HomeMy WebLinkAbout51502-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51502 Date: 12/20/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Christopher P Wershoven 185 Hall St Apt 1004 Brooklyn, NY 11205 To: Construct additions and alterations as applied for,with flood permit,Trustees#10608,ZBA#7910, DEC and SCHD approvals Premises Located at: 3150 Ole Jule Ln, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM# 122.4-19 Pursuant to application dated 09/27/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 12/20/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: CO Single Family Dwelling-Addition /Alteration $100.00 Flood Permit $150.00 Single Family Dwelling- Addition&Alteration $1,212.25 Tot 1462.25 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT ' Southold NY 11971-0959 � Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box l 179 , � t Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 htt : �r+ v.althrew:ldtc.�' nl"rv.'"' v sr:?SkNrie'.tA.t. Date Received APPLICATION I IPERMIT Only ( F:�" ✓(/ For Office Use PERMIT NO. / Buildinglnspector. r .,. Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:09/26/24 OWNERS)OF PROPERTY: Name:Erika and Christopher Wershoven SCTM# 1000 122-04-19 Project Address:3150 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck Phone#:('646) 671-0848 1 Email:erika.wershoven@gmaii.com Mailing Address:3150 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck CONTACT PERSON: Name:AMP Architecture Mailing Address:PO Box 152, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Phone#:631-603-9092 Email:bepperson@amparchitect.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Anthony Portillo Mailing Address:PO Box , Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Phone#:631-603-9092 Email:aportillo@amparchitect.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: Other Reconstruction $,600,000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ®No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes 10No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Single Family Residential Intended use of property:Single Family Residential Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R40 Non-Conforming this property? ❑Yes ®No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. N Check BoxAfter Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By " t name):AM P Architecture RAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant Date: 12tp I STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF0-7;ar no - being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (NamO,eKicliviclual signing c n race)above named, (S)he is the AGENT (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this I 2J_ day of C—'>r- e/- , 20� Notary Public DARCEE AUFENANGER NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION Registration No.01A00019644 (Where the applicant is not the owner) Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires January 9,2028 Christopher Wershoven residing at 3150 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck, NY I do hereby authorize AMP ARCHITECTURE, to apply on my behalf he Town of thold Building Department for approval as described herein. 6/2/2023 Owner's Signature Date Christopher Wershoven Print Owner's Name 2 BOARD MEMBERS soy Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson 53095 Main Road•P.O. Box 1179 41 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora cry Office Location: Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento Voum Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809 June 27,2024 Anthony Portillo AMP Architecture P.O.Box 152 Mattituck,NY 11952 RE: ZBA Appeal#7910,Wershoven 3150 Ole Jule Lane,Mattituck SCTM No. 1000-122-4-19 Dear Mr. Portillo; Transmitted for your records are copies of the Board's June 20,2024 Findings, Deliberations and Determination, the originals of which were filed with the Town Clerk regarding the above variance application. Before commencing any construction activities, a building permit is necessary. Please be sure to submit an application along with a copy of the attached determination to the Building Department. Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B)of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured,and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three(3)years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration,grant an extension nest to exceed three(3) consecutive one(1)year terms. IT IS THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY:TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THF..CODE REQUIRED TIME FRAME DESCRIBED HEREIN. Failure to comply in a timely manner may result in the denial by the Building Department of a Certificate of Occupancy,nullify the approved variance relief, and require a new variance application with public hearing before the Board of Appeals If you have any questions, please call the office. Sincere y Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Encl. cc:Building Department °" �f '" � Southold Town Hall L30ARD MEMBERS '' ' S3Q95 [vlain Road • P.O. Box 1179 Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia A.carnpora t" 11�l.art attt'rt,1: Eric Mantes Town Annex/Fist Floor, o +p^ �t jg 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Robert Leh.nert, Jr, k7 10 � ry Nicholas Planar, Strsthr�lrl, N 11471 RECEIVED http://southoldtownny.gov � /4" 6 � ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS jUN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 arhold"TowMAerl FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2024 ZBA FILE: #7910 NAME OF APPLICANT. Erika and Christopher Wershoven PROPERTY LOCATION: 3150 Ole Jule Lane(Adj_ to Jaynes Creek), Mattituck,NY SCTM: 1000-122-4-19 )�( ,A mIFmI 1 111C11A 1 1.t : The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and detertnines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. wLlftiL tlD [ lrt1N1` ,'�RA1mlL t O.QF." This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Cole Sections A 14-14 to 23,and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its repl y dated February 15, 2024 ,stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as these appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. lw e!r Rp fL fmm v11lf)`d: This application was referred liar review tinder Chapter 268, Waterfi-rant Consistency review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. The LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation dated May 16, 202 • Based upon the infonnation provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department,as well as the records available, it is recommended that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with LWRP policy standards and therefore is INC0NSISTENT with the LWRP. Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character. preserves open space, makes efficient use of infi-astructure, makes beneficial arse ofa coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. The construction/reconstruction of a structure on a.09 acre lot in a structural hazard area with a proposed lot coverage of 64% of buildable lands is unsupported. A single-family residence is not water-dependent and does not snake beneficial use of a coastal location. Policy 4.1 Rllini"maize losses of human 1(f'and strtictarras frt'xrlaflooding and erosion hazards. A. Nfiniratize potential loss and damage by locating development and structures aware from flooding and erosion hazards. The structure is located within the FEMA Flood Zone AE EL 16', a structural hazard area and at extreme risk of loss from storms, including hurricanes, even with hardened shorelines. Structures within these areas should be removed, relocated or minimized in size. The unprotected portion of the beach to the west on SC"I"M 1000-44-1-16 poses a greater risk to the ;subject parcel through deflected wave energy during,storm events.. B. Avoid rea,,,onstruction raf.structrrres, other them strarctures that�'ar e part of a water--dependent use, damaged by 50% or more of their value in coastal hazard areas Page 2,June 20,2024 07910, Wershoven SCTM No. 1000-122-4-19 This LWKP policy applies to the action,the application indicates that the structure has been damaged by 50%or niore of its value in a coast hazard area. [t is unsupported. The Board finds that in granting the requested relief'„ permitting a reduced front yard setback and a reduced side yard setback, as built and existing with a valid Certificate of Occupancy, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with LWR-P Policy Standards. f�0�E RT K F_ r�:' S 1 LIES C R LL�'�F 1(),4.1' The Subject, irregular-shaped, 15,972.83 square feet, .37 acre creekfront J _�_ � parcel, located in the R40 Zoning District measures 15 feet along Ole Jule Lane and continues South, along the roadway' 50 feet,then runs west, 193.37 feet(deed illustrates 210.00 feet)along a residentially developed lot to the south,then runs north 124.33 feet along a bulkhead at the James Creek,then returns east 1 65.76 feet(deed illustrates 210.00 feet)along a residentially devcToped lot to ilie north, back to the roadway. The parcel is improved with a 2- slt)r3,,, wood-frarne residence with an attached aaraae,brick entry stoops,brick patio,asphalt driveway,and a floating dock, as illustrated on the survey prepared by Jason Leadingharn, Licensed Land Surveyor and dated June 27, 20213. L3 AS.1S OI= Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Section 280-124; and the Building Inspector's February 5, 2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to demolish, is per 'Fown Code Definition,and construct a single-family dwelling; 1) less than the code required rninimurri from yard setback of 35 feet; 2) less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 10 feet; located at: 3 150 Ole Jule Lane(Add, to James Creek),Mattituck,NY_ SCTM No. 1000-122-4-19. &LL I Ej 1LQ: The applicant requegi tv,'o variances for proposed alterations, considered as as demolition (per town Code Definition)and to construct a single-Family residence. The dwelling will be 'technically'dernoliihed n, to allow for the complete interior renovation. Renovations include the replacement ofa majority of all windows a' nd doors, interior insulation and sheetrock, plumbing and electrical. There is no proposed expansion of the existing home or alteration of the existing exterior structure or roofline. However, because of value of the work when compared to the value of the existing structure,the alterations and additions are deemed by the Building Department to be a demolition. The applicant proposes to maintain the structure and its existing setbacks, including the variance relief requested: 1) A front yard setback of 34.3 feet where the Code requires a minimum front yard setback of'35 feet; and, 2) A side yard setback of 8.9 feet where the Code requires a minimum side yard setback of 10 feet_ &P _ AL [N�1-0 QITIQN Presently, improvements on the subject parcel are covered by the following Certificate of Occupancy: nI #Z-4979, dated January 19, 1973, covering construction of a single-family dwelling(unfinished 2 floor) #Z-41357, dated August 18, 2020, covering alteration of the second floor to living space No prior Board relief was applied for or granted on this parcel. The applicant provided architectural drawings including a proposed site plan, first and second-t'loor demolition plan,first and second-floor proposed floor plans, and existing and proposed elevations, labeled ZBA-0 I through ZBA-.06 prepared by Anthony M. Portillo, Registered Architect, and dated February 8,2024. No members of the public or an immediate neighbor spoke in favor of or against this application. ERNL "Q T KI)IN, _Qf- FA REA2'� _N�S_[_QK..EIQLN_R_D.- C — The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on Rine 6,20214 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all test6nony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood,and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: Page 3,June 20,2024 97910, Wershoven SCTM No. 1000-122-4-19 1, 1 n Law -1)L-'207 3 ;iratfle change in the character of ti— ablLij. Grant of the variances will not produce an unde, the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The Ole Jule Lane nerghix)rhood consists of a variety of 0 irregular lot sizes and shapes foliowing the path of the James Creek with houses built both on creekfront lots or upland pry perties. of varying aL -201h Century and have been z m style,and design. The majority were built the mid enlarged and updated. A commercial ,marina is located at the end of Ole Jule Lane that creates heavy traffic of both marina users/guests and the conveyance of large boats. While deemed a demolition as a result of the value of the renovation versus the value ofthe residence, the applicant proposes no expansion cirthe existing structure and will maintain existing exterior walls and roofline as part of the proposed work, In so doing, the applicant will maintain the pre-existing, front yard setback of 34.3 feet where a minimum of 35 f'cet is required bow Code and also, maintain tile pre-existing singic-side yard setback of 8.9 feet where a minimum of 10 feet is required by Code. Since the, c� house in its present fbirm exists, passersby or those using the roadway, or viewing the residence from James Creek w i I I not be able to discern any visible change to the fagade of the residence. 2. Town La The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible Lo._L Law §267-b(3)(lb)t!L- resent form exists with the twain conforming the applicant to pursue,other than an area variance. The house.in its p (�)T i I D setbacks of a reduced front yard setback of 34.3 feet where a minimum of 35 feet is required and a reduced single- vard setback of'8.9 feet where a minimum of 10 feet is required,, 'The appl iaint doesn't propose to further increase these setbacks as part of their alterations and additions (deemed a 'dernolkion") and will maintain the existing structure,as originally built, in the early 1970's without any alteration to the structure's faa ade- 3- I'aww ra. L,awwv `267-Ia b The variances granted herein are not mathematically substantial, representing 2% relief relative to the reduced front yard setback of 34.3 feet and 11% relief relative to the reduced single side yard setback of 8.9 feet. However, the structure exists and the applicant does not propose any exterior alterations of the residence or its, rooiline,, The proposed alterations are limited to the interior and the replacerrient of windows and doors. 4. Town Law �267-b(;�4 . No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm. Water Management Code. 5, Town Law §267-b(3)(bJJ5), The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant purchased the parcel after the Zoning Code was fri effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use of the parcel tinder the Zoning Code jr,effect prior to or at the time of purchase, 6. 1()8vn Law '267-b. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of alterations and additions to asingle-l-amily residence(deemed a demotion)including a reduced front yard setback of 34.3 feet and a single side yard setback of 8.9 feet(maintaining the existing structure) while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. &I): In considering at I of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B,motion was offered by Member Planamento,seconded by Member Lehnert,and duty carried, to GRANT the variances as applied for, and shown on the Architectural Drawings labeled ZBA-01 through ZBA-06 prepared by Anthony M. Portillo, Registered Architect, and dated February 8,2024. Page 4,June 20,2024 9-7910, Wershoven SCTM No. 1000-122-4-19 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITION& 1. The septic system on the subject property must be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. 2. The proposed second floor deck shall remain unenclosed and non-habitable space. 3. The issuance of a Wetlands Permit from the Southold Town Board of Trustees. This approval shall not be deemed effective until the required conditions have been met.At the discretion of the Board of Appeals,fbilure to cornply with the above conditions may render this decision null and void That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. IMPOR"I'Al" T I Ia II'IS 0 'I IIF' APPROYAI.'S GRATN,(1:*EEQ I°I REIN, Please Read Carefully Any deviation frotrt the survey,.site plait ande'or architectural drawings cited in this decision, or work exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit anellor the issuance of a Atop Work Order, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation front.the variance(' )granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings,site plan andlor,survey cited above,such as alterations,e- tenshms,demolitions, or demolitions exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, are not authorized under this application when involving no'nconformides' under the zoning code° i°has action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject properly" that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. TIME LL�'IT°IS ON."1 Ells API ItO AL: Pursuant to Chapter 250--I4h(B)of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured,and/or a subdivision snap has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three.( ) years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date ofexpiration,grant an extension not to exceed three( )consecutive one(1) year terms. IT IS THE HE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESP`ONSIBIL,I°I"Y TO ENSURE COI IP"LIANCE WITH THE CODE RE T�:D Tl ^lE FRAME DESCRIBED HERUN.Failure to comply in a timely manner may result in the denial by the Building Department of a Certificate of Occupancy, nullify the approved variance relief,and require a new variance application with public hearing before the Board of Appeals Vo, l r 1 Board: Ayes: Members Weisman(Chairperson), Dantes, Planamento, Acampora and Lehnert. (5-0) Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing � /1�1/2024 Glenn Goldsmith,President Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President P.O.Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Myl Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly �. Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 9, 2024 Anthony Portillo AMP Architecture PO Box 152 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: ERIKA & CHRISTOPHER WERSHOVEN 3150 OLE JULE LANE, MATTITUCK SCTM# 1000-122-4-19 Dear Mr. Portillo: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, AMP Architecture on behalf of ERIKA & CHRISTOPHER WERSHOVEN applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated May 10, 2024, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed application be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has furthered Policy 6.3 of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program to the greatest extent possible through the imposition of the following Best Management Practice requirements: issue a Wetland Permit for the existing structures; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on July 17, 2024, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, 2 WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the project complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that for the mitigating factors and based upon the Best Management Practice requirement imposed above, the Board of Trustees deems the action to be Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 268-5 of the Southold Town Code, and, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees APPROVE the application of ERIKA & CHRISTOPHERWERSHOVEN for the existing dwelling and to construct renovations to both the one-story portion and second-story portion; existing second-story deck to be fixed in-kind as necessary; proposed brick patching to existing brick patio; remove existing sanitary system and install a new I/A OWTS system; and install four(4) drywells to contain roof runoff; with the condition of moving the seaward most proposed drywell landward; establish and perpetually maintain a non-disturbance buffer seaward of the bulkhead; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by AMP Architecture, last updated on July 17, 2024, and stamped approved on August 9, 2024. Permit to construct and complete project will expire three years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $ 50.00 Very truly yours, Glenn Goldsmith President, Board of Trustees GG/ec meµ,, n I BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PERMIT N0. 10608 DATE:JULY 17, 024 ISSUED TO: ER".II A& CHRISTOPHEIt WERSHOVEN PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3150 OLE JULE LANE TTITUCR SCTM# 1000-122-4-19 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on Sul 1�24 and in consideration of application fee in the sum.of 1 2�, 5ll�.11b paid by ri 'a Ctnra t her rshoven and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution,the Southold Town Board ofTrustees autl on es and j permits the following: Wetland Permit for the existing dwelling and to construct renovations to both the one- story portion and second-story portion; existing second-story deck to be fixed in-kind as necessary; proposed brick patching to existing brick patio; remove existing sanitary system and install a new IJA OWTS system; and install four(4)drywells to contain roof runoff;with the condition of moving the seaward most proposed drywell landward; establish and perpetually maintain a non-disturbance buffer seaward of the bulkhead; and as depicted on the site plan_prepared by AMP Architecture,last updated on July 17,2024,and stamped approved on August 9,2024. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of the day and year written above. w I EX 5T wOOD b VINYLI rMLW EL 0.20 PROJECT/ZONING DATA 5U_KHEAG MHW EL.5.28 I - a ` N25"58'�O"� AT BULKHEAD J A 'M AxMA=• 0001�2-o4-Iq ] ZONING DISTRICT. R--O/NG �� LOT AREA O 4 ACRES . 9 ''�a� Colo-MAIN HOUSEk�A W155-Fe/18i2it 0 c f U3 V EjjVARIANCE AP ROV Iq O.UNC-06_0� f - P AL T �Ov GRAN - FEMA FLOOD ZONE _ AE 6 a AE X — € ggLL` ` - f zi ! I ';.' n na WETLANDS DISTRICT PERMIT PENDING' € Yj v 'EX15T.10'WIDE � 17 € `_ AUG �, Ct0C4 € - NON-DISTURBANCE # ! ! NJLETT-R PROVIDED ` vec vlsrRlcr _ , BUFFER;RE-ESTABLISH " i SAND BUFFER AND KEEP ` 1='-- I tO-NT­10 A R-24-02n0 5 BEDROOMS a= FUTURE MAINTENANCE - - t �o -ALL D157ANGE5 TOL PROPERTY LINE/BULKHEAD DE5CRIPTION(FOOTPRINT) AREA %LOT ` ( ARE EXISTING TO REMAIN covERAGEE f # i q TOTAL LOT AREA -� 1547 B E 5.F TRAT DWELLING hU 1 `� � � 3i� � A-ITERATIONS 449 q 5.F 9 196 is 1� 4 EXISTING BRIGK PATIO(TO BE B40 O 5 F 5.3% RI_ l PROPOSED PLANTERS a ENTRY 1650 5 F 1 O% EXI5TINO BRICK PATIO TO - +� TOTAL AREA OF ALL 5TRUCTURE5 2454A 5-F 5 49, + BE REFINI5HED;EX1571NC, - - U MAXIMUM LOT ALL A I, FOOTPRINT TO REMAIN _ _ coVEw,cE � m Y l r € BULKHEAD AMINE IMUM IO SEPARATION 19 111 BETWEEN DRYW 1_5 € SOL'THOLD TRUS.EE_= SSS U ?z -� 5ETBAGK -__.. -_ PROPERTY LIN_LEACH uNDeR6RC Er-R. LINES,SEPTIC,OTH U W. T �- _ JND UTILITY PIER LINE COMPONENTS LEACHING FIELDS COMPONENTS,OTHER 3 - APPl DRYI-ELLS AND THE EDGE OF ALL FOUNDATION WALL5 ROVED BY MINIMUM W SEPARATION 15 REGUIRED BETWEEN DRYWELLS I a EXI5TIN5 TRADITIONAL- (V " '' BOARD OF 1 RUSTEES ' A MINIMUM 2'VERTICAL SEPARATION 15 REQUIRED BETWEEN THE Q 5EPTIC 5Y5TEM TO BE f O - EXISTING 5EGOND 57C7 BOTTOM oP vRYr�LLS THE HIG!¢sr EXPECTED GRDUNowArER ABANDONED AS PER .aa 1O 6 , OPEN DECK OVER pX€ ( TOWN OF SOUTHOLD A MINiM1oN 73 I STORY DWELLING W/ REV�A SEPARATION TA 15 REWIRED BETr`BEN DRrwELLS AND r SGHD STANDARDS •. 3 I Q �t?t3 PROPOSED N'�WATI Q l Av- R ^E �lq�_T MlIFIII �( �D ATE RAINA6E CALCULATIONS PROP IA NEW IMPERVIOUS SERFAGE AREA 2�q0 5F, PROP05ED 50"PLANTER;' ` - --, OWTS Dr�LUNG a STONE PATIO,. ,.— -- c�rgR� -EXISTING STORY DWH" { EXIST,1,ba-r� o -; !2 R Sr E" �=` ikINF .+ N- P�� ,sE)_ � I ELLING 5+1 -•� �` STORAGE PROVIDED PER VERTICAL FOOT 422 CP (•! OF B P DRYWELL DEPTH _ I IN/PROP05ED RENOVATIONS `� - (3 3=DROOMS PROPOSEDJ; ! -� V - -OTAL DRYWELL DEPTH REQUIRED q O FT Z PRO w N- (' (VOL R_Q D VOL V PER PT DEPTH) F_F- -Bel _s' _ I- -PROP.PLANTER - — - - �- _ - -- W W Q�� PROVIDE(I)80 x 9 DEEP 4(5)8m x 2'PEEP DRYWELL5 > U .i EXISTING 1ST `.' _ ENTRY$-6 X4'-6 -DRYWELL EXCAVATION, 2 WO Z ATTACHED GARAGE W/ , T 150,5 5F i 5'-0'DEPTH(I/A OYES TANK). V) _ s PROPOSED RENOVATIONS; ' =EXISTING PUBLIC 150q sr 0 2-0'DEPTH(TRENCHES)-APPROx 455 U� 0 TOP OF SLAB-6.4 S;i 6 ( - WATER CONNECTION CUBIC tgET Il W ¢ .uayT 1 1 FW YI ,1005.rSANIRo SYSTEM64 DEPTExNA OWT9 Ta`:a'F ( p t`')Q Z ( _ •JER` Av _- ibP,•4' DE-ET'� 6.4� APPROX IASD 1 u Iz SITE LAYOUT-*LD S li d 't§ "�. ELEG"FC - a€�, I THIS15 AN ARCHITECTS 51TE PLAN'a IS t� y 'R �- - --- SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED ;LAND EXCAVATION TOTAL a APPROX 228:CU FT SURVEYOR THE INFORMATION rQEPF+=SENTED ON THIS 517E PLAN IS TO THE } -EXCAVATED DIRT TO BE REMOVED FROM 517E ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE, q 2-SURVEY INFORMATION WA5 OBTAINED FROM A SURVEY DATED AUGUST II,2025 , AND PREPARED BY `^` �"' ' € ' gA($L ¢BADE ABOVE SEPTIC TANK '� O€-� % # CT9 U 91 9 P.p%.2=APPRDX-I9 CU PT ' 5GALICE LAND 5URVEYINGz f J EXISTING SOUTH BAY AVENUE - G W,4• R" _ t. _...... 3 15LIP,N.Y II151 ME 1 ER mswr 3^U'' °" p� p ' TELEPHONE WI)q5T-2400 Ti `4=`T"!"P`I v w PROPOSED O § AN � r r a - INm r El NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIIZONMl,'N,rALCONSI,,IZVA'I'ION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04026 PERMIT Under the Environmental Conservation Law (El GO Permittee and Facility Infor mation Permit Issued To: Facility: Cf IRISTOP I I F'R P WERSI IOVEN WERSHOVEN PROPERTY 185 I-TAH—ST APT I004 3150OLEJULE LNISCTM#1000-122-4-19 BROOKLYN, NY 11205 MATTITUCK, NY 1 1 952-2 1 1 8 (646) 671-0848 ERIKA C WERSHOVEN 185 FIALI, STAPT 1004 BROOK-LYN, NY 11205 (646) 671-0848 Facility Application Contact: AMP ARCHITECTURE PLLC 10200 MAIN RD UNIT 3A MATTITUCK, NY 11952 (631) 603-9092 Facility Location: in SOUTHOLD in SUFFOLK COUNTY Village: Mattituck Facility Principal Reference Point: NYTM-E: 707.685 NYTM-N: 4539.871 Latitude: 40'59'00.9" Longitude: 72")1'52.6" Project Location: 3150 Ole Jule Ln Watercourse: James Creek Authorized Activity: Remove asphalt driveway and replace with gravel. Construct planters and entry. Remove existing walkway. Refinish existing brick patio, in-place. Install drywells. Install and maintain an Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (I/A OWTS) to replace the existing septic system. Work includes the following activities: • The excavation necessary to expose the existing septic system. The removal of some or all components of the existing septic system. The installation of an I/A OWTS model which has received Provisional or General Use Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, including all required exterior electrical and Plumbing work. The importation and placement of granular fill or other appropriate fill/soil material (as necessary to construct a functional system) required to replace Soils unsuited to the proper Functioning of the new I/A OWTS and topsoil necessary to landscape the completed installation area. 0 Maintenance and repair tasks; including associated excavation, backfilling and dewatcring-, for the installed system such as the replacement of filter media or the repair/replacement of failed components. All work shall he In strict conformance with the attached survey stamped "NYSDl-`,C Approved" on March 13. 2024. (SAIs 1-09-012, 1-17-001) LFS Page 1 or 7 A NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04026 Permit Authorizations Tidal Wetlands -Under Article 25 Permit ID 1-473 8-04026/00007 New Permit Effective Date: 3/13/2024 Expiration Date: 3/12/2029 NYSDEC Approval By acceptance of this permit,the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, and all conditions included as part of this permit. Permit Administrator:LAURA F STAR, Deputy Regional Permit Administrator Address: NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters SUNY @ Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony Brook,NY 11790 -3409 Authorized Signature: _ Date 3 /1.3 /2 _,. ............ .....-..... _ ..... - Distribution List AMP ARCHITECTURE PLLC Marine Habitat Protection LAURA F STAR Permit Components NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS,APPLY TO ALL AUTHORIZED PERMITS NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT_ __�_._._....__...._ _._�. .. �.. CONDITIONS - Apply to the Following Permits: TIDAL WETLANDS I. Regulated Activities Authorized By This Permit This permit authorizes only those regulated activities/structures identified under the section Description of Authorized Activity. NYSDEC does not issue after-the-fact or as-built permits. This permit does not authorize activities, or legitimize the existence of structures, which would have required a permit but for which no permit or other authorization has been granted NYSDEC. Page 2 of 7 NEW YORK STATE; DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONNi4;NTAL CONSERVATION Wow Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04026 2. Conformance With Plans All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by [lie applicant or applicant's agent as part of the permit application.. Such approved plans were prepared by AMi' Architecture, last revised February 26, 2024, and stamped approved by NYSDEC on March 13, 2024. 3. Notice of Commencement At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project, the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they -ire fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion ofthe form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs o[ the completed work. 4. Post Permit Sign The permit sign enclosed with this permit shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the worksite and adequately protected from the weather. 5. Authorized Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A OWTS) Septic Systems This permit authorizes the installation of any models of I/A OWTS septic system which have received the approval of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS). If SCDHS rescinds its approval of one or more of these models during the term of this permit, DEC will no longer approve new installations of that model. The list of I/A OWTS systems which have received approval by SCDHS are found on website - https://reclainiourwater.info/ 6. Maintenance of Installed Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A OWTS) The permittee must maintain, service and repair the installed I/A OWTS in accordance with the maintenance schedule set forth in the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) permit issued for the system. 7. Establish Vegetated Buffer To protect the values of the tidal wetlands, a permanent vegetated buffer zone shall be established. There shall be no disturbance to the natural vegetation or topography within an area extending 10 linear feet landward of the tidal wetland boundary. 8. Install and Maintain Erosion Controls Staked hay or straw bales or other DEC-approved erosion control measures are to be installed on the downslope edge of any disturbed areas. This barrier to sediments is to be put in place before any disturbance of the ground occurs and is to be maintained in a functional condition until all disturbed land is heavily vegetated. 9. Storage of Equipment, Materials The storage of construction equipment and materials shall be confined within the project work area and/or upland areas greater than 100 linear feet from the wetland boundary. 10. Contain Stockpile and Disturbed Areas All disturbed areas where soil will be temporarily exposed or stockpiled for longer than one week shall be contained by a continuous line of staked hay bales/silt curtain (or other department-approved method) placed on the seaward side between the fill and wetland or protected buffer area. Tarps arc authorised to supplement these approved methods. I. Area of Disturbance fur Structures Disturbance to the natural vegetation or topography greater than 25 feet seaward of the approved structure is prohibited. Page 3 or 7 NEW YORK STA FE I)f:I'r®1L"1'MENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION maw Facility DEC III 1-4738-04026 12. No Construction Debris in Wetland or Adjacent Area Any debris or excess material from - construct1011 Of this project Shall be completely removed from the adjacent area (upland) and removed to an approved upland area for disposal. No debris is permitted in wetlands andlior protected buffer areas. 13. Concrete Leachate During construction, no wet or fresh concrete or leachate shall be allowed to escape into any wetlands or waters ofNew York State, nor Shall washings from ready-Illixed concrete trucks, mixers, or other devices be allowed to enter any wetland or waters. Only watertight or waterproof forms shall be used. Wet concrete shall not be poured to displace water within the forms. 14. Prohibited Toxic Materials The introduction of materials toxic to aquatic life, such as pesticides, cleaning fluids, oils and chlorinated liquids is strictly prohibited in the absence ol'permit authorization. 15. Seed, Mulch Disturbed Areas All areas of soil disturbance resulting frocll this project shall be seeded with an appropriate perennial grass, and mulched with straw immediately upon completion of the project, within two clays of final grading, or by the expiration of the permit, whichever is first. 16. Temporary Mulch, Final Seeding If seeding is impracticable clue to the time of year, a temporary mulch shall be applied and final seeding shall be performed at the earliest opportunity when weather conditions favor germination and growth but not more than six months after project completion. 17. Clean Fill Only All fill shall consist of clean sand, gravel, or soil (not asphalt, slag, flyash, broken concrete or demolition debris). 18. Roof Runoff Directed to Drywells Roof runoff shall be directed to drywells with the capacity to store/recharge the runoff from a 2 inch/24 hours precipitation event. All drywells shall be located a minimum of 75 feet landward of the tidal wetland boundary. 19. No Disturbance to Vegetated Tidal Wetlands There shall be no disturbance to vegetated tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas as a result of the permitted activities. 20. Precautions Against Contamination of Waters All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 21. State May Order Removal or Alteration of Work If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the Structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department OF Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the tree navigation ofsaid waters or flood flows or endanger the health, safety or wellare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the Structure, till, excavation, or other modification Ofthe watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners, shall, without expense to the State, and to Such extent and ill Such time and manlier as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion Of the uncompleted Structure Or Gil and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of New York On account ofany Such 1-e111wal or alteration. Page 4 of 7 NEW 4'ORK STATE t71!I Afti MI'N t of 1',NVIIZONIN'IENV I AL,CONSFAINA" ION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04026 22. State May Require Site Restoration If upon the cxpirLrtion or revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may lawfully require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its lin-mer condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 23. State Not Liable for Damage The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. GENERAL CONDITIONS - Apply L Authorized Permits 1. Facility Inspection by The Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department) to determine whether the permittee is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71- 0301 and SAPA 401(3). The permittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this pert-nit. 2. Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. 3. Applications For Permit Renewals, Modifications or Transfers The permittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for permit renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forms or supplemental information the Department requires, Any renewal, modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. Submission of applications for permit renewal, modification or transfer are to be submitted to: Regional Permit Administrator NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters SUNY a Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony Brook, NY] 1790 -3409 4. Submission of Renewal Application The permitter must submit a renewal application at least 30 clays hefore permit expiration for the f0ll0win(1 permit authorizations: "Tidal Wetlands. Page 5 of 7 NEW YORK STATE DLPARTTVIE'N'r OF ENVIRONMENTALCONSERVATION Facility DEIC iD 1-4738-04026 5. Permit Modifications,-Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right-to exercise all available authority to modify, suspend or revolve this permit. The- grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a. materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b. failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c, exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d. newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions, relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e. noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. 6. Permit Transfer Permits are transferrable unless specifically prohibited by statute, regulation or another permit condition. Applications for permit transfer should be submitted prior to actual transfer of ownership. [ '-- -,- ..........I----------........_e w NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERITTEE OBLIGATIONS _ _ . Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits, actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This indemni17cation does not extend to any claims, suits, actions, or damages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising under Article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee. Page 6 of 7 Facility DEC 11) 1-4738-04026 Item C: PerrrFittee Responsible ror Obtaining Other Rer[riired Permits The permittee is responsible For obtaining any other pert-nits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-ol- way that may be required to carry Out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interrere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Page 7 of EXIST P4000 a VINYL �MLA EL.- ;ZGs O � � PROJECT;!'ZONING DATAEk& SAD {j} ""y�E�L'5 a -J b A M v� a AT EVL�l'. A f S G i7 TAX MAP 0 _ I 1000 I 04-Iq. 7 � ZONING DISTRICT -- - R-40/NG5 e Ti [ LOT AREA p 4 ACRES ( GOPO MAIN Hq/5E � 4199T/J8/18/20 VARIANCE VA APPROVAL _ t W _ •E'gST,I0z. 'UI%1. FEMA FLOOD ZONE — AE 6/AE X _2 iLW RON-D15T ANCEE `s gg g'l WETLAND5 D15TRICT PERMIT PENDING®_ n 3`. - 1 DEC,DISTRICT -- - PERMIT PENDING � v�J� 1 .... �F ° j SUPFOLK C TMIY COUNTY HD APPROVAL PENDING 5 5EDROOMS Z 3 IR ALL D15TANGES TO PROPERTY LINE/BULKHEAD %LOT sa DESCRIPTION(FOOTPRINT) AREA --_ � \ \ k) ARE EXISTING TO REMAIN OOVERAGE TOTAL LOT AREA EXISTING DWELLING W/ — -" PROPOSED ..9 ALTERAnoNS ._° ' 14�� € aJ% ° 1 DRYWELL5 C3 4 ( - --- _„` s_. �� t ii. Yi5TlN5 BRICK PAYYO is BE 3 REPINISHED) - E 9400 5F 53% PROPOSED PLANTERS 4 ENTRY 1650 5F I O% r Y'` _tM(TS Of�EAFSII+L&�l > ,' ;_E?OST€N BRICK PATIO TO i TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES 2454,q 5F I541 rfd %T[N - _- BE REFINI5HED;EXISTING I U 17BTG A - � 46.t' [€ FOOTPRINT TO REMAIN ••MAXIMUM Lpr COVERAGE ALLor�D-20% : (3� Im lc- #i ?LGJL-W BULKHEAD U PIER Lim _ �` -` _ ..3• - _ � SETBACK Z7Aft 1 Ifl. $A DRA 4=T., �l Cn x N r 1 A MINIMUM 1O'SEPARATION 15 REQUIRED BETWEEN DRYWELL5 4 (a) EXLST€N':5 T92A[7€TIEOAL, - �'� (`+ t WATER SERVICE LINE,UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINNIER E SEPTIC Q SEPTIC 5 5TCM TO BE >+ Q j--€XI TINO SECOND DRYWELL5,AND THE EDGE OF ALNC,FIELDS,LEFOUNDATIONN�LL5 OTHER ' ° h �b STORY OPEN DECK rI y )h ( A MINIMUM 5'ISEPARATION 15 REQUIRED BETWEEN RYWELLS 1 SCHP.S "; I I I. �� III1 LI ) S Fi IL�1NI�� PROPERTY LINES ARMINIMUM 2'VERTIOAL SEPARATION 15 REQUIRED BETWEEN THE N �? Q _ ry BOTTOM OF DRYWELLS I THE HIGHE5T EXPECTED 6ROUNDWATER € 0 . A I,t�), � F ELEVATION.. i ¢ A MINIMUM 20'SEPARATION 15 REQUIRED BETWEEN DRYWELL5 AND 4'-6°L NTER BURIED PROPANE FUEL TANKS 7 /�IC_AN/1 • CONNECT ALL GUTTER LEADERS TO NEAREST DRYNELL PROPOSED 4--"X 22'-R; Ex�sr A Syi9=T ti OWVEKAY To EXISTING 2 STORY OPM-L.) F4 €fl >'4` t NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA, 2 q0 SF W/PROPOSED RENOVATIONS -� `>; (V - DWELLING/STONE PATIO I (3 BEDROOMS PROPOSED); z 1D _ _ STORAGE VOLUME \v T se T c.F IN.F. -5.11 \ 23.2' r. �I t Pt P PLANTER t� �ALI<€IEW#� _ a W LU g a _ s SF� Vo »vrvrl CAL FOOT > L) EXISTING I STORY- �, _ - -_ X 13'-6"i - 3 422 G F. ❑,.r ICI D o z ENTRY 3,_b"X4'_b.' •---9=-L PRY-- -_— w ---. UJ ATTACHED GARAGE;TOP \ * _ LL » 110 FT I _ 2 =Z OF SLAB-6.4' EXISTING PUBLIC. (VOL REo D/VOL PROV_PER FT DEPTH) —� \ )X 4 WATER CONNEG`iION PROVIDE(1)54 x 5'DEEP 4(9)5V x 2'DEEP DRYWELL5 LLI ? O 1 r�•` 1. 1 EXLS}N� o s SITE LAYOUTuDTEs. _... '' 6jiF� .' - OVERHEAD LL. `�z I. THI5 I5 AN ARCHITECTS 517E PLAN/15 `� T•.�� I ELECTRIC WIRES 5U15.E:CT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSEDs � g SURVEYOR THE INFORMATION c - S 1� f 'f REPRESENTED ON THIS SITE PLAN IS 70 THE •S §` b £� ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. ¢3 2_SURVEY FRO M NFO A ISURVEYATION DATED AU5U5T IN 2025 Lam: l y' -x ' '00,�. +/- IOO�` AND PREPARED BY. 1 .14 ocvgo ZONE AE(EL 6) p 1 g GE LAND 5URVEYING _ I PE{ 150JTH BAY AVENUE 5GALI EXISTING Vs'AtBR- (SLIP,N.Y.IIT51 METER pF PA`�/ENIENTAN EXISTING OTSI} TELEPHONE(691)q51-2400 EDGE UTILITY POLE j Y � � � , ) I OF rite. a ADD FILL TO INCREASE GRADE EL.TO 6.4'(APPROX.5") ALL LEAGHIN6 POOLS SHALL HAVE AN 8"THICK vG FOR 3'-O IN ALL DIRECTIONS FROM PROPOSED I/A OWTS. TRAFFIC-BEARING CONCRETE TOP TO MEET + L€ SLOPE FILL TO MEET EXISTING GRADE OUTSIDE OF TH15 AA5HTO-H2O/H5-20.ALL COVERS MUST ALSO a PERIMETER USING NO GREATER THAN A 1,5 MAX SLOPE. MEET AA5HT0-H2O/HS-20 REO'S '> � MODIFIED(5) L N BEDROOM LOOKING ACCESS DWELLING SYSTEM ALARM COVERS w/R15ER as �M MEMA 4X RATED) p[J 24- POLYLOK 20"m D-BOX H/ HAV'f qy 8 E 4$uta SLAB EL,-&I - MAC HORII ! #`t +PEis;4d SECURITY GRATE(BAFFLE �g9g LAS IRo 3 � BLOWER $IF INLET PITCH COVER TO GRADE —.33 �i ) [O' �` `N@?K EXCEEDS A"PER FOOT) a Z. - Ic M -�I' ( PROP,GRADE EL 21V MAX 12" vE�� 4` E' €ML,6.0• xiiN. 5%MAXAvUM SLOPE - e MIN.4" SOR ` m B _ [ ' - PVC OR ED INV- r MIN.4'm SDR 55 ..--- ... MIN 4"m 5`s _"'^—s-. MIN PITCH J"I �s44' - I, - a PVG OR Eq, PVC OR Eq. LEAGHIN6 LEACHING 4° F`IF m-mii�r•1' 1NV POOL POOL € MIN.rNV, , E s K. - MIN PITCH ill". -1,�g�.+ EL.=4.'I:` * -,t 3NV.. HI6HE5T EXPECTED - ' GROUND WATER EL-00' —_ �t F-UJIGLEAN LENS PROVIDE 12"THK-NJ- 2-MIN.DROP REPLACE EX*r,SOIL w 5'GLEAN (� : 245 NITROGEN REDUCTION SYSTEM BED OF SAND A. �(PRWZREa END GAP SANV COLLAR SURR 1l0 Lj. (1) m RAVEL TH TYPE LEVELING - '+il'aT G SAW i GRAVEL P15TR15UTION BOX DEVICE5 AT OUTLETS) (5P/54 LAYER NOT PRESENT + ___.- 9NNOVA`�"4''€�.4.�LTE�€,g:A.TFVE.Oi�i €I&1TiA'f�fa'TR�A4TMT�' 'tEt'�IIfA OYy'f3. 1 [ tplljtA} .. ..-. L � 9 Q (n I. I/A OWTS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM TREATMENT CAPACITY OF 400 6PD(9 BEDROOMS). 1 ^ PROPOSED FUJICLEAN OEN5 I/A OWT5 PROVIDES 500 GPD TREATMENT CAPACITY. I. LEACHING SYSTEM DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE A 1-5 BEDROOM RE51DENCE AS PER 5GDH5"STANDARDS LL Q 2. INSTALL ALL COMPONENTS AS PER MANU-SPECS. FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS 0 CONSTRUCTION POR 5EWA5E DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR 51NOLE-FAMILY C 3. A 10'MIN.DISTANCE BETWEEN THE I/A DINTS AND BUILDING WITH CELLAR/BA5EMENT SHALL BE RESIDENCES",FIGURE 11. THI5 DESIGN UTILIZES. L j (5)&W x 2'DEEP LEACHING POOLS Q €€€ MAINTAINED,OR 5 MIN.DISTANCE IF BUILDING 15 UPON A SLAB, I 4, A V MIN,.DISTANCE BETWEEN THE I/A 0WT5 AND DIST,BOX(WHEN PRESENT)SHALL BE MAINTAINED. (5)B'm x 2'DEEP LEACHING POOL PROPOSED FOR 50%EXPANSION 2. WA5TE LINE FROM SEPTIC TANK SHALL ENTER THE MIDDLE RING AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE,WITH CRO55 OVER PIPES INSTALLED BETVI EN THIS RING AND OUTER RINGS,8"FROM THE BOTTOMS OF POOLS, 5. LEAGHIN6 POOLS TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE(OR EQUAL), 4, ALL COVERS SHALL BE TO GRADE AND HEAVY-DUTY LOCKING CA5T IRON, I I IC1Vl D 95 P W I EWNIS 5. A 2'MIN.DISTANCE BETWEEN THE HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER LEVEL AND BOTTOM OF LEACHING \ d (€ 7 AN,of POOLS SHALL BE MAINTAINED, N tz MPH 1 FiS �: ' 6. A 10'MIN.DISTANCE BETWEEN LEACHING POOLS AND WATER LINE SHALL BE MAINTAINED, W w ,1 0 01 DFl I L_ �� _ _.. T. AN 8 MIN.DISTANCE BETWEEN ALL LEACHING POOLS AND I/A OWT5 SHALL BE MAINTAINED, D Z m 1 t - _.. _.... = W Z w Y. Q U) U: LU LU O j 3Ir o� N FROPOSM 5Efp'rlr, SY5T P 1 CROSS SECTION _gC.c : scue,NT9 o � a pr rb" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 „t Telephone 631 765-1802 httos://www.sOL$tholdtownnv.izov Floodplain Development Permit Application PROPERTY INFORMATION: Flood Zone: FIRM Panel: SCTM#1000-122-04-19 Address:3150 Ole Jule Lane city:Mattituck I Zip: 11952 CONTACT PERSON. Name:AMP Architecture Phone#:631-603-9092 Mailing Address:PO Box 152, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Single Family Dwelling Reconstruction SECTION A:STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT(CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Type of Structure Type of Structural Activity ® Residential (1 to 4 families) ❑New structure ❑ Residential (more than 4 families) ❑ Demolition of existing structure ❑ Combined use R Replacement of existing structure ❑Non-residential ❑ Relocation of existing structure ❑ Elevated ❑Addition to existing structure ❑ Flood proofed(attach certification) ❑ Alteration to existing structure ❑ Manufactured Home R Other: Reconstruction of existing dwelling ❑ Located on individual lot ❑ Located in manufactured home park SECTION B: OTHER DEVELOPMENT(CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) ❑ Clearing of trees,vegetation or debris ❑ Mining ❑ Grading ❑ Drilling ❑ Dredging ❑ Connection to public utilities or services ❑ Paving ❑ Placement of fill material R Drainage improvement(including culvert work) ❑ Roadway or bridge construction ❑ Fence or wall construction ❑ Watercourse alteration (attach description) ❑ Excavation (not related to a structured development) R Other development not listed (specify): Removal of existing septic system to be replaced with IA OWTS By signing below I agree to the terms and conditions of this permit and certify to the best of my knowledge the information contained in this application is true and accurate. I understand that no work may start until a permit is issued.The permit may be revoked if any false statements are made herein.If revoked,all work must cease until permit is re-issued.Development shall not be used or occupied until a Cert.of Compliance is issued.The permit will expire if no work is commenced within one year of issuance.Other permits may be required to fulfill regulatory requirements.Applicant gives consent to local authority or representative to make reasonable inspections to verify compliance. Application Submitted By(print name)-.AMP Architecture Signature of Applicant Date:09/26/24 Scott A. Russell 41, MMAT]E]E, svPERvisoR M[ANAG]EMUENT SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL-P.O.Box 1179 53095 Main Road-SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 ���� ,�+ �� Town of Southold �u 9 ,a r 4.ram CHAPTER 236 - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REFERRAL FORM ( APPLICANT INFORMATION � ..._ . .._.._ _.�__ � TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT ONLY FOR PROPERTIES ONE ACRE IN AREA OR LARGER. ) APPLICANT: (Propertym Owner, Design Professional, Agent, Contractor, Other) NAME: M itecture Date: Y 09/26/24 fb.Y�uki Contact Information: 631 6039092 it mail 6I elephnne Numhed Property Address / Location of Construction Site: 3150 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck S.C.T.M. #: 1000 District �.�. 122 04 19 Section Block Lol TO BE COMPLETED BY SOUTHOLD TOWN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - Area of Disturbance Is less than I Acre, No S.P,D.E.S_ Permit is Re trued ! - Project does Not Discharge to graters of the State. No S.P.D.E.S. Permit is Required ! ® - Area of Disturbance is Greater than I acre & Storm-w ate: Runoff Discharges Directly to Waters of the State of New York, THE APPLICANT 'NIUST OBTAIN a S.P.D.E.S. Permit DIRECTLY From N.Y.S. D.E_C. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit. 0 Area of Digtufb-ance is Greater than 1 Acre & .St irm-t,,'ater Runoff Flows Thrrn_igh Southold To-vr''s MS4 Systems to Waters of the State of Nero York, THE APPLICANT MUST OBTAIN a S.P.D.E.S. Permit through the Southold Town Engineering De artmen: Pu'or to Issuance of a Building Permmt. Rey lei.\ed B\: Dace: F'(1Rti1 cVMCP--T(lC n��. .,� �n.....,...,.-... ,.,..., _.____........ ._.. _.�... .,_ I� U.S.DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY OMB No. 1660-0008 Federal Emergency Management Agency Expiration Date:November 311,2022 National Flood Insurance Program ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important Follow the instructons on pages I-Q_ Copy alll pages of this Elevation Certiftate and all attachments for 11)community official,(2)insurance agenVoompany,and(3)building owner. SECTION A-PROPERTY INFORMATION, FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Al- Building Owner's Name Policy Number Erika,Wershoven A2. Building Street Address(including Apt.,Unit,Suite,anclJor Bldg.No.)or P.O.Route and Company NAIL Number: Box No. 31150 Ole Ade Ln Mattituelk W 11952 city State ZIP Code MATTITUCK New York 11692 A3. Property Description(Lot and Block Numbers,,Tax Parcel Number,Legal Description.etc.) SEfM*1000-122-04-09 A4_ Building Use(e-g.,Residential,Non-Residential,Addition,Accessory,eta) Residential A5- Latitude1ongitude: Lat 40*5W 0 1.2r N __ Lon,g-73�1ll'53.4r'W.— Horizontal Datum: 12 NAD 1927 7X NAIL 1983 A& Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Certificate Is being used to obtain flood insurance. A7_ Building Diagram Number is "J' A8. For a building with a crawhipace or enclosure(s): a) Square(dotage oferawlspooe,or enclosure(s) 1WA sq ft b) Number of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace or enclosu, (s)within 1,0 foot above adjacent grade e) Total net area of flood openings in A8,15 sq in d) Engineered flood openings? [] Yes [_-] No Ag.For a building with an attached garage- a)� Square footage of attached garage 3810D sq ft b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage w0in I-G foot above adjacent grade 0 c) Total net area of flood openings in Ag.b 0110 sq in d) Engineered flood openings? L] Yes 2]No SECTION a-FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM)INFORMATION Bl_ NFIP Community Name&Community Number B2_County Name B3. State TOWROFSOUTHOLD 3ON13 SUFFOLK New York _J B4_Map/Panel B5_Suffix B6. FIRM Index 87.FIRM Panel 88-Flood Bg_Base Flood Elevation(s) Number Date Effectivel Zone(s) (Zone AO.use Base Flood Depth) Revised Date 30103GQ482 H 09-25-2009 09-25-2009 AE 810, indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation(BFE)data or base flood depth entered in Item SO: 0 FIS Profile � FIRM [] Community Determined E] Odied Sou rcel- B1 1, lntliwcate elevation datum used for BFE in Item 89: [] NGVD 1929 EXI NAVD 1988 OtherlSource: 8 11 Is the building located in a Coastal Barnet Resources System(CBRS)i area or Otherwise Protected)Area(OPA)? F Yes 21 t4o Designation Date: C�BRS F] OPA FEMA Form 06"-33(121Ig) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 1 of 6 Nw. ELEVATION CERTIFICATE 'IWWIRTAWT In The%#spa a,copy Me coaw-%oon4"wifiDrMal"n hown lec*Kwl A f N _IAPAI+ 77" Ao 31, P 0 My s 7�r, ccd* Cow:�pmj NAIC I.fl;21 SEE TV_W' - BUIL[ilticpELEVAT"fNiFOQUATWjti(SkIRVEY PEOk, J I IF bl.3%---�'A ......... .............. ............. . .... 'Y'W VIU,!t'.nr,*f n. ► -!rorV-4&1� *+..441" 'k i fir V-,bF fi, lit, v 30 wit Oft v kR, Aft'^_ k,k A R: tot,:Pft t�-,* wwrl A'/ Y(,: rplolve% ,,Sf ,MVC, dBtur-used the*lwvjtmcovs r- J-j-ftW JIL!`.AR kV T--&Rof j4 T op c4 W Wrr,lvcr r.%uC 7.aswne,rt. v-jw&►tea *nc-ft g v T­- V* :Dej j.%%Mqa.a%* VP­iA'VO*-o'0" D-Zallom>r L`Owr"%*,•lsk 2..S,50.v�,tvroql*,oviwom C6" sw" SECTK"0- SURVEYOR.ENCANER.OR ARCKIEC f CER11WA 1101i "1 rx:"to*"rlod SWa4d"--,y 19"r-O'ew, "or"00, or aur-cirizo.1 W* qw*wmc Ono 6*0814017lo mft,'vjw'�@ do.'s 4.&PAWS PLnowrsft". Pal arfe Oake may,t"o, Unsee "i 41„". Coft Locmom Oct 1-_9 o ,-mult r S,monArrowde L,,p 3 oe�'Ak�l_"Vd u^,tvr7 "." .0 — 't07 WiHAZL ONEYE .................................. T Ot 4 0040 PLAa 0-IfISTER Rwy NEWY,cyp"'K, 1j,7TI B it 0�*S-VP RAV %bwW Ybf b (."cc,v ;I' W�ag*6 v,tpos ewxvr, ".-WV, &*Oam at for 0,10,0org ow�c-,w oW ptj je A-81, LAU'll."VEAM, LONGauct.,mpy'vxv;�RQW w,5"cOp,,5.-,R7,N BOAVE-P;` T WAT•Fci H--_AMR m,W—ATE'V/,C?Val,On a ........... ................. ';-W�,A Fw-n i'2,'l W i * BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS OMB No_1880-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE see Instructions for Item A8- Expiration Date:November 30,2022 NPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A_ FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt,Unit,Suite.andlor Bldg.No.)or P-O_Route and Box No_ Policy Number 3150 Ole Jule Ln Mattihnck NY 11952 City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number MATTITUCK New York 11502 If using the 6evation Certificate to obtain NFIP flood insurance, affix at least 2 building photographs below according to the instructions for Item A0.Identify all photographs with date taken;"Front View'and*Rear View.and,if required,"Right Side V iiieve and 'Left Side View,'" When applicable. photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or gents,as indicated in Section A8.If submitting more photographs than will fat on this page.use the Continuation Page- ..,.,....... .. .. . ......... t x a i 1 R fi t i......,. ....:.«..».....:. .... ..:....:...... .».:.......,...... .,....:».. ........ .......... ..........«....„n.„. ......... .. ............ ..... ......«.... .......:«................,... ........... ,..«......... ......«..».,.»» Photo One Caption FROG VEW l' i ;riff Uwe � Phmlro Photo Two Caption LEFT SIDE VIEWt� FEMA Form DSO-0-33(12119) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 5 of 6 BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS OMB No. 1680-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Continuation Page Expiration Date:November 30.2022 IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding,information from Section A_ FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Budding Street Address(inducting Apt,Unit,Suite,and/or Bldg_No.)or P_O_Route and Box No. Policy Number. 3150 Ole Jule Ln Mattituck NY 11952 City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number MATTITUCK New York 11592 If submitting more photographs than wil fit on the preceding page, affix the additional photographs below. identify all photographs with: date taken; "Front View" and "Rear View'; and, if required. "Right Side View" and "Left Side View.' When applicable, photographs most show the foundation with representative examples of the dtood openings or vents,as indioated in Section AS. i Photo Three Caption WAR VIEW T(wt� PtM tb t ,/? i r r Far Photo Four Caption PJGMT SIDE VII BW >Pholr FEMA Form 08641-33(12J19) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 6 of 0 OMB No_ 166"008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expiration Date:November 30,2018 IIMPPORTANIT.In these spaces„copy the corresponding information from Section A. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt_,Unit, Suite,and/or Bldg.No_)or P_O_Route and Box No_ Policy Number City State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number New York SECTION E—BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION(SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A(WITHOUT BF'E) For Zones AO and A(without BFE),complete Items El—E5_ If the Certificate is intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F request, complete Sections A,Band C_For Items E1E4,use natural grade,if available_Check the measurement used_In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. E 1_ Provide elevation information fDg ng and ch the appropriate t°s to ow whether the elevation is above or below LAG- the highest adjacent grad' owest a a) Top of bottom floor(i crawlspace,or 112sur t ❑meters ❑above or ❑ below the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor(inol µ crawlspace,or e-ncl r ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the LAG_ E2_ For Building Diagrams 6-.+g with permanent flood'openings provided in Section A'Items 8 and/or 9(see pages 1-2 of Instructions), the next higher floor(elevation C2b in the diagrams)of the building is 0 feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. E3_ Attached garage(top of slab)is 1 t L]meters E]above or ❑below the HAG_ E4_ Top of platform of machinery andlo ipme servicing the building is _.._ ❑feet ❑meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG_ E5. Zone AO only:If no flood depth n bey �abN the to a bo floor elevated in accordance with the community's flopdplain management ordinan ❑ known, a local official must certify this information In Section G. SECTION!F—PROPERTY OWNER(OR OWNER'S REPRESENrITAT'IVE)CERTIFICATIONrN The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Seebons A.B.and E for Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or xmmun'rty4ssued BFE),or Zone AO ni sign her tateme tlonff,B.andbE are air to the best of my knowledge_ Property Owner or Owner's Autlho pre e's IMW OF Address City Coo it State ZIP Code J Si, nature Date Telephone Comments ❑Check here if attachments_ FEMA Form 08t3-0-33(7115) Replaoes all previous editions. Form Page 3 of 6 OMB No_ 1660-0008 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Expiration Date.November 30,201 e IMPORTANT:In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A_ FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Building Street Address(including Apt..Unit,Suite.and/or Bldg.No_)or P.O.Route and Box No. Policy Number. Cry State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number New York SqffMW%COMAd1RM1FO* O The local official who is authorized by I f otdina ministe c fl anagement ordinance can complete Sections A.B.C(or E).and G of this Ell "on C' Comp( a Ie items)a below_Check the measurement used in hems G9-G Ill.In Puerto Rico p eta G1. The informatk m in Secbm C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed/by a licensed surveyor, engineer,of aMh*M who is authorized by law to certify elevation information.(Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below_) G2, ❑ A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or communiy-issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3, ❑ The following information(Items G4-G 10)is provided for community fioodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number N a rmit Is GO. Date Certificate of ComphancelOccupancy Issued , 111111t r: G7. This permit has been issued for: ❑New Construction❑ Substantial Improvement G9. Elevation of as-burg lowest floor(including basement) of the building: _ I�j feet meters Datum Gg. BFE or(in Zone AO)depth of flooding at the building site: ❑feet ❑ meters Datum G19. Community's design flood elev feet . eters Datum % Local Official's Name Community Name Ple.pt. Si ature Date Comments(including type of equipment and location,per C2(e),if applicable) Check here if attachments. FEMA Forth OBB-0-33(7115) Replaces all previous editions. Form Page 4 of 6 Generated by REScheck-Web Software Compliance Certificate Project 3150 Ole Jule Ln Energy Code: 2018 IECC Location: Mattituck, New York Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Orientation: Bldg. faces 90 deg. from North Conditioned Floor Area: 1,949 ft2 Glazing Area 22% Climate Zone: 4 (5331 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: All Electric false Is Renewable false Has Charger false Has Battery: false Has Heat Pump: true Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 3150 Ole Jule Ln Mattituck, NY 11952 INEEM mi NONE! Compliance: 3.4%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 383 Your UA: 370 Maximum SHGC: 0.40 Your SHGC: 0.40 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Slab-on-grade tradeoffs are no longer considered in the UA or performance compliance path in REScheck. Each slab-on-grade assembly in the specified climate zone must meet the minimum energy code insulation R-value and depth requirements. Envelope 8ssemblies Assembly or Cavity Cont. Prop. Req. Prop. Req. Ceiling: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1,434 49.0 0.0 0.026 0.026 37 37 Front Walls: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 606 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 31 33 Orientation: Front Door: Solid Door(under 50%glazing) 21 0.200 0.320 4 7 Orientation: Front Windows-Front: Wood Frame SHGC: 0.40 38 0.320 0.320 12 12 Orientation: Front Rear Walls:Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 606 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 20 21 Orientation: Back Windows-Rear: Wood Frame SHGC: 0.40 250 0.320 0.320 80 80 Orientation: Back Project Title: 3150 Ole Jule Ln Report date: 08/06/24 Data filename: Page 1 of 2 Prop.Gross Area Cavity Cont. Assembly or Left Walls: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 568 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 22 23 Orientation: Left side Windows-Left: Wood Frame SHGC: 0.40 185 0.320 0.320 59 59 Orientation: Left side Right Walls: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 568 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 30 32 Orientation: Right side Windows-Right: Wood Frame SHGC: 0.40 39 0.320 0.320 12 12 Orientation: Right side Floor: All-Wood Joist/Truss 1,434 21.0 0.0 0.044 0.047 63 67 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is c nt with the building plans,specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed bull esigned to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in REScheck Version : REScheck-Web and to comply with the mand ed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Matthew Wynne 6-AUG-2024 Name-Title Sig ure 22114 Date OF N E 40 Project Title: 3150 Ole Jule Ln Report date: 08/06/24 Data filename: Page 2 of 2 �" °o[er �. n. e° �e� tt P ' L Cl T a-e Fre- [ t t t I a ­­L t-e dre.t ter er drat aeemme P IF-=Fp•[oroo• PP cob c r cmrcrac[as occ n rIXaR.c " y Q emerte°" L q.-lro• l ce•e pLz.c^ c terL.-e be a yjy... O / ­L a Ill"t >tc ee a k9 JN' P N a c•t on>w[r o.a.I,.:+.t a-;a-cct a^al wy �, e" p P ✓wrvp v' qua•mr nc)or o m'nenur bee or p•oper a to � W 'M& d r.,T_r - I, u a rs ompactce>°ro lr.cc lrororoccs c+Pco orw o I Q (>7 N 3 /A OWTr-ionty 1- Al A be o•ov dee w'M1 a>•a a out el I •- e Pdrtmetn a,va,[c-ba</mv,I,ed ar desa,tan edo,rd-wc[�-e n�s•se<G-E e dp°draa,°e.:„Ar[o e 11 o IT,_,rr­ea,nn sore rory code raqu red ro-d >�eeem>,.tr m,L F e ebm red w,°w-o e>do _ 7 O Pr dr to Lne Deec•tme.•.e-cr;-g°er[_dt or dr°dmP=[m d[erred[ p wp D --".. J q \q E E EXIST El CAD O cdnsw°t en ar.'e>w:P°+> Is I All w s p m e Ee".,SEE n A o. .,.:,. G R E K .lvocD=L n�. �/4 - :wn e.ee�tee pperdl dr a,e�e+ro�cc eanerae:between:ne a„x „� .-• C O Mev:terarce Prov aer o+o=roperL•ow+e-n,.st de sl.e'eeea c t t roery d zto ate r ttdry d «x^w.P.-mo r hGOD L N.a w/ 'IS W E5x15T TI":EER }7 Dapmtme-t Pr K dda a A p rdaeo-e[er a ar trc I,A o 5�L ee° to l et^be o o ed A IMF �p a.catcr tb, y^'l, ..+ .«.:. + .,... ...E T 5 \D :A "uw Mf O O m.�(D [ 41 III ac 5 q � L giwce A B'.. 6 t mun^rw"wlp «O w✓prp ed _ •• a pI,"Iw.� � rm lz.�•.prw• a.�.k:yc m,rr''la"pa: :. '.,':%L-^4i^""'r'` ....."..•-.,.,.,«.,....w ..:,:..__�._:.�...r ._"` ��'' .... .« ¢ rr cn a A "w a ar*r a sma tie � a P+uv w xe' d w.„�.. .. LOCATION MAP Vl — � ... t ;Y ALC NTS EXIST SAnD O b T ZW I N6 DATA ,. .._: _ ,. .. :_ «• _ th n•e r.0a ro y. a art t o era oc a mr_m or c ro w ,,, \ 3 „...... ,.. C;rO"ry/ ..... 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'S% S B 1- '1,tl •/^ 5 T ero send 5 eoa-cnaa-ee ocea r o:co-aoz/curtem tr Z tl`n oe p X PO # X P y MAX N LOT GOJER4G=ALLONED 2G% v L"t l"","S"!TO M1 IJ�I a AL o mot-m.m0 o�/,i OniS treotxn[fools n^e t c tills0 3&'n,Yd✓IM" [u+rtt^ �PIC.dn"&^'2 G"IPG wrk:Ne+ aprm Np ii','Atle rr ccd a[ N iEiE: ::: ,n-�._ J .••••:•� �., -�" H / D 1^J ST>ND4GDS@,m «. Q 11 P p Ye ^�• ! 2 p tc eceted war t gNMp ""V Kp N pop fm:any FOOD MAP DATA ,un W+"/ 0 A 171 4, tc red P MA=a _6 C3COcb r[ P t roc tat P M4-DA E O "_/Z0 f / A' m • -FLOOD ZONE AE EL �`.,.`\\ ✓ dcceee O pl d map' o rr[M>) coo-enc requ 2 5 T PROOCTI REO T ENC THE 'O BE ( X Np P h. d 1 41r'•: ' n5 AL_ED P RE-L RED BY TIE TON OF to ro*a puwN.e 4 O +'u^od -'w 6're Po-e sra pact Ni+4 p.V Wd^ .L', GLTH'LD ... AASITG A.eec at or lNCMA<X IC aM vI TIE FC-ERN �/ ,•.„«..P ad t m A x ow crooc..rr [he P SERFAGE h4TER_..R NETLANp_ARE /� .. ....� e /I careu t rnsl Feve q-prop t P'vert oo>e.ca rra>tu.c LOCATED hITI\_ G OF P� W I ��. ^^[ ..•�. ;. M O rrcm root,no Lre cortre P°'e e 'X ..EIRI ,.•. .,.:,�..",..,. o-ureter beae• >ELE•/ATIGne REFERENCE NAVE abB el � I ^� � EXIST 9RLK FATIO I� epp % cctea ' ._wm. _tt E 9 Oe syem 5,NO VIE V LL5 ARE LGGATED NITHN I fT0 BE P4TGFCD rvE'A„F Depa-tmenti « ky a 1-OF SUBJECT FROPERT'LINES AS n'ECESSARY l u*yy.arr„A. GN e EXIST,FGOT=RINTT B 4 OhTs[arks a>cF[c-cots sno tc wo[er[.ynt ero CA �e d + v�Y« eme Mwxes.an to LM OaM prcv mr con14 c 5 of>euw arc a.-ab c nc[er e•[b[me rot-ubJec[o cweree Lne OI>p 6 PROPOSED SL,G 5Y, .El- hTLN'O5 �,�+��kD"p'l' ""'•s TO REMAIN) eon e-aecol.. °S TO AVOID TIE REMOVAL G ANY EXISTING + J q, lYY M m, µ p „p 'nzrc"wv rvxsf TREES THE PLACEMENT OF SYSTEM be wolcrt art Two mctnoc•dl rg tunN m.. t be ea Wgwe Ft; walla wpwm GOMPOILVT1 MAY BE AD_LS cD PROVIDED , h m wr, k " •, ,•..«. .:•---... r ux„ t MODIFIED STOR V9::::: ,.«.:. ... �... * ro I l>F r let,w watt N 'fie; p rtablC ARCH'CCT F RCLGGATION OR r I. f , +:'Y v .::.:�• ,,,., OF Y TFm+ y 4dM'+d.mwmx m THAT ALL REQUIRED VIN MJM_4iAG1.5 '" f t lM1 p er g ARE MAINTAINED.N_TALLER TO CONTACT V Y FR .-""'" PROP FUJICLEAN ALARM/ 4e ,.mup ro opp o Myy,Nv „•,!r n,wl„A�,.; 'Y_Iy;C, REORIENTATION OF LONPONENTS DWE_LIN6>./SLAB ON 6RAD_- -O PANE_f EIIRIED +P'v nil o o wr,. ( b yyx : ire-srrM1 I•mproved,I 90R er n r oro ets Ip X'd —!2nD-STORY OFEV DECK m q ��" i ELECTRICAL IVE FROM I/A GNTS p-IF+1 nest w 10^a ro oeotea euli de t w/A �D - _ cam`�' uw:HE wwmmw�w-mrremvvO LOT..=.s.sn,,,....:1 vu'm'anormu vnnrr'.':.rs( / '"' (3 B 7ROOM5) r' d Y AT,g a W w4 N ]Ary b aware ocetea cvts'de or[+e/A ONTS un L mvs paced THE FOLLOW NO LOTS W TY.N O OF PROPER,"' PROP.FLJ MAG AIR BLOWER p. XG P. M1 P, -e.tl on d Pad(concrete P Ps[c o-•oerd oezl and lave o sanbpreol UTILIZE PUBLIC WATER AS PER 5_hA �\/� q" F F EL.B ,^91, " y o v c+A�ll pumps oro i oat[rocs mrst tc dcccmo c and smcccblc SCTM a OGG 22 Gam-B ^pb PDY+, l ;rr ✓f ......__.. N FRGF R MIAW SP NE O I/A ,. cf c corces.c ,rem ecce-openrc tc a 5cxo.Ie K we Ileac tree SGTM^IOGG ^^G4 2J «.^"K \" T•" S e _ EG 5) as M'X 6 'k ttl d SGTM a OOO 122 O4 O 1 tt Ch p : b '+C� b E � M.n SANITARY L NE GLEAN OJT NGCIFIED�cTGRY a trel ter to Bea y remcveo ro•>ary ce er ao.stmert Tra Nears xTM=IOGG 122-GS-IIB Cx S-ING TRCCe TO 4 d „r,:�•"`'' r, ar./SLAB-Gn GRADE �'.p0\J „ 'N'N "p VA\- M1'n,eCFARAT GNTS: z 4mN1 de eo_ aM10 tenet b<attec,a lct[re�e-ee non Y.TN eICGG-I2Z-GS-Io GGNTRALTGRAN'G DR FL hE D.Rln6' •: ..... �'•:- 6 .mm ��.. FR.DhL N�hG wm4 r T m mmE .:q"DV> IN' /EN-TO ROOON FR E w SUN,YG tl se'I.M F 1 IFROF _ tTN F q b a v t warn M s G e A_REG D n5 v....G1^i..•.- Yeti w.w'!kw."5dI$w.:Tu1"w::.-.L..',M:ISC';ni.. ..Cv.IY'. 5+re OCFarbrcrt era ob>erve X orne enl-operate fnrcua /.,..... ":^^^�..,.._:....:- GIB _ GGt.iSTRU.'_TION I :w": ,. (-BEDRGG n/ H F c f Non ernerele prerear cetea xplc:arts sno eonrorm to tNc °rormo°Par°[ng cut e.. i OR41NA6E SYSTEM INSTALL 15 VOTE_. V _ W, .+ o ry :"'"^^+.:-.... _ F F.EL= f 41, I' IN ..,,.IOC BJLKHEAD 5 TBAGK nternat'ero A>soco[oro Fvnro mo ylccnon co Olrc a• blropaclen for chi-area ran ttm AMINIMUM VISELIKE JONISREIJ I S'TWEEN DRYWELLS4 ( eetcae d- r ye w II�mode _ - i _ f APMAO. Amer sa+Na[oro 5lorooro for Frolov coteo 5eF[c aurind tK P^rP 4>[prccedvre - {" . FOR-ON G-EXIST. WATER SERV OE LINE UNOERGRGUNi L-.IT'LINES SEPTIC � "" 5 ZOO'd,a any cPP ccbc rev-onsrvFdates COMPONENTS LEACH IN6 FI__DS SEWER LGMPONEN-5 OTHER „" DRYNELL6.AXD THE EDGE OF ALL FOMDAT O\WALLS � DRIVChA-'TO BC RCMGVCD 2 'e x rocta-v m=area eo or oeromb ea m A MINIMUM 5 55-RAT ON IS R G-RED BETWEEN DRYWEL_5 a ¢OP 30 F^R4"P D C N /d Id. ;bj o cart-cd reprc•cnla[,e of trr PROPERTY LINES EXIST DWELL NO rr W. " S AS=HPl- C an \ a'.a"„htix.L"K4 R VEWAY TO BE .n 5 2p d POLYLO<DI5-BO a 1q7 m " . A MINIMUM 2 VERT CAL SZ=ARATION S RCO-IRCC eEThLrCN THE n,PUBLIC-TER ,,. RZMOVCD I V PROP X Fml, y q n BC-TOM OF JR"V.ELLE c THE II61EST EXPECTED 6ROJNDWATER �,,,„„•„„�,_,,.... „ m ,nuKw CLCVA-ION n Exl' na T�l" Y p REP_'iGED w/ D ST.4OV E)FROMT ANOn_ eu+ Ffmwrw1Wr T ,' M ry m A NIEP F O EPARAT ON S RECJ REO EET EN DRYv`LL5 AnD 5T.-STOR-'Wm. a yN 1 6RAY_L N L F RESPECTIVELY NA NTAIN PROJECT: EURIED PROPANE !, ANKS FIR ATACIED t� M1a.� � a N .M N D STANCE FROM CR VhAY u,A°a EAR46C IMGD1FIb D Cry„ XM .p eNLin'a �pe� G A �. A «««« G DWELLING AREA, w WERSHOVEN w :DRAINA6-GALGULATIONS �y�� -w/SLAB-On-GRADE Y l 1 \ yr n I .. SEPTIC HtFIEeT _ _F SLti EL,E s „ roil vNE ILIV6Re IGLCNE FA.-E AREA � •«"' ~W Y pm¢f N o ro N '�' c a ,..�-'"rr^-N:- m ,,,........ .�._....,�..,,,,. p 84Glmt Nu It C bP. .. REGUIREp ""` 1 ILQ:11VF�I IGIM�,1(uVS4°I--("rl4-1 Yvl V"N'G::4l VJ4Ud F.::() w- O "�W rovq Yf! .,,V,h ^ Cx ST DhLLLING STORAGE VGLLME t '° FQN SANI VA R\ SY IF A 351'I c"F M, d «,.„ w/PLeI c WATER 3150 OLE JULE LANE rc'e v et< RAl1.FA L EVENT ROOF C..VERASE � :.w^~Y :-«s'almr 7"�r k b P ro„ 5T RAGE PRO/CE ER VERTICAL FOOT Y •"'«~ pN `,r' r BY 1101EM III r.EPARFNI..Nr a. M •: �� �RTej M, 952 TOTAL pRYI'-L. .��c P ATTITUCN NY 11 sppaa I, Sk'.wY«ast"'a A ro,N.l M N =PTO REGUIZ F7 _ (VOL REG D/VOL P�OV FER FT "�FT p c ass cna..am' qaT-k F'„ffiya.-d,°u..-.a.:u r P ere 1.e,..e.yyrvt `-FcOVIJE(I/E m N S D_EP a S,E¢.Z CEEP DRYV:E_L5 , a„p'r, iV Fr 6 +'p•M1 k° f.... w ....m -- c L ', 4 "4b m y c '. +wu m_,,,,,,,,__.,,„,� P,,�aarr¢ic:lnrnrani NI p11c kaosl.iur,�s an10°r1y wy,tcln Iunr 1 Ilae iuY � n bl 1�TACiW.�"a `,.✓ 7UC v_E I NOTES ^.... - ...._ C/ A 'V:. ITE LAYOUT NOTE_ rY�iYYV I�fl IYkSQI+9,s AIINVII cN /e.Pa°md,rdear - +ter ee,et ar„eM1 tre ldnA empty ea ..."-..- .......• pC'p1Ria0.mP1 I wdVVr Vhrr:Yau Yrllunp ruV'^leaa mP:vuYt.mN.,. GGNr .IT ,� SITE INFORMATION - iV mumWete d fnrrn II x, a, 4 „t y\ I SITE PLAN y y TH SFI5 AN ARCH '•'^of L c to W- A.:'E"n;M.A G..P....:. P AN e 5 ... .. .. .. .....p =tea reran mi 5Uc_'T-G.rRTE'T55TE L e e�ourt-tree+^ we a qu tea i IFICATION 3Y>L CENSEp ��UFPCL� GOLN HEALTH. D=rA�TMEI T �W „ . ...._ _ � ...... _ EF FFROYAL T=ST HO wTA REPRRE5EN ED aN-5 TE PLAN 15-c THE drr, o L� I� L,. �m,��rN��,.r1 � f w t+�.d \.� jl n ,✓•' «....:.............�— I.. �, T- GG reeONALe 6EGEERv.:.Ew' ARLHIT-eTr BEST of KNowLEesE F'e nr,.«( �........•,_ NO.:: R 0i V PGE 25B - h < __..«.,«,...««." .........- Ygppi.:" ...:,_- ��--uu p_ ....,. ..._._ _...... mm, SOIL IOLC nY cTI Y I r I Y rll r IIr , FOLK Q.O UN rY 1LJv.ld/I,VI..I..ImF�UNU II IEAVTH SERVICES 2,FROM A RVC'IGR ,DATED AIILET 1 2GT- u. .....:� .,.,.,.,. 141WIfF:rYP.,. :,n. ,N«, 9 ro+T �N I°P "JI � \ i. I JI ,:,::o. a"d l➢P .... f,iNrrorWY_'YI0N V:.6�JN A i 3 A-SGALISE LAND`-RV-IN6 4:: J q 6 IF�w::R�r�l Fora d�RraRa�esaL G�Uw L'. Ii 1 . EL=bG S P 10100....:. C.,.- f SOEP Y 11 I6 P5-2H00 ,�,...•:.+'%°•„, '" 'I rww-N�""'T „«. .. SING F. FAMILY RES[IDFNI IL G�IIoVL c °L � I� ._- r r=P" DG DATE 08/14/24 10F 2 sV I eROwN sILTr J1-01MA ION-EIDER "^, „.:„ F O Z* W ,••,,"m, sAVG �SITE acre O'JR IN-GRMATIGN W45 GB-AWED �,^`" �A D"•Ijw^�"" ddrvrv''DAT1� p•f ww�� I J FROM A 5LR c w ;..A,TC.+A.r'. Id „«... :.d 5L nn< (J 10 EVY'lrx'/26/24H.rR. f'CErrc rtl0 RElIS- u24-O276 c,k...: cP FaLE BAnc1 I 2O4'Gc DO Y.RiGK LB nNp ra-IRVEYIN6 _w„ HETE A Ems."!. «„„.. .,:::m.:• .,. ..vGLE ,FOR PlMAXIMww � 3 RFDROONIS - II G?_-ER_ pa N - A M Nt Ne w �.�..:,. �A�17�(I��aL - f J � 63) 51 PGI 1�E r I E L � � w ova EMPIRES THREE YEARS FF2tJN0 P ATF�.. EN Tens n Gtr A C sWn W c:V Cwnt O L E /6 C CERTIFAGTE U°Um d°_)WLI.n UIWscC( 6 a1f l� h.. Ill'"A � CF4V I_) 1' on�DEFTVEVBERV ". XA �� EVIEvv U.E .f��l'e�INATIIoIq DATID:.7 8/30/24 :G r %, $T: E a�"AC^rti: w.i•„�u: G'4.A. e. .: M SITE PLAN -- ` GRADE o . _.................:. 1 ivr YHZC e'a wX*.O, ».— ,.,«...:» ._._.e.,...., BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON LIBER 13045 PAGE 260 SYMBOL LEGEND El MONUMENT FND 0, I,P / 18 FND Co I,P, / I.B, SET SPOT ELEVATIONS UTILITY POLE �/J\ /" �,.a._.........� GUY WIRE f^ F '" — + UTILITY POLE W/LIGHT LIGHT POLE ! , SIGN y/ N s a FIRE HYDRANT h / `4 T�X LOT 18 pp PVC FENCE (PVC) J�r: ___0_ c � ' / STOCKADE FENCE (STK i .,,. /s3 2O �l, p j �� ,'l"C1 �•, WALL ,....,��... ., ASPHALT /CHAIN LINK FENCE CLF } ' 0.2 r / D Ip ! l ( ) � .. �7� T ^^ STONE 1l 1 WALtl.. / 3 3 QO WIRE FENCE CT UAL) mm DRIVEWAY"^ / ��yy dMro...... w M "A INLET 9 I �0.7 CLF _ 1� / b Fk 'B'—INLET �\ STK ..� .. FEN FEN ® YARD INLET '. { I t0.5" ,' Y I------ .® YARD INLET --,.....I I Z A/C UNITYq --J ASPHALT ❑O ELECTRIC METER �a"i / DRIVEWAY // Gal GAS MR ❑w WATERETE METER / r Y I / DK� I / XV �� ° X GAS VALVE Q2' o ,3 / 6 " _ TEST HOLE WATER VALVE �/ ij Z STORYw Y TEST HOLE Ef l RaTco FFBY� ROEl o ? f ZONE % F� NOT TO SCALE TREE 'DCdG �rC� '4s CM I (� O, GRADE SHRUB Q6 s I ��' 19 23.2' "- ^,r,„, w N BROWN LOAM OL ccY GARA BOLLARD �, "w= �., TAX / v GE w<Z) '� 1 BROWN SILTY I . WETLAND FLAG " u, /I NE AE (ET'6) � .1, ' n I SAND SM D.C. DEPRESSED CURB Yu 0 �"'" """"'°j„,�,-re w q r r d l — / Z FE � .,_ aRic 75.3' .2 F 6, d r ✓ PALE BROWN Y rANCO 's r-a^ rn FINE SAND SP MAS FENCE [ . MASONRY y PLAT.. PLATFORM �a" " / �'u'^3 ,. " * r "" FN m O �,��° '� pjq;�q• WATER IN PALE W.W., WINDOW WELL DCK l I 1E L"'G",,, ""-',�.rw .'`�d""x I�„ v.a {,.n' �q ��^r4.�T MON IW a SAND SPBROWN INE B/W BAY WINDOWw xx�w 1f r I C/E CELLAR ENTRANCE �� Rgr+ qx�X�" ror ". •.w'"'"w r+ 12„ , W I ` PE Wkll F 5"sue � 'dw� � I C/H OVERHANG 1 NYe c+rc �'r WATER ENCOUNTERED R/0 ROOF OVER \\ \ T '. �I 6.0' BELOW GRADE CANT, CANTILEVER Q' II \ _ "'ana ecd Tr I G O.L. GENERALLY ON LINE McDONALD GEOSCIENCE ® CROSS CUT 4 WF9- ry; A rw 08/05/2022 STAKE „ OIL ON LINE T R o IN RIGHT OF WAY zd,� n1 ( � BOLK GRAPHIC SCALE �`' NOTE: LOT AREA 30 0 15 30 ' THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES IN FEMA ZONES AE (EL 6) AND X. 15,972.83 S.F. r MAP NUMBERS: 36103CO481H AND 36103CO482H. 0.37 AC. EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/25/2009. ._ _ ���� _�� .m 1 inch 30 )ft. 1 08 11 a..R EY JTS TR � 023 REVISED SUIT s+ IN FEET JTs 2 08 a 7 T T Rh E J URV^ m REV DATE � 5ESCRIPTION BY SURVEY OF PROPERTY TAX MAP NO. 3150 OLE JULE LANE, rem MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 SCALICE,, � �• �r,, ',., 1000-122.00-04.00-019.000 1k SITUATE � surveying JOB No.523-2173and MATTITUCK DATE SURVEYED: 06/27/2023 TOWN OF SOUTHHOLD r " mjSlandSUrvey.COm P:631 —957-2400 SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK 1 South Box Avenue, Islip, NY 11751 DR :MC CREW.:JM SCALE: 1" = 30' .. „, �.., v -,W�4., sw I, v w.., fl4V1 rarV bMur MxS r+tii�A°'Wk&C mu,KfCbWCJURLR:w wn tau&K:¢,rMKvtYN PYYIW.aJ.,.4'IGi:I!I G mpax.'-11;16". �... dw <,. x:H" i..W,u, "K rWu �lCEre'Jc wA,renw„tf to H+H. Ys T 5,,aA.. ,w ,,. ,w -r —r �i: 'ra ,Rw' esrnM e�, roA xnN rH kr r m , n aarvi�v IHW4�a -4 I xrS w',vxY KMRr..,"Ir 7Cad nWl. C11 rF �E Bc Er DRR3Ca.GPw&�W 7+ �a aa. r� » r e. e x. ' -ry m x a - M M.v.MV �YNYM 161-HA X- � d,WF .... v ..,m.... .I vµ IY :&✓,',0.N. .'tYW.'.NA'Ui M"4A4"Ri 3.,P,JS G� '� % I... I I ;.b.41i� Y� Aw.g..vE,,.. q.N.. , 5tW 0 �k:,w N P PODRION TO R15 SURVEY MAP BEM'roP. .4 YA D.. v .,. r: w w.M c Yt Iw M NI..�, ... rv.., �a r a �W, 'm xnm,m.' r ,M�aan e9. ,roxW 3Ta N f. U9 ,V I ! uNAUFHORRED uTERnnD o ,. Ilu. ,rro la,HN +rs:,.,,�"GswYa.0 P. +,,r.trx,.".wr a,.l:gYr�GlRvkU+wyl?.M x'Nm4.r.L q 0.Cuk6'Ma k ti xN'C wfJt ry y, ., .. � � �.. � ! ;,,v ,.A Yr r ." fN v�ta<'"�H. Itp'%4iM V'lGN4.FA Oro awiN R�FNti�AWI'e kR,plWa;a 1+&Fl,dr. SHY,BR"# wun d,'�m,pwfi. t'M "�U m^d Y��. r _" r q 5r, r ",Irm I, R M�amLii.. L C;.q.l "..n. �,e- .a � M rov..�al.k a«„ Y I R. Wn17MV f1aR'lM:rta^"dhRV S`ugVu N > & Ap „v,w..Ala... C tl w".+C'•,AMC.,.F✓d �N C� t! d 4t� F` d A r cV.1 M ,,...o-a 4...Ir�, 1 C. % .A U h q.t ECr G &5�u++E. +7 N YORK STnTE f55001PHON OF P F..?m...rv;n,. A L. F R D SURVEYS PDOPTFD 0•'THE EW , r 0 IAN � �. u' A: tr�C wu E'¢ na npVeKq S,%q'x na4 an„,y. Ca,x& ,Ah'r ra xNtl mnM�pPn4W rxm:P YN Tblw&viawCtlmlb" us .. r �..� " .a rc � r ,I: Fi 'u'vX~c' tr:wry ,roan xaVf✓i¢w i X 4 re.qG.nNYr lrrW rvuruCiU 0 CN�rtOf £.ry W.m.... rva. Iw H mw.,.F. .w T AM. 19N re S T. C ruYwIX M 4'S4 Ik&:tat ti� F,WY'(w.m RUG"4^;,nvro NC WnY4RA'w'iA r r. „ '.. At:u e Ar�V rrK e. 41 A,,Ow P'bF:i KM yym/f.Iw.Sv��.x ..4 I.x.U.aun..'M R.1 w, At ,Y, Y f 1. 6 .... ,w'u m w.. i i tlJv. rvw'rN.n.nVY k.d f. OA CxYWENfi1�W N�1xV R P R I PR 5 OR ENCROKHMENS ExiST OR nRE w.:Mk, H J.lY-0. A .. 4� G J IF NY N R R UND M OVEMENT EsnunTEo � u of c o . . �, ... „,, ,... r �r. ..: w ,P e.. Y.... a Q>c": �srTMran �:e.w.'o:ar,'*m.rr'rrq wn.raw�;Y!x, 2aRr,�nry"a nw,l reb a",✓+.rc mJn ara�r a'�Rr..rr arr.�e rur'rv.�wx wal mrt*ga+oaw aw aM1�urv++xn�a'u�.awr.:uca.�Mtaa CORNER MONUMENTS WERE NOT SET AS PPRT OF THIS SURVEY (B)THIS SUR/Er WAS IA5!uM I'YuwYlk'xv r ,rotV'"-o'r&Ymw44.Wr aPmRYGYdi.rOYRu,+dApRnU.ai rrJ SPY,X C,xmSrkN!C;t Mx'IW,,,"V.¢1g.�"W.;AM ANWp^vM dM,vf NSNC91 0"'�IBH%.o U q'ama'a,N.l.. hG na,aei'I[n�m., .A anN AO',W:dr i,"W,9 m�"i�d,H°n4ry w.xt,filYy.TvwPY,y,1.Y W51 M6glY '4MIG Inl�ht.JI W H L0.NYh'"3ro p.m CII