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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51423 Date: 12/03/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Eugene Myers 18 Knoll PI Glen Cove, NY 11542 To: demolish (as per Town Code definition) and reconstruct a single-family dwelling as applied for per Trustees, DEC NJ letter and SCHD approvals. Premises Located at: 1705 Fleetwood Rd, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM# 137.-4-36 Pursuant to application dated 09/06/2023 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 12/03/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Single Family Dwelling-NEW $1,979.50 CO Single Family Dwelling-New $100.00 Total $2,079.50 13u ng Inspector. . � a t41 k s TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 ht�tps://www.southoldtow,nny.,go 41 Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only �n .;.. PERMIT NO. Sli[��3_ g A Building sec tor 09 - Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete °. FloCO applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNERS)OF PROPERTY: fla Dope Name: n/NG SCTM#1000- /V, � Project Address: °' � a'JZ_ Phone#: 51& 0 0 1-391 Email: di 0 ���. �'13ym Mailing Address: d co—, C' e Aly ` CONTACT PERSON: Name: /10�E kS Mailing Address: Phone# % Email: cJ �" �1� Cyl DESIGN,,pRQfESSIO"DIAL INFORMATION: Nam e: Mailing Address: 'P J0 4 i e A) 11736 G� Phone#: � � � Email: . � CON 'RAC R INFORMATION: Name. Mailing Addres , Phone#: Email: 0 C?11t)d DECRIPTIN OF PROPOSED CONST ION I� ❑New Structure ❑Addition El Alteration- epair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Prdjeet: ❑Other $ ?0 L/ Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes)(NO Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes V0 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes Ao IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check BOX After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by haptar Zf of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing Cone and regulations and to admit atrthorized Inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class Amisdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Low. V V Appil atidn Submitted B yt wnerI � IQ G Signature+of Applicant: Date: STATE OF N4C )� �.. SS, COUNTY OF r being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing con act) above named, (S)he is the ,� �_Cnr11�11 D (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this , L/ r�g1�11Id1 D.1p/o/ ��#eday of � ww«a w a a ry u r $ MD 01 41421 —_ PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATIONw" (Where the applicant Is not the owner) I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 NEW YORK siwm DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Division of Environmental Permits,Region I SUNY tft Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,NY 11790 P:(631)444-0365 1 F:(631)444-0360 www-clec.ny.gov September 11, 2023 Diane Myers 18 Knoll PI Glen Cove, NY 11542 Re: Permit# 1-4738-04969/00001 Dear Permittee: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing regulations (6NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit for the referenced activity. Please carefully read all permit conditions and special permit conditions contained in the permit to ensure compliance during the term of the permit. If you are unable to comply with any conditions please contact us at the above address. Enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from the weather and a Notice of Commencement/Completion of Construction. Sincerely, Thomas Kohlmann Environmental Analyst 1'f4myow< Dopartmentof 5 lAft W onmental Conservation AM vzbwa NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT O ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04969 PERMIT Under the Environmental Conservation Law ECL F- Permittee and Facility Information Permit Issued To: Facility: DIANNE MYERS MYERS PROPERTY 18 KNOLL PL 1705 FLEETWOOD RDI1000-137-4-36 GLEN COVE,NY 11542 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 Facility Application Contact: ANTHONY J SANNINO 7490 ALVAHS LN CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 (631) 767-1751 Facility Location: in SOUTHOLD in SUFFOLK COUNTY Facility Principal Reference Point: NYTM-E: 713.359 NYTM-N: 4542.804 Latitude: 41°00'30.7" Longitude: 72°27'46.3" Project Location: 1705 Fleetwood Rd, Cutchogue, NY Watercourse: East Creek (Eugene's Creek) Authorized Activity: Demo]ish and remove shed. All authorized activities shall be done in strict c n oranance with PP the attached` laps stamped "NYSDEC Approved" on 9/11/2023. DEP- RNO,(TSK) P P Pas don the information you submitted, the Department of Environmental Conservation has determined thatthe portion of the property landward of the topographic crest of a bluff as shown on the survey prepared by John Gerd Heidecker, dated November 19 222,, is beyond Tidal Wetlands Act(Article 25) jurisdiction. Therefore, in accordance.with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations(6 NYt2R.R Part 661), no Tidal Wetlands permit is required to conduct regulated activities landward of the 15-foot elevation contour(topographic crest). Permit Authorizations Tidal Wetlands- Under Article 25 Permit 1D 1-4738=04969/00001 New Permit Effective Date: 9/1 1/2023 Expiration Date: 9/10/2028 Page 1 of 6 Mama NEW PORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON'NIF.NTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04949 PP NYSDEC A rova... By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, and all conditions included as part of this permit. Permit Administrator: LAURA F STAR, Deputy Regional Permit Administrator Address: NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters SUNY , Stony Broolc150 Circle Rd Stony Brook,NY 11790 -3409 Authorized Signature: _..m. Date Distribution Lit ANTHONY J SANNINO Bureilfu of Marine Habitat Protection TH9MAS S KOHLMANN . .. Per It . .. ;"ompo elms NATURAL RESOURCE, PERMIT CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS, APPLY TO ALL AUTHORIZED PERMITS NO"I 1 1CATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS - Apply to the Following Permits: TIDAL WETLANDS 1. Conformance With Plans All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or applicant's agent as part of the permit application. Such approved plaits were prepared by Robert J. Gruber, dated 12/1 1/2020. 2. Notice of Commencement At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project, the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work. 3. Post Permit Sign The permit sign enclosed with this permit shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the worksite and adequately protected f-om the weather. Page 2 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04969 4. Failure to Meet Permit Conditions Failure of the permittee to meet all the conditions of this permit is a violation of this permit and grounds for an order to immediately cease the permitted activity at the project site. 5. Regulated Activities Authorized By This Permit This permit authorizes only those regulated activities/structures identified under the section Description of Authorized Activity. NYSDEC does not issue after-the-fact or as-built permits. This permit does not authorize activities, or legitimize the existence of structures, which would have required a permit but for which no permit or other authorization has been granted NYSDEC. 6. No Disturbance to Vegetated Tidal Wetlands There shall be.no disturbance to vegetated tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas as a result of the permitted activities. 7. Incidental Disturbance to Vegetation It is the responsibility of the applicant to remedy any incidental disturbances resulting in damage or removal of wetland vegetation. Upon completion of construction activities, any disturbed areas shall be planted with the appropriate marsh vegetation. Please contact the Bureau of Marine Habitat at(631)444-0295 for more information. 8. No Equipment below Apparent High Water Equipment operation below (seaward) apparent high water is strictly prohibited. 9. No�Construction Debris in Wetland or Adjacent Area Any debris or excess material from construction of this project shall be completely removed from the adjacent area (upland) and removed to an approved upland area for disposal. No debris is permitted in wetlands and/or protected buffer areas. 10. Equipment,Material Stored Award,from Crest of Bluff The storage of construction equipment and materials shall be confined to upland areas landward of the crest of the bluff or hill. 11. Materials Disposed at Upland Site Any demolition debris, excess construction materials, and/or excess excavated materials shall be immediately and completely disposed of in an authorized solid waste management facility. These materials shall be suitably stabilized as-riot to re-enter any water body, wetland or wetland adjacent area. 12. Install, Maintain Erosion Controls Necessary erosion control measures, i.e., straw bales, silt fencing, etc., are to be placed on the downslope edge of any disturbed area. This sediment barrier is to be put in place before any disturbance of the ground occurs and is to be maintained in good and functional condition until thick vegetative cover is established. 13. Contain Exposed, Stockpiled Soils All disturbed areas where soil will be temporarily exposed or stockpiled for longer than 48 hours shall be contained by a continuous line of staked haybales/silt curtains (or other NYSDEC approved devices) placed on the seaward side between the fill and the wetland or protected buffer area. Tarps are authorized to supplement these approved methods. 14. Maintain Erosion Controls All erosion control devices shall be maintained in good and functional condition until the project has been completed and the area has been stabilized. 15. Vegetate All Disturbed Areas The permittee shall revegetate all exposed faces and disturbed areas to prevent soil erosion prior to the project completion or expiration date of this permit, whichever comes first. Page 3 of 6 Am Obbow NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04969 16. Temporary Mulch, Final Seeding If seeding is impracticable due to the time of year, a temporary mulch shall be applied and final seeding shall be performed at the earliest opportunity when weather conditions favor germination and growth but not more than six months after project completion. 17. Precautions Against Contamination of Waters All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 18. State May Require Site Restoration If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may lawfully require, remove aII'or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 19. State May'Order Removal or Alteration of Work if future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or"cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without, expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit,the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners, shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of'Etl'vitdhinehtal Conservation may require, remove all or any po&611 ofthe-uncompleted structure or fill and re tPi to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse, No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or-Alteration. 20. State Not Liable for Damage The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caLised by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. Page 4 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04969 m._. ............... __ ... GENERAL CO ._..._... ......_.. NDITIONS - Apply to ALL Authorized Permits: 1. Facility Inspection by The Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department) to determine whether the permittee is complying with this permit and the E.CL. Such representative may,order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71- 0301 and SAPA 401(3). The permittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative:d.uring an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must:be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce'a.copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. 2. Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. 3. A 'plieations`ForFermiti`Renewal's, Modifications 6e Transfers The"per¢riffee must subfn'it a separate written application to the Department for permit renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Stich application must includC any forms or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal, modification or transfer granted,by the Department must be in writing:` Submission of applications for permit renewal, modification or transfer are to be submitted to: Regional Permit Administrator NYSDEC Region I Headquarters SUNY @ Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony Broolc, NY 11790 -3409 4. Submission of Renewal Application The permittee must submit a renewal applicatiomat least 30 days before:permit expiration for the following permit authorizations: Tidal Wetlands. 5. Permit Modifications, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to exercise all available authority to modify, suspend or revoke this permit. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a. materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit applicatiomor supporting papers; b. failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c. exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; Page 5 of 6 NEW VORIC STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04969 d. newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions, relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e. noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. 6. Permit Transfer Permits are transferrable unless specifically prohibited by statute, regulation or another permit condition. Applications for permit transfer should be submitted prior to actual transfer of ownership. NOTIFICATION OF OTH ER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits, actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the ter,rns and co1nditions of the permit. This indemnification does not extend to any claims, suits, actions, or damai ges to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or oniN.�i6hs,;'&to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising under, Article 78 of the New York.Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item,B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed.for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of- way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Page 6 of 6 aUelparu I 1 Erv.Aroni or _ t*1 NOTICE The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has issued permit(s) pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law for work being conducted at this site. For further information regarding the nature and extent of work approved and any Departmental conditions on it, contact the Regional Permit Administrator listed below. Please refer to the permit number shown when contacting the DEC. i Regional Permit Administrator SHERRI ACHER Permit Number: 1-4738-04969/00001 - - NYSDEC Region 1 Environmental Permits 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 j Expiration Date: 9/10/2028 Email: dep.r1@dec.ny.gov i Note: This notice is NOT a permit NOTICE OF C'OMLAgNCEMENT OF CONAIUCTIQN RETURN THIS FORM TO:COMPLIANCE Or Fax to: 631-444-0272 Marine Habitat Protection-NYSDEC E-Mail: dec.sm.R1MHP-BEH@dec.ny.gov SUNY at Stony Brook 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 PERMIT NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: PERMITTEE NAME&PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR NAME&ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Dear DEC: Pursuant to the special conditions of the referenced permit,you are hereby notified that the authorized activity shall commence on . We certify that we have read the referenced permit and approved plans and fully understand the authorized project and all permit conditions.We have inspected the project site and can complete the project as described in the permit and as depicted on the approved plans. We can do so in full compliance with all plan notes and permit conditions.The permit, permit sign,and approved plans will be available at the site for inspection in accordance with General Condition No. 1. (Both signatures required) PERMITTEE: DATE CONTRACTOR: DATE THIS NOTICE MUST BE SENT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS AT LEAST TWO DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE PROJECT AND/OR ANYASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES. FAILURE TO RETURN THIS NOTICE, POST THE PERMIT SIGN, OR HAVE THE PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AVAILABLE AT THE WORK SITE FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT MAY SUBJECT THE PERMITTEE AND/OR CONTRACTOR TO APPLICABLE SANCTIONS AND PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS. Cut along thA line X X X X NOTICE OF COMELgTION OF CONS RUCTION RETURN THIS FORM TO:COMPLIANCE Or Fax to: 631-444-0272 Marine Habitat Protection-NYSDEC E-Mail: dec.sm.R1MHP-BEH@dec.ny.gov 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 PERMIT NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: PERMITTEE NAME&PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR NAME&ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Pursuant to special conditions of the referenced permit,you are hereby notified that the authorized activity was completed on , We have fully complied with the terms and conditions of the permit and approved plans. (Both signatures required) PERMITTEE: DATE CONTRACTOR: GATE THIS NOTICE, WITH PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE COMPLETED WORK AND/OR A COMPLETED SURVEY,AS APPROPRIATE, MUST BE SENT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. Notes 0 15 30 45 I i£ID WOIRt wM COWIICI6p NOVF]®ER.EORE Br 64HOMOE fNpNEENiNO!INlO _ - € - suRVERRa oPc Mo.0 uFwwREaLxrs M91E TMuI ax THE o�uxo. E P METERS 2 PPOEIRY UHES ME BrBEO UM OEEO FLED RTIN INE BER 102 SUiIgN COUNIY CYAN IN U —a IB7!CUM PRWIOFD 9URhY. mmml- FEET � a O i • AT O MO 4 1 € U]GTRIXS YMNED dl THE ORWN0. 0 30 60 90 120 R.FLLV41pH5 Rm TO THE NORM MS"TEM VrAOVl WON v ISBB(INYO BE)AS ran GRAPHIC SCALE 1�� = 30€ COIrUIED...aB DBRRrv.roxs mE—Br.—.ENEwLEnpa a IMo SURrf1H0 DRC. O w�FNUf�O OTOMO NIP....To.dawn 1000-SEcnON IJ]AO-BLOCK TES AIONTI REF[A TO THE BOx10 OF 1HE STRUCTURE MD ME SHOMN FOR WpORIIR1gNK PU--.11.THEY BXOUlO HOT BE UM TO SET iF1KE9,WNLA PROPfRIY CO.-.ER:, -R!>as� -dlw'otlm aF eOWUxn le Inb"+.wY M e NaaNn of"rtllm T100. z ,C. tlu NP"TaY SbIP FMceIW Lo..CegRR el WR P^,wY mop nol n ,� ..ry.w m.tl R..a,ee.a..a.nai nel e.pmRu...e m tl.R ala 1 - - - S 4-02-ff E 23-0 N 85'57'20" E 39.50' SECTION 137—BLOCK 4—TAX LOT 35 N/F PAUL&MARGARET POSTER 4 - ;NaT USER 12978—PAGE 48 y.� '1 'ii :. t7$5'Sr 2{S`...E �a�s - R90'. .i"t _ 10 1 � ``Es -- t Nj€` RI GR€SSsL I 1 1 LID ER 176laPAG87 a"0 _ t so. LW E� ORT t1 (1 C. f o w - J 1 , 1 -g ` �.. '`> 3(• s 2 4VE FOUND / t'B� •� � , .F f �s W .; - � SECTION 110—BLOCK 6—TAX LOT 14 N/F MARY SCHWARTZ(REVOCABLE GRANTOR TRUST C I LIBER 13134—PAGE 921 0 ENGINEERING& ( f .:k IS - D DE LANDSUR EYING CIVIL ENGINEERING-SITE PLANNING-SURVEYING EAST ROAD 751 GDATEBAVE,SUITE 22 HOLBROOK,NY 11741 _-- - - TELE.(631)-620-0296 " TOPOGRAPHICIBOUNDARY SURVEY OVWBER IB.10CT 1 OFI JOHN GERD HEIDECKER NY.STATE LAND SURVEYOR UC. #050719 Rt 4t1. SECTI#1705 ON 137-BLOC FL ETN/0D ROAD OD 36 y_N -_- E �r sx TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK.COUNTY-NEW YORK ` (NE'XI �245pASPHALT Sa'iNCiES 5 t SJ2£P—SHEATPiHC 2` 0 RR OSS'OC { tip wL PA6�A _ 2' ns R R O 16 S 0 G. 'pS�•f P UL k ARCARET PO51£R =-3L LRER i 9T6 P GE 18 ! ? • k _ a S {{{{ _ - (2}2'X 0"-DER � ... - > ° - S ^- d ° _ �k - (2) X 8 GROER - <a >_ - k [ 4 �e k -'� 4' �, � ,�� � g^!_ � t 9� '. �� 3 T-+-i '>r, •. 3 '� 3 HIz cvP..�{ s._ mc m 110 3 ®� _ X NEW E� M CRAWL m °t SPAM € ' t � m z- d - ,( '' m I11 Pi¢-rc'R E�ANOFD _ t/ M BATH WORM- (2)2X6 ACp sLb PLATE ll s s 6-t:• ---,> ..� _�s , ( .. wl sla•olA €aTW sz" -s. SC 11.110 8—6-TAX LOT li i NJf_1—�£RrI"p—AEE.CRANTQ2 TRUST _ I' 4 _ ; +lT¢n`- Fa?�T5 a+i SECTION "A-A" § j SCALE: J' iNG .HEA tH 3'x.0 —C SS O C EAST ROAD PLO PLRti - r SCALE: 1 = 20'-0" A. 0 a_.lC`!RE 1°�- ICY YEpIH11CAL y ROOM ! 4 (zD 3 .g s zxe Aco vs C ->R WIHa WJ sJ6"OIA.ARCRCR BOLT60]2' S=s a S6' .ca?x .yryr i}tt' S6 A"-AcaCO z 1 xa n,n W-.d 3- .. SEC^ON "8 - 6" T CAP 4"x§'AC,POST LL� _ _ • wse rt suz " ` "•�" P°"c>a Robert J. Gruber _ Ambiteci 3xsp a. A xC 3h a* ,n PLUMBING ft45ER (sANiTARv wa TE) SECTION "C" }�.�, mom...€.- ex€ tg?7,6 5u_44a: L (#PLAN m r _ • ,. � �.. s' ;w �.-Y.S+rr "Y a�Jr+r""�"R"�mmn'�i ". Tt��+.„ 'tJT &Fk '✓7Y r.,�" "X" ,"� ..... rfAcn„'�MC A�° M :S�fN.7A9.+�11":F�" ,......_'�"'..NS�.+'�N M�.. � A �. 2 BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES r SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK + PERMIT NO. 10382 DATE: MAY 17,202 . ISSUED TO: DIANNE MYERS PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1705 FLEETWOOD ROAD. CUTCHOOUE SCTM#1000-137-4-36 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in a" accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on May 7 2 ,and in consideration of application fee in the sure of 5250.QO paid by l_ianne_Myers.and subject to the Terms, and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the , following: p Wetland Permit to demolish existing one-story dwelling with existing 1,224sq.ft.foundation to remain;construct new one-story,single family dwelling on existing foundation with a 12'x14'9" up ' one-story addition onto the north west corner and a 175sq.ft.one-story addition to the west for a 1,416sq.ft, total new dwelling; construct a 319sq.ft.seaward side deck; construct a+/-4'x6'4" basement emergency access area; and for the existing+/-4'x4' outdoor shower;with the condition of the removal of the non-functioning shed in the wetland area;establish and perpetually maintain anon-disturbance area seaward of top of bank; and a 15' no buffer y+. landward of top of bank;installation of an Innovative Alternative OWTS system; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Robert J. Gruber,Architect,received on June 12, 2023,and stamped approved on June 12,2023. a 1N WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees'hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be axed,and � these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of the day and year first above written, Ile %UFF91 ' , , I "1 „ —.. „•� e r , v .... ......._., .... ...�...-......_. .,...�..-..... .. _� �.�. ,� .... ....., - �� +ab,. u'nhu v,, .'"N %m3'�v ,„. . yI"�""ws� ,dd14af5Nie�i� �%�.id�',�'a�0.1.:NtSvi*�aS.rand, ",'• fficv�"w'G , €,'N WK qo -tom glOHInOS Ao NDA01 v ` Afl(7AOdddb' �(( fi 7 7— ....wn Y o1Xi =3 VO5 _ avoa lsva i k- 1 .0-.4- Vp :31v. - _Y �s� r LU .g 3,vsvnvao y: T� ',>61 s f " U} .' € - _- - - R� i 1 �. I f SELA N PLAN %{` tm rLOOR PLAN E§S rR©best J Gruber ArChjteC eru:.. P_AF ut s _ s F 4 ' � c I RMI NEW a , v E €e z L. •S 6- I EXPG i. fdA5fE3i - n: ! 41 ROOM - i 3 B, I A1-1 �- _ -_ F 1- ka? f�aie _ . New - ❑�,, MAm1Efl " 1. in BATH `fix= le-------- - --- --- _ _ oc I.T 4IT'. - ------------------- 1 31521 -T I a IST FLOOR PLAN �a c BASEMENT PLAN a i'-O' ♦. RoLert J. G utw F'4rChiI O FLOW PLAN.. "_ R 9 s � --- - i - m- .. 41 1101 C c �, � — P —-- 6 �3 01, - _ i 3 00 NEW �3 4 i•' f �a••.rma `�:2 l S>. m C t I -1 I PiM sp— m y 3 ![[ z '�N P EXPANDm x wa 3 m 77 j P g� SEC-RON "A— A" t EAST ROAD PLOT PLAN 9 SCALE: t"= 20'-0" i v ea r• •3; 5 A SECTION "S— B" €" Ij .r u A e �w Robert J> G u��r Arch�t�� y a SECTION „C„ s".n „ _s.=�„ -' Err, 77 Ell 14 4 s _ Ar r 5 s. @ r � :3 , m 1 I= Yd 3 � _ __..t._.._— >_.--.^a.,,. r.......--.e_T...«t--t to=- .sae-- -a s a.< <-- ___ _._.ate. a _s....------------------ LE 5:H -:y+ FRONT ELE'VA"1ON sk .-dam'?"%tea _ t.'u 5 sR _ sae n>_ n` � 3 gg + - -- -_- ----------------- ea_ REAR E_`-VAT:ON _. Robert Grube' t PLAN SURVEY OF PROPERTY NOTE C =AS) SITUATE CUTCHOGUE Maximize-ft distance between TOWN OF SOUTHOLD the to eta main and porch wn..e SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK maintaining 55 se-naration to the SCTM#. 1000-137-4-36 pond. N 85-57'20" E 04'2'40" E p VENT 2 MIN.W/ DWELLING f6,90,1 25.00' FILTER MIN.3' PUBLIC WATER 1105 GARAGE a T. ODOR INDOW-1 �i A V-EW 0 - ttj °57 20 E 5 MENT )T 11-PVC LOT EA NE RECOMI 19,97 SF J DWELLINGS UNE I C� PUBLIC WATER 24 12- SEE . , -JaST, Ito W/S FLEETWOOD RD. CROSSM I ItetaL-�o !/A PANEL FAMILY Y LLM- F.F;3 BS2 L. 1,kS SF W R LEVE (1� SF) WA, E M-TOOOR SHOWER PUBLIC WATER AT GRADE S 58'20" DWELLING WATER LINE DRAINS SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES EAST ROAD PERMIT FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONLY SOIL BORING ROY K. REISSIG AUGUST 26. 2022 the Depam-." ELEV 28.2 NI DATE iomao24 H.S REF NO, R-22-2236 zZ�0-4'TOP SOIL(PT) APPROVED 2-6'BROWN SILTY SAND(SM) FOR MAX&Idill 4 EDROOMS A-C.-T-7- EXPIRES THREE YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL 3.0'BROWN SAND AND SOME GRAVEL(SP) O MO S F..F—A...... 2.0'BROWN GRAVELLY SAND(SP) SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 17.0' OF 1 ttw t- DANIEL R. FALASCO, P.E., P.C. 9-0' BROWN SAND AND GRAVEL(SP) CONSULTING ENGINEER 94 STEUBEN BLVD., NESCONSET, NY 11767 (516) 317-7209 NO WATER ENCOUNTERED TEST HOLE DATA DATE SCALE DRAWING NO. N.T.S, 16 8-19-22 1 30' LOW_ZT11 FLOAT IT CONTROL Cv L&'E POWER ;'' Tom Sw cN p ]jj 1 115 VAC 95 AMP STAAR IEMSA—DARGE PLWIP I I T2 VAC = CONTROL PANEL (I r I 1 t GRADE PUMP ' Vol } POWER _.. i €is A 115 VAC . 'i CONCRETE COVER M1 )a i 1 zo aMP MPI F I i I B' WIN 4-ERA Su 3M�IN_�. PIPE OR EQUIVALE ' SINGLE LINE WIRING DIAGRAM 2,0�MAX -0:2'='S.13,2261 EXTERIOR LEtiGTLIPITCHED 1/8"-l' xT.s. ' � Pls'OVTT1z SECONDARY a SAFETY COVERS (TYP) TOP VIEW ESM. LLL T SECONDARY SAFETY COVERS(TYPJ _0$.C2601 FREEBOARD TUF-TITE EF-4 1 � 4'EFFLUENT FILTER B I [--SANITARY 8`POLYETHYLENE T . [[ K '.�.€ s _ RINGS}T'P) __ . OUTLET Ammmm - REDUCER �. - .Z _ z am COLLAR MATERIAL TO - E a TO 2' Y _ Ali € IV CONSIST OF CLEAN - r-p3$ 4 t'''- . B . -. - - iSI COMPARTNENr _.. SAND AND GRAVEL 3 _ t 4-3.} . D 1 £ II 3'MIN.ABOVE HIGHEST 's' - {�+ gxg TOTAL Vol�-+-ua =A-V5 _ T EXPECTED GROUNDWATER � � NOTES: SECTION A-A' Y CLEAN L MATERIAL A BE 1.ALL DRAWING DIMENSIONS IN INCHES[MILLIMETERS]OR AS NOTED. CLEAN SAND GRAVEL �,' 1 6'MIN.PENETRATION INTO VIRGIN 13 6 [Medln BngS CLarge) 15 CUFT 2.EXTERIOR R ACCESS OPENING LID INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING WARNING IN 12 2 -FRALU Plnstic Riser and Lld ENNKMAGLISH,FRENCH ILLINC INCLUDE: -DANGER CT NOT ENTER:POISON GASES." STRATA OF SAND&GRAVEL 4 - 3.TANK MARKINGS WILL INCLUDE:MANUFACTURER NAME,MODEL NUMBER,LIQUID c f1 I I�I LEACHING A L� I�I/� POOL DETAIL 11 ! 1 j Air intake Assembly CAPACITY,DATE OF MANUFACTURE,MAXIMUM BURIAL DEPTH,INLET,AND OUTLET. .3,.C.11-H.S- SANITARY L,EAC ING POOL.. DETAIL. L 10 2 'Wall Insert Assenbty 4. THE TANK MAYBE BACKFILLED WITH SUITABLE NATIVE SOIL.SEE INSTALLATION 9 l _Cniet Pipe INSTRUCTIONS FOR GUIDANCE.IF THE NATIVE SOIL DOES NOT MEET THE INSTALLATION N T,S. INSTRUCTIONS GUIDANCE THEN BACKFILLING WITH SELECT MATERIAL WILL BE REQUIRED. I B 1 'Pump Hack Stand 5.MAXIMUM BURIAL DEPTH IS 48 In[1,219 mm]. 7 I I ;Recirculation Pump, Tsuruml 50PU2.15S 6.MINIMUM BURIAL DEPTH IS 61n[152 mm]. -- 6 1 Sprn Header Assembt 7.MAXIMUM VEHICLE LOAD IS 4,590-Ib 120*N]AXLE LOAD. T y y 1 8.TANK IS FOR NON-TRAFFIC APPLICATIONS. 5 I I _Pump Back Pump Assenbty, Goulds LS03PI 9.AIRSPACE 1516.SYo. 4 1 ]Spray Header Support Structure s 10.OUTLET TEE IS COMPATIBLE WITH EFFLUENT FILTER. WATER SERWCE i 3 1 ;Support Structure 11.INTERIOR LENGTH TO WIDTH RATIO IS 2.3:1(118.6-INCH INTERIOR LENGTH I = 51.74NCH INTERIOR WIDTH•2.3). I 2 I I !Discharge Pump Assenbty,Goulds LSP03 - 12.FREE VENT AREA BETWEEN TOP OF BAFFLE WALL AND BOTTOM OF TOP BAFFLE WATER/GAS CROSSING DETAIL P SLOT 1S 39.71W. i I :WOO Gal Poty Tank ? 13.BAFFLE WALL THICKNESS IS 0.31 In[6 mm]. STEMI DTI. pESCRPPT[4N € STAAR TREATMENT TANK DETAIL INFILTRATOR IM-1060 SEPTIC TANK DETAIL G.WE t CONCW&L-=Z -O 'E DANIEL R. FALASCO, P.E., P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEER i6Y° : 2°FYILYLTHLENE PIPE I NOTE: 94 STEUBEN BLVD., NESCONSET, NY 11767 4°CAT IRON AT ALL CONCRETE WALL (516) 317 7209 CROSSINGS WHETHER THROUGH THE WALL OR UNDER THE WALL 0'056 parE SCALE DRAWING NO. RETAINING WALL CROSSING DETAIL 0— N.TS- 8-10-22 N.T.S. 2 / GENERAL NOTES: Table Sri Nalling Schedule Table 3,9A Rafter/CeTngJoist Heal Joint Connection Requiremensts HEADER ANCHORAGE DETAIL RAFTER TO RIDGE DETAIL ( INSTALL @ 16" ON CENTER ) (Prescriptive Alternative to Table 3.9) ltumherof Number of 1. ALL MATERIALS, ASSEMBLES, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2020 NEW YORK STATE Join[ RIDGE NOTE: BEAM AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE FOR ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS. pt Coot1RAMIN7s 14oalYaits NerTSpacing Roe Ground BEAM AND RO�OFFRAMING 20prsf 30psf 50psf 70psf STRAP "� >,Sv 16" MIN. USE "SIMPSON" CS20 COIL STRAP 16" MIN. 2. WORKMANSHIP SHALL CONFIRM TO GENERALLY ACCEPTED GOOD PRACTICE IN THE APPLICABLE TRADES. ® EACH RAFTER 16" O.C. SEE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS SHALL BE CHECKED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS OR COMMENCING RaftertaTopPlote fro&-rm,-k Taru•dl 1seee3,ea) (see Table3.4A1 per rafter Roof Span(ft) TABLE 6A FOR CONNECTION Leilmill Joist toTap plate ffi3l +Ted) (see Tab:e 3AA) (me Table 3_4A1 pe'•Jolse o o . CONSTRUCTION FIELD VERIFIED DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALING, NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF Celias Joist toParalletRafter(Foceawledl (zeeTab3e3M? (seeTable39Al eadhtop 12 24 36 12 24 36 12 24 36 12. 24 3E �' REQUIREMENTS CONFLICTS. Cell:ngloist taps oaerParthi°m(Fa,o".3ed) j-Table 3.94) (ue Table 39Ai each tap Rafter LS r0 0 0 Collar Tie to Rafter(raaMar7ed) (see Table 3.61 {see Table 3.6,, .per tie Rafter Ret(uirEtd Number of 16d Common or40d Box Hails Per lReeI Joint Connection"It '� o •alb o ° 4. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE MINIMUM Fc= 3,000 PSI STRENGTH AT 28 DAY TEST. 5paring`im ° 88otAing to Rafter(Toe-aseedl 2-Ed 2-10d eadi er.d Rim Board to(NOTE ALL EXTERIOR CONCRETE STEPS AND GARAGE SLABS SHALL BE MINIMUM Fc= 3,500 PSI STRENGTH AT 28 DAY TEST.) z-W 3-16d ead,end lz 3 S E 3 6 4 s 9 13 6 12 17 ' e' waleFRAMING 3:12 is 4 7 10 4 8 12 6 22 17 8 is 23 LSTA21 0 o RIDGE NOTE: oo ° 5. ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON UNDISTURBED SOIL HAVING A MINIMUM BEARING CAPACITY OF 3,000 L.B. PER S.F. TopPlatetaTopill%te(Face-nailedp 2-16d 2-16d' perr°oc 29.2 4 8 IL 5 10 14 7 14 21 9 18 27 LSTA21 0 0 o AT CATHEDRAL CEILING USE Top plates at latersectiorrs(race-oaiiiedl 4-16d 5.16d joints-eact,'side 24 5 10 b 6 12 3B 9 17 26 12 23 34 0 0 0 "SIMPSON" LSSU210 HANGER ® ° 6. ALL PLUMBING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2O20 NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE. AND LOCAL CODES Stadte5tud (Fete-roiled) 2-16d 2-15d 24•a.r 12 3 4 6 3 5 7 4 7 10 5 9 13 EACH RAFTER 16" O.C. SEE Header is Header(Face-n°iTedl 36d 166 36'a.c.zm"s gex o TABLE 6A FOR CONNECTION 16 3 5 8 3 6 5 5 9 13 6 12 17 Pl Bot tom stetriiuid jEnd-nanedl (see Table (:eeTa51e3.s�( pe-m,d 4:� 7. ELECTRICAL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.E.S. AND CERTIFIED BY N.Y.S. BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. Toper 19.2 3 6 9 4 7 11 6 11 Sfi 7 14 21 REQUIREMENTS 8. ALL LUMBER SHALL BE DOUGLAS/FIR No. 2 OR BETTER, MIN. Fb=875 P.S.I. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Ilattom Plate to" r)oist,ba"dlolst,l5sdjobt 2-I&IL3 z-i6dts pe're°t 24 4 s 1 it 5 1 s 13 7 13 19 5 17 26 0 9• ALL STRUCTURAL HEADERS TO BE (2) 2%6" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. °reaming(Face-na3eal I ROM FRAMING 12 3 3 5 3 4 6 3 6 8 4 7 11 a RAFTER TO WALL DETAIL ( INSTALL @ 16" ON CENTER )10. ALL FRAMING SHALL BE DOUBLED UNDER PARTITIONS, POSTS AND AROUND ALL OPENINGS. Joist toSil,Top Plate at Girder(Toe-trailed) 4-Sa 4-10d peril st Sat 16 3 4 6 3 5 7 4 7 it 5 9 14 ° 39.2 3 S 7 3 6 9 5 9 13 6 11 17 11. ALL HVAC EQUIPMENT SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2020 NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTIAL ENERGY eadgatgtaroixt(Toetinnled) 2-se 2-106 eache�d CONSERVATION CODE REQUIREMENTS. etast;ngtmloist(rae-raced) 2-M 2-10d eacr,e,d 24 3 6 9 4 7 11 6 1.1 16 7 14 21 ®lacking to SM or Top Plate(roevmaaed) 3.16e 4-16d exh bloc* 12 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 6 3, 5 8 12. HABITABLE SPACE MUST MEET EGRESS REQUIREMENTS PER INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE SECTION Ledgef5aipto Seem(F°ce-nailed) ]-Ise 4.15d eachyoi:t SINGLE STRAP APPLICATION 16 3 3 5 3 4 5 3 5 8 A 7 10 R310.2.1 MIN. 5 S.F. OPENING ON FIRST FLOOR WITH 20" MIN. WIDTH AND 24" MIN. HEIGHT, 5.7 S.F. ON THE 2nd Icift on Ledger to Bearn Illoe-nailed) 3-Be 3.10d petiaist 7z12 (MULTIPLES MAY BE USED) e TOP PLATE TO STUD FLOOR, AND HAVE A SILL HEIGHT NOT MORE THAN 44 INCHES ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. fl ndloistto3oTst(End-"aired) 3-L6d 4-16d perlois` -Z 3 4 s 3 4 6 3 s s 4 8 12 Band Joist in"t te(orTopPteToe-miledl 2-lu, 3.15d per foot 24 3 s 5z 3 a 4 8 11 S iQ 15 °° USE "SIMPSON" H10S TIE 13. WINDOWS AND DOORS SHALL BE WEATHER STRIPPED AND CAULKED. RflcrF S11LA7NtH6. 1.2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 S 3 4 6 °°°°°° USE "SIMPSON" W/(8) 8d COMMON 14• USE SAFETY GLASS ON ALL WINDOWS IN TUB OR SHOWER ENCLOSURES WITH SILL HEIGHT LESS THAN 60" ABOVE FINISH Wood strixttralPanels Ed Tod (sreT2ble3.10) 512 16 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 6 3 5 8 LBPS 5/8" BEARING °° NAILS @ EACH RAFTER, FLOOR AS PER 2020 NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE SECTION R-308 & R-308.4.5. aa"■gafboardshea*aw 19.2 3 3 4 3 4 5 3 5 7 3 6 9 PLATES AT EACH TOP PLATES &STUDS 15. GLAZING SHALL CONFORM TO 2020 NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE SECTION R-308. s's6-ar1'ae' 2gd 2-10d oerspP 24 3 4 5 3 4 6 3 6 9 4 t 12 ANCHOR BOLT. °°° 3'Yla'or raider 3-8d 3 1{Y! p-r s�Doort o°o .CEILING SHEATHING 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 --5` o0 CLIMATIC&GEOGRAPHICAL DESIGN CRITERIA-NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE TABLE R301.2(1) sypsurnWallboard 5acoolers 5.3 Vr. 7"edger to,tra,c 1z:22 16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 6 -x GROUND I WIND DESIGN SEISMIC SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM WINTER ICE SHIELD W41tSHEATHING 15.I 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 6 3 S 7 18 GAGE 1 1/4"x24" MI x` ( INSTALL @ 16 ON CENTER ) DESIGN DESIGN UNDERLAY- FLOOD AIR Wood stnrctunapaneir Bd sod (seeT4b1e3.111 24 3 3 4 3 3 5 3 S 7 3 6 9 STRAP TO TIE DOWN STUD TO SNOW SPEED TOPOGRAPHIC kIC SPECIAL REGION (i)D DEBRIS WIND-BORNE CATEGORY g WEATHERING a FROST LINE bE TERMITE c TEMP, f MENT HAZARDS h FREEZING Strmtu ll5betboardpanels i Heel jointconnecion,arenotrequiredwhentheridgeasupporuadbyaIuadbxearingwall,headerarridgebeamdesignedto SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION. REQUIRED INDEX 1 ]12' 11ga_ply-rao$ngnai - 3•ed ef5-fi<A� re5:�the appr dloads. STUD TO SILL PLATE @ SLAB DETAIL 30 P.S.F. 130 M.P.H YES 1,500 OR LESS B SEVERE 3'-0' MODERATE 11 REQUIRED N/A 599 0.120'si-1J2tongR7116`headl 2 when intermediate support of the rafter is pwAded by vertical shuts orptirrinsto a loadbearing wait,the tabulated beelldrit TO HEAVY 25/32' 11 Sa_sale.rdmf�ns aaa - 3'eCfEe{t,fir'.d connection r'equirrsrhents shelf be permitted to be reduced ptopvrtaarralIy to the reductiat in span. FLOOR JOIST BRIDGING 0utrsl-314 tws tare-head I 5 T 3 Equivalent connections are required for r:eiTmg jots'[to to"sling joist tap splices. FOR SI: 1 POUND PER SQUARE FOOT 0.0479 kPa, 1 MILE PER HOUR = 0.447 M/S cy�n„waltlarrd 3dmalen 5dcoater: 7'edge{1D`'fxld o. WEATHERING MAY REQUIRE A HIGHER STRENGTH CONCRETE OR GRADE OF MASONRY THAN NECESSARY TO SATISFY THE STRUCTURAL 4 Tabulated heeliofrit can nection requiremeritsdo not mdutle the odd-ttionat Wei&ofthe Celffing assembly_ REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE. THE WEATHERING COLUMN SHALL BE FILLED IN WITH THE WEATHERING INDEX, 'NEGLIGIBLE," "MODERATE" OR Hardboard Bd Ed -(seeTable3AI1 s Tabu+atedtteeljoert can rtectianrequlrenvent;asumecei`Ingjaisezartafter ties are located at the bottom off the atticapace- USE "SIMPSON" Use every other nail hole In a row t0 "SEVERE" FOR CONCRETE AS DETERMINED FROM FIGURE R301.2(3). THE GRADE OF MASONRY UNITS SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM ASTM C 34, Per'ticfeboardFane& 8d Ed (seemnnu'alnure C 55, C 62, C 73, C 90. C 129, C 145, C 216 OR C 652. Diagonal BoardSheit6i� when ceifng)sl�tsorrafter ties arelocated higher in the attic space,no attic storageisassume3d,and the tabulated heel joint CS18 1 1/4 x18 GAGE provide the code-required minimum b. THE FROST LINE DEPTH MAY REQUIRE DEEPER FOOTINGS THAN INDICATED IN FIGURE R403.1(1). THE JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THE FROST VW orl'ae• 2-8d a-sod persrpport tarrneceiortregtirementsshalfbehw:reasedbvtheifailowingfactors: Z center- spacing for nails LINE DEPTH COLUMN WITH THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF FOOTING BELOW FINISH GRADE. l GALV. COIL STRAP P 9 1•s1C`or wider 3-Ed 3-iad pers.��rt Gelling Hgghtf Top " C. THE JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE TO INDICATE THE NEED FOR PROTECTION DEPENDING ON WHETHER THERE HAS BEEN l lJoirntconnection A HISTORY OF LOCAL SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE DAMAGE. FLDORSNEAT(RIG Plate-to-Roof Ridge w/ (4)-10d 1/2 Adjustment Factors c� d. THE JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE WITH THE WIND SPEED FROM THE BASIC WIND SPEED MAP [FIGURE R301.2(4)A]. WIND wood structarafpanels r,s Height(H tin} NAILS @ EACH END CONCRETE SLAB EXPOSURE CATEGORY SHALL BE DETERMINED ON A SITE-SPECIFIC BASIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R30L.2.1.4. 1'orless 11d ills 6'rdge{12'fald e. THE OUTDOOR DESIGN DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE SHALL BE SELECTED FROM THE COLUMNS OF 97-1/2 PERCENT VALUES FOR WINTER FROM areater than r lad 16d 6-edgein-foie is T T u2 ?� OF STRAP 16 O.C. APPENDIX D OF THE INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE. DEVIATIONS FROM THE APPENDIX D TEMPERATURES SHALL BE PERMITTED TO REFLECT Diagonal Board Sheathing 113 LSO' USE "SIMPSON" LOCAL CLIMATES OR LOCAL WEATHER EXPERIENCE AS DETERMINED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 3"s6'ori'sr 2.8d 2-101 'pers,ppart 314 133 f. THE JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE WITH THE SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY DETERMINED FROM SECTION R301.2.2.1. 1-s1t'•ortaider 3-Ild 3-10d perzuppwt 3"X3" LBPS 5 8" g. THE JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE WITH (A) THE DATE OF THE JURISDICTIONS ENTRY INTO THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM (DATE OF ADOPTION OF THE FIRST CODE OR ORDINANCE FOR MANAGEMENT OF FLOOD HAZARD AREAS), (8) THE DATE(S) Na+iingnecnircrmerrtsare3.xedonxallrwat+thinEnmledb;.chesan-CeRtXrat the pane edge.A+ternatiVenaii-nE cheduIes.TlWl I6 L20 "SIMPSON" TYPICAL NC BEARING PLATES OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY AND C THE PANEL NUMBERS AND DATES OF THE CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE FIRMS AND FBFMS OR OTHER be used wIterew2ft3hearrthn=^alrngIs^educed-f°.e.ar�p-e•il wall xne�tnar x^aaed3b,a,er0rr<*rrterat the pa�eledreta INSTALLATION ( ) 1/1D 1.11 FLOOD HAZARD MAP ADOPTED BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION, AS AMENDED. obtain ershexcapao`tia:nail)ngrey,menxrtsforstruturalam"bers shall bedor�ed,or alternate eo.me;torx4,allbe @ EACH 5/8 DIA. h. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS R905.1.2, R905.4.31, R905.5.3.1, R905.6.3_L, R905.7.3.1 AND R905.8.3,L, WHERE THERE HAS BEEN A used to maintzin the bad path. Note:Lateral deflervon of the tafterbelowthe rafterties may earceed 3/4 inch when raftertfesare(stated abcrwe one-third of FLOOR JOIST HISTORY OF LOCAL DAMAGE FROM THE EFFECTS OF ICE DAMMING, THE JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE WITH = ta?Cnw-':Fe�thir$beontmaoaxvercernec+rd�rembers-tFetz�dated"unovd akszlaTtnepermtttdtabereduredta the top p�te4v-rm(rid�eteigKK,orwhenHtisgreater than 2 feet and tnayv require additional cartsideration_ X 8" DEEP MIN YES.-OTHERWISE, THE JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE WITH 'NO.- 1-ir? a nerroot INTALL CROSS BRIDGE MIN. 8-0" O.C. CONCRETE MINIMUM L THE JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE WITH THE 100-YEAR RETURN PERIOD AIR FREEZING INDEX (BF-DAYS) FROM FIGURE Fc= 3,000 PSI ANCHOR BOLTS R403.3(2) OR FROM THE 100-YEAR (99 PERCENT) VALUE ON THE NATIONAL CLIMATIC DATA CENTER DATA TABLE "AIR FREEZING INDEX-USA Table 3.4A Rafter and/or Ceiling Joist to Top Plate Lateral and Table 3.6 Ridge Connection Requirements for Wind METHOD (BASE 32 DEG. F)." Shear Connection Requirements Exposure (Bead Load Asstmptions:RoofAss+ I�,r)L=20ps0 Exposure DECK DETAILS (NOTE USE TRIPLE ZINC CONNECTORS) _ STRENGTH AT 28 SPACED 3'-0" O.C. J. THE JURISDICTION MALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE WITH THE MEAN ANNUAL TEMPERATURE FROM THE NATIONAL CLIMATIC DATA CENTER (Prescriptive Altemativeto Table 3-4) DAYS AS PER 2001 EDITION DATA TABLE 'AIR FREEZING INDEX-USA METHOD (BASE 32-F')." 70"r.windspeed OF WFCM TABLE 3.2A k. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R301.2. 1.5, WHERE THERE IS LOCAL HISTORICAL DATA DOCUMENTING STRUCTURAL DAMAGE To BUILDINGS DUE tic 115 1" 1" 140 150 160 170 180 19s I, TOTOPOGRAPHIC WIND SPEED-UP EFFECTS, THE JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE WITH "YES." OTHERWISE, THE 700-y3set°"dgust(mphl e(E� JURISDICTION SHALL INDICATE "NO" IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE. I-secu tflgustrmd Speed 110 its 120 230 140 1S0 160 170 100 195 IJ peal span ,xs RAILING I. TN ACCORDANCE WITH FIGURE R301.2(4)A, WHERE THERE IS LOCAL HISTORICAL DATA DOCUMENTING UNUSUAL WAND CONDITIONS, THE 9 s m hoof Pttdt (ft) Required Capacity of Ridge Connetiian(p1f)t JURISDICTION SHALL FILL IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE WITH "YES" AND IDENTIFY ANY SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. OTHERWISE, THE JURISDICTION Rafter/CeilingJoist wall Number of ad Common Nails or led Box Nails(Yeenalbsd) •O " SHALL INDICATE "NO" IN THIS PART OF THE TABLE. Height 12 77 91 105 136 169 205 243 254 327 397 0 • STUD TO SILL PLATE DETAIL ( INSTALL @ 16 ON CENTER ) M. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R301.2-L.2.1, THE JURISDICTION SHALL INDICATE THE WIND-BORNE DEBRIS WIND ZONES . OTHERWISE, THE Spading(rn) Required in Each Rafterand/or CeWng Joist to Top Plate Connecdasn!t's"st e ( ) ft. 15 103 121 141 182 226 274 325 379 436 529 •O• • 0 12 a 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 'ion ize isz`": "17il" ' za � Z52 ° 3A2 '> :ioa 479 545 661: POST USE "SIMPSON" REFERENCE STANDARD FOR DESIGN OF STRUCTURE z z a a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3�2 24 154 a 2 211 272 339 yin 48 61I 763 92S s 2 2 2 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 2�. > '. sit Il '3i2 395 479 s6a 667 r63 sz5• CS20 Use every other nail hole in a row to 1) AMERICAN FOREST AND PAPER ASSOCIATION (AF & PA) 2018 EDITION 16 10 2 2 2 3 -3 3 3 3 3 4 32 Z05 243 2S1 363 452 547 649 758 973 1057 2"MINIMU 1 1/4"X20 GAGE - z provide the code-required minimum SIDECOVER q WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS. a 3 3 3 4 S 5 5 5 5 5 36 231 Z73 316 409 SOS 626 730 852 J82 1190 .- '= Simpson Strong-Tie center-to-center spacing for nails 12 65 7T 1~a 113 139 156 199 231 z66 321 ,E DRT8 GALV. COIL STRAP I P 9 10 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 r R301.4 DEAD LOAD. THE ACTUAL WEIGHTS OF MATERIALS AND - _ -: / ( )- / DESIGN LOADS: CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE USED FOR DETERMINING DEAD LOAD 1 Prescriptsaeiimits are based onassumpavnsin Table 3.4_ M �• _ 3 42 IN, -•if;Ay_; W 7 8d 1 2 USE "SIMPSON" 16 R7 lax Zia i50 186 a24 a6s WITH CONSIDERATION FOR THE DEAD LOAD OF FIXED SERVICE EQUIPME T. 2 When ceiin iscsarainstalled raneltorafters,theWanofthetaenailsiitherafterandcellI tstshall zn lrns 1a6 i4r' rs: as2 a90 1`3i' 1as 44_ 916;': Simpson Strong-Tie gja ills Ala equal NAILS @EACH END ++ ++ +• FLOOR the tabulated number of nails required. Simpson Strong-Tie PC 3 x3 LBPS 5/8 4.12 Z4 131 iS3 176 22.e: 279 336 397 .463 33a 693 " ABU44 OF STRAP 16 O.C. BEARING PLATES LIVE LOAD 40 lb. R301.5 LIVE LOAD. THE MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE 3 Towmidsplrcring,rm mom than 2 toenails shall beinsta!'wshteachsideofa rafter or ceiling joist when fastened toa'ZPA 2i4 153. KIP 206 263 315 391 464 540 �aD 7SO i DEAD LOAD 10 Ib. LOAD SHALL BE AS PROVIDED IN TABLE R301.5. top plateor3 toenails ineadtside when fastened toa2x6 top,pl3te_ 32 174 204 235 301 372 448 530 617 709 s57 @EACH 5/8" DIA. TOTAL LOAD = 50 lb. TABLE R301.5 4 wtere top plate..tie-r;dge heights wviceeeia,m shallb.ead 36 195 730 264 338 41a IRA 596 6s4 797 964 Simpson Strong-Tie MIMIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS jusredasfolsoca 32 31 60 69 as log 132 156 .La2 gas 253 DBT1 8" D ROOF (IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT) ' ' _. ___ _ 92 _iE8_.. 246 176 � Z42 279 '33t ANCHOREBOLTS P MIN wan Height r 10' 16 ,.- Top Plateta Ridge 85 ,. iuo i35 34T rv2 2_ 720 264 0s 3 ii . . 4zi A , n GROUND SNOW LOAD 45 lb. USE LIVE "eight(ft) AdlustmemFa�� 5:12 24 102 119 139 177 Z19 254 312 364 41B .506 SPACED 3'-0" O.C. DEAD LOAD 10 lb. LOAD Sir 1.00 lea cs 1.19 '139 lei 2 e 255 303 6�, rota -0 s o AS PER 2001 EDITION WIND LOAD 10 lb. UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE b 10 JOIST CONCRETE MINIMUM OF WFCM TABLE 3.2A 32 136 154 18.E 235 292 352 416 4S5 557 674 SEISMIC UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITH LIMITED STORAGE b,g 20 13 1-40 1'S 0 35 153 179 207 255 328 396 661! 545 6,27 750 Fc=3 000 PSI HABITABLE ATTICS & ATTICS SERVED WITH FIXED STAIRS 30 20' i_40 i5D o , CATEGORY "C" (EXEMPT BALCONIES (EXTERIOR) AND DECKS a 40 iZ 48 55 63 81 99 119 141 164 18e ZZ7 STRENGTH AT 28 BASED ON RESIDENTIAL CODE FIRE ESCAPES 40 'Table 3.SA Top and Bottom Plate to Stud Lateral Connections C i5 63 74 s5 toe 133 259 iBa 219 250 30z TECO" JOIST HANGER OF "NEW YORK STATE' GUARDRAILS AND HANDRAILS d 200 h Exposure """" """'""" "' `"' ,nt.,r.e.� " ` "' �""""'' DAYS. for Wind Loads �P 20 0* t06, 135 166 1 a3s a73 313 3797 LEDGER SECTION R301.2.2 (SEISMIC GUARDRAILS IN-FILL COMPONENTS f 50 h 612 zs 9s 111 32i. 162 199 239 2s2 327 378 453 „ PROVISIONS) PASSENGER VEHICLES GARAGES a 50 a (PresetiptiveAttematfyetoTile3.5) SECURE TO STRUCTURE W/ 1/20 LAG BOLTS @ 16 O.C. ROOMS OTHER THAN SLEEPING ROOMS 40 2a 1:1.1 129 143 its Z32 279, 329 38Z 438' 529 SLEEPING ROOMS 30 32 127 148 169 215 265 319 376 435 Sol 605 STAIRS 40 C 700-yr.WindSpeed 110 115 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 i$D 193 36 143 156 19Q 242 29S 359 423 491 564 M GIRDER CONNECTION TO SHEAR WALL SEGMENT DETAIL A. ELEVATED GARAGE FLOORS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING A 2,000-POUND LOAD APPLIED OVER A 3-50cond gust(mph) 12 49 55 6z 76 94 112 132 153 17S Y21 PIPE COLUMN (INSTALL ® EACH COLUMN) N.T.S. PER WFCM FIG. 1.5 & SEC. THIS PROJECT COMPLIES WITH THE 2020 NEW YORK STATE 15 55 73 82 102 125 149 176 204 233 281 20-SQUARE-INCH LINCH AREA. Stud -, .,, .,. 15-,�,W .a 1:.,.. _,�1_ - .. .. M .,,�.,,,,.,._,. . RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, THE tutu NEW YORK STATE B. UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE ARE THOSE WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT BETWEEN JOISTS AND RAFTERS IS NOT s2 . . 1.., ..Y' 1Q3 127 156 187 22fJ 254 291' 35i MIMIMUM SHEAR WALL SEGMENT SIZE MORE THAN 42 INCHES, OR WHERE THERE ARE NOT TWO OR MORE ADJACENT TRUSSES WITH WEB CONFIGURATIONS Sparing wa"Height(ft) Required Numberefl6dCommanNai(sor40d8oxNailsperStudtoPlainConnection RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL CODE, CHAPTERS 12 THROUGH 24, THE 7:12-I2:1x 24 11a in 153' 197 iza 263 3a5 350 421 L ASPECT RATIO: H/L S• 3 1/2" CAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING AN ASSUMED RECTANGLE 42 INCHES IN HEIGHT BY 24 INCHES IN WIDTH, OR GREATER, (in,) i 2020 NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING, CHAPTERS 25 WITHIN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSSES. THIS LIVE LOAD NEED NOT BE ASSUMED TO ACT CONCURRENTLY WITH ANY OTHER LIVE 219 Sid 129 144 17S 218 - 251 301 356 40ft 491 Fi THROUGH 32, THE 2020 NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTIAL LOAD REQUIREMENTS. B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 WALL HT (H) SEGMENT WIDTH (W) 32 130 147 164 20S 25CI 299 351 407 466 562 C. INDIVIDUAL STAIR TREADS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR THE UNIFORMLY DISTP,IBUTED LIVE LOAD OR A 300-POUND 1D a $ 2 2 a 2 2 2 2 2 - . - 2'-4" ELECTRICAL, CHAPTERS 33 THROUGH 42. CONCENTRATED LOAD ACTING OVER AN AREA OF 4 SQUARE INCHES, WHICHEVER PRODUCES THE GREATER STRESSES. _.. , �,-- ., ,, ,r,,,, nd.,_.,,w. 35 147 165 18s 329 291 3315 395 458 SZ5 632 PLACARD ON OR ADJACENT TO D. A SINGLE CONCENTRATED LOAD APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AT ANY POINT ALONG THE TOP. l2 2 $' 2 $ 2 2 2 2 2 2 tD 9'-1" 2'-$" APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE ENGINEERED WOOD E. SEE SECTION R507. 1 FOR DECKS ATTACHED TO EXTERIOR WALLS. i Tafltfatgdcnnaytu aOrPqulrementssha4D�pr'nitirtedtabemstlgpf�d6r+D.70farflamirtgnotl0ea dartthin8}eetefbui"dittg[arners. S-0" ELECTRICAL METER BOX FOR FIELD INSPECTION. F. GUARD IN-FILL COMPONENTS (ALL THOSE EXCEPT THE HANDRAIL), BALUSTERS AND PANEL FILLERS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO 12 I4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2. 2 3 2 Tabulated connection requL emenis are based an tale)Uplift mifus the roof assembly dead toad of 6 psf(0_5 x 1a psf=6 psfJ- G. UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITH LIMITED STORAGE ARE THOSE WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT BETWEEN JOISTS AND RAPIERS IS 3a 2 2 2 Z 2 a z 2 3 3 3 Tabutatedconnect;ionreq�uirementsambasedonaiZlnch66,ecolinectionspadng,ford'dfefenttidaeconnectionsparing,multiply RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES WITH WITHSTAND A HORIZONTALLY APPLIED NORMAL LOAD OF 50 POUNDS ON AN AREA EQUAL TO 1 SQUARE FOOT. THIS LOAD 16 2 '+ 2 NEED NOT BE ASSUMED TO ACT CONCURRENTLY WITH ANY OTHER LIVE LOAD REQUIREMENT. - NOT GREATER THAN 42 INCHES, OR WHERE THERE ARE TWO OR MORE ADJACENT TRUSSES WITH WEB CONFIGURATIONS the tabulated values by the appropriate mutti,tlierbefow: „ „ TRUSS TYPE CONSTRUCTION, 20 2 a 2 z a a z 3 3 3 USE SIMPSON CAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING AN ASSUMED RECTANGLE 42 INCHES IN HEIGHT BY 24 INCHES IN WIDTH, OR GREATER, Rid•eeannectionspacing(in 12 16 392 a4 48 PRE-ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSSES. 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a = HDU2 HOLD DOWN THE LIVE LOAD NEED ONLY BE APPLIED TO THOSE PORTIONS OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS " IMoltiptier L04 3.33 1.60 2-00 4_t00 � AND/OR TIMBER CONSTRUCTION BOTTOM CHORDS WHERE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1. THE AT11C AREA IS ACCESSIBLE FROM AN OPENING NOT LESS THAN 20 INCHES IN WIDTH BY 30 INCHES IN LENGTH ' '" - -.. r� i -' 4 for Jack WOOD GIRDER ON A 4"X6"Xl 4" w/ SSTB16 ANCHOR BOLT FOR NEW DWELLING AND /OR ANY 11 a' 2" 2 « 2" 2 2' 3 3 / THAT IS LOCATED WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT 1N THE ATTIC IS NOT LESS THAN 30 INCHES. length andthe*kspan_ STEEL BEARING PLATE ON A ADDITION, ALTERATION 2. THE SLOPES OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS BOTTOM CHORDS ARE NOT GREATER THAN 2 INCHES VERTICAL TO 12 UNITS 16 14 2 2 2 7 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1/2" DIAMETER STEEL COLUMN A SIGN OR SYMBOL DESIGNED HORIZONTAL 2 3. REQUIRED INSULATION DEPTH IS LESS THAN THE JOIST OR TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD MEMBER DEPTH. i6 Z_ 2; 2 3 9 3 4 THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS BOT(OM CHORDS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR A UNIFORMLY 18 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 Table=0 Roof Sheathing Attachment Requirements for Wind IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 1265 DISTRIBUTED CONCURRENT LIVE LOAD OF NOT LESS THAN 10 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. 2a 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 Loads posure $ F1 SHALL BE AFFIXED ON OR ADJACENT TO ANY H. GLAZING USED IN HANDRAIL ASSEMBLIES AND GUARDS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH A SAFETY FACTOR OF 4. THE SAFETY ELECTRIC BOX FACTOR SHALL BE APPLIED TO EACH OF THE CONCENTRATED LOADS APPLIED TO THE TOP OF THE RAIL, AND TO THE 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 ATTACHED TO THE EXTERIOR OF THE STRUCTURE LOAD ON THE IN-FILL COMPONENTS. THESE LOADS SHALL BE DETERMINED INDEPENDENT OF ONE ANOTHER, AND LOADS 14 Z 2 2 Z Z 3 3 3 4 ARE ASSUMED NOT TO OCCUR WITH ANY OTHER LIVE LOAD. _ ,,.y„ „a 70ayr.lAlirtdapeed3seenndgxat(mph) 110 133 120 13a 148 150 16t1 1Yt► it30 195 FOR FIELD INSPECTION r __. .m., _2 ,2,. 2. .,2-,. nor_ --2--2- 3 �,.. .r. :$. 24 1s ? w 2 3, 3 4 _ 4 f 4 5 sTiltJc7t1ltaLsflEA7TerpG 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING @ ROOF SHEATHING NOTE: if, 2 2: 3 3 3 4 4 s l: E F F E F E F E F F E F E F E F E F EXTERIOR w/8d NAILS @ 6 OC. EDGES 19 2 z a 3 3 4 5 5 6 Aa�� & 12 O.C. IN THE FIELD. (CAN USE 10d BOX NAILS AS INTERIOR ZONE- 16" ON-CENTER RAFTER/ TRUSS SPACING 20 2 a 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 Sheathing Locations SperiffE Wftefh"ns Maximum or) t ,�-,�� ) ' 1/2" GYP BD. INTERIOR w/ 5d COOLER ALTERNATIVE) i Prescri"e Gm its are based on assumptions in Table 35 t7 In ++ „ NAIL SPACING - PANEL EDGE- 8d COMMON ® 6" ON-CENTER 6R'`�t+� NAILS @ 7 O.C. @EDGE & @ 10 O.C. 2 Tabulated framing loads and connection requirements be perrrtittetl to be multiplied by O.92 for framirlgnot located � 6 12 s 12 6 is 6 12 6 12 6 12 5 12, 6 72 5 12 6 12 STEEL GIRDER ON A 3 8" STEEL IN THE FIELD. NAIL SPACING - INTERMEDMIATE SUPPORT - 8d COMMOM ® 12" ON-CENTER within 8 feet of comers A/) / D� 15 s u b 12 6 la 6 12 a 12 s la 6 lZ 6 12 5 lz 6 12. MOUNTING PLATE w 4 1 2" PERIMETER EDGE ZONE- 16" ON-CENTER RAFTER/ TRUSS SPACING 192 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 •12 6 12 5 12 6 .12 5 12 6 12 DIAMETER BOLTS ON A 3 1/2- NAIL 24 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 L' 6 12 6 12 5 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 NAIL SPACING - PANEL EDGE- 8d COMMON ® 6" ON-CENTER Table 3sfi Wall Sheathing-and Cladding Attachment hhterior7onr DIAMETER STEEL COLUMN NAIL SPACING - INTERMEDMIATE SUPPORT - 8d COMMOM ® 6" ON-CENTER 1z 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 5 ix 6 12 Requirements for Wind Loafs Dwz 16 6 iz 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 iz 6 12 6 iz s 12 s 12 s zz "2 6 12 5 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 5 22 6 12 WALL SHEATHING NOTE: 24 6 12 6 12 6 ss C. 12 6 12 6 1215 12 6 12 5 6 6 6 nd speed 3-second m tin us 1z0 13n Inn ISO 1sv 170 lm 895 F7 �-�-�` P tit( Phl u 6 12 6 12 6 u 6 12 6 12 6 ,12 6 12 6 b 6 6 6 6 (CAN USE 10d BOX NAILS AS INTERIOIR ZONE- 16" ON-CENTER STUD SPACING tx4Q is 6 12 6 12 s 12 6 12 6 12 6 § b 6 6 6 e s 6 6 ALTERNATIVE) STTIUCfiJRAL51fEAT7dIriG 19.2 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 4 4 NAIL SPACING - PANEL EDGE- 8d COMMON o 6" ON-CENTER E F E F E F E F E F E F P F E F E F E F Perimeter Edge 24 6 12 6 12 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 s NAIL SPACING - INTERMEDMIATE SUPPORT - 8d COMMOM 0 12" ON-CENTER t mid Spacing 22 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 b 6 6 6 6 6 6 SheathirgLtxa6un rectles oe Maximum Nailspading for ad Common tl %t ori0d Box Nails[nchen,oxfA OA2 16 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 s 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4" EDGE ZONE- 16" ON-CENTER STUD SPACING SB.2 6 12 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 12 6 '12 6 1Z 5 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 Z4 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 d 4 d 3 3 3 3 USE "SIMPSON" NAIL SPACING - PANEL EDGE- 8d COMMON 0 6" ON-CENTER Interior Zone 16 6 1Z 6 32 5 12 6 12 5 12 6 12 6 12 16 12 6 12 "5 22 HDU2 HOLD DOWN NAIL SPACING - INTERMEDMIATE SUPPORT - 8d COMMOM ® 6" ON-CENTER 74 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 5 6 5 5 6 t�bleEndwa1Rakeor DA9 - s 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 4 4 Ralte7ttas with uptoV w/ 5/8 TREADED ROD 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 5 LT 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 Rake Overhang DA2 _ 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 al 3 3 "SIMPSON" TYPICAL LCC5.25-3.5 t}erimeietEdge2ane' 1.a B 12 6 Iz 6 12 6 12 5 12 s 12 6 12 6 12 s 12 6 s INSTALLATION CONNECTING A 3 PLY TYP. CONNECTION FOR TWO �a 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 is 12 6 13 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 BOARDSH&t71l LVL AND A 3 1/2" DIAMETER STEEL STORY APPLICATIONS BOARD SM1HM or LM S1L1trJ6 Streacltilttla 5rze Raftarnnns lbtinirnonn Number of®d Common Nails Per 5tspport COLUMN Sheathing size Rafter/truss SpacTnig S�o�`m) I lMr�dmnm Number of ad common NaRs ar Tod Bat NaAs Per shappart Jx6 of 1-a8 sheathing 12-i9z 2 z z z 2 z z z z 2 1xlawLargersheathRng 1z-192 3 3' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS FOR Lc6orI3251iheathing i2-24 z z z z a a 2 z z ; MYER RESIDENCE ® ixio or la Lw Sheathing 12-2.4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E - Nail spacing at parrai edges{in.) tra - F - Nall spacingatintermediate supports inNpanetfield(rn.) 6� C 1705 FLEETWOOD RD. CUTCHOGUE, NY Endwall E - halt sparing at pastel edges$tin) �tr �• �"n APPROVED BY: WINDOW NOTES: F - Rai►spacns2titttemtediatessrppomin the panelfieldfm.) 1 For roof sheathing within 4 feet ofthe perimeter edge oftheroAIncludinga feet on each sideof'the roofpeal.,the albotperimeteredge "�' SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN BY: J. TURNER Corner stud zooe attachment requirwnents dun beuspd O Holddown connected to 1•ALL WINDOWS SIZES ON PLANS WERE TAKEN FROM "ANDERSEN" WINDOW CATALOG z For wind speeds greater thanIMmph,blockingisrequiredw0ichtransfersshearloadtotwoadditionaljoists13joiststotall. DATE: OrJ-OG-L1 REVISED BY : transfer shear 3 For vial)sheathirig lrilthin 4 feet cif the canters,the 4 foot edge zone bttadtment requirements shall be wed- UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2-16d Common 2 Tabu"-ated nar"1 spacing assumes sheathing attached to stud framing rnem#ers with 0A2S G<0:A9_ * Robert J. Gruber - Architect SHALL BE 400 SERIES DOUBLE HUNG, "HIGH-PERFORMANCE" LOW-E4 SUN nails at6"o.c. WINDOW" NTH U-VALUE OF 0.28, AND SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENT (SHGC) TO 3 for�exteriorpanel srd-frmgatvank-d box nails shall bepermho-dtobesubstilinedfor common m4s_ g BE LESS THAN .30 2410 N Ocean Ave Suite 300, Farmin ville, NY 11738 '- 2. WINDOW DESIGN PRESSURE RATING ���# a*' Email: rjgruberra@aol.com (631 ) 654-4949 WINDOWS WITHIN 4'-0" OF CORNERS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED DESIGN PRESSURE OF DRAWING RATING OF 30 lb/S.F. ALL OTHER WINDOWS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED DESIGN : PRE „ F 25 rVER SHEET JQB: 1 OF 5 012 28'—11 J# II it II II I .4 EXT'G FIREPLACE II 0 0 Li 1 L J L - - - - - - F </ F-L /,� Q0 Q0 4 __j 11 -I Q0 (0 Q0 co Ln Ln LO Ln L A 71 F- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - II II II II I II II ll II PARTITION SCHEDULE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - J L:] F F I l I — — — EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVED I II EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN x 0 x 0 0 0 LQ0 2 12'-716 9 1 2,-738" BASEMENT PLAN EXISTING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 ST FLOOR PLAN EXISTING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS FOR ED MYER RESIDENCE 1705 FLEETWOOD RD. CLITCHOGUE, NY 4L SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY- J. TURNER DATE: 12-11-20 REVISED BY 4K Robert J. Gruber Architect 2410 N Ocean Ave Suite 300, Fcrmingville, NY 11738 Email: rigruberra@aol.com (631 ) 654-4949 DRAWNG NUMBER: DEMO PLAN 2 OF 5 C C 9 1 » 9 1 » 28'-11 " 102 28 -11 102 40 91-0„ 9,-2„ 9,-0„ 11 ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, _ I (2) 2x10 ACQ GDR (2) 2x10 ACQ GDR i (2) 2x10 ACQ GDR 1 o I I o i I I � I _ _ I b 4X4 ACQ --- I POST ON 1 o _ _ o _ I 14" DIA I o N _ N of I � P. C. PIER I o N I I 0 Q 14'-52" 14'-52" 8'-0" - 2,-11 " 8,-0" � _ - x NEW 5068 SLD'G GLASS DOOR (2)2 x 12 HEADER (2)21 x 12 HEADER N I 28' 3" 1 o N N o (2) 2x12 HEADER N I I W C' I 2 x 6 C.J. @ 16 O.C. I I— EXT'G Lx I I \ DOOR TO BE 0 co N 1 I 1 REPLACED 3 EXT'G I 1 = _ _ WITH WINDOW o LIVINQ ROOM I N N (VAULTED CEILING) I o0 B of 2 x 10 R.R. @ 116" O.C. 2 x 10 R.R. @ 16" O.C. B B 13'-32" 3'-g2' 9'-6" B 3 > 3 3 6 3 I I 2 I � I I X I co I I _ o 00 o l I o z o EXT'G 2"x 10" F.J. @ 16" O.C. MECH 1 ROOM LO ( I EXT'G NEW EXT'G o BEDROOM M. NEW 1 I FIREPLACE OUTDOOR rj DOUBLE POCKET OORS 1 #3 [ /F SHOWER r2 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ln i o I NEW I I EXT'G ro I MASTER I I DINING ROOM 3�: I BEDROOM I (VAULTED CEILING) �^ � � o n - I (TRAY CEILING) I I = _ i� " PARTITION SCHEDULE I I I 2 x 10 R.R. @ 16" O.C. I 2 x 101 R.R. @ 16" O.C. � � � � � � NEW o� I I X ,� N@ o STORAGE - 6 2 x 8 C.J. @ 16" O.C. _ 1 I �- z C 00 ROOM l I I o EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN I I I I CD CD I I I > I � I I I 3'-0" I CO w Ln LO NEW NEW Lnn NEW N - - - - - - - - - - - - 8" P. CONC. PLAY EXTERIOR WALL -6" 4" 9'-7" 1 Ica RETAINING ROOM VINYL CLAPBOARD SIDING I E WALL -� "TYVEK" BUILDING WRAP OR EQUAL 1 - - - I 2"x4" WOOD STUDS @ 16" O.C. 1 EXT'G 2"x 10" F.J. @ 16" O.C. w o o R-15 BATT. INSULATION __ m of 13'-6" DRAIN TO nX-5,-6„ 0 I Q DRYWELL - 1 NEW ;� 6 NEW o �I o _ o o � NEW d STUD WALL 1 LAYER 1/2' GYP. BD. BOTH Ln 2 N 1 Q w V O o BEDROOM W N SIDES OF 2"x4' STUDS @ 16" O.C. o :.- o I L Z Y o z I #2 z U TO UNDERSIDE OF CEILING JOIST 1 - -- 1 p 8'-8" 0 5,-5„ 5'_0" 3'-0" 3'-6" z 1 2 NEW 1 a _ NEW I AUND METAL LO MASTER 28 W N LADDER 1 o �- 1 BATH 1 ► 13 -32" 6 I 13'-32" NEw - CODE „� NEW 1 �321 Ln 8 P. CONC. - O PWDR 1 WALLETAGDR INING ® l _ __ _ _ 0 1 RM I EXPANDED 4 i� _ CLOSET 4 1 I I I BATH 2 Of I o N 2 I I I 1 `a I `o = I � I II. I NEW - - - --------------------- - - - X 6 I 1 ►71 ,- - �' I I I a I SPACE x CRAWL N@ 2 1 2 x 6 C.J. @ 16" O.C. 1 I I I A I _ A d I I nc�)1 o /A\ 1 11 1 I „ o A 3 1 1 x I 3 3 it I- I NEW 2 x 10 F.J. @ 16 O.C. _ v 0 (VAULTED I CEILING) (VAULTEID CEILING) C I I I N 3 c 00 ^ I rr o 1 3 1 l 0 1 r cT I I c11 11 . . 1 co 00 2 x 10 R.R. @ 116" O.C. X J 2 x 10 R11R. @ 16" O.C. 0 cn Cn I I I I 8'E P. CONC. „ I _e -1 > I 2 o I I I FOUNDATION WALL ON EXT'G 2 x 10 F.J. N @ 4'EW POST 1 "j I 3' LX pz I I 1 16"X8" DP P. C. FOOTING @ 16" O.C. I 1 - -- - - 1 - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TYP.sIs - I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TW3052 TW13 52-3 1 4X4 ACQ 5,, NEW 3„ 6'-1 �" I 14'-7�" POST ON 7 4 7 14 -98 8" x16" VENT 12,-78 REV. #4 11 05 24 DRAINAGE CALCULATION 8" DIA. 2 3'-4" 3'-4" 3'-4" 3'-4" 3'-4" I 2 PO14" DIA REV. #3 07/06/23 ADDED TRAY CEILING, UPDATED PLUMBING RISER DECORATIVE COLUMN P. C. PIER REV. #2 06/05/23 A/I SYSTEM ADDED TO PLOT PLAN 4X4 ACQ POST - - - - - - -1 181 01 REV. 23 27'-5" I- - - - - - -I 2 x 6 ACQ # / / - - - - - D.J. @ 16" INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS FOR L - - - - - -I 0.C. � MYER RESIDENCE � . BASEMENT PLAN 6,� A 1705 FLEETWOOD RD. CUTCHOGUE, NY 1ST FLOOR PLAN `' t �' ► SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: J. TURNER SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" �Q DATE: 12-11-20 REVISED BY SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Robert J. Gruber — Architec 2410 N Ocean Ave Suite 300, Farmingville, NY 11738 0 1, n- Email: rjgruberra@aol.com (631 ) 654-4949 tREW AWNG NUMBER. FLOOR PLAN 3 OF 5 SOB: # 21—012 (NEW) 1-3/4"X 11-7/8" LVL RIDGE 245# ASPHALT SHINGLES I 245# ASPHALT SHINGLES 15# FELT PAPER 15# FELT PAPER 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING I 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING R-38 INSUL. 2"x1 O" R.R. @ 16" O.C. 2"x6" R.R. @ 16" O.C. 12 • S 4°02'40" E 8 25.00'--- „ 2"X 6" .J. 16" O.C. 35 N 85°57'20" E 7 2"X 8 WD. RIDGE 39.5 0' HURRICANE CLIPS - - - -- ���\ Fs7oNE CURB '0.44' SECTION 137-BLOCK 4-TAX LOT 35 __- O % ' @ EA. RAFTER --- -- '9°1 ( BR �4 N/F PAUL & MARGARET POSTER , GARAGE LIBER 12978-PAGE 48 DRIVE Y GARAGE 2 2 X 8 GIRDER FIRST FLOOR-35.7 PROPOSED VENT 2" — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — INSUL. R-30 INSUL _ MIN. W/ (2) 2"X 8" GIRDER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -o - - CHARCOAL FILTER MIN. 3' 203.6' � I' FROM DOO A rF CURB rJ I/A VENT REMAINS OF STEPS O N - -�2' N 85°57 0 E i NEW r�Iop STONE WALK � CONC R WALL � 0 � . SVAR .5 N REATME T o \ I _ � VINYL CLAPBD. SIDING — AIL I _ Kol 3�, a lv cR ss ��� s_ UNI (PRES URIZED i "TYVEK" BUILDING WRAP // 1/2" GYP. BD. I EXT'G WALL 0 0 _ „ „ p(� O PONo -- co _ _ L_ Ili XI STING S C - 1/2 PLYWD. SHEATHING y/2 YP. BD. OCjo SE TIC TA K 1 ro BE E OVED (o- /, 2"X 4" STUDS @16 O.C. / �� STRUCTURE \ _ \ M TO REMAIN 0 1 MI _ - QOOO -a PROPOSED �-� � ' 1 I o I R—15 INSUL. x \ n STONE ROOFED 1 VC I ' LRIC '�CHIN g PROPOSED78S.F OVER PORCH, C.O. RECI CULA I r I z Cn \ ~ N v I 104.5' i ' -� wo PILE (TYP) y! \\ ® \ G OOL AO 1-STORY - l y' WA METER\\\\\ `~ ADDITION PROPO PROP SEQ__-- 4 a N � � z ('�'� CO50 o m y GRASS / SED — --12'x2 .75' w W (� "' 0 1 I 1 v' \ IA - Z \ m A EXP. �' P %/ 705 / PANEL i DECK gq -1 s �. ��v o 0 7 - - - - - ,p O / �/ AREA DOS EXIST. 1 w ��� o HOSE BIB o Z NEW 2"x10" F.J. @ 16" O.C. EXT'G 2"x10" F.J. 16" O.C. PE 1 1/2 STORY � AITARY �, ST� I � _� rn 0' S \\' HOS BIB. ��s wD FRAME f�% 1 ,970 ST FLOOR-33.0' Q. FT. �I f _ BASEMENT FLU 24.8• OR O p 1 ,_ rn R-30 I SUL. RICK PLANTER ' 458 CRE z z J 2 V! e o I a I NEW O PILE I ~ / 03) - CRAWL SPACE ICK ST I Z I I 4.6' =! z N ( 14" DIA -- -- N GRAS 9 5 1 m ERVI E GAS M TER w N N '� ELL _ --- -------- — — o I / P. C. PIER _ - EXPANDED I I o AILB (,4��AND ) - J f N I `y , -I rn BATH o I "' � Q, GRA N �� ON w a, COcov R o0 2 PIPE OUND 1 1 �' (2) 2X6 ACQ SILL PLATE 4' P. CONC. I I I �NCE� - � � rn � o �- WATER LINE N �, ° � -��. � 2 0 N RTH " PIP "' W/ 5/8" DIA. ANCHOR BOLTS© 32" O.C. SLABo E RE F STOCKADE FENCE N N / � L E FENCE NEW EXT'G I I S 85`58'20" W o �"' "o� 4' _ STOCKADE FENCE FO FOUNDATION ON WALL F" CONIC. BLOCK OUNDATION WALL - C - �� SECTION 110-BLOCK 6-TAX LOT 14 �sF / ' ON P. CONIC. FOOTING N F MARY SCHWARTZ IREVOCABLE GRANTOR TRUST ° ON / P. CONIC. FOOTING LIBER 13134-PAGE 921 SECTION "A — A" ILn SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" I Io o ' (NEW) (2) 1-3/4"X 14" LVL RIDGE 245# ASPHALT SHINGLES I 15# FELT PAPER 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING 2"x10" R.R. @ 16" O.C. 12 2"X 6" C.J. @ 16" O.C. 8 � EAST ROAD 0 R-38 INSUL. I PLOT PLAN 1/2" GYP. BD. SCALE: 1 " = 20'-0" 2" GYP BD. 00 EXT'G WALL STRUCTURE TO REMAIN DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS LIVING TROOM AREA —1 RUN OFF ® 2" ROOF: 2,063.0 SF. X .17 X 100% = 350.85 CF TOTAL: 350.85 C.F. REQ'D EXT'G 2"x10" .J. @ 16" O.C. EXT'G 2"x10" F.J. @ 16" O.C. USE (2) NEW POOL(S) 8' DIA. x 6' DEEP = 506.88 C.F PROV'D R-30 INSUL. 4" VTR. 12 V.F PROV'D R-13 INSUL. NEW MECHANICAL 2 BEDROOM ROOM EXT'G (2) 2X6 ACQ SILL PLATE #3 8" CONC. BLOCK VINYL CLAPBD. SIDING W/ 5/8" DIA. ANCHOR BOLTS@ 32" O.C. 4" P. CONC. FOUNDATION WALL 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 15# FELT PAPER SLAB ON P. CONIC. FOOTING 2� 1/2" PLYWD. SHEATHINGLJ NEW NEW NEW NEW 2"X 4" STUDS @ 16" O.C. W.C. LAV. LAV. W.C. WASHER NEW 3' HIGH RAILING SHWR SECTION "B - B" 1ST FLOOR 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 5/4" ACO DECKING 2"X8" ACO D.J. @ 16" O.C. 3/4" SUBFLOOR SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" HURRICANE CLIPS 4" @ EA. RAFTER (2)2"XO" ACO GIRDER 2"x8" ACO WD. LEDGER R-30 INSUL. W/ 5/8" DIA. LAG BOLTS SIMPSON STAGGERED 24" O.C. PC44 POST CAP PER SECTION R507 REV. #4 11 /05/24 DRAINAGE CALCULATION REV. #3 07/06/23 ADDED TRAY CEILING, UPDATED PLUMBING RISER BUILDING 4„ ,2„ 1 1/2" 4"X4" ACO POST EXT'G REV. #2 06/05/23 A/I SYSTEM ADDED TO PLOT PLAN 8" CONC. BLOCK EXT'G EXT'G FOUNDATION WALL REV. #1 01 /18/23 W.C. LAV. E>T'G INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS FOR S WR P, Eo MYER RESIDENCE 4" F 1 1/2 SIMPSON � � �6� t � 1705 FLEETWOOD RDAPPRovEo BY: CUTCHOGUE, NY SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN eY: J. TURNER PB44 POST BASE o TO EXISTING 4" DATE: 12-11-20 REVISED BY �' " SANITARY SYSTEM 14" DIA _ 4" H. TRAP P. C. PIER Robert J. Gruber Architect SECTION "C" 2410 N Ocean Ave Suite 300, Farmingville, NY 11738 PLUMBING RISER (SANITARY WASTE) OF Email: rjgruberra@aol.com (631 ) 654-4949 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" FLOOR PLAN AWN 4 OF 5 JOB 21—012 245# ASPHALT SHINGLES 15# FELT PAPER 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING 2"x6" R.R. @ 16" O.C. NEW 6" TRIM NEW 245# ASPHALT SHINGLES EXT'G 15# FELT PAPER BRICK ...... ...... 12 12 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING 8 8 CHIMNEY 2"x6" R.R. @ 16" O.C. NEW IVINYL SIDING NEW VINYL SIDING ® 00 co 00 3' HIGH RAILING o 00 00 00 — I IF InT Lu M [iE I 111L I IF, — i0j] L= I (2)2"x1 0" 7T- ACQ GIRDER 4"x4" ACO POSTII I- - - - - - 14" DIA EXT'G P. C. PIER BRICK H-ji —w 14" DIA P. C. PIER I ' H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---I --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - 14" DIA P. C. PIER LEFT SIDE ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 245# ASPHALT SHINGLES EXT'G 15# FELT PAPER BRICK 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING CHIMNEY NEW 2"x6" R.R. @ 16" O.C. 6" TRIM F NEW NEW VINYL 12 12 245# ASPHALT SHINGLES SIDING 8 g 15# FELT PAPER 112" PLYWOOD SHEATHING 2"x6" R.R. @ 16" O.C. ----------------------- IF =F-IEI 00 NEW LIL11 11 1 -ML 11-1 3 HIGH VINYI -SIDING ----- FILIF] - LIFUL 3' HIGH RAILING RAILING 3 HIGH 00 RAILING A (2)2"xlO" ACQ GIRDER I I I 4"x4" ACO POST -LT-L- I EXT'G 14" DIA BRICK P. C. PIER 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- L - - - - - - I 14" DIA - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - P. C. PIER - - - - - - - - - - - RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION 14" DIA REAR ELEVATION 14" DIA P. C. PIER P. C. PIER SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS FOR MYER RESIDENCE 1705 FLEETWOOD RD. CLITCHOGUE, NY SCALE: AS NOTED APPROVED By. DRAWN BY: J. TURNER DATE: 12-11-20 REVISED Y . Robert J. Gruber Architect " U 2410 N Ocean Ave Suite 300, Farmingville, NY 11738 Email: rigruberra@aol.com (631 ) 654-4949 Cw DRAWING NUMBER: FLOOR PLAN 5 OF 5 JOB: # 21-012