HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreston&Chapman Amend #29 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ....~.~..~-D...~.?.....~..~..?~.D..~..?.~..~.~..~..'~.~.~.~.a...G'.~....~...?...~4~`~ requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Mops made o port thereof by chang- fram .... ....................... District to .... ~i.B.~:....B..~...S..Z..N..D..S...S. ..................................................................... District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ...... .?..~..}).. .......... day of ............. .~...u:..]:~ ......................... 195..9.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is GR,~t~f?~I.D · Dated July 20, 1959 Effective as of July 3©, By Order of the Southold Town Board. 1959. Ralph P. booth Town Clerk. SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK: CO~qTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: RALPH P. BOOTH, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at Southold, in tile Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk, and State. of New York; that he:.is the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold; that on the ?0 -- day of Jl~]y , 1959, he posted a copy of the NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING NO. 29 , a copy of which is annexed hereto on the signboard maintained by him pursuant to Town Law in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Southold, New York; that such posting by him was done pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law and pursuant to the Resolution of the Southold Town Board. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2~ day of July , 1959. Notary Public LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC~ OF GF Z~N!NG ORDINANC~ ............. A~,LF. NDML:4T ~,~C. 23 ............... ~inutes 10 secon~ West 526.0 ~; thence South 33 deg'rees 04 ~utes 10 seconds East 153.73 ~et; thence Soa~h 40 degrees 18 m~utes West 75.9 feet, to the ~l~ge of Greenpo~t; thence Sterling B~n; thence north-[ mark, abou~ 85~ ~eet. more or less,: ~ the wes~rly line of Manhan-, ning. STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ~.~.. 3~.~= ~.~u- ~c:.-~i~._. being duly Sworn, ~2 ~'2~i~ i_ ~iii"~2 ;~r and Publisher of the SUFI,'OLK TINIES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that ~he notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. for .............................................. ~M(-. .......................... week~ succesmvely commencing on the ......................... ' ...... i ............... ' .... ..................... 8worn to before me this .....L.~.~..~.... ........ ................ NOTI~Em, OF A~ND~-2NT OF ZONING ORDINANCE ~E.~~ENT NO. 29 : -.' ~" ~-~"' that after a public hearing held NOT I~ IS .t.~,-,~.~=,.Y G ~;N, . · ~ _pursuant to the requi~ments of law, the Building Zone Ordlnanc$ i'~ (incl.udi~ the Building Zone M~p) of the Town of Southold, i Suffolk County, New York was duly amended at a regular meeting. of the Southold To'~a~ Board held on July '7, 1959 as follows~ tO changing, from "A" Bu.~ ine s s Df ~ tr ict Re side nt I al the following and Agricultural District de scribed pr o per t¥: ~1 that certain tract or parcel o.f land situated near Greenp,rt, in the To'~ of Southold, E .~...folk County, Ne~ ~or.',..~, ~ud mor~ particuiarly bounded and described as follows~ i.~e?,.L~ing at a .point. on the westerly line of i%~lhanset Avenue, %85. ~ fee t sou~erly alo~ s ai~ 'line ~om C'h~p.li~ Places ~.d r~~i~ South 21 d~e. grees 18 minutes lO ssconds West %26.0 feet$ thence South ~3 degrees O$ m~utes lO seconds East 1%~.~8 feet; thencs South ~,O degrees .18 ~i~tes West 7~.9 feet, to the '~ bo~~ary l~e of the ~eor~rated Village of Greenport; thence ~o~ said bo~ary line, north ~ degrees 33 ~~tes 50 seco~s ~.st 230 feet, more or les~, to ord~~y high water m~k of ~terli~ Basins thence ~ortheasterly ~ong za~ hi~ water m~k, a~ut 8%0 feet, more or less, to the westerly lira of .~~et Aven~e; thence southerly ~ong sa~ wes~rly line of ~~set Avenue, 300 feet, more or les~, to potent o~~ p!~ce of 'Oegl~ing. ~DA~~ July 8, 1959. BY ORD-ER 0F THE SOUTHOiD TOWN BOARD. RA2LP~O0~ TOWN CLERK P ~/BLI C HEARING TOWN BO AR[) TOWN 0F SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. July 7~ 1959. res ent : NORMAN E. KLIPP, ?, u p e r v i $ o r HENRY A. CLARK, Just'~;ce of' the Peace Justice o~~ the Peace 'RALPH TUTHILL, .... ARE,.-~ Just t c e o '' iDEM T, .. ~ the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Cou.ncii.'man ROBERT TASKER, To~.a~ Attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Cierk. SU? ERVIo ~ OR KLIPP: i will epen the hearing at this time by reading the notice of' the hearing on the to ~::end the zoning ordinance Purouant to ,.:,ect'~on 26~ o'e the Tovm r~'~.~ _ . . ...... ~...,,~ ~. and ~X ~'~ the Bui~]di'ng Zone nrdinance of the Town ~ ~ce o~~ the by' ~he Sout~.~.old Town Board at the off'~ .~. '~' -- ' ~6 ..-:~,outh'""' ~treet Green'oort, New 'Z.ork, ~.n~' said town .~:~P' the .-~ .. ~i~ . . ~ -~ ' 7th 'day or.~ July 1959, at '~. :00 o'cio~"k ...... :tn the a?te~:'noon Zone ()rd].nance .~ncluding the Build:~.n,~ Zone ;~a.~:",~, of the .~ oouthold, ouf?o.~,.k County, New York: changing ~rom. "a" Re~-· . ~ ... ~. ,~.zdentia.! and ~g.ricu~,tura[ ~"~ro aerty - that certazn tract or .~ar.~e.~ :..~'~ ~' and ,.:,ztuat,~'~ near Greenport, in the Town ~.~ew Y{",r~.~_, and more ,, · .-" ...... ~;articular'!y bounde~.~ and [~0~ WS: Z~eg'[nning at a point on the wester'~y "~:~ne o.,. Man. han,-,set Aven~e., 5R5 06 feet southerl,.v a.!.ong ~,aid line ...... ' and. :r~unni~-~g ~--'.>outh '~-~,c degree<-~.~ !,q · "~ '~"' ..... eoond' Ea.o t i 53-~'..-~, feet ,. thence oouth 40 deg .~eo .~ ~ ~ ,:, ..,~'~ ,~°..~ ,ql ~ nut es~ ':,,~,e~t,.~, ~.~ 7=:~,. o~ ~eet- , to, the boundary line or.,~ the incorpo~, ateS.. ~" '"'v:~_l~ age of G-~eennort,_ - thence alonffo oaid~ ~-~,ound, ,~...-'~ ~.~., ......... "~ :[r_~e, nor'th ...... .... ~'-'.'~I-, ~c, ordinar,y high water mark of '' no rt heast e ~.'l y a.~ong ~-,aid biota wate marx, ...... ~.~: .:,.. eet., more ,-r -~ess, to the we,',te~ly thence *'outheriy a"tons< ,.,aid westerly .... * " more or !e~s, tn point or .p.]_ace o: .. oe~'~' nning. any p-:, n ri ~:.rso desi. n~'o to be heard amendment should aopear., at the t-~,me_ anco' ':' p...~,c'~ ...... e ,~,,.,bo,~e~ ;i; pec i fi ec~. il)areal: June 16, !959. BY ORDER OF THE S()IKfHOLD TOWN RAL'OH 'p ..r, · Tov~ C!e,x ... ,. _~,..,_...., . o U P ERVi ~ 0 R KL.[~ . I hav'e t~ - ne a:,,, .......... avit and also an a~ffidavit of' service o~' G¥'eenport. I have a report of the ~" !arming "This :Ls to certify that the foilowing action waa taken ~;Y t~,:~:~~.:~outho~d_,_ Town Planning Board at a ,meet.:[n,'~ :.-')~..'.:~ ;:fa5 -~959 in. the matter o? the petition of Robert H. Preston anS Grant Chapmar~ regarding terra, in real pro p ert y ~'~: t"~t d .13 e a r Gre en'~,o rt the Town of °~:,uthoid, .~o"ik ,~ .... ~.~ ~ounty., New York, and mo~c f,articu~ arly bounded and .q r~ bed a~:.. '"'of. lows hat certain tract or parcei o.~ ~anC! ~, ,''t~ ~. near G.reenport, ~n the .~ . ~.~ou'thola, :')uff'oik County, bounde6 anO d '- '"Beginnmng at a point on the westerly ILne ,'4anhan $ s e t °!ace-~ _ , and ~anning ,~outh_. ,~.~I degrees If!. minuteo. ...... .,LO ,~econd~ ~.~e~..,t ..~ . ~',...~..;.. e .... t , thence, o~..:'uth ~ ~~., d eg re. ..... e;~!; (.)~4 m:Lnu~,..,e°~, ,,.~' ~':' ~i;" ec:ond'~.~,. ' to the boundary' ._]~-~ne o.,:._ the :i~.ncor;~orat,~., age i'5.9 ,~eet, .................... ~....~. (,teen.port; thence along ,~,a:Ld. bc,'undaz,~ ,.Lne north .,,~ deg...ees -.,:~ inute~ 50 ,.~ onds we t 2q0 .r .... along said high water mark, abo'ut .:~ .~ eet, :,.outheriy a~ r~ng ,:,aid we'~'terty "ine .-..~,~ ~.~anhan~::~:.~et ,';.~,~e fleet, . to ~;o.~nt ~,)~ ~-'"~" ', .~,~.:, e~,ozved that the P~annin~- Board '-e,-,"-,-,--, to Town Board the change from Son, dated May 21,. .... !957, re'vi:?,ed Ma,"ch~ ...... ';~:~, ~959,~ ~ng ,.ard .~o f'am.:~li, ar with ti-~.~ area .... ,.,. ce · ,., hat~ wate-~f- . [::ro_perty :Ln the Now, at th. is ..... time ~ts the're any pez~so~''. ....~ .~,~-~r~'.'~-ent~ ~o 'who Well have CHAPM.&N' we ,.]u'~-~ ,, , ~. ~--- net question , could an-~' ~we that i~-; the r'eason I am here. ,~R KLZPP ' there, any ,-*,erson~ .~eresent who wis. hes to o'opose ~, The e ~,,=o no response ._ oOR K~,IP ~.'. this t:~..me tot the further d. etermlnat:ton of the .~ a , ,Pursuant,...to. se~t~o~.~.~, of. the '~T0wn Law and A~?.~' .the ~ Zone 'Qr~..the ~'~-'~ Southold ~gwn Board '~~ office of the Sui~v~r, 1_6 Sou~ Street, Greer~por3~~v~ York,. in said tow~ on the ~~f of July, 1969., (-~t ~2.:00 o'clock in the after- nodn' 0'f said day, on ~he following prOl~0-sal to amend the~lding ~or~ ,~ll[dinance . (incl~~ .the ~ork:.,' - 1. BY' changing from "AW- dent~t.i;_and Agricu!.~ural DMtrict to "B" Business' District the fo.!lowing described property: All .that certain tract or-iiar- cei~]l, and situate near ~re&n- por~;~n the Town of South. old, Sl~f~ County, Ne~ Yo~lc, aha more l~a~ticularly bg.....an.ded_ land ',.."~nning ,at a. p~. on the ,. ~ .~] ,.,. ' ~ly line of Manlier Ave- ~-585.06 feet south~e~_~g rom ' i running South 2.1 ~ees · 10 seconcls '~V~st' 52.6.0 ./thence Soliih 33 dei~rees 04 ,es 10 secondS East 153.~8 40 d, egrees '18 feet, ,to' the i line ~e- iii~ori~or~ted Of (~reenport.; .... ~hence botmdary ~' line,, north 33 minutes 50 seconds we~t 230 feet, more or leas, to ordim, ary high w~ter mark of Sterling Ba~in; ,l~hence north- e~fcerly along said high water ms~rk, about 85~ feet, more or less,. to the westerly ]lne of Mauhan- set Avimae; ,thence . sot~therly along said we~tenly line of Man- hans. et A-v~ue, 300 feet, more or less, to point or place of begin- ning. Any person desiring ,to be heard on the pr~ amendment should appear ~t t~he time and place above Dated: June 16, 1959. By ORDER OF TI~E TOWN Ci,LERK 1~J26 STATE. OF NEW YORK, ~ ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~ j ..... .~!.~ ..... ~:~....:..~:..~.b~:..:...~ ...... .~..~..~ .... .~..:...:...&.:.~ ......... being duly Sworn, says that ....... .~.~..< .......... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Gree.nport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a. printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in e~ch week, for .................................................. ~'..:..9..L, ....................................... week~ ~ · ~'C~ t , , ('" .¢ , ~. i ~, . .... successively commencing on the ....... :: ......... ~.: ........ :. ............................... Sworn to before me this ...... ~:....'..j..~,..:. of ....... !...'. .... .-. ...... :::':::':.~,, ....... 19..4..t.. i ~/~ ..................... ;'"h .............. .......... CORNELIA C. KEOGH NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York N o. - 2-?_6 9.~ 890 Qualified ia Suffolk County Term Expires March 30, 1961 GRIi~FING, SMITH, TASKER AND LUNDBERG ROBERT P. GRIFFING 1881-1956 REGINALD C. SMITH PIERRE O. LUNDBERG SA_lWIUEL L. HAYS ROBERT W. TASKER EDW_&RD T. COSTE-r.LO ATTORNEYS A_ND COIIINTSELORS AT LAW 425 MAIN STREET GREENPORT, N. Y. GREElVPORT 7- 1400 ARTHUR H. LUNDBERG COUNS E L June 17, 1959 Mr. Howard M. Terry Southold Town B~ilding Inspector Southold, New York Dear Howard- Enclosed herewith is an affidavit of service of the notice of hearing on the Village Clerk of the Village of Greenport. This affidavit must be executed by you in the presence of a Notary Public and filed with the Town Clerk. Yours very truly, Robert W. Tasker RWT'MY Enclosure STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~ SS' HOWARD M. TERRY, being duly sworn deposes and says: That he resides at Bayview Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York. That on the 16th day of June, 1959, he served a notice of a hearing on a proposal to amend the Southold Town Bu,~ilding Zone Ordinance (and zoning maps~ a copy of which is annexed hereto upon Harry L,. Behng, Village Clerk of the Village of G reenport, by delivering to and leaving with the said Harry L. Beling personally a true copy of said notice. That at the time of making said service deponent was over 21 years of age. Sworn to before me this day of June, 1959. Howard M. Terry Notary Public ~LI~ITH T. BOI(~IV lltOfety Public, State of New A'o. 52-9244963, Suffolk County NOTIOE OF HEARING TO AMEND ZONING ON PROPOSAL ORDINANCE Pursuant to Section 26% of the Town Law ~of the Building Zone Ordl nance of County, New York, a public hearing will be Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, Greenport, New York, the Town of ~ at ~)~ o o o' clock ~ lng propos al to amend Building Zone Maps )of York: and Article iX $outhold, Suffolk held by the Southold 16 South Street, in said town on the ~~ day · in the~~~,~noon of said day, the Buflding Zone Ordinance ~/ ~'~ / ~ 1959 on the follow- (including the the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New By changing from "A" Residential to "B" Business District the following and Agricultural District described property~ All that certain tract or parcel of land situated near Greenport~ in the T own of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more partic~arly bounded and described as follows: more Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Ma~ hanse t Avenue, %85.06 fee~ southerly along said line from Ch~plin Place; and running South 21 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds · West 526.0 feet~ thence South 3~ degrees 04 minutes 10 SecOnds East 1%3.78 feet $ thence 8outh ~0 degrees 18 minutes West 7%. 9 feet~ to the boundary line of the incorporated Village of Gr~eenport; thence along salad boundary line, north 5~+ degrees ~.~ ~olnutes ~ seconds west 230 feet, mor® or le3~$~ ordinary high water mark of Sterling Basin; thence northeasterly ~along said high water mark, about 8%0 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Manhanset Avenue; thence southerly along s aid westerly line of Manhanse t Avenue 3 O0 ee t or less, to point or place of beg~ 5 ~ . nning desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment at the time and place above specified. A~ person should appear BY' ORDER OF THE S0 UTHoLD TOWN BOARD. ~PH P. B00TH TOWN CL~ Southoid Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickh,im, Chalrrn~n Harold R. Reeve Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young Report to: May 27, 1959 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken 'by the southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on May 26~ 1959: In the matter of the petition of Robert H. Preston and LaGrant Chapman for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business district certain real property situated near Greenport~ in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York~ and more particularly bounded and described .as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of iManhanset Avenue~ 585.06 feet southerly along said line from Champlin Place; and running South 21 degrees 15 minutes lO seconds West 526.0 feet; thence South 33 degrees 04 minutes l0 seconds East 1~3.78 feet; thence South 40 degrees 18 minutes West 75'.9 feet~ to the boundary line of the incorporated 'Village of Greenport; thence along said boundary liner north 51+ degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds west 230 feet~ more or less~ to ordinary high water mark of Sterling Basin; thence north- easterly along said high water mark~ about 8~0 feet~ more or less~ to the westerly line of Manhanset Avenue; thence southerly along said westerly line of Manhanset Avenue~ 300 feet~ more or less~ to the point or place of beginning; it is herebM RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board the change from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District~ map of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated May 21, 1957 and revised to March 12~ 1959. The Planning Board is familiar with the area and feel that it is necessary that the water front property of the Town be developed in this manner. Very truly yours~ Jo~m Wickham~ Chairman Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE May 27, 1959 Mr. John Wickham ~airman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of ROBERT H. PRESTON and LaGRANT CHAPMAN of Greenport, N.Y., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agric- ultural District to "B" Business District, is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. RPB/mr Very truly yours, Town Clerk CASE NO: L~- C~ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF PETIT[ON ROBERT H. PRESTON and LaGRANT CHAPMAN FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: We, Robert H. Preston and 1. ~, ..... ..~..a..~?....~....~...g..~..~.~..~.~..~. ...................... , residing at ........ ..~..~..~...~..~.~.g.~,~ ............................ (insert name of petitioner) are Suffolk County, New. York, the undersiflned, ~(:the owner~of certain real property situated J~ near Greenport, zn the Town of~Southold, Suffolk County, New York, .................................................................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Manhanset Avenue, 585.06 feet southerly alone said line from Ghamplin Place; and running South 21 degrees l~ minutes l0 seconds West 526.0 feet; thence South 33 degrees 0~ minutes l0 seconds East 153.78 feet; thence South 40 degrees 18 minutes West 75.9 feet, to the boundary lins of the incorporated Village of Green~ort' thence along said boundary line, no~th 54 degrees 33 minute~ 50'seconds west 230 feet, more er less, to ordinary high water mark of Sterling Basin; thence northeasterly along said high water mark, about 850 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Manhanset Avenue; thm~e ~utherly along said westerly line of Nanhanset Avenue, 300 feet, more or less, to the point or place of beginning. 2. X do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify ond amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, the property described in paragraph i hereof. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons:- (a) The property which is the subject of this petition, is a portion of a tract of land acquired by petitioners on November 9, 1955 and January 23, 1957. Attached hereto and made a part hereof is a survey map prepared by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Sons, dated May 21, 1957, and re- vised July 6, 1957, which map shows the entire area. As shown by said map, the property is partially within the boundaries of the incorpor- ated Village of Greenport and partially in the Town of Southold. in .red The parcel of land shown on said map/is the premises sought to be rezoned by this application. On November 7, 1957, the Town Board of the Town of Southold re- zoned from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, the parcel shown on said map in green. On November 18, 1957, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Greenport rezoned from R-1 Residence District to B-1 Business District the premises shown on said map in yellow. Petitioners have constructed a marina on the premises presently zoned for business use. In January, 1957, petitioners commenced ex- tensive dredging and excavating work on that portion of the premises zoned for business, which work is presently continuing. Bulkheads and several docks have been erected and other construct ion and improve- ments are ?ontempla~ed. To date. petitioners have spent and have in- curred obligations in excess of $50,000. Due to the shortage of moor- ing facilities in and about the Town of Southold, petitioners desire to use the property which is the subject of this application to pro- vide additional mooring space and for uses incidental and accessory thereto. Such use will meet the existing demand for protected moor- ing facilities. (b) The property which is the subject of this application is particu- larly well suited for the proposed use. It is bounded on the north and west by Sterling Creek; on the south by other lands of peti- tioners presently being used as a marina and/or boat basin. The lands on the east side of Mauhanset Avenue directly opposite the land of petitioners upon information and belief are proposed to be used by the St. Agnes Church for future cemetery purposes. Prior to the improvement of the property by your petitioners, the area was used as a spoil area for the deposit of mud and sand dredged from Sterling Creek in or about 1938, and consisted of m~d flats subject to constaut flooding. In its then condition, it was unfit for any useful purpose. The use of the property for a marina and related uses and the filling and grading of the entire area will permit said lands to be used for purposes for which they are best suited and will improve the character of the area. At present, there is no such use either permitted or exi?ting as a non-conforming use between Conklin's Point and Orient Point, there being but four parcels of land having a frontage on the waters of the Town of Southold lying between said points, zoned for business, with the exception of the waterfront facilities located wholly within the in?orporated Village of Greenport, and none of these four parcels are sumtably located or capable of being used for the purposes for which your petitioners propose to use the property which is the sub- ject of this application. ~HEREFORE, your petitioners respectfully request that the Town Board of the Town of Southold grant your petitioners, request by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the property described in Paragraph 1 of this peri- tio~. STAX OF mW YO~) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ROBERT H. PRESTON and LaGRANT CHAPMAN, being duly sworn depose and say, that they are the petitioners in the within proceeding; that they have read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof; that the s~me is t~e to their oM knowledge except as to the m~tters therein stated to be alleged upon info~ation and belief, and that as Sworn to before me this day of May, 1959 ~ in Suffolk Coua]~f No. Commission Expires March / J/