HomeMy WebLinkAboutKetcham, Frederick R. Amend #32 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore fi!ed with the Town Board of the 'l'own of Southold by ..... ~.~...e.~..e..~...i.?.~....~..:.....~..e..t..~..~....a~.. ............................... requesting o change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- from ....................... District to ................ '.'.~ i.I... )~U, J~.:J, D.~. ~..?. ......................................................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... .2...6..t...~. ........ day of ............... ~..a:.~..a~..~. ................ 19~..6..©, and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is granted. Dated: February 8th, 1960. Effective as of February 18, 1960. By Order of the Southold Town Board. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk. D FF~£RK -~OUTHOL~ L. ~., N. Y. AL~E~T W. R.ICIiM/IMD, bO.,~ du~y svo.vn, Clerk ~f tho T~ of S~u~old= t~t on the .~__ day of _Eeb~ua=~ , ~ , 19 60 , ~outh~ld T~ Clark's Office at ~u~hold, ~ ~s~nt t,. the provLolon8 ~f ~e ~ ~ T~ ~d. A copy of ~ ~nt lo a~ox~ Subs~rl~ ~ ~rn t~ ~y off. February__, 19~Q., / ~/~' /' ~ ~-. ~: ..~.' ,-,,,:~ ;.'.t/he'Build- ~he ~own of ,]~r' meet- II.rd held ~ .... ;i~~ of ~d of ~[~;~-:'fr~ ,~d' ~int COUNTY OF SUFFOLK !ss. STATE OF NEW YORK! Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- each week for ....... ~.~,~.,;..~...,//..ff...' J weeks man once successively, commencing on the ................ '[~[[i ............ day of ..... ..~ff~.~~....-w.: ..... 19.~..~.~ ~~';:' '~~ (1)'N'~° 5~.' ~:. ".~.~. ~:~'ihence (:~)B. ![~(L" "~'::: ' '~: feet; t~ . = -~en~ ~ said[ ?.~'~ '~' :.,~: ~ 7'~.: ..... :-.:~ ~.~' ~,~,: ~e o~11 ,~.~ :~ :~-.::-. k~ Sworn to before me th~s ........................ day of ? .~:; :... ~,~_.?~ ....... , ............. '~ ~2_~ , .... '_~-'~e or I Notary Public ~ / ' :~'~:'~'~ ~ ..... __ I Notary Pu ,[~c State of New '.. - ,:.;~5~'~-[ '~ ~- ..~ ........... ~ ~:~ ~- . ~ '~~ - .... , --' ~ence s. · · ~, ~,~..,,~::~ t,:-,,, ~ .... '~ ~,-' ~. ;~---~... ;~... ~:. ~: ~'~ ~.~,~'~.~.~.-m.~?l '-.-.w. ~,~ f~;-~~ '~'~..'. i ~' :~ ~ ' _*:;~~';"~ore or l~s. '," ~ ~.~ ~~on;'~ and I .... ~ ~t.. ~;j~-.. ,. . ,, ,, . .~- . .... :. ,.:: ..... x ... -. ~... c~ to M M~-: CI - t~ - land of 1.:..~. __ld~ ~ct the fol]owlng, .,:~~~s.~utes[ i t I..:,~~ · .-..~,.:~~ i ! ~. .... "¢ ~m.~ I Im ~a..~~ · i. ' '" ~~e / I~ ~ ~'~:~nt; :" '~": :" " W~ y / " : ''" "'" ::' '' ' /.l~:~'If:'~ --' :~{ ~~-~-- /. I ?,I:~. [:~d now or ~ -~ ~ ~~ ~.. ;. .,, ..../;-~ .... -- i :~ W. ~~~, pursuant 'to ~ of the thai after &. publio heartn~ held requireme.n~.~s o£ law, ~ Butldin~ Zone O~dinanoe ~din~ Zone )~.p) Of the ~ Now l'o~k ~ts duly held of. $outhold, a~ended at a regular District pro'petter to "B~ Business "~" Residential and Dis~tet the. following deser/bed All that eer~tn .t~aet or parcel of land situated at Mattltueks in the To~n o~ $outhold, Suffolk County, New ~o~~, a~ ~ore pa~tloula~ly bounded and dese~ibed u £ollovs ~ Be[tuning at line of .~~ Ro~, a ~nt on the southe~lF the northwe! .terly oo~ner of land o£ Fre~riek R. l~toham and the nor~- ea~'terl~ eorner 0£ land f~om said. point of rmm~ aloag said lt ne of ~'11 Road, 3 eou~ses, as £ollo".w~s !~. 23,° -%2' 30" E.-39.22 feetl thenee (2) S. 82o. Gl' 10- g. -138..~ ~eet~ thmnem (3) ~. feet to the present line of the "ti" Btm:tness Dlstriet~ thenoe along said bou~a~y line, 2 courses, u follows (1) S, 1~0 00' E,-A~O0. O fee tt thence ~o 00' E. 1~O feet, more cm. less, thenQe southerly alon~ said (2) $. to ~attttuek Creek, 1000 feet, mo~ ~attttu. ek c~ less, to ~ £iled in 'the Suffolk County Clerk,s Offlee u Lot P as shown o~ "Map of 8bore Acres- Pa~e · of ~ 'Ordtnanee 300 lost, more o~ less I thenoe th~oufh l~s .of F~ede~iek R. ]~tehnme 3 eo~s~ u follovs~ (~) a..aa z~', ~. ~3~ teet~ uam~. (3) x. ~o ~' W. -16~ feet to a mnusont on the bo~~~ said land of Fred®~lek R. Eote~ and land of .'oseph Leo O~~el thanes al~ ~atd boundar~ l~ne betwen sa~. lands of Eetobam end Leo Gr~e, R oou~ses, as follovsl (!) 11. 28° 20~ W. -3;2.?~' Feet to. & monmntt 'thenoe (2) ~. 814,o ~, It, O- W, ~0,08 feet to & ~nt a~ said 20- W'. -X39,27 feet to tho Distriet to '"~" ~ultt~e Res:Ldonee Dis -t~tet the follow~ dose, S. bed l~OPOZ'tyt All that ee~ traet or l~~l of land sit-used at O~'jo nt, Zu tho Team of Sour, hold, Suffolk County, Re/ ~ork, and. ant pa~tioulaFl7 bounded and. described as follovss ~gL_nn~tn~ at a .montuent at tho Ln~r- seetten of the westeFly line of .Main Street wi~h ~ south~~14~ ltn~ o£ the ~ Road j f~cm said potnt of beg l~.~g _r~~__.~ alon~ said vesterl~ line of ~ 15~eet, South l)~ d~g~eo 30 minutes F~ot ~.~2 feet to a monlalaont, and ]~~ ~ o1' foFn~rly o~ ~al*eo~an! thence al~ s&~d land o~ CorQc~sA, 2 oouraes, as £ol~o,,m s Page 3 Amendment No. Nort~ 63 degrees 20 ~nutes ~st-?0.0 feet.t thence (2) South ;~ defies 1~ s~nu~s ..~st-FT.0 feet to land said land of Hale, 3 oeuvres, u foLl o~J~ HoFt~ 6~ do~e 20 mS, nut, es West (2.) $ou~ ,26 d®~fj ii,9 mlnutaJs b/erst ~'~8.~ (3) North 80 de~t 18 mlnut, es ~e'st -20.9~ feet to an :lA-on pipe -and. land now o~ fo~uo~ly or* Bd,,m~ C11ngenl ~~ ~or~ s~td Xand of Cllngen, Nol, th al degrees ~+.~ mtnu.tel Eut -130.~ feet to an iron pipe ssouthoPly line. of tho J~Zn Reed! thence 81~ oo/d southerly (1) 5.~th ~:~ d~$ 02 nLtnutos ~t -2~[. ~ feet to a nonumontj thonoe South 8~ degrees 1~ minutes gut -70.31 feet to the point of beginning. DATED t 80UTH~D T.O~ BOA~ W. RIC.HHOHD CLERK PUBLIC HEARING' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. January 26, 1960 Present : HENRY TUTNILL, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, CounciLman LOUIS DEMAREST, Councilman ROBERT TASKER, ESQ., Town Attorney. SUPER%~/SOR TUTHILL: I will call the meeting to order. This meeting is a ¢ontination of a meeting that was recessed fr~m this afternoon until the present time. The first order of business is in regard to a hearing. I will read the legal notice: NOTICE- OF HE.NO ON PROPOSAL TO AMEND ZONING 0RDINANCE: Pu=suant to Section ~65 of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building 'Zone Ordinance of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 1.6 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on the 26th day of January, 1960, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance ('including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York: 5 By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and mort particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a mon.ument on the southerly line of Mill ~R~ad at the northwesterly corner of land of Frederick R. Ketcham on the northeasterly corner of land of Maurice 3 Galbu~t$ from said point ef beginning running along said southerly line of Mill 'Road, 3 courses, as follows: (1) N, 73° 52' 30" E. -39.22 feet; thence (2) S. 82° 01' 10" E. 1~8.46 feet; thence (3) S. 53~ 23' E -77. -6~ feet to the present bo~dary line of the "B" Business District; thence along said boundary line two ce.-mrses as follows :' (1) s. 14° 00' , E. -.-~.00 feet, thence (2) S. 84° O0 ' , E. 150 feet, more or less MattiSuck Creek; thence southerly along said Mattituck Creek, 1000 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of Lot P as "filed in tge Suffolk County shown on "Nap of Shore Acres, . Clerk Office as Map No. 41'; thence westerly along said lot P, BO0 feet, more..or less; thence through lands of Frederick R. Ketcham, .3 courses, as follows: (1) N. 11° 50' E. 720 feet, more &r less; thence (2) N. 8° 15' W. Zl.35 feet; thence (3) N. 53° 23' W. -165 feet to a monument on the boundary line between said land of Frederick R. Ketcham and land of Joseph Leo Grande; thence along said boundary line between said lands of Ketcham and Leo Grande, 2 courses, as follows: (1) N. 28° 00' W. -32.75 feet to a monument; thence (2) N. 84° 53' 40" W. 50.08 feet to a munument and said land of Maurice Galbu~t, N. 1° 58' ~O" W. -1~9.27 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 7 acres, more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the .proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: December BO, 1~59. By Order of the Southold Town Board Ralph P. Booth, Town Clerk. And here is a notice from the printer. State of New York County of Suffolk F. Langton Corwin, being duly sworn, says that he is printer and publisher of the Suff01k~.T~es, a newspaper publish. ed at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week for one week successively commencing on the eighth day of January, 1960. (signed) F. Langton ~.orwin. At this time we will hear anybody that wants to speak in favor of this particular amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. WILLIAM WICKHAM, ESQ., (Attorney for the applicant): Mr. Chairman, I would like to say a few words in behalf of Mr. Ketcham. I would like to give you a little h~.storical background for this applicatien. I represented Mr. Ketcham 5 when he purchased the property in January 1958. I think that we had entered into a contract in October. of 1957. .At that time, in looking at the zoning map we had felt that a good portion of the property at that time had been zoned "B" Comme~-¢ial, pa~t of which was known as the old Nagle,s ship yard. Mr. Nagles had used it for some years, and then. had sold it to a man by the name o£ Phelps who also acquired the adjoining parcel to the south. I think that the Nagles parcel is around 6 acres, and the other one somewhere in the. neighborhood of 9 · Phelps had continued to use the ship yard and as a matte~ of fact, had also used 'the other parcel in hi s ope rat ions. He not only did repair work but he purchased barges from different companies and dismantled them. As a matter of fact, much to cur distress, some of the barges still stayed there, and we had to go to the expense of having them removed. But I say this because I felt that even in the parcel that wasn't zoned for commercial that we had a non-conforming use. At that time Mr. Ketcham had in mind constructing a marina. He is in the dock building business in the metropolitan area. However,. he felt that the strain of his duties in that particular field in that section were too much to come out here and start a marina, So he does not want to dispose of the property, however, 6 and this fall.'he entered into a contract with a firm in Cutchogue te go in there and clean it up and take out the mess of barges, and make it a little more attractive. I am sorry that he can,t be here $onight; he planned to. He, however, did appear before the Planning Board and his 'testimony is on record there. He would like to have this, not all of it, he would like to have a portion of it to be commercial, roughly on a line going back about 150 ft. from the shoreline. He still has 7 or 8 acres to the west of that which he is willing new to leave in its present condition and p~obably that is the better method. We cannot conceive, however, how he could use the portion on the water which he is asking to change as a residential section. 11; is not suited for that for two reasens: the contour of the land° there there is only a short distance back fr~m the water that is level, and then it rises quite sharplY; and then, as you gentlemen knew, practically all of that immediate section in there is already commercial. North of Mill Road, or north of the section where the old bridge used to be, you have two restaurants and then considerable drop in space. On 'the east side, north of the bridge, is a section 'which is zoned commercial. On the east side and south of the bridge ther~ is a parcel there of 2 or 3 acres, at the least,. that has been zoned commer~:~l since our zoning laws went int. 7 effect. And as a matter of fact, all a~ound that section you do have commercial zoned properties. We feel that this can be used te advantage commercially, and he would like. te enter into a long term lease with someone te have a commercial venture there. I daresay that such would be in good taste because anyone who develops it would have to put in a lot of money. There is no question about that, to work it out over a long period of time, and with the continued and improving use of the channel and the .marina not only for pleasure boats but for commercial boats,~ we feel that area could well take advantage of that. As I say again, we are not asking for the whole area to be changed to a B District. certain portiGn of it already is~ although that map shows a smaller space than we had thGught when we purchased the property. HoweVer~ it is commercial, and we are asking for an eXtension ef that, not to cover the whole acreage which he o~ns, but to cover the shore front which I feel has been, when we took it over, used as a non-conforming use. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anybody else who wishes to speak in favor of this amendment? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anybody who wishes to speak against it? 8 There ~s no response. ) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL ~ Is there anybody that wishes speak either for or against~ or has anything to say at all in the matter? (There was no ~esponse. ) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Well, if not I will declare the hearing closed. 9 On motion of Mr. Tuthill, seconded by Mr. Clark, and unanimously carried, the application to amend the Southold Town Building Zone 0~dinance by Frederick R. Ketcham was granted. All the members of the Board v~ted to g~ant ~he application Rursuant to the following~ resolution. WHEREAS ~ederick R. Ketcham petitioned the Town Board for a change-of zone of certain property des.cr~ibed in said petition from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, and WHKRE~ the said petition was ~eferred to the Planning Board for its official recommendation and report; and WHERE~ the ToE. Board held a hearing on said petition on January 26, 1960, at which time all interested persons given an opportunity to be heard~ Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance, including the Southold Town Building Zone Maps, be amended by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultumal District to "B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Mattltuck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument on the southerly line of Mill. 10 Road at the northwesterly corner of land of Frederick Ketcham and the northeasterly 'corner of land of Maurice Galburt fr~m said point of beginning running along said southerly' line of Mill ~ad, 3 courses, as follows~ (1) N. 73o 52' 30"' E. -39.22 feet; thence (2) S. 82° o1' 10" E. -138.~6 feet; thence (3) S. 53~ 23' E. -77. -64 feet to the present boundary line of the "B" Business District, thence along said bo dar7 line, 2 courses, as follows~ (1) S. 1~°00' E. ~00 feet, thence (2) S. 8.~-O 00' E.. 150 feet, more or less, to Mattituck Creek; thence sou. therly along said Mattituck Creek, 1000 feet, more or less, to the northerly iine of Lot P as shown on "Map of Shore Acres" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map ~o. ~1; thence westerly along said Lot ~, 300 feet, more or less; thence through lands of Frederick R. Ketcham, couPs-es, as follows~ (1) N. 11.050' E. 720 feet, more or less; thence (2) N. 8.0 15' W. ~35 feet; thence (3) N. 53° 23' W. -165 feet to a monument on the boundary line between sald]s~d of Frederick R. Ketcham and land of Joseph Leo Orande; thence along said boundary line between said lands of Ketcham and Leo Grande, 2 courses, as ll follows: (I) N. 28° 00', 20" W. -32.75 feet to a monument: thence (2) N. 84° 53' ~0" W. 50.08 feet to a monument and said land of Maurice Galburt; thence along said land of Galburt, N. 1° 5t' 20" W. -139.27 feet to the point of beginning Containing 7 acres, more or less. Be ir further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby authorized to p~s~ and publish notice of the adoption of this ordinance as required by law. 12 SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: This second part of this notice is a continuation of the one p~eviously read and concerns the next parc.el that was adv.ertised: By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: All that certain t~act ~r pamcel of land situated at Orient, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yo~k, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument at ~he intersection of the Westerly line of Main Street, with the southerly line of the Main Road; from said point of beginning munning along said Weste'rly line of Main Street, south 1~ degrees 30 minutes East 94.42 feet to a monument, and land now or forme~ly of Oorcoran; thence along said land of Corco~an, 2 courses, as follows: (1) North 63 degPess 20 minutes West -70.0 feet; thence -(2) South 26 degrees 1~ minutes west -57.0 feet to land ~now or .for~erly of Hale; thence along said land of Hale, 3 couz'ses, as follows: (1) 'North 63 degrees 20 minutes West - 1 t; 5 .62 fee thence South 2'6 degrees 49 minutes West -28.0-2 feet; thence (3) North 80 degrees 18 minutes West -20.93 feet to an iron pipe and land now~ or formemly of Edward Clingen; thence 13 along said land of C!ingen, North 21 degrees ~5 minutes East -1Bo.5~ ~eet to an iron pipe on said southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said ~ southerly line of the Main Road 2 courses, as follows: (1) South 82 degrees 02 minutes .East -25.57 feet to a monument thence South 83 degrees 15m~nutes East -70.31 feet to the point of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: December 30, 1959. By Order of the Southold Town Board RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. I have an affidavit of the printer: F. Langton Co-win, being duly swo~n, says. that he is printer and publisher of the Suffolk Times, a newspaper published at G~eenport, in said o.ounty; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in th'e said Suffolk Times once in each week, for one week succeesively commencing on the eighth day of January, 1960. (si.gned) F. LANGTON CORWIN. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anybody here that wishes 14 to speak in favor of this proposed amendment? LILLIAM M. BRUSH: I am the owner of that little parcel and I weuld very much like to make apartments in that h~use and have it rezoned so I could do that. It seems to me that the way the hous'e has been, it has been rather neglected~ and I think that apartments would be a paying p~oposition and would give me an opportunity of fixing it up, etc. I would just like to have you zone it that way for me. SUPERVISOR T1~ILL: Is there anybody else whe wishes t~ speak in favor of the said proposed (There was no mesponse. ) amendment? SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: If not, is there anybody that wishes to speak again, s't the p~oposed amendment? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anybody who wishes to speak on the"~'amendment either for or against, or anybody wh.O has anything to say either one way o~ the other? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR TUTHI~LL: Well., if not, I wil! dec late the hea~ing closed on that particular amendment. On motion of M~. Demareat, seconded by and unanimously carried, the application of Lilliam M. Brush to amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold was granted pursuant to ~he following resolution. All the members of the Board voted to grant the application. ~~-.REAS Lilliam M. B~sh petitioned the Town. Board for a change of zone of' certain p. rope~ty described in sai.d petition from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District; and ~¢HEREAS the said petition was ~eferred' to the Planning Board for its official recommendation and report; and WHEREAS the Town Board held a hearing on said petition 'on January 26, 1960, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard; Now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Tewn Building Zone Ordinance, including the Southold Town Building Zone Maps be amended by changing f'rom "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at 0rte'nt, in the and~part i cularly Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: 16 Beginning at a monumemt at the intersection of the Westerly line of M~in Street with the southerly line Road; from said point o£ beginning ~unning along said line of Main Street, South 1~4 degrees 30 minutes East of the Mai~ Westerly feet to a monument, and land now o~ formerly of Co~coran.; thence along, said -land of Co~coran, 2 courses, as follows: (1) North 63 degrees 20 minutes West -?0.0 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 12 minutes West -5?.0 feet to land now or formerly of Hale; thence along said land of Hale, courses, as follows: (1) North 63 degress 20 minutes West -51.6R feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 4'9 minutes West -28.02 feet; thence~ (3) North 80 degrees 18 minutes West -20.93 feet to an ~ iron pipe on said southerly line .of Main Road; thence along said southerly line of the Main Road, 2 courses as follows: (1) South 82 d ogrees 0R minutes East -25.5Y feet to a mon~aent; thence (2) South 83 degrees 15 minutes East -70.B1 feet to the point of beginning. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED that ~he Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized to post and publish notice of the adoption of this amendment as required by law. line of Main Street with the ~outherly llne of the Main Road; from said point of beginning :,run- nlr~g along said Westerly llne of Main Street, South 14 degrees 30 mlnutes East 94.42-feet to a ,monument, and hand now or for- merly of Corcol~an; .thence along said land of COrcoran, 2 course~, as follow~' (1) North 63 d.i~grees 20 minutes West -?0.0 lest; thence (2) South 26 degrees 14 minutes ~west -57.0 feet to land now or ~onnerly of Hale; ther~ce along said land of Hale, 3 courses, as ~follows' ~ (1) North 63 degrees 20 minat~s West ~51.62 feet; then~ (2) South 26 degas 49 minutes W~t -.28.02 feet; thence (3) North 80 degreea 18 minutes Wast -20.93 feet to an iron pipe and land now or formerly of Edward Clin%~n; thence along ~aid land of Clingen, North 21 degrees 45 minutes East -130.54 In the the - .~bove ~ec~ied. DATED' 30 ,19 9. , ':.Matti- ~k~uthold, and ' ahd 1,tJ8 ~., · . · O11 ~d ss: being duly Sworn, ."i .8~i ·/53..~. "W. 504}8' feet' '"~'":.~~t, -~d s~ .'l~d~ o~' _<' con:tal~~:'~-~~, m~e or less. .:-:~'.~: B~:'.~~n~,from "A' R~i- ~':~--'.~~w~g de~.~ .prope~y:_ :.~.:'...'.-' ~ 'that ~~~ :~~t. 0r .'pa=eel ~' ~~~". ~ew~Yo~, and-mo~e par- ' ,S::':" ,0°q~r .se~.,'''aa' follows:. (1) S. 14° .a ~:~:'~. ~;.:[~. 1~ ',.feet, more or le~:to ..... ~f~~~t~k 0~;. m~e ~'uth- , -.~: ..'~~: :a~ng · ~id. ~ttit~ Cr~k, ~:::~, :,~.,~~ ~ (1).~. N-,: '11 ' ],..,'~."~,.a..mon~e~t 5n ~e~,:~~d~ J.."..:. :~~..:,., ~~~,,',. ~d '. land. ~ ~ ":~~ R,.,K~m ~d-' l~d "'~'.~a-):?~:',~. ~" ~-':..,W..~.~, ~eet ~feet to an iron pipe on said' .... southerly line of ,the Main .Road; 'ater and Publisher o.f the, SUFFOLK ~thenoe along said south ,arly lin,el of th~ Main Road, 2 courses as,.[shed at Greenport, in said county; :follows' .(1) South 82 degrees 02 mlnutes~ich the annexed is a printed copy, East-25.57 feet to a monument;; ,therme ! said Suff, olk Times once in each (2) South 83 degrees 15 minutes Fast -'/0.31 feet to the point of .......................................... weeks beginning. Any per~n desiring to be heard[n the ............. ~,..~...~.(~i-~IL.,~/ ........................ on the proposed amendmenta,!. 19.~..~..:.. should appear at the time and place ............. BY Oi~DER ,OF TIlE , ~-'~:~'~-: ....... SOUTttOT,D TOWN BOARD NOT ICE' OF ]~E.~ING ON ?~0POSAL Pursuant ..to Section ~6~ off the To~n La~ and .~,t~ele IX the Bu~dtn~'~ O~ln~ee o£ -.the Town o£ Southold, Suffolk County, New' York, a ~u,~te he~~n~ ~ 'be held by the ~outhold Town Board at the office of 'the 5upe~isor, 16 South Street, 6~een.port, New YoFk, ~n ,said To~m on the R6~ day of Janu~¥, 1960, at ?s3'O o'el.. ~k in the even~ of ia~d day, on the L'.-ollov~ proposals to as~r~ the Bu~ld~ Zone Ordinance (~uol~~ $~e Bu~d~~ ~a~) of the Town of $outb~ld, Suffolk County, New Yo~k~ 11 By ehan~h~ froa ~A# l~sidenti~ and A~r. ieultu~~ All that ee~ta~ tr&et or pa~eel of ~ ttua~ at Nattituek ~u ~ ~~ of ~u~ld, e.~~ ~~ of 1~ of h~ioe ~b~tl 8. 82° 01, 1~-t. ~8.~ ~tt ~en~ ~ ) (~) S. !~v ~' 1. ~.~,0 feett the-n~ (~) 8. ~ ~e E, 1'50 feet, ~~ or less, to ~tti~ek C~ek~ t~n~ i~tP~rly ~~ said ~ttit~k ~k, 1~ f~t, ~ o~ les. s, to t~ no~~rly f~ed in ~ 8~folk Cowry ~e~kel Off~ · M ~~ No. ~11 t~n~ ~s~-rly ~o~ said ~t P, ~~ ~eet, ~ o~ lessl ~n~ ~h ~l of ~e~risk a. ~~. 3 e~ses, ~ fo~o~~ eR) N. 8- 150 W. ~35 f~tl th~~ (3) N. ~o 23' W. -165 ~et ~ a m I~ b~n said 1~ of ~~ez't~ R. b t~u ~~~ 1~ ~~en said l~$ x- w. ~n~~!~ 7 a.~s, ~~ ~ less, Legal Not lee Residential Agricultural D is ~ let -to -Mn ~t. iple Res idenee 'D!atr.iet the following deaeribed prope~ty~ All that certain traet or parcel of land situated at 0rtent, in -the Town .of 5outhol~, 5.uffolk County, New ~or.k, .and more partieul, arl.7 bounded and described a~ foll~~ Beg~~~g at a monument at the seetl.o~ of the Westerly lino .of .14w~tn Street ~th' the southe.r-ly line of ,the Ms..in Road fr~ said point of begtrm~.~ .~t~ alon~ 8aid ~e~~~ly lZue e~ Main $1m~et ~outh 1~ degreez 30 minutes East ~+o~2 ~eet ~c a ~tt_, and land now foFmo~.ly of Co-eot'an thence, along ~aid land ~ ¢oreoran , as £ollows ~ (1) No~th 63 de. em 20 miautem West -70.0 feett thenee (2) South 26 degrees 1~. minutes west. - %7'.0 feet to land n~' o z' formerly.., of hlel the'nee a _le~g ~aid land of Hale. -~_ eeur~e~ t aa foX_lows (1) ~or.t~ 63 degree~ 26 minutes West-%1.6~ (2) -$ou~h 26 del~es t+9 mtnu~$ Wes~ ~eet -to.' .an Lrcm pipe and land now or £o~merly of '-l~dwa~d Clingenl tAenee along said land of Clinge~n,, No~~ ~ degrees ~~ atnutel East -130,~ feet to an iron pipe on said southerly.. line of the- Main Roadl thence along aai~ southerly line of the South ~2 deg~es 02 minutes to a ~~__~~nti thenoe South 83 degr~..es 1% minutes to the aa follows m as.t East -70.31 Any' per, son des tgn~ to. be heard on the pro posed ~_,~_n-ts should appea~ a.t the ~ime and plaee above specified. DATE~,Ds Deeember 30, 19~9. .BY ~DER CF THE EI;OU~.H .OLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH T0.~ CLERK Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John '~/ickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young ~,~il liam Unke].bach Report to: December 18, 19~9 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the $outhold Town Planning Board at its meeting on December 15, 19~9: In the matter of the petition of Frederick R. Ketcham for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, certain real property situated at Mill Road, Mattituck, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument on the southerly line of Mill Road at the ne thwesterly corner of land of the applicant and the northeasterly corner of land of M~urice Galburt; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Mill Road, 3 courses, as follows: (1) N. 73° 52' 30" E. -39.22 feet; thence (2) S. 82° Ol' 10" E. -138.~6 feet; thence (3) S. 5~° 23' E. -77.6~ feet to the existing "B" zone; thence along said existing "B" zone, 2 coktrses as follows: (1) S. l$°O0' E. -gO0.O feet; thence (2) S. 85° 00' E. 1%0 feet, more or less, to Mattituck Creek; thence southerly along said Mattituck Creek, 1000 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of Lot P as shown on "Map of Shore Acres", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. ~l; thence westerly along said Lot P, 300 feet, more or less; thence thru land of the applicant, 3 courses, as follows: (1) N. ll° ~0' E. 720 feet, more or less; thence (2) N. 8°1~' W. ~35 feet; thence (3) N. ~3° 23' W. -16~ feet to a monument on the boundary between said landor the applicant and land of Jos. Leo Grande; thence along said boundary between said lands~ 2 courses as follows: (1) Report to: Southcld To~rn Board -2- Recommendation: ~¥ederlck R. Ketcham N. 28° O0' 20" W. -32.75 feet to a monument; thence (2) N. 8W° 53' ~0" W. .~O.O8 feet to a monument and sa~d land of Maur~ce Galburt; thenc~ along said land of Galb~rt, N. 1° 57' ~O W. -~9.27 feet to the point of beg~nning. Containing abo~t 7 acres$ it is hereby RESOLVED thst the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board th~ change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District t.o "B" Business District on the a~'orementioned prcperty. Map by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son as surveyed for Frederick R. Ketcham, December 6, 1959. The Planning Board has visited this property and feel that since the area has been used for nothing but business and is bounded on the northea st corner by "B" Business, and all four corners of the intersection of Mill Road and Mattituck Creek where the old bridge was removed is zoned "B" Business, this would be an enlarge- ment or extension of the present "B" Business District. Further, the Planning Board is of the opinion that some business development of the waterfront is in the best interests of the Towr~ of Southold. Very truly yours, Archibald N. Young, Acting Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board /jb OFF; SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. John ~'I:i ckha!'s Chaiimlan; Scutho!d Town ?.nnin f ~oard Cutcho~'uet ~k.!,.,' York [)ear Mr. ;..tick,him. The a?p!ication of Frederick R. Ketcham of' Mattituck~ New Ycrk~ for a change of zone from "A" .desidentiai and Agricu]f.:zral District to "B" Business District as siiown on ameifded description and attached map~ is in the files in the office of th~ } lannin£ Beard et Southold~ New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditicna described in the petition and determine the erea so affected with the recommendation of yol~r P. oar,'~. Ve~'~~ truly yours Ra~c o th To,,m Clerk LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICkHAM MATTITUCk, lONg iS LaNd NEW YORK MATT. 9- 8331 l'iovembe:~ s3,]-asa ~ntlemen.' · ~ P~ deri ~--~ '"' t. Re Application o~ ~e c~ I. :~c: cb_an en ~f of ~de~ic~' i"2etcha.m I enclose a~ended description +~ . ~or his application for change of zone together with a map showing the proposa~. ~,E~ · mae Enc !. Verycordially yours, .- BEGXiINXNG at & monument on the southerly lSne of Hill ~oad at the no~th- westerly co~ne~ of land of the applicant and the northeasterly co~ner of land of ~ce Galbu~t~ f~om said point of beginning r~Anning along said southerly line of ~'11 Road, 3 courses, as follows ~ _. ~.. (1) 'N. 73° 52" 30'..E. ~~ ~2 feet~ thence [2) S. 82° 01' 10" E. -138.~6 feetl, theno® {.3)' S.~ ~3' E. -77.6~ feet to ~e existi~ "B" zonel thence alo~ said e~ating ~B" zone, 2 o~~ses, ~ follows~ (1) 8. 1~° 00~ E. -~00.0 feett ~ence (~) S. 0~° 00~ E. 1~0 feet, mo~e o~ less, to Hattituck C~eek~ thence southerly along said Mattituck C~eek, 1000 feet, mope or less, to the noPthePly line of Lot ~ as shown on ~Ha.p of Sho~e Ac~®I", filed in the Suffolk County Cle~k-~a Office aa ~ap #o. [~lt thence westerly alon~ said Lot ~, 300-feet, .more o~ less~ thence thru land of the applicant, 3 oou~oeo, as follows~ (1) N. 11° 50' E. 720 fee~, mo~e o~'lea~ thence (~ ~. O° 1~'.-¥. [~3~ feett theknce (3} N. 53° 23' W. -16~ feet ~o a monument on the boundax-y betwean said land of the applicant and land of Jos. ~eo O~andel thence along said boundary between said lands, 2 courses, am follows{ (1) N. 28° 00' 20" W. -32.75 fee~ to a mon- ument~ thence (2) N. 8~° %3' ~0" W. 50.05 feet to a monument and said land of NAu~iee Galburt] thence along said land of Galbu~, N. 1° 57s 20" ¥. -139.27 feet to the point of beginning. Contehing about 7 ao~es. May 12, 1959 Bruce MaeDonald Box 461 Eaet Setauket, L.I., N.Y. Dear Sir; a change of The p_a~_~_~n~___~ng Board held zone over to their next the application of F. Rogers Ketcha~ for meeting. The Board will meet next in the Town Clerk's Office, Main Street, Southold, on Mr~y 26t, h 1959 at 7:45 P.M.E.D.S.T. They would like to discuss plans for the use and development of the property im question t:~fore t~king any further steps in the case. Y our s truly Building Inspector SOUThOID TOWN CLERK'S RALPH P. BOOTH, CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, N. Y. OFFICE May 6, 1959. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L. I., N. Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The of F. ROGERS KETCHAM of Mill Mattituck, N.Y., relative to of zone fDom "A" Residential Agricultural District to "B" District, is in the files in office of the Planning Board $outhold, New York. or iginal petition Road, change and Business the at to prepare an t~e condit ions and determine with You are instructed offic&al report defining described in ~he petition the area so effected the recommendation of your Board. RPB/mr Very truly otb Town Clerk your s, CASE NO. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK PETITION AMEND MENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF COUNT Y, NEW YORK. eee~~eeeee~~~e~e~e~e~~e~e~eee~eeee~e~~eeee~e~ee~~~e~e~e~~~e~ee~~~e~eee~~ee~~~e~~ TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. · I, .......... F. Ro-,~ers Ket c ham *oeeeeeeeoeee eeo~eeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeoee.eoeeeeo~ eoe~e (i~e~ ~~e o~ ~e~i~io~e~) residing at . Shore Road,. Haleslte.. eeeoe eeeeeeeeeee oeeeeeeeeee eooeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeoeee eeeeee Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the. owner of certain real property situated at Mill Road, Mattituok .................................................................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: B.e~innlng at. a point on the West. side of Matti%.~ck 0reek about 1200' South of MAll Road, running thence along the' Northerly side of prop- erty known as.Map ocr S,ho~r,e, Acres (M,ap ~l)oon,th,e following ,six eou~oaes and distances. N'77 5~ 50 W for 2~8 N 8. · 10 ~ ' ,' , o , , , 3 33 for 31.2~ , N 80 .2.7~_4o0_~,_~_o~_56_.:L0 ,_ N ,89 20 20'W :for 42.60', S 78°~0'20"'W :fo~ m_oy ~O 50 w,for 76..59 to a monument; thence alon~ the ~~mt.~~S t¥1'_~[ , ,, z~_~ _uu._. ~-o.r ~9.~2' to a potnt; thenoe alon8 the ~zae oz proper~y oz ~osepn ~eo Grande 9~ the_ follow[ four. ooUr es d:Lsta · o , , , o ~ , nl~ · and rices. ~ 81 ~ ~0 E for 1~? ~ :L Ol " · , , 7 CO E for 47 .1. N 28 W ' o , ,, , 3 9 , O0 20 _ for 32.75 , N 84 53 40'W for 50.08 to a monument; thence along the Easterly side of property of Maurice Galbert N lO57'20"W for 139-.27' to a monument on the South side of Mill Road; %hence along the Southerly, side of Mill Road the following ~hree courses and distances: o 30"E for . 'o , . . . , N 22' $82 , o , , 73 52 · 39 , O1 10 E for 138.46 S "2 ' ' point on the South side of Mil . · , 55- 300 E for 77.64 to: a '~ : -- .' 1 Road, thence along the Westerly and Southerly aides, of th.e t~eaoent,"B'.' Business Zo, ne %he_followln~ two ?ou~..s. ea_and distances. S 14 O000 E about ~00 , S 84~00'00"E about 150' · o the ~ea~.~ side of Mattltuok Creek; thence Southerly along said 0reek about 1000' to the point or place of be inn · · - , g lng. aa shown on the a~t- a~hed map. J do Hereby petit/ca the Tow~ Boord of the Tow~ of $outhold to chon§e, modify o~d omead the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of So uthold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows- Change the zoning from "A" whole property will be '.'B." Residential to Business zone. "B" B.ualness so that 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: a. A port,on is now zoned 'B" Business and the whole area has been used for nothin~ but busln®s~. b. The ehan~e would not ehar~e the oharlcter of neighborhood. (L. S.) ..... STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS: , COUNTY OF ~ kCCr~ ~, ) ................................................ , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters h.e believes it to be true. (L. S.)... ~worn tn h~fnr~ m~ CASE NO' eeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeleleeee STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PETITION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK AMEND MENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF COUNT Y, NEW YORK. eee~eeeeeeeeee~eeeeeeeeeee~eeeeeeeeeeeeeee~eeee~eee~eeeeeeeeeeeeee~eeeeeee~eee~ TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD' 1. I (insert name of petitioner) residing at .....~..~..o..?..~.....~...o..~..~..~.....~.~~.~.~..~. ...... Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, om the. owner of certain real property situated at Mill Road, Ma~i%~o~ ........ and more particularly bounded and described as follows' eeeo®oo eeeeeoeeeeeeeeeooeeeeo ~eeeeeeeeoeeeeee oeeeeeeeeeeoee · B-e~inn~ng ~t a po~n~ on t. he West stye of Mat~t~uc~ 0ree~ abou% 1200' South of Mill Road, running ~hence alon~ %he Nor%herly side of prop- er~y known as Map o_f Shore Acres (Map ~41)_on the following six eo-u~_oes and dt~'tances. N 77 55 50 W for 248 , N 83 35 10 W for 31.25 , N 80 I tt I O I ti I O I tl 1 ~? 40 ~ to~ 56o10 ~ ~ 89 ~0 ~0 ~ for 4~.6.0 ~ ~ 78 4..0 ~0'~ for 67.~4 ~ N 87°'~6'50"W,for 76.59' t.o a monument; thence alon~ the Easterly side of property of Nicholas Chudiak on the following-four o.ourses and dis- O I II I O I 1t %ance~: N 6.°12~'50"W for 2~5.80', N 14 26 50 W,f'or 142.21 , N 0 15 00"E L,I t tt I for 357', N 13 39-O0 W for $9.82 to a point; thence along the Easterly aide of property of Joseph Leo Grande 9n the followln~ four courses and . O t It I O I Il I L,I t II c~l~t~nc~e~. ES 8]. 32_~0 ~ ~or lit ~ ~ 1T O100 ~ for 4T~.:1.9 ~ N 28 O0 20 I ~ I I1 W for 32.75 , N 8~, 53 40'W for 50.08' to a monument; thence alon~ the E&aterly alde of p~operty of l~u~lce Oalber% N 1°~7'20"W for 139.27' %o a monument on the South side of Mill Road; thence along the Southerly side of Mill Road t.he following ~hree courses and distances: N 73052' 30"E for ~9-22', S82°Ol'lO"E for 138.46', S 55°23.'00"E for 77-64' to: point, on the South side o-f ~111 Road; thence along the Westerly and Sou%herly sides, of the ~~eaen% "B" Business Zone the following two courses, and d~stanees: S 14°00' OO"E about 400 ', ~ 8~°00' O0"E .about 150 ' %o the Wes% s de of Mattltuck Creek; thence Southerly along said Creek about 1000' to the point or place of beginning; aa shown on the . do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to chonge, modify ond omend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows' · 0han6e the zoning from "A" Residential to "B" B.ualness. so that my whole property will be ,!B_" Business zone. . Such request is made for the following reasons' a. A portion ia now zoned "B" Business and ~he has been used for nothln~ but business. b. The change would not chan~e t.he character of whole area nelEhborhood · (L. S.) ..... STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS' COUNTY OF ~-~rx~- ) ~,,,~--~ -~.. ,,,. / ........................................................................... , Bi:lNG DULY SWORN, deposes ond soys thot he is the petitioner in the within oction~ thor he ho s reod the fore§oino Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. (L. S.) .... " ..~ Sworn to before me 'l, ee cecile / eeee e e el this .z(.:.~...day of ~ /. /'~ Notary Public, (.. ELIZABETH G. REID Notary Put-,~ic - State ..of New Yor~ No. ':~4.3 ;:.--~ 7300 Cert. i--iie, d ir',. ?.;~.vv ',"c:'k County Co;','~missio~ Expires March 30, 't 95I Apeil 22~ 1959 Bruce D. Macdonald Rt. 25A, Box 461 East Setauket, N.Y. Dear Sir; At the request of the Town Board ! am returning the original application of F. Rogers Ketcham for change of Zone on his property at Ma ttituck inlet fro~ ~A# residential and Agricultural to "B" business district. The Board wants an application filed excluding the portion of this pm:q~rty already zom~l "B# busings, toge%her with a ~p of the prol~rty showing the present #B district and_ the balance as asked for in the application for a change. If we have the application by ~ay 5th the Board will then forward it to the Planning Bo~:~ at their next~ me, ting- probably 1~¥ 12th. I would suggest contacting Otto W. VanTuyl & son, Engineers, Greenport, 1~..I. on this ~tt~r, as they lmve the ~p~ and inforrmtion in their o£fice. Enclosed is a receipt for the fee submitted with the original application and which we are holding p~nding receipt o£ the armendod application. Trusting that you will act promptly on this matter, Yours truly Howard Terry Build lng Inspector WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....I!..I...IJ..~..~...,'~,....I~.t...~...~..O...~..~. ........................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from .'.'..~..'.'...~.e.~.~.e...~..~...a..J:.~..~..~.~....~...~..~..~.~.~..]:~...~...a...~. .......................... District to ........... '.'.M..'.'.....~.9.1...~.~..]r..e...~.e..s..~.~..e...~..~...e. ...................................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... .2..~..~..~.. ........ day of ............ ~..~.~...a~..y. .................. 19~'.~°..0, and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is grantecl. Dated~ Februar~ 8'ok, ].960. E££ect;].ve all o£ Fel~'uar~ 18, 1960. By Qrdm: o£ the southold Toten Albert W. T~n clerk. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE' AMENDMENT No. 32.' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after a public hearing held.:purstmnt to the requirements of laW,. the Build- lng Zone Ordinance ~irtclUdiilg.the' Building Zone Map) of 'the- ToWn at' Southold, Suffolk County; New York,i was ,duly amended at a regular meet-. ing of the Southold Town Board .held-' on January 26, 1960, as follows' 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Busi- ness Districi the following described property' All that Certain tract or parcel of. land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follow~: Beginning at a.monument on the southerly line of 'Mill Road at, tl~e northwesterly corner of land of Frederick R. Ketcham and the northeasterly corner of land of lVfaurice Galburt' from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Mill i~oad, 3 courses, as follows' (1) N. 73 ° 52' 30" E. 39.22 feet' thence (2) S. 82° 01' 10" 'E.--138.46 feet; thence (3~ S. 53° 23' E.--77.64 feet to the pre- sent bouridary line of the "B" Busi- ness Distl~ict' thence ~long, said boundary line, 2 courses, as follows' (1) S. 14° 00' E.---400.0 feet; thence (2) S. 84° 00' E. 150 f.eet, more or less, to Mattituck Ol-~,~k; thence southerly along said Mattitucl~ Creek, 1000 feet, more .0. r less, to the~ northerly line of Lot P .as shown on "Map of Shore Acres", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as ~lap No. 41- thence. ~.esterly along said Lot P, 300 feet, more or less; thence through lands of Frederick R. Ketcham, 3 ':courses, as follows: (1) N. 11° 50' E.--~'D,0'feet, more or less; thence (2) N.'8° 15' W.--435 feet; thence (3) N;. li3'..'23' W.--165 feet ~o a monument On .t~e boundary. line between said ~nd .of Frederick ' R. Ketcham and 19;nd. of Joseph Leo Grande' the,q~e along said boundary line betw~~ said lands of Ketcham and I_;eb Grande, 2 courses, as follows' (1) N. ~26~.~00' 20" W.~ 32.75 feet to a monument; thence (2) N. 84° 53' .40" W..--50.08 feet to a-monument and said ..~l~n.. d~.of,Mau- rice Oalburt' thence along said4and of Oalburt, N. 1° 57' 20" W.--139.27 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK l STATE OF NEW YORK ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... .. . weeks successively, commencing on the ............ ~.. ........... day of .......... 19..,,..~, Sworn to before me this ....... .~..~.. ............ ..... day of Notary Pu r, .(1) , ADELE PAYNE Notary Pui.",ic, State of New York ties;d,;;.; in ~u~folk County [.Io. 52-3C'41000 Commission Expires March 30..1.9;m/ feet the.. point of beginning. '' (S)'!~. h .to .... ., Cofitainir/~ 7 acre~, more or' tess. '~t Wes~~ ~:;L~.:and 2. By changing from "A" Residential [i{~ ~d n-~' ~~~,'C,.- . . ..- .-.,-.,,,- ,, ,, ~'~.'~',. and AgrzculJ~al-Dz~lrzct~o M ~ul- ,': · ' t~ ' '~o ' ' land o[. . . · . ,. . . . . ,o,,o~,,~ .~li ..... jt,ple Reszdence Dzstnct the or~,~l: ' ~es .'~ -....~. }~t certain traqC o~, ~cel ]!.{,'~:. .... · ~. .?.. ~. .~.-; .~; ..... ~,..,., ~ ~ : , .... , · '' New YorkShire ua~iv{ {~ '~ows: . .;<,.,~. ' ',.j.., ' [. bounded and~d, ,~1~'~: ,,~l,it [" inte~ectton of the w~sterly line of]l:~<~''.~ce "' [ Main Street ~th t,e southerlY'~e II~f~: ~~ = '~':~ ~~s of ..the ~tn Ro~;. ~rom ~atd ,~int [ westerly South II 14 degrees 30 ~n~ Eas~ 94.~ feet l~ ~-.'..~. ~y~.~.' .... ~ ...... ~~ .... '~ · to a monume~t~:~n~ land now or ll J~" '. .... --';'-'"'~ ..... ~~'-~~-~'~' f -' . ' .~:, ormerly of ~orcoran; thence along Il ~:: said land of Corocoran 2 CouPes Ii ., :. ~.~i' w. ~~~.:.. NOTI~ OF OF ZONING AMENDMF~NT NO. 3a NOTICE IS ~X GIVEN, that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance (including the ~. ld~ Zone Map) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York was duly amended at a regular meeting i of the ~.outhold Town Board held on January 26, 1~60, as follows~ 1. By ehanging~om "l" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property, All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Mattlt~k, in the To~n of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, and sore particularly bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at a monument on the southerly line of .Hill Road at the northwesternly corner of land of Frederick R. Xetch~ and the north- easterly corner of land .of Maurice Galburt~ from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Mill Road, 3 courses, as follows (1) N. 73° 52 ' 30" E. -39,22 feet I thence (2) S. 82° 01' 10" E. -138.~+6 feet; thence (3) $. 53 o 23 ' E. -77.6~ fee t to the present boundary line of the "B" Business Dist=ict~ thence along said Boundary line, 2 courses, aa follow~ ~ (1) ~.. 1~° 00. E..A+O0.0 feet ~ thence (2) S. ~+o 00. E. 1%0 feet, more or less, to Mattituck Cree.k~ thence southerly along said Mattituck Creek, 1000 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of Lot P as shown ~ "Map of Shore Acres", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Page 2 - NotiCe of Amendment of Zoning Ordinance Ame~nt No. 32 Map No. -~1~ thence westerly along said Lot P, 300 feet, more or less ~ the.nee through lands of l~ederiek R. Xetc~, ~ courses, as follows~ (1) N. 11° ~0, E. ?2.0 feet, more or !ess ~ thence feet; thence (3) ~. %~. o 23' ~. -16.% feet to a monument on the boundary line between said land of Frederick R. Xetch~ and land of ~oseph Leo Grar~e~ thence along said bour~ary line between said lands of Xeteh~ and Leo Grande, 2 eou~..ses, as follows ~ (1) N. 28° GO' 2.0" W. -~2.?~ feet to a monumentt thenoe (2) ~. 8~° %~ ' ~0" W. %0.08 feet 'to a monument and said land of Maurtce Galburt~ thence along said land of Galburt, N. 1° point- of beginning 20" W. -139.27 feet to the Containing ? acres, more or less. By chang lng fr om "A" Re s id ential and Ag r i cul rural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following deeeribed prcperty~ Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Or~ent, in the To~n of ~outhold, Suffolk 0ounty, New ~ork, and more particularly bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at a ~on~nt at the inter- section of the westerly line of Ma~ Street with the s outhe'rly line of the Main Road! from said point of ~eginning rumu~ along said westerly line of ~ain Street, South degrees 30 ~lnutes East ~+.~2 feet to a monument, and land now or formerly of Coreoranl thence along said land of Corcoran, 2 courses, as follows Page Notice. of Amendment of Zoning Ordinance Amendment ~o. 32 North 63 degrees 20 minutes West -?0.0 feet~ thenee South 26 degrees 1~ minutes West -%?.0 feet to land now or formerly' of Hal. e~ .f/~enee along said 1.and of Hale, ] eoursee, as follow~ ~ North 63 degrees 20 minutes ~est-51.62 re. et ~ thenee (2) South 25 degrees ~ minutes West- feet~ thenee (~) #orth 80 degrees 18 minutes ~eat -20o9~ feet to an iron pipe an~ land now or formerly of Rd~d Clingenl thence along said land of Clingen, North 21 degrees ~~ ~tnutes East -1]0.-~+.. feet to an iron pipe on said southerly line of the Main Road~ thence alo~ said ~outherly line of the MAin Road, 2 eourses as followa~ (1) S. outh 82 degrees 02 ~inutes East feet to a monument; thence South 8] degrees 1~ minutes East -70.31 feet to the point of beginning. DATEDt January 27, 1960. B'[ O~D~ $OUTH01D TOWN BOARD · A:,~RT W. RICHMOND TO~N CLERK ?UBLI C HE ARING TO~ O? SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. January ~6, 1960 Present : HENRY TUTHI LL, Sup e rv i s o r HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman LOUIS DEMAREST, Councilman ROBERT T AS KE R, ESQ., Town ~ttorney. 2 SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: I will call the meeting to order. This meeting is a contination of a meeting that was recessed ?rom this afternoon u~til the present time. The first order of business is in regard to a hearing. I will read the legal notice: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO ~END ZONING ORDIN~iNCE: Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and .&rticle IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said tow~ on the 26th day of January, 1960, at 7~'30 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southoid, Suffolk County, New York: By cha~ging from "A" Residential and Agricultural District pro pe rty: to "B" Business District the following described Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and mort particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument on the southerly line of Mill Road at the northwesterly corner of land of Wrederick R. Ketcham on the mortheasterly corner of land of Maurice Galburt; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Mill Road, 3 courses, as follows: (!) N. 73© 52' 30" E. -39.22 feet; thence (2) S.~2° 01' i0" E. 13°~.~6 feet,- thence (3) S. 53© 23' E -77. -64 feet to the present boundary line of the "B" Busi.~ess District; thence along said boundary line two courses as follows: (1) s. 1~° 00', E. ' 400 feet, thence (2) S. ~[$4o 00', E. 150 ~eet, more or less, to Matti~uck Creek; thence southerly along said Mattituck Creek, 1000 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of LOt P as "~iled in tge Suffolk County shown on "Map of Shore Acres, ~ Clerk Office as Map No. 41; thence westerly along said lot P, 300 feet, more or less; thence through lands of Wrederick R. Ketcham, 3 courses, as follows: (1) N. 11° 50' E. 7~0 feet, more ~r less; thence (2) N. ~o 15' W. ~35 feet; thence (3) N. 53° 23' W. -165 feet to a monument on the boundary line between said land of Frederick R. Ketcham and land of Joseph Leo Grande; thence along said boundary line between said lands of Ketcham and Leo Grande, 2 courses, as follows: (1) N. ~.~o 00' W. -32.75 feet to a monument; thence (2) N. ?~4° 53' 40" W. 50.0.8 feet to a mmnument and said land of Maurice Galburt, N. 1° 5~' ~0" W. -139.27 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 7 acres, more or less. ~lny person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: December 30, 1959. By Order of the Southold Town Board Ralph P. Booth, Town Clerk. And here is a notice from the printer. State County of New York of Suffolk F. Langton Corwin, being duly sworn, says that he is printer amd publisher of the Su-ffolk Times, a newspaper publish- ed at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which .the amnexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week for one week successively co:mmencing om the eighth day of January, 1960. (signed) F. Langton Corwin. At this time we will hear anybody that wants to speak favor of this particular amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. WILLI.AM WICKHAM, ESQ., (Attorney for the applicant): Mr. Chairman, I would like to say a few words in behalf of Mr. Ketcham. I would like to give you a little historical background for this application. I represented Mr. Ketcham when he purchased the property in January 195o. I think that we had entered into a contract in October of 1957. At that time, in looking at the zoning map we had felt that a good portion of the property at that time had been zoned "B" Commercial, part of which was known as the oid Nagle's ship yard. M~,~. Nagles had used it for some years a~d then had so id it to a man by the name of Phelps who also acquired the adjoini~g parcel to the south. I think that the Nagles parcel is around 6 acres, and the other one somewhere in the neighborhood of 9. Phelps had continued to use the ship yard a~d as a matter of Fact, had also used the other parcel in his operations. He not only did repair work but he purchased barges from differemt companies and dismantled them. As a matter of fact, much to our distress, some of the barges still stayed there, and we had to go to the expense of having them removed. But I say this because I felt that even in the parcel that wasn't zoned for commercial that we had a non -con forming use. At that time Mr. Ketcham had in mind co nstructing a marina. He is in the dock buildin~ O business in the ;-'~etropolitan area. However, he felt that the strain of his duties in that particular field in that section were too much to come out here and start a marina. So he does not want to dispose of the property, however, and this fall he entered into a contract with a firm in Cutcho~ue to go in there and c lea~ it up and take out the mess of barges, and make it a little more attractive. I am sorry that he can't be here tonight; he planned to. He, however, did appear before the Planni~g Board and his testimony is on record there. He would like to have this, not all of it, he would l~ke to have a portion of it to be commercial, roughly on a line~oing back about 150 ft. from the shoreline. He still has 7 or [~ acres to the west of that which he is willing now to leave in its present condition and probably that is the better method. We cannot conceive, however, how he could use the portion on the water which he is asking to change as a residential section. It is not suited for that for two reasons: the contour of the land there, there is only a short distance back ~rom the water that is level, and then it rises quite sharply; and then, as you gentlemen know, practically all of that imnediate section in there is already cozmnercial. North of Mill Road, or north of the sectio~ where the old bridge used to be, you have two restaurants and then considerable drop in space. On the east side, north of the bridge, is a section which is zoned commercial. On the east side and south of the bridge there is a parcel there of 2 or 3 acres, at the least, that has been zoned commercial since our zoning laws went into ~feect~ ~ . .-,nd~.~ ~ as a matter of fact, all around that section you do ~ave co"~mercial zoned properties. We feel that this can be used to advanta~eo co~mercial~y,_ and he would like to enter into a long term lease with someone to have a commercial venture the re. I daresay that such would be in good taste because anyone who develops it would have to put in a lot of money. There is no question about that, to work it out over a long period of time, and with the continued and improving use of the channel and the marina not only for pleasure boats but for commercial boats, we feel that area could well take advantage of that. As I say again, we are not asking for the whole area to be changed to a B District. A certain portion of it already is, although that map shows a smaller space than we had thought when we purchased the property. However, it is commercial, and we are asking for an extension of that, not to cover the whole acreage which he owns, but to cover the shore front which I feel has been, when we took it over, used as a non-conforming use. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anybody else who wishes to speak in favor of this amendment? (There was no response.) SUPER¥ISOR TUTHILL: Is the re anybody who wishes to speak against it? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anybody that wishes to speak either for or agaimst, or has anything to say at all in the matter? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Well, if not I will declare the hearing closed. On ~notio~ o~? Mr. Tuthill, seconded by Mr. Clark, and unanimously carried, the application to amend the Southold Town .Building Zone Ordinance by Frederick R. Ketcham 'was grante~. Ail the members of the Board voted to o~rant the application ~ursuant to the following resolution. WHERE.~S Frederick R. Ketcham petitioned the Town Board for a change of zone of certain property described in said petition from "~" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, and WHEREAS the said petition was referred to the Plan~ing Board for its official recommendation and report; and WHEREAS the Town Board held a hearing on said petition on January ~6, 1960, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance, including the Southold Town Building Zone Maps, be amended by changing from "A" Residential and /~gricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginming at a monumemt on the southerly line of Mill 10 Road at the northwesterly corner of land o.ff Frederick R. Ketcham and the northeasterly corner of land of Maurice Galburl from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Mill Road, 3 courses, as follows: (I) N. 73© 52' 30" E. -39.22 feet; thence (2) S. !i~2° o1' i0" E. -135.46 feet; thence (3) S. 53© 23' E. -77. -64 feet to the present boundary line of the "B" Business District, thence along said boundary line, ~ courses, as follows: (1) S. 1~°00' E. 400 feet, thence (2) S. i!~4° 00' E. 150 feet, more or less, to Mattituck Creek; thence southerly along said Mattituck Creek, 1000 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of Lot P as shown on "Map of Shore Acres" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. ~1; thence westerly along said Lot P, 300 feet, more or less; thence through lands of Frederick R. Ketcham, 3 courses, as follows: (1) N. 11o50' E. 7~0 feet, more or less; thence (2) N. :.:~ 15' W. ~35 -feet; thence O (3) N. 53 23' W. -165 feet to a monument on the boundary line between said land of Frederick R. Ketchmm and la~d of Joseph Leo Grande; thence along said boundary line between said lands of Ketcham and Leo Grande, 2 courses, as follows: (1) N. ~i~© 00' ~0" W. -32.75 feet to a monu~ent: thence (2) N. o4° 53' ~0" ~'.,.'. 50.0~:..~ feet to a monument and said land of Maurice Galburt; thence along said land of Galburt, N. i© 57' ~0" W. -139.27 ~eet to the point of beginning Containi.ng 7 acres, more or less. Be i.~ further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby authorized to post .and publish notice of the adoption of this ordinance as required by law. 12 SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: This second part of this notice is a continuation of the~ one previously read and concerns the next parcel that was advertised: By chang~n~~ o from "~.,~" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at O~ient, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument at the intersection of . the We s te ~1~ line of Main Street, with the southerly line of the Main Road; from said point of beginning running along said Westerly line of Main Street, south 14 degrees 30 minutes East 9~.42 feet to a monument, and land now or formerly of Corcoran; thence along said land of Corcoran, ~ courses, as follows: (1) North 63 degress 20 minutes West -70.0 feet; thence (2)' South 26 degrees 1~ minutes west -57.0 feet to land now or fo~aerly of Hale; thence along said land of Hale, 3 courses, as follows: (1) North 63 degrees 20 minutes West -51.6~ feet; thence South 26 degrees 49 minutes ¥~est -2~$.0~ feet; thence (3) North .~0 degrees 1a o minutes West -20.93 feet to an iron pipe and land now or formerly of Edward Clingen; thence along said land of Ciingen, North 91 degrees ~5 minutes East -1~0~ .54 .~eet to an iron .~ipe on said southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line of the Main Road 2 courses, as follows: (1) South i':~2 degrees 02 minutes East -25.57 feet to a monument thence (a) South o ~3 degrees 15~vinutes East -70.31 feet to the point of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: December 30, 1959. By Order of the Southold Town Board RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. I have an affidavit of the printer: F. Langton Corwin, being duly sworn, says that he is printer and publisher of the Suffolk.. _ Times, a newspaper ,,,~ -- ~ ~ _- ~ ~__ published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, off which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for one week succeesively commencing on the eighth day of January, 1960. (signed) F. L~GTON CORWIN. S UPERVIS 0 R TUTHI LL: Is the re anybody he re that wishes -± ,h to speak i~ favor of this proposed araendment? LILLIAM M. BRUSH: I am the owner of that little parcel and I would very much like to make apartments in that house and have it rezoned so I could do that. It seems to .,,me that the way the house has been, it has been rather ne~lectedo , and I think that apartments would 'be a paying proposition and would give me an opportunity of fixing it up, etc. I would just like to have you zone it that way .,..or me. SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anybody else who wishes to speak in favor of the said proposed amendment? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: If not, is there anybody that wishes to speak against the proposed amendment? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Is there anybody who wishes to speak on the amendment either for or against, or anybody who has a~oythin'g to say either one way or the other? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR TUTHILL: Well, if not, I will declare the hearing closed on that particular amendment. On motion of Mr. Demarest, seconded by M.~~. Albertso~, and umani~,nously carried, the application of Lilliam M. Brush to amend the Bui!di_~g Zone 0 .... ~dinance of the Town of Southold was granted pursuant to the .ffollowing resolution. Ail the members of the Board voted to grant the application. WHEREAS Lilli~m M. Brush petitioned the Town Board for a change of zone of certain property described in said petition from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District; and WHEREAS..the said petition was referred to the Planning Board for its official recommendation and report; and WHEREAS the Town Board held a hearing on said petition on January 26, 1960, at which time all interested persons wereo ~iven an opportunity to be heard; Now, the re fo re, BE IT RESOLVED that the Southoid Town Building Zone Ordinance, including the Southold Town Building Zone Maps be amended by changing from "A" Residential and . 'I~' II II ~Ig_ricultural Dist~_ct to M Multiple Residence District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situated at 0rient, in the more and^part i cu larly Town of SouthoId, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: Be~inningo .at a monumemt at the intersection of the Westerly line of Main Street with the southerly line of the Mair Road; from said point of beginning running along said Westerly line o~ Main Street, South 14 degrees 30 minutes East 9~.42 feet to a monument, and land now or formerly of Corcoran; thence a~ong said land o~ Corcoran, 2 courses, as follows: (1) North 63 degrees 20 minutes West -70.0 feet; thence (2) South 96 degrees 14 minutes West -57.0 feet to land now or formerly of Hale; thence along said land of Hale, 3 courses, as follows: (1) North 63 degress ~0 minutes West -51.62 feet; thence South 26 degrees 49 minutes West -~t~.02 feet; thence (3) North ~0 degrees 1~ minutes West -90.93 feet to an ' iron pipe on said southerly line of Main Road; thence along said southerly line of the Main Road, ~ courses as follows: (1) South $2 degrees 02 minutes East -25.57 feet to a monument; thence (9) South i~3 degrees 15 minutes East -70.31 feet to the po iht of beginning. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized to post and publish notice of the adoption of this amendment as required by law. MILK L ..... ..brush BRUSH'S DAIRY $75 PARK AVENUE HUNTINGTON, N. Y. Telephone: HUntington 4-0197 CREAM Jun. 9,1960 £hl~ ~ to ~c~o~leege recei$~ for ch=~ge oi zoning. you for nut£iying me, of he=ring notiuo line of Main .Street with the southerly line of the .Main from said point of beg~n~ ~un- nlng along said Westerly lih~ of Main Street, South 14 degrees 30 minutes East 94.42 feet to a ,monument, and land now or for- merly of Corcoran; thence along ~ld land of corcoran, 2 courses, as follows' (1) North 63 degrees 20 minutes West -70.0 fe~t; thence (2) South 25 .degrees 14 minutes ~west -57.0 feet to land now ar iormerly of Hale; thence along ~aid land of Hale, 3 courses, as ~follows: · (1) North 63 degrees 20 mlnat~s~ West -51.62 feet; ther~e (2) Seuth 2,6 degrees 49 minutes' West-28.02 feet; thence (3) North 80 degrees 18 minutes West -.20.93 feet to an ixon pl, pe' and land now or ,formerly of F~lward Clirrg~n; ,thence' along said land af Cl~ngen,' North 21 degrees 45 minutes East -.130.54 ~eet' to an iron pipe on said southerly line of .the Main Road; ~hence along said southe;rly line of the Main I~ad, 2 courses as 'follows: (1) South 82 degrees 02 minutes East-25.5"/ feet to a ~monume~t; ,thence ~ ss: ~~.c.:.~ ........ , being duly Sworn, '.nter and Publisher of the SUFFOLK ished at Gree.npo~t, in said county; hich the annexed is a printed copy, said Suffo~ Times once in each (2) ,South 83 degrees 15 minutes g~_~~ week~ ~ast -70.31 feet to the .paint of ...................................................................... ii :. '~':'" ' ' 'I beginning.Any aesiring' ........... ~ )n the :i t ~m "A~ ':~-I person m u~ ,u~-~ ............. .... 'i~ ........................................ on the proposed amendments.~ i t:lentia! and' ~.. ~t'.toi ahould appear at the time and place' '~t" ........... ]. '"B' Buslm~~~t~ tl~' ~] ~bove speckled. ' ' ~ ]d~d P~Y:.' ""': ': ''- '].DA~: Deeem~ 30 ,1959. ~ ................................................................... ii [-~:;:. la~...~~' .' i':?!~ ;-9/.]i!tltt!-I BY OI~DER OF T~ ~--g~-~[--: ...... [ ...... ~.('m ..~/~ '~:~:~:~~m,i SO~HO~ ~~ BOARD ,. 7 '-'""-'"'~-' -- ~ ................................................................. :':'":: .... . ':~ ~[ CORNELIA C. KEOG~ ' . ....~&.~ ~~j ,~O]ARY PUELiO, St~t'e of NewYotK l~:~' ~~' ~~; f~l Qualified ir~ S'zffo~k County ~d ~~ ~ ~ ~1 I-erin E:,:p;res March 30, Z96~ · ' '":'" "~' ' . ' . ~ ~' I~ . -' . · ~~, ~),.~. ~. ~l... ? ..... ~' '.::. ,"~':-..'..;~ .' i :' ]m,'.'~ .,m, ,,~' ~~';~t . ~:.~, '1~ f~et,-:'mor~ ~: l~=, w · . ~~~-k ~~; ~e .~uth-' er~.'a~ng ~td Mat$1t~ Cr~k, .,1~'; ~eet,' 'm~' or .'~'~ ~e ~r~ 1~ 0f ~I 'P-~ shown ~"~'~--~p ~ 8bore ~~", ~ed" in 'the-~lolk .~~ty Clerk ~-- ... fl~, ..~ ~. ~o.'t~; ,~~, :~. m~e .or'. le~; ~en~ ~ou.gh 1~~' of '~e~k' R.' Ke~h~, S co~s,.~ foll~sf (1') N. 11° ,. ~' ~ ~ f~t, more.or 1~; ... t~. (i) N,.. 8' 'Ii' W. ~ .~t; · · ~: ~ mon~e~t',on'~ ~~d~ '. ~e~--R,--~~ ~d l~.d ~.. ~'~~a: ~' o~;  ...;.~ ...~. of ~- ~d ~ ~ :-~Ufice ~b~; the~e ~ong .-~d.'~d ~ ~urt, N. 1' 5T ~e · ,fS~g d~,r~ .Pr~~y: ,.~: ~~~,'.-~ewyo~k, ~d m~e par- NOT ICE OF NEAH ING TO ~i~D ZOI~IN~ ON PROPOSAL ORDi~A~ P~suant -to Seetion 26~ of the To~ Law and. A~tlele IX of' .-the Butld ingZone Oral in&hoe of ',the. Town of Zout~ld, Suffolk Co~-ty, New Yo~k, a public he_~ing will be held by the ~out~ld Town Board at the. office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Gree'nport, New York, in said Town on ,the 26th day of Jantmm.y, 1~.0, at ?{30 o'eloe, k in the evening of said day, ~ the follow~ proposals to ame~d, the Building.' Zo~ Ordinance (ineluding the Building Zone Haps) of the Town of $outholdm Suffolk County, New York 10 By ehang~ng ~ "A. Reaid.enti~ and Agricultural to "B" Business Distrtot the following desortbed All that eertain trae t or pe~eel of land situated at Mattit~k, -in tho To~ of 5outhold, Suffolk County, Hew ~ork, and more partteul~ly bounded and deserl.b~ as follows, Beg~_~__-~~ .at a ~at on the southerly line of MAi1 t~~ at the nor~~terly corner of l~ of ~rederi~: R. I~ -t~ha~ ~a~ ~ easterly oorr~r' of land of Ma~toe Oal~t! aeutherly line of Mill ~a~{m ] ee~t~aea, a~ o.) ° ya. 30- s. ~o ~ ~ E. -~.~ f~t ~ t~ ~esent 1~ ~ ~ "B" ~~ss D!s~totl ~eneo maid ~,~.~~ 1~, ~ eo~sea, u roll.s (~~ S. l~V~o E. ~.~.0 feetI thenoe (2) $. _ ~~ ~e E. 1~0 feet, ~~ or less, to .httt~ek C~ek[ t~nee l~therly ~~ said ~ttttuek ~~k, 1~ feet, ~re or leas~ to the not.fly 1~ of ~t P u s~~ ~ -~p of 8~~e l~s"'~ A'~ed tn ~e B~folk C.o~t~ CleFk0s 0ff~ · ~p No, ~1~ then~ ~$~-rly ~~ said ~t Pm ~f_~~FrtSk R. ~tc~, 3 eo~selt U. ~1 ~ i. l~ [0' ~.. 720 f~t, ~re or less (2) ~. 8~ 1~' W. ~3~ feet~ th~~ (3) ~. ~o ~ e W. -16~ feet ~ a ~~nt ~ ~ maid follo~~ land of ~a~t~ Gal~t~ thence along maid lamd 0 of Oal'~t, N. 1 ~ 2 "W. -1~9 27 £ee~ to the point of Containing 7 acres, more or less o and 1~ of Joseph Leo Grande I thence ,along laid boundary ltM bergen said lands of Xe,ta~ snd bo~rande, 2 _oo ~ur-ses, as follows, (i) N. 28u O0 2_O~ W. -~~.7~ fe.t _to a ~~nt t thenee (2) H. 8~~ ~3 0 ~. W. ~0.08 feet --to a monument and sa~.d :Page 2.. - Le{al ~ot[~ee o By eha~.~ ~on 'A" Residential and Agrtcultu~~ District to #~" ~lt~ple Red,donee D.i~tr~e't the followin~ deseribed propert~ All that-' eerta~ ~.aet or parcel of land situated at Orion't, in the ToMs of South~l~ bounded and desertbed as follows~ b :.~.~a~n~_ at a monument at the tn~e~- Westerly ltno of 8 ,treet with ~ southerly line of the Main Re~d! from said ~_.int of ~egi~,~ !_~,~ ~~:n~e al~ said Westerly lina ef ~ain $~et, South 1~ degl~e! ~-0 ~--te.l Mt ~l+,t+2 ~eet to l nmnment, and .land now fox, hotly of Cor~er~.~j thenee along la~ land. o~ , 2 eom-ses fl. ) Nc~-th 63 degrees 20 ninutes West -?0.0 feetj ~henoo feet to land now o~ formerly of l~.le; thenoe alonf sa~d land of Halo. 3 eoursos, as follows (1) North 63 degrees 20 ~tes West feet{ Sou defies Ho.~ 80 de~es 18 to an Lron p~po and West -28.02 ainu, s West -20,9.3 land nov or formerly of Edward Clingen~ thenee along said land of ¢linge~n, lert~ 21 degrees ~.~ actn~es East -130. ~.. feet t~. an ir~n pt~ ea. said seutherly~ · line of the Ma~ Road~ thenoe along laid southerly line of ~he ~ Road, R e/Ul'lel at fol~ovss CL) feet East .-?0.3! Any person desM2M: to. be he:ard on the should appear at the tim~ ar~ plaee above specified. DATEDt December 30~ B~ ORDER OF THE $OUIH~ RALPH P. BOOTH, TOWN CLERK Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham~ Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archib,dd Young William Ur,k~_]kach Report to: December 18, 1959 Southold Tom] Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on December lg, 1959: In the matter of the petition of Lillian M. Brush for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District, certain rea]. property situated at Orient~ New York~ and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument at the intersection of the Westerly line of Main Street with the southerly line of the Main Road; from said point of beginning running along said Westerly line of Main Street, South lg degrees 30 minutes East 9g.~2 feet to a monument; thence along land now or formerly of Corcoran, 2 courses~ as follows: (1) North 63 degrees 20 minutes West - 70.0 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees l~ minutes West - ~7.O feet to land now or formerly of Hale; thence along said land now or formerly of Haler 3 courses~ as follows: (1) North 63 degrees 20 minutes West - ~1.62 feet; thence (2) South 26 degrees 59 minutes West - 2S.02 feet; thence (3) North 80 degrees 18 minutes West - 20.93 feet to an iron pipe; thence along land of the party cf the first party North 21 degrees ~5 minutes East - 130.55 feet to an iron pipe on said southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line of the Main Road~ 2 courses as follows: (1) South 82 degrees 02 minutes East - 25.~7 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 83 degrees 15 minutes East - 70.31 feet to the point of beginning. Being and intended to be a portion of the premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed dated February 18~ 19~3 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 3~C4 at page 782. Report to: Southo!d Tcwn Board -2- Recommendation - Lil!!an M. Brush Map o.f land surveyed for Blanche Clingen at orient, by ctto W. Van Tuy! & Son dated July P]~ 19~ ~t' [~ hcreby RESOLVED~ that the Planning Boara recommend to 'the Town Board change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultura] ?roparty to "M" Multiple Residence District be mad~ on 'the abcvemeniioned property. The Planning Board f.s familiar with the location of the property. There is only' a ~0 ft. lot between this property and a "B" Business District on the west, and there are other non-conforming "M" Mu]tfple R~sidene~s ~n t~: area. Very' tr~ll.y ycurs, A~¢hibald N. ¥6un~, Acting Chairman, Southo]d Town Plannin~ Board FIFFI( _ERK RALPH P. BOnTH SOLITHOLD, L. I., N. Y. }-!anl' i~; Bet,,-'-' The original petiticn of Ii?lan i.[. Br~s?~ of ~ '~'.'or,~hu]~ Road~ Huntin£ton? L~ng Island~ relative to change of zone from "A" Residential ,and Agricu) Dist,.tot ta "M" Multit~le Residence District is i~ the files in the office of the P]annin; Board at N~w You are instructad to ~ropar¢ an official defining the conditi¢~s ~escribed in the petition; and ~et,armine th~ ar.~a so affected ~,~ith the reco~endaticD of zour Board. Very trul~~ zcurs~ RaiD)-,'_ }~. Booth Town CI e,~'k CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert nome of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the o~ner of certain real property situated at //cJ)-~-;~ ~-.~... ~ ~ ~ ~ and more part cularl bounded and descr bed as fo ows' 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify ond amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Buildin_g Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: .~ ---I Z t~z-//,~ c'c_, L ~r~_.iom of u~£~aim plo~ ~ h ildiagm begimming at a monumemS at She intersection of ~he ~estezi~ lime of ~aim Street with the moutherly line of ~he ~aid nons; from maid poimt of beginning rua,~lng alomg maic ~esSerl¥ lime of ~o~th 14 degrees ZO mim~t®m ~ast 94.4E feet to a monument; along lamd mow or formerlF oi ~oruo~=n,E co~rses,am follows: (1) ~orth 6~ degrees ~0 mimuSes .es$ -?0.0 (~ SouSh E6 degrees &$ minu~em west -~?.0 fees to land mow or form~ll! of Hale; themce alomg said lamd now or formall~ of H~le,Z follows: (1) North 65 degrees EO minutes Wes$-D1.6Z feet; thence (S) Soath E6 degrees 49 minuSem wesS-E8.0£ (~) North 80 degrees 18 mimatem ~,est-~0.95 feet $o an iron pipe; thence along land of She part~ of S~e first p~rt,North 21 degrees 4~ minuses ~as~- leO.D4 fees toga lrom pipe on said oou:herl¥ line oi She main noad; ~hemce alomg said souS~erly line of t~e Maim ~oad, s co armes as (1) Somth 82 degrees 02 minutes ~ast- E~.~? fees to a mom~memt; thence (2) Somth 8~ degrees 16 minuses mast-?0.81 feet ~o the poimt of beginning. ~eing ~nd intended to ce a portion oI the premises conveyed to the parties of ~he iirst p~r~ by deed d~Sed ~'eOra~ry 18.19~Z and recorded in t~e SuflolX ~ou~u:y ~ler~(m oi~ice in Liber page 182. 3. Such request is mode for the following reasons: STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .................. ~....~,P,~......~..'~,.:~:~,d.~.-.('~<.., BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that~e is the petitioner in the within action; thatZhe has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to --khs~(her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters f'he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me th~s .°~..::......day of -*~,--~ 4'-' o~'f'~/~' Not'orv Public. ~'I,,. ~ NCH£ C 4. I N ~ EN c : / MAP OF LAND SUFFOLK CO~JI~W¥, N.'¥. 0 0