HomeMy WebLinkAboutFleming, John J. Amend #30 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by D~Z~t.e Aa L~rt, i requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a port thereof by chang- ing from ........... .A...... ~.~ .~....t~.....~.....~.. ~ .~..~...~.~..~..~.~. .................. District to District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the P'lonning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ........................ day of ........... .A..~.~.~...~t... ...................... 195...9., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is cjz-a~t,~. Town LO~ELL 8-827~ 70 GRAND AVENUE ENGLEWOOD NEW JERSEY ~xpat ~epai~inq and ..~¢sto~inq D, A. LORTI October 8, 1959. Mr. Howard M. Ter~ Building Inspectos $outhold, N. York. Dear Mr, Tessy: Your letter of October 6, 1959. has been received and itts content duly read~ I*a pleased that finally this mattes has been settled.~ and ple~e &ccept the ~thdraw~l of ~y original ~pplicstien, ~nd in thinking you £os yous co~sides&tiOno i~~e~in youss very ttuly~ Dante A. Lesti October 6, 1959 Mr. Dante A. Lorti 70 Grand Ave Engelwood, N.J. Dear Sir; In as much as the Town Board has on it's own motion caused the zone to be changed on ~!our property in New Suffolk from "~" to "~,{" so that you may build your desired building on the premises; the~, would like a letter from you requesting withdrawl of the original app2icstion from "A" to "B" so. that the file may be completed, an~ the case closed. Thank you for your cooperation in this M~~ ter. Yours truly Bui Id ing In spec to r. ~OTI~- E 0~ Oa Z0~II~ 0RDI~A~E ~OTI~ '.~ ~~ O IVE~ that a~te~ a pursuant to'the require~en-~ o? lawp the (ineluding~ the Bu~di~ aon~ ,~ap) o* .the public hearing held Butldi~_g Zone Ordinanee T~wn o'~ gouthold, Su~'~olk County, ~ew York was duly amended at a regular ~.t~i~.~ c~ the $outhold To~ Board held. on August 31, 19%~ as, %ll.ow~ ~ .. 1. .~ ehanglng *~om "A-Residential and ,: Dlstriet to "B- I~'tness Dlstr~ct the ~ollo~ described ~ propertT~ Ail · Itua' ted at ~att. ituek,, in the Town o~ South old, $~fol~~-. Co~,~, .New ~ork~ .and ~ore Particularly bounded - '~~.~inning-at a. point"' on ~he Westerly line o' Pa~i*le Street 1~.89 eeet Southerly line-~r'om Sound AvenueI ~ ru~n~ South 83 degrees ...%'2 ~tnute,s ~est 178,.~.: -.~e't~ thence South ~ou~d.~!g'.x~_es_0~ ~~s East 83~00_ '.-~'t~ ~he.nee n ~3 e. egrees ~2 minutes west 18%;i~ ~n~ Sor,~ 17 deg~es ~8 ~u~s Wes 'eet ~ .. '- '.. '.,..- . ~ t 53.9a ~n~ ~~ S-ou~~ly sideo~ S-°~d to ~ ~$~~ly slde o" P&ele~ $t~ee t t ~ong the We.s~r!y side o~ Paet'i.~ Street. South 7 degas 11 ~~s ~t .1~8.g9 ~eet to ~~~ or' pla~' o* ~g.~. ~ntaln~~ 1 13~ District ;deseribed ~/ ehantng from ','A" Residential ~d to "Il" ~~iple }te'ztdenee Distrlet ~e ~Ollow~ .P~~rtys Am~miment 1to. 30 Beg!~.~! at the tntersecti, on. o~ t~ aor~~Z 1~ ~* ~n S~t wi~ the Eaa~rly ~~~ki 1' ~en~' WaS~rly al~ ~al~ 1~ or less. to the Westerl7 li~ o:* Se~~ Str~e~ ~en~ gou~~rly' ~~ said Westerl~ 1,:~e o~ ' See~~ g~.e~, ~~ ~eet, ~re or less, to said No.~~~~_ 1 t~ o' ~ln St~~t t then~ Wes~~ly WHEREAS, the minutes of the Town Board meeting held on August ll, 1959 as set forth at page 185 of book Liber R of the minutes of the Southold Town Board erroneously states that the Southold Town Planning Board has prepared an official report and recommendation, upon the petition of Dante A. Lorti for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "~' Multiple Residence District, and ~z~EREAS, in fact said action of the Planning Board was taken upon a motion of the Town Board for such change of zone and not upon. the petition of said Dante A. Lorti THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Board meeting held on August ll, 1959 as set forth a% page 185 of book Liber R .of %he minutes of the Southold Town Board be corrected to read as follows: Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Councilman Demarest: "%~tEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board has prepared an official report and recommendation upon the proposal of the Sout~old Town Board upon its own motion for a change of zone from ".~" Residential and Agricultural District to "~' Multiple Resi- dence District on certain real property situate at New Suffolk and a petition of John J. Fleming for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property situate at Mattituck, NOW, THEREFOP~E, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be he Id by the Southold Town Board at the Supervisor's office in Greenport on Monday, August B1, 1959, at 7:~0 o'clock P.M. on the above mentioned proposals for changes of zone." January 15, 1960 Mr. Howard M. Terry, Building Inspector Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Re: Change of Zone of Lorti property at New Suffolk Dear Howard: Sometime ago I mailed you the minutes of the hearing in the above matter, in order that you might have them read. I now find that I have the corrected page, and it is enclosed herewith in order to be in- serted in place of the original. Yours very truly, Robe~asker RWT:SM Enc. 5 However, study and that Mr. those subsequent to this the has communicated with ~rti is contemplating uses in an "M" Multiple and Mrs. prefer an p~operty. Lorti have stated to "M" Ristrict to a BoaPd has made a further Mr. Lorti and has discovered the use of his property for Residence District, and Mr. Mr. Wickham that they would tt B I! Business District over their This is signed by Jokn Planning Board. Wickham, Chairman, Southo ld Town SUPERVISOR KLIPP: to speak in favor of the MR. HOWARD TERRY: and said he did not want opposition of some of the Is there any person present who wishes re iief asked for in the Bill Beebe sent down the to come tonight because neighbors do. wn there. here so that covers what he SUPERVISOR in opposition to (There was wanted to say on it. KLIPP: Is there the petition? no response. ) any person who KLI PP: SUPERVI~SOR close the hearing for Hearing none, at this time the further d ete~ination petition? ~oard . blue print of possible No one is wishes to speak I will of the (~t~IF~FING, 83IITH, TASKE~ ~I',-D LUNDBERG January 4, 1960 Mr. Howard Terry Building Inspector Southold, New York Dear Howard: I have finally located the minutes of the hearing for the change of zone of property at New Suffolk owned by Dante A. Lorti. You will recall that George Lederle made a mistake in these minutes on the bottom of page 5 and the top of page 6 and that you had the necessary corrections made. I return to you herewith a copy of the minutes and suggest that you insert the proper correction and file them with the Town Board. Yours very truly, Robert W. Tasker RWT:MY Enclosure PUBLIC HE ARING TOWN BO ARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. August 31, 1959 Present : NORMAN E. KLIPP, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman ROBERT TASKER, ESQ., To,an Attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. :~PP,LI.,CATI0,N_ OF DANTE A, LOR.TI SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will read the legal NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOS AL TO AMEND ZONING Pursuant to Section ~o ~)65 of the Town ~Law o£ the Building Zone Suffolk County, by the Southoid 16 South Street, day of August day, on the 0 rd i nan c e Ordinance of the Town oI' Southo ld, New York, Town Board Greenport, a public - hearing wi 1 ~ at the office of the New York, 1959, at 7:30 o ' c lock in following proposals notice. (including the Building ORDINANCE Suffolk County, New York: and A t.zcle IX r ' Southold, be held Su~pe rvisor, in said town on the 31st the afternoon of said to amend the Zone Maps) Building Zone of' the Tow~ of 1. By changing District pro perty: from "A" Residential and 'to "B" Business District the fo 1.1owing Agricultural described ~11 that certain Mattituck, in the Town and mo re particularly tract of or parcel Southold, bounded Beginning at a point on Street 148.89 feet and running Sou th thence South thence South thence North Southerly of land situated at 83 degrees land of Long Suffolk County., New York, and described as follows: the Westerly line of Pacific along line from Sound Avenue; 52 minutes West 178.~2 feet; 5 degrees 05 minutes East 83 degrees 52 minutes West 17 degrees 58 minutes West ~3.00 feet; 185.14 feet; 53.92 feet to Island Railroad; thence along said land of 3 Long Is la~d Pailroad North 46 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East ~67.09 feet to the Southerly side of Sound Avenue; thence along Southerly side of Sound Avenue North 77 degrees 3! minutes East 162.03 feet to the Westerly side of Pacific Street; thence along the Westerly side of Pacific Street oouth 7 degrees 11 minutes East 1~8.~9 feet to the .point or place oF beginning. C~ntaining 1.137 acres, more or less. ~ By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural Dis t ri c t t o ~ M'~ Multiple Residence District the following described property: All that certain tract piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at New Suffolk, in the Town of Sou'tho ld, Suffolk County, New York, mo re particularly bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection the Northerly line of Main Street with the Easterly line of Third Street, 200 feet, more or less, to land now or formerly of Malinowski; thenc~ easterly along said land now or formerly of Malinowski, 2O0 feet more or less, to the Westerly line of Second Street; thence Southerly along said Wester~ line of Second Street, 200 feet, more or less, to said Northerly line of Main Street; thence Westerly along said Northerly line of Main Street, 200 .fee t, more or less, to the point or place of beginning. Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above speci.fied. Dated: August 11, 1959. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH, Town C!erk. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will read the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning tk~ard. Report to: Southold Town Gent lemen: Board, Southoid, New York. This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on August 4, 1959: It was RESOLVED that the Resolution of the Southold Town Board dated July 7, 1959 be approved, changing ~from Residential-Agricultural District to "M" .Multiple Residence District and following described property: Property of Dante A. Lorti, bounded north by land of John Malinowski, east by Second Street., south by Main Street., and west by Third Street as well as the entire block w~thin which said proper'ty is located. Heretofore the Board had made a recommendation upon a petition of Mr. Lorti to change his property from Res idential -Agricultural to "B" Business District, as well as the remainder of the bloCk on the Town Board's own motion. Hol~e-ve~ study and that Subsequent to this the has e Ommunl e a t ed wi th ~hose Lo~tl and Mrs. Lo,fl prefer an "M" Property. is contemplating an "M" Multiple have stated to District to a Boar~t has .Mr. Lorti the use ~esldence made a further and has of his dlscove~d P~perty for District, and Mr. Hr. WiCkham that they Would Business Distrlct over their This is Signed Piannlng Board. by John Chal rman, Southold .Town to su mtVzson speak in KLIpp: favor of the HOWARD and said he dld not want opposition some of the here so that of COvePs what SUPERVISOR opposl t I on to (There was no close the Is there any person ~llef asked Bill Beebe p~esen~ fo~ in the KLipp: sent down the the he to come tonight down nelghbo~ wanted to because the~ · Is there say on it. any Person Who Who Wishes petition? Petition? blue P~Int of POSsible No one Is WiShes. to speak response. ) KL.~pp: Hearing none, at t.his time hearing for the furthe~ determination of I Will the NOTICE OF }~.fdiING O..t ~ i.i~fANCE Pursuit to Se.etion 265 of the Town Law and Article IX of .the :!Bul!ding Zone Ord~~ce of the To-~ of Southold, Suffolk Cowry, !New Yorick, a public hearing will be h~ld by the Southold To~ at the o~fice~. . of the-~~rvisor.., _ 16 ,.2outh o ~' treet, Greenport, i~ew York, i-u ~'7 ~ 30 o ~ clock said town on the 31st day of A~ust,, 1959, at in the afte~oon of' said day, on the f'oll.o'~d.ng iproposals to ~nd the B~di. ng Zone Or,:~na~ (including the ~lding Zone Maps ). of the To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, By changing from "A" Res~d ential a.nd Agrteult~al Business District tP~ following descried property,: All that certain tract or ..... p~cel of land situated at Mattltuck, in.. tt~e ~'own of Southold, Suffolk Co~ty, New 'York, and moreparticularly heralded a~ described as follow~ District Beginning at a ,point on-the ~esterly line of ~acific $.treet 1~8.$9 feet Southerly along line from Sound Avenue $ and r~in~ South ~3 degrees 52 minutes West 178.82 feet ! thence So~h ~ degrees ~O5 minutes East 53.00 ,feet; thence South 53 d~grees ~2 minutes West 18%.1~ ~eet~ thence North 17degrees 55 minutes West ~3.92 feet to l~d of Long Island RailroadS thence along sa,~c~ l~d of ~ng' ~~..~~ Railroad North 1~6 degree~ -l+3 minutes ~0 seeond~ East 267.09 feet to the 8outherly s i~e of Sound lvenue$ thence along Southerly side of $ou~1. Avenue Nor~ 7~ degrees 31 minutes East 162.03 feet to the ~esterly s~e of Pacific ~.:,treet$ ~nonce alc~ the Westerly s~e of Paoific S~re-et South 7 degrees 11 minutes East 1~.89 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containi~ 1.137 acres, more or less. ch~gzng frc,~:~ "~" ~esma,ntial ~d .agricultural "N" Mmltiple Residence Dlstriet the follow-.lng described propertY: All that certain tract piece or psreel ~ ~e To~ of Sou~hold, S~fo.~ Co~ty~ ~w ~or~ more p.articul,~,',~ ~ ' · '" ~ as ~°llow~ ~ Begi~ing at the intersection ~o, ~ner&y line of ~in ~treet line o~ Thtrd Stre~t ~d r~ing N ~~g said ~s~rly i~e of Third ~eet., ~e or les s~ to l~d n~ or of the the Easterly ortherl¥ ~reet~ 200 formerly of said lamt now or f~erly of Malinowskl, .200 feet, more or less~ to the Westerly line of Second Street thence Southerly along said Wes~rly 1.1~ne of Second Street, 200 feet, more or le~s, to said ortherly line of Main Streets thence. Wezterly along said Northerly line of Main Street, 200 feet, more er les~ to th~ point or place of' Any ,~rson desiring to be heard on the ~ropos ed amen~ts should apDear at the tim~ and ~.lace above speelfied. Dated, Augus~ 11, 19~9. TOWN BOARD. BOOTH Southoid Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young Report to: August ~, 1959 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certi"y that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on August ~ 19~9: It was RESOLVED that the Resolution o~ the Southold Town Board dated July 7~ 1959 be approved, changing from "A" Residential- Agri- cultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the -ollowing described property: Property of Dante A~ Lorti~ bounded north by land o~ John Malinowski~ east by Second Street, south by Main Street~ and west by Third Street; as well as the entire block within which said property is located. Heretofore the Board had made a recommendation upon a petition o" Mr. Lorti to change his property from "A" Residential-Agricultural to "B" Business District~ as well as the remainder o~ the block on the To~ Board's own motion. However~ subsequent to this the Board has made a ~urther study and has communicated with M~. Lorti and has ~iscoversd that Mr. Lorti is contemplating the use o" his property eot those uses in an "M" Multiple Residence District~ and Mr. and Mrs. Lorti have stated to Mr. Wickham that they would prefer an "M" District to a "B" Business District over their property. Very truly yours~ John Wickham~ Chairman Southold Town Planning Board 1959 Mr. Dante A. Lorti 0 Grand Avenue ngelwood, New ~erse¥ Dear ,Mr. Lorti~ We are sorry to inform you that the Southold Town Board, on its own motion~ has suggested that the entire 'block in New Suffolk where your property is located, be zoned"M# ~A~Itiple Residence Dis- trier instead off .B~ Business District as you requested. This means that an additio~al period must elapse before pub'ic hearing and final decision will ~e made~ and we are wondering how you would feel about an "M" Multiple Residence District~ which would rule out "B" Business District on your property. in the "M" District the following uses are allowed le District. A use permitted in an "A" Residential and Agricultural 2. Multiple dwellings designed for and occupied by not more than four (~) families. .3. Hotels~ moteis, a~d boarding and ~. Tourist cottages. (More than one be permitted on a lot when authorized as a Board of Appeal~ as hereinafter provided$. %. Aecess$ry uses ~n the same to any of the above permitted uses. tourist houses. (1) Tourist Cottage may speei~al exception by the lot with and customarily incidental We would, be pleased to hear from you future. on this matter in the near Very truly your s, JW/jb John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board SOU~HOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFiCe WHEREAS, DANTE A. LORTI has heretofore by application to the Town Board requested that certain property described in said application be changed from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, and WHEREAS, by resolution of the Board, said application was referred to the Planning Board for its recommendation and official report, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board by its official report dated June 24, 1959, recommended that the entire Block within which said property is located be rezoned to "B" Business District, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has studied said application and is of the opinion that the property bounded North by land of John Malinows~i, Easerly ~ by Second Street, Southerly by Main Street and Westerly by Third Street be changed from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residsnce District, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town Board on its own motion change from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: (set for description from VanTuyl's letter of 5/28/59). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk transmit a copy of this resolution to the Planning Board for its official recommendation and report pursuant to the provis- ions of Article lX, Section 901 of the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance. The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows: Ayes:Supervisor Norman E. Klipp Councilman Lester M. Albertson Councilman Louis M. Demarest Justice Henry A. Clark Justice Ralph W. Tuthill Noes: None Ralph P. Booth Town Clerk Southold Town Planning Board -~OUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chalrm~n Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young lei:oPt E'o: .... SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERKIS OFFICE June 17, 1959. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of DANTE A. LORTI, of New Suffolk, L.I., New York, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, is in the files in the office of the Plan- ning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. RPB/mr Very truly yours, R~lph ~P. Booth Town Clerk ~,~ i ~lililfiE I' I .............. ,,. -'Il ~¥~1~ Ill Il I Il I'~| ~-~ ........ illlfl ...... IUI Ill II Ill .... ~r. Dante A. Lortl 70 Grand Avenue Engelwood, New Jersey De~ Sir: of zo ,,a~vl-se that ?our , Business dis+.~'~'_~~rXe~tural ~d?~tltion for ~~d '~-~~= ~s been Presen-Hesident~al to ,, ' ted to the ~out~ld ~fore eon~iderlag th~ aPplleatlon th~ ~o~ Wishes to know ~e reel.s of the adjoining pro r O~ers relative ~ rezonl~ the ~lanee of the b "A,, Agrleult~~. ~d Resldentl~ to "B ~slness.~e~~ obtain this information and su~it S~e Prior 19Y9 · Ple~ Very truly /Jb John ~iekham, Southold Town PlS~unlng Board. Chairman TOWN OF SDUTHDLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN r, LERK'S OFF'ICE SOUTHOLD, N, Y. TEL. SI-1LITH OLD May 2~, 1959 Town Board, Town of Southold 16 South St Greenport, N.Y. Gentlemen; In connection with the attached application for a change of Zone from "A" to "B" district, I wish to state that I have visited the location in question with Mr Young and Mr. Moisa of the Planning Board, and have discussed the matter with John Wickham Chairman of the Board. The~ feel that where a good part of this block is presently zoned "B" business, and where there is a "B" district from second street to the water (New Suffolk Harbor) the ~arcel in question and the balance of the block bounded by ~resent "B" district on the Northerly side, 2nd st on the Easterly side, Nain St on the Southerly side and 3rd st on the Westerly side should be on the Town Board's own motion changed to "B" district. Attached is a legal description of the parcel which they reco~mend be made "B" district. This description was made by Otto VanTuyl & son within the last few days. Yours truly Building Inspector OTTO W. VAN TUYL 8,: SON GREENPO~RT, NEW YORK ,.a~, 2'2, 1959 DP,~(Ri ~T!ON--r'r cosed ckange o?zone at New Suffolk, 2,.Y. i~'~n,,-:,~ at t~e int:~rsect~on of t!~ ~o~t.~,~ line of .iSn Otroot ~it~ the run? . nortNerl- alons 200 ~ et, ~o~ o~ less, to land of 'ialino~vsPi; {~ld bein~ preset'tlr ~onea "Z" busines~ tJ,~ce ea terl.' along said l~z~d of ~daiiNowski, 200 fe-t, '.:oz'e o~ less, to the we te~!, li~e of Second Otrect; ti ~nce southerl5 alo~s s~id ~,., te~iy ii}}e o:~' Sec.~d etrz~t~ 2~ feat, ~.~ore oz less, to s~6 r~o}'h~}13 iiue of }~a~n otre~t; tne~ce westezlr along sadd northerl- l~ne of i,.ain Stz'o t, to t .-. point of CASE NO: ]'"~ </ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATI'ER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK· TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: · .............. res,d,no at (insert nome of petitioner) ~ ~ ...... ~"~ Sulfa k County, New York, the undersigned, om the owner c~lcertain real property si~oted ~.~/"t/ ~_.~ ..~...~..~ ~, ~' ~.' ~'/ond m ore portic I I ........................................................... u or y bounded ~1-1~/ 6~/7~i ~4.,;~ and described as follows: 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: (L. S STATE OF NEW x~,~-%(, ) l~e_.~i~, ) SS:- COUNTY OF ~, ) .................. : ......... ~ ......... : ......................... BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that os to those matters he believes it to be true. WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by t~'O]~ ~To ~'].~ requesting o change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a port thereof by chang- ing from ...... '~..'-'.. · ~'.L(t'4~t~.. ~..~[~.£~ ........................ District to .... .~... ~.....~..~..~...~...~....~. ~....~...~.~ .~. ~ .~. .................................................. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....... ..~..~. ............ day of ............ .A...~,~..~...~;.. ...................... 195...9, and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~Jx'iltlt.~l~o SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK: COU~W~Y OF SUFFOLK= RALPH p. BOOTH, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Cotu~ty of Suffolk, and ~ate. of New York~ that ~;' is the Turn Clerk of th~ Town of ~outhold! that ~ ~ ~ ~y of s~t~her , 1959, he ~ · ~py of ~e N~ OF ~ OF Z~Z~ ~o. ~0 , a ~py of ~ ~s ~ Cl~k's Offi~ at ~u~old, ~ Y=k~ ~at su~ ~ by h~ ~ ~ne p~t to ~e ~ovisions of ~e ~ ~ ~ p=~t to ~ Resolution of ~e ~u~old ~ ~d. Subscribed and e~own to before me thJ. m q ~ day of~__~, 1959. Notary PublXc · . ~ A~t~~~'T..-~O."30 t~t ~r ~ a-~nc- p~s~t-.~ ~e r~~~~ of~ law,-~:' B~~ zone Orate. (~lu~g ~ B~d~g 'zone Map) of t~ T~n of ~u~old, Suffolk ~~.ty; N~ Y~ W~ d~y ~~'ded at a reg~' m~e~ of ~~uthold ~~~rd held on ;Au~st 31, 1~9,' ~oll~s:. 1. BY chang~g, f~m "A" ~ti~ and ~~t~ ~~ct "B" B~~ D~ct ~e ~g d~fl.b~ p~~ty: ' ~1 ..~at c~m ~t or'P~cel of -1~.. stiua~d at Ma~ltuck, of SuffOlk, N~ York, partlc~ly bounded and. de-.~ scr~ed as~ foll~s: .~g at a ~t on the ~~~!~ ~e of P~ffic Strut~ l~.89'f~t Sou~efiy ~ong ~e West 1~8~2 fee~-~ ~uth 5~ 'degrees 05 m~u~ ~t ~t; .~ence ~uth 83 degas 52~ m~ut~ W~t 1~.14 f~t; thence~ No~ 1~ degr~s 58 ~nut~ West~ 53.92 feet ~ land of.Long ~d~ ~flroad; ~ence along said land[~ of ~g ~land Railroad Nor~~ ~ degr~s 43 ~inu~s 50 -"-~t 26~.09 feet to ~e ~thefly~ Side ~ Sold Avenue;~-~ence,' .along ~utherly side of ~und~ Avenue Nor~ ~ deg'r~ 31 ut~ E~t i~.03 feet to the W~t-~ erly side. of P~ific. Street;~ thence ~ong the Westerly side~ of P~ific Street South ~ degrees' 11 minutes East 1~.89 feet to ~e~ point or place of be~~. Con-, ta~g 1.13~ acres, moye or 1~.~ 2. By ~ang~g from A ~e~?~ and Agricmmml D~trict to~ M - M~tiple R~idenc.e -'District the follow~g de~cribe.d pro~rty: ~1 that ceftin tract pie~ or~ ~arcel of land situate, l~g .~d~ being, at_ New S~.folk, ~ the~ Town of Southold, Suffolk Coun-~ ~ New York, more ~bo~ded and desqribed l~ws' Beg~n~g at the inters~tion ~e Northerly line of Main Street with the E~t~ly ~e of Third Street; ~d r~~g Northerly .along s~d E~terly 1~ of ~rd Street, 200 feet, more or 1~, land now o~ fo~erly ~f owsM; ~e~c.e E~terly ~ong s~d land now or formerly of Mal~- ow~, 200 feet, more or le~, to the W~tefly l~e ~ ~~nd S~eet; ~en.~e-~'u~e. fly along said W~terly line of ~cond. Street, 200 .feet, more or l~s to said Northerly line of Street; the~e Westerly alo~ ~id No,hefty l~e ~f Strut, 2~ feet, more or l~ to ~e ~int or place of ~g. ~~: September 1, 1959. BY ~~ DF ~ ~U~O~ ~~ ~P.~ STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss' ..~..~..t',...~...~.]~r; .... ~~ ................... beinE duly Sworn, says that ......... ~ ..... is Printer a~d Publisher of the 8~'I,'OLK TI~E8, a newspaper published at ~reenpo~, in said county; and fhat the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been p~blished in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for ................................................................. ~~ ......................week~ successively commencing on the ............. ...... ......... ..... . ...... 8worn [o before me ~his ....... ~:.......' :~ . ............... ................... ............................................................................................... C, ORNEL!,~, ,~. Kt:.OG'; !qOTARY PUBLIC, State o~ New N o. 'J. '2-'2093890 ~()ualified in ?.uffolk Term E~oifes Msrch 30, 1961' NOTICE... OF AM~D~~ NO, 30' NOTICE I~ HEREBY GIVEN -tl:.~ter a publle hearing held pursuant to the requlremen~s~., the Building zone (inelud~ the Buildin~ Zone Map) o~ the To~ oe Southold, Suefolk County, Southold New York was duly amended at a regular meeting, o* the Town B o~d held on August 31, 19.%9 as *ollows ~ District property~ to "B" Business "A" Residential and Agri~a!t~al District the. £ollowing described All that cer'taln tract or parcel o* land si%uated at Mattituek, in 'the To~ o? Sour hold, Su*folk Co~t¥, New York, .... and more particularly bounded and described as *ollows ~ Be.~.lnning at a point" on the-Westerly line o~ Pa~i Xc Street 1~.89 eeet Southerly alor~ line ~om Sound Avenue; and _ruling South 83 degrees ~2 minutes West 178.8~ .~et~ thence Sou~h ~ degrees~ Og minutes East 83.' O0 'ee-t; 'the, nee South 83 degrees %2 minutes West 18%..1~ ~eet; thence North ~ degrees ~8 minutes West %3.92 *ee t to land L~n~ Island. Railroad~ thence ~6°~egg~ea~~d ~~..o~. Lon~ -Tsl~,nd ,a:Llroad North , .'~ manures ~0 seconds ~eet to the ~u+w--~- -, ~_ -- - Egst 267.09 . -.v --~~-~ ~A~e O~~ ~ ~henee alon So" ~o~th . o, Sound Avenue .. 77 degree~ 1 mi~ :. 3 utes East 16 ' '- ~ ' .'" ~ 2,03 ~'eet to the ~este~ly side o~ P&el.~lc" St~eet'I thence along the ~es ,te~l¥ side o~ Paelel~ Street South 7 degrees 11 mitres East 1~8.§9 'eet to the point or place ?. beginning. Containing 1 137 acres? more or less, · District By cha~.ng from ".A" Residential and Agrlcult~al to .~ .~tiple Residence District the eOllowing propert¥~ DATED$ NOTICE- Amendment No. 30 ~ Ail that certain tract piece or, parcel' o* la~ st~ma~, lying and_ ~e.~ at ~ew Su*~olk, in the ToWn o~ Southold, Su~o~ County', YorE~ more particularly bounded and described as Ollo , intersection o* the Northerly line O~ Ma~ ~tree~ .with the Easterly line of Third ~treet~~a~e o~XU~ N°r~~rly "al~ said Easterly Third S%ree~t, 200' *eet, more or less, to 1~ now or'"~orme~.ly o* ~alinow~ki~. thence_ Easterly along s~id land ~how or ffor~erly o* ~w~linowskl, 2.00 ~eet, more or less, to the Westerly line o* Second Street; thence Southerly along Said Westerly line o Second Street, ~DO feet, more or less, to said Northerly line o~ Main Street ~ thence Westerly b%ong said Nor ~therly line o' ~ Street, 2~0 *eet, more or less, to the po.iht or place o* beg~ng · September 1, 19~9. BY ORDER "~ ' ' SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD: RALPH P- BOOTH, TOWi'~~ i~EREAS, the minutes of the Town Board meeting held on August ~l, 1959 as set forth at page 189 of book Liber R of the minutes of the Southold Town Board erroneously stated that the public hearing was held on the petition of Johr~ J. Fleming for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural Dis- trict to "B" Business District and also a petition of Dante A. Lorti for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "~' Multiple Residence District was opened by the Supervisor at 7:~0 P.M., and ~qEREAS, the minutes of said meeting held on August 3l, 1959 state that the Town Board changed the zone of property described in a petition of Dante A. Lorti when in fact said change of zone was made by the Town Board on its own motion, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Board meeting held on August 31, 1959 as set forth at page 189 of book Liber R of the minutes of the Southold Town Board be corrected to re ad as follows: The public hearing on the petition of John J. Fleming for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District and the proposal of the Southold Town Board on its ov~ motion for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "PP' Multiple Residence District was opened by the Supervisor at 7:.~0 P.M. The minutes of this hearing were recorded by George T. Lederle. Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Councilman Demarest: ~EREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by John J. Fleming requesting a change, modification and amendmen~ of ~he Building Zone Ordinance includ- ing the building zone maps made a part thereof by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS, said petition was duly ref. erred to the Pi_arming. Board for its inve st d.~gation, re co m~ne ndat i on and report, and its report having been filed with t he Town Boa rd, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said pet it ion having been duly held by the Town Board on the 31st day of August, 1959, and due deliberation having been had thereon, NOW, T~ZREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in and it is hereby granted. said petition of John J. Fleming be, Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice Clark' ~HEREAS, the Town Board of the To~ of Southold on its own motion proposed a ing Zone Ordinance thereof to "~' modification and change, including the building amendment of the Build- zone maps made a part u~tural Dis ¢ t by changing from "A" Residential and Agric ~ tri Multi '~ ple Residence District the followzng descr.~_bed property North-John Malinowski East- Second Street South-Main Street We st- Th ir d Street %fHEREAS, said proposal was duly referred to ~e Planning Board for its investigation, reco~endati on and re po rt, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter a public hear in~ in relation to said proposal having been duly he_a by Board on the 31st day of August, 1959, and due de liberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLED that the Building Zone 0 rdinan c inc l~ding the building zone maps made a part thereof be amended by cban ~ ~ g_ng from "A" Residential and Agricultural District Mu 1 t i ~ ! e Residence District the pm rope rty hereinbefore described. PUBLIC HE~ ~NG TOWN BO ~-\RD T0~N O? SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. August 3~-~ ]~-959. Present : Sm NORMAN E. KLIPP, pervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace ~ ~ Councilman LESTER ~LBmRTSON, ROBERT T ASKER, ESQ., Town Attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. 2 S U P E RVI S 0 R KLIPP: We have a public hearing for 7:30 I will Notice read the notice of the of Hearing on Proposal Pursuant to of the Building Suffolk Co'unty, the ~outhold Town 16 South ~treet Section 265 of Zone Ordinance of New York, a public hearing. to .~lmend Zoning Ordinance: the Town Law and ~rticle IX the Town of Southold, hearing wi!i be held by Board at the office of Greenport, New York, in 31st day of August, · fo liowing proposals t959, at 7:30 P.m. of (including to amend the Building the Building the Supervisor, said town on the said day, on the Zone Ordinance Zone Maps) of the Town of ~:~o'utho ld, Suffolk District County, New York: By changing from an ~ Agri cu Itura i to "B" Business District the folIowing described property: All that certain tract Mattituck, in the Town of State of New York, and more or parcel of land situated near ~outhold, County o f Suffo!k, and the particularly bounded and described as fo ] lows: Beginning at a point on Street 148.89 feet So~therly and running South 83 degrees thence South 5 degrees 105 the Westerly line of along l~.~ne from. Sound 52 minutes West 175. minutes' East 83.00 feet; Pacific AV enu° ' feet; thence 3 South 83 degrees 5o~ minutes West feet; thence North !7 degrees 58 minutes West 53.9~ feet to land o f Long Island Raj 1 road; thence along said land of Long Island Ra~lroad No r~th 46 deg'rees 43 minutes 50 seconds East 267.09 feet to the oouth - erly side o~f Sound Avenue; thence along Southerly s~.de of Sound Avenue North 77 degrees 31 minutes East .feet to the Westerly side of Pacific Street; thence along the Westerly side of Pacific Street South 7 degrees 11 minutes E~st !48.~9 feet to the point or place of beginning. ~ontai~ing more or ].ess. ac res, 2. By changing from "A" Residential and District to "M~' Multiple District the following ~.~:g ri cu 1 tural described pro pe rty: All that certain tract piece or .parcel lying and being at New Suffolk, in the Town ~u.ffo lk ~ New York, more ~,ounty, particularly of land situate, of Southold, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of t~he Northerly line of Main Street with the Easterly line of Thi rd otreet' and running Northerly along said Easterly line o f Third otreet ~00 feet, more or less, to land now or formerly of Ma linowski; thence Easterly along said land 9.00 feet, more or less, to the nor or formerly Westerly line of of Malinowski ~ oecond Street, thence Southerly 200 feet_, more thence Westerly feet, along said Westerly lime or less to a 1 o~g ~m d more or less to the Any person desirimg said Northerly above Northerly line time and place point or place of oecomd Otreet, ]i~e of Mai .~ .. ,. n Street, o? ..~a_~n Street, 200 of to be heard should specifie~. beginnimg. appear at the .Dated: August 11, 1959. SUPERVISOR BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD RALPH p. BOOTH, Town KLIPP: I have the on these matters. I the petition of John TOWN BO ARD Clerk. recommendation of the wi!! deal wi th affidavits the first of one publi cati on which is Flemming and at this time read you the Plan~ir~g Board. Report to SouthoId Gem t 1 emem: Town Board, Southold, New York. This is to by the Southoid 1959 certify that Town Planning the following Board at its action was taken meeting on August In the matter Mattituck, New York ,Agricultural to "B" situated at of the described as for a petition change Business Mattituck, of John J. Flemming, follows: Street., south by land of zone from and West by the Long district, certain and more particularly North by Sound Avenue, formerly of Bond and Is land Railroad; it is "A" .Residential._ real property bound ed and east by Pacific by land of Rolfes, hereby 5 Board RESOLVED the change from Business Su rveyo ~, on three and i s that the Planning Board 'recommend to Res i den ti al - ~lg ri cu 1 rural district, Map of Alden W. Young, P. E., that it Ri v e the ad, New York, dated would not of the fact that this This view sides by immediately August 1, should property is Business and "C" adjacent to the be logically be zoned suited for the Town is to "B" residential and Land signed by John Wickham, 1959. Board. S U ll~rou~ d ed Industrial which property railroad l!Bll Business, purposes. Chairman, ~ uld seem and certainly Sou thold Town speak are ~t this time in favor of MR. }{OWARD Gri ffing, who and when the SUPERVISOR speaking in is the TERRY, any person there relief asked for Mr. Flemming is going to operate thing is KLIPP: In passed. favor oi' it. other WO rd S, present in the owns the a garage both. of who wishes to petition? property amd on the property, You gent ! emen to MR. FLEMMING Wishes SUPERVISOR and MR. GRIFFING: KLIPp: Is there speak in favor The re was no SUPERVISOR speak to any of the application? response. KLIPP: Hearing .in opposition none, to the That, s right. other person who wi shes the re any person who granting of the app li ca ti on 6 (There was SUPERVISOR no response. ) KLIPP: at this time for the Hearing none I will close further determination of the the hearing Board. an~ for On motion of unanimously a change of Business Albertson, seconded by Mr. c a rri ed, the zone from "A" Dema re s t, district was application of John. J. Flemming R~sidentia!-Agricultural to gran ted. A11 vo ted "yes." ~LK ~S, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1959 -' · 1~~ ~(~I~CE Any person dest~g to be. lae_a~r~, SS' on the propose~ amendments., , ' NOTICE OF O~ '~ TO AMEND should appear at the time and~' .' ZONIN~ ORDINA~ICE place .above spec~fied . '~~.. being duly Sworn, Purer .to Section 265 of..~he Dated. August 11, 1959. ' .................. Town LaW' and Article IX of ,the Town.':..~0f'~ Southold, 8u~olk ~ hem b~ the 'Sound T~wn. ]~o~ t --------- '.South ~Stree~, ~~~, New YorE, 'in said town':on;the 3~st day ol Au- 'gust, .1959'..at ~'$0 o'clock P. M. of Said day, on' the following proposals:to ~mend the Building Zone .~ce (tncludtn~ ,the Building Zone.. M~ps) of the Tow~ of Southold, Su~,folk Oo~ty, New Y~rk: 1. By changing from "A" dential and .Agricultural District to "B" 'Busine~ Dis~tct the~ follOw-, lng desc~~ property: All that certain trot ~r parcel! of land situated near Mattituck,~. in the Town of Southold, OoufitYl of Sulfolk, and the State of York, and more particularly, bounded and described as fol-i . ~lng. at a point on the ,Westerly line of Pac,iflc Street~: 142.89 feet Southerly along irom Sound Avenue; and ~un- aing South 83 degrees 52 minutes~, West 1~8~S2 feet; thence South 5 degrees 105 minutes East;...;83.091 feet; ,thence South 83 de~S 51i'[ minutes West 185,14 feet; thencel ~lorth 1~ de~ees 52 minutes 5.3.92 feet to land of Long Island Railroad; .thence along said land~ of Long Island Rail.road North! 46 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds! Fast 26~.09 feet to the Southerly' side of Sound Avenue; thence, ~long Southerly side of Sound Avenue North ~ degrees 31 min- utes East i62.03 feet to the West- .erly side of Pacific Street; thence along the Westerly sidei of Pacific Street South ~ degrees t .11 minutes East 143.89 feet to the l point or place .of beginning. Con-i raining 1.13~/ acres, more or less.t "A" Res1 2. By cha~ging from ?,ential and Agricultural Dhstrict toi M" Multiple District the follow-~ lng' deSCribed property' Ail that Certain tract piece or 9arcel o.f land situate, lying .andt ,being at New Suffolk, in the[ Town of Southold, Suffolk Coun-[ New York, more particularly| ~baunded and desclribed as fol-i l~ws' Beginning at the intersection of .the Ngrtherly line of Main Street with the Easte, rly line of Third Street; ~and running No, rtherly alo.r.~- said Easterly line of Third Street, 200 feet, more or less, to. .land now or formerly Gf Malin-~, "owski; the.nee Easterly along, said land now or formerly of Malin- ow~ki, 200 feet, more ,or less, to :the Westerly line oi Second Street; then, ee Southerly along said Westerly line of Seconct .Street, 200 .feet, more or less to .said Northerly !ine of M.ai~ Street; ther~ce Westelrly along, ,~ said Northerly line of Main Street, 200 feet, mo:re or less to the point or place of beginning,i - ~ , ~-~ '~.--.-----~--- - . ..... BY GRDI!IR OF ~ ...., !nter and Publisher of the SUFFOLK RALPIt P. BOOT~ " It ished at Gree~np:o'rt, in said county; TO~ CLERE ~u , ._..__ __~ich the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. i'or .......................................................... ~ ................................ week~i ' 'he _~_~ ~~ ~~~L~: ............ successively c~ommencing on. ~ ......... ._~-~-----------;- ........................ ....... ..:... ........ .. ................................................ Sworn to before me this ...... ../..L.:.=~.:. .... ~ ......~........... ...... .........------'- .... .. .... ..... .... . ...... STAN'" 5. ,-,'. Y CORWIN NOTAI~ f PUBLIC. State of New York llc:._:iding in Suffolk County Clk~. No. 52-5826~400 Commission Expires March 30,1960 N(~ICE OF !IE~ING ON ?,~OP~3AL 0~ IN~NCE Pursuant to Section 26~ of-the Toga Law and Article IX of the Build Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,, New ~ork, a public hearing will be held by the $outhold To~n Board at the office of the ~upervisor, South Street, Green~rt,~ New YorX, lu said town on the 31st day of A~g'ust, 19~9, at i 7~30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, on the following pro~sals to amend the Building Zone Ordiname (lnelud~ tl~ Btttlding Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, ~ew Yorks to .B. le By ehang !ng from "A" Re s ~d matial and Agr i cult~al Business District the following described property~ District Ail that certain tract or,parcel of land T situated at Mattituck, in the 'o~m of Southold, Suffolk Co~ty, New York, and morepartlcularly bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at ~~~.lnt on of Paclf lc c.~ tret 80' the Westerly line ' e .. feet 8ou.therly along line f~om Sound Avenue l and running Sc uth 83 degrees %2 minutes Wes% 178.82 feet S thence Sour h '~ degrees 05 ~tnu~es East 8~.s~t. feet- thence South 83 degrees ~2 minute~ ~'e~5~.' ~ ~~ feet $ thence North 17degrees ~8 minutes We~t .53 .~2 feet to land of Lon,~5 island Railroad~ thence .~1.o~ aaid l~mt of' ~i~~ tal~m~ i~il2oad ~6 degrees ~3 minute~ .~0 seeond~ East 267.09 feet to the I~outhe-~ly s~ide of~_$ound Avenuel thenoe along 8.outherly side of 8ound lven,ue ]lo~th 77 degrees 31 minutes East 162.03 feet to the ~emterly m~ · of Pacific Street$ thence along the Westerly ~de of Pacific Street South ? degrees 11 minutes East 11~8.89 feet to the point or place of beginning. Contain~ 1.137 acre~, mo~ or le~,. LEG~L NOTI~ -2- Distri¢~ to propert'~~ ,,gr ult~al "M" ~~tiple Residence District the foll~i~ de~cri~~ Ali that certain tract piece or parcel of land sl$~~e, lying ~d be~ at i~'~. Su£folk~ in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York~ more particularly bounded and described as follows: BeginnLng at the intersection of the Northerly line of Main f:treet with tt~e ~ster!y line of Third Street; and r~ir~-Northerly along said Easterly line of ~hird ~tre ~t, 200 eeet, m~ e or les; ~ to land n~ or formerly of Malinowski $ tilenc~ E.a~ fez Ii :~ ~ ong s a i .~ ~ ~ ~ now. or formerly oS Mall~,. owski~ ~00 feet, ~more or le~s~ to the Westerly line of Second Street; thence Southerly along said W~m.terly 1~~ of Second Str~t ~ 200 feet, ~re er l~ss ~ to said Northerly l~e of ~in Street $ thmnce W~st~rly ~o~ said Northmrly l~e of ~~ Street, 200 fe~t~ ~re or l~ss, to ti~::: po~t or place of ~g ~ning. Any person shottld appear at desiring to be heard on the ~r. oposed the time and pIaee above specified. amendments :: Dated ~ August 1999. DER CF T TOWN BOARD. $0UTHOLD RALPH P. BOOTH CI~RK Southold Town Planning Board -~OUTHDLD, L. I., Ni Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham~ Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young Report to: August g, 19~9 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the eollowing action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on August ~, 19~9: In the matter of the petition of John J. Flemming, Mattituck~ New York for a change oe zone erom "A" Residential-Agricultural to "B" Business district, certain real property situated at Mattituck~ and more particularly bounded and described as "ollows: North by S~und Avenue~ east by~Pacieic Street~ south by land eormerly of Bond and by land of Rolees~ and west by the Long Island Railroad; it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board the change erom'"A" Residential-Agricultural to "B" Business district~ Map o¢ Alden W. Young~ P.E.~ and Land Surveyor~ Riverhead, New York~ dated August l, 19~9. In view o~ the Cact that this property is surrounded on three (3) sides by "B" Business and "C" Industrial property and is imme- diately adjacent to the railroad which would seem that it should logically be zoned "B" Business~ and certainly would not be suited "or residential purposes. Very trt~ly yours, John Wickham~ Chairman Southold Town Plar~ning Board TOWN SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. July 29, 19~9 Mr. John Wickham Chairman~ Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.~ N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham: The original petition of John J. Fleming, Mattituck~ R-ew York~ relative to a change of zone from "A" Resddential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District~ and the original petition of Henry G. Wenzel~ Jr.~ RicbJnond Hilly-New York~ relative to a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" BuSiness District~ are in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold~ New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in~ the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours Ralph ip. Booth Town Clerk RPB/Jb )_. CASE NO: STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: ]. I, .~.;~;.,r'.-..J.,...,T. lc~t:~,ll~ ........................... , residing at ...~.:9.~..t.~.~.]&~ ................................. (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at .,.~.'~,~.:Z~:b.~. ............................................. and more particularly bounded and described as follows: 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: -~'~ozi: .... : ~ ~ ~'~;.~z.. £ ::~6 .-~ ~i? it.,r'..l ,strict to .2 ~si~s$ :.isLPic~. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: -.~ h&vu Corltr ,3t~o to I~i~chose, · t~ t~.a Jfgc~d of =~c 1; ~-~ slcc?,l ~r~r~,iL, sian STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ........ J~aL~!"J'*'"~'!D&'iS' ...................................... BEING DULY SWORN, deposes end says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her~ own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to _bpfore me [ ,, this .'~...Lz....day of..~.~......~./ ............. 19..~f ~;,. ..... ',/ f ~'~c ' - ', ' "~( ~ ~..~%J.~.:....~..%.~'. ...... ' [' Notarv~ublic. C ._1 0 3:: ! o ~ n,' ::3 °_ ~ 0 .,'7 ~J