HomeMy WebLinkAbout51486-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51486 Date: 12/17/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Mariland LLC 149 Dosoris Ln Glen Cove, NY 11545 To: construct single-family dwelling with swimming pool addition as applied for per SCHD approval. Premises Located at: 1355 Little Peconic Bay Rd, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM# 111.41-26.3 Pursuant to application dated 10/11/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector, To expire on 12/17/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Single Family Dwelling-NEW $4,901.00 SWIMMING POOLS-IN-GROUND WITH FENCE ENCLOSURE $300.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total S5,301.00 Building Inspector n, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 llit ://WW . oatl''aol'dtowain .s Date Received APPLICATION ,. .. o For Office Use Only , PERMIT NO., Building Inspector: ,L- 1 " Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. D 11 ate: OWNER(S)4F P PERTY: Name: d 00- Project Address. " Phone#: Email: Mailing Address: CONTACT PERSON: Name: Mailing Address: Al Phone#: — Email: �1 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: ( r Mailing Address: -1 .1L,2"�� L& Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: ZZ -"69 LL " Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $ Will the lot be re-graded? [ es ❑No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes 2<0 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property: / Zone or use district in which premises is s'tuated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes ❑No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. BoxAter Reading,i� ing', The owner/contractor/design/contractor/desiagn professional Is responsible for all drainage and stwa�rrn water tissues as providers by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in buikiingls)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 220.45 of the New York State Penal law. 5 Application Submitted By(pri ame): 9 wi1 r ds Authorized Agent 00wwner Signature of Applicant:r. "Ir Date: I CONNIE D.BUNCH STATE OF NEW YORK) Notary Public,State of New York SS: No.01 BU6185050 Qualified in Suffolk County COUNTY OF Commission Expires April 14,2 bax a being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, Ae is the, (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this `lay of V . 20 6" Notary Public ffR0,E9RTY OWNERro AUTHORIZATION .mm (Where the applicant is not the owner) I, residing at o hereby authorize A, to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. L b l ll Owner'SNSkature Date Print Ow er's Name 2 WMEMMMMMMMA Scott A. Russell STO>]KIA�l WATIE][. SUPERVISOR MA\NX G)ENCENT SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL-P.O.Box 1179 T (� ,, �] 53095 Main Road-SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 l own o Southol L CHAPTER 236 - STOkMWATER MANAGEMENT RIEVERRAL FORM _ v 4 ( APPLICANT INFORMATION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT a QNLY FOR PROPERTIES ONE ACRE IN AREA OR LARGER. ) APPLICANT: (Property Owner-,. eSign Pr Iona�Agent, — � — � � �I r -. gent, Contractor, Other) lid NAME: Giiuse e Adra na Date: s yy ftinfl 6� f 12/12/2024 �99 XYl ' Contact Information; a2arch16 rna"rl.couri i (G:Nail 8 Telephone Numher) 516 269-2461 06� ii r r i� Property Address / Location of Construction Site: '`?G S.C.T.M. #: 1000 1355 Little Peconic Bay Road. District Cutchogue NY 11935 11 26.3 Section Block Loa 11 t 1 . �., it K� air TO BE COMPLETED BY SOUTHOLD TOWN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT " ll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Area of Disturbance is less than I Acre. No S.P.D.E.S. i� �•n, `it is Required! Project does Not Discharge to Waters of the State. No S.R .E.S. Permit is Required ! r: Area of Disturbance is Greater than 1 Acre& Storm-water Runoff Discharges Directly to Waters of the State of New York. THE APPLICANT MUST OBTAIN a S.P..D.E.S. Permit DIRECTLY From N.Y.S. D.E.C. Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit. !i - Area of Disturbance is Greater than 1 Acre &Storm-water Runoff Flows Through Southold Towns MS4 Systems to Waters of the State of New York. THE APPLICANT MUST OBTAIN i, a S.P.D.E.S. Permit through the Southold Town Engineerin& Department, oa� Prior to Issuance of a Buildin Permit,_ ' E7 r ° Reviewed By: Date: r ' FOR M # CMr P-T(1C(lrrnhPr 7n 14 tcef, ve 17/�'q ill 43 mane N21°1l'30" o.. $ Ex� as"PIT 1if P ` im � �'� � ;•�':� �_ �' - .... .., ._._�._- ��� '�� ',� ] z 3 _� 3 s � me. - - NO 1 C-3 c=a j g x 1 _bR 3 a n9� ze i b. amfco ;® Io To a AF2CNITECTURAL SITE PLAN , i 'I� _ c;jaz" � b _ ------------- To T 6 _ —+-� y ;9 a rssaae .°wsu¢oaan wrvw rta..e eaexnvx, `E £, 112 t 2-STOP JL=1NCz PATIO aEVE - € k���- ;gam s (ll5 sF.) f wln. n �. f =t ,o iA nar'L _ w a �tti - . .rr.. CELLAR` 23.00 F .R -. ux r'rx vr� _ - Eu EE n E _ N a ]] (2611 FT,1 1 cy� Lea 4°a� 'C DRYWEIL 9 t 2� - 10 ?ATo 191T. fi 4 _ EREEZEWAT �a� ..� � 1 ,j E �' "..` _ raiLrK ra 1t w - a �k — E 253 8G2FTJ s rNTCJ€ �t ADRAGNA DESIGNS�LLC T=. °3r a Ewa z.eto r� - DRIVEWAY11 CsAP.AGE .-§ JJ 355 Little 2c21 saFT. ,4 j Sa sa0 "rx.a.�n F Pe i�a1cBxY 8x, r SITE PLAN scwwm _ "? 6 _ ==1=-1 n��,a1E To To - 1 w��a x,awn 5P 100.0 C N,43® 4 L jj e TE FLAN 9 Generated by Scheck-Web Software Compliance Certificate Project 1355 Little Peconic Bay - Malakidis Energy Code: 2018 IECC Location: Cutchogue, New York Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Project SubType: None Conditioned Floor Area: 7,307 ft2 Glazing Area 22% Climate Zone: 4 (5572 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: All Electric false Is Renewable false Has Charger false Has Battery: false Has Heat Pump: false Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 1355 Little Peconic Bay Green Works Energy Specialist Inc. Cutchogue, NY 11935 Info@HERSrating.us Compliance: 7.2%Better Than Code Maximum 1 880 Your 1 817 Maximum SHGC: 0.40 Your SHGC: 0.31 The%Better or worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Slab-on-grade tradeoffs are no Monger considered in the UA or performance compliance Ipath in RESclheck. Each slab-on-grade assembly in the specified climate zone must meet the nniinimum energy code insulation R•-value and depth requirements. Eamelue Gross Area Cavity Cont. Prop. Req. Prop. Req, Perimeter Zed Floor Ceiling: Cathedral Ceiling 3,097 38.0 0.0 0.027 0.026 84 81 1st Floor Ceiling: Cathedral Ceiling 100 38.0 0.0 0.027 0.026 3 3 Exterior Walls: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 5,427 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 240 252 Mud Door: Solid Door(under 50%glazing) 20 0.250 0.320 5 6 Windows: Wood Frame 1,205 0.300 0.320 362 386 SHGC: 0.31 Wall to Garage: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 153 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 9 9 Cantilever:All-Wood Joist/Truss 60 30.0 0.0 0.033 0.047 2 3 Slab on Grade: Slab-On-Grade(Unheated) Insulation depth:4.0' 37 10.0 0.640 0.700 0 0 Insulation position: Horizontal Insulation Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay- Malakidis Report date: 12/13/24 Data filename: Page 1 of10 Gross Area Cavity Cont. Prop. Req. Prop. Req. Perimeter Basement Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry Wall height: 9.0' 2,295 0.0 14.0 0.047 0.059 107 134 Depth below grade: 8.0' Insulation depth: 9.0' Bsmt Ext Door: Solid Door(under 50%glazing) 20 0.250 0.320 5 6 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in REScheck Version : REScheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory 97�:: d in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. AJ Afkham-Certified IECC/HERS Compliance Specialist 12/13/2024 Name-Title JiqqnturtDate Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay- Malakidis Report date: 12/13/24 Data filename: Page 2 of10 REScheck Software Version : REScheck-Web Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2018 IECC Requirements: 100.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. section Plans Verified Field Verified # Pre-Inspection/Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions &Re ID' Value Value 103.1, ,Construction drawings and ❑Com lies Requirement will be met. 103.2 documentation demonstrate ���„/ '/fit /� //�',, ❑Does Not PRl energy code compliance for the [ l 9Y P j building envelope.Thermal /„ /��° / , ' r ' //it ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable / envelope represented On m/ Construction documents. 103.1, ;Construction drawings and '"'j% /;,// '; ✓,/%'' ' ' ' %a%❑Com lies 'Requirement will be met. 103.2, documentation demonstrate °' / / / ,, /, // /„❑Does Not 403.7 ;energy code compliance for i�j'%'%�%% /�,'�' ' /' ❑Not Observable [PR3]1 ;lighting and mechanical systems Systems serving multiple 'r�%/' ;'rig '�' ' ' ' ,❑Not Applicable dwelling units must demonstrate compliance with the IECC -W, //// !Commercial Provisions. 302.1, ;Heating and cooling equipment is; Heating: Heating: '❑Complies Requirement will be met. 403.7 asized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr Btu/hr ❑Does Not [PR2]2 on loads calculated per ACCA Cooling: Cooling: Manual] or other methods ❑Not Observable i approved by the code official. Btu/hr Btu/hr �IONot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 12 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay- Malakidis Report date: 12/13/24 Data filename: Page 3 of10 section Plans V ril`led ietd erlfied . # Faundatlon Inspection value W'alue ColinPlies� Carnwrnentslseara�ptipns &Re .�1C 402.1.2 °Slab edge insulation R-value. R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [FO1]1 ❑ Unheated j❑ Unheated T❑Does Not table for values. 00 ❑ Heated ❑ Heated ❑Not Observable j❑Not Applicable 402.1.2 Slab edge insulation ft ft '❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [17O311 depth/length. ❑Does Not table for values. a f❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1 Conditioned basement wall R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [FO4]1 insulation R-value. Where interior: R_ R_ %❑Does Not table for values. pinsulation is used,verification imay need to occur during f❑Not Observable Insulation Inspection. Not j❑Not Applicable ,required in warm-humid locations in Climate Zone 3. 303.2 PConditioned basement wall `❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FO511 insulation installed per ❑Does Not manufacturer's instructions. E3Not Observable ' ❑Not Applicable 402.2.9 Conditioned basement wall ft ft `❑Comp Iles See the Envelope Assemblies [FO611 insulation depth of burial or r❑Does Not ;table for values. distance from top of wall. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303 2 i protective covering is i� ��� „� �,�❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [F o� protect exposed exterior , ❑Does Not insulation and extends a 9 ' /,,,, , ! i „ %..❑Not Applicable e „minimum of 6 in. below grade. �� Not Observable it ii�/%i /°i i i /t 403.9 Snow-and ice-melting system ,� �,�, 1i� ;�,,i /,,, i,, �irn❑Complies 'Requirement will be met. [FO12)2 bcontrolsinstalled. ❑DOeSNOI i i� /�/�� � D � /// l i/ i�❑NOt Observable ';❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 111 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay- Malakidis Report date: 12/13/24 Data filename: Page 4 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # JFraming/Rough-in Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Re .ID 402.1.1, ;Door U-factor. U U- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.4 ❑Does Not table for values. [FR1]1 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, ;Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U- U- k❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.1, Qaverage). I❑Does Not table for values. 402.3.3, 402.5 ENot Observable [FR2]1 t❑Not Applicable 303.1.3 U-factors of fenestration products; �'�'�j�/�/ �,� �� �" Complies Requirement will be met. [FR4]1 are determined in accordance "'❑Does Not <with the NFRC test procedure or "taken from the default table. % !❑Not Observable r �` ❑Not Applicable 1402,4,1*1 ;Air barrier and thermal barrieri❑Complies Requirement will be met. ii [FR23]1 :installed per manufacturer's �i/ ,!' ❑Does Not instructions. is / ' Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site built ' , ;❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR20]1 is listed and labeled as meeting ❑Does Not AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/LS.2/A440 /i, ❑Not Observable ° or has infiltration rates per NFRC �/� Rio/oa i,,, �i° � /� i �� 400 that do not exceed code " �j/ '��j� /6 �, �❑Not Applicable limits. "' ' "�/ °' �/402.4.5 9IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures ❑Complies Requirement will be met., ,// �, ,�%, � �/ � ,/ � i 2 [FR16] sealed at housing/interior finish ❑Does Not and labeled to indicate s2.0 cfm ;� ��,❑Not Observable leakage at 75 Pa. %„❑Not Applicable 403.3.1 Supply and return ducts in attics r% j i%%%/° i%ji , ' ;%/ ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR12]1 insulated >= R-8 where duct is /� //fir Gt� i�/ /�/, it/��`❑ j/r 1/ �/i/✓ %ii �i'0�i /r,, Does Not >= 3 inches in diameter and > ❑Not Observable R-6 where < 3 inches. Supply and return ducts in other portions of �f''� %��/ °' % i�/ ' % ❑Not Applicable the building insulated >= R-6 for diameter>= 3 inches and R-4.2 %//for< 3 inches in diameter. 403.3.2 ;Ducts, air handlers and filter /❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR13]1 boxes are sealed with ;, �, i��� �''❑Does Not !Joints/seams compliant with14 i1 :International Mechanical Code or r ,/// t„ %//;�/, �/ „/ � /� ❑Not Observable/ International Residential Code,as ,�� / / , / � ,� �" / ❑Not Applicable applicable. f 403.3.5 Building cavities are not used as ❑Complies 'Requirement will be met. [FR15]3 ducts or plenums. ,/'� ���/ ` % ���' /�� �%;o��i ❑Does Not Not Observable ;� ,e r ,%,.r,m � ' ' ; ,��;;;❑Not Applicable 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay- Malakidis Report date: 12/13/24 Data filename: Page 5 of10 section Plans Verified Field Verified # Framing/Rough-In Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Re .ID 403.3.7 Ducts declared to be within the i,/ /„j j j /j / i / ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [ ]3 p ) "" "� 1��"" i ❑Does Not FR28 'conditioned space are either 1 r i�� completely within the continuous Ail air barrier and within the buildin %i; ,,,��i %� ��,'�� �� ! ,❑Not Observable thermal envelope, 2) buried !��'� ��i° ❑Not Applicable within ceiling insulation in accordance with Section R403.3.6 and the air handler is located completely within the i continuous air barrier and within ithe building thermal envelope and the duct leakage is <= 1.5 ji f r j j;/; ° ;; ,cfm/100 square feet of /�/„ �/� ��, Ir' �, lf" conditioned floor area served by the duct system,or 3)the ceiling insulation R-value installed against and above the insulated ,duct>=to the proposed ceiling insulation R-value, less the R- •value of the insulation on the 403.4 HVAC piping conveying fluids R- R- ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR17]2 I above 105 °F or chilled fluids ❑Does Not ubelow 55°F are insulated to >_R- 3. ;[_]Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.4.1 Protection of insulation on HVAC 1 /j/ ; f j/j j j ❑Complies Requirement will be met. ii i// � �%���ii� � � [FR24] piping r/ ��i �% ❑Does Not '' r,;;❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.5.3 ;Hot water pipes are insulated to R- R- ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR18]2 >_R-3. ❑Does Not j �,❑Not Observable i❑Not Applicable 403.6Automatic or gravity dampers are omplies Requirement will be met„ [FR19]2 installed on all outdoor air ❑Does Not i intakes and exhausts. i of Observable N . ' °..❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 ,Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay- Malakidis Report date: 12/13/24 Data filename: Page 6 of10 Section flans Verified field Verified Insulation Inspection Complies? Comments/'As urnptions JSa lta .l�' Valhi Value 303.1 °All Installed Insulation is labeled (�" '� `'� ' ' ' ° ' '', / „, , , ❑complies Requirement will be met. JI 13] �orthe installed R-valuesG'i ❑Does Not .. aprOVlded. ,❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, ;Floor insulation R-value. R- R- ❑Compl'ies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.6 ❑ Wood ❑ Wood ;❑Does Not stable for values. [IN1]1 ❑ Steel ❑ Steel ;❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303.2, Floor insulation installed per �,i%,' �',�� � ,,❑Complies Requirement will be met. 402.2.8 manufacturer's instructions and ' 'o ��'�� ��� y [IN2]1 ^in substantial contact with the 1�,';,, ;'��� i '� y®fees Not O"EINot Observable underside of the subfloor,or floor framing cavity insulation is in ❑Not Applicable contact with the top side of :sheathing,or continuous insulation is installed on the �- underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members. 402J,1, Wall insulation R-value. If this is a: R- R- ❑complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.5, mass wall with at least 1/z of the ❑ Wood ❑ Wood ,❑Does Not table for values. 4012.6 wall insulation on the wall ❑ Mass ❑ Mass ❑Not Observable [IN3]1 exterior,the exterior insulation „�u requirement applies(FR10). ❑ Steel ❑ Steel ❑Not Applicable 303.2 Wall insulation is installed per ❑complies Requirement will be met. [IN4]1 manufacturer's instructions. ,iv/�d� �����/%%"� % '' ' oaf �� � �i'i/ ��� /%/ �ii a �/ll v[]Does Not 4 '.,,,[]Not Observable ' ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 I High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay- Malakidis Report date: 12/13/24 Data filename: Page 7 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions &Re .ID g ' R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.1, Ceiling Insulation R value. �'Woad ❑ Wood ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.2, ❑ Steel ;❑ Steel j❑Not Observable 402.2.6 ❑Not Applicable [Fill 303.1.1.1, Ceiling insulation installed per , /i/,/�//�� i�/ ,��%� //, Domphies ;Requirement will be met. 303.2 !manufacturer's instructions. y// � � ' ° /��/ �i `iii�/;�� / �/� �/ / a� / es Not [FI211 Blown insulation marked every 1300 ft2 /o' //i/�, �,/ '[:]Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 4012.2.3 {Vented attics with air permeable l /� �!//,r,,, /; , ',!, / /❑� pn"tpiies ,Requirement will be met.„ [FI22]2 insulation include baffle adjacent es Not to soffit and eave vents that ❑Not Observable l extends over insulation. J; i///ii/ „! /,p;;,// (/ „//ir i,%' ❑Not Applicable 402.2.4 .Attic access hatch and door R- R- ;❑Complies Requirement will be met„ [FI311 insulation >_R-value of the ❑Does Not 'adjacent assembly. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.2 Blower door test @ 50 Pa. <=5 ACH 50 = ACH 50 =� ;❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI17]1 lath in Climate Zones 1-2, and j❑Does Not <=3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. C❑Not Observable l❑Not Applicable 403.3.3 o Ducts are pressure tested to cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI27]1 determine air leakage with ft2 l ft2 ElDoes Not Ueither: Rough-in test:Total ^leakage measured with a ❑Not Observable ;pressure differential of 0.1 inch ❑Not Applicable w.g. across the system including ;the manufacturer's air handler enclosure if installed at time of test. Postconstruction test:Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g. across the entire system including the manufacturer's air i l handler enclosure. 403.3.4 ;Duct tightness test result of<=4 '; cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI4]1 cfm/100 ft2 across the system or ft2 ft2 ❑Does Not <=3 cfm/100 ft2 without air handler @ 25 Pa. For rough-in ❑Not Observable ltests, verification may need to ❑Not Applicable . ;occur during,Framing Inspection, 403.3.2.1 IAir handler leakage designated' %'// //% % f/„i/ i' ;/i/i, /j/„❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI24]1 by manufacturer at<=2%of %%!% %,/;r j„f;%%'°1/ii %%'/' r'ii/// ❑ i �� Does Not design air flow. ❑Not Observable ❑NOt Applicable 403.Z.1 Programmable thermostats „ j%r%,///i ;j/i ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI9] :installed for control of primary i/ /%yjj,,;i„j!,/,////;; lj „❑Does Not ////j%i//, %/ / /i l/i heating and cooling systems and ( jf l/ !'' i i/ G/ / /i/„ / % /// / / ❑Not Observable initially set by manufacturer to i % ;/l it i% %°'%%j;" ❑Not Applicable code specifications. PP 403.1.2 Heat pump thermostat installed //j//, f'%///ji%l,/ %ii/%'//i j / ///'%❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI10]2 ion heat pumps, , ,❑Does Not ❑Not Observable /� /i /i / /i ��/�%%��� // /ii/'�,�• ❑Not Applicable 403.5.1 ",Circulating service hot water ,i%%/ ;iiij///'! //;,%/ f /i,„' "' %%;i ''/ // ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [Fill z s stems have automatic or !f /'/' %/, // '%'f %" 1 ^'accessible manual controls. ❑DOeS Not W, I Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay- Malakidis Report date: 12/13/24 Data filename: Page 8 of10 Section Plans'Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Re .ID 1 403.6.1 ,All mechanical ventilation system iii %%// %%/''r',i/' ;' '% ' ''O''Di' ❑Com lies Requirement will be met. [F125] Mans not part of tested and listed % f //; / %,/,/// %/%,//,,, %l"Does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy 'rG,//„ „r�/ j��'i,//�, �!���/ /�; " ❑Not Observable and air flow limits per Table l / � /% /, f ; /;%/'/❑Not Applicable R403.6.1. ✓li, %%%, /i/r,. �� Gv: pP 403.2 Hot water boilers supplying heat ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI26]2 'through one-or two-pipe heating ❑Does Not systems have outdoor setback {/ %� i% '° //''oi' %%, ❑Not Observable control to lower boiler water � '/��/ i� � � ' i//�/�/i / ' /�i / ❑Not Applicable utemperature based on outdoor ��,/�,,, 9/ ////// „ ,� /,/ �„�i , pp „temperature. 403.5.1.1 Heated water circulation systems ''ij/r„r;/���i �%''�'i%� „j/����� , �,;��'!❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F128]2 :have a circulation pump.The �,j �� �// ��,1���% i„'/ %j%,,;%�❑Does Not :system return pipe is a dedicated y p p ❑Not Observable ;return pipe or a cold water supply ❑Not Applicable pipe.Gravity and thermos- pp 'syphon circulation systems are i,not present. Controls for acirculating hot water system ypumps start the pump with signal for hot water demand within the occupancy. Controls automatically turn off the pump .xir"/ /�i�%% / When Water IS In CIfCUlatlOn IOOp � �%'�j%%%� i/� 4' is at set-point temperature and;no demand for hot water exists 403.5.1.2 Electric heat trace systems ,�/�' �/ /%//%/fit/'a %;' „ice , ;� KKM E]Complies Requirement will be met. [FI29]2 comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL ❑Does Not 515. Controls automatically :adjust the energy input to the f, '%j%;/ o //;'% ❑Nat Observable r /' ''❑Not Applicable heat tracingto maintain the ! 'desired water temperature in the ,% y " / 'i ' , 403.5.2 ;Demand recirculation water ����i�i//'/i,'i'��',�'i�„�//,'ji!',❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F130]2 ;'systems have controls that � ��� ,,�//i�;/, !�jy jr�'j��i/%%'%��1'%��r�lr`•❑Does Not :manage operation of the pump ❑Not Observable ;and limit the temperature of the � �� ;water enteringthe cold water �� ' 'i,' � //i ,'�/�/��� '/41EINot Applicable piping to<= 104-F. 403.5.4 "Drain water heat recovery units "%„/ %i���!�/�"//""%'i�/"'/�!!//"��%%/',/�'�❑Complies Requirement will be met. F131 2 "tested in accordance with CSA %'//i'" � ' '' ' /'/ ���j ji%�j%�" '❑ [ ] i / ��%�I/'/� � %ice//���� ii���% Does Not 655.1. Potable water-side i �%�'//% �''//'/ %"";/;"�' /;' �� 1%�,///i �,��i' / /�'/% ❑NotObservable pressure loss of drain water heat �/%� �i�i/"'�!///��/ �/,,,, Y P � ❑Not Applicable recover units < 3 psi for a individual Units connected t0 One or two showers. Potable water- side pressure loss of drain water /� W� y units G 2 p /� '/ �j� /� //j heat recovery it sl for / '%%%% ��/j%/i/ � % individual or more showears connected to th 404.1 90%or more of permanent ; /';%//jl%///G////i jo/ /J //Jiiil❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F16] 'fixtures have high efficacy lamps ❑Does Not Not Observable 1/ i J✓j /// //, llif,;,v „ ' / /// %/,,,„❑Not Applicable 404.1.1 ;Fuel gas lighting systems have ,%�,,,,,//fir/� / / ,//,�,❑Cttim p lies 'Requirement will be met. [F123]3 no continuous pilot light. ❑Does Not 4 a,/ 7G/i'ii i%/''/i///oi j%/�i/0%'i�i %° /'1 i / �-❑Not Observable ,,,'❑Not Applicable 401.3 'Compliance certificate posted. ° % '%i�//%' ��������'°/'�;'',;,o, '��i "I❑Com lies 'Requirement will be met. Does Not i ❑NOt Observable i /iii,%//r.° 1 ',1/ l / ;'e ❑Not Applicable ,�,< 5 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 12 IMediurn Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay- Malakidis Report date: 12/13/24 Data filename: Page 9 of10 Section plans Verified I field Verified it finial inspection Provisions Valma�u� Value Complies?piiesi� ConmmnentsiAs umptions +f Re .ID rr ro rr rr rrr rr / 'sC Complies Requirement will be met. F11 3 mechanical eand water e „ /r / ?,; G/ p r/ r rrr �//�% rr rr i� � � > �heating ��ri��//i/f /i r/r %/ r � r%/r�G�/�i/%/kFID4£5 Not systems have been provided, Qat Observable "EINot Applicable Additional Comirfrtients/Assunmptions: 1 I High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier ) Low Irnpact(Tier ) Project Title: 1355 Little Peconic Bay-Mala idis Report date.. 12/1 / 4 Data filenarne: Page 10 of10 Efficiency Certificate [�(j .................. 77 -- ------7­-­7------------ Above-Grade Wall 21.00 Below-Grade Wall 14.00 Floor 30.00 Ceiling / Roof 38.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): Door Rating U-Factor SHGC Window 0.30 0.31 Door 0.25 . . Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater: Name• Date: Comments 4TN A"T Workers' Certificate of Attestation of Exemption Compensation from New York State Workers' Compensation and/or Board Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Insurance Coverage **This form cannot be used to waive the workers'compensation rights or obligations of any party.** The applicant may use this Certificate of Attestation of Exemption ONLY to show a government entity that New York State specific workers'compensation and/or disability and paid family leave benefits insurance is not required. The applicant may NOT use this form to show another business or that business's insurance carrier that such insurance is not required. Please provide this form to the government entity from which you are requesting a permit,license or contract. This Certificate will not be accepted by government officials one year after the date printed on the form. In the Application of Business Applying For: (Legal Entity Name and Address): Building Permit Marliyu Malakidis From:Town of Southold 149 4 osoris Ln Glen Cove,NY 11542 PHONE:917-685-7171 FEIN:XXYXX4878 The location of where work will be performed is 1355 Little Peconic Rd,Cutchogue,NY 11935. Estimated dates necessary to complete work associated with the building permit are from November 15,2024 to November 14,2025. The estimated dollar amount of project is over$100„000 Workers'Compensation EveUgdon Statement: The above named business is certifying that it is NOT REQUIRED TO OBTAIN NEW YORK STATE SPECIFIC WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE for the following reason: The applicant is a homeowner serving as the general contractor for a primary/secondary owner-occupied residence.The homeowner has ONLY uncompensated friends and family working on his/her residence or is hiring individuals a total of less than 40 aggregate hours per week and has a current homeowners insurance policy that covers the property. Disability a.nd.PaidlFamill Leave Benefits Exemption Statement: The above named business is certifying that it is NOT REQUIRED TO OBTAIN NEW YORK STATE STATUTORY DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS INSURANCE COVERAGE for the following reason: The applicant is a homeowner serving as the general contractor for his/her primary/secondary personal residence. The homeowner has not employed one or more individuals on at least 30 days in any calendar year in New York State. (Independent contractors are not considered to be employees under the Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law.) I,Marliyn Malakidis,am the Homeowner with the above-named legal entity. I affirm that due to my position with the above-named business I have the knowledge,information and authority to make this Certificate of Attestation of Exemption. I hereby affirm that the statements made herein are true,that I have not made any materially false statements and I make this Certificate of Attestation of Exemption under the penalties of perjury. I further affirm that I understand that any false statement,representation or concealment will subject me to felony criminal prosecution,including jail and civil liability in accordance with the Workers'Compensation Law and all other New York State laws. By submitting this Certificate of Attestation of Exemption to the government entity listed above I also hereby affirm that if circumstances change so that workers'compensation insurance and/or disability and paid family leave benefits coverage is required,the above-named legal entity will immediately acquire appropriate New York State specific workers' compensation insurance and/or disability and paid family leave benefits coverage and also immediately furnish proof of that coverage on forms approved by the Chair of the Workers'Compensation Board to the government entity listed above. SIGN Si ature Date: HERE . Exemption Certificate Number Received 2024-076994 October 8, 2024 NYS Workers'Compensation Board CE-200 01,12018 S.C.T.M. N0. DISTRICT. 1000 SECTION: 111 BLOCK: 11 LOT(S):26.3 LOT 398 LAND S EPHEN/LADDY / MON. 10 ELLEN OKIN \ MON, LOT 1 MON. PIPE MON. LOT 402 LAND N/F OF / •N0N—DI§TUANN0E BUFFER JOSEPH & SANDRA 7S, / / / / / / / / / MON. CICHANOWICZ LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST\ r J� MON. PIPE tT � U.P. / So, LOT 400 ` ^� LAND NIF OF / NORMAN GODFREY PIPE U.P. / ` /P of / 4, / / � / LOT 2 VACANT —NO STRUCTURES— PIPE 0.4'W / / MON. PIPE / ' U.P. 130' WIDE VEGETATED ,NON-DISTURBANCE BUFFER/ MON. / / / / / / / / / / / MON. R=179.00 / U.P. ZONED R-40 EXISTING WATER MAIN V FRONT YARD: 50' MIN . — SIDE YARD: 15' MIN (35' TOTAL) `� REAR YARD: 50' MIN. U.P. THE WATER SUPPLY, WELLS, DRYWELLS AND CESSPOOL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS AREA: 57,860.8 S.F. or 1.33 ACRES ELEVATION DATUM: —_ UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION, GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE OFFSETS OR DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE THEREFORE THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO MONUMENT THE PROPERTY LINES OR TO GUIDE THE ERECTION OF FENCES, ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES OR AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. EASEMENTS AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUfURES RECORDED OR UNRECORDED ARE NOT GUARANTEED UNLESS PHYSICALLY EVIDENT ON THE PREMISES AT THE TIME OF SURVEY SURVEY OF: LOT 2 CERTIFIED TO: MARILAND LLC; MAP OF:DUFFY AT NASSAU POINT CORE TITLE SERVICES LLC; TITLE 28698 FILED:NOV. 15, 2021 No.12221 SITUATED AT: NASSAU POINT TOWN OF:SOUTHOLD KENNETH M WOYCHHI LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Professional Land Surveying and Design P.O. Box 153 Aquebogue, New York 11931 , � PHONE (831)298-1588 FAX (631) 298-1588 FILE #15-118-1 SCALE:1 =40 DATE: JUNE 10, 2024 N.Y.S. LISC. NO. 050882 maintaining the records of Robert J. Hennessy & Kenneth M. Woychuk