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1 i i367 Sj &nre+-P, 67r-eevifor IE 44- 7 9 9 3 S spe c oal excep-h o"o .-/--o co oo� aAd Sto.-A qcZoe d}° -b uY(S a n d. pevM t-YSl rM Yi�- r�� V1 j Sec 35Cg j enj d,uj&lli'p (3L vl;� �u 40 bC u-�l( � ��t Goy .U��ev1 c�c� vim✓ CCl�Itl�,U�l�� saLd C—t—m-meJc1al (u Iil�evj %w j(1 S11 vw s�nj.3 1-) d s 1 LL-c- 417 S di v e'dn cam, 6 re&jocy✓ ,,2 )�` d Pee (q-r-� Vd Se- a-yo-- 3& ,In'e— p Celv--1 111-Ak ,'V, -kwr,;� i-yis hi cj--1 'Koki &w0li". , ta 1)e4j C, 0 view, rorrja*tj 1ijK�4-5 ,tP- dlyi,*v- and Itofe/ qr--eets 011 I y .i o,-rt,4- use- u iL 6-tve,/t j I tul pax-4-�ts� Owner: Silver Sands Hldgs I LLC File M 7893SE Address: 1135 Shore Dr/Silvermere Rd. �) Code: 13ED Agent Info Silver Sands Hldgs I LLC c/o Alexander Perros 19215 Soundview Ave Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 917-318-0027 Fax: Email: alex@silversandsmotel.com IJa01 ►e NO dd � COUNTY OF SUFFOLK it ely, EDWARD P.ROMAINE SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING SARAH LANSDALE ������ �� COMMISSIONER ELISA PICCA JAN 2 5 20Z4 CHIEF DEPUTY'COMMISSIONER January 25, 2024, Zoning Boyd of Appeals Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Attn: Leslie Weisman Dear Ms. Weisman: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 thru A 14-25 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impacts. A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Applicant Municipal File Number Paul Toobian #7887 Barbara Thermos &Alexandra Kapetanso #7888 ECAE 149, LLC #7889 Stephen Dubon #7890 Stephan Segovin #789.1 Sebastien Gagnon #7892 Silver Sands Holdings I, LLC 97893-SE Silver Sands Holdings 1, LLC #7894 Very truly yours, By Christine DeSalvo Theodore R. Klein, Principal Planner TRK/cd Division of Planning&Environment H.LEE DENNISON BLDG ■ 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HWY,2"d FI■ P.O.BOX 6100 ■ HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 ■ (631)853-5191 BOARD MEMBERS ��pE SO(/ryo Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson 1p 53095 Main Road •P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes Q • �O Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. D�,f. 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento ON% Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Y P 1, a' FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMIN TILkEJ� ZOZd MEETING OF DECEMBER 19,2024 ! ZBA FILE No.: SE 7914 & 7893SE Southold Town Clara NAME OF APPLICANT: Silver Sands Holdings I LLC PROPERTY LOCATION: 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY SCTM No. 1000-47-02-15 SEORA DETERMINATION: The Southold Town Planning Board as Lead Agency, at the conclusion of their coordinated review, on May 6, 2024 classified the proposed Action for Special Exception Approval and Site Plan Approval, as Type H, pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law, and further determined that the Action having a Negative Declaration will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23,and the Suffolk County Department of Planning,issued its reply dated January 25,2024 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: This application was referred for review under Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. The LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation dated November 4, 2024. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available, it is recommended that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with LWRP policy standards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. However, the structure(s) which are the subject of this application are existing. The structure(s)are in Flood zone x with a low to moderate flood risk (.2 percent annual chance). The proposed scope of work is for interior alterations and a change of use. Therefore,the Board of Appeals now finds that the applications for Special Exception requests to change the uses of the as built structures on the subject parcel from a"boathouse with dwelling" to a free-standing restaurant and commercial kitchen,along with the conditions of approval imposed herein,now finds the proposed actions to be CONSISTENT with the LWRP. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The subject property, Tax lot# 15 is a conforming 88,340 square foot waterfront property located in the Resort Residential(RR)zoning district. The property runs 182.41 feet along Pipes Cove on the South side. The property runs 681.92 feet on the West . side, 123.77 feet on the North side, and 601.50 feet on the East side. The property is accessed via a Page 2,December 19,2024 #7893Ừ, Silver Sands Holdings—Special Exceptions SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15 Right of way from Silvermere Road running across tax map lot 14. The property is improved with two frame buildings, two wood decks, an awning over wood deck, a swimming pool, two bocce courts,and a wood bulkhead. All is show on a Survey by Young and Young L.L.S.dated December 14 2022 and last updated January 10, 2024. In addition to the Subject lot the entire Silver Sands Hotel complex includes eight independent lots. The entire Silver Sands Hotel complex is located in the Resort Residential(RR)zoning district. The complex measures 265,207 square feet. Tax map lots 11; 12; 13; 14; and 15 are on the West side and South side of Silvermere Road. The West side of the complex runs 615.69 feet along Pipes Cove. The complex runs 681.92 feet on the West side. The complex runs 182 feet on the North side to Silvermere Road. The complex then turns South running 205.40 feet on the East side before turning East and running 86.92 feet on the Northeast side. The complex then turns East and runs 189.49 feet on the North side. The complex again turns South and runs 218.88 feet on the East side bordering the Silveremere Road End parking lot. Another part of the complex,tax map lots 8;9;and 10 are on the North and East side of Silveremere Road. Tax map lots 8; 9; and 10 are a combined parcel which runs 98.13 feet along Silvermere Road on the West side, 40.84 feet on the Southwest side,and 167.76 feet on the South Side. The property runs 174.98 feet on the North side,and 121.09 feet on the East side. The North complex is improved. Tax map lots 8; 9; and 10 are improved with a frame building. Tax map lot 10 is used for parking. Tax map lot 11 is improved with a frame building with a wood deck and a concrete sea wall. Tax map lot 12 is improved with a frame building, a wood bulkhead,and concrete sea wall. Tax map lot 13 is improved with three frame buildings and a concrete sea wall. Tax map lot 14 is improved with eight frame buildings, a frame garage, and a concrete sea wall. Tax map lot 15 is improved with two frame buildings, a wood deck, an awning over wood deck, two bocce ball courts, a swimming pool, and a wood bulkhead. Tax map lots 14 and 15 are accessed by a right of way across lot 13 which borders Silvermere Road. All is show on a Survey by Young and Young L.L.S. dated December 14 2022 and last updated January 10,2024. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for special exception pursuant to Article VII, Section 280- 3513(6) and Article VII, Section 280-35C(l); applicant requests; in ZBA file No. 7893 SE to 1)to convert an existing single family dwelling(30'4"by 26'4")to a commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with converted restaurant on the same lot (Lot 15), and; 2) upon conversion, said commercial kitchen will be accessory to the principle use of the converted restaurant; and the applicant requests in ZBA file No. 7914 SE to 1) to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space, for restaurant operations; and (2) permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/bar area all located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Southold, NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15. PROPOSED USE: The applicant proposes to develop a code conforming free standing restaurant on the property. The restaurant will consist of a kitchen in the Eastern building on the property, a dining room in the Western building on the property, an outdoor bar and dining area, and a pizza truck. The applicant is not building any new buildings on this property. The applicant testified that Suffolk County Department of Health will allow a dining room to be in a separate building from the kitchen if there is a canopy/awning system connecting them. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A neighbor came to the hearing and testified that he did not have any objections to the restaurant but that he did not want any of the kitchen venting to be located on the non-conforming, Western, side of the boat house building. Further, the applicant testified that there is a pizza truck on the property which serves pizza during the summer months. A neighbor testified that the venting of the pizza truck is an issue and that an odor carries over onto his neighboring property. Page 3,December 19,2024 #7893 Ừ, Silver Sands Holdings—Special Exceptions SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15 ADDITIONAL/BACKGROUND INFORMATION:The subject boat house and dwelling(on tax lot 15) is part of a larger complex. The Silver Sands property consists of nearly 45 acres across 12 lots situated south of Rt.25 on both sides of Silvermere Road. Inclusive in the 45 acres is an 18 acre salt marsh and a 15 acre riparian lot in Pipes Cove which is currently being utilized as an oyster farm. The original motel with diner/restaurant on lot 11 served as the focal point for the larger Silver Sands resort which was first established in 1957. In addition to the motel and riparian parcels the Silver Sands resort consists of the Silvermere bungalows,which are 11 free standing bungalow hotel rooms. In total between the hotel and diner on lot 11,the Silvermere bungalows are on lot 12, lot 13,and lot 14. Lot 11, Lot 12,Lot 13, and Lot 14 combined add up to 3.59 acres of land. Additionally, lot 15, the subject lot measures 2.125 acres of land consists'of a dwelling and boathouse ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS: In addition to the subject requests for Special Exceptions, the applicant has applied for ZBA application#7894 for variance relief for a non-conforming side yard setback of the as built "boathouse" proposed to be converted to a dining room. The applicant has also applied for ZBA# 7897 requesting the Zoning Board of Appeals rescind building department conditions that limit the use of the Diner and bar area of the hotel restaurant on tax map lot 11 to hotel guests only. Further, in ZBA# 7915 the applicant applied for approval to allow an existing swimming pool located on lot in 15 to be utilized as an accessory use for motel and cottage overnight guests on lots 11, 12, 133,and 14. This application was withdrawn by the applicant. WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS:Numerous neighbors and community members signed and submitted a pre-printed letter of support for the applicant. Several of the neighbors attended the public hearing and generally spoke in support of the applications, and testified that their relationship with the applicant is cordial.One nearby neighbor sent in a letter of objection based upon loud noise intrusion caused by a wedding party that was held n the Silver Sands property. LETTER FROM GREENPORT VILLAGE RE SEWAGE: In a letter dated June 3,2024 Greenport Village requested that any approval be subject to Greenport Village's approval because Silver Sands complex uses Greenport Village's sewer system. In response the applicant testified that he had paid to upgrade the village of Greenport's sewage pump at his own cost and expense,submitted testimony from a licensed engineer,submitted capacity documents from the Village of Greenport's technicians, and submitted engineering documents stating that there will not be a material change to the complex's sewage treatment needs. The ZBA and Town of Southold does not regulate sewage treatment. Any approval shall be conditioned on the applicant's compliance with the Suffolk County Department of Health(the regulatory body for Southold Town's sanitary waste)approval. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD: At the hearing on November 7,2024,the applicant testified that while tax map lot 15 is the subject of the Special Exception applications and request for variance relief the Planning Board is taking a holistic approach to the site plan approval and looking at the entire complex and its various legally separate properties. In a memorandum dated November 4, 2024 to the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Southold Town Planning Board stated that"they are not opposed to a restaurant use and detached kitchen by Special Exception in this location-the current owners have clearly invested meaningful resources in upgrading and enhancing an existing Resort Residential site-but the Board has concerns regarding the number of potential patrons/occupants, emergency access/service, and deficient parking to support the layout of the site, it is difficult to provide typical mitigation measures such as vegetated buffers and distance." The Planning Board further states that there are mitigations that can soften the impact of the proposed restaurant including but not limited to decreasing the total number of seats to meet parking totals, meet the requirements for emergency access and prohibit the use of the Town ROW and road end Page 4,December 19,2024 #7893 Ừ, Silver Sands Holdings—Special Exceptions SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15 beach parking for patrons,guests,and employee parking,increase parking and screening to the extent feasible from the neighboring R-40 parcels, prohibiting outdoor music and ensuring that exterior lighting meets town lighting code(chapter 172). The Planning Board further states that"with mitigation,the project can be found consistent with the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. The Vision statement of the plan states that community character must be maintained while also maintaining a vibrant local economy (paraphrased). This proposal does contribute to the local economy,however maintaining community character,and with it, quality of life,will require mitigating the future intensity and possible impact to the neighbors." Goal 1 of the Economic Development Chapter states that existing local businesses should be helped to grow; while Goal 2 provides the need for balance in that growth to protect the community character. This is an existing local business that has and will continue to invest in the local economy. At the same time,growth of this business must be tempered by some limits to ensure the community character of the neighborhood is not adversely affected. FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held public hearings on this application on May 2,2024, and November 7,2024 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. This subject application and related ZBA Silver Sands applications were all adjourned to the ZBA Special Meeting on December 19,2024 at which time they were closed. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: The Board has reviewed the General Standards governing Special Exception uses set forth in Section 280-142 and finds: A. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts. The free-standing Restaurant is permitted by code. The boat house building is placed to block the outdoor dining area from the neighbor's view. The commercial kitchen is in the center of the property and not located near the property line. The Silver Sands motel complex has existed in this location for many years and adding this code conforming amenity conforms to code and is in line with Southold Town's Comprehensive Plan. B. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the requested use is located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. The property is zoned RR. The existing boathouse and dwelling have historically been used as part of the Silver Sands Resort Complex. The nearby residential zone will be protected from any possible adverse impacts by the conditions imposed herein proposed restaurant will be in addition to the already established restaurant use that is on tax map parcel I 1 in the motel. C. That the safety,the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. There are no residential buildings on the part of Silvermere Road leading to the public parking lot in the Silver Sands resort complex. The applicant must obtain site plan approval from the Town of Southold Planning Board which can further mitigate possible adverse impacts and Health Department approval is also required. can mitigate the effects of the restaurant on the neighbors by installing a solid fence on the property line. Page 5,December 19,2024 #7893 Ừ, Silver Sands Holdings—Special Exceptions SCTM No. 1000-47-2=15 n D. That the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of this chapter. The applicant testified that the proposed re-development of the Silver Sands Resort complex is in line with the most current version of the Town of Southold's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed free-standing restaurant is part of the larger Silver Sands Resort Complex. Merging tax map lots 11; 12; 13; 14; and 15, as conditioned herein,will mitigate the non-conformity of some of the proposed development and"as- built"development which does not conform to current zoning code,thereby bringing the entire resort complex closer to conformity with the code. E. That the use will be compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly about visibility, scale and overall appearance. The applicant proposes to maintain the existing exterior of the two existing buildings on the property and use their architecture as part of the design of the restaurant. The applicant is expanding the on-site parking available on the premises which will keep the motel and restaurant guest's cars off the street. F. That all proposed structures, equipment, and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection. G. That the proposal shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 236, Stormwater Management. In making such determination,consideration was also given to: A. The character of the existing and probable development of uses in the district and the peculiar suitability of such district for the location of any of such permitted uses. B. The conservation of property values and the encouragement of the most appropriate uses of land. The re-development of the Resort Complex will improve the property values in this neighborhood. C. The effect that the location of the proposed use and the location that entrances and exits may have upon the creation or undue increase of vehicular traffic congestion on public streets, highways or sidewalks to assure the public safety. This application is determined to by an unlisted action by the Southold Town Planning board under SEQRA standards. D. The availability of adequate and proper public or private water supply and facilities for the treatment, removal or discharge of sewage, refuse or other effluent (whether liquid, solid, gaseous or otherwise)that may be caused or created by or as a result of the use. The subject property is serviced by SCWA water and is connected to the Village of Greenport Sewer district and must obtain all required Department of Health approvals. E. Whether the use or the materials incidental thereto or produced thereby may give off obnoxious gases,odors,smoke or soot. The conditions of approval of this application require that the applicant keeps the kitchen venting away from the neighboring residential properties and the prohibition of any food trucks on the premises will remove the possibility of the additional emissions of smoke and smells that are currently caused by the presence of a pizza truck on the premises and the applicant has not been able to vent it away from the neighboring property. F. Whether the use will cause disturbing emissions of electrical discharges,dust,light,vibration or noise. Planning Board will require the restaurant to use dark sky compliant lighting as well as mitigation measures to screen the property from residential neighbors. G. Whether the operation in pursuance of the use will cause undue interference with the orderly enjoyment by the public of parking or of recreational facilities, if existing or if proposed by the Town or by other competent governmental agencies. The proposed use should enhance Page 6,December 19,2024 #7893 Ừ, Silver Sands Holdings—Special Exceptions SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15 the enjoyment of the use of the Jurzenia park located at the end,of Silvermere Road. Jurzenia park does not have a public bathroom or any eating facilities. With the proposed restaurant, park goers will now have a place to dine,or purchase take out. Parking at the park is limited to Town of Southold parking permit holders. H. The necessity for bituminous-surfaced space for purposes of off-street parking of vehicles incidental to the use and whether such space is reasonably adequate and appropriate and can be furnished by the owner of the plot sought to be used within or adjacent to the plot wherein the use shall be located. The applicant shall submit a parking plan which shall be approved by the Southold Town Planning Board. I. Whether a hazard to life, limb or property because of fire, flood, erosion or panic may be created by reason of or as a result of the use or by the structures to be used therefor or by the inaccessibility of the property or structures thereon for the convenient entry and operation of fire and other emergency apparatus or by the undue concentration or assemblage of persons upon such plot. J. Whether the use or the structures to be used therefore will cause an overcrowding of land or undue concentration of population. The applicant has the land required for this use in the zoning code's bulk schedule. The applicant is not proposing to maximize permitted lot coverage. The applicant is proposing to re-use existing structures on the parcel without any new construction. K. Whether the plot area is sufficient,appropriate, and adequate for the use and the reasonably anticipated operation and expansion thereof. The subject property is a code conforming 2.125 acres in size. L. Whether the use to be operated is unreasonably near to a church,school,theater,recreational area or other place of public assembly. The subject property is not near a church school, or theater. It is near Jurzenia park and the proposed use will enhance the people's enjoyment of the park. M. Whether the site of the proposed use is particularly suitable for such use. The site is in an RR zoning district which is part of a Resort Complex at a road end. It is appropriate for this use. N. Whether adequate buffer yards and screening can and will be provided to protect adjacent properties and land uses from possible detrimental impacts of the proposed use. The applicant shall receive site plan approval and approval of mitigation measures from the Southold Town Planning Board and must comply with the conditions of approval imposed herein. O. Whether adequate provision can and will be made for the collection and disposal of stormwater runoff, sewage, refuse and other liquid, solid or gaseous waste which the proposed use will generate. The applicant shall submit a storm water runoff plan as approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and/or Town Engineer. P. Whether the natural characteristics of the site are such that the proposed use may be introduced there without undue disturbance or disruption of important natural features, systems or processes and without risk of pollution to groundwater and surface waters on and off the site. The applicant is proposing to re-purpose existing structures. There are no new structures being proposed;just renovations and re-purposing of existing buildings. Q. The issuance of a Special Exception permit, as applied for in this application, is also subject to the following specific criteria and requirements which have been met pursuant to Section 280-35(B)6 of the Town Code: which permit the use of a freestanding restaurant. R. The character of the existing and probable development of uses in the district and the peculiar suitability of such district for the location of any of such permitted uses. S. The conservation of property values and the encouragement of the most appropriate uses of land. Page 7,December 19,2024 #7893 Ừ, Silver Sands Holdings—Special Exceptions SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15 T. The effect that the location of the proposed use and the location that entrances and exits may have upon the creation or undue increase of vehicular traffic congestion on public streets, highways or sidewalks to assure the public safety. U. The availability of adequate and proper public or private water supply and facilities for the treatment, removal or discharge of sewage, refuse or other effluent (whether liquid, solid, gaseous or otherwise)that may be caused or created by or as a result of the use. V. Whether the use or the materials incidental thereto or produced thereby may give off obnoxious gases, odors, smoke or soot. W. Whether the use will cause disturbing emissions of electrical discharges,dust,light,vibration or noise. X. Whether the operation in pursuance of the use will cause undue interference with the orderly enjoyment by the public of parking or of recreational facilities, if existing or if proposed by the Town or by other competent governmental agencies. The applicant shall maintain on- site parking as required by the Southold Town planning board. BOARD RESOLUTION: In considering all of the above factors, motion was offered by Member Weisman(Chairperson), seconded by Member Dantes,and duly carried to GRANT the Special Exception applications as applied for, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall submit a revised signed and sealed site plan prepared by a licensed professional depicting the removal of the in-ground swimming pool currently located on lot #15. 2. The applicant shall obtain site plan approval from the Planning Board within two years of this decision, which will include a determination by that Board of the total number of permitted indoor and outdoor seats in the proposed free-standing restaurant, known as Eddie's, on lot 15,the seasonal outdoor awning over wood deck dining structure also on lot 15 known as Eddie's Oyster Bar, and the diner, known as Nookie's, located in the motel building on lot 11. Failure to obtain site plan approval will render this Special Exception Permit null and void. 3. All parking and seating that is within 15 feet of a neighboring residential property shall be screened with a substantial wall, fence, or hedge or buffered as approved by the Southold Town Planning Board. 4. All employee and guest parking must be on-site as finalized by site plan approval from the Planning Board. 5. No further expansion/enlargement of the proposed free-standing restaurant/dining room (Eddie's),related commercial kitchen,or motel diner(Nookie's)is permitted. 6. The applicant shall merge the properties on tax map lots 11; 12; 13; 14;and 15. The merger shall be approved by the Southold Town Planning Board and any approval as may be required by Suffolk County within one year of this decision. 7. The septic system and sewer connection on the subject property must be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services 8. The applicant shall submit architectural plans to the ZBA showing all kitchen, bath and mechanical exhaust fans venting on the East side of the building or the Eastern side of the Roof. The subject building shall not vent any mechanical equipment off the West side of the building. The applicant shall not place AC condensers or any mechanical equipment on the Western side of the building. 9. The food truck (Pizza truck) on the subject premises must be removed and all food trucks are prohibited on all lots in the Silver Sands complex. Page 8,December 19,2024 #7893 Ừ, Silver Sands Holdings—Special Exceptions SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15 10. The applicant shall be limited to four(4)special events per year on the Silver Sands property, as proposed by the applicant. The applicant must apply for and obtain approval for a Special Event Permit from the Town of Southold Town Board for each of the four permitted special events. 11. No outdoor music is permitted on the premises 12. No busses or limousines are permitted on the entire premises; other than shuttle service provided by the Silver Sands business operation for overnight guests staying at the motel and bungalows 13. The Special Exception Permit granted herein involves a change in occupancy or a change in use or a change within a classification of the occupancy. Therefore, as a condition of approval, the applicant must contact the Building Department to make the determination whether or not a Building Permit is required and that changes will be NYS Code compliant. 14. This Special Exception Permit requires an operating permit and inspection by a Building Inspector from the Building Department that must be renewed annually. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the Building Department on an annual basis to schedule the required inspection.Failure to do so may require a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals to review potential action to revoke the Special Exception Permit granted herein. 15. This Special Exception permit requires that the applicant complete construction on the dining room and kitchen in order to begin the approved special exception use in compliance with the conditions imposed by the Zoning Board of Appeals within three years. 16. In accordance with the Zoning Board of Appeals, approval shall thereafter be deemed a lawful use as if the same were permitted by this chapter without need for a special exception permit;provided,however,that: a_ All conditions imposed by the special exception approval shall continue to apply unless they, by their express terms, are of limited duration; b. All conditions imposed on special exception approval uses generally or specifically by this chapter shall continue to apply, regardless of whether any such conditions were expressly incorporated into the special exception approval; c. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall retain continuing jurisdiction over the same; d. The duration of a special exception use may be limited to a specified time period as set forth in the approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.If the approval is silent as to the duration of the special exception use,then said use shall be in perpetuity; e. A'special exception use which has been discontinued for a period of one year or more shall be deemed abandoned. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued NOTE: Violations of Conditions: A violation of any limitation or condition of a special exception approval or of any provision of this chapter applicable to a special exception use shall constitute a violation of this chapter. The Zoning Board ofAppeals shall retain jurisdiction and shall have the right, after a public hearing, to modem, suspend or revoke such approval or any term or condition thereof or to impose thereon one or more new conditions, pursuant to Article XXI Section 280-141 of the Town Code. Vote of the Board: Ayes:Members Weisman(Chairperson),Dantes,Planamento, and Lehnert. (3-0)(M er Acampora Absent,Member Planamento Recused) r L e Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing/,,� / 6 /2024 4 OFFICE LOCATION. QF so MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ®� ®�® P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY e®s ac Telephone: 631 765-1938 • �� www.southoldtownny.gov couffm RECENED ,i PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOV 0 6 224 ZONING BOARD DEARPE MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, ZBA Chairperson g� `f Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals I From: James H. Rich III, Chairman Q Members of the Planning Board Date: November 4, 2024 Re: Request for Comments for Silver Sands Holdings LLC Located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport - Zoning District: RR SCTM#1000-47.-2-15 ZBA #7839SE, 7894 & 7914SE The Planning Board thanks you for the opportunity to provide comments regarding the applications referenced above. Overall, the Board is not opposed to a restaurant use and detached kitchen by Special Exception in this location —the current owners have clearly invested meaningful resources in upgrading and enhancing an existing Resort Residential site — but the Board has concerns regarding the number of potential patrons/occupants, emergency access/service, and deficient parking to support the uses on site. The adjacent residences are very close to the proposed restaurant, which may cause adverse impacts to quality of life for those neighbors. Given the existing layout of the site, it is difficult to provide typical mitigation measures such as vegetated buffers and distance. There are, however, mitigations that can soften the impact of the proposed restaurant including, but not limited to the following: a. decreasing the total number of seats to meet parking totals and limit potential crowds; and b. meet the requirements for emergency access/service detailed below; and c. prohibit the use of the Town R.O.W. and road end beach parking for patrons, guests and employee parking; and d. increase parking screening (to the extent feasible) from neighboring R-40 zoned parcels with substantial evergreen plantings and fencing; and e. prohibit outdoor music; and f. ensure that exterior lighting meets the Town Lighting code (Chapter 172). Below the Planning Board provides a detailed review of the above-referenced proposals to (1) convert an existing storage building (aka boathouse) to a freestanding (111 seat) restaurant with office and storage space for the restaurant operation by Special Exception (7893SE); (2) insufficient side yard setback (7894); and (3) to convert an existing single family dwelling to a commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with the converted restaurant on the same lot and upon conversion, said commercial kitchen will be accessory to the principle use of the converted restaurant by Special Exception (7914SE). 1. Consistency with Site Plan requirements (a) Parking Deficiency Silver Sands is comprised of eight (8) separate parcels totaling approximately 6.08acres (265,207 sq. ft.) that utilize shared facilities, including parking. Overall, 99 parking stalls are required for all Silver Sands uses together, and fifty (50) are proposed to be provided. Southold Town Code requires all parking to be provided on the property where the use occurs, or in some cases, on adjacent property within 200 feet. After consultation with the Town Attorney's office, it was determined that none of the Town-owned land along, or at the end of Silvermere Road may be used in this calculation. For a parking space to qualify towards meeting the parking requirement, it must be shown on the site plan and needs to meet the Town Code dimension requirements of 9'W x 191 with a 22' aisle width. In the effort to alleviate these parking deficiencies, a revised site plan was submitted voluntarily by the applicant to the Planning Board on March 18, 2024, and revised September 6, 2024. The site plan proposes to provide an additional thirteen (13) parking stalls as a result of removing the existing pool and patio area, for a total of nineteen (19) stalls on Lot 15, including one ADA compliant stall and loading area. Further, the applicant has removed parking from the Town ROW on the plan and rotated five (5) stalls 900 to be parallel to Town ROW in the area of SCTM#1000-47.-2-10. Page 2 of 7 v k,_ j The proposed 111-seat restaurant on Lot 15 would require thirty-seven (37) parking stalls on its own, where nineteen (19) parking stalls are proposed. Or to put it another way, the nineteen parking stalls provided allow for fifty-seven (57) seats. The applicant contends that the 50 parking stalls they are providing for the entire site (motel and restaurant) are sufficient to accommodate motel guests and restaurant patrons due to the use of alternative transportation. They have put forth that a certain number of patrons arrive by shuttle and boat, and thus do not need parking spaces. Also, that some employees walk to work because they live nearby, and they can implement certain reservation policies at the motel diner and proposed restaurant. The Planning Board reviewed the data on alternative transportation submitted by the applicant which showed that 14.6% of guests of the motel requested a ride from the motel's shuttle service, meaning they didn't arrive by car and did not require a parking space. Reducing the motel guest parking requirement by 14.6 % allows for another 4 parking spaces to be allotted to the restaurant. There were data provided about people arriving by boat, but given the very short seasonal nature of this mode of transportation, the Board was not inclined to count that as a viable reduction to the parking requirements. Overall, if the ZBA is considering approving the restaurant, the number of seats and site occupancy for the restaurant area (outdoor and indoor) should be limited to the number of seats allowed based on the number of parking spaces provided, which translates to no more than 61 patrons/seats. Motel Parking: All required parking and any parking related to Silver Sands, including Motel unit parking, is required to be provided on site pursuant to Chapter 280-78H. Employee Parking: All required parking and any parking related to Silver Sands, including employee parking, is required to be provided on site pursuant to Chapter 280-78H. The fact that some employees or guests may have beach stickers allowing them to park in the Town beach access at the road end does not change the calculations for the required number of parking spaces. Town Code requires businesses to provide parking on the site of the business. b) Emergency Access Requirements: The applicant is working towards a compliant site plan with regard to emergency access and service Page 3 of 7 requirements. They have provided certification from a licensed engineer that the existing "stone roadway" is load bearing of at least 75,OOOlbs and leads to a compliant hammerhead turnaround of (120' x 70"). They also provided Private Hydrant Flow Test results that show the existing private hydrant has sufficient flow (located -253' from the restaurant building). The following items, however, remain to be verified/resolved at this time: 1) A 20' wide emergency access road (load bearing at least 75,OOOlbs); OR, verification/proof that the proposed restaurant building and proposed kitchen building will each be provided with sprinkler suppression systems. i. The existing stone blend driveway ranges from 14' - 22' wide from its access off of Silvermere Road to the proposed restaurant building and only the proposed restaurant building has been noted as having a sprinkler suppression system. The separate kitchen building must also be equipped with a sprinkler suppression system if the driveway is to be provided at the range of widths specified above. ii. Currently, six (6) "No Parking" signs are proposed along this driveway leading to the proposed turnaround. Additional signage and/or roadway striping may be required by the Planning Board. c) Report from the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Coordinator: The proposed action was found by the LWRP coordinator to be inconsistent based on Policy 4 (below) of the LWRP. 1) Policy 4: Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. i. 4.1: Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards. ii. The following management measures to minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards are suggested: 1. Move existing development and structures as far away from flooding and erosion hazards as practical. Maintaining existing development and structures in hazard areas may be warranted for.- Page 4 of 7 u �l a. Structures that functionally require a location on the coast or in coastal waters. 2) The restaurant use is not water-dependent, and is susceptible to flooding; putting structures and life at risk during coastal storms, including hurricanes. The property where structures are located on the parcel is within the Flood Zone X — 0.2 Percent Annual Chance Flood Hazard. Flood Zone X is an area with low-to-moderate flood risk. 3) Much of the Peconic Estuary shoreline is flood-prone. The traditional method of preventing damage has been to protect property and houses with bulkheads, raising the property out of the floodplain..Management efforts in this area seek to mitigate the effects of flooding by siting and designing structures. 4) The intent of this policy is to protect life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion hazards throughout the Town of Southold. The policy reflects state flooding and erosion regulations and provides measures for the reduction of hazards and protection of resources. d) Outside Approvals The Planning Board has not yet completed their Site Plan process for this application and outside permits are required from and remain to be obtained from at least the following agencies: 1) Suffolk County Department of Health Services Approval: i. Office of Wastewater Management (C-23-0169); 1. The wastewater review will require the landowner to obtain necessary approvals from Greenport Village if they are planning to use the Village sewer system for the restaurant. 2. The Planning Board received correspondence from the Village of Greenport in connection with the pending Silver Sands application, generally objecting to the restaurant because it represents an expansion and currently the Village is not allowing expansions. Page 5 of 7 3. This is a matter to be resolved between the applicant and the Village of Greenport, prior to any Site Plan approval. ii. Food Services Department (FSP-23-001225). 2) Suffolk County Water Authority: Letter of Water Availability. 3) Zoning Board of Appeals: (1) Special Exception; (2) Area Variance. 2. Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan With mitigation, the project can be found consistent with the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. The Vision statement of the plan states that community character must be maintained while also maintaining a-vibrant local economy (paraphrased). This proposal does contribute to the local economy, however maintaining community character, and with it, quality of life, will require mitigating the future intensity and possible impacts to the neighbors. Goal 1 of the Economic Development Chapter states that existing local businesses should be helped to grow, while Goal 2 provides the need for balance in that growth to protect the community character. This is an existing local business that has and will continue to invest in the local economy. At the same time, the growth of this business must be tempered by some limits to ensure the community character of the neighborhood is not adversely affected. That mitigation is required to ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is found in the following sections of the Plan: Community character Goal 3: Preserve Quality of Life in Residential Neighborhoods, including: preserve community character of residential neighborhoods (Objective 3.4); enhance safety of neighborhood roads (objective 3.1); reduce impacts from traffic (objective 3.2); reduce impacts from noise and light pollution (objective 3.3). 3. Insufficient side yard setback The proposed restaurant building and associated parking are at less than four feet to multiple rear yards of the adjacent R-40 zoning district and Shore Road community. This requested side yard setback variance is approximately 75%, (3.7' and 4.8' where 15' is required). Adequate mitigation may be difficult to provide to maintain quality of life for the residential (R-40) zoned properties to the west, and the restaurant use may result in adverse impacts to the residential Page 6 of 7 uses. For example, parcel SCTM#1000-47.-2-25.1 would be directly overlooking the proposed outdoor restaurant seating. Further, nineteen (19) parking stalls are proposed with a setback of 4.8' to the west side yard, with at least twelve (12) directly facing two rear yards of adjacent R-40 zoned parcels. The proposed location of these parking stalls may inhibit sufficient screening as required by Town Code section §280-78(K). This Code requires that any parking area of over five spaces that abuts or is within 15 feet of the side or rear lot line of a lot, in any residence district, shall be screened from such adjoining lot by a substantial wall, fence or thick hedge approved by the Planning Board. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department. Cc: Julie McGivney, Assistant Town Attorney Page 7 of 7 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex 0� SO P.O. Box 1179 I54375 State Route 25 O�� y0l Southold,NY 11971 1�.(I � I (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) O Southold NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 r g) www.southoldtownny.gov � Cou�m,� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Received TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APR 26 2024 Zoning Board of Appeals MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, ZBA Chairperson Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: James H. Rich III, Chairman Members of the Planning Board Date: April 26, 2024 Re: Request for Comments for Silver Sands Holdings LLC Located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport-Zoning District: RR SCTM#1000-47.-2-15 ZBA , 7894 &7914SE 1& 4 The Planning Board thanks you for the opportunity to provide comments regarding the applications referenced above. Overall,the Board has concerns about the variances requested and requests more time to provide substantive comment on these applications. Particular concerns include the sewer connection from the Village of Greenport, a notable parking deficiency on the site plan, and the intensification of"Lot 15." In light of the above, the Planning Board provides the preliminary comments below. The Planning Board has received the request for comments regarding the above-referenced proposals to (1) convert an existing storage building(aka boathouse)to a freestanding(111 seat) restaurant with office and'storage space for the restaurant'operation by Special Exception (7893SE); (2) permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbecue bar area; (3) insufficient side yard setback (7894); and (4) to convert an existing single family dwelling to a commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with the converted restaurant on the same lot and upon conversion, said commercial kitchen will be accessory to the principle use of the converted restaurant by Special Exception (7914SE). 1. Village of Greenport Sewer On April 8, 2024, the Planning Board received correspondence from the Village of Greenport (an involved agency) in connection with the pending Silver Sands application. In particular,the Village noted that (a)the applicant utilizes the Village sewage system for disposal of sewage and that the agreement between the applicant and the Village does not permit a restaurant to utilize the Village's system; and, (b)the Village currently prohibits the expansion of any existing system that may accommodate any increased production of sewage. Based on the information received from the Village of Greenport,the Planning Board paused the processing of this application on April 8, 2024 in order for the applicant to pursue a potential resolution with the Village of Greenport. As a result,the Planning Board has not had the benefit of holding a Public Hearing or receiving comments from referred agencies and therefore, needs more time to review the application. 2. Parking Deficiency Silver Sands is comprised of eight (8) separate parcels totaling approximately 6.08acres (265,207sf)that utilize shared facilities, including parking.The proposed 111-seat restaurant on Lot 15 would require thirty-seven (37) parking stalls where nineteen (19) parking stalls are proposed. Overall, 101 parking stalls are required for all Silver Sands uses and fifty(50) are being provided. Southold Town Code-requires all parking to be provided on the property where the use occurs, or in some cases, on adjacent property within 200 feet. After consultation with the Town Attorney's office, it was determined that'none of the Town-owned land along, or at the end of Silvermere Road may be used in this calculation. For a parking space to qualify towards meeting the parking requirement, it must be shown on the site plan and needs to meet the Town Code dimension requirements of 9'W x 191 with a 22' aisle width. In the effort to alleviate these parking deficiencies, a revised site plan was submitted voluntarily by the applicant to the Planning Board on March 18, 2024. The revised plan proposes to provide an additional thirteen (13) parking stalls as a result of removing the existing pool and patio area, for a total of nineteen (19) on Lot 15. In addition,the applicant has removed parking from the Town ROW and rotated five (5) stalls 90'to be parallel to Town ROW. The applicant contends that the parking requirement is satisfied based on volunteered deductions made by transportation habits and their general business model. 3. Insufficient side yard setback The proposed restaurant building and associated parking are at less than four feet to multiple rear yards of the adjacent R-40 zoning district and Shore Road community. This requested side yard setback variance is approximately 75%, (3.7' and 4.8' where 15' is required). Adequate mitigation may be difficult to provide to maintain community character for the residential (R-40) zoned properties to the west, and the restaurant use may result in adverse impacts to the residential uses. For example, parcel SCTM#47.-2- 25.1 would be directly overlooking the proposed outdoor restaurant seating. Further, nineteen (19) parking stalls are proposed with a setback of 4.8'to the west side yard, with at least seven (7) directly facing two rear yards of adjacent R-40 zoned parcels. The proposed location of these parking stalls may inhibit sufficient screening as required by Town Code section §280-78(K). This Code requires that any parking area of over five spaces that abuts or is within 15 feet of the side or rear lot line of a lot, in any residence district, shall be screened from such adjoining lot by a substantial wall,fence or thick hedge approved by the Planning Board. Thank you for this opportunity to provide comments. Keceivect ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JAN Y j �024 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK Phone(631)'365-1809 (631)765-9064 Zoning Board APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION Application No. Date Filed: TO n1E ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS,SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK: Applicant(s), Silver Sands Holdings I LLC of Parcel Location: House No.1135 Street Silvermere Road Hamlet Southold ,Contact phone numbers. 631-997-1957(w)or 917-318-0027(m) SCTM 1000 Section 47 Brock 2 Lot(s) 15 Lot Size2.5 acresZone District Resort Residential hereby apply to TAE.ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE,ARTICLE 280 ,SECTION 35 ,SUBSECTION B 6 for the following uses and purposes: Convert existing residential structure to commercial kitchen and convert existing accessory structure to free standing restaurant with interior bar and interior+exterior seating as shown on the attached survey/site plan drawm to.scale.Site Plan review[ ]IS or[ )IS NOT required. I A. Statement of O%Ynershioa and Interest: 5t I �av�cls ulna t c mNl ; Silver Sands Holdings I LLC is(are)the owner(s)of property known and referred � 20 1135 Silvermere Road in Hamlet of Southold (Mouse No.,Street,Hamlet) identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000,Section 47 ,Block 2 ,Lot 15 ,and shown on the attached deed. The above-described property was acquired by the owner an April 13, 2022 B. The applicant alleges that the approval of this exception would be in harmony with the intent and purpose of said zonirCg ordinance and that the proposed use conforms to the standards prescribed therefore in said ordinance and would not be detrimental to property or persons in the neighborhood for the following reasons: The requested special exception is for an allowed use under 280-35 Use Regulations for a free-standing restaurant on a Resort Residential property.This would not be detrimental to neighboring persons of property b/c there is no new construction or exterior alterations required to any existing structures.This type of use is commonplace in areas zoned for Resort Residential. C. The property which is subject of this application is zoned Resort Residential and j ]is consistent uith the use(s)describer]in the CO(attach copy),or [x]is not consistent with the CO being furnished herewith for the following neason(s): [ ]is vacant land. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ,a ss.: �(` Nn STATE'OIF NEW Y ORK) (Si ature) Swarm to before the this p�i,-J—day of 14_PW hj ,20a 3. (Tlotaty Public) COW" D. BUNCH Notary Public,State of New York t No.01BU6185050 Qualified,in Suffolk County Commission Expires April 14,2 0- r Received 3 S6 JAN 112024 ZONINC BOARD OF APPEALS Zoning TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORZoning 608rd of Appeals Phone(631)765-1809 (631)765-9064 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION Application No. Date Filed: Page 2 General Standards, please answer the.following as it pertains to your project: A. The use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts BECAUSE: The impacts to the change in use will be limited to this lot(1000-47-02-15).The adjacent properties to the east are also zoned Resort Residential,so this will be an enhancement to the use of the occupants because of the availability of these facilities.The adjacent properties to the west are Residential and there is a 6'solid stockade fence and significant evergreen landscaping separating these properties.This use would not be detrimental to property or persons in the neighborhood because there is no new construction or exterior alternations required to the existing structures.This type of use is commonplace in areas zoned for Resort Residential, B. The use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the requested use is located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts BECAUSE: In addition to what was previously stated in section A above,the proposed use is allowable under special exception for a Resort Residential property. C. The safety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location BECAUSE: In addition to what was previously stated in section A above,the proposed use is allowable under special exception for a Resort Residential property. The location of the proposed facility has no impact on any adjacent properties or the Town.The location is proper and consistent with Report Residential zoning and does not have any impact on Southold Town traffic,utilities,school system,etc. D. The use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of Chapter 280-142 BECAUSE This proposal is in full compliance with the general purposes and intent stated in 280-142 as A-G.Furthermore,under 280-35 Use Regulations the proposed use is allowed as a special exception under Resort Residential Zoning. E. The—use will be compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regard to visibility, scale and overall appearance BECAUSE: In addition to what was previously stated in section A-D above,a free standing restaurant is a typical use for a Resort Residential zone and the visibility and appearance of all structures will remain as-is because there are no exterior construction or alternations being made or proposed. F. All proposed structures, equipment, and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection BECAUSE: There is an existing,dedicated right of way access to all structures on the property;in addition,there is a new private fire hydrant on the easterly property line. G. The proposal shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 236, Stormwater Management BECAUSE: There is no existing alternation or construction being proposed and all existing structures are currently in compliance with Chapter 236 Storm Water Management. 4 .r\ J Dear Chairman Mrs . Leslie Kanes Weisman and Honorable Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals , I respectfully request the Zoning Board of Appeals accept this addendum to my Special Exception application #7893SE . The specific relief requested is : Request for special exception pursuant to Article VII , Section 280-35(B) (6) , applicant requests : (1) special exception to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space , for restaurant operations ; and (2) permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/ bar area ; located at 1135 Silvermere Road , Southold , NY SCTM 1000-47-2-15 . I would like this letter to serve as a formal addendum to the application , so it includes the "accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque / bar area" that is located on the Survey that was included on the application. To remove all doubt , the location of this area on the survey is labeled "awning over wood deck" and is located in between the two building structres on the lot. Below you will find a snippet from the survey with the area circled in red. I appreciate your attention to this matter .3 S Sincerely, RECEM Silver MAR 0 4 2024 Alexander "IerroZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Proprietor , Silver Sands y*.:. i.T. /SMH SCT. O BE ftNON CP rR4� SD �y � r BE REMOVED� F w=E Lot 13 W " I SCTM NO. 0.47-2-15 I /' GT#2 O - C N I i L ; V)V}J W CO I / CONC Ii `l CO I COVE C S O Itr 304' _ i1 I 4 uv ro n n 170' CO FRAME w I i F9-fi IT.z' ✓. "abINb I a FRAME S RLDI �_L011= 3.0' i� 9' 3 I O 24.0. 0 14S b I I P 1L0' k 1 � } WDF 28.2•r/ WOOD \ I CONL'W L 14'W DFq; \ Lot 15 wooD K •`\ \\y = OECK m \ Ic \\ 7.23' b0 L l 3 a O \ oh< a E R e�V�EPv i3 i 5b5 2 APPLICAINT'S P)OJECT DESCFUPTl(®N Received (For ZBA Reference) Applicant:Silver Sands Holdings I LLC 12/19/2023 JAN 1 1 2024 P P Date Prepared: I. Iior Demolition of Existing Building Areas Zoning Boara of Appeals Please describe areas being removed: 1. No existing building area will be removed or altered. Interior renovations only. II. New Construction Areas(New Drivelling or New AdditionslEExtentsnons): Dimensions of first floor extension: n/a Dimensions of new second floor: n/a Dimensions of floor above second level: n/a Height(from finished ground to top of ridge):n/a Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yes,please provide Freight(above ground) treasured from natural existing grade to first floor: n/a III. Proposed Construction Description(Alterations or Structural Changes) (attach extra street if necessary)- Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations. Single Family Residence: 1 floor Accessory Building: 1 floor w/loft Q Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: c );Accessory Structure:one floor converted to a free-standing restaurant w/bar with office space in loft(no structural changes) W. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyear): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: Total 3,885 sgft(SFR 1,110 sgft;Accessory Structure 1,576 sgft;Walk-in cooler 200 sgft;pool 999 sgft Proposed increase of building coverage: 0.00 sq.ft.(zero) Square footage of your lot: 88,075 sq.ft. Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area: 4.5% V. Purpose of Ne%v Construction: Interior alterations to convert existing structures to commercial kitchen and free standing restaurant VI. Please describe the land contours(fiat,slope%,heavily wooded(,marsh area,etc.)on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): Flat land. Existing wetlands are on north side of property.No expansion of any existing structures is planned therefor there is no difficulty in meeting the code requirements Please submit seven(7)photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction), and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 7/2002;2/2005; 112007 Received q-�13 s� JAN112024 QUESTIONNAIRE SPECIAL.EXCEPTION Zoning Boaro ai APP&als FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION I. Has a determination been made regarding Site Plan review? X Yes No If no,please inquiry with the ZBA office and if site plan is rewired,you may apply to the Planning Dept.at the same time so both applications can be reviewed concurrently. 2. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? a. X No Yes please explain on attached sheet. 3. .Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? Yes a. 2.)Are those areas shown on the survey submitted with this application? Yes b. 3.)Is the property bull;headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? Yes. Existing as shown on survey c. 4.)If your property contains wetlands or pond areas,have you contacted the Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? Yes Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the trustees: Trustees permit issued,site inspection completed; Awaiting issuance of Certificate of Compliance and if issued,please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved survey. 4. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level?No 5. Are there any patios,concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are submitting? No Please show area of the structures on a diagraw,if any exist or state none on the above line. 6. Do you have any construction taring place at this time concerning your premises? No If yes,please submit a copy of your building pernnit and survey as approved by the Building Department and please describe: 7. Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking,please apply to the Building Department to obtain copies of them. S. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel? Yes If .yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. Lots 1000-045-06-08,1000-047-02-01,1000-047-02-08 thru-014 9. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel Existing residential structure and accessory building and the proposed use free-standing restaurant .tee odsting sirkoe family,proposed:same with sarsae,pool or other or cacar3 proposed office with apmmmts above,cc.) A ynno211°1n Authorized signature d Date i Rnecphie,gyp 7U Sj5 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT JAN 1 1 2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Zoning Board of Appeals WREN TO USE THIS FORM: This form nwtst be completed by the applicant for mtp special use permit,site plan approval, use variance,area vitria»ce or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR ivithin SQII feet of a f trtn operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data stateient twist be referred to the Sttffolk C0111101 Department of Planning in accardauce with Section 239nt and 239n of the General Mruticipal Low. I. Name of Applicant: Silver Sands Holdings I LLC 2. Address of Applicant:1400 Silvermere Road, Greenport, NY tl944 3. Name of Land.Owner(if other than Applicant): Same as above 4. Address of Land Owner: Same as above 5. Description of Proposed Project: Area variance for aS,bU�ft a*-in -oler 6. Location of Property: (Road and Tax map Numbcr)_1000=47-2-J 5 7. Is the parcel within 500 feet of a farm operation? Q() Yes { } No 8. Is this parcel actively fanned? ( ),Yes (X) No 9. Name and addresses of any owner(s)of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Tak Lot numbers will be provided to you by the Zoning Board Staff. it is your responsibility to obtain the current names and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office(765-1937)or from the Real Property Tax Office located in Riverhead. NAME and ADDRESS l 675 Silvermere Road, Greenport NY 11944/SCTM 1000-45-6-8 2. a. 4. s. 6. (Please use the back of this page if there are additional property owners), Signature of Applicant Date Note: 1.The local Board will solicit continents from the owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on.their farm operation. Solicitations will be made by supplying a copy of this statement: 2.Comments returned to the local Board will be taken into consideration as part as the overall review of this application. 3.Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant to the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing,shall be paid by the Applicant at the time the application is submitted for review. Received 617.20 JAN 112024_N�3 A,9peiidhB Zoning Board of Appeals Short E.tarjymirarma'al Assessnterta+,ivrm; Instructions felt Com ple irrp Part I-Project Information. 'flee applicant or project sponsor Is responsible for the completion of fart 1. Responses dome panof t➢t:sa HIMliora for approval m funding,arc subject to prib➢ic review,and may be subject to further verification. Coragplete Part I based on inform, tion cuarenily available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully ue pear d 10 any itcrar,galeaec ameer as thomilghly as PDANe based en current information. ODMplete all items in Parl 1. Yw pray alsfl provide;any addiifiDnal information which you believe will be needed by or easeful Qe the lWd z6`=Cy;attach additional p4ga s as nmessmy to supplement any item. Part 1-Project and Sponsaar luformation Nmno of Ax'on or P ject: Special Exception Pr&Dject I.om don(describe,and ftunchn location rnap): 1135 Silvermere Road in Hamlet of Southold. SCTM 1000-47-02-15 Brief l:Destaripfiion of 1Propmed Action: The requested special exception is for an allowed use under 280-35 Use Regulations for a free- standing restaurant on a Resort Residential property Narne of Applicant(Dr Sponsor Telephone: 631-997-1957 Silver Sands Holdings I LLC 1?__Ma7il:alex@silversandsmotel.com Address:1400 Silvermere Road Cfl��O: Greenport __T State: Zip Code: NY 11944 'I.Roes the pmposed action only involve the Jegis➢a Live adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES adMhdshMflVe male,orXggaalatiera? If Ycs,attach a a arsaiave description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that X ! may be affected in the munic%-dity and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action r+egdra.n permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If cs,list ageapyls)rraraae and pernitt or approval: X 3.&,TaaW acreage of the site oftiae proposal action? 2.5 acres h.'Ichd aw eage to be physically distrrrlrmV 0.0 acres c.Total aacage�,jert ede and my c ntiguous propeatiesj owned or=twiledby the applicanterrprojectgmnsora 4.12 acres 4. Check all land eases that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed action. m Urban a Rwal(nan-agriculture) ®Indtastdill XCommercial X Residential(suburban) ®I aml M Agriculture 13 Aquatic Kother(specify). Resort Residential �Pa3rl;Iand Page l of Received 3s� S. Is ahc proposed action, JAN 1 20' NO YES N/A a.A prrrraitted use nandn the zoning regulotions? X b.Consisteaat%with the arlmpled compnlicrtsive plan? Zoning Board of Appeals X 6. Is dac proposed action consistent%yhh the prejorninant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? X 17. Is Ylic site of the prc pvcrd action lu,cated ire,or aloes it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify- X S. a.Will th=proposed action result In a substantial incrcasr in 1mMe above present levels? NO YES X b.Am public transporlstion service(s)available at or new the site of the proposed action? X e.Are any pedwirian accorramDTIations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? X 4.Doss ahe proposed notion meet or exceed the state energy code acquirements? NO YES i If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: X Ifl. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private hater supply? NO YES i If No,describe rnrtltod for providing potable water. X I L Will the proposed action connect to existing tivastewater utilities? NO YES If No,descaabe method for providing%Amstewater treatment: X 12. ra.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of historic NO YES places? X b.Is Jae proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? X 13.a.Toes any portion of tine site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wet]ands or anther waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? b.1g'autld the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? X If Yes,identify the%wetland or waterbody and extent of'alterations in square feet or acres: i rr, 14. Identify the;aypica9 habital types that occur on,cram Mely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: Q Shoreline O Forest O Agrici t naUgtasslaads O Early mid-successional WrSand O Urban. 03 Suburban 13.Does the site of the:proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? X 26.Is the project site Iracated in the 100 year.flood plain? NO YES 117 Va M the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO YES iff'Yes, a.Will storin water ftchai ga flow to adjacent properties? O NO O YES X b.Will stores water d'ascitarges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoffand storm drains)? If Yes,briefly describe: ❑NO O YES Page 2 of'4 'JAN 112024,-'7,9 73 SG Zoning Board of Appeals I S.©rs the pmpned ar,tion include eonstrntlion or oilier activities that result in the impoundment of NO YES %ytiaer or m+tlacr Oiqu%(c.g,reteention pond.euaste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purposc and sire: X I lia.Has floe site Of-1-he proprasetl aiction or an a joining property been tare location of an active or closed NO 'YES solid waste rmannoment fnvility? IIf Yes describe: X 20.Hos slat sdte of the prtaposrd action or an adjoining property been the subject of temediation(ongoing or NO YES comply)for hamslons wnstc? If Yes,dmcnbe: X I I AFFIlRVl THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE 1S TRUE AND,ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applica rspOnS9rna e: Silver Sands Holdings I LLC Dom. 12/19/2023 Signature:- Puri 2-Impinct Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2.Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or afficn ybu available to&L,ravimver. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my MSPO asw been masonabla considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" :9 No,or Moderate �b ,�4 rr �a,`� :1: .� ., ,T•, small to large '" �' s� ✓_ _ �"t' .9 .r y�r'r ''rc1 ;�)_•• -q pact impact y may d. Wall occur occur the proposed action create a material contract with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 4. WM the proposed action have art impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a.Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? e. V. 11 the proposed adtion result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or aDeat ratdsft infaastrucbm for rnass transit,biild ,g or mmUc ay? 6. 'mill the proposed actanm cause 80 inta+ease in the use ofenergy and it fails to incorporate nwainably available suergy conservation or renewable energy ortamiiies? 7. VAH the proposed action irmpad existing. a public I private watearsapplies? b.publiclprivate wastewater freatment Utilities? g. Will the prate ai3izDn 1VgWr the Character or quality of important historic,archaeological, arclDiteta�aaal or aes&cdc ues=ces? �. Widl the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g,wetlands, w*tuborlrres,groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? f Page 3 of 4 Received 3 S JAN I fl 2Q24..' : No,or Moderate small to large impact impact Zoning Board bf Appea_ may may f ;ti.'r_,.•.� occur occur ttt. Will the pr®p coed action molt in an incnmse in the,potential for erosion,flooding or drainage pAro9alerras? l 3. Will She peoposed aacdom cute n hn=d to environna=l resources or human health? Part 3-Deti rvrainrrtian of signiffiranci. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3, For every question,in POA- 2 that%yas answrxe'l-Mod=le to large hapacl may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular eleant at of'the propowd action rnny or)All not result in a signifimni adverse environmental'Impact,please complete Part 3. Pact 3 shonlol,in sufficient detail,identify t'he irnpnet,inchodipg any ra msures or design elements that have been included by the Project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Pant 3 should also explain how the lead agency deteranined that the impact may or Will not tor:sigaiil;caslt.E=h' potential iinpact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, daaratierl irreversibility,Seggmphic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and 2lrrraaalaYive impa�is. 13 Check this box ifyou have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may resull in one or more potearwHy large or significant adverse impacts and an enwon mental unpacistaterment is require& U Check flans box ifyou have determined,based on the information and analysis above;and any supporting documentation, d mi the proposed action Will not result in any significant adverse envirenmental impacts. 'N=c of Lead Agency Date Paint or ape Mae of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Mide of Responsible Officer Sign'aturue of Responsible Officer in Lead.Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Page 4 of 4 Received JAN 112024 APPLICANTIOWDEER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM Zoning Board of Appeals The Town mf aoutho0dls Code mf Ethics Prohibits conflicts of interest an the taart of town officers and emailnyee<s._'fhe muraose of tams forma is t0 1jDroYide imfortnntion which can^ilert the ta►rn of pDssible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever ©-Mon Is neemnrY to rivold%nmt. YOURNAMIE: Silver Sands Holdings I LLC /Alexander Perros as manager (Last namt,first name,maiftle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone clsr or other entity,such as a emnpnny,If so,i7ialicate the othtr ptrwai's or company's name.' TYPE OF APPLICATION:(CioitTk nil that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Valiance Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Otter(activity) Special exception Planning Do you personn➢ly(or abrougb your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest"rneons a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)n corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the sbnres. YES NO x If No,sign and date Woiv.If YES,complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/ngent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appraprinte line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town ofdiver or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the ommer of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or bemefacial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) Q an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or IID)the actetal aPplicamt DESCREMON OF RELATIONSEIP Submitted this day of WCAA ,20 SignatureQ""u Print dame Alexander Perros Received 3 5 JAN 112024 TR ACE6 U1' EPRESENTATIVE ol�lell.DISCLOSURE Eoitil9 Zoning Board of Appeals The Toevn of Souahold's Code of l titizs tnrolaileits rvufl5ct5 of inicresi on the(part of iown officers Anil employees.The parpase of this Torun is to provide iunfarmntion-which enn alert the town at possible conflicts off interest and allow it to tale whoever aetaon is meeessary to avoid somed _gyp, YOUR NAME: I A - (1-ml anme.first name,middle iniilal,unless you nre applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a cbmpnor.ltsp,indicate the other persDn's or tompnoy's name) TYPE of APPLICATION:(Check;all that npply) Tax grievance Building permit Variance Trustee permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plea Mooring Other(aetivity) _ 5 9 e a;Lt Trc1- f26 e 0, planning Do you personnIly(or through your compnny,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have it relationsbip with any officer .or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment lay)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES No / If No,sign and agate below.if Yes,complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicantlagent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town alfizer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the owner mf greater drat 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporadan) 7B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) Q an oflacer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the aetuail applicant YDESCRIpV ON of RPL,ATION'SHIP Submitted th of ,20 Signature � ' Print Name— l i o\NA a-S., received Board of Zoninp- Appeals Application JAN I I 2024 OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION Zoning Board of APPeE Lls (Where the Applicant is not the Owner) l Alexander Perros residing at 19215 Soundview Avenue (Print property o%vner's name) (tailing Address) Southold, NY 11971 Nick Mazzaferro do hereby authorize (Agent) to apply for variance(s)on my behalf from the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals. By signing this document,the Property Owner understands that pursuant to Chapter 280- 1.36(B)of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured,and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three(3)years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may,upon written request prior to the date of expiration,grant an extension not to exceed three(3)consecutive one(1)year terms. IT IS T14E PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE CODE REQUIRED TIME FRANIE DESCRIBED HEREIN. (Owner's Signature Alexander Perros as Manager of Silver Sands Holdings I LLC (Print Owner's Name) Received Town of Southold JAN 112024 4-3 7 3 S LS MAW CONSISTENCY ASSESSiV1ENT FORM Zoning Board of Appeals A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including To-%vn of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other inforrnation used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. -*Except n inor a,Yempt actions including Building Pennits and other ministerial pennants not located within the Coastal,,rosion Lazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list,policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Watert'ront Revitalization Pmgrarn. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial-and-ad%zesse-effects upon- a"easW-area-(zvhieh-ineludes-fa"f—Seuthold-Town)- -- - 3. If any question in Section C on this foam is answered"yes",then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thies, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to snaking a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LUMP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places:online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.nor i forl;mel),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department,all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. 13. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCCTM# 1000 - 47 - 2 - 15 The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Dept. I._! Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees ❑ I Category of'Torvn of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g.capital ❑ construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) (la) Financial assistance(e.g.grant,loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval,license,eertificaflon: Nature and extent of action: Special exception under code 280-35 for permitted uses on a Resort Residential property. N Received JAN 112024 Locationofactiosn: 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport, NY 11944 Zoning Board of appeals She acreage: 2.5 acres -q-,g�3 Present land use: Single family residence, accessory structure, commercial swimming pool Pa antzoriing6m,sification: Resort Residential 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following infonnattion shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Silver Sands Holdings I LLC (b) Mailirngoddress: 1400 Silvermere Road, Greenport, NY 11944 (c) Telephone nuneoer:Area code( ) 631-997-1957 (w) or 917-318-0027 (m) (d) Application member,if any- n/a Will the actions be directly u ndertal en,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes n No l X I If yes,Which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Poster a pattern of development in the Toevnz of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes efficient use of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and ndnimiizes adverse effects of development. See LMW Section M-Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. MI Yes r7l No ' Not applicable Hotel guests and local community will have unrestricted access to the facility. This proposal is for a conversion of existing space and no additional structure is required.This location is currently 100% in compliance with this coastal location and is currently in pristine condition, reflecting the same character that existed in the 1950s. Since there is no additions development on this site there are no adverse effects. The facility will allow people to have access to the wateFfront, which Will provide abeneficial use of e wateFfront attach ad ditioxmi suns if. necemmy Polio 2.Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section fl1-Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluations criteria El Yes LJ No � Not applicable __Thlc InCpYI(1f1 IS CIII7PIltl- in ampliance with this coastal location and is currently in pristine condition reflecting the same character that existed in the 1950s.There are no archaeological or historic resources on the property or adjacent to it. / c _ Re.celved,,�e/ 3 5a T 024 Anach, additional sheets if necessary Zoning Board of Appeals Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages b through 7 for evaluation criteria F] Yes n No ® riot applicable This change of use requires no new structures or infrastructure.The overall site has been visually upgraded over the last year.New indigenous vegetation and wetlands maintenance has been rigorously performed at this site.The overall visual quality for this Residential Resort is being maintained and the maritime visual aspect of this project remains unchanged since the 1950s. Attachadditional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages S through IS for evaluation criteria Yes n No ® Not applicable This change of use has no increase in the hard erosion protection of the Peconic Bay shoreline.The current linear feet of natural shoreline is being maintained. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy,S. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages Ib through 21 for evaluation criteria Y., r]No FK Not applicable _The change of use will have no impact on the water supply in the Town of Southold because it is connected to a public water supply _system(SCWA).This proposed change of use does not require any additional infrastructure,therefore there is no impact on the current storm water conditions.The entire resort facility has a sealed sanitation system,which is directly connected to the Greenport processing plant,therefor there is no impact tot the ground conditions from the sanitary use of this entire facility. A=-ch additional shorts if mecessari^ Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and N'Vildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III— Policies; Pages 22 through.32 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes "No N Not applicable The proposed change of use has no impact to the Town of Southold ecosystems and the existing wetlands. Received � JAN 112024 Zoning Board of pea ls Anach addn¢ianal shcem if n=essamy Policy 7. Protect and improve air qunlity in the "Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria.See Section III—.Policies Pages;34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes No® Not Applicable This proposed change of use will improve the air quality because the proposed facility is 100%electrically powered.In addition,the adjacent properties,which encompass all the Resort Residential areas,have been converted to all-electric use. The use of fossil fuels for heating,hot water,cooking,and laundry has been completely eliminated. Acacia aeod i ional sheets if necessaq Policy S. Minimize envire nmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and Syastes. See MY"Section III—Policies;Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. LYes 11 No ® Not Applicable The proposed use will be in full compliance with the Town of Southold's waste disposal and recycling policies.The proposed free standing restaurant will participate in recycling to the greatest extent possible.The use of single-use settings will not be used;any containers an packaging wili include only the latest sustainable products.The proposed use has no hazardous waste. PIIBLIC COAST POLICIES Poliicy 9. Provide for paiblic access me, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. No ilbl N®t Applicable MI Yes Anach addidomal sheets if necessary WORIONG COAST POLICIES PoNcy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in su tahlb locations.. Sete LUMP Section'[II—Policies;Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. F]Yes N® .q/,\i Not Applicable Receive jAN-112024 Zoning 60ard ef eats Anach additional shcets if mccwary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound,the Peconic Estuary and Town waters.See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. 1:1 Yes ® No X1 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold.See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. LJ'Yes EJ No'Efs! Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if accessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LNVRP Section M—Policies;Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. PCA Yes FI No El Not Applicable e proposed installation is connected tot e Vi age of Greenport electric grid F (\T^ C^ CL N Q O 45 1� a m Silver Sands Holdings I LLC Photos for Special Exception application for SCTM 1000-047-02-15 Residential — cu • •.. J. WPO East Side of building South Side of building & rear yard fA N a Residential Cottage - Exterior 5 0 )Of7 U Q m cc o 71 West Side of building North Side of building Residential Cottage • OL • 4i , rn CD 'r North Side of building �u l CL O 1'\1 O a N Q l > O Residential Cottage - Interior z c cc CO i 1 'I � 1 Main Room (South Side) r! Kitchen (NE Corner) Accessory • F `!rCL CL a, CD�i•�. . • North Side of building West Side of building r MINI 1. MAL 1 �wr"♦' ' t1; ' if� .Alp k� Accessory Structure - Interior E71 Altfu Ilrl r 1 e 6UJUOZ 100111 Nei Accessory Structure - Interior l N i N t N -All —` Interior Bar along West Wall (Original bar from Porky's) Looking North out back door N Accessory Structure - Interior o -a N o a� Q m rn C o N I I Interior of upstairs loft Interior of upstairs loft Interior of upstairs loft from top of stairs / looking east from top of stairs / entrance looking east entrance looking north 1 • .1 ILL I ME limb fit s-Sll' Ph N y .sri� �j � r• A ,•1' f k jam• � `e ��±FS .:ip i X b ,I 1`01A al WISM p mo-5 40 jo IRA If MW NA ij� 1W Ilk ASS 'yj:; Y• '_. :t.�.} - S aL, 3 !�f-"• �%S{�-f!'.YYL•iF; �"j' t PropertyCard Y` • CD m 0 k' a -s CD W TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORI 9I234 a-a _ OWNER STREET 1 VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT #0R, I&C '100f, J—)r FORMER QWNER�P'� � �'�`'�tit� N E�� r 1 I � ACR. �: sr ,,� t. S fin/ ,f.1 d/ TYPE OF BUILDING RES. /o SEAS, VL _ FARMN _ COMM. " CB. MISC. Mkt. Value LAND IMP, TOTAL DATE REMARKS .4" , � l( `r::Z 4 ` Gl 0 re Ac {' 1d Lam- 2 h6 'tr > fr. / 5'70 u 0 J r o a , ` 1 5 s — 9 —_L?, r ' f � 0&— 7D � -7 r _ —AGE BVILLDI 1CON0TqVA 64 4Y 1,3 ate—L 13157 �1t�rzr°r��, S� a,�i�d r Can(15 Me_ /-1 �� :�Js NEW NORMAL BELOW A6G E �Q � r / o ,f a FARM Acre Value Per Value ti jl J� t 159 :a— �� � � �111�-,SQ!)dj` fir (//PetS) Acre 1 ( ! Tillable I Tillable 2 Tillable 3 z 1 Woodland (D` - 0 a o {D FRONTAGE ON WATER ° " �� 6 Swampland �, I a.'{",7 J/ (� Brushiand a FRON•TaG{,Gl+ROADa... � ' € r 1.� 31 , 4 d House Plot DEPTH <13 t` BULKHEAD Tyro DOCK y; COLOR TRIM " Foundation Bathr Dinette ` Extension Basement Fu ¢ Floors K. Extension Ext. Walls � �,�� Interior Finish LR. Extension Fire Place h Meat DR. Type Roof Rooms tst Floor BR. Parch a _ Recreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B, Dormer � 0. -- Breezeway Driveway a:) en Garage 0 zCD a........ ... ..._._�_� _.. Patio 1>1 Total p yy Lv Qa 1 Trustees Permit 0 co CD c 0 CZ� g N CD uJ CD m CP C J I3 BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK " PERMIT NO.1_0381 �-8y3 5 � � DATE: MAY 17,2023 ISSUED To: SILyrR SANDS HOLDINGS 1,LLr Received " PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1135 SHORE DRIVE-GREENPORT JAN 112024 j SCTI►i#1000-47--24 S Zoning Board Ol appeals i AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in , occordotM u tl►the Resolution of the Boyd of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on May 17,2023 and in consideration of app kM iM fee in the sum of MM paid by Silver Sands Holdings 1 LLC and subject to the Terms and Condrtioru as stated in the Resolution.the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the fotlouiav '%V441 end Permit for the as-built 1,487sq.fL accessory barn with as-built attached 72sq.fL shed i and existing 67250L sestiraed side snood deck;for the as-built 980sq.iL cottage with a 4'x14' 044300 exterior basement staircase;for the us-built in-ground pool with a 3,012sq.ft.brick patio surround and 360sq.fL pool equipment ui enclosure;existing a! �P B propane tank to be removed; befit stetland jnrisdictional aaedground disturbance:Total area:t16,500sq.fL;install a non- permsatnt.265sq fL seasonal outdoor seating area;install approximately 20 linear feet of drain line from accessor y budding to drysrett;place stpproximatefy 12,SOOsq.iL of sand from wood bulkhead to Trustee jurisdiction line as shown on Planting Plan and Schedule IA.15;place approximately 1,%Osq.iL of proposed grass screed;fresb water wetland:20,573sq.ft.;landward I of the freshwater w ettands,establish and perpetually maintain a 14,798sq.M Non-Disturbance Butter area;planting and landscape in accordance with Planting Plan&Schedule IA.12,LA.13, ! L 4.14&I4.15;with the condition that the southerly non-disturbance area of of the freshwater I wetland be increased to 30 feet;and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Edmund D.Hollander,landscape Architect Design,P.C.,last dated May 18, 2023;and stamped approved on May 23.2023- IN WITNESS WHEREOF.the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed,and these prestnts to be subscri-bed by a majority of the said Board as of the day and year fust above written. 3 e L f }�� � Town Hall Annex GlettnGoldsmith.l'r�idcnt ��•�Q�S� D� X Micholas KrupAL Vice I'rr�idrM i r0 t* $4375 Route 25 Eric Scpenoe P.O.Box 1179 ki , L.ia Giilooly � x Southold.New York 11£371 Elizabeth Pmptrs �, O Telephone(63I)765 1692 1 Y� Fax(631)M 6641 S� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES ��3 TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Received October 20.2023 JAN 112024 Michael A.Kimack Zoning Board of Appeals P.O.Box 1047 Southold,NY 11971 RE: SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1,LLC 113S SHORE DRIVE,GREENPORT SCTid#: 1000-47-2-15 Dear Mr.Kimack The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday,October 18,2023. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit#10381 for the as-built on grade seasonal bar area with canopy (440sq.fL):install two(2)sand bocce courts at 12'x36'(432sq.ft.ea/864.sq.ft.total),and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Edmund D.Hollander,Landscape Architect Design, P.C., last dated August 29, 2023,and stamped approved on October 18,2023. Any other activity within I of the wetland boundary requires a permit from this office. This is not an approval from any other agency. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact this office. SinkGol z" GIm' President,Board of Trustees GG/dd L-4. 10 _ InspectionBuildin �� & Finalg sheet for Accessory Structure ON CO CD 0 z n CD Naa CD i o pa 7 �- a °' C Town of Southold 6/17/2023 P.O.Box 1179 Received 53095 Main Rd Southold,New York 11971 JAN 1 1 2024 Zoning Board of Hppeais CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY %�3 5 5 No: 44198 Date: 6/8/2023 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ALTERATION Locution of Prvpert3. 1135 Shore Dr,Greenport SCIM#: 473889 See/BlocklLot: 47;2-15 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated 1/10/2023 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 49175 dated 4/28/2023 was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: A,%dows and doors,to existing accessory baathouse/storaee as applied for. 6/17 2023 Corrected for Certificate of Occupancy number only. The certificate is issued to Silver Sands Hldgs I LLC of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED A Signature BuildingDepartment Permit, Final Inspection Sheets for CO for Single- Family Residence s� CD 0 z 0 CD <o N CO O Recehmd TOW 24 " UTHOLD JAN 11 2'024 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Zoning Board df SOUTHOLD,NY �p0ddi§ BUILDING PERMIT tv (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) f Permit 49168 Date: 4126/2023 TE Permission is hereby granted to: Silver Sands Hldgs I LLC I eJo Alexander Perms 19216 Soundview Ave Southold,NY 11971 To:Et legalize"as aulIV alterations to existing single-family dwelling as applied for per DEC NJ lefter. III_ T IN At premises bated at: 1136 Shore Dr Green port TE SCTM 9 473M 1• SeclBlock/Lot#47:2-15 t_ Pursuant to application dated 11`19/2023 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 10124=24. Fees: AS BUILT-SINGLE FAMILY ADDITION/ALTERATION CO-ALTERATION TO DWELLING 5558.40 r $50.00 r Total: H; ; $608A0 TIC r: a Building Inspector 411AL COpF nc 1 � � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. _ ..o 631-765-1602 Received JAN 1 12011 oning Boara or Hppeais INSPECTIOU [ j FOUNDATION 1 ST [ j ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION/CAULKING [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [;/ FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ j FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION [ j ELECTRICAL (ROUGH) [ j ELECTRICAL (FINAL) [ ] CODE VIOLATION [ ] PRE C/O [ ] RENTAL REMARKS: i r DATE I q 119 -� INSPECTORV/7,-� .- 1 i; Received JAN 1 1 2024 i r J � ping Board of Appeals TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. �1973 y0 1631.765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION/CAULKING [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE +& CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION [ ] ELECTRICAL (ROUGH) [ ] ELECTRICAL (FINAL) [ ] CODE VIOLATION [ ] PRE C/O [ ] RENTAL REMARKS: tt i 1 r y Z_-)� Lt 1- DATE r1 I � � INSPECTOR for resort, including SCHDS Transient �1se permit commercial pool; Co for Pool with updated letter for commercial use w n CD LDo o C IV 0 CMC iU Suffolk County Department of Health Services Bureau of]Public Health Protection public Hcalth PERMIT To Opernte 0 Received Temporary Residence JAN 112024 This i; to certify that DHG Silver Sands, Inc, Zoning Board of Appeals the operator of SILVER SANDS RESORT at 1400 SILVERMERE ROAD GREENPORT, NY 11944 Located in the VILLAGE of GREENPORT in SUFFOLK County is granted permission to operate said establishment in compliance with the provisions of Subpart 7-1 of the State Sanitary Code and under the following conditions: (1) This permit is granted subject to any and all applicable State;Local and Municipal Laws, ordinances,Codes,Rules and Regulations. C)-This penria is granted subject to any and all applicable Federal Laws including US EPA regulations pursuant to the Safe Drini�g Water Act's Underground Injection Control(UlQ program 40 g $Slts� ioaS:'poo, 'c' t W.,, �Vaterlions is'not a peiunt`teii"1�afirmg beYeach. Effective Date January Ot,2024 Permit is NON-TRANSFERABLE Gregson HP190tt,MD,MPH Permit Inuint ot8oial This permit expires ou December 31,2025 and may be revoked or suspended for cause. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY Fae ty Code 51.3679 Permit Number 51-3679 Operation ID 310560 +a•+ax3 ma��� (OEM.12Ai oAH-t328 i� Y VICTOR LESSARD •� Town Hall,5309S Main Road PRINCIPAL WRMNG INSPECTOR P.O.Box 1179 t510765•1902 to Southold,New York 11971 ,rp_ • �� FAxtsisl7&s-1®43 rnu, 41 OFFICE OF BUILDQVG INSPECTOR R@&'*O TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JA*q 1 NON February 15 , 1989 ZOTifR � rc�toi oatq N �Is TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Property listed on Suffolk County Tax Maps as '7 5 and has a town {.IQ00=S,ee'tia`n�-"04�7°�°81o.c�c0 address of 1100 Silvermere Rd. , Greenport is now listed, on the Master Plan, as R=IC: iR'eaiiz.t;}Re"s 'dNenCiax.)i: This is a change from the old Zoning for the area of residential. A Very truly ours. Principal Inspector �-�- i a t . OIL, S 4o Y, Aov 77 7- + i FORM NO.4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Received BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector JAN 1 1 2024 Town !fall Southold,N.Y. Zoning Board of Appeals Certificate Of Occupancy 3 S9 No.Z15756. . ... .. .. . Date .. . .M�� 3,. .1987. . .. . .. . . . . .. . THIS CERTIFIES that the building . . . I n g r o u n d pool .. . . .... . . .. . . . . . Location of Property ..1.100 Siivermere. .Road. . .. ,,Greenpgy. .. . . . . f,tocrse ltta Strest �tlam%t County Tax Map No. 1000 Section .04 7 . . .....Block . .. 02 .... . .. ..Lot ... 015. _ _.. . . .. . Subdivision.... ..... .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .....Filed Map No. . . . . .. . .Lot No. .... . . . . . .. . . conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated ...E a b....14,..19 8 6... . pursuant to which Building Permit No. A4 7 9 Z. . . ... . . . . . . . dated _ 1986._. . .. was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law.The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ... . . . . . . „. pgroupd__Eoo2, as, accessory, use.to. one,.family .res.i dence:... . , . . . , . The certificate is issue to ... FLORENCE. JURZENIA . . . . . ... . . . . . . . of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval ... .. .. .N/A. .. .. .. . . ..... . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .N 7 6 t I 2 5. . . . . ... . .. . y .2 9 1986_ . . . . PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED: NSA Building Inspector aer,list al for kitchen SCDHS Food Services a pprov and bar in Accessory Structure 0 CO o n (D n � � o ry C Z o 4 r Food Establishment Inspection Report Page 1 of 3 Suffolk County Department of Health Services d 360 Yaphank Avenue Suite 2A Yaphank,NY 11980 Date: 1 1 11 42023 631-852-5999 WMv.suftolkcountyny.govinealth Establishment Name Establishment Address Citylstato Zip Code Telephone SILVER SANDS DINER 1400 SILVERMERE RD GREENPORT,NY 11944 917-971-7717 Permit ID 9 Permit Holder Purpose of Inspection Result of Inspection FSP-23-0012225 DHG SILVER SANDS LLC RainspectionlFollow-up Filed with Violations Owner Owner Address Permit Restrictions capacity DHG SILVER SANDS LLC 160 MERCER STREET,STE.2,NEW YORK NY 10012 D,X 30 seats ------------ —INSPECTION VIOLATIONS, ~- -- Comply by Date Degree of Violation:GOOD RETAIL PRACTICE 43-NON-FOOD CONTACT SURFACES CLEAN,MAINTAINED,IN GOOD REPAIR ' 11/2=023 Code Sectlon(sAocal Law(s): 760-1346.6-Non-food contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at such intervals as to be free of accumulations of dust,dirt,food particles,and other debris. 760-1345.1-Equipment and utensils shall be so designed and of such material and workmanship as to be smooth,easily cleanable,and durable,and shall be in good repair or shall be discarded;and the food contact surfaces of such equipment and utensils shall,in addition, be easily accessible for cleaning,nontoxic,corrosion resistant,relatively nonabsorbent and shall conform to approved design and construction standards. Violation Descrl odon(s): 1.THE INTERIOR DEFLECTOR OF THE SHAVED ICE MACHINE ACROSS FROM THE REACH-IN REFRIGERATORS AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE ESTABLISHEMNT HAD AN ACCUMULATION OF BLACK GRIMEIFILTH. 2.THE GLASSWARE WASHER WAS NOTED COVERED WITH MANUFACTERS TAPE WHICH MAKES IT NEITHER SMOOTH NOR EASILY CLEANABLE. 3.THE DISHWASHER WAS NOTED COVERED WITH MANUFACTERS TAPE WHICH MAKES IT NEITHER SMOOTH NOR EASILY CLEANABLE. I'893 5 Received JA N 1 1 2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Foots cstabiishment Inspection Repor Page 2 of 3 Suffolk County Department of Health Services 360 Yaphank Avenue Suite 2A Yaphank,NY 11980 Date: 11/14/2023 631.852-5999 %vrnv.suffolkcountyny.govihealth Establishment Name Establishment Address City/State Zip Code Telephone SILVER SANDS DINER 1400 SILVERMERE RD GREENPORT,NY 119aa 917-971.7717 Permit ID# Permit Holder Purpose of Inspection Result of Inspection FSP-23.MI2225 DHG SILVER SANDS LLC RoinspoctioniFoilow-up Filed with Violations Owner Owner Address Permit Restrictions Capacity DHG SILVER SANDS LLC 160 MERCER STREET,STE.2,NEW YORK NY 10012 D,X 30 seats Overall inspection Comments: NOTES: r=trisp$�t ft-Wnducted'Ott boat house'whkCfw6s nnC previously i'eady�at the time of"pre-op inspsctiogi at occurr0 at an earGerdafe. Establishment is okay to be fully operational. f "� Inspected By Michael Cromwell,San ID#963&Sabrina Scuria Cooper Min/Max 963&DeltaMAX used Risk Factors cited in consecutive inspections may result in enforcement action,including a possible hearing and fine. THE FOOD MANAGER'S COURSE IS AVAILABLE ONLINE IN ENGLISH.SPANISH AND CHINESEI To register for the Food Managers course,please visit https:/Iapps2.suffolkcountyny.gov/Health/FdOnline/default.aspx.Suffolk County FMC App and SIRF self-inspection app for mobile devices are available for download from Google Play and the Apple Store. All food service establishment operators are required to post the following advisory on all menus(including website menus)and menu boards located inside or outside of the establishment:'Before placing your order,please inform your server if a person in your party has a food allergy'.College,public and private school food operations are exempt. Effective Jan. 1,2020 all drinking straws and stirrers must be provided in food establishments by consumer request only,and must be made of biodegradeable(non-plastic)material.Plastic drinking straws and stirrers may continue to be provided by request to consumers with a disability or medical condition.Effective July 1,2021 the use of latex products is prohibited in all food establishments.Further information at https:f/suffolkcountyny.gov/Departments/Health-Services/Public-Health-Protection/Plasfics-and-Latex-Laws Suffolk County Local Law 29-2009 amended Chapter 437(now Chapter 754)of the Suffolk County Code to prohibit"heating or ignition of an e-Cigarette which creates a vapor'in all public places.The use of"E CIGARETTES"'IN ALL ESTABLISHMENTS WITH A SUFFOLK COUNTY FOOD PERMIT IS PROHIBITED,SUBJECT TO ALL PROVISIONS OF THE NY STATE CLEAN INDOOR AIR ACT AND SUFFOLK COUNTY LOCAL LAW. EMPLOYEE SICK POLICY WAS DISCUSSED DURING THE INSPECTION: Person in charge was reminded that all sick employees MUST be excluded from food service.No sick employee is permitted to return to work until they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours;certain illnesses require that employees are tested prior to returning to work, even if symptom-free,or require further Department approval.Contact the Bureau of Public Health Protection for details.A log must be kept on-site documenting the exclusion of ill employees. Received JAN 1 1 2024 G v S6 Zoning Board of Appeals Fooa'cstablishment Inspection Report Suffolk County Department of Health Services Page 3 of 3 360 Yaphank Avenue Suite 2A Yaphank,NY 11980 Date: 11/142023 631-852.5999 www.suffolkcountyny.gov/health Establishment Name Establishment Address City/State Zip Code Telephone SILVER SANDS DINER 1400 SILVERMERE RD GREENPORT,NY 11944 917-971-7717 Permit ID Permit Holder Purpose of Inspection Result of Inspection FSP-23-0012225 DHG SILVER SANDS LLC Reinspection/Follow-up Filed with Violations Owner Owner Address Permit Restrictions Capacity DHG SILVER SANDS LLC t60 MERCER STREET,STE-2,NEW YORK NY 10012 D,X 30 seats . .Sinta ut13s P .fi Received 3 S� JAN 112024 Zoning Board of AppealS Michael Cromwell Person Receiving Report "The items noted above are violations of applicable laws,rules and regulations found during an inspection of the operation of the facilities in this establishment which must be corrected as indicated.Failure to comply may result in the initiation of legal action against this establishment as provided for in Articles 2 and 13 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code including a hearing,possible suspension of your food operation,and/or the publication of the violation and fines.' smavrw�avCRACSM".Oscan."a,how r."Inm cculm Ell CL'xl [a.e7utgaM'+T. bUROtRCOUHfr rApmMawa OF 11"rm stuvxn SCDHS Wastewater Management Department approval Cooler ON 7 — co Q z C.'. 0 -« ry CD W A C 0 ch In cis Q- CV C- Y N ..`• yY r i ! ! i`l r 4 U z cc o f---- J i �,,,� i fil ► Jib i o-------------- J i ;--- ►13i i '�� ► �:. i 1 i r'r • N GENERAL NOTES -oa - -- 1 i �t�� t ^= - - --- -- ---- SUFfOi K COUNTY DEPAR161ENT OF HEALTH SERVICES ff------i [r ..e.... i C.� ••• f r•••;-► APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTED%A)ORKS pATE 7118rto23 C 23-0188 ws aw No f--'�---�.r�Y � ; - °`�°„� rr�ro�.�a.am.saaaa.n•.w.�wrw.rima mne ea eam muu c aft u>tiS >zs'M t r d j ' S �• i~ E: ra !�/ •�l•I lJ�p ..�.».. .. ` CRAJO KWEPFLR PE QW , ®�a� t, OfFICEOFvaASTEYIATERMAMAa;e°-`�.rrr t---- -Ip _ } t- « ' ~ p• '°='` ib c j *Final Approval for Walkln Freezers Drdy it __"' — r ' • S .0 it] —' o F I f--- _ LEG£ND. � I i ��� _ ►.w� ((��,,� awsw t wwm..a. � _ �(�. ar �`y ., cam... ee:.Ira W _ tt a •"^' •�', 4YJ AP UPt SML 1 -------- _ (rir �• �!1 Y i �`F +f r��o•.*n'� �f r wrv:r.N, a• oiva�ax,.�m�,�a W' " ar two+-aa_a 4cauflais►n 4 1 i"✓. -_ .crsrmc 4maw.ocmc+m S s SILVER SANDS r _" vt ►-mom- Condon Engineering,P.C. 10I.DiNGS� 1 LLQum�rrt�timrn OF YO 1.1192i irN IN µsiytW p� grvs9t4+ TeR � SANi1 MYI.J•GY1LT Deed for SCTM 1000-047-02- 15 0 � 0 Q � C �o a O w a � Received JAN 1 1 2024 I Il�llli IIII illll lilll 111111111111111111111111111 IN Zoning Boardc�of Appeals � 135� Ilflllf Illlllllillllllfll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of instrument: DEED Recorded: 5/24/2022 Number of Pages: 10 At: 8:19:13 PM Receipt Number: 22-0087545 *ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED* .Transfer Tax Nwaber: 21-35655 LIBER: D00013157 PAGE: 353 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing NO Handling NO COE NO NYS SRCHG NO Notation NO Cert.Copies NO gPT NO Mansion Tax NO EA-CTY NO EA-STATE NO TP-584 NO Comm,.Pres NO Transfer Tax NO Transfer Tax N 211-35655 Fees Paid Tax Map Number (s) : 1000-045.00-06.00-001.000 1000-047.00-02.00-010.000 1000-045.00-06.00-002.000 1000-047.00-02:00-012.000 1000-045.00-06.00-008.000 1000-047.00-02.00-013.000 1000-047.00-02.00-001.000 1000-047.00-02.00-014.000 1000-047.00-02.00-008.000 . !� 1000-047.00-02.00-009.000 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County MRDED Number of pages. 10 5/29/:: 8:19:13 PM Jq";Y'l A. PASCALE CLERK OF This document will be public SUF FOLK COUNTY record, Please remove all L D00013157 Social Security Numbers P 353 prior to recording. 21-35655 Deed J Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 b1S Page/Filing Fee 50.00 Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax. Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax `�];��j TP_S54 5.00 Sub Total �� O/ s c IN36tatian 0,00 SpecJAssit. ceivoa i _ or FA-52 17(County) 5.00 SubT(xal 80.00 Spec./Add. JAN , F.A•5217(State) 125.00 TOT.MTG.TAX 20L 2,200.00 Dual7bwn Dual 6 Held for Appointment R PTSA. �80ard Of Hppeai6 Cbutm.orB& 5. 00 TransierTax 22,598.00— Aff"rdati�t • Mansion 7bLx 11,,299.00_ The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy 0.00 or will be improved by a one or two NY S Surcharge 15. 00 2,345.00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other Grand Total 2,425.00 If NO,we appropriate tax clause on page# of this instrument. 4 Dist Section Block ,• Lot 5 Community Preservation Fund Real Property Consideration Amount Tax Service R a t 28 CPF Tax Due $ Agency ti°ttificatic� See ti3ot sheet Improved Satisfacxiotts►Di hacge&TAeases List Property owners Mailing Address 6 RECORD&RETURN TO: Vacant Land onl i vuz-Abstrra et, Ltd. TD 10 1399 Franklin Avemm Garden testy BY '11530 � TD Mail to:Judith A_Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 tle o atio 310 Center Drive,Rivethead, NY 11901 C, me www.suffolkcountyny.gov/derk [ride# 8 . Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached I] ? made by. (SPBCIEY TYPE OF INSTRUIVHM) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNT,NEW YORK. Tp In the•TOWN of SOMOLD In the VILIAGE or•HAN=of B0—M 6 THRU S MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK.ONLY PRIOR 70 RECORDING OR FELINovec) z�e Executors Dead-individual or Corporation E 9ewed CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE StGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-TH1S INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWY THIS INDENTURE, made the 13th day of April,2022, BETWEEN Zoning Boara of Appeals DARLINE J. DUFFY also known as DARLINE J. JURZENIA, residing at 3165 Bay Shore Road, GreenporL New York 11944. as executor of the last will and testament of EDWARD P. JURZENIA, late of Suffolk County, who died on the 2"4 day of December,2019, as to 50%interest, party of the first part, and S L Ek SMDS O DINW I'U Cq With".- s at c/o Morici & Morici LLP, 60 East 42r° Street, Suite 2450;ki3W lfOrii;'Neov Yoc`10165, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that whereas letters testamentary were issued to the party of the first part by the Surrogate's Court, Suffolk County, New York, on and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament, and/or by Article 11 of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law, and in consideration of Five Million Six Hundred Forty Nine Thousand Five Hundred ($5,649,500.00) Dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the dishibutees or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly described in"Schedule A's"attached hereto. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and also all the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the distributees or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. Subject to the trust fund provisions of section thirteen of the Lien Law. The word 'party' shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. SAID PREMISES being more commonly known as: Parcel t-T3550 Route 25,Greenport, NY District: 10o0 Section:045.00 Block: 06.00 Lot:001,000 Parcel II-1155 Silvermere Road,Greenport, NY District 1000 Section:047.00 Block: 02.0D Lot; 009.000 Parcel III-1100 Silvermere Road,Greenport, NY District 1000 Section: 047.00 Block; 02.00 Lot: 'rct°.:iti►.=�11��srrbre:orive�G,iieen �� �.��°�.A��� �� f ^ ,�+�. 2�����"����a��. Parcel V-50 Shore"Drive, Greenport, h1Y District: i000 Section: 047.00 Block:02.00 Lat:001.000 I Parcel VI - 1005 Silvermere Road, Greenport, NY District: 1000 Section: 047,00 Block: 02.00 Lot: 008.000 Parcel VIt- 1300 Silvermere Road,Greenport, NY District, 1000 Section:047.00 Block:02.00 Lot: 012,000 Parcel Vlll - 1220 Silvermere Road, Greenport, NY District: 1000 Section:047:00 Block: 02.00 Lot: 013.000 Parcel IX-73700 Route 25,Greenport,NY District: 1000 Section:045.00 Block: 06.00 Lot: 002.000 Parcel X-675 Silvermere Road, Greenport, NY District: 1000 Section:045.00 Block:06,00 Lot: 008.000 Parcel XI—0 Silvermere Road,Greenport, NY—District_1000, Section 047.00; Block 02,00; Lot 010.000 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. Received IN PRESENCE OF JAN fl 1 2024 Grantor Zoning Board of Appeals WeARD 6A-R INE J. DUFFY.�a a knownE J.JURZENIA,as Execut of the Est P. JURZENIA Acknowfedgntent Taken Within New York State(RPL 309(a)) State of New York ss County of t �1 On the day of in the year 2022, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared DARLME J. DUFFY also known as DARLINE J. JURZENIA, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowfedged to me that helshe/they executed the same in his/heritheir capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on, the instrument, the indiv►dual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. MARYANNE IiYtAND (tbTkRY4:iBjC STATE OFfiE.WYORK �� 0.'�.9tfA�usS5.ONnEAJ'lRES ScP3ffi'�ER 2oUNTY �,v Notary P q "w9Ment Taken Outside New York State.(RPL 309(b)) State,District of Columbia, Territory,,Possession,or ss.' Foreign Country On the day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personalty appeared , personally known to me-or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals)whose name(s) is (are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they. executed the same in his/herttheir capacity(ies), and that by hislherltheir signature(S)on the instrument, the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted,executed the instrument. Notary Public 2 PARCEL I11W 100 Silvemiere Road.-Green ort NY-District 1000, Section 047.00.B 02.00•Lot.0 0 All that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in Town of S d, County of Suffolk and Sta f New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a po n the westerly side of Silvermere Road, distant 85. southwesterly (as measured along sa oad)from the corner formed by the intersectio a southerly line of Silver Lane(a private ) and said westerly side of Silvermere Ro hich pint is at the southeasterly comer of lan w or formerly of Nunno); Running thence along the we and southwesterly side of Sit re Road the following two courses and distances: 1. South 15 degrees 21 minutes 3 onds West.205.40 2. South 47 degrees 33 minutes East, 16 feet to a po' Thence south 49 degrees 00 minutes 00 s ds along the northwesterly tine of land now or formerly of Frohne(and along the southea a of a.certain right of way), 87.12 feet to a point; Thence south 49 degrees 45 minutes 00 ids st along the westerly line of said land now or formerly of Frohne, 310.5 feet to the ' of Pip ove; Thence along last mentioned tie line a following ourses and distances: 1. South 77 degrees 48 minutes 46.5 feet; 2. South 69 degrees 58 minut st, 53.2 feet to a point land now or formerly of Harry G. Steinmetz; Thence north 3 degre minutes 00 seconds East along last n land, 607 feet to the southerly line of la w or formerly of Wagner, Thence north 8 rees 53 minutes 40 seconds East along last named land, and continuing on that course the southerly lines of land nor or formerly of Fischer and land now or formerly of Nunno, .04 feet to the westerly side of Silvermere Road, at the point or place of BEGINNING. PARt;EL7t7�`fy35°Stioi `Diitie$Greenpo[t' �fY #Drstrict1000:•'Section..047:DU.'Bfock=,02:00> -Al that certain plot,piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which marks the northeasterly corner of the premises about to be described,which point is distant the following two courses and distance from the former formed by the intersection of the southerly side of a 50 feet right of way(Private Road)known as shore Drive with the westerly side of Silvermere Road, (Town Highway): 1.Westerly along the southerly side of said Shore Drive along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 2782.0 feet a distant of 246.29 feet; 2. South 3 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along land now or formerly of Marjorie Mete 216.66 feet to the true point of BEGINNING, and from said point; Running thence along land nor or formerly of Edward P.Jurzenia formerly Clarence C. Roach, south 3 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West,607.47 feet to Pipes Cove; Thence westerly along the same to the tie line of which bears South 66 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds West, 173.26 feet to land shown on Map of Greenpoint Shores, Pa No. 1759; Thence along said land, North 6 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds East, 686.34 feet to the southerly side of land of said Marjorie Mete; Thence along said land, South 86 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East, 123.77 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 6 "� S seC Ned Zoning Board 01 Appeals EXECUTOR'S DEED Title#339-1833-S-FA Grantor: Received DARLINE J. DUFFY also known as DARLINE J.JURZENIA,as Executor of the JAN 112024 Estate of EDWARD P.JURZENIA, TO Zoning Board 01 E, DISTRICT 1000 SECTIONS 047.00&045.00 BLOCKS 02.00 &06.00 LOTS 001.000, 009.000, 014.000,E 001.000, 008.000, 010.000, 012.000, 013.000, 002.000, 008-000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk Record and Return to: Michael D. Morici,Jr.,Esq. Morici&Morici LLP 60 East 42nd Street,Suite 2450 New York, New York 10165 3 Corporate Documents for Silver Sands Holdings I LLC ON 0 0 o o CD w o ) C CD w ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COPY ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION -W3 s OF Received Silver Sands Holdings I LLC Under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company.law JAN 112024 FIRST: The name of the limited liability company is: ZOming Board of Appeals Silver Sands Holdings I LLC SECOND: To engage in any lawful act or activity within the purposes for which limited liability companies may be organized pursuant to Limited Liability Company Law provided that the limited liability company is not formed to engage in any act or activity requiring the consent or approval of any state official,department,board,agency,or other body without such consent or approval first being obtained. THIRD: The county,within this state,in which the office of the limited liability company is to be located is ALBANY. FOURTH:, The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served.The address within or without this state to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the limited liability company served upon him or her is: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 80 STATE ST. ALBANY,NY 12207 FIFTH: The limited liability company designates the following as its registered agent upon whom process against it may be served within the State of New York is: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 80 STATE ST. ALBANY,NY 12207 SIXTH: The limited liability company is to be managed by:ONE OR MORE MEMBERS. DOS-12394-11(Rev.02112) Page I of t i SEVENTH: The limited liability company shall defend,indemnify and hold harmless all members, managers,and former members and managers of the limited liability company against expenses(including attorney's fees,judgments,fines,and amounts paid in settlement) incurred in connection with any claims,causes of action,demands,damages,liabilities of the limited liability company,and any pending or threatened action,suit,or proceeding. Such indemnification shall be made to the fullest extent permitted by.the laws of the State of New York,provided that such acts or omissions which gives rise to the cause of action or proceedings occurred while the Member or Manager was in performance of his or her duties for the limited liability company and was not as a result of his or her fraud,gross negligence,willful misconduct or a wrongful taking.The.indemnification provided herein shall inure to the benefit of successors,assigns,heirs,executors,and the administrators of any such person. i certify that I have read the above statements,I ant authorized to sign these Articles of Organization, that the above statements arc true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that my signature typed below constitutes my signature. Christopher D.Aloisi (signature) Christopher D.AIoisi,ORGANIZER P.O. Box 8627 Albany,NY 12208 seceived JAN � 12024 Filed by: Appeals Windsor Corporate Services Zoning Board of P.O. Box 8627 Albany,NY 12208 NM"SOR PUBLISHING INC. (Q5) DRAWDOWN Psge 2 a£2 A�O''�?VLEDGE ENT COPY N.Y.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS At ,,TATE RECORDS ALBANY, 12231-0001 ONLINE FILING RECEIPT ENTITY NAME: SILVER SANDS MOLDINGS I LLC DOCUMENT TYPE: ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION (DOM. LLC) COUNTY: ALBA —...SS.--.'=�9a�i'=�gcasaffiGrsaraaco=ataG��c�t��.���^..L"GG�C.sCG=�^.��c�-^.=a«�aa�cs6aaac.CCS=��aaCaR FILED:11/17/2020 DURATION:********** CASH#:201117010254 FILE#:201117010254 DOS ID:5679977 FILER: EXIST DATE ------ ---------- WINDSOR CORPORATE SERVICES 11/17/2020 P.O. BOX 8627 ALBANY, NY 12208 ADDRESS FOR PROCESS: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY Received 80 STATE ST. ALBANY, NY 12207 JAN 112024 REGISTERED AGENT: -- Zoning Board of q CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY Appeals 80 STATE ST. ALBANY, NY 12207 •••••••••••• ••;4ti aF NE . % Co • cF • • .nkcsl sip • ••• �'N'j' O r • The limited liability company is required to file a Biennial Statement with the Department of State -every two years pursuant to Limited. Liability 'Company Law Section 301. Notification that the Biennial Statement is due will only be made via email.. Please go to www-email.6biennial.dos.ny.gov to provide an email address to receive an email notification when. the Biennial Statement is due. SERVICE COMPANY: WINDSOR PUBLISHING INC.-Q5 SERVICE CODE: Q5 FEE: 200.00 PAYMENTS 200.00 -- FILING: 200.00 CHARGE 0.00 TAX: 0„d0 DRAWDOWN 200.00 PLAIN COPY: 0.00 CERT COPY: 0.00 CERT OF EXIST: 0.00 �.�==Baasavcasv�.am---=a��-_-aaa.-3accazma._.=a=�acaa�saazcamamaaacoa�=aaa=aca.�== DOS-1025 (10/2020) Authentication Number: 2011170353 To verify the authenticity of this document you- may access the Division of Corporation's Document Authentication Website at ht ://eco .dos.n . A celvea JAN 112024 $� ERR DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY ���� INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Board Of A"AP CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 Zoning Date of this notice: 11-17-2020 Employer Identification Number: 85-3926282 Form: SS-4 Number of this notice: CP 575 B SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1 LLC ALEXANDER PERROS MBR 19215 SOUNDVIsj AVE For assistance you may call us at: SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 1-800-829-4933 IF YOU WRITE, ATTACH THE STUB AT THE END OF THIS NOTICE. WE ASSIGNED YOU AN EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Thank you for applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). We assigned you EIN 85-3926282. This EIN will identify you, your business accounts, tax returns, and { documents, even if you have no employees. Please keep this notice in your permanent records. When filing tax documents, payments, and related correspondence, it is very important that you use your EIN and complete name and address exactly as shown above. Any variation may cause a delay in processing, result in incorrect information in your account, or even 4 cause you to be assigned more than one EIN. If the information is not correct as shown above, please make the correction using the attached tear off stub and return it to us. Based on the information received from you or your representative, you must file the following form(s) by the date(s) shown. a Form 1065 03/15/2021 If you have questions about the form(s) or the due date a (s) shown, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you need help in determining your annual accounting period (tax year), see Publication 538, Accounting Periods and Methods. We assigned you a tax classification based on information obtained from you or your representative. It is not a legal determination of your tax classification, and is not binding on the IRS. If you want a legal determination of your tax classification, you may request a private letter ruling from the IRS under the guidelines in Revenue Procedure 2004-1, 2004-1 I.R.B. 1 (or superseding Revenue Procedure for the year at issue). Note: Certain tax classification elections can be requested by filing Form 8832, Entity Classification Election. See Form 8832 and its instructions for additional information. A limited liability company (LLC) may file Form 8832, Entity Classification Election, and elect to be classified as an association taxable .as a corporation. If the LLC is eligible to be treated as a corporation that meets certain tests and it will be electing S corporation status, it must timely file Form 2553, Election by a Small Business Corporation. The LLC will be treated as a corporation as of the effective date of the S corporation election and does not need to file Form 8832. To obtain tax forms and publications, including those referenced in this notice, visit our Web site at www.irs.gov. If you do not have access to the Internet, call 1-800-829-3676 (TTY/TDD 1-800-829-4059) or visit your local IRS office. i (IRS USE ONLY) 575D 11-17-2020 SILV B 9999999999 SS-4 Received 5� �13 JA N 112024 rNPORTANT REMINDERS: Zoning Board ot. • ji Keep a copy of this notice in your permanent records. This notice is ��fiG only one time and the IRS will not be able to generate a duplicate copy for you. You may give a copy of this document to anyone asking for proof of your EIN. * Use this EIN and your name exactly as they appear at the top of this notice on all Your federal tax farms. * Refer to this EIN on your tax-related correspondence and documents. If you have questions about your EIN, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice. If you write, please tear. off the stub at the bottom of this notice and send it along with your letter. If you do not need to write us, do not complete and return the stub. Your name control associated with this EIN is SILV. You will need to provide this information, along with your EIN, if you file your returns electronically. Thank you for your cooperation. Keep this part for your .records. CP 575 B (Rev. 7-2007) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return this part with any correspondence so we may identify your account. Please CP .575 B correct any errors in your name or address. 9999999999 Your Telephone Number Best Time to Call DATE OF THIS NOTICE: .11-17-2020 ( ) - .EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 95-3926282 FORM: SS-4 NOBOD INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS.I LLC CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 ALEXANDER PERROS MR 19215 SOUNDVIEW AVE SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 STATE OF NEW YORK Re.reived DEPARTMENT OF STATE BAN I 1 2024 Certificate or status Zoning Board of APPe Is 1,ROBERT J.RODRIGUEZ,Secretary of State of the State of New York and custodian of the records required by law to be filed in my office,do hereby certify that upon a diligent examination of the records of the Department of State, as of the date and time of this certificate,the follouing entity information is reflected: Entity Name: SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I LLC DOS ED Number: 5879977 Entity Type: DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Entity Status: EXISTING Date of Initial Filing with DOS: 11/17/2020 Statement Status: CURRENT Statement Due Date: 11/30/2022 No information is available from this office regarding the financial condition,business activity or practices of this entity. WITNESS my hand and official seal of the Department of State, • ti OF ••• at the City of Albany,on May 16,2022 at 01:42 P.M. RoBERT J.RoDRIGUEZ,Secretary of State ' `3 •: •: By Brendan C.Hughes •.ENT, ••• Executive Deputy Secretary of State Authentication Number.100001570299 To Verify the authenticity of this document you may access the Division of Corporation's Document Authentication Website at httijAccom.dos.nnov ZBA CHECK FEES - 2024 Funding±Account- B2110.10 BATE: NAME ZBA FILE# FEE CHECK# bATE SENT TO TCO 1/16/2024 Gagnon,Sebastien 7892 $1,000.00 100863 1/22/2024 1/16/2024 Gagnon,Sebastien 7892 $250.00 100873 1/22/2024 1/16/2024 Silver Sands Holdings I LLC 7�,�89t3SE� $2,400.00 226 1/22/2024 1/16/2024 Silver Sands Holdings I LLC a7,-89,3gF $2,400.00 236 1/22/2024 1/18/2024 Silver Sands Holdings I LLC 7894 $750.00 238 1/22/2024 1/18/2024 Vella,Aleen 7895 $1,500.00 3305 1/22/2024 $8,300.00 RECEIVED JAN 2 5 2024 Southold Town Clerk Town of Southold P.O Box 1,179j. Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT Date: 01/23/24 Receipt#: 321483 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 ZBA Application Fees 7892 $1,250.00 1 ZBA Application Fees 7893SE $4,800.00 1 ZBA Application Fees 7894 $750.00 1 ZBA Application Fees 7895 $1,500.00 Total Paid: $8,300.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#0226 $2,400.00 Silver Sands Holdings I LLC CK#0236 $2,400.00 Silver Sands Holdings I LLC CK#0238 $750.00 Silver Sands Holdings I LLC CK#100863 $1,000.00 Twomey, Latham CK#100873 $250.00 Twomey, Latham CK#3305 $1,500.00 Vella, Aleen H Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Vella, Aleen H 67 High Street East Williston, NY 11596 Clerk ID: JENNIFER Internal ID:7895 0226 Silver Sands Holdings i LLC 1400 Silvermere Road Greenport,NY 11944 al', � 1-2/210 _ DATE PAY TO ORDER OFE 1 011 VL DOLLARS CHASE a i JPMorgan Chase Bank,N.A. j� www.Chase.com FOR -- -- - - --- 0236 Silver Sands holdings i LLC 1400 Silvermere Road 1-2/210 Greenport,.NY 11944 DATE I& • 1 PAY TO THE ORDER OF------' DOLLARS 8 LI ASE Q JPMorgan Chase Bank,N.A. e — www.Chase.com FOR - — RECEIVE® JAN 2 3 2024 I : outhold Town �°��5°k �- ;INS The following application will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold The application will ALSO be available VIA ZOOM WEBINAR - Follow link - httpm.//Southoldtownny.gov/calendar.a, spx PAME SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS LLC # 7893 SE SCTM # : 100047215 VARIANCE: SPECIAL EXCEPTION REQUESTE TO CONVERT AN EXISTING ACCESSORY BOATHOUSE TO A FREESTANDING RESTAURANT WITH OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE FOR RESTAURANT OPERATIONS & PERMISSION FOR AN ACCESSORY SEASONAL OUTDOOR BBQ/BAR AREA E. -ATE THURS. , AUG . 1 , 2024 1 :20 PM You may review the file(s) on the town's website under Town Records/Weblink: ZBA/ Board Actions/ Pending. ZBA Office telephone (631 ) 765-1809 ' ``ti \� � � i 3 { i 2• i i ° EO � isi k +.:J ..-�u a:�(� ��Vs2 �e 3� �� , L- vd�rwu 4 1 t "a"",.e _ ..,.,� �c a•.wu +. Y X _ y x k 6 v;o.4 ' 1 Cz Y 4ON r- co t• ' Y Q s w CD\\ _ �o 0 } CD _ -- vi - •- Yi,t .e - 'tee_ f+ .".K'ax:.t rrw` . t A,; t' 1,_ ,. �.. 4 pf"?,• i, i. '..' Y4 1 �ACaii?n�4bkfF' Ku' WSWae` tA: M if tit+, � ,�. 1 � /Q� °U' i/ lsd� M1 ',•i^I�kE"E' +k�'�*t ~'`�r4 Y£��i'! Ja•, T / // T % •c I¢}I`KI i.. T; 3 v"4rf.dryh,�'°_ 41� Ra 0. / a 1 ie7 t 5 0 4' E u i 71 may! / � •� :� I Try 75 '.< { Y�J Ta 105 ///fit� �� N A •� ���� b N _ 2•T y9 a� tp 01 (( C'ci+R` 9 q r" r 85, �Y• 'm d .y�rn ,Ca •,�.' of p ` " Si'I_ ERMERE RD, a r7 S�/ � .:�•'%i9'6;tiK'Fni�:•��?'• � "`» i..: •j•`• ,•^.,_ i r. ' vtau. ,•t�1 j 1 /a !/ H l 'sains»'fa": _ t 1;,. ,,rigid .,a}i.._• _ } �• r .2, men+ .wrY.a• t•r>..-n•a..,. y�.r. •d 1� 7 t � .,,a,-..wr.,•-..t. '�'..p..e'y.'Y( ' III VD tt iaix Jos' _ •'�� i' :r ::k..,. •Y' f. `t�.3.-� �t •.�, ', .t �`�.'p al, i^t it ask__ n 0 -WTA ,I.1t�r ~� �, t r„e,,�w,� {+.,,�,...'�,�:.;p.� �: a.' _ I ��I,•I t y� I f{ Ili ��.' 41 y �i.�'`:� '1,+;�i` rap J .� y• f } :��.r;.i �j lg 1 I�r i!�: + 'Chi ti l _ry ¢ ' .,��} •' `.+t%'s a + 1 "•1' `v-sI, arc,w4Y=-•v� '�`� ��r•n-. .of+�j ...,.a4 ...g. ..tk a+,.t'Is{�'' I�' i- BOARD MEMBERS ��0f SU(/l�o Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson` h0 1p 53095 Main Road - P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes �pQ Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert, Jr. 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento �COu Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809 LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, May 2, 2024 at 10:00 AM PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280 (Zoning), Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971-0969, on THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024: 1:10 P.M. -SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I, LLC. #7893SE - Request for a Special Exception pursuant to Article VII, Section 280-35(B)(6), applicant requests; (1) to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space, for _ restaurant operations; and (2) permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/ bar area; located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Southold, NY SCTM 1000-47-2-15. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review on The Town's Weblink/Laserfiche under Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)\Board Actions\Pending. Link: If you have questions, please telephone our office at (631) 765-1809, or by email: kimf@southoldtownny.gov. Dated: April 18, 2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN, CHAIRPERSON By: Kim E. Fuentes 54375 Main Road (Office Location) 53095 Main Road (Mailing/USPS) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 t �35 James H.Rich III,Chairman �� Southold Town Planning Board Members of the Planning Board i NOY 12 3024 November 11,2024 ZONINGBOARDOFAPPEALS Dear Members of the Planning Board, Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your memorandum regarding our applications for Silver Sands.I appreciate the constructive feedback and the time dedicated to reviewing our project. Below, I address your key concerns, emphasizing our collaborative efforts and viable solutions. Additionally,I would like to request a meeting within the next 1-2 weeks to discuss these proposals in detail and work collaboratively to-resolve any outstanding issues. 1. GENERAL SUPPORT&COMMUNITY BACKING We are grateful that the Board acknowledges our investment in restoring and enhancing the historic Silver Sands Resort Residential site. We have unanimous support from our neighboring property owners, as documented in our ZBA application,along with nearly 150 letters of support from the broader community.Importantly,our closest neighbors,Cathy Hearst(1195 Shore Drive,SCTM 1000-47-2-25.1)and Richard&Cathy Steinmuller(1175 Shore Drive,SCTM 1000-47-2-24),who are full-time residents and whose homes are closest to the Boathouse—and who would, in'theory, be the most affected by our applications—have each submitted individual letters of support [reattached in Exhibit A] and also spoke up in favor of our project at the November 7th ZBA public hearing.Their consistent support underscores the positive impact of our proposals on the immediate community. The Silver Sands properties were rezoned to Resort Residential(RR)in 1989 to reflect the existing and intended resort- style uses.Our applications fully respect the spirit and purpose of this zoning,as they involve no new construction but rather the thoughtful repurposing of existing buildings. We are committed to minimizing environmental impact and preserving the historical character of the site.Without the necessary approvals to ensure the viability of our operations, we may need to consider alternative approaches, which could include higher-density developments that would unfortunately involve new construction and,could have a greater impact on the environment. Our current proposal is not only in keeping with the RR zoning but also represents the most sustainable and community-friendly approach. 2.PARKING DEFICIENCY CONCERNS The proposed seating capacity for the Boathouse Restaurant and Outdoor Dining Space totals 111 seats: 51 indoor and 60 seasonal outdoor seats used only during peak summer months.This seasonal approach naturally aligns with the influx of guests who arrive by alternative means,like by boat,which further alleviates parking demand. The Board raised concerns about the discrepancy between the required 99 parking stalls and the 50 we are providing. We address this as follows: • Shared Use&Guest Overlap:The assumption that all 111 restaurant seats require separate parking spaces does not reflect the unique shared-use dynamics of our resort.On peak summer weekends,we can host up to 80-85 overnight guests,most of whom dine at our restaurant and diner multiple times during their stay.To mitigate parking demand,we have committed to reserving 7540 of all dining seats exclusively for overnight guests, a strategic measure based on. our data and operational experience. This allocation reduces the parking requirement by 33 spaces.Additionally,we have not had an instance where a guest visits Silver Sands without dining on the premises,further proving the efficiency of this model. • Rotated Parking Spaces on Lot 10:.As noted in the memorandum, we adjusted Lot 10's parking layout to ensure all vehicles remain parallel, eliminating any encroachment onto Town property. This adjustment currently provides five parking stalls. However, Lot 10's dimensions (over 20 feet deep and 147 feet wide) offer an opportunity for more parking if necessary. By removing the row of cedar trees along the northern edge,we could create 15 perpendicular stalls,resulting in a net gain of 10 spaces and increasing our total to 60.While we prefer to keep the trees for environmental and aesthetic reasons,we are willing to explore this option if required by the Board.The expanded layout is illustrated in Exhibit B. • Seasonal Boat Arrivals: We presented data from our dedicated tender service vendor, RideShore,which is partially owned by Albertson Marine,showing an average of 19.8 guests arriving by boat daily during peak summer.This directly supports our seasonal outdoor seating, reducing the strain on parking. By facilitating controlled and safe guest arrivals, we not only support a local business but also minimize vehicle traffic, aligning with our environmentally conscious approach. We respectfully ask the Board to consider this in evaluating our parking needs. • Employee Housing&Impact:The memorandum mentions that many employees live"nearby";however,this characterization does not fully capture our strategic efforts to address parking and community impact. Our parking analysis specifically requested a credit because Silver Sands has made a significant investment in purchasing three adjacent homes solely for employee housing. This initiative ensures that employees can walk to work,effectively eliminating the need for on-site parking and reducing traffic congestion.By choosing to house our employees on adjacent properties, we align with the Planning Board's stated interests in reducing vehicle dependency and promoting sustainable,community-oriented practices.We hope the Board will recognize this proactive solution and give it appropriate consideration. • Parking Lot Material: We propose maintaining our bluestone gravel surfaces, consistent with the site's natural aesthetic and environmental values. During the Board Meeting, it was suggested that blacktopping the parking lot might be preferable to facilitate striping and organization.Asphalt would disrupt this character and pose risks to nearby sensitive wetlands.The Trustees have also expressed opposition to asphalt,even beyond their direct jurisdiction. To illustrate a local precedent,I would note that the Soundview Hotel in Greenport relies heavily on a parking lot located across Route 48 —a road with a 50 MPH speed.limit and significant safety concerns. This lot, surfaced with loose gravel, serves both their restaurant, hotel guest,and employee parking needs, despite the higher density at Soundview compared to Silver Sands.While their gravel lot is unstriped and lacks parking curbs,it functions effectively within the community context.Similarly,we believe our proposal to maintain our gravel driveway and parking lot is both reasonable and environmentally sound. We have successfully delineated parking spaces for hotel guests using strategic signage and parking curbs,and to further ensure smooth traffic flow and proper vehicle placement,especially during peak summer months,we are prepared to designate a Silver Sands employee as a full-time parking coordinator to manage traffic flow and ensure proper vehicle placement. We would greatly appreciate the Board's guidance on any preferred alternatives or specific requirements for the parking layout, as well as any other site adjustments. Your input will help us ensure full compliance and facilitate a prompt resolution. 3.EMERGENCY ACCESS&FIRE SUPPRESSION Fire Safety Compliance & Signage: We have proactively addressed fire safety requirements in our previous submissions,including: • Ensuring the access roadway complies with Section 503 and Appendix D of the NYS Fire Code. • Designing a Fire-Code-compliant turnaround with clear labeling of design,type,and dimensions. • Certifying the driveway base with a weight capacity of at least 75,000 lbs. • Detailing the distance from the nearest hydrant to buildings and providing flow test calculations for the "Private Hydrant"shown on our plan. • Specifying the distance from the end of the fire access road to the furthest part of the building. Our redesigned parking layout ensures full compliance with fire safety access requirements while maintaining the ecological and aesthetic integrity of the property.We are prepared to implement any additional signage as required by the Board and are open to adjustments that further enhance safety and compliance. However,we strongly prefer to avoid striping the parking lot, as this would require asphalt,which conflicts with our environmental principles and the character of Silver Sands. Instead, we request the Board's guidance on the placement and number of signs to achieve a safe and compliant solution. 4.LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM(LWRP)CONCERNS We fully understand the importance of safeguarding Southold's coastal environment and appreciate the Board's diligence in evaluating our project's consistency with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP).Our efforts have been thoughtfully designed to align with these principles, reflecting our commitment to environmental stewardship and the historical integrity of Silver Sands. Our project respects the longstanding legacy of the Silver Sands Resort,with the Boathouse building nearly 100 years old. Relocating such a structure is not only impractical but would also cause significant environmental disruption. Instead,we have invested heavily in proactive measures to protect and enhance the surrounding ecosystem: • Investment in Environmental Mitigation:As part of our comprehensive rejuvenation completed in June 2023, we made a seven-figure investment in ecological enhancements.This includes extensive planting of native species across the entire site,the preservation of century-old oak trees,and the creation of wetland buffers to prevent erosion and promote coastal resilience. • Storm Drainage and Erosion Control: We have installed advanced drainage systems designed to mitigate stormwater runoff and prevent erosion,which are detailed in our site plans and applications with the Town Trustees.These measures align with best management practices and ensure that our development does not contribute to flooding or degradation of the waterfront. • Rebuilt Bulkhead: The bulkhead along Lot 15 has been reinforced and rebuilt to withstand storm surges, minimizing flood risks and protecting the shoreline.This significant investment is part of our broader strategy to safeguard the coastal environment in accordance with state regulations. • Partnerships with Local Environmental Leaders: We are proud to partner with Oysterponds Shellfish Company, New York's largest oyster producer, which operates its farm in our underwater lot just a few hundred feet away in Pipes Cove.This partnership not only supports local aquaculture but also contributes to the health of the bay through oyster reef restoration and educational initiatives. • Flood Zone Status:It is important to note that all Silver Sands lots are not located in a flood zone.This further demonstrates that our site is naturally less vulnerable to flooding, and our extensive mitigation measures only strengthen the property's resilience. These measures demonstrate our deep commitment to preserving Southold's natural beauty and minimizing our environmental footprint.We believe our project aligns with the LWRP's goals of responsible coastal management and enhancing the town's ecological health. 5.CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN We are pleased that there is broad acknowledgment,including from Leslie Weisman,Chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals,that our application aligns with the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan.Specifically: • Economic Contribution:Although we operate as a seasonal business,both the hotel and restaurants,we are fully committed to remaining open year-round to support and contribute to the local community rather than merely extracting resources during the busy summer months.Currently,over 9W6 of our employees are local residents,and maintaining year-round operations provides crucial stability for them and the broader economy. However,operating during the offseason comes with significant financial losses, making it imperative for us to maximize profitability in the peak summer months.If the Board restricts the number of restaurant seats to a level that we cannot make enough money in the summer to carry us through the winter,we may be left with no choice but to adopt a strictly seasonal model,similar to establishments like Sunset Beach or Duryea's, which only operate during peak summer. This is not our preference; we have intentionally chosen a more challenging, year-round model to benefit the community and to create long-term value, even though it is financially more difficult.Nevertheless,we must ensure that the business remains financially viable to sustain our year-round operations and continue contributing positively to the local community. If profitability is severely compromised,we may ultimately have to consider higher-density development alternatives,such as condos or waterfront homes, which, while more lucrative, would not provide the same community and economic benefits as our current approach. • Consistency with the Resort Residential(RR)District Goals:Our proposed enhancements are fully aligned with the objectives of the Resort Residential District,which aim to foster appropriate resort use in waterfront areas equipped with public utilities. The thoughtful expansion of Silver Sands fits seamlessly within these guidelines,enhancing the property's role as a community asset while respecting the zoning principles. • Value of the Property's Unique Setting: Silver Sands is a legacy resort with nearly a century of history, uniquely positioned to serve as both an economic driver and a steward of the coastal environment. Our approach ensures that the property continues to contribute positively to the local community, a vision that echoes the Comprehensive Plan's call for balanced development. • Community Integration: We partner with environmental organizations and support local aquaculture. Oysterponds Shellfish Company,New York's largest oyster producer,grows their oysters in Pipes Cove,and we are proud to showcase them at our restaurant. Cornell Cooperative Extension is excited about hosting educational events on-site,highlighting our working waterfront and circular economy.Guests can learn about oyster farming and enjoy fresh oysters,with shells reused to plant reefs in the bay. - • Commitment to Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship: We have made a seven-figure investment in implementing sustainable and low-impact development measures.These include native plant landscaping, robust stormwater management systems, and strategic erosion control. Our proactive steps have ensured that Silver Sands remains both an environmental asset and a responsible member of the Southold community, contributing to the long-term resilience of the local ecosystem. • Preventing Development Sprawl:We actively preserve open spaces and promote ecological health through partnerships with the Peconic Land Trust.Our operation aligns with Southold's values,and our ongoing efforts contribute to a vibrant and sustainable local community. 6.SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE The ZBA Chairperson, Ms. Leslie Weisman, confirmed at the November 71h hearing that the historical context of our property justifies the requested side yard setback variance.The Boathouse,built nearly 100 years ago,is a community fixture that predates zoning regulations and neighboring developments.To further minimize any impact on neighbors, we installed a solid stockade fence and 16-foot evergreen trees,exceeding Town Code requirements. 7.SEWER SYSTEM CLARIFICATIONS Our proposal involves no new hookups or increased wastewater flow, addressing the core concerns of the Village's sewer moratorium.The Village has previously confirmed that our existing contract and sewer connection letters are sufficient for restaurant use, as demonstrated by their approval of the diner in the motel building. Our 1987 sewer contract with the Village covers all existing hookups and even anticipates future capacity,for which we remain well under the limit. Following our initial application and meetings with the Village,we obtained crucial exhibits through a FOIL request with the Suffolk County Department of Health. These exhibits confirm that 10096 of the buildings comprising the Silver Sands Resort were connected to the sewer system, with all financial obligations for these connections fully satisfied.Additionally,engineering calculations show a 1796 reduction in wastewater flow since our acquisition, due to room count reductions and converting overnight units to day-use spaces. As a result, we do not require new approvals from the Village,as our existing agreements and rights comprehensively cover our current and proposed use. 8.CLARIFYING THE LIGHTING COMPLIANCE Our landscape lighting design fully adheres to Town Code and Dark Sky regulations. Contrary to the mention at the Planning Board meeting, Town Code does not prohibit all uplighting. Instead, it categorizes our lighting as "Nonessential Exterior Lighting,"which must be turned off within 30 minutes after business hours or when not in use, a requirement we meet in full. To ensure compliance,our lighting system is managed through a Lutron controller.All landscape lighting turns on at sunset,with upward lighting directed into tree canopies and programmed to shut off at 10:00 pm on weekdays and 11:59 pm on weekends.This setup provides a balance between aesthetic appeal and environmental responsibility.Our comprehensive lighting analysis includes detailed references to both Town Code and Dark Sky standards, demonstrating how each fixture aligns with these regulations. Should the Board find it beneficial, we are happy to arrange a meeting with our landscape lighting expert to address any questions or discuss further details. CONCLUSION Our proposals meet and exceed the standards for protecting Southold's unique character and environment.We remain committed to collaboration and resolving any concerns.To the extent there are specific items the Board would like to see on the site plan,we are more than happy to make those adjustments promptly and move forward without delay. We would also appreciate the opportunity to meet in person to address any remaining issues and work towards a resolution together.Thank you for considering our efforts to preserve and enhance Silver Sands for future generations. Respectfully, Alexander Perros Proprietor,Silver Sands Cc: Heather Lanza,Town Planning Department Director,Southold Town Planning Board Brian Cummings,Senior Planner,Southold Town Planning Board Leslie Weisman,Chairperson,Zoning Board of Appeals Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals Julie McGivney,Assistant Town Attorney Charles R.Cuddy,Attorney at Law Exhibit A—Support Letters from Neighbors 0 Letters of Supp ort from Neighbors to SCTM 100 7-® ® 15 C. w M >0 "NO 0 C=1CCCIII M> Letters of Support from Direct Neighbors of SCTM 1000-47-2-15 • 1000-47-2-5 — 345 Shore Drive aka 1600 Shore Drive (Dwyer) • 1000-47-2-18 — 695 Shore Drive (Bertetto) • 1000-47-2-19 — 715 Shore Drive (De Franco) • 1000-47-2-20— 775 Shore Drive (Hearst)** • 1000-47-2-21 — 855 Shore Drive (Wynja / Perkins) • 1000-47-2-22 —935 Shore Drive (Bencivenga) • 1000-47-2-24— 1175 Shore Drive (Steinmuller) • 1000-47-2-25.1 — 1195 Shore Drive (Hearst)** ** 775 Shore Drive and 1195 Shore Drive have same owner (Hearst) Neighbors of SCTM 1000-47-2-15 that have common ownership as Silver Sands • 1000-47-2-7—950 Silvermere Road (Silver Sands Holdings I LLC) • 1000-47-2-5 — 175 Silver Lane (Silver Sands Holdings II LLC) • 1000-47-2-23 — 1095 Shore Drive (Silver Sands Holdings II LLC) Letters of Support from other Neighbors of Silver Sands properties • 1000-47-2-26.1 — 1265 Shore Drive (Shack) • 1000-47-2-29 — 1555 Shore Drive (Eicher) • 1000-45.-6-9.4— 1420 9th Street (Nelson) 0 1000-45.-6-4— 74100 Main Road (Mills) ,1 I " r� t r �. " �-_.�.-fir---ti•�Lt �, .I �zs //f f • -- f --`_--j^- pi 4 `p f+�(Si W IW I lip1 I I I / �/,�l1'',/ .'�/ ;:ems'\x•�.._.,�..m�...,.,., 21t �579'51'17-W r �jti' IkYW�\�S � P,�P cJC � o lf o ��V Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing this letter in support of the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport, NY 11944• My family's roots show some long-term connections here in Southold. Having lived on. Shore Road for the last 12 years and having had past family members own and operate the Arrow Fishing Station here in Southold during the mid 196os and`7os, community engagement is of major concern. With this in mind, what I have witnessed in the past 2 years at Silver Sands is the dedication Mr. Perros and his team have in restoring and highlighting the motel and its surroundings into this beautiful seaside resort. From the neon front entrance logo to the clean sandy trails bordering the scenic Peconic coastline, the commitment to preserve this piece of community history is spot on. The future of the North Fork needs the Silver Sands motel with its charm and old-time elegance. It fits seamlessly with the character of the area and Mr. Perros has respect for our input and concerns. Consider this my official endorsement. Sincerely, Richard and Cathy Steinmuller 1175 Shore Drive Greenport, NY 11944 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I ain writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands Property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. Having lived on Shore Drive,I've observed the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating the motel resort originally built in 1957.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for oar input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable cominunity initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. Having lived on Shore Drive,I've observed the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating the motel resort originally built in 1957.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, F Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been nothing short of incredible. Having owned a home on Shore Drive for the last 20 years,I've observed the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating the motel resort originally built in 1957. The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant. We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses. The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, DOCUSegned by: Pwbert Eicher 823991R34GF65A3... Robert and Lauren Eicher 1555 Shore Drive Greenport NY 11944 914-715-9124 It' V SubJect:Silver Sands Property YRedevelopment 3 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing regarding the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944. I support the adjustment of the property zoning to include the preexisting pool as well as a standalone restaurant in the boathouse building.Mr.Perros and the Silver Sands team have done a great job restoring the property and have been incredibly thoughtful about telling the neighbors about planned works.I look forward to the boathouse restaurant. I do want to express my concern with the building under consideration to be rezoned as a commercial kitchen.I trust Mr.Perros that he intends to use the space at most as a prep kitchen for Eddie's,as he has communicated to me.As business needs and management changes over time,however,I feel that rezoning this building would leave it open to be used differently than is currently intended.A commercial kitchen could be used for hosting large events on-property much beyond serving guests and locals,or used for catering off-property,greatly increasing commercial traffic. I think the existing boathouse building is adequate to serve for the restaurant and the current single- family dwelling should be zoned for something that doesn't leave open the potential for future misuse. Sincerely, Nick Wynja 775 Shore Drive SOPJect. Endonurnent eor Silver Sands Property Rcdc vePoprT ent Southold Town Zoning Board of Appt.als Town l-Pall Annex Bul1din; 5,1:375 ltvute 2y,:P.G.P3fas 11)g S011010d,NY 11971 Dear timber of the 71oning,Board ofApIwal5,, T am writing to'cxpress Im supl,)cirt for the proposes£Villic,11ioll Of the Sil�•er SR17 Ps prcips:rq•aat 1). 5 Sih-c:rinerc l tAml(adP;l 11-15 Shore Drive),Grse ulwt,NY 1194,1.Witnessing the trarisformation of this iconic(sropcoy since the Iae4w ou-nets-hij;.;nquisition in Aphl:f122 has been truly impiring. Having Hued oll Shore:Drive,T%x observed the dedication?W.P"erI-s15 and his team Baas shown irk restoring and rejuveltaiting the 1110tel resort 06,9 tta lly Wilt ill 1957.The ccammilment to preser-ring this piece d riar r community's histon,-and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,T Nwalnt to voice my eiadonsC-ll ent for the application sobmittai to convert and recoo;lizr• e<mmin buildings can the crest sine of the property.into a tree-standing restaauraint.I'Ve acre Pcx king forward to it being al pl;iee we Can$'.[mime to gitP1Y''1'with frif nds all(I to eiljoy the very special property it sits on. It is also gre.`m to see tiff many 6'4)ing fa1e1 i from flu!community who are employed there;Silver Sand commitment to Twinmiuing al local worVorce has l,`i'.t'n Commenflable acid"Ve t,aaill to Continue to support nnr rt?ar-romid l)6:sina`sCs e. l lIc cornrillal;ity en,actcsllent tbroughout this process demomtraltes;Mr. Perros`ricspect for our itnput and roncerns. i b0icvv'Zhv proje('t aligins with the Character of tile area Ilia will Cmitribute Positively to Our 1 eight>tlrli(od.1,11is letter ae'rves as nik'official endorsement,and T am willing to offerany fVrther aLStii�tall:t or all lend 1110clings W voice Flat"-support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your C'north rallion. �r '"--"'/ ��'+ I�}'!/��� P �• y' }ice~` ��G�..,�'�„�" . �1 February 1, 2024 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the'S11ver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1155 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April.2022 has been truly inspiring. Having lived on Shore Drive,I've observed the dedication Mr.Perros and his team;has;shown in restoring and rejuvenating the motel resort originally built in 1957.The commitment to preserying this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement-for the application submitted to converfrand.recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.Wo-gre looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very specie propertyit sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contrib...ute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer;any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. I SincerelsA I Patrick Bencivenga 935 Shore Road,Greenport,NY 11944 pbencivenga6i!mac•.eom 917-509-3322 �ZSI Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 4jo fi //I d P-n� ��7 � l � L� l 631 7 � 5 Coll n e /,s ow LP ZT e-lp-t z S o'. I-T V,2-rll l ks L S tl-� O-� UJCSL/,T (-okK-JV�) AL A-to No cqkA c3wc�a�p� 6 ( e e P,\P- t e- /Yj L7 c a�vC2�dL1 --, 7, Its c k eal Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1185 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. Having lived on Shore Drive,I've observed the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating the motel resort originally built in 1957.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, dnLl�x� Frank Bertetto 695 Shore Drive Greenport,NY 11944 '•,t3`te''i-4' ..p .. i S'tah'ject:i~;a sement,fbr Silver Sinds rPropew2Y ot:jt taxlit 1 vwn.7oTijag,8oaixl of.Ag pcal e f 1.a avriting to f6. ,r the proposed applie.&ior,4��tne,sLer tsT��c sand. g rai)��r ,at.t.t Silver€nF t€ Ftca th to a.x� x are r �€ b reers.cast,� 'xx�3 4• Ei� sfvrx�tat'iat� tl is i at�icfar rt�r since hip' ac*lisitlon ict A�.�ei 2t�nZ Iracs be"tTaty impiring. ' on ht� c t7eive� f`e�s observed the dede.Ition fir.t7'� s ar�d t�is team.tsar s €��v 7tri ' l� av;n lived s � Prow rvirs�ttsis is c�Of c�isx and re try cnatin it�e c t l a sOrt aa�i inatla btaitt tot � Manx ails ez�t to °. communitv`s history and e nhauc inw.It.�j.Fkjcat'zs -vident. ver� and he, stiVtnitteA to�on Specifically, I tvarti t t esic Bey endorsement-c nx e B f t into za iree sf acadirs n t W m ,00k recognize fOrwa r6 cer�-ainbuildingsan the wc,si side rift e propelsp�cja e� 'k sits On to,it being aplace sire care cands and to c�xsti�i�x€*to gather n�t�e� xrx unityi�u a�erts�Eyed theme I i also great to see say rsaa'�y can Ea S to CO-atinue to r mot c urxsrnaenf tt�rai.ntain €�gy a lr�satrle etas, ?l c��it this u�n comInendable and we tde� t t . cur Sa ar-round businesses-Ille;�c�xncezuni i engagement ; l err ss respect for'our"input and conce s. : t l yctie the re -the,}pruj6ct aligns sea less y � endorsement,fi �� l� Willi to offer a�re�further ueighboi-hood. h is letter sees ast� is v cr�bte c€ai rtru it =in it ti�te assistance or attend meetings to Noce y� pp T'lraiik you for your consideration. Siticetel v i' , .; f 4 Everything Canvas"' Southold'I'mm Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Amex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 February*14,202.E RE.Silver Sands Variance Application Dear Chairperson Weisman and Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, We strongly-endorse the application.of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Sil vermere Road Greenport NY,11944. As a long-standing Greenport business continuously,serving the North Fork since 188o and a semi-adjacent property to Silver Sands,vv-e have been pleased to see the renovation and transformation of this historic Greenport location. This transformation has primarily used local contractors and is a testament to Mr.Perroe commitlrtent to preserving this piece of our community-while strengthening our business community.Furthermore,it is great to see the property being operated year-round and uith many local community-members esnploytd there.Mr.Perros has maintained and followed through on a commitment to maintaining a local worldorce,lnduding his contractors, which wholly demonstrates his respect and dedication to the area and faithfulness to his word. We believe the application submitted forthe variance.iAll not be injurious to the neighborhood or the community. Thank you for your time,consideration,and work serving our community-. Respectfully, Win.J.Mills&Co. l �P �J William.S.Mills III P.oberi'L Mills 11 Robert L.Mills 111 4100`:lest Front Street,P.O.Box 21,26 Greenpoct,NY 11944 6.31.477.1540 I ax 631.477.1504 wireu malsea vas.eoni f Exhibit B—Lot 10 Parking This exhibit illustrates how the current configuration of 5 parallel parking spots could be expanded to 15 perpendicular stalls by removing the row of cedar trees along the northern edge. This adjustment would provide a net gain of 9 parking spaces, offering a flexible solution to meet the Board's parking concerns while balancing environmental considerations. AM MARSH SA p w N80055' C m9 W In IsD� �SCTM NO.1000-47.2.9 Azz a.w• ` �C 1 a g ti 90 •Ae. ¢A9 Ui �IN n' NO. pAza @) 470 @ asrAus 147.59' S' Ba N80 55'00W arona N �•�'u' 99 -92' 16 __ yr tr' 4 ? PAD F `PAN 00 O-Cp , dI S80°55' „ AAC1 yr��a 39.83' P Izaru— s ~ 189.49' I Ali X5. rznean q 66 re 2 wAu 3 sro S y Z' N 0 Al1P ti'�� wooDOEa N Ia0' PO °I 196.< � I CS mP s9b• I 1 a'va, a'AAss =R I^ 1 ti gyp${ ` m 3 IeA' .L• IL9' i AN! I�01^I ' wow zCa •°� 3 N Y I"- y£ Ar mNC, � 38 I I OVE.I 8 0 a• OVED IFi m 1 m R a.:• 1 m z i.IL 1e.5' ❑- o_ A36 MARSH W u Ili N80°55'00,,W IT: m ;AZ9 246 W - E � sD } L NI SCTM NO.1000 47-2-9 A32 o v-'0 �p � 1 - 3 1 I � eo} ti 'tAA34 ��4 TpA�E� Ln 0 "7 N O .aIF, 2 .17' , _ A33 LU . p,Az6 � � 1 V �69 8 N �80°55,00.w OALO LO �,pAzS IW 1�A2A V D• A o y I ONC,PA , a3 580°55'00"�E 8' '\ /AC LMT '$,P rPF CONC. 9'1.6' kT 39.83TE A23 ' 12SrALLS ti 189.49 1 T7M9ER 4 .66 1 WALL STO um5? 3 o I A.,r fi WOOD DECK H 4J9' RO R -'Y_19.6'A• 1 GRASS 20A• 99.6' y .6'17.8' WE 6 1 Letters of Support . from the Community QVI CIQ U- 0 C= z ON cn;� David E. Kapell 2251Fourth Street Post Office Box 463 Green port,New York 11944 51.6-819-8024 davelaoeI r(�Emabll.com February 5, 2024 Subject: Endorsement of Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944. Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. They have managed to fully revitalize this important asset for the community without sacrificing its small town feel. Having lived nearby in Greenport,I've observed the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating the motel resort originally built in 1957. The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant. I am looking forward to it being a place where I can continue to gather with friends and enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses. The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for community input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area.and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, A Dave Kapell RICHARD W. VANDENBURGH, IESQ. 1405 OAK DRIVE SOUTHOLD, NEw YORK 1 1971 631 513-90'I 9 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals January 30,2024 Town Hall Annex Building P.O.Box 1179 54375 Route 25 Southold,NY 1i97i Re:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment application for Relief Dear Madam Chairperson and Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application and sought after relief of the Silver Sands property located at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY i1944• I have had the privilege of witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022,and it has been truly inspiring to see the preservation and restoration of this site. As a resident and member of the business community,I have not only had the pleasure of experiencing the hospitality that Silver Sands has offered since it reopened,but can also attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment-to preserving tins piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is self-evident upon even a cursory inspection. Specifically,I wish to voice my endorsement for the application for relief submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant. The scale and scope of this relief is not severe and embracing the reasonable and effective use of this specific area will continue to allow the many families and friends who have in the past enjoyed this very special property to continue to do so as an iconic spot. It is also important to recognize the economic strength that this location adds to our local community and the many young faces from our area who are employed there. Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce should be commended and supported as another important year-round business.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr.Perros'respect for everyone's input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to the North Fork community.This letter serves as my official endorsement and support of the relief sought before this Board.Thank you for suppo ' g such a w4orthy endeavor. Ve ly yours, RIC W.VANDENBURGH ti Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, PVI�7— Brian Tuthill 1o6o Navy St.Orient,NY,11957 (631)418-4204 brian@oysterpondsshellfish.com Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application o£the.Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•WM- essing the transformation of this iconic property since the new,ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and x6juvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and:enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant:We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employedthere;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process.demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jack Costello 17 Washington Ave Greenport,NY 11944 i ackcostmari neCiD gin ail.com 631-902-1811 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1155 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. The Oysterponds Shellfish Co has been farming oysters on the Pipes Cove oyster grant since Ed Jurzenia gave us permission to use the grant to help us expand our operations in 2017. Since then,this underwater land owned by Silver Sands has become an integral part of our aquaculture operations.Alex Perros,upon taking ownership of the oyster grant,reached out to us and conferred the Silver Sands Corp's desire to have us continue our operations on the grant.Since then,they have assisted us even further by helping us educate their staff and guests as to the environmental and economic benefits of aquaculture to our local community.Through our efforts and the efforts of the Silver Sands Corp to assist us,the underwater oyster grant in Pipes Cove has become a thriving offshore aquatic environment.The gear we deploy to grow oysters in provides shelter and breeding area for immense amounts of juvenile fin fish,crustacea, and wild-set oysters,the building blocks for a thriving marine environment.There are over 2 million adult oysters in the water at Pipes Cove that filter tens of millions of gallons of water every day. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely Phil Mas ra elo(Partner) Oysterponds Shellfish LLC 2$549 Main Rd Orient Point,NY 11957 philLa_,o sty er�ondsshelltish.com 631-721-7117 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my sincere support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 11S5 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•The owners have redeveloped this iconic property beautifully,respectfully and responsibly.I believe the resulting business is a huge value add to Greenport and the wider North Fork community. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands firsthand and find that the commitment to quality across their food,service,aesthetics and brand is refreshing.Their presence both broadens and enhances the appeal of our region and more importantly,raises the bar for future North Fork establishments.This in turn benefits our local labor force and creates quality job opportunities. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Bridget Elkin,135 BayAve,Greenport,NY 11944,516.33o.6o86 I bridget.elkin aacompass.com y Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport, NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing;Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, � C —tIJ L [Name] [Address] 5 d �'^ �' G [City, State,ZIP Code] [Email Address] M 0 a M c G-,l fT [Phone Number] U;-) / Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident; I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special properly it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns.. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] ��G� 1 \C `_�T.r � [Address] 1 0 o od L [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] 0-�_ - [Address] } � 63,1i I � ' F { [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] I [Phone Number] 3 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] [Address] 11�f��✓ 1! -� �1�, [City, State, ZIP Code] S �� [Email Address] [Phone Number] `. ��3 > ) �'� �-t S S Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road (aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses. The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] A) l i�;o rl SIS i- e- 7- [Address] � ` -� 0 �( I' I ( C S �` t� r— [City, State,ZIP Code] C) r t C [Email Address] C C' Z P (2. cy-\- . l C_ 6 [Phone Number]_ ` ��1� fS 7 J S� (�' Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]Q�- ,` 4- vl [Email Address] [Phone Number] CG n�, �- s �- Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. Q As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can f attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] C— [Address] i l C,�—e4,A— `_ (— [City, State,ZIP Code] CL [Email Address] [Phone Number] Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] [Address] [City, State,ZIP Code] �Jz l • '1 - G L �=r� [Email Address] D ' ('1'l [Phone Number] 3l 3 7 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] P0,a rf - ( J e, [Address] b V, , 5 [City, State, ZIP Code] i em M) [Email Address] M On c J c a AM, Into, n P, [Phone Number]_(�, � 4 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] / [Address] A) S(A- [City, State, ZIP Code] /) 0 el) [Email Address] let Q 019C�A YVIa+ L, a [Phone Number] i Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] J [Address] /��0 0 [City, State,ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] .. UI/ ��'l/��i''✓�� [Address] / l , 3(5 1�7ned__41- [City, State, ZIP Code] au 1 [Email Address] [Phone Number] Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road (aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 0 [Name] / 21 [Address] ��/o � ���` . n 4 i [City, State,ZIP Code] (2Z. � / J [Email Address] �i Ze�_vl [Phone Number] 1 � �I S Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] C'16r [Address] /b 3(5 [City, State, ZIP Code]_ t� � [Email Address] [Phone Number] Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944- Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] 53.47�� [Phone Number] �S �l., r `a lly Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road (aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] � �[Address] �" ' [City, State,ZIP Code] I S1 [Email Address] [Phone Number] Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944- Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros' respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] A0 N [Address] [City, State,ZIP Code] [Email Address] -1 [Phone Number] ( - - Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road (aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] [Address / [City, State,ZIP Code] A / s� [Email Address] }o I' [Phone Number] Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport, NY 11944• Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses. The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Name] �G 14 [Address] C �> [City, State,ZIP Code]_ z,4 -�41 [Email Address] [Phone Number] 7 9 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Erin Joh 38200 Main Road,Orient NY 11957 erinfitzpatrick0 me.com gi7-693-4012 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic properly since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincer ,, L__ � Kim y Cavoores 455 North Road, Greenport NY,11944 krcavoores@gmail.com 732-963-78o8 February 7,2024 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincereb-, Silvia Campo 3675 Nassau Point Rd. Cutchogue,NY 11935 February 7,2024 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, David Hermer 3675 Nassau Point Rd. Cutchogue,NY 11935 February 7,2024 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 4JV_,AAQ0-A Alexander Hermer 3675 Nassau Point Rd. Cutchogue,NY 11935 i Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road (aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport, NY 11944. Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring for our community.As a resident of Southold, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened.The dedication Mr. Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating the historical property is evidence of how they are welcoming to the community. Specifically, I endorse the transformation of the buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant as it will enhance the local dining options and contribute significantly to our neighborhood's economic and social well-being. Moreover, establishing a restaurant in this location is aligned with our community needs because it will stimulate economic activity by attracting residents and visitors, creating local employment opportunities, and fostering year- round employment.The many young faces from the community employed there is a testimony to Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce.The resounding positive community engagement throughout the Silver Sands rebuilding process speaks volumes of Mr. Perros's respect for all local community concerns in creating a welcoming environment. Furthermore, I understand that zoning regulations are in place to ensure the orderly development of our community, and I appreciate the importance of adhering to these guidelines. However, granting permission for this conversion is in the best interest of our community and complies with the spirit of the zoning laws.A restaurant in this area can serve as a gathering place for community members, promoting social interaction and a sense of belonging. It will contribute to our neighborhood's vibrancy and liveliness,enriching residents'overall quality of life. In conclusion, I urge the Zoning Board to carefully consider this proposal and grant the necessary permits to establish a restaurant. This decision Will positively impact our community and contribute to its growth and prosperity. I appreciate your consideration. cerely, r Marcia Sheldon 20 Vincent Street Orient, NY 11967 marcia.g.sheldon(@gmail.com I. 516.320,5806 i I Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, A Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,IVY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1185 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 1-4 �5 1,411,z s �3 T5 111 'Al bAD OOM 44Z4 N74 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, /A ���C Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1185 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 02 99 6 o f�?/��✓ J(�,� 'Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Ye o � �V C, Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1155 Silvermere Road(aka 1185 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you fo our consideration. A Sincerely, Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, qo yw, Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special properly it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Si cerely, 17z & (2?,a--�.rT/) •y L(ggcl 1 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, r� PJy l �� Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, JaC,0 I (eS9 �rii/G ���o /G Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, l Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, L d-V `TI40-L_0, ll��j Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, " K0 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Si rely, 1 Brett e 265 Jasmine Lane Southold,NY 11971 ssbn654 Poptonline.net 631-433-9084 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1185 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring, As a resident.I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely. 944 Neena Paul 401 Atlantic Ave Greenport,NY 11944 neenarpaul@gmail.com 917.653.3157 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 117,9 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been trap• inspiring, As a resident.I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further :assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely. Steven Lubitz 401 Atlantic Ave Greenport,NY 11944 sglubitzPgmail.com 631.466.4933 Subject:Fndorseme>nt for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold'Po„n Zoning Board of Appeals Town Mall Annex Building 5437,9 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the 7oniug Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my iylrolehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 11,35 Silvermere Road(aka i135 Shore Drive.),Greenport,NY 11944,G1'itnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preser%ring this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal i"'� evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a frec-standing restaurant.'Ale are looking forward to it being a place Ns e can continue to gather„ith fiends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local worldorce has been commendable and,ve want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am tilling to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Osa Iglesias 440 7th Street Greenport,NTY 11944 osaiglesiasi@cginail.com 917-514-5462 i Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Tou n zoning Board of Appeals Toi%ni Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shovrn in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with fiends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed these;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any,further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for vour consideration. Sincerely, Brae Iglesias 440 71h Street Greenport,NY 11944 Braeigiesiasol@gmaii.com 917-514-5462 f Subject:Lndorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold'rown 7oning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box tt?9 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members,of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am tiriting to express nry wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's-acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.PetTos and his team has shoim in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The conunitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is cNident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather Mth friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and All contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for thus valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincereh, Kristian Iglesias 440 7t,Street Greenport,NY 11944 is Wee J'lll�is 917-514-5462 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Ton9n Zoning Board of Appeals Towm Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at Ir35 Sih-crmere Road(aka 1'35 Shore Drive),Greenport,NTY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownerships acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Percos and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preser%ing this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is eeident. Specificalh,I+rant to-voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place w•e can continue to gather Kith friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so manyyoung faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local Nvorldorce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community-engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr: Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute posith-ely to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any firrthe:r assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Nadira Vlaun 440 rh Street Greenport,NY 11944 nadir ivhnia d nre:.ec�nr 917-514-5462 1 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the,pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Holly Mastrangelo 28549 Main Rd Orient Point, NY 11957 orientpandh@optonline.net 516-840-2462 i Subject:Endorsement for.Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Alex Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr.Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, J� Alex Bellos 2395 King Street Orient,NY 11957 (415)971-9042 ajbellos@gmail.com Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, "O'w7 �� Greg Viani 17 Meadow Brook Ln,Riverhead NY iigoi 631.953.5271—ajaui(Voptonline.net r 1� ry�ry.A�v Subj. t:Endorse m,nt fnrSllbcrSands Property Redeielopment Southold Tobin 74ining}Board of Appeal., lob+ri Hall Annex Building 54,,175 Route 25,P.0 Box 1179 i Southold.NY 11971 i)car Members of the 74ming Board of Appeals, i am b+nting to expre-s mb i%holchearted -upport for the proposed application of die Silve,'r sand:= propem at 1135 Sihermerl Road(aka 11:35 Shore Dnr e),Greenport,M' 11944.%Vitnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ob%nership's acquisition in April 202211.1has been truly inspiring. +r"%z: c; As a resident, i ha%a had the pleasure of experiencing Siler Sands since it reopened andtcan attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shm%n inrmtonng and reju+ena g this iconic propert,.'lhe commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is ebident. 8 Specifically,I i%ant to boice m%endorsement for the application submitted to convert anii![ccognize certain buildings on the west side of die property into a free-standing restaurant.wears looking fon and to it being a place"e can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the een special pro�crt}it sits on. It is also great to see so man%young faces from the community who are employed there;Sili•er Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and b+e bsant to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonsirates Mr. t Perros'respect for our input and concerns. 1 beliebe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of thearea and b+-ill contribute ititeh•to our neighborhood.Th is let tersen es as m)official endorsement,and I am,+filling to offer ani-further assistance or attend meetings to voice m)support for this valuable community initiaticey%k'c. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Joshua Perry,123 Main Street APT 211.Greenport Ny,11944. ) r 631-707-0223 I:IA�q t •f i t:q ij A .4, 4 i n' ;t i�` ne 5920 Indian Neck Lane Peconic,New York 11958 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, We are writing to express our wholehearted and enthusiastic support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944. Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring!! As residents,we have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property. The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident! Specifically,we want to voice our endorsement and support for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and family,and enjoying the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr.Perros'respect for our input and concerns. We believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as our official endorsement,and we are willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice our support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, i Jennifer Lupinacci e: flupinacci@whitecase.com/j.lupinacci@criteo.com 5920 Indian Neck Lane Peconic,NY 11958 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1155 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown-in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, _..0,�_ . . Pierson Silver 314 Champlin Place,Greenport,NY 11944 piersonsilverrgmail.com(917)279-9023 February 5th, 2023 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944• Our family has been driving past the iconic property since 2012, and being able to experience the new ownership's exciting new offerings while still staying true to the history of the property has been incredible. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Silver Sands takes pride in serving, employing and faithfully speaking to North Fork natives. They continue to promote the tradition, culture and unique personality that makes so many people proud to call the North Fork home. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. The North Fork is so much more than a summer community, and being able to utilize these buildings will enable so many Silver Sands fans to support this business year-round. Furthermore,the community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros' respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Chandra Silver, 314 Champlin Place, Greenport, NY 11944. chandracsilverpgmail.com (917) 209-4016 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.,Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.'We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we waist to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process.demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood..This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, L" Karey Crowley 17 Washington Ave Greenport,NY 11944 kare)•cxowley a ginail.corn 347-271-1737 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box ii79 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize, certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ..mac-e�eQ 67 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1185 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, /.1q 41 / Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, /Vy _�2 � Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, `7- Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, (9 4W �37 //0wn Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Margaret Aldredge-Diamond 405 Hyatt Road, Southold,NY 11971 Maaldredge(&gmail.com 631-702-8363 (mobile) Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Joe Diamond 405 Hyatt Rd. Southold Ny 11971 Jdiamond@southamptoncenter.or 9 347.246.1596 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Emma Hafer 818 Main Street,Greenport,NY 11944 emma.hafern gmail.com +1(347)522-oo82 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Brian Ciampa 30 Stirling Cove Grgenpo) � rtpNY u944 J brianciampa@hotmail.com DocuSign Envelope ID:9EAC609D-A985-4EB2-9399.`.___,21DFKKF Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly impressive. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands several times since it reopened with my young family and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history,while simultaneously enhancing its appeal is evident.And I'd be remiss not to also applaud his partner Mr.Hardy for delivering a clearly elevated,yet approachable,dining experience in its initial iteration this past summer. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.Lastly,the community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr.Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, �JV1/Aln, IIA.AWI,c. llll ,u:.u:,u un m,.�ni Brian Thorne 600 Highwood Rd Southold,NY 11971 bihorne22@gi-_naii.com 201.637.3722 �t- lii}�'- !ii"' .— (eorge YatrakiS 18305 Soundview Avemv..""' Southold, New York 11 9.7t,' i=.J ;Lt: 4 8 11 I bt rnU��:fYl�yt�✓.7i11=tr}"rf•747 CtE. r� �s�l;l?�= j= �`j•J'%• • • , J�, • cif. Town Hall Annex Building ' 54375 Route 7.5,RO-Box E179 Southold, NY 11973 '~ Oear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals; ,. . I wish to express rt)y support and endorse the proposed application of the Sil+xe7°S;OrI a•prql)es y at 11 s Silver r:te•re Roau (oko 1135 5lrur4 DI:Ve..j,biUvill'urL, INY• J1y44. 1 re{;,�Cii'sli� arop.rty and was Pleased and overwhelmed by its b-taiutiful and unique.t0ckio:n. The n?vr owners have done a _superb upgrade and preser+ration of this unique acid hiMor3c silt. As-a SC)urbo d teasirhznt; i rrinerieulat-the ri(_�w wo.-nnrr for pre-,redid-and irnp. 4„ s rr ��3i,5 resart. My wife and I enjoy dining seaside. VVe are surprised the lew cholces av+Yila>a��;ciit.iti�Nnrl l7 Fork which IS surrounded by water. We were told that the Silver Sandi (;aet:dt,�.w•vi*Lierride S'i;r., dining, 4o we dr_)vp thereto see it. resti--reed. It teriiinds you of a i `�t?'s, l)ut its stri,ill with j few to -lene . 1 cif !ig_ tc� ::rriaii :: i ?r TtI 1" �'tr4'= ? r r=s=�i t=�7:i t cr£ 5 fG' c:' tr;_ , - . A Sileing how the new owners have invested to the Siiver Sands property, I arq)'.wj}�i��rtt3hat a netiv restaurant would he superior send saughi alter fordinjochy my fan illy and,in-any-of my friends on the North Fork. It is also important that the Silver Sands will in ve:pe round tied a quality restaurant will be avallable to the rommunity in thv tiff-season. s , f"'-'r I uoderstand that the n«:,owner,are local residprits, which is very imp.rt4r)T ff•l�.ievirlei'tt the care and ihP.ir invoivernerit in rha nevv Si'rver jands. I endor`c.their appiica , and V-0j !i to T. ,tipp:rt thr� applicatt on at the hearings ° ti CA Since•reiy. } �:� Ge rpiC Yatrakrs i 631-765.1892 georr'eyatraki5@1rao1.con, 4 'r "z :f Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1185 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 41Yorme]11 ur Address] [City,State,ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] -- ------- - - ------------- Yula Serpanos 19105 Soundview Ave Southold NY 11971 YSerlADos c%7_1nai!coM 516-698-16go Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Y r Name] [Yo r dress] [City, �ZIP [Email Address] [Phone Number] Andreas Serpanos 19105 Soundview Ave Southold NY 11971 &- apiu s2zinn 516-816-8560 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1i79 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoiung Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gatlier with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local worWorce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perms'respect-for our input acid concerus. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for y7ue d Sincerely, Elaine Fredriks 195 Youngs Ave Southold,NY 11971 516-662-9314 FitnesseiA,r,Ogmail.com a SuhjcrL• En(Jo rsctttc•nt litl'Sil"•rl•Saud.,; 1'rrtltc•rl1' fact r•\'(•lupttu•nt r Sou[lxtici'1'o%N n 7,011ilIg Iloard of Appeals 1'onn 1-ialIAnncx liuilding i 54:375 Kontr 25. i)-O• 1;ox 1179 Southold. NY 11971 z/7/"-4 llcar NicntbcrS of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I ant Icriting to cxpress illy wholchearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands t propert}•at 1135 Srh•ernivre Road (aka ii;jq Shore Ihivc),Grcxnprtrt, NY 11944. Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new rnvnet:5hip's acquisition in April 2022 has been trult inspiring. �r As a r'eSiderlt, I haN'e had the]tic,'sttrc of t xpcv'icrn tilt;Silo c r ti;uu1 sine r it rc•„t„�nacl tmcl ran attest $ firsthand to the dedication Mr. 1 crros and his team has shoWn in rr:;turin�,;ur1 n ju+'cn:.+tiny t}71S iCr,niC properq."he commitment to preserving this piece of'our conuttltnity", ;,ncl enhancing its appeal is eNident. Specifically.I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recovnize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.WL c are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the vcr� special property it sits Un. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there, Sih•er Sands commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and Nve%vant to continue to support ouryear-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly Arith the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer tam°f•.trther assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, a G Lawrence Bernstein,20 Vincent Street,Orient,NY 1 tci,-y7 L=tirencei, rn' «; mail.ce,tta #516.526.o181 1 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. Having been a part of this community for the better part of the last 20 years,I've observed the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating the motel resort originally built in 1957• The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Daniel McLaughlin 6910 Main Rd, East Marion NY danm_clau hlin20 zgmail.com 631.603.7861 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY ii97i February 9,2024 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY ii944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring- As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident.Our whole family—lads and adults,have been able to enjoy the restoration. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant We are looking forward to it being a place where we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there.Our own daughter,who is a current Greenport High School student,as well as many of her friends spent the summer learning and growing as part of the Silver Sands'workforce. Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round business.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr.Perros'respect for our input and concerns. The project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thanit you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jenna Wald Williams 511 Carpenter Street,Greenport,NY 11944 Jennasimoneohotmafl.com Donaldedwin4@gmail.com 347.268.5279 I\ Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. Having grown up in Greenport myself and now raising my family in this community,I've observed the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating the motel resort originally built in 1957.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, C 9av IUVI, Jenna McLaughlin 6910 Main Rd, East Marion NY jfiiuieinclauQhlinLa-)grnail.com 631.965.5511 i Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 February 8, 2024 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road (aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport, NY 11944. Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant. We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses. The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros' respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, Marc Turkel 2221 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, NY 11958 mturkel@leroystreetstudio.com tel. 917 446 4898 Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 1.1971 February 8,2024 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road (aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport, NY 11944. Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant. We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses. The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros' respect for our input and concerns. believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, Neena Beber 2221 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, NY 11958 nbeber@me.com tel. 917 716 6217 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my unflinching support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring.Their painstaking attention to detail in being true to the original construction and lore of the property is beyond admirable.From color palette chosen,to the names given their spaces,to celebrating each of the buildings unique original character, it has been pleasing to witness. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.And as a neighbor I would like this letter to serve as my official endorsement.I am also willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, , rr B `til John Liegey 611 ist Street Greenport,NY 11944 Email.wha`,t`reen arti7rew.coni Cell 631-702-5200 George Yatrakis 18805 Soundview Avenue Southold, New York 11971 January 31, 2024 Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I wish to express my support and endorse the proposed application of the Silver Sands property a-, 1135 3d«i5lverrriere Road (aku 1335 Shore Dr-'l'deJS. Gre enpoft, NSa-F 1 1✓I C Fi re C-nlI^l y visited this property and was pleased and overwhelmed by its beautiful and unique location. The new owners have done a superb upgrade and preservation of this unique and historic site. A s a Southold resident. 1 eonara„}ttaJate the new owners,f--r Nre5erving and 1 pro, th;v iccon'£ resort. My wife and I enjoy dining seaside. We are surprised the few choices available on the North Fork which is surrounded by water. We were told that the Sliver Sands had new waterside dining, sty we drove there to see it. We appreciated the new retro-diner,which is very tastefully restored. it reminds you of a 1950's, but its small with a few tables. I endorse the application of `ae ......—wataely£r°:ns — ': .. i tt:'e��• } 'Mir,'i 'r :e :3Q s M?: e` . Seeing how the new owners have invested in the Silver Sands property, I am confident that a new restaurant would be superior and sought after for dining by my family and many of my friends on the North Fork. It is also important that the Silver Sands will be open year round and a quality restaurant will be available to the community in the off-season. I understand that the new owners are local residents, which is very important. It is evident the care and their involvement in the new Silver Sands. i endorse their application and i plan to support the application at the hearer Via. Tlhzr k F i i¢A •.aSs F P e n.�-�_dEstS, Sincerely, George Yatrakis 631-765-1892 georgeyatrakis@aol.com , FRANCO FINANCIAL GROUP February 11, 2024 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals: I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road (aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport, NY 11944. As a resident, I am sincerely thankful to Alexander Perros and the team for completing a beautiful renovation and restoration of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022. It preserves and enhances the appeal of an important historical asset to the community. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant. We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there. Their commitment to maintaining a local workforce is terrific, particularly on a year-round basis when good hospitality work is less forthcoming. In addition, there are many fewer dining options available to residents. The community engagement throughout this process is also commendable. I believe the project aligns very well with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood for years to come. This letter serves as my official endorsement. I'm also happy to offer any further assistance if necessary or to attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable initiative. Sincere Edmond D. Franco 15919 Main Road East Marion, NY. 11939 41 Madison Aventie, 31 st Floor, tiNew York.NY 10010 fsarco€g.corn p T 212.877.1576 1 F 646.650 7902 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sinc rel��D Z Matthew Dixond Katherine Williams 1700 Youngs Road Orient,NY 11957 Mdixon2372(&aol.com 917.613.1154 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see go many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sin rely, � r- /� Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, L'XJ EA1,-,,IVY. i Jg57 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment-to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the.area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, A-TV r i r Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 44to A6d De (057 c% �y�� y�<l_rq78' Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the - transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and'enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to-continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sin rely, 3 �3 3 / G 7y3 / qylr V�- G Rc,rii A G N Z O ,4LC2 Cor'7 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, GV_L c& m 0117 `f3P-7535 325 &q Ave-. C&T Ma rim,NY 1113q Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to convey my genuine and total support for the proposed application of The Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944. Seeing the restoration of this remarkable property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been breathtaking. As a longtime resident of the North Fork, I have had the pleasure of experiencing The Silver Sands both before and after its reopening and I have seen the effort and commitment Mr. Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property. The dedication to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is obvious. Specifically, I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant. I am looking forward to it being a place to gather with family and friends to relax and enjoy the beautiful property encompassing it. It is also great to see so many recognizable young faces of our local families who are employed there; Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and I want to continue to support our year-round businesses. The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros' respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project fits perfectly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood. I am happy to officially endorse this application, and I am willing to assist in any way I can to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for y ur consider n. Sincerely, r Lori eilen 20875 Main Road PO Box 33 Orient,NY 11957 631 834 0876 Imfeilen@hotmail.com Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to convey my enthusiastic support for the application by The Silver Sands' property at 1135 Silvermere Road (aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944. I have really enjoyed witnessing the restoration of this quintessential Greenport property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022. As both a long-time visitor and now a ten-year resident of the North Fork, generations of my family have been visiting The Silver Sands both before and after its reopening and we have seen the miraculous results of the effort and commitment Mr. Perros and his team have shown in restoring and rejuvenating this remarkable property. Their dedication to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is obvious. Specifically, I want to emphasize my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant. I am looking forward to it being a place to gather with my children and grandchildren to relax and enjoy the beautiful property just as I did with my parents and grandparents. It is also great to see so many local youngsters employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and I want to continue to support our year-round businesses. The Silver Sands' engagement with our community throughout this rejuvenation clearly shows Mr. Perros' respect for our input and concerns. I believe in this project and feel it's a perfect fit with the character of the area. This will contribute positively to our community. I am happy to officially endorse this application, and I am willing to assist in every way possible to support this valuable neighborhood initiative. Thank you for your service to our community. Sinceren. Simms George 925 Orchard Street PO Box 33 Orient,NY 11957 gksimms58ggmail.com 516 768 0601 Fron-;: Thomas Foster tefc�, ,riii@hotrnail.co )object: Re: Silver Sands Date: Feb 13, 2024 at 10:34:30 PM To: Alexanderperros@startmail.com, lori feilen Imfeilen@hrtrnaii.com Dear Mr. Perros: I have followed closely the restoration of the Silver Sands property in Greenport since you acquired it in the spring of 2022. Your work has improved every aspect of the property, especially its sustainability. The work you have done to enhance this beautiful location is truly inspiring for the whole neighborhood, Greenport and the Town of Southold. Without sacrificing the charm of the old Silver Sands (and the fact that it had outlived this charm for many years), you have re-built the motel and its appurtenances to the highest standard. I have seen your plans for upgrading the buildings on the west side of the property to create a free-standing restaurant. I wholeheartedly support your efforts, especially your efforts to provide employment to the residents of Greenport and Southold. The village badly needs more businesses to stay open all year around. Your proposal not only provides good jobs on a twelve-month basis,-but also provides a convenient center for residents and visitors to congregate in the evening. I am confident that you will find a chef to live up to the glorious surroundings. The project as proposed provides the highest and best use of Greenport's beautiful bay front property. Mr. Perros, if there is anything I can do to further your efforts, please let me know. I hope to attend the meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals currently scheduled for March 7th to show my support in person. Please keep me informed of any developments. Keep up the great work. Feel free to include this letter with any submission you make to the Town of Southold. For town officials, my name, street address, telephone number and email address appear below. Sincerely, Thomas E. Foster, 21165 Main Road,,.Orient,.NY..11.957, ,(301) 502-2981.; tefosteri.@hotmail.com Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands Property at n35 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perms and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community s history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Paula Marra 1995 Ryder Farm Ln Orient,NY 11957 Subject:1=.11dorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning hoard of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 5.4,375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 hear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, s lVe are writing to express our wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands i properh at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1185 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring, l As a resident,we have immensely enjoyed Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the � dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. h Specifically,we want to voice our endorsement for the application to convert buildings on the hest side of ? the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to I! gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on.It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands'commitment to maintaining a local i workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr.Perros'respect for our input and concerns. We believe the project aligns seamlesslywith the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as our official endorsement,and we are willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice support for this valuable community initiative. Thant:you for your consideration. Si ce 4 .illian Goldenthal an shua Ho- ke 1600 Hyatt Road Southold,NY 11971 Lilliaai.goldenthal 919.349.7352 i r i a` f: ai Ps ,p t Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building £' {1 54375 Route 25, P.O.box 1179 It l"a., t $4:. Southold, NY, 11971 Dear members of the Zoning pp Board of Appeals,, We are writing this to express are complete and utter support for the proposed application of,;t�eISilver°�y. Sands Property at 1135 Silvermere Road(also known as 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport NY, 119aa:. Witnessingthe amazing transformation of the property underthe new owners in April of 2022 nothing short of a relief and inspiration. w ice'"". . -Y'."r..'.•'1: s";: :. We moved to Orient Point in December2019 and have seen such amazing changes in the area including; the Silver Sand Property.We can attest to and speak first-hand about the true dedication Mr. Perrosan,d.0 his team have put forth towards the rebirth and rejuvenation of the property.This location now;appeals.r to not only out-of-town guests and tourists, but to locals alike. We would like to specifically endorse the application submitted to convert and recognize certain-;`U, buildings on the best side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forwardfo.<:;:.,; being able to visit the restaurant and gather with our local friends and out-of-town guests.Our,,favorite.;` thing to do is gather at new restaurants who are supporting the local community via food and,`,; '- employment.Silver Sands employs many locals,and we support their commitment to maintaiiiing:'thcs.;`''.;,.,_ local workforce,which we will continue to commend. This project aligns perfectly with our area's character and vision.Mr.Perros and his team--dill positively:;s ;'•`.;:_"' impact our neighborhoods,keep our locals employed,and add to the perfection of our area:.W�> endorse the creation of afree-standing restaurant and look forward to it. Thank you for the consideration, Dr.David Hong and Brittany Hong PA-C ' 39405 Main Road Orient, NY, 11957 ,4 570-328-3588 t 5{'its Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses-The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 4-1 5 C j Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, GU�t�_ 4-1-5 C -ea vvu ) so d NV I I �, Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Wayne D.Miller Box 132 Greenport,NY 11944 (631)942-9689 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1155 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, t ilton 2 4th Avenue Greenport,NY 11944 (631)942-9689 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely] 4C 6 �Jdc zq qq 330- 3714 i" Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport, NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely] 4 117 z U 7L �-I� Je� Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely] Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive), Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident, I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perms and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely] Ci { Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely] rl H 1 cw(kan( Cc�� Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely] L 12 a d� 3 6 -7 zs (;�eiff Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely] Jrla0 J-1 � C OM Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment FE9 4 s 2024 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals 2C?nr� srd of Town Hall Annex Building 9 8p 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 'pp®aia@ Southold,NY 11971pp�� Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been nothing short of incredible. Having owned a home on Shore Drive for the last 20 years,I've observed the dedication Mr. Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating the motel resort originally built in 1957.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement, and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, R ert and Lauren Eicher 1555 Shore Drive Greenport NY 11944 914-715-91�4 RECEIVE® FED 2 0 2024 Everything Canvas' Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FEB 2 a Town Hall Annex Building54375 ZUJe17NG Southo duN25, 1 970.Box i179 80gR1)OF�4PPF4L5 February 14,'2024 RE:Silver Sands Variance Application Dear Chairperson Weisman and Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, We strongly endorse the application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road Greenport NY,11944• As a long-standing Greenport business continuously serving the North Fork since 188o and a semi-adjacent property to Silver Sands,we have been pleased to see the renovation and transformation of this historic Greenport location. This transformation has primarily used local contractors and is a testament to Mr.Perros'commitment to preserving this piece of our community while strengthening our business community.Furthermore,it is great to see the property being operated year-round and with many local community members employed there.Mr.Perros has maintained and followed through on a commitment to maintaining a local workforce,including his contractors, which wholly demonstrates his respect and dedication to the area and faithfulness to his word. We believe the application submitted for the variance will not be injurious to the neighborhood or the community. Thank you for your time,consideration,and work serving our community. Respectfully, Wm.J.Mills&Co. William J.Mills III Robert L.Mills II Robert L.Mills III 74100 West Front Street,P.O.Box 2126 Greenport,NY 11944 • 631.477.1500 • Fax 631.477.1504 • www.millscanvas.com Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 fb C,,A „^. Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I�f�C I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands r� property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944.Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official'endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank o our consideration. Sin , e CQ@a chip uigle .co 780 Wunneweta oad ,Cutchogue,NY 11935 646,469-757,6 Lf Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment RECEIVED Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals 2�24 Town Hall Annex Building FEB 13 54375 Route 25, P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 `oNiNG BOARD OF APPFAI-` Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sand_ s property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, PchelBachner 250 Midway Road Southold,NY 119'71 917-881-6675 Rachel.bachner@gmail.com RECENED a l � Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment "� _1v Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FEB 5 2�24 Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 BOARD OF APPEALS Southold,NY 11971 ZONING Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a plaiae-we-can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there; Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, avid Godbout — `"~--25o Midway Road Southold,NY 11971 917-363-2525 dpg@ceresrealtycapital.com Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment FEB 16 2024 -7 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals l 36 Town Hall Annex Building Zoning Board of Appeals I 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1185 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, �I lb ���r S'MiID CV Received Subject: Silver Sands Property Redevelopment �M Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals MAR 0 8-20 Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Zoning Board of VOWS Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing regarding the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944. I support the adjustment of the property zoning to include the preexisting pool as well as a standalone restaurant in the boathouse building.Mr.Perros and the Silver Sands team have done a great job restoring the property and have been incredibly thoughtful about telling the neighbors about planned works.I look forward to the boathouse restaurant. I do want to express my concern with the building under consideration to be rezoned as a commercial kitchen.I trust Mr.Perros that he intends to use the space at most as a prep kitchen for Eddie's,as he has communicated to me.As business needs and management changes over time,however,I feel that rezoning this building would leave it open to be used differently than is currently intended.A commercial kitchen could be used for hosting large events on-property much beyond serving guests and locals,or used for catering off-property,greatly increasing commercial traffic. I think the existing boathouse building is adequate to serve for the restaurant and the current single- family dwelling should be zoned for something that doesn't leave open the potential for future misuse. Sincerely, Nick Wynja 775 Shore Drive Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals RECEIVED Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 MpR 0 4 202� Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Z0t4JMG BOARD of APPEALS I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownerships acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic ' property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is' evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward'. to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Samantha Ripka 825 Queen St/PO Box 621 Greenport, NY 11944 P: (516)319-7551 E: ripka04O6@aol.com V� RECEIVED Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals MAR 0 4 202y Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Sean Magnuson President HNF Resorts/Eastern Long Island Kampground 690 Queen St Greenport, NY 11944 P: (631)953-3899 E:sean@elikampground.com W Receive FEB 2 ' 2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building --54375-Route 25,.P.O._Box.1179" Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, We are writing to express our support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944• As residents of Greenport and neighbors of the property,we are pleased to see how the new owner,Alex Perros and his team have faithfully restored Silver Sands,keeping its integrity intact,thoughtfully planting.native shrubs.and-.beach grasses;.installing.lighting incompliance with Southold Town's Dark Skies initiative and working with local community organizations. The Silver Sands has strived to attract the year-round population of the North Fork,offering opportunities for employment as well as for _community engagement. As an example,.they graciously.hosted the end annual Splash for-CAST fundraiser earlier this year,welcoming over 15o participants and their families. We endorse the application submitted by Mr.Perros to convert the former Boathouse on the west side of the_property.into.a.free-standing.restaurant.We.enjoyed'.dining.at their.outdoorbeachfront restaurant this summer and are confident that he and his team will tastefully incorporate the Boathouse into the overall project. Sincerely, r Peggy Lauber&Paul Kreiling 149 6th St. 4 Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment RECEIVED Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Building MAR 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 2�24 Southold,NY 11971 ZONING BOARD OF APP�gLS Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application ofthe essin tSilver he property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944 g transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in Apri12o22 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. convert ognize Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for into applicationhe free- tandin restaurant We are lookin oocking forward certain buildings on the west side of the property' g to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' It is also great rce has been commendable and we want to continue to support commitment t maintaining a local workfo our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, p�P 14 ec,-P-g,47 -4 AV Az ra � av� � Subject:Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals RECEWD Town Hall Annex Building PIAK u 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 2�z4 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application ofthe essin theSilver ds property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944• g transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic is property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 01 Subject: Endorsement for Silver Sands Property Redevelopment RECEIVED Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals APR 0 2 2024 ' Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25,P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the proposed application of the Silver Sands property at 1135 Silvermere Road(aka 1135 Shore Drive),Greenport,NY 11944•Witnessing the transformation of this iconic property since the new ownership's acquisition in April 2022 has been truly inspiring. As a resident,I have had the pleasure of experiencing Silver Sands since it reopened and can attest firsthand to the-dedication Mr.Perros and his team has shown in restoring and rejuvenating this iconic property.The commitment to preserving this piece of our community's history and enhancing its appeal is evident. Specifically,I want to voice my endorsement for the application submitted to convert and recognize certain buildings on the west side of the property into a free-standing restaurant.We are looking forward to it being a place we can continue to gather with friends and to enjoy the very special property it sits on. It is also great to see so many young faces from the community who are employed there;Silver Sands' commitment to maintaining a local workforce has been commendable and we want to continue to support our year-round businesses.The community engagement throughout this process demonstrates Mr. Perros'respect for our input and concerns. I believe the project aligns seamlessly with the character of the area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood.This letter serves as my official endorsement,and I am willing to offer any further assistance or attend meetings to voice my support for this valuable community initiative. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Sabrina drew Drazic NOFO Bluff LLC 47o Lloyds Lane,Mattituck,NY 11952 LEGAL NOTICE J vV J 1 r 'rHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS '1URSDAY,NOVEMBER 7,2024 at 10:00 AM PUBLIC HEARINGS -- wn of Southold,the following oning),To NOTICE IS H public hearing be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall,GIVN,pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280 53095 Man Road,S uthold,New York 9 11971-0959,on THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7.2024: The public may ALSO have access to view,listen and make comment during the PUBLIC HEARING as it is happening via ZOOM ng whic R. Details about how to tune in and make comments during the PUBLIC HEARING are on the Town's website agenda for this meeting which may be viewed at http://southoldtownny.gov/agendacenter. Additionally,there will be a link to the Zoom Webinar meeting at http:// utholdtownny.gov/calendar.aspx. 10 00 A M NORTH ROAD HOTEL LLC HOTEL MORAINE#79275E-(Adjourned from October 3,2024)Request for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Vll Section 280-35B(4)and the Building Inspector's January 24,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to , construct a new motel building(10 units)and to build an addition to an existing motel building(4 units)upon a parcel that measures 3.251 acres In total area,at;1located at 62005 County Road 48,(Adj.to Long Island Sound)Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-40-1-1. lo-oo A M NORTH ROAD HOTEL LLC/MOTE)-.MORAINE#7g53-(Adjourned from October 3,2024)Request for a Variance from Article VII, Section 280-35B(4)(a)and the Building Inspector's January 24,2024,Notice of Disapproval application parcel is a than ermit Loco construct required new motel building(10 units)and to build an addition to an existing motel building 4 additional units)at minimum size of five(5)acres;at:62005 County Road 48,(Adj.to the Long Island Sound)Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-40-1-1. 10 20 A.M.- BUNGALOW 12 LLC/ELIZABETH MCCANCE#7938-(Adjourned from September 5,2024)Request for Variances from Article XII, Section 280-18;Article XXXVI,Section 280-207;Article XXIII,Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's April 4,2024,amended September 26, 2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a new two story single family dwelling with a screened porch, terrace,covered porches and decks;1)located less than the code required minimum secondary front yard setback of 25 feet;2)located less than the code required minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet;3)gross floor area exceeding permitted maximum square footage for lot containing up to 30,000 square feet in area;4)more than the code permitted maximum two stories;located at:358 Ark Hill,Fishers Island,NY. SCTM No.1000- 9-1-4. 10:30 A.M.-GREG SFOGLIA#7955-Request for a Variance from Article III,Section 280-14 and the Building Inspector's June 3,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to legalize and construct alterations to a habitable third story of an existing single family dwelling;at;1)more than code permitted number of stories of two and a half;located at:3480 Old Jule Lane,(Adj.to James Creek),Mattituck, NY.SCTM No.1000-122-4-21. 10 40 A M STEPHEN HARATUNIAN AND ARDA HARATUNIAN#7956-Request for Variances from Article III,Section 280-15;Article XXI►, Section 280-116A(1);and the Building Inspector's May 22,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a trellis accessory to a single family dwelling;at;1)located less than the code required 100 feet from the top of the bluff;2)less than the codeSCT requi1000- red minimum side yard setback of 20 feet;located at:1205 Soundview Avenue Extension,(Adj.to Long Island Sound), 50-2-13. 10.50 A M -DOMELUCA.LLC#7957-Request for a Variance from Article 111,Section 280-15 and the Building Inspector's May 17,2024 Notice o Disapproval based on an application for a permit to amend a currently open permit for a new dwelling to include an attached shade trellis;at;1) less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 20 feet;located at:14895 Main Road,(Adj.to Dam Pond),East Marion,NY.SCTM No. 1000-23-1-2.10. 11.00 A M -ALYSE TICKER#7959-Request for Variances from Article XXIII,Section 280-124;Article XXXVI,Section 280-207;and the Building Inspector's July 10,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to demolish,per Town definition,and reconstruct a single family dwelling;at;1)less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 35 feet;2)less than the code required minimum combined side n the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;4)gross floor area exceeding permitted maximum yard setback of 25 feet;3)more tha feet in area;located at:1685 Westview Drive,(Adj.to Mattituck Creek)Mattituck,NY.SCTM square footage for lot containing up to 20,000 square No.1000-107-7-8. 1:00 P.M.-LYNN A.CATALDO REVOCABLE TRUST#7959-Request a Variance from Article XXIII,Section 280-123 and requesting a Reversal o the Building Inspector's July 22,2024 Notice of Disapproval,based on an application for a permit to legalize"as-built"additions and alterations to an existing accessory building;at;1)a nonconforming building containing a nonconforming use shall not be enlarged,reconstructed, structurally altered or moved,unless.such building is changed to a conforming use;located at:9490 Main Road,East Marion,NY.SCTM No. 1000-31-10-2. 1 10 P.M. Exception pursuant to ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SACRED HEART#7960SE-Request for a Special Article 111,Section 28 - 13B(2)and the Building Inspector's July 10,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a parish center,upon property located at 14300 NYS Route 25,Mattituck,NY. SCTM No.1000-114-11-1 1.20 P.M. NOBLEHOUSE SEAPORT.LLC#7961-Request for Variances from Article III,Section 280-14;Article XXXVI,Section 280-207;and the Building Inspector's July 23,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to legalize an"as-built"habitable third story and create additional habitable third story space to an existing single family dwelling;at 1)as built habitable space is more than the code permitted two stories;2)proposed habitable space is more than the code permitted two stories;3)gross floor area exceeding permitted maximum square footage for lot containing up to 80,000 square feet in area;located at 2345 Main Road,Greenport,NY.SCTM No.1000-35-1-27.2. 1 30 P.M. SILVER SANDS HQLnwrc I LLC.r•. lt8g3SE(Adj.from October 3,2024)Request for a Special Exception pursuant to Article VII, Section 280-35(B)(6),applicant requests;(1)to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space,for restaurant operations;and(2)permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/bar area;located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15.' 1.30 P.M. SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I LLC.#7894-(Adj.from October 3,2024)Request for a Variance from Article VII,Section 280-36;and the Building Inspector's January 10,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a free standing restaurant with office and storage space for restaurant operations;1)located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 15 feet;located at:1135 Shore Drive/1135 Silvermere Road,Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-47-2-15. 1,30 P M SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I LLC #7914SE-Adj.from October 3,2024)Request for special exception pursuant to Article VII,Section 280-35B(6)and Article VII,Section 280-35C(1);applicant requests;1)to convert an existing single family dwelling(30'4"by 2614")to a commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with converted restaurant on the same lot(Lot 15),and;2)upon conversion,said commercial kitchen will be accessory to the principle use of the converted restaurant;located at 1135 Silvermere Road,Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15. 1:30 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I LLC#7897-(Adj.from October 3,2024)Request for an Interpretation pursuant to Chapter 280-146(D)of the Town Code,and the Building Inspector's November 16,2023 Certificate of Occupancy based on alterations(diner and bar areas for motel guests only)to an existing motel building,to wit 1)whether the newly issued Certificate of Occupancy issued under Section 280-35C inappropriately limits the use of the diner and hotel bar areas to"motel guests only";and 2)whether the use allowed in original Certificate of Occupancy,No.142,dated May 28,1959 remains as a permitted use;parcel located at:1400 Silvermere Road(Adj.to Pipe's Cove)Greenport, NY.SCTM No.1000-47-2-11. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons or their representatives,desiring to be heard at each hearing,and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review on The Town's Weblink/Laserfiche under Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA)\Board Actions\Pending. Click Link: Please note the date to submit written comments to this office will be the Frida prior to the public hearing. After that,no documents will be accepted by this office,but can be submitted to the Board Members during the public hearing. If you have questions,please telephone our office at(631)765-1809,or by email:kimf@southoldtownny.gov. Dated: October 17,2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN,CHAIRPERSON By:Kim E.Fuentes 54375 Main Road(Office Location) P.O.Box 1179,Southold,NY 11971-0959 -w -87b43f47 %J,southoldtownny-gov ��� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Suffolk Times State of New York, County of,Suffolk County, The undersigned is the authorized designee of The Suffolk Times,a Weekly Newspaper published in Suffolk County, New York.I certify that the public notice,a printed copy of which is attached hereto,was printed and published in this newspaper on the following dates: 10/31/2024 This newspaper has been designated by the County Clerk of Suffolk County,as a newspaper of record in this county, and as such,is eligible to publish such notices. Signature Christina Henke Rea Printed Name Subscribed and sworn to before me, This 31 day of October 2024 Digitally signed DOUGLASWREA by doug las w rea Notary Public•State of New York Date: 2024.10.31 NO,OIRE6398443 14:35:16 +00:00 Qualified in Albany County My Commission Expires Sep 30,2027 se Sakarellos, Elizabeth -8 From: Ashley Perkins <ashley@ashleyperkins;com> RECEIVED Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 4:25 PM NOV 0 To: Fuentes, Kim; Sakarellos, Elizabeth;Westermann, Donna z024 Subject: [SPAM] -Zoning Board Meeting 11/7 - Silver Sands Attachments: IMG_9904 jpg; IMG_9903 jpg ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Hello- This letter is in regard to the Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting scheduled for 11/7/24 for the Silver Sands permits. My name is Ashley Perkins and my husband's name is Nickolas Wynja and we live at 775 Shore Rd in Greenport. Our property backs up to Silver Sands.. I would like to submit a letter in opposition to the permits Silver Sands is requesting. While Alex and the Silver Sands staff have been kind and accommodating to the neighbors thus far,we feel that granting the permits to allow another restaurant on the property&a commercial kitchen will only encourage the operation to grow louder and noiser. A prime example of this fear coming to life has already occurred.Silver Sands held a wedding on Friday,September 13th, 2024 through Sunday,September 15th,2024. Please see attached letter that Silver Sands put into all neighbors' mailboxes on 9/9/24. On Saturday,September 14th there was a DJ outside on the property.The music they were playing was LOUD.And look: I'm a younger person who moved here from NYC. I'm used to noise. But this music could be heard inside my home,with the doors and windows shut, in my bedroom that is located at the furthest point away from the Silver Sands property. My husband also took a decibel reading of the music on his smartwatch,which read 61clB at 9:03pm (please see attached screenshot of smartwatch reading). I understand that the town code restricts noise levels to 65dB or less until 11pm at one's property line, but this reading was taken right outside our home on our back deck. Had we gone to the property line it would have been much louder and most likely would have exceeded 65dB.Also, our property is a little bit farther away from where the music was playing; I can't imagine how loud it was for the neighbors whose property backed right up against the music. The letter we received says that they"intend"to host no more than 4 weddings a year, but with the approval of these permits,Silver Sands would be able to host these events whenever they'd like(pending other event permits I'm sure). We have to think long term here.Alex and his staff might stay true to that promise, but even 4 events at the music level we experienced is unacceptable for a motel that is supposed to be just that--a motel.And if they get these permits, once Alex no longer works at the property years from now,who's to say that the future owner/operator would limit such events? Approving the permits is a slippery slope, and I do not think Silver Sands needs them.They already have a lovely diner, coffee bar and tiki bar during the summer.Why can't those facilities be enough? We chose to buy our property on a quiet, dead end road for a reason.The larger the Silver Sands property-gets,the less quiet the neighborhood becomes,thus taking away the small town charm all of us live here for in the first place.The incessant leaf blowing and chainsaws cutting down trees all fall has been bad enough; please don't make us have to listen to wedding DJ's for all the summers to come,too. 1 Dear Neighbor-, We w'anted'to,iriform•you that Silver Sands will be hosting a wedding from frida,y, September 13, to Sunday;Septernb.er 15. The wedding reception,will-take-place on Saturday night at Eddie s,,•and•th:ere will'te-amplified:'music,as,'part of the celebration. Please,beassured,that the ` music.wilfconclude,pramptly at 10:00'PM;EST, talso:waritto take this opportunity to-assure you'that Silver Sands values the partnership we } #' have with our neighbors and lhas-no intention of becoming a,"wedding venue." We:are committed to"losting,no•more-than four-weddings,a year, specifically in May,June, September, and October,.with no more than one event in,each,of those months. Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate your continued support as part of our -� community. Warm regards, Ali Tuthill Executive Director Silver Sands Motel,& Beach.Bungalows coo 'ate "` =- "• D� n(T,1 inn . NftA _ y r I 80 ` G 0 61-dB n • ■ �I7x;'yi( LEGAL NOTICE 1 xMy'sa� r� i f i'HOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 1 2 \ 'IURSDAY,OCTOBER 3,2024 at 10:00 AM J PUBLIC HEARINGS OTI E IS HE�EBY GIVEN,pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280(Zoning),Town of Southold,the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall,53095 Main Road,Southold,New York 1 1 971-0959,on THURSDAY.OCTOBER 3.2024: The public may ALSO have access to view,listen and make comment during the PUBLIC HEARING as it is happening via ZOOM WEBINAR. Details about how to tune in and make comments during the PUBLIC HEARING are on the Town's website agenda for this meeting which may be viewed at http://southoldtownny.gov/agendacenter. Additionally,there will be a link to the Zoom Webinar meeting at http://southoldtownny.gov/calendar.aspx. 10:00 A.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1.LLC:7#7893 E�+(Adj.from August 1,2024)Request for a Special Exception pursuant to Article VII, Section 280-35(B)(6),applicant requests;(1)to co`n—i—ft existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space,for restaurant operations;and(2)permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/bar area;located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15.' 10:00 A.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1.LLC.#7894-(Adj.from August 1,2024)Request for a Variance from Article VII,Section 280-36;and the Building Inspector's January 10,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a free standing restaurant with office and storage space for restaurant operations;1)located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 15 feet;located at:1135 Shore Drive/1135 Silvermere Road,Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-47-2-15. 10:00 A.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I.LLC.#7914SE-Adj.from August 1,2024)Request for special exception pursuant to Article VII,Section 280-35B(6)and Article VII,Section 280-35C(1);applicant requests;1)to convert an existing single family dwelling(30'4"by 26'4")to a commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with converted restaurant on the same lot(Lot 15),and;2)upon conversion,said commercial kitchen will be accessory to the principle use of the converted restaurant;located at 1135 Silvermere Road,Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15. 10:00 A.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I.LLC#7897-(Adj.from August 1,2024)Request for an Interpretation pursuant to Chapter 280-146(D)of the Town Code,and the Building Inspector's November 16,2023 Certificate of Occupancy based on alterations(diner and bar areas for motel guests only)to an existing motel building,to wit:1)whether the newly issued Certificate of Occupancy issued under Section 280-35C inappropriately limits the use of the diner and hotel bar areas to"motel guests only';and 2)whether the use allowed in original Certificate of Occupancy,No.142,dated May 28,1959 remains as a permitted use;parcel located at:1400 Silvermere Road(Adj.to Pipe's Cove)Greenport, NY.SCTM No.1000-47-2-11. 10:10 A.M.-PRISTINE PROJECTS.LLC#7943-Request for a Waiver of Merger petition under Article 11,Section 280-10A,to unmerge land identified as SCTM No.1000-63-1-5 which has merged with SCTM No.1000-63-1-4,based on the Building Inspector's May 13,2024 Notice of Disapproval;which states that a non-conforming lot shall merge with an adjacent conforming or non-conforming lot held in common ownership with the first lot at any time after July 1,1983 and that non-conforming lots shall merge until the total lot size conforms to the current bulk schedule requirements(minimum 40,000 sq,ft.in the R-40 Residential Zoning District);located,155 Sunnyside Road,Southold,NY.SCTM Nos.1000-63-1-4 and 1000-63-1-5. 10:20 A.M.-DEAN T.KARAVAS#7948-Request for a Waiver of Merger petition under Article 11,Section 280-10A,to unmerge land identified as SCTM No.1000-33-4-38 which has merged with SCTM No.1000-33-4-39,based on the Building Inspector's May 20,2024,Amended June 13,2024 Notice of Disapproval;which states that a non-conforming lot shall merge with an adjacent conforming or non-conforming lot held in common ownership with the first lot at any time after July 1,1983 and that non-conforming lots shall merge until the total lot size conforms to the current bulk schedule requirements(minimum 40,000 sq.ft.in the R-40 Residential Zoning District);located,750 and 850 Tasker Lane,Greenport,NY. SCTM Nos.1000-33-4-38 and 1000-33-4-39. 10.30 A.M,-CEDARS 1883 LLC/JONAH AND KATIE SONNENBORN#7945-Request for Variances from Article IV,Section 280-18;and the Building Inspector's April 29,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to legalize an"as built"habitable third story and create additional habitable third story space in an existing single family dwelling;1)more than code required number of stories of two and a half; 2)less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 50 feet;located at:825 Stephensons Road,Orient,NY.SCTM No.1000-17-1-11.5. 10:40 A.M.-JOSE AND JUANA SARABIA#7954-Request for a Variance from Article XXIII,Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's June 7, 2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct an accessory in-ground swimming pool;1)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;located at:1040 Middleton Road,Greenport,NY.SCTM No.1000-40-5-11. 10.50 A.M.-HARBES ESTATE,LLC,MONICA AND EDWARD HARBES#7847SE-Applicants request a Special Exception under Article 111 Section 280-13B(14). The Applicants are the owners requesting authorization to establish an Accessory Bed and Breakfast,accessory and incidental to the residential occupancy in this single-family dwelling,with one(1)bedroom for lodging and serving of breakfast to the Bed&Breakfast casual, transient roomers.Located at:715 Hallock Lane,Mattituck,NY.SCTM No.1000-112-1-7.4. 1:10 P.M.-MICHELE GLOVER#7952-Request for Variances from Article XXIII,Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's June 13,2024, Amended June 20,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to demolish(as per Town Code definition)and reconstruct a single family dwelling;1)less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 35 feet;2)less than the code required minimum combined side yard setback of 25 feet;3)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;located at:1300 Bailie Beach Road,Mattituck,NY. SCTM No.1000-99-3-11.18. 1:20 P.M.225 OAK ROAD,LLC,PAT MCAULIFFE#7950-Request for Variances from Article XXIII,Section 280-124;Article XXXVI,Section 280- 207A(1)(b);Article XXXVI,Section 280-208A;and the Building Inspector's June 7,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to demolish(as per Town Code definition)and reconstruct a single family dwelling and construct an accessory in-ground swimming pool;1)less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 35 feet;2)less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 10 feet;3)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;4)gross floor area exceeding permitted maximum square footage for lot containing up to 20,000 square feet in area;5)the construction exceeds the permitted sky plane as defined in Article I,Section 280-4 of the Town Code;located at: 225 Oak Road,New Suffolk,NY.SCTM No.1000-110-8-10. 1:30 P.M.-NORTH ROAD HOTEL.LLC.HOTEL MORAINE#7927SE-(Adjourned from September 5,2024)Request for a Special Exception- pursuant to Article VII,Section 280-35B(4)and the Building Inspector's January 24,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a new motel building(10 units)and to build an addition to an existing motel"building(4 units)upon a parcel that measures 3.251 acres in total area,at;located at 62005 County Road 48,(Adj.to Long Island Sound)Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-40-1-1. 1.30 P.M.-NORTH ROAD HOTEL,LLC/MOTEL MORAINE#7953-(Adjourned from September 5,2024)Request for a Variance from Article VII, Section 280-35B(4)(a)and the Building Inspector's January 24,2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a new motel building(10 units)and to build an addition to an existing motel building(4 additional units)at;1)parcel is less than the code required minimum size of five(5)acres;at:62005 County Road 48,(Adj.to the Long Island Sound)Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-40-1-1. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons or their representatives,desiring to be heard at each hearing,and/or desiring to submit•written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review on The Town's Weblink/Laserfiche under Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA)\Board Actions\Pending. Click Link: Please note the date to submit written comments to this office will be the Friday prior to the public hearing. After that,no documents will be accepted by this office,but can be submitted to the Board Members during the public hearing. If you have questions,please telephone our office at(631)765-1809,or by email:kimf@southoldtownny.gov. Dated: September 19,2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN,CHAIRPERSON By:Kim E.Fuentes 54375 Main Road(Office Location) P.O.Box 1179,Southold,NY 11971-0959 a26098cd �gsoutholdtownny.gov AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Suffolk Times State of New York, County of,Suffolk County, The undersigned is the authorized designee of The Suffolk Times,a Weekly Newspaper published in Suffolk County, New York.I certify that the public notice,a printed copy of which is attached hereto,was printed and published in this newspaper on the following dates: 09/26/2024 This newspaper has been designated by the County Clerk of Suffolk County,as a newspaper of record in this county, and as such,is eligible to publish such notices. Signature Christina Henke Rea Printed Name Subscribed and sworn to before me, This 27 day of September 2024 Digitally signed DOUGLASWREA by douglas w rea Notary Public-State of New York Date: 2024.09.27 NO.OiRE6398443 17:06:28 +00:00 Qualified in Albany County My Commission Expires Sep 30,2027 +l DTI ur !Hi- =-='�A , J I '�� 0 The following application will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold The application will ALSO be available VIA ZOOM WEBINAR - Follow pink - http'.//southoldtownny.gov/calendar.aspx NAME SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS LLC # 7893 SE CTM # : 1 000-47-2- 1 5 � I �ARIANCE: SPECIAL EXCEPTION BEQUEST: TO CONVERT AN EXISTING ACCESSORY BOATHOUSE TO A FREESTANDING RESTAURANT WITH OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE FOR RESTAURANT OPERATIONS & PERMISSION FOR AN ACCESSORY SEASONAL OUTDOOR BBQ/BAR AREA `ATE THURS. , NOV. 712024 1 :30 PM vou may review the file(s) on the town's website under Town Records/Weblink: SBA/ Board Actions/ Pending. ZBA Office telephone (631 ) 765-1809 14UTIG !-c '� OF The following application will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town .Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold The application will ALSO be available VIA ZOOM WEBIIVAR - Follow pink - httpo.//southoldtownny.gov/calendar.aspx FAME SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS LLC # 7893 SE- SCTM # : 1 000-47-2- 1 5 VARIANCE: SPECIAL EXCEPTION KEQUESTE TO CONVERT AN EXISTING ACCESSORY BOATHOUSE TO A FREESTANDING RESTAURANT WITH OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE FOR RESTAURANT OPERATIONS & PERMISSION FOR AN ACCESSORY SEASONAL OUTDOOR BBQ/BAR AREA � AT E THURS. , OCTOBER 3, 2024 1 0:00AM You may -review the file(s) on the town's website under Town Records/Weblink: ZBA/ Board Actions/ Pending. ZBA Office telephone (631 ) 765-1809 r Town Hall Annex, 54375 NYS Route 25 .. P.O. Box 1179 0959 Southold, New York 11971 Fax(631) 7165.9064 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DATE: September 3, 2024 RE: INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUBLIC HEARING Dear Applicant; The October 3, 2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Regular Meeting will be held BOTH in person in the Town Hall Meeting Room at 53095 Main Road, Southold AND via video conferencing (Zoom Webinar), and a transcript will be provided at a later date. The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the meeting live, and make comments. Belay; please.;see instructions rag iireel°-to,1)prepareW far:tl e:ZBA:,public.Bearing .v'hicli includes: a I.LI': ' 1. Yellow sign to post on property a minimum of seven(7) days p iaz to your hearing,to be placeZyoorder 10 feet from the front property line (within your property) bordering the streemore than one street or roadway,.an extra sign is supplied-,for posting on both Posting should be done no later than September\25, 2024. Toama a-to your sin please affix it to a sturdy surface such asplvwood. If our sin is damaged please call the office and we will provide you with anot er one. rior to our public hearing, members of the Board of A eals will each conduct a ersonal inspection of your property. If a Board member reports that there is no si na e visibly on display as required by law, our scheduled hearing will be ad'ourned to a ater date to ensure compliance with Chapter 55-1 (B) 1 of the Town Code. SC Tax Map with property numbers. 3. Legal Notice of in person meeting, as well as video conferencing. Instructions for p cipation will follow, and will be posted on the Town's Website under the meeting date d the Legal otice it of Suffolk Times Newspaper. 4. Af i is of Mailings and Posting to be completed by you, a 1zed, and returned to our office alone mailing receipts and green c eptember 25, 2024, verifying that you have properly mailed and posted. Please attach a photograph of the posting on your Property with your affidavit of posting. 5. Instructions for Laserfiche/Weblink to view application. MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Please send by LISPS :C rtie fled Mail;"'Retiirn:46ceipt the following documents to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed) vacant or improved, which abuts and any property which is across from any public or private street. We w, ' Instructions for ZBA Public Heal,reg Page 2 ask that you send your mailings promptly so that if any piece is undeliverable, you can reach out to your neighbors to request their mailing addresses, and re-mail. Mailing to be done by September 16, 2024. a. Legal Notice informing interested parties of meeting being conducted IN PERSON and via video conferencing. (Enclosed) A WEBLINK to the meeting will be provided on the Town's Website under the date of the meeting. b. Your Cover Letter which should include your contact information, date.and time of hearing, procedures for submitting written comment via email or USPS to our office. Recipients should be able to contact you for additional information. Furthermore, if recipients need to contact the ZBA staff,they may telephone 631-765-1809 or email us at kimf@southoldtownny_ og_v or elizabeth.sakarellos@town.southold.ny.us c. Instructions for Laserfiche/Weblink to view all pending applications. (Enclosed) Link to view pending applications: http•//24 38 28.228:2040/weblink/Browse.aspx?dbid=0. d. Survey or Site Plan depicting"as-built" and proposed improvements requiring ZBA relief. The Town's Laserfiche/Weblink files provides both location addresses and mailing addresses in their current Assessment Roll listing. (See Link Below). Also,the Town Assessor's Office can be reached at 631-765-1937. Contact us via email or by phone if you need further assistance. TownOfSouthold>Assessors> Assessment Books/Tax Rolls> https://southoldtownny_gov/DocumentCenterNiew/l 0528/2024-FFina Assess Roll een si ` atix 'Eard ` ati�d'affidavits,.to recr i ;gr w �Scan:`��nd.-esnai =:�tbe .I1SPS mailing :g.y opt.haliltaiivviany ay `and, ;P12O IPZ'I1Y'IT�PS 1V;IAIIG' the_C?RLGINALS:to.1 E t- -x.:. q ,ta 71 ld �;�"119 2.��9�' outho �-N. �Tawn�.of.Sauthaid,:Z��,PO Boz',1 '�_,yS � -- �....�b�. :�....a.._-, Please note that without your mailing receipts, the ZBA will be prevented from conducting your hearing,pursuant to Chapter SS of the Southold Town Code and New York State Law. Please note that you or your representative are required to attend. If you or your representative are not present, the hearing will be adjourned to the next available hearing date. Please be reminded that New York State Law requires the ZBA to follow the above specific policies. If for any reason, you are unable to prepare for your public hearing as instructed, please let us know. ***PLEASE NOTE*** : THE LAST DAY TO SUBMIT WRITTEN DOCUMENTS TO THIS OFFICE FOR THE BOARD MEMBERS WILL BE THE FRIDAY PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. AFTER THAT, NO DOCUMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE OFFICE BUT CAN BE SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD MEMBERS AT THE PUBLIC HEARING. Kim E. Fuentes—Board Assistant LEGAL NOTICE HOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ;JHURSDAY,AUGUST 1,2024 at 10:00 AM XIN PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280(Zoning),Town of Southold,the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall,53095 Main Road,Southold,New York 11971-0959,on THURSDAY,AUGUST 1.2024: The public may ALSO have access to view,listen and make comment during the PUBLIC HEARING as it is happening via ZOOM WEBINAR. Details about how to tune in and make comments during the PUBLIC HEARING are on the Town's website agenda for this meeting which may be viewed at http://southoldtownny.gov/agendacenter. Additionally,there will be a link to the Zoom Webinar meeting at http://southoldtownny.gov/calendar.aspx. 10:00 A.M.-EMILY GEIGER#7925SE-Applicants request a Special Exception under Article 111,Section 280-13B(13). The Applicant is owner of the subject property requesting authorization to establish an Accessory Apartment in an existing accessory structure;at:2345 Ackerly Pond Lane,Southold,NY.SCTM#1000-69-5-2. 10:10 A.M.-CARMEN BROOKS#7930-Request for Variances from Article XI,Section 280-49 and the Building Inspector's April 4,2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct rear deck and front porch additions to a single family dwelling;at;1)less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 25 feet;2)less than the code required minimum combined side yard setback of 50 feet;located at: 1232 The Gloaming,Inner Bay Shore Road,(Adj.to Great Harbor)Fishers Island,NY. SCTM No.1000-10-9-16. 10:20 A.M.-EVAN GINIGER#7926-Request for a Variance from Article III,Section 280-15 and the Building Inspector's March 8,2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling;at;1)resulting in an existing accessory structure located in other than the code permitted rear yard;located at:315 Fleetwood Road(Adj.to East Creek),Cutchogue, NY. SCTM No.1000-137-4-14.1. 10:30 A.M.-RICK NAPPI#7928-Request for Variances from Article XXIII,Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's January 29,2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for the demolition(per town code definition)and the construction of a new single family dwelling;at;1)located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 35 feet;2)located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 10 feet;located at:5218 Peconic Bay Boulevard,(Adj.to Great Peconic Bay)Laurel,NY. SCTM No.1000-128-2-22. 10:40 A.M.-DANTE APUZZO#7929-Request for a Variance from Article XXIII,Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's February 16,2024, Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling;at;1)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;located at:515 Third Street,New Suffolk,NY. SCTM No.1000-117-9-17. 10:50 A.M..-A.PAUL SECK#7931 -Request for a Variance from Article III,Section 280-15 and the Building Inspector's April 12,2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct an accessory in-ground swimming pool;at;1)located in other than the code permitted rear yard;located at:2445 Laurel Lake Drive,Private Road#18,Mattituck,NY. SCTM No.1000-121-4-7.1. 11:00 A.M.-PAUL BETANCOURT#7932-Request for Variances from Article III,Section 280-15;Article XXIII,Section 280-124;and the Building Inspector's April 19,2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct an accessory in-ground swimming pool;at;1) located in other than the code permitted rear yard;2)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;located at:1050 Champlin Place,(Adj.to Sterling Creek Basin)Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-34-5-2.1. 1:00 P.M.-NORTH ROAD HOTEL,LLC.HOTEL MORAINE#7927SE-Request for a Special Exception pursuant to Article VII,Section 280-35B(4) and the Building Inspector's January 24,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a new motel building(10 units)and to build an addition to an existing motel building(4 units)upon a parcel that measures 3.251 acres in total area,at;located at 62005 County Road 48,(Adj.to Long Island Sound)Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-40-1-1. 1:00 P.M.-NORTH ROAD HOTEL,LLC/MOTEL MORAINE#7953-Request for a Variance from Article VII,Section 280-35B(4)(a)and the Building Inspector's January 24,2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a new motel building(10 units)and to build an addition to an existing motel building(4 additional units)at;1)parcel is less than the code required minimum size of five(5)acres;at:62005 County Road 48,(Adj.to the Long Island Sound)Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-40-1-1. 1:10 P.M.-HENRY BOSTIC AND AMBRIEL BOSTIC#7934-Request for a Variance from Article XXIII,Section 280-1051)(4);and the Building Inspector's April 26,2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a deer fence along the front yard of a residential property;at;1)located in the front yard is not permitted;located at:5305 Narrow River Road,Orient,NY. SCTM No.1000-27-2-2.3. 1:20 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I.LLC.#7$93SE-(Adj.from May 2,2024)Request for a Special Exception pursuant to Article VII,Section 280-35(B)(6),applicant requests;(1)to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space,for restaurant operations;and(2)permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/bar area;located at 1135 Silvermere Road,Greenport, NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15.' 1:20 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1.LLC.#7894-(Adj.from May 2,2024)Request for a Variance from Article Vil,Section 280-36;and the Building Inspector's January 10,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a free standing restaurant with office and storage space for restaurant operations;1)located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 15 feet;located at:1135 Shore Drive/1135 Silvermere Road,Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-47-2-15. 1:20 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I.LLC.#7914SE-Adj.from May 2,2024)Request for special exception pursuant to Article VII,Section 280- 35B(6)and Article VII,Section 280-35C(1);applicant requests;1)to convert an existing single family dwelling(3014"by 26'4")to a commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with converted restaurant on the same lot(Lot 15),and;2)upon conversion,said commercial kitchen will be accessory to the principle use of the converted restaurant;located at 1135 Silvermere Road,Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15. 1:20 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I.LLC#7897-(Adj.from May 2,2024)Request for an Interpretation pursuant to Chapter 280-146(D)of the Town Code,and the Building Inspector's November 16,2023 Certificate of Occupancy based on alterations(diner and bar areas for motel guests only)to an existing motel building,to wit:1)whether the newly issued Certificate of Occupancy issued under Section 280-35C inappropriately limits the use of the diner and hotel bar areas to"motel guests only";and 2)whether the use allowed in original Certificate of Occupancy,No. 142,dated May 28,1959 remains as a permitted use;parcel located at:1400 Silvermere Road(Adj.to Pipe's Cove)Greenport,NY.SCTM No. 1000-47-2-11. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons or their representatives,desiring to be heard at each hearing,and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review on The Town's Weblink/Laserfiche under Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA)\Board Actions\Pending. Click Link: If you have questions, please telephone our office at(631)765-1809,or by email:kimf@southoldtownny.gov. Dated: July 11,2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN,CHAIRPERSON By:Kim E.Fuentes 54375 Main Road(Office Location) P.O.Box 1179,Southold,NY 11971-0959 w � a 76f95a1 b ,f@southoldtownny.gov AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Suffolk Times State of New York, County of,Suffolk County, The undersigned is the authorized designee of The Suffolk Times,a Weekly Newspaper published in Suffolk County, New York.I certify that the public notice,a printed copy of which is attached hereto,was printed and published in this newspaper on the following dates: 07/25/2024 This newspaper has been designated by the County Clerk of Suffolk County,as a newspaper of record in this county, and as such,is eligible to publish such notices. Signature Christina Henke Rea Printed Name Subscribed and sworn to before me, This 06 day of August 2024 Digitally signed DOUGLASWREA by douglas w rea Notary Public•State of New York Date: 2024.08.06 NO.OIRE6398443 13:25:41 +00:00 Qualified in Albany County My Commission Expires Sep 30,2027 jbj Morrison Cohen _ Gayle Pollack (212) 735-8793j—>� 4 gpollack@morrisoncohen.com r a t July 18, 2024 j-,-iVIA FEDERAL EXPRESS MCEIVED Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Attn: Leslie Kanes Weisman 'JUL 19 2024 Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 BONING BOARD OF APPEALS Southold,New York 11971 Re: Silver Sands Motel & Beach Bungalows Dear Ms. Weisman: My firm, along with co-counsel Charles Cuddy, represents the Silver Sands Motel & Beach Bungalows ("Silver Sands") in connection with its pending applications before the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals (the "ZBA"). As relates to the Interpretation Application for Certificate of Occupancy No. #44731, ZBA staff have expressed that the ZBA requires additional specificity concerning the use of the diner over time. To be clear, we interpret that to mean use of the diner since 1989, as the diner use was as of right based on the zoning in effect prior to 1989. Silver Sands maintains that the use of the diner space from 1989 to date is not relevant to the requested interpretation, given the prior certificate of occupancy, which acknowledged the diner use without restriction. Silver Sands further believes that its prior submissions, including its May 8 letter with Darline Duffy's enclosure and its May 17, 2024 email to the ZBA concerning site zoning, provide specific and conclusive evidence concerning the continuous use of the diner. Nonetheless, in an effort to progress the Interpretation Application, Silver Sands provides the enclosed supplemental letter from Ms. Duffy confirming that the diner was used consistently for food service year after year, and that the use was never abandoned. To the extent that this does not address the ZBA's concerns, Silver Sands respectfully requests that the ZBA provide some additional guidance as to the information it is seeking to make a positive determination on the Interpretation Application. The Interpretation Application has no bearing on the remaining applications pending before the ZBA for Silver Sands, which have been pending since May. Silver Sands respectfully requests a prompt determination on the following applications: 1. Request for special exception pursuant to Article VII, Section 280- 35(B)(6),applicant requests: (1)special exception to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space, for restaurant operations; and (2) permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/bar area; located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15. Morrison Cohen uP ; 909 Third Avenue , New York,NY 10022-4784 ! P 212,735.8600 I F 212.735.8708 i morrisoncohen.com #13135576v2\029391\0002 8 9�{! Morrison Cohen / S, Southold Zoning Board of Appeals RECOVE® r July 18, 2024 � Page 2 JUL 19 2024 2. Request for Special exception pursuant to Art B9 AF2WEAL8 35(C)(1),applicant requests: (1)special exception to convert an existing single family dwelling (30'4" X 26'4") to a commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with converted restaurant on the same lot (Lot 15) and upon conversion, said commercial kitchen will be accessory to the principal use of the converted restaurant; located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport, NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15. 3. Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Section 280-127; and the Building Inspector's January 10, 2024 Notice of Disapproval: the freestanding restaurant with office and storage space for the restaurant operations(currently a boathouse)is located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 15 feet; located at: 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY. SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15. Approval of the pending applications is integral to Silver Sands's business plan. Silver Sands has attempted to work collaboratively with all neighbors and with the Town as it rejuvenates a historic Town jewel, and very much wants to push forward these applications. We appreciate your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, /s/Gayle Pollack Enclosure cc: Charles Cuddy, Esq. #I3135576v2\029391\0002 $ — -3 RECEIVED July 17, 2024 AL 19 2024 Darline Duffy #3 Watersedge Way ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Port Jefferson, New York 11777 Mrs. Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE:Silver Sands Motel Diner-SCTM 1000-047-02-11 Dear Chairperson Mrs. Leslie Kanes Weisman and Honorable Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to supplement my May 5,2024 letter to the Zoning Board of Appeals providing further specificity concerning the use of the diner that is part of the Silver Sands Motel building, located at 1400 Silvermere Road in Greenport, NY. I want to be clear that particularly between 1975 and when I sold the motel and surrounding properties in April 2022,the diner was used for food service year in and year out. There was never a year when the diner was not available for food service for staff, overnight guests, and local residents. This use was never abandoned. I make this statement based on my personal knowledge,as I was dating and then married to Edward Jurzenia,the former owner,for the entire timeframe I am referencing in this letter. I hope this information provides the necessary clarity regarding the historical use of the Silver Sands Motel Diner. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours sincerely, Darline Duffy I W FIB _ Morrison CohenGayle ck 212) 735a8793 I6 gpollack@mo,rrisoncohen.com May 8,2024 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Received Southold Zoning Board of Appeals MAY o 9 2024 Attn: Leslie Kanes Weisman Town HallAnnex Building Appeals 54375 Route 25 Zoning Board of P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Silver Sands Motel&Beach Bungalows Applications 47893SE, 7894, 7897, 7914SE, and 7915 (the"Applications") Dear Ms. Weisman: 1 My firm, along with co-counsel Charles Cuddy, represents the Silver Sands Motel & Beach Bungalows ("Silver Sands"). At the May 2, 2024 ZBA hearing on the Applications, the ZBA held the hearing open for information on two remaining issues: (1) a SEQRA determination by the Southold Planning Board (the "Planning Board"); and (2) evidence that the diner has been used continuously for food service (relating to the application seeking a code interpretation). Though the ZBA calendared a control date in early August, the ZBA invited Silver Sands to submit additional information as it becomes available. Based on the information below, we submit that the ZBA can rule on the Applications promptly. A. The Planning Board Has Designated Silver Sands' Proposed Site Plan Application a Tyne II Action At the May 2 public hearing,the ZBA indicated that it would not issue a determination on the Applications without a SEQRA determination by the Planning Board. At the May 6, 2024 Planning Board meeting, the Planning Board designated Silver Sands' site plan application a Type II action and scheduled the application for public hearing on June 3,2024. Based on the Planning Board's determination,we believe that the ZBA can rule on the Applications now. B. Though Silver Sands Does /Not Believe It Must Prove Continuous Use of the Diner for Food Service, It Has Marshaled Such Evidence at the ZBA's Request The certificate of occupancy("CofO") issued in November 2023 restricted use of the diner "to motel guests only." This restriction did not appear in the CofO issued in 1959, when the diner at the motel opened. Silver Sands filed an interpretation application asking the ZBA to remove the restriction from the CofO (Application #7897). At the May 2 public hearing, the ZBA asked whether the diner has continuously been used for food service as part of its evaluation into whether the Morrison Cohen uP 1 909 Third Avenue I New York,NY 10022-4784 1 P 212.735.8600 1 F 212.735.8708 1 morrisoncohen.com r jb1 Morrison Cohen Southold,Zoning Board of Appeals Received May 8, 2024 Page 2 MAY 0 g �� diner is a freestanding restaurant or accessory to the motel. We not OiA�ftor to the Zoning Code being reformulated, making the diner grandfathered as a special exception and, thus, a conforming use. Although this would make evidence of continuous nonconforming use unnecessary, we provide the requested information herewith. Enclosed are two letters that unequivocally demonstrate the continuous use of the Silver Sands diner for food service. From its opening in 1957 and until the current owners purchased Silver Sands in 2022, the property was owned by the Jurzenia family. Darline Duffy inherited ownership of the motel and its surrounding properties when her husband, Edward Jurzenia,passed in December 2019. Ms. Duffy and Mr. Jurzenia had been together since 1975, giving her long-standing knowledge of the property and its prior use by the Jurzenia family. Ms. Duffy confirms that the diner provided food service to overnight guests and local residents since at least 1975, and that she understands the diner was in operation far earlier. Stanley F. Skrezec,who has been working in sewer and water maintenance in the Village of Greenport and the Town of Southold for the past 50 years, and who was hired by both the prior and current owners of Silver Sands for maintenance and repair work, similarly represents that the motel diner has been in consistent use for many years, including throughout the last decade. As Silver Sands has proven continuous use of the diner for food service, even though this is unnecessary, we respectfully request that the ZBA promptly render a favorable decision on Silver Sands' interpretation application and allow use of the diner for both motel customers and the broader community. C. Silver Sands Formally Withdraws Application #7915, Concerning Use of the Pool As Silver Sands indicated at the May 2 hearing, it is withdrawing its application concerning use of the pool for all guests (Application#7915). Rather, Silver Sands anticipates that it will fill the pool and use the space for additional parking. Silver Sands very much appreciates the ZBA's time and attention to the Applications. We believe that the Applications all are complete now and may be determined. If the ZBA has remaining questions on the Applications, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, /s/Gayle Pollack Enclosures cc: Charles Cuddy,Esq. (via email) ~ w- \ - WE ^��*xz�C�� April 24, 2023 ��m/ w`»~' ' - Dar|ine buffn #3WateoedgeWay Port Jefferson NY 11777 Amanda Nunennakmr, Building Department Southold Town Building Department 54375 Main Road Southold NYl1971 RE:Silver Sands Motel properties;SCTM1DDO-U47-O2-lS-Status mf Boathouse(#3S) Dear Ms. Nunemaker: . ' \ |write this letter to help clarify facts around the historical use of the building structures on SCTM 1000-047-02-15,which include a cottage and boathouse that are colloquially referred to as unit #33 and #35, respectively. | have relevant first-hand knowledge since my husband, Edward ]urzenia /b. 1844\^spent his entire life at the motel and was an owner and operator up until his passing in Decennbor2U19. Edward's parents built the original nnute| in 1957, and he and | had been together since 1875' 1 inherited nmyhuoband'sownership in the rnute| and surrounding properties,which I sold to the current owners in 2022.1 also served as a Southold Town Assessor from 1991-2014,through which I had intimate knowledge of real property and its taxabld status within the Town of Southold, including the Silver Sands properties. To the best ofnny knowledge, the Boathouse was built sometime before or around the nnid- 194Os,asitvvaspresentforEdvvard'oentire |ife-TheoriQima|pnopertymxvnerstmredhisboatand marine equipment on the first floor of the building xvhi|a maintaining a dwelling loft upstairs, ' I J ` which included a full bathroom and small kitchen. In fact, the black-and-white photo on the Property Card clearly shows the second-floor loft windows that are still present today. Both structures on the property (Cottage #33 and the Boathouse #35) have always been used as independent dwelling units, which would have been allowed at the time since they pre-elated any zoning regulations or the existence of the Building Department. Edward personally owned this property when I met him in 1975; he was living in the Boathouse loft at the time, and-he rented cottage#33 as part of the motel so he could cover the mortgage.When Edward and I got married in 1985, we moved out of the loft, which Silver Sands then rented as transient housing along with#33.Silver Sands also used the first floor of the Boathouse as a meeting facility with a bar and kitchen area for the last 50 years,as it was Edward's dream to open a bar and cafe.Silver Sands continued to rent both dwelling units as part of the motel,as well as the first-floor meeting facility, until the property was sold to the current owners in April 2022. Very respectfully yours, Darline Duffy May 5, 2024 Darline Duffy #3 Watersedge Way Received Port Jefferson; NY 11777 Mrs. Leslie Kahees Weisman,Chairperson MAY Q 9 2024 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Board of Appeals 54375 Route,25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE:Silver Sands Motel Restaurant—S.C.T.M. 1000-47-2-11 Dear Chairperson Mrs. Leslie Kanes Weisman and Honorable Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I am writing to provide clarity.and historical context regarding the use of the Silver Sands Motel building, located at 1400 Silvermere Road in Greenport, NY. I'have-intimate knowledge of the property's history due to my late husband, Edward Jurzenia,who was an owner and operator of the motel,until his passing'in December 2019. Edward's parents built the original motel in 1957; and he and I had been together since 1975. Following Edward's passing,,-I.inherited ownership of the-motel and surrounding properties,which-I later sold to the current owners in April 2022. 1 served as.a Southold Town Assessor from,1991 to 2014,during which. I gained'comprehensive knowledge of�the area's real property and its taxable status,including the Silver Sands properties. In reviewing the original building permit applications from 1957,the initial floor plans, andthe Certificate of Occupancy(CO)from 1959, it's clear that the approved use was designated as a "motel with restaurant."The dinette, located in the northwest corner of the building, has been in that same location since its inception. Based on,my discussions with my late husband,and certainly since I have known the,property,J understand that Silver Sands has been a place where both overnight guests and local residents could visit and get a meal or other prepared food. Despite.various periods of decline and disrepair,the motel and dinette were always in continual use,in some capacity. In-more recent years,even as the property deteriorated,the original restaurant space continued to be used for preparing meals,whether for staff,guests,or visitors.This use persisted until the property,was sold in April 2022. Despite sometimes being used-for storage;the diner space,still produced meals,thereby maintaining its purpose as outlined in the.original.CO. I-hope this information provides the necessary clarity regarding the historical,use of the Silver Sands Motel Diner. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Received 4ar sinter lyWiAY 0 9 2024 e Du Zoning Board of Appeals r May 4, 2024 Zoning Board ofAppeals Received Southold Town Hall MAY 0,9 2024 53095 Main Road Souhold.NY 11971 Appeals Zoning Board of RE: Silver Sands Motel Diner- SCTM 1000-047-02-11 Dear Chairperson Mrs. Leslie Kanes Weisman and Members ofthe Zoning Board ofAppeals, My name is Stanley F. Skrezec. I was born and raised in Greenport and I have been working in sewer and water maintenance in the Village of Greenport and Town of Southold for the past fifty years. Throughout this time.I have been hired by the owners ofthe Silver Sands Motel both the original owners and the new owners-to perform,various maintenance and repair tasks on the property's existing sewer system, as well as domestic water lines to the motel and its surrounding cottages. I am writing to confirm that the diner within the.Silver Sands Motel has been in consistent use for many years. including during the last decade.prior to the sale to the current owners in April 2022. In my role. I frequently visited the property to conduct maintenance work,and I observed ongoing activity indicating the diner was still in use. I hope this information helps to clarify the ongoing use and functionality-ofthe dirier'al'Sil,ver` Sands Motel.Ifyou require any further information,I am happy to,assist. Sincerely, Stanley F. Skrezec 1170 Hillcrest Drive.Orient,NY May 6,2024 Received Mrs. Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson MAY 0 9 2024 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals 54375 Route 25 Zoning Board of Appeals P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Chairperson Mrs. Leslie Kanes Weisman and Honorable Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I hope this letter finds you well. Per what we discussed in our public hearing on May 211, 2024,I am writing to withdraw our application#7915 on SCTM 1000-47-02-15,which concerns the existing in-ground swimming pool at Silver Sands. After careful consideration and meetings with the Planning Board, we have decided to proactively remove the existing swimming pool. This decision reflects our commitment to simplifying and aligning both historic and intended uses on the property. Enclosed,please find a copy of the demolition application that was submitted to the Southold Town Building Department on 04/02/2024, for which we are eagerly awaiting approval. We believe that this decision will simplify our other applications before the Board and contribute positively to our ongoing efforts to enhance Silver Sands and complete the historic and intended alignment of uses on the property. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Alexander Perros Proprietor, Silver Sands TOWN OF SOUTHOLD8�� ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. l I St✓ 'd' rc SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK C�'I DNS C� �� VIAL S AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of: MAILINGS S�Ivy s 5 41 S I LLL (Name of Appli` t/Owner) SCTM No. 1000- (Address of Property) (Section, Block& Lot) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK 1, (�) Owner, ( ) Agent 9 J oAo je-x V�[05 residing at 21 ©�/�nrJ�y� c w +T-�-c I S C3v oI New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says that: On the day of ti , 20��y, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in Prepaid envelopes addressed to current property owners shown on the current assessment roll Verified from the official records on file with the ()() Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office, for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. (Signat e) CONNIE D.BUNCH Notary Public,Stat®of New York Sworn to before me thi No.o1BU6165050 day of ri , 20�,� Qualif ad in Suffolk County Commission Expire®April 14,2 as U I (Notary Public) PLEASE list,on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. i All original USPS receipts and mailing confirmations to be submitted to the ZBA Office along with this form completed, signed and notarized. Postal Service % rti . o Pob,dl Service TM CERTIF f� •. 0,1Y J , ul ! o . ■ m D. t, For deliVe r .�: i,: 4A �.Y r Certified'Mall Fee h:•;T�`.. . .)u-�� - *'F C;:,; ',: ,4 :"54i �•.:. t ;#""s �s '" f 4l. '�! r•_:x O $ ,. °r � 6.:(c. 1 �,,Certified Mail Fees {.,rr l -.Ir ;<', 3ry •s ,' .1,'. s. Extra ';PV r,6:/. `z'G,. �+PYri ra Services&Fees(check box,add fee rv� -^, I.1,�•' ,•, „•c O $ < M i;'" '{lV q7� Return kPP to-- `y I r'i ❑ rn Receipt(harccopy;. rP.t;r ) ,,,„ .. s [J turn P �'rl'Extra Service heck e ❑ um Re ceipt,(electronic <' $ Fees fc box,a_dtl_le m�:roul re) .-. ) ,.'': '$i {�'�'x,it,'- ,r O ❑Return Receipt �, o $'' ❑Certified Mall Reetrieted D1;3elive'" , s_ ''4;;�C(•POS ark ❑Retum Receipt(elebtronic ;••�: - - ❑AdultSignatureRequired'^ ', $i < II I((-( r''a•i.�'„"-<;}"' ere ,❑CertifledMall Restdcted Deiiga $ '`� ystirlafk Adult si estd — �' O rye..,'" Here ❑ Sign ed Delryery$::M� u ❑Adult Signature Require8l;-,:;; ;•., rt •' �`(1:�,:'`_ 1 Postage' ,: -❑ t Signature,Restri` �,,Poste ,: r 0 Adul cteA Delive $<• �� .� $. 1 Sr, ``r:5;.-z4r`'b' :`i i•`` r�;Postage' y ru Stage and �1' $ ) pp}��� ,a2e ge and Fee s5 r 1�.4'i� ru Sent To '11j'S' ' I'7J Sent To .., .... ... ....... � ..,.,.. �Ct� St�eelandApt No.;�POBozNo.-----L--- S h �vV N S`treet and Apt"o.,or7'�t3ox No. City S'tafe;ZiP+4e---------------- sta �� 1 r te,ZlP+4® t r--- • �, �� "'r- �=------------ :rr � �3 T. ■ • Postal •""1'7l CERTIFIED ■ ■ ,r . ;t. r4sl1Yl)taWf.< cE) .- r Gr ertified Mail Fee-: 1'!id ,3 11 O $ '0971 11) Certified Mall Fees ( /` 'r,,) t^° Extra Services&Fees(checkbox add,feet/r',��y�Jr - ,I _ 'h�'Y $ r• "I"" 7.f;d {t r r—1 ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) t ,$— �L�rrr7,at—e) .-r'i,V - Extra Services&Fees(check +Y Q ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $' - +v:r.try r ��t�" 'P:' Q El Receipt(hardcopy) O7'add fee p ate, ' oStMafk ❑RetumRecei ) ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ I i„I-(�,I :„ d M(electronic + //! i OstMark 1 ❑Adult Signature Required ' `.'t• ''Here �.® ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $:__jj 1_i ll I ' ��V// .O N fiTt�!t_' r•r,; r i' El Signature RestrlctedrDeiivery. a ` O $;, Adult Sl nature Regtilred'a ,Its Postage ' , -, 0 ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery d'.:. Here $ .. .1 r$7 v; r•-1 Postage $', ru i 9 'Les ... - .,_ ,:7., 14/`117 iL „ :. $ to (gyp I r, 7,ati � Ya7 Sand FB •'°�. •:', "'t4Af • ("t,J T I -',➢,..,, ;:;:sii�., ;.$� t, i .f s, '"b t P�tageandFees" 'tiaJPlt�j'I'�1L(N, ti r`�1 (� Sent To "'^ Ilf $ 11) Sent To Street and t.No.,a PO Box fo. /'t 3 e 10 r— Street W15aApt No.,oiP(7�oz1Vo t ----- City,State,ZIP+4m �A �1 -- ----------= ---- �Qr� L`Ity,State;Z%P+4 - OO •--------------------�- �fe .fir --- -` -----i---- ---------------- r r rr.•r. - i TM Postal �( ■ aTI stal-Service • CERTIFIED t, O . ■ . , MAILp RECEIPT [� j O •. • fn D, �ra I i� »•fir .� r r } r r 5t t! I, "'�5 "rca J r"1`P (j '^ •9:''ya 'x r^ r 1- F: _ .� -� +. '�xi t,:.%' ) ;0.1�.,.:,+ '• ':.I.,'. Gam,.. ...xXY ''�r') Vie, Certified Mail Fee Ul flg�1' r a)f n Certified MailFee d, I l i ~� �� �Xi 03 EMra Services&Fees'(checkbok,edd feehpeatep •':! Extra Services&Fees(checkbox,_add lee��p ate): ?:"'I s''`' ❑Return Receipt(h4rdeopY)',V,"7r"`'$'' '.'y-"P.,;I ,(�- S. ,+n's`.:.°t. Return Receipt(hard '$ Fst,a c,i,, I [I Return Receipt(electronic);t;; ,w�,$ •I"-rr='tr Gi•u.°Y,:,!' 'Postmark" i '❑Return Receipt(electronic)'',. ;$ 'a' O ❑Certified Melt Restricted Delivery?!,$ J,. lU ;•�::, "kx' I, '�' JI_ ; .i� , ;POstRlafk „ ,a;,F,p;t,4,t,Here a ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery, $.' ,,�I,,; Here O ❑Adult Signature Required'"; `,:$ r,,r q g:'' iy iu'r LL,EtU }} ❑AdultSignatureRe uired ❑Adult Signature Restricted II e Q v ry,$,' 4 0 ❑Adult Signature,Restricted Delivery$ Postage17, 1rr Postage f �p�w��9,. �.i.4 66l2Q24;;,'.'r,:';.Y; -:� $ !c�4/I:i6l2f124 rU �r 7Z e'and Fees. I to a an , " v-'r d Fees ,r� Sent To pi C �-- (l���dY11 V�. O Sent To Zf'i•C� �1•� igru t� p --------------------------- - t ���--- --------- Street andA t Ko.,or Pb ox Afo. {�' Street and Apf No.,or�O Boz%tlo. Z,} °`�---39-�'----4' - --------� �_-`--''---- q�- City,State,ZIP+4 S Al I)3( City State,ZIP+4® ti L :.. r ,r rrr•,. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of: POSTING 1� Sct, 5 tLjcL T LLL SCTM No. 1000- T� 2-- �S (Name of Applican ) (Section, Block & Lot) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I, 66L residing at ��Z 1 ��,•�r,�v r r,,,d New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: I am the ( Owner or( ) Agent for owner of the subject property On the—) � day of A r) 20 Z I personally placed the Town's Official Poster on subject property located at: i �n V\P.5r,-a -Lr indicating the date of hearing and nature of application noted thereon, securely upon subject property, located ten(10) feet or closer from the street or right-of-Way (driveway entrance) facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance,* and that; I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven (7) days prior to the date of the subject hearing date, which hearing date was shown to be CONNiIE D.BUNCH Notary Public,State of Now York Plo.01®UC155050 Qualified in Suffolk County (Owner/Agent Signatur ) Commission Expires April 14,2 �1 Sworn to before me this Day of /���1 , 20 a q �61 (Notary Public) * near the entrance or driveway entrance of property, as the area most visible to passerby ■ • TM i; SMa _ CERTIFIEDT IFIED 1 cp 1 O ■ ■ 1 ■ • ,RECEIPT im , omestic,man on' CO �i.11 ( . . m „ 0 0 � c 71jilee. Certified Mail Fee , l 1 t,;' s_as+; ;Vt I✓ :.:' f�1ee `��t.41� ��7�Sutra Services&Fees(bhe�k box,add fee `r u p 1 ' t� ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy} $ "',�� PB' e) -. `y &Fee3,(bheck box,add fee 7p1e) ,',Q 1• �iriCJ:y y'��,�;.•� is°.:❑Retum Receipt(electronic);; $ . pt(hardcopy)!I�,; ' CJ .,,1.--'gip.'' ;4 Postmark p. Return Receipt(electrontc)';ras1,EoStmark O El Mall Restricted Delivery $ •.'.. {1 �:=j, 1•�. {, { i ;t5';,ry.lsi,.'Here. .', r,Here ❑Adult Signature Required i.1: ',$ $�{'-I�fl ,. t ,, O ❑Cert)Fed Mall Restricted Del'iveN,• $,�� 11_�lI 3 ❑Adult Signature Rastrictetl Delivery$ .. i []Adult Signature Required.:i'y, { Postage ,,t�ji..!q [ Adult Signature Restricted bQlivery;$ ,+ p,.. O d p, $ `•,.r,= •�qy ::i•-��d'r z g' t •'` 1 r,� Pdstage '�'li." �:'':�4'.;�`•a;�rty'.r<.�an,,,•. ',�::: rup T I•py..�/avge and Fees il-� Uv@6/.2024:' ./i $ �r"" 1,,,.>. •.Y ., I. ,4C. riji 7n�a{�Tage and Fees tLl Sent To �. qq f Q S 1 vU s �� a l� F Sent To ` 1 L\0ja - 5�� e��; f } J- iStreet and Apt No.,orP Box No: 1 � -""'------ - I ________________ ___ l K Ll 5 av>,d v�-(,q� Sireei andApt No.,or O Box IVo: �•5 g�� 4� O 1� City stale.ziP+d� ------ _ ------------------- ----- IV ����� ------- ----------------- Ciry Staie,ZlP+4a %fin bj� t \-kct•l PostalVA Postal ' CERTIFIED ,MAIL@ RECEIPT CERTIFIED ► . ■ jr Domestic Mail Only c13 For delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.como. 1�,14 {r{ Certified Mail Fee. ;$?',`,;,': :• 971' M Certified Mall Fee 4.40 },, p., hlg 1''' G ,Lt) $ ,+' .:r$3.65-- Extra Services&Fee (chebkbox,add fee��n p ate). Extra Services&Fees(check box,a$fee �elrte) ! V. r'; ❑Retum Receipt(hardcopy).,_ _ f_� s: ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy):�" $` t� i"' •t"` `�ii s,,C'°'" P tmark �' ❑Return Receipt(electronic)''.' $' I . p []Return Receipt(electionlc)L: x-`:j Postmark l4f Here rt ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery';$ '"'' ',`,•('.,,.;i. i {-3 ❑CertifiedMailRestdotedDelivery,-$,-*•Y0 017I"•• !Iric, Here d I� II_fl i•. '� -]Adult Signature Regfilred;; $• �i-1 fll"I' •"�i" 0 ❑Adult Signature Required" �$' - a• + y, •n ,�-'�-*9:�,' ^i".- -❑Adult Signature Restricted Dehvery,$ ❑Adult Signature Re-std ed'.�ellvery:$:• I C3 Postage :,on,..r .-,rf,c, y; 1 1 Post age . "SvZ;,'. ,'�'+rl ,"4+,. ti€ Fe. rq 41 $ t14•/06/202�}}' /fll T$�a�i geandFees n5t� 1 �1h�1 stage and Fees I 1} ,.. ..,. 1 .Y $, .. .. . ti Sent To t .� t ,^ � Sent To / ,• 1�c— � I JrL - T�J v�z.1 O tan -— ----- -� —6� � �------------------ Street and'. No.,or O Box PIo. Street andApt.IVo.,or PO Box t fo. , [� , r- __ _____ I pp�� ----------------- ----------------------------------------- City,State,ZIP+4rD r -' - Ciry,State,ZIP+4� m , - Ili 11 614 �- o U,.S. Postal Service ECEIPT-TAWI� imDomestic Mail Only cE] come. Tu Certified Mail Fee l� > • Extra Services&,Fees(check bo&addfeesmirrie)' ,i.•`yt, VHere ❑Return Recelpt'(hardcopY):[] ❑Retum Receipt(electronic)'+','r {t{, P< <7 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery; $'_'-�" i 1'` {'1: +❑AdultSignature Requiredi'' $ " OO ! []Adult Signature_RestrlctedrDelivery$ ` - O Postage, ?` �° 7.i.,:,,•'S:+<' : _ - 62 ; ? �ruT ge and Fees „a;;,,•yt?' ru $ .i ru Sent To •�,, n `�1 15 e-V t4 Ve�►Y N-�-- ---------- �, Street andApE No.,or PO oz No. ,1 bLA � v% 5 is-------------------------------------^-f-'---------------------- City,State,Z/P+4® �O� � 1 Wit! SENDE • • ■''Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Si ture � gent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse Addressee so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Recei/ d tteed,l�l 1 . ame) C. a of live or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ s If YES,enterdelivery address below: ❑No Douglas & Eileen Dwyer 0`�� S G 207 Roxbury Road Garden City, NY 11530 �� I- ----- 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express@ 4 Ili�lilll I'll El Signature ❑Registered Mai ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Maill Restricted, IIIIIIiII IN 11111111111111111111 llIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ❑Certified WHO Delivery 9590 9402 8708 3310 9874 04 ❑Cart d Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation"A I ❑Collect on Delivery El Signature Confirmation ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted'Delivery 2. Article Number_(rransfer from-service labeO ______ •❑Insured Mail 7 0 2 2 2 410 0 Q 0 I7 oi5 3 8 $t31,5 ! . Id,Insured Mail Restricted Delivery I (over$500)`_`_' PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt SENDER: • •MPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X6 .� ❑Agent � so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addressee ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(PrIneed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes --- - ---- - - ------ -_ -__ _-____- If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No IBertetto Family Trust 1 695 Shorev Drive I IGreenport, NY 11944 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express® II I IIIIIII IIII I'll II II I I I II I I I I II II l II ll II II III ❑Adult Signature 0 Registered Mail ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mail Restricted ❑Certified Mail@ Delivery 9590 9402 8708 3310 9874 28 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation*"' ❑Collect on Delivery. ❑Signature Confirmation 2. Article.Number_frransfer_from service label)- _-_ ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 In"sUred Mail f i l l 12 2 4 i10 it 6 0`011 Il 5 3 8 f 813 3 91[ il Ill l` iO Insured Mail Restricted Delivery f I l (over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt SENDER: COMPLETE THIS sEcrrolv COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Sig ature ■ Print your name and address on the reverse Xf. / �'� ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. �.�'� ❑Addressee ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1..Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes If YES,enterdelivery address slow: [3No )5 Ll Z_ S \t_uj �'_ �- Il I IIIII IIII 111 i ll ll l l l ll I I I l Il Ill II III 111 Ill 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express@ O Adult Signature ❑Registered MailTM ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery Cl Registered Mail Restricted ❑Certified Mail@ Delivery 9590 9402 8708 3310 9872 44 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfirmationTM ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation 2. Article Number(rransf&from service label)) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery — --- -; -- ¢:❑Insured Mail 7022 2 tF:1'L 4 Q'D 1:':Ch5 :8 ':8 3 8 1p(overid Ojil Restricted!Delivery . PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt To:Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals RE:Certified Mailing Return Labels in connection with applications#7894,#7893SE,#7914SE,#7915,and #7897 Please find enclosed proof of delivery cards for 8 of the 11 mailings.This is in addition to the one(1)envelope that was returned to sender and that I dropped off at the ZBA office last week.This leaves two(2)green cards outstanding, but I have emailed you the proof of mailings and delivery from USPS.com. Thanks, Alexander Perros SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE,THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. 4Re c' ■ Print your name and address on the reverse Ag`'so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addres■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, e Na ) C: Date of De.,— or or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes l If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No3. 1 I I J �V/ II I�I'I'I I'll l�I I I'll I I I Il I I l I II II III I III l I III Service Type ❑Priority Malt Express® El ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered MaIIT^^ l El Adult Signature Restricted Delivery El Registered Mail Restricted ❑Certified Mail@ Delivery 9590 9402 8708 3310 9873 74 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfirmationTm ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation 2._Article Number(Transfer from service label) El Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery sured Mail 7i0 2 2 i 2 M 0: 0:0 01: O 5 3 B ? $4-] yi cured Mail Restricted Delivery ber$500), PS Form 3811;July 2020•PSN 7590-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt r . SECTION . . . ' i - ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. l ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received y rimed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes \ If YES,enter'delivery address below: ❑No �� �1 No III 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail ExpressO ElIII�III'l I'll lllllllll Ill(I Il l�l ll Ill 111 ll I ❑Adult Signature Registered MailTM ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery [3 Registered Mail Restricted ❑Certified Mail@ Delivery 9590 9402 8708 3310 9873 67 ❑ n Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 2, Article Number(Gansfer from service labael) _ ❑!nsured Mail . 7 0 2 2 2 410 0001 0538 ❑(nsured Mall Restricted Delivery „ter A• (fiver$500) Donaestia,.9etur-,Receipt PS Form 3811,July 2020'PSN 7530-02-Q00-9053 - r P • • DELIVERY THIS • ■ Complete items 1,2,.and 3. P13R'ece ture /w ❑Agent. 1 ■ Print,your name and address on the reverse /� 0 Addressee so that we Can return the card to you. ved y(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery in Attach this card to the back c f the mailpiece, I1 or on the front if space permits.. y. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? E3 Yes I�pp If YES,enter delivery address below: [3No S I\ Sev"I 91r, LLB MIA L 4 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express® II I�lllll I'll lII I ll III I III 11111111111111111111 I I I II II IIII IIII I III ❑Adult Signature b Registered MaiITM ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery, O Registered Mail Restricted Delivery l ❑Certified Mail@ Delivery ❑Signature Confirmatlon*M r I 9590 9402 870$3310 9873 98 [3 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery s ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery CCCansferfiom 1 � 2._Article_Number_ service label) Insured Mail ;:i ' " ':; Insured Mail Restricted Delivery':. 7 0 2 2 2 41 d'-..A `•.':Ct 5 18':�:8 3 91 , (ove $500) PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt— , SECTIONSENDER: COMPLETE THIS.SECTION COMPLETE THIS DELIVERY 4 ■ Complete items1,2,and 3. A. Signature � � ti ■ Print your name and address on the reverse �'''i ' �N(L �Agent so.that we can return the card to you. � 441-Q /v addressee I B c ived by(Printed Na e) C. ate f Deli ery S ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, .or on the front if space permits. �'4f1/ (D i 2 l 1._Article__ A_ddre_s_s_e_d_to: _ _ D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: p No Jeanne•DeFranco 1 10 Rita Lane 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express@ ❑Adult Signature p Registered MaiITM I II I Illlll I'll III I II ll I I l ll I I l l ll ll Il lI i II I I III ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mail Restricted ❑Certified Mail@ Delivery 9590 9402 8708 3310 9873 36 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirmationrm ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation 2._Article Number[P(ar}sfer frpm,sert ice label) ;�;?,; ❑.Collect on.Deiivery;Restricteq Delivery,• Restricted Delivery t ❑jirisured Mail I ! I I ; I; j 0 2 2 2 42 10 0'0 C i 0 3 $3°5 l '° l❑'Insured Mall Restricted Dellvdry (over'$500) } PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt k •MPLETE�THIS SECTION ON SENDER- COMPLETE THIS SEcriON ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Agent ) so that we can return the.card to you. O Addressee B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 0 ❑Yes If YES,enter delivery address low: p No Wy 3. Service Typo O,.� Priority Mail Express@ 4 II I IIIIII IIII III I II II I I III i I I III III IIII II II ill El Adult Signature :` } ❑Adult Signature.Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mai�estricted ❑Certified Mail@ Delivery..;r.: 9590 9402 8708 3310 9872 51 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signatur ConfirmationTM ❑Collect on Delivery ❑5ignature Confirr "` El Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 'Restricted.CY. , 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) ❑Insured Mail 7022 2 410 0001 0538 8407 112 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery (over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt t a 60 U.S. P0 M stal ServiceT .410 CERTIFIED M V RECEIP M T: 1 c A 0 Do o mestic mail •nly Ln7T "T10A99MRL,• U q Tracking Number. I 702224100 00105388384 I C�rbtled Mail U 1 I , ( Copy �'*Add to Informed Delivery I Im $ $3.65 03 i Extra�B'V'=�811�cl-*bwllldd r-1 Pt=;Iy) S OV Delivered 'S Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual C3 ❑Return Receipt(eitchwilic) Postmark i BROOKLYN.NY 11201 00 Certified Milli ROWCW Dglrw�, Here Your Rem was delivered to an Individual at the address at 2:06 C3 [I Adult Signaturi Requ!md' April 10.2024,2:06 am pin,on April 10.2024 in BROOKLYN,NY 11201. Adult Skrattim Rewsaw Ddxfty See All Tracking History IC3 Fostage. What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of LISPS Tracking: rU TsVIF91age an Fe—s3 I"- USPS Tracking PlusO ru $ ' 1 7 1ru Sent To tV C3 --------- - V- . ........ .4b..L4.11 T" "k-ST----------------------- Rr ----------- F. �. R®tBII --- U.S.,POSTAGE PAID — �. � FCM LG ENV i �. SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 FEB 13, 2024 -' � EOTTdLTERVECEm ��� b 11944. 9.68 RDC 99 R2304M112025-07 307; 02' =: , j —R-`T S`', JT194'45,O33'=1N'. 0'3> '�'`' ' •�UNABL'E''TO �'FOR[niARD'�• ��' ,. .. R'ETi7'RN` T;t] 'SENDER • ,. tp .. i1 on,GJ'' �'''r „•,' ,p, fit,;;: i'• �.:C�;'.�y�;,';t; '� �', i�iii i��lil�i��lil,iino,��� e�. £ ..,� C/"` le'ii:Ilo • .,II i`f9 Lrls " , f,,--,— r.•,t{^T,{,'.r!'r•':- •>'t;' Ej f4.t:. '"{"" ,�>. :.�„i7,5�„''`.'" '.� ' `Vr' �llillll,��:� ::. ., } , 1{,;;';4, �1•�ri���i� i�li ,s:;;:r'.`__ :_ ,- 11I1•���:.ff'�i. 1. ::�.: :�ti�t: 1� J 4 a t�� .,r-��• 'flit k � � -s F a tI( 4 I e , f /' rn..� �SI(Yf R'SANOS NOLON[;SI ....JT..... \; 1 fGiAt tMClft(IN , r �` HAMEM�Y YE S1lR$ANI1S NOl01NOS1 ilC A 191s 1000-07.2-15 VARIANCE �� CWTETe � r Ft\, r` � �` NOTICE OF NEARING mAvr. 31t4EP SANDS HOLDINGS: i LLC -89t i 'i 1000-0 2 t 1 INTERPRETATION 405 DATE f� cd A* ' DRIVE SLOWLY,y PLEASE "" �a aa J LEGAL NOTICE S' HOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS rHURSDAY,MAY 2,2024 at 10:00 AM *Y PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280(Zoning),Town of Southold,the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall,53095 Main Road, Southold,_New York 11971-0959,on THURSDAY,MAY 2,2024: You may appear in PERSON,or you may have access to view,listen and make comment via ZOOM WEBINAR. Details about how to tune in and make comments during the PUBLIC HEARING are on the Town's website agenda for this meeting which may be viewed at http://southoldtownny.gov/agendacenter. Additionally,there will be a link to the Zoom Webinar meeting at http://southoldtownny.gov/calendar.aspx. 10 00 A M CHRISTOPHER ROSS TRUSTEE OF THE CHRISTOPHER ROSS TRUST#7896 Request for Variances from Article XXIII,Section 280- 124;Article XXXVI,Section 280-208A;and the Building Inspector's December 5,2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling;at 1)located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 10 feet;2)located less than the code required minimum combined side yard setback of 25 feet;3)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;4)the construction exceeds the permitted sky plane as defined in Article I,Section 280-4 of the Town Code;located at:3340 Park Avenue(Adj.to the Great Peconic Bay),Mattituck,NY. SCTM No.1000-123-8-21. 10:10 A.M.-REGINA MELLY#7900-Request for Variances from Article III,Section 280-15;Article XXIII,Section 280-124;and the Building Inspector's January 8,2024,Amended January 15,2024,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling,and to legalize an accessory shed;at;1)construction located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 10 feet;2)shed located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 10 feet;located at 490 Northfield Lane,Southold,NY.SCTM No.79-3-4.2. 10.20 A.M. -HEATHER ROMANELLI#7898-Request for a Variance from Article XXIII,Section 280-124;and the Building Inspector's December 22, 2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling;at 1) located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 50 feet;located at:3535 Cedar Beach Road(Adj.to Shelter island Sound), Southold,NY. SCTM No.1000-93-1-6.3. 10.40 A.M. -5295 BRIDGE LANE LLC/C NSTANTINO MARRA#7899-Request for a Variance from Article III,Section 280-15 and the Building Inspector's January 4,2024,Amended January 19,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to legalize an"as built" accessory in-ground swimming pool;at 1)located in other than the code permitted rear yard;located at:5295 Bridge Lane,Cutchogue,NY. SCTM No.1000-84-1-6.16. 10.50 A.M. -STEPHANIE PERL AND RICHARD PERL#7901 -Request for Variances from Article III,Section 280-15;Article XXIII,Section 280-124; and the Building Inspector's December 1,2023,Amended March 26,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct two additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling,construct an in-ground swimming pool addition,and legalize an accessory shed in a non-conforming location;at 1)construction located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 40 feet;2)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;3)accessory shed located in other than the code permitted rear yard;located at:2880 Minnehaha Blvd(Adj.to Corey Creek),Southold,NY.SCTM No.1000-87-3-43. 11.00 A.M. -PINE WEST LLC/WILLIAM SCHILLING,111#7904-Request for a Variance from Article III,Section 280-15 and the Building Inspector's January 2,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a new accessory garage;at 1)located in other than the code permitted rear yard;located at:5445 Great Peconic Bay Blvd,Laurel,NY. SCTM No.1000-128-1-5. 11.10 A.M.-JOHN LAURETTI#7903-Request for Variances from Article III,Section 280-15;Article XXIII,Section 280-124;and the Building Inspector's January 24,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to legalize an"as built"covered porch attached to an existing single family dwelling,and to construct an accessory in-ground swimming pool;at;1)"as built"construction is located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 40 feet;2)swimming pool is located in other than the code permitted rear yard; located at:295 Vista Place,Cutchogue,NY. SCTM No.1000-83-1-20. 1 00 A M JENNIFER WAGNER AND NICO SCHWEIZER/BREEZY SHORES COTTAGE#14#7850-Request for a Variance from Article XXIII, Section 280-123;and the Building Inspector's July 25,2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct alterations to an existing seasonal cottage;1)a nonconforming building containing a nonconforming use shall not be enlarged,reconstructed,structurally altered or moved,unless such building is changed to a conforming use,located at:Cottage#14 Breezy Shores,65490 Main Road(adj.to Shelter Island Sound)Greenport,NY.SCTM#1000-53-5-12.6. 1.10 P.M. SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I LLC #7893ME Request for a Special Exception pursuant to Article VII,Section 280-35(B)(6),applicant requests;(1)to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space,for restaurant operations; and(2)permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/bar area;located at 1135 Silvermere Road,Southold,NY SCTM 1000-47-2-15.' 1.10 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1.LLC.#7894-Request for a Variance from Article VII,Section 280-36;and the Building Inspector's January 10,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct a free standing restaurant with office and storage space for restaurant operations;1)located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 15 feet;located at:1135 Shore Drive/1135 .Silvermere Road,Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-47-2-15. 1.10 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1.LLQ.#7914SE-Request for special exception pursuant to Article VII,Section 280-35B(6)and Article VII, Section 280-35C(1);applicant requests;1)to convert an existing single family dwelling(3014"by 26'4")to a commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with converted restaurant on the same lot(Lot 15),and;2)upon conversion,said commercial kitchen will be accessory to the principle use of the converted restaurant;located at 1135 Silvermere Road,Southold,NY SCTM 1000-47-2-15. 1.10 P.M. SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I LLC #7915-Request for a Variance from Article VII,Section 280-35C(1),based on an application for a permit to allow for an existing in-ground swimming,located on Lot 1000-47-2-15 to be utilized solely as an accessory use for motel and cottage overnight guest on Lots 1000-47-2-11,1000-47-2-12,1000-47-2-13,and 1000-47-2-14;located at:1135 Shore Drive/1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-47-2-15. 1.20 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1.LLC#7897-Request for an Interpretation pursuant to Chapter 280-146(D)of the Town Code,and the Building Inspector's November 16,2023 Certificate of Occupancy based on alterations(diner and bar areas for motel guests only)to an existing motel building,to wit:1)whether the newly issued Certificate of Occupancy issued under Section 280-35C inappropriately limits the use of the diner and hotel bar areas to"motel guests only";and 2)whether the use allowed in original Certificate of Occupancy,No.142,dated May 28,1959 remains as a permitted use;parcel located at:1400 Silvermere Road(Adj.to Pipe's Cove)Greenport,NY.SCTM No.1000-47-2-11. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons or their representatives,desiring to be heard at each hearing,and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review on The Town's Weblink/Laserfiche under Zoning.Board of Appeals(ZBA)\Board Actions\Pending. Click Link: ebL!nk/Browse.aspx?id=935072&dbid=0&repo=TownOfSoutho Id If you have questions,please telephone our office at(631)765-1809,or by email:kimf@southoldtownny.gov. Dated: April 18,2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN,CHAIRPERSON By:Kim E.Fuentes 54375 Main Road(Office Location) P.O.Box 1179,Southold,NY 11971-0959 i 1 fda22e9 . utho Idtownny.gov AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Suffolk Times State of New York, County of,Suffolk County, The undersigned is the authorized designee of The Suffolk Times,a Weekly Newspaper published in Suffolk County, New York.I certify that the public notice,a printed copy of which is attached hereto,was printed and published in this newspaper on the following dates: 04/25/2024 This newspaper has been designated by the County Clerk of Suffolk County,as a newspaper of record in this county, and as such,is eligible to publish such notices. �"c,'/4a,-,Y--, Signature Christina Henke Rea Printed Name Subscribed and sworn to before me, This 01 day of May 2024 Digitally signed 7Qualffled W REA by douglas w rea te of New York Date: 2024.05.01 398443 19:48:01 +00:00 bany County ires Sep 30,2027 Morrison Cohen Gayle Pollack (212) 735-8793 gpollack@morrisoncohen.com February 27, 2024 VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL RECENED ��� I" Zoning Board of Appeals FEB 2 8 2024 Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 ZONING BOARD.OF APPEALS P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Applications by Silver Sands Holdings I, LLC Pending for March 7 ZBA Hearing: 1. 7893 SE—Request for special exception pursuant to Art.VII, § 280-35(B)(6)to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space and permission for accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/bar area; located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Southold,NY, SCTM 1000-47-2-15. a. Request for special exception pursuant to Art. VII, § 280-35(B)(6) to convert existing single family dwelling to commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with converted restaurant on same lot(Lot 15). b. Request for relief from § 280-35(C)(1) to allow for existing inground pool located on Lot 15 to be utilized solely as an accessory use for motel/cottage overnight guests on Lots 11,12,13, and 14. 2. 7894 — Request for variances from Article VII, § 280-36, and the Building Inspector's January 10, 2024 Notice of Disapproval, for relief from minimum side yard setback requirements for free standing restaurant; located at: 1135 Shore Drive/1135 Silvermere Road,Greenport,NY. SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15. Dear Ms. Weisman and Board Members: My firm represents applicant Silver Sands Holdings I,LLC ("Silver Sands"). I am writing concerning a statement by Assistant Town Attorney Julie McGivney that the above applications by Silver Sands that have been duly noticed for the ZBA's March 7 meeting for hearing and determination will.be moved to the ZBA's May 2 meeting. Silver Sands objects to any postponement of these applications, which were accepted by the ZBA, scheduled for March 7, and properly noticed,for hearing on that date. Silver Sands has been working with the Town of Southold(the"Town")for months to ensure that Silver Sands's applications are heard properly and expeditiously so that Silver Sands can continue to provide services critical to its guests and its business, including the opening of a restaurant on the former boathouse parcel. In December,during a meeting with the Chief Building Inspector Michael Verity, Planning Board members, and Assistant Town Attorney Ben Johnson, Silver Sands was asked to file a single ZBA special exception application to regularize certain uses #1281 8312v2\02939 1\0002 _ r V1 Morrison Cohen Zoning Board of Appeals February 27, 2024 Page 2 on the property,which Silver Sands did. At that point,the Building Department issued a notice of disapproval, so at the Town's direction Silver Sands submitted to the ZBA an additional request for a variance relating to the boathouse parcel. The ZBA reviewed-and accepted Silver Sands' additional application and provided Silver Sands with notices to post and send to neighbors for the March 7 meeting,which Silver Sands has done. Silver Sands also has marshaled neighbor support for the March 7 hearing,and anticipates having several people speak in support of the applications. To move the meeting at the 11 th hour is highly prejudicial to Silver Sands. Moving all of the applications to May also is very damaging to Silver Sands's business, brand, and reputation. Silver Sands anticipates opening beachfront dining for the summer season in May. Guests at Silver Sands want and expect to participate in an outdoor dining experience during the short seasonal window. This is critical not just as a revenue driver,'but also for Silver Sands's reputation and ability to cater to guest expectations. Further, it is in keeping with the longstanding use of the parcel as a space to grill and serve'food to motel patrons on the beach. If Silver Sands is unable to deliver on this expectation this coming season,through no fault of its own, the consequences will be dramatic. If the hearing on Silver Sands's application to regularize the use of the former boathouse parcel as a restaurant is delayed to May,however, Silver Sands will not be able to prepare and open the restaurant for this season. Silver Sands's concerns are exacerbated by this unexpected delay to the scheduled ZBA hearing after it worked with Assistant Town Attorney Johnson to submit appropriate applications. Silver Sands purchased the motel premises after a heated litigation with one of the purported owners,Terry Keefe. During a February 21 meeting,the new Assistant Town Attorney assigned to the matter,Julie McGivney,disclosed that she is very familiar with the motel premises because it was owned by the family of her high school friend,potentially Mr. Keefe. Silver Sands is concerned about the appearance of a conflict created by this sudden delay in its zoning process right on the heels of Ms. McGivney's recent involvement with this matter, and respectfully requests that the Town reinstate Mr.Johnson to continue handling matters relating to Silver Sands. At a minimum, Silver Sands requests that the ZBA maintain on its March 7 schedule (or reinstate to its schedule) the portion of application 7893SE that seeks a special exception to convert the existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space and permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/ bar area. A prompt determination on this application, in particular, is critical to allow Silver Sands to prepare for opening in May. If the hearing does not proceed as scheduled, Silver Sands will take all steps necessary to protect its business and its rights. #1 2818312v2\02939 1\0002 C:1 Morrison Cohen Zoning Board of Appeals February 27, 2024 Page 3 I appreciate your consideration of this request, and am available to answer any questions you may have,. This letter is without waiver of any of Silver Sands's rights and remedies, all of which are expressly reserved. Very truly yours, /s/Gayle Pollack cc: Paul DeChance, Esq. 1 pauld@southoldtownny.gov r \ 412818312v2\029391\0002 27/02/2024,13:05 FedEx Ship Manager-Print Your Label(s) - — m OD tS O O �o = mZ -1 "CyZ �� v o 'v = o 'I Z Z V < -W w � — o . C: 0rCOCDN CDZ ~ m D- = r — D _ a v Z Z w 1 0OD `" - - - - CD C m r _ Do m r Z N v Z Mm = G) -n A oT O -7 to iT1 � MOW CO M M o n Im N o C— C N rn , e > 583J6!9 B19AE3 J241024011001w P After printing this label: ' 1.Use the'Print'button on this page to print your label to your laser or inkjet printer. 2.Fold the printed page along the horizontal line. 3.Place label in shipping pouch and affix it to your shipment so that the barcode portion of the label can be read and scanned. Warning:Use only the printed original label for shipping.Using a photocopy of this label for shipping purposes is fraudulent and could result in additional billing charges,along with the cancellation of your FedEx account number. Use of this system constitutes your agreement to the service conditions,in the current FedEx Service Guide,available on fedex.com.FedEx will not be responsible for any claim in excess of$100 per package,whether the result of loss,damage,delay,non-delivery,misdelivery,or misinformation, unless you declare a higher value,pay an additional charge,document your actual loss and file a timely claim.Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply.Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss,including intrinsic value of the package,loss of sales,income interest,profit, attorney's fees,costs,and other forms of damage whether direct,incidental,consequential,or special is limited to the greater of$100 or the authorized declared value.Recovery cannot exceed actual documented Ioss.Maximum for items of extraordinary value is$1,000,e.g.jewelry, precious metals,negotiable instruments and other items listed in our ServiceGuide.Written claims must be filed within strict time limits,see current FedEx Service Guide. https://www.fedex.com/shipping/shipAction.handle?method=doContinue 1/1 1 jbj Morrison Cohen S Via, ma,4 b Gayle Pollack (212) 735-8793 gpollack@morrisoncohen.com i April 25, 2024 IDS VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS 8 `7 I Southold Planning Board Attn: Heather M. Lanza,AICP APR 2 6 2024 Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Southold,New York 11971 Re: Silver Sands Motel&Beach Bungalows Dear Ms. Lanza: My firm represents the Silver Sands Motel & Beach Bungalows ("Silver Sands"), which has a site plan application(the"Application")pending before the Southold Planning Board(the "Planning Board"). We write to address concerns the Village of Greenport (the "Village") recently expressed, and to request that the Planning Board schedule the Silver Sands' site plan Application for the next available working session without further delay. Silver Sands has been working diligently and cooperatively with the Town of Southold (the "Town") for nearly two years to revitalize the historic Silver Sands property. In addition to refurbishing the cottages and motel on the property, Silver Sands seeks to reinstate and regularize preexisting beach-side dining. After Silver Sands submitted certain applications to the Zoning Board of Appeals (the "ZBA") for limited use approvals, the Town 'requested an updated site plan to demonstrate Silver Sands' comprehensive plan, including adequate parking. Silver Sands promptly complied, submitting the application in January 2024. The site plan application was subsequently updated in March 2024, which is the operable application pending before the Planning Board. On April 8, 2024, Silver Sands attended a working session with the Planning Board to discuss the Application. At the meeting, Silver Sands was shown a letter dated April 8 by the Village Attorney for the Village(the"Village Letter"). In the Village Letter,the Village asserted"substantive and procedural concerns regarding" the Application, which the Village believed could "significantly increase current sewage flow" from Silver Sands. Although the Planning Board scheduled Silver Sands' Application for further review at the April 22,2024 Planning Board work session,the Planning Board subsequently delayed the Application, we believe because of the Village's expressed concern about increased sewage flow. The planned uses provided for in Silver Sands' pending applications before the ZBA and the Planning Board, including, but not limited to, the combination of units and conversion of overnight dwellings to office space, dramatically reduce the property's municipal sewer usage. Detailed calculations prepared by Nicholas Mazzaferro, consulting engineer for Silver Sands, demonstrate a 17% drop from the density and hydraulic load calculated as of April 2022,when Silver #I 2978226v3\02939 1\0002 L1 Morrison Cohen Southold Planning Board April 25, 2024 Page 2 Sands acquired the property. Mr. Mazzaferro's calculations are enclosed herewith for review, and he is available to attend the Planning Board's next working session to address any questions the Planning Board may have. To be clear,the Village does not have jurisdiction over the pending Application. While there is a Village moratorium on new or expanded sewer connections in the Village, Silver Sands does not seek any new sewer connections or to increase its sewer use, so the moratorium has no bearing on the Application. Silver Sands has provided this information directly to the Village and asked the Village to withdraw its objection,but Silver Sands has yet to hear back substantively from the Village. Silver Sands reserves all rights to hold the Village accountable for business loss and unnecessary delays. We,however, are writing directly to the Planning Board to move this process forward. Based on the above and enclosed information, we request that the Planning Board schedule the Application for the Planning Board's next work session, and provide comments in advance so that Silver Sands can be prepared to address any outstanding issues. We note that Silver Sands' applications to the ZBA are scheduled for public hearing on May 2, 2024 (rescheduled from March 7, 2024). We are concerned to avoid any domino effect, where a delay in receiving Planning Board comments impacts the evaluation of Silver Sands' applications with the ZBA, which further delay would cause serious damages to Silver Sands' business moving into the critical summer season. Silver Sands has appreciated its opportunities to work closely with the Planning Board to continue a strong business that supports local farmers and merchants and provides year-round employment in the community. Please let us know if you need further information from Silver Sands or Mr. Mazzaferro in placing Silver Sands on the next work session calendar. Very truly yours, /s/Gayle Pollack Enclosure RECEIVED cc: Southold Zoning Board of Appeals APR 2 6 2024 (w/encl.; via overnight mail) Charles Cuddy, Esq. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS (w/encl.;via email) Brian Stoller,Esq. Counsel for Village of Greenport (w/encl.; via email) RECEIVED N. J. MAZZAFERRO, P.E. APR 2 6 2024 PO Box 57, Greenport,N.Y. 11944 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Phone- 516-457-5596 Consulting Engineer Design, Construction, Inspection April 15, 2024 Silver Sands Holdings I LLC 1400 Silvermere Road Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Analysis—Existing Sewer System I have been involved with the rehabilitation and renovation of the Silver Sands Property since November of 2022. I am familiar with the structures included across the complex and I have reviewed the project plans for the Silver Sands Resort renovation. My review included the existing utility systems located throughout the property. The purpose of this effort was to analyze the existing sewer system and provide a comparison between the system aspects (daily loads)prior to 2022 and after the proposed renovations. Background Information for the Existing System: 1 — Connection of Silver Sands to the Village of Greenport Sewage Treatment System was recommended by the Utility Committee and approved by the Village Board. The approval anticipated a Maximum Flow Rate of 3,500 gallons per day in 1985. This rate was a projection and not a calculation of the specific load. 2—Formal Contract Agreement established between the Village of Greenport and Silver Sands on 3/7/1987. This contract included a clause to establish a cash contribution ($27,162) to the Village for a hook up fee. The purpose of the funds was to help maintain and expand the sewage treatment facilities of the Village as may be necessary to assure Owner of future adequate sewage disposal. This contract anticipated servicing 22 Motel Units, 2 Houses, 8 Cottages and a swimming pool. It is noted that the number and type of units stated were used as the basis for the initial monetary fee calculation and not necessarily stated as a limiting factor for all time. In order to do a before-and-after system comparison the Standards from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services were used. These Standards include a basis for calculating sewage load using the Density Load and Hydraulic Load. It is noted that the preliminary documentation regarding this system anticipates 3,500 gallons per day and 22 Motels Units, 2 Houses and 8 Cottages. It must also be noted that in 1987 the flow rates were probably not calculated with the same parameters. The Standards are being used here to establish a baseline and uniformity for comparison. Based upon the SCDOH Standards the sewage load at the System Inception (i.e., 1987), Prior to e 2022 and following the Renovation are as follows. (The specific flow calculation details for each of the time frames noted above are shown in the attached chart) 1)Actual Density Load and Hydraulic Load at the Inception of the Contract(i.e., 1987): 4,415 gallons per day Density Load 108 gallons per day Hydraulic Load Total Load to Processing System for Grinding and Pumping—4,523 GPD This is the total flow calculated for the 21 Motels Units with Diner, 2 houses and 8 Cottages and Swimming Pool. 2)Actual Density Load and Hydraulic Load in April 2022 when new Owners Acquired: 5,855 gallons per day Density Load 471 gallons per day Hydraulic Load Total Load to Processing System for Grinding and Pumping—6,326 GPD This is the total flow calculated for the 21 Motels Units with Diner, 4 Houses, 10 Cottages, 1 Loft Apartment, Indoor Bar, and Swimming Pool. 3)Actual Density Load and Hydraulic Load Proposed for 2024 when Conversations completed: 4,416 gallons per day Density Load 821 gallons per day Hydraulic Load Total Load to Processing System for Grinding and Pumping—5,237 GPD This is the total flow calculated for the proposed 20 Motels Units with Diner, 12 Cottages, 1 Office, 1 Meeting Room,Indoor Restaurant and Kitchen, and Outdoor Bar. As part this exercise, the pumping station capacity was reviewed. The current pump station has two (2) 5 HP grinder pumps connected to a 2" discharge line. These pumps grind the incoming flow into s slurry that is readily pumped under pressure. A 2" diameter schedule 40 steel pipe can produce a 45 GPM flow rate. This translates to 2,700 gallons per hour, therefore a daily load of 5,237 gallons per day is readily handled by the existing system. No changes are needed to the pumping system or discharge line. RECEIVED APR 2 6 2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Summary: 1- The potential initial system flow rate and connected structures were assumed and documented prior to the system being installed and operated. 2—The actual peak operation of the system since 1987 had a design flow rate of 6,326 GPD. 3 - The proposed peak operation of the system with the conversations has a design flow rate of 5,237 GPD. This is a 17% reduction in peak design flow rate compared to the actual existing conditions. 4 — Since the design flow rate is being reduced, the existing pumping station and piping connections do not require any modifications. Result—Based upon inspection of this project site and my knowledge and professional judgment of the proposed renovation for the entire complex, the daily load on the existing sewer system will not increase. The renovation, including the addition of the proposed restaurant on Lot 15, will create a net reduction in sewage flow in comparison to the current operation. Nicholas J. Mazzaferro,P.E. RECEIVE® APR 2 6 2024 ZONING SOAR®OF APPEALS Silver Sands-Sewer Matrix INIiiIAL LOADS ON;AP_R_IL2Q22,.- _ LQADSr_.l?OSTRENO.VATION. LOADS Beds Beds' Beds . Building SCTM SgFt Seats UNITTYPE 'Density Hydra seats _UNITIYP_E...,'Den;By_Hy$ia_Seats,_UNRTYPE lDensiryl Hydra.Comments Cottage341000-47-2-9 936 2 Single Family 0 0 2,_.,•_,;Motel_ '.__225 .,,.__0 :._ 2-IMeet(,Confer.._..56_ '__0', .,Convertedto meeting space for hotel gueststpublicuse Motel Rooms1000-47-2-11 8,262 21 Motel . 2100 -0 NH Motel Diner 1000-47-2-11 900 16 SnackBar 160 108 , 16.- rant.-_„16Q. _198 '_16_;'Restaurant_' A60:.'_.108'- House23-25 1000-47-2-12 1,753 5 Single Family 300 0 ..._5—, mil_ 304_._.-0'_ 4 ,.°_Motel,, _160• = <-0�_ 1 UNIT House/Cotta a 28 1000-47-2-13 1,464 3 Sin a Family 0 0 _3�_ mll_ _3U0. 0 . _.3_. Motel_:_ ,.'.150: '_ _0., 1 UNIT Cotta e29 100D-47-2-13 580 2 House Unit 0 0 2; •1nit, __150_, .0„_._ 2'_'_..-,Motel _ , .10o__,---i0_:.. Cotta a 26-27 1000-47-2-13 608 2 House Unit 0 0 2.,• Unit _Z26__ __0_:__2__ Motel' �150 0 1 UNIT 101 1000-47-2-14 366 1 House Unit 110 0 1Y_ Unit 110__ 0_- _1 '_ Motel _100. _:0 .' 1021000-47-2-14 372 1 House Unit 110 0 1 _House,Unit_;_1,10 0 1 Motel 100_;'. -0 103 10OD-47-2-14 460 1 House Unit 150 0 �1___ :_HoUSe Unit'__160. 0,_. 1_ . ..'_Motel ._'. 150— -. 0,. 1041000-47-2-14 454 1 House Unit 150 0 _,1•a- �HoUseUnit__,_150_ _._0___. 1-- _ Motel _- 150_,K 105 1000-47-2-14 468 1 House Unit 150 0 i_-_House Wnit. _. 150_�.,0__ _'I_, .. Motel _ ..150 106 1000-47-2-14 463 1 House Unit 150 0 1_.._._House Unit_ c160 _._ D„_ _."1 ";____Motel _150.107 1000-47-2-14 467 1 House Unit 150 0 1,� .Houso.Unit, 150, ,_.0_.,... .'I_._!___Motel , 150108 1000-47-2-14 645 2 House Unit 225 0 ,,Q;�__HOuse,Unit__ :._160--_. w0_.': 2« _,Motel 150:_.Boathouse-Bar Indoor 1000-47-2-15 1,980 30 AccStructure 0 0 :0_ __Bar_ ", "500,_ _25Q__.�._53_ iRe'staurant- . 300,.I Prevlouslyhadabarandcommercialldtchen;adding2ADAbathrooms Boathouse-Bar Out 1000-47-2-15 1,980 45 AccStructure 0 0 '0 Bar. ,_: __225- _11a. ,_ 58- Bar .__ 225 Previouslyhadanoutdoorbar;malntainingsamesize Boathouse-Loft1000-47-2-15 408 0 AccStructure 0 0 1 House,Unit 15Q. __0M__:1._.:<__OfOce.-_..-.25! ; PreviouslyhadafullapartmentInloft;weareconvertingIttooffice House/Cottage 33 1000-47-2-15 980 2 Single Family 300 0 2..-Sin e,Famlly, _300._. _aQ ;., 0_. IOtchen__.,_.0' ..._300_ Previously had 2 bedroom house;we are converting itto kitchen pre p SwimmingPool 1000-47-2-15 80D 0 Backwash 100 0 0 - gackRsh 100..._r_'0_._..�'.v0'� None"_; ; 0_:.�'..'O.;Pool to be Demolished and Removed TOTALS 4155 108 _ 5855 471 4416 821 N l O Z z Q 0 M m Iv r0 O m o IV m r Co n Fuentes, Kim From: Brian S. Stolar <bstolar@HarrisBeach.com> Sent: Monday,April 8, 2024 1:47 PM To: Lanza, Heather; DeChance, Paul; Fuentes, Kim;Terry, Mark; McGivnpFF((ulie;Weisman, Leslie 82024 Cc: Candace Hall; Kevin Stuessi;Jared A. Kasschau Z01VIIVG8 Subject: Silver Sands - restaurant application � p®�R�a�APP�q� Attachments: 240408 Southold Planning Board re SiJ,.ver S`an,pdf,.pdf � i�-s `Zq��o �G115 � HST. Board Members, Please see attached correspondence from the Village of Greenport in connection with the pending Silver Sands ' application. We understand that the Board will discuss this matter this evening, and we request that the Board consider the attached letter. In particular, please note that(a) the applicant utilizes the Village sewage system for disposal of sewage and that the agreement between the applicant and the Village does not permit a_reesauranwt to uti)ze the Village's system and (b) the Village currently prohibits the expansion of any existing system that may accommodate any increased production of sewage. The Village requests that the Board consider the information set forth in the attached letter as part of the Board's substantive and environmental review of the project, as further explained in the letter. Thank you. Respectfully, Brian S. Stolar Attorney Uniondale,NY 11553 516.880.8383 Direct 516.880.8483 Fax 516.880.8484 Main 01IF]- 1010 x HARRISBEACH.COM Albany I Buffalo I Ithaca I Long Island New York City I Rochester I Saratoga Springs Syracuse I White Plains I New Haven,CT Newark,NJ I Washington,D.C. Statement of Confidentiality This electronic message may contain privileged or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please delete it from your system and advise the sender ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 1 HARRIS BEACH ATTORNEYS AT LAW April 8, 2024 THE OMNI Via Electronic.Mai! Only 333 EARL£OVINGTON BLVD,SUITE 901 Y UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 1 1 553 Planning Board 516.884.8484 Town of Southold BRIAN S.STOLAR 54375 Route 25 SENIOR COUNSEL PO Box 1179 DIRECT; 516.880.8383 FAX: 516.880.8483 Southold, New York 11971 BSTOLARQHARRISBEACH.COM RECMID RE: Silver Sands Restaurant APR 8 2024 Dear Board Members: R ZZ®NING 11"V(lp OF D I am the Village Attorney for the Village of Greenport (the i agel Mvrite to you regarding the pending Silver Sands Restaurant application on the Board's agenda tonight for discussion in relation to the Zoning Board of Appeals request for comments. It is the Village's understanding that Silver Sands is applying to the Town to (a) convert (i) an existing boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage . spaces for restaurant operations, (ii) an existing single family dwelling to a commercial kitchen for the restaurant, and (iii) a guest in-ground swimming pool to a public swimming pool, and (b) permit an accessory seasonable outdoor barbeque area (the "Project"). For the reasons set forth herein, the Village has substantive and procedural concerns regarding.the Project. i In 1987, pursuant to an agreement with the then owners of the Silver Sands property (the "Premises"), the Village agreed to permit municipal sewage collection with necessary connections to the Village of Greenport for the then contemplated use of the Premises solely for motel residential units, two (2) dwellings, eight (8) cottages,and an accessory swimming pool (the "Permitted Use"). Thus, in accordance with that agreement the Village has authorized Silver Sands to tie .in to the Village's sewage collection system only .for the Permitted Uses, The agreement also provided a sewage piping plan and the tie in to the Village's system was limited to connections based on that plan (the "Approved Plan"). This agreement does not authorize any restaurant use (existing or proposed), commercial kitchen or other use not identified'as a Permitted Use to utilize the Village's sewage collection system. In fact,. the agreement contains no reference to a restaurant use or commercial kitchen and the Village is aware of no other authorization to permit the current restaurant to use the Village's collection system. The current proposal seeks to modify the uses on the Premises, including the addition of a restaurant, commercial kitchen and public swimming pool, and incorporate additional sewage piping.and connections, none of which are incorporated into the 1987 agreement, and which have the potential to significantly increase current sewage flow from the Silver Sands premises into the Village's primary wastewater collection system Planning,Board HARRIS BEACH April 8, 2024 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Page 2 piping and the Village's Sewage Treatment Plant. None of the proposed site modifications have been approved pursuant to an amendment to the agreement. Compounding the current lack of Village authorization to permit the use of the collection system for the proposed uses and the potentially significant increase in sewage capacity, on January 4, 2024, the Village imposed a prohibition on new or expanded sewer connections. A copy of the Board of Trustees' minutes containing the prohibition resolution is attached. This resolution also was preceded by the Mayor's emergency declaration that similarly restricted new and expanded sewer connections, As stated in' the resolution, "on December 5, 2023, the [Village's] primary sewage collection system piping sustained damage that resulted in a leak requesting emergency repairs and the suspension of sewage collection service, and ... the same primary piping sustained additional damage approximately 2 years ago, and ... the December 5 infrastructure failure and the previous failure of the same infrastructure evidence addition or expanded connections to the [Greenport Sewage Treatment Plant] may exacerbate environmental damage caused by potential further failures of piping ttlat serves as an artery for the majority of the sewage collected, and...if additional wastewater is conveyed through the piping system, a pipeline failure could cause extensive environmental harm and threaten the health and safety of residents, and additional sewage flow from new or expanded connections poses an imminent threat to the public's health; safety and welfare." This prohibition remains in place. Thus, the proposed development cannot proceed without first obtaining the Village of Greeriport's approval to permit the additional sewage connections and flow and such connection is currently precluded by the Village's emergency resolution. Accordingly, from a substantive and procedural viewpoint, the proposed conversion and use for restaurant related and commercial cooking purposes would not now be permitted. And, from a procedural perspective; absent either (a) authorization and an ability to utilize the Village sewage collection system or (b) a proposed on-site sewage treatment plant (designed in compliance with wetland and applicable New'York State and Suffolk County treatment collection regulations), the proposal results in the potential for a significant adverse environmental impact that cannot be mitigated. Thus, as proposed, the site modifications necessitate a positive declaration under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and the Board must require an environmental impact statement and compliance with applicable SEQRA regulations. We also note that the Village is a SEQRA involved agency, and not only must a lead agency be determined, but coordinated review is required. Please assure that all Planning Board HARRIS BEACH April 8,2024 ATTORNEYS AT LAw Page 3 SEQRA notices, including any intent to serve as lead agency, are provided to the Village as part of the Town's environmental review process. Thank you. Respectfully yours Brian S. Stolar c: Ms. Heather M. Lanza, AICP Mr. Mark Terry Paul DeChance, Esq. Julie McGivney, Esq. Zoning Board of Appeals, Town of Southold Mr. Adam Hubbard Mayor and Trustees, Village of Greenport ��ti�AGF O Board of Trustees Ft 1838 Village of Greenport Special Meeting 236 THIRD STREET Third Street Fire Station GREENPORT, NY 11944 Third and South Streets Tel: (631)477-0248 Greenport, NY 11944 Fax: (631)477-1877 villageofgreenpor .org Thursday, January 4, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. MAYOR KEVIN STUESSI Exr 215 MOTION TO OPEN THE SPECIAL.MEETING TRUSTEES PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MARY BESS PHILLIPS DEPUTY MAYOR . PATRICK BRENNAN BOARD DISCUSSION LILY DOUGHERTY-JOHNSON The adoption of emergency measures'to address recent damage to the Village Sewer Facilities. JULIA ROBINS RESOLUTIONS VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR PAUL J. PALLAS, P.E. RESOLUTION RESTRICTING NEW AND EXPANDED SEWER EXT 219 CONNECTIONS VILLAGE CLERK WHEREAS, the Village of Greenport original sanitary sewer system CANDACE HALL was constructed in the 1850s, and consists of 17 miles of sewer pipes and 8 EXT 214 pumping stations, and 4 WHEREAS, on December 5, 2023, the primary sewage collection system piping sustained damage that resulted in a leak requiring emergency repairs and the suspension of sewage collection service, and WHEREAS, the same primary piping sustained additional damage approximately 2 years ago, and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator, in consultation with the Greenport Sewage Treatment Plant (GSTP) Manager, has reported that the sewer piping is of varying age and condition and many of the pumping stations require some level of repair, and AGE O WHEREAS, any expansion of the system without addressing repair sc .MIS �� issues may render the piping to be increasingly prone to cracks and breaks, and -NPO WHEREAS, the December 5 infrastructure failure and the previous failure of the same infrastructure evidence additional or expanded connections 236 THIRD STREET to the GSTP may exacerbate environmental damage caused by potential further GREENPORT, NY 11944 failures of piping that serves as an artery for the majority of the sewage collected, and Tel: (631)477-0248 Fax: (631)477-1077 WHEREAS, any further failures or damage poses an imminent threat to the health and safety of persons residing in the Village and the area Wilageotgreenport.org where such damage has occurred and ecological and environmental harm to natural resources in and around the Village,and MAYOR KEVIN STUESSI ExT 215 WHEREAS, such failure will restrict the ability of the GSTP to process sewage from properties currently connected to the GSTP, and WHEREAS, if additional wastewater is conveyed through the piping TRUSTEES system, a pipeline failure could cause extensive environmental harm and MARY BESS PHILLIPS DEPUTY MAYOR AYOR threaten the health and safety of residents, and PATRICK BRENNAN WHEREAS, additional sewage flow resulting froln new or expanded connections poses an imminent threat to the public's health, safety and welfare, LILY DOUGHERTY-JOHNSON and JULIA ROBINS WHEREAS, the Village is commencing a review and analysis of the totality of the circumstances relating to the GSTP primary collection piping VILLAGE damage, which analysis will include a conditions assessment report, evaluation ADMINISTRATOR of potentially viable solutions for repair and/or replacement, the costs of any PAUL J. PALLAS, P.E. such proposed solution, and the inherently sensitive environmental and public EXT 219 health concerns that may result from a further failure,and VILLAGE CLERIC WHEREAS, in accordance with. the police power delegated to the CANDACE HALL ExT 214 Village by New York State and the Village's standing as the stewards of the Village's health, safety and environment, the Village is obligated to take steps necessary to protect the heath, safety and welfare of the Village and its residents and of the Village's resources and natural environment, and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has determined that a temporary restriction on new connections or expansion of sewage flow from existing connections is necessary to preserve the public health, safety and welfare and to protect against the imminent threat to the health and safety of persons residing in the Village and its immediate surroundings, and the aforesaid recitals taken together constitute the rationale of such necessity and urgency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 1. The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the foregoing Est t Ie�o�� recitals are incorporated herein as set forth in full. FNP 2. The Board of Trustees finds that the adoption of this resolution is an Unlisted Action under the New York State Environmental 236 THIRD STREET Review Act (SEQRA), that the Board has reviewed a short GREENPORT, NY 11944 environmental assessment form and the text of this resolution, and finds and concludes that the Board of Trustees as lead agency with Tel: (631)477-0248 respect to environmental review of the proposed resolution: Fax: (631)477-1877 p 1. the Board has thoroughly reviewed the Short villageofgreenport.org Environmental Assessment Form-(Short EAF); MAYOR 2. the Board also has considered the following KEVIN STUESSI EXT 215 factors and made the following conclusions in respect to its review of the environmental impacts of the proposed action: (a) the proposed action would not TRUSTEES result In any substantial adverse change MARY BESS PS DEPUTYY MAYOR g g In existing air quality, round-or surface MAY water quality or quantity, traffic or noise PATRICK BRENNAN levels, nor any substantial increase in solid waste production, nor create a LILY DOUGH ERTY-JOHNSON substantial increase in the potential for erosion, flooding, leaching or drainage JULIA ROBINS problems; VILLAGE (b) the proposed action would not ADMINISTRATOR result in the removal or destruction of PAUL]. PALLAS,, 2 9 large quantities of vegetation or fauna, substantial interference with the VILLAGE CLERK movement of any resident or migratory CANDACE HALL fish or wildlife species, impacts on a EXT Zia significant habitat area, substantial adverse impacts on a threatened or endangered species of animal or plant, or the habitat of such, a species, or other significant adverse _impacts to natural resources; (c) the proposed action would not impair the environmental characteristics of any Critical Environmental Area; (d) the. proposed action would not conflict with the community's current plans or goals as officially approved or C �1 adopted; �FE NPO' (e) the proposed action would not impair the character or quality of 236 THIRD STREET important , historical, archaeological, GREENPORT, NY ii944 architectural or aesthetic resources or of Tel: (631)477-0248 existing community or .neighborhood Fax: (631)477-1877 character; (f) the proposed action would not vlllageofgreenport.org result in a major change in the use of either the quantity or type of energy; MAYOR KEVIN STUESSI EXT 215 (g) the proposed action would create a hazard to human health; (h) the proposed action would not TRUSTEES create a substantial change in the use, or MARY BESS PHILLIPS DEPUTY MAYOR intensity of use, of land, including agricultural, open space or recreational PATRICK BRENNAN resources, or in its capacity to support existing uses; LILY DOUGH ERTY-JOH NSON (i) the proposed action would not JULIA ROBINS encourage or attract large numbers of persons to any place for more than a few VILLAGE days, compared to the number who ADMINISTRATOR would come to such place without such PAUL]. PALLAS, P.E. EXT 219 action; VILLAGE CLERK 0) the proposed action would not CANDACE HALL create changes in two or more elements EXT 214 of the environment, no one of which would have a significant impact on the environment, but when taken considered together would result in a substantial adverse impact on the environment; (k) the proposed action would not create substantial adverse impacts when considered cumulatively with any other actions,proposed or in process; (1) the proposed action would not result in substantial adverse impact with respect to any relevant environmental consideration, including noise, aesthetics, traffic, air quality, water quality or adequacy of water supply, drainage, soil � conditions, or quality of life in the FFNP community in general and the immediate neighborhood in particular; 236 THIRD STREET GREENPORT,NY 11944 (rn) the proposed action would enhance the protection of the Tel: (631)477-0248 environment in the Village, in that it Fax: (631)477-1877 would preserve and maintain the existing vlllageoPgreertport.oig character of the Village; (n) the proposed action would not MAYOR have a significant adverse effect KEVIN STUESSI EXT 215 environmental impact; (o) no further environmental review is required with respect to the proposed TRUSTEES action, and MARY BESS PHILLIPS DEPUTY MAYOR (p) the Mayor, or his designee, is PATRICK BRENNAN authorized to execute the Short EAF in a manner consistent with the foregoing LILY DOUGH ERTY-JOHNSO N findings concluding that the proposed action will not result in a significant JULIA ROBINS adverse environmental impact VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR 3. From today, and for a period of six (6) calendar PAUL J. PACERS, P.E.EXT 219 months, there shall be no new connections to the Village of Greenport sanitary sewer system,,including but not limited to VILLAGE CLERK the Village's sanitary sewer collections system, or CANDACE HALL modifications to existing connections where such modification EXT 214 may result in increased production of waste from a site with an existing connection to the Village's sewer facilities, except as follows: (a) Replacement of existing sewer connection laterals shall be permitted upon approval by the Superintendent of the GSTP or his designee in accordance with Chapter 105 of the Code of the Village of Greenport, (b) All connections for work authorized by a previously issued and currently open permit, and e o ��ti�ACF o� (c) New sanitary sewer connections G' use 1 that may be approved by the Board of NPO'4 Trustees upon recommendation from the Superintendent of Public Works of the Village of Greenport in accordance with 236 THIRD STREET Chapter 105 of the Code of the Village of GREENPORT,NY 11944 Greenport. Tel: (631)477-0248 Fax: (631)477-1877 4. Any person, entity or applicant for a property villageofgreenport.org development approval whose application has been filed as of today may submit a written application to the Board of Trustees requesting reliefe reasons from this connection restriction setting forth KEVIN STUESSI y MAYOR the why the restriction should not apply to 'their EXT 215 proposed connection. Such application must identify the quantity of expected or anticipated'wastewater and the reason why the restriction should not apply. 'Upon receipt of such TRUSTEES request, the Board will make a determination either approving MARY BESS PHILLIPS or denying the request. DEPUTY MAYOR PATRICK BRENNAN LILY DOUGH ERTY-JOH NSON RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, effective January 1., 2024,that JULIA ROBINS the rights and obligations of Lamb &Barnosky, LLP pursuant to the retainer agreement presently in effect,will be assigned to and assumed VILLAGE by the law firm of Keane&Beanne,P.C.; and ADMINISTRATOR PAUL J. PALLAS, P.E. EXf 219 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, effective January 1, 2024,that the Board terminates the retainer agreement with Lamb &Barnosky, VILLAGE CLERK LLP. CANDACE HALL EXY 214 COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ADJOURN SPECIAL MEETING r NG January 3, 2024 C Est !8 h To: Board of Trustees �iFE IVP� From: Paul J. .Pallas, Village Administrator 236 THIRD STREET Re: December 5, 2023 Sewer Main Damage GREENPORT, NY 11944 Tel: (631)477-0248 Fax: (631)477-1877 As you are aware we had a significant sewer break on the main line between the main pump station and the sewer treatment plant at the corner of Kaplan Avenue and North Street on villageofgreenport.org December 5th: This is the second time in two years the line has broken in this location. The recent damage to the Village's primary wastewater collection system piping and the MAYOR consequent environmental and public health concerns resulting from new and repeated KEVIN STUES 5 damage to the system necessitated the emergency order while we stud an and all issues. EXT 215 g Y g Y Y Y Per the Mayor's emergency order,the conditions threaten or imperil ecological and environmental resources in and around the Village of Greenport and the public safety of TRUSTEES citizens of the Village. The village system has 17 miles of sewer pipes of varying age and MARY BESS PHILLIPS condition as well as 8 pump stations, many of which require some level of repair or DEPUTY MAYOR replacement per the 2019-asset management study. The collection system assets (sewer PATRICK BRENNAN pipes and manholes) need to be reviewed taking In to account current conditions, recent emergencies and prior recommendations. Additionally,.the main treatment facility has LILY DOUGH ERTY-JOHNSON ongoing work and repairs,which should be evaluated relative to current conditions and prior recommendations. JULIA ROBINS Taking in to account the recent issue with the main line it is imperative to do an updated VILLAGE condition analysis in order to prioritize and fund needed repairs and replacements before ADMINISTRATOR decisions are made to expand the existing system.As discussed,the Village should endeavor PAUL J. PALLAS, P.E. EXT 219 to bring on a consultant to help evaluate the system and make recommendations. VILLAGE CLERK CANDACE HALL EXT 214 Morrison Cohen Gayle Pollack (212) 735-8793 5 gpollack@morrisoncohen.com vAeM+ t1 April 3, 2024 G k� VIA FEDERAL EXPRESSAA # I Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Planning Board RECEIVEbgq qsC o Attn: Leslie Kanes Weisman Attn: Heather M.Lanza,AICP t'- Q 35� Town Hall Annex Building Town Hall Annex Building APR 0 4 2024 54375 Route 25 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 P.O.Box 1179 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Southold,New York 11971 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Silver Sands Motel&Beach Bun a�alows Dear Ms. Weisman and Ms.Lanza: My firm represents the Silver Sands Motel & Beach Bungalows ("Silver Sands"). Silver Sands has several pending applications before the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals (the "ZBA"), and an application for site plan approval pending before the Southold Planning Board (the "Planning Board"). Particularly given the Town Board's recent consideration of a moratorium on resort, hotel, and motel development, I am writing to ensure that Silver Sands' pending applications are complete and ready for public hearing and determination on May 2 before the ZBA and May 6 before the Planning Board. As a backdrop, Silver Sands has been working diligently and cooperatively with the Town of Southold (the "Town") for nearly two years to revitalize the historic Silver Sands property, with efforts to celebrate its former prime while simultaneously bringing the property in line with modern-day demands. In addition to refurbishing the cottages and motel on the property, Silver Sands seeks to provide a quiet beach-side dining environment with adequate parking on the ample property to ensure there is no disturbance to neighbors. Indeed, all of Silver Sands' neighbors have written letters of support for Silver Sands'applications. Further,the relief requested in these applications does not alter numerous pre-existing uses of the property. To regularize the parcels under the current zoning code, Silver Sands submitted two applications and a letter application to the ZBA in December 2023. At the time, Silver Sands was informed that the Town hoped to see a comprehensive plan to avoid piecemeal modifications to the property. In response, Silver Sands also filed a site plan application that showed planned uses on the property. In the application, in response to a concern the Town had previewed, Silver Sands demonstrated that sufficient parking will be allocated throughout the property. The Town Attorney's Office then informed Silver Sands that, in its opinion, the pending ZBA applications did not seek all of the relief Silver Sands required for its plans, and suggested that Silver Sands file additional applications. Silver Sands expressed concern about delaying a public evaluation of its applications, which Silver Sands believed sought proper relief, noting that the delay would impair Silver Sands' ability to plan for the upcoming season. The ZBA nonetheless moved Silver Sands' pending applications from the March 7 public hearing calendar to the May 2 public hearing calendar. Silver Morrison Cohen LLP 1 909 Third Avenue I New York,NY 10022-4784 1 P 212.735.8600 1 F 212.735.8708 1 mordsoncohen.com Morrison Cohen REZ"EIVED Southold Zoning Board of Appeals APR 0 4 2024 Southold Planning Board April 3, 2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Page 2 Sands promptly filed the additional ZBA applications suggested by the Town Attorney's Office, and all of Silver Sands' applications are on calendar for the May 2 public hearing. The applications currently pending before both the ZBA and the Planning Board are: 1. Request for special exception pursuant to Article VII, Section 280- 35(B)(6),applicant requests:(1)special exception to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space, for restaurant operations; and (2) permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/bar area; located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15. 2. Request for Special exception pursuant to Article VII, Section 280- 35(C)(1),applicant requests:(1)special exception to convert an existing single family dwelling (30'4" X 26'4") to a commercial kitchen to be utilized in conjunction with converted restaurant on the same lot (Lot 15) and upon conversion, said commercial kitchen will be accessory to the principal use of the converted restaurant; located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15. 3. Request for Variances from Article VII, Section 280-35(C)(1) to allow existing'in-ground pool that is currently listed as an accessory to a dwelling on Lot 15 to be used solely as an accessory use for motel and cottage overnight guests on Lots 11, 12, 13, and 14; located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY. SCTM 1000-47-2-15. 4. Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Section 280-127; and the Building Inspector's January, 10, 2024 Notice of Disapproval: the freestanding restaurant with office and storage space for the restaurant operations(currently a boathouse)is located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 15 feet; located at: 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport,NY. SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15. 5. Certified Site Plan for Silver Sands located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Greenport, NY, SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15, to be reviewed in conjunction with ZBA Special Exception application for an allowed use under 280-35 Use Regulations for a freestanding restaurant on Resort Residential property, updated on March 15, 2024, to show additional parking in place of the existing in-ground pool. 4 , ,b Morrison Cohen RECEIVED Southold Zoning Board of Appeals APR 0 4 2024 _Southold Planning Board April 3 3, 2024 Page ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Page ' 6. Interpretation Application to the ZBA,applicant requests:(1)upholding underlying Certificate of Occupancy (No. #142) and removing added restrictions for "motel guests only" in the newly issued Certificate of Occupancy(No.#44731);located at: 1400 Silvermere Road,Greenport, NY. SCTM No. 1000-47-2-11. Although the other applications require a public hearing, the Interpretation Application should not require a public hearing to correct the Certificate of Occupancy,as was submitted as an application on advice from the Town Attorney's Office. At its March 12 meeting,the Town Board began discussing a moratorium that would prevent the Planning Board, ZBA; Town Board, Building Department, or any of the agents or employees of those Town entities from accepting for filing, accepting for review, continuing review, holding a hearing,making any decision upon,or otherwise considering any applications for or relating to the development or redevelopment of any property for a resort,hotel,or motel. Though the proposed local law states in the intent section that the Town is considering a moratorium because"the Town is under considerable pressure for the development of new resorts, hotels and motels," including "six new hotels proposed"over the last several years,the expansive language potentially would stay Silver Sands' pending applications. Silver Sands had no idea in early March that the Town was considering any sort of moratorium. As the proposed moratorium is to be discussed at a public hearing on May 21,2024, it is critical to Silver Sands to confirm that its pending applications are complete and can be determined at their currently scheduled May 2 and 6 public hearing dates. Silver Sands requested a meeting with the Town Attorney's Office to discuss but was rebuffed. Silver Sands accordingly is reaching out to each of the ZBA and the Planning Board to respectfully request confirmation that the applications are complete and ready for hearing and determination on their upcoming public hearing dates. Silver Sands has been a mainstay in Greenport for 67 years, and ownership looks forward to a cooperative relationship with the Town. Silver Sands is committed to working through the planning issues caused by the adjournment of its applications from the March,7 to May 2 ZBA calendar. But Silver Sands will take all steps required to prevent further delay. Please either confirm that the pending applications are complete and ready for determination or let us know when we can meet to discuss,presumably with enough advance time for Silver Sands to answer,any open questions. We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to speaking about the pending applications listed herein. Very truly yours, /s/Gayle Pollack cc: Town Attorney's Office Attn: Julie McGivney,Esq. Fuentes, Kim From: Alexander Perros <alex@silversandsmotel.com> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2024 8:48 AM To: Fuentes, Kim Cc: Charles Cuddy Subject: Re:ZBA Public Comment -Zoning Board Meeting - Silver Sands Dear Kim and Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to address the concerns raised by Ashley Perkins and Nickolas Wynja regarding our application for the proposed permits at Silver Sands.While I respect their perspective, I would like to provide important clarifications and reiterate our commitment to being a respectful and considerate neighbor to everyone in the community. 1. Commitment to All Neighbors: o At Silver Sands,fostering strong relationships with our neighbors is a top priority.We take pride in being a responsible part of this community, and our approach has always been guided by communication and transparency. For instance, before the wedding referenced in the letter,we delivered notices to all nearby homes to inform neighbors of the event and its details, including the use of amplified music. o It is worth noting that at the last public hearing, neighbors who live directly adjacent to the Boathouse— the location where this wedding took place—spoke up in support of our application.They specifically stated that noise has never been an issue for them and described us as ideal neighbors.This feedback reinforces our commitment to operating in a manner that respects and enhances the neighborhood's character. 2. Clarifications Regarding Noise: o The wedding on Saturday,September 14th, 2024, did not feature a DJ. Instead, music was played from a curated playlist through an amplified system.We ensured the volume adhered to Southold Town's noise ordinance, keeping it well below the 65dB limit at the property line. o The reported smartwatch reading of 61dB is consistent with these efforts and remains within legal compliance.Additionally,we turned off all amplified music at 10 PM, an hour earlier than required by town regulations.To date, no formal noise complaints have ever been filed against Silver Sands. 3. Event Frequency and Long-Term Commitments: o As we communicated to all neighbors,Silver Sands intends to host no more than four weddings per year.This commitment reflects our understanding of the community's desire to maintain a peaceful and quiet environment.Any concerns about potential future owners are speculative, as significant changes to operations would require review and approval by the town,ensuring the community's voice is heard. 4. Thoughtful and Respectful Growth: o The permits we are requesting aim to enhance the guest experience while minimizing disruption. For example, adding a commercial kitchen would reduce the need for external catering vehicles,thereby decreasing traffic and noise.These thoughtful improvements are designed to align with the charm and character of our neighborhood. S. Engagement with the Entire Community: o Our efforts to listen and respond extend to all neighbors.We value their feedback,which helps shape our operations and ensures Silver Sands remains a source of pride for the neighborhood.We are always available to discuss concerns, and we strive to address them in good faith. We deeply value the trust and support of our neighbors and remain committed to operating Silver Sands as a quiet and respectful property.Thank you for considering our application and for the opportunity to address these concerns. . 1 Best regards, Alexander Perros Silver Sands On Nov 20, 2024, at 1:12 PM, Fuentes, Kim<kim.fuentes@town.southold.nv.us>wrote: Hi Alex, See below email we received regarding Silver Sands. From:Ashley Perkins<ashley ash levaerkins.com> Sent:Wednesday, November 6, 2024 4:25 PM To: Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us>;Sakarellos, Elizabeth <elizabeth.sakarellos@town.southold.nv.us>;Westermann, Donna<donnaw town.southold.nv.us> Subject: [SPAM] -Zoning Board Meeting 11/7-Silver Sands Hello- This letter is in regard to the Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting scheduled for 11/7/24 for the Silver Sands permits. My name is Ashley Perkins and my husband's name is Nickolas Wynja and we live at 775 Shore Rd in Greenport.Our property backs up to Silver Sands. I would like to submit a letter in opposition to the permits Silver Sands is requesting. While Alex and the Silver Sands staff have been kind and accommodating to the neighbors thus far,we feel that granting the permits to allow another restaurant on the property&a commercial kitchen will only encourage the operation to grow louder and noiser. A prime example of this fear coming to life has already occurred.Silver Sands held a wedding on Friday, September 13th, 2024 through Sunday,September 15th, 2024. Please see attached letter that Silver Sands put into all neighbors' mailboxes on 9/9/24. On Saturday, September 14th there was a DJ outside on the property.The music they were playing was LOUD.And look: I'm a younger person who moved here from NYC. I'm used to noise. But this music could be heard inside my home, with the doors and windows shut, in my bedroom that is located at the furthest point'away from the Silver Sands property. My husband also took a decibel reading of the music on his smartwatch,which read 61dB at 9:03pm (please see attached screenshot of smartwatch reading). I understand that the town code restricts noise levels to 65dB or less until 11pm at one's property line, but this reading was taken right outside our home on our back deck. Had we gone to the property line it would have been much louder and most likely would have exceeded 65dB.Also, our property is a little bit farther away from where the music was playing; I can't imagine how loud it was for the neighbors whose property backed right up against the music. The letter we received says that they"intend"to host no more than 4 weddings a year, but with the approval of these permits,Silver Sands would be able to host these events whenever they'd like (pending other event permits I'm sure).We have to think long term here.Alex and his staff might stay 2 true to that promise, but even 4 events at the music level we experienced is unacceptable for a motel that is supposed to be just that--a motel.And if they get these permits,once Alex no longer works at the property years from now,who's to say that the future owner/operator would limit such events? Approving the permits is a slippery slope, and I do not think Silver Sands needs them.They already have a lovely diner,coffee bar and tiki bar during the summer.Why can't those facilities be enough? We chose to buy our property on a quiet, dead end road for a reason.The larger the Silver Sands property gets,the less quiet the neighborhood becomes,thus taking away the small town charm all of us live here for in the first place.The incessant leaf blowing and chainsaws cutting down trees all fall has been bad enough; please don't make us have to listen to wedding DYs for all the summers to come,too. Best, Ashley Perkins Nick Wynja ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. <I M G_9904.jpg><I MG_9903.jpg> 3 BOARD MEMBERS ��,OF SOUT Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson �� �p 53095 Main Road- P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes �p� Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. l 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento ycoum Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 November 18, 2024 Charles Cuddy Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead,NY 11901 RE: Zoning Board of Appeals—Silver Sands Holding I, LLC SCTM No. 1000-47-2-11 & 1000-47-2-15 Dear Mr. Cuddy, It was a pleasure seeing you at the last Zoning Board meeting. As per your request, ATA McGivney and I met with the Planning Department and discussed the site plan approval timeline in conjunction with our hearings and the rendering of decisions by the Board of Appeals relating to Silver Sands. It was a productive meeting and both agencies have a clearer understanding of how to move forward in tandem. We also discussed the required Suffolk County Department of Health Services approvals and where your client stands with same. Please be kind enough to provide us with any and all approvals you may have or other related paperwork. If you do not have approvals for the subject ZBA applications, please submit what you have with an explanation of where your client stands and their timeline for completing applications to the Health Department. Please submit to the Zoning Department as soon as possible. Please contact my office if you have any questions. nce e Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson/Department Head Zoning Board of Appeals cc: Heather Lanza, Director, Planning Department Julie McGivney, ATA, Office of The Town Attorney BOARD MEMBERS ��0f SU!/j�o Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson h0 1p 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes �pQ Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. y 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento C�� ,� Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, May 2, 2024 at 10:00 AM PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280 (Zoning), Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024: 1:10 P.M. -SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I, LLC. #7893SE - Request for a Special Exception pursuant to Article VII, Section 280-35(B)(6), applicant requests; (1) to convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space, for restaurant operations; and (2) permission for an accessory seasonal outdoor barbeque/ bar area; located at 1135 Silvermere Road, Southold, NY SCTM 1000-47-2-15. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review on The Town's Weblink/Laserfiche under Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)\Board Actions\Pending. Link: If you have questions, please telephone our office at (631) 765-1809, or by email: kimf@southoldtownny.gov. Dated: April 18, 2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN, CHAIRPERSON By: Kim E. Fuentes 54375 Main Road (Office Location) 53095 Main Road (Mailing/LISPS) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 } v Town Hall Annex, 54375 NYS Route 25 Q k P.O.Box 1179 uC4Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax(631)765-9064 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DATE: April 1, 2024 RE: INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUBLIC HEARING Dear Applicant; The May 2, 2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Regular Meeting will be held BOTH in person in the Town Hall Meeting Room at 53095 Main Road, Southold AND via video conferencing(Zoom Webinar), and a transcript will be provided at a later date. The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the meeting live, and make comments. Slow please see instructions0:requiired'l to preparefor thZBAFieat�ng fil-14 ncl�udesEASE RrEAD CAR+E,FU�I�LY. - .. 1. Yellow sign to post on your property a minimum of seven(7) days prior to your hearing, to be placed not more than 10 feet from the front property line (within your property) bordering the street. If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is supplied for posting on 'both street frontages.Posting should be done no later than April 25,2024.To avoid weather damage to your sign please affix it to a sturdy surface such as plywood. If your sign is damaged please call the office and we will provide you with another one. Prior to your public hearing, members of the Board of Appeals will each conduct a personal inspection of your property. If a Board member reports that there is no signage visibly on display as required by law, your scheduled hearing will be adjourned to a later date to ensure compliance with Chapter 55-1 (B) 1 of the Town Code. 2. SC Tax Map with property numbers. 3. Legal Notice of in person meeting,as well as video conferencing. Instructions for participation will follow, and will be posted on the Town's Website under the meeting date, and the Legal Notice section of Suffolk Times Newspaper. 4. Affidavits of Mailings and Posting to be completed by you, notarized, and returned to our office along with the mailing receipts and green cards by April 25, 2024, verifying that you have properly mailed and posted. Please attach a photograph of the posting on your Property with your affidavit of posting. 5. Instructions for Laserfiche/Weblink to view application. MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Please send by I-SPSCerfified1VI'ail Return' Receip' the following documents to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed)vacant or improved, which abuts and any properly which is across from any public or private street. We ' -Instructions for ZBA Public Hear�L-._- Page 2 ask that you send your mailings promptly so that if any piece is undeliverable, you can reach out to your neighbors to request their mailing addresses, and re-mail. Mailing to be done by April 15,2024. a. Legal Notice informing interested parties of meeting being conducted IN PERSON and via video conferencing. (Enclosed) A WEBLINK to the meeting will be provided on the Town's Website under the date of the meeting. b. Your Cover Letter which should include your contact information, date and time of hearing, procedures for submitting written comment via email or USPS to our office. Recipients should be able to contact you for additional information. Furthermore, if recipients need to contact the ZBA staff,they may telephone 631-765-1809 or email us at kimf@southoldtownny.gov or elizabeth.sakarellos@,town.southold.Liy.us c. Instructions for Laserfiche/Weblink to view all pending applications. (Enclosed) Link to view pending applications: d. Survey or Site Plan depicting "as-built" and proposed improvements requiring ZBA relief. The Town's Laserfiche/Weblink files provides both location addresses and mailing addresses in their current Assessment Roll listing. (See Link Below). Also,the Town Assessor's Office can be reached at 631-765-1937. Contact us via email or by phone if you need further assistance. I TownOfSouthold>Assessors>Assessment Books/Tax Rolls> https://southoldtownny.gov/DocumentCenter/View/9694/TentativeRo112023 IM�PORTANTRIrNSTRUiCTIONS.: x Scan and email the i$TSPS mailing receipts, greensfgnature,cdsandaff dt'sto 3.q kimf(a�soutM,Fill holdtownny. oy, and '°* PROMP�tT�+LYiP1tS'PSMr, ** the ©RIG. �,&r�LS to the Town of Southold 1,�:1 <:�. 4 Please note that without your mailing receipts, the ZBA will be prevented from conducting your hearing,pursuant to Chapter SS of the Southold Town Code and New York State Law. Please note that you or your representative are required to attend. If you or your representative are not present, the hearing will be adjourned to the next available hearing date.. Please be reminded that New York State Law requires the ZBA to follow the above specific policies. If for any reason,you are unable to prepare for your public hearing as instructed, please let us know. Kim E. Fuentes—Board Assistant ;Laserfiche Instructions" for ..Zoning Board of Appeals Records WS poi M1O' ;xarcn Q f• overninen Services isititt oW Do'1. u. i ii i »'a+ r�y,,4;'®,' �"i"Ak:�'r :7�` ;,�;0-i ;;t,�t��'y` "�i';i:.�.�' 1.,'.'.,f,..:�.:• �<�, �'• �"%.-i:..r;�'�31j1'4?�. "•" ,�s �`b',..,. 'yE'�:'£F" +�5�-',' ;� �f;�✓7'✓'":fie.-d ('y,�o-� y;x f,r^� .-J:rX 'ai'�ry,�'",.r'.�..'.'s�•5,' reg.H @" .` ;..,�f'+..' �b't.'�' "2�," Y'.� ;.•i" „ at,U"°#`�,�,�,'''tc'^ �-�,'�•: `; Me6; +" lldaps 7St., s12 ,iyr?own;Coile- tinlineP s TownRUrordc,9§ ,a, ✓ farms ; ' :,�. -sr�•• ..j �9� 'Si;. ..r>rH� ...F''".. fit,�r':�'• sr..,. ,� ' .. r. .',i 1�:,,r�,.:' r� S uter•_" 6t�llsy,; ;tYaAuI�lt',i'Srii'�'^ :"Fornic/Appllcafiap',� ;. iniuiFrata�S:.' - ✓�.7'cu:::.f�:�ii�:i-a.`.'�'� �4:'�.,"wE.,:^"-�.�..:»tmr.;.. ..1..� •ter _ _ Above: Homepage,Click on Link"Town Records"Weblink/Laserfiche ,..,. LaserfleheNlebLink afpweourt!ti•e!p:abanrt:Sip Cut Home Browse Search TownOfSouthold s TownOfSouthold Name Page count y'remp4rt�nasia:4�`s:-•f'✓i%;, �-!�:�;' �j rovm Cledc Entry Properties ................�__._......_.'.: __.. TO HiAorian Path %3 T—tees TownOtSoutlwld Zoning Board of Appeals QSA) Creation data - ..... .... ... ... ... ._. _. .. ... ... .... .. ._._ .. AM, Page 2 of 2 , Fiat a 2 29 Entries Last modified III U2U?%BZI: AM.. .. Memdata n�metadata axis xd mw.,,...x<rw,m-..+<.,...c>�w.ea.•ertwna,a..,,itrasca�. .•.z.,a Above: -The second of two pages you will find "Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)"in the list of Town of Southold Departments. Click the Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA)folder/link. Laserfiche Instructions ZBA Files Page 2 Lasertiche WehLink s Mywebi nk:Heb I About!sgn out Home Browse Search lownOrSouthold>Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA) Zoning Board of Repeals Name Page count rl (ZBA) Alphab tindex n - __.......__--__._._........................._., Hoard Actions Ins 2 Entry Properties .. .. . Laserficlw_Search Guides Path Meeting Schedules aa4r.cl^W'JC}'3JI',AiL'Ditiilo BC]r - ofApp?a1s(ZBA) Minu.wAgendWLegal Nooces/Heanngs - Creation date Pending 7r.O"NO!121 TlG PM W Rep.- Last modified Y',.,15petlal Event Permits 5/23,12017 1'.:07:1 4 Af.1 .- .. .. Training Requvemems ZBA offidals a Metadata �ZBA P.M. Nn mr:Frdala xsiglssd ;;y Exceptions List Code 280-10C(3) Jurisdktton Elating 1 ZBA Bookof Mapped 1477 Fxisdng Lots a9 ocedure&Resuas -Cmrha+k!dD^P'sn'd� [L"j Hulk SchWums n[s.5 Agieeme ContraQs&Lew es Page 1 of 1 14 Entries Above: Listed are types of records under ZBA Folder. ZBA Decisions can be found under Board Actions. Click on`Board Actions"folder to open. Lasertiche WebLink vj • Mywebtink I rep"Abaa i Sign cad Home Browse Search Ta.YnOfSootr Li >Zoning Board of Appeals(ZLU)>Board ACtJons ;'iY` ��% ;'r'•;' :'ice Board Actions Name Page count 'Template name„ .., r .__. .,_ ... 1957-1979 2 Entry Properties s980-1999 Path sJ 2000 TVfi41O(St:W.isoll:•L'�lll•xg Board .,iApiq.,fE;j].fiA;150ard:e.dolts t3 2001 Creation date 2002 1110?i])Of 1'L:2t:55 PM .,cwj 2003 Last modified i�}2004 3,'28f20;7 11:36:07 AM 2005 A Metadata %7 20G6 ko metaciata asgged 2007 2008 1 . u 2009 -- ----_..........__....� LM 2010 &Results sMUpnPi'tn._`.Mtse 7s� W 2011 2012 2013 2014 C3 2015 206 2017 n Pending vM.hee!dYmGwmJhslldJP<P'smenl+Usrz' D�..a t,.:1 �•--•��� Above: Board Actions are listed by year. Click folder to open. All Special Exception applications that require Coordinated SEQRA Analysis are stored in "Pending". Laserfiche Instructions ZBA Files Page 3 2017 A EWYPMRM". re Patti $ ..xni aNmrs 1- 1.50.1 fa a—d ANonf —d ANons creation date V)rY 7�.:I i 7 XIA z ts Board Amans 1—dffle W.W. hE —lawj 70" 70 BoartlANom SS 0—dPcOan M0 50 a—d— rii 75 —d—.. rixut W M24 a ..nj .25 21. 5-6 XOon 7026 73 .21 ad 8-nJ aNww m:a s3 —d-i- -d ladam Above: See listed File Numbers. Click on file you are searching. cashel Above: in addition searching by file no. You can also use the above search tool by typing the name or title of the applicant. Laserfiche Web Linkcashel M Home Browse Search Cu,te Seendh Sort results by: Relevance Records ManagementSearch "A 7016 Board Actions-83 page(51 Fidel-7n- Choose field Page count:83 Template name;Board Actions Page 3 Colin and Knste,Cashel PROPERTY LOCATION:1&2 Lower Shingle Hill.Fisher Page 4-19.2017 4-7016.Cashel SCTNI No.1000-9.1-26 minimus approval to remo- Page S...y 19.2017 9766.Cashel SCTM No.1000-9-1-26 GRANT.the variances as... trims Page 9 COLIN&KRISTEN CASHEL SECTION 009 BLOC Page 20 Thomas Ahlgren(Cashel).PO Box 342 Fish—IsIand.W Z Show more information... 7018 Board Actions-56 page(s) Page count:56 Template name:Board Actions Page.13 9:30 A.M.-COLIN CASHEL AND Variances under Article Id.Seman ANN... Page 43 —(S)OISTEN CASHEL97016-Request proposed trellis located in other tha Show more information Above: Shows you files that can be found using a phrase, name or title. Or you can search by Tax Map No. (District, Block and Lot) using the format 1000-111--l-1. Laserfiche Instructions ZBA Files Page 4 Laserfiche WebLink My w>Ou"k 7 Hap.About Sil Home Browse Search TownOlSoutnOld>Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA)>Will Notices/Hearings Minutes/Agendas/Legal Name .,. Page count ,.. •„ -�yTname %%<cG-.<..%� ;r'/.�-�_-4 i.;ts%_... NoticeslHearings M. 1957-1979 . Entry PropeNes .._...._.__...._.,..___._..._.._._...__.__...... �2000-2009 Parn in 2010 .~ . TmrlofsarRnnd`Zoning Board of Appeals 2011 ('ZBAltt+Houle digendasr egai t2012 Nt,Hites4learings - Creation date Q 2013 1 - 7/10120012:57:40PM P,,,3 2014 Last modified ro'3 2015 121IW2016 2:15:14 PM 2016 a btetadata eJ-' eon too mecadata av4ned Page 1 of 1 \ 11 Em, .aNw+r.s+N'RrD�P'+�Hgfaofar�`n!L-lYC•MCATI�.�L`S.Nh rvernf • Above:Also, Minutes,Agendas,and Hearing Transcripts can be viewed. Laserfiche WebLink C•�7;! • My WebLink I Help I About I ��� Home Browse Search TownOfSouthoid>Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA)>Minutes/AgendaS/Legal Notices/Hearings>2017 2017 Name Page count Ternplaze name;- > - -_ d`ZBA-0110512017 7 ' z Entry Properties - G 2BA-01105/2017 Agenda 4 Path ZBA-0110512017 Hearing 40 TownOfSollthololZoning Board Of Appeals a ZBA-0110512017 LN 3 (ZBAIWI000e5/AgenddSi Legal I Z8A-01179f2017 2 Notices/Heanngs12017 Z8A-01/19/2077 Agenda 2 creation date 1Z01612016 2:15:14 PM ZBA-02/0212017 7 Last modified _7 ZBA-OZMV2017 Agenda/ 4 6119/20174t5359 PM 1 ZBA-02102/2017 Hearing 45 Metadata ZBA-0210 212 01 7 LN 3 j ZBA-02/16/2017Agenda 3 No ntetadata assigned d ZBA-02l162017 Special 3 ZBA-03/0212017 7 zed—&Results irn/heaWpap-s 01.1ses2 ZBA-03/0212017 Agenda 4 1 J- G ZBA-0310212017 Hearing 65 7BA-03102/2017 LN 3 -1 ZBA-0 311 61201 7 Agenda 3 ZBA-03/16/2017 Special 3 ZBA-041062017 5 / ZBA-WO62017 Agenda 4 ZBA-04/0612017 Hearing 45 r Above: Agendas, Minutes and Transcripts are in chronological order. The following appFication will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold The application will ALSO be available VIA ZOOM WEBINAR - Follow pink - httpm.//Southoldtownny.gov/calendar.aspx FAME SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS LLC # 7893 SE SCTM # : 1 000-47-2- 1 5 ' J' ."ARIANCE: SPECIAL EXCEPTION [ -� ►EQUEST: TO CONVERT AN EXISTING ACCESSORY BOATHOUSE TO A FREESTANDING RESTAURANT WITH OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE FOR RESTAURANT OPERATIONS & PERMISSION FOR AN ACCESSORY SEASONAL OUTDOOR BBQ/BAR AREA � ATE THURS. , MAY 212024 1010 PM You may review the file(s) on the town's website under Town Records/Weblink: SBA/ Board Actions/ Pending. ZBA Office telephone (631 ) 765-1809 G 1 (9 1 n)L _ LEGAL NOTICE r IUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY,MARCH 7,2024 at 10:00 AM PUBLIC HEARINGS � ® NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280(Zoning), Town of Southold,the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall,53095 Main Road,Southold,New York 11971-0959,on THURSDAY.MARCH 7. I `�l 2024: The public may ALSO have access to view,listen and make comment during the PUBLIC HEARING as it is happening via ZOOM WEBINAR. Details about how to tune in and make comments during the PUBLIC HEARING are on the Town's website agenda for this meeting which may be viewed at http://southoldtownny.gov/agendacenter. Additionally,there will be a link to the Zoom Webinar meeting at http://southoldtownny.gov/calendar.aspx. 10.00 A.M. - GREG FEGOS #7869 - Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's January 5,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to extend an existing deck;at;1)located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 40 feet;2)located less than the code required minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet;located at:1450 Naugles Drive,Mattituck, NY. SCTM No.1000-99-5-17. 10.10 A.M. - JOSH KELINSON #7878 - Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Section 280-124; Article XXXVI,Section 280-208A;and the Building Inspector's November 27,2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling;at;1) located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 40 feet;2)located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 10 feet;3)located less than the'code required minimum combined side yard setback of 25 feet; 4) more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%; 5) the construction exceeds the permitted sky plane as defined in Article 1, Section 280-4 of the Town Code located at:560 Oak Street,(Adj.to East Creek)Cutchogue,NY. SCTM No.1000-136-1-44. 10.20 A.M. -70 DEEP HOLE DR LLC/BRADY LEIFER#7880SE-Applicants request a Special Exception under Article III,Section 280-13B(13). The Applicant is owner of the subject property requesting authorization to establish an Accessory Apartment in an existing accessory structure;at:70 Deep Hole Drive (adj.to Deep Hole Creek),Mattituck,NY.SCTM#1000-115-12-2. 10.30 A M CHARLES M.CURTIS AND JANE W.HARVEY AS TRUSTEES#7881 -Request for a Variance from Article XXIII,Section 280-124;and the Building Inspector's September 26,2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling; at; 1)located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 35 feet;located at:220 Reservoir Road, (Adj.to Fishers Island Sound)Fishers Island, NY. SCTM No.1000-9-8-3.4. 10.40 A.M. -JAMES HUETTENMOSER #7884- Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Section 280-124; Article XXXVI, Section 280-207;Article XXXVI, Section 280-208; and the Building Inspector's November 8, 2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to demolish an existing single family dwelling and construct a new two-story single family dwelling; at; 1) located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 35 feet;2)located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 10 feet;3)located less than the code required minimum combined side yard setback of 25 feet;4)more than the code permitted maximum average building height of 35 feet;5)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;6)gross floor area exceeding the permitted maximum square footage for lot containing up to 20,000 square feet in area;7)the construction exceeds the permitted sky plane as defined in Article I, Section 280-4 of the Town Code;located at:2235 Cedar Lane,(Adj.to Spring Pond) East Marion,NY. SCTM No.1000-37-4-7. 10.50 A.M. - DAVID BURNS AND REBECCA BAUSCH #7683 - Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Section 280-124; and the Building Inspector's December 14, 2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling; at; 1) located less than the code required minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet;2)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;located at:50 Breitstadt Court,Southold,NY. SCTM No.1000-70-9-29. 11.00 A.M. -ORIENT ACRES LLC/EVA MALLIS#7885-Request for Variances from Article III,Section 280-15 and the Building Inspector's October 17,2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct an accessory in-ground swimming pool and an accessory pool house;at; 1) swimming pool is located in other than the code permitted rear yard;2)pool house is located in other than the code permitted rear yard;located at:32625 Main Road,(Adj.to the Long island Sound)Orient,NY. SCTM No.1000-14-2-25. 1.00 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1.LLC.#k789�3SE-Request for Special Exceptions pursuant to Article VII,Section 280-35B(6);the applicant is requesting permits to;1)convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space for restaurant operations,and convert an existing single family dwelling to a commercial kitchen for the restaurant; 2) allow for an existing accessory in- ground swimming pool for public swimming pool use(constitutes second principal use on lot);3)allow an accessory seasonal outdoor barbecue/bar area;located,at 1135 Silvermere Road,Southold,NY.SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15. 1.10 P.M.-SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS 1.LLC.#71394-Request for Variances from Article VII,Section 280-36; and the Building Inspector's January 10,2024 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct alterations to an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space for restaurant operations,an existing single family dwelling to a commercial kitchen for the restaurant,an existing accessory in-ground swimming pool to a public swimming pool(constitutes second principal use on lot)and to permit an accessory seasonal outdoor barbecue/bar area;at;1)the free standing restaurant with office and storage space for the restaurant operations is located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 15 feet;located at:1135 Shore Drive/1135 Silvermere Road,Greenport,NY. SCTM No.1000-47-2-15. 1.40 P.M.-NORTH FORK PROJECT.LLC/OLD MILL#7859-(REOPENED January 18,2024) Request for a Variance from Article XXIII, Section 280-121; and the Building Inspector's August 15, 2023, Amended October 4,2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct interior alterations to an existing non-habitable accessory tower structure to be used as conditioned habitable space with storage; at 1) proposed use as conditioned, habitable space is not permitted; located at 5670 West Mill Road,(Adj.to Mattituck Creek)Mattituck,NY.SCTM No.1000-106-6-4.1. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons or their representatives,desiring to be heard at each hearing,and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review on The Town's Weblink/Laserfiche under Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA)\Board Actions\Pending. Click Link:htto•//24 38 28 228.2040/weblink/Browse.aspx?dbid=0. If you have questions,please telephone our office at(631)765-1809,or by email:kimf@southoldtownny.gov. Dated: February 15,2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN,CHAIRPERSON By:Kim E.Fuentes 54375 Main Road(Office Location) P.O.Box 1179,Southold,NY 11971-0959 j l d45a69b1 `,:@southoldtownny.gov � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Suffolk Times State of New York, County of,Suffolk County, The undersigned is the authorized designee of The Suffolk Times,a Weekly Newspaper published in Suffolk County, New York.I certify that the public notice,a printed copy of which is attached hereto,was printed and published in this newspaper on the following dates: 02/29/2024 This newspaper has been designated by the County Clerk of Suffolk County,as a newspaper of record in this county, and as such,is eligible to publish such notices. Signature Christina Henke Rea Printed Name DOUGLAS W REA Digitally signed Notary Public•State of New York by douglas w rea NO.OIRE6398443 Date: 2024.03.08 Subscribed and sworn to before me, Qualified in Albany County 12:25:03 +00:00 My Commission Expires Sep 30,2027 This 08 day of March 2024 Notary Signature Notary Public Stamp lr-�42-f f k�3oo w` TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK �Zcf AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of: POSTING �1 ) I LU- se.�-yv.\ loco - 'A -Z� (Name of Applicants) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK 1, ALP-9-kJ*4 q�"PS residing at I�'�1 5oxv-3 vie. Ave- J Qv �� , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: I am the ('Q Owner or ( ) Agent for owner of the subject property On the T—� day of , 20 TI, I personally placed the Town's Official Poster on subject property located at: ` i �h The poster shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall beset back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing of (Owner/Agent Signature) Sworn to before me this �.s " Day of , 20 . CONNIE D.BUN (Notary Public CH (N �' ) - rotary Public,State of New Vora No.O1 BU6185050 Qualified In Suffolk County Commission Expires April 14,2_� 7 r-i U.S. Postal Service ECEIPT ■ ■ . 1 ■ X omestic mail only o' ACERTIFIED MAILO RECEIPT m .- tlon� {, Domestic n' �►'a¢Itaort' i;S1 Or, o =Y carrot Mail Fee �r`.:,,. � 94�t,:„ .• ?.- m :BI'Q►F:1.�C ',1'( 111 ; ,• '� $ .!•.,�, .. $4«4t.1 :: _l'•.^�T_ �'�a__- __ '� '}'�7�- .�«.n✓ 2:___r.-_ ...r S+ ii"".. "I r'`S. 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I ' I3 ❑Return Receipt(hardgoPY)''- i,�d r••:r-C;�,jr^�.�\' ❑Return Receipt(electronic) ..' t. w•. ❑Certified Mall Restricted DellVery'.$' �,�^H0y\y' .�r, ��':fir.,�W.,.Qi, r r- []Adult Signature Requited' •-;''$• '- `C :cCru L' J` t ❑Adult Signature Restrl�ted Delivery;$:' •I-'^••t- "'"• ,}} Postage1ry T".: 0 N.�t4,`., :.��. 'f;! .i■y�1J',,�y5'iir`�ueS''"�'Ir'';...M1",:i:r4, QJL�•f ,'.ram TtQ�}Q�I P�Qta a and"fees Sent To r_ TT�h'` rv� CO $Neat and Apt.No.,or O Box No. f f a- Ctlry State,21P+4® sj TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. �t SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF In-the Matter of the Application of: MAILINGS (Name of Appli(Yant/Owner) jre_c S Q r �f . �� SCTM No. 1000- (Address of Property) (Section, Block & Lot) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I, (1() Owner, ( ) Agent residing at °11 13- S m u h�v i e_ry ' 1"4- S l� New York being duly sworn, deposes and says that: On the I ��day of �e.��v'v , 20'Ll, I personally mailecrat the United States Post Office in 'S ©� 1� ,New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in Prepaid envelopes addressed to current property owners shown on the current assessment roll Verified from the official records on file with the (Y�Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office, for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. A(Siggriantur Sworn to before me this NotarCONNIE D.BUNCH y Public,State of New York day of , 20 a y No.01 BU6185056 Qualified In Suffolk County Commission Expires April 14,2�y (� (Notary Public) PLEASE list on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to,the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. All original USPS receipts and mailing confirmations to be submitted to the ZBA Office along with this form completed, signed and notarized. { stal Service'" m o REG ItIPT 1 , LfT CERTIFIED e o RECEIPT •. • t,TDomestic Mail Only ,U,7- .. ti:01144 NY 11971' _> i i' m j,`,:( ` ni `�: Sau. hoLd9 Y17-7ail Fee -- - ----- ,,.,-_ _.,... - , Certified 'ru &F- a;{`yq.: kl �tl^ ry. .'. �+ $.:eeS,(checkpokaeddfeeru V'- - :'::: I ..," x,-«O Return Receipt(harifco $ 11✓<fr'-`:!'P=''' ''�-%y,s- -` ' !I , Extra Services&Fees.(checkbox,add it i.; :,, eta4 O ❑Return Receipt ardco ' ❑Return Receipt(electronic.: $ ,y., '� P(h .P»l;e.F,,;"'$-- I•t i' 7� r_ rr� ph.1���` b`Postlnark}. ❑ P( )...... . ,y;✓', s ❑Certified Mall Restricted,Delive l fir" ,.. ,,;a. 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Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230597 9589071052700290230580 , / l� Copy �Add to Informed Delivery Copy *'Add to Informed Delivery V G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual GREENPORT.NY 1194-1 GREENPORT.NY 11944 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:53 February 15.2024,1:53 pin Your Item was delivered to an Individual at the address at 1:53 February 15.2024.1:53 pm P. on February 15,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. pm on February 15,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. See All Tracking History See All Tracking History Get More Out of USPS Tracking: what Do LISPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Gavot More Out of USPS Tracking: what Do LISPS Tracking Statuses Mean? LISPS Tracking Plus (µ USPS Tracking Plus® Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230573 9589071052700290230566 In Copy y' "Add to Informed Delivery Copy *�Add to Informed Delivery , Alert P'eb.r�.Y., Latest Update a Forwarded Latest UpdateBAYSIDE.1•1'Your item wasforwarded to a different address at 8:35 am on Fc..—y 15.2024.81:35 am Your item was forwarded to a different address at 8:35 am an 8:35 am February 15,2024 in BAYSIDE,NY.This was because of February 15,2024 in BAYSIDE,NY.This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on --� the label was incorrect. In Transit to Next Facility the label was incorrect. In Transit to Next Facility i February 14,2024 hi i February 14.2024 \_� Got More Out of USPS Tracking: See All Tracking History lGot More Out of LISPS Tracking: See All T.cking History (�LISPS Tracking Ruseuy L LISPS Tracking Plusm What Do LISPS Tracking Statuses Mean? What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? 5 �rV�•vVle r � '�vvtN - Tracking Number: Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230559 9589071052700290230535 Copy 'yV Add to Informed Delivery ID Copy *'Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual GREENPORT,NY 11944 GREENPORT NY 11944 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:00 February 15,2024,2:00 pm Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:00 February 15.2024,2:00 pm pm on February 15,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. pm on February 15.2024 in GREENPORT.NY 11944. See All Tracking History See All Tracking History Get More Out of USPS Tracking: what Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking: what Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? USPS Tracking PlusO USPS Tracking Plus© Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230627 9589071a052700290230610 Copy y�6 Add to Informed Delivery �Q Copy y� Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual GREENPORT,NY 11944 BROOKLYN,NY 11201 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:53 February 15.2024.1.53 pm Your Item was delivered to an Individual at the address at 2:01 February 16,2024,2:01 pm / pm on February 15.2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. pm on February 16,2024 in BROOKLYN,NY 11201. See All Tracking History See All Tracking History rGet More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Got More Out of LISPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? uy LISPS Tracking Plus° USPS Tracking Plus® Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230634 9589071052700290230603 ` Copy a Add to Informed Delivery Q] Copy r*6 Add to Informed Delivery Doliverzd Expected Delivery on G Delivered Out for Delivery Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual TUESDAY 9 Out for Delivery,Expected Delivery by 3:20prn BROOKLYN,NY 11201 GREENPORT,NY 11944 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:01 by February 20,2024,8-28 am February 16,2024,2:01 pm February i pm on February 16,2024 in BROOKLYN,NY 11201. 202407 3.20pm pp - , Sco All Tracking History Arrived at Post Office What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Your item is out for delivery on February 20,2024 at 828 am in GREENPORT.NY 11944 Get More Out of USPS Tracking: GREENPORT,NY 11944. February 20.2024,8.17 am USPS Tracking Pius® Sao All Tacking History Get Moro Out of USPS Tracking: USPS Tracking Plus° What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230672 9589071052700290230658� Copy „ Add to Informed Delivery Copy '*'Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Lett with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with individual PLAINVIEW,NY 11803 GREENPORT,NY 11944 Your Item was delivered to an Individual at the address at 11:26 February 16,2024,11:26 am Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:16 Feoruary 16,2024,2:16 pm �1 am on February 16,2024 in PLAINVIEW,NY 11803. pm on February 16.2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. Sea All hacking History Sao All T.king History Get Moro Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking statuses Mean? USPS Tracking Pluss Q USPS Tracking Plus® Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230641 9589071L052700290230665 ID Copy �Add to Informed Delivery Copy yV Add to Informed Delivery OV Delivered GV Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual GREENPORT,NY 11944 PLAINVIEW,NY 11803 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:58 February 15.2024.1:58 pm I Your Item was delivered to am individual at the address at 11:26 Fe.bnlaN 16,2024.11:26 am pm on February 15,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. am on February 16,2024 in PLAINVIEW,NY 11803. See All Tracking History Sao All Tracking History , Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? / USPS Tracking Plus° 1Z USPS Tracking Plus° Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230696 9589071052700290230719 (^Q Copy *°Add to Informed Delivery In Copy * Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual GARDEN CITY.NY 11530 GARDEN CITY.NY 11530 __ Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:33 February 15,2024.1:33 pm Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:33 February 15,2024,I:33 pm pm on February 15,2024 in GARDEN CITY,NY 11530. pm on February 15,2024 in GARDEN CRY,NY 11530. See All Tracking History See All Tracking History _ Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? !a USPS Tracking Plus®lZ ,.utrr�� USPS Tracking Plus® Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230689 9589071052700290230702 7 In Copy Q Schedule a Redelivery ? ID Copy a Schedule a Redelivery 9 Delivery Attempt-Action Needed Delivery Attempt:Action Needed Latest Update kl Notice Left IN,Authorized Recipient Available) Latest Update ej Notice Left(No Authorized Recipient Available) GREENPORT,NY 11944 ORE ENPORT NY11944 We attempted to deliver your item at 2:01 pm on February 15, I February 15.2024.2.01 pm We attempted to deliver your Item at 2;01 pm on February 15, Fe:hruary 15,2024,2:01 pm 2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944 and a notice was left because 2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944 and a notice was left becau.:e an authodzed recipient was not available.You may arrange an authorized recipient was net available.You may arrange redelivery by using the Schedule a Redelivery feature on this Out for Delivery t redelivery,by using the Schedule a RedeOcery feature nn IN, i Out for Delivery page or may pick up the item at the Post Office indicated on the I GREENPORT,NY 11944 1 page or may pick up the item at the Pest OY,!co indicated on the GREENPORT,NY 119" ' notice beginning February 16,2024.If this item a unclaimed by February 15.2024.3.47 am 4 notice beginning February 16.202t.If this Item is unclaimed by February 15,2024,8:48 am March 1,2024 then it will be returned to carder. March 1,2024 then it will be resumed to send., r � Soo All Tracking History All TmekM9 History Gel More Out of USPS Tracking: Got More Out of USPS Tracking: USPS Tmcking Plus° What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? USPS Tracking Plus° What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230740 9589071052700290230733 �] Copy * Add to Informed Delivery Copy ;to Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11:11 SOUTHOLD.NY 11971 Your item was delivered to an individual the address at 11:11 February 15.2024.11:11 am February 15 2024 11,11 am - am on February 15,2024 in SOUTHOLD,,NY 11971. am on February 15,2024 in SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. � See All Tracking History Soo All Tracking History Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Got More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? �+ M USPS Tracking Plusle USPS Trki acng Plus° Tracking Number. Tracking Number, I 9589071052700290230726 9589071052700290230757 +Copy Add to Informed Delivery *s ,ice �] Copy Add to Informed Delivery (� y� G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual SOUIHOLD,NY 11971 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11.11 February 15,2024,11:11 am Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11:11 February 15,2024,11:11 am am on February 15,2024 in SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. am on February 15,2024 in SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. See All Tracking History See All Tracking History Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses 1 J lZ USPS Tracking Plus® USPS Tracking Plus® `....-------`-----.............`--------`......---...........------...--.....-------_....------------------.......—............--......---`------- Tracking Number. Tracking Number, 9589071052700290230696 9589071052700290230733 Q copy **Add to Informed Delivery Cop y jr Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Lek with Individual , Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:33 GARDEN CITY NY 11530 February 15.2024.1:33 pm Your item was delivered to an individual the address at 11:11 pm on February 15,2024 in GARDEN CITY,NY 11530. am on Fehmary 15,2024 in SOUTHOLD,, SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 NY 11971. February 15,2024.11:11 am Sac All T eking History See All Tracking History Got More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get Moro Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? USPS Tracking Plus° USPS Tracking Pius° Tracking Number, Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230726 9589071052700290230719r (^❑ Copy y� Add to Informed Delivery Q] Copy *'Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 GARDEN CITY.NY 11530 Your item was delivered to an individual at rile address at 1 t11 February 15.2024.11.11 am Your item was delivered to an mdNidual at the address at 1:S3 am on February 15,2024 in SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. f February 15,2024,1 33 pm _pm on February 15,2024 in GARDEN CITY,NY 11530. Sao All Tracking History Sea All Tracking History Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking: USPS Tracking Muse USPS Tracking Plus® Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230665 9589071052700290230672 'U Copy a Add to Informed Delivery _ Co ,ds �❑ Copy y� Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual PLAINVIEW.NY 11803 PLAINVIEW.NY 11803 N Your item was delivered to an Individual at the address at 11:26 February 16,2024.11:26 am Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11:26 February 16.2024.11:26 am am on February 16,2024 in PLAINVIEW,NY 11803. am on February 16,2024 in PLAINVIEW,NY 11803. Sea All hacking History See All Tracking History Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking; What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? USPS Tracking Plus® USPS Tracking Plus° ................................................................................................................................................................ Tracking Number. Tracking Number. /7 9589071052700290230702 ? 9589071052700290230689 (/ 11 Copy &Schedule a Redelivery 6 10 Copy 6 Schedule a Redelivery C Delivery Attempt:Action Needed Delivery Attempt:Action Needed Latest Update ® Notice Left(No Authorized Recipient Available) Latest Update Q) Notice Left(No Authorized Recipient Available) GREENPORT,NY 11944 GREENPORT,NY 11944 We attempted to deliver your item at 2:01 pm on February 15, February 15.2024.2:01 pm We attempted to deliver your item at 2:01 pm on February 15, February 15.2024,2.01 pm 2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944 and a notice was left because 2024 in GREENPORT.NY 11944 and a notice was left because an authorized recipient was not available,You may emerge I an authorized recipient was net available.You may err ingn redelivery by using the Scheduln a Redelivery feature on this I Out for Delivery 6 redNrvry by wing the ScheduL-:n RWelivery leatur on this GREENPORT.NY 11944 page or m at i Out for Delivery page or may pick up the item at the Post Office indicated on the ' pg may pick up the ite the Post Office indicated n,ated oil I GREENPORT,NY 11944 notice beginning February 16.2021.If this item is unclaimed by February 15.2024.8 48 am I notice beginning February 16,2024.If this item is unclaimed by Februery 15.2024.8.47 am March 1,2024 then it will be returned to sondes March 1,21124 then it will be returned to sender. t i Soo All Tmcking History � See All T eking History Gat More Out of USPS Tracking: Get More Out of USPS Tracking: USPS Tm USPS Tracking Plus cking PlusO What Do USPS hacking Statuses Mean? I� o What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? act Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230627 9589071052700290230641 ID Copy *'Add to Informed Delivery copy ,k Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Len with Individual GREENPORT.NY 11944 GREENPORT.NY 11944 Your item was delivered to an Individual at the address at 1.53 February 15,2024,1:53 pm Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:58 February 15.2024.1:58 pm pm on February 15,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. , pm on February 15,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944, See All Tracking History See All Tracking History - Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? USPS Tracking Pluses USPS Tracking Plusm Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230634 Tracking Number. O 101Z 9589071052700290230658 1 lD Copy *Add to Informed Delivery 40 Copy * Add to Informed Delivery D.IN—d Expected Delivery on G Delivered Out for Delivery Latest Update Delivered,Lek with Individual TUESDAY Out for Delivery,Expected Delivery by 3:20pm GREENPORT,NY 11944 GREENPORT,NY 11944 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:16 February 16,2024.2.16 pm r February by Febntary 20.9024 8 28 am PM on February 16,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. _ 2024(i 3e20pm Q} - - Sae All Tracking History • Arrived at Post Office ' Your hem is out for delivery on February 20,2024 at 8:28 am in GREENPOW..NY 11944 What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? GREENPORT,NY 11944. Get More Out of USPS Tracking: Fecruary 20,2024 B tT am USPS Tracking Plus" Get Mora Out of USPS Tracking: • Soo AIR Tracking History .................... .......... ....... ...... ........................................ ...................................... .... .................................... USPS Tracking Pluam What Do USPS Trucking Statuses Mean? Tracking Number, Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230610 9589071052700290230580 Q Copy ;t`Add to Informed Delivery ID Copy *'Add to Informed Delivery GV Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual BROOKLYN,NY 11201 GREENPORT,NY 11944 Your Item was delivered to an Individual at the address at 2:01 February 16.2024.2 01 pm Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:53 February 15,2U24.1:53 prn pm on February 16,2024 in BROOKLYN.NY 11201, pm on February 15.2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. See All Tracking History Sae All Tracking History , Get Moro Out of LISPS Tlrackin9: Get More Out of LISPS Tracking:what Do LISPS Tracking Statuses Mean? What Do LISPS Tracking Statuses Mean? F� r.cy LISPS Tracking Plus° USPS Tracking Plusa Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230603 9589071052700290230597 4__1 Copy *"Add to Informed Delivery Copy ;V Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual BROOKLYN,NY 11201 GREENPORL NYI1944 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:01 February 16,2024,2:01 pm Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:53 February 15,2024.1:53 pm I'm on February 16,2024 in BROOKLYN,NY 11201. M pm on February 15,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. - See All Tracking History Sea All T eking History Get More Out of USPS Tracking: what Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking: what Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? USPS Tracking Plus® M USPS hacking Mass ..............................................................................................-----------------------------------------------------......."_"_.. Tracking Number. Tracking Number. 9589071052700290230559 9589071052700290230535 `D Copy *'Add to Informed Delivery (—Q Copy *"Add to Informed Delivery G Delivered G Delivered Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual Latest Update Delivered,Left with Individual GREEPJFORT NY 11944 GP,EENPORT,NY 119-14 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:00 February 15,2024.2.00 pm Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:00 " February 15,2024,2:00 pm pm on February 15,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. pm on February 15,2024 in GREENPORT,NY 11944. - see All tracking History See All Tracking History Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? Get More Out of USPS Tracking: What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? 1Z USPS Tracking Plus® USPS Tracking Rose ^ Tracking Number. Tracking Number. �'1 9589071052700290230573 r 9589071052700290230566 Copy *'Add to Informed Delivery Copy * Add to Informed Delivery Alert Alert Latest Jpdatz 0 Forwarded Latest Update ® Forwarded BAYSIDE,NY BAYSIDE,NY February 15,2024,8:35 am Your item was forwarded to a different address at 8:35 am on February 15.2024,8:35 am Your item was forwarded to a different address at 8:35 f on February15,2024 in BAYSIDE,NY.This was because of fo-afi 15,2024 in BAYSIDE,se This was because C i k forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Codr on forwarding instructions or because the addressor ZIP Code on 9 the label was incorrect. In Transit to Next Facility the label was incorrect. In Transit to Next Facility IFebruary 14.2024 I February lA,2024 Get More Out of USPS Tracking: See All Tracking History y� Get More Out of USPS Tracking: See All tracking History �4 USPS Tracking Musa FJ [�USPS Tracking Plus® What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean? OFFICE LOCATION: OF soy MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex �� rjfiO P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Road Route 25 ,`O l0 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold,NY y Telephone: 631 765-1809 • �O� http://southoldtownny.gov olyC4U ,� ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town of Southold l LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2024 at 10:00 AM PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280 (Zoning), Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY. MARCH 7, 2024: 1:00 P.M. - SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I. LLC. #7893SE - Request for Special Exceptions pursuant to Article VII, Section 280-35B(6); the applicant is requesting permits to; 1) convert an existing accessory boathouse to a freestanding restaurant with office and storage space for restaurant operations, and convert an existing single family dwelling to a commercial kitchen for the restaurant; 2) allow for an existing accessory in-ground swimming pool to a public swimming pool (constitutes second principal use on lot); 3) permit an accessory seasonal outdoor barbecue/bar area; located, at 1135 Silvermere Road, Southold, NY. SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review on The Town's Weblink/Laserfiche under Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)\Board Actions\Pending. Link: If you have questions, please telephone our office at (631) 765-1809, or by email: kimf@southoldtownny.gov. Dated: February 15, 2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN, CHAIRPERSON By: Kim E. Fuentes 54375 Main Road (Office Location) 53095 Main Road (Mailing/USPS) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 el_ Town Hall Annex, 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 � ' Southold,New York 11971-0959 Fax(631) 765-9064 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DATE: January 29, 2024 RE: INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUBLIC HEARING Dear Applicant; Pursuant to the New York State Governor's announcement lifting many COVID-19 restrictions, the Town will now resume IN-PERSON meetings that are open to the public. For those who wish to attend the meeting virtually, for health and safety reasons, we will continue via Zoom Webinar, as well. Therefore, the March 7, 2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Regular Meeting will be held BOTH in person in the Town Hall Meeting Room at 53095 Main Road, Southold AND via video conferencing (Zoom Webinar), and a transcript will be provided at a later date. The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the meeting live, and make comments. mil.iJtjX .'ll.t:: Below, please see mstructsioris'required''topre_,parfor�theZaBApublzcs'hearing which_incTudes; �: ''t_ `z.r�,¢:,•,,'_ : � �..f�, 1. Yellow sign to post on your property a minimum of seven(7) days prior to your hearing, to be placed not more than 10 feet from the front property line (within your property) bordering the street. If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is supplied for posting on both street frontages. Posting should be done no later than February 29,2024.To avoid weather damage to your sign please affix it to a sturdy surface such as plywood. If your sign is damaged please call the office and we will provide you with another one. Prior to your public hearing, members of the Board of Appeals will each conduct a personal inspection of your property. If a Board member reports that there is no signage visibly on display as required by law,your scheduled hearing will be adjourned to a later date to ensure compliance with Chapter 55-1 (B) 1 of the Town Code. 2. SC Tax Map with property numbers. 3. Legal Notice of in person meeting,as well as video conferencing. Instructions for participation will follow, and will be posted on the Town's Website under the meeting date, and the Legal Notice section of Suffolk Times Newspaper. 4. Affidavits of Mailings and Posting to be completed by you, notarized, and returned to our office along with the mailing receipts and green cards by February 2Q, 2024, verifying that you have properly mailed and posted. Please attach a photograph of the posting on your Property with your affidavit of posting. 5. Instructions for Laserfiche/Weblink to view application. 1 Instructions for ZBA Public Hear',,- Page 2 MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Please send by l'ASAC ift-ied 1VIai1; Return Rece p the following documents to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed) vacant or improved, which abuts and any property which is across from any public or private street. We ask that you send your mailings promptly so that if any piece is undeliverable, you can reach out to your neighbors to request their mailing addresses, and re-mail. Mailing to be done by February 20,2024. a. Legal Notice informing interested parties of meeting being conducted IN PERSON and via video conferencing. (Enclosed) A WEBLINK to the meeting will be provided on the Town's Website under the date of the meeting. b. -Your Cover Letter which should include your contact information, date and time of hearing, procedures for submitting written comment via email or USPS to our office. Recipients should be able to contact you for additional information. Furthermore, if recipients need to contact the ZBA staff,they may telephone 631-765-1809 or email us at kimf@southoldtow=�.gov or elizabeth.sakarellos@,town.southold.ny.us c. Instructions for Laserfiche/Weblink to view all pending applications. (Enclosed) Link to view pending applications: hLtp:// d. Survey or Site Plan depicting"as-built" and proposed improvements requiring ZBA relief. The Town's Laserfiche/Weblink files provides both location addresses and mailing addresses in their current Assessment Roll listing. (See Link Below). Also,the Town Assessor's Office can be reached at 631-765-1937. Contact us via email or by phone if you need further assistance. J TownOfSouthold>Assessors> Assessment Books/Tax Rolls> https:Hsoutholdtownny.gov/DocumentCenter/View/9694/TentativeRo112023 e 000- ANTttNKStT�Rai�TCTIO.NPS,: WHO email the hTS{PS mailing receipts, ree avi gn signature cards and aff dts to kimf southoldtownn� M1P My IIS�PS MAhL** the ORI:GhNALS to: the Town of Southold SBA .,0� . Box 117o-9 Southold NY 1 9f7d. Please note that without your mailing receipts; the ZBA will be prevented from conducting your hearing,pursuant to Chapter 55 of the Southold Town Code and New York State Law. Please note that you or your representative are required to attend. If you or your representative are not present, the hearing will be adjourned to the next available hearing date. Please be reminded that New York State Law requires the ZBA to follow the above specific policies. If for any reason,you are unable to prepare for your public hearing as instructed, please let us know. Kim E. Fuentes—Board Assistant NOTICE PLEASE BE ADVISED YOU MUST SEND TWO (2) SEPARATE LISPS CERTIFIED/RETURN RECEIPT MAILING; ONE. (1) FOR EACH APPLICATION. Please.onwxour otR.ww (asq 7e5-1900 irrvu have any Think you. N /w ' Tl ' -'F' E OF HEARIA �' .2 -the following application will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold: The application will also be available VIA ZOOM WEBINAR-Follow link-http://southoldtownny.gov/calendar . 'AME : SILVER SANDS HLDGS 1 , LLC #7893SE CTM #ON 1000=47w2= 15 17\, 'ARIANCE: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS EQUESTEM CONVERT EXISTING ACCY BOATHOUSE TO A FREESTANDING RESTAURANT WITH OFFICE/STORAGE SPACE, CONVERT EXISTING FAMILY DWELLING TO COMMERCIAL KITCHEN, ALLOW EXISTING INGROUND SWIMMING POOL FOR PUBLIC USE, PERMIT ACCY SEASONAL OUTDOOR BARBECUE/BAR AREA FATE : THURS. MAR. 71 2024 1 :00 PM You may review the file(s) on the town's website under Town Records/Weblink: ZBA/Board i actions/Pending. ZBA Office Telephone (631 ) 765-1809 BOARD MEMBERS so Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson ,`O !� 53095 Main Road • P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes apQ Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. l 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento ycou Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 23, 2024 Tel. (631) 765-1809 Alexander Perros Silver Sands Holdings I,LLC 1400 Silvermere Road Greenport,NY 11944 RE: ZBA Special Exceptions#7893SE, and#7914SE and Appeal No. 7894 Silver Sands Holdings, 1135 Silvermere Road, Southold SCTM No. 1000-47-2-15 Dear Mr. Perros; Transmitted for your records are copies of the Board's December 19,2024 Findings,Deliberations and Determination, the originals of which were filed with the Town Clerk. Before commencing any construction activities, a site plan approval and a building permit is necessary. Please note the conditions of approval and be sure to submit an application along with a copy of the attached determination to the Planning Department and the Building Department. Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B)of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured,and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three(3)years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may,upon written request prior to the date of expiration,grant an extension not to exceed three(3) consecutive one(1)year terms. IT IS THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE CODE REQUIRED TIME FRAME DESCRIBED HEREIN.Failure to comply in a timely manner may result in the denial by the Building Department of a Certificate of Occupancy, nullify the approved variance relief,and require a new variance application with public hearing before the Board of Appeals If you have any questions, please call the office. Sincer y, Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Encl. cc: Building Department Planning Department OFFICE LOCATION: �' �QF S0� - _HAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex TjfIO P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Road Route 25 o. Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold,NY y Telephone: 631 765-1809 • �OQ http://southoldtownny.gov COU01 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town of Southold January 16, 2024 Ms. Sarah Lansdale, Director Suffolk County Department of Planning P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Ms. Lansdale: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: ZBA File : # 7893SE SILVERySANDS HOLDINGS I, LLC Action Requested Special Exception for a free standing restaurant and an in-ground swimming pool. Within 500 feet of: ( ) State or County Road (X) Waterway (Bay, Sound, or Estuary) ( ) Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land (X) Boundary of Agricultural District ( ) Boundary of any Village or Town Within one (1) mile (5,280 feet) of: ( ) Boundary of any airport If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. (� k Very truly yours, Leslie K. Weisman ZBA C aipper n �` By: c �1` 5 Survey/Site Plan : Kehl Design Associates stamped by Professional Engineer Nicholas J. Mazzaferro Date: December 18, 2023 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ��®� S®U��® P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Road Route 25 �® �® Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1809 http://southoldtowuny.gov 100,0UNT'1,� ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town of Southold MEMO RECEIVED TO: Planning Board JAN I 2024 FROM: Leslie K. Weisman, ZBA Chairperson southiol Town Planning Board DATE: January 16, 2024 SUBJECT: Request for Comments ZBA# 7839SE Silver Sands Holdings I LLC 1 The ZBA is reviewing the following application. Enclosed are copies of Building Department's Notice of Disapproval, ZBA application, and current map on file. Your review and comments are requested at this time. The file is available for review of additional documentation at your convenience for reference if needed. Applicant: Silver Sands Holdings I, LLC Tax # Zone District: 47-2-15 ZBA#: 7893SE Hearinq Date: March 7, 2024 Code Section: Article VII Section 280-35 B(6) Date of Stamped Site Plan : December 18, 2023 Preparer of Survey : Kehl Design Associates (stamped by professional engineer Nicholas Mazzaferro) Thank you. (Enc.) OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ��®f SO�f j�® P.O. Box 1179 �54375 State Road Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1809 http://southoldtownny.gov couffm ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town of Southold RECEIVED January 16, 2024 JAN 1.6 2024 Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director Southold Town LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold, NY 11971 Re: ZBA File Ref. No. # 7893SE SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I, LLC Dear Mark: We have received an application for two Special Exceptions for a free standing restaurant and an in-ground swimming pool in a RR zone. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP Section 268-51) is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. - Thank you. Very tfuly yours, Leslie K. Weisman Chairpe Y Encls Survey/Site Plan Kehl Design Associates stamped by Professional Engineer Nicholas J. Mazzaferro Date : December 18, 2023 ttf,''.e'�'v "171J.C.r..x�.daB..c _ _ P/� .// � +/ gfl KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC residential & commercial design o consulting qg PO.Box 1675 phone: l6311 433-9084 A5 Southold,New York 11971 E-Mail: ssbn6542optonline.net 5 C A56 Kehl Design Associates,LLC o formerly D A K Associates,LLC 1 A5 OWNERSHIP & USE OF DOCUMENTS: 48 3 These drawings and specifications including the ideas, design and arrangements represented therein, are the property of KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. No part thereof shall be Aa copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any work or project other than for which they have been prepared without written consent. of A4 A4 cM REV. RC RCF I' L CF J A � L h 07 y O L L 2 „ R E RA E Or e y 5 D S D r Receive FR E 9° 3' S a 'n a az ED C d C I F 28 586015.00" 23.77 G F Y 1 F JAN 1 1 2024 I L 4 _ 2 7.pning Boara a. Nppeals � a 625 a r J s Ay 5CTM NO.1000-47-2-15 T N . a, A o d n WORK NOTES: 0 3 O c O O R ST F � ,,. A q 3.]• nA LANDWARD LIMIT OF EC p FRESHWATER WETLANDS AS O N DELINEATED BY COLE #6 ENVIRONMENTAL ON 06/25/22, 0 6 N UPDATED ON 09/08/23 1 I w o G24 _ #7 A A{ F C A - N G23 b G S N E IC o0 FDC B2 CH TO Eoti I .b' 0 8 q 9 V �'v �•r-I L cn 16' IA 1 1.0' a v 35 28 N � of #9 O G22 � p 14' IA C• AL m T .1 O- - A3 � r , y_ #10 f0'DIA BE H EC E 3 1g s 2 r.. #14 TREE b• q B CH ° N O LL - � � �:•' � ?�IU a• 051- I° t #V •D y. � CP 2 #23 #19 #18 5'DIA F #22 #21 #20 BEECH N o 24'DIA � Q° D 4- �p BEECH �oFl•Oz� r�, ��y�b'1 ,G+j ,/ q N o + Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to build without the authorization of local governing agencies, such L 9 N0 21'DIA u 6b `\ 6.5' u B as Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services, Town Building P AC T F D W o O 5 Z w 3 OAK. V O o Z F OT LL ST E 1 P o E C 1• 20'DIA „ ° 5 � 6� Departments, DEC, FEMA, etc. Verify all conditions, codes, and requirements with such agencies prior to construction. ° 2EE6ZA v o 9 PROJECT: 23 w S CLF POOL 21'DIA EQUIPMEN OAK LOP .P B CK ° ry 18. :. - g• ENCLOSURE AC I q _ c 4 v " w A2 F O N C WDF W E W OD ECI' .0•'n Z 3 11.V E N it "" a. 5' 2 u O O I 28.4 0. OV CO C. "�� °O W OD /M AL O O E Ad _'�;o N o' O OAC PAIT 19 9.9 0' n Q w L 1220 SILVERMERE ROAD L LC) W E 0 P'i OY GREENPORT, NY 11944 L _ F OM 2I' 8' .T v12 Ot .1' CLF Z POOL ON LOT #15 18 m � `• O ° m V" SCTM # 1000-47-02-15 'DRAWING TITLE: P/ SCTM NO. 0 -47-2-15 c c N zo 1.4 t7 0.a' Site Plan of Silver Sands Site 00 o p } DE 72. � a \p WDF WNET 17A .6 C0 � 2 - .B• - Showing Location o 11.1• 304' OV 4 Z' 5 ° $' 9° .a• 3 r Q 43.w Pool Fence o IP 17 0' ^' pRAME �> H 8. 2� CO LL '"'- gUILDIN6 - �+ FZL MNG~ Lo j a FN 3D• 9' o' 1.31' Twtt q,I NOTES: 5 0 0 2a.3' j SA 584011'16"W z p THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF THE SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE o AD 8 10a DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFFIXED HERETO. INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE C ao U` N70° �40j 10 51 2A"� PROSECUTED AND IMENSIONS AND BE SOLEY RESPONSBLST EXTENT OF THE LAW. OERFOR HFIELD AT. THE ALL VERIFY L 0 a 16�5TIE LINE ALONG APPROXIMATE HIGH DESIGN PROFFESSIONAL ASSUMES NO L ABILITY FOR OMMISIONS DUE TO UNKNOWN OR 0N '0 WATER MARK AS LOCATED ON 10/29/2021 UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS AND OR ADDITIONS BASED UPON COMMENTS NOT FORMALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS REVISION TO THESE PLANS. o� o g WOO D Z5 154 w 2 DECK w o uW SEAL: DATE: 60 2�. 573°l� N88 13'37 3 5�2°SWETLA 29.30 OECEMBER 18, 2023 WETLANDS AS DELINEATE[)LIMIT F TIDAL ° " 564 38'07 W F -xb Q�� ENVIRONMEN 22 2648' PROJECT N0: A3 ,01JAN Y163-2023 DRAWN BY: w gQ°55 A BDK 5 - w �aa�EPo 65°22 S GO CHECKED BY: IF 06E e�� b3 5 pZpE SHEET NUMBER: TW1 2 a az�,�O 1 �TW3 0� � SCALE 0N o � L010r00rno N� � �• � � � � rn� oo n 'tn (0NMo'IV r 00 r2 •— r � N M Al g9Q 579°51'17"W N N N N N N N N N M 25.99' Site Plan information Based on Survey Provide by DOB NUMBER: OF Howard W. Young of Young and Young Land Surveyors NYS. L.S. No. 45893, Dated Nov. 17, 2021 © KEHL•DESIGN•ASSOCIATES, LLc I GENERAL NOTES: -- �,-- SAFETY NOTES: RESIDENTIAL RENOVATION & CONSTRUCTION� R A C T 0 R N 0 T E S _.T _ _ __ I u"' 0 '1'\1 4i General Notes: x- t y .� rAn 1 G NERAt: ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN , "" "' 1, 4` ` �.__� N ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEW PORK, 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF -, ". = I '" t to � k, Wood: NEW YORK, AND REGULATIONS OF AL OTHER I l s., x ` "- '' " _= " ��.__._. 1 `: 1. All studs to be SPF #2 or better, and oli other structural wood to be Douglas Fir/Larch #2 or better. L 0 TER AGENCIES HAVING JtJR,SD,CTiON. _--� _. : GENERAL NOTES: i' : .r _... ._.........� FIRE SAFETY: �. _ t f;t _ -_z..- ... "�..~1. um. "i1 l � , 4 x .'j 2. All structural wood shall be in accordance with the national design specificotions for wood construction - latest edition. KEHL DESIGN i 1 • Al L '.'.t.'Rit" `7H,'LL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOL.K COUNTY, NEW YORK, 2020 RESIDENTIAL A. ALL BUILDING MATERIALS WHICH ARE STORED AT THE SITE OR ANY AREA OF THE BUILDING ARE TO BE STORED IN A A S j,LC : I COE,E Cir' NEW YORK, FIRE. DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS, UTILITY COMPANY REQUIREMENTS, AND THE BEST TRADE 3. Nailingschedule shall be in accordance with the specified code. QCIATE B. __�_ _.__....__...-_._.__.... _... ..___._—_a__.__..__._ LOCKED AREA, rcuidontiat R c•.mrm-f(,!(,I J•s;:;rI " c l:rhul'inrt PR;-.;;TIC(-4. . 4. Pre-manufactured trusses. C. ALL MATERIALS TO BE STORED IN AN ORDERLY FASHION BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE ALL REQUIRED INSURANCE CERTIFICATES WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF ❑, All trusses shall be "shaped' as shown on architectural cross sections. � � i Fti.S': D r,JGS, OB3TA'rN A.LL REQUIRED INSURANCE CERTIFICATES WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS, OBTAIN ALE_ REQUIRED PERMITS, b. Trusses shall bear a boca number and shall be manufactured b a re istered manufacturer. D. ALL FLAMMABLE MATERIALS TO B� KEPT TIGHTLY SEALED IN THEIR RESFEGTIVE MANUFACTURERS CONTAINERS. SUCH PO.Soz1rS75 ! U.a>ca F�f.'-' ('AY A1.1. FEES irQi11T?EC} L?Y T! F GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHr�LD, NEW YORK, AGENCIES y g ph 1ne: {63.14�� �» MATERIALS ARE TO BE KEPT AWAY FROM HEAT. Southol:t,NewYork. 11971 r-Mal: tshn554';oFOnr,l'n,.ne? ' ?,, 5. Erect and brace trusses in accordance to truss plate institute recommendations. E. ALL FLAMMABLE MATERIALS TO BE USED AND STORED IN ADEQUATELY VENTILATED SPACE. rf IrNC F, D`-�'AILS NOT USL;ALLY SHOWN OR SPECIFIED, BUT REQUIRED FOR PROPER CONSTRUCITON OF ANY PART OF THE WORK SHA;.L i"_3L INC! UDED AS IF THEY WERE INDICATED IN THE DRAWINGS, 6. Plywood sheathing. F. ALL ELECTRICAL POWER TO BE SHUT OFF WHERE THERE ARE EXPOSED CONDUITS. rr•htnsr<„in,5r, rr.,,tl"`o±,>r,r.•rryt,nrnvt:,,;,,r"t,.Lt I a. All plywood shall be in accordance with the American Plywood Association (APA) specifications. G. ALL ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE CONSTRUCTION T I a """" i I T!1E .-'';NIA-'^\r;'r(1fR `."'HALL COORLIN.ATF A,.t_ WORK PROCEDURES WITH THE STIPULATIONS OF LOCAL_ AUTHORITIES, AND OWNER. b. Plywood sheathing shot! be; cor,tnuous over two or more spars with grain cf face plys across supports S UCTION AREA IO BE SHUT OFF AFTER WORKING HOURS. -WNEr6lil. & ,.J:�L Ur i;I,,j;,lk.t;.°,,:1,: corporation or equal. CONTRACTOR, AT ALL TIMES, TO ENSURE THERE: IS NO NATURAL GAS LEAKAGE IN THE L3UTLDINGS, OTZ ANY FLAMMABLE 7lTPse drawingsand s�ec'f'cr;r,iorrs int:il.ttllnc; trl• ,'i,,','_ 7".)R >F,t;I.L.- I3f: �E_`>F',-I 5 E✓_F FOI-; I PROTECTION OF ALL CONDITIONS IONS AND MATERIALS WI T HIN THE PROPOSED ,;,I1:,'F�iIC IIC)tI Ai:l'A, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DES'GN AND INSTALL ADEQUATE SHOR!NG AND BRACING FOR ALL STRUCTURAL OR I t IS SY GAS TO BE USED DURING CONSTRUCTION. ideas, d sign and arran(j,,rn,,nts refire;<ent,:•I 7. All sills shall be, pressure preservative treated (.4 F aF retention) 1 P ; 2 or bettor therein, ore the property r }1: `.;•, I- .;.,` 'l IF CONTRACTOR TEiL: CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURIES CAUSED BY TIES, P of KFH,.. D_ C>P� p Y AS` OCIA IE_,, LLC. Nc part thereof shall he ' i ()(%, b1Ji,'.;v•-, THE EXLC`)TION OF THE WORK. 8. Design values: 3. DUST CONTROL:, copied, 6sclosed to others or used in conrlr cti n a. Framing Lumber: DF (north) No. 2 or better with any work or proiect other than for vit,;c lh i"". •� �r .n v n r r A. DEBRIS, DIRT AND DUST TO BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM AND CONFINED TO THE IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION AREA. the have been prepared without writtF r1 c:c,r ,<;r:E,. Ti,;- �"!,,At,;(�f" .,IIA.I_t ice. BUT HIS OWN WORK, AND SHALL AND SHALL PROVIDE ALL DIMENSIONS REQUIRED FOR OTHER TRADES: E = 1,600,OOC PSI Y p P r'i_t.lr:" .i'1'}, 1_I_i C:TRIC'r'�i.S, k fC' Fv = 95 PSI B. CONTRACTOR TO ISOLATE CONTRUCTION AREA FROM OCCUPIED BUILDING AREA BY MEANS OF TEMPORARY PARTITIONS OR r i'L. ":1F' 'a'� `.�r':,F:r: StIALL BE PER ORMED BY PERSONS LICENSED IN THEIR TRADES, WHO SHALL ARRANGE FOR AND OBTAIN THROUGH Fb - 825 PSI C. HEAVY DROP CLOTHS. REV. THr ''i;i.' =['Th�!ENT OF BUILDINGS ALL REQUIRED PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND REQUIRED SIGN OFFS. 9, Design values: DEBRIS, DIRT, AN DUST TO BF_ CLEANED UP AND CLEARED FROM THE BUILDING SITE PERIODICALLY TO AVOID EXCESSIVE 11-?5 19 t a. Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL): ACCUMULATION. 03-05-23 t [: FCI11 7r'l''A; W^F:K SHALL RE` PERFORIvED BE PERSONS LICENSED IN THEIR TRADES, WHO SHALL. ARRANGE FOR AND OBTAIN E == 1,900,000 PSI ''ii`.'IJ('1i I HE E?URE�AU OF ELFC--RICAL CC?PJTROL ALL R£QU.RED PERMITS, INSF'ECTiONS AND REQUIRED SIGN OFFS. 04-22-23 Fv = 285 PSI 4. NOISE AF`T'ER H URS: 05---17-23 I ,' /-10'l'1;' Tc;F: ':,HALL DO ALL CUTTi'NG, PATCHING REPARING AS REQUIRED TO PERFORM ALL OF 7-!E WORK INDICATED ON THE Fb = 2600 PSI -- -- - t R 12-05--23 !t :':+,: t'.^1LI �.:.1 NTH -R ���C)k K i F 1AT MAY BE REQUIRED TO COMPEL F THE JOE . KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLD. NOTE A. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WILL E3E CONFINED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS: F?APri TO 6PM, MOPJDAv TO E"R;' AY, i ' - - B. EXCEPT LEGAL HOLIDAYS, _. .,I.I.., r :i..., /.\r :: AIIR:'v( ;.yhiA1_.L E F REr:1C}VED T A POINT OF CONCEALMENT AND SHALL BE PROPERLY CAPPED OR PLUGGED. KEHL_ D£SI GN ASSOCIATES L.LC, AND THERE ASSOCIATED) E.NG VEER ARE NOT OVERSEE!vG {EiE CONSTRUC110N OF THIS BUILDING. A ;-- ' �V+ ; i THE USE OF THESE DRAWINGS BY ANY CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, BUILDER, TRADESMAN OR WORKER SHALL INSTIGATE A HOLD CONTRACTOR MUST OBTAIN WRITTEN PERM'SSION FROM ALL AFFECTED PARTIES TO WORK OTHER THAN REGULAR HOURS. I " . , ..it,'.! ri � ),,.,.. A,c?': f-` IA13u,`,lit--D FROM THE FINISH LEVEL OF' THE FIRST FLOOR. VARIATIONS S TO T' i HEIGHT F THE FINISH LEVEL HARMLESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DRAWING USER AND KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LI_C. A L E* HE G 0 LE E Received ' I . .. '", , T F10,DR ARE TO BE Ri-VIE:V'YED FOR APPROVAL BY THE OWNER AND KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC. NO CONSTRUCTION 5 CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WILL NOT INVOLVE INTERRJPTION OF HEATING, WATER, OR ELECTRICAL SERVICES 1 b C L TO THE OWNER.�' H7f. r,, :..:;'JE "O CCMI+:1l.Nu tJNd'IL THIS HEIGHT IS APPROVELJ. THE USER SHALL IN FACT AGREE 10 HOLD KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC, HARMLESS FOR ANY RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD TO CQNSTRUCTlON WORK W!LL BE CONFINED TO THE WORK ISSUED, AND WILL NOT CREATE DUST DIRT OR OTH ? f R SUCH ,lAN j 1 2024 1 ; . CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES AND FOR ANY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS INCONVENIENCES TO THE OTHER NE1GkiIiBORS. A IT;- '. C{�N1T(�:Af:TC'Ir' IN COORDINATiING THE WORK WILL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER'S ATTENTION FOR IMMEDIATE I IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK AND FURTHER SHALL HOLD KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC. HARML-FSS FOR COSTS AND PROBLEMS 11 P,-`;. 1uC.;!r�:'ti. ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, TRADESMAN, OR WORKMAN. THE USE OF THESE DRAWINGS I r LIES THAT KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC. SHALL TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PLAN USER'S FAILURE 10 CARRY OUT C SPECIAL_ SAFETY NOTES Zoning Board of Ar�r�ea15 " 1 t^ A• C C E T Appeals fl1E� `11;N'T"RA'.;TO1": WiLL- COORDIN I THE: ROUTING AND PLACEMENT OF ALL UTILITY LINES WITH THIS AI'li` RFLAT'ED SITE WORK, AND THEm WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. A;.i.. C;C>rJTRACTOR> AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES WORKING ON TFT15 PROJECT SHALL AT ALL TIMES PRIOR AND DllRlydG THE COUi , Ii I %`'!A, f3i: r;:t'-"::PONSIBLE FOR ALL DISCONNECTIONS, RECONNECTIONS, AND STARTUPS, 01' 'THEIR ACTIVITY R RESPONSIBLE FOR THE. SAFETY OF THEIR, EMPLOYEES AS WELL AS OTHERS AND IN THE CARE OF THI.- 11 . DOCUMENT NOTES PROPERTY. EACH AS' REPRESENTATIVES OF THEIR EMPLOYEES SHALL_ ASCERTAIN THAT THE CONDITIONS UNDER WI-I1(::l1 THEY Will, BC 1 HF ('C-NTR,A-TOF: WILL COORDINATE THE ROUTING AND PLACEMENT OF ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, AND FIVAC EQUIPMENT WITH THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN PREPARED RASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS ALSO, THE CLIENT AGREES, R QIIIRED TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR WORK ARE SAFE WITHIN GOOD SAFETY PRACTICES AND MEET ALL CONCERNED FREGULAIIOIN', ,' F ,1 T c c T S t , A(,c.•11EFCTUF'A! F'EAT•URES AND STRUCTURE. ANY CONFLICTS WILL BE BROUGHT TO THE ENGINEER S AT:TENTION FOR iMlv!EE)IATE TO THE FULl.f.ST LXThN, OF' THE LAW, TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC, HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIM, 1HE: OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HAZARD ACT OR OTHER GOVERNING REGULATIONS. THE BEGINNING OF WORK BY A C;OINIEtiAr':T':�E<; < E ")HALL INDICATE SATISFACTION CONCERNING SAFETY AND FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACCIDENTS OR DAMAGE. I'F UN,_A11 f 117D, TE FcC.:`.�t�..U'TIC•N. LIABILITY OR COST INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS OF DEFENSE, FOR THE INJURY OR ECONOMIC LOSS E � C', r� - �11. ;^,it�,},;p, 1�;,;(;-w,; I ARISING OR ALLEGEDLY ARISING OUT OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL INDICATE WHATEVER ACTION NECESSARY, OR RENDER SAFETY CONDITIONS FOR LIFE AND PROPERTY' A`> P,RE, RELATED TO HIS ACTIVITY, IF THE WORK OF OTHER PARTIES OUTSIDE OF THE ORGANIZATION IS UPON INSPECTION FOUND AT ANY TIME TO BE UNSAFE, HE SHOULD STOP WORK IMMEDIATELY AND NOTIFY THE 7ENERAL CONTRACTOR, KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC, - OR OWNER. THE BEGINNING OF WORK SHALL INDICATE SATISFACTION WITH CONDITIONS AND ACCEPTANCE OF THESE REQUIREMENTS. t I _.________-___.___W..._.___ _..._. _ r . _ Y ALL STRUCTURES .0 CONFORM WITH THE ?_020 RESIDENTIAL CODE.. 7 PROVIDE SINGLE OR MULTIPLE—STATION SMCKE ALARMS AS NJELL AS CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS S!NGI E AND t:".1; T!i'L.0 T,"{Tl0"1 - � / r A ._. 1 A P E�' i N E 2 Q 2 EXISTING BUILGI��-, CODE CJF" NEW YORK r' I t r r , ! '', i.,I I- V E l_ CF NEW PORK STATE SECTION R301.2_.1.2 PROTECTION OF OPENINGS. IN ACCORDANCE WITH CH z z , a r 1/ - ____ __� ___ _ ._ ..... . .. . _-- _____ _.- -__. _.._____ CHAPTER 3, SECTION R314 OF' THE 2020 [RESIDENTIAL :;ODE OF NEWS YORK STATE.3 g _._,., ._-._..-_._..._ - CLE±JATIC A'Jn GEOGRAPHIC DESIGr. Ct21TF:R;A R301.2.1.2 PROTECTION OF OPENINGS. --- -.--_ ._._.__._.. ._..._..__.. ..._. . . ". -_ .. _ I.... .....__. _ ..___...._._.�__._.•_ ___._._._._ r NO',E': Al L ROOMS ME-11" OR EXCEED THE 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE � t _,.. ..___ __._._ . _.__r. _T EXTERIOR GAZING IN BUILDINGS LOCATED IN WIND-BORNE DEBR;S REGIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM WiNDBORNE DEBRIS. GLAZED k 'aL' - £.;.mini"_ - SUAJECT'O UUAMAGE FROM HINTER ICE SHIELD CLIMATE ZC%Nl D'"clGrt r rk0';i LI,'JL -� DESIGN UrJOERLAY FLOOD wN0 ExFr' IRE: - -- -.T-,__ - - f OPENING PROTECTION FOR NJ!NDBORNE DEBRIS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF T[iE '_ARGE MISSILE TEST OF' ASTM E1096 AND I C,)(ti Ill`, NATUR�iL Lli1T /GNU VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS. �i ' r:.i, tr,:r�' ::ALE"�Q`:Y VLA.?(irri:NG DEPTH TERMITE I DECnv TEMr, MENT RE:G}ulREO HAZPf•'ip5 t;AtEGor'Y I�ESIC£NTIAL, ("}Mr.{4,Rt:iA1 T - 1 A M DIE! D IN SECTION 301. GARAGE DOOR GLAZED OPENING PRCITECT:CN FOR WINE)E30RNE DEBRIS St1ALL MEET Q _._._ . . . ,. .. �,._. ........... ....................._..___.._ _ _ __... __ __._. _..........___ AS Mt E 886 S 0 E C _ET_._... .., __. - _ _ - _. t 1, 1�,,viff a ;.+.,r.; I C SEVE ZE' 3'-CY MCC1.ERrt?E TO HEAVY SLIGHT TO MCCERA7L tit de4rees YES 198a i99& C 4A A.A c " "'""" "" - . .•. .-....._.._. ..._..,_•._-._ .... I. t U THE REQUIREMENTS OF AN APPROVED IMPACT-RESISTING STANDARD OR ANSI/DA.,MA 1.5. � w""W-- " v-- ' 11 _ ..__l�� _..•-_. _ _. �_. NOTE: ALL ROOMS MEET OR EXCEED THE 2020 RESIDEN11AL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE F Jti`c . a EXCEPTION: 1'O kr ME RGE+NC;Y F'`SCAPf' AND RESCUE OPENINGS. 0 f-1 M Ylpl� ri, TY 7.'rlE _.".__._.-_. .._ . . __._ ._It ' �' r r, 1. WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS WITH A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 3�6 INCH (11mrn) AND A SPAN OF NOT MORE THAN 8 FEET (2438mm) _•.__.. ..._..__........."___.___._-__..._..._. .__.-_,..a•.•._.._._..._ _ _ _.-__ _.._.._........ __._.._._.... _. I,--- ; , 9c� " ,, TABLE R301.5 -- MIN1,4UM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD., NA!i IN .._."�'dC�T � . "� r?T j FiF..�,.:r'' It.w I SHALL BE PERMITTED FOR OPENING PROTECTION. PANELS SHALL BE. PRECUT AND ATTACHED TO THE FRAMING SURROUNDING THC � ,4 .-) I (IN r JUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT) _ _ a w " �'t•: xr ; 7$ OPENING CONTAINING THE PRODUCT WITH THE GLA7FD OPENING. PANELS SHALL BE PRE`)RILLED A` REQUIRED FOR THE ANC!iorwL AL.I, N1fi,f,1,'RiAI TO BE NAILED iN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2020 RESIDE"NTIA; CODE OF NEW YORK S1 A•EL-, i , _, ,r ?", i METHOD AND SHALL BE SECURED WITH THE ATTACHMENT HARDWARE PROVIDE:?. 4 TTACH!AEN E SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST TH:_ �ba � E a ":i(;ry CF T[.fi./. _ tit F OCCtlPatrry r7p Ic _..- _.____ ___- - _._...._-..__ _ USE LIVE COMPONENTS AND CE ADDING, LOAD DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EITHER TA3LE R,O1.2(2) OR ASCE-7, WITH THE PERMANENT' - �. � L t'';E r'f:li I:Vi' Dr:SIGN 25. RESIDENTIA;.. ONE:- - AND - TWO FAMILY DWEl LINOS LOADS COrRRSION-kE`:ISTANT ATTACHMENT HARDWARE PROVIDED AND ANCHORS PERMANENT'`Y . STALLED ON THE BUILDING. ATTACHMENT R,301 DESIGN CR1T RIA A P _ t cn . / `'f r r i --- -. -- - - -I- -� -� IN ACCORDANCE WIT}! TABLE fZ301.2.1.2 IS PERMITTED FOR E�UILDWGS r":'T �f`' i�.__S ER THE 2020 RESIC)EM1ITiA� CODES QF NEW YOR TA`rf, /� T c3`o ` t i H A MEAD Rs_ F HE€GHT OF 4.5 FFt'T (13,728mm) OR LESS ---- ._._ _.___...__ _- �t • 05 0 ` _ UNINHABITARt.E ATTICS WITHOUT `STORAGE E' 10 WHERE WHERE THE ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED V„ IS 180 MPH 290k s OR LESS. /', `•- �� �."..__ _._-.-_ �.. ; :i•1t ` ' ` ANG OCCU!'ANCY CLASSIFiCAT!ON(sI u•, ( P ) R.',f)';,1 APPLICATION BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, ANC' FARTS TH[PEOF SHAL!_ OF CON`.iTRUCTFD TO SAFELY SUPPORT ALL � ,.z}.c•SSIsJ��� - - ..._ ts, _-_... _ I OAD:',, iNCLUDING DF"AD E OADS, LIVE LOADS,ROOF LOADS, FLOOD i OAD,`�, SNOW' t.(}AD* , WiND LOADS AND SEISMIC LOADS AS E OCCIiPAtNGY LtNENF1At31 TABLE ATTICS 4�ITt1 LIMITED STORAGE b'g 20 TABI.F R301.2.1.2 WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FASTENiNt', SCHEDULE FOR WOOL) F''RF ;t`RII;(`C) BY THIS CODI-. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RIiILDING` AND `TTI�UCTt)RC.`i 'J ACCORDANCE. WITH THE PROVISIONS . _.._ .. -----_.. .......-_.- ._ _ __. __ - _ __ _ .._._ STRUCTUAL PANELS a,b,c,d tDr TI1"; COC1E t fiALl. I.f'SULT iN A SYSTf"M TE1AT PROVIDE' A COMPLETE LOAD PATH ?I1AT M E Tc; T CJ 1!REMENTS f' HE RE OR THE r r , � - TF2ANN`.pF`EF? C"">F I t)A()S FROM THI Ifi POINT t)F" ORIGIN T}}HRC UGH THE LOAD-F�ESIST!NG ELEMENTS MINTS TO THE FOUNDATION. RI.JILD'NGe �C` {'' ° r'` ` FASTENER SPAC:NG (INCHES) AND STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTED AS PRESCRIBED By THiS CODE ARE DEEMED TO COP4'>i Y WETF! THE RFQUIRFMFfN1 S O(` THI`,: I IT A-2 HAPI•ABLE A,TIC_> a. tit ATTICS SERVED TFi FIXED t1 .,TAIfl., 30 t (_..__..__..— _1_.._.._-__.. _____.._.—+._ __—.__._. SECTION, A� ,(.t';-i�w,, of th?3e dtawPla•: ii)(''i ri(,t aAfior!;n The r all' to y TY('E: O. G"'NSTRUCFI0N CHAPTER 6a BALCONIES tXTEREOR AND DECKS E' FASTFNFFZ TYPE 1 „ f r" r ( ("- ) { ) 4CT PANEL SPAN 4 FEET < i'AN(1 5 FEFT < RANFL i U;I; Without tf,r a l;h:. i1i1Ii,;, ` i,1 :I r';'o". nG „T;rl,.i:: , c;,,li -1 _ -__-... _.. .._ ______._ _ 4 FEET SPAN 6 LELI `PAN u ff'.f.I R°xt�1.1. AI.,TE:F�NAT VISIrJf1S —T---- _ _ I ( PPc� ols Suffolk Cowlty P ,t, of !1'�'..`". r.;:rv.r,:t' T,rwn Buli};. IRE ESCAPES .______..____...._-�_ -_- .- - --._._..... _..-.__.--...._ _- __ A. AN tAl_TE(,NATIVC TO IHE RIQUIRENIENTS iN S17CTION R301,1 THE FOLL01,1A t: STAIND4RDS ARE" PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE ! LE ' `N };, tit„ rI TAPE I <;i:OUP r 40 ! " J i A 1r r Departments, D �, Ff.hA, t.,,,. ..n,y c., ;.ot,;�ititr,e, TLa, Ct"1_....._....____.........._.._._. .. _ __.._. _ ,____,...,._._..__.- _.___ NO, 8 WOOD SCREW- LIP,.:IA.IIt.:N'; C:. THE T,II,? CODE ANF fHF LIMITA'TIOP1`:) FIERFEN, W'HF Nf ENG>INFE RED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH i J h BASED ANCHOR WITH 2 15 i 1G 8 EHD. , ,TANII,AR ,, THE 01-__IGN SHA._i. CWPLY WITH T`HF1 2020 RE"1DE N'iIAE CODE OF NEW YORK `STATE, r q rements with 5uCt1 � Cl,a ! I.. cons ruc. n. n, Gt.tAr�F'", AND HANC�r1A!L" 20^v I ' pf`' 0 I LNG}I EMBEDMENT LENGTH -.____._—.__,_. ... ___._.. __. r I t:;:1 AND E'!!?F AREA. I I "f NO, 10 WOOD SCREW- 1) r",W . �^J�iOD FRAMED CON`,,TRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM ire, Ot j I____._. _...._.__._.._ _._ F'lk,;F __. __ _ ___.._._._...______._ _.__..._ ;U1,RD IN-FI.., C..)MPONEN?., 50h BA"' ANC!IOr: WITH 2 16 12 9 .?) AI",;I r:TANOAN,D FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING PHI `S("RiPTIVf: METHOn 11 -°~-~•--_---- �--- INCH E.ME31ADVi NT LENGIH i 'IE:II-,r'' FIRE AREA u .__-.___.--___..__.,,.._.____......-._.._-• .;__ . ...._.. ._._-_...___._ _ . _._-".- F t) - A'yl) TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS AISI-S230 fJ1 FJL PASSENGER VEHICLE GAERArE.. s F>Oa Yd INCH DIAMCTCR LAGSCREW- I .3) iCG S,TANDARO7 ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG `,TRUCT(WES (!CC400) __ BA',f to ANCI IOR WITH 2 16 16 16 S I L V E R, c� e il rir ,t,E'.(i `._I.III r:l rN(;, C r. A .. ...._"__._..— ...._ " . . .-..... .".. . .. T ,�� " ,, It RCIOFA,.p OTHER THAN St F4 E 1,3E IROOt,15 40 INCH F.F.tf[ FtME',JT LENGTH -."-...--.___._. -____ __._•..__. ___ _ __.. I+t. k, A' [.,l`'1AN:i: FR,J"•:i CE ADE __._....-......__._."_.._-__ ._. ..- _ _._._....--"_.. .. -.._ P 1, I (ANt. ;,,! o,t ,A,, ,}F-;f;I 7 OF UINLIMITED AREA _ _ ��—. . _ ._. __• . . "___ .__ PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN CRITERIA REQUIREMENTS AS PER 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODES 10 �`"�' "°� } '€'t. '+ •si:.±_>" I'OC! ::."'!<'f'r'iCE i000 SF. St.EEf'INC; ROOMS 3C' FOR SI: 1 inch 25.4 mini 1 FOOT = 304.8 mini 1 pound = 4.448 N, 1 mile per hour = 0.447 m/s I 7' <, E : r: ,A[ ;Ft{ OF THE AS PEE: 1AB.'-E 506,2 OF NEW YORK STATE. ': t C' \d: 7F NE4v YORK .1A" _ I-STAIRS 40c o. This table is based on 180 mph ultimate design wind speeds Vult and a •1`"�-foot mean roof height. b. Fasteners shall be installed of opposing ends of the wood structLrol c ei. ^ri�� 'riE'r l'I�}1v� (-r1nr( Iyt / ^nr\!0{�nr (N•, '� �`t i 1135 SILVER MERE R,C�, D I PP g P" /0 <.) „ n( l,{�riJ1,l ; , vl1 'U{T„ ,}�,...,,,,t i Fosteners shall be located a minimum of 1 inch from the edge cf the t•onei. -"-"_- ""`"" .- ""'. '___._"--""" -.-- R I _ _-__ /�C �1 /^� r e . .. ....__... .._ _._ . ..._. . ._....._..._..__...____ c�('T '•I'• l�Jl,, li �\i rE `�,":, 1+(�nI', '4,�i�►EEC'4P�.JRT� 1`°f I •,. ;••!!i E FOR 51: c. Anchors shall penetrate through the exterior wall covering with an embr Invent length of 2 inches minimum Into t)._`% '- `-I- ' .,,,.,.....,-__•,,.;,.�,I .._. .I:.1+� ''•"A; IiE'I,,H' `�R'4,1 RIr'IGE TO GRADE Max 17'-9" 1 POUND PER SQUARE FOOT = 0,0479 kPa, 1 SQUARE INCH = 645 mm21 POUND == 4.45 N, + _......_. _ ( - the building frame. Fasteners shal' be located a minimum of 2.Y inches frorn the edge of concrete block or concrete. I r _ I _.. _. I' I :J�t; r_r, . ;..__.. _.___.,_...- .. ...._...,. _. .____.._-._....___-_.____. — c. ELEVATED GARAGE FLOORS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING A 2,000-POUND LOAD d. Where panel are attached to mosonry or masonry stucco, they sholl be ,tlached using vibration resistent anchors ! s BUILDING 33 APPLIED OVER A 20-SQUARE-INCH AREA. hovin c minimum ultimate withdrawal co ocit of 1 500 pounds. n:ter'•.t!,,n` +o ,my nu,;ITI)o cr '�;ru".rurL' St1ai• c,o '! ;",'11 th'" requ;rr'rv"r - rr,!+r: f,•r n{. ,n^,"'r ,, r,, ,; Olio' c, d! �'A r I I LL!,..F PEC;ES AND GRADE L 9 r Y F , ,V I 1, t t•i f' C..._,:t,t I f , ll .. ,.. :U;;h ��T IA ,Fr, .3 _... . .... _ _._-._ I 1000 47 02 15 b. UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE ARE THOSE WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT _' trl,lt "Xi�ti' �'!:G ;'! `lr r t. �'"' . 'Q tit I':,, i.: C { t.. 'Lr.,i r:n M I F4 •.,. J. 'j f; l`i rn• 1e ,,r� „ 'ri.,: r, l t ;; r i,l l it :,IJ FR,`,1AINr; MATERIAL_ DOUGLAS FIR - I ARCH #2 AND BETTER BFTWFFN JOISTS AND RAFTERS IS NOT MORE THAN 42 INCHES, OR WHERE THERE PROJECT TO COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 5 OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE f'riSt':';I ttli'(i'ia Cr <yr,3.,,.tJrp l,.;JS „rlor t{) tliC altt?r;tr';n, ARE NOT TWO OR MORE ADJACENT TRUSSES WITH WEB CONFIGURAT;ON CAPABLE OF 2� N V D 0 K DRAWING f.iLE.: I ACCOMMODATING AN ASSUMED RECTANGLE 42 INCHES IN HEIGHT BY 24 INCHES IN WIDTH, 2� ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE F NEW YORK A.lteratloris to an eX,,;'i.';C b0di,," ll,ldin c r ,t 'r,r fc,(r,` ' r,, ",r ,vbo-n ,++ ,;tf „ *ne • ! AI I E-),T. C`'Cb. T-RAMINC, MATERIAL CCA NC P:NE 2 AND BETTER r " n n ' yvtem c. pJrtl,,,, tit w.. ,,. SnCII CO"j rT t;; ;':, ,C,I„!„,,. of t.1I,. C.,.. a., .., V reia.0 to # OR GREATER, WITHIN THE PLAN,_ OF THE TRUSSES. THIS LIVE LOAD NEED NOT BE ASSUMED l __._.__ _-__-__. TO ACT CONCURRENTLY WITH ANY OTHER LIVE LOAD REQUIREMENTS. _._ --- ___ new c0.^S',rudon, withou' recuirigq fhe urdte'�d porFons of the exiCtinq buildir.y or bu ldir,g sy,,tem to mmpiy wi',h Ittif: Code. _�.. ---I-------- SECTION R402, BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE OF THE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE OF NEW YORK GENERAL NOTES a, INDIVIDUAL STAIR TREADS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR THE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD 1 comply g; Aiterofirr5 ,hall Oct Create. 0" ur'0fe Or hazardous co-iicition or ovr,ri3:C exiIi."•C ;?;;i',lirit"j 5y; en'Ir, A t'r;t�,Y's ,,'''%a t)e sudl th';i t'it Projects shall cam I with one of the ollowin t Il _._._..___.. ._- .. ..._._ ___..._ --,------I—,— OR A 300-f7OUND CONCENTRATED LOAD ACTING OVER AN AREA OF 4 SQUARE INCHES, 1. Section R401 through R404 S RAT T S g " t.'istillg I,ilit!iny c r structure dies net ;JSP, 'r`;re t1r ert; hu!i the exi't f b:;i;;;r, o' strJt:L;rc, r'r':» to a`.f'ul 3n. MtI'u"t:cr,, to _.. . -....._...._.-..__..-_.....__._ _ WHICHEVER PRODLJCF. THE G E ES STRESSE... 2. Section R405 and the provisions of sections R401 through R404 indicated as "Mandatory .f � � I r 3. The energy rating index (ERI) approach in Section R406 ti"ii !rg ti'i !;"i(:" sll d1, co-,,- y V%i'.': Seatia" ,.A '5,i.s lthto,;C,I: "5i!j•! a[:F%\: O• STRUGTURF d. A SINGLE CONCENTRATED LOAD APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AT ANY POINT ALONG THE TOP, t i PI, R<G r,."� f.NFYr f'N'•',b...._---'--'' _ . . 7-- ___.__...__ '`JUi h S: -_. _ _ _____.__. - _NA e. SEE SECTION R507.1 FOR DECKS ATTACHED TO EXTERIOR WALLS. (NY)TABLE R402.1,2 a THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT ref Tli( SCR'r1 F AND ARE THE PP01TRTY 01' .N-w Frll.:l E LF Es%:�F'Vy ,NT NA WORK TO BE PERFORMED { `.;0�•I. ('' ilclin,, Erl� l-,r,tp• ,__.. ..-. . _._ __.w.._...._. _.___. INSULATION AND FENESTRATION REQUIREMENTS BYC014 'ONENT DESIGN PRO ESSIMAI MIOSE SEAL E AFI;XLD 1117F,TP. !NFR''I,it.V-:JT': 4 Elf x E A`.•E'v' .'J1 NA f, GUARD 1N-FILL COMPONENTS (ALL THOSE EXCEPT THE HANDRAIL), BALUSTERS AND PANEL ����I�, Fir„ c d I Ci IMATE FFNF TRA ION ,SKYLIWTh GLAZED CFILI`SG Wan IR BASFMFNT SLAB CRAWL C :'•' $ Ot MASS Prvpi.. e r-•:•,'mTN:pr, :r„4 nr . � t r'\f � •f,.�'::; cv.r.! rr. r:;u y:i!r. C ,.}'.,,\ � r"�1 rl r� I•i' ' � �;, I)•",�,.1 r, � :':rr PROSE , � ,.r,,. ,...,:. al,.y ^;I i::'i.q w J.., t 3 C, t, e alit,: ...,rl ,...;il ,.,:rTl ,.: :n: �. ..9 . I,r „^ nr t�rCUTLD ;0 THi_ fUL:.EST FXTf`NT , (HF LA'i. ,,�, f At, r;/:Lt b1.. . , ,..: FILLLRS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND A HORIZONTALLY APPLIED NORMAL LOAD OF r r w"wp 1• "' - _ __" t i _ 9RO SF ZONE U-,ACTOR U•FACTOR FFNFSTRATION RVALUE FRAMEWALL WALL • N1fdt1E W.I. RNALUF SPA E t r..<.I 1l!„, - I' =1 ` t._-._-__...._._. 50 POUNDS ON AN AREA EQUAL TO 1 SQUARE FOOT. THIS LOAD NEED NOT BE ASSUMED i SHGcb,e R-vALUE RVALUE' RVALUE &DEPTH RVALUE r,02 ' ,IV z n 7 , i ;'2 r1.FIELD 0NLI110NS AND D:•LNO"1S„N(}(;t S?LEY PESC;:r+S°3!E F J E II L'J r, !: ___ _._._- - _-__ 1) REMOVAL OF WINDOWS R,',: .[.1.5, !?,1!l.J.,, f 1�1.�. , r`l. a.lc 1 !_.L.;. GESICN PRUFFE:SSIONAL ,1 M S N� LI',3!:.ITY F•±u ,IkI!",� ° E',;" ( !INFa(ir, (I .NF'tJ I-II•I ! 110`:r ; NA TO ACT CONCURRENTLY W'T�. ANY OTHER E_IVE LOAD REQUIREMENTS. --_____.__. l ..... _ _. _. ________ I t!, TO " ''"' _ _ __ ............ ......_..._._.__,.....--_.._....-------_----..._..._, n,7 " �r , r, " PI`-- UNFORIVEN PRI) (,'0N;111,;NS AND a!' kf"I IVo. ':W,� r_><. ":[.:,'"'':� (L'.".,�< I_�'A________ AS NOTED 4EXCEPT ,^. _.......'_.......\. _..._. ____.__-_, n _.___ g, UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITH STORAGE ARE THOSE WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT BETWEEN MARINE 0.32 0.55 0.40 49 20OR13+d, 8/13 14, 10113 10,2ft v-U U, tJ C .. :,riS i1;1 vE,,, L'.,,F vA. r c r FQRMAi.IY A KPGiN FGGEfI AS F.EV;"i;'; T? T'i "F E iA` ;. ' 2) FILLING iN OF WINDOWS THE JOISTS AND RAFTERS IS 42 INCHES OR GREATER, OR WHERE THERE ARE TWO OR '.:, lO;ty: T(1'.'. t^i:0'Jr';`i,l {'lift'%)t};;FS fr(d not r".;!'•' iYl;i1 tray ;irnr f: i• :rr: _.._._._ _..__ .. ti_ __. __ " ._ } r r t 1' rlt': fI }, NF.", H,'4<. :1+ ; NA MORE ADJACENT TRUSSE`_i WITH YVEB CONFIGURATIONS CAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING AN LAL f Y„� ,__.._,. .__._ .. . _.-_.._._t .__ _.__...__ - ., i For SI: - 1 foot = 304.8 min t'iiat` r r. A `f I t' ^F+ t Ic ,t r' 'i ' i, i 'r rnr ,r, :� 1_7!" •... ,. . NA AS NOTED ASSUMED RECTANGLE 42 INCHES IN HEIGHT BY 24 INCHES N WIDTH, OR GREATER, WITHIN C COLS :a:i, truvi,lei th,-J y e q,, t,,,t ;rit'. LtJI.',"r;t' y "i';, !.; .t:,ed: -- ---- -- -- ---* - THE PL E OF THE TRUSS a. R-values ere minimums. U-factors and SHGC ore max=mums. When insWati�❑ ;, .r=sailed in c cavity which is less ;4 20... 4"Tli ;'I I i' r",r.,' Nk 3) INSTALLATION OF DOORS thou the icbel or design thickness of the insulation, the instalied R-volue of the ir,-Jation shall not be less than the hlJ)t C7r�,� El`,t --- - Rwa:ue specified in the table. ;A—'I„ r.,', ,r:I.I;r., NA THE LIVE LOAD NEED ONLY BE AiPPUED TO THOSE PORTIONS OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS p' I t`_rr"' t',''G •)';;• ;",;r,Ir;-; c'.," e;•i;`,inc fCr.t=Stra�.on,1. ___._.._-._-_.,.-_._ A S NOTED ., c 7 w_. ,•,, :; BOTTOM CHORDS WHERE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: b. The fenestrotion U-factor column excludes .Skylights. The SHGC column oppl,es all giozed fenestration. 1�''_. _02. ....._._ - ,NF.. : ....__.--.,y. kJA ,. ,. F !,nt"'8 Or R-13 COVit InSUlatian at th P, ( �,3.� ,� r.!/'" 't::r, jilr , ;i �a e ti, t>ri;`w n ^rie rest,of;�,r, .... t —I I 1, . .. 4) REMOVAL OF DOOR C. 10/13 moons R-10 continuous insulotion on the interior or exterior Df the y , tSwfi" i,, .� dc'd; T ";,3: ,, C" F9;;.„ a ff,; ,,,f .,t DEiA.J�N L r-I Ii , "s' `I- '9al._�._.-..___"--- _._-.___.__- 1. THE ATTIC AREA IS ACCESSIBLE FROM AN OPENING NOT LESS THAN 20 INCHES IN WIDTH interior of the basement wall, ( " r.___...... r,R_ _ ___ AS NOTED ! T ,=-',r ,!;p, rt,r1;4:6.'.y MIT hf,..ni' #n, provided th• `". rrr r110e " E;fpFt F'{. l:'It!". 'i•. A NA BY 30 INCHES IN LENGTH THAT IS LOCATED WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT IN THE ATTIC IS at , . C:,3 " ':I iE:X. S, E•-,..1-..E.rtED r•'ORCHIi S ; NA NOT LESS THAN 30 INCHES "15/19" means R-15 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of thA hors- or R-19 cavity insulotion at the r �: �i!E!" [} L'j: , — I _.__.-__. ... .._____---; 5) INSTALLATION OF NEW rer,Ur? „ e a' or ferestrc,crn to he re,,IccFd. Interior of the basement wail. t5/19' shall be perrnitted to be met with R-13 ^avity insulation on the interior of the ZI"� r, , „, ,, : a ICx,. '�' [` + "NA 2.THE SLOPES OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS BOTTOM CHORDS ARE NOT GREATER THAN basement wall plus R-5 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of the t,orr,e, "10/13" means R-10 continuous -- _.._._-w---.__.._...._.-.__._-_ �:T WINDOWS AS NOTED Ex;�tir:v cei;r'�q, wall ar li0or aavi',i(r, ex c, cM Burin carstruc:ioo, D'ovided„.., P It c, • 9 �EX.. 1,• ;.:::t,K, NA. 2 INCHES VERTICAL TO 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL. insulotion on the interior or exterior of the home or R-13 cavity insulation at , interior of the bosernent wall. `;~~�ti Nt,N:,<r s': -__-_.. -_..___m _._.—� _______—_."._.. ; r,... >' •, Sir (�COPYRGHT 2022 KEHL DESIGN AS90CIATES, LLC, INE� I_:,� ______._- "1A 6) INSTALLATION OF NEW 11a1 ,:; se a'�`'/iae rO f!I,t; t�iti; ir.:�:o,.�n: 3. REQUIRED INSULATION DEPTH IS LESS THAN THE JOIST OR THE TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD d. R-5 shall be provided under the full slab orea of a heated slab in odditon to required slab edge insulation n _y ,;- r. -C; �fr' v g a a ea ins sholl n A!'1 Ft.00R PLANS AND Ei_EVATIMS ARE PROTECTED A R-value for slobs, os ir.dreo,ed in the tube. The slab edge insulation for h. to T of be required to y ,r;,tr;,t,l,r iy:1'frn ;hC xot'r;t� r,,„}� w i' v' tiV.,. U t I 'iCt x,C:'U Cut / . ''r MEMBER DEPTH. F'i,,,I n n ,F',r n.; e — — SIDING extend below the slab UINDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW. r ,O'a't..E f CI !Rt)%,T F''or,-- 1 , NA ,{ rA,. .,.,. _.X. 41 FNTkA J F NA 7) REMOVAL OF INTERIOR THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS BOTTOM CHORDS SHALL BE P •• „•„.,. d• EIAPdS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED 1"r".ThOt1T 11 ;.:r , I == = --- --4 - DESIGNED FOR A UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED CONCURRENT' LIVE LOAD OF NOT LESS e. Reserved VvRiTT N AUTHORIZATION. h, AIr 0,:rr�,.rr: ;.!:rill p:,r t e rogv I e!! Iond roof teTiiar•.e"'ionl r'C t I,id" • !, :, NA' WALLS AS NOTED THAN 10 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. f. Reserved NA Alternative', insulation sufficient to fill the frarnin covit and rovidin not lets ,n on R-value of R-19• frC: n, I' I r r: n • n,, ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY Of i. h I`� 1 '. 7 4r' r.: ,(.t. ; v(�.)• ,,Itr. c, ±r nFt,r r. r r.r, r r i' n t i ,` JUti ilt,Iv ? .t': t __"- -_.__._ -;._____ _ 9• Y> 9 Y providing I,, e t1.. U .. J. ,f.;i i,: :. s�ia.l.,° to t the tllili,1.: 0" ..C,; ..... h. GLAZING USED IN HANDRAIL ASSEMBLIES AND GUARDS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH A r - KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. l ..._ .. . . '.._..___- __......._.._............ r H T APPLIED T EACH OF THE h. The first value is cavity insulation, the second value is continuous insulation, so 1,,+5" means R-13 cavity 'rrysu'.t-cr ;r, i,,,,^ ,,,, .,;,{ „„, ,, r s -, s.. '.;:.•,. _._____...__....__.._. .____ _ SAFETY FACTOR 0 4. THE SAFETY FACTOR SMALL BE A PL EO 0 a..,:,,-.,, ,t. .,.6.i, :''.:!`' I-.; t<.' A. Cinder ,,,, ,: , t:."," :- ^ �T THESE CONCENTRATED LOADS APPLIED TO THE TOP Or THE RAIL, AND TO THE LOAD ON THE plus R-5 continuous insulation, ) THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRU�;'JRE FROM 1!'ESE "' , 1 IN-FiLL COMPONENTS. THESE LOADS SHALL BE DETERMINED INDEPENDENT OF ONE !. Mass walls shall be in accordonce with Section R402.2,5. The second R-value at,Plies when more than holf the PLANS 1S LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER, WITH WRITTEN 1 -,A--- if 1 '` ' E ANOTHER, AND 1..0AD5 ARE AS:}tJMFI) NOT TO OCCUR WITH ANY OTHER. LIVE LOAD, C� EiEE1E'D1;1,(iv•;�SS(1('1:1115. L . insulation is on the interior of the mass wall. PROOF OF PURCHASE �! I -- -. — `" FLED FOR CONSTRUCTION » I� I f�C.J�a TIE CONNECTORSF'EII UTWO 8d SE AlANA;LS of THIS M Tc2Q LTS20 ' _^ i L'U�-•r I ' LAR" IN U 'L.Ir SIDE OF TRUSS r ALLINA�3; LOADS LOAD J ' ,.z PftOVtDE (1) HGAtOKT QN - , .���• :r;�i. ...,., " SIDE OF CEILING JOIST FASTENERS - r �• 0 ..^,.A UPLIFT - UPl!F? LATERAL WITH TOTAL FOl1R , ,�.... _ - .... _ N', fii PLI (133/160) 8dx1 " CODE # Od NAILS 0"00 AN ON SIDE OF RAFTER As't ( 111.T. `- L -'.'"_..--� '•.�I•I.'1'i ;'. :GA. ems:il_+..g:e*+ a .g..iti', :._...�..: I' ,{ I#,a I TO TO NAI T F F 133& STU t_..:_.. .. _..._... /: � L<S :PLATES STUDS` (13,) (t 6U) , 2 ( _ -_..... . . _. �_....,._.._._..____ ...... _ ' _ �.. , -SIMPSON NOTE: REFER 10 SIMPSON WOOD CONSTRUCTION K TAKE--UP WASHER �= KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,.... H7 16 i 4-tad 2-8d 8-8d 2991 930 985 400 5, 44 CONNECTORS MANUAL FOR ALL FOOT NOTES AND �� --"' ' .....___ PROPER INSTALLATION PROCEDURES --�.......� - ---•---- .. ......____._.._._. ...._ .__. !!+ I 1f, I -..- 1 8--ftd T?...R:! t3�'.r 915 95Q 6FC1 ! 5. 44 l� � °/ -�+-•~-�-/ s�� -_,�--^--"" tr'S,it+rttF„ Fs, r ,mt,t,=r<'it,l,7r•,i.#t, a c•,�r!5„lfittrt I _ ' FASTENERS I ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOADS (1331' ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOADS (133) I' TWO ° ART x12 DIfr,I:N LIONS � LENGTH OF BOLT IN WOOD MF.MF3ER LENGTH OF BOLT IN WOOD MEMBER 8d NAILS o `�~- -� •' h _ P0:Box 1675 PhOgR: f{<;)413 00,4 Mf':+LL ( GA r------,....._._ _.f_ AVO __ CODE INTO �• ;ii !Ax k,LEA- U-T. LFTA LFTA REF. ° 4h'; ":hF';PA': E L O'Tt' -DIA 1}» 2" 2+J„ 3" 3�" 1�" 2" 2�'� 3" 3}" PLATES ory o .II S '.,• �`-�= .'.^,•,-.�_� _� Sou!hol�,NewYo1K 11971 E-NIJl` ssbr654�o0onrre.nef EIGHT-' 1 AIL dN S .° 111 }N 10 ,.,,_ I:: Kehl DO>ti fl!,As"v i„tm,LLC 0 tof m-i 1{U A i'A"O4 isy!u..L#C� :^r"•, i td I ,I^ ,)" i Ta�'•,F_.10tf --I 4200 _-- __.__._ 1205 ---^ --�--- 1400 .�i, 44, 85 STUD ! 3f----- y---- - -�^--• I °, iWNE.; :;Hlf' & UAL Lil' OCUG-F,R ARCH SO. PINE o° ill • ° These drowingc and soe(-'Ccatior-s includiriq the i FASTENER" A',_.LQWAE3t.0 UPLIFT LOADS' AVG I- .__IOd i 0d x 11" CODE e. nt+.,d therein, . 1 I �'L'., I F. LFTA a ideas, de are the }ro�F°rtl <s' KFH F)F.`;it,N ,�„i x Ia., I__ _ I , LS TA 21 ° r .: F �� ASSOCIATES, LLC. No '.rt tt!t af" <;I):,'i he (133 / 160) (133) (160) 1 0o Simpson Strong-Tie CODiea, disc;osed to othor<_; o! U";ed in cor,rioction , • o 0 h{t;;te, {r, 1.1-1;Id 14-10d x ta" 311f, 1000 840 1000 3, 41, 128 ° HGA10 L •0. with any work or project othor than for which E ° °° DETAIL "K" they have been prepared Witt,:,ui written r.on,�?ent. 12y .1a-10d 14 101d x 1 311(-• 1000 840 1000 3, 41, 128 ART xl2 I - D 0 LiT:.'<? I 2[;. ,1'I-1Od 12 lvd x 1�1" 83 7 �! e 23_ 75 i 720 720 3, 41 I CNW DETAIL "Iii'I e° S-1-U 5„ REV.11 25 19 PLER N _.___ ..._. . . ... Equal number ofSIMPSON o3-^�__ cQ' Ur 23 _ RF i specified nails in UP WASHER r )NNE! ALLOWABLELOADS F'. TAKE L S OAI) E<C)C, (133/.,i #; • __ 04..... 1.....23 each end Simpson Strong—Tie 05-17-23 r.. 515 f4F 670 ° CS16 ARTS"x12 2 0 23 ' ' :_. 8 , I r- 5,5 670 6. *<a 97 . .. � t;4` 1fIIiI g• I 1+ titDETAIL I e�` 570 i MA:'`IAL DiMEN SI4N6S I FASTENERS IALLOWAH_E TENSION LOADS""(DF/SP) (133) 110LCOVJN +ii0L00wN ARTJ"x12. - " i DEFLECTION STUD DEFLECTION CODE "t •`i- 1 MACHINE AVG LENGTH OF BOLT 2.3 A' HIGHEST AT HIGHEST e0° I REF. ° o BCiD•y • ANCHOft80LT5 LILT IN VERT!CAI, WOOD MEMBER ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE 1` 0 i Hf' w. iV H 6 SO CL OIA3�s LOAD DESIGN D n C,A i OES#GN o ReCe�Ved L Y CIA14" 2" 21" 3" 3}" 5 ' LOAD WHEN RAISED OFF 0 ___.. .._....._..._... -- _ H 1' PLATEI o 0 1 Z024 H10,r. iE 12 4.," 2.1" 2J» 8" 20" J" 14' 9" �' 12150 1555 2055 2565 2775 2775 2760 0.058 0.077 2, 43, 82 0 ,ASV 1 ', o 0 IMEP;I')N': FASTENERS AIr:UWAfSLE. UPLIFT LOADS Of Appe s j M0:'t AVG .. , Board r`N E I c=; ' 13 T' �.DF' / SP CODE i prting v< L JC PLATE -- ('60) REF. JL (133)' a 3 x" :;"3" IB--10d x 1j" 29:7 735 885 !!II 7, 40, 127 B a r [ !."FNS;!ONS FASTENERS (TJ'AL)'. ALLQWAE3 E TENSION LOADS ! CODE 0 -. Ir{tnF' GA _......_ _..,.__ ,FLOOR --( REF. N V' L NAiLS i 10 (133) 160) c I TA„ 20 I tt' i 21 , >-1 .d 9C5 1205 1295 7, 40. 90 r' I Ur'.".i rJ IVN` 'FASTENERS (TOTAL)l+ ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS # CODE M():F 1. GA ._._..._ - - ....._1... 1 NO W L NABS ! FLOC�Ft (i60) REF. `� Simpson Strong--Tic Tie 100 (133) g- iU 8 _ _ _... ...;;^ 24 =1OE,- - 1025 13701640 7, 40, 90 t LUS46 I SIMPSON j� of r w r ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS NAIL CODE FN0 j FASTf"tER� SPACING REF. F02A TAKE--UP WA<') 1LR r;{ I C>A I1 i:U' LE"::Tt 'rTAI} 003 }2 . F ,rti _ t i S IN A ROW NOTE: ALL HANGERS TO BF". U aFC ON THIS PROJECT H6 san Strong-Tie X1 1F ' CLEAR SPAN +3. 28 8tl 1235 1650 2 7, a0, 90 ARE TO BE TC)i' MOI.INTf_J UNLESS OTHF^f:Wle;f I w• 2q i [t11.1F N:iiC.N i r ASt NL`riS NOTED. FAILURE. TO COMPLY WITH ALL. N01E"S _._,.___. DN. D94.G.-EIR ARCH./",Q,_F?i•iE�ALL9WA@ _.LCr?aS_.. ON THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTIiOR17-ATIOPJ ...q +` I 1 � hFADF.R.: AVG UPLIFT FLOOR to_0 _SNOW 115) ROOF 125 CODE I3Y A LICENSE PROFESSIONAL ENG!NrER, PLACE.`; i 'IF" H E 1CL1 i6d QiST i UI.T, j(133`'(ir0)< tOd ` 16d 1Qd i6d iCd 16d RIFF. ALL t(ABILITIES 0"J THE CONTRACTOR. CN W DETAIL r - .__ ___�..__. __..___ TAI I 42 1 4.^16d 4-16d r07t: 1140 1160 — ,000 — 1150 — 1250 7, 40, 127 - __ _ ___ __�_._- n. _ 1'1C ffr,f �} 0 � _ _J ....._.._..... _l.:_l._I.' .._. _._...._... __.__ COUPLER NUT '�#} P� J J _ --- 2065 1, 36, 84, 122 ARTR•x12 — - I „^- OESS►aN U 0. 14 3, 4,7; 2 __ 8-16d 8-16d 6076 1755 2105 — 1650 1900 M^�-- / -ST QUG FIR LARQF.?L.54.•...PIN�..ALL QWAEL . L4!1R �! >iM{ _.,(IIti -'1 )S FASTENERS UPLIFT LATERAL CODE TAKE. U!' WA'""'t'lFf' i M<`,•I;%I UPLIFT ULT. i "•J rA AVG 133 i60 REF. _�- �-- -^ �,� TO ±�AC"FR—�1 TO PLA't:S TO S1tiD5 (133)7(41360) F 2... 4 sfiGAIPr :T ,4 x.• _ 5160 Acce trice of these drawin:, does not wufh(t6;e the ri6t to :aus » t " a-S[s " 15z3 435 . 1ss 940 , build without the a+rthorixtiori of a- I as SiJffrlk C....nty 1~ . u4 H?+; S�rti�+'1��., T'�vm 'uiltlirltl S�0(_ 13 i t'' ;.. , :.r�r.i fji ,,.,, !�'.. 1r'�:It�' (i is";li:lt):';, { J,^,, ut•, A u'•�;AI A ,11 , - ....,._..______._,_-�,.-_ r$gUirC'nent5 Withwt;t;tf ("C'IF'nCi S 'IOr ;^ 1 COU- E' / / 0 COUPLER NUT _ S r"`)-1 07' ,' t ;;t /° �� 1SF A MINIMUM CF - K 1 _ {V r t :�ROJ I: ' as ";A , TWO tid NAILS THIS r„ sTu I..STA21 SIMPSON f�_ ; �.NC11'?F� EC7t..T` > IN*", TRUSS., "'F :� 1RJs,. / MTS1 E; � �"- , /' rf L ' 0 ',= / HD1A TAKE-UP WASHER �trorlCl Tie 4 TOTA FOUR ° �.. TA tY %J Pd NAZI. r 1 ! S I L% fE r �+,� 7 'q 1N e d ° , F1 ;�' a� ,,�«r- I 'F.ATF" >° ;;� �° y '1 '13. SiL�CERE ROAD .' I,.IL'' 8d NAILS o� ,. i G1 EE P�,../1\ t , 1 lyl I•,:L. I)I� I'AIIJ I,Af, `� '' °I ., ,!A cnrrv"n SUong Ti< £id NAZI S�..,, /'• ' II I, TAIL "G" I)ETAIIJ "•1" BUILDING ' ;NTO ��` I .� ` `�-�y��` .. � �,✓� �--�-''-✓ I)I;.( AIIJ I) I)L - d Sim Strong-Tie _.._.... ._..___ _ - , . Slrr IO _ i1 VV 2 15 H r 1 "a. �,, Simpson o J r I ••;r j y � .. . . _ _ __.____ — _�__. DETAIL 'L — � . I o. � .y�.. � n Strong—lie Ig— I I.iA ° ROC} SYSTEM TM # 10��- -� LFTA ° _. _� _-- _.__.... `DRAWING Ili-L: Ridge Strapping DRAINAGE & ROOF RUNOFF NOTE AND CALCULATONS LSTA30 N07: I i i ( i ALL VENTS ARE TO BE LOCATED AT THE REAR OF THEHOUSE # # I �-°� �F HAVE LEAD COATED COPPER / COVERS RUN OFF FACTORS ASPHALT = 1.0 , ROOF - 1.0 SIMPSON WiNDLOAD ! i ° ALL VENT PIPES ARE TO 1'-0" DEEP POOL x 4' DIA ==12.58 cu.ft. per vertical ft. ._ c 1'-0" DEEP POOL x 6' DIA 22.3 cu.ft. per vertical ft CHARTS & CALCULATIONS ;• _ M.a:.:_,.... - - �_.._.._ __ 1 -0: DEEP POOL x 8' DIA. - 42.25 cu.ft. per vertical ft. -0' DEEP POOL x 10' DIA. = 68.4 cu.ft. per vertical ft. I z' p / STRONG-TIE DETAILS EXIST!NG r !"1 N D ROO' AREA = 1112 s ft I ' � y - PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM LTP4 V = A, x R x c ° r w A - 1112 sq/ft EASTING GUEST BATHROOM ' I tee• " LTP4 - _ KTTCHEN R 2" RAINFALL .17 ft LTP4 DETAIL I,C„ ,.tjr:> t_ r,RADF 1.0 Ridge Strapping �a� -_ _ _.___ - . .. �t V _ S l rl?p 5 0 ri Strong—Tie r 11;2 X I x .166667 - 185 C.F. THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT or TtiF uFP1"GI r'J; Al;t_ THE PR(?'EP i Y"+jE 'JE r . , . CESlt,N PP'J"'.SSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS Af l:x:ED If.R! O, Cr"RINCf'11'tiT., ..1 r Floor—to-Floor Connections Deta11 PRUSE(UTE,) TO THE FULIE:STExTE:NT()FTHE AJ; "("J?kAtTrN?° Sf,,,Il {cr'.Y ',:i /1 11 I,TPA I)1 '1'A[I, I3 _ c I r 1 1 t, TFT[` x; •. 185 / 42.25 VERTICAL FT. / FT 4.�t U.F. FIELD CDNDITIOtIS AND DI'~"EN5IONS AN,} B� S�TIEY R.."'Ci"+"'t:I.E ror C (� Q, 1,ESGN PnOiFEShiO Al. A..SU,>w_� J� hAl`,i, Y FCk Gtil.11`JGNS DUE TC !"+ tJ'.:WJ t!+:t .. ...._..._____.___. , USE (2) tJ D'A. ?00�05R-G DEEP = 5.0 V.F. "vFORESEEN IIRD cc�� In° , A!'' , ' , ,.��n n, Ir. IT 5DD f} a,4- a LTP4 v D J!''S �., DR r,,,ITi.•.1S 1'r.t t'f' J Ci�, r-ITS i,`, ' f OWALLY.AC, „W..-EDGED AS RE f1S'tdv T J I AN:, t�, ,��,.... f t r-io:7v!:L? , k't,!`. '1 , 1 li TH;'r ( 185 / 6t8.4 VERTICAL F#. / FT - 2.7 V,F. >EAL: .....__....._........_._......__...._._..____.__...._._. _.____ _........--._._ _.. USE (1) 10' DIA. POOL 3'-0" DEEP = i3O U.F. DFGE:MHEfti,1-A" 2021 r^•!. . :- !i'.t( r',C' II^N(;f i?S EIAVi: SEEN CERTIFIED BY AN FNCINEFR TO HAVE A CAPACITY 1 ROB`=<,i ti1U: 0 OR GPl A`E ? THAN i't-IL RE 01 '!RED AMOUNT CALCULATED FOR EACH CASE. R30, DESIGN CRITERIA AS PFR_ T[jE,?020 RESIDENTIAL CODES OF NEW YORK STATE __ ..._. _ __-___._ —_------ POOLS TO BE PLACED ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF _ _ ....._ 1_1_� .::-2�?r1___ _.. R301.1 APPLICATION BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, AND PARTS THEREOF SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAFELY SUPPORT ALL "` ` " '"` uRAVr-,i 13Y: LOADS, INCLUDING DF.AD LOADS, LIVE. LOADS,ROOF LOADS, FLOOD LOADS, SNOW LOADS, WIND LOADS AND SEISMIC LOADS AS + HOUSE AND/OR LEADERS TO BE PIPED TO r�)K 'rar�,iric hardware shown on these p'cns, PRESCRIBED BY THIS CODE. THE CONSTRUCiION OF THE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM (NTS) - - - �l int 3cl�ted, is Simpson Strong—Tie.Tie. OF THIS CODE SHALL RESULT IN A SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES A COMPLETE LOAD PATH THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE - POOLS (112 OF THE ROOF TO DRAIN TO EACH g— TRANSFER OF LOADS FROM THEIR POINT OF ORIGIN THROUGH THE LOAD-RESISTING ELEMENTS TO THE FOUNDATION, BUILD NGS POOL, MAINTAIN MIN. OF 20 FEET FROM SEPTIC are approved or authorized. AND STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTED AS PRESCRIBED BY THIS CODE ARE DEEMED TO COMPLY W;TH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS Jr1LLi [;ue 1-o the rrrationships of framing hardware to SECTION. SYSTEM AND MIN. OF 10 FEET FROM FOUNDATION), t'): oti:er component's of the structure, any framing R301.1.1 ALTERNATE PROVISIONS wi'I render these plans AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION R301.1 THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE ALL COu`RS 1O DE TRAFFIC REARING IF LOCATED IN AREA -!A!, jr:d vid, -rd will rc-sult in the installer/contractor LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN. WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH Vr}IERE TRAFFIC IS TO GL PRESEPJi. A!-'_':t)", r,2SP0`)Sit,,;.ity for the design ar�d THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. tl'e :-rntire: ry item. 1) AWC WOOD FRAMFD CONSTRUCTION MANUAL. (WFCM) IF A MULTIPLE POOL SYSTEM IS USED AROUND THE 2) AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD 3 HOUSE THEN EQUAL PRO'ORTiONS OF THE ROOF SHALL 1 FOR ON :-AND TWC3 FAMILY DWELLINGS (A1S1-CE?0) BE DIVERTED TO EACH POOL, fiI:III�I)[:strllti>:�sS(x'1:1rf; . :a, 3) ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) l , a 4-1 24 a411( --__ HL D�SIG�t�_�� �ETC „ }^l _.._ 47' 6� __._..._ -____._.....__-� '; ^,"_,_,-_____.__-__,�_...._._ .._c�' , 1 1^ ri �,,, /� rr•v;J�•rt„,IyK rnnv..,,r::)i:,••dx'r :r c�,ns!,lt'rr : " , 1, ' � UL',.,,. .. .lif N -+':")t';,., qy �r• nn:,n;ti:,E iar 1 � $$� Y : K: r, 3t) " I; Southold,New York 119r71 "t.l'fl s r PO.Box 165 tt1 ' 1F3 j P`; ."!'E Tt; PF �_. r (i!131% !q" Uit lift!t.J i Kehl t)esictt,J 5\,u,iC7t=5,l i; a 1,=:I't rr(y Cl A K Ay5t,r i,ltffs,I L( ,��I�•Ra1si ticTF UWE4'tr�SHtiE= be l `,r. of t'R AK(. ct4 R S They in c F- :Y, r E 1+ i 5 P60a C145L C145R P4045 C145E e, drove -,3; and ;�= rific:cticr includi i,, t�.;= " 22"x 48" 45j"x 48" 22% 48" ideas, d �ic�^ and ❑rran� ty r Pr esent, 22"x 48" iE.rl�,,. ,� �,l A" R Casement Casement Casement: Casement r t � fig x 48" 22."x 4fl" xv Casement Casement " t�'lefelrl,� GCE' the F)rC%F`Crt'y ��' E;r }-#L ;,?C,`.ilrw=tti I .. •� 'E't ? ��' Picture SM ASSOCIATES, T .. ______..._.__.-__._.__._..._.....____^ .................._. ______.....__ - ^r ')'`; _._.._. _ ___ - LL.C. No rJr t . � ., ,;tll E"t(� i _ - .... - *�— _...._..... ._ _ _.......__._ _ _._....,.__... — ,"!N ti t` STA ff d _4L., e , , Picture M any ri t e,r th F F copied, G5 r Y u� a r con noction — _ — — _ — — �._ -- -- - .. _ — - - — - I N with >rKr�nr`)prp(e., ,+ .t., , ,t.n *�, w +i( __ � I 1 co � �r .. x __ _ -_._.._.._..__ _._......................... ................ .......... t f. -7J I ""'7 '73 44 _....__ -#' �Sr v��i ��r� the k1OVP 3f't•?t r�rF:�,, :I J'�'_i+ )Il? t;+ri;t�•rt r1r;^rn^.t. I I j i I 'T ! I araQ I t , e v 4 *{1 K X t, �" ` :1ch ' ! x ? - t: REV `. �..,, �v 1, _..75 19 I V'ryr N U r-r;d' Q x G_7 (0° I 03-05-23 04--22-23 G.a U a,'a E i' 05-17-23 I � o a1„a v� 12-06-23 _ i.._.... G , r�� � ! o o con ) 3 xa - G� i ! !�a4 Rack I I o� X 4' ;" `,i`,'� V' E w y��, ,. lei\ r7 r -0 y q ait"''" � i " k -- tt.11 I Ar + I s j f tAr.�l 'I,-1;' F{'. I' iit..t`' Facr: I j i sA� 1 rf I ! { Ex,-,F,ig 4" PC. Siab I "' ' I e IS I i ,n + I I c) _ ¢ App a + t. •". ,. 6 Cd;,q He.yh. x _- aC 0 „+, t I BO 2 + ! 4 C. Ex. ir; 4° F:; tia q Tc he N= ed Ir. She trc;cit Zpn;ng li I I t,W' ( I N ,i.`�� `_ ��::._ �,ir,+YQ I rI •� ". "'-'i I � : 1 ' +•. ' l �'. 'e., .,, t'• 1w t'• u i ( ......__.__.._. ............._ _(.............__..__ __` C^'.— t' € -F , '(�1�-;I K 1`,:uIL. >: ��, ,._.. _. -t y� ._..r_� ...t...�r._._.. . -_-r; _��iC`, __....._.._...._.._....,f..,..._.._.._._--•--`J'—�� ......._.... f -_.___')'......Cq� .,... �,<...,........_ c} _._....i....._.._ 8"+i' cr tt ;l p �, 21 4�--,----- .._ ._.....____....._ ._....._.__......•. '''�t 'r I I �" I -r � t- r d ? ' + i - . . �,_. ., _ ._. ........ _....._ ___ i !`K':ti: /� Exis'in I rr G'der a k .n Cr — j r �t Gird,•r' C _�3�Zx8 _I. _..— �...-.� er _ i ;i;" iierna:r. ..`)1 a .i m I I I I I f; r II II }} !'il:x '4-- — � ?r•�"C,( F..� t �,..._t__ .. • t I I t ' 1 E I 1 I I � I ' y ( l � ' ,• 2'_„"X!'' xs r 1 I I Tt r { FE E r 1 �,.I y C ... n.,.e., oo rtt,+,� �— / ' " I ;Y,.µn Y,; Y l!nif R1,P I I I \ ` 4t„ OF A' r, r ,. , 1, I 4 "�� I I I 1 g J. ��T I i , ,.. ''J •��ic;r 1r ���t' ! I ! ! ,• ��I E=�' I I �L I � :P.x_ r "sC� ;t:^.,' . .c: y 1"}': r'I i € f.2'_-'4 C7 I I yr t I f < - jl Oil a 4, Y ✓1 [' - - I I t' iY' N 4 2068 f ! ' �0I'll ) =,("• L� tzt t, L ".� 42 1 a v)7 0° tg I 1 I : 1{,t"•+' .i' r", :r,(f , � L7 �d J IOC + ' +` _ __ -10 -1 01'...-.,_........_,.._.... _._ r'h'�c f:t ,�. . ...,._.._ _... • ... ,�'_.._.._____ ..............._.._...... ,�� t i .._ . _ : I ... _..... .._._..-.._................. k !€( ; l r .tr ���l•.tl.7 Y� . ..._ � � 'J ` Fan..,__ __.____ -, .,._ ...•... . _.,� r) _ _..._._.. ht,+ I ' I o ' -LL � ...,•�' __.. — .. �.� ._..._. _y._......��....- _._.___.. . . . _..... •L---— ----------- C�fili C� r".y rl� nutt;orste the riq l!t to L _ _ _ _.641 032 "1f t _ _._, n �i �_ _ . .. wz a"> btlH wi.!hcx herru oYit I i far �' Ilnsuloted Doc 7 -� I 31"x 53" }+ Jt t, 0, 1%1. ,,)'', . Ct.S, u0,1 ttt U,;O". t ,n;n' U'8tl I concrete i i ( I DRL Hung 31"x 531" n SufffJk County Dept. of lleo'fh SeY�^cos, Taih"'' Nildirtq ) Ot Hun ?!.7 ftaoir i ( ! 3 1 � Departments, G�t., FEI,IA, f;tC. tfr;'afy Uli `L;..,,sitin c A�.` n+,.+ , requirements v,l`,l such c(le.ci?s prier in . t Z03% I U, E � ;,, �,.. I A .. .-, t ,.__. ..... .,:;• .. .., . .._.I. <_-'r1' :sag _ .... _...._ _..."............. 1!" . _ _ . . __.. !C! e" f P77 II Zr 1 35 SI . 1,��� RCS, GRE POI�T, g ` 119411, EXISTING FOUNDATION PLAN UNIT 33 -EXISTING FLOOR. PLANUNIT 33 �UI�.a1�� �� SCTM # 1000-47-02-15 SCALE: 114"= 1-0 = 1'-0" " SCALE: 1/4" P --. — EXISTING I � �/ i i!;�( t •� ;�\ (.�� t-f• I,I 'V(`v'irr � (.i {\I�ILv1r?:�< TIIV Y ( _ FIRST FLOOR ..__. / � ._ . ._ _: _ ASS I r:,), I � '_._:.-�'..-:._.t''t•�z'!''�+�;_ _..11� ��`���(.i ..T:�'.....tw'IE t_..���.r..�.�.�_I.���... - _ AS DOTED _ I .,._ J _ NOTE `,A' I ^ THESE PLANIS ARE AN ItrSTPUi)FNT OF THE: SE.F;ACE AW ARE 1Ht. i'f?(iF'E.F.1Y 0f, ilii k, k ''._y t!I_:_ .; ;i(. !(,();. f (� DESGti FRO1FESSI0NAL N,QSE SEAL IS AFFI/EP, HERFT'`t. MJFRtp(TYFNT Wit] BE PR0SE0 TED TO THE FULLEST EXTED,'td DIE tN)i ,.TRr, T1' Dual! y p.V FIELD CONDITI'AS A%Ll DIE,!'JSr"IS ANO Gf. C+,;kY Pt`.: 'NAME E " =;itD (f1. 11IL DESICN PROaFE'SI(k,AL. A`,:v'MES N'; WA! ITY R,F t,¢"{++ ,,�< , Tr: + �r';�+r,r1 r1+ UNF0RFSF.FN FIRP, Uffl TIf'4 AND OR. AfYtITI:)tr 1:A'1^1 �P3'd C0 W N1S t"r.!f 1`01401Y ACK'JOVn-EViC AS RKSION M T111""A t't:'.t1;;, �J_ �.."..:!_1 f t?.l _._.E?," ,E?ER._TH 2020 RESIDENTIAL ._ __. _............._.._______ I r;,r ;,. r QFN I. COQFS 0: NEW PORK STATE C +r v, , :. iRCi. Iali.' n-1,. JTP�'!'!1l,va N ACCC�'fiA r,, i)1- RJIl.DINGS AND STRUCTURFS, AND PARTS THEREOF SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAFELY SUPPORT ALL THE 2G2v RFS:0FP1"1AI v;iuF OF EIEW rY/ ";T ? i:�E'-2t1."1 t (�Af", I'J;t U01h" JFAL) ���ADS, UV LQACS,(zOUF LOADS, FLOOD LOADS, SNOW LOADS, WIND LOADS AND SEISMIC LOADS AS r'1�•E 5':E'li'. ;, 13! TF1:S CUEiE. T tE C0NSTRUC70N OF THE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS — _ _ RF)S Tt�' ^ l� criN. .! F?r""`.!!L_T ;r< A SYSTF.I.1 THAT PROVIDES A COMPLETE LOAD PATH THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE r .nS " ' �'� Al.' 1!,ADE A F -t {k :I•ti;'.E 1 :, I :)'aryS E F'C?4" THFIk POINT CF ORIGIN THROUGH THE LOAD-RESISTING ELEMENTS TO THE FOUNDATION, BtJi DINGS x IRi..:GTED AS F RESCRIDEu BY TH'.S CODE ARE DFEMED TO COVPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF TH!S a X fi":41. UF�t£:tif' t.> ',CTE:• "Rr',nCE r1W [FEAKS " i1,._ �F ..11E2E �.(Fr:T IN SECTION R301.1 TILE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERM!TTFD SUBJECT TO THE AS Pfl� `!<i C;;DE Allio THE. i_t,11+ATIONS HE"RF'N. WHERE ENGINLERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ( TtIE 2 20 '+E t : ( U; "xi...,_ t:,?t .ti' E 2020 F�._�Q COQF OF NEW YORK STATE. r t >I SN "H, :1Pi.Y I .H 1H c �I ENTIAl.. i C F Fti'!Al CO`! ';E:Vi Y„P! ST„T: ) ;t•, . :,. .. •a Y i Y '1r°.."?•ai ;? F F' !'URA;;_D STD_...., F RAIAINGl -- PRESCRIPTIVE: METHOD ," - :t-' ;., -,^'.i�t � ^.tL Y Q Y>r�L.t.,Nr,,,c (ai<�I- ��<S".'o) Tt(E EiES'GNd AND COttiS T iP 0 ION OF LOG STRUCTU tES (iCC4t;ii r ?, hFfiL•UfnS[,ty :tSSt)t'1:1'Tf S. '.. t • ffi• r +„ or �4'_,d' 3'_�$" I�EHL DESIGN �� I��TE , LL(' _.. r ♦l,ir n:,�)I X t� , ,nv.c 3.1 i n ,.(`.I-..?!I t__.,_"......___... a t V"t 4 2Xn Nkl y" 2 6 IiU`ters 16"oc• P0.Ba 675 p':'.... - C P, i.. it n65d'�apt! li F.n'f (' % i3;,;, `If C"'I}i'�� Southold,New York 11171 A•4 .r 4 n, }:: !, t s.t t t"v 1,±;n'?!, F••,i stF:':,1.1 t ,r( V UHF ('.,..IteCtJ.I, RG a,. ' K„hl Ci„sic t,h',uay,s3Fe i STEP i i'r iVVtitr,'�idif' & '"'I"_ f_lt t t,' Jr I _.. I IX; 1°.tl(:i I ":li;:r:; f{, / if W.TH INTERIOR E FLOUR a C145R Pfi 4 CI 5t. 3068 C1b5R fl7 P4045 C145L TiIE°SP, j'UWIt"y" or id OUTSNG ? \�� Xt; i1:i" 22"x 48" 69 "x 4$' 22" 48" 22" 48" t) 45 "x 48" 22"x 4$" rs,;:nY„7f, .r{ir•: rt. SOUTHERN DOOR ' Casement f !: "s dPsl;r: , :•r� r( , n+F.•+ f g / s (f �`.\ i �`�. tf e-eiri or(-, {he p!L)i r ?:. Iff•P t_ii `.' r Casement Casement Cas men s-� I(".mte<"?ent Casement ti S: M S _ _..2Xd tic^.Tf r. ,I L.C. Jc -.,,.�1 Picture `'`--.`':-.. Picture a'i # i ^, ;'lyCr `'. "F�'>, f•: ~ll' € 8 + ♦- r-- _..,�.... .._.... _. ..__........, ___ __ —_ i �IJ ..r. copied, '-.�..ir";E;4 1<:,_— h ( l ::;tilt % 2x4 5: 'lr• . ''r• t.. f 2xr, •: Y 1 6 ,.r.tck ( F• t .N , W t ✓ ,......-...-_.._.._...-.._.—_.._. —�-''7t' CO C .... ... ...... ;; ,........_....}"} -_, .. _, rUt .._._C-.lt.. <J, ... ......._____ ,�r Q�t C.'.. ",Y,t. .j °i ! ,. � _a� w '• � , , , ,r+r �, 1 �t;' .s-lc•h xi't:n(q Ic;:;;'� ..--.._... ! they r Wt Y with n t,. J C rNp .^. 't ,i'! {rsST) Lr}.'i•,.tn,# —4- 1 VE ., .. _. F '{ 4 ? lira m Cu ,.n -f��(• r c:. � (�'~ i�...9 i!,�t:lU':i>r: f ,'.) -F Uv •9 'i (Sity' 1 l fiLV. i't•+(ir y f'1l'.i C' f t { "( 1 tr Recessed i r�c ""i �� -"''Xr,, �'al('k ft::C�tI Ci ! I I �5r i t!s v at Y' Charcoal OfCOt)I ! v a� _.. i "^:rs \\\ q i Ytt..i�; �;t`N,f!tll:fl:l 1 1 !-.5—1 t0-s x F F REFI1 I, F-_ .. 9x@:._ ;-A- 0 x E u C� 1?1.:p C'' t n" y w a U = Ci t.r o f R I I ��' rrxT) ! ) -.4�:thr ,)�.ilr,� '` 04—"22"-!3 (�._..\ 2 J 140 L r a n FRE7 <( !f / N E I i " jrne "k" F;.t• r t ca i 05—17-23 t r ��,Y n R U o 12..06...?3 I x+ i : m )' rd R :_ - p" i c Hained " " Z -�•i�tj _ � LIV r Ci tU�,) ,} i 3 MV �,"..� 1—`�•--i F.. , — ,i !. R I �tP I 2X'� F�t:X f`F':;'i1 —; —_......_-..... -•tt_-.,-. ._..�..._.. .._._._.... ... _.�.i--. �C� , : _ , !- I f 'R..',.7 insutnl on R -Y, it sr,f„tior, . ............... R v -S2':. 1 I ? Fna' , Eox P.,r.rr �( E xi5t'in i' ; f Pasta R:4 2 `4. T 1 ( j of APPgaiS t \ ! Ntx Existi�q 0afd �1_ ? R' It— Z Hang B t'" Ct,1" Fouts'!. t ( (' f r r CuEF'S t 1 .. I' TABLE 1 �„ ?C. St,F- ! Combo 1 � � Ref Freezer vVuf�f'. t x lti xY:" t,,,,<.. F! ( I GARMO `' r= BEVERAGES REF ' REF �::X,, WINE WINE '3 C K I Rema", •`r') r `r ',v T 'R% 'FTFY .X J____ T}'TY"R XY• Y .4'Y,�rQl�'V P3Y �R'V'!(�Y F..•.•_• CV 'n:r:r'r>t`r,'��?r::r >r.Y�. �•�<c,.:: >���s't�� �'r°�?Ry r.�•..„'.•���;��><�...��>x>�,. -.�,<r,a�r� � �oo�l�� � I � � CROSS SECTIO rA : MOP .' ._.. ______ ._.........__..... ..._-.._-_____._..____— ...w..—..-_...,....__.. l ' ' SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" I 1 1 of r 411,92 u3 _1 m� i( .1 �" � STEP I I ~� a i 4 ( 51'EP ...._-... .._..,.__. ..._.� --- ..... ..,.. ..__ M Lj 7 O 4+sj ' '--___...........-'.-..—.._..__._.._...,._.._ — `.;;'•'.A {4i -y _. , j G r iR ar•(� •-xv ' I'f T:t,(' GXIER'uii` S 'C K� Wl ! ! osF s o o>l li i 0 Q o_ C)A a7 �a 6 I I fix. ` a a z o -y I ' ' ;f ELECTRIC RANG 0�m Q� I — - --- (Y 4" N z N-` f _ 1„' F', !a,: >t:t , --- - ✓ ,k'� __ _ P177A MASER STI r ru r, : r 15 i " �sl..— l� ) zr r. .t , the 4 I STEP t_i= .". _....... - 4 / i build without the au,.cr:r�.ton of I, .. ' rr'r:'r!g o,encles, Stich 37"x 53" xs 37"x 53 " f _.. '' t r ( t nn^ h n' I�' / CS Su,fI* Courty Dt. of Heo!lh S'rvr tin Kildiric DBL Hun DBL Hung ` r }' ' Getiartments, DFt;, F !�1h, er; o!' cot,. lr s, aria 1 g _ .. c , E' etc. L' `/ } rS, cod, __ '.\ ✓'j, .... ;,x: i�,• v.' ..-•-•� ,' �. refit."rPments w'.tli 'nc i;rienc'f' ,}tior a" it y !' :''1rti ::— ~ _ _r-•_='`tom`"y �,.�' �•- ..i{r.: l',x 1 ( .. ,!? {. 2k- f'1ft�C'( ,,L ,\x� 3 I I 7 n,} Lw Paz -m. r 4 4 -E4 ti t 4 ,. ;� •m• �} ..�;;, fl w : \ i• tC w`t7' ii(d u'lrJ i iOU'P ?'Ct) Or FQ;al FINAL FLOOR PLAN UNIT 33 � ,ti^r� 11 E *rR . •r• b..,w Raw. & •� : t CRE PO T, �G° eta SCALE: 1/4 = 1'-0" {\ � r � T:r+,p "{" .:,,,..rCt,)r+ ',E,",r;frJt•,k v ( ' BUILDING +v�`•4.3 4 7M Si.! Hh;;:kir.y J F' "(r SCT1 # 1 OHO— ` t— -1 �r !��t t inn ;icr .. _ ...- ..-....-.- �.> �` 4 Y'< ( � ' ,' , ': 4:,..rt _ ,t;. ;I,.::, "iCi+ ---- � .._ .rt bt{fl,hrii 4, �':-'':.._ ....r '.: - ...-..__....._ .Xu 15,X .. ., ., r) ter, r�.>., tn<'td.:..r,•• ! ..I ..... -:f'r7; t't•..rr F?:,. E'(�:sn. 4'Y~ in,) t•"' ''.1't j,. v- t•;"'xf 11 111 3 "`,..��J ' E STI f:�.t'... E:,•'daf,n. i Er:.1i.:ti FIRST FLOOD? LAMS r`'s .. ._t ;I__ f t 3' Stfe. _.... -. .._. _. AS NOTE fNUTF:7: THESE Pt,ANS ARE AN N',Tr,.UVFNT C' IF:. cF G" F P," APE fiic p;:,PfTTY 0! *t i rrj 4 F ,r t••:,F' Rijn'). q-e' i OF SS `r,'',>E SEAT ;.) r.•" " `f1F" •'�1f,E,+ S Y�:�, l: F.Xsh 4"f`," S!o I DESIGN PR 1'"N?! ? ` t �- J�' I P R(1SECUTME TO THE r'111F 31 EXTPIT ur ,!t{Y hq, ; '11, 1..Ya::i Y.. ff° FIFID G(`,NE4Ti,%S AND ffPrf?f;ICt;,AN F rY . r ,c;! }i?' ;, .? 1 DESIGN PR!OFFESSIONAL A;``,1JMFS NO I MV:ITY FOR :'I'.S,`.`111 i'k;, 'G I1Nv,Nr;r"'t I;tt t t ;x .i*� UNFOf'E Etf FIELD G;; ':1ttc; AN:: OP A.. ,,, 1 :.i1j L ACKN3'h`LEL�i;i I} �•.��:rV;`.'"! ;'. .i 5:. . h.";.- r ('`,;r,oc FinI:! ........._.._..... ... _ i;F'" �;IF, !\ R - liE ,-?0?0 RESIDENTIAL OF NEW YORK STATE PF,r.., t,...R. ....(. 5..., fit,; :N F.,.,,.t.:d„t. l;,Tt. ROSS SECTION t` F'F q It If' .I:' "ii3 A(:' f( 1 "(?tir!fF(, „ 1Y .t t, , r1 ,) .... .. :.fk-,A i'.;"; BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, AND PARTS THEREOF SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAFELY SUPPORT ALL i'If iCllt `s' `.li',f"aiA[. Cf"r u' ',�:'h'Y-"-K "'FAD a r t- ! C ,...AD L(.,. a LIVE LOAD S,RO(,F LOADS, FLOOD LOADS, SNOW LOADS, WIND LOADS AND SEISMIC LOADS AS SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" �-, THE t CP , :t,J C T((,N Of Ti BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS 02 RESULT !N A SYSTLM THAT PROVIDES A COMPLETE" LOAD PATH THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THEfirA^FRS APE TO 8F --' ;'!•'. f. ;r i >..?% ;, tf? :' THLIf NOitaT U O?IGiN THROUGH THE LOAD—RES.STING ELEMENTS TO THE FOUNDATION. BUILDINGS 0)1,%:.. .1",td LIMP` N[ "!>! '. FB`; tiP.;.>Tf; I,' TED AS PRESCRIBED BY THIS CODE ARE DEEMED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS .e, q r, ra r ' " riLt.., J',1 -Mti: f•-1S01.;." i! f?t`.A`r, PIiCiV00NS Ynr • K,+yl;c ,:: - a 10TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN SECTION R301,1 THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE ,+•1 E. PRO .R_ 0..LA S t s ,. i .r' A,,P� t.d"�T �sf THE Ti-ll`,.i CODE AND THE I...IMITATIONS HEREIN. WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ni?!' lf; [:}E:`.>IGN SH/,L:. COti4P' Y 'W'ITH THE 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. i1E 2!:1D RES"l='.NTA� CGIE nr, .,r F I�^.:",<?f D CC)'4 TRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) NE'rr YOPIK, S'A.TF c:Ot? c'0'D.-FORMED SIE_EL FRAMING — PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD " f•��;F�' i'P,! t,',f..! TWO FAMILY DVJFLLINGS (AISI-5230) — <� f�EIiI�C?fS1(iti•:1SS(1('1:1I'I;1. t:.c f`Pr"S ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (=400j [ -_-.,�w-m,-.�,n,, .,<,, <, -<. ......l.,.."_ -.,i 11 ., irk# I,® / °....` ,I ''1t\.- j `, ' {J^,. iA 1.1?j/ t 1 .^ ' ,:: i,,. ' }2` - .n. .«,w..•.,,.,mt 1 t 1 ' . ..,.. .. .... . !!! r r{ - - K IIIL �ESIGi !'S :1`, TE , i,t{ ii - t. ' ( j _ 1 : ` ;r �'' '..: . PO.Ba<i675 )=e: �3i;�1 '+, �';�a , �.., oufc� Yrkll , . a rU ') ; r;f 6 , li, _ �; h6l[),,.:rtr,. .. i.ii♦., II c,:• , , ,.,i,t,+.,. .� ,. ,. ,. „ _, . „ ,�. .. .. <. ,,,",`,,,.i. -..,.,.`, V l.�6r�r�Lrl'J11I t'� f I. _, lit I• E_.. Tn P r F,. - . , , G.u, , , .lutJl:r l., c T a , .•.,r ",, .. 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I',: : : I _ _-� _ __ ___ ______.-..___ ____ - FIRS FLOOR PLANS ...__... ., �: :�.-_=`.:-1-1 -" " T__- _.-___• _-_ _ _..,,.__.-- ._..____.___ .- _ ._________ _ ____..___._ __..._.._. ____ L�_..._....� _ _ _ __.__ ---- -___ _._-- AS NOTE } NO I Lb:: »... TIFSE PLANS ARE A": IN 7f kENT Of THE c:°,.,,. '�( TtiE I'NiII'E:I''y CF "!r DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Y,itJ`£ SEAL iS Ai FC i.,,;t. „ '1"i*'"diF:h"FLATS t".':'t _ PROSECUTFU TO 'H£FIIL'EST EXTLNdT '&, V-);,J 1>i .. '.I,` ELEVATIO n # :, „ r .FhID caNnITL)rrs APr., F"ri:d':,ION.. ANr, L, I:, .E E< E ..11 I T.O T ELEVATIONSOUTH �.��I v C, r .)�,:,, f, i D£.><o." R FFEa.,; :n A.,, .i :i�:11Al'Ei'"(_.; ='r,i .,1• l'.iF T�;1 tl;Y";'?V"J ___.._.. _____.__. UtdFCI?ESECN FE;11 CO'dG'ii!i"dS A":U OR tr!I'I; ";`, ',`'' 'lh^'' c!1A k!!P:''; !:1! SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4 = 1-0 F Rkl '' "_ r n i=.LY A;,Y:Iv`k"r.�'ui:Eii i', Eir 4'.`,�{Vy '.:} �i'f a ;. "r / ' t"%tiI-" ,,: `': Ai ,.,;A':CF V11 I t .. .'(" .;I.'~1 ,1 e, EF2 EHE 2C12C E..L.^— 3A._!.._.._. .._.. a. OF._._fJ.�W_YQRK_S7r1T ';l` ti" CG'I'i t.. r D ::(I Tl' 5 i 1dy 2:121 SO NTIA CCk;F CF "l:N Y'5 'r 1i`1 G I): `C" ' ;�, ':,'P': RIA, .r)I1h:GS AND �TRI.;CTURES, ANC) PARTS THEREOF SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAFELY SUPPORT At_l. ' C,t,.' I'1 ' <. ] .-,o!�-.�,;,"; � '. il, ^� E'•F•`u� L.Gr,�S, LIVE LOAI'S,ROCIF LOADS, FLOOD LOADS, SNOW LOADS, WIND LOADS AND SEISMIC LOADS AS - -_-_. ___. PF.CFI'P!I�i., t 't TH1 : (:ODE. THE- CONSTRUCTION Of THEW BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS - t I - _._. ._...._. r-/: 1F1 `•E' S1',;:11- flF`�'J:.T IN A SYS1'E:M THAT t'ROViDES A COMPLETE LOAD PATH THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE � All HFAE(R'S' AR ';} N; , '. ",A.'-':� i';., :;F t_'..1,i,',I' FR V THF;R €�'OINT Of iRIGIN THROUGH THE LOAD-RESISTING ELEMENTS TO THE FOUNDATION, BUILDINGS � ;2'ia X iq" I-A 1,11, SS -�^:[ I..-P['.k _, "J� TRUCTLD A`' PRLSCRIBLD BY THIS CODE ARE DEEMCD TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS OT'IEFY"SF P:!TE:D "" C!'.t, r+',._TE".!'a:t,7£ F;c OVIS;IONS t�,3T£: I' ilV:�- FII'.F ;: FADS �"� � '� €: -. ;";t. E,5` F,-'bf' Ti THE FREQOIRF:MENTS IN SECTION R30'.1 THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SURJFCT TO TFiE AS rEk � _ � k ff,I'A11;.TI,:�'#r' :': ''1r" Tt11 S CODF AND THE ',IMITATIONS HEREIN. WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJJNCTION WITH Ilit' 2020 'I . ,.,> r'al�,' � , , .. 'l:`_IGN SHALL COMPI.Y WITH THE 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. �ttiDEP:"AL C( - C[ ri'-'V YIPX iTATt a.a M ,1+,,: , , RAP.II.i C'_0N'.',IRUCTI0N MANJAL (WFCM) • I • U:I.i F GI' ^-0:,' --F O;?VL:G ;3IL E:L FRAMING - PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD I 11 %}:^JELi � 'j ;LAGS (AI';I >w�cl) m.<. ,xF . w �. M I,}`. `, 111i_ DL:`IGN AND CONSTRIUCT,"A OF LOG STRI_JCTURES (ICC400) 0 Kl"li1?OF.SI(tti�:'�S'�t; ':1TES. :.i . t z`— --- ,e„<,----Y--•---«,. „ # GENERAL NOTES: /j�G, : SAFETY NOTES: RESIDENTIAL RENOVATION & CONSTRUCTIONCON % 4 I R A C T 0 R N 0 T E SGeneral Notes: o 1 . GENERAL: ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, 2020 BUILDING CODE OF ��"4� Wood: NEW YORK, AND REGULATIONS OF ALL OTHER AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION. ,#Larch All studs to be SPF -'�- 1. 2 or better, and all other structural wood to be Douglas Fir 2 or better. i # g / ICI I � i GENERAL NOTES: 2. FIRE SAFETY: V� t 2. All structural wood shall be in accordance with the national design specifications for wood construction - latest edition. KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC 1 • ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, 2020 BUILDING A. ALL BUILDING MATERIALS WHICH ARE STORED AT THE SITE OR ANY AREA OF THE BUILDING ARE TO BE STORED IN A , CODE OF NEW YORK, FIRE DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS, UTILITY COMPANY REQUIREMENTS, AND THE BEST TRADE 3. Nailing schedule shall be in accordance with the specified code. B• LOCKED AREA. residential & commercial design ° consulting 2. PRACTICES. 4. Pre-manufactured trusses. C. ALL MATERIALS TO BE STORED IN AN ORDERLY FASHION BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE ALL REQUIRED INSURANCE CERTIFICATES WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF a. All trusses shall be "shaped" as shown on architectural cross sections. BUILDINGS, OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED INSURANCE CERTIFICATES WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS, OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS, b. Trusses shall bear a boca number and shall be manufactured by a registered manufacturer. D. ALL FLAMMABLE MATERIALS TO BE KEPT TIGHTLY SEALED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE MANUFACTURER'S CONTAINERS. SUCH PO.Bozi675 AND PAY ALL FEES REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, AGENCIES MATERIALS ARE TO BE KEPT AWAY FROM HEAT. Southold,New York 11971 phone: 33 9 3 5. Erect and brace trusses in accordance to truss plate institute recommendations. E-Mail; ssbn654@opfooptonline.net ef MINOR DETAILS NOT USUALLY SHOWN OR SPECIFIED, BUT REQUIRED FOR PROPER CONSTRUCITON OF ANY PART OF THE WORK E. ALL FLAMMABLE MATERIALS TO BE USED AND STORED IN ADEQUATELY VENTILATED SPACE. y plywood g. y ( ) p EXPOSED CONDUITS.ITS. ___ ___ Kehl Design Associates,LLC o formerly D A K Associates,LLC SHALL BE INCLUDED AS IF THEY WERE INDICATED IN THE DRAWINGS. 6. Plywood sheathing. F. ALL ELECTRICAL POWER TO BE SHUT OFF WHERE THERE ARE EXPOS 4. a. All shall be in accordance with the American Plywood Association APA specifications. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK PROCEDURES WITH THE STIPULATIONS OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES, AND OWNER. b. Plywood sheathing shall be continuous over two or more spans with grain of face plys across supports G. ALL ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA TO BE SHUT OFF AFTER WORKING HOURS. OWNERSHIP & USE OF DOCUMENTS: 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL CONDITIONS AND MATERIALS WITHIN THE PROPOSED corporation or equal. CONTRACTOR, AT ALL TIMES, TO ENSURE THERE IS NO NATURAL GAS LEAKAGE IN THE BUILDINGS, OR ANY FLAMMABLE These drawings and specifications including the CONSTRUCTION AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGN AND INSTALL ADEQUATE SHORING AND BRACING FCR ALL STRUCTURAL OR 7, All sills shall be pressure preservative treated (.4 PSF retention) SYP #2 or better. GAS TO BE USED DURING CONSTRUCTION. ideas, design and arrangements represented therein, are the property of KEHL DESIGN REMOVAL TASKS. THE CONTRACTOR THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURIES CAUSED BY ASSOCIATES, LLC. No part thereof shall be OR DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK. 8. Design values: 3. DUST CONTROL: copied, disclosed to others or used in connection 6. a. Framing Lumber: DF (north) No. 2 or better y th THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY OUT HIS OWN WORK, AND SHALL AND SHALL PROVIDE ALL DIMENSIONS REQUIRED FOR OTHER TRADES: A. DEBRIS, DIRT AND DUST TO BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM AND CONFINED TO THE IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION AREA. they have been work or project other than for which prepared without written consent. PLUMBING, ELECTRICALS, ETC. Fv 95 PSI E = 1,600,0 PSI B. CONTRACTOR TO ISOLATE CONTRUCTION AREA FROM OCCUPIED BUILDING AREA BY MEANS OF TEMPORARY PARTITIONS OR = 7. Fb - 825 PSI PLUMBING WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY PERSONS LICENSED IN THEIR TRADES, WHO SHALL ARRANGE FOR AND OBTAIN THROUGH C. HEAVY DROP CLOTHS. THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS ALL REQUIRED PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND REQUIRED SIGN OFFS. 9. Design values: DEBRIS, DIRT, AN DUST TO BE CLEANED UP AND CLEARED FROM THE BUILDING SITE PERIODICALLY TO AVOID EXCESSIVE 8• a. Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL): ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BE PERSONS LICENSED IN THEIR TRADES, WHO SHALL ARRANGE FOR AND OBTAIN 1 ,900,000 PSI v ACCUMULATION. E THROUGH THE BUREAU OF ELECTRICAL CONTROL ALL REQUIRED PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND REQUIRED SIGN OFFS. F = 90 PSI 9. F = 2600 PSI 4. NOISE AFTER HOURS: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DO ALL CUTTING, PATCHING, REPAIRING AS REQUIRED TO PERFORM ALL OF THE PJORK INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, AND ALL OTHER WORK THAT MAY BE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE JOB. A. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WILL BE CONFINED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS: 8AM TO 6PM, MONDAY TO FRIDAY, 10. KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. NOTE B. EXCEPT LEGAL HOLIDAYS. - P�� of Etv Yo ALL PIPING AND WIRING SHALL BE REMOVED TO A POINT OF CONCEALMENT AND SHALL BE PROPERLY CAPPED OR PLUGGED. KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC, AND THERE ASSOCIATED ENGINEER ARE NOT OVERSEEING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS BUILDING. J AI 11 . THE USE OF THESE DRAWINGS BY ANY CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, BUILDER, TRADESMAN OR WORKER SHALL INSTIGATE A HOLD CONTRACTOR MUST OBTAIN WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM ALL AFFECTED PARTIES TO WORK OTHER THAN REGULAR HOURS. 29•<� ALL DIMENSIONS ARE ESTABLISHED FROM THE FINISH LEVEL OF THE FIRST FLOOR. VARIATIONS TO THE HEIGHT OF THE FINISH LEVEL HARMLESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DRAWING USER AND KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC. OF THE FIRST FLOOR ARE TO BE REVIEWED FOR APPROVAL BY THE OWNER AND KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC. NO CONSTRUCTION { 5 CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WILL NOT INVOLVE INTERRUPTION OF HEATING, WATER, OR ELECTRICAL SERVICES TO THE OWNER. � +,� o WILL BE ALLOWED TO COMMENCE UNTIL THIS HEIGHT IS APPROVED. THE USER SHALL IN FACT AGREE TO HOLD KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC. HARMLESS FOR ANY RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD TO CONSTRUCTION WORK WILL BE CONFINED TO THE WORK ISSUED, AND WILL NOT CREATE DUST, DIRT, OR OTHER SUCH 12. CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES AND FOR ANY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS INCONVENIENCES TO THE OTHER NEIGHHBORS. _ THE CONTRACTOR IN COORDINATING THE WORK WILL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER'S ATTENTION FOR IMMEDIATE IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK AND FURTHER SHALL HOLD KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC. HARMLESS FOR .COSTS AND PROBLEMS F` Rio 51p�'� RESOLUTION. ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, "TRADESMAN, OR WORKMAN. THE USE OF THESE DRAWINGS 6 SPECIAL SAFETY NOTES R 13. ALSO IMPLIES THAT KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC. SHALL TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PLAN USER'S FAILURE TO CARRY OUT OFESSION THE CONTRACTOR WILL COORDINATE THE ROUTING AND PLACEMENT OF ALL UTILITY LINES WITH THIS AND RELATED SITE WORK, AND THE WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ALL CONTRACTORS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES WORKING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL AT ALL TIMES PRIOR AND DURING THE COURSE HE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DISCONNECTIONS, RECONNECTIONS, AND STARTUPS. OF THEIR ACTIVITY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES AS WELL AS OTHERS AND IN THE CARE OF THE 14. DOCUMENT NOTES PROPERTY. EACH AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THEIR EMPLOYEES SHALL ASCERTAIN THAT THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THEY WILL BE THE CONTRACTOR WILL COORDINATE THE ROUTING AND PLACEMENT OF ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, AND HVAC EQUIPMENT WITH THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS ALSO, THE CLIENT AGREES, REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR WORK ARE SAFE WITHIN GOOD SAFETY PRACTICES AND MEET ALL CONCERNED REGULATIONS OF ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES AND STRUCTURE. ANY CONFLICTS WILL BE BROUGHT TO THE ENGINEER'S ATTENFION FOR IMMEDIATE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIM, THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HAZARD ACT OR OTHER GOVERNING REGULATIONS. THE BEGINNING OF WORK BY A CONTRACTOR SHALL INDICATE SATISFACTION CONCERNING SAFETY AND FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACCIDENTS OR DAMAGE. IF UNSATISFIED, THE WORK NOTES: RESOLUTION. LIABILITY OR COST INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS OF DEFENSE, FOR THE INJURY OR ECONOMIC LOSS CONTRACTOR SHALL INDICATE WHATEVER ACTION NECESSARY, OR RENDER SAFETY CONDITIONS FOR LIFE AND PROPERTY AS ARE ARISING OR ALLEGEDLY ARISING OUT OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. CONTRACTOR TO HIS ACTIVITY. IF THE WORK OF OTHER PARTIES OUTSIDE OF THE ORGANIZATION IS UPON INSPECTION FOUND AT ANY TIME TO BE UNSAFE, HE SHOULD STOP WORK IMMEDIATELY AND NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC, CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA OR OWNER. THE BEGINNING OF WORK SHALL INDICATE SATISFACTION WITH CONDITIONS AND ACCEPTANCE OF THESE REQUIREMENTS. GROUND WIND SEISMIC SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM WINTB I ICE SHIELD ALL STRUCTURES TO CONFORM WITH THE 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE 7 PROVIDE SINGLE OR MULTIPLE-STATION SMOKE ALARMS AS WELL AS CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS SINGLE AND MULTIPLE-STATION NOT FOR SNOW DESIGN FROST LINE DESICI UNDERLAY- FLOOD WIND EXPOSURE OF NEW YORK STATE SECTION R301.2.1.2 PROTECTION OF OPENINGS. IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, SECTION R314 OF THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF N�'W YORK STATE. LOAD SPEED mph CATEGORY WEATHERING DEPTH TERMITE DECAY TEMP, MENT REQUIRED HAZARDS CATEGORY CONSTRUCTION 25 Ibs/sqft 130 (mph) C SEVERE 1 3'-0" MODERATE TO HEAVY SLIGHT TO MODERATE 11 degnes YES 1984/1998 C R301.2.1.2 PROTECTION OF OPENINGS. USE UNLESS EXTERIOR GLAZING IN BUILDINGS LOCATED IN WIND-BORNE DEBRIS REGIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM WINDBORNE DEBRIS, GLAZED NOTE: FIRE BLOCKING IS TO BE INSTALLED TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2020 OPENING PROTECTION FOR WINDBORNE DEBRIS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LARGE MISSILE TEST OF ASTM E1996 AND BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE TABLE R301.5 - MINIMUM UNIORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS, ASTME E1886 AS MODIFIED IN SECTION 301. GARAGE DOOR GLAZED OPENING PROTECTION FOR WINDBORNE DEBRIS SHALL MEET CERTIFIED BY A (IN POUNDS PE SQUARE FOOT) THE REQUIREMENTS OF AN APPROVED IMPACT-RESISTING STANDARD OR ANSI/DASMA '115. NOTE: ALL ROOMS MEET OR EXCEED THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN CRITERIA OCCUPANCY OR OSE LIVE EXCEPTION: FOR THE NATURAL LIGHT AND VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS. PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN 25. RESIDENTIAL ONE - AND - T0J FAMILY DWELLINGS LOADS 1. WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS WITH A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 7/6 INCH (11mm) AND A SPAN OF NOT MORE THAN 8 FEET (2438mm) - ENGINEER SHALL BE PERMITTED FOR OPENING PROTECTION. PANELS SHALL BE PRECUT AND ATTACHED TO THE FRAMING SURROUNDING THE NOTE: ALL ROOMS MEET OR EXCEED THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE USES(s) AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION(s) UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITHOUT STOR,Eb 10 OPENING CONTAINING THE PRODUCT WITH THE GLAZED OPENING. PANELS SHALL BE PREDRILLED AS REQUIRED FOR THE ANCHORAGE FOR EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS. METHOD AND SHALL BE SECURED WITH THE ATTACHMENT HARDWARE PROVIDED. ATTACW;ENT SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST THE UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITH LIMITED iTORAGE b'g 20 COMPONENTS AND CLADDING LOADS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EITHER TABLE R301.2(2) OR ASCE-7, WITH THE PERMANENT - USE OCCUPANCY UNINHABITABLE ATTACHMENT HARDWARE PROVIDED AND ANCHORS PERMANENTLY INSTALLED ON THE BUILDING. ATTACHMENT ALL SIMPSON HANGERS HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY AN ENGINEER TO HAVE A CAPACITY k IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE R301.2.1.2 IS PERMITTED FOR BUILDINGS WITH A MEAD R(OJ HEIGHT OF 45 FEET (13,728mm) OR LESS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE REQUIRED AMOUNT CALCULATED FOR EACH CA_E. RESTURANT & BAR A-2 HABITABLE ATTICS AND ATTICS SERVE1 WITH FIXED STAIRS 30 WHERE WHERE THE ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED V,, IS 180 MPH (290kps) OR LESS. NAILING NOTES: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (CHAPTER 6) BALCONIES (EXTERIOR) AND DECKS (I) 40 TABLE R301.2.1.2 WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FASTENIPVG SCHEDULE FOR WOOD STRUCTUAL PANELS a,b,c,d ALL MATERIAL TO BE NAILED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. TYPE GROUP FIRE ESCAPES 40 FASTENER SPACING (INCHES) DESIGN CRITERIA V B GUARDS AND HANDRAILS 200h FASTENER TYPE PANEL SPAN 4 FEET < IANEL 6 FEET '< PANEL < 4 FEET SPAN < 6FEET SPAN < 8 FEET APPLICATION BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, AND PARTS THEREOF SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAFELY SUPPORT ALL LOADS, HEIGHT AND FIRE AREA GUARD IN-FILL COMPONENTSf 50h INCLUDING DEAD LOADS, LIVE LOADS, ROOF LOADS, FLOOD LOADS, SNOW LOADS, WIND LOADS AND SEISMIC LOADS AS PRESCRIBED -Aouse _ NO. 8 WOOD SCREW- BY THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDINGS.AND STRUCTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE Ci U 42 t PASSENGER VEHICLE GARAGES° a BASED ANCHOR WITH 2 16 10 8 PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE SHALL RESULT IN A SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES A COMPLETE LOAD PATH THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS HEIGHT FIRE AREA so INCH EMBEDMENT LENGTH FOR THE TRANSFER OF LOADS FROM THEIR POINT OF ORIGIN THROUGH THE LOAC-RESISTING ELEMENTS TO THE FOUNDATION. No. 10 WOOD SCREW- BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTED AS PRESCRIBED BY THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK ARE DEEMED TO COMPLY PROJECT: HEIGHT, BUILDING. ROOMS OTHER THAN SLEEPING ROOMS 40 BASED ANCHOR WITH 2 16 12 9 THE VERTICAL DISTANCE FROM GRADE INCH EMBEDMENT LENGTH WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION. PLANE TO THE AVERAGE HEIGHT OF UNLIMITED AREA SLEEPING ROOMS 30 SILVER S THE HIGHEST ROOF SURFACE Ya INCH DIAMETER LWITH 2 W- ALTERNATE PROVISIONS: 7000 SF. BASED ANCHOR WITH 2 16 16 16MNDS =19'-8a" AS PER CHAPTER 5 OF THE AS PER TABLE 506.2 c INCH EMBEDMENT LENGTH AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK, THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE STATE. BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STAIRS 40 PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN. WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN HOLD114IG ■ sTATE. CONJUNCTION WITH THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. FOR SI. 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 FOOT = 304.8 mm, 1 pound = 4.448 N, 1 mile per hour = 0.447 m/s FOR SI: a. This table is based on 180 mph ultimate design wind speeds Vult and a 45-foot mean roof height. 1. AWC WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) TOTAL HEIGHT FROM RIDGE TO GRADE Max 22'-11" 1 POUND PER SQUARE FOOT = 0.0479 kPe, 1 SQUARE INCH = 645 mm? 1 POUND = 4.45 IN, a. ELEVATED GARAGE FLOORS SHALL BECAPABLE OF SUPPORTING A 2,000-POUND LOAD b. Fasteners shall be installed at opposing ends of the wood structural paiel. 2.AIS1 STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISI-S230) 11135 SILVERMERE ROAD APPLIED OVER A 20-SQUARE-INCH AREA. Fasteners shall be located a minimum of 1 inch from the edge of the panel. b UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITHOUT STOPAGE ARE THOSE WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT c. Anchors shall penetrate through the exterior wall covering with an embEdment length of 2 inches minimum into 3. ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) GREENPORT, NY 11944 . LUMBER SPECIES AND GRADE the building frame. Fasteners shall be located a minimum of 2Yz inches from the edge of concrete block or concrete. BETWEEN JOISTS AND RAFTERS IS NO' MORE THAN 42 INCHES, OR WHERE THERE ARE NOT TWO OR MORE ADJACENT TRUSSES WITH WEB CONFIGURATION CAPABLE OF d. Where panel are attached to masonry or masonry stucco, they shall be attached using vibration resistent anchors NOTE: ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM WITH THE STANDARDS AS SET FORTH IN ALL HOUSE FRAMING MATERIAL DOUGLAS FIR - LARCH #2 AND BETTER ACCOMMODATING AN ASSUMED RECTANGLE 42 INCHES IN HEIGHT BY 24 INCHES IN WIDTH, having a minimum ultimate withdrawal capacity of 1,500 pounds. OR GREATER, WITHIN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSSES. THIS LIVE LOAD NEED NOT BE ASSUMED THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE _ SCTM # 1000-47-02-15 TO ACT CONCURRENTLY WITH ANY OTHER LIVE LOAD REQUIREMENTS. ALL EXT. DECK FRAMING MATERIAL CCA NC PINE #2 AND BETTER c. INDIVIDUAL STAIR TREADS SHALL BE 1ESIGNED FOR THE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD PROJECT TO COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 5 OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAWING; TITLE: OR A 300-POUND CONCENTRATED LOAD ACTING OVER AN AREA OF 4 SQUARE INCHES, 2020 ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE OF NEW YORK PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN CRITERIA REQUIREMENTS AS PER 2420 BUILDING CODES WHICHEVER PRODUCES THE GREATEST STRESSES. d. A SINGLE CONCENTRATED LOAD APPLIE D IN ANY DIRECTION AT ANY POINT ALONG THE TOP. OF NEW YORK STATE. GENERAL NOTES AREAS OF STRUCTURE e. SEE SECTION R507.1 FOR DECKS A'ITACHED TO EXTERIOR WALLS. NEW CRAWL SPACE NA f. GUARD IN-FILL COMPONENTS (ALL THOSE EXCEPT THE HANDRAIL), BALUSTERS AND PANEL 3 NEW FINISHED BASEMENT NA FILLERS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND A HORIZONTALLY APPLIED NORMAL LOAD OF COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION � DETAILS Received 50 POUNDS ON AN AREA EQUAL TO 1 SQUARE FOOT. THIS LOAD NEED NOT BE ASSUMED NOTES: EX. BASEMENT 15 TO ACT CONCURRENTLY WITH ANY OTHER LIVE LOAD REQUIREMENTS. EX. FIRST FLOOR 08 SF THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF THE SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE NEW FIRST FLOOR NA g. UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITH STORAGE ARE THOSE WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT BETWEEN ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO ASCE STANDARD JAN 112024 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFFIXED HERETO. INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE THE JOISTS AND RAFTERS IS 42 INCHES OR GREATER, OR WHERE THERE ARE TWO OR PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL EX. SECOND FLOOR 436 SF MORE ADJACENT TRUSSES WITH WEB CONFIGURATIONS CAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING AN (SEI/ASCE 7-22) Zoning Board of Appeals FIELD CONNITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND BE SOLEY RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD FIT, THE NEW SECOND FLOOR 90.5 SOFT ASSUMED RECTANGLE 42 INCHES IN HEIGHT BY 24 INCHES IN WIDTH, OR GREATER, WITHIN DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR OMMISIONS DUE TO UNKNOWN OR NEW BALCONY NA THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS AND OR ADDITIONS BASED UPON COMMENTS NOT FORMALLY )ACKNOWLEDGED AS REVISION TO THESE PLANS. LOFT NA THE LIVE LOAD NEED ONLY BE APPLIED TO THOSE PORTIONS OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS ATTIC HOUSE a NA BOTTOM CHORDS WHERE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: SEAL: DATE: ATTIC (HOUSE)(b) NA 1. THE ATTIC AREA IS ACCESSIBLE FROM AN OPENING NOT LESS THAN 20 INCHES IN WIDTH ACCESSIBILITY CONSTRUCTION , DETAILS- - DECEMBER,14 2021 NEW GARAGE ADDITION NA BY 30 INCHES IN LENGTH THAT IS LOCATED WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT IN THE ATTIC ISPROJECT NO: ATTIC GARAGE a NA NOT LESS THAN 30 INCHES ALL SPACES, AREAS, DETAILS, DIMENSIONS AND CONSTRUCTION © COR'(RIGHT 2023KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. EX. UTILITY ROOM NA ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE PROTECTED 1135-2022 2.THE SLOPES OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS BOTTOM CHORDS ARE NOT GREATER THAN TO CONFORM TO 2009 Al 17.1 DRAWN BY: EX. SCREENED PORCHES NA 2 INCHES VERTICAL TO 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL. UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW. EX. OUTDOOR SHOWER NA PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WTHOUT BDK EXISTING DECK NA 3. REQUIRED INSULATION DEPTH IS LESS THAN THE JOIST OR THE TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED BY: MEMBER DEPTH. WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. NEW DECK NA ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF EX. COVERED DECK NA THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS BOTTOM CHORDS SHALL BE Note. SHEET NUMBER: DESIGNED FOR A UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED CONCURRENT LIVE LOAD OF NOT LESS KEHL DESIGN ASW-11ATES, LLC. EX. COVERED FRONT PORCH NA THAN 10 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT, 13 Fire Sprinkler System is to be Installed throughout the entire Building in Accordance with the THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE COVERED ENTRANCE NA GLAZING USED IN HANDRAIL ASSEMBLIES AND GUARDS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH A PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER, WITH WRITTEN POOL HOUSE CABANA NA SAFETY 2020 Fire Code of New York. Engineered Plans of the System are to be Submitted to the Town PROOF OF PURCHASE. G1 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE NA SAFETY FACTOR OF 4. THE SAFETY FACTOR SHALL BE APPLIED TO EACH OF THE CONCENTRATED LOADS APPLIED TO THE TOP OF THE RAIL, AND TO THE LOAD ON THE of Southold Budding Department and The Town of Southold Fire Marshal Prior to Installation. IN-FILL COMPONENTS. THESE LOADS SHALL BE DETERMINED INDEPENDENT OF ONE g p Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to build without (a) WITHOUT STORAGE ANOTHER, AND LOADS ARE ASSUMED NOT TO OCCUR WITH ANY OTHER LIVE LOAD. the authorization of locol governing agencies, such as Suffolk County Dept. DOB NUMBER: OF (b) WITH STORAGE of Health Services, Town Building Departments, DEC, FEMA, etc. Verify all conditions, codes, and requirements with such agencies prior to construction. © KEHL-DES]GN•ASSOCIATES, LLc — CONNECTORS — SPECIFIED FOR CONSTRUCTION - 9/rier /i. SIMPSON STRONG TIE USE A MINIMUM OF TWO 8d NAILS THIS M T S 2 0 L_T S 2 0 �/ D U — IR LARCH IN UPLIFT SIDE OF TRUSS. ALLOWABLE LOADS Z LOAD . PROVIDE CEILING OIS ON FASTENERS �. ® LATERAL WITH TOTAL FOUR o o ° SIDE OF CEILING JOIST 4� ❑� � MODEL GA UPLIFT UPLIFT (133/160) 8dx14" CODE 8d NAILS �—" AND ON SIDE OF RAFTER r' ��� � f� NO. TO AVG REF. INTO TRUSS. 00 j? RAFTERS/ TO TO ULT. NAILS ' PLATES STUDS (133) (160) F F2 (133& _ _ STU TRUSS �'— -- SIMPSON SIMPSONNOTE: REFER TO H7 16 4-8d 2-8d 8-8d 2991 930 985 400 5, 44 CONNECTORS MAANUAL WOOD FOR A FOOT NOTES AND ? TAKE—UP WASHER KEHL D PROPER INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC j residential & commercial design o consulting H6 16 8-8d 8-8d 3983 915 950 650 5, 44 0 DIMENSIONS FASTENERS ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOADS (133) ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOADS (133) TWO ° ARTJ"x12 0 (TOTAL) LENGT-I OF BOLT IN WOOD MEMBER LENGTH OF BOLT IN WOOD MEMBER Sd NAILS o e PO.Box 1675 phone: i631I 433-9084 AVG CODE INTO ,' o Southold,New York 11971 E Mail; ssbn654@opfonline.nef MODEL GA ULT. LFTA2 LFTA REF. .' ' N0. MAX. CLEAR L 0 . WIDTHSPAN L OTY DIA 1 2" 2 " 3" 3}" 1}" 2" 2 " 3' 3}" EIGHT 00 ° SP 4 INTO 8d NAILS Kehl Design Associates,LLC o formerly D A K Associates,LLC 12os 1400 s, aa, as STUD OWNERSHIP & USE OF DOCUMENTS: LFTA 16 24" 17" 381"15-10d 4200 e D R LARCH / S0. PINE FASTENERSZ ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOADS3 °° These drawings and specifications including the ALLOW MODEL L AVG IOd 10d x 17' CODE N0. ULT. REF. o° 1od 10d x 1}" (133 J 1so) (133) (160) LFTA L_S TA 21 ° therein, are the property of KEHL DESIGN ° ideas, design and arrangements represented ASSOCIATES, LLC. No part thereof shall be Simpson Strong—Tie copied, disclosed to others or used in connection MTS16 16 14-10d 14-10d x 13" 3116 1000 840 1000 3, 41. 128 HGA10 with any work or project other than for which ° ° �rK�� they have been prepared without written consent, ° MTS20 20 14-10d 14-10d x 1}" 3116 1000 840 1000 3, 41, 128 ARTJ'x12 0 DETAIL 0 0 LST20 20 12-10d 12-10d x 14" 2383 775 720 720 3, 41 aNW—COUPLER NUT DETAIL "Ell 00 STU 5 — 8 DOUG—FIR—LARCH Equal number of °° SIMPSON ; SO. PINE CODE specified nails In TAKE—UP WASHER 00 TYPE — DI LOAD ALLOWABLE LOADS REF. TYPE OF DIRECTION MODEL FLOOR ROOF (133/ each end NO. TION (100) (125) 160 Simpson Strong—Tie G 515 645 670 LTP4 5 J 515 645 670 6, 39, 97 CS16 ART8 X12 H 515 645 670 DETAIL "H" PEE° NEw YO HOLDOWN Py A�9 MATERIAL DIMENSIONS FASTENERS ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS""'(DF/SP) (133) HOEDOWN ARTJ'x12 vo �� DEFLECTION DEFLECTION CODE ° MODEL MACHINE LENGTH OF BOLT Z•o AT HIGHEST STUD AVG Al HIGHEST REF. N0. ANCHOR BOLTS ULT. IN VERTICAL WOOD MEMBER ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE BASE BODY 4 s s LOAD DESIGN GA GA HB SB W H B SO CL DIA ' DESIGN oo OTY DIA 1�^ Q" 2�" 3" 3�" 5}' LOAD WHEN RAISED OFF o Z ;{ O /� 0 4! THE I PAT o 41 Z HD2A 16 12 4J" 21" 21" 8" 2t9s 8' ltls" 2 12150 1555 2055 2565 2775 2775 2760 0.058 0.077 2, 43, 82 0 o • 0 109� 00 AROFESSIONP� MODEL DIMENSIONS FASTENERS DF SP RODE ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOADS N0. AVG II D PLATE ULT. (133) / (160) W L STU SP4 3, " 7J" 16-10d x 1}" �2917 735 885 7, 40, 127 A 0 MODEL DIMENSIONS FASTENERS (TOTAL) ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS CODE o° N0. GA y� L NAILS �Q©R (133) (160) RE WORK NOTES: LSTA21 20 1 21 — d 905 1205 1295 7, 40, 90 1 10 MODEL DIMENSIONS FASTENERS (TOTAL) ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS CODE NOT F O R N0. GA W L NAILS 1�OR (133) (160) REF. SImpSOn Strong—Tie STU 8 — MSTA24 18 11" 24 18-10d 1025 1370 1640 7, 40. 90 LUS46 - SIMPSON CONSTRUCTION TOTAL ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS NAIL CODE MODEL L N (TOTAL)FASTENERS SPACING REF. HD2A TAKE-UP WASHER N0. USE UNLESS GA CUT LENGTH 2 oc. (LENGTH L (100) (133 / 160) OF ROLL IN A ROW NOTE: ALL HANGERS TO BE USED ON THIS PROJECT Simpson Strong—Tie CERTIFIED BY A CS16 150' 14" 16 CLEAR SPAN +31" 28-8d 1235 1650 2�" 7, 40, 90 ARE TO BE TOP MOUNTED UNLESS OTHERWISE H6 NOTED. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ALL NOTES MODEL DIMENSIONS FASTENERS DIN. — N ON THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION DETAIL "F" PROFESSIONAL NO. GA W H B HEADERS JOISTS AVG UPLIFT FLOOR 100 SNOW 115 ROOF 125 CODE BY A LICENSE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, PLACES lod 16d ULT. (133)(160) 10d 16d 10d 16d 10d 16d REF• ALL LIABILITIES ON THE CONTRACTOR. rr " CN W ENGINEER LUS46 18 3 4 " 2 4-16d 4-16d 6076 1140 1160 — 1000 — 1150 1250 7, 40, 127 DETAIL I COUPLER NUT HUS210-2 14 3J 9 2 8-16d 8-16d 6076 1755 2105 — 1650 — 1900 2065 11, 36, 84, 122 ARTJ'x12 STU 5'— —FIR AR H PIN ALLOWABLE AD 8 FASTENERS UPLIFT UPLIFT LATERAL CODE (133/160) REF. N0. GA ULT. SIMPSON MODEL AVG TO RAFTERS TO PLATES TO STUDS (133) (160) F F2 160 TAKE—UP WASHER HGA10KT 14 4—SDSJ"x1�" 4—SDSJ"x3" 1523 435 435 1165 940 35 USE A MINIMUM OF S P 4 TWO 8d NAILS THISa ki U CN W— SIDE OF TRUSS. /COUPLER NUT S P 4 TOTAL FOUR /. m SE A MINIMUM OF ! PROJECT:: MTS16 sT" '— LSTA21 SIMPSON $" ANCHOR BOLTS 8d NAILS TWO 8d NAILS THIS MTS16 SIMPSON INTO TRUSS. SIDE OF TRUSS. °°0°0o TAKE—UP WASHER Strong—Ti e TOTAL FOUR /. O F!D2A PA I IN OTRUSS. L STA21 HUS210-2 SILVER S 4 HOLDfimu 1 LLCE 0 TWO o o F1 8 AILS o ii To ° 1135 SILVERMERE ROAD PLATES ° o o®o TWD ° GREENPORT NY 11944 EIGHT 8d NAILS o 8d NAILS INTO INTO o DETAIL "Ari STUD Simpson Strong—Tie PLATES op0 11�1 H7 8dG NAILS ® DETAIL "D" DETAIL "G" DETAIL "J" INTO STUD Simpson Strong—Tie ° H7 Simpson Strong—Tie DETAIL 1111 SCTM # 1000-47-02-15 EFTA ° ROD SYSTEM ° EFTA ° LFTA °°°°° ° o Ridge Strapping DRAWING TITLE: LSTA30 NOTE: DRAINAGE & ROOF RUNOFF NOTE AND CALCULATIONS °°°° ALL VENTS ARE TO BE LOCATED AT THE REAR OF THE HOUSE °00 °° BP ALL VENT PIPES ARE TO HAVE LEAD COATED COPPER SLEEVES / COVERS0100 RUN OFF FACTORS ASPHALT = 1.0 ROOF = 1.0 1 —0" DEEP POOL x 4 DIA ==12.58 cu.ft. per vertical ft. SIMPSON WINDLOAD V-0" DEEP POOL x 6' DIA. = 22.3 cu.ft. per vertical ft. CHARTS & CALCULATIONS V-0" DEEP POOL x•3' DIA. = 42.25 cu.ft. per vertical ft. V-0" DEEP POOL x 10' DIA. = 68.4 cu.ft. per vertical ft. / STRONG-TIE DETAILS ROOF AREA = 1604 sq/ft AND I' 2nd FLOOR LTP4 3" THROUGH ROOF V = A x R x c PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM ROOF A = 1604 sq/ft LTP4 3 3' " — 3 EXISTING —NG R 2 RAINFALL .17 ft LTP4 DETAIL "C" C = COEFF. = 1.0 NOTES: Simpson Strong-Tie Ridge Strapping 3,. V = 1604 x 1 x .166667 = 267 C.F. THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF THE SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE Floor-to-Floor Connections Detail GUEST BATHROOM DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFFIXED HERETO. INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL LTP4 DETAIL "$" 3 2" 3" 2" 267 / 42.25 VERTICAL FT. / FT = 6.3 V.F. FIELD CONDI1fIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND BE SOLEY RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD FIT. THE DESIGN PROFFESSIONAL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR OMM19ONS DUE TO UNKNOWN OR LTP4 DESIGN CRITERIA 3 USE (2) 8 DIA, POOL 3-6 DEEP = 7.0 V.F. UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS AND OR ADDITIONS BASED UPON COMMENTS NOT Simpson Strong—Tie 2n0 OR FORMALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS REVISION TO THESE PLANS. APPLICATION BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, AND PARTS THEREOF SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAFELY SUPPORT FLOOR st FLOOR — Floor—to—Floor Connections ALL LOADS,INCLUDING DEAD LOADS, LIVE LOADS, ROOF LOADS, FLOOD LOADS, SNOW LOADS, WIND LOADS AND 2 3 3„2 267 / 68.4 VERTICAL FT. / FT = 3.9 V.F. SEAL: DATE: SEISMIC LOADS AS PRESCRIBED BY THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 3 3.. USE (1) 10' DIA. POOL 4'-0" DEEP = 4.0 V.F. DECEMBER,14 2021 ALL SIMPSON HANGERS HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY AN ENGINEER TO HAVE A CAPACITY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE SHALL RESULT IN A SYSTEM 3 3 2 PROJECT NO: EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE REQUIRED AMOUNT CALCULATED FOR EACH CASE. THAT PROVIDES A COMPLETE LOAD PATH THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TRANSFER OF LOADS FROM 3' 2" �— 1135-2022 THEIR POINT OF ORIGIN THROUGH THE LOAD—RESISTING ELEMENTS TO THE FOUNDATION. BUILDINGS AND POOLS TO BE PLACED ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF �3 J'3SID, DRAWN BY: NO SUBSTITUTIONS STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTED AS PRESCRIBED BY THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK ARE DEEMED TO HOUSE AND/OR LEADERS TO BE PIPED TO All framing hardware shown on these plans, COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION, BDK POOLS (1/2 OF THE ROOF TO DRAIN TO EACH ��• �•� CHECKED BY: unless otherwise indicated, is Simpson Strong-Tie. ALTERNATE PROVISIONS: POOL MAINTAIN MIN. OF 20 FEET FROM SEPTIC „11 'J No substitutions are approved or authorized. 4" F.A. VENT 2„QQ PP AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK, THE FOLLOWING ABOVE GRADE 1 A SHEET NUMBER: Due to the relationships of framing hardware to STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN. 'st O �' SYSTEM AND MIN. OF 10 FEET FROM FOUNDATION), FLOOR SLAB the other components of the structure, any framing WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY 3 3" 3" TO SCWA APPROVEO Z nir. ^ hardware substitutions will render these plans WITH THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM (NTS) SEWER SYSTEM ALL COVERS TO BE TRAFFIC BEARING IF LOCATED IN AREA n1r~� �"' 'd of Apipeal [V�2 null and void, and will result in the installer/contractor WHERE TRAFFIC IS TO BE PRESENT, assuming responsibility for the desig-i and 1. AWC WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) performance of the entire system. 2.AIS1 STANDARD FOR COLD—FORMED STEEL FRAMING — PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE—AND TWO FAMILY IF A MULTIPLE POOL SYSTEM IS USED AROUND THE DOB NUMBER: OF DWELLINGS (AISI—S230) HOUSE THEN EQUAL PROPORTIONS OF THE ROOF SHALL 3. ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) BE DIVERTED TO EACH POOL. © KEHL-DESIGN•ASSOCIATES, U-c i EAST SIDE Hill A,; EXISTING EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN -6" '-11 It$ 11'-0 " '-2g" 16'-5" '_7" KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC 3080 Door 6080 / 2080SL Door Existing - I i� pp 96"x 96" Pictu re Unit residential & commercial design a consulting 2x12 Rafters - 24°oc. I Outside Wool Height Above - j�,t.31" I the Floor is 183.5" P0.Box 1675 phone: (631)433-9084 9 52 I I Southold,New York 11971 E-Mail; ssbn654@oplonline.net 4 COX Roof Sheathing �1 � 15b felt or Equal -� j j ir'i JCL `^ ADA oo o I 4' 8" - 16'-L11 8 26 -114 - in GAF Architectural Roof Shingles I 1 ❑ w Bath "' in I ,° - R-38 InsuI ion I I I Kehl Design Associates,LLC o formerly D A K Associates.LLC Exposed 2x6 Spruce Deckin E X. 2 x 5 @ 48"o c. � � 7'-3" i s9gSly.{.;F9 «, .ram:'` si.';;.'< ^_ Truss 4'-O°oc. o _ I I 11—Truss 4'-0°oc. Q I C� C-� • 3 OWNERSHIP & USE OF DOCUMENTS: I I 2x4 Stud's 16"oc. 8 r^ J N These drawings and specifications including the R-15 Insulation o �� 1„ w Ex. 2x6 Exposed Sub Rafters - 24"oc. I I o 2 Soffit I I 3'_7 7 I ideas,therein, age the propen and r y of KEHL ements DESIGNEx. Exposed 2x6 Spruce Decking Top of Wall Top of Walt 4 _2 I ASSOCIATES, LLC. No part thereof shall be -1" � I copied, disclosed to others or used in connection (2)2x4 Top Plate 3 " 7'-3" r with any work or project other than for which �" Exterior Sheathing OFFICE �I I 00 7W24310 I I they have been prepared without written consent. ix Fall Plankinginkler >� R-13 Insulation AREA � I I ® system 0 1 ADA „ I N �I 17 locker Bath I� 2x4 Stud's 16"oc. _I I Cedar Shingle Roof 1 = K) 0 ::D) l o VerifyRPZ v� Io Restaurant Area j R11-25-19 �I I Dimensions e COX Roof Sheathing Do I•- 2x4 Sill 4' COX Sheathing i I I 2x4 Sill 2x6 Rafters - 16"oc. °x I J 03-05-23 Match Floor Height R-300 Insulation o r I 0 ; g 0 04-20-23 I Reach-In Reach-In Waiter I x o I 2x8 Floor Joists 2x8 Floor Joists 2x8 Floor Joists dut, tx6 R/S Cedar Fascia FL w ® co cooler Cooler Station 31 N w o R-30 Insulation R-30 Insulation Match Ceiling Height Match Ceiling Height N — -- 8" u, 2 1 2x8 Box Beom W I I R-30D Insulation 1x6 R/S Cedar Soffit J 13'-1" (2)2x4 Top Plate 2x4 Top Plates Shelf 2z4 Top Plates 2'-1 N " Exterior Sheathing 1x Wall Planking I �I I Shelf 3068 I , Elev. of Floors in R-13 Insulation I'- Shelf in Utility Rm i I �' © COPYRIGHT 2023 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. KITCHEN BATHROOM �I , to be the Some Tonk o 2x4 Stud's 16°oc. AREA AREA �I I 2x4 Stud's 16°oc. 2x4 Stud's 16"oc. as the Elev. of Q' 1, 3 I y ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE PROTECTED �nao the Floor in the 101 of I R-15 Insulation Counter R-15 Insulation RPZ Containment oI o I� UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW. 31 I and the Slab Outside = - 0 Kitchen W I 0 PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT I I the Door o0 o I J WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. 2x4 Shoe I ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF 2z4 Sill I I - Anchor Bolls 4" PC. Slob , I Ca et �,a Existing r� I `� I I 2z4 Sill 2x4 Sill i rn Door P 036DD a KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. Utility ShedC]I) W THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE = Ceiling Height Above the Floor is 91.75" 13' 1' X PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER, WITH WRITTEN 8" CMU. Foundation 8., F Bar Area CN PROOF OF PURCHASE. 16"x8" Conc. Ftg. EP� - P Min. 3'-0" Below to u� Final Grade. 15 Risers 14 Treads i WORK NOTES: 11 200 200 200 19'-2�" SH LVE T i 0 N rX� Amp Amp AmpCROSS SEC SECTIONrC�� Pgel I POI SHEL ES SHELVES Outside Wall Height Above the Floor i 18 " 00 SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" 1/4" 101 M 31,-4 1 11'-01, J 1„ OF t4,0 1 y0 SCALE: = 1'-0" I ^� � 6 • EXISTING EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN WEST SIDE. p 05909, FIRST FLOOR PLAN UNIT 35. B of SIONPv� A 1 2x12 Rafters - 24"oc. ' 4" CDX Roof Sheathing �1 1 1 SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" Ice and Water Sheild GAF Architectural Roof Shingles R-38 Insul lion 15'—7J" EX. 2x6 @ 48 oc. 12'-8J" 2'-1 1" 36'-02" Ex. 2x6 Exposed Sub Rafters - 24"oc. Soffit Exposed 2x6 Spruce Decking Ex. AR31v Ice and Water Shield m Outsid wail Heigh, Above 10 I III I II II II II II II Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to 1z6 Azek Fascia m t e Floor Is ��" I I I I build without the authorization of local governing agencies, such (2)2x4 Top Plate ' 1' II I I I III , II II II II II ll ias Suffolk Count Dept. of Health Services, own Building 3,. Provide Simpson Hu ricone Tydown® �'-1 32 I I 31 I I II I II I I II I I II II a Exterior Sheathing II II 2 ll I I y p ' T g Departments, DEC, FEMA, etc. Verify all conditions, codes, and Ix wall tanking it II I I I III I I) li II II II II requirements with such agencies prior to construction. Blue Skin House Wrap or Equal (� 2X6 Rafters 16"oc• I I Cedar tiding® i = {{ II z I= I III I II II II II !I II 2x4 Stud's 16"oc PROVIDE HURRICANE STRAPPING IN ACCORDANCE WITH a II II F- I~ O I 1 III i II II ll II II II R-13 Insulation THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE s_ 3_-- Q Ceiling Height _I I I 1 I -----i�the Fluor is o2"��---- I� III I II II II II II II PROJECT: X the Floor is 102" N BAR AND II II w I l I i III i II !I II II II II 3 II II II I I t° Ills II II II II II II SILVER SANDS RESTAURANT ALL HEADERS ARE TO BE co I I I I I I J I II I II U UII UII 011 UII UI I AREA (2)1,"X 71" UA-UNLESS N 11 II " I I 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHERWISE NOTED II II II N I� II w III �11 0 E a a Ili II �II �II �l! �II 0ell 4" Exterior Sheathing 1z Wall Planking NOTE: PROVIDE FIRE BREAKS OII all 011 I o:3. 1 III 1 11 11 II 11 11 �11 MOTEL g AS PER II _ II - 11 moo I Ill I II @ @II @II @II @il @II 00 2X6 Rafters 16"ocl I I THE 2020 -I-II �t II III I Ih I II 1011 U'll WIl III U'II 2x4 Stud's 16"oc. o II 0 II II 0 III I I Q) 0 con Q)i BUILDING CODE OF R-131nsuialion NEW YORK STATE @ �, @ @ �, r) III ill I II fn III v,ll �►i III III 135 SILVERMERE ROAD ►I �- ll SD II � 13 ' III + II III III III III ill GREENPORT NY 11944 2x4 Sill + =�, (n Q (n (n Q = , L L L L >_ Kv 2x4 ACO Sal N c 4 Mill (DII o 4 Q)II to I , Ili III— t-11 I—II Anchor Bolts 4" PC. Slab N a III v III call v N to I 1111 III (DII (II (DII III toll ' BOAT HOUSE 35 N III 4= ill III 4= " la I i Ili i IIN NII NII NII NII NII N 8" CMU. Foundotio o 1--II ~►1 o I qY I I II„ II I► I► II II II SCTM # 1000-47-02-15 16"x8" Conc. Fig. III all III j r_ I I I If1 I II II II II II II Min. 3' 0" Below Nil NII NII I I I I I DRAWING TITLE: Final Grade. - o mNo I I.� , , II II it II II II II II II I� ; Ili II II II II II II PRE-EXISTING o II II II I Ia II„ II II II II II II 2X6 Rafters 16"oc. o N II ll II I ,� lilt II II II II II II T FLOOR PLANS CROSS - SECTION B N of 4 I1 II ICI--¢ II I II 11 II II I► II AS NOTED w ul I I —_ I I � �3 -9. SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" o1 II CeilingHeillht Above II II III Ili i II II II II II II NOTES: -----II---__ roo is �a-"---^-11------- - II ll II 11 Il II THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF THE SERVICE ANO ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE II IIIl ll ll II II II ll DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFFIXED HERETO. INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ci II II oil o II I II II II II II ll PR;OSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL o FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND BE SOLEY RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD FIT. THE r II II r II II I II II II II II II DESIGN CRITERIA � o DN DESIGN PROFFESSIONAL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR OMMISIONS DUE TO UNKNOWN OR n II II n II II I II II II II I1 II UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS AND OR ADDITIONS BASED UPON COMMENTS NOT - 4' 1 1 q3" II I II II II 11 II II FORMALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS REVISION TO THESE PLANS. APPLICATION BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, AND PARTS THEREOF SHALL BE I CONSTRUCTED TO SAFELY SUPPORT outside wai eight Above ALL LOADS,INCLUDING DEAD LOADS, LIVE LOADS, ROOF LOADS, FLOOD LOADS, SNOW LOADS, WIND LOADS AND ---I1----tne F>orlts so.5 -- `-- II II II II II II SEAL: DATE: SEISMIC LOADS AS PRESCRIBED BY THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK, THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DECEMBER,14 2021 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE SHALL RESULT IN A SYSTEM PROJECT N0: THAT PROVIDES A COMPLETE LOAD PATH THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS ;FOR THE TRANSFER OF LOADS FROM A B THEIR POINT OF ORIGIN THROUGH THE LOAD-RESISTING ELEMENTS TO THE ;FOUNDATION. BUILDINGS AND 1135-2022 STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTED AS PRESCRIBED BY THE 2020 BUILDING CODE bF NEW YORK ARE DEEMED TO DRAWN BY: DK COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION. (� CHECKED BY: ALTERNATE PROVISIONS: '-2" ��---5'-6�" '"' • RB AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK, THE FOLLOWING 1 YAP I A SHEET NUMBER: STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN. 15'-74" 36'-02" JA 02� WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY —� Existing Walls To Remain V-84" Al 01 WITH THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. "123AC7'�dk i 1. AWC WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) PLAN UNIT 3 5 Optional N ew Walls SECOND FLOOR DOB NUMBER: OF 2.AIS1 STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISI-S230) SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" r , Walls To Be Removed 3. ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) L--------J © KEHL°DESIGN°ASSOCIATES, ic I ' c-r r r i 719 j11 0, 1, 11 111 , 111,a, ,ll, I KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC residential & commercial design e consulting '' ,I q1 ' 11 ,fti ,I I I I I I �11 Iii PO.Box 1675 phone: (631)433-9084 I Southold,New York 11971 E-Mail: ssbn654@optonline.net WJ1�l Kehl Design Associates,LLC o formerly D A K Associates,LLC OWNERSHIP & USE OF DOCUMENTS: AILiLi These drawings and specifications including the ideas, design and arrangements represented therein, are the property of KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. No part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used in connection with any work or project other than for which they have been prepared without written consent. REV. 11-25-19 03-05-23 04-20-23 I NORTH ELEVATION- WEST ELEVATION- SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" WORK NOTES: PEE of NeW Y O,Q a BPS A�9� � Ii I 1 J) 2 �• 0570�'y �� I AROFfSS10NP� I r i I n I �L I ' I llIW 1 J11� �L11i L Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to LLI 11 11 1 11 1 11 1 IJ II III�'I I build withrout the authorization of local governing agencies, such 1 as Suffolk: County Dept. of Health Services, Town Building Departments, DEC, FEMA, etc. Verify all conditions, codes, and i II requirements with such agencies prior to construction. �co PROJECT: I I i SILVER SAINEDS MOTEL RPz Box 1135 SILVERMERE ROAD GREENPORT NY 11944 I BOAT HOUSE 35 SCTM # 1000-47-02-15 SOUTH ELEVATION- EAST ELEVATION DRAWING TITLE: ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" AS NOTED NOTES: THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF THE SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFFIXED HERETO. INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND BE SOLEY RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD FIT. THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR OMMISIONS DUE TO UNKNOWN OR DESIGN CRITERIA UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS AND OR ADDITIONS BASED UPON COMMENTS NOT FORMALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS REVISION TO THESE PLANS. APPLICATION BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, AND PARTS THEREOF SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAFELY SUPPORT ALL LOADS,INCLUDING DEAD LOADS, LIVE LOADS, ROOF LOADS, FLOOD LOADS, SNOW LOADS, WIND LOADS AND SEAL: DATE: SEISMIC LOADS AS PRESCRIBED BY THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DECEMBER,14 2021 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE SHALL RESULT IN A SYSTEM PROJECT NO: THAT PROVIDES A COMPLETE LOAD PATH THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TRANSFER OF LOADS FROM THEIR POINT OF ORIGIN THROUGH THE LOAD—RESISTING ELEMENTS TO THE FOUNDATION. BUILDINGS AND 1135-2022 DRAWN BY: STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTED AS PRESCRIBED BY THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK ARE DEEMED TO PROVIDE HURRICANE STRAPPING IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION. THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE ��13 BDK CHECKED BY: ALTERNATE PROVISIONS: RB AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK, THE FOLLOWING ALL HEADERS ARE TO BE © COPYRIGHT 2023 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC. BAN 11 SHEET NUMBER: STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN. (2)13/"X 7d' LVL UNLESS ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE PROTECTED ZOZ4 WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY OTHERNSE NOTED UNDER FEDER4L COPYRIGHT LAW. A201 WITH THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. =�gatd PLANS MAY t�OT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT pfApmals 1. AWC WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) NOTE: PROVIDE FIRE" BREAKS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. AS PER ALL PLANS APD DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE 2020 DOB NUMBE771 OF 2.AIS1 STANDARD FOR COLD—FORMED STEEL FRAMING — PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE—AND TWO FAMILY KEHL DESIGN 4SSOCIATES, LLC. DWELLINGS (AISI—S230) BUILDHEWING CODE STATE OF THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER, WITH WRITTEN © KEHL•DESIIGN•ASSOCIATES, u.c 3. ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) PROOF OF PURCHASE. �H 93 s"L-- I W dJp) r' s �( 2 3 � ' 1 - SILVER 0 P1 $ Y a / S�7� _ �17 / _ � - Lf e J V 0 J ,n 14 20 1JA1G) 21 8 O 23 I+�� /..• 24 25-1 4, Qe- �� e A 4 a H CO, • �� SCgNOMrIe LYm --SQI-- HIOm,ONntl Lme --H-- UNLF55ORIMM OIHERWSE.ALLPROPER11E5 u�Lxlwx THE FaugMxaosTwcrs NOTICE ryatiroa `� COUNTY OF SUFFOLK C O FieomMttr --P-- ��miaL� --R-- 50100. 10 SEWER WWD NNNTENANCE,ALTERATION.SALE OR 7 Real Property Tax Service Ager WamdlAd Liw ——W—— Ktlmd D¢M Lim——MSr—— FlRE 31 NYDWWT DISTRIBUTION OF ANY PORTION OTHE -- LIUN DkvY.l Liv ——L—— Ame�u�Dm�n Lme——•—— � ae REFURE �• � County Canter Rlverheatl,N Y 11901 SUFFOLK COUNTYTAX MAP IS PROHIBITED SCALE IN FEET. P.M1ONMfBw --P-- Yiatlowalermaw Lun--YMN-- NAS Tc WLg1ENglER IMTHOLIT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE ` �`"�pS� im o Ito �0 ----- .,DWh,IhC -5-- REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE AGENCY ��"�