97 0.63w Y0.34 0.10 0.04 4.39 Refrigeration - - - - - - - - - - - - - S ace Heats,°;,;,.a; •- •:2:65..:;-.;2.03- ;uI:74 ;1.00 _ '034' '0 07" y-0:00 r;=',0 P . . ._,. . . a..., ._ 03 .,,. i8 •.,0€ •1:22:. .r2:25%;;--N]:2,:21 HP Supp. - - - - - - - - - - - - Hot Water.4 0:25'':j`'0:23: 4 :0.26".".:;''=;0 24-"''"�'0.23 ;_'= 021r'.'"`:;0 20z~``0 ]9`` „0."8 0:19 0;20 0.23 2-�.61 Vent. Fans - - - - - - - - - - - - x , `0.68? .;. '0 50,;,' ':0:4,0t.`.:°.::0;41;: 0;S4,i. :••0 50`,r;, 038 0 46'<.`: 0:5Y:. , "6j5'. 6:68 Ext. Usage - - - - - - - - - - - - Misc :Epuip,`; "-;, ':::6 76: 0:68 . 0:76 `,.. 0'.73`;: '<3.0i76:;.: 0:73 >0;.76 ;;':,0,75; 0:73` ;0.76; 0:73• 0:76:.. 8:90 Task Lights - . _ .. _ - - - ?Area Eights' T.ota I" 5.2 •3:68� 3.50: a2:60 2.0:8-._ s'2.07 `2.5a�� 2:�4Wx� �2.Y0 a5- t_.�.�,,.e......�_,.�,r..,�w..»�::��..�...,_...�... ......:::� eQUEST 3.54.4100 Energy Consumption by Enduse Page 1 Project/Run: Armstrong Home Proposed Design Run Date/Time: 04/28/05 @,15:11 Annual Peak Demand by Enduse Eldetricit Space Cool - 8% x 3% 'Heat°Reject: •, �. 'Refrlgeration - °Spa"ce`:Fleat HP Supp. - �lot.11V,ater>' Vent. Fans - Ext. Usage - N}iscYEquipt T.,O2 Task Lights - "Areai.ligtits .do tai_ . :-12.0 Area Lighting Misc. Equipment ® Pumps&Aux. 0 Water Heating ® Space Heating Task Lighting Exterior Usage R Ventilation Fans Ht Pump Supp. D Refrigeration eQUEST 3.54.4100 Annual Peak Demand by Enduse Page 1 Armstrong Home Propsed Design - System & Zone Air-Side Summary Report April 26, 2005 Hrs Outside Type• Area -.Design Flow:..: Design Ventilation Design Capacity Thrl-Range System Type Ret Served Supply;'" Supply:_=Mini': OSA OSA OSA OSA '.Cool .Coot Cool. Cool .Heat.: Cool Heat System&Zone Name Principal Zone Activity Zn sgft ; _';.cfm':,:;, cfmisf Flow.' cfm % cfm/sf cfm/per ,tons,"' sf/ton,' 'ofmlton':Btufi/sf', Btuh/sf Hrs Hrs Living Rm HP Water Loop HP D 1,178.- ; ;;I 400;=f`'..1 19k,"I'a%0 0 0% 0.000 0.0 :,4 - 321i - 382 37:4:.. .33A 5 0 Lmrn Room*9 Res�dential;(SingleFamJ,.:,:: C;,., 1;178,n 1.400.:.,::e1i19::104/0,:,., ,:..0, ,..:0%.:.: 0 >:> . •.. 000�: -. •,0, , 4:::;a3 '=37.4;>;�:€:33:9 _.: Type' Area Design Flow % Design Ventilation Design C. Hrs Outside apacity Thrl-Range System Type Ret Served System&Zone Name Principal Zone Activity Zn s ft cfm cfrh/sf:.r Flow--` cfm /o cfm/sf cfm/ er:Ao Y yp Supply- 'Supply Mlin. OSA OSA OSA OSA Coal ' 'Cool. . Cool;,:.' :'Cool ` .:Heat: Cool Heat Y P tY q _,,. . ... .. - . ° p ns .,sflton. ofm/ton_ Btuli/sf Bfunlsf Hrs Hrs Kitchen HP Water Loop HP D 1,362:`• 1',200"c:r.0:88;':100°/; 0 0% 0.000 0.0'. , '3",,`-:'433;` 381 :',27:7. "::23:8,, 3 0 ,Kitctien:Zn , Residential(Single Fam:) .j,>;,;.;C i-,' ;- ' :1 3ti2 1 200 O r88100% < 0,- 0%:``O.00Q: 0.0 r 3. : g33 381 27,7. 23,8• 3.:' 0 :• Hrs Outside Type` Area Design Flow': Design Ventilation Design Capacity Thrl Range System Type Ret Served Supply" : Supply::'.,Mint::.: OSA OSA OSA OSA Cool ...cool Cool. Cool:' Heat' Cool Heat System&Zone Name Principal Zone Activity Zn sgft cfm cfm/sf =Flow` cfm % cfm/sf cfmlper tons sf/ton: cfMton-;Btuti/sf. .Btuh/sf Hrs Hrs Library HP Water Loop HP D °905 ' 1',200 ,;',133`.r-100%,: 0 0% 0000 00': 3y ;'287: 381':'` 41:8 35.8 0 0 Libra ResidenUal(Smgle-Fam:)' -C;:. 905 1200 133-_100°Io?=aN;: 0 0"/0`:0:000 0:0'. <: 0 ..,. - - 3' .. 2$7. . � 381: 41,8-;. 35.8 1.p, '. Hrs Outside Type' Area :Design ' :" Design Ventilation ;Design Capacity" Thri-Range .. ...gn lFl. System Type Ret Served Supply: -:.Supply. Min OSA OSA OSA OSA ;;:Cool:,'Cool Cool:''- Cool. .Heat Cool Heat System&Zone Name Principal Zone Activity Zn sgft cfm . cfm/sf Flow:.' cfm % cfm/sf cfm/per Mons :sflton cfm/ton :f3tuh7sf, :Btuhlsf Hrs Hrs .. Bedroom HP Water Loop HP D 1,081 _ 1;400„,,.1:29.;`100%; 0 0% 0.000 0.0 i ';4.'s` 29$. 3821: 0 0 ✓,. ; ::'BedroomZn`'•' Residential Sm Ie Fam. """ ( 9 ):- -,. C:: 1-,08,1:.'is ;::; r"•1,400' ..1:29`r..10010 .. :, 40>7: .36.1 0:` 0 °,. .�:. 0% ,._0.000 0.0;'".'C<4 w=420$s':` `_382`.`,.' eQUEST 3.54.4100 C:\Program Files\eQUEST 3-5\Projects\Armstrong Home HP\As-designed\Armstrong Home Proposed Design.pd2 Page 1 INPUT .. MATERIAL - ( "Blt-Up Reof 3/Bin (BROl)", •'Polystyrene bin R-5/in", 5 _________________________________________________________ •'Steel Siding (AS O1)", "EL1 Roof Cons Mat 4 (B.1)", 5 Global Parameters "GypBd 5/Bin (GP02)• ) 5 _________________________________________________________ THICKNESS ( 6D, 0.5 1 "1WA11 Cons Layers" -LAYERS PARAMETER MATERIAL - ( GypBd 1/21n (GPO1)", "Ell IWa11 Cons Mat 2 (0.911", Overhang VT" = 0.50 .. •'GypBd 1/21n (GPO1)" ) 5 __________________________________________ "GFlr Cons Layers- LAYERS 5 Title, Run Periods, Design Days, Holidays-_- MATERIAL ( "Plywd 5/8in (PW0W', "Polystyrene lin (IN33)", $ ______________________________________________________ •EL1 EWall Cons Met 2 (10.IS). ) TITLE _ THICKNESS - ( ED, 0.1667 ) LINE-1 --Armstrong Nome HP. "Wall ConItEUCtion• -CONSTRUCTION "Entire Year" =RUN-PERIOD-PD TYPE -LAYERSABSORPTANCE -0.6 BEGIN-MONTH 1 _ ROUGHNESS BEGIN-YEAR 2005 -q _ BEGIN-DAY 1 LAYERS "EWall Cons Layers" - END-MONTH -12 "Root a nscruetion" -CONSTRUCTION END-DAY =31 TYPEC LAYERS END-YEAR -2005 ABSORPTANCE 0.6 ROUGHNESS 1 "Heating Design Day"-DESIGN-DAY LAYERS -"Roof Cons Layers" TYPE =HEAT ING, "IW TYPE all construction" -LAYERS CONSTRUCTION DRYBULB-HIGH 13 - DRYBVLB-RANGE - 5 LAYERS -"Wall Cons Layers" "Cooling Design Day" DES IGN-DAY "GFlr Construction" -CONSTRUCTION TYPE COOLING TYPE -LAYERS DRY BULB-HIGH =89 LAYERS - •GFlr Cons Layers" DRY BULB-RANGE = 10 WETBULB-AT-NIGH =73 •• 5 _________________________________________________________ 5 "Standard Glass Type Codes LIBRARY-ENTRY"VS°US Holidays" -HOLIDAYS 5 --------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY-ENTRY "Armstrong VE Ar" GLASS-TYPE-CODE DESCRIPTION --Armstrong VE At- Sit, 5 _______________________________________________ _ $ Site and Building Data -----�---- NLAYER -2 $ __________________________________________________ GAPS-THICK - ( 14.7, 0, 0, 0 , GAPS-COND ( 5.01635, 0, 0, 0 ) "Site Data" - SITE-PARAMETERS GAPS-DC10H - ( .149, ALTITUDE -0 GAPS-VISC - ( 2.1, GAPS-DVISC - ( 6.451, 0, 0, 0 ) GAPS-DENS - ( 1.782, 0, 0, 0 ) 'Building Data" -BUILD-PARAMETERS _ GAPS-DDENS - ( -0.670063, 0, 0,)0 1 GAPS-PR 0. ' ( , 0, 0 HOLIDAYS "Standard US Holidays" GAPS-DPR - ( -0.0000,1, 0, 0, 0 ) TSOL - ( 0.465, 0.468, 0.46, 0.45, 0.437, 0.411. 0.350, 0.259, 0.117, 0, 0.384 ) 5 onst TVIS - ( 0.757, 0.761, 0.75, 0.736, 0.717, 0.678, 0.593, 0.43, 5 M--------/ Layers /Constructions 0.199, 0, 0.63 1 5 __________________________ --------- A86-1 0.001-,(00.256, 0.259, 0.268, 0.274, 0.276, 0.282, 0.3. 0.321, °EL1 EWall Cons Mat 2 (10.19)"-FATEAIAL ASS-2 ( .281 ) 0.072, 0.073, 0.074, O.D75, O.D76, 0.076, 0.074, TY 0.276,PE s RESISTANCE - 0.064, 0.044, 0, 0.071 ) RESISTANCE -10.19 RBSOL-HEMI -.%S80 RBVIS-HEMS 0.207 "EL1 Roof Cons Mat 4 (8.1)" -MATERIAL SHDCOF -0.57 TYPE RESISTANCE - PANES-TIR - ( 0, 01 0, 01 0 1 RESISTANCE 8.1 PANES-EMIS-F ( O.B4, 0.84, O, 0, 0 -EL1 Wall Cons Met 2 (0.91)" -MATERIAL PANES-EMIS-B - ( 0.088, 0.84, 0, 0, 0 ) TYPE RESISTANCE PANES-THICK - ( 5.7,'S.7, 0, 0, 0 ) PANES-COND ( 176.7, 175. 0, 0, 0 1 RESISTANCE -0.91 U-CENTER -1.48 "EL1 UFlr Cons liar 2 (20.69):' MATERIAL GAPS-FILL - (Argon, Air, Air, Air ) TYPE -RESISTANCE - PANE. -ID ( 6050, 107, 0, 0, 0 ) RESISTANCE =20.69 "Armstrong VRE A" -GLASS-TYPE-CODE DESCRIPTION! -'Armstrong VRE A- "Wall -2 "EWall Cons Layers" -LAYERS GAPS-THICK f 12.7, 0, 0, MATERIAL - I "Steel Siding (AS01)", "Polystyrene lin (IN33)", GAPE-LOND - ( 0.01635, 0, .0'). ) "GypBd 1/21n (GPO1)•" ) GA PS-DCOND - ( 5.149, 0, 0, 0 ) THICKNESS ( ED, 12.5/12 GAPS-VISC I ) = I 2.1, GAPS-DVISC - ( 6.451, 0, 0, 0 ) "Roof Cons Layers" -LAYERS GAPS-DENS - ( 1.712, 0, 0, 0 ) GAPS-DDENS - ( -0.0063, 0, 0, 0 ) Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File[4/26/2005 13:101 Page 1 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File[4/26/2005 13:10) Page 2 GA ES-PR ( 0.67, 0, 0, 0 ) U-CENTER =1.75 GAPS-DPR - ( -0.0001. GAPS-FILL (Air, Air, Air, Air) TSOL- . ( 0.2el, 0.282, 0.278, 0.272, 0.264, 0.25, 0.219, 0.16, PANES-ID = ( 6050, 103, 0. 0, 0 ) 0.074, 0, 0.233 ) TVI5 _ ( 0.527, 0.53, 0.523, 0.513, 0.5, 0.474, 0.415, 0.303, 0.142, 0. 0.44 ) $ _________________________________________________________ -5-1 _ ( 0.301, 0.304, 0.31, 0.313, 0.313, 0.313, 0.319, 0.318, $ Glass Types , 0.252, 0.001, 0.307 ) - A85-2 - _ ( D.D37, 0.038, 0.038,�0.038, 0.039, 0.079, 0.038, . 0.034, 0.024, 0, 0.03] ) "Viracon VE Argon" GLASS-TYPE RBSOL-HEMS G.345 TYPE =GLASS-TYPE-CODE RBVIS-HEMI 0.262 GLASS-TYPE-CODE "Armstrong VE Az" SHDCO£ 0.37 _ PANES-TIR ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 1 - "Viracon VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE PANES-EMIS-F ( 0.84, D.89, 0, 0, 0 1 TYPE =GLASS-TYPE-CODE PANES-EHIS-B ( D.059, 0.89, 0, 0, 0 I PANES-THICK ( 5.7, 5.7, 0, 0, 0 ) GLASS-TYPE-CODE eArmstzon0 VRE A" PANES-CON➢ ( 176.7, 175, 0, 0, 0 ) - "Viracon VRE Air" =GLASS-TYPE ' U-CENTER =1.4 TYPE -GLASS-TYPE-CODE GAPS-FILL - (Argon, Air, Air, Air ) GLASS-TYPE-CODE a"Armstrong VRE- PANES-ID ( 6173, 103, 0, 0, 0 1 - "Viracon VE Air" -GLASS-TYPE "Armstrong VRE" GLASS-TYPE-CODE _ TYPE GLASS-TYPE-CODE - DESCRIPTION -Armstrong VRE- GLASS-TYPE-CODE "Armstrong VE Ar-6" NLAYER 2 _ GAPS-THICK ( 12.7. 0, 0, 0 j GAPS-CON➢ ( 0.02907, 0, 0, 0 1 GAPS-DCOND = ( 7.76, 0, 0, 0 GAPS-VISC = ( 1.722, 0, 0, 0 J $ Day Schedules GAPS-DVISC = ( 4.94, 0. 0, 0 ) GAPS-DENS � ( 1.292, 0, 0, 0 I GAPS-DDENS = ( -0.0046, ^Oceup 91 WD" =DAY-SCHEDVLE-PD GAPS-PR ( 0.72, 0, 0, 0 1 TYPE FRACTION GAPS-DPR ( -0.0002, 0, 0, 0 ) VALVES �'( 0.69. ED, ED, ED, 6D, 0.668, 0.7285, 0.7542, 0.7989, TSOL ( 0.281, 0.282, 0.278, 0.272, D.269, 0.25, 0.219, 0.16, 0.852, ED, 0.7984, 0.7448, 0.7989� 0.852, ED, 0.873, 0.859, 0.8054, 0.074, 0, 0.233 ) 0.7472, 0.7215, 0.6936, 0.668, 0.64 1 TVIS _ ( 0.527, 0.53, 0.521, 0.513, 0.5, 0.411, 1,415, 0.303, 0.142, 0i 0.44 ) - "Otcup S1 WEN" DAY-SCHEDULE-PD _ ABS-1 ( 0.301, 0.309, 0.31, 0.313, 0.313, 0.313, 0.319, 0.318, TYPE FRACTION 0_252. 0.001. 0.307 ) VALUES . ( 0.6405, ED, fD,.fD, ED, ED. 0.62, 0.6546, 0.6814, ABS-2 = ( 0.037,.0.038, 0.035, 0.038, 0.039, 0.039, 0.038, 0.7083, 0.7352, 0.716I, 0.7083,-D.7262, 0.1352, ED, 0.7275, 0.748, 0.034, 0.024, 0, 0.037 j - D.7211. 0.6942, 0.6674.'fD. 0.6905 ) RBSOL-HEMI - 0.345 -. RBVIS-HEMI ^0.2G2 _ "Ottup S1 HDD"=DAY-SCHEDULE-PD _ SHDCOF 0.37 TYPE FRACTION PANES-TIR ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) VALUES ( 0 ) - PANES-EMIS-F = ( 0.89, 0.84, 0, 0, 0 ) - PANES-EMIS-B ( 0.054, 0.84, 0, 0, 0 ) "OCcup S1 CDD"a DAY-SCHEDULE-PD PANES-THICK ( 5.7, 5.7, 0, 0, 0 ) TYPE =FRACTION PANES-COND a ( 176.7, 175, 0, 0, 0 ) VALUES = ( 0.64, &D. ED. ED, ED, 0.668, 0.7285, 0.7542, 0.7984, U-CENTER "1.69 D.852, &D, 0.7984, 0.7448, 0.7984 0.852, ED, 0.073, 0.859, 0.8054, GAYS-FILL = (Air, Air. Alr, Air 1 0.7472, 0.7215, 0.6936, 0.668, 0.69 ) , PANES-ID = ( 6173, 103, 0, 0, 0 ) _ 'DHW Eqp NRes De-DAY-SCHEDULE-PD "Armstrong VE At-6" GLASS-TYPE-CODE TYPE FRACTION ' DESCRIPTION ='Armstrong VE ReVALUES - NLAYER =2 GAPS-THICK ( 12.7, 0, 0, 0 ) "P_Inf Sl WD" a DAY-SCHEDULE-PD GAPS-COND ( 0.02407: 0, 0, 0 1 TYPE =MULTIPLIER GAPS-DCOND ( 7.76, 0, 0, 0 ) VALUES ( 0.6086, 0.5597, 0.5108, 0.6705, 0.5108, SD, 0.6086, - GAPS-VI5C e ( 1.722, 0, 0, 0 ) - - - 1.1197, O.fi436,-0.5308, ED, 0.6715, 0.5108, 0.6715, D.5108, O.S. 4D, .. GAPS-➢VI5C ( 1.29 0, 0, 0 ) - - 0.5527, 0.6855, 0.6016, 0.5527,.D.6016,-ED, 0.5 ) GAPS-DENS � ( 1.292, 0, 0, 0 ) - GAPS-DDENS ( -0.0046, 0, 0, 0 ) "Fan S1 WD"--DAY-SCHEDULE-PD GAPS-PR = ( D.72, 0, 0, 0 ) - TYPE - "ON/OFF/FLAG GAPS-DPR ( -D.DDD2, 0, 0, 0 ) VALUES " ( 1, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, 1. ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, TSOL = ( 0.465, 0.468, 0.46, 0.45, 0.437, 0.411, 0.358, 0.259, ED, ED, ED, ED, SD. ED, 1 ) 0.117, 0, 0.384 ) TVIS e ( 0.757, 0.761, 0.75, 0.736, 0.717, 0.678, D.593, 0.43, "Cool S1 WD" =DAY-SCHEDULE-PD 0.199, 0, 0.63 ) TYPE =TEMPERATURE _ ABS-1 ( 0.256, 0.259, 0.268, 0.274, 0.276, 0.282, 0.3, 0.121, VALUES ( B3, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, 78 I 0.276, 0.001, 0.292 ) ABS-2 ( 1.072, 0.071, 0.079, 0.075, 0.076, 0.076, 0.074, "Heat S1 WD" DAY-SCHEDULE-PD 0.064, 0.044, 01 0.071 1 TYPE =TEMPERATURE RBSOL-HEMI 0.258 VALUES ( 65, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, 70 1 RBVIS-HEMI 0.207 SHDCOF 0.57 "Internal Heat Gain D" DAY-SCHEDULE-PD PANES-TIR = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )' TYPE =FRACTION PAN ES-EMIS-F = ( 0.84, 0.84, 0, 0, 0 ) VALUES ( 1 ) PANE S-EMIS-B = ( D.088, 0.89, 0, 0, 0 ) PANES-THICK ( 5.7, 5.7, 0, 0. 0 ) ' PANES-COND " ( 176.7, 175, 0, 0, 0 7 Armstrong Hame Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:10) Page 3 Armstrong Proposed Home Pro Page 4 Design Energy Model Input File(9/26/2005 17:101 S Week Schedule, S ______________________________________ ___ "EL1 Floor Polygon"v POLYGON "Occup Sl Wk" -WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD V1 ( 0, 69.05 ) TYPE FRACTION V2 ( 80.9, 69.05 ) DAY-SCHEDULES = ( ^Oeeup S1 WD", 6D, &D. 6D, 6D, "OCcuP S1 WEH", GD, 6D, V3 ( E0.9, 9E.35 ) "O eeup 51 HDD", "OcCUp S1 COD" ) V4 ( 45.8, VS ( 45.3, 'DHW Eqp NRes Wk" v WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD V6 TYPE -FRACTION DAY-SCHEDULES v ( "DHW Eqp NRes D" 9E.75 ) VS (-46. , 73.25 5, 9B.35 ) ( - ) "P-InY S1 Wk" V9 WEEK-SCHEDVLE-PD V10 ( -6246.5.9, 78.25 ) TYPE MULTIPLIER V11 ( -62.9, 98.35 ) DAY-SCHEDULES v ( "P-Inf S1 WD" ) V12 - ( -97.95, 93.35 ) "Fan S1 Wk" WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD V13 v ( -97.95, 69.05 ) TYPE ON/OFF/FLAG ' DAY-SCHEDULES ( "Fan S1 WD" ) "EL1 Space Polygon 1" v POLYGON V1 ( 01 0 ) V2 ( 29.3, 0 ) -Co.l S1 Wk" v WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD V3 ( 29.3, 51.45 1 TYPE v TEMPERATURE V4 ( 20.1, 11.41 ) DAY-SCHEDULES ( ^Cool S1 WD" ) VS ( 20.1, 35.05 ) "Heat S1 Wk- -WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD V6 ( 0, 35.05 ) TYPE TEMPERATURE DAY-SCHEDULES ( "Heat S1 WD" ) "EL1 Spaea Polygon 2" - POLYGON V1 ( 0, 0 ) "Internal Heat Gain Wk" -WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD V3 v ( 46.5, 29.3 ) TYPE FRACTION V4 ( 0, 29.7 ) DAY-SCHEDULES ( "Internal Halt Gain D" ) V5 ( 0, 9.2 ) S_________________________________________________________ V1"EL1 Space Polygon 3"v 0POLYGON ( , S Annual Schedule, ( 37 40,)0 )S___________________________________________ ^ ( 37.9, 6.3 1 v ( 9 , '.00CURp Seh" v SCHEDULE VS ( 229.1.1, 29.1.371) FRACTION V4 TYPE FRACTION V6 ( 0, 29.3 ) MONTH v ( 12 ) DAY ( 31 ) 1 WEEK-SCHEDULES ( "Oeeup S1 Wk- j ^EL1 Spaea Polygon 9"=POLYGON V1 - I 0, 0 1 V2 ( 29.3, 0 ) "DHW Eqp NRes Sch" =SCHEDULE-PD V3 v ( 29.3, 35.1 1 TYPE FRACTION V4 v ( 6.3, 31.1 1 !ONYX ( 12 1 V5 v ( 6.3, 43.5 1 DAY = ( 31 ) V6 ( 0, 43.5 ) WEEK-SCHEDULES - ( "DHW EqP NRes Wk" 1 "P-Inf Seh" -SCHEDULE-PD "ELM Space Polygon 1-SMirro" v POLYGON V1 = ( 0, 0 ) TYPE .MULTIPLIER V2 ( 35.05, 0 ) MONTH = ( 12 1 DAY = ( 31 1 V3 = ( 35.05, 20.1 ) V9 ( 51.45, 20.1 ) WEEK-SCHEDULES v ( "P-Inf 51 Wk" ) V5 ( 51.45, 29.3 ) "Fan Sch" v SCHEDULE-PD V6 . ( 0, 29.3 1 TYPE ON/OFF/FLAG "EL1 Space Polygon 2 -SMirro^ - POLYGON MONTH v ( 12 1 V1 DAY ( 31 ) V2 ( 9.2, 0 ) WEEK-SCHEDULES ( "Fan Sl Wk- ) V3 29.3, 0 ) V9 = ( 29.7, 46.5 1 .,Co.l Sch" -SCHEDULE-PD VS ( 0, 46.5 ) TYPE TEMPERATURE MONTH = ( 12 ) "EL1 Spaea Polygon 3 -S14irra" ^ POLYGON DAY ( 31 ) V1 ( 0, 0 ) WEEK-SCHEDULES ( ^Cool S1 Wk" } V2 = ( 29.3, 0 ) v ( 29. "Heat Sch" v SCHEDULE-PD V3 29.3,V4 e ( , 2 TYPE TEMPERATURE VS ( 6.3 6.3, 391 1)) .. ) MONTH v ( 12 1 DAY (.31 ) V6 v ( 0, 37.4 ) WEEK-SCHEDULES ( "Heat 31 Wk" ) "EL1 Space Polygon 4 -314irro" - POLYGON "Internal Heat Gain Seh" SCHEDULE-PD V1 v ( 0, 0 ) TYPE v FRACTION V2 ( 93.5, 0 I !ONYX ( 12 ) V DAY 31 VS9 v ( 35.1 29.7 1, 6.3 ) ( ) ( , 1 WEEK-SCHEDULES = ( "Internal Heat Gain Wk- ) V6 ( 35.0, 29.3 ) 6 _________________________________________________________ S Polygons Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(4126/2005 13:1D] Page 5 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:101 Page 6 $ FSXed and Building Shades "EL1 Ground Flr" FLOOR 8 --------------------------------------------------------- AZIMUTH = 360 POLYGON -"ELS Floor Polygon- SET-EFAULT FOR BUILDING-SHADE SHAPE = POLYGON TRANSMITTANCE _(®PA("OVerhang VT")) FLOOR-HEIGHT -11 2 =10 C-DIAGRAM-DATA =•1st Floor Diag Data- 'Living Room" -SPACE "North Building Shade" =HVILDING-SHADE SHAPE =POLYGON X -98 ZONE-TYPE CONDITIONED Y 98.35 NUMBER-OF-PEOPLE 6 _ HEIGHT =8.00 EQUIPMENT-W/AREA ((.879.81("AREA")/RP("AREA")) ) WIDTH 178.9 POLYGON "EL1 Space Polygon 1" AZIMUTH 180 LOCATION =FLOOR-V12 TILT 0 C-SUB-SRC-BTUH ( 0. 0, 0 ) C-SUB-SRC-KW ( Or 0, 0 ) "South Building Shade" -BUILDING-SHADE C-ACTIVITY-DESC 'Residential (Single Fam.)- X =a0.9 Y 69.1 "EL1 Flr (G.W3.I3)" =EXTERIOR-WALL HEIGHT 8.00 CONSTRUCTION = •GFlr Construction- WIDTH = 178.9 LOCATION BOTTOM AZIMUTH 0 TILT -0 "EL1 West Wall (G.W1.E1)" -EXTERIOR-WALL CONSTRUCTION - 'Ewell Construction" "West Building Shade" -BUILDING-SHADE LOCATION =SPACE-VI X =a .9 SHADING-SURFACE =YES Y (98.35+8.001 HEIGHT =5.00 "ELL West Win (G.W1.E1.W1)" -WINDOW WIDTH =(e•2+29.3) GLASS-TYPE _ "Viracon VRE Argon' AZIMUTH -90 X 0.18 TILT =0 "EL1 West Win (G.W1.E1.W2)" -WINDOW -East Building Shade" -BUILDING-SHADE GLASS-TYPE "Viracon VRE Argon" X -9B X = 6.04 Y =(69.1-e1 HEIGHT = 8.00 "ELL West Win (G.Wl.E1.W3)"-WINDOW WIDTH = B•2+29.3) GLASS-TYPE "Viraeon VRE Argon• AZIMUTH 90 X =11.9 TILT =0 _ "EL1 West Win (G.W1.E1.W4)"-WINDOW "Reflecting Pool Building Shade" = BUILDING-SHADE GLASS-TYPE "Viracon VRE Argon" X -62.9 X 17.76 Y =78.3 HEIGHT 20 "EL1 West Win (G.Wl.E1.w5)"-WINDOW WIDTH = 16.4 GLASS-TYPE -"Vita...VRE Argon' AZIMUTH = 180 X =23.62 _ TILT =0 "EL1 South Wall (G.W1.E2)" =EXTERIOR-WALL "Patio Building Shade" -BUILDING-SHADE CONSTRUCTION =•EWall Construction" % =29.1 LOCATION -SPACE-V2 Y 75.4 SHADING-SURFACE YES HEIGHT =23 WIDTH 16.7 "EL1 South Win (G.W1.E2.W1)" -WINDOW AZIMUTH =180 GLASS-TYPE - "Viraeon VRE Argon" TILT 0 % 0.14931J - "ELI South Win (G.W1.E2.W2)" -WINDOW $............................................... .......•• GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Argon" $ X 5.93299 $•• Floors /Spaces/Walls /Windows / Doors •• S •• •• "ELS South Win (G.W1.E2.W3)" -WINDOW $a.recce.r.arc.r..ra.e....•..........aaa..aa.a..aa.a..a... GLASS-TYPE "Viracon VRE Argo X -11.7216 SET-DEFAULT FOR SPACE PEOPLE-SCHEDULE _"Croup Sch" "EL1 South Win (G.W1.E2.W4)" -WINDOW EQUIP-SCHEDULE _ ( "Internal Heat Gain Sch" ) GLASS-TYPE _ "Viracon VRE Argon" INF-SCHEDULE _"P-Inf Sch" X -17.5102 INF-METHOD =AIR-CHANGE AIR-CHANGES/HR =0.52 "EL1 South Win (G.W1.E2.W5)" -WINDOW PEOPLE-HG-LAT =155 GLASS-TYPE •"Viracon VRE Argon" PEOPLE-HG-SENS 245 X -23.2988 . "EL1 South Win (G.W1.E2.WG)" -WINDOW SET-DEFAULT FOR WINDOW GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VE Air" X -29.0874 FRAME-WIDTH =0.13 Y 0.22 "EL1 South Win (G.W1.E2.W7)" -WINDOW HEIGHT = 9.74 GLASS-TYPE - "Vita...VRE Arg on' WIDTH = . % -34. 0 8761 FRAME-CONDUCT =0.765 -EL1 South Win (G.WI.E2.WB)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE -•Viracon VRE Argon" Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:101 Page 7 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(4126/2005 13:101 Page 8 X -40.6641 CONSTRUCTION "IWall Construction" LOCATION SPACE-V3 "ELI South Win (G.W1.E2.W9)' -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" "Kitchen/Art Gallery' -SPACE X -96.4533 % _-46.5 WIDTH -4.65236 Y -69.05 SHAPE = POLYGON "ELI North Wall (G.W1.E3)" =EXTERIOR-WALL ZONE-TYPE =CONDITIONED CONSTRUCTION -"EWIII Construction" NUMBER-OF-PEOPLE-4 LOCATION -SPACE-V4 EQUIPMENT-W/AREA- ((.879-#L('AREA")/4P('AREA-1) ) SHADING-SURFACE -YES POLYGON -'ELI Space Polygon 2^ C-SUB-SRC-BTUH - ( 0, 0, 0 ) -ELI North Win (G.W1.E3.W1)' -WINDOW C-SUB-SAC-KW - ( 0, 0, 0 ) GLASS-TYPE - 'Viz...VRE Argon" C-ACTIVITY-DESC --Residential (Single Fam.)- x -0.143469 "ELI Flr (G.W2.I3)"-EXTERIOR-WALL 'ELI North Win (G.W1.E3.W2)' -WINDOW CONSTRUCTION -"GFlz Construction" GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Argon" LOCATION -BOTTOM X =5.93041 'EL 1 South Wall (G.W2.E7)" -EXTERIOR-WALL "ELI North Win (G.Wl.E3.W3)'=WINDOW CONSTRUCTION -'EWall Construction- GLASS-TYPE _ "Viracon VRE Argon" LOCATION -SPACE-VI X - 11.7173 SHADING-SURFACE -YES WIDTH -4.53919 _ 'ELI South Win (G.W2.E7.W1)' -WINDOW 'ELI East Wall (G.W1.E4)' -EXTERIOR-WALL GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Argon' CONSTRUCTION "EWall Construction" X -0.15625 LOCATION =SPACE-V5 SHADING-SURFACE YES "EL1 South Win (G.W2.E7.W2)' -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - •Viracon VRE Argon- 'ELI East Win (G.W1_E4.W1)' -WINDOW X .5.96875 GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" X - O 141976 "EL1 South Win (G.W2.E7.W3)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - 'Viracon VRE Argon' 'ELI East Win (G.Wl.E4.W2)" -WINDOW X -11.7813 GLASS-TYPE "Viracon VRE Argon" X 5.92593 "ELI South Win (G.W2.E7.W4)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon- 'ELI East Win (G.W1.E4.W3)' -WINDOW X -17.5938 GLASS-TYPE _ "Viracon VRE Argon" X - 11.7099 'ELI South Win (G.W2.E7.W5)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Argon- 'ELI East Win (G.WI.E4.W4)" -WINDOW X -2 3.4063 GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" X - 17.493E "ELI South Win (G.W2.E7.W6)" -WINDOW WIDTH - 2.46419 GLASS-TYPE -"2Viracon18 VRE Argon' - "EL1 North Wall (G.W1.ES)" EXTERIOR-WALL x 9.2 8 CONSTRUCTION 'EWall Construction" -ELI South Win (G.W2.E7.W7)" -WINDOW LOCATION -SPACE-V6 GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VAR Argon" SHADING-SURFACE -YES % -35.0333 'ELI North Win (G.W1.E5.W1)" =WINDOW 'ELI South Win (G.W2.E7.WB)- -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Arg on' X - 0.170833 % 90.8438 Y - 0.225 "ELI North Win (G.Wl.E5.W2)' -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" "ELI North Wall (G.W2.ES)" -EXTERIOR-WALL X 6.0125 CONSTRUCTION - 'EWall Construction' LOCATION =SPACE-V3' "ELI North Win (G.W1.E5.W3)" -WINDOW SHADING-SURFACE -YES GLASS-TYPE -^Viracon VRE Argon" X - 11.8542 -ELI North Win [G.W2.E8.W1)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon' "EL1 North Win (G.W1.ES.W4)" -WINDOW % -0.15625 GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" Y =0.225 X - 17.6958 "ELI North Win (G.WZ.EB.W2)" -WINDOW "ELI North Win (G.W1.E5.W5)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Argon- GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" X -5.96875 X - 23.5375 "ELI North Win (G.W2.E8.W3)" -WINDOW 'ELI North Win (G.W1.ES.W6)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" X =11.7013 X 29.3792 "ELI North Win (G.W2.EB.W4)" =WINDOW "ELI Roof (G.W1.E6)" -EXTERIOR-WALL GLASS-TYPE "Viracon VRE Argon" CONSTRUCTION ="Roof Construction" X -17.5938 LOCATION -TOP _ -ELI North Win (G.W2.E8.W5)" -WINDOW "ELI East Wall (G.W1.I2)" -INTERIOR-WALL GLASS-TYPE -^Viracon VRE Argon" NEXT-TO -"Kitchen/Art Gallery- X -23.4063 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:101 Page 9 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File[4/26/2005 13:101 Page 10 "ELI North Win (G.W2.E8.W6)" -WINDOW 'ELI South Win (G.E3.Ell.W7)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE "Viracon VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Arg on" X 29.21B8 X 34.8597 WIDTH =2.3973 "ELI North Win (G.W2.E8.W7)^ -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon" - "ELI North Wall (G.E3.E12)" -EXTERIOR-WALL X =35.0313 CONSTRUCTION "EWall Construction" LOCATION =SPACE-V3 "ELI North Win (G.W2.EB.WB)^ -WINDOW SHADING-SURFACE =YES GLASS-TYPE "Viracon VRE Argon" X 40.8438 "ELI North Win (G.E3.E12.W1)• -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon" "ELI West Wall (G.W2.E9)" -EXTERIOR-WALL X 0.1 3902 CONSTRUCTION ="EWall Construction" LOCATION SPACE-V4 "ELI North Win (G.E3.E12.W2)^ -WINDOW SHADING-SURFACE YES GLASS-TYPE _ "Viracon VRE Argon" % 5.91706 "EL1 WesC Win (G.W2.E9.W1)" WINDOW WIDTH 2.24392 ' GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon" - X - 0.141976 "ELI East Wall (G.E3.E13)• =EXTERIOR-WALL CONSTRUCTION = "EWall Construction" "ELI West Win (G.W2.E9.WZ)" =WINDOW LOCATION =SPACE-V4 - GLASS-TYPE _^Viracon VILE Argon" SHADING-SURFACE YES X -5.92593 "ELI East Win (G.E3.E13.W1)^ -WINDOW 'ELI West Win (G.W2.E9.W3)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE _ "Viracon VRE Argon" X =0.144426 X =11.7099 "ELI East Win (G.E3.E13.W2)" -WINDOW 'ELI West Win (G.W2.E9.W4)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE _"Viratan VRE Argon' X =5.93328 X -17.9938 WIDTH =2.46419 "ELI East Win (G.E3.E13.W3)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE _"VS racon VRE Argon" "ELI Roof (G.W2.E1O)" -EXTERIOR-WALL X 11.7221 CONSTRUCTION -"Roof Construction" _ LOCATION --TOP "ELI East Win (G.E3.E13.W4)• -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon- -Library" -SPACE X =17.511 SHAPE POLYGON WIDTH =5.34459 ZONE-TYPE CONDITIONED NUMEER-OF-PEOPLE=J 'ELI North Wall (G.E3.E14)" =EXTERIOR-WALL EOVIPMENT-W/AREA= (1.879'81("AREA")/tlP("AREA")) ) CONSTRUCTION ="EWell Conarruetiort" POLYGON ="ELI Space Polygon J" LOCATION =SPACE-VS LOCATION FLOOR-V1 SHADING-SURFACE =YES C-SUB-SRC-BTUH = ( 0, 0, 0 ) C-SUB-SRC-KW = ( 0, 0, 0 ) "ELI North Win (G.E3.E14.W1)" =WINDOW C-ACTMTY-DESC -•Residential (Single Fam.)• GLASS-TYPE m•Viracon VRE Argon" X =0.16 "ELI Flr (G.E3.14)" -EXTERIOR-WALL CONSTRUCTION = •GFlr C—StrUltiort" "EL1 North Win (G.E3.E14.W2)• WINDOW LOCATION BOTTOM GLASS-TYPE •Viracon VRE Argon" X =5.98 "ELI South Well (G.E3.Ell)" -EXTERIOR-WALL CONSTRUCTION ="EWall Construction" - 'ELI North Win (G.E3.E14.W3)" =WINDOW LOCATION =SPACE-Vl GLASS-TYPE "Viracon VRE Argon- SHADING-SURFACE YES % = 11.6 "ELI South Win (G.E3.Ell.W1)" -WINDOW "EL1 North Win (G.E3.E14.W4)"-WINDOW "v GLASS-TYPE _ iratan VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE At X =0.14305 Argon" X =17.62 "ELI South Win (G.E3.Ell.W2)" =WINDOW "ELI North Win (G.E3.E14.W5)" •WINDOW GLASS-TYPE "Viracon VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE "VSrneon VRE Argon" X 5.92915 X 2344 "ELI South Win (G.E3.Ell.W3)" -WINDOW "ELI Roof (G.E3.E15)" =EXTERIOR-WALL GLASS-TYPE _ "Viracon VRE Argon" CONSTRUCTION ="Roof Construction" X 11.7153 LOCATION =TOP "ELI South Win (G.E3.Ell.W4)" -WINDOW "ELI East Wall (G.E3.I5)" . INTERIOR-WALL GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon" NEXT-TO m"Bedroom" X =17.5014 CONSTRUCTION "IWal1 Construction" = ^EL1 South Win (G.E3.E_11.W5)" =WINDOW LOCATION SPACE-V2 GLASS-TYPE _"VSra con VRE Argon" "ELI West Wall (G.E3.I6)" -INTERIOR-WALL )( 23.2875 NEXT-TO •Kitchen/Art Gallery" CONSTRUCTION = "IWa 11 Construction" "ELI South Win (G.E3.EI1.W61" =WINDOW LOCATION =SPACE-V6 GLASS-TYPE _ "Viracon VRE Argon" X 29.0776 "Bedroom" -SPACE Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:101 Page 11 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(4/Z6/2005 13:10) Page 12 SHAPE POLYGON X - 11.7221 SO NE-TYPE -CONDITIONED EQUIPMENT-W/AREA- 1 1.879.9L("AREA"1/tlP 1"AREA"11 1 "EL1 West Win (G.E4.E18.W4)- WINDOW POLYGON "EL1 Space Polygon 4" GLASS-TYPE _ "Viracon VRE At LOCATION -FLOOR-V2 X 17.511 Son" C-SUB-SRC-BTUH - ( 0, 0, 0 ) WIDTH -5.34959 C-SUB-SRC-KW' - ( Or 0, 0 ) C-ACTIVITY-DESC -'Residential (Single£am.)• "EL1 North Wall (G.E4.E19)" -EXTERIOR-WALL "EL1 Flr (G.E9.I7)• CONSTRUCTION "EWall Construction" -EXTERIOR-WALL GOCATION - CONSTRUCTION "GFlr Constzuction" 5 SPACE-V9 NCATIONSVRFACE YES LOCATION -BOTTOM "Ewe "EL1 North Win (G.E4.E19.W1)" -WINDOW "EL1 East Wall (G.E9.E l EXTERIOR-WALL GLASS-TYPE _"Vizacon VRE Argon" LOCATION SPACE-V1 IS9 SHADING-SURFACE YES "EL1 North Win (G.E4.E19.W2)" -WINDOW "EL1 East Win (G.E4.E16.W1)" -WINDOW %LASS-TYPE " iracSV91757n VRE Argon" GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Argon" WIDTH X -0.1E .9175 "EL1 South Wall (G.E4.E20)" -EXTERIOR-WALL "EL1 East Win (G.E4.E16.W2)" -WINDOW CONSTRUCTION "EWall Construction"GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon" LOCATION SPACE-V6 X 6.04 SHADING-SURFACE -YES "EL1 East Win (G.E4.E16.W3)"-WINDOW "EL1 South Win (G.E4.E20.W1)"-WINDOW %LASS-TYPE -11.9acon VRE Argon' GLASS-TYPE - "Viraton VRE Argon" 0.14337 `EL1 East Win (G.E4.E16.W4)" -WINDOW "EL1 South Wln (G.E4.E20.W2)"-WINDOW XLASS-TYPE =17.76ean VAE Argon" GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Algol" X -5.93011 "EL1 East Win (G.E4.E16.W5)"-WINDOW "EL1 South Win (G.E9.E20.W3 -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE Z3.62con VRE Argon' GLASS-TYPE -"Vizacon VRE Argon' X -11.7169 `EL1 North Wall (G.E4.E17)" -EXTERIOR-WALL "EL1 South Win (G.E4.E20.W4)" -WINDOW CONSTRUCTION - "EWall Construction" GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Az LOCATION SPACE-V2 % -17.5036 gon" SHADING-SURFACE YES - "EL1 North Win (G.E9.E17.W1)" -WINDOW "EL1 South Win (G.E4.E20.W5)" WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - ^Viracon VRE Az GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" X -23 29D3 Algol" % -0.1 75 "EL1 South Win (G.E4.E2D.W6)" -WINDOW "EL1 North Win (G.E4.E 17.W2)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE GLASS-TYPE _"Viracon VRE Argon" X 29.0771 Argon' X 6.025 "EL1 South Win (G.E4.E20.W7)" -WINDOW "EL1 North Win (G.E9.E17.W3)" WINDOW GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Ar GLA55-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Argon" X -14.8638 4on' % -11.875 "EL1 South Win (G.E4.E20.W8)"-WINDOW "EL1 North Win (G.E4.E17.....-WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - "Viracon VRE Arg on' % - 17.725 WIDTH -2.70608 -EL1 North Win (G.E4.E17.W5)' -WINDOW "EL1 Roof (G.E4.E21)" -EXTERIOR-WALL GLASS-TYPE -"Viracon VRE Argon"X 23.575 CONSTRUCTION - "Roof Construction' - LOCATION -TOP `EL1 North Win (G.E4.E17.W6)" -WINDOW GLASS-TYPE - "Vizacon VAE Argon" S••• X -29.925 8 .. •................................................... S'•"EL1 West Wall (G.E4.E18)" -EXTERIOR-WAIL Performance curves S�r CONSTRUCTION - "EWall Construction" 5••�• •` LOCATION -SPACE-V3 ..................................................... SHADING-SURFACE -YES "SDL-05-new" -CURVE-FIT "EL1 West Win (G.E9.E18.W1)" -WINDOW TYPE BI-LINEAR-TINPUT-TYPE -DATA GLASS-TYPE -"Vizacon VRE Argon" INDEPENDENT-1 % - 0.194426 INDEPENDENT-2 - ( 77, 50, 70, 90, 110,677,677,777,777)) "EL1 West Win (G.E9.E18.W2)- -WINDOW DEPENDENT1 - ( 1, 1.117, 1.039, D.928, 0.813, 0.896, 0.951, 1.043, ) GLASS-TYPE "Vila 1.08 con VRE Argon" ' X 5.93328 "SDL-C15-new" =CURVE-FIT "EL3 West Win (G.E9.E18.W3)" =WINDOW TYPE -BI-LINEAR-T INPUT-TYPE =DATA GLASS-TYPE - •Viza can VRE Argon" INDEPENDENT-1 - ( 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 61, 64, 70, 73 ) Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File 14/26/2005 13:101 Page 13 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File[4/26/2005 13:101 Page 14 INDEPENDENT-2 - ( 71, 50, 70, 90, 110, 77, 77, 77r 77 1 PROCESS-FLOW ((40/(24.60)) ) DEPENDENT = ( 1, 0.731-0.916, 1.175, 1.517, 1.068, 1.025, 0,983, PROCESS-SCH v ( "DHW Eqp NRes Sch" ) 0.971 ) "SDL-C25-nev" v CURVE-FIT $ __________________________ -____ TYPE BI-QUADRATIC-T $ Domestic Water Heaters INPUT-TYPE COEFFICIENTS COEFFICIENTS = ( 0.392305, 0.011888, 0, -O.DO080916, 0, -2.452e-005 ) "Domes tie Water Heater" DW-HEATER 'SDI -new" .CURVE-FIT TYPE ELEC TYPE -BI-LINEAR-T TANK-VOLUME =75 INPUT-TYPE DATA CAPACITY 0.0196385 INDEPENDENT-1 " ( 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 60, 65, 75, 80 ) TANK-UA =1 INDEPENDENT-2 ( 12,011, 50, 70, 90, 32, 32, 32, 32 ) LOCATION =20NE DEPENDENT . ( 1, .967, 1.299, 1.687, 1.986, 1.O3r 1.015, 0,985, ZONE-NAME v "Kitchen Zn" 0.97 ) DHW-LOOP ."Domestic Hat Water Loop" "SDL-C60-new" a CURVE-FIT TYPE BI-LINEAR-T - 5 INPUT-TYPE =DATA $ Ground Loop Heat Exchangers INDEPENDENT-1 � ( 70, 70, 70, 70, 70r 60, 65r 75, BD ) INDEPENDENT-2 v 5 _________________________________________________________ ( 32, 30, 50, 70, 9D, J2, J2, J2, 32 ) DEPENDENT ( 1, 1,022, 0.855, 0.726, 0.66, 0.922, 0.961, 1.04, "GL Wall HX" v GROUND-LOOP-HX 1.082 ) TYPE LAKE/WELL CIRCULATION-LOOP= "WLHP Water Loop" "PLR-EIR-GHP" CURVE-FIT HX-HEAD v 15 TYPE CUBIC HX-STATIC-HEAD 15 INPUT-TYPE v COEFFICIENTS RX-FLOW-CTRL CONSTANT-FLOW COEFFICIENTS _ ( D.00988125, 1.08033, -0.105267, 0.0151403 ) 5 ............... ..................................... ..... 6..... ....................• S :.....•...••••'.NVAC SYstems / Zones................. Electric Fuel Met- 5......................................................... $ •a••.••...•a•••a.••••.••••..•.••.•••...••••••.••..•a•••. - --------------------------- SET-DEFAULT FOR SYSTEM TYPE<HP _ 5 Master Metal, etocs FAN-SCHEDULE _"Fan Sch" SUPPLY-KW/FLOW 0 "MA CW-LOOP "WLHP Water Loop" MST A-ELEC-METER-METERS 1" "MASTER-METERS COOL-CAP-FT ="SDL-CS-pew" MST v "EM1" COOL-EIR-FT "SDL-C 15-nev" MSTR-FUEL-METER - "FN1" COOL-EIR-FPLR ="PLR-EIR-GHP" COOL-SH-FT "SDL-C25-nev" HEAT-CAP-FT ="SDL-055-neu" 5...••••••.a•.•.....a...•...•.••.••••••....••••..•.•..•... HEAT-EIR-FT "SDL-C60-new" $ •• 5 HVAC Circulation Loops / Plant Equipment •• HEAT-£IR-FPLR "PLR-EIR-GHP" 5••.•aa•a••......a.•...•a•••.•••.•.......a.•••..•...a..••• SET-DEFAULT FOR ZONE TYPE v CONDITIONED $ Pumps DESIGN-HEAT-T = 68 HEAT-TEMP-SCH ="Heat Bch" $ DESIGN-COOL-T 78 "WLHP Loop Pump" v PUMP COOL-TEMP-SCK "Cool Sch" FLOW 36 SIZING-OPTION ADJUST-LOADS NUMBER 1 MECH-EFF 0.77 "Living Am HP" -SYSTEM HOT OR-CLASS PREMIUM TYPE =HP CAP-CTRL v ONE-SPEED-PUMP COOLING-CAPACITY 44000 COOLING-EIR =(1/(20/3.413)) $ _________________________Loo ________________________ HEATING-CAPACITY -39000 $ Circulation Loop, HEATING SIR (1/9) $ _________________________________________________________ "Living Room Zn" v ZONE E CONDITIONED TYPE = "WLHP Water Loop" "CIRCULATION-LOOP AS TYSPIGNED-FLOW 1400 = LOOP-OPERATION =WLHP SVBHOUR-DEMAND CW-COIL-HEAD 10.0 DESIGN-HEAT-T = 45 SPACE "Living Roam" DESIGN-COOL-T 65 "Kite hen HP" -SYSTEM COOL-SETPT-CTRL FIXED TYPE HP MAX-ALARM-T v 130 lIIN-ALARM-T 20 COOLING-CAPACITY 37800 COOLING-EIR =(31100/3.413)) LOOP-PUMP "WLHP Loop Pump" HEATING-CAPACITY. -3400 HEATING-EIR .(1/41 "Domestic Hot Water Loop" .CIRCULATION-LOOP TYPE DFiW "Kitchen Zn" = ZONE WO 7D TYPE =CONDITIONED DESIGN-HEAT-T v 120 ASSIGNED-FLOW 1200 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File 14/26/2005 13:101 Page 15 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(412612005 13:1D1 Page 16 SPACE _"Kitchen/Art Gallery" $ _________________________________________________________ $ Hourly Reporting "Library HP" -SYSTEM TYPE -HP COOLING-CAPACITY-37800 "EMI Hourly Report Block' -REPORT-BLOCK COOLING-SIR -(l/(20/3.412)) VARIABLE-TYPE -"Living Rm HP' HEATING-CAPACITY--32400 VARIABLE-LIST - ( 1 ) HEATING-EIR -(1/4) "Library Zn" -ZONE "Hourly Be","' -HOURLY-REPORT TYPE -CONDITIONED LIBRARY-ENTRY"Hourly Report" ASSIGNED-FLOW =1200 SPACE _"Library" .. $ ________________--------------------------------_-------- "Bedroom HP" - SYSTEM $ THE END TYPE -HP COOLING-CAPACITY=44000 COOLING-EIR -(1/(20/3.413)) END . HEATING-CAPACITY--39000 COMPUTE .. HEATING-EIR =11/4) STOP „ "Bedroom Zn' - ZONE TYPE -CONDITIONED ASSIGNED-FLOW -1400 SPACE -'Bedroom" $ ----------------------___________________________________ $ Utility Rate, "Electric Rate 1" -UTILITY-RATE TYPE -ELECTRICITY ELEC-METERS ( 'EM1° ) lANTH-CHGS = ( 20 ) ENERGY-CHG 0.195 DEMAND-CHGS = ( 0 1 "Gas Rate 2" -UTILITY-RATE TYPE -NATURAL-GAS FUEL-METERS - ( ^Mi. ) ENERGY-CHG - 1.75 $•..............................I......................... $.• rr $• Output Reporting •• $ •....................................................... $ _________________________________________________________ $ Lead, Non-Hourly Reporting $ --------------------------------------------------------- LOADS- PORT VERIFICATION • ( ALL-VERIFICATION SUMMARY - (ALL-SUMMARY ) $ ______________________________________________________ $ 5ystems Non-Hourly Reporting $ --------------___________________________________________ SYSTEMS-REPORT VERIFICATION = (ALL-VERIFICATION J - SUMMARY - ( ALL-SUMMARY ) $ _________________________________________________________ $ Plant Non-Hourly Repotting $ _________________________________________________________ PLANT-REPORT VERIFICATION • (ALL-VERIFICATION ) SUMMARY - (ALL SUMMARY ) $ _________________________________________________________ $ Economic, Non-Hourly Reporting $ _________________________________________________________ ECONOMICS-REPORT VERIFICATION - (ALL-VERIFICATION ) SUMMARY = (ALL-SUMMARY ) Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File[4/26/2005 13:101 Page 17 Armstrong Home Proposed Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:301 Page 18 Appendix B — Standard Design A. Annual Energy Consumption by End-use................................................... 1 page B. Annual Electric Peak Demand by End-use.................................................. 1 page C. System and Zone Air-side Summary report................................................ 1 page D. Modeling Input File....................................................................................5 pages Project/Run: Armstrong Home Standard Design Run Date/Time: 04/26/05 @ 11:38 Annual Energy Consumption by Enduse ,Electricity L .,.... vkW11 ay�;� 24% Space Cool 8,684 Refrigeration - 7% `SpaceHeahr�.-,;.`:.;;��;'-;;;;•:.`i4`,983 `� �, HP Supp.. .. 942 3% 'HotVllater. : ,:,•?'�::.,.:-, . >'2E605 24%- Vent. Fans - >:Pumps&Aux' Ext, Usage - Mtsc:`Egtip :" Task Lights - :.Area Lights',"' . ...... << - 41% total 0 Area Lighting ® Misc. Equipment Pumps &Aux. Water Heating ® Space Heating Task Lighting Exterior Usage Ventilation Fans ® Ht Pump Supp. E71 .Refrigeration Monthly Electric Consumption (kWh) (x000) 6 .........__..._......................................._._..._........................._._................. 5 --------------------------- ------------- 4 ---------•------------- ------------- 3 ---------- ------------- 2 D Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Monthly Electric Consumption (kWh x000) '' Jud7 ��`7u1���Aii v,5e Oet _ Nov>7 De_c7TotaC:- Space Cool 0.04� 0.08 0.19 0.34 0.82- 1.36 2.03 1.82 1.20 0.58 0.16 0.07 8.68 n.. Refrigeration - - - - - - - - - - - - Space:;Heat, 3:9Q ; 2.76, ,,,:.,:2.09; ,: 0:961;,- 0;36 ,;; 0`a)1r., „ '•;:,"r"..;0:00 , c.0:05,. 0.61. 1.48: 2 95 14.98 HP Supp. 0.31 0.20 6.12 0.03 0 00 - - - 0.01 0.06 0.20 0.94 _.__.. ..... r ot.Water 0':25; ,: °'.0 23 -c"-0.26; <0:24; ::.,'0 2,3i`r•„;;0:21;,=;.-'0:2.0 4.:; 0>38's '0;1`8, ; :0:19: 0;20':. ,:0:23:: 2:60 ;.` Vent. Fans - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'P.,um s'&-Aux;: "s '0:02: 0:02 0:03<`': 0 04',. "0',0:2rr` <W0.00' s ,' .`O OO s '0:01' 0.03;<... '0:03..;;::.U.03':, -..0:23 Ext. Usage - - - - - - - - - - - - Misc:;E8:">` 0 76; _§':0.:73 ' `'0:76„;.= 0.73"' O,Z6`;; ` ,0.76':"'s;0 73: :0:76, 073` 90 Task Lights - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4t Area Lights h - - - - -° ea is Total 5'27: 3t99' 3:45 -2.3S, T.99: :2.31, ' w2.98;`" "2:a,5'.;>. '2:16' 2.]8`.'% :':2 56,; 4.23V .3"6,34 eQUEST 3.54.4100 Energy Consumption by Enduse Page 1 Project/Run: Armstrong Home Standard Desig Run Date/Time: 04/26/05 @ 11:38 Annual Peak Demand by Enduse ElecEriai t.c y 9/o:-u o ?. o r. 2/0 Space Cool - 6% • c{Heat;Reject.. `?rs�,,, . . .' • Refrigeration HP Supp 1.60 Vent. Fans - Ext. Usage - :I': cS02 sc^Equip: <ga,• Task Lights - Total2 ew; Z 93 s Area Lighting ® Misc. Equipment ® Pumps&Aux. FA Water Heating ® Space Heating ® Task Lighting [ ( Exterior Usage Ventilation fans Fit Pump Supp. eQUEST 3.54.4100 Annual Peak Demand by Enduse Page 1 Armstrong Home Standard Design - System & Zone Air-Side Summary Repor April 26, 2005 Type' Area Hrs Outside Design Flow. Design Ventilation DesignCapacity Thd Range System Type Ret Served Supply Supply.: _Min OSA OSA OSA OSA ::Goof Cool: Cool; Cool.: Heat :: Cool Heat System&Zone Name Principal Zone Activity Zn sgft cfnr..!":'.. ofmisf:': Flow_ cfm % dm/sf cfm/per ::tons, if/ton ;cfm/ton'..Btuh/sf•;BtuhYsf, Hrs Hrs Living Rm HVAC Residential System 2 D 1,178 1:212.,.'�ui1.03=100% 0 0% 0.000 0.0.% i'r:7 ._. ... .:. . . '-:404vs'._;30:6 1,.,., 178 . .... . ::.. Type Area Design Flow.. :' Design Ventilation Design Capacity Hrs Outside :: Thri Range System Type Ret Served Supply`' Supply'aMin. , OSA OSA OSA OSA Cool- :C.661-: Cool...: ,cool'" :.aieaf Cool Heat System&Zone Name Principal Zone Activity Zn sgft cfm cfriilsf ,F:low: cfm % cfm/sf cfm/per ons sf/fon, cfrrrlton; Btuhlsf Btuh/sf:` Hrs Hrs Kitchen HVAC Residential System 2 D 1 362 1 212 0 89 100%. 0 0% 0.000 0.0 x 3'' 454' 404;' '26 4'. •;'.61.7: 0 0 Kitche .13 .. ....:_.,._�___..�..:.:�-..,. ..__,vim.:......,-. ... .n ZN :R siden b C .. . ' 9 Type' Area 'Design Flow. Desi n Ventilation Design Capacity. r Hrs Outside __<. ThIR e System Type Ret Served Supply Supply'`;_Min- OSA OSA OSA OSA .Cool .Cool , Cool:; Cool:.: Heat.. Cool an Heat System&Zone Name Principal Zone Activity Zn sgft cfm -cfmisf' _'Flow' cfm % cfm/sf dmlper::dons, .sfhon :cfm/ton ,Btuh/s:f:..Btuh/sf Hrs Hrs Library HVAC Residential System 2 D 905 9,212:: ,:,', 34: 100%; 0 0% 0.000 0.0 ,` ',:•3- ;'302-` 404'?:';5 38:8 �,'_-92:9- 0 0 Library Zn ' .;"'•7;';Residential(Single'Fam.)' C ;905 1 212 _ i 1 34-100°/d: 0"< 0% -0.000, 00_,< : :3 ,•;.3t12..' -`404. = 398 92.9 •~• 0 0: Hrs Outside Type Area Design';Flow:', Design Ventilation .Design Capacity Thd Range System Type Ret Served Supply. '.:::.Supply Min:: OSA OSA OSA OSA ':Cool.. Cool. Cool ..Cool Heat'. Cool Heat System&Zone Name Principal Zone Activity Zn sgft cfm- cfimisf' ::Flow cfm % cfm/sf cfm/per .tons" sf/ton cfm/ton 'BtutVd'.':Eituh/ Hrs Hrs ;.: Bedroom HVAC Residential System 2 D 1,081 1;212 1.12'100%. 0 0% 0.000 0.0 "',..3 360;,...1",11;'; .33:3.' *7::', 0 0 <<. d oo Be r m Zn .. -:.,:. Residential S I :,: ;:..-.. :. o °( mg a Fam.).-_. C 1>081:.:...>, :.9 212:.:.:,1.12. .0q! 0 ..... 3 0 404 33 3:.......7T.7°'..'''0 0 eQUEST 3.54.4100 C:\Program Files\eQUEST 3-5\Projects\Armstrong HP Baseline\Armstrong Home Standard Design.pd2 Page 1 INPUT .. MATERIAL ( "GypBd 1/21n (GPO1)", "EL1 IWall Cons Mat 2 (0.91)", 5 5 Global Parameters "GypBd 1/2in (GY01)'• 1 5 __________________________ "GFlr Cons Layers" LAYERS MATERIAL ( -Plyvd 5/8in (PW04)", "Polystyrene lin (IN33)-, PARAMETER "EL1 EWall Cons Mat 2 (l0.19)" ) S Wind.W Area" - 0.1474 .. THICKNESS ( 6D, 0.1667 1 _________________________________________________________ S Title, Run Periods, Design Days, Holidays "Wall Construction" CONSTRUCTION S --------------------------------------------------------- TITLE TYPE =LAYERS ABSORPTANCE -0.88 LINE-1 --Armstrong Home HP Baseline- LAYERS "Wall Cons Layers" "Entire Year" RUN-PERIOD-PD BEGIN-MYTH 1 "Roof Construction" CONSTRUCTION BEGIN-DAY 1 TYPE LAYERS ABSORPTANCE 0.6 BEGIN-YEAR 2005 ROUGHNESS = I. END-MYTH 12 DAY 31 END- LAYERS = "Roof Cons Layers" END YEAR =2005 - "IWall Construction" =CONSTRUCTION TYPE LAYERS r "Heating Desig n Day" -DESIGN-DAY LAYERS "IWall Cons Layers" TYPE HEATING "GFlr Construction" CONSTRUCTION DRYBULB-HIGH 13 TYPE LAYERS DRYBULB-RANGE 5 LAYERS = "GFlr Cons Layers" "Co olin4 Design Day' DESIGN-DAY TYPE "COOLING 5 Gl ass Types DR BULB-HIGH 09 - 5 _________________________________________________________ DRYBULB-RANGE 10 WETBULB-AT-HIGH 73 "Code Minimum Glazing"-GLASS-TYPE TYPE GLASS-TYPE-CODE "Standard US Holidays" HOLIDAYS GLASS-TYPE-CODE "2615" LIBRARY-ENTRY "US" ' S - 5 _______________________ding___________________________ Day Schedules5 ---------------------------------------------- 5 Sit.and Building Data 5 ____________________________________ "Occup S1 WD" -DAY-SCHEDULE-PD TYPE -FRACTION "Site Data" SITE-PARAMETERS VALUES ( 0.64, 6D, 6D, 6D, LD, 0.668, 0.7285, 0.1592, 0.7984,ALTITUDE 275 0.852, 6D, 0.7984: 0.7448, 687184, D.852, 6D, 0.873, 0.859, 0.8054, 0.7472, 0.7215, 0.6936, 0.668, 0.64 ) "Building Data" -BUILD-PARAMETERS "Oeeup S1 WEH" -DAY-SCHEDULE-PD HOLIDAYS = "Standard US Holidays" TYPE -FRACTION VALUE ( 0.6405, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, 0.62, 0.6546, 0.6814, 0.7083, 0.7352, 0.7262, 0.7083, 0.7262, 0.7352, SD, 0.7275, 0.798, 5 ------------- ----�-----__--___----cons__________-----____ =0.7083, 0.6992, 0.6674, SD, 0.6405 1$ Materiels/Layers /constructions 5 -------------------------------___________--------------- ^Occup 51 HDD" DAY-ECHEDVLE-PD TYPE -FRACTION "EL1 EWall Cons Mat 2 (1D.19)" -MATERIAL VALVE9 ( 0 1 TYPE -RESISTANCE RESISTANCE =10.19 "Oecup S1 CDD" -DAY-SCHEDULE-PD - "EL1 Roof Cons Hat 4 (RE ISTANCE TYPE FRACTION TYPE MATERIAL VALUES - ( 0.64, SD, ED, ED, ED, 0.668, 0.7285, 0.7542, 0.7984, -RE RESISTANCE e.l D.852, AD, 0.7984, 0.7448, 0.7984, 0.852, ED, D.873, 0.859, 0.8054, - 0.7472, D.7215, 0.6936, 0.668, D.64 1 "EL1 IWall Cons Mat 2 (0.91)" -MATERIAL TYPE -RESISTANCE "DHW Eqp NAes WD" -DAY-SCHEDULE-PD - RESISTANCE -0.91 TYPE FRACTIONVALUES ( 1 1 "EL1 UFlr Cons Mat 2 (20.69)" =MATERIAL "DHW Eqp NRes W1 HDD" -RACTION DAY-3CHEDVLE-PD TYPE -RESISTANCE TYPE -F RESISTANCE -20.69 VALUES "EW Cons Layers" LAYERS "P_Inf E S1 WD" -DAY-SCHEDVLE-PD MAT - - 6WEAIAL = ( Plyvd 5/8in (PW041 TYP MULTIPLIER ", '•Polystyrene lin (IN33)", VALUES - ( 0.6086, 0.5597, 0.5108, 0.6705, 0.5308, LD, 0.6086,EL1 EWall Cons Mat 2 (10.19)", GypBd 1/2in (cP011" ) 0.5597, D.6436, 0.5108, OD, 0.6715, 0.5106, 0.6715, 0.5108, 0.5, 6D, THICKNESS - ( 6D, 0.1 ) 0.5527, 0.6855, 0.6016, 0.5527, 0.6016, ED, 0.5 ) "Roof Cons Layers" -LAYERS "Fan S1 WD" -DAY-SCHEDULE-PD 101TERIAL - ( Elt-Up Roof 3/Bin (BRO1)-, "polystyrene bin R-5/in", TYPE -ON/OFF/FLAG FF/FLAG "GypBd 5/8in (PW04)", "EL1 Roof Cons Mai 4 (8.1) VALUES - ( 1, ED, 6D, ED, AD, ED, 1, ED, AD, AD, ED, ED, ED, ED, "GypBd 5/8in (G P02�" ) 6D, ED, ED, ED, ED, 6D, 1 1 "IWall Cons Layers" =LAYERS "Cool S1 WD" -DAY-SCHEDULE-PD Armstrong Home Standard Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:151 Page 1 Armstrong Home Standard Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:151 Page 2 TYPE -TEMPERATURE "Heat Sch" -SCHEDULE-PD VALUES ( 83, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, 78 1 TYPE TEMPERATURE "Heat S1 WD" =DAY-SCHEDULE-PD MONTH = ( 12 ) TYPE TEMPERATVRE DAY ( 31 ) WEEK-SCHEDULES - ( "Heat S1 Wk" VALUES ( 65, 6D, 6D, ED, 6D, 6D, 70 ) ) "On Every Hour Sch"-SCHEDULE-PD "Snit Heat Gain Sch D" DAY-SCHEDULE-PD TYPE ON/OFF TYPE FRACTION GROUP ZONE-LOADS VALUES = ( 1 1 MONTH ( 12 1 DAY ( 31 ) $ --------------------------------------------------------- WEEK-SCHEDULES - ( •Hourly Report Week Srhed• 1 $ Week Schedules "Internal Heat Gain Sch' -SCHEDULE-PD \ TYPE FRACTION "Occup S1 Wk" -WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD MONTH = ( 32 ) DAY ( 31 ) TYPE FRACTION WEEK-SCHEDULES ( "Internal Heat Gain Wk" 1 DAY-SCHEDULES - ( Oeeup S1 WD", ED, 6D, c➢, ED, "Occup 51 WEH", 6D, ED, .. "O ccup S1 HDD", ^Occup S1 CDD" ) •• $ _________________________________________________________ "DHW Eqp NRes Wk- -WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD $ Polygons TYPE =FRACTION DAY-SCHEDULES = ( "DHW Eqp NRes WD", ED, ED, ED, ED, 6D, 6D, 6D, 5 •DHW Eqp NRes Wl HDD" ) "Ell Floor Polygon'= POLYGON "P- V1 Inf 51 Wk--WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD V2 TYPE -MULTIPLIER V7 DAY-SCHEDULES - ( "P-Inf S1 WD", ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, ED, "P-Inf sl WD" 1 V4 = ( 45.8, VS = ( 45,8, 75.35 ) "Fan S1 Wk" =WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD V6 ( 29.1, 75.35 ) TYPE -ON/OFF/FLAG va ( -46.5, 98.35 ) DAY SCHEDULES = ( "Fan Sl WD" ) V9 ( -46.5, 7E.25 ) "Cool Sl Wk- -WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD v10 ( -62.9, 78.25 ) TYPE TEMPERATURE V11 ( -62.9, 9E.J5 ) V1297,95, 98.15 ) DAY-SCHEDULES ( "Cool Sl WD^ ) V13 = ( -97.95, 69,05 1 "Heat Sl Wk- -WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD TYPE -TEMPERATURE "EL1 Space Polygon 1• POLYGON V1 DAY-SCHEDULES - ( "Meet S1 WD" 1 ( 0, 0 ) ' V2 � ( 29.3, 0 1 "Internal Heat Gain Wk" -WEEK-SCHEDULE-PD V3 ( 29.3, 51.45 ) TYPE FRACTION V4 ( 20.1, 51.45 ) VS = ( 20.1, 35.05 ) DAY-SCHEDULES = ( "Intt Heat Gain Sch D^ ) V6 ( 0, 35.05 ) "EL1 Space Polygon 2• =POLYGON A V2 5 anual Schedules - ( 0, 0 ) 5 _________________________________________ V 46.5, 29.7 1 "Oecup Sch" -SCHEDULE-PD V4 ( 0, 29.3 ) TYPE -FRACTION VS ( 0, 9.2 ) MONTH - ( 12 )' "EL1 Space Polygon 3" POLYGON DAY = ( 31 ) V1 0 ) WEEK-SCHEDULES - ( "Oeeup Sl Wk- V2 ( 37 4, 0 1 "DHW Eqp NRes Sch" -SCHEDULE-PD - V3 = ( 37.4, 6.3 ) TYPE -FRACTION V4 - ( 29.1, 6.3 ) VS = ( 2,.1, 29.3 ) MONTH - ( 12 ) V6 - ( 0, 29.3 ) DAY - ( 11 ) WEEK-SCHEDULES , "DHW Eqp NRes Wk- ) •EL3 Space Polygon 4• - POLYGON vl - ( 0 0 ) ^P-Inf Sch" -SCHEDULE-PD V2 - ( 29,.3, 0 ) TYPE -MULTIPLIER V3 - ( 29.3, 35.1 1 MONTH = ( 12 1 V4 - ( G.3, 35.1 1 DAY = ( 31 ) VS - ( 6.3, 43.5 1 WEEK-SCHEDULES = ( "P-Inf S1 wk" ) V6 = ( 0, 93.5 1 "Fan Sch" -SCHEDULE-PD "EL1 Spaca Polygon 1 -SMirro" - POLYGON TYPE -ON/OFF/FLAG Vl - ( 0, Oro; MONTH - ( 12 ) V2 = ( 35.05, 0 ) DAY = ( 31 1 V7 - ( 35.05, 20.1 1 WEEK-SCHEDULES = ( ^Fan S1 Wk" ) V9 - ( 51.95, 20.1 ) "Cool Sch" SCHEDULE VS ( 51.45, 29.3 1 TYPE -TEMPERATURE V6 - ( 0, 29,7 J MONTH = ( 12 1 ^EL1 Space Polygon 2 -SMirro^ - POLYGON DAY = ( 31 1 V1 - ( 0, Do) WEEK-SCHEDULES - ( "Cool 51 Wk" ) V2 - ( 9.2, 0 1 V3 = ( 29.3, 0 1 Armstrong Home Standard Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:151 Page 3 Armstrong Home Standard Design Energy Model Input File 14/26/2005 13:15) Page 4 V4 = ( 29.3, 46.5 ) X =11.9585 VS = ( 0, 96.5 1 °EL1 North Wall (G.W1.E3)" -EXTERIOR-WALL "ELI Space Polygon 3 -SMirro" -POLYGON CONSTRUCTION "EWall Construction' Vl ( 0, 0 ) LOCATION SPACE-V4 V2 - ( 29.3, 0 ) SHADING-SURFACE -YES VJ ( 29.7, 29.1 1 V4 ( 6.3, 29.1 1 "ELI North Win (G.W1.E3.W1)" -WINDOW VS - ( 6.3, 31.4 1 % 3.897 V6 = ( 0, 37.4 1 'ELI East Wall (G.W1.E4)' -EXTERIOR-WALL 'ELI Space Polygon 4 -SMirro" POLYGON CONSTRUCTION "EWall Construction" V1 ( D, 0 ) LOCATION SPACE-VS V2 ( 9," 0 ) SHADING-SURFACE "YES V3 ( 43.5, 6.3 ) V4 ( 35.1, 6.3 ) "ELI East Win (G.W1.E4.W1)" WINDOW VS - ( 35.1, 29.3 1 _ % 4.74E V6 = ( 0, 29.3 1 •• "ELI North Wall (G.W1.E5)" -EXTERIOR-WALL S _________________________________________________________ CONSTRUCTION "EWall Construction" $ Fired and Building Shades LOCATION =SPACE-V6 5 _________________________________________________________ SHADING-SURFACE YES S..........................................a.............. "EL1 North Win (G.W1.ES.W1)" -WINDOW $�• Floors /spaces /Walls /Windows / Doors •• X 8.1965 S" " 'ELI Roof (G.W1.E6)" EXTERIOR-WALL S"""•""""""""""""""""""""""""" CONSTRUCTION "Roof Construction" LOCATION =TOP SET-DEFAULT FOR SPACE PEOPLE-SCHEDULE "Occup Sch" "ELI East Wall (G.W1.I2)" -INTERIOR-WALL EQUIP-SCHEDULE ( "Internal Heat Gain Sch" ) NEXT-TO "Art Gallery Kitchen" INF-SCHEDULE "P-Inf Sch" CONSTRUCTION = "IWall 0...truetion" INF-METHOD =AIR-CHANGE LOCATION SPACE-V3 AZR-CHANGES/HR =0.52 PEOPLE-NG-LAT 155 "Art Gallery Kitchen" -SPACE PEOPLE-HG-SENS "245 1( -46.5 Y 69.05 SHAPE POLYGON SET-DEFAULT FOR WINDOW ZONE-TYPE =CONDITIONED GLASS-TYPE "Code Minimum Glazing" EQUIPMENT-W/AREA (1.879•#1("AREA")/0P("AREA-)) ) Y =(IF("HEIGHT")/2-BL("HEIGHT")/2-2•iL("FRAME-WIDTH")) POLYGON "(ELI Space Polygon 2" HEIGHT =5 C-SUB-SRC-BTUH ( 0, 0, 0 Space, WIDTH C-S VB-SRC-KW ( 0, 0, 0 ) ((8P("HEIGHT")•4P("WIDTH")`BPA("k Window Ate a")1/®L("HEIGHT")) C-ACTIVITY-DESC -•Residential (Single Fam.)" -EL1 Flr (G.WZ.I3)" EXTERIOR-WALL 'ELI Ground Flr' -FLOOR CONSTRUCTION = "GFlr Construction" AZIMUTH 360 LOCATION BOTTOM POLYGON "ELI Floor Polygon" SHAPE = POLYGON "ELL South Wall (G.W2.E7)" - EXTERIOR-WALL FLOOR-HEIGHT 11 CONSTRUCTION "EWall Construction" C-DIAGRAM-DATA -Detailed UI DiagData• LOCATION SPACE-VI SHADING-SURFACE YES "Living Room" -SPACE _ SHAPE = POLY CON "ELI"South Win (G.W2.E7.W1)" -WINDOW ZONE-TYPE =CONDITIONED X -10.82 EQUIP MENT-W/AREA- ( (.879•PL("AREA")/8P("AREA"1) ) POLYGON = "EL1 Space Polygon 1" "ELI'North Wall (G.W2.E8)" -EXTERIOR-WALL LOCATION =FLOOR-V12 CONSTRUCTION -"EWall Construction" ' C-SUS -SRC-BTUH - ( D, 0, 0 ) LOCATION -SPACE-V3 C-SUB-SRC-XW = ( 0, 0, 0 ) SHADING-SURFACE -YES C-ACTIVITY-DESC ='Residential (Single Fam.)• "ELI North Win (G.W2.EB.W1)" -WINDOW -ELI Flr (G.Wl.il)" -EXTERIOR-WALL X -10.82 CONSTRUCTION = "GFlr Construction" LOCATION -BOTTOM "ELI West Wall (G.W2.E9)" -EXTERIOR-WALL CONSTRUCTION -"EWall Construction" "ELI West Wall (G.W1.E11" -EXTERIOR-WALL LOCATION -SPACE-V4 CONSTRUCTION - "EWall Construction" SHADING-SURFACE -YES LOCATION -SPACE-V1 SHADING-SURFACE =YES "ELI West Win (G.WI.E9.Wl)^ =WINDOW - "ELI Wes[Win (G.W1.E1.W1)" % 4.748 WINDOW _ X 6.3 "ELI Roof (G.W2.E301" -EXTERIOR-WALL CONSTRUCTION -"Roof Cons[ruction" 'ELI South Wall (G.W1.EZ)" - EXTERIOR-HALL LOCATION -TOP CONSTRUCTION -"EWall Construction" LOCATION -SPACE-V2 "Library" -SPACE SHADING-SURFACE -YES SHAPE - POLYGON - -ELI-South Win (G.W1.E2.W1)" =WINDOW ZONE-TYPE CONDITIONEDEQUIPMENT-W/AREA- (1.879.IL(-AREA-) Armstrong Home Standard Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:151 Page 5 Armstrong Home Standard Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:151 Page 6 POLYGON 'ELI Space Polygon 3" LOCATION FLOOR-VI "ELI North Win (G.E4.E17.W1)" -WINDOW C-SUB-SRC-BTUN ( D, 0, C-SUB-SRC D, 0, 0 ) C-ACTIVITY-DESC -•Residential (Single Fam.)• "ELI West Wall (G.E4.E18)" - EXTERIOR-WALL CONSTRUCTION "Ewell Construction" "ELI Flr (G.E3.I4)" -EXTERIOR-WALL LOCATION SPACE-V3 CONSTRUCTION - "GFlr Construction" SHADING-SURFACE =YES LOCATION -BOTTOM "ELI West Win (G.E4.E18.W1)" -WINDOW -ELI South Wall (G.E3.Ell)" -EXTERIOR-WALL X =5.4 is CONSTRUCTION ="Ewell Construction" LOCATION -SPACE-VI 'ELI North Wall (G.E4.E19)" -EXTERIOR-WALL SHADING-SURFACE -YES CONSTRUCTION ="£Wall Construction" LOCATION =SPACE-V4 'ELI South Win (G.E3.Ell.W1)" -WINDOW SHADING-SURFACE YES X =8.727 "ELI North Win (G.E4.E19.W1)" -WINDOW 'ELI North Wall (G.E3.E12)• -EXTERIOR-WALL X -2.057 CONSTRUCTION - "EWall Construction" LOCATION -SPACE-V3 -ELI South Wall (G.E4.E20)^ -EXTERIOR-WALL SHADING-SURFACE -YES CONSTRUCTION -"EWall Construction- LOCATION -SPACE-V6 "ELI North Win (G.E3.E12.W1)" -WINDOW SHADING-SURFACE =YES X -2.034 "ELI South Win (G.E4.E20.W1)" -WINDOW 'ELI East Wall (G.E3.E13)' -EXTERIOR-WALL X = 10.13 CONSTRUCTION -^EWall Construction" LOCATION -SPACE-V4 -ELI Roof (G.E4.E21)" =EXTERIOR-WALL SHADING-SURFACE YES CONSTRUCTION - "Roof Construction" = "EL1 East Win {G.E3.E1J.W1)" WINDOW LOCATION TOP X -5.415 'ELI North Wall (G.E3.E14)' -EXTERIOR-WALL $ ..r•••rrrr..+..+.r++r.rrr•............•................. CONSTRUCTION -"EWall Construction" $++ LOCATION -SPACE-V5 $•• Performance Curves •+ SHADING-SURFACE =YES $+ �• "ELI North Win (G.E3.E14.W1)" -WINDOW $ .••rrr..rr....w.w...r......r..r...w...•.w.....r...r...w. X Master Meters 'ELI Roof (G.E3.E15)' =EXTERIOR-WALL CONSTRUCTION -'Roof Construction" LOCATION =TOP "MASTER-METERS 1'-MASTER-METERS MSTR-ELEC-METER "EMI" "ELI East Wall (G.E3.I5)" - INTERIOR-WALL MIR-FUEL-METER -"FM1" NEXT-TO "Bedroom" CONSTRUCTION -"IWall Construction" LOCATION -SPACE-V2 $ ....................................................... 'ELIWest Wall (G.E3.I - INTERIOR-WALL $•• NVAC CSreulatSon Loops / Plant Equipment N 'ArE%T-TO -^Art Gallery Kitchen' $ .+ • CONSTRUCTION - "IWall Construction" $ ........................................................ LOCATION -SPACE-V6 .. $ _________________________________________________________ "Bedroom^ .SPACE PnmPs SHAPE - POLYGON $ ZONE-TYPE -CONDITIONED $ ______________________________________________________ EQUIPMENT-W/AREA= ((.879•BL("AREA")/9P("AREA")) ) $ Circulation Loops POLYGON -ELI Space Polygon 4^ $ _________________________________________________________ IO CATION =FLOOR-V2 C-SO-SRC-BTUH - ( 0, 0, 0 ) ^Domestic Hot Water Loop" -CIRCULATION-LOOP C-Sllfl-SRC-KW - ( D, 0. 0 ) TYPE -DHW C-ACTIVITY-DESC --Residential (Single Fam.)• DESIGN-HEAT-T -120 PROCESS-FLOW = (140/(24.60)) ) -ELI Flr (G.E4.I7)" -EXTERIOR-WALL PROCESS-SCH = ( "DHW Eqp NRes Sch" ) CONSTRUCTION -"GFlr Construction" LOCATION -BOTTOM .. $ _________________________________________________________ "EL1 East Wall (G.E9.E16)" - EXTERIOR-WALL $ Domestic Water Heaters CONSTRUCTION - "EWall Construction" LOCATION -SPACE-Vl SHADING-SURFACE -YES "Domestic Water Heater" -DW-HEATER TYPE -ELEC 'ELI East Win (G.E4.E16.W11" -WINDOW TAN%-VOLUME -75 X - 6.864 CAPACITY =0.0196385 TANK-UA -1 'ELI North Wall (G.E4.E17)" -EXTERIOR-WALL LOCATION - ZONE CONSTRUCTION = "EWall Construction" ZONE-NAME _-Kitchen ZN" LOCATION -SPACE-V2 DHW-LOOP -"Domestic Hot Water Loop" SHADING-SURFACE -YES Armstrong Ham,Standard Design Energy Model Input File[4/26/2005 13:151 Page 7 Armstrong Home Standard Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:151 Page 8 $ _________________________________________________________ Ground Loop Heat Exchangers HEATING-EIA a(1/(6.H/3.41J11 $ $ CONTROL ZONE "Hedraom 41_________________________________________________________ "Bedroom Zn" - ZONE $......................................................... TYPE CONDITIONED $ • SPACE "Bedroom" 5• RVAC Systems / Zones • _ $......................................................... $ --------------------------------------------------------- 9ETDEFAULT FOR SYSTEM $ Utility Rates TYPE RESYS2 $ ____________________________________________ HEAT-SOURCE HEAT-PUMP "Electric Rate 1" -UTILITY-RATE ZONE-HEAT-SOURCE NONE TYPE .ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FLOW - 1200 MIN-OUTSIDE-AIR 0 ELEC-METERS ( "EM1" ) MONTH-CHGS ( 20 ) FAN SCHEDULE "Fan SWE SUPPLY-KW/FLOW 0 ENERGY -CHG 0.195 COOLING-CAPACITY-36000 DEMAND-CHGS . ( 0 ) COOL-CAP-FT "RESYS-Cool-Cap-fEWB60AT" "Gan Rate 2" -UTILITY-RATE COOL-EIR-FT "RESYS-Cool-EIR-fEWBSOAT" TYPE NATURAL-GAS COOL-EIR-FPLR "RESYS-Cool-EIA-fPLR" COOL-SH-FT - "RESYS-Sens-Cap-fEWBGOAT" FUEL-METERS ( "FM1• ) - COIL-BF-FFLOW "RESYS-Bypass-Factor-fAirFIOV" ENERGY-CHG 1.75 COIL-BF-FT "RESYS-Bypass.Factor-fEWBLEDB" ' HEATING-CAPACITY -36000 $ . ...••.........w............ •. ........................... HEAT-CAP-FT - "RESYS-Heat-Cap-fEDB6DAT" $•• HEAT-EIR-FT ="RESYS-Heat-EIR-fEDB60AT" $•• Output Reporting • - HEAT-EIR-FPLR "RESYS-Heat-EIR-fPLR" $�• HP-SU PP-SOURCE NONE $....................................................... COIL-BF-FPLR "RESYS-Bypass.Factor-fPLR" $CO L-CLOSS-FPLR "DK-Cool-CycleL....fPLR" $ Loads Non-Hourl Reporting y por rng COOL-C LOSS-MIN 0.7 SET-DEFAULT FOR ZONE LOADS-REPORT TYPE-CONDITIONED VERIFICATION ( ALL-VERIFICATION) DESIGN-NEAT-T_ -2 SUMMARY (ALL-SUMMARY) - HEAT-TEMP-SCH Heat Sch" DESIGN-COOL-T 78 $ Systems Non-Hourly Reporting COOL-TEMP-SCH -"Cool Sch" $ __________________________________________ BRING-OPTION �ADJVST-LOADS ' SYSTEMS-REPORT "Living Rm HVAC" -SYSTEM VERIFICATION = (ALL-VERIFICATION ) TYPE RESYS2 (ALL-S UIMIARY) INDOOR-FAN-MODE INTERMITTENT $ CODLING-EIR -11/(30/3.41311 $ Plant Non-Hourl Reporting HEATING-EIR -(1/(6.8/3.91311 -----__________Y_---------_____________-____ CONTROL-ZONE � "Living Room 2n" "Living Room Zn" - ZONE PLANT-AE PORT TYPE -CONDITIONED VERIFICATION (ALL-VERIFICATION 1 SUMMARY (ALL-SUMMARY) SPACE -"Living Room- - "Kitchen HVAC" -SYSTEM $ Economic,Non-Hourl TYPE -RESYS2 YRe potting INDOOR-FAN-MODE =INTERMITTENT $ _________________________________________________________ COOLING-EIR -(1/(30/3.413)) ECONOMICS-REPORT HEATING-EIR (1/(6.B/7.41J)1 VERIFICATION ( ALL-VERIFICATION ) CONTROL-ZONE - 'Kitchen 2N" SUM AR = (ALL-SUMMARY) "Hitchen 2N" - ZONE $ _______________________________________________________ TYPE -CONDITIONED Reporting ------ SPACE - "Art Gallery Kitchen" Hourly$ ------------ Re----------------------------------- "Library HVAC" =SYSTEM TYPE -RESYS2 "Hourly Report" - HOURLY-REPORT INDOOR-FAN-MODE -INTERMITTENT LIBRARY-ENTRY "HOURL COOLING-EIR =(1/(10/3.413)] y Re pert" HEATING-EIR -(1/(6.8/J.41311 $ ________________________________________________________ CONTROL-ZONE -"Library 2n" $ THE END .. $"Library 2n" ZONE _________________________________________________________ TYPE CONDITIONED END . SPACE -"Library" COMPUTE .. "Bedroom HVAC" -SYSTEM STOP .. TYPE RESYS2 INDOOR-FAN-MODE - INTERMITTENT COOLING-EIR =(1/(30/3.413)) Armstrong Name Standard Design Energy Model Input File(4/26/2005 13:151 Page 9 Armstrong Home Standard Design Energy Model Input File(4/Z6/2005 13:151 Page 10 March 29, 2005 The "Recipient": John Lassiter Tishman Construction Corp. of New York 666 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10103 Re: Use of Electronic Files for Ethical Culture Fieldston School at 3901 Fieldston Road, Bronx, NY (the "Project") As requested by you, Cooper, Robertson & Partners will furnish to you copies of our Electronic Files for your convenience and use related to this project and subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) Recipient agrees that its use of these Electronic Files is at its own risk and that it assumes full responsibility for proper preparation of its drawings and execution of its work on the Project, including, and without limitation, system design as required and verification of all dimensions and other information contained on the Electronic Files as required in the performance of its work. (2) Recipient further acknowledges that Cooper, Robertson & Partners retains the copyright and all other reserved rights in the work product reflected on the Electronic Files pursuant to contract. No part of the Electronic Files or the work product reflected on the Electronic Files may be copied or used with any other project without the express written consent of Cooper Robertson & Partners. (3) Recipient acknowledges and agrees that it is not in privity of contract with Cooper, Robertson & Partners as a result of this Agreement with respect to any claims or causes of action related to or arising out of work performed on the Project. (4) By furnishing the Electronic Files to Recipient, Cooper, Robertson & Partners grants Recipient a limited license to use such work product in conjunction with performance of Recipient's responsibilities for preparing drawings and documents in connection with the Project. 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(6) Addenda information or revisions made after the date indicated on the Electronic Files may not have been incorporated. In the event of a conflict between Cooper, Robertson & Partner's signed and/or sealed hard copies of drawings and the Electronic Files, the latest version of the signed and/or sealed drawings or documents shall govern and control. It is Recipient's responsibility to determine if any conflict(s) exist. The Electronic Files are not construction documents and shall not be deemed to be "Contract Documents" as defined in the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. (7) Under no circumstances shall delivery of the Electronic Files for Recipient's use be deemed a sale by Cooper, Robertson & Partners, and Cooper, Robertson & Partners makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise regarding any of them. 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Recipient accepts all risks associated with any damage to hardware, software or computer networks which may arise as a result of or in connection with its use of the Electronic Files and Cooper, Robertson & Partners makes no representations or guarantees regarding the compatibility of these files with respect to Recipient's hardware or software. Recipient further acknowledges that the Electronic Files ,are furnished "as is" and that Cooper, Robertson & Partners has no liability to Recipient for any damages or losses resulting from Recipient's use of the Electronic Files. Recipient accepts full responsibility for modifying Recipient's computer systems or translating data as required to properly use the Electronic Files. (9) This Agreement shall be governed by New York law and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any unenforceable provisions shall be deemed to be severed from the remaining terms of this Agreement. (10) This Agreement may be executed in one of more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument, with the same effect as if each party had executed all counterparts. (11) By signing this Agreement, Recipient confirms its agreement to the above terms and conditions and the individual signing this agreement on behalf of Recipient represents that he/she is duly authorized to obligate Recipient to comply with such terms and conditions. This Agreement shall govern all future transfers of additional Electronic Files by Cooper, Robertson & Partners to Recipient. (12) Recipient agrees that in the event that the Recipient, its officers, directors, employees, agents or independent Recipients use the Electronic Files as permitted herein, it shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify Cooper, Robertson & Partners and the Owner and the officers, directors, shareholders, partners, consultants, agents and employees of any of them, and hold them harmless from any and all actions,, claims, damages, demands, liabilities, losses, judgments, recoveries, costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, which any of them may incur as a result of such use of, alterations to, deviations from, or additions to the work product depicted on the Electronic Files. Cooper, Robertson & Partner's title block, logo, and letterhead shall be removed from any modified drawings or documents, which are filed with public authorities or are otherwise distributed to third parties. Recipient further agrees to obligate any other Recipient, sub-Recipient or other party who receives a copy of the Electronic Files from Recipient to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Very truly yours, ACCEPTED AND AGREED f John Lassiter Signed: Ralph Ottaiano Date: Cooper, Robertson & Partners . Architectural.Test.ing ASTM E,19.96-02 AND ASTIVI.E 1,996-02 TEST REPORT Rendered to'-.-- BUILDERS WHOLESALE : SERIES/MODEL: Bavarian'Windows' PRODUCT TYPE: Wood Tilt-Turn Window ATI.Report Identification No:; .' .01-5t109.01: Test Date: .. 05/11/64. Through: 05/I2/04. . Report Date:. W03%04 _. - :Expiration.Date:• .: 05/12/08 . :130 Derry Court York, PA 1-7402-9405 phone:. 717-,764-7700 •. fax: 717-764-4129 www.archtest.com Architectural Testing ASTM E 1996-02 AND ASTM E 1996-02 TEST REPORT Rendered.to: . BUILDERS. WHOLESALE 8 7ohn Walsh Boulevard Peekskill, New York. 10566 AU Report Identification No.:01-51109.01 . Test Date: . - 05/1-1/04. Through: ' 05%12/04 Report.Date: 06/03/04 Expiration Date: 05/12/08 Project Summary: Architectural Testing, Inc.-(AT[).was contracted-.by Builders Wholesale to. perform testing-on three Series/Model Bavarian Windows; wood.tilt-turn windows. The samples-.- tested met the.performance requirements set forth in the referenced.test.procedures for a +30.0 . psf and=35.0.psf design pressure.. Test specimen.description.and results are reported herein. Test Specification: The-test specimen was,.evaluated in accordance with the following: ASTM. E 1996-02, Standard Test Method for-Performance_ of Exterior Windows, Curtain. ..Walls, Doors and Storm Shutters Impacted by Missile(s) and Exposed to Cyclic Pressure: Differentials. .. ASTM E 1996=02, Standard-Specification for Performance of Exterior. Windows, Glazed . Curtain Walls, Doors'ond Storm Shutters Impacted by Wind-Borne Debris in Hiirricahes. Test Specimen Description: Series/Model: Bavarian Windows Product Type: Wood Tilt-Turn Window. Overall.Size: 3'"4-1/8" wide by-6' 0-1/8" high Vent Size: 3' 1-1/9"wide'by 5' 8-,1/4" high Daylight Opening Size: 2"6-3/8"wide.by 5' 1-5/8'"high Finish: All'wood-was painted white. 130"Derry Court York, PA 17402-9405 phone:. 717=764-7700 . fax: 717-764-4129 www.archtest.com . :. 01-51 t09.01 Architectural Testing Page?.of 7 Test Specimen Description:-.(Continued). Glazing Details: The.vent utilized a. 1-.1/8" thick.insutatin glass unit fabricated with one 1/4" thick.tempered glass sheet at the interior and. one 5/1:6' thick- laminated glass sheet at the exterior.. The 1arninated glass sheet was.fabricated .with:two- sheets -of 1/8" thick. annealed glass with a 0.090" thick PVB.interlayer between. The tempered sheet-and.the laminated sheet were separated by a metal spacer-system. The vent-was.interior glazed onto a polyurethane bedding and secured with.wood blind stops fastened.with I=1%4" brad nails located V from .the corners and every; 144! around the perimeter. The glazing was cap: - 'beaded with.'Silicone on the interior and exterior. Weatherstripping: Description Quantity= Location. Custom vinyl;kerf-mount, I.Row Vent perimeter hollow compression gasket Frame Construction: The frame was constructed of.wood. The corners utilized finger- joints.secured with glue. An aluminum snap-in-place sill insert,.containing weep.holes, was. added to the exterior of the sill. - Vent Construction: The vent"was constructed of.wood, The corners,utilized tongue and groove construction that was secured with glue. Hardware: Description. .Quantity Location Multi-point lock . .12 points 811, 29 -4711 and 62" from sill on both , system-with tilt=turn jambs. 2=1/2"_; 13", and 27-.1/2" from. hardware locking jamb on sill.. 12" from . locking jarrib on head. Metal pin pivot hinges .2 Top and,bottom of vent Metal handle 1 234/2"-from bottom of vent Drainage: . Description Quantity Location 3/16".wide by.1-1/4 2 2-.I/2" from aluminum sill insert. high weep hole ends 1/8".wide by l/4" 2 .14/2" from bottom.rail ends high.weep-hole. . draining glazing channel Installation: The window was:installed into a-2" wide by 8," high wood buck: Interior and exterior blind.stops were utilized. The exterior blind stops.were.secured"utilizing #6.x-2 flat head screws located 1-1/2" from the.corners and 8" on center. The interior blind stops were secured. utilizing #8 x 2-1/2" flat head- screws.located.3" from-'corners and, 12" on - center. -The window also utilized #8 x 4':flat head,screws.located 3'.' from the head and sill and 18,7 on center through the buck sides into the frame jambs. 01-5 l 109.01- Architectural Testing Page:3 of 7 Test.Results.: The following results have been recorded: ASTNI-E-1996-02,Missile.Impact . . Conditioning Temperature: 86.00F:- Missile Weight: '9.4 lbs Missile Length:,'.8'.0" Muzzle Distance from Test Specimen: :17.0 ft. -Test.Unit#1 - Impact#1: Missile Velocity:.49.9 fps Impact Area: Midspan of vent Observations: -Large missile impacted target,Tractu red.exter ior laminated . annealed glass, broke out interior tempered glass,no penetration. Results:- Pass Test Unit#2 . Impact#1: Missile Velocity: .49.8,fps Impact Area: Lower left corner Observations: Large missile impacted target, fractured exterior laminated. annealed.glass, broke out interior tempered,glass,separated hinge jamb and . bottom rail corner at caulk.joint, no penetration.. Results:'. Pass Test Unit#3 Impact#1: Missile Velocity: 5.0.3 fps - Impact,Area: Upper right corner Observations: Large missile impacted target,fractured exterior laminated .,.annealed glass,.broke out interior tempered glass, no penetration. . Results: Pass =5.L-i 09.01 Arcfiitectura4-Testing Page.4.of7'. Test.Results,:.(Continued) ASTM.E 1996=02,Air Pr.essure,-Cycling, . :-Test Unit#1.. . . : . Design Pressure +30.0.%-35:0 psf ; Table.l "cyclic Pressiire Diffe*tial Loading';Section I,I, Paragraph ll: 1.2 POSITIVE PRESSURE. Pressure Number. of Average: _ Ma. URI Detlectionondicato.r). Range (Psf). . cycles . Cycle Time. #1.. #2 #3. ,- 6:O.to 15.0.. : 3500 . 1:92.sec: 0.05 0:06".. 0.051!. .- 0.0 to 18.0: ...300. 2:05 sec 6.06 0:08 0.06 15.-0.to 24.0 : .:600 2.07 sec. 0:07" 0:1.0." 0.08'.' 9.0'to.30.0 100 1.80'.sec. :. 0.08". . 0.12". 0.10" Permanent'Set 0.02":: 0.02'.'. NEGATIVE PRESSURE.' Pressure - Number,of Average 'Maximum-Deflection (Indicator).. : Range (p'sf). cycles Cycle Time-'. #1 #2 #3. 10:5.to 35.0 50 1:80 sec:- 0.08" 0:1.0" 0:08" 17.5 to.28:0. 1050 .. -.2.0 sec::".. . 6.07". 0:08"1 0.0.7 0.0.to 21.0: 5.0.. 1.80 sec. 0.06" . 0:07" 0.05" . 7.0-to-17:5: 1 :. 3350: 2:05 sec. 0.05"_ : . . .0.06",: . :. :.0:05" = Permanent Set:. . UT' 0:02, .. Res.alt: Pass.. 0 f-5 1109.01. Architectural l`esting Page:5 of 7 Test kesults. .(Goniinued). ASTM E-1996-02,..Air Pressure-Cycling Test-Unit#2 'Design•Pressure:- +30.0/-35.0-psf Table 1, "Cyclic Pressure Differential Loading.'; Section.11,:Paragraph.11-:4.2 POSITIVE PRESSURE Pressure_.. Number of Average.. Mazirnum.Detlection.(Indicator) Range.(Pso - .:. cycle s Cycle.Time #1'_ #2 :. #3 6.O.to..15:0': 3500:. . . 1:5�:sec.. 0.03"... 0.04.".. :. 0:04" . :. 0.0-to 18.'0.. . 300: 1:67 sec.: 0.03 0.04 0.04" 15.0.to-24.0 -:600 .1.84 sec. 0.04." 0.05" 0.077 -.. . 9.0 to.30.0 1.00 : 136sec.:. 0:05". 0.08". .`: 0.09".: Permanent Set 0.0.1".. . . 0.01. 0-0.1w" ._ .NEGATIVE PRESSURE Maximum Deflection• Indicator . . . . Pressure Numlier of Average ( ) Range(Psi cycles :., Cycle Time #1. #2 0 10.5.to 35.0 50 ,:.. 1:64 sec:. 0:05. .0.07 0.06 1050 64 sec. .04" 0.05".17.5 to28:0. 0.0 to 21L.0 50...' 1.79 sec.. 0.04" 0.06'.' 0.05 7.0'ao.17:5. 3350.. l:7laec. 0.03 :0.04", _ 0.04",. '.• .: Permanent Seta. Re`su[t: Pass. .'. . . O 1-51109.01 Architectural Testing Page 6.of 7 Test Results: (Continued) ASTM E,1996=02, Air Pressure,Cycling. Test Unit#3. _. Design Pressure: +30.0%-35.0 psf Table l "Cyclic Pressure DifferentiaUoading'; &etion.11, Paragraph 11.4.2 - POSITIVE PRESSURE: ._ Pressure - -Number of Average Maximum.Deflection,(Indicator) Range{psf) cycles . Cycle Time. #1 #2. . #3 . . .6.O to.15.0 3500 1.52 sec. .0.04 0:06" 0.04 0.0'to. 18.0: 300. 1.55 sec. 0.05't 0:06 0:04" 15.0 to 24.0 600 1.63 sec. . 0.06" 0.08" 9.0 to.30.0 100 1,81.see. 0.07" - 0:10" 0.07 Permanent Set .0.01" 0.01". 0.01 .NEGATIVE PRESSURE Pressure Number of Average Maximum Deflection (Indicator) . Range(psf) cycles Cycle Time 41 #2 #3. 10.5-to 35.0 50 1.69 see. 0.06" 0.08" 0.08" .- 17.5 to 28.0. 1050 . 1.55 sec. . 0.05'.." 0.07". 0.07".. . 0.0 to 21.0 50' . 1.59 sec.. . 0.05" . 0.0010.06" .7.0 to.17.5. 3350 1:55.sec. 0:04 : 0.06 0.06" Permanent Set . 0:01." 0.02 0.021' Result: Pass 01-51109.01• Architectural.Testing Page:7.6f 7 General Note Upon completion of testing, the specimens met the requirements,of Chapter 7 of ASTM E 1996. Test Equipment: Cannon`: -Constructed from steel piping utilizing-compressed air to propel t(ie missile(s) lVIissile(s): 2 by 4,Southern.Pine _ Timing Device: Electronic.Beam Type Cycling,Mechanism:.Computer controlled centrifugal blower with electronic pressure measuring.device Deflection Measuring Device: : P dial indicators. List of Official Observers: Joseph A.-.Reed,-P. E. Architectural Testing; Inc. . Mark A. Hess Architectural Testing;-Inc. . Representative samples of.the test specimen and a copy of this report.will be retained by ATI.for a period of four.years from the original test date. This report.is the.exclusive property"of the client so named herein and is applicable'to.the sample tested: Results obtained are-tesied values . and do not constitute an opinion or,endorsement.by this laboratory: This report.may not be reproduced,except in.frill, without the approval-of Architectural Testing. For ARCHITECTURAL TESTING, INC.. Digitally Signed by:Markk Hess- Digitally Signed try:Steven k Urieh Mark A.-Hess,-: Steven M: Uric_h, P.'E. Technician Senior Project Engineer MAH:baw. 01-51109.01 Zovc,( Y _ _ 4rchitectural.Testin9 DOCUMENT-CONTROL'ADDENDUM 401-51109.00 - Current Issue.Date: 06%03/04- Report No.:.' OM1109.01: : Requested;'by:.'-Ms:Chriistihe-Kerr,'Builders Wholesale . ..Purpose:. ASTM E.J886 02- and .A9TM t'. 1996-02 testing on Series/Model Bavarian Windows, wood tilt=turn,window. Issued.Date::06/03/0.4 Comments: New York-P.-E.-seal'required on.report. : ; Structural Steel Inspection Report Client: Thomas Phifer&Partners Project No.: 7354 Project: Armstrong Residence Report No.: 006 Inspector: Donald C. Caron Date: 05/01/06 Subject: Field Verification Inspection Page: 1 of 1 A field inspection was performed at the above-referenced project today. The purpose of this inspection was to verify that completed work was performed utilizing the engineer-approved drawings, the project specifications, and the American Welding Society Structural Welding Code D1.1. The writer was on site as scheduled to conduct a visual inspection of the structural steel that was erected. Column plumb was checked utilizing a Bazooka-Bob to ascertain if columns at Lines A through F and ] through 32 were within the AISC tolerance of 1:500; columns were found to be acceptable . A visual inspection was conducted on the base plates and anchor'bolt installation at Columns Lines A through F and 1 through 32. Base plates were found to be in full bearing on all plies. Anchor bolts had all required washers and nuts in place, tightened and showing full thread projection. The high carbon steel bolts (A325 type)were installed in all the required locations and found tight. Metal deck installation had fasteners in proper locations as per contract drawing. No non-conformities observed as of this date. of GON C' 'off. 0 PAL pc: Andrew Mazor, Thomas Phifer&Partners jm 03/31/2006 14:39 8607476455 IMTL PAGE 02/02 IMTL Accurate informationyou c4n rely,on. Structural Steel Inspection Report Client: Thomas Phifer&Partners Project No.: 7354 Project: Armstrong Residence Rcport No.: 001 Inspector: Donald C. Caron Date: 03/24/06 Subject: Field Verification Inspection Page: 1 of 1 A field inspection was performed A the above-referenced project today. The purpose of this inspection was to verify that completed work was perfomaed utilizing the engineer-approved drawings, the project specifications, and the American Welding Society Structural Welding Code D1.1. The writer was on site as scheduled to perform a visual inspection of steel. A visual inspection was conducted on.the base plate and anchor bolt installation at colunm Lines A through F and 1 through 32- The base plates were found to be,in full bearing on all plies. Anchor bolts were found to have all required nuts at)d washers in place and tightened and showing full thread projection. A visual inspection was conducted on the high carbon steel bolts, which was found to be A325 type bolts. These bolts were installed in all required location and were found to be tight upon the completion of the steel inspection. No non-conformities were fowid at Ibis time. W^� •i pc: Andrew 1Vlazor,Thomas Phifer&)?artmerits Jrn . independent Materials Testing Laboratories,Inc. T 860.747.In0d inaiI@imdct.com Te[[MPOM may not be rcprodUccd a[cp[en R11•w:1: 57 K.Washington St.,P•.O.Box 745,Plainville,CT 06062 F 8fj0.7h7(}�55._�u!ww{r�ster.loin_,:a��`°"l of iQiL �It ra*t* rc6tcc to[F.c kiln-[ericd. x?cpbcit=a,"ilis�SreCbfa�et�t+y.licilr�'10.rliiin'�:oe[:c[ .: - - - '-' -_•�=•;:�ilv+Aeieni�c�+iSPnrays�?�iy,�%��US�o.3;rnaicnG:. 0373112006 14:39 8607476455 IMTL PAGE 01i02 IMTL Accurate information you can rely on. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: 3-3/d C To: Mailed Hand delivered Via fax 1 '� -p(no J: Re: T We are Sending You Attached Pages Documents Other These are transmitted as checked below: For approval For your use As requested For review and comment Other: Remarks: All information-is CONFIDENI'IAL. If you have ine rreetl' received this transmittal, or if the message is unclear or incomplete,please call(860) 4 0 Copy to: Signed: NNN Fax No.: Independent Materials Testing Laboratories, Inc. T 860.747.1000 maj1@imdcr.com To;cepom may not be mpmduoed==pc in full-;t; 57 N.Washington St.,P.O.Box 745,Plainville,CT 06062 F 960.747.6455 www imtJcuom appmwd orIViTL Ali recuics relace to rho item:t-ted. Thomas Phifer and Partners ttb f s Transmittal 27 March 2007 Shawn PierceIC` l' 'I Fishers Island Ferry DistrictC/O BD Remodeling and Restoration APR Foot of State Street ` 1 New London - Connecticut 06320 _ Re: Armstrong House Enclosed 1 Steel Inspection Documents Message Dear Shawn, As requested, enclosed are copies of the steel inspections performed by IMTL, an independent testing facility. If there are any questions please let me know. Best regards, 4�-v /qr— Andrew Mazor a.mazor@tphifer.com Architects and Designers LLP 180 Varick Street New York,New York 10014 Telephone 212 337 0334 Telefax 212 337 0603 r Ji r ARMSTRONG HOUSE FISHER ISLAND I; NEW YORK i t or- KIE f Calculations Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, Chicago May 2, 2005 _1' 1 Table of Contents 1. Review Requirements 1 2. Design Criteria and Load Calculations 3 2.1. Residential Building Design Criteria 4 (( _ 2.2. Wind Load Calculations 5 I � 2.3. Snow Load Calculations 12 - j 2.4. Ice Load Calculations 14 3. Geotech Report 15 4. Foundation Design 33 5. Lateral Load Resisting System 37 i � 6. Gravity Framing Design 65 7. Perimeter Canopy Design 75 I ' N, _ I Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP. Armstrong Residence Chicago,IL 60604 Calculations i I I ; 1. Review Requirements 1 The Plan Review Requirements for Residential Construction as issued by the Building Department of Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New'York. F� I ' I l 1 4 I l ` I I a , I_ J i I ' I� I i I 1 Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP. Armstrong Residence I Chicago,IL 60604 Calculations if 54 FAX 2123370603 THOMAS PHIFER Q 002/009 �::_' __ . . � • 3 ,,fin .� r` ' _ .. w � Town Nall,53095 Main Road Fax(631) 765-9502 j P.O. Box 1179 ' ' 0 �Q� Telephone(631)7(55-1FV2 Southold, New York 11971-0959 1, �► i _ BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OP' SOUT14OLD Plan Review Requirements for Residential Con.Struetion 5 "The Building Code of New York Statg" is now in effect.The new code consists of several volumes that may be purchased by contacting ICBO at 1-888-699-0541 or online at www.icbo.org/nycodes/, All applicants must submit three(3) nerar sets of Certified construction drawings designed in accordance with this code. ! Since the Town of Southold is located in a Wind-Borne Debris Region,the glazed openings must be protected with glass that meets the largo missile test cert;i"xcation or y I with structural shutters with attached hardware as required in Sectio11 1009.1.4. Note, also that the Town of Southold is located in the 120 mph Hurricane Prone Region. Therefore, the Residential Code requires that wood frame structures.be designed in accordance with one of the reference doetumnts listed iri R301.2. Also see the Builduig Code of NYS,:Code Section 1609. The following details and Info rrhation must be submitted on each. set of plans: 1.) Use(s) and Occupaucy Classification(s), 2.) Height and Fire Area, 3,) Typo of Construction, 4.) Design criteria- engineered design or prescriptive design. 5.) Framing elements including heriders, girders,floor joists, wall studs, ceiling 6 joists, roof rafters, steel and engineered lurober. Lumber species&grades. .6.) Design load calculations including live, dead, show, scisrnic, rind wind - (including uplift:and exposure category). 7.) Window and door schedule showltag conformance with missile test. requirements or structural shutter design details. 8.) Load paths from.roof to foundation. 9.) Nailing and/or connection schedule for all structural elements and roof material. Show framing details, including clips, straps and foundation anchoring(sheathing) that are appro to for the•required loads. c: • 10.) 'gean f,Egress (See R310 Bna y Escapes,,Rescue; Open'496)-. 11.) Plumbing'riser diagram. 32.) Location of fire protection equipment, i.e. smoke alaron 13.) Truss design drawings with certification. 14.) Energy calculations from design professional, i.e. lyta;Cheek etc. y- 15.) Light and ventilation (See R303 Light, Vendlatioti ;clad I-iQadng). l . _ T'd 2osG s9z TE9 9NIQ"lIna G10Hinos W aT:ZT S0: 20 abkl 2... I , 2. Design Criteria and Load Calculations L 2.1. Residential Building Design Criteria �.i Building planning and construction design criteria inclusive of Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria 2.2. Wind Load Calculations Wind Load Calculations for Main Wind Force Resisting System and for a Components and Cladding 2.3. Snow Load Calculations Snow laod Calculations for Flat roof Structure 2.4. Ice Load Calculations Ice load Calculations for external Perimeter Canopy System , J I' i Skidmore Owings&Merrill LLP. Armstrong Residence 0 g �. Chicago,IL 60604 Calculations f:x, r Pant I11..— B;uildin- Plannin. anofF Cor steuct on g ol, CHARTER 3 ,PLANNING . t fly5" ii.. .jr rr}}: fit.•:z: F 2GSEC lIONR301 limiific�-a'ii'd<3'g ao g`r'• ��t` `desI"n c dill S '.. - DESIGN _ d isioris o f t hcy1,p "issection:'Addt lon l"v'� fth �co a as 'ted `:ills`i-o is"oriso C•i'. Y. .I? Na' i• .yL `"t•`- `�"t: art liri"die loii'and`�se f h•-;`;:�'f"�� `-'c�:: t '1ai�a�be�'~°tatilstit;clb.',`tliela cal s d`aI art :thereof Y `R301:1�Desinr'Buldn�s,and3strucfuresail 1� s - in<Talile'.R30.1':2 'all.loads'iilcl' in silead :. sfiall:be:constructed"toaafel. ;su" ort g hi V y: '"ads:sn w n `��'''�• 'loads��live loads oof.loads- fioo 1, , F 'i "'.Ii' itatiion"s:Buildin`s:arid'`"`or[iorisxhereof°r:. f `'ds_"and°'seismic .loads:as `"resciibed''la ade.;.:The-,., ?` fi,: ,loa .. ;t? Y• :&, ' 6&,. wend :'s eed': as 'defizied .in:Table:.,-, >: sliall='he`litriited.:bybr t'``ctionofbnitcliii`s'aiidstcictil'resshallres l ln.as`s.m `'' , -coils ru W g 3., „Y<.,. s.ructioti^'meth'ds''ln'accordance°wlth, "uls�e "'ri' aI'1 R3.01:2(l),:'anii_:ci?n a _ '-co' 'l'te�.load��"ath'ca"`aLi1e``of tr. f rrl s .tliat; T' •'�: 3'�w;:�'F: '..this;'code: i`t � `"�i"�n�t}irou h.fhe�toad=i:es s.1 #r �loads�froni heio n P. Fi`Q"airs�R301�.2�4' Wliere�`diffej�en t corstrtictioti metliod5 f'` ;�': y,w ` in ,ofoilien'`secon eri•. iiientsito the foiiriiiation:Wlien:abtrild .Y + � <:... X~• ��'3. "i r variolis�'�'vrrion§tof'a' =' .L:.,... .• �t• ,,,� ....•.:'..,,-,:::;=� .�-. rialstareased.fo trii .: tlririate, . ... _ ;-,xp: , .., tiional:;constructxoncontaxnsstrlictural;eleXnents'thatexceedxhe - ":_;;�':" d: '•' " _ " <, bulld!n 'tlie,a" pl ;i p e uireirientsoftills,sectlon for>eacli,_ "e a e`tints°'shall`be:desi`n d r% 'its='of Section 12301' those:elm 'i„ "a: '�1 I_'>Wli'erel'6acis=fo%vviriciows�sk"-1i litsalcl. ;,�. '.,x:� " ortionslia lea y Y fti'aces"fed eri ineeriri lactic r P: accord'aricewl, p; a ;. :ex4erlor doois airs is atlrenvlse:s self ed°tle'loaclstli'sted itr' " s" "v x}' :Ta e ;hei"Hf�aildeic osize ei• bl _:�:•��_�:��� �.Tatle�R.30.1 •2 2•.`ad'ustedfor - Elie r'e dire "erifs� this•., .� �-::s:. �'01`:1'�:1�Constructlon�s•.steYiis:;T r m o „�..�,.�,:' :,�•.�.` - > . <: .:. . _ Ol':23Y .steal"bed`to.determfile:desi "nload; eriir,,. - eode tia`sed on Iati oriii aiid,Balloon=Fratne:conatructlon, �ru w :zu , , .-_ :._: .-•. .. .:•. .. ..: ..:::: �:,'= mariee•re uiieiilents;forrw a,.r,• q• ows�aid;d"ooFs`�:.;{t�==•:.:ete and` �? :--f r'lt ht-frameblilldan' s The-re'ulrements;£oz o x -°`.�� E e::b sedlo tabaloon;�framin 's"ste `uildln s'a a -:•�.<�: ::•'maso ',b � _ {. ,. g._Y, a:: •R301:2.11`�'=Deli n:�c i£ezia;>Cgnsfruction-��ln�+re lo;>is. `' -:ia Other.fraprig.s stems:must,hav,q"e V aJ6nt detdittng to ep'.K�; 'w:°_yvt e"rexlle basic avmd s eeds"from Fi``are R3.01.2 9 Vie:'uala=<`' sure'force ti ansfeir co tiilult`'arid.com'atilile cl'e oizratlons: files, er< ui`1771:.icixilla<`shall'be file ;'.: ?lY, P.. ;or exceed. ;.,f., i < „ 7 1'" .w' f ttie:followin' u`acc rdance. lth'one o lied�l o .4r•' .K t"ri Wlien�a•buil'din `of o he' s .� 'iieered�clesi N;R3-� g!.• 1;:•'L. g, ..�. 5=a e'� `ssoc•ation�•A.AESiPAr�:� _',.,. - r`,: �-�l:i Amezlsant'�o�st'and�P,p•c_A l ,( ,.),. `iitains strtictlira ? :time` `striictitin"co'ct�riveri'tional':li ,. �; •�; �;-, $_ -t=' "'ction� aniial`�'foi-C)'':e'.=r,'aiicl`�''':�_� `�'�-•• s.�'-•.A:",..,:•;,:->" '.Wood=:�Fralne;:Constiv M, n �•_ sha `.be•:e t se t leriaent 11 t oleo f© o:lii`cbd he s en s n n rm lil t t s elm >?.,. - we lin Clv1 '.:or; •�'- �•Twt: s�< :F desl ned:in accortla-ce wlth:at c° ted:en`atleenn ractice:• . ;,� ,s. e' v°I l' de'Con`ress"<Lnteilafioila 2`: .Southdyn` Co g., nl"'detrioiis atecoiri lean ce : .< 'eexttnt,ofsuchdesi' "ieeii.o tZ ,�, b'n ,t. Y.. P . ,x, i"tarit`>R sid n v' d" ar`!IIurricaiie' "er`a licalLe;' "ovi- v `v a `th co a•tion l"el ril ts' -itli�`o of lion n w •�C'z�natciict'o 0 1 nT '£ 1' :t )t i` ti'1 wlth;the' erforrilanee:of�tFie`� sloes;and-shalktie com a b e.. � R '°'ads;�for 3. litai Des n=Lo �'conveiltiionah;frained�-'s: stetni:',�`En n er d:�d ,ram:•,-� ``4�, .g ,g a:.r... . , y "g ..x Y �' ^, :r% s?'A' �'E !` x:(7 N' ,.ttacture SC fafe'� 3 {, �)i ertiiitfeil: e` uildin` 'ode` Nelv'Y r'k s "darice;with:th B :'C ,:.� .�-. n >fi'' 3: "r "° .F. r.. ed;••11'�e'desi' In. - d"fee��`tiristructo%i•sti�a b - stt=tl"ctiuires•aiiii "arts thereof>.tricludeii�in�'u;•;: '4:';Cold`£o a ,s J�'e gn, 7J�� z .N< accoidance�L `tk th e- ro t tfie�s o ,.of p P. t. xt, .F•,. w7��F n X X 11 f A`i1G���`N xGEOGRAP G�DESIGN'CRITERIA - �`.CLIM. A D HI z+ti T de`s field•-+=h s. ' ,• - '�'-<.,.-.•w.. :'.::'".'.,, .,<;.`;;% a, G7.TO�DAM°GE EROht :�N ., ,,t n _ Whit n of E'ost'rie- Flood' x r Il -Desi` merit`•-- 'n DE51G . • S NOW' 9 '= d . D. 1Neatherlii' Zde th. Terinite ;Dew -c* a haiards,"<, LOAD„ •:• `SPEE •,(mPh)•�" µCATEGORY@,': 9::.. 1? Y,,. •,Temp:. re"-air red,, d' lisle oot 79.kT3/ I tnil'e"'erhoui=.l":609artil}i=' o For SI `;1'pouit per+'sq, f _r:004 tit p., lGt./1 a:Weatheringmayregwreahtgberstrengtficoncretetor•gradeofmasonrythannecessaryto.'saUsfythestiuctu'ralreyuireritentso£this.code.:Theweatheritigci>lumn;,' sliahbe f Iled to wrth the weathering tnde {t e,`aeghgtble "mode'rate'or"severe or ccpncreie as'determtned from the WeatbeF 4,l r babthty Map[Figure. R301'.2(3)]<The;giade3of masonry;units,sliallslse:detcrmined from ASTI41'C'34;C 55,C.62;C'73,C 90,C"129,-_C•2d6'oi;C;652';: Ti:The froshline depth may require decpter footings than tndtcated in ftigure'R403.1(1).The jurisdiction shall fill in the frostline`depth column with the minimum deptfi`of foofirig;below,fmtsh grade ; c:;The sdiction;sliali fill in this,part of the table with""very<lheavy;""modecate.to heavy,""slight'to mod`eiate;''or."none Co slight".in accordance with Figure' . . '• . R3QlZ(6)rdependi»g ottwhether there has beet a.history of local,damage: t d.,The jugsdiction?shaI6filI-tnatiis'pait ofthe tablewith"moderate tosevere;""sl ight'io moderate,"of"none to,slight"in aceordance with Figure R301.2(7)depend= iig onwhether`there''as,t'66 a,htstory of local damage., ' ::e?TFie jurisdiciiori ssHa[1 fil}-in This p"art of.the taBle,with:the:iyitiii speed frotirtIie,basic;wind speed map.[Figvrb R341.2(4)]:VVintl exposure category shall bedeter=..: mined nn'a"site spectfi basis.in accordance;with Section 1001.2.1 4 "r;', ` , N:;: -f Refei to TaliM NI+101 2-"winicr'be§igri -fiutb Temrierature"'cohtirini. ..;; ', 'Y:- g.Thejuiisdictiori stiall,fill lit Phis part•of'eta lie talilc"with the Seismic Design,Categgry determined from$ection It301;2.2.1. h._Ttie jnrisdictign'stiall'fi lt`iri•this:inrt of the tuli(e with(a)'the date of the jnnsd fiction's entry into the Nations t Fl ood Insurance Program(date of adoption of tlie,first. node orordinance,for map4gement oi'flood haitud'M eas);(O the date(s):gf the currently effective FIRM and FBFM,oz other flood hazard map"adopted by d e. community,as;piay bi"apien8Ci. ,'.`, N i' See Figure R301 2($)f"rq ground-snovr laade Y RESIDENTIAL CODE OF.NEW:YORK STATE 25 �. PtOIect Job No. SOM Subject Q j�yW WINP, LOAD Sheet 1 I, By Date Chkd By Date Ji : • : 1._..�—__i. :N•� _ ��'i�'6_—'•—._—i__ __"'}` _._' i__—�.._---_�_—�____.a_.. _�. 1 } � _i , : I i ' I ! i I ES`11 �i : w i i I �- , 9 ! , i ! - : AX i i I : Id'a - ! - _ 1-' 49 �- : ! r I I t`� f1/r r( ' ..G�!'4'4 { !)!Ns : r , I : i : I ' ! i ' I ! , : , i i � i i i •�i li , , i I I i 1-41-1 — L. • I i i : : , I H- r-"� i..�� I�.•„t.u:�`.a.l_.. '>r ]�_`j'r�,�•,.t�i�- ....� - - -,�.._..".:��":�r:.l•c"i;t.�,.!"'e`."-� .i'�.....! .1,-1"Yv,�.�•��G�; ✓����,r-il � � ! � t .. �tI.. i I � L1�L�i�•' _��_...i �''6��- I- -�`�-�}--��-��---:'-�JI._. __���•��_er1_'�.G_`t l� I tt , r .� C.. 4' ' _�-f'3-.° ilk tYVyl" f i C�`fi l ' L. �Y �11 P 1; 6�.�SC : too I -t Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090,Fax 312 360-4545 `�� so Project job Ni Subject Sheet i By Date Chkd By Date ' I ; 4-4 IS I ! I I I t � I r ! r HoPl. r. ra ------ �—i 46 40 NA i : : f i ! t _ _ s I I 1 I ! t : ! i : I t i t t r t t 1 : rt- I ! --"'11ptA-- t s I t I t t I t r ; I ... �1 I GC�•'C! I h ..' �;.I Sty — 69 i I ; A ..I I. 1 Irp iI , : : r ! I I : e4tI I - - - - - - - - -- : t `4/1 i ' I I r � I ! I .s. t t I i ! r ; ! I ' r ; I I t : ; i I � i I Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South'Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090,Fax 312 360-4545 �- STRUCTURAL DESIGN �i TABLE 1609.6.2.1(1) SIMPLIFIED DESIGN WIND PRESSURE(MAIN WINDFORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM),p,,,0(Exposure B at h=30 feet with lw=1.0)(psf) BASIC ZONES WIND ROOF ROOF Horizontal Pressures Vertical Pressures Overhangs SPEED ANGLE RISE IN LOAD 1 } (mph) (degrees) 12" CASE A B C D E F G H E G 0 to 5° Flat 1 11.5 -5.9 7.6 -3.5 -13.8 -7.8 9.6 -6.1 -19.3 -15.1 10° 2 1 12.9 -5.4 8.6 -3.1 -13.8 -8.4 -9.6 -6.5 -19.3 -15.1 15° 3 1 14.4 -4.8 9.6 -2.7 -13.8 -9.0 -9.6 -6.9 -19.3 -15.1 1. 20° 4 1 15.9 -4.2 10.6 -2.3 -13.8 -9.6 -9.6 -7.3 -19.3 -15.1 85 1 14.4 2.3 10.4 2.4 -6.4 -8.7 -4.6 -7.0 -11.9 -10.1 i!~ 25° 6 2 - - - - -2.4 -4.7 -0.7 -3.0 - - 30°to 45° 7 to 12 I 12.9 8.8 10.2 7.0 L0 7.8 0.3 6.7 4.5 5.2 2 12.9 8.8 10.2 7.0 5.0 3.9 4.3 2.8 4.5 5.2 0to5° Flat 1 12.8 -6.7 8.5 -4.0 -15.4 -8.8 -10.7 -6.8 -21.6 -16.9 10° 2 1 14.5 -6.0 9.6 -3.5 -15.4 -9.4 -10.7 -7.2 -21.6 -16.9 15° 3 1 16.1 -5.4 10.7 -3.0 -15.4 -10.1 -10.7 -7.7 1 -21.6 -16.9 9D 20° 4 1 17.8 -4.7 11.9 -2.6 -15.4 -10.7 -10.7 -8.1 -21.6 -16.9 25° 6 1 16.1 2.6 11.7 2.7 -7.2 -9.8 -5.2 -7.8 -13.3 -11.4 2 - - - - -2.7 -5.3 -0.7 -3.4 - - 30°to 45° 7 to]2 1 14.4 9.9 11.5 7.9 1.1 -8.8 0.4 -7.5 -5.1 -5.8 2 14.4 9.9 11.5 7.9 5.6 -4.3 4.8 -3.1 -5.1 -5.8 0 to 5° Flat 1 15.9 -8.2 10.5 -4.9 -19.1 -10.8 -13.3 -8A -26.7 -20.9 10° 2 1 17.9 -7.4 11.9 -4.3 -19.1 -11.6 -13.3 -8.9 1 -26.7 -20.9 15° 3 1 19.9 -6.6 13.3 -3.8 -19.1 -12.4 -13.3 -9.5 -26.7 -20.9 ^ f 100 20° 4 1 22.0 -5.8 14.6 -3.2 -19.1 -13.3 -13.3 -10.1 -263 -20.9 25° 6 I 19.9 3.2 14.4 3.3 -8.8 -12.0 -6.4 -9.7 -J6.5 -14.0 2 - - - - -3.4 -6.6 -0.9 -4.2 - - 30°to 45° 7 to 12 1 17.8 12.2 14.2 9.8 1.4 -10.8 0.5 -9.3 -6.3 -7.2 2 17.8 12.2 14.2 9.8 6.9 5.3 5.9 3.8 6.3 7.2 0 to 5° Flat 1 19.2 -10.0 12.7 -5.9 -23.1 -13.1 -16.0 -10.1 -32.3 -25.3 10° 2 1 21.6 -9.0 14.4 -5.2 -23.1 -14.1 -16.0 -10.8 -32.3 -25.3 15° 3 1 24.1 -8.0 16.0 -4.6 -23.1 -15.1 -16.0 -11.5 -32.3 -25.3 110 20° 4 1 26.6 -7.0 1 17.7 -3.9 -23.1 -16.0 -16.0 -12.2 -32.3 -25.3 25° 6 1 24.1 3.9 17.4 4.0 -10.7 -14.6 -7.7 -11.7 -19.9 -17.0 2 - - -4.1 -7.9 -1.1 -5.1 - - 301 to 45° 7 to 12 1 21.6 14.8 17.2 11.8 1.7 -13.1 0.6 -11.3 -7.6 -8.7 2 21.6 14.8 17.2 11.8 8.3 -6.5 7.2 -4.6 -7.6 -8.7 _ I OtoS° Flat 1 22.8 -11.9 15.1 -7.0 -27.4 -15.6 -19.1 -12.1 -38.4 30.1 10° 2 1 25.8 -.10.7 17.1 -6.2 -27.4 -16.8 -19.1 -12.9 -39.4 -30.1 '15° 3 1 28.7 -9.5 19.1 -5.4 -27.4 -17.9 -19.1 -13.7 -38.4 -30.1 120 20° 4 1 31.6 -8.3 21.1 -4.6 -27.4 -19.1 -19.1 -14.5 -38.4 -30.1 IM20 25° 6 I 28.6 4.6 20.7 4.7 -12.7 -17.3 -9.2 -13.9 -23.7 -20.2 2 - - -4.8 -9.4 -1.3 -6.0 - 30°to 45° 7 to 12 1 25.7 17.6 20.4 14.0 2.0 -15.6 0.7 -13.4 -9.0 -10.3 2 25.7 17.6 20.4 14.0 9.9 -7.7 8.6 -5.5 -9.0 -103 0105, Flat 1 26.3 1 -13.9 17.8 -8.2 -32.2 1 -18.3 -22.4 1 -14.2 -45.1 -35.3 10° 2 1 30.2 -12.5 20.1 -7.3 -32.2 -19.7 -22.4 -15.1 -45.1 -35.3 15° 3 1 33.7 -11.2 22.4 -6.4 -32.2 -21.0 -22.4 -16.1 -45.1 -353 130 20° 4 1 37.1 9.8 24.7 -5.4 -32.2 -22.4 -22.4 -17.0 -45.1 -35.3 25° 6 1 33.6 5.4 24.3 5.5 -14.9 -20.4 -10.8 -16.4 -27.8 23.7 - 2 - - -5.7 -11.1 -1.5, -7.1 - - �i 301 to45° 7 to 12 1 30.1 20.6 24.0 16.5 2.3 -18.3 0.8 -15.7 -10.6 -12.1 2 30.1 20.6 24.0 16.5 11.6 -9.0 10.0 -6.4 -10.6 -12.1 continued Copyright International Code Council Document provided by IHS License-Skidmore Owings&Merrilp5066000100.RIJILDING CODE® Provided by IHS under license with ICC 10/062004 13:11:40 MDT Questions or comments about this message:please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. 1 ASCE 7-98 MAIN WINO fO&CE �I STIN S4STEM h 5 30 ft. Table 6-3A Design Wind Pressures Simplified Procedure Enclosed Buildings Walls&Roofs 2� qy 1 - 51 J. f- I 5 so -- 26 CAS w ' S- STRUCTURAL DESIGN ' TABLE 1609.6.2.1(2) NET DESIGN WIND PRESSURE(COMPONENT AND CLADDING),Pow(Exposure B at h=30 feet with Iw=1.0) EFFECTIVE BASIC WIND SPEED V(mph-3-second gust) WIND ZONE AREA 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 170 I 1 10 5.3 -13.0 5.9 -14.6 7.3 -18.0 8.9 -21.8 10.5 -25.9 12.4 -30.4 14.3 -35.3 16.5 -40.5 21.1 -52.0 1 20 5.0 -12.7 5.6 -14.2 6.9 -17.5 8.3 -21.2 9.9 -25.2 11.6 -29.6 13.4 -34.4 15.4 -39.4 19.8 -50.7 1 so 4.5 -12.2 5.1 -13.7 6.3 -16.9 7.6 -205 9.0 -24.4 10.6 -28.6 12.3 -33.2 14.1 -38.1 18.1 -48.9 1 100 42 -11.9 4.7 -13.3 5.8 -16.5 7.0 -19.9 8.3 -23.7 9.8 -27.8 11.4 -32.3 13.0 -37.0 16.7 -47.6 2 10 5.3 -21.8 5.9 -24.4 7.3 -30.2 8.9 -36.5 10.5 -43.5 12.4 -51.0 14.3 -59.2 16.5 -67.9 21.1 -87.2 v 2 20 5.0 -19.5 5.6 -21.8 6.9 -27.0 8.3 -32.6 9.9 -38.8 11.6 -45.6 13.4 -52.9 15.4 -60.7 19.8 -78.0 0 o 2 s0 4.5 -16.4 5.1 -18.4 6.3 -22.7 7.6 -27.5 9.0 -32.7 10.6 -38.4 12.3 -44.5 14.1 -51.1 18.1 -65.7 ( 1� 0 2 100 4.2 -14.1 4.7 -15.8 5.8 -19.5 7.0 -23.6 8.3 -28.1 9.8 -33.0 11.4 -38.2 13.0 -43.9 16.7 -56.4 Ir 3 io 5.3 -32.8 1 5.9 -36.8 7.3 1-45.4 1 8.9 -55.0 10.5 -65.4 12.4 -76.8 14.3 -89.0 16.5 -102.2 21.1 -131.3 3 20 5.0 -27.2 5.6 -30.5 6.9 -37.6 8.3 -45.5 9.9 -54.2 11.6 -63.6 13.4 -73.8 15.4 -84.7 19.8 -108.7 t 3 50. 4.5 -19.7 5.F -22.1 6.3 -27.3 7.6 -33.1 9.0 -39.3: 10.6 -46.2 12.3 -53.5 14.1 -61.5 18.1 -79.9 3 100 42 -14.1- 4.7 -15.8 5.8 -19.5 7.0 -23.6 8.3 -28.1 9.8 -33.0 11.4 -38.2 13.0 -43.9 16.7 -56.4 1 10 7.5 -11.9 8.4 -13.3 10.4 -16.5 12.5 -19.9 14.9 -23.7 17.5 -27.8 20.3 -32.3 23.3 -37.0 30.0 -47.6 1 20 6.8 -11.6 7.7 -13.0 9.4 -16.0 11.4 -19.4 13.6 -23.0 16.0 -27.0 18.5 -31.4 21.3 -36.0 27.3 -46.3 1 so 6.0 -I I.I 6.7 -12.5 8.2 -15.4 10.0 -18.6 11.9 -22.2 13.9 -26.0 16.1 -30.2 18.5 -34.6 23.9 -445 a 1 100 5.3 -10.8 5.9 -12.1 733 -14.9 8.9 -18.1 10.5 -21.5 12.4 -25.2 14.3 -29.3 16.5 -33.6 21.1 -43.2 v d 2 10 7.5 -20.7 8.4 -23.2 10.4 -28.7 12.5 -34.7 14.9 -41.3 17.5 -48.4 20.3 -56.2 23.3 -64.5 30.0 -92.8 v N 2 20 6.8 -19.0 7.7 -21.4 9.4 -26.4 11.4 -31.9 13.6 -38.0 16.0 _44.6 18.5 -51.7 21.3 -59.3 27.3 -76.2 0 n 2 50 6.0 -16.9 6.7 -18.9 8.2 -23.3 10.0 -28.2 11.9 -33.6 13.9 -39.4 16.1 -45.7 18.5 -52.5 23.8 -67.4 6 62 100 5.3 -15.2 5.9 -17.0 7.3 -21.0 8.9 -25.5 10.5 -30.3 12.4 -35.6 14.3 -41.2 16.5 -47.3 21.1 -60.8 1 p s 3 10 7.5 -30.6 8.4 -34.3 10.4 -42.4 12.5 -51.3 14.9 -61.0 17.5 -71.6 20.3 1-83.1 23.3 -95.4 30.0 -122.5 3 20 6.8 -28.6 7.7 -32.1 9.4 -39.6 1[A -47.9 13.6 -57A 16.0 -67.0 18.5 -77.7 21.3 -89.2 27.3 -I 14.5 3 so 6.0 -26.0 6.7 -29.1 8.2 -36.0 .10.0 -43.5 11.9 -51.8 13.9 -60.8 16.1 -70.5 19.5 -81.0 23.8 -104.0 1'I 3 100 5.3 -24.0 5.9 -26.9 7.3 -33.2 8.9 -40.2 10.5 -47.9 12.4 -56.2 14.3 -65.1 16.5 -74.8 21.1 -96.0 1 10 11.9 -13.0 13.3 -14.6 16.5 -18.0 19.9 -21.8 23.7 -25.9 27.8 -30.4 32.3 -35.3 37.0 -40.5 47.6 -52.0 1 20 11.6 -12.3 13.0 -13.8 16.0 -17.1 19.4 -20.7 23.0 -24.6 27.0 -28.9 31.4 1-33.5 36.0 -38.4 46.3 -49.3 I~ i 1 50 11.1 -11.5 12.5 -12.8 15.4 -15.9 18.6 -19.2 22.2 -22.8 26.0 -26.8 30.2 -31.1 34.6 -35.7 44.5 -45.8 N 0 1 100 10.8 -10.8 12.1 -12.1 14.9 -14.9 18.1 -18.1 21.5 -21.5 25.2 -25.2 29.3 -29.3 33.6 -33.6 43.2 -43.2 rn d 2 70 11.9 -15.2 13.3 -17.0 16.5 -21.0 19.9 -25.5 23.7 -30.3 27.8 -35.6 32.3 -41.2 37.0 -473 47.6 -60.8 r 2 20 11.6 -14.5 13.0 -16.3 16.0 -20.1 19.4 -24.3 23.0 -29.0 27.0 -34.0 31.4 -39.4 36.0 -45.3 46.3 -58.1 0 N 2 50 11.1 -13.7 12.5 -15.3 15.4 -18.9 18.6 -22.9 22.2 -27.2 26.0 -32.0 30.2 -37.1 34.6 -42.5 44.5 -54.6 ,^n 2 100 10.8 -13.0 12.1 -14.6 14.9 -18.0 18.1 -21.8 21.5 -25.9 25.2 -30.4 29.3 -35.3 33.6 -40.5 43.2 -52.0 0 0 3 10 11.9 -15.2 13.3 -17.0 16.5 -21.0 19.9 -25.5 23.7 -30.3 27.8 -35.6 32.3 -41.2 37.0 -47.3 47.6 -60.8 ' 3 20 11.6 -14.5 13.0 -16.3 16.0 -20.1 19.4 -24.3 23.0 -29.0 27.0 -34.0 31.4 -39.4 36.0 -45.3 46.3 1-58.1 3 so 11.1 -13.7 12.5 -15.3 15.4 -18.9 18.6 -22.9 22.2 -27.2 26.0 -32.0 30.2 -37.1 34.6 -42.5 44.5 --54.6 3 100 10.8 -13.0 12.1 -14.6 14.9 -18.0 18.1 -21.8 21.5 -25.9 25.2 -30.4 29.3 -35.3 33.6 -40.5 43.2 -52.0 4 10 13.0 -14.1 14.6 -15.8 18.0 -19.5 21.8 -23.6 25.9 -28.1 30.4 -33.0 35.3 -38.2 40.5 -43.9 52.0 -56.4 4 20 12.4 -13.5 13.9 -15.1 17.2 -18.7 20.8 -22.6 24.7 -26.9 29.0 -31.6 33.7 -36.7 38.7 -42.1 49.6 -54.1 4 50 11.6 -12.7 13.0 -14.3 16.1 -17.6 19.5 -21.3 23.2 -25.4 27.2 -29.8 31.6 -34.6 36.2 -39.7 46.6 -51.0 4 100 11.1 -12.2 12.4 -13.6 15.3 -16.8 18.5 -20.4 22.0 -24.2 25.9 -28.4 30.0 -33.0 34.4 -37.8 44.2 -48.6 4 soo 9.7 -10.8 10.9 -12.1 13.4 -14.9 16.2 -18.1 19.3 -21.5 22.7 -25.2 26.3 -29.3 30.2 -33.6 38.8 -43.2 5 10 13.0 -17.4 14.6 -19.5 18.0 -24.1 21.8 -29.1 25.9 -34.7 30.4 -40.7 35.3 -472 40.5 -54.2 52.0 .69.6 5 20 12.4 -16.2 13.9 -18.2 17.2 -22.5 20.8 -27.2 24.7 -32.4 29.0 -38.0 33.7 -44.0 38.7 -50.5 49.6 -64.9 5 5o 11.6 -14.7 13.0 -16.5 16.1 -20.3 19.5 -24.6 23.2 -29.3 27.2 -34.3 31.6 -39.8 36.2 -45.7 46.G -SS.7 5 100 11.1 -13.5 12.4 -15.1 15.3 -18.7 18.5 -22.6 22.0 -26.9 25.9 -31.6 30.0 -36.7 34.4 -42.1 442 -54.1 5 soo 9.7 -10.3 10.9 -12.1 13.4 -14.9 16.2 -18.1 19.3 -21.5 22.7 -25.2 26.3 -29.3 30.2 -3 3.6 33.8 43.2 For Sl: 1 foot=304.8 mm,I deeree=0.0174 rad,1 mile per hour=0.44 m/s, I pound per square foot=47.9 Willi ' Note:For effective areas between those given above,the load is permitted to be interpolated;otherwise use the load associated with the lower effective area. Copyright International Code Council Document provided by IHS Licensee=Skidmore Owings&Merrlll/5088000100.RI)ILDING CODE® 9� Provided by IHS under license with ICC 10/06/2004 13:11:40 MDT Questions or comments about this message:please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. STRUCTURAL DESIGN I 1 I TABLE 1609.6.2.1(3) ROOF OVERHANG NET DESIGN WIND PRESSURE(COMPONENT AND CLADDING),pnago(Exposure B at h=30 feet with 1,=1.0)(psf) EFFECTIVE BASIC WIND SPEED V mph-3-second gust) WIND AREA ZONE (sq.ft.) 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 170 " 2 10 -21 A -25.9 -31.4 -37.3 -43.8 -50.8 -58.3 -74.9 L_ m 2 oN 20 -20.6 -25.5 -30.8 -36.7 -43.0 -49.9 -57.3 -73.6 d `01 2 so -20.1 -24.9 -30.1 -35.8 -42.0 -48.7 -55.9 -71.8 u 1 n 2 100 -19.8 -24.4 -29.5 -35.1 -41.2 -47.8 -54.9 -70.5 l _ 0 c 3 10 34.6 42.7 51.6 61.5 72.1 83.7 96.0 123.4 0 3 20 -27.1 -33.5 -40.5 -48.3 -56.6 -65.7 -75.4 -96.8 '3 so -17.3 -21.4 -25.9 -30.8 -36.1 -41.9 -48.1 -61.8 3 100 -10.0 -12.2 -14.8 -17.6 -20.6 -239 -27.4 -35.2 2 10 -27.2 -33.5 -40.6 -48.3 -56.7 -65.7 -75.5 -96.9 '1 z 20 -27.2 -33.5 40.6 -48.3 -56.7 -65.7 -75.5 -96.9 r. d z 50 27.2 33.5 40.6 48.3 56.7 65.7 75.5 96.9 v N z 100 -27.2 -33.5 -40.6 48.3 -56.7 -65.7 -75.5 -96.9 n 3 10 -45.7 -56.4 -68.3 -81.2 -95.3 -110.6 -126.9 -163.0 3 20 -41.2 -50.9 -61.6 -73.3 -86.0 -99.8 -114.5 -147.1 L- C ti 3 50 -35.3 -43.6 -52.8 -62.8 -73.7 -85.5 -98.1 -126.1 3 100 -30.9 -38.1 -46.1 -54.9 -64.4 -74.7 -85.8 -110.1 2 10 -24.7 -30.5 -36.9 -43.9 -515 -59.8 -68.6 -88A z 20 -24.0 -29.6 -35.8 -42.6 -50.0 -58.0 -66.5 -85.5 m 2 50 -23.0 -28.4 -34.3 40.8 -47.9 -55.6 -63.8 -82.0 v 1 2 100 -22.2 -27.4 -33.2 -39.5 -46.4 -53.8 -61.7 -79.3 1 0 3 10 -24.7 -30.5 -36.9 43.9 -51.5 -59.8 -68.6 -88.1 N 3 20 -24.0 -29.6 -35.8 42.6 -50.0 -58.0 -66.5 -85.5 ,- `0 0 3 so -23.0 -28.4 -34.3 1 -40.8 -47.9 -55.5 -63.8 -82.2 ' 3 100 -22.2 -27.4 -33.2 -39.5 -46.4 -53.8 -61.7 -79.3 For SI: 1 foot=304.8 nim,1 degree=0.0174 rad,1 mile per hoar=0.45 m/s,I pound per square foot=47.9 N/m2. ` Note:For effective areas between those given above,the load is permitted to be interpolated,otherwise use the load associated with the lower effective area. I � TABLE 1609.6.2.1(4) ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR BUILDING HEIGHT AND EXPOSURE,(1.) MEAN ROOF HEIGHT EXPOSURE feet B C D 15 1.00 1.21 1.47 20 1.00 1.29 1.55 25 1.00 1.35 1.61 30 1.00 1.40 1.66 35 1.05 1.45 1.70 40 1.09 1.49 1.74 45 1.12 1.53 1.78 50 1.16 1.56 1.81 55 1.19 1.59 1.84 60 1.22 1.62 1.87 For SI: 1 foot=304.8 mm. ` a. All table values shall be adjusted for other exposures and heights by multiplying by the above coefficients. Copyright International Code Councit:RNATIONAL BUILDING CODE@ Document provided by IHS LicenseesSkidmore Dwings B MerdN5088000100. 297 10, Provided by IHS under license with[CC 10/06/2004 13:11AO MDT Questions or comments about this message:please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397.2295. i r �J ASCE 7-98 M Po N�uTs Ct.�40D�N h 5 30 ft. Table 6-3A Design Wind Pressures Simplified Procedure i Enclosed Buildings Walls&Roofs " 10 " 5 h � �� c 00�rY �0 5 Oz 40 r so Project Job No. SheetSubject <SV'0W LA>- � GfA CJJLA By Date Chkd By Date --- a , 1 1 i i i ! - Ua , 0 � r , : I ; , I 1 I , i ; t , - r ;: r i 1 i i t i 1 f.. I : I I CA 5'r r � _ 3 P P i ; : I 1 ' - ' r i j I i I { i , i i I i r : ; , i. I I 1 i I : : ' , r : .i. y r-- 1 , i r 1 ; I ' 1 { I - . it If , , Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090,Fax 312 360-4545 12'� i STRUCTURAL DESIGN TABLE 1608.3.1 - SNOW EXPOSURE FACTOR,Ce EXPOSURE OF ROOFa,b I TERRAIN CATEGORYa Fully exposedc Partially exposed Sheltered A(see Section 1609.4) N/A 1.1 1.3 B(see Section 1609.4) 0.9 1.0 1.2 C(see Section 1609.4) 0.9 1.0 1.1 D(see Section 1609.4) 0.8 0.9 1.0 Above the treeline in windswept mountainous areas 0.7 0.8 N/A In Alaska,in areas where trees do not exist within a 0.7 O.3 N/A L 2-mile radius of the site For SI: 1 mile=1609 m. a.The terrain category and roof exposure condition chosen shall be representative of the anticipated conditions during the life of the structure.An exposure factor shall be determined for each roof of a structure. b.Definitions of roof exposure are as follows: 1.Fully exposed shall mean roofs exposed on all sides with no shelter afforded by terrain,higher structures or trees.Roofs that contain several large pieces of mechanical equipment,parapets which extend above the height of the balanced snow load,hb,or other obstructions are not in this category. 2.Partially exposed shall include all roofs except those designated as"fully exposed"or"sheltered." 3.Sheltered roofs shall mean those roofs located tight in among conifers that qualify as"obstructions." c. Obstructions within a distance of 10 h„provide"shelter,"where h„is the height of the obstruction above the roof level.If the only obstructions are a few deciduous trees that are leafless in winter,the"fully exposed"category shall be used except for tetrai n category"A."Note that these are heights above the roof.Heights used - to establish the terrain category in Section 1609.4 are heights above the ground. TABLE 1608.3.2 -- THERMAL FACTOR,Ct THERMAL CONDITION' Cr All structures except as indicated below 1.0 Structures kept just above freezing and others with cold,ventilated roofs in which the thermal resistance(R-value) 1.1 between the ventilated space and the heated space exceeds 25h• ft2• IF/Btu Unheated structures 1.2 Continuously heated greenhousesb with a roof having a thermal resistance(R-value)less than 2.Oh•ft2•°F/Btu 0.85 For SI: 'C=[('F)-32]/1.8,1 British thermal unit per hour=0.2931 W. - a. The thermal condition shall be representative of the anticipated conditions during winters for the life of the structure. b. A continuously heated greenhouse shall mean a greenhouse with a constantly maintained interior temperature of 50'F or more during winter months.Such green- house shall also have a maintenance attendant on duty at all times or a temperature alarm system to provide warning in the event of a heating system failure. 1608.3.3 Snow load importance factor.The value for the 1608.5 Partial loading.The effect of not having the balanced snow load importance factor,Is,used in the calculation of pf snow load over the entire loaded roof area shall be analyzed in shall be determined in accordance with Table 1604.5. accordance with Section 7.5 of ASCE 7. Greenhouses that are occupied for growing plants on pro- duction or research basis,without public access,shall be in- 1608.E Unbalanced snow loads.Unbalanced roof snow loads eluded in Importance Category I. shall be determined in accordance with Section 7.6 of ASCE 7. Winds from all directions shall be accounted for when estab- 1608.34 Rain-on-snow surcharge load. Roofs- with a lishing unbalanced snow loads. slope less than 1/2 inch per foot(2.38 degrees)shall be de- 1608.7 Drifts on lower roofs.In areas where the ground snow signed for a rain-on-snow surcharge load determined in ac- load,p.,as determined by Section 1608.2,is equal to or greater cordance with Section 7.10 of ASCE 7. than 5 psf(0.240 kN/m'-), roofs shall be designed to sustain 1608.3.5 Ponding instability.For roofs with a slope less localized loads from snow drifts in accordance with Section 7.7 than t/,,inch per foot(1.19 degrees),the design calculations of ASCE 7. shall include verification of theprevention ofponding insta- 1608.8 Roof projections.Drift loads due to mechanical equip- bility in accordance with Section 7.11 of ASCE 7. ment,penthouses,parapets and other projections above the roof 1608.4 Sloped roof snow loads.The snow load,p„on a roof shall be determined in accordance with Section 7.8 of ASCE 7. with a slope greater than 5 degrees(0.09 rad)(1 inch per foot= 1608.9 Sliding snow.The extra load caused by snow sliding off 4.76 degrees) shall be calculated in accordance with Section a sloped roof onto a lower roof shall be determined in accor- 7.4 of ASCE 7. dance with Section 7.9 of ASCE 7. Copyright International Code Council Document provided by IHS License-Skidmore Owings B Memlv5088000100,BUILDING CODE@ Provided by IHS under license with Ice 08/11/2004 10:22:19 MDT Questions or comments about this message:please call 15. ! the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. ASCE 7 2002 t Section 10.0 Ice Loads —Atmospheric Icing (Ice Loads used in calculation for Canopy Member Sizes) Density of Ice: p=561bs =0.03241bs jftin3 10-4 j Nominal Ice Thickness: t=0.75"(from map in area surrounding NYC) 10.4.2, Figure 10-2b `.as.. L 1.2 4y 1.25" 0.75 '10 ph Height Factor: z o.io 12 0.10 fZ 33) 33 =0.904 Eq. 10-4 Topographic Factor: K. =(1+K,K2K3)2 =(1+0.1281)2 =1.27 Eq. 6-3 H - 15'; x= 0;z= 12; Lh-60' H/Lh =15/60=0.25 z/Lh =12/60=0.2 K, = 0.21 ("2-D Escarpment") Table 6-4 K2 =1 K3 =0.61 Design Ice Thickness for Freezing Rain: td = 2.OtIj fZ(KZ O-" =2 0(0.75X1.OXO.904X1.27)o.ss =1.474" Eq. 10-5 The gaps between the shading tubes will fill with ice and surface will then collect ice as a"flat plate" The design weight of Ice per ft , is calculated to be: Volume of Ice on surface: V,. =)ztdA, Eq. 10-2 "It is acceptable to multiply V,.by . . . 0.6 for horizontal planes . . ." 10.4.1 Ice weight on "plate"surface: 0.6 x 56p3f x 1.474)r x 12 x 12=12.966psf Eq. 10-2 Ice between tubes: 56p3f x[(0.625 x 12)—2.945in2]x 12=1.77psf Total design Ice Load on Shade= 1.77 + 12.966 = 14.7psf 14 I ' 3. Geotech Report Geotech report as submitted by Gibble Norden Champion Brown Consulting Engineers. This report forms the basis for foundation design calculations r- i � L_ I4 Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP. Armstrong Residence 15. Chicago, IL 60604 Calculations r i i GNCB 1. Gibble Norden Champion Brown January 25, 2005 Consulting Engineers,Inc. r-- i - Mr. Thomas Armstrong c/o Thomas Phifer and Partners, LLP (Attn: Andrew Mazor) 180 Varick Street New York, New York 10013 Re: Armstrong Residence Fishers Island, New York Dear Mr. Mazor: Principals Kenneth Gibble,P.E. This letter report summarizes the results of recent test pit excavations, James F.Norden,P.E. laboratorysoil tests, foundation design studies for theAt _ Laura E.Champion,P.E. s, an g new Armstrong Charles C.Brown,P.E. residence on Fishers Island, New York. Our scope of work was undertaken in accordance with our Agreement for services dated Associate Douglas C.Alderson,P.E. December 1, 2004, which references our proposal p ro osal dated September 28, 2004. Geotechnical Associate David L.Freed,P.E. In summary, subsurface conditions at three test pit excavations typically consist of a surface man-placed fill underlain by granular soils. Groundwater was not encountered within the test pit excavations, which -- extended about 12 ft. below ground surface. We recommend that the new residence be supported on reinforced concrete spread footings bearing on the naturally-deposited sand, or on compacted structural fill placed on the suitable natural soils below the surface man-placed fill. Since there is below grade space, we recommend a perimeter drainage system, however an underslab drainage system is not needed. We believe that excavations can be completed with open slopes. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this study was to investigate soil and groundwater conditions at the site and to develop foundation design recommendations for the proposed structure. Comments on geotechnical aspects of project construction are also provided. Our scope of work was completed in accordance with your request for geotechnical engineering services dated September 23, 2004. 130 Elm Street P.O.Box 802 Old Saybrook,CT 06475 Tel 860.388.1224 Fax 860.388.4613 lastname@gncbengineers.com �. gncbengineers.com Thomas Armstrong January 25, 2005 GNCB - Page 2 t/ SITE LOCATION AND SURFACE CONDITIONS The project site is located adjacent to Long Island Sound on the north side of Fishers Island (Block 25), approximately midway between Chocomount Cove (to the east) and West Harbor(to the west). A fire recently destroyed most of the on-site structures; two structures remain however they will be removed at the time of the new construction. Ground surface within the area of the new structure is between about El. 24 and El. 25. A long stone driveway accesses the property from the main road. The sites former landscaping has been preserved and consists of a low stone retaining wall (west of the new house), grass and cut stone surfaces (within the new house), and nicely landscaped tree and shrub areas around the former house. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The new house will be a one-story "T" shaped structure that has a footprint of about 5,000 sq. ft. Crawl space (at the ends of the structure) or full basement areas (center of the structure)will be at El. 18.82 and 15.42 ft., respectively. The first floor grade will be at El. 25. A covered deck surrounds the north portion of the structure. The structure will be steel framed. Building loads will be carried by a system of individual columns and bearing walls. Exterior grade will remain essentially unchanged. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Test Pits: For foundation design, GNCB observed the excavation of three test pits (TP-1 to TP-3) that were identified by the architect. These explorations were excavated on January 5, 2005 at the approximate locations shown on Drawing 1. GNCB monitored the field work, located the pits in the field by taping from the locations of existing site features, and estimated ground surface elevations based on spot grades shown on plans provided by the architect. Table I summarizes the subsurface conditions observed at each test pit; detailed soil descriptions are contained in the following report section. Logs of the test pits are included as Appendix A. IT Thomas Armstrong January 25, 2005 GNCB % Page 3 t/ i ! `-- B & D Remodeling and Restoration of Fishers Island under contract to GNCB, excavated the test pits using a Caterpilllar D420 rubber tired i extend-hoe backhoe. The test pits ranged in depth from 11 to 12 ft.; all the L pits terminated in natural sand. Laboratory Soil Tests: Grain size analysis (ASTM D422) and natural water content tests were completed on four representative samples of the soils encountered at the test pits. The laboratory tests were completed by Angus McDonald/Gary Sharpe. Results of the tests are summarized in Appendix B, in the form of --- graphical plots. Subsurface Soil Conditions: The test pits indicated at least four distinct soil units. These strata are described below, progressing downward from ground surface: Man-Placed Fill: The test pits encountered from 1.2 to 4.3 ft. of a man-placed fill that generally consisted of a brown coarse to fine sand to a black to dark brown silty fine sand. The fill contained a few large boulders, up to about 2.5 ft. in dimension. At test pit TP-1 and TP-3, the surface topsoil ranged from 8 to 12 in. thick. Subsoil: At TP-1 and TP-3, the man-placed fill was underlain by a - rust-brown silt and fine sand, with trace roots (Subsoil). At TP-2, we suspect that previous site grading may have removed the subsoil. Sand: Below the subsoil, or man-placed fill at TP-2, the test pits encountered a deposit of sand. The sand typically consisted of a brown fine sand. Test pits TP-1 and TP-2, penetrated through this deposit, indicating it to be less than 3.2 ft. thick, however TP-3 terminated 6 ft. in the deposit. Glacial Till: The major soil unit at the site is a heterogeneous mixture of sand, silt, and gravel, know as a ground moraine till. The material is well bonded. At the test pits, the till generally consisted of a gray to light brown silty fine sand, little coarse to medium sand, - trace gravel with few cobbles and boulders to a silty coarse to fine sand, some gravel. The till is know to contain layers of a clean Thomas Armstrong January 25, 2005 GNCB % Page 4 1/ - granular soil, such as the gray gravelly coarse to fine sand at the bottom of TP-1. Groundwater Conditions: The test pits did not encounter groundwater. Due to the sites proximity to Long Island Sound and elevated ground surface above water, we suspect that groundwater is over 20 ft. below ground surface. In any event, water levels vary with precipitation, season, and other factors. As a result, water levels encountered during and after construction may differ from those observed in the explorations. We researched readily available information regarding climate and hydrology in the area of Fishers Island. Average monthly precipitation is about 4 in. and ranges from 3.6 to 4.5. We are not aware of any actively monitored groundwater wells that would show yearly fluctuations in groundwater. In West Harbor, tides fluctuate about 3 ft. from high to low. FOUNDATION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Building Foundations: The existing man-placed fill is not suitable to support building or floor loads. We recommend that building columns and walls be supported on concrete spread footings bearing on the naturally-deposited sand, glacial till, or on compacted structural fill which is placed on the suitable natural soils after removing the surface unsuitable materials. The lowest (crawl or basement space)floor slabs may be earth supported; this slab should be supported on a minimum 6 in. thickness of compacted structural fill placed on the prepared natural soil subgrade, after removing the surface man- placed fill. The recommended general design criteria follow: 1. Locate bottoms of footings at least 3.5 ft. below exterior ground surface exposed to freezing. 2. Proportion footings for an allowable soil bearing pressure, in pounds per sq. ft. (psf), equal to 1700 times the least lateral dimension of the footing, as measured in feet, to a maximum of 5,000 psf. t9. Thomas Armstrong January 25, 2005 %Page 5 GNCBt/ -- 3. Where compacted structural fill is used to support footings or slab, carry the foundation preparation and fill to lateral limits extending a distance beyond the edge of the footing equal to the depth of fill below footing plus two feet. Following removal of the unsuitable -, material, and prior to placing compacted structural fill, recompact the existing natural sand with at least 6 passes of a vibratory roller weighing at least 10 tons. Soil that becomes soft as a result of the recompaction should be replaced with compacted structural fill. I 4. We anticipate that footings will settle less than 0.50 in.; settlement is expected to occur as the load is applied. Based on the results of the test borings, the planned crawl space and basement excavation will remove nearly all the existing man-placed fill, -- such that we expect that the naturally-deposited soils will exist at normal design slab and footing bearing grade. However, in the vicinity of TP-3, the top of the natural inorganic soil is about 3 ft. below the finish crawl space grade, but is near the design bearing grade for footings. Consequently, some over-excavation of the existing man-placed fill will be needed within this portion of the building. - Perimeter Foundation Drains: Since groundwater is at least 3 ft. below the basement slab grade, we do not recommend that an underslab drainage system be provided for the new construction. However, in order to keep basement walls dry, we recommend that a perimeter drain be installed adjacent to below grade (basement and crawl space) foundation walls. The perimeter drainage system should consist of perforated 6 in. diameter pipes, surrounded by 3/ in. crushed stone, and filter fabric adjacent to the basement walls. In addition, a minimum 3 ft. wide zone of compacted structural fill is required adjacent to the foundation wall. At ground surface, a 6 in. thick layer of impervious soil should be placed over the drainage zone to minimize surface water flow into the foundation drain. The perimeter drains should discharge by gravity flow to a suitable outlet. Lateral Earth Pressures: The exterior(basement and crawl space)foundation walls will retain soil on one side. These walls need to be designed for lateral earth pressure; design for hydrostatic pressure is not required since perimeter drainage is recommended. Specific design criteria for non-yielding walls follow: 20• Thomas Armstrong January 25, 2005 GNCB % - Page 6 I/ • retained soil: use an equivalent fluid unit weight of 55 pcf, plus surcharge: use 0.5 times the vertical surcharge load, distributed uniformly over the height of wall, plus . The following additional criteria apply: i • coefficient of friction: use 0.55 for concrete on the natural sand or compacted structural fill. • factors of safety: use 2.0 for overturning and 1.5 for sliding. Compacted Structural Fill: - Fill for use as compacted structural fill below the slab and footings should consist of sandy gravel or gravelly sand, free of organic material, snow, ice or other unsuitable materials, and should be well graded within the following limits: Sieve Size Percent Finer By Weight 4 in. 100 No. 4 20 - 80 No. 40 5 — 50 No. 200 0 - 8 Compacted structural fill should be placed in horizontal layers, and each layer compacted to a dry density at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D1557. Structural fill will need to be obtained from off site. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS General: This section provides comments related to foundation construction, earthwork, and other geotechnical aspects of the project. It will aid those responsible for preparation of contract plans and specifications and those involved with construction monitoring. The contractor must evaluate potential construction problems on the basis of their own knowledge and experience in the area and on the basis of similar projects in other 21 � NI r-, Thomas Armstrong January 25, 2005 Page 7 GNCB % 1/ it localities, taking into account their own proposed construction equipment - and procedures. Excavation: Material to be removed from the building excavation will consist of topsoil, man-place fill, which contains boulders up to several feet in dimension, and sand; bedrock is not anticipated. We expect that normal construction j ! equipment will be adequate for excavation. I-^� Excavation geometry should conform to OSHA excavation regulations contained in 29 CFR Part 1926 dated October 31, 1989. We anticipate that open slopes at 1.5 hor: 1 ver will be stable. it Dewatering: We do not anticipate that building excavation will extend into the groundwater. Surface water runoff which accumulates within excavations - should be removed by open pumped to maintain dry excavations. Preparation of Bearing Surfaces: Following footing excavation, we recommend the bearing surface be recompacted with hand-guided vibratory equipment prior to forming and concreting. In addition, the slab subgrade should be recompacted with heavy vibratory equipment prior to placing structural fill. Any loose or visually unstable soil revealed by the recompaction at footing or slab subgrade should be removed and replaced with compacted structural fill. Construction Monitoring: The recommendations contained in this report are based on the known and predictable behavior of properly engineered and constructed foundations and other facilities. We recommend that GNCB be retained to provide personnel qualified by training and experience to monitor the following activities during the construction: • removal of unsuitable bearing materials • placement and compaction of structural fill below the building • preparation of footing and slab bearing surfaces 22. Thomas Armstrong January 25, 2005 � Page 8 GNCBt% • installation of perimeter drainage systems Monitoring of this work is intended to observe compliance with the design concepts and specifications and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to construction. LIMITATIONS OF RECOMMENDATIONS This report has been prepared for specific application to the Armstrong Residential project on Fishers Island, New York, in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. No other warranty, express of implied, is made. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of the construction is planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report should not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report modified i I or verified in writing. The analyses and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data obtained from the referenced test pits. The nature and extent of variations between the pits may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear evident, it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this aspect of the project. In the meantime, if you have any questions or need additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, f David L. Freed, P.E. Geotechnical Associate Enclosures: Table I —Summary of Test Borings Drawing 1 —Test Boring Plan Appendix A—Test Pit Logs Appendix B —Summary of Laboratory Soil Tests 23. is TABLE GNCB1/ SUMMARY OF TEST PITS ARMSTRONG RESIDENCE FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK L _ TEST TOTAL ELEV. THICKNESS SOIL FT. ELEV. PIT DEPTH GROUND FILL SUBSOIL FINE TILL SAND & TOP - NO. (FT.) SURF. SAND GRAVEL FINE (FT.) SAND OR TILL TP1 11.0 24.0 1.2 1.6 3.2 3.0 2.0+ 21.2 T TP2 12.0 24.0 2.8 0.0 0.3 8.9+ - 20.9 T TP3 12.0 21.0 4.3 1.7 6.0+ - - 15.0 (FS) NOTES 1. Refer to Drawing 1 for locations of test pits. f 2. Elevations are in feet and refer to NGVD. . ' 3. GNCB observed the excavation of test pits, made field tape measurements to locate the actual pit locations, and estimated ground �J surface elevation by interpolating spot grades shown on base plan. TABLEI 24. j EXISTING STONE EXISTING BUILDING WALL, TOP AT EL. 25.9 (TO BE REMOVED) — __ (TO REMAIN) �---------------- -------------- I I TP_1 I I _ I EL. 241 s» TP-2 I I I �L2 I ""BASEMENT" EXISTING BUILDING <s#AT (TO BE REMOVED) :>EL. 15.42 PROPOSED MAIN HOUSE CRAWL SPACE —i AT EL. 18.82 -_I LIMITS OF COVERED WOOD DECK AT I EL. 24.82 PROPOSED SOUTH P-3 AT EL.C18 82 SPACE L. 21 LEGEND: TP-1 N LOCATION, ORIENTATION, AND APPROXIMATE GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION OF TEST PIT EXCAVATION BY BD REMODELING AND RESTORATION ON JAN. 7, 2005. NOTES: TREET 1. BASE PLAN OBTAINED FROM SOIL POST OFFIELMCE BOX802 SURVEY, SOIL TESTING LOCATIONS GNCB ����5 "PREPARED BY THOMAS PHIFER GM fluch,Gn 16 1 PHONE M 388 1224 Ccn-VAND PARTNERS, DRAWINGS SKA.006; '"� FAXGNCBEN 388 INURS.613 GN®ITIGINEERS.00M DATED DEC. 21, 2004. ARMSTRONG RESIDENCE 2. GNCB LOCATED TEST PITS BY TAPING FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK FROM EXISTING SITE FEATURES. TEST PIT PLAN 3. GNCB OBSERVED THE TEST PIT EXCAVATIONS. SCALE: 1 IN = 30 FT JANUARY 2005 25 P:\+PROJECTS\+Project Res.2004.ActNe\04158 Geo—Armstrong Residence\04158TP.dwg— 1/18/05— 10:06 AM DRAWING 1 i ' r-� GNCB 1% V i 1 I APPENDIX A TEST PIT LOGS a ! ij i � II i I V ' d i ,I I ti � I I i n n�• i GNCB t. TEST PIT REPORT Project:Armstrong Residence,Fisher's Island.NY Project No.: 04158 Client:Thomas Armstrone Test Pit No:TP-1 i Contractor:BD Remodeling&Restoration Elevation:24.0(Approx.) - Equipment:Caterpillar 420D Backhoe Date:January 7,2005 Field Re .-D.Freed Scale Strata Sample Sample in Feet Change Number Depth Description of Materials Remarks Range Dark brown loamy fine SAND _LR.-.-._. .-.-._._..._ ............. ...............................TO.!S-014._._.-. . Brown coarse to fine SAND ' a - 2 - Rust brown silty fine SAND 2.8 (SUBSOIL) Gray silty fine SAND, little coarse to 3.7 medium sand, trace gravel_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -4 - Gray fine SAND, little silt - 6 - 6.0 � r S-1 6.0—7.0 Gray silty fine SAND, little coarse— medium sand, trace gravel with few - 8 - cobbles and boulders. 9.0 (well bonded) - 10 - Gray gravelly coarse to fine SAND. S-2 10.0-10.5 I11.0 - 12 - Bottom of Exploration at 11.0 ft. I i GRO UNDWATER SUMMARY DATE TIME* DEPTH/FT. 8' x 5' x I V= 440 Cu.Ft. (L) (W) (D) DEPTH 11.0 JAR SAMPLES 0 NOTE:Length(L)and Width(W) BAG SAMPLES _2 measurements made at ground surface. GROUNDWATER NE NOT * BOULDERS TEST PIT NO. TP-1 ENCOUNTERED X HRS.AFTER COMPL. 8"TO 18"DIAM:NO. 4=Vol. 2 Cu.Ft. OVER 18"DIAM:No. 5 =Vol. 30 Cu.Ft. GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION BROWN GNCB FORM G3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. APRIL 2003 1 2.�• r i i GNCB 1• a TEST PIT REPORT Project:Armstrong Residence,Fisher's Island,NY Project No.: 04158 Client:Thomas Armstrong Test Pit No:TP-2 Contractor:BD Remodeliniz&Restoration Elevation:24.0(Approx.) t Equipment: Caterpillar 420D Backhoe Date:January 7,2005 Field Rep.:D.Freed Scale Strata Sample Sample '.._` in Feet Change Number Depth Description of Materials Remarks Range 0.3........ ............ Dark.gray silty fine SAND (FILL_._._._._._ 3/8"peastones at _1 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....................................................Brow n coarse to fine SAND, little silt surface. (FILL) one 2' x 2' x 2.5' Black and dark brown silty fine SAND boulder at 2.5' - 2 - (FILL) ~j 3.1 Brown medium to fine SAND, trace silt Light brown silty, coarse to fine SAND, some gravel - 4 - (well bonded) Rust color from 5.0' to 5.5' - 6 - i � S - 8 - - 10 - S-1 10.0to 11.0 i � - 12 - 12.0 i`yr Bottom of Exploration at 12.0 ft. i GROUNDWATER SUMMARY DATE TIME* DEPTH/FT. 10' x 4.5' x 12'=540 Cu.Ft. (L) (W) (D) DEPTH 12.0 JAR SAMPLES 0 NOTE:Length(L)and Width(W) BAG SAMPLES _1 measurements made at ground surface. GROUNDWATER NE BOULDERS NOT X * 8"TO 18"DIAM:No. 3 =Vol. 3 Cu.Ft. TEST PIT NO. TP-2 ENCOUNTERED HRS.AFTER COMPL. OVER 18"D1AM:No. 1 =Vol. 10 Cu.Ft. GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION BROWN GNCB FORM G3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. APRIL 2003 28• 1 GNCB 1� (� TEST PIT REPORT , i Project:Armstrong Residence,Fisher's Island,NY Project No.: 04158 Client:Thomas Armstrong Test Pit No:TP-3 Contractor:BD Remodeling&Restoration Elevation:21.0(Approx.) Equipment:Caterpillar 420D Backhoe Date:January 7,2005 Field Rep.:D.Freed Scale Strata Sample Sample in Feet Change Number Depth Description of Materials Remarks Range w 4' Dark brown loamy silty fine SAND 0,7........ ............. ............. ...............................(-'QP.SQJ.L).-.-.-. Gray silty medium to fine SAND - 2 - 2.0 (FILL) " Rust brown to black silty fine SAND - 4- 4.3 FILL Rust brown fine SANDY SILT - 6 - 6.0 SUBSOIL Light brown fine SAND, little silt, trace medium sand S-1 7.0 to 8.0 - 8 - - 10 - - 12 - 12.0 Bottom of exploration at 12.0 ft. GROUNDWATER SUMMARY DATE TIME* DEPTH/FT. 10 x 4.5' x 12'=540 Cu.Ft. (L) (W) (D) DEPTH 12.0 JAR SAMPLES 0 NOTE:Length(L)and Width(W) BAG SAMPLES I measurements made at ground surface. GROUNDWATER NE BOULDERS NOT X * 8"To l 8"DIAM:NO. 10 =Vol. 5 Cu.Ft. TEST PIT NO. TP-3 - ENCOUNTERED HRS.AFTER COMPL. OVER 18"DIAM:No. 10=Vol. 80_Cu.Ft. v GIBBLE NORDEN CHAMPION BROWN GNCB FORM G3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. APRIL 2003 29. GNCB APPENDIX B SUMMARY OF LABORATORY SOIL TESTS r So. FORM G-101 (MARCH 2O03) GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Y U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE O O 4 IN 2 IN IN 3/4 I 2 IN NO. 4 N0.10 N0.20 N0.40 N0.60 N0.100 N0.200 M 100 I I I I I I I I I I 100 � I I I I I I I I I I 0 90 i i i i i i i i i i 90 J I I I I laii I Hill I Ll I I I I INJ I 80 I 0 80 I i i 70 J w 70 I I I I I I I I I I I w 3II- I I I I I I 0_ �- 60 I 60 v I I I I I z Z 50 50 w I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 40 w Z 40 I I I I I I I I I I I W w I I I I I I I I I I z U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 CD W 30 I I I I I I I I I I I w 0_ I I I I I I I I 1 I •I I I I 20 z 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 to 10 I I I I I I I I I I z O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c� 0 0 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 o m GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 0- COBBLES GRAVEL SAND � SILT OR CLAY Q COARSE FINE COARSEI MEDIUM FINE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM, CORPS OF ENGINEER, U.S. ARMY z w TEST TEST WATER CONTENT PROJECT NO. 04159 DATE: Jan.05 p NO PIT NO SAMPLE NO. DEPTH TF.) (%) DESCRIPTION Armstrong Residence z 1 TP-1 S-1 6.0-7.0 10.9 Gray silty fine SAND,little w coarse-medium sand,trace gravel Fisher's Island. NY —I 2 TP-1 S-2 10.0—10.5 3.2 Gray gravelly coarse to fine m SAND Wm O . , IIII�■■■�IIII�■\I■®1111�■■■■I811��■■a11N1�■■■�1111�■■■■ . , IIII�■■■�1111�■■�,�1111�■■■■1811�N\■allay■■■�1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■�IIII�■■■i�7111��■■■■IBII�B■1■�Ilal�■■■�1111�■■■■ . 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The foundation design for the Shear Walls is included in the Lateral Load Resisting System Design. I � 1,7 Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP. Armstrong Residence 3#` Chicago,IL 60604 Calculations J. Project Job No. somSubject {+1� Jw I"OJN�A�tOtJ („�A�S1 Sheet 1 By ` Date l� 3 0 Chkd By Date I i 1 i t " 3 ' 3 � i.. , t j , su.L € ta &E /� - 1 ' °3 1 ., V. s ^ 02. . l- ; rvt ( S j , , , 1 , t _ 1 r t r ..> ova ! 1r _. L.. ..... ( �. _ .. i _ 1 { , 1 LIG Ir 4L'L `ti1i��u fijiljll� d ��+ •�]s s i : • , s i t 1 i 1111 •-• i i ( , I i n - - -. , , I � # I ( i _ 1 a , 1. i , � f + : , ; , i ( , i }it , t i t I f LL k� , i - , r {3t 3 a tt , �y r f/ a /p ,5. �•�� ( :�i i�{]�+} j .,�,.,C7Y',.cA. _OL.�'_.__-_ �C.•.?�,K f� �� !�l i ' J �{ ��,'.'F �,Vt-� 4_ 3 t _ • t , , p ti 3-�,_. ��1 t i 1 , i , i , , I i i t { f ' A QL , Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 r� Project 6��tS� �h�� y'+�rai €R�{�s; Job No. rsom Subject P kc,� dA}4°'At 9 +� lti$ Sheet i _ By DU Date (1 3 04 ChkdBy Date 4 ( 4 a t G a ' ! • — -, ec WALL : 4 *4d • � _f._ GLa E� t t� - � t a i t _ f I 7 i J !aALL pr .�� : , t lko 71 ; : r 3 i • l { � a { i ' 4 S � !_ { 3 Jll r i r t � t E 4 ; i i • I F } t t i I i S ' � t , r r r I t 1 : , _ 7 4 k i P — i , • 1 � a : s !! ' f : , , , 3 , y : } { : • r , 4 1 I f j 1 , 1 : • t , i, , _ r i f ; , i 4 } f 1 , t s ; s a Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 '+ } c.��s 'r. idh'P� Project Job No. itsom Subject Vo ejr o Q G Q .Crk W o P`i IR Sheet B Date ? � Chkd By Date i i 9 ' , i t ' 1 . A t -C� �G s 1 i ' , : , ' : t ' t f 1 , i t--' j C 1 : , : i _. jfpt , ..... ..:. ., �.+q—gym.. .. _ .. -. .. .. ; i _ w if f, �i -10 Al ; DL , M I a� s r , e� : i , • fti� e- wwaxi,n�.-••a _ - - ,..,�^"'"�T-�,,i.F"'. _ _.__ '�'+mll;�,✓+tt.->..a" M mat+:+:""^K'u':es,n:.ia:. _-'. _... _ ._ - , - ��try�1 a�'A�`���a.. .;�4�$aPw fir,ti� si.,".•m,,. __..f'"..,._ .�,. - - Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 ��' L tl' 5. Lateral Load Resisting System The Lateral Load Resisting System Design includes shear wall, foundation for shear wall and reinforced masonry chimney design. i i i Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP. Armstrong Residence 37. Chicago, IL 60604 Calculations Project Job No. Subject LAT(AAL Sheet By Date Z3 Chkd By Date 0 A-Al i--J 51 T.- J_ 4 ti -4j FL6QP- D 14P 9 RAG' • �A 4- TIRICAL t, J . I p C-13 o'C* Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 - - - - i FokcES o tj INo(,jci)vnL- u..1n��5 CaR IBIS �tND eL 2S-7• W-T L 2$-9- L 2V-7• TA CANOPY rw'Dr K. o.FOOD}q.WALL FOOTtHO T,0.F O.WALL FOOTWO 7,0,CANOPY FOUND.M L`2a�j I / ) LC~_��' 10Ft; T€ L. TE t d.20'-11' 3 N.25-2 7 iPj l�-)I a as.-?1 '��:8'�ScG 5LA8 AL 2s-7 T � IS�►�1-- �.21•-2 1 T,0,CONC.PIER L• T.O.CONC.PIER L• 0,CON- 'I --to CONC. iii i 1. Lb.CONIC.56P.8 .O.s AR W ''�T.O,LONG 9.AB T T.O.W7C.1 Y L0.C07iC, �'T.0.CONC".1AB� Y tp C6Y6 YAH j KA ' 4� t AR CALL i01A.D. t 24'-0 1 Y k A 24•-9 1 cL 24'-6 11r cL 21-9- M 24•-8 1 p 7.0.To".WA T T.O.FOON0.!TALL T.0.FOUrtO.WALL 7,0.FOUND.WALL 7.0.91EAR WALL F to.FOON0.WALL i 548ka ao•-9- aL 1a•-19 i eL Is•-l9 1 i3O.TWNO,WALL FtmIWO T,0.tOtA7L WALL FOOONO 7,0.FOUND,WALL t0OTg0 T.O.FOURO,WALL FODTWG P Z3 ���� � IT-�" 17' 3" uo t � Tom- C" 01 4. 0+ s2 45.75 ® IZ5pff c� � 5 v i -1°w = 151,Z 5_ 1-Z�35 = 4o,a. a B Z.5 P. 4oA Z 0 IN OMMI mmmm ME M M ME= mmmm ME M ME �wwww�� MEMO ii MEN ii■■® ■■■ MENEM ME u ®®■ - ,,,, -_A. oil lill����l � - -I - -_ - - -- - -- - - - _ _ II IIIIII ff iil!ll IIIIL��=--_ _ �= __ Ire .v —C _ } I�_ _-- —� —�I_ III=. '[> i--=— Ilil�i -- - - = _ l�ll IIII _o_ Il��lll�- IIIIII I_ - - - -- - - ------- -- - -- - - - - - _ - - - - �w�www� � Iwo Proj7ectSTrG Job No. som Subject /v"6k�L �YrSTC,^�� Sheet By D DW Date L Chkd By Date �c TO iTo , I i : S �3 1i3 Zones. A� � �t, Suo, to Jm( !1 �.JU 96`i�. s�fdC �jd 1p'Ca J t �j's,� e ►t 1V? , ; i r , Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4,545 'l is STEEL TABLE 2211.1(1)—TABLE 2211.1(2) . r. TABLE 2211.1(1) �? NOMINAL SHEAR VALUES FOR WIND FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT-FOR-SHEAR-WALLS . FRAMED WITH COLD-FORMED STEEL STUDSa I MAXIMUM FASTENER SPACING AT PANEL EDGESb HEIGHT/LENGTH (inches) MAXIMUM F ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION RATIO f, 4 3 2 FRAMING SPACING r 15/, m_ch Structural 1 Sheathing 2:1 1,065° — — 24 inches o.c. '' (4-ply)one,,de 7116-inch Rated Sheathing(OSB) 2:1 910c 1,410 1,735 1,910 24 inches o.c. one side ' 7/16-inch Rated Sheathing(OSB) Y ' one side oriented perpendicular to 2:1 1,020c — — — 24 inches o.c. framing 7/16-inch Rated Sheathing(OSB) 4:1 — 1,025 1,425 1,825 24 inches o.c. one side 0.018-inch Steel sheet,one side 2:1 485 — — — 24 inches o.c. ';7s 0.027-inch Steel sheet,one side 4:1 — 1,000 — — 24 inches o.c. "? :'t'For SI: 1 inch=25.4 nun,1 pound per foot=14.5939 N/m. ;N3 a Nominal shear values shall be multiplied by the resistance factor to determine design strength or divided by the safety factor Q to determine allowable I shear values as set forth in Section 2211.6. :!= b. Screws in the field of the panel shall be installed 12 inches o.c.unless otherwise shown. i :'c. Where fully blocked gypsum board is applied to the opposite side of this assembly,per Table 2211.1(2)with screw spacing at 7 inches o.c.edge and }<; 7 inches o.c.field,these nominal values are permitted to be increased by 30 percent. 1, !t: TABLE 2211.1(2) 01.V NOMINAL SHEAR VALUES FOR WIND FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR SHEAR WALLS ` FRAMED WITH COLD-FORMED STEEL STUDS AND FACED WITH GYPSUM BOARDa j ':. MAXIMUM SCREW SPACING WALL CONSTRUCTION HEIGHT/LENGTH ORIENTATION inches NOMINAL SHEAR VALUE "J RATIO Edge Field (pif) "fip s4/2-inch gypsum board on both sides 2:1 Gypsum board applied 7 7 585 ;n of wall;Studs maximum 24 inch o.c. perpendicular to l framing with strap blocking behind the horizontal joint and 4 4 850 with solid blocking Tiff± between the first two i end studs , or SI: 1 inch=25.4 nun,1 pound per foot=14.5939 N/m. _�Nominal shear values shall be multiplied by the resistance factor to determine design strength or divided by the safety factor 0 to determine allowable " shear values as set forth in Section 2211.6. << <L, 49 .JNTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE® 637 ii+ somProject ' !t� tj►�6 Job No. Subject StJK Ilk VJ";-L �C_'�0N Sheet By Date Q Chkd By Date : : e ! , s : , t ) , i 5 1 4 , , ' 1 .s 1 , r , , .:..... ... . , v f I i : , ; , , t i i ' ' i : t i. , i r i 1 i i 1 I } r , : i i I ...7 t _t L a , , < , V ` p ! Wt 'CIE T- I t ... _ .,.._y .......�.__ .:.. f - .; f ttiM6 8OL aFe1i. iPRICC�, r : t •i 2, j w r C Q �f l 3 1 F t S t f. P 7 Rv � i 1. , , : ! 1. f , : I , : , .._T.._.....5......... ..._......... ..........................:..............1,..... .. _,.. ... _ ....E-.. _.. ....a_.... .. .. ...... _. _.. '— i.. , i , - l g; a iT „ i , i - - • , : , k SsALL r4ks YV. YV f � fir,`.✓L.7!`!' - { i , ! i 4 , , ' t t. , ...... - f Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 �! Project Job No. Subject 0ALZ max''.' Sheet som By a Date 4fnfos Chkd By Date LN1�J'v �qQ q.)J tw-kuu- 'Av :17VA "d T" 0 v Af t 53:k .�Ot FOOTI G LA +LA, DL +: + GA I + 21i-1 5) ILI '15 twat Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 -44- Project , Job No. som Subject }y + �bt&.I�y Sheet By p Date ''. � Chkd By Date i • I P 0.1-) JA r , D�o , I kS 1� " 7vP IA CY - k ! 1..: P 3 f IA, CUR4 0-3 104 t� z 4(140) Co Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 r Project Job No. som Subject Lis c R L- LGk Sheet By Date Chkd By Date A " v ' „ 3 qq Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 46 somProject - Job No. Subject n `� �°�`" LoAps Sheet By t 2 Date ' Chkd By Date t E { i • r -., 10C(k ,6w 1 • � .._.gyp �..o`. gt,NG /�1 t+- r DCA :5� �C171'. .tid5 wiTWtna Z'tEfbF�d .�_ V. D 1 1 �5�5 Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 47 - Project A p."'s t�q'j(, i nx Job No. som Subject -®¢jSeAiC> fS�E7P Q (tt�44 Sheet By �'� Date Chkd By Date , ((�ct~v�)C LL :®� ocr�a� �Q�,'°'d S�(rJ - , 16, 5 , i �Wl�s� � �s�c s c��•c WALL PIz v~ _ 3������� . . Ala)• ��� Q,2 _ : _ ;. . I 6p • is d Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 lie 1 Project Job No. som Subject rUOTtIJCi _/'�€CN j�` F� 1 � Sheet By ,L' Date !Q Chkd By Date - i ZV 22 , o. 1 .. f f a i • i t i , i S ,-); V. 3r 41 14.5 17 i\Lo bL 3 f0 cri t Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 A% SOMProject '` ' � Job No. Subject F.4 w:, wt • D Ei 1 G� Sheet By put Date Chkd By Date , t i r S r { � , ; : } _.. , " , , I s I , , , y 7 , , _ i f t : S , f � : , : , _ , , S .. .. , Tr 4-6 i , } — 1 t a i s , i I 1• i I ; f , , s , i._ .l. t i , ' I: , • , r i I t 5 i , . i (. , , , : , S y ' , , f , ; i l i } , f : : c.• i. , i i j S t ' ; i t t y , y ; Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 31'2 360-4545 50 somProject (tJI-a Job No. Subject j� k G f ECU �?�c Sheet By d Date z3 Q S Chkd By Date i . i n � i 3 i .. _ .. 11�YY` i� ,I S.oa l Sv�2: 5u}3� ♦e StN� ; cJ .4a ; 4 { �— --Vi 1. 'R sky:-"":--• ' 4x-- s �R P Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 �� Illllll 11 ill l l!"' I� ULCRAFT 1.5~(B,F,A) 20 DIAPHRAGM SHEAR STRENGTH (PLF) #10 TEKS _ ""`613PGRT"FASTENERS: 5/e" PUDDLE WELD SIDELAP FASTENER : � SPAN ft.- Fastener Layout K * 3 96 431 377 333 2 8 2 0 6-0 6 226 208 193 8180 8-6 69 1 58 71141 1126 1-0 1112-0 5 .53685 0 4 .41690 1 573 500 443 395 354 321 292 269 248 231 250 234 201 220 197 177 1161 34076 2 644 566 504 453 410 371 3S6 355 328 305 285 267 252 225 203 185 28813 3 711 628 561 506 460 422 80 355 333 283 253 229 193 .24959 2014 4 773 687 616 557 508 466 431 398 4U8 380 355 333 283 277 229 193 36R •22014 5 830 742 668 606 554 510 471 438366 342 277 229 1.93 .19691 6 931 841 717 653 641 592 549 512 479 450 424 384 342 277 229 193 .17811 682 16259 8 915 885 7 849 7g01 7p1 668 622 582 546 493 433 384 342 277 229 193 14956 9 10 .14956 10 1052 965 887 781 758 705 657 615 566 493 433 384 342 277 229 19 .12846 11 1085 1000 924 855 794 739 691 648 566 493 433 384 342 277 229 193 DB=97 DF=169 DA=266 K2=1056 64409 0 439 38 447 344 308 362 329 276 300 274 251 232 216 201 188 177 158 142 128 .38102 2 562 552 500 457 376 387 359 334 312 290 271 254 239 2114 193 175 31641 3 .27053 4 656 596 584 539 498 463 432 404 379 357 337 320 301 270 229 193 36/5 .23627 5 374 342 277 229 193 23627 6 728 622 621 575 534 498 465 93 436 410 387 366 342 330 277 229 1 18852 7 757 703 653 608 567638 598 560 527 496 469 444 421 384 342 277 229 193 193 .17122 8 283 731 68 ` .15683 9 805 756 710 666 046 652 589 555 581 550 522 493 433 384 342 277 229 193 .14467 10 824 778 734 692575 13426 11 841 798 56756 715 Lit-676 663 640 606 728 546 K23105 33 384 342 277 229 19 DB= 77 48 0 336 296 264 233 208 188 171 756 184 171 159 149 139 124 1811 100 .805 .56260 399 355 379 289 264 239 2 199 A3226 2 496 457 368 379 349 284(323 63 bW 281 263 245 229 214 2 22 180 162 147 .35095 29539 4 533 490 451 417 386 360 336 314 295 278 291 277 263 236 213 193 25501 5 564 523 485 451 420 393 368 346 326 308 36/4 22435 6 589 557 515 482 451 423 398 375 354 336 318 303 285 263 229 193 . i 20027 7 611 575 564 533 504 476 451 428 406 386 368 351 335 277 229 193 .18086 a 62� 5�G 5G 16487 9 644 614 583 554 526 499 424 457 429 409 391 373 342 2277 77 2229 193 29 19 15149 10 668 622 6�6 589 564 539 5520 95 492 471 451 432 384 342 277 229 193 14011 11 K2=1056 DB=802 DF=909 DA=959 1.07370 0 281 251 226 206 186 236 213 198 182 168 156 145 135 127 113 101 975 1 .681 V 1 328 298 2 49918 2 364 336 311 288 267 249 233 278 205 193 180 168 758 141 152 11 ` ? 39381 3 392 366 342 319 299 280 264 248 235 222 211 225 215 197 152 138 .39381 4 412 389 362 346 326 308 291 225 261 248 236 225 215 197 177 1184 61 27692 7 423 405 387 369 352 336 321 306 292 280 269 . 258 238 220 193 36/3 .24113 6 44 21353 8 459 445 430 4015 400 385 370 356 342 329 3017 386 370301 310 277 229 1 277 229 193 .19160 15896 10 470 459 447 435 422 409 396 383 371 359 342 395 336 325 272 229 193 14648 11 475 DB= 54 .442 1652 DF4 1 419 407DA=1827 383 3K2=1056 71 360 349 338 272 229 193 i K2 'Number of sidelap fasteners per span G= 3 x K x SPAN) 3.78+(0.3 x Dx/SPAN)+ '- In the above formula for G',Dx=DB or DF or DA depending on the type of deck(B,F,or A)use Project PCs I f1vu I-C Job No. L'cj , MIS QQIN� Subject aq Sheet som By Date Chkd By Date • Olt tit tAT 4- .-NN El(W; r --s • - Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 36O4545 53, Project Job No. Subject Sheet som By. Date 4�17_4-/05 ChkdBy_ Date _J NTOL') va .......... D," F0 .................. 0.ho i c t L C_iN' APP20�e f-�AT( _4. 1,444 4, IV- 3,47 1:0 S3 4,3 NU Q Lifti (114 Izo -7 Z-3 uWA 5A 04 5ACA2' fi Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 Project A Job No. AL Lwp- Subject Sheet som By .. Date Z g ChkdBy- Date • • AN A ;aN C-) (3.6 Z1. (2-4 cot* JA 7- A� 71V�zl Z" If", Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 55, Job No. Project somSubject �� Sheet By a a 4t Date - 0 Chkd By Date ' r £ , , , , c� ' s. w VJ e x s MW 39 Fv- '41 "4 , , i E i r , i - _ r , I _ .ft+F ,t r4'i�' �.r rs•3,:n»kv:,:,ijs. s , s : .. n P �� " , Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 �.Itv ---- --- ------ Project Job No. Subject LjT es.lk L LOLD S WI-211 Sheet som By R Date +17-+/05 Chkd By Date RM t4 Opz 5. -- j O 4. • L OL r Sol cklo 4-: J Z 5." -(4 A USC. CCI'je_ J Cd Q C-6uTL-- 5T NJ-( a ri tic Wt TI' -IN Coj* Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 57. i� Project N GA Job No. somSubject �"�T EL �"ux � W W 1 1A Sheet f By DPW Date � Z t3§ Chkd By Date a < , i J.. E , y .F- { , i > I t i _ e i r , r t , 1 jl r - � r v r t , ' r �SrGA1C �- r , r ! b E�csc �J �Gra— tr.G�� Flo, ' r r , , i t m • (J�(') �eFt . V • V ;C3 r r i - q�. , t5�q ��Sod �s� �...... �..t�t�l �•�' �� t G . _ , r C rt r < ... ..:. . . .. 7-1 ..��Mc��rc .tea GG,i�s t,,,itt-t: 92rof':1G 5 e4 DL Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 58 somProject Oms, P_ Res ib(tjc Job No. Subject �,kt(,Ra.t LO&J1 S - E W WIND Sheet By n Date 7 Chkd By Date •` f 3 x ! v � : i t � i : i , , i 1 I • Ep t ' • a S : - i t x „n i t i I : i v v , • i . .l , NCLu 5ofUC�dtl�• : , l : i I : : r Esc F�G�J. v` �_N. �et� � ;� {.t .C'xsC rs - AkV jSE� (�ocr�'�, _..Wc ��ait . ... . ,� $l.o;G� .633�(•�5 �4 _ "_! LL Ah tAkl iz ' I ' , r _ �Cv►S6 A a -•; ' : 4 4 s , : i m r • i i : 0 tip()s kU t P i AM37 4r. ; pip / 9 Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 59. SOMProject I P��.�,1`c,on1ca�l� C Job No. . Subject L�CGR�1. Ems�t�F e C � ct� /.SAA tiv �,v,'6 Sheet By Date Chkd By Date .i OLT Le i i t : ; i + j 5 a i • ' � '�w<�y.��iw�.�m �-;>��PA f?"'f'a! ���0,��P�Vs' i • ! r r ( -��_ ..t i r , : l i 1 , lit lN� +L6ki-) i ; t 3 • �i z is kv�"- . Ch OC CAL C I , l , , ' . i . ' } 4 ! i , 3 .J E 'E(AAA N + Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 �' somProject � Q� e' &.i i uy* Job No. Subject dT fLl6. L1Airf C( PLV R40AAW Wh Get Vt)f Sheet By Date` Chkd By Date : : ! t q a e l a , a , A � ){ot 13 �4 I I tv'r'-L 4, i :ii < ..: 463 : < 3 i' t : ' i e 3 i t i i , , : i i : r , , : . �, s. -. ' , I ' i. } i , r , , i < .. .. ..J .: .3... .i_ } - R Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 �� Project Job No. Subject Lo M s - C_IA c e-t< Mmj w kv (-%A 114 S Sheet som BY Date Chkd BY Date 30Sf XV ......... T "LIL CNc Scick 4 .. 319 J_ A- 5 Z, 1.5 ZA 571-11 C' IppJ > Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 CO2 somProject PS�u : Job No. Subject fRy,00r � - ��j1�js� / � Sheet By @��to Date ` " Chkd By Date t t i : (• i , j + f ' S s : . , - f t s ••Y i' -- s. , k . 3 o , i f , 3 ' l , v t 7 - , , d a e... i : • w '- - ---- f i , ._ • �;- , , _ Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 �� AR_Kzt0wc_ � Sfl)��� r Project lob No. isom Subject -l S M LC . lJ CS l G N Sheet By Q Date A- Z4 45 Chkd By Date , i F r _ r ; z ; �i t , r : t i _ _ t a U `s i SE( ! ��ti�Ul�l. r 1. .. _ E t I i , u • , , , • _ �js�f ��s� S,a , S N;: ���fY1C-..GJa�"�S w►T,ld_ 6Gi� Sg.�2vCcV' rm �� C .. .__ l G i r r ' r 1 r i , , • - , , , , l � ,O G F l- LL. 6�J 3 �G2- 3.1 44 s� a ' t , Wl w R Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 "' d ' 6. Gravity Framing Design i The Gravity System Design includes floor framing design (wood construction), column, beam (structural steel construction) and metal roof deck design. There are no Wooden Trusses in this project, thus no calculations of trusses are included. I I l � i i Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP. Armstrong Residencej � Chicago, IL 60604 Calculations 1 Project 4:.03 } r.', N4 Job No. Subject �tG/Li_ Sheet By Date 3 64 Chka By Date I f , i _ ' s d. j I-A ` 99 -it J), , 33 J. i ' 1 • 1 l[e7 $ 1{ ? I f } , s -arc p 4 ! '• ( 3 ' [ ? 4t PIS °'! 1 i , - i s , , i —3--_ - lei � � � ,_ ..����_' j''��� :y ..,w.:, r —�----•� — _...�..._ __-I---,'_- tea [ ' f , c i i! I t ! I s , 6 i i ( � f f<Y-� �{ t ) � .,ms.= s�+:�.,rm�;�.,:7•'>. ..a+",� ..�..�•_x J -• i E _ f __ r I� r i t , f s . s j 111 L _ — 14, , r. 1437 = i �G lhS•F LG0.E� eV2 , Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 " Project Job No. som Subject i p?w_ Roo'$' . `'. k-A,x 2�"4 Sheet By 1)FIT Date � ©� Chkd By Date LLtItL ;a4o►��; �L I ,�,# �� v� Sot �� -# I� 7 �— - - - - - -- - - - t -, - -; - -- -_ _ , { , , i I : e ! � s !._�- �-� MA 10,,,►_..,2 ;Z5 _._�V 1zi=�__I_ _ s---� i_ ' 1 i ` I 1 y{ l • { . i ; t _�.. -- -- --- .c.- -- _ _S - # �a, r ;E I i , i. , 1 _ llJ i 1 C , t( r _ t 44 p , 1 I { : io : i�:r_rsx�n_�.ar_�•r_-ice .I .S, .i..,_t.. �+_ ' !� _#_ ..1.. .a-._ , _ i y , ' f : t , r i i ; , , t 1 Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 �' Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP Engineering Calculations Architects/Engineers I_ Project ArN1���n�G Sgbcricc Engr Date (017-610 Job No. ! Subject TYNcAt., 4v Chkr Date Sheet — j —' L } 1� � I j._, i f ; _ _J_ --I---j----{•-i_.�-. I —}-_.,-_L i ! i � 1 �! �—! 1 I — I_J. , r — � 1 1 ! , L � � --•�_._�__._-i-- -- i i i 1__, I 1 f <'� �_j '' i flit- _-{__� 1 ! —{— ,T —r-�---.;--i� •i � , � , 1 ! 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I ---I --- , , I r ; t , , t 1.....; ._E .... .. ... _ .. .. _._ ... _ _..*....,......1 .. .. ` , 1 , f ( } { / i 1 r q � SS ! + , , • ` I , E 1 ` it �= 7 r! , J3 ' ytj a I . f/ III PP 1 i i I i l 3 , }f ' 1 : h i 1 -_. t _..r._ + ; ? • s r 1 f I „ • 44 , 72. Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090, Fax 312 360-4545 Project Job No. Subject Sheet SOM By Date Chkd By Dare , I ; : i s , I j ! v.? . I j I 1 : , i : 1 ! i , • i , y ' - - - - I _ i , , 4 j v _ _ ... 1?� 16 _.. Ii , t E , 9 : i ! I .� , i I , I i : �---.�� � ���-•t'rE. � --•- ,�(,r �"_ ---- --�t�1E. k-I_��n�)- --- - 20�-h'�_ C Q.�-� T 1 — , _ —IT � I I : 7-1 . i : , II l.._.__. _ c71M E • � rI , , i I I Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP 224 South Michigan Ave. Chicago,Illinois 60604 312 554-9090,Fax 312 360 4545 `�� 725 1 .5 BIA B, '' 9 Maximum Sheet Length 42'-0 _ Extra Charge for Lengths Under 6'-0 ` Factory Mutual Approved (No.OC847.AM,0G1A4.AM, 'a �,•.. A ;; and 3Y1A6.AM) ICBO Approved (No.3415) x % 6., B B) .. 36" SECTION PROPERTIES Deck Design Weight(PSF) I Sp Sn Fy Type B (wide rib) deck provides excellent structural Type Thick. Ptd. Galy. in4/ft in3/ft in3/ft KSI load carrying capacity per pound of steel utilized, j B24 0.0239 1.36 1. 6 0,121 0.120 0.131 60 and its nestable design eliminates the need for die- 0.029s .7 0.169 0.186 0.192 33 set ends. B21 0.0329 1.87 1.9 0.192 0.213 0.221 33 B19 0.0418 2.39 2.49 0.253 0.277 0.289 33 1° or more rigid insulation is required for Type B B18 0.0474 2.72 2.82 0.292 0.318 0.327 33 deck. B16 1 0.0598 1 3.44 1 3.54 0.373 1 0.408 1 0.411 1 33 Acoustical deck (Type BA, BIA) is particularly suitable in structures such as auditoriums, schools, ACOUSTICAL INFORMATION and theatres where sound control is desirable. Deck Absor tionCoefficient Noise Reduction Acoustic perforations are located in the vertical r e 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Coefficient• webs where the load carrying properties are 1.5BA,1.5BIA .11 .20 .63 1.04 .66 .36 .65 negligibly affected (less than 5%). •Source: Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories-RALT^'A94-185. Inert, non-organic glass fiber sound absorbing batts Test was conducted with 1.5 inches of 1.65 pcf fiberglass insulation are placed in the rib openings to absorb up to 65% on 3 inch EPS Plaza deck for the SDI. of the sound striking the deck. Batts are field installed and may require separation. VERTICAL LOADS FOR TYPE 1.58 Max. Allowable Total(Dead+Live)Uniform Load PSF No.of Deck SDI Const. Span(ft.-in.) C.to C.of Support Spans Type Span 5'-0 5'-6 6'-0 6'-6 T-0 T-6 8'-0 8'-6 9'-0 9'-6 10-0 B 24 4'-8 fi s6 ?:'� B 22 5'-7 91" ;7,1, is i 57t<,', y37;�� 40" y, i34<� 30 ;";.27 ;'24� '_ 22;hF : 20,• B 21 6'-0 ,104:.' BV,", } :;,64•:�S 53':;; :.,;::4 38 'r ''33;'.: r;R',29 r: ',';y:24;�;i3:: ..22;a :' r' 1 B 20 6'-5 115'. "3g it. '';7i `is r` 59.' 2 4$a,.:;....4':44::' ;:36":;r< s- ,31Ya.': 28. ' '`25r C: 23<, B 19 T-1 r139'=:: . 1tJ1% ", 85i.s.,r;,,�:68'r<'..: 5T::.r:".` r':48<:1'"' 8 18 T-8 62-::' 124r.:,• 98'.: 79:i '>:_^65:.,:e,• ;55's: .4T: ;'-4'1.' w36' ;:' ,''32' ;,' 29;: B 16 S'-8 z2D6 4? :937 " ' `123",: 99.1s"s' :=81%r- fi8�< ':'}P':,58< 4,:E°50 ;, .:.44> B 24 5'-10 126 104 74 64 .,41 ^'..;;._36; 32%mow, :s 29• 6'-11 102 85 71 61 52 46 40 35 32 28 26 21 T-4 118 97 70 60 52 46 41 36 33 29 2 B 20 7'-9 132 109 91 78 67 59 51 46 41 36 33 B 19 8'-5 154 127 107 91 79 69 60 53 1 48 43 39 B 18 9'-1 174 144 121 103 89 78 68 60 54 48 44 B 16 10'-3 219 181 152 130 112 97 86 76 68 61 55 B24 5-10 kx13D 100` 7.9a y65; ;:54na, ".545a; "w '39 ::0;34 ,i 31 "- ;27t• 25"S B 22 6'-11 128F� 106 89„< 76 65 57 50 1 8 75 3 B 20 T-9 165 136 114 97 84 y 72 B 19 8'-5 193 159 134 114 98 B 18 9'-1 218 180 151 129 111 96 ;81';,yy zv,r.69°';. 60';>' ' 2 B 16 10'-3 274 226 190 162 140 119'_:y,; 100<,` '". x85 ': ,73.: ;64`.',, '56 Notes: 1. Load tables are calculated using sectional properties based on the steel design thickness shown in the Steel Deck Institute(SDI)Design Manual. 2. Loads shown in the shaded areas are governed by the live load deflection not in excess of 1/240 of the span. A dead load of 10 PSF has been included. 3. ••Acoustical Deck is not covered under Factory Mutual I ' 7. Perimeter Canopy Design The perimeter canopy design includes design for members sizes for all components of the canopy, both aluminum (tube, purlins and rafters) and steel (branches and column), 1 Skidmore,Owings&Merrill LLP. Armstrong Residence 75, Chicago,IL 60604 Calculations _ DESIGN CODE Manual of Steel Construction,Allowable Stress Design, 9th Edition, DESIGN CRITERIA Allowable Stress Design: Fleas'°" =0.60Fy FQ¢ns'°n =0.50Fu Fbe"d'"g =0.66Fy MATERIAL PROPERTIES Structural Steel,ASTM A572 Fy =50ksi; F. =65ksi; E=29,000ksii Aluminum F, =11ksi / Fy =19ksi DESIGN LOADING -- Load Cases Gravity Load/Self Weight: Calculated Automatically from Member Properties Ice/Live Load: 14.7psf(on gross area covered by shade/tube members) Wind Uplift: 40psf(on net projected area of structural and shade members) Lateral Wind Load: 31 psf(on net projected area of structural and shade members) ASD Load Combinations 1 SELF WEIGHT 2 SELF WEIGHT+ ICE 3 SELF WEIGHT+WIND UPLIFT r- 4 SELF WEIGHT+WIND X lateral wind load in positive"x"direction 5 SELF WEIGHT-WIND X lateral wind load in negative"x"direction 6 SELF WEIGHT+0.707 UPLIFT+WIND wind load at 45 degree upward angle 7 SELF WEIGHT+0.707 UPLIFT-WIND wind load at 45 degree upward angle MINIMUM REQUIRED MEMBER SIZES 777777777 NO`.V 'RTICAL,SHADE •' VERTICAL SHADE HUNG FROM VERTICAL SHADE WITH GROUND- TYPICAL CONDITION RAFTERS WITH CABLES,TIED DOWN SUPPORTED FINS,VERTICALLY - WITH 10LBSIINCH SPRINGS SLIPPED AT TOP CONTROLING. CONTROLING MINIMUM'MEMBER' MINIMUM MEMBER CONTROLING LOAD MINIMUM MEMBER MEMBER MATERIAL LOAD LOAD "SIZE,: SIZE COMBINATION SIZE COMBINATION`i COMBINATION Columns 50ksi Steel x z's75> DL+•ICE 3.875"x 3.875" DL+WIND X 3.5"x 3.5" DL+WIND X Branch"Beams 50ksi Steel 2.0".x(4.5"=2.0")' DC+ICE„ 2.1875"x(4.5"-2.0") DL+ICE& DL 2 0"x(4.5"-2.0") DL+ICE +WIND X s(no welds near pins19ksi allowable) Aluminum 3.0"x 0.25" bL+ICE 3.0"x 0.5" DL+WIND X 3.0"x 0.5" DL+WIND X pins- Rafters(no welds near pins-19ksi allowable) Aluminum 3:75"x 0.5" DL+ICE. : 3.75"x 1.1875" DL+ICE 3.75"x 0.6875" DL+WIND X ' liurri"u r; 3lksi .G"x G.25" Dt fCF 3.G"x 0,75" ?t_+v'Ji^iF:J Y. 3.G"x 0.625" ✓rt. WIND X Rafters(Woids r.•sar Pins- DL C.7[3?f."11ND X rlk+m��;,, 3.Iu"x 0.76" t1_.l.!CE 3.75"x 2.G" 3L ;Ca 3.78"x 7.0" Vertical Shade Cables Stainless Steel 6mm Diem. DL+WIND X Vertical Shade Fin 50ksi Steel 1.75"x 0.5625" DL+WIND X Vertical Shade Fin Aluminum 1.75"x 1.0" DL+WIND X Shading Tubes Aluminum 518":Diam.Solid 5!8"Diam.Solid 5/8"Diam.Solid NOTE:The minimum sizes indicate above are valid for specific loading,material,and member sizes.Chan s in any member size or material will affect the loads on the structure and may make other member sizes invalid.The minimum member sizes indicated above assume uninterupted solid members.The addition of is,holes,notches,or fastners will likely necessitate larger member sizes FINAL M�NIP�EIC SIZF-S I ANALYSIS MODEL/STRUCTURAL SYSTEM OVERVIEW Ft .i y'n';*s.R;.,�—'.•.".."': •'`:??i`t�':';��tr�:�i::?:�R�i;<'' ttti';:',?:'Z�.'� ,'� �. '�"'„�. •:;Yi.;i�Z�c:=::•'..i?ia irt::t ,i;s;:7As�`�`:s;:�', �; '>''".�'.^,S•.I�,t':.•• :.::...+2L:r. �t'.ia 7 • ' � }' �:ii':s"'•�!i':'s :l'<?i'ii?!�'`:,, sii;'i`'�.,s, .::.: �t' � �:tt•;•' ..i.<:�.'�t`.ii.S`?i�`�:���:�'��:'.ii'iii,''..ir:',;t''2:.�,.��45�i':`��i'S�'..t.i°r.,`:'E:tl 'S '� fit•` ;`.t'i':`;'<?i�`� �-`'`: '3i,��?}';C�:. :� CS��'3 j ."t='t >l':'•';:.':�i'; s::lii�i�':: 'r:;:r� �'.:i":iii3;'� �s:�i�i��is'i33�+,t .::.�..:`s��:`.ir•;...,:. Aluminum Shading Tubes - Solid Circular Tubes 1.25" @ 5/87f D. iameter Aluminum "Purlins" Solid Bar Members `w?.,i; 0.2577 Wide x 3.07f Depth yt'; ,t. <,:��,..,.:,=.��j��.°;;;•;:;tit;;;�;�i<.. •,Z':: �:..,._. ,..2::.;�,`;i, ai;;:�;�: .:.....::::..: t 4'r't'<:�:';'�y, �^.�'�'^ :•;�.i'i:is:%: Aluminum Rafters Solid Bar Members s.<< 0.5"Wide x 3.75" Depth t�..a :..=.-a rr.' :n ,,.,=x s;-�.�e u:.�'.5 cry. rs:�'s e.-.^-t .. �.,.^� _ ;x: '...-�,.f r •'MeS:s^;,t' , �..,-. .,.,. ,. Steel Column a 3.0"x 3.0" Solid r.--.;.; kNm c."""7.'i c^s". Steel "Branch Beams" Solid Tapered Members 2.0"Wide x 4.5"—2.0" Depth i i SUMMARY OF DEFLECTIONS (TYPICAL CONDITION, NO VERTICAL SHADE �. f r(Jr+ 7 Maxis um Deflection @ Maxi !:um Deflection @ Lire of vertical shade Lin of vertical shade dZ--7.63" dZ--1.85" dX-5.45" dX-1.4" i r i E Maxi um Deflection @ Tip _ Maximum Deflection @ Tip dZ--10.57" dZ--2.59" dX-5.33" dX- 1.4" i DEAD LOAD/SELF WEIGHT DEAD LOAD + ICE LOAD ICE ON VERT$HORIZ SHADES) _..........._.... -- --...--..__..............-_..... ._._.._.. ._.._.__.__.___.._..._......_____.__..._.._...._......_.. ' i E � Maxim m Deflection @ Line f vertical shade Maximum D'. �flection @ dZ +5.14" Line of ve !cal shade dX- -3.62" Z--3.47" X- 4.21" Maximum D` flection @ Tip Maximum;Deflection @ Tip dZ -5.0" dZ +7.05" dX- 4.18" - dX- -3.67" i t. F E 1 DEAD LOAD+40PSF WIND UPLIFT DEAD LOAD + PSF WIND X 78• SUMMARY OF FORCES (TYPICAL CONDITION, NO VERTICAL SHADE 4"p 118.88117.22 F � =9 , 115.56 � � `'�• .� �.�p���}vat., �-•.t� s s rf $ ;.,r,';y "3a'£r.K a� a.�Z,n y�,`° .• �'��a,<� �g :xi` t,..'�,',�zr '� 113.90 a�£Y'L�112.24 110.58 '� y €������5N'a �� $ ���r•'max, ;�R�1 ���, :#� .A `'�.'*s'xs ';a'zy`;sg { t y ��3/}/iFFr'y)�-.•Y.,�if}✓g;ra�. �F_6g,.6& $k p ��,^s`*+. ''' Cr, i>, %iz>g13' '�Y'ix, r`>' '.`^ ;g�Tr fi"='g` ` •'�'+°z'#�' 108.92 =.j ;n,d°�° � ��z�P}��xs�> gS�<'°� ��`•�z;�%�<f?��;��,, ,� ® t' � d :i7�'`a1<'-h<>,�$' ,$#3 ; x.T.dt4,y$+ f'•j'fle SFr#. � 1D7.26faiusgass '`&ems ? z " � rts` 105.60 103.94 102.28 100.63 ® 98.97 Column Controling Load Combination: DL+ICE Maximum Column Moment--119kip-inches Maximum Column Combined Bending+Axial Stress=27.9ksi _0.66 x 50ksi=33ksi,O.K. (3.0"x 3.0"Columns) Moinei�t; k-iti 0.00 15.74 r 2', 'daa•�,e°>,i•'.�:�i. -23.61 ..rja l,°'•;!�`;,,°,r1",'°s°=:� ,�,<.:,.,2::N�,6:,`.;;'i'E�;p�,`>�i,4#' : f`"r:.� 0 -31.48 ;q..< H:��,i,F' r7:'� P✓,'��t'"a'rf,.%�"`"<'i,k'.'✓J:'a`„y:�.�✓fr'r �.i ",s, ;;:a's• °e:'r,F" '`,Fl,., `l /.✓.'✓.4'.1/'%>:/ ,•'4rry,:"^.r t -39.35 -47.22 55.09 ez -62.96 mow: k'.. .� l...., t a:r, s;:• .�`; Ex,r �'` r''f�,4 s c*.•� � <^`: 3"••.,." %Ss. F.`.>,w.cp✓'.a'y'�'v ,•'h,a'P,.,ZS �w���t� arc ,°f.:�':,ass^.a�a��YY s�l _ -70.83 4 -78.70 -86.57 ry ® -94.44 `Branch' Beam Controlling Load Combination: DL+ICE 'Branch'Beam Moment Diagram for Strong-Axis Bending _79 0.19 0.16 fwM 0.12 0.08 $ , a a3A§R $M, gt74q y } }15ft d x df 0.05 ' .� � �J., doh•. } �'• "' `;,�'w { 0.01 ,��'' �;. a���cz. reµ r' �` •'�iyY{i,; t�'_�,,, ar -0.10 _ .0.14 .0.17 ' — -0.21 — -0.24 Raffnr Cnnfrnlling 1 narl Cnmhinatinn- Ill +ICF Z-Moment Moment in Rafters,0.1 9inch-kips S,,= 1.171n3; Sy=0.156in3 Maximum Rafter Bending Stress=[21.66/1.17]+[0.19/0.156]—19ksi—19ksi allowable, O.K. (3.75"x 0.5"Rafters) 3.57 3.01 d ,q/g+ I sy.' A HkfY 'Yypd� itaYr 2.46 r, .s ... rz 0.79 . 's}S{fY�.H ,�" .a `•'4`d af' ,yfeg ii}?i„mot{ FA"I 0.32 0.23 .1.43 " .1.99 ® .2.55 ® -3.10 Pjirlin Confrnlling I and Cnmhinatinn• ni +ICF Y-Moment in Purlins, DL+ICE—3.57kip-inches Z-Moment in Purlins, negligible SX=0.375in3; Sy=0.03125in3 Maximum Rafter Bending Stress=[3.1/0.375]+[0.08/0.03125]--11ksi< 19ksi allowable,O.K. (0.25"x 3.0"Purlins) "Tfl'ABS Nor15.46 jn�IMSt�ess=" 'x J>:+fta: !' i>.<l,!Yr".ri fFd. ,f-doy'''✓'Y XYP k�� •d A A! t Y!fa' y'7'•e''.DF J= P.->' ff y f`�grsri,�•,..r'd.v'n� p) i"'/"'!+ ✓r: �`lydd6'' ,�;$,..,x ✓'✓YN/•e0>•�,i'"tl` '?^.!>'rP+�ftf rt'A,Y.'A.>9�'J'J••F✓ t 12.88 >.rt:�°`w ` • `y"a x>`; �,;., ;lyA ;�a°`e'/s�;.�,',�' dti.t'M: iJ.��fd�`�•^•�d ya,� >•i��>�'`�✓%^tee +` e�� f' >' i!e'tsf. 'Jr. 8'P rr�`- J•'^fir ' �/-�<.: :�:i!'rl:;<--f}r}yy f %'.Fr`�l•',r'.;.l Ya>J'; erw^�f,�x;.. r,if j:f>Y,a-y%A:l. �a� •J.r� ,/f"r9r _ ri Pr .f,�r d i 11.60 ^•:.;Jf'1 �9�.> •J.'�rJy"+1—S',3�w' �.i f! f'.i"'s f..P •>�:+ 1•,.�•z•'yy 'z'r:F'r'..>y ' a:f` 3r< i^:<�,,fs�f!'�.1..-!f..f'f'JwPE^.:+A9 x�a f,..,rr r r'.• /� Y�:/x'°''a 3f..: l°".%"',wt�f J," s,,.> °'y G>�P.*, P v 1?• Ss`��r}' .�� ,!':aF a'`v:1' a d! •P � )"r. 10.31 "fParY✓s'°• $rr' s sad y xf�<`t r� jF,✓ sa l y�.. •i S s<.`.v% a�5e'` 9�;s'rA<yas>;.i/!'"r :b..' .oa„e'`fir•' �- P✓;., •✓'.4 tt s9.02 P:r i'9 �"'' s°�'i'.w �"� i:�`!;i AJ✓YY.�J.�✓ r:'fr""�',ty% ri,"`'+ '✓r``P'S? iC,`4�°.'r;i, •� Pp,; ::!„ ...o.` t' t'a _a>t`.'` iP s�J': +'Fi�a 'tl. ��..++ .+gym fry f. 9 �iFtf6'`'�•�y-,f<•+�e•�� S <' `•e✓Y,f.>r' ldt••' ;'�d'>r�R�� C t. d fdr�{`.l,!d> t .�"a rr^ rris �:r�✓' �''�.Y> ^P•A.y7"�1j f.. �i r.tP.^!'d`✓®+.%q,�"• 7.73 lyfx, :ry,s, �.9 r A > r A Y.¢ d�P P� •P t'r>,`"f a^> /tq �.�¢ A { 3,>-r• f'rz s`i'!i' r'" °a<"s ,v:f''•°✓'r`�' L '.F'w,a,:F. •a �."r`ae ✓p'o�r;J�d .,if'`' •�,` r;�ps' - 6.44 �.;�� fr.,a�%rxsgrA;~'PF''fi->` 5.15 3.87 2.58 1.29 - 0.00 'Rranr-h' Ream Cnntmllin9 1 and amhination- Ill +ICF Maximum'Branch'Beam Combined Bending+Axial Stress'-16ksi <0.66 x 50ksi=33ksi,O.K. :Ynment.(kale};, 18.39 b ^�Lr t�-F� 15.0511.71 Ile" r :"� �.��'>�`�'' ✓ �;;?��. :::�,.��� rr��,�,air A' '*'✓'r"'n'A P{R 9 a{(,y,{ �^P8Y Hlp'°IS�ArI, - ��`�� x:;' 7s. s`''z`a' tits f�i+`.* f �"t'�3` "'• ,."�`�'yA."+,xtt � - 3 � 8.375.04 <°+F,g.;c;dr��T. ��kk`b�': j37.A�i ��•'�'e "�'� t�`�f,'��.,���N�.��#a,�-• '>S FAWi wd F• '•j,�`A•t''" 4>``. {DTI 9j '�pry.�t;,. NO 1.64 Al p✓`t a.fie 1.70 ' ,'�,fa3ifa"A#,fi''rs! -4.98 i fid z WIN-m � . i -14.99 , _ ® -18.32 -21.66 Rafter ContMlling I oad Cnmhlnatwon• DI +ICE Y-Moment Moment in Rafters, _-21.66inch-kips TJ Zf'ZI-0�Tce APP71011ED AS NrOTED COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF PLUNiBIN3 DATE, 7f17l1' B.P. NEW YORK STATE & TOWN CODES ALL PLUMBINGWASf ' AS REQUIRED AND CONDITIONS OF &WATERLINES OVERtN Eft FEE: I,� ` IY: 1 �v TESTING BEFORE O NOT DEPARTMENT AT 7 SOUTHOLDTOWNZBA 76S K PM FOR THE SOUT HOLD TMAIN PLANNNG BOARD FCL. CTIONs: w SOUTHOLDTOV'x'NTRUSTEES 1. F... TWO REQUIRED Fr 'ONCRETE 9 /7 N.Y.S.DEC RETAIN STORtr WATER RUNOFF 2. F ,NG & PLUMBING PURSUANT TO SECTION 45-10 s. ;, 4. FI 7RUCTION MUST 0'7 THE TOWN CODE. El- -OR C.O. AL1 6N SHALL MEET THE OCCUPANCY OR YOF.v T r. PLOT RESPONSIBLE OF THE CODES OF NEW FOR IS UNLAWFUL �� [�1`p-` IvA c " DES,GN CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. US TE LY WITH CHAPTER"46 �gITHOUT CERTIFICA coo I FLOOD DA",SAGE PREVENTION OF OCCUPANCY SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. t..W rT THE REQUIREMENTS 07 TV.": pLU.1415E3 CERTIFICATION CO®ES OF NEW YO., STATE. DO NOT PROCEED WITH ON LEAD CONTENT BEFORE FRAMING UNTIL SURVEY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OF FOUNDATION LOCATIVI HAS BEEN APPROV�C. SOLDER USED INe SNOT SUPPLY SYST- ,_ r UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATI IkEXCEED 21b 0 % EAI REQUIRED CERTIFICATION Om NAILING & CONR!f°�Ti I�P� REOUInrf). 0 Aft rf Armstro , ig Nnuse Fishers Island, New York Issued For Building Permit s 02 May 2005 Lp Y .[ :t 5 d i p BUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 01 Material Symbols 02 Notes 03 Drawing List 04 Property Plan No Issue Date 1 Issued To Building Department 10 Dec. 2004 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 Fishers Island Sound ...-.... I _ A. GENERAL A" EARTH/COMPACT FILL 1 . No work shall commence without first obtaining any required permits or approvals from applicable CN L , O O O regulating agencies of the State of New York, Suffolk County, and the Town of Southold. o o f' POROUS FILL / t 2. All work shall comply with, State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code of the Codes Rules and o GRAVEL Regulations of the State of New York and any other applicable state regulations. 3. All work shall comply with the Zoning Law of the Town of Southold and any other applicable local v o regulations. ' 4. All work relating to waste water disposal shall be approved b the Suffolk Count Department of Health and o- v REINFORCED CONCRETE g p pp v y p o Legend Notes shall comply with all applicable regulations. 5. All work shall be performed by contractors and subcontractors licensed to work in the State of New York .� \ including, but not limited to, the following trades: general contracting, surveying, site work, concrete erection, � \ SAND/MORTAR/PLASTER steel fabrication and erection, general electrical, general plumbing, and mechanical equipment installation. m m - - 0 0 6. All contractors and subcontractors shall carry general liability and worker's compensation insurance as U- �� , �� required by the Town of Southold, the State of New York and other regulating agencies. Contractors and Architectural Drawings ' ' STONE subcontractors shall provide certificates of insurance to the Owner, the Architect, and the Town of Southold ^ Ln as insurees. 'AOOO Title Sheet ° ° 7. Site surve information has been rovided b CME Engineering, Land Surve in Et Architecture, PLLC, 110 -- -- - ° ° y p yy g ,A001 _Drawing List, Property Site Plan, Notes, Abbreviations Broadway, Norwich, CT 06360. A002 Site Survey - C g_ME En inee_rin_ _ ° \ STEEL OR STAINLESS STEEL 8. Structural steel and concrete information has been provided by Skidmore Owings Et Merrill, 224 S. Michigan A003 Site Survey ° ° Ave, Ste. 1000, Chicago, II 60604. A0� 04 C-mo_lition Plan _ _ _ ° ° 9. All necessary provisions for installation of primary electrical service shall be made in conjunction with and A005 Site Plan ° ° FINISH to require specifications of the Local Gas and Electric Companies. A006 Site Plan ° ° 10. All materials for construction located on site shall be segregated and neatly stored out of the path of A007 Site Plan - Entry Court - Plan and Details 07 Zoning Law construction operations and shall be protected from damage by all hazards including weather, ground A008 Site Plan Utility Shed - Plan and Details CONTINUOUS moisture, and construction activities until use. A009 _ Site Plan - Water Court - Plan and Details WOOD BLOCKING (CONTINUOUS) 11 . All spot elevations are true. A010 Site Plan - Site Details Use district R-120 12. The Contractor shall visit the site and be knowledgeable of conditions thereon. Comply with Specification D Sections in Division 1 and 2 for specific requirements for survey of existing site conditions and conduct of A100 Plan Basement Level Plan _ ° ° Regulations Min/Max Actual Comments WOOD BLOCKING (INTERMITTENT) excavation and ensuing construction activities prior to proceeding with the work. A101 Plan - Ground Level Plan _ ° ° 13. The Contractor shall verify accuracy of survey information, and shall perform additional site surveys to Al 02 Plan -Roof Plan _ ° ° Lot Size 3.15 acres ensure accurate placement of building on the site. �A� 103 Plan Reflected CeilingPlan _ 1 ° Front Setback (min.) 30' min. 28 '- 11' 14. All dimensions shall have reference over scale. Do not scale these drawings. Shim pA104 _Plan __.Floor-Framing Plan _ Side Setback (min.) 30' min. 103'-8" / 36'-0" 15. All dimensions shall be verified in the field prior to proceeding with the work. The Architect shall be A105 Plan - Roof Framing Plan Rear Setback (min.) 100' min. 73'-11" Refer to File ZBA 5577 notified of any discrepancies. A106 Plan - Power Signal Plan Building Setback (min.) 2.5 stories max. 1 story 16. Plan dimensions are shown to centerline of columns and to finished face of walls unless noted otherwise. A107 Plan - Lighting Plan 35' max. 12'-8 1/2" PLYWOOD Elevation and section dimensions are shown relative to finish floor levels which are referenced to building Lot Coverage (min.) 10% max. 3.2% elevation above sea level. Al 10 Sections_-- Longitudinal ° ° 17. Where discrepancies exist between drawings of various disciplines, architectural drawings shall be A111 Secti6n_s - Longitudinal _ ° ° Use/Occupancy Classifications Private Residence assumed to govern. Consult Architect before proceeding with work in any area requiring clarification. BATT OR SEMI-RIGID INSULATION 18. Details shown are intended to describe scope and profile. Where details have not been provided, the work A120 Elevations _North and South Elevations - - _ ° ° Type of Construction Steel Frame and Metal Deck With Wood Infill is intended to be similar in character to those areas detailed. Where specific dimensions, details, or design A121 Elevations - East and West Elevations ° ° intent cannot be determined, consult Architect prior to proceeding with the work. A122 Elevations - Courtyard Elevations ° I tended to show scope of penetrations, slab and wall openings required to RIGID INSULATION 19. The work in these drawings is in accommodate mechanical, electrical, and plumbing trades. However, the Contractor shall coordinate all A130 Wall Sections - Plan, Section, and Elevation ° ° penetrations, slab and wall openings required by these trades before proceeding with the work. A131 _ Wall Sections - Plan, Section, and Elevation ° 20. All pipes, bus ducts, risers, and other elements that penetrate floor slabs shall be installed in a manner that A132 Wall Sections - Plan, Section, and Elevation _ MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING will preserve fire resistive and structural integrity of the building. - -- - - ,A140 Exterior Details - Plan Details �A141 Exterior Details - Section Details ° ° FILTER FABRIC A142 Exterior Details - Section Details A\ 150_ Winc-w Types 05 Drawing Symbols �A151 Window hypes -Details ° __ _ -_ ___-_ _____ _ _ 08 Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria A160 Perimeter Canopy _Plan and RCP ° A161 Perilneter Canopy - Elevation and Section ° DESIGN CRITERIA- NEW YORK A162 Perimeter CanopyDetails ° � - Climate And Geographic Design Criteria - table 301.2 (1) aoo) ELEVATI N SECTION S SMOKE DETECTOR - Ground Snow Load - Pounds Per Square Foot 45 PSF O A201 Bathroom No.1 , No. 2/No. 3 - Plan, Section, and Elevation Wind Pressure - Pounds Per Square Foot _ 120 MPH A202 Bathroom No. 4/No. 5 - Plan, Section, and Elevation Seismic Conditions By Zone B n x Level el.x141 o, IA203 Bathroom No. 6/No. 7 - Plan, Section, and Elevation Subject To Damage Weathering Severe NOTE ELEVATION DATUM a000 WINDnW TYPE - - - � --- --- �A204 Kitcl zn Plans Frost Line Depth 36 " 2 'A205 Kitchen - Sections Termite Moderate To High AI 206 Butler`s Pantry Plan, Section, Elevation Decay _`- Slight To Moderate 1 AM 3 ELEVATION A207 Utility-Room, Powder Room, Coat Closet - Plan, Sect., Elev. Winter DesignTemperature _ 11 Degrees _ _ 4 A208 Utility, Room, Powder Room, Coat Closet - Sec Ice Shield Underlayment Required Yes Sections, Elev. Flood zone Yes SPOT ELEVATION A209 Libra - Plan, Section, Elevation ! -- - TBD +o.00° (ELEVATION/SECTION) All Work Shall Comply with 2004 Residential Code of New York State A210 Master Suite - Bathroom Dress. Rm. Plan, Sect., and Elev. �A� Master Suite - Bedroom Plan, Section, and Elevation +0.00 A212 Millwork - Plan, Section, and Elevation SPOT ELEVATION (PLAN) Storage - A220 Interior Details - Wall Types, Door Details ° Finish Floor ROOM NAME AND NUMBER A221 Interior Details- Millwork Details A222 Interior Details - Millwork Details A223 Interior Details - Miscellaneous Details DR-01 DOOR NUMBER - ---- A230 Interior Details - Ceiling Vault A231 Interior Details - Ceiling Vault Details 1 COLUMN LINE LABEL Structural Drawings 09 Light and Ventilation Requirements S-0.1 Structural Notes 0 06 Abbreviations S-1 .0 Foundation Plan ° S-1.1 Ground Floor Framing Plan ° ROOM NAME FLOOR AREA GLAZED AREA GLAZING TO FLOOR AREA OPERABLE AREA NOTES S-1.2 Roof Framin Plan ° 0 Diameter DET. Detail HT. Height P.T. Pressure Treated STL. Steel - �S-2`.0 Typical Section and Details ° A.F.F. Above Finished Flr DWG. Drawing HDWD Hardwood PTD. Painted T Telephone LIVING ROOM 661 SQ FT 633 SQ FT 96.9 oPo 76 SQ FT j Operable Doors On North and South Elevations BLKG. Blocking DN. Down LT. Light R. Riser TYP. Typical GALLERY 01 331 SQ FT 403 SQ FT 121.8 % 0 SQ FT See Enegry Code Compliance Book for Mechanical Ventilation System BM. Beam EL Elevation MAX. Maxilmum REQ'D Required U.O.N. Unless Otherwise GALLERY 02 331 SQ FT 403 SQ FT 121.8 % 0 SQ FT See Enegry Code Compliance Book for Mechanical Ventilation System Plumbing Drawings B.O. Bottom Of EQ Equal MIN. Minimum �?.FRM. Rough Framing Noted GALLERY 03 331 SQ FT 115 SQ FT 34.7 % 76 SQ FT Operable Doors On North and South Elevations CAB. Cabinet EXT. Exterior NO. Number RM. Room WD. Wood COL. Column FIN. Finish N.I.C. Not lin Contract R.O. Rough Opening W1 With KITCHEN 331 SQ FT 115 SQ FT 34.7 % ! 76 SQ FT _ Operable Doors On North and South Elevations P001 SanitBr Domestic Water Gas and Storm Riser Diagrams ° CL. Closet FNDTN. Foundation O.C. On Center SCWD Solid Core Wood Door W/o Without LIBRARY 496 SQ FT 460 SQ FT 92J % 76 SQ FT Operable Doors On North and South Elevations CONC. Concrete FLR. Floor O.F.C.I. Owner Furnished, S.D. Structural Drawings BEDROOM 661 SQ FT 633 SQ FT 127.E% 76 SQ FT See Enegry Code Compliance Book for Mechanical Ventilation System CONT. Continuous F.O. Face Of Contlractor Installed SHT. Sheet CLG. Ceiling FTG. Footing OPNG. Openiing SIM. Similar o Note: Total openable area to the outdoors is 12.01 /o of the total floor area being ventilated in habitable rooms as described above (3142 sq ft). C.T. Ceramic Tile GWB Gypsum Wall Bd. OPP. Opposite SK. Sketch o 19370 BUILDING PERMIT SET, Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Drawing List, Property Site Plan, Notes, Abbs. NTS New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 No Issue Date 1 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 Legend Notes �..j N 61 8 C', C iT.......... .�.•� , FISHERS ISLAND SOUND CV CC) N co -E T M CJ W cm r CID FISHERS ISLAND SOUND ►-� a !6 PO 25rRnO-,N DEED _ 25-11 ................ 28 2 LINE 25-1 � ^ " Ga ccoo zs-,z o � 28-3 Co (� 28CD_1 �i M •rN o A, : 0 '� 10" E v� N 81 �_4 26-9 115- r 75 27_38 27-3A 26-1 0 w° 0 01 ai La -VI Z, CCO LIMITS OF FLOOD ZONE VE EL 13 t 28-5 26-6 CD J PER FIRM PANEL 38 OF 1026 o APPROXI MAY 4, 1998 36103CO038G� o LI IDAL S : z7-z rTl .a (�i . F+•1 1p ^ WETLANDS s`3`s� 2s-„ � o � O) N APPROXIMATE Z �)S.O+�. �_s v-4 27-,A 2s-,zA 30-3 N HIGH WATER co ....:..... 27-18 28-12 30-4 ,,tea S ` 6Gj3 V •'• 28-7 27-8 27-5 30-8 27-8 • s ,0,2� ; LOCATION MAP SCALE 1 "=400' ••• BENCH 4761. ... Spy CON. MON. / 1 0 y (FN0.) N 0�v �� i� LAWN , / 0 12") l / STONE TREE i t 6" MAP REFERENCES STEPS i .TREE TREE I\ ( 0 16 < �; � � ,. 1.) TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN MADE FOR WHITNEY B. ARMSTRONG; BLOCK 25; FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK; SCALE: 1"=20'; CHANDLER, PALMER & KING; NORWICH, LAW TOP=24.3 D LANDSCAPED CONNECTICUT; MARCH 27, 1986 '\ BOT.=22.9 OP-24.3 \ AREA ��� ��D ; R BUS �-� 1 B r.=22.8 TOP=24.1 r � APPROXIMATE 1k VALVE LANDSCAPED HIGH WATER 2•) PLAN OF LOT LINE CHANGE MADE FOR WHITNEY B. ARMSTRONG; BLOCK 25; ` BENCHMARK - k' IRR' ; BOT.=23.1 TR E FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK; SCALE: 1'=50 FT.; CHANDLER, PALMER & KING; 3�� J �� Aso LILY < C E1� BUSH I. Op OF IRON �RODf / %� 1 "" 1 1 O POND /�/ �� ARC �" ( � BUSH\ELEVATINORWICH, CONIC; MAY 6, 1987 tN = 2 1.GO 1 �HERR(� HEDGES /> d_''??\ ��° 8° CLUMP (i(�1 „o BUSH / IRR. C ( 5 „ L v TREE ��FRR EI Ul BUSH 3.) SURVEY MAP PREPARED FOR WHITNEY B. ARMSTRONG; BLOCK 25; FISHERS Z U s „ i. HEDGES 2 r C j L4 v�� ISLAND, NEW YORK; DATE: 02/21/2004; SCALE: 1 =30 ; SHEET 1 OF 1; CME BUSH - _/\ J L€ € usH ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEYING & ARCHITECTURE, PLLC; NORWICH, CT. Y �1 - V BUSH i�� / -/ -/- / __ Z.Y ' °,,_e ) 1� \ ~ USH o O IRR. GRANITE V� VALVE PATIO PEASTONE $. TREES N ° cy- '4 TAI BU H Ld PEASA, �'^ N z ,-.�� IRR. ^\ TOP=25.9 � -}} _v/ v LsL �u= � LAWN VALV �i� ���� USH i / \� BOT-24.0 �Y 7----- /-\/`" ` w - - ° -I l W Y C ( 1 BOT=222 s RUBS - --,- � t - 1.) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE INDICATED L V z PLANT BED r , STONE IRO HEREON. ANY EXTENSION OF THE USE BEYOND THE PURPOSED AGREED TO > Q L c S 80T.=24.3 I € - RETAINING P � BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE Z) W M m ENGAGEMENT. 0 721� ���J GRANITE PATIO PLANT BED it FLAGSTONE � '` ,`"�\ WALL I < <°�' TREE � � C o roP=2s.s FLAGSTONE WALK 0' c �QC w z �- LAWN 012") z z WALK ' �% - , 2.) IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS W o-Q LAWN `� TOP=25.3 (. ! „ a,. eL��s Q , ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, TO ALTER AN 2 BOT.=24.5TREE ITEM IN ANY WAY. v "'w to C� TOP=25.9 18DENCE <, Z 80T.=24.3 16") Ffr25.34 GARDEN ��-- c i11 3.) ONLY COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND SURVEYORS C ,ems j GRASS AREA ,' ' ^ PINE LIMITS OF COASTAL aor.=22.4 SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL ARE THE PRODUCT OF ,, i ,` _� ,I THE LAND SURVEYOR. SHEETEROFlION D28/8$ \ v ( TOP=25.5 TOP=25.5 ` HEDGE TOP-25 8 ` CO (��) . 80T.=24.4 80T.=24.4 I PERGOLA ��o� 4.) COORDINATE DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC t t �� L v , LANT BED I I i C „ „ V__ a" SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATION NINo (�iGRANITE PLANT BED STONE I \ TREE TRE <<(E - ONC ( (- ,' DRIVEWAY ! VVN / 5.) SITE IS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX MAP 1000, `-'1 " " ' -/ -/ -/ - SECTION 002, BLOCK 1, LOT 11.3 \�(f kJ PAD I I �� 1 (0 r r 1 �i / BOT.=2 .7 IRR. LJ `< J ° 8 1 o r I i I EASTONE Y _v- /_v 6" \ C Liu ARPL ) i -\/-\/_ ) / VALVE ` L�U L° 8, I L I I WALK ,! /_ , TREE«�w 6. TOTAL AREA = 3.15f ACRES. A E Li STOCKADE I Q /_�, Cl _ /- /J STONE L L w. I FENCE 6.. r N/F F ( � PATIO �� I z TREE s•, 7.) SITE IS LOCATED IN R-120 ZONE. 10' o j\ GQ�' 1 0 ) ( r 1 I I O TREE ROBERT M. STURGIS ��C w sr ►'I ✓ �1 ,0 1 ► 12" , --- TREE 2 ) I PINE 12" cn cc EXEMPT TRUST 12" pLE - P I %'; IRON 8.) BASE FOR LEVELS: NGVD 1929. \ TREE 1 12" PI p L L-- v �P 4 � - v f �� I 0- 80�=22 3 TOP=23.5 \i` PIPE PI eoT.=22.I 9.) PERCENT OF LOT COVERAGE = 3.3% (INCLUDING FORMER DWELLING) Z o ) o B r.= .9 I --- B07' 2 .2 i 10.) AREA OF TIDAL WETLANDS = 9500t SQ. FT. = 0.22f ACRES. PLA ED 12„ z [L NT BED PINE i I i= 11. FOOTPRINT OF FORMER DWELLING = 4150f SQ. FT. v T.=21.4 ---- --- 2 o LEC. M I I ) O VI \ / HE GE TOP=24.3 PINE I I I W BENC SEAT a" i Bar.=23.0 BOT.= 1.6 L LLJ OI I V) OZ NE / �IN . / / 1 12' >� ,i N31 1 z�► TENNIS = _ 1 0 % f\ / 1 BLDG Q QI COURT ` EDGE OF LAWN ! ;PINE, v /ELECTRI j �I Q N I, I 11 g 8' TRANS O♦�ME I N/F LLJ IRON I INS THOMAS W. CASHEL PIPE \ I \\ PINE © // / \ w o \ 12" PINE i i STONE DRIVEWAY TOP=23.3 `\ ) z BOT.=21.8 Q r a O Q b H- / I--- I W co �\ ---_- -------- p 3 00 vi 00 O = p 1 i m C4 I I I N hUj go 00 O p Z w w L,Y z Z Y co 3U O Ct' O w � 2 0 J N/F NOW OR FORMERLY a m 0 D U 0 �% SF SQUARE FEET DATE: 108/04/2004 ��mod' - 8 - - EXISTING CONTOURS �o s SCALE: 1 " = 20' QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATION STONE WALL GROUP REVIEWED DATE RETAINING WALL PROJECT MANAGER SURVEY o FENCE ENVIRONMENTAL TREELINE 20 10 0 20 S'''H EET CIVIL 1 OF 1 STRUCTURAL EDGE OF LAWN GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ARCHITECTURAL FILE 3 M 70 O� BUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Existing Site Survey - CME Engineering As Noted New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 No Issue Date 1 Issued To Building Department 1 0 Dec. 2004 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 .............. ....................... .................... .......... .. ...........IIIII ....... ... II.................. ........ - I imp....... .... . ....................................... . ....... ......I............... .......................................I ..........I ............ ........... .... ........................ ....................IIIII........... ........... ........................... ...................IIIIIIl............IIII ..........I............. -------------........................ I---_--............... ................I .................................................. ................................I .................... l................ ... . ......I ..........................I................ I............ ... .....................I ....... ............... ....... ....... ..................... ................... ..........;14.. ............. ............... IIII..................................I................................. ............................. III .......... III.............IIII............................II..........................IIIIII ........................ ... II ... .............................. II...................................... .... ................... III................................................... Legend Notes ...........I ..........I........... ..........III...................................................................... IIIIl................ IIIIII III I01 Existing Retaining Wall To Remain I ..........I ............... .......... 1, lii 1, :, HIIII I....................... ................................ Ill............... I.. ..................... II02 Existing Stone Court Edge To Be Removed ..............II.............I ................. ............... IIIII .............I..........--- .................................................II .............. I. ............ 03 Existing Landscape Elements To Be Protected III ..........I ................ ..............III..........III............... 04 Gravel Drive To Be Removed .......... ............... I............ T .III05 Existing Building To Be Removed ....... ... I .......... 06 Extent of Demolition IIII ...........IIIi ..........I07 Existing Pergola To Be Removed IIII .................... III .............. 08 Extent of Protected Area I ....................I ............ IIII ........... ..........................I 09 Extent of Planted Area II............... ............III10 Existing Lily Pond To Be Removed I ............. Il .............. .............. ..................Il ........................ ..........C ................................. Ill.......................................... ..............II1 Existing Foundation of Original Structure To Be Removed ............................. IIIII17 12 Existing Boulder To Remain IRV .................................... ............lll ..........................C 13 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy ................ --_-----..........................................................IIIl...........................II---------_____ II14 Benchmark, Top Of Rod, Elevation + 21.20 ----____-______ ........................................ IIIIllIIC 170 15 Deed Line IIC 0 C C 16 Approximate High Water .................... - .................. 0 01 17 pproximate Limits Tidal Wetlands II ............ 18 Limits of Flood Zone (per May 4, 1998 36103CO038G) .......................................................... ............. ....................................... ....... ..... .. ........ .......... II........... ......... ............ II .......... JI) 19 Limits of Coastal Erosion Hazard Area (Sheet 45 .......... ...... ....... III7.1 ..................... ........ ..... ... ..........I.. ... ..... ............ I.......... I------_........ 20 Existing Fountain To Remain I.. ........................... ............... . .... ............ ... ............ ..... ...... .................. ll21 Propane Tank ............. ............ i 'MMI. 1111 .............. .......... ...... II................ ............ ........ ............ ...... ..... ...... ......... ............ ........ ...... ...... ...... . 22 Deed Line C wn L awn.......................... ...... .... I700 .......... I.................. .................... ........ ...... ... .. .............. .....Uj ....... ...... 23 Electrical Transformer I........ .... ..... ......... . . . . . . . . . . ... .......... ........ 24 Septic Line Et Distribution Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 0 2 . .................... IILeaching Pool .................. ...................... ......................-------- 09...............0 ... .... ...................... rrigat on a ve ater ut yp ca llb ...... ........-------------- .... ..... ... ..... .... ......... ........................... ..................................................... ................................Zn ...... ......... .... ... ................................00 . ... ....... .......... . . . . .... ... ........ ..... ...... ............... ... ............ ......... ........ 27 Existing Drill Hole U1I............ ..... .... ... ............. .......... .... ........ ........ ...... ........ IE 10 ........... ................. --- ...... ... ...................... ....... .......... ............ ....... .............. .. ........................ I'6 C .... ............. ........ III........ . ....... ep ic is ri u ion ox a on an ... ... ............ ..... I......... . ...... I........................... ...... ..................... .... . ........ . .............. ............... ......... Cal), ................................ ................—43.25 ............. ........ ......... ....... ................... .4 .. I.................. .... ................... ....... 29 3/8" x 16" Weathering Steel Edge ........................... .......... .. .. ... I .............. . ...... .......... . ...... ............................... ........ ...........................03 ...... ....... --____- ......... . ....... ...... 30 Existing Stairs To Remain .......... .....%.... ........... ... ... ....................... I.... .... .... ...................... ................ ........ ............ ...... ....... 31 Existing Well I ...... .. .. . . .. .... Il.......... ........... .......... ..................... ................. ...... ..... ............. ......... ... ... .................. .... ..... ......... ... ............ ........ ... .... .... ......... ....... .............. .. ............... ...... .. ....... ........... .. .... ...... ............ ............ ...... .... .... .. .... . .... ......... ......77T7 ......I.......... - ..................... .......................... ........ .. .. . ............. ...... .... ...I.... .................. ....... ....... f 10 II............. ............ ........ . .... . .. ........ ....... . .ravT ....I...I........................... ...... .. ......LAI L t.. . ..................ICU........... .......... ...................................................... .... ... ........ .. . ....... . . ............................... . ... ........... ................... ............. ..... .. ..... ....... .. .......... ... ... . ...... . . ..... . 33 Indicates Existing Vegetation To Be Protected ..................... ....... . . ...................... ............. .... . .... ........ . .. ... ........ ....... ....... ...... ........ . ......... ..... ............--—-------- ........... ...... ...... ......... ......................... .................. Throughout Construction ............21 ..... ...... ........... ...... ............................SETBACK ........ I34 Existing Oil Tank U3 4 ...................................... .. C .. ......................___577 22 . ...... ........ ...... ........... .... .. I-----------........... ................. ......-—------............ ........ .......... ........ ............. I................ ...................... ... ........................ ......23 7 5,29' .... ........ ......... ...... I .. ............. .... ............ ... ........... ...24 .................. ................ ... I2S I21 ....... pro ec e un ess o erwise no e ...... .......... (as indicated in areas to be protected) All existing utility lines, ............ ..........26 !:� 'I........... ........ ................. ........ underground services, irrigation lines, trees, gravel paths, scrubs, ..... ..... bushes, plants, and landscaped areas are to be protected during all phases of demolition and construction. Confirm with architect in field if any questions arise or clarification is needed. 27 Lj 04 2. For Septic Information, see drawing submision to DEC on 21 ...... .......... . . . . . . . April, 2005 2,1 9; n/ ..........05 Uri LEGEND: .......... ................................... ........... ........ ....... ....... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I -If? HUNIHIMIN 0 0 Iron Pipe ...... ....... ........ ......... . . . . . . ........... ...... . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II... ........ III.... ...... ................. ..... I . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . ............. .......... IIIrrigation Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........CN N 04'57'10"E ............................................. 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I. . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ......... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 . ..... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I....... Septic Line ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIII............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l... . .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0... I. . . . . . . . . . . ..... ........ ...... .............. ....................... ...... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II........ ........ ............................... .... ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. . . . . . . . . . II........ ...... . ....... . ... ............... 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IIII'M IlIIBUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Nierrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Demolition Plan 1/1611 it-oil New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 2123370334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 No Issue Date 1 Issued To Building Department 1 0 Dec. 2004 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 t ................................... ..................................................... I.............................. ....... t................................. ............. t................................... ..................... ............. ........... ..................................... ...........IitI . ................ ......................... t ............................---___ ...........ItitI...................... ...................................... t.1. iii::::i:::ii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii:::::::�z 11111=111ll- t - I I ............I ................................1 .I I __ I t..... ..................... ...................... ............................ I........... ............. .............................. ........ ..... tI...... ---___................................ --__............................ t ...................... It.......................................... .......... ........... it............................................. .............................. III-__----__ltI................... tII .................. tItIt............I .......... It ............ .................... ........... .......... ............... IIIII................. ...........----__... ............................................. ............... tI ............................................... Itt .. ...... ............................................................I ............--............ :::::::::::::::::::::��:=:,:.................................................................. ... . ..... t ....................t ...........21 ............... it............ ..................I .................... ................. ..................................., Il 1.11, 111-111-11-.............. ............................................--_-..... - , i,I .......................................... ........................... ............................................... .......................................... I........................... ... ...... . ......I .......................................... ...................................... ......................I....... ...i. ___ - I .............. ............................................................ t...................... . .......... ..................................................... ...............................................t . .............. ... ............itt................................................ ........................t .................. ... ................ .................. .............................................................................ItI ...... ............................... ......................... .............................................. it...................t --,..........................III!!At lip 1 .............ItI ............... .............. .................. I............ it ............ ttt...................tI ...............................................III.......................... ...................... .......................................... lt�2 .................. I..........................-= 1, i-!!;!III! I ........................................ I ..........I I............... itI ............................... ........... I ...........t ... .......................... Ititt ............. Itit............................IIItII. ............................ pi PE............ Im :1:1ll:.:1:.:1. ...................... ............................ Legend Notes .................. ................................. II.................. ............... ..............................................I ..........t.................................................- ............................... ..................... ----------- -------------- tt .. ............... 01 Existing Retaining Wall To Remain ...................... -----__-,It..................I ............... ............... ............ ....... ......................................................................................... ............... ............... ............ ............... t ............... ----------------.............. .. t................I ............ It ................. t.......................... ............... ...........I ................... 02 Existing Stone Court Edge To Be Removed ..................... IN/F ROBERT M. STURGIS 03 Existing Landscape Elements To Be Protected ............. tI ....... ...EXEMPT TRUST .........................................................................---__ ...................................................----------__ ...................I04 Gravel Drive To Be Removed Itt ................................................... ...................................... ............................ ............................................... .............. 05 Existing Building To Be Removed .................... ................................................... . ...................................................................................................................... .................--- ........................................itI ................. 06 Extent of Demolition .....--__ .....................I............... ............ t....................................I ............................. Existing Pergola To Be Removed 07 17. I --- ............tt08 Extent of Protected Area t........................................................................................................... ........... ................................ tI. . ............. .................. ........... 09 Extent of Planted Area ............ lEm ... .. ....i ig Eli i .. ...........................I ................... - ,III ., 10 Existing Lily Pond To Be Removed it....................... itl ......................................... ....... ....................'y I...................... ............... ....................................................................................................... Existing Foundation of Original Structure To Be Removed ................................................................................................................II........... I............... It C ............ - ........... It .............. .............. Existing Boulder To Remain 12 ................ ............. ................................... ......II. ..................................................................... ................................................................................................----------------------- .........I .. ............t ................. 13 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy ......................................it .. .........................I .................. .............------------------- I.......... lIBenchmark, Top Of Rod, Elevation + 21.20 t14 .............. ...................III ......................... .................. ... ...................... .............-------------- ................................ 15 Deed Line ................. I...........- ttItApproximate High Water I4 .............II16 ............ itll17 Approximate Limits Tidal Wetlands --------------- it22 ttI18 Limits of Flood Zone (per May 4, 1998 36103CO0380) ttit.............ItII .......... ........... t.. ............................23 -—------------26 I19 Limits of Coastal Erosion Hazard Area (Sheet 4540 tittI20 Existing Fountain To Remain -------------- itI......... ....... I1-911 28 6 I21 Propane Tank tIDeed Line 22 tLLJ 31 Ib`ll 24 Septic Line Et Distribution Box oil, I00 itI25 8' Leaching Pool b IFT)l IPOINT 26 Irrigation Valve (Water Shut Offl, Typical Existing G 0 F_ 27 Existing Drill Hole 00 I28 Septic Distribution Box (1 500 Gallon Tank) Oil E %s oo,49'5 3' 43-28' __j 29 3/8" x 16" Weathering Steel Edge I30 Existing Stairs To Remain -�j t31 Existing Well I......... .......................... ting ectr c eter ......... I..... xis IExi stin g D ri L-All, veway Auto Court I .................................2 7 t33 Indicates Existing Vegetation To Be Protected Gravel ...................... 'I 0-71 It I H .......................... I....................I tt ............... ..........30ii-g, Throughout Construction .......... ..... . ............................................................. .......... ................. . .............. ................. ----------F I E 21 34 Existing Oil Tank 1130"'4910"W .............SETBACK ........t ........................5-7 7 22 L\N ............................. 23 75.2i� 3 �arden .............24 Existing tc1l)WATER 26 Note: SHUT OFF ................... 26 - For Septic Information, See Drawing Submission to DEC ..........Lot 25- Ei 14 ll... .....................................................1 4 21 April, 2005 on 3.15 -011 32 1.6 1 Story Hous 27 23 — 18 — ..................;Z7 ...... I ....................... ............ ..................................28 9; 28 — ......Lawn 19 LEGEND: L_ _j IIII00 Existing Iron Pipe 2 4 -- Existing Irrigation Valve =U.......... ........... ttF ----7 t/1.3 T Existing Drill Hole t. . ...........N 04'57'10"E I171)Ln Work Point 20 471) Icn tI ...................I IIIIII............... Benchmark tN 02'48'13"E 26�LF 0 Existing Well I............ Septic Line it... .............. ... ..............------___-.... .......................................... .......... Electrical Line I ....................... ItWater (Well) I.........................................................................- 22%, .�....................... ................. ......................................................................................I....................................I .......... t .......... ill................It12 IIoD ..................... tQL ....................... ............... o . .. ....... iIIII ............................................ ............... IIij it ... ..............................3 .............. ............. ixg,29 ............. ................................. ritv�Itll..........tII ..............IIt ........................... IItIIIlI ...................... ............I ............... X tttII ......... .... ItIIt1V t80 all III ................................................................................................................. ........................................ tllI ................. IIIIIN/F I it-----------........... it.......... ...........It --------__- ----------------............. .................................................. . ..................t ............ ........ ............................ ..............------__-- ............... .............. t............... ............. t................ .............................. .. ... THOMAS W. CASHEL ........... ............................... ..........t .......... ............. I.................Ill .................t ........... IN 1IN I ................................... ......................................... IIttI................................................................ ................ 111111.................................................. ............................................................ . ............----___- ........ .................. ......... .................................................. I................ .. ............................................... .................. -------------------------------- I............................ ---------- .................. ....................................................................................... tt ........ ... t .......................................... ..................................... II .......... .........lit .....................................it---------- ...... --__ ....................................................... ........... --------- ........... ................... --__--llIII ........................ III .................................................... ............. ................. I ... .......II ..........................................I .................................... ....... II.......... .. ....................... .......... .... ..........t ............ ................. ......... it ..........tI ... ........................IIItt. ............. tI...........it .......... ...............I .................. ......................11 ............IIII............it ..............................................................tItit ................... ............................ ........................................................................... . ................................. I... ...........it Ng::::::::ml:,;::::::: -IIIt ................................ Evs!iIIII; -------------- It ............................I ............................... III................ I......................... ............. ........ .......... I............. t ................I................. ....... t................. .. .. ...............l ......................... .. ........ ................ ..................... .............................. ..................................... .......... ....................Iit ....................... I..................... ..... ......t ............11.11"I"..,.''". I I . ...................... ......IIIt ......... .............................. II...........----------- M-111 11i t .................... ................ ............ Itll.......... ....................... . ....... tIT1. t.... ......... t----------- ................ ........... I.......... tII........... I......................... IIIIItI.......... .................................... ............t.................... IIImilli III............ . .......... tI- - Ili,, i !�,................................IitIIr I ..........I .. ............... lip it III ............ ...................... it ................. It........... .......... E-k............... ........................ ................ ...........tIt ........... Iq,..............................tI .......... .................. BUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Site Utilities Plan 1/1611 ill-011111 —---------New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 2123370334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 tItt 1 2 1 4 5 1 1 1 1 10 I 1 12 13 14 15 16 1 1 1 1 11 20 21 22 21 24 25 26 21 21 21 10 11 32 No Issue Date 178'-3" Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 U ........................00,2 Q'�3-3 43'-1 1��� 17 14 2i 0i I000,10, 18 00,19 II ................ ................................................... ....................................... ................ ............ 19 ......--___-............................. ....................................................... ...................... Legend Notes O'll 10i ..................... ............... ................000,1001 I............ .................................... ............................................................................................oo, 01 Existing Retaining Wall To Remain ll ................... ........................ .......................................................................................................... ......................................... ....................... ................................... I 4....................................I........................................................................ 02 Existi n g Sto n e Co u rt Ed ge To Be Rem oved 1001 ............................................. ..................................000, ----------------___ 03 Existing Landscape Elements To Be Protected .400, .......... .......... ................................... . . ....................................... 20 4.0 I ............ ............... ................-----------______ ....................... ............ ............... 04 ..............................................-------------- I...........--__---___............................................------- e Gravel Drive To Be Removed ----___ IIecti. Exi n g............................................R e f I stl 05 Existing Building To Be Removed I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . . . . . . ., N I . . . . . . IN. . I . � . � I I . . I . ................. 06 Extent of Demolition .............. ...........................................................................................................11111,............... %! ll07 Existing Pergola To Be Removed I ................. I ..................... ..........................................................................il .......................... V----------__---_-__oe --____-...........II.......................II ....... ...----------1000, Iin10 Existing Lily Pond To Be Removed .............................................................................. 01 ........................................ ............................. ..........tIV l...............10"', Existing Foundation of Original Structure To Be Removed IA III12 Existing Boulder To Remain 13 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy Z. .......................................................II ........................ .......................... 14 Benchmark, Top Of Rod, Elevation + 21.20 . .. ... ....II15 Deed Line oil ........................ e 2 4'-in ..................... .............. ------ ........................ I ................ ..................... ---------------............................................. - --------------- ..................... ................................ .................. 29 GRADE 16 Approximate High Water i ---- --------------...................................... --------IF--------------II -IF--------------IF-------I--- - ------------ IF IIF --IF------- IF 7 ------- ------- --------------IF llt ................................I................ II ................. . ............................... ....... .. 17 Approximate Limits Tidal Wetlands ........................--------...... .............."I'll... ..............II1. 24'-,', ORASS/PLINTH //7 , 18 Limits of Flood Zone (per May 4, 1998 36103CO038G) F.. ... ll19 Limits of Coastal Erosion Hazard Area (Sheet 45-FI) ... . ... ...................... . ... .....III ----------------............. 20 Existing Fountain To Remain IJL------- ------ J L-------I--- --- JL-------I .............................................. ...... ........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........................ ....... .......::::::: ... ...... ............... 21 Propane Tank ?11h" --- I Al I, a - 11................. .............. ......... ...................... ...... ...... ...... .........el' 2,'V' '101......... ......< ............... ........... ................. . ...... ..................... ...... ............................... ........Bill I ...................................... ... ...... ............ ........I .......... ........... ............ R: ............. 22 Deed Line POINT:::: ....................... N ISH::FLO .... ........... ..................... ............. ........... ... ......... ............... ........ ........ .......................... ...... .................................. . ..... ... .: �.... ....... .... ....... . ..... ............ ....... ....... ........... ............... ......... . ......... ........................ ............ ................... ............I ..... ..... .......... .. ........ .................. ..................................................................................... ...... .................... 23 Electrical Transformer .............. . ........ ......... .... .... ..................... . ...................... ........ ..................... ...........I ............ ...... ...... ............................... ....... .I ... ::i:::::::: �::�::.......... 7 r��------- I24 Septic Line Et Distribution Box ---------\_�I12 I ........... ....... .................................I.......................... .................................. ................................. apan............... ...... .......................... 1�se\,Moss................. .......... Existing Gardell ,............. ....... ......... ............ .................. I ................... ........ ............................... .......... t ON--....................... ....... .............................................. ...... .......... 25 8' Leaching Pool .......... ...... ...... .............................. .. ..... I.......... ............... .. .. ......................................... .... ......... . ...... qrden\G............ ............ ............ ............. ........... .. .......... ........... ..................... ....... ................. ... ......... ........ ........ Irrigation Valve (Water Shut Offl,Typical ........... ........ ........ ................ ...... ......... 26 .. ... ................ ....... ...... . .......... . ............ . ....... . ....... ........... ................... ................. ...... ...... ...................................................1111. .....I ..... .......... ... ................... ................... ..................... ..........00 .................................... ... .. ................. 1 AL ........... ........... .. .. . ....................................... ...... .... . ............ .. .. ....... ............ ................ .................. ...... ....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..................... .......... .................. .............................. ........... .... ...... ...... ......................... .............. .... .... ...................... ... . .............................. .. ...... ...I ........ ........... ...... ......... 27 Existing Drill Hole .............. ..... ... ....... ....... .................................. ............... ...... ................. ...... ................... ..................I ...... . .... .I .. .............. ...... ............................ ........ ...... . ........ ................. ............ 28 Septic Distribution Box (1 500 Gallon Tank) I ..........K------------ ..........FIRE PLACE . ........ ... ............... ...... ........ ............. ....... ................... .......... .......................... .. ............... �;;,;: 1.�.11;1;.; : . .............I............................. ....... ............... ............... .. .... ........... ......... ......... .............. ......... - .......................... ........................ ................ ........................... ........ ........... ........ ............................ ............. ................. ............ .. ...... .7-n — ........... . ............... .......... ... ............. ................ .. . ..... ........ .................................. .......... ................ .................... . ....... .. .......... ............... II .............................................................................. ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ................................. ...... ........ ................... .................. ............................................................. ........... ................................... ........... ............. ..................... ................ ............... ... ................. ................ ........ .............. ........... ...... ............ ........... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........................ ...... ................. .......................... ....... ...... ................... ...... ............ ........ ....... ................. 29 3/8" x 16" Weathering Steel Edge ..........LU 4 . ... .... .....I ........... .............. .......... ................ ... ....... ..................... ......... . .............................. Lib B d '............--------- v ng,:: ............ M...I ..........a: e ry. 30 Existing Stairs To Remain ILi ' i Kitchen........................... roo:................................ ............ ................. .................... 31 Existing Well I ............ ....... ......... ........ ............... . .... ..... . ........ ............. .......... ....... ........... .............. ....... ..................... .......... ......... ......... ......... ........... ...................... ........ ......................... .......... ......7;7 7 32 Existing Electric Meter 33 Indicates Existing Vegetation To Be Protected H y III1. 24 Pu NT Throughout Construction Il7 IIIIRASS II34 Existing Oil Tank Ilei II7 Iel. 24' z ItIIIIIIIGRADE ICY) IINote: IIr.V.IIIIFor Septic Information, See Drawing Submission to DEC II _y Ion 21 April, 2005 IIIII28 IIIIIII24 IIIllIIn I01 .... ....... - ————— IIL I ---------- III 4, IIL-------------J 30 . .....II25 II34 iIIy II21 Existing Contour To Change INew Contour Lot 25-14 Et 1 C%j IIPoint Of Contour Alteration I3.15 acres 32 iExisting Contour To Remain I23 I%%IIe 33 N 170 60%IAuto Court ....... ..... JUNE 21 ? I :%IGravel IZ .....IF V .1 IIIE ............ IW w I % I6 MBER 21 % DECE %Iin ... .............I .............I % iI.)P4 IIIII%t :Z IIIIe I4S - j,lIIIill.IZ I.........II %IIIliIIIIIIIIinIIIIIIOF Iz IIIIIIIL 0 IBUILDING PERMIT SETi Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Site Plan 118 If i 11-01111 New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 2123370334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 1 8 9 10 Ill 12 13 14 15 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 No Issue A110 A111 T Date 178,-9„ 1 Issued To Building Department 10 Dec. 2004 2 Issued To Building Department 21 Dec. 2004 35'-0" 16'-9" 75'-3" - _—__ 16-9 35-0g p 3" 34'-6" 3" 3" 74'-9" 3" 3" 34'-6" 3" 3 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 3'-1 1/2" 11'-6" 11'-6" 8'-10 1/2" 3'-3" 10'-3" 3'-3" 8'-10 1/2" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 8'-10 1/2" 3'-3" 10'-3" 3'-3" 8'-10 1/2" 11'-6" 3'-1 1/2" .` �N. I •�� I I Le gend Notes I I 01 4" Sleeve,Typ. I I 02 Indicates Existing Vegetation To Be Protected Throughout Construction I I I I 03 1/2" Tempered Glass Partition I I 04 Outswing Door w/ Insulated Glass Unit EXTENT OF REFLECTING POOL ABOVE 9 e 05 3/8" Weathering Steel Ed I I 9 — — — — 06 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy 07 Existing Boulder to Remain V� X\ \ 08 Tempered Insulated Glass Unit and Ptd. Alum. Extrusion I I I O I I O I I O I I O I I O I I O i I i 11 O 09 Cast Metal Roof Drain,Typ. O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 Lightning Rod Terminal,Typ. 11 Recessed Track and Wall Washer 12 GRG Vaulted Ceiling Module,Typ. 13 Painted GWB Ceiling I y k y 14 Cast-In-Place Continuous Footing, Refer To Structural Drawings I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I l I I O I l I I I I O I I O I I O 15 Cast-In-Place Reinforced Foundation Wall, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Refer To Structural Drawings 16 5" Granite Stoop 17 2" Granite Base I I I I I I I I I EXTENT OF EXCAVATION I I el. 23-7 el. 23'-7" I T.O. CANOPY FOUNq. PIER i el. 20-9 el. 20-9 T.O. CANOPY FOUND. PIER T.O. FOUND. WALL FOOTING T.O. FOUND. WALL FOOTING I I __-__---_.. k CN CN S all -------- -----  —III1III ..... — CRAINL SPACE CRAWL SPACE CRAWL SPACE CRAWL SPACE C_/R/.._A_W'c.L SPACE CE II lI Li s CRAWL RAWL S— P—=aA C\ \/E CN CNFL. CONCRETE FL. CONCRETE FL. CONCRETE FL. CONCRETE FL. CONCRETE FL. CONCRETE " el. 20'- el. 1 8" 1 a) \ \ 1I I—I/ I -_-1- -' _I -- I—_—I _r -:, - l IIII I\ " �I I /OI \ I 07 el. 4I7 el. 23 -7 1/8 el. 23 -7 1/8 T.O. CONC. SLAB el. 23 -7 1'8. T.O. CONC. PIER T.O. CONC. PIER T.O. CONC. PIER T.O. CONC PIER — — — — — — - -N N CN 00 - ------- - - _ I ! e . — e1. 20'-11 el. e1. 20'-11" 15 T.O. CONC. SLAB T.O.SHEAR WALL FOUND. T.O. CONC. SLAB T.O. CONC. SLAB T.O. CONC. SLAB T.O. CONC. SLAB 9„ el. 16'-11 1/8" l 21 - w T.O. CONC.SLAB SHEAR WALL FOUND. - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -j t el. 24-6 1/2 1 el. 24-6 1/2 1 1 MECHANICAL el. 24-6 1/2 el. 21 -9 1 1 el. 24-6 1/2" T.O. FOUND. WALL T.O. FOUND. WALL I I 1 /FL CONCRETE T.O. FOUND. WALL T.O. SHEAR WALL FOUND. T.O. FOUND. WALL L ------------------- ----- : el. 20'-9" el. 16-101/2" 01 el. 16-101/2" el. 20'-9" T.O. FOUND. WALL FOOTING T.O. FOUND. WALL FOOTING T.O. FOUND. WALL FOOTING . —T�.+OUND.WALL FOOTING � EXTENT OF EXCAVATION O O O O tD O O O O ISO 8 F,- ir UR Ik F NE 21 ij CH 21 — — — — -- — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DECEMBER 21 30 20 ,QS 10 — — — — — — 19370 F BUILDING PERMIT SET, Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Basement Level Plan 3/16" = 1'-0" New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 00 � . I I 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 12 13 14 1 5 rA,,� 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 '30 31 '32 � 6k-1116, rik-1116, 2 1 No Issue Date '� 1� 1� 178'-3" 1 1 Issued To Building Department 1 0 Dec. 2004 0 - ____ ________________________ _____ -----------_ ____ -_---------------__ --- _____ -_-___11 40 341-611 -------- I 1 17'-3" 1 741-911 __ ______......_________,___--.------ _1____ 171-311 1 341-611 ___________ 41 2 Issued To Building Department 21 Dec. 2004 ___� __ __� .1 ______ ------ ___-1--___ I . � .: ,_______...:, .... . 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 , ., . . LL! � "�.�:;,;:.,9,� , . , T.- , � ,"..'' 11 ":� i ,"."" _� .. ..... , _ . V-Z_-, _�,_�: """ �.., ,. . . . . : - �, -.I,'.,,. '."'.-_�1.1'1.�7r�I"!�. , ., . ;, �� . i_. , ,. , , � . .. . - .., ,_ _ � , . ,. !"...- ... , .��. . , . 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Tapered Insulation, w/Cricket as Necessary \, � I I I I i � i i � i � ,\ I I � I I I I � i ! \ � '�_ � I � ------ � ____-- I I . I I I I � I i � \ - i --,\- � I I \ ! - ____ I I I I i I I I I I \ , L2 I :I /I 1\ I I - , , � , ! - � I I I I I I I I I I , I I \ I , I I , I \\\ \\\ I // \\\ I // "\\ i ! \\ / \ I / \ I / \ I 1, / \ I / '\ I / \ I / \ I / \ I / \ I / \ I / - Rigid Insulation Fastening Schedule: / // � i // \\ I /// \\ � // 1\\ /// \\ // \\ /// \\\ i // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ / \\ / I - - \\� \\ � // \\ � / \\\ I /// \\\ i / \ I // \ � / \\ � // \\ � I // \\ � // \\ � // \\ � / \\ � // \ � / \\ � // \\ � // I \\ I I / ! / \ / \ / I I // \\ I I I // I \\ // I I // I zo I \\ I // \\ I /' \ / \ � / \ � / \ � / \\ // \\ I / \ � // \\ I // \\ // \\ I / \\ I // � / \\ \ ! I I I \ ! // \\ \\ i / \ i / \ � / \ I // \\\ " \\\ I // \ � // \\\ I // \\ I / \ I \ I i \\ \ I / \ I // \\ / \�\ I // � Field Boards: 08 fasteners per board, spaced 36" o.c. I i // \\ I // \\\ // I\\ � / ,\ / \ \\ // \\ \ � /// \\ i // \\ \ � // \ � - \ \\ .\\ i � // � // \\ I " \ � /I \ i / \\ � /_ , � /// \\ � // \ � //// \ / , / \ � // \ // \ � /// 11 I 06 Perimeter Boards: 12 fasteners per board, spaced 24" o.c. 7�_� \\, \\ � // \\ I // \\\ I \\ I / \\ I // \\\ I // \ I / I / \ I _// \ I \ / \ � / \\ I // \ I \ I / \ I / I / I // \ I // I / I / \,\ I // \\ I // \\ I \ I /// \\ � // \\ I // \ I ,/ \\ I ,/1 \\ I // 11 Corner Boards: 14 fasteners per board, spaced 24" o.c. I . . \1/ "I/ \ 1/ \1/ \1// \1/ \1/ / \1/ \1/ \1/, \1/ � - �1 P I \1/ � � \ ,P---- -- \P1/ -,- __ \,R,/ __ --- --- ____j4___ -,A--- - \441/ - - \141/ -, -41-- __41-- --*-- _-4t__ __1P__ __P_ --,A-- -4 \\ ,�, i - I -_ -_ I -- - ! - - I -- --- I -_ -_ I -_ -_ I --- -_ I -_ -_ I --- -_ I -_ -_ I --- --- I -_ -_ I --- -_ I -_ --- I " I '\ ,� i -_ --- I -_- -_ I -_ - _ I _____ ____ I I - ---- I --- --- I -_ -_ I --- --- ! -_ -_ I -_ --- I -_ -_ I -_ --- I --- -_ I -_ -- - - I \\ � I ____ 11 ____ I - -_ I -_ I , -_ I " I -_ ___ I ____ ____ I - --- I --_ __- I -_ -_ I --- --- I -_ -_ I -_ ____ i ____ --- � ____ -_-- � \,\\ I I I __L __ 11 __ I __ 11 ____ - - - - I - - I - - I - __ - __ I __ .. __ I - - I __ .L - -_ - - ,\ ___ ______________ - __ - --- 1. - -- ----------- _ _ _� - I - I - I - � � � - , - __:�� .- - .. - I -, 1___ - - __-_--- -_ L I , I . SPECIFICATIONS \ 1 2!!�--------------------- -------- -1 I " 1� -- ----- < I �> -1 ,_ I 1�1 ! I 1, .1 40 el. 24'-5" \\ // � I \ I-- /// � � 11� I I - V �___ -_ // ___�i <�> \\ 11 ,k el. 24'-5" e as ener wi e an ympic wi a rea iame er o �� \\ I El I i 0 \\ -" I <�> 1 171 i 1�1 0 � ,\ - -_ / � <�> \ / .220. The fastener must have 12.5 threads per inch and a 300 1\ I I ! \ __ __ / I I \\ ____ -_ / I I �' GRADE - RADE // \ __ -,- / I D � � ,_ 6 \ I ------ \-611---� H P \ __ _�,P/ I � 11 e). 36-8 1/2" 1 � HP I \ -_ 1_�W// I \\ I / spade point. Also, the fastener must be heat treated per / � I � 11 � tk � � if HP ____�*__ // \ � � /0�\ / \ � � T.O. COPING � I / \ / \ I -1. The Olympic ASAPO Fastener will be / \\ � � 11 \\\ // \ I I I I I / \\, /,/ \ I i //�� '/ specification OMG , / // \ I i I i / \ / � 2 / \ � � � / \ \ I / \ // \ � I A121 / preassembled with a Factory Mutual approved, Olympic 3" Plastic // \ I I I/ 1\ /// \ i � / \, \ /I �I / \ i I / \ \ i \ \ / / Locking Plate. The fastener must be Factory Mutual approved and M \ � I I / , // \ � I // \ /// \ i / � . // \ I ! I / \\ \ � � / \\ // \ � // \\ I I I // \ /// \ � I I � // \�, / \ � // k / made in America. i \ I \ 1 i � 1 I / � // i / \, / \I i � 1 i/ \ \I I I � / 4 I !I/ I I � i \ i I . I 1\ I � - I I /I[// / \ \ I- � \\ /1 1 \ / \1 /I I i i �\\ // \\ "I I \ I / The Olympic ASAPO is Factory Mutual and Dade County approved. / � I \ / \ / I i I � I \ / \ // � i - ! \� / \, / i \ // \\\ / I I // \\ I _____ . '\ I ___F_ / I \ / / I I I I \ / 1 09 \\ / I I I I . . \ // I i \ \ / I I \ // \\ / I I I \ I I \ / I I \ // \, / -i \ / \ / - ! -_ \ / � \ / \ / I \I / � i I j \ // \, / � I _______� \ // I � 1\ I ./ The Olympic ASAP@ must penetrate the deck a minimum of 3/4". - z 1\\ / I , \ / / I � I \ / \\ / I I I \ I / 1 01=11%, � ,\ // \ / I I \ / \ / I / Using a screwshooter, drive the fastener until a slight depression is (�% T T ------ ..-----------\- I I � I / _�_� �' \1 U I I \ / \ / � � � � I \ // \\ / I -t\-----Jl / APPLICATION / � I � � '-1--'�_ � � � \ , // � 10 ;_ in / I '- I /J�(_-- -_\Q I � I \ . I - / \ I - - \ /� /� 1�1V U-) C-4, // \\ I 11.-� � I / / ____ ______ \\\ I _____,______,____,_____, � i , � � ///O�\\\ /// \\ I // �� . seen aroun e p a e, or w t very rigi insu ation oar s, watc I / � 11,/ / - \ � I \\ / � / for the plate to dimple. 1 I / \ I -_ 11 -_ - I I I / \ � / i I /1, \\ I . ____� I , --- / � / \\ // \ I / �� / / I I i / � ! � / / \ I � / r-) / \ ,I I I I / 1, // \ / � / \ I I � / \\ // \ I � � ,/ )� /// \\\I - __ � \ � � � // \\ / '\ � "-------- I I / ) i Note: Care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and \ / ; I I 1,/ � � � �/ \ / \I / I fracture the skin of the insulation. Fastener must be tight enough I i / � \. I � . \ /� � � � \\ "_____� I I � � I I � I \ ) / so that the plate doesn't turn. Factory Mutual requires that the / i I i I I I \ I \\, / � I i I I � \ / fastener penetrates the steel deck at the top flute. / � � I I \ ! . � \\ // � i I I I y)---------------- \ � \\ I/I / I- LjLj \ � � � � �, , / I I - I / I I I . \ / I 'i I I I � \\\ / / z , :**. PHYSICAL DATA 1\ I I - / _.-Y.,-.!.' ,.,.- \, / ,,L LP HP I I � \\I I I .... .":::.,..,%. :...." / � ,L LP el. 36-8 1/2" LIP LP HP .%..:,..;.'_*-,-,! Head Diameter: .435 Head Style: #3 Phillips Truss Thread Diameter: , , - --1� __ LP _____A li.:.,- ` ,:.1'1�11 . .. .. I ____ __ // ., �,.,-(---l"l- :2,:k" ,.:.:'.. . .:�,'!". - �-*' 7..- I.'.' .-I- / � .� -.." - - . , // \\ � ly �, _� 4 *-W- / � ., : T.0 I ,.. .220, Length To Be Determined I..." - � - -�-`_ I I / / . , 't, I - -I—. . - . .., �.;--- .,:" :..! -_ _,,� \\ � . COPING ! I . :� . - -".-.`-... . I... '.' ! . � �> I i / ,_.-I......., �'16�1'z.._._ - -,...I:-.: �. I.;. . I � El Q � Q Ej ! <�> � / I :'......:.�F.. 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I- / , , - .: .. . .. . ., . -1 . - .. . ,"*.-,4" -...`,-�,.�- .., -!."';- I- : , � - , - :-,-�:. - * i�; '..""'.." .'.' .: ..( . I ..%.,.. ;!,�%- ..- ...:"' .---, 't.'..:*.-:,.�-.-.-;:: �, . .. .1 . : .__ ,. . '_� - , -."!..... . IC . . . % .% . - '...I7).:. , . , / ...- - ,_�:. ., �, .` * -, :.-. ..", ':.*. : . . * . :, .....;.." . ,,.: .,. . ,�'�'. . _�, Ir- " - , % . ..I % "I I :.:'. � :. . :. , " ., . . . � ..., . , . ..>, %.....: -'.",:..;. - - -: ., - - . . / . . . . - ... .. .. :,:. . .,. !. . .;. .: . - , .. . . 1-1 . .. . .C::" * .- . . � � � � . BUILDING PERMIT SET, Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Reflected Ceiling Plan 3/1611 = if-011 New York Chicago New York I Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 � 2123370334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 -----,/) T T T - I I , I I -, - I - � I F . 4(i�, I I �� -t n. . � . j � I . 1.�`11 . I :� � L!77� I I I -1� I I _ I �1�10_"-'I. �71 .1 I I I i 1 4 1 ..;0, ` , 3 �'�,_-- 1 1 __ ----------- -------- ----- ----- - - -- --- - - - - -- 1 Cross Section No Issue Date A B C D E 2 F 1 Issued To Building Department 10 Dec. 2004 A111 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 23'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" Legend Notes 01 Aluminum Fascia and Coping 02 Painted Steel Column, Refer to Structural Drawings 03 Custom Painted Aluminum Canopy 04 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy 05 Fully-Adhered EPDM Waterproofing Membrane 06 Tapered Rigid Insulation, Slope 1/4" Per Foot 07 Metal Deck On Steel Beam, Refer to Structural Drawings 08 Roof Drain Leader 05 09 Tempered Insulated Glass and Ptd. Aluminum Extrusion N 3 O.H. 10 Engineered-Wood Floor Joist, Refer to Structural Dwgs I I 03 11 3/4" HDWD Flooring On 2x4 Sleepers On 3/4"TG Plywd el. 36'-8 1/2" _ Top Of Parapet - — 12 Continuous Bent Metal Flashing el. 34'-10" _ Finish Ceiling -� I � j I 13 Cast in Place Reinforced Concrete Foundation I I 21 Refer to Structural Drawings I I 09 I I 14 Fluid-Applied Continuous Waterproof Membrane I I 10CD PP P I I 26 15 3" Extruded Polystyrene Insulation LO I I GALLERY01 28 16 Fully-Adhered Drainage Sheet And Filter Fabric II till 17 6" Concrete Slab On Grade Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier Finish Floor ;�, - 18 Cast-In-Place Concrete Footing, Refer to S.D. el. 24'-5" _ 1 CRAWL SPACE Grass Plinth N 19 4" Perforated PVC Footing Drain w/ Geotech Filter Fabric el. 24'-0" - -- = ______.. 20 Compacted Gravel Bed Grade 21 GRG Vaulted Ceiling Module,Typ. el. 21'-1" Crawl Space Floor 22 Recessed Track Et Wall Washer 23 3/4" Exterior-Grade Plywood Sheathing 24 Batt Insulation 25 Blocking As Required LL 26 Grass Plinth 27 3" Mud Slab Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier 28 3/8" x 16" Weathering Steel Edge 29 Lightning Rod Terminal,Typ, 30 Steel Structure, Refer to Structural Drawings 31 Chimney With Custom Enclosure 32 Concrete Foundation Wall 33 Cast Iron Roof Drain 34 Insulated Roof Drain Leader 2 Cross Section 35 Compacted Fill A B C D E F 36 Shear Wall, Refer to Structural Drawings A111 37 Reflecting Pool Metal Edge 281-911 38 Insulated Supply Duct 5'-9" 5-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" } 5'-9" I 05 3 O.H. o A - - - - � 01 I I el. 36'-8 1/2" I I 03 I — Top Of Parapet I I el. 34'-10" Finish Ceiling I I 21 I I I I 09 = I I 0 10 26 STAIR I I — 28 el. 24'-10" - I Finish Floor ; _= — el. 24'-5" I Grass Plinth N el. 24'-0" ---= MECH Grade N !-- BASEMENT --_ . Crawl Space Floor -- _ el. 16'-10 1 2" Basement Floor A� . S1 r r,9370 ~ OF - BUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Sections 3/16" = 1'-0" MR New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005110 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 I Longitudinal Section No Issue Date 3116"=1'-0" A B C D E 1 Issued To Building Department 10 Dec. 2004 2 F A111 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 28'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" I ! Legend Notes 01 Aluminum Fascia and Coping 02 Painted Steel Column, Refer to Structural Drawings 03 Custom Painted Aluminum Canopy 04 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy 05 Fully-Adhered EPDM Waterproofing Membrane 06 Tapered Rigid Insulation, Slope 1 f 4" Per Foot 07 Metal Deck On Steel Beam, Refer to Structural Drawings 08 Roof Drain Leader 05 09 Tempered Insulated Glass and Ptd. Aluminum Extrusion 01 10 Engineered-Wood Floor Joist, Refer to Structural Dwgs 0 11 3 4" HDWD Flooring On 2x4 Sleepers On 3/4"TG Plywd el. 36'-8 1/2" Top Of Parapet ' 1 - - 12 Continuous Bent Metal Flashing el. 34'-10" Finish Ceiling - i j 13 Cast in Place Reinforced Concrete Foundation 21 Refer to Structural Drawings o ! 09 14 Fluid-Applied Continuous Waterproof Membrane 04 10 15 3" Extruded Polystyrene Insulation - 38 ENTRY - 26 16 Fully-Adhered Drainage Sheet And Filter Fabric el. 24'-10" L4 28 17 6" Concrete Slab On Grade Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier Finish Floor o- -" -- - --- =_ _._ 18 Cast-In-Place Concrete Footing, Refer to S.D. 71 el. 24-5 d- - -= _-;--= -" -- -=__ - = - .- ' - CRAWL SPACE Reflecting Pool 19 4 Perforated PVC Footing Drain w/ Geotech Filter Fabric N, � � , ? I F 13 9 • a - - -- -- _ 20 Compacted Gravel Bed Ref Pool F.F. 21 GRG Vaulted Ceiling Module,Typ. el. 21'-1" -18 Crawl Space Floor 1 27 22 Recessed Track Et Wall Washer 23 314" Exterior-Grade Plywood Sheathing 24 Batt Insulation 25 Blocking As Required 26 Grass Plinth 27 3" Mud Slab Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier 28 3/8" x 16" Weathering Steel Edge 29 Lightning Rod Terminal,Typ, 30 Steel Structure, Refer to Structural Drawings 31 Chimney With Custom Enclosure 32 Concrete Foundation Wall 33 Cast Iron Roof Drain 34 Insulated Roof Drain Leader 35 Compacted Fill 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 301 31 32 36 Shear Wall, Refer to Structural Drawings A110 A110 37 Reflecting Pool Metal Edge 178'-3" 38 Insulated Supply Duct 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-911 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-911 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9° 5'-9" 5'-9" --T -- 1 . --- 1 --� 1 l- - - 1- : ------ ---„ 1 05 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IA130 30 I I N o -31 01 el. 36'-8 1/2" 29 I I Top Of ParapetLz�: --- ----- I I _-_- el. 34-10 Finish Ceiling I 21 ' 09 10 LIVING GALLERY01 ENTRY HALL GALLERY 02 GALLERY 03 PA KITCHEN UTILITY ROOM LI RARY ! ' B.. BEDROOM 26 el. 24'- 28 ZOA Finish Floor = ALnA _ _i - ---- --- - o - ---- -- - - ------ el. 24'-5" 1 CRAWL SPA CE CRAWL SPACE_ 3 MECH BASEMENT -- -3 CRAWL SPACE -r CRAWL SPACE Grass Plinth N l _-_ -_ 13 el. 24'-0" iv -- -- _ -- . -- -- I Grade cti -18 el. 21'-1" FEE Crawl Space Floor i ! _ - - _ - - _ - _ _ 27 el. 16-10 1 2° Basement Floor � m BUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Sections 3/16" = 1 '-0" ilk New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 M_ 1 North Elevation No Issue Date 3/16"=1'-0" 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 1 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 1 1 Issued To Building Department 10 Dec. 2004 NA110 A111 ! 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 178'-3" 35•-4 1/4" 16'-4 3/4" 75-7 5/16" 16'-4 5/8" 35'-4 1/4" 5-9" 5, 5,-9,1 ,1 ,1 „ „ ,1 1, ,1 „ „ ,1 ,I ,1 ,I I, ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 „ „ „ „ ,1 „ ,1 „ yy 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 5141 5-9 5-9 5-9I, Legend Notes 01 Aluminum Fascia and Coping 02 Painted Steel Column, Refer to Structural Drawings 03 Custom Painted Aluminum Canopy 04 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy 05 Fully-Adhered EPDM Waterproofing Membrane 06 Tapered Rigid Insulation, Slope 1/4" Per Foot 07 Metal Deck On Steel Beam, Refer to Structural Drawings 08 Roof Drain Leader 31 09 Tempered Insulated Glass and Ptd. Aluminum Extrusion 10 Engineered-Wood Floor Joist, Refer to Structural Dwgs F A1501 11 3/4" HDWD Flooring On 2x4 Sleepers On 3/4"TG Plywd el. 36-8 1 2" I 1 Top Of Coping - - - ------- ------- - 01 12 Continuous Bent Metal Flashing - -- 13 Cast in Place Reinforced Concrete Foundation 03 N I I Refer to Structural Drawings g s o 14 Fluid-Applied Continuous Water 09 PP roof Membrane P I I 26 15 3" Extruded I I Polystyrene Insulation 28 16 Fully-Adhered Drainage Sheet And Filter Fabric ILA 17 6" Concrete Slab On Grade Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier jl�\ 11LI111 Finish Floor `n j 18 Cast-In-Place Concrete Footing, Refer to S.D. f Grass Plinth ; 19 4" Perforated PVC Footing Drain w/ Geotech Filter Fabric __-- --------------------------------------- \ / ✓ ' \ � � � � � ___________ ______________________ _ --------------------------------- el. 24'-0" _____________________ �____ ___---- -_________-_-__-_---------_--_----_� x -----__----_-_-_--- -__---__-__-_-W_._--_- . -- -----_---- _-_v_-----_--_---__---_--__-_--_---_._ -__---_----_----_; 20 Compacted Gravel Bed Grade 4 -' \ �r 21 GRG Vaulted Ceiling Module,Typ. \ , -------------- ------------- - -- _ __--- -- -------------- 22 d Track Et Wall Washer---------------------------------------------- ------------- Recessed rac a as er 23 3/4" Exterior-Grade Plywood Sheathing 24 Batt Insulation 25 Blocking As Required 26 Grass Plinth 27 3" Mud Slab Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier 28 3/8" x 16" Weathering Steel Edge 29 Lightning Rod Terminal,Typ, 30 Steel Structure, Refer to Structural Drawings 31 Chimney With Custom Enclosure 32 Concrete Foundation Wall 33 Cast Iron Roof Drain 34 Insulated Roof Drain Leader 2 South Elevation 35 Compacted Fill 3/16"=1'-0" 36 Shear Wall, Refer to Structural Drawings 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 z 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A110 A111 A110 37 Reflecting Pool Metal Edge 178'-3" 38 Insulated Supply Duct 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-'�" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9' "� 5'-9'1_ 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 1 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" -- t- --- - --t-- - -- 31 - - - - - - — 1 2 Top Of Coping --- - --- - � 01 III I 03 N i I 09 26 / I 28 & el. 24'-10 �� LL Finish Floor 10 _ _ . _ L — ......... -.-...._._ el. 24-5 , - _. ._ — — .� Grass Plinth f - ='-------=--------------------------- - --- ---------=-- -=--------- - --- _ -------_____-_-_-- - ---------------------------------------------- ------ --------------------- ------ , - _--_ ------------ ------------------------- ------- -- _---- -__ _- --- --� � el. 24-0 -- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -- -- - - ---- ------ ✓- --_�-------------------- ------- ---- ---------- ------ -------------------------------------- •�__----- --- ------ -- -� Grade t � z-: m m M O 19370 ' BUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Elevations 3/16" = 1'-011 New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 20050 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 1 West Elevation No Issue Date 3 16"=1'-0" A B D E 1 Issued To Building Department 10 Dec. 2004 C 2 F A111 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 28'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 51-911 Legend Notes 01 Aluminum Fascia and Coping 02 Painted Steel Column, Refer to Structural Drawings 03 Custom Painted Aluminum Canopy 04 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy 05 Fully-Adhered EPDM Waterproofing Membrane 06 Tapered Rigid Insulation, Slope 1/4" Per Foot --31 07 Metal Deck On Steel Beam, Refer to Structural Drawings 08 Roof Drain Leader 01 09 Tempered Insulated Glass and Ptd. Aluminum Extrusion 03 10 Engineered-Wood Floor Joist, Refer to Structural Dwgs 11 3/4" HDWD Flooring On 2x4 Sleepers On 3/4"TG Plywd el. 36'-8 1/2" AF Top Of Coping 12 Continuous Bent Metal Flashing Cast in Place Reinforced Concrete Foundation N Refer to Structural Drawings o — ______09 14 Fluid-Applied Continuous Waterproof Membrane 15 3" Extruded Polystyrene Insulation 26 16 Fully-Adhered Drainage Sheet And Filter Fabric el. 24'-10" 1 28 17 6" Concrete Slab On Grade Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier Finish Floor o 18 Cast-In-Place Concrete Footing, Refer to S.D. OIL el. 24'-5" � I Grass Plinth � I 19 4" Perforated PVC Footing Drain w/ Geotech Filter Fabric _-T _------------------------- � el. 24'-0" L------ ---_____-____._.______________ ___________-_...____----___j 20 Compacted Gravel Bed Grade 21 GRG Vaulted Ceiling Module,Typ. 22 Recessed Track Et Wall Washer 23 3/4" Exterior-Grade Plywood Sheathing 24 Batt Insulation 25 Blocking As Required 26 Grass Plinth 27 3" Mud Slab Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier 28 3/8" x 16" Weathering Steel Edge 29 Lightning Rod Terminal,Typ, 30 Steel Structure, Refer to Structural Drawings 31 Chimney With Custom Enclosure 32 Concrete Foundation Wall 33 Cast Iron Roof Drain 34 Insulated Roof Drain Leader 2 East Elevation 35 Compacted Fill F 2 E D C B A 36 Shear Wall, Refer to Structural Drawings A111 37 Reflecting Pool Metal Edge 28'-9" 38 Insulated Supply Duct _ 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 5'-9" 01 03 el. 36'-8 1/2" Top Of Coping I N 0 09 -^ 26 28 el. 24'-10"Floor - Finish FI - s _ el. 24'-5" E I Grass Plinth - - L--------=-------_--------------------------------------------- - - - el. 24'-0" L-------------=--- ------------=----=- ---- - -- -- - ----� Grade �F- -D Az, �+ IA 70 BUILDING PERMIT SET, Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Elevations 3/16" = 1'-0" New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005Al2 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 1 Wall Section - East/West 2 Shear Wall Section 3 Wall Section - North/South No Issue Date 1 11=1 t-0 11 1"=1'-0" 1"=1'-0" 1 Issued To Building Department 10 Dec. 2004 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 A 1 03 07 01 06 Legend Notes 05 05 01 Aluminum Fascia and Coping 06 33 07 01 02 Painted Steel Column, Refer to Structural Drawings 1 - - - -I -07 2 - - - - - - - -� 03 Custom Painted Aluminum Canopy I I I 06 04 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy I I i I 1 05 Fully-Adhered EPDM Waterproofing Membrane I 05 1 1 1 1&&___ el. 35'i 1/411 �I� -1_z=-1--9�d tI-_-i111iII��I�If j� .)u u w QUOu ___ �i ��DIII1IIiL- jII� lllI���::iIiI�I.r�i i�I..--�-:.:... G M_�,_----11-,1-I.I T I-'I TOIHEI'I lMII±LIlI itlIi JIHI'I WF4'I 1F'"'I 1'IF11.1I.,9 1.1'I N_1�..lI"l."",I 2"ll1""Ii1"4`:.�,-Il 2Ii'-0'lIII I'l-'�P-rI'�-Il 2l1''-.'..'-I'III't il2'tl�I'I IlI- � I 1 06 Tapered Rigid Insulation, Slope 1/4" Per Foot I I - 01 I I Il 1Ii Il I,iI ii2iiiiiii i i0i�iii I-1. -2I-I'I '-I ,1W,zI11I�I�'1',II,]�I.W,�I I1I�. ,-- M�.\11 2i l.ff-,ZI III--��-__-- --fl--- -1---+1,II'I" _r.IIIIIII1 �� _'. -I 7:i .Ul rIjI F�E=�� I I I 1 07 Metal Deck On Steel Beam, Refer to Structural Drawings " I el. 36'-8 1 2" 1- 1 ! I 1 08 Roof Drain Leader ,� el. 36'-8 1/2 I Top of Parapet I I Top of Parapet " _ m I Top of Parapet +, - 1 09 Tempered Insulated Glass and Ptd. Aluminum Extrusion O o o I 10 Engineered-Wood Floor Joist, Refer to Structural Dwgs _ I -------- - -- --- -- el. 35-101 4 ,� e1. 35'-101�4" I - & � � 11 III I I I 11 3/4" HDWD Flooring On 2x4 Sleepers On 3/4"TG Plywd Top of Steel 24 Top of Steel _ , I 24 Top of Steel I I _ I 'i I I 1 12 Continuous Bent Metal Flashing 1 i I 0 1 I I I o .. :. 1 � 9 I ... ................ ........... .... . .... ......... ..........I . 13 Cast in Place Reinforced Concrete Foundation el. 34'-10" I el. 34'-10" " ....................................... ...._.... ..- ..................................... el. 34-10 " " " Refer to Structural Drawings Finish Ceiling 1 i Finish Ceiling 21 Finish Ceiling I I III _ _ _ _ _ - - - 30 L - - - II I 14 Fluid-Applied Continuous Waterproof Membrane i. -21 J 21 15 3" Extruded Polystyrene Insulation I 16 Fully-Adhered Drainage Sheet And Filter Fabric it Y 9 24 30 17 6" Concrete Slab On Grade Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier 1 18 Cast-In-Place Concrete Footing, Refer to S.D. ! I 1 1 19 4" Perforated PVC Footing Drain w/ Geotech Filter Fabric I 09 I - 36 I l 09 20 Compacted Gravel Bed 02 I 02 21 GRG Vaulted Ceiling Module,Typ. i 22 Recessed Track Et Wall Washer I I I I I I I tt I I 23 3/4 Exterior-Grade Plywood Sheathing I I ; I 24 Batt Insulation I I - �'� 25 Blocking As Required 11 I 26 Grass Plinth I _ 27 3" Mud Slab Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier 0 1 t o 0 1i o - 0 02 0 1 28 3/8" x 16" Weathering Steel Edge II 29 Lightning Rod Terminal,Typ, � i I _ 30 Steel Structure, Refer to Structural Drawings rn I rn I 31 Chimney With Custom Enclosure 1 32 Concrete Foundation Wall I I I it 33 Cast Iron Roof Drain . I I 34 Insulated Roof Drain Leader i 35 Compacted Fill ' r I I -28 i 1 36 Shear Wall, Refer to Structural Drawings _ 37 Reflecting Pool Metal Edge 26 I I 1 I 38 Insulated Supply Duct i I 4 - - - - - - I I i II �- el. 24'-10° IA141 I 1 el 24'-10" I I I Finish Floor I j I I Finish Floor j j 1 I _ 11 el. 24'-10" I 1 11 I 11 el. 24'-6 1 211 - I .- I I Finish Floor - _ I �' _- _-:I,��_III---.-IIIIII'1I./_.-�_-,,=III-:I--!_z2I_.'I-' m..�-_-I....,EI\,_I=-r_--I".--III--I-II I,-'_!.-�[1.',!!,.I e 24-6 1 2 - T.O. Foundation � 0 I _ - - - - - 4'- ' T•0• F - - - � - - - I c") 1 II !I I I1 it il'I1111111 !I I II i j ll,'1111111 I I I III ;" ==- _-_ M Oundatlon II __'_ I:; ', II x II 1 4-- ___- ___ _ I T.O. Foundation __ 4 I tt ;�, I I I - _ _ el. 24-5 111i I 'll! II II ! !! '1 it ! II 11 II III III I' II' III 1 _ -- __: 10 el. 24-5 _- 1 II T.O. Grass Plinth , . _-__-__ I - 10 T.O. 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BUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Wall Sections 1 " = 1'-0" New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 A 1 3 I Typical Section Edge Detail - East/West 2 Typical Section Edge Detail - North/South No Issue Date 3111'-0" 9 1/2 3"=1'-0" 9 1/2 1 Issued To Building Department 10 Dec. 2004 1 4 1/4" 5 1/4" 5 1/4" 4 1/4" 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 3 5/8" + 3 5/8" i 1 1/4" 2 3/8" 2 3/8" 1 1/4" I CLModule Line Module Line I Legend Notes 01 Aluminum Fascia and Coping 01 05 02 Painted Steel Column, Refer to Structural Drawings , 03 Custom Painted Aluminum Canopy 25 06 04 Painted Steel and Aluminum Canopy 06 25 05 Fully-Adhered EPDM Waterproofing Membrane OL el. 36'-8 1 2" 05 el. . Cop 1 2" 01 06 Tapered Rigid Insulation, Slope 1/4" Per Foot T.O. Coping T.O. Coping I L== 0 *_ 07 Metal Deck On Steel Beam, Refer to Structural Drawings el. 36'-7" e1. 36'-7" I_ TA_ Wood Curb �� 1 N T.O. Wood Curb N - 1 _ 08 Roof Drain Leader r- 09 Tempered Insulated Glass and Ptd. Aluminum Extrusion 10 Engineered-Wood Floor Joist, Refer to Structural Dwgs M -i 11 3/4" HDWD Flooring On 2x4 Sleepers On 3/4"TG Plywd C0 0 —�-23 12 Continuous Bent Metal Flashing 13 Cast in Place Reinforced Concrete Foundation —07 OIL e1. 35'-101/4" „ el. 35'-101/4" —07 ----------------- 1- 1- Refer to Structural Drawings T.O. Steel Frame - T.O. Steel Frame —24 14 Fluid-Applied Continuous Waterproof Membrane -24 I I —23 15 3" Extruded Polystyrene Insulation 16 Fully-Adhered Drainage Sheet And Filter Fabric 1-30 - 17 6 Concrete Slab On Grade Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier 0 0 ................. 18 Cast-In-Place Concrete Footing, Refer to S.D. i 19 4" Perforated PVC Footing Drain w/ Geotech Filter Fabric 20 Compacted Gravel Bed .................. >1<1 11 r, 21 GRG Vaulted Ceiling Module,Typ. Ll ;; � i el. 34'-1Oil OIL el. 34'-1Oil Irld 22 Recessed Track Et Wall Washer Finish Ceiling Finish Ceiling 23 3/4" Exterior-Grade Plywood Sheathing ----— —21 - 21 24 Batt Insulation — _____02 02 25 Blocking As Required 09 —09 26 Grass Plinth _ I 27 3" Mud Slab Over 6 Mil Vapor Barrier 28 3/8" x 16" Weathering Steel Edge i; 29 Lightning Rod Terminal,Typ, 1 3/8" 1 3/8" I' 30 Steel Structure, Refer to Structural Drawings 5/1 6" 5/16" � 31 Chimney With Custom Enclosure 1°1/4" 1 1/1„� 32 Concrete Foundation Wall 5 3/4" 3 15/16" 15/16" �_5 3/4" 33 Cast Iron Roof Drain 34 Insulated Roof Drain Leader 3 Typical Section Base Detail 35 Compacted Fill 3"=1'-0" 36 Shear Wall, Refer to Structural Drawings 4 3/8" 2 3/4" 1 37 Reflecting Pool Metal Edge 7 1/8" 1/8„j Eq Eq I,-1/4" 4" 2 7/8" 1 2 7/8" i� 38 Insulated Supply Duct CLModule Line i CLFloor Board I i - 02 i — - 09 i i j I i i i I i i I i i I � i i i � I i I i 11 i el. 24'-10" i Finish Floor CN e � M el. 24 "'-61/2 i T.O. Foundation - N el. 24'-5" Grass Plinth • 10 38 ?U 12 j 13 1415 ,r x rO QF t�' BUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Exterior Details - Section Details 3" = 1'-0" Ar New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 1 Glass Type No Issue Date 1"=1'-0" Issued To Building Department 10 Dec. 2004 1 5/16" 2 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 j 1 01 Legend Notes 02 01 1/4" Lite With VE 1-85 #2,Tempered 02 1/2" Air Space, Argon Gas Filled 03 9/16" Laminate With 2 - 1/4" Lites And 3 .090 PVB Interlayer 04 Aluminum Fascia and Coping 05 Painted Steel Structure, Refer to Structural Drawings 06 Low Iron Insulated Glass Unit, Argon Gas Filled, With Low-E coating on #2 Surface 07 Low Iron Insulated Glass, Thermally Broken Door With Low-E Coating on #2 Surface 08 Painted Extruded Aluminum Curtain Wall 2 Curtain Wall Elevation 3 Curtain Wall Elevation At Typical Corner 09 Operable Glass Panel, Low-E Coating on #2 Surface 1"=1'-0" 1"=1'-oil Module Reference Line 11 Module Reference Line Module Reference Line CLModule Reference Line CLModule Reference Line Module Reference Line 5-9 5-9 5-9 1 5-9 � General Notes Insulated Glass Units to be hurricane resistant laminate, Vanceve Storm, as manufactured by Viracon, Inc. 04 _ r 04 800 Park Drive, Owatonna, MN 55060 (800) 533 2080 el. 36-8 1/2„ el. 36-8 1/2 2080 (507) 451-9555 glass@viracon.com -- --- - T.O. Coping — -- - -- - T.O. Coping All glass lites to be low iron clear glass. el. 34'-11 1/2" el 34'-11 1/211 T.O. Curtain Wall z T.O. Curtain Wall el. 34'-10° L ---- - -- --- —--_ - ----_ -- -- - --- - — _ --- _ -- el. 34 10 } — - ----- ---- -- -- - - --- -- - - — Finished Ceiling —\ �� � Finished Ceiling !I i • 06 I � � � i I ! I i 09 . - 06 5'-61' i ! 08 08 ! -- - zli 07 0 �f` / \ eD / \ 17 N / \ CA I M o \ C? 0 o -1011 I I I I I Finish Floor ! \ / Finish Floor e1. 24'-8 1/2" --- el. 24'-81/2" B.O. Curtain Wall ! 11 ! ! i !I I! II I ! III N n II l B.O. Curtain Wall I111111111111 H11111 11 HM11 11111111111111111! ! III ! ! el. 24'-5" el 24'-5" Grade Grade CLModule Reference Line 5-9,1 Module Reference Line 51-911 5-9 5-9 Module Reference Line Module Reference Line Module Reference Line „ Module Reference Line if I ! I I I I I 1 ! v v c c J -- N QJ u u c c v v L a� a� v ! 05 O O — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —-— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — IL — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — Cj C 08 1 06 1 07 — 06 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 BUILDING PERMIT SET, Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Window Types As Noted New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York Plans, Elevations 02 May 2005 011 0 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 A b 2 Reflected Ceiling Plan 1 Plan No Issue Date Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 Column C.L. Canopy Post C.L. Column C.L. Canopy Post C.L. Legend Notes 1'-0 1/4" 5/8" 99 Tubes @ 1 1/4" OC= 10'-3 3/4" 1 3/8" 10'-5 3/4" 1'-10 1/4" 8'-7 112" I I 1� /2,'-- 1'-7 3/4" 1 5'-911_ 2'-10 1,/2" + 10-3 3/4„ 1 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I ! I I I ! I ! I I I I I I i I I I - ---------------------------- ---------- - ------------- ---- ------------------------ -- I m m a i I / --- -- ! i I ! I I I I \ yy CN 1 I I i I I i CN i 11 ' _j II i I I I I I I v Q Ir 175 p I IG `I- - > U I I o 2 ------------- - ---------- I I I I I I I I 3 3/4"x11/1611 Aluminum Rafter Typ I Cast Capital/Beams Below -- CN 7-' \ C) ! I ! " � � I I � � I / I � I 5/8" Aluminum Tube Typ — I 3"x1/2" Aluminum Purlins Typ (Steps Down to 1-1/4" Height 8 A162 at Ends) i \� Cast Beam(4.5"x2" at Column/ I I 2"x2" at Tip) Typ UU L UUU J LIU UU JUUH L UUUUU JUUUILIUUUUUUUUUUUUU U UU IJUUUL UUU UU UUUIJ I-IM ULILIULJU [JLJULJLJUUUUuuuuuuuuuuu U U / � I I I - Wu U I--------------------- --------------------------------------------- --- - W I C ej I I L---------ftY -------- Q Q 5 0 O A162 CL a u a n c o 2 o u u 2 A161 14 40 ►- .:; M 19370 ® - O�� BUILDING PERMIT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Mi°rrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Canopy 1 1/211=1'-011 New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York Plan, RCP 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 2 Elevation 1 Section No Issue Date 1 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 Legend Notes Canopy Post C.L. Canopy Post C.L. 3 3/4"x11/16" Aluminum Rafter- Typ Connection to Adjacent Canopy 3"x1/2" Aluminum Purlin / Cast Capital/Beam 5/8" Aluminum Tube I I Beam 4.5" Deep at Base to 2" Deep at Tip Typ 0 1-0 TE el. 34'-10" B.O. Screen I I CN O � I I i i I I I I I I I I i i I I I I , I I ! I I ! I I I I I i O I b'l N I I i I 3 1/4"x3 1/4" Steel Column I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I - I I el. 24'-10" _ I T.O. Finish Floor ,u el. 24'-61/2° — T.O. Foundation CN I I i el. 23'-7" - T.O. Canopy Fnd. I ! OCGE i I � I I I � I I N I ! I el. 20'-9" y Top of Footing I -^ ra370 BUILDING PERMIT SET, Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Canopy 1 1/2 New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York Elevation, Section 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 A b- 8 Elevation-Canopy Support 4 Section-Canopy Rafter/Beam Support No Issue Date �Rod Cantilever 1'-5"Typ 5'-9" to Column Line 1'-5 1/2" to Purlin End Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 3„ Typ I I I 1/2"x3 3/4" Aluminum I ' I Rafter I ' CN 1/2" dia Post Support 1/2 x3 3/4 Aluminum Rafter 1/2"x3" Aluminum I Purlin Beyond I I I I 1/2" dia Post Support 00 I , I LO 5/8" dia Sunshade Tube N legend Notes 00 LO DJ 0 0 0 0 0 ; O • 00 0 I Cast Beam 5/8" Sunshade Tube- , 1-1/4" OC I , o , o `- O i Cast Beam I ' I I I , I W V 11 Elevation-Sunshade Tube Support 7 Cast Capital Section wP 3 Cast Capital Section QA , 31/4" 3" 2 5/8" 2 1/4" 1/3 " 2 11/32" 2 7/32�13/� " I \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \O \ \\ �\�..; \\ \� \\\\\\ \ \\ 1/2 x3 Aluminum IT ,� ; \\ \\ O \\ \ \ \ O \ ,O ,\ Purlin \\ \\ O O \\\\\ \ \\ \ \\ O O 5/8 Tube -- --- enter o_ u e------------------� ------------------------------- - \ \ \ \\�\\� O\� Cast Beam \ W P 10/3 \\ \\\ W P9 WP5 P4 Cast Capital N CN \ - \ ` \\ 3 x3 Column i 0\\ \`O\ O ,M 1/8-� , �1/8 ,000�000 10 Isometric View/Purlin to Rafter 6 Cast Capital Section 2 Cast Capital Section Q Q 3 1/4" 1 3 1/8" 1 2 1/41' 1 1" 1/32'77/3 1 5/8" 1---- \\ WP14 OMOM\ 1 2 Aluminum RafterO\ / CN CNO 11/16 x3 3/4 RafterXN \ O 5/8" Dia Tube \ \ \\\ Cast Beam O\; \\ \\ 2; � — O \\ \, WP4 \ \ \ \ P5 y 7 P7 (o WP6\ \ \ \ WP \\ \\\ \\ Cast Capital Px7 CN N O 3"x3" Column ?,/o M \ \\ \ Typ 17��h 1`o��tp \ UN 1 O\\ / \� \1 4�1 9 Isometric View/Beam to Rafter 5 Plan at Rafter/Beam Connection 1 Plan-Column Q A, I I ' Cast Beam(4.5"x2" at co `, ; iWP14 Blerid Column/2"x2" at Tip) \ r Typ ( � ,;WP5 ,' Beam to Rafter � �`� � `' �________`;_______�WP7 WP6 � I Connection Typ \\\ ------ ------------Q 3"x3" Column Cast Beam k=====_-_______;__------------- U \ I \000, n n 11/16 x3 3/4 Rafter R6 i 3 3/4"x1/2" Aluminum \�� ______________________________________ __J_�-__�-------- I________________fL____ ___-_--_______-__-____-______-__ 1 9 2 1 10 . Rafter I � . 5/8" Dia Tube '\\ ! ! Cast Capital ~ r / - -- --- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- --- - 5/8" dia Tube i --__ __________________- WP3 r ►, :.� r I WP4 P8--------�-- -------------- ---------- CY) : r... F' ;' WP12 � Cast Beam Below Or _ T ------------------------------- ------ ------------------------- ZZ BUILDING PERMIT SET, Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Canopy 6"=1'-0" Arm AV U New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York Details 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060VA I Partition Type 01 2 Partition Type 02 3 Partition Type 03 No Issue Date 1 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 811 811 211 �I { 01 01 01 06 — — 06 06 u } i Legend Notes ,i I 03 f 01 5 8 GWB I f 02 07 02 Wall Framing -� " it 03 03 1/2 Plywood Sheathing 4 0 Batt Insulation I I 03 Metal Furring Strip/Hat Channel - him asRequit Required 05 t 04 06 Plaster Skim Coat � I 07 1 ; 07 CMU Chimney Wall Construction Diu N 170 NO Aso <Q DUNE 21 41 a ....... 5PMMARCH 21 t 40M '....._......�._•• ..... :.......:.......: k DECEMBER 21 >. ,b. 30 10 10 S 10 Nx .i: ti1 t j 1 OF BUILDING B PERMIT SET, Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Interior Details 3 New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York Wall Types 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360-4360 212 645-6060 No Issue Date 1 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2 GENERAL NOTES STRUCTURAL CONCRETE NOTES STRUCTURAL STEEL NOTES WOOD NOTES 1. Minimum lumber stress grades shall be as follows: Douglas Fir Larch No. 2 or A. Design Codes and Standards A. Concrete A. General Southern Pine No. 2 Medium Grain (Fb single = 1250 psi and Fb repetitive = 1. Building Code: The Residential Code of New York State, May 2002 with 1. All cast-in-place concrete shall be normal weight (145 pcf) with 1. All detailing, fabrication and erection shall conform to AISC (LRFD) 1450 psi). additional requirements provided by the Building Department of the Town minimum 28-day compressive strengths as follows: specifications and codes, latest edition. 2. Moisture content shall not be greater than 19%. of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. Footings: 4,000 psi 2. All welding work shall conform to the AWS D1.1 "Structural Welding Code 3. Provide 1" x 4" or metal cross bridging not over 6 ft on center for all wood 2. Reinforced Concrete: American Concrete Institute, ACI 318-02, Building Foundation walls: 4,000 psi - Steel," latest edition, and shall be performed by AWS certified welders. joists. Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary. Concrete piers: 4,000 psi Slabs on grade: 4,000 psi 3. There shall be no field cutting of structural steel members for the work 4. Provide solid blocking of the some dimensions as the joists between joists at 3. Structural Steel: American Institute of Steel Construction, AISC - ASD, of other trades without prior review by the Architect. supports. 9th Edition, Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design. -2. All concrete shall contain an approved water reducing plasticizing admixture. Approved high-range water reducing admixtures may be 4. This building's frame is a non-self-supporting steel frame as defined in 5. Plywood shown for floor decks and wall sheathing shall meet all requirements Legend Notes 4. Geotechnical: Test Pit Excavation Report, Gibble Norden Champion Brown utilized. All concrete permanently exposed to weather shall also contain the AISC Code of Standard Practice. Contractor shall provide temporary of U.S. Product Standard PS-1, latest edition for Structural 1 grade material. Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated January 25, 2005. an approved air-entraining admixture. supports for the frame until the roof deck is installed and connected to the installed shear walls and masonry walls. 6. Galvanized or coated connectors shall be used for all outdoor wood B. Structural Loads 3. No calcium chloride shall be used in any concrete. installations, including in the basement and crawl space. B. Materials 1. Floor loads: B. Reinforcing 7. All exterior exposed wood shall be treated as per the Architectural Live load: 40 psf 1. All reinforcing bars shall be new billet steel conforming to the standards 1. Structural steel grades shall be as follows: specifications. Ground Snow load: 45 psf of ASTM A615, Grade 60. Columns ASTM A108 Grade 1018 8. Minimum nailed connections for wood framed members shall be in accordance (Fy >= 50 ksi, cold finished bar stock) with the applicable fastener schedules in the International Residential Code for 2. Lateral loads: Wind loads shall be considered in accordance with ASCE 7, 2. All welded wire fabric (WWF) shall conform to the standards of ASTM Roof Framing ASTM A992 Grade 50 One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2000. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Method I. Base A185. Angle Bracing ASTM A36 wind speed equals 120 mph. Seismic loads shall be considered in Conn ections,Base Plates and Miscellaneous ASTM A36 9. All exterior exposed wood shall be treated as per the Architectural accordance with Town of Southold requirements and IBC 2000 with 3. All concrete reinforcement shall be detailed, fabricated, labeled, supported, specifications. Seismic Design Category B. spaced in forms, and secured in place in accordance with the procedures 2. All bolts, nut and washers shall conform to the requirements of ASTM and requirements outlined in the latest editions of the "Building Code A325 or A490. 10. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) shall have properties equal to or exceeding Requirements for Reinforced Concrete," ACI 318, and the "Manual of those published by TrusJoist MacMillan Corporation with E = 2.0 ksi and Fb = Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures," ACI 315. 3. All welding electrodes shall be E70XX. 2.9 ksi. I joists shall be as produced by TrusJoist MacHllan or approved equal. 4. All reinforcing splices shall conform to the requirements of ACI 318, but C. Connections FOUNDATION NOTES in no case shall be less than 36 bar diameters, unless noted otherwise. _ 1. All connections shall be designed and detailed by the fabricator. Detailing 5. All welded wire fabric splices shall be lapped two (2) full mesh panels and shall be performed using rational engineering design and standard practice tied securely. in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The general details shown on the drawings are conceptual only and do not 1. All soil supported s shall be founded u 6. Where required, dowels shall match the size and number of main indicate the required number of bolts or weld sizes, unless specifically PP footings Pon undisturbed, natural subgrade! reinforcing, unless noted otherwise. noted. The contractor shall submit engineering calculations and LIGHT GUAGE STUD NOTES with a minimum allowable bearing capacity of 3 KSF as indicated on the connection details drawings for each connection type, member size, and drawings and as field verified and approved by the Owner's Soil Testing 7. All walls and structural slabs shall be reinforced with at least #4 bars at reaction indicated on the drawings for review by the Architect prior to Laboratory. The bottom of the footing elevations and soil bearing capacities 12 inches on center each way, unless noted otherwise. All slabs on the submittal of the structural steel shop drawings. After review by the 1. Steel studs shall be designed and detailed in accordance with the "American as shown on the drawings are estimated. Final, exact elevations and soil Architect these details drawings shall be utilized as the standard for Iron and Steel Institute AISI Cold Formed Steel Design Manual latest edition. bearingcapacities shall be field determined and verified b the Owner's Soil grade shall be reinforced with at least one (1) layer of 6x6 - W2.9xW2.9 � 9 (AISI) g P y WWF, unless noted otherwise. All mechanical, plumbing and electrical fabrication and shop drawing detailing. The design calculation shall be Testing Laboratory during construction. equipment pads shall be reinforced with at least one (1) layer of 6x6 - prepared and sealed by a qualified Structural Engineer licensed in the 2. All studs and accessories shall be of the type, size, gouge, and spacing shown W4.OxW4.0 WWF. State of New York. on the drawings, and shall be manufactured by Dietrich CSJ Series or approved 2. The soil subgrade for all footings and slabs shall be inspected and approved by equal. the Owner's Testing Laboratory immediately prior to placing foundation concrete 2. All connections, unless noted otherwise shall be simple shear connection or concrete mud slabs. 8. Provide a minimum of one (1) layer of 4x4 - W2.9xW2.9 galvanized or utilizing "short-slotted" holes and high-strength bolts in bearing-type 3. Steel studs shall be formed from steel meeting the requirements of ASTM epoxy coasted WWF for all sidewalks, unless otherwise noted. A653 Grade 33 with G60 galvanizing. connections with threads excluded from the shear plane. The connection 9 9 3. All footing subgrades, as required by the Owner's Soil Testing Laboratory, and 9. Provide a minimum of one 1 layer of 4 - W6.OxW6.0 capacities shall be as shown in Note C5 below. the upper 12" of all slab subgrades, including pit slabs, shall be compacted to ( ) y 4x galvanized or 4. The carpentry contractor is responsible for the design and detailing of all metal epoxy coated WWF for all automobile driveway areas, unless noted studs and their connections. All structural members and their connections 95 percent of maximum density at optimum moisture content (ASTM D1557). otherwise. 3. All bolts shall be fully torqued for both friction and bearing type All backfill around and above all foundation elements, footings, walls and pits connections. shall be designed by a Structural Engineer licensed in the state of New York in shall be placed in layers not to exceed 8" in thickness and shall be compacted 10. Additional bars shall be provided around all floor and wall openings. accordance with AISI "Specification for the Design of Cold-formed Steel to 90 percent of maximum density of optimum moisture content (ASTM D1557) 4. Ultimate Shear Capacities for Standard Rolled Shapes - ASTM A 992 Structural Members, latest edition. to within 12" of the slab subgrade. 11. All bar supports shall be galvanized or epoxy coated. Bar supports in Grade 50 (Factored Loads): - contact with exposed surfaces shall also be plastic tipped. 5. Provide continuous mechanical bridging as required to develop the full capacity 4. All organic and/or other unsuitable materials shall be removed from subgrade W8, and 15 kips of all members. and backfill areas and backfilled with acceptable granular fill, compacted to 95 12. The following minimum concrete covers shall be provided for W6 and smaller 10 kips reinforcement, unless larger cover is noted elsewhere. 6. The fabrication and erection of the metal studs shall be in accordance with er percent of maximum density at optimum moisture content ASTM D1557. g 5. The minimum number of bolts per connection shall be two (2) - 3/4 AISI specifications and the stud manufacturers specifications. 5. Do not backfill against basement walls until ground floor framing has been a. Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth: 3" inch diameter, A325 bolts. 7. The fastening of components shall be with self-drilling :screws or welding. placed and the plywood deck has been installed. 6. Minimum fillet weld sizes shall comply with the AISC specification Screws shall be of sufficient size to insure the strength of the connection. b. Concrete exposed to earth or weather: P Y P 6. No footings or slabs shall be placed into or against subgrade containing free requirements, but shall not be less than 1/4 inch, unless noted otherwise. Wire tying shall not be permitted. All welds shall be touched up with a zinc water, frost or ice. Should water or frost enter a footing or structural #5 bars and smaller 1-1/2" rich paint. D. Detailing and Fabrication excavation after subgrade approval, the subgrade shall be re-inspected by the #6 thru #18 bars 2" Owner's Testing Laboratory after removal of water, frost, or ice. c. Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground. 1. The Contractor shall submit detailed, engineered, coordinated and checked 7. The Contractor shall provide all necessary measures to prevent any water, frost, shop drawings for all structural steel to the Architect for review prior to or ice from penetrating any footing or structural slab subgrade before and Slab, walls: the start of fabrication and/or erection. after placing of concrete and until such subgrades are fully protected by the #14 and #10 bars 1-1/2" 2. All beams and trusses shall be fabricated with the natural camber up. permanent building structure. #11 and smaller 3/4" 3. All simple shear connections shall be capable of translation and rotation STRUCTURAL METAL DECK NOTES 8. The concrete for each isolated footing shall be placed in one (1) continuous Beams, columns: » as per the requirements of AISC Specification, Chapter J1.2. Simple placement. Primary reinforcement, ties, stirrups 1-1/2" Connections." 1. All metal deck shall be fabricated from steel type ASTMI A446, Grade C, having 9. All slabs-on-grade shall be placed over a vapor barrier over a minimum of 6" 13. The Contractor shall submit checked shop drawings showing reinforcing a minimum yield strength of 33,000 PSI. All decking shall be hot-dipped compacted granular material over a compacted soil subgrade. details including bar sizes, spacing, placement and support details to the galvanized. Architect for review prior to fabrication. E. Erection 2. All metal deck shall be designed for the span and loading conditions shown on 10. All perimeter wall footings shall bear a minimum of 3'-0" below finished grades C. Construction Joints: 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the control of all erection procedures and sequences especially with relation to temperature the structural drawings. The minimum gauge of all metal decks shall be 20 au e. shown on the drawings. differentials, erection tolerances, and with respect to structural steel g g 1. Construction joints in all walls, slabs and beams shall not be further framing into reinforced concrete walls, beams or columns. 11. See Plumbing drawings for underfloor drainage system and special granular fill apart than 90 feet in any direction. g 3. Metal deck section properties shall be computed in accordance with the AISI materials. "Specification for the Design of Cold Formed Steel Structural Members," latest 2. All construction joints shall be wire brushed, cleaned and moistened 2. All additional steel required by the Contractor for erection purposes and edition. 12. See Architectural drawings for all waterproofing and dampproofing details. immediately prior to placing new concrete. site access of stockpiled materials shall be provided at no cost to the Owner. All such additional steel shall be removed by the Contractor 4. The Metal Deck Contractor shall submit, to the Architect for review, structural 13. A Geotechnical Exploration Report dated January 25, 2005, containing test it 3. Place all slabs-on-grade in strip ours of a maximum width of 30 feet unless approved by the Owner in writing. engineering calculations, prepared and sealed b a qualified, Structural Engineer P P Y 9 P 9 P P 9 9 P P Y q 9 data, has been prepared by Gibble Norden Champion Brown Consulting with a minimum of 24 hours between adjacent pours. Strip poured slabs registered in the state of New York, published manufacturer's data, and Engineers, Inc. This report shall be obtained and requirements and shall have sawcut control joints at 15'-0" centers. F. Testing and Inspection independently certified load test data, verifying that the metal deck and related recommendations included in the report shall be incorporated into all site and deck accessories satisfy the specified loading and deflection requirements for below grade work on the project. Testing and inspection of both shop and field structural steel fabrication and the spans indicated on the drawings. g P J 4. Allow a minimum of three (3) hours between palcement of concrete for erection work, including welded and bolted connections, shall be as follows: P g columns, walls or piers and placement of concrete on the adjacent floor. 1. All structural steel fabrication and erection shall be visually inspected. 5. The Contractor shall provide detailed and checked shop drawings indicating D. Curing and Sealing location, gauge and size of each piece of decking and related decking 2. All welders shall be AWS certified. accessory. The drawings shall clearly show welding details to structural framing 1. Provide approved curing compound and sealer for the top surface of all elements, side lap connection details, deck opening/edge closures, and where slab work, unless noted otherwise. 3. All welds shall be AWS/AISC prequalified. required supplementary deck and/or closure reinforcing. 2. Provide approved curing compound, sealer, and hardener for all slabs in 4. All welds shall be visually inspected per AWS D1.1. Weld measurements 6. All decking shall be welded to structural steel by qualified welders using M.E.P. and storage areas, unless noted otherwise. shall be performed for 15% of all welds on a random basis. pre-qualified procedures. The technical specifications establish a procedure for pre-qualifications of the plug welding of the steel decking to the structural E. General steel for the particular gauges used. Prior to the start of erection of the 5. Magnetic particle testing in accordance with ASTM E709 shall be performed for a minimum of: steel deck, each welder shall be qualified using this procedure as witnessed by 1. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings showing the locations of all the Owner's Structural Steel Testing Laboratory. 1-10 „p ,EO construction joints, control joints, curbs, slab depressions, sleeves, a. 10% of all fillet welds chosen at random, final phase only. 5° j6° ° 'S° openings, etc. 7. All metal deck shall be welded at 12 inches maximum on center to the " 'p 10 supporting steel with a 5 8 inch diameter puddle weld. Side laps shall be ' �uoE 21 b. 100% of tension member connection welds (i.e., hanger connection PP 9 / P P 2. See Architectural drawings for all waterproofing/dampproofing details. plates, etc.) for root and final passes. fastened at 30 inches maximum on center with #10 TEkC screws. �° PM.: :: 5A o .�. 3. See Architectural, HVAC, Electrical and Plumbing drawings for additional 8. Provide as required, all ridge and valley plates, column closures cant strips, FM 6. All bolted connections shall be visually inspected and tested with a q 9 Y P , p , o ,PM ?.'..;.�o :..:' BP, '. �'AARCH 21 wall slab openings. sump plates at piping penetrations, and recessed sup puns at roof drains. #t : "" E calibrated torque wrench to verify a minimum of 25% of bolts in each w SPM..ZF ;..:..,:::.CAM 9A" Provide supplemental framing, including reinforcing plates, at openings as connection (2 bolts per connection minimum). o required for support of the metal deck. All openings shall be coordinated with 7. The required contact surface conditions of all shear connections shall be Architectural and Mechanical drawings. 60 DECEMBER 21 h° visually inspected immediately prior to beam erection. The Contractor 9. No loads exceeding 50 lbs. shall be permitted to be hung from a decking. All . : y0 shall be responsible for all remedial work required to contact surfaces. 40hangers for ductwork, piping, etc. shall be hung directly from structural steel a0 ..'o , 5. io do 8. The Owner's Structural Steel Testing shall perform all field inspection and framing or supplementary members and/or anchors embedded directly into the .10 testing as out fined above and monitor the Contractor's inspection and concrete. All hanging load details shall be submitted for review. testing outlined above for all shop work. If the Contractor's quality control program is not AISC certified, the Owner's Structural Steel Testing Laboratory shall also perform all shop testing and inspection. 9. The Structural Steel Fabricator and Erector shall schedule all work to allow the above inspection and testing requirements to be completed. SOT: mepq r �"A-r 073917 FEsc,lo"�'*� BULDNG PERWT SETI Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Structural Notes NOT TO SCALE New York Chicago New York Fishers Island , New York 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360- 4360 212 645- 6060 0M No Issue Date 1 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2 Legend Notes C COLUMN C COLUMN 178'-3" COLUMN/WALL COLUMN COLUMN C COLUMN/WALL COLUMN/WALL COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN/WALL 23'-0" 1 11'-6„ 17,-311 28,-991 281-991 171-3" 17,-3" 17'-3„ 17,-3» lo 6'-8 3 /4" ell11'-6" 3" TO OUTER 11'-6" STEP FOOTING 8'-7 1/2" CONTINUOUS REINFORCED FACE OF WALL (TYP.) TYP. STEP FOOTING CONCRETE STRIP FOOTING -2. 2'-6"x10" Fn L N R H FH1 Fn1 COLUMN --- - --- - 1,_0» I I I I I n l r__=m I I inInI _ L__ _ _ _ J - I I I 16"x16" REINFORCED 2'-10 1 2" InI I i I 3" C NCRETE MUD SLAB I1 I III I F �' IIII � I I) I I o N I ON C MPACTED FILL IIII I I l l I I I N III I I CONCRETE PIER (TYP.) TYP. I I IIII i' IIII » 1 0 _ IIII 3 I I TYP. U.N.0 ;�, 9 -7 1 III I I r I I J I I L -t-1 I N o L _ I I 1 1 ;- -i I 3 -0 x3 -0 x10 SPREAD v� ;- -i I I I I c-__c FOOTING WITH 4- 4 BARS f j1 1 IIII I N I _ -I I I! c -----= II I 1 � 1 J IIII I I # 00 - I I - I II I I I ►�, I I I - - - - - -- I -- ,I, ,� —_——— N r- — — — — — I 1 EACH WAY ON COMPACTED N 11 r- - - -- -- - II I IIII _ - I III III I I I IIII I FILL/SUBGRADE (TYP.) I I f— � 111 j COLUMN -- - -- - --- - - III 2 III 12 I I IIII 8 1 IIII 8" „ I007 II i 2 --- - I 1111 2 ,r, I L I 1 I U I - 1 U I -2. � � I 1 1 I c==c I U I I -- -- -- -- - I I I 8" REINFORCED CONCRETE 1 1 I I_ I I I I _1 I I i FOUNDATION WALL WITH #4 o - - - � I- - - - - -- - -� L- -- -- - - lul ju — U � L - ---- -- - �--- - - - - - --� --- � - -- -_ J L - --- - � BARS @ 12 EACH WAY (TYP.) COLUMN � I' U \ U 1H 3" TO OUTER �' 1A FACE OF WALL -2' STEP FOOTING -2' :FTyp. STEP FOOTING (TYP.) ,-0» 2'-10 1/2" 11'-6" TYP. .126' PROVIDE TIE-DOWNS AT IV ellTYP TYP. TYP. EACH END OF EACH SHEAR CANOPY COLUMN CANOPY COLUMN WALL (REQUIRED TIE DOWN T/SLAB FORCE = 6K TYP.) EL:+16'-11 1/8" 6" CONCRETE SLAB—ON GRADE WITH 6X6 W2.1 XW2.1 WWF NOTES: ASSUMED NET ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE = 3000 psf TOP OF MUD SLAB EL: 21'-0" U.N.O. FOUNDATION PLAN N 170 6o SCALE: 1/8" = 1-0" S 4 o ' JUNE 21 M. 2o,f o SPfd r... ........ .... 6 MARCH 21 ... E W spm •iPMj A1klrt'' ap - 0 O m0 / .. ... .... DECEMBER 21 AO vo ....... ........ ,O 'S 3p O ?p 2 70 S l "t ' 461 0731317 r` BULDNG PERWT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Foundation Plan 1 /s = 1 ' - 0" New York Chicago New York Fishers Island , New York 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360- 4360 212 645- 6060 No Issue Date 1 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2 Legend Notes COLUMN 178'-3 COLUMN " 8" CONCRETE WALL 4 ® 5-9" = 23'-0" 2 ® 5'-9" = 3 ® 5'-9" = 17'-3" 5 © 5'-9" = 28'-9" 4 ® 5'-9" = 23'-0" 4 ® 5'-9" = 23'-0" 3 @ 5'-9" = 17'-3" 3 ® 5'-9" = 17'-3" 3 @ 5'-9" = 17'-3" 11'-6" BELOW WITH #4 BARS 2 3 4" x 2 3 4" PROVIDE MINIMUM 2 STUDS STAIR 3'-1" ©12" BARS EACH WAY. 3'-1" STEEL COLUMN 11'-6" BACK TO BACK AT EACH END (TYP.) (TYP.) OF SHEAR WALL (T .) SEE DETAIL FOR COLUMN 2'-10 1/2" BASE CONNECTION 5 TYP. T� C� N1 M cV COLUMN ----=--------------'------ -- ° Is ---------------------- ----- ----- ------------------- c`J o 8" REINFORCED MASONRY ° i ° I ° I WALL GROUTED SOLID ' i N © ' ' i° i �� Y • i i i SOLID BLOCKING AT 17 1/4" O.C.. (f'm=1500psi) WITH 2 #5 _ 1 1 BARS FULL HEIGHT AT EACH 0' 4 1 T P i -I i 2 i . I i (TYP. ALONG NORTH/SOUTH I 1 -8 ; i ; CORNER. 2'-10 1/2 " X 5'-9" 2 2 , , , EXTERIOR WALLS) OUT TO OUT DIMENSION. II F1 EXTEND REINFORCING BARS w ° I w ; ° ° i i ° ° ; ° 2 0 DOWN INTO CONCRETE I 4' " '�- v , °-------°------WALLS BELOW. PROVIDE -5 REINFORCED WIDE X 3'-0" HIGH OPENINGS w J ; 3 4' & L 0 D CONCRETE PIER 11 AT BOTTOM OF EAST AND o $ G U D 8 C E E ) ; BELOW (TYP.) WEST WALLS FOR FIREPLACE. �,- o o ----------------------- PROVIDE 2 #5 HORIZONTAL ; BARS OVER OPENINGS. _ T[t NL-------------- ---- CDI COLUMN - ------------------------------------------ - ------;-------------- ------;-------------------- -;-------°-------;-- -------,---------------;-------°---------------;-------°-------;------;-------°------- ------;----- ° rol3 - 6" 7TYP. 6 TYP91 CONCRETE SLAB WITH1 -0" (TYP.) _2• TYP. #4 BARS @12" BARS 8" REINFORCED 2 - 1 3 4"x11 7 8" CANOPY 11 7 8" TJI 110 PROVIDE ADDITIONAL STUDS REINFORCED CONCRETE PIER T/WALL T/PIER EACH WAY. TOP/ SLAB CONCRETE LVL (TYP.) COLUMN @ 17 1/4"" O.C. (TYP.) TO SUPPORT FLOOR LEVEL AT ALL CANOPY COLUMNS EL:+24'-6 1/2" (TYP.) EL:+23'-7" (TYP.) EL. +24'-10" FOUNDATION (TYP.) (2 MIN.) (TYP.) WALL BELOW (TYP.) NOTES: TOP/ PLYWOOD DECK: EL. +24'-10" PROVIDE BRIDGING BETWEEN TJI's AS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER GROUND LEVEL PLAN N 770 SCALE: 1/8" = 1-0" 6p ° 6p.......:......:` ... UNE 21 O J �J 20 ...';......... MARCH 21 ...............i... . ... N! At, . 0 ° o e DECEMPER 21 0 0 4 30 y0 20 10 S 0 of Ne�v 073917 BULDING PEROT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Ground Floor Framing Plan '1 /8" = 1 ' — 0" 14 New York Chicago New York Fishers Island, New York 02 May 2005NON- 212 337 0334 312 360- 4360 212 645- 6060 No Issue Date 1 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2 Legend Notes 31 @ 5'-9" = 178'-3" FASTEN L 5"X 3 1/2" TO MASONRY STEEL CANOPY L 5"X 3 1 2" X 1 4 LLV TYP. AROUND STEEL CANOPY STEEL CANOPY L 5" X 3 1/2' X 1 4 WALL WITH 3/4" dia J—BOLT @ 9" FRAMING (TYP.) PERIMETER. PROVIDE CONTINUOUS WITH SHEAR WALL BELOW FRAMING (TYP.) SHEAR WALL BELOW COLUMNS (TYP.) LLV TYP. AROUND O.C. (TYP. EACH SIDE) (SEE ARCH) MEMBER ENDS AS SHOWN. TYP. (SEE ARCH) TYP. (SEE ARCH) ROOF OPENINGS / I rl —_—_—_—_-- ° ° ° CA OPY N N N N N N I I N N N N [V EN N II N N X x x N 04 N ;; N N C4 ; ; N N CV CV II N N FRAMING (TYP.) ■ o Co o I o o O O ' rr O O O O O o O X X Lr II � II I II �- II o (SEE ARCH) I 11 I II I II II aJ ■ I I ■ ■ I I i i ■ ■ I I TITI I __ _ I II 11 I I I I I I I I I I E-- — 11 C� II II II II 11 II i1� ■ L J I I ■ ■ ■ ■ I I I I I I ■ ■ j j " n 0 ;, 1 1 11 2 3 4 x2 3 4 STEEL LO s 11 1Li 1 11 COLUMN (TYP.) II I 11 I 11 --- -2. u -- ----- ----- -----:-- - ----- ■ _ ------ ----- 8" REINFORCED / IM MASONRY WALL BELOW I ° / W4X13 TYP. IN EAST /WEST . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTION U.N.O.) -2. T . L5" X31/2" X1/4 / LLV WITH SLIP CRITICAL BOLTS SHEAR WALL BELOW 1 1/2" METAL ROOF DECK 12 TYP. r8 TYP. SLIP CRITICAL BOLTS AT VJL 3x3x1 4 DIAGONAL (TYP.) —2 —2• HORIZONTAL TRUSS BRACING (TYP.) NOTES: T/ROOF STEEL: EL. +35-10 1/4" METAL ROOF DECK: 1 1/2" DEEP, WIDE RIB, ASTM A653 GR33, GALVANIZED (G60), 20GA. WELDED TO STEEL @ 12" O.C. WITH 5/80 PUDDLE WELDS, #10 TEK SCREW SIDELAP FASTENER @24" MAX. ON CENTER. SEE DETAIL 4/S-2.0 FOR TYPICAL SHEAR WALL CONSTRUCTION ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1-0" N-70 E° t 0 A nO 0 10 4P 0 21 JUNE .o ti ` ab r+y � o 0 5P RCH 21 ,M o .. ":..... ':. s i ,. EA W 3PIA : j,l •1 At,n•10ANi ...: 0 ro 0 0 0 so ....DECEMBER 21 0 00 ;'.:.. 1 w A° -0 O 20 2 10 S 10 CQ j 5. ID 73 BULDNG PERUT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrilll LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Roof Framing Plan 1 / 8" = 1 ' - 0" tip" New York Chicago New York Fishers Island , New York 02 May 2005IV 212 337 0334 312 360- 4360 212 645- 6060 04 CANOPY COLUMN COLUMN CANOPY COLUMN COLUMN No Issue Date 1 / ' 2'-10 1 2" 3/4"� J-BOLTS 1'_p" 2'-10 1 2" 3 4 � J-BOLTS T GRADE, WALL -0 3" @ 32" O.C. 3" ® 32" O.C. EL:+21$-0" Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2 CANOPY COLUMN EXTERIOR FACE CONTINUOUS CANOPY COLUMN EXTERIOR FACE CONTINUOUS " I =II II OF WALL 2x LEDGER I OF WALL 2x LEDGER 3 MUD SLAB _I COLUMN CLOSURE TT//CONC. WALL +24 NH FLOOR COLUMN CLOSURE T/CONC_WALL +24IHFL'FLOOR =I 6" SHEARWALL Y EL:+24-6 1/2„ EL EL:+24 6 1/2" EL METAL STUD W T/PLYWOOD OL T/PLYWOOD PLYWOOD SHEATHING I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I EL:+24'-7 3/4" TGRADE - _ EL:+24'-7 3/4T GRADE EACH SIDE) EL:+24'-5" I 1 EL:+24'-5" 4®16" O.C. o ( = I �, EWEF = TIE DOWN T WALL I I - T WALL _ 3 MUD SLAB EL:+23'-7" _ TJ1 FLOOR EL:+23'-7" _ TJ1 FLOOR =� JOIST HANGER FRAMING I JOIST HANGER FRAMINGPOO 1'-O" WIDE OUTRIGGER = 1'-O" WIDE OUTRIGGER = =I CONCRETE SLAB WALL W/ #4®10' EWEF WALL W/ #4©10" EWEF ( ON GRADE (HOOK BARS DO = 4C�12" CONT. HORIZ � 4#4 TOP • (HOOK BARS DOWN - 4®12 CONT. HORIZ 4®16" T&B = 10 6 SLAB T CONT. Legend Notes / •_ INTO FOOTING) INTO FOOTING) - = x EL:+16'-11 1/8" 6" _ 6" CONCRETE _ _ _ _ -) CD 4 6 BOTTOM 4@12 V W HOOK " 6 SLAB ON GRADE I 4C�10 3-p CONT. to Z - 3 MUD SLAB - 4@12 V W HOOK 6 4 CONT. • i = 8„ M T SLAB � i( T SLAB " T// — BOTTOM OF FOOTING �tjEL:+21 -0 I—I `f` EL:+16 -11 1/8 — ' III EL: +15 -7 1 8 3 4 CONT. 3 4 CONT. 3'-6" Le 7 _ B FOOTING 7 - B/FOOTING EL:+19'-11" _ _ _ = I = — _ EL:+15'-7 1/8" 2'-0" WIDE OUTRIGGER ALTERNATE DIRECTION 2'-6„ 2'-0" WIDE OUTRIGGER ALTERNATE DIRECTION7 2'-6" FOOTING W/4 #4B OF HOOK FOOTING W/4 #413 OF HOOK SECTION AT EXTERIOR WALL (TYP.) SECTION AT BASEMENT LOCATION /� SECTION AT TYPICAL BASEMENT WALL SECTION AT SHEAR WALL FOOTING N.T.S. 0 �1 N.T.S. f� N.T.S. 0 2 N.T.S. O 3 COLUMN 2 3/4" SQUARE DOUBLE NUT FOR STEEL BAR/COLUMN COLUMN ADJACENT 6 —� 5 16 3/4" MIN. NON-SHRINK 4 4 13 1/4"x9"x1 1 4" PIER 3" SQ. COLUMN 18 GA CSJ@16" O.0 ASTM GROUT PAD BASE PLATE Fy = 50 ksi A653 SS GRADE 33 T GRADE Fy = 50 ksi T/WALL _ #10 SELF-DRILLING - TAPPING EL:+24'-6 1/2" 5 8" PLATE TYP. I 5 16 TYP. — — — — �— SCREW W/BULGE HEAD, MINIMUM 3 5 5/8" STIFFENER HEAD DIAMETER OF .292" METTING °' 8" REINFORCED CONCRETE (TYP.) PF REQUIREMENTS OF SAEJ78 5 16 FOUNDATION WALL 5 16 TYP. 5/16 3-7 8"0 _1 2" STRUCTURAL 1 ANCHOR BOLTS SECTION - 1 � 13 1 4"x9"x1 1 4" BASE SHEATHING EACH SIDE ►� 1 PLATE Fy = 50 ksi 2 3/4" - 3 4" MIN. NON-SHRINK 1 3/4" 1 1/2" COLUNU GROUT PAD LIJ 1/2C14 "x9x6" BASE PLATE 4-7 8"� ANCHOR W/OVERSIZE HOLES BOLTS w DOUBLE NUT FOR FASTENER SPACING: 12" O.C. MIN. IN FIELD 6" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES PARTIAL PLAN N m CONCRETE CONOTES: co :2 LUMN ADJACENT 5/16 3" SQ. COLUMN BASE FASTENERS ALONG PANEL EDGES SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 3/8 IN 9 - Fy - 50 ksi ``' 4-7/8"0 ASTM F1558 FROM PANEL EDGES COLUMN PANEL EDGES SHALL BE FULLY BLOCKED "' GR 36 ANCHOR BOLTS BASE PLATE EMBEDDED IN 1 4"x3"x3" PLATE CONCRETE BASE 7 WASHER COLUMN BASE PLATE DETAILS PARTIAL PLAN AT CANOPY BASE PLATE DETAIL AT CANOPY BASE PLATE TYPICAL SHEARWALL CROSS SECTIONn N.T,S. 0 5 N.T.S. 0 6 N.T.S. 0 7 N.T.S. V q- 5,-9„ T/COLUMN EL:+36'-7 1/4" 4-3 4"0 325 BOLTS TYP. @ EACH COLUMN LVL 5 16"x5"x9" PIER Lj 1 4"x8"x6" CONNECTOR PLATE PLATES f9 2'-0" O.C. 5 16 1 2" METAL ROOF 4-1/2"� ANCHOR TJI 110 EA. SIDE W SHEARWALL 5 16 DECK BOLTS (EXTEND 12" I WEB BLOCKING AT PLYWOOD DECK INTO RC PIER) I SUPPORT (TYP.) n BELOW I T7 ROOF DRAIN T/COLUMN L4x4x1 48" L + 2-1 3/4" LVL T DECK SEE ARCH EL:+35'-10 1/4" (4 TOTAL) EA. SIDE EL: +0 -0 + - -- I _ PIER N U-i � N o X X o CONT. L5x3 1 2x1 L4 LLV 0 o v BOLTED TO COLUMN 3 Bx14x14' SETTING + _ + 2-1 2"O THROUGH t-h � PLATE ON 3/4" MIN I BOLTS (TYP.) I 2 3 4"x2 3 4" NON-SHRINK GROUT TJI HANGER EA. SIDE TJI ® 17Y" O.C. STEEL COLUMN PAD ON REINFORCED " CONCRETE PIER 16x16 REINFORCED DI 1 2" METAL I CONCRETE PIER LVL GIRDER 6" ROOF DECK W/ 4 #6 VERTICAL BARS W10 BEAM -FYP. 3/16 AND #3 CLOSED TIES 12" O.C. AISC STANDARD SHEAR El F-1 TAB CONNECTION NOTE: PLYWOOD DECK NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY TYPICAL FRAMING SHEAR WALL WITH DRAIN SECTION AT TYPICAL ROOF EDGE PARTIAL PLAN AT INTERIOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PIER SECTION AT INTERIOR LEVEL N.T.S. O 0 N.T.S. 1 ,7o N no 160 g0 50 O h FC?......:.......:.. 7 1Q0 COLUMN '...". J oJUNE 21 3" 3" PM ... 7A .- MARCH 21 BAd E W GPM i... 2PlA" iop1�� 1YAM.VOAM Clo ( e� DECEMBER 21 1 4 TYP. 1/4 �o I SHEAR TAB SG k0 4V O CONNECTION 3 2p ,° S ,o z TYP. 5 16 5 16 1 4" STIFFENERS TOP & BOTTOM 1 4 TYP. 1 4 2 3 4 SQ. STEEL COLUMN I �r1 �733 7 �FC END CONNECTION AT SPLIT BEAM N.T.S. 12 BULDNG PERVT SET Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder Armstrong House Typical Sections and Details NOT TO SCALE New York Chicago New York Fishers Island , New York 02 May 2005IN 212 337 0334 312 360- 4360 212 645- 6060 IN No Issue Date 1 Issued For Building Permit 02 May 2005 Legend Notes 00 xxxxxxx L 4"RD L 4"RD L 4"RD L 4"RD L 4"RD 4"VTR P 4"VTR P 5 1060* 4 822* 3 710.5* 2 710.5* 1 1010 1 2 ROOF I(_ I!LROOF ROOF ROOF I_ I 2' ,> I I I � �/ 1 i/ „ ��„ j�� „ 111/ „ (11/„_._t..—r...�._........_.__..� 11/2 „ I r 2 r 2 r1 2 I.1 2 2„ { 11 �/ 2„ ( r 2 2 I I �' I I I I I i ( 2 I j I I I r2 1 3„ 2 1/2„ 2'/2 3„ I K—SK { D/WI UT—SKI W/DI I I LAV LAV I I I I I I I LAV 3„ I I I I I I �i " I { I I I GRD FL POOL I 2„ 2„ 2„ 2>, WC 11 2 1 �/2,> WC 1 1 BT I BT I I WC 1 1/2 I I I I I GRD FL GRD FL GRD FL 1/2 1 1/2„I { 4„ 4 I 3„ I I 4 5„ 5„ 6„ 6„ 3" 4" HWH �1 �/2„ HOUSE TRAP 4313* BSMT 3"FD I BSMT BSMT BSMT M—U 1"I. �-3" SANITARY RISER DIAGRAM TO SEPTIC SYSTEM STORM RISER DIAGRAM 6 6"TO SITE STORM TANK SYSTEM ROOF ROOF ROOF ROOF 3/„ RANGE 3/4„ `__""" G 3/4 65 CFH 4 3 „ HOOD /4 4 co 35 CFH O v > I • • > > Q � � � � ¢ � J WASHER 40 CFH 6 BURNER DRYER GRD FL U LJJJLILAGRD FL GRD FL COOKTOP GRD FL 4 G 11 "RPZ 11/2 1 1/2 3/„ 4 TO PROPANE GAS HWH TANK BSMT BSMT BSMT BSMT DOMESTIC WATER RISER DIAGRAM GAS RISER DIAGRAM '70 N 17a IS � 1 , ' % ' ' f JUNE 21 LARCH 21 0 to rS 4a OF � � Q�� fir. BU I LD ING PERMIT Thomas Phifer and Partners Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmieder CME Engineering, PLLC Armstrong House Sanitary, Domestic Water, Gas No Scale SET New York Chicago New York Norwich Fishers Island, New York and Storm Riser Diagrams 02 May 2005 212 337 0334 312 360- 4360 212 645-- 6060 860 889- 3397