HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-129.-1-2, 3.1 & 3.2 PATRICIA C. MOORE
Attorney at Law
51020 Main Road
Southold,New York 11971
Tel: (631) 765-4330
Fax: (631) 765-4643
Betsy Perkins Paralegal
Madison Messina, Paralegal
December 9, 2024DEC ),
Southold Town Plamming Board I` 6afi 61d T �, n -'
Town Hall Annex, 54375 Main Road Nanning Board
Southold,NY 11971 _.m.. ._...._._...,._................�.a.�.__....�....................�....._.
By Hand
Melissa Principi& Joseph Terranova(owner of 1000-129-1-2)
Richard Principi, sole member Further North Farm LLC (owner of 1000-129-1-3.1)
Joanne McNulty, Executrix of Estate of John McNulty
Dear Mr. Rich and members of the Board:
This application is intended to clean up the history of 3.1 and 3.2 which the owners
believed had been subdivided and sold as separate parcels. The land was sold by the estate(good
faither sellers) and good faith buyers,who believed that the 2 vacant parcels were properly
subdivided 3.1(owned by Further North Farm LLC) and 3.2(estate of McNulty) . When the
owner of lot 3.1 applied to the Suffolk County Health Department they were informed that the
parcels did not have Health Department subdivision approval. When the owners met with
Planning staff it was also discovered that McNuty had submitted a lot line change between 129-
1-2 & 129-1-3(now 3.1 and 3.2). The lot line change was never completed due to objections by
McNulty to Planning Board C&R'. The land was split by deed and the houise on tax lot 2
(owned by Melissa& Joseph 129-1-2)and lot tax lot 3.1 (owned by Further North Farm LLC)
were sold by the Estate of John McNulty. The estate of John McNulty continues to own Tax Lot
In order to remedy the situation with all the parties involved the following applications
are being filed herein:
1. Re-subdivision/Lot line modification between an existing house (Tax lot 129-1-2) and
part of the adjacent vacant parcel (129-1-3.1). The house is proposed to be on one acre.
2. a subdivision between lot 3.1 and 3.2. (Further North Farm LLC &McNulty Estate )
1. As to the re-subdivisionlists the materials submitted by the applicant and/or
agent(129-1-2 & 129-1-3.1)
a. Application Form&Authorization Letters From the property
b. Copy of property deeds for all involved properties
c. Copy of certificates of occupancy for all existing buildings
d. Copies of Easements, Covenants&Restrictions, and decisions
from other agencies with conditions restricting this property in any
way. (none)
e. Proof the parcels meet the Lot Recognition standard in §280-9 Lot
Recognition- house parcel deed created prior to 1983
f. SEQRA Long Environmental Assessment Form
g. Application Fee - $500
h. Six (6) copies of a survey
i. To be provided at a later date, draft deeds including a reference
stating"the Southold Town Planning Board approved this lot line
modification by resolution on
2. As to the subdivision.
a. Subdivision Application Form—Sketch Approval -Authorization Letters
b. Property Deed(s)—Further North Farm LLC &McNulty parcel
c. Copies of Easements, Covenants &Restrictions, and decisions from other
agencies with conditions restricting this property in any way. none
d. Proof the parcel(s)meets the Lot Recognition standard in §280-9 Lot
Recognition: Parcel (Tax Lot 3)was owned by William&Maureen
e. Part I of the Environmental Assessment Form (Long Form)
L Application Fee ($1,500)
g. 6 subdivision maps (with 6 re-subdivision maps)
h. 6 copies of the site context map as required in Town Code §240-10 E.
i. 6 copies of the field survey
j. Request waiver(12)copies of the Existing Resources and Site Analysis
Plan (ERSAP) (§24010 A.) - former farm land
k. Request waiver Twelve (12) copies of the Yield Plan for Standard
Subdivisions or five (5)copies of the yield calculation for Conservation
1. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Consistency
Assessment Form
m. Not Applicable Table showing buildable land area, calculations for yield,
affordable housing and open space/reserved areas as applicable
n. Check to "Town of Southold"
The applications are being filed simultaneously in order to coordinate the re-subdivision
and subdivision of the parcels.
Ver�jtr s,
ci .C. Moore