HomeMy WebLinkAboutWenzel, Henry G. Jr. Amend #31PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. November 2~, 1959. Present : NORMAN KLIPP, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman APPLICATION OF HENRY G,._. WENZEL, .... Jr. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will open the hearing at this time by reading the notice of the hearing. The first one is the petition of Henry G. Wenzel, Jr. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and~Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on the 24th day of November 1959, at 7 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All the certain tracts or parcels of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: PARCEL i - Beginning at a point on the southerly line of North Road, said point being the northwesterly corner of land of Helmut Hass, and running southerly along said land of Helmut Hass S 460 32' E 521 feet more or less to high water mark of Mill Creek; thence westerly along said high water mark of 3 of Mill Creek 210 feet more or less to lands now or formerly of William Richmond; thence along said lands nor or formerly of William Richmond N 49050' W 587 feet more or less to the southerly line of North Road; thence along the said southerly line of North Road easterly 245 feet mor or less to the point or place of beginning. All the certain tracts or parcels of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: PARCEL II -Beginning at a point on the northerly line of North Road, which point is the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of George G. Richmond, running thence northerly along said land nor or formerly of George G. Richmond 330 feet more or less to ordinary high water line of Long Island Sound; thence easterly along said high water line of Long Island Sound 75 feet more or less to lands now or formerly of Town of Southold; thence southerly along said lands now or formerly of Town of Southold 326 feet more or less to northerly line of North Road; thence westerly along said northerly line of North Road 30 feet more or less to the point or place of beginn- ing. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments shmid appear at the time and place above specified. Dated November 5, 1959. By Order of The Town Board, Ralph P. Booth~ Town Clerk. 4 I have a report of the Southold Town Planning Board: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on August ~6, 1959: In the matter of the petition of Henry G. Wenzel, Jr. for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at Southold and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Parcel I - North by North Road; East by land of Helmut Hass; South by Mill Creek; West by land of William Richmond. Parcel II - North by L. I. Sound; East by Town of Southold; South by North Road; and West by land of Dubin; it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the change of zone from from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District be made on the abovementioned property, Map of Franklin F. Overton, M. E. Surveyor, dated December 1915. Members of the Planning Board have _inSpected the property and Judge Wenzel has met with us at our regular meeting and we feel that it is logical that this be zoned "B" Business in view of the fact the property to the East is Business. and the property lying immediately to the West is zoned Residential but in actuality is non-conforming "M" Multiple Residence, 5 with cottage rentals. This would in effect create a natural intermediary zone between the residential property lying further to the westward. In addition, we have cautioned Judge Wenzel of the fact that the Middle Road (County Route 27A) will possibly be widened for an appreciable amount and that it would be the recommendation of the Planning Board that any buildings be set back at least 70 feet from the existing highway line. This is signed by John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board. Now, at this time, is there any person who wishes to be heard in favor of the relief asked for in the petition? R. G. TERRY, ESQ., (Attorney for the Applicant): Supervisor, members of the Town Board, I appear here on behalf of Judge Wenzel, and I think that the report of the Planning Board covers his application pretty well except that I would like to mention the fact that if you look at the large wall map, the Zoning Map, it appears that the property on the south side of the road was originally zoned as Business property. Mr. Hass' property is next door. Also on the large map, just looking at it, it goes right through the intersection on the south-side of the road. The reason the application was made was because of the fact that Mr. VanTuyl's records do not seem to indicate in the original adoption of the Zoning Ordinance that 6 it went that far. However, he admits the road overlaps. On the north side of the road it was not zoned as Business, just part of the property, on ~the triangle is zoned business, and the property further on where the motel units are. The property on the south side of the road adjacent to Judge Wenzel on the east is owned by Mr. Hass and was originally zoned as business property. On the west is the property of Mr. Richmond and his daughter, Mrs. Armstrong. I talked with Mrs. Armstrong this past week and she indicated to me verbally that she had no objection to the change of zone. In fact, she said in words, to this effect: Our property should be changed to Business too; we are using it for business purposes. Actually, that is a non-conforming use. I have nothing further to add. We would appreciate your favorable consideration of the application. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in favor of the petition? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLI P P: Is there any person present who wishes to be heard in opposition to the petition? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: If not, I will close the hearing insofar as the Wenzel property is concerned, for the further deliberation of the Board. WfHEREAS, o petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the ]own of So,.,thold by ............ -~-..~.,~-.-~..~....9.:...T~-.~.~-~...~-.~-.¢...~.~..: ........................ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made o part thereof by chang- ing from ........... '.'..~. ,'.'.., R...e..~.. ,j: .~..e.. ,~..t..~ ,~...~,...&.....~..c~'..~ .c..~..~ ,~....1~,, .a...~. ..................... "B" Business District to ...................................................................................................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ......... 2.4..~..}}.......day of ......... ~'..o,~-.~.t~....e..~. ................ 195..9.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is granted on Parcel No. 1 on the south side of County Highway 27A. Dated: Decenzber 9, 1959. Effective as of December 19, 1959. By Order of the Southold Town Board. Ralph Po Booth Town Clerk .~AL ~~XCB NOTICE OF OF ZONING AMEHDME~ OBD INANOE AMENDMENT NO. 31 NOTICE ~ H~RF~'Z GIVEN, that after a public hearing held (includ lng the Suffolk County', . pursuant to the requ~ ements of law, the Building Zone Ordinance Building Zone }.~ap) of the Town of $outhold, New 'York was duly amended at a regular meeting i of the Southold Town Board held on November 2~, .19%9, as follows District changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural "B" Business District the following described property: · All the certain tract or parcel of land situated at S.outhold, in the Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, .and more particularly bonded and described as follows~ Beginning at a point on the southerly line of North Road, said point be~ the north- westerly corner of land. of He'-ha. ut Hass and minnie. $~uth._er!¥ ~along said ' land of Helmut Hass S ~6~32,E 521 feet more or less to high water mark of ~i-ll Cree.k~ thence ._westerly along said high water .mark of Mill ~Oreek 210 feet or less to lands now or formerly of William Riehmond~ thence along, s~id lands now or formerly of William Richmond N ~9~50,W 587 feet more or less to the southerly line of North Road,, thence along the said southerly 1Lne of North. Road e.asterly 2~~ feet more or less to the point or place of beginning' changing from "A" Residential and. Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property~ Ail that certain tract or ..parcel of land situs .-.ted at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and~re par'ticularl¥ Bounded and described as follo~s~ Nort~erly by .Long . ._ ' Islan'd Sotu~t 330 feet mo_re -or les~ east.erl¥ by land now or formerly Of Cove Beach Esta~s, Inc.. %80 feet more or less~ southerly by other lands of Arlln ~eG~i~raes 32~_feet =ore o~ iess~ and westerly my Aan~ now or formerly of Philip DeNichola ~80 feet mo~ or less. DATED. November 25, 19%9. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOW HALPH P. BOOTH, T0~W C .~. Pursuant 'to'Section 2~ of the )Town ~w,and Artic{e · IX'. d. the~ .Buildtng~Zone Or~ce~of .the~ ~T°wn~ of Southold, S.u~olk Co;,_nty.,t ~New* York, a publlc hearing will l held by the SOuthOld ~own Board: ! ~t'.the office of 'me'"- Supervisor,' 16 !SOuth Street, GreenlX~, New York,' 'in said .town on the 24t~ day of ~vember, 1959,--at ?:00 o'clock in the ~evenin. g 'of said ':day,-on the fol- lo.wt.ng...pro~ to amend the ..Building Zone Ordinance (includ- !lng. the. 'Building Zone .' MS.S) of Ithe .Town of Southold, Suffolk · C~. unty, "New Y~rk' '- ', ' ..~..[ .:. ~' '..i[ BY Chan~g from "A" R~i-'~ identtal"-and AgriCultural I)istrict 'to "B" descrt~l)erty: ilowi~;, Buslneas~t~t .the' fol- '~ the-c.~ t~~ .or"'parcels of land' situated at Southold, in the Town Of Southokl, Suffolk County/,New York, and-more particularly ~bounded and de- ~cribed as follows: I .P~ I- Beginning at a point on the southerly line of North t .I~o~, s.ai.,d ~)oint being the Wes~lY...Corner of land of Hel-. I rout I-I~s,' and running south- t erly along sa. id l,~nd 0f Helmut ~ S 46°32.~..._521. :~t .more or leas to htgh.~~%e~ :~rk of Mill Creek; the.~: westerly along ! '-.sa~ high 'water mark 'of Mill . Creek 210" feet more or less to i 1-ands ~ or fo.~m~rly "of Will.i,am ~ l~lchmond; the~e along said. I lan, ds 'now ,or formerly of Wil- l ~iam, Richmond ~I 49°,50'vV. 58~ Sect more or less t9 the southerly line of North Roa(l; thence alon~ ..... the said southerly line of North Road easterly 245 feet re, ore or less ~o the ,.point or .place o~ be k sinning. All the certan' tracts or par- cels of lan~d situated at South- .old, in the To~ of Southold, ~uf. folk County, New Yo~k, and .~nore ,particularly ,.bounded--and ,dascribed as follows' t'~k,~ .H - Beginning at point on the northerly line of l~crth Road, which point i~ the ~outh~asterly co~ner of lan, d now or formerly of George O. Rich- mond, runninff thence northe,rly .along said land now qr formerly oZ George .O. Ric ond 330 feet ,more or less to ordinary high mvater line of Long ~sland S~und; ~therme east~ly aIon~ said-high mvater line of Lon~ ~land Sound ~.5 feet more or less to lands now .or formerly ~f Town of South- old; .thence southerly along said ,lands now or formerly of Town ~ of Southold 326 ,feet more or less' to northerl, y line of. North Road; thence ,westerly along sakl north- erly line of North Road 30 feet mn~re or :less to the point or .,place of beginning. .. 2. By changing irom "A" ~-, dent/al and Agricultural District to' "B" Busineas District ,the follow- lng described property' All that certain, tract or 'cel of land situated at East Mar- ion, Town o.f Southold, Suffolk County, New York and more par- ticularly bounded .and desc~, ibed as follow~' [Northerly by ~ong Ialand C~ound 330 feet more or less; east- erly by land now or for'mealy of Cove Beach Estates, Inc. 580 feet more or leas; southerly by other' lands of Arlin DeG.uima, raes. 325 ,feet more or le~; and westerly ~by land now or formerly of Phil- ip-DeNich~la 580 feet more or less. , Any pearson desirin~ to be heard "on the proposed amendments STATE, OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, .................................. ...... .? .... : ............ : ............ ,..: .............. ..-~ ......... , ~e,n~~~ duly~,wo.rn, says that ..... [./...:~..,i~. ..... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed co,py, has been published in ~he ~id Saff, o,lk Time8 once, in each week, for ............................................................... .d....Z:..:~. ................................. weeks successively commencing on the ........... '.([..t.(,... ..... [..~..::..:...: ..... :...~.( ............... day of ~.L ~. ,- . ,- ., .............. , .............. :- "- .-:. ............ :A.~. .... ..... .................. Sworn to before me this .... /..~.:..~. day of ..... J...~.C.....,:.~...~. .... '..:..~..C...:..=. 19_~.~j..J .......... ............. C~.RN'I..IA C. KEOGH NOTARY PUSLIC, St~te of New York N~. _2-?09-'890 Qualified in Suffolk County Term Expires M~rch 30, 1961' N0~ICE OF HEARING TO AJ~.-'ND ZONING ON PROPOSAL ORD INANOE of Put suant to the ~.uild~ ng ~,one Section 265 of the Town Law' and Article IX Ord iuance of the To~.~ of $outhold~ Suffolk County~ Ne%-York., a public hearing will be held by the Southold Towm.. Bosrd at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New ~York, in sa-,_d town on the 2~th day of November, 19%9, at 7:00 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the follow- lng proposals to amend the Building Zone O?dinance (including :? '~ ~ Suffolk County, the ~uildin~ Zone Maps) of the Toys of By chanEinE from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to ~B" Business District tt~e fo±xow_ng described proper-t¥, All the certain tracts or parcels of land situated at $outhold, in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk Cou~t¥~ Now York, ~'~d more particularly bounded and described as follows: PAf~..~E~ '~' I - Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Nor th Road, saidpo~t beLng the north- westerly corner of land of Helmut Hass, and running southerly along said land of Helmut Hass $ ~6°32'E 5~21 feet more or less to high water mark of Mill Creek,~ thence westerly along said high water mark of ,~ll Creek 210 feet more or less to lands now or formerly of William Richmond; thence alon~,, said .... -~' ' ~. 9° "W lands now or formerly of ~_!1~_~ .~ic~%mona N ~ ~0 ~87 feet more or less to the southerly l~ne of North RoadS thence along_ the said southerly line of North Road easterly245 feet more or less to the point or place of be. ginnir~. All the certain tracts ~r parcels of land situa~,ed at S. outhoid, in the Town of Southold guffolk County~ N~w York, and more particular2[y bom'~ded and described as follows: P,%B. CEL It - Beginning at a point on the northerly line of North Road., %~ich point is the southeast- erly corner of lm'~d now or formerly of George G. Richmond, running thence northerly along said land now or formerly of George G. Rictmond 330 feet more or less to ordinary high water ltne of Long Island Sound; thence easterly along said high water llne of I~ng I~land 8o~d 75' feet more or less to lands now or formerly of Town of $outhold~ thence southerly along.said lands no~; or of Town of $outhold 326 feet more or less erly line of North Road l t~nce westerly northerly line of North Road 30 feet more to the 'point or plaee of begirmtng. formerly to north- along said or less Legal Notice Notice of Hearing on Proposal to Amend Zoning 0rdinanoe. 2. By changing from District to "B" Business "A" Reisdential and Agricultural District the following described property. Ail aituated ~folk bounded that certain tract ~r parcel of land at East Marion, in the Town of $outhold, · .O. ounty~ New York~ and mere partioularly ~n~ de~or:l.bed, as follow~ Northerly by -Long Island $oun4 330 feet more or less$ e'a~erly by land now or formerly ~and of Cove. Beaoh Estate~, Inc. ~80 feet more or less$ southerly by other l~nds of Arlin DeOui~arae~ 325 feet more or les~l ~,'td westerly by land now or formerly of ~nlltp DeNlchola ~80 feeg m~e or lea~,, Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed should appear at the time and place above specified. amendments DA'T~3: Nov~mber p, 1959 o BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH TOWN CLERK Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archlb~ld Young William Unkelbach Report to: Augast 27, 19~,9 Sc, utho]d To~,g~ Board Sout?!cld~ .Ne~ York Gentlemen: Th_~.s is to certify that the ~ '-~ O]_]C%~iI~b action was ts~_.:en by the Southold Town ~lanning Board at its meeting on Au;dust In the matter c~ the petition o~ Henry G. Wenze], Jr. for a chan5e oe zone erom "A" Residential and Agricultur~] to "B" Business District on certain re~:], property siM3ated at Southold and more particularly bounded and described as -"o2_lows: Parcel I - North by North Ro¢~d; East b?, ].and o~ Helmut Haas; South by Mi].]. Creek~ West by land c~ Wi]]ism Richmond. Ps. eel II - North by L. I. Souz~d~ East by Tow~ o~ S¢.utho!d; South by North Road~ and West by ].and o~ Dn%~z,,: it is hereby RE,~0LVk.~ that the Plannimg Board reconurlend to the Toiai ooard that the change o~ zone "rom "A" Residerti~] and Agri- cultural District to "B" Business District be made cn the abcvementiomed property~ Map of Franklir~ surveFor: dated December 191~. Members of the Planning Beard have in.~?ectf:d th~ prop- erJy and Judge Wenzel has mcat wil~h us at cot regular meeting and ~.,e fee] that it is logical that this be zor~e:l "B" Business in vie%~ n'~ the ~,sc~t th~ property to the East is Busir~ess and the property lyL~,g in~aediately to the tiest is zoned i~esidential~ but in actuality is noD-c¢:n~orming uM" I,[ultif:le ResJdertce~ with cmttage r~,mtals. This would, in e~"ect create a natural inter- medlar/ ~tone between the residential property lying "ua, thor to the westward. Report to: $c,~[.hold Town Bust('] -2- $outholc] ~ New York Ir; addii.].on~ we have eautione~ Jud6e Wenzel o~ the ~aet th~t the Mid(',le Road(County Route 27A) wI]] pessib]y be wider~ed ~or ar~ apl:,reci._qble amotmt and that ~t would be the rec~omn,enc]atlo~ oe the PlL~rmins Board that any bu~]din6s be setback at ]~sst ?0 ~eet ~rom the ex.:sting highwsy line. Very truly yoo_~s~ ,Toh~ W/ckham~ thc ~rman Southa]d To~,m ~'l;~nnin~ Board oo o~ OtD 0 D'~O ~(I) 0 0 ct-~e 0 I.-', m ~_~r < ~0 .q .q .q . 0 -- C T 0 rtl 7~ m o Om r ~ ' Z STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK AMEND MENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF COUNT Y, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at Soullhol~ and more particularly bounded and described as follows' PANEL I: North by No~th East by lan~ ~f Helmuth Has8; South by Mill 0reek West by land of William Richmond PA~C~ II: North By L. I. Sound; East by Town of $outhol~I South by North Roa~; West by lan~ of Dub~n . I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of So uthold, Suffolk County, N.ew York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made o part thereof, as follows' to change said premis es from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B # Business District. . Such request is made for the following reasons' The premises a~e situated immediately aclJacent to p~emise8 of Helmuth Hass which are in the #B# Business Flst~iot, ant the character of the property warrants its use as business property. Diagonally across the road from this property, a large triangular area and ad~acent property is zone~ aa "B" Business District. The property ia directly across the road from the Town Beac~ On the large zointng map of the Town of Southold, this property appea~a to be in the ~B# Business District, but in view of the inaefiniteneas of the bound, m~ es, this application is ma~e for the purpose of assuring to the petitioner the same uae as that to which ad~oining premise~ pn the ea~t ia avail, able. ..:. ......... ×:.,,,,.,...,. ..... (L. S.):'~._~/~'~.. .~. ~... STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) SS: - .............. H...E~.....I~......~..:...~.~....[~...~...~.~,.~ ................. , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within oction; thor he ho s reod the foregoino Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters h.e believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this ...~...°....~..day of ~ ................. , 19..~..~. ...... ....................... ..., .. i~EN-~SELAER G. TERRY. JR. NOTARY PUBLIC ST,ATt OF NI~W YC~K Residing in Suff:g. ik Coulqt~/ Commission exo,res Morch 30, 1~i~II ,/ ~A P oF DR. WEI¥?-.£ L WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the To~n of Southold by ....... ...~...L...~.~.....~..e...G.?...Z.~ .................................... requesting o change, modification and amendment of the Buirding Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Mops mode o port thereof by chang- ing from ........ ~'..~. · '.t.., .~, .e...~..Jr. ~L..e, ~..~. ¢:..~. ,]:....&.....~?~".~ ?...~. ?:..~....L~.. ~ ~ ........................ District to ...... ~'...~.i:....~.?'...~..~..~...e..8...~. ................................................................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the .....2..~...~..~. ........... day of .......... N.o.3,:'..e.~.e..~. ................... 195..9.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is granted. Dated: December 9, 1959. ~ffective as of December 19, 1959. By ~rder of the $outhold Town Board. Ralph P. Booth Town Clerk 0 FF'I~ F'RK 5OUTHrlLD, L, I.~ N. Y. IAL~n ~. ~oO'£H~ being_ d~ly sworn~ oeposes arid says that he resiues a't ScaLl~old~ a~d State of i~ew Yor_~; ~nat ~e is bne Cier:i cf the kown o/ Southold; t~st on 'the 9th ,.~a~~ of December ~ i~ 59 ~ ne posted ~ cci-y oZ the .,,'~iiCE CF =_~i.b~.~fl g~i,~i:.,J .0. ~1 ~ toget~er wit~ th~ Official Joninz ~.~ap StlOWii~g bame~ on ~e ~ifnboaz~d ;.~amz~tam~ L,~~ ~mI~ pufsuant to iown Law ir~ 'L~ie ~ouc~lc, le Towll Omer~s ~z'~ice at Oou'taold~ New morK: %n~t z. uc~ ~ostinf o ~im ./as p~s~a:~t to ~i~e provisions of tile 'i'~w~, Law aI~ ~ ~s~an% to ai~e iles~lution of tue $c~thold kown ~c~.rd. ~ copy ~f t~le a,,endme~t is anllexed hereto. ouDscribed and sworn to Lefore :ne this 9th day o:-' Dec. ~1~ 59' I.~o ta£...' ?ub!ic NOTIC~ iOF,.~ OF ZONING ~IV~T NO. 3I at '~r a p~b~c h~ held p~s~t to ~e r~~em~ of law, ~e BulldOg Zone Or~n~ce (~u~ng ~ B~ld~g Zone Map) of the T~n of ~uthold, Suffo~ ~~ty, New Yo~k w~ d~y amended at-a reg~ar meet~g of ~e Southold ~wn Board ~held on Nov~ber 24, 1959, ~ foll.~s: 1. By changing f~m "A" R~- d.entia~..~d Agric~tur~ D~trict to "B" B~e~ D~rict the follow- ~g d~r~ed p~perty: ~' ~'~at c~rMin M~t'or Parcel of land situated at Southold, in the Town of Sout~ol, d~ Suffolk County, New York, and more · ,. particularly bounded .and de- scribed as follows: ~eginning at a point on the .sou~erly line of North ~ad, said ,point being t~e..n.o~- ~.~rly corner of lan~-0f Hel- rout .H~s, and running .south- erlY along said land ,of He,ut Hass S 46032~ 521 feet re. ore or 1~ ~ high wa.te,r mark of Mill Cr~k; the~e w~t~ly along said Mgh water mark. of ~11 Creek 210 feet .more or less to lands n~ or f~rm~ly of Willi~ Ric~o'n.d; thence .along 'said l~,& now 'or f0~.erl~, of Wil- lira Ri~ond .N 49°50~ - ?e~_ more or le~ to the southerly ~ line of North'. ~ad,; thence ~e said south~!~ line ~of'..~orth ~oad e~terly' 2~' fee~'"m~e or less to the ~fnt or' place o.f be- .ginn~g. 2. By chang~g irom "A', R~.i- den~al and Agricult~al D~trict to "B" B~ine~ District the follow- lng described property: Ail ~.at certain tract or p~- cel of land situated at East ion, Town of Southeld, Suffolk County, New ~rk and more par- ticularly bounded and des~ibed ~ follows: ~ortherly by ~ng ~und 330 feet more er less; east- erly ~by land now or fo-rme,rly of Cove Beach ~tates, Inc. 5~ feet more or le~; sou~.erly by other lan~ of Arlin DeG.uim~raes 325 feet more or 1~; and westerly ,by land now or fo~erly of Phil- ip De~ic~la .580 feet more or less. DA~; Nov~ber 25, 1959 BY O~:~ OF T~ ~~HO~ ~WN BOA~ ~H P. B~TH, · O~ C~ ltD4 STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ....... ~.~.._~. ,~"'~- d~ .... .~ ~ · ,~...~.z~ ......... ~ ..... ~..~.~.v.~ ............ being d~y S. wo~, says that ........ ~ ....... is P~nter and Publisher of the SUFFOLK ~.S, a newspaper published at Gree.npo~, ~ said county; and that the notice, of which the a~e.xed is a p~ted copy, has been published in the said SuFo~ ~me.s once in each week, for .............................................................. .~.~~ ................................. week~ successively commenc~g on the ...... day of ........ ............. ...... ................................. -~---'~-~ ..... =!--.X~,'~.~.X.~..:: ................... Sworn to before me t~s ......... .~,.~...: ..... day of ..... ..~u ....... '-~---:~.~-.~.c:~'~ ~9 ~ ~ J -- CORNELIA C. KEOGH NOTARY PU3LIC, State of New York Nv..;2-2093890 Qualified in Suffolk County .. ta?:n Exbires March 30, 1961 NOT ICE OF OF ZONING ONDiNA~'B AMENDMENT NO, 31 NOT i~E ~. ~E,'R~Z ~IVEN, that a~.ter a publ~e hearing held pursuant to the requirements of l&w, the , Building Zone C~.~nanee the Build~ gone Map) of the Town of Sou~hOld, Suffolk County, New ~ork was duly amended at, a regulem meeting of the $,outhold Town Board held on November 2%, 19~9, as follows ehanging from "A" R. esidential and Agrieultural Business Distr.~..t the-following deae~i, bed propert~~ All the certain ~raet or pareel of land situated aC Southold. in the Town. of $ou~hold~ Suffolk County, New ~ork, -and more partteul, arly 'bounded and described as' follow~, Beg~nn!n~ at a POint on ~he southerly line of North Road, said point being the north- ~eaterly corner of land of Helmut Hass~ and mmntt~~ s~utlmr!y malong said land of Hal mu~ Nasa 8 %6~3~eB %21 .feet more or leis to high water mark of Hill Creek~ thenee weste,rly al~ said high water mark of Mill C~eek alO .feet more ox' less to lands ~c~ or formerly of Willies Rie~r~~ thence along s~id ~e~ds now or formerly of William Rtoh~ond N ~9°~O'W ~87 feet mo~e o? less to the .southerly line of No~~ B, oad~ thence By ~ging fr-~ 'A" Residential .and Agricultural to "B" Business DXstrict the following deserlbed All that .eerta.in traot or pareel of land situated at East Est.'ion, in ~he Town of $outhold, Suffolk Cotmty, 'New '~ork, and m~e particularly bounded ..and described as follows~ DATED: Northerly 'by Long Island Sound 3.30 feet more. or' less j easterly by land now or formerly of Cove .BeaCh EsSaYs, Inc. ~80 feet more or less l southerly by other lands of Arlin De~u~aes 3.R~ feet ~re o~ less~ an'd westerly 1~ i~ now or f~'~rl~ o£ Philip I~N~hola ~'gO November ~, 19~9. ORDER OF THE $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HAL~ P. BOOTH, TOWN CLERK PUBLIC HE ARING TOWN BO ARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. November 24, 1959. Pres en t : NORMAN KLIPP, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman APP LI CATION OF ARLIN De GUIM ARAES SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Pursuant to Section ~65 of Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance the Town of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said town on the ~4th day of November, 1959, at 7:00 o'clock in the evening of said day, on the following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York- By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated at East Marion, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and mo re particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by Long Island Sound 330 feet more or less; easterly by land nor or formerly of Cove Beach Estates, Inc. 580 feet more or less; southerly by other lands of Arlin DeGuimaraes 325 feet more or less; and westerly by land now or formerly of Philip DeNichola 580 feet more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: November 5, 1959. By Order of the Southold Town Board, Ralph P. Booth, Town Clerk. 3 I will read the report of the Southold Town Planning Board.- This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on October ~7, 1959: In the matter of the petition of Arlin DeGuimaraes, 138 West Columbia Street, Hempstead, New York, for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at East Marion, New York, and more particularly bounded mad described as follows: North by Long Island Sound approximately 330 feet, east by Cove Beach Estates approximately 580 feet, south by other land of the applicant approximately 325 feet, and west by land of Phillip DeNicola approximately 580 feet; it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the change if zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District be made on the abovementioned property. Map of land surveyed for D & D Trenching Company at East Marion, by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated August 28, 1951. The planning Board has visited this property, and a letter has been received from Mrs. Rose DeNicola, owner of the property to the west on which stands the only residence and they favor the change of zone as requested by the applicant. The property is bounded on the south by other land of the applicant, on the east by other "B" Business property, and further south by a "C" Industrial District. Mr. DeGuimaraes is requesting a change of zone on only about 4/10 of his holdings. This is signed by John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board. At this time is there anyone present in favor of the relief asked for in the petition? MR. ANDRADE: Well, he stopped at my house. I did a little work for him weekends, and he asked me to come up here. I did not know anything about this. He said he had seen Mr. Terry. He wanted to be here. He has been in the hospital and could not be down here. He called me up. and asked me if I would and I told him I would come up here. He did not tell me what it was all about. He told me what he wanted to do: he wants to add a little addition to the little house, ~i£'' there was no objection to it. I said I did not know anything about it, I would go and hear what it was all about, and if there was any objection I would let him know, and if there was none, I would let him know. 5 He told me he wanted to build an addition to the little house about 12x32, whatever is planned and if there is no objection to it, larger. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I have a letter indicating he probably would be in the hospital, and also that he had spent some time with Frank Andrade of East Marion, and he would be at the hearing to represent ~ in any questions that may come up. MR. ANDRADE: That is all he asked me. He stopped at my house three weeks ago. He called me up Sunday and said he was out of the hospital but could not come up. I said, "All right, Iwould come up here and learn something, and he showed me a few rough sketches of what he wanted to build an addition to the house. He expected a few kids and guests. In the meantime, he would issue a permit, whatever he told Mr. Terry, I don't know. MR. TERRY: Well, he wants to conduct a summer camp in connection with his dancing studio. He was be fo re the Board of Appeals last summer, and discussed it with them and they told him he needed a change in order to operate this camp in the way he wants to do it. S UPERVIS OR KLI P P: What is this, a dancing school? · MR. TERRY. Yes, it is a dancing school with dormitories. MR ANDRADE · · · The way he told me that Sunday, they bring 6 the children and have the dancing school down to vacation and ~is room he wants to build was a dormitory; he is not going to have a dancing school down he re. He has the studio in Hempstead. I think he told Mr. Terry about it that it ~as not his intention to have it down here. He brings the children, a few down weekends, and-boards them, and takes them back. That is what he did last sUmmer and he wanted to make it a little larger to sleep. That is what he told me, to add to this house. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in favor of the petition? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition to the peiition? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLI PP: Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time for the further determination of the Board. ~ oN P~AL TO A~qlm~"- Z~O O~m~~ . Pur~nt ~ ~tton ~5 of. New Y~~?:'a P~bllc h~g ~m held b~'ffie Sou~old ~o~ '~ 'the (:6fflce of the Suer,:...18 ~u~ S~eet, Or~~rt, N~ York,' 'In ~ld ~~ on the 24~ day of v~be.r, 10~0; a~ g:00 o~el~k ~ .~'.. ev~in.g of .saffi gay, on ~he fol-. ' ' ~~ldlng ~ne Ord~a~ lng. the Building Zone Maps). of',~ the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New y~rk. ' ............................................................................................................ week~ ~ 1 By chan~g from "A" Rt~-'" successively commencing on the · . ..... : ..................... ~_...~, .................. ~ ................. d. ential and Agricultural Ddstrict- day of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' .................. ',~-:':!'~~:~ ~~- ~ 9..,.~.~. .... to "B" Bu~Ine,s3 District the fol- 1 loWing de,Scribed property: A1 the Certain ,tracts or parcels'- +"' o~ land situated at ~outhold,-In Sworn to before me this y .~.~-'~ , ) the Town of-South, o)d, SaffO~ parU. eularl¥ ~bounded and de-- ' ........ - scri~bed as follows. -- /' ...~.. ~Z PARC~ I - Beginning at a point. . ................ ~_...c~.. ..... .-. ............. on the so..uther.ly line of North ...................... :Road, satit point being the no~th- ' ........................................................ _westerly corner of land of Hel- rout ~, and running south- co~'t_l.~. C. K~0GH erly a~.said land .of He.hnut Jq0z'AF~,Y P'J3LtC, State of New'fork ~s S'~46°32'E 521 feet ,more or le,~ to ~l~gh ~ate~' IIl~rk of 1~i~ Qualified i~] Suffclk County Creek..~:~e w.e~te~ly along .Term Expires March 30, 1961' .~al~..' ~i~ater mark of M/Il cr~:"~'t~leet more or less to lands nOW er fo, rmerly of William Richmond; ther~ce .along said 1.an, ds now or f. onnerly of Wil-. ,~ Richmond N 49°.50'~V 58? i~~:-;'~-:~s to the southerly l~n~'?;~'~~o._ ad; thence along l~.,.?~;>:~rly lin~ of Norm ~~ 245 feet .more or All the certan tracts or l~ar- cels. o'~ lan, d situated at Sou~- old, in the ~own of Southold, ~uff, olk Oountyr"New Yo, rk, and more particu/~rly .bounded and ,described as follows' PA,R~ I,I - Beginnin~ at a :point on the northerly line of ~orth tto~d, whigh point L~ the ~outh, es~terly tqm.er of land now or fonmerly of Geo~g.e G. Rich- mort, d, running thence nor~he, rly al. ong said land now Qr formerly of George G. RlcBmond 330 feet more or less to ordina'ry, high~ ~ater line of I~ng Lsland F~ound; ,thence easily alon~ said high- water line of Lon~ Island Sound '~5 feet more or 1~ to lar~ds flow .or formerly of Town of South- ol.d; .thenge southerly alor~g said lands now or formerly of Town of South, old $2~ ,feet more or le~ to northe~l.y lh~ of North Road; thence ,w.esterl~. along said north- erly line of No~h Road 30 feet ~.ore or less to t~he point or ,place of beginning. 2. By changin~ [rom "A" dent/al and Agricultural DL~trict to' "B" Business l:Asbr/ct the follow- hn, g descri, bed property' Ail that certain ~ract or par,-... cel of land situated at East Mar-' ion, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and more par- ticularly bounded and described as follows' ~lortherly bY ~Long IMand SOund 330 feet more or less; east- erly ,by land now or l~orme~ly of Cove Beach Estate.s, Inc. 580 feet more or less; southerly by other lands of Arlin DeG.uhnaraes 325 .~eet more or leas; and westerly ~by land now or fonm~rly of Phil- ip De~llcl~ola 580 feet more or less. Any pe:rson desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments ;should appear at the time and STATE OF NEW YORK, } ss: COUNTY 0F SUFFOLK, ........:,. --~- ...... :: .............. :..:~ ........ , being drily 8worn, says that. .... ~'[Y.. ..... is Printer and Publisher o.f the, SUFFOLK 'I'i3~S, a newspaper pnblished at Gree,npo~, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk ~ime.s once. in each week, for ~OT ICE OF TO AMEND ON PaOPOSAL O~DI~N~ of Purs~t to the Building Zone ~.eet~on ~6~ of the To~n Law and Article IX Oral inane® of the Town off Southold, Suffolk County, Ne~ ~..ork, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board .at ~ offiee of' the 5npe, rvlsor, 16 South Street, Greenport, i?e¥ York, in s&~d town on the ~+th day of November, 1959, at '?~ O0 o.'cloek in the evening of said day, on the follow- ing proposals to a~end the Building Zone 0rdinance (including the ~uil-d~, --Zone ~aps) of the Town of 8outhold, $~folk County 'New ~[or~l 1. By chang~ from. ~A" ResidentXal and Agrie ult~ral District to -B# Business District the following deseribed property, All the certain tracts or parcels of land .ituated at 5outhold, in the Town of $outhol~, S.~.uff~lk Co,mtn, ~e'w York, and more particularly ~~ed and d. es~rlBed as fol!ows~ PARCEL I - Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Nor'~h ~ad~ saldpoir.~t being the north- westerly comber of land of Hel .~u~t Bass, amd running ~outhmrly along said land of H.-elmut Hass 5 '~6°32'E %21 £eet ~o.re or less to high water ~ark of Mill C~eek~ themoe ~~~rl¥ ~long ~ald high wa~;~r m~k of ~ll~l Cre-ek 210 feet more er less to land~ now or fcrmer'ly of William R.ieh~ond; thence along said lm'~d~ now o~ formerly of ~87 feet more or less to the ~outherl¥ l~ne Ro~~' thence aloe. the said southerly line Ro~ easterly 2~ feet mere or les~ to the or place of be.g~ing. of North .of- North point All the certain tracts ce parcels of land situated a't Scuthold, in the To~m of Southold~ ~uf£olk County, ~ew York, and more partieular~ 'bounded and d~scribed a~ follow~ PARCEL II -- Beg~i~ at a point on the northerly lime of North Road, -which point is the southeast- erly eorne~ of land now or formerly of Georse O. Riah~ond, running then.ee northerly along said land now. or formerly of George G. R~ehmond 330 f'ee~ mo~'e or le~s to ordinary high water line of Lo~ I~l.~a~ 8oma~.l then~ eas~rly a~o~ ,aid h~la wa.-.-ter llne of Long Island 8oread ?~' .feet more or leas to lands now or formerly of-Town of $outhold~ themoe ~ou.-.~er[¥ ,~l..o~.~ld 1~~ now or fo~erly of To~n of ~outhold 3.26 feet more or less erly li~e of North Road! thence westerly no~~erly l t~e of Nor~ Road. 2t0 f®et more to the point or plaee of beginning.. to · .l. on~l: ~aid P&ge 2 Legal ~Otice Notice of Hearin~ on Proposal to ~mend ~onin~ 0rd~anc~. 2, ~ changing fr°~ District to "B" Busines~ District t~ follow~ deseri~ed property', Ail that certs, in tract or pa.~-c~l of land situated at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, ~uffolk County~ Ne~ York, and more p~ticularly bound, ed and. de.crib ed as follo~s~ or les~ $ ~utherly by other lands De~aimarae. ~2'% feet more or less$ '~ l~nd now or fo~erl¥ of Ftailip fee~ mere or les~, Nor~her!y by Lon~ Island 8.ot~d 330 feet or le~s~ ea~l:er!y by' 1.~~ no~ or formerly of Cove-~ach E~tate~, Inc. ~80 feet ~re of ~1~ ~d, we-s ~ rly DeNlchola Any person desiring to be heard on-the proposed s~oul.d appear at the time .and place a~ove $pectfied. amendments DATED BY ORDER OF THE S-OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. ~OOTH, TOWN CLEt~ 138 WEST COLUMBIA STREET H EMPSTEAD, NEW YORK A Distinctive School of Dancing IVan hoe 3-6122 138 WEST COLUMBIA STREET HEMPSTEAD, NEW YORK IVan hoe 3-6122 A Distinctive School of Dancing > November 6, 1959 Mr. Arlin De~ylva 6uimaraes 138 Celumbia St Hempstead L.I., N.Y. Dear Sir; I received your letter of Nov.&th today Please be advised that at the Town Board meeting yesterday afternoon they set the time of November 2Zth, 7:00 PM, at Village Hall ( Supervisors office), 16 ~outh St,Greenport, for a public hearing upon your app]ication for change of zone on property located {n east Marion. There '-.ill be two other apl'~lieations heard at the ~ame time. The planning Board nas mede a favorable report to the Town Board in this matter, But I would think it well if you were there or represented. I am sorry to note ~mt you are anticipati~m ~rip to the ~ospital, in the event that you cannot be at thi~ meeting er be represented, I would suggest a letter to Supervisor Norman Elipp, aeking the matter be held over until a F~.ecember meeting of the Board when you c~n be there. Yours truly Building Inspector. A Dislinctive School of Dancing COLUMBIA 3-6122 STREET HEM PSTEA D, NEW YORK Southold Town Planning Board SnUTHOLO, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickharn~ Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young William Unkelbach Report to: October 28, 19~9 ..ou~hold To%m Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold To~n Planning Board at its meeting on October 27~ 1959: In the matter of the petitio~ of Arlin DeGuimaraes~ 138 West Col~mmbia Street~ Hempstead, New York~ for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situated at East Marion: New York~ and more particularly bounded and described as follc.ws: North by Long Island Sound approximately 330 feet, east by Cove Beach Estates approzimate!y 550 feet~ sou~h by other land of the applicant approximately 325 feet~ and west by land of Phi!lip DeNico!a approximately 580 feets it is hereby RESOL\~D that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District be made on the abovementicned property. Map of land surveyed for D & D Trench- ing Company at East Marion~ by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated August 28~ 1951. The Planning Board has visited this property~ and a letter has been received from Mrs. Rose DeNicola~ owner of the property to the west on which stands the only residence and they favor the change ef zone as requested by the applicant. The property is bounded on the south by other lan8 of the app!icant~ on the east by other "B" Business property~ and further south by a "C" Industrial District. Mr. DeGuimarses is requesting a change of zone on only about ~/!0 of his holdings. Very truly yours~ John Wiekham~ Chairman Southold Town Planning Boar8 Mrs° Rose OeNicola ll-Nth Avenue Garden City Park P 0 New Hyde Park October 21, 1959 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, L.I.N.Y. Gentlemen~ In reference to your letter dated October 7, 1959. I have no objection to change of Done to '8' business district on approximately four acres of mr. OeGuimaraests property. I have spoken to Mr Guimaraes on October 16,1959 and he ex~iained that he is going to add on to one of his buiidings in order to accommodate more Dupiiso This is the reason for his request for "B~ zoning of his four acres° Very truly yours, (Mrs) Rose Oe~icsla October ?, 1~%9 Mr. Phillip DeNicola 11 Fourth Avenue New Hyde Park, New York Dear Mr. DeNicola This Board has received a petition Arlin DeGuimaraes for a change of zone to "B" ness District en property which 1~. 1~~ ut~ar ae ~ ~his change of to establish a playground faotltties ing an established "B" from a "C~ Industrial from Busi- approximately four (~) acres of his ad Joins yours at East Marion~ ~ew York. gives as his reason for requesting zone the following~ "Xt is proposed ~ umme r danc lng s choo 1 wi th d or m i tory ~ etc-. This property is adjoin- Business District and not far District. We would as soon as possible about this proposed of zone. appreciate your reply in writing advising us of your feeling use of the property and Very trul~ yours, /jb John Wiekham, Chairman Eouthold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD Town CLERK'S OffiCE RALPH P. BOOTH, CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, N, ¥, Oct. 5, 1959. Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petitions of Arlin DeGuimaraes, of East Marion, L.I. rel- ative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District and Brown's Hill's Estates, Inc., relative to change of zone to. Open Develop- ment Area under the provisions of Section 280-A of the Town Law of the State of New York, are in the files in the office of the Planning Board a~ Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. RPB/mr Very truly~ ~'~, your s~~. Town Clerk CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Arl±n De Gu.i~raes FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) Nassau ~l:~t~, County, New York, the undersigned, am the. owner of certain real property situated at ~..s.t...)~,~,~.~O.~ ..... ~:..Z.:.~ ..... ~:.~:. ................. and more particularly bounded and described as follows: North by L.I.Soun~. aproximately 33Oft E~st by Cove beach Estates aproximate!y 580 ft South by other land of ap?licant aproximately 325 ft West by land ~ ?hillip I~eNicola aproxi~uately 580 feet 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of So uthold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: ]3~ Resi6ential an~ agricultural district to "B" business district° 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: It is proposed to establish a sumr,~er dancing school with dormitory, playground facilities etc. The proper-y is adjoining an established "B" business district, and not far from a "C" ind st, rial district. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ............................. .A.E.l..i...n...D..e..G...u..i..m..a..z'..a..e..s. ................ , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters h.e believes it to be true. Sworn to before me th is .c~./..-~..doy of .... '' ~~ .... JUD~T~ ?. S0KE.~ Notary Public. Notary Publlc, State of New York I'~o. 52-0344963. Suflolk County // Commission ~xi~ims tfiamh. ~ J,-~.~'/ ... .. 4 / i~'~J ~-' ~ '.3 ~ '"...-' '~ '~ ~qc ~ ,~.~ ~ ~--.~--~ .'t ,~ ~ ~ , o '~ ! ~ · · . -.