HomeMy WebLinkAbout51421-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51421 Date: 12/02/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: William Kraebel 7100 New Suffolk Ave Mattituck, NY 11952 To; legalize "as built"window replacements and mini-split system to existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Premises Located at: 7100 New Suffolk Ave, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM# 115.-16-28 Pursuant to application dated 10/04/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 12/02/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: As Built Alteration $500.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $200.00 Total $800.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax(631)765-9502hqps://www.southoldtownny.gov Date Received, APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT I F-SE), For Office Use Only i PERMIT NO. Building inspector; T Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an RMEEM 10 1 E191t Owners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. T, OWN % F!30 ll ) Date:10/3/2024 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:William Kraebel SUM#1000- Project Address:7100 New Suffolk Ave Mattituck NY 11952 Phone#:631-655-5623 Email:patriotsitedevelopment@hotmail.com Mailing Address:7100 New Suffolk Ave Mattituck NY 11952 CONTACT PERSON: Name:William Kraebel Mailing Address:7100 New Suffolk Ave Mattituck NY 11952 Phone#:631-655-5623 Email:patriotsitedevelopment@hotmail.com DESIGN'PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Boeckman Builders Construction Co Mailing Address:PO Box 1453 Mattituck, NY 11952 Phone#:631-298-5319 Email:kurt@boeckmanconstruction.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑NewStru titre ❑Addition ®Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other i 550,000.00 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes BNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes BNo 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes ONO IF YES,PROVIDE A COPY. ❑ Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code.APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permk pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and In building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as,a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): � �p`i\,\ ❑Authorized Agent Owner Signature of Applicant: G� �% '`� Date: /61 y/ oZ :)2 STATE OF NEW YORK) S : COUNTY OF_Sv� <<2�_a IG• -, e— b , being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this ,�— day of � 20-2q Notary blic TIFFANY J BEREZNY Notary Public-State of New York PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION No.01BE6284112 Where the applicant is not the owner Qualified in Expire counb/ ( pp � My Commission Expires 06/17/2025 I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 mAND "SEN'M. _ ,WIND.OWS & DOORS _CREATED DATE__ 8/21/2024 SOLD BY: SOLD TO: !IRIVERHEAD Benjamin Blados-Millwork Sales Li4TEST UPDATE BUILDING SUPPLY Mobile:631-506-1454 8/22/2 ur 024 EWA smew.WNon. Ber. bblados@rbscorp.com , 250 David Court OWNER _- Caiverton,NY 11933 Benjamin Blados Performance Report QUOTE'NAME _ QUOTE_NUMBER Y_ —'�-- CUSTOMER PO# Patriot Site Dev-Bily's-Bath&Kitchen � 6296611 ORDER NOTES: DELIVERY.NOTE& Weighted Unit Unit Unit Total Contribution t�jt( Line Pos Unit Type/Dimensions Width Height Sgft §qft U Value SHGC VLT ER to Entire Job -CPD Number 1 100 Al A41 48" 241/8" 8.04 8.04 0.29 0.32 2.33 AND-N-2-03786-00001 1 200 Al CN335 2011/32" 4013116" 5.76 5.76 0.28 0.32 1.61 AND-N-1-03555-00001 Left 1 200 B1 CN335 2011/32" 4013/16" 5.76 5.76 0.28 0.32 1.61 AND-N-1-03555-00001 Center 1 200 C1 CN335 2011/32" 4013116" 5.76 5.76 0.28 0.32 1.61 AND-N-1-03555-00001 Right Total Weighted Total Weighted Percentage of Total Job Summary Total Sgft Contribution to Entire Average Total Job Job Qj Rated Units: - 25.32 7.17 0.28 100% Non-Rated Units: 0 0% ` Quote#: 6296811 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:14:54 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 1 of 2 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE "All graphics as viewed from the exterior.**Rough opening dimensions are minimums and may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps or flashings or sill panning or brackets or fasteners or other items. Thank you for choosing Andersen Windows & Doors Quote#: 6296811 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:14:54 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 2 of 2 mANDERSEN"' WINDOWS & DOORS _CREATED DATE; SOLD BY: SOLD.TO: 8/15/2024 !I-RIVE9HEAD Benjamin Blados-Millwork Sales ADT BUIWIN6 SUPPLY Mobile:631-506-1.454 8/22/2024 euUd smarter.Bnild Betler. bblados@rbscorp.com 250 David Court OVIINER Calverion,NY 11933 Benjamin Blados Performance Report ( . � QUOTE NAME _^ QUOTE`NU_MBER ^- CUSTOMER PO# . TRADE ID - Patriot Site Dev--Billy's-Windows&Doors 6270207 - _ ORDER'NOTES: DELNERYNOTES - Weighted Unit Unit Unit Total Contribution Oty Line Pos Unit Tvoe 1 Dimensions Width Height Sgft Soft U Value SHGC VLT ER to Entire Job CPD Number 1 100 Al TW21046 35 5/8" 56 7/8" 14.07 14.07 0.31 0.31 4.36 AND-N 24-07389-00001 1 100 131 TW21046 35 518" 56 7/8" 14.07 14.07 0.31 0.31 4.36 AND-N 24-07389-00001 1 200 Al TW2456 29 5/8" 68 71W 14.17 14.17 0.31 0.31 4.39 AND-W24-07389-00001 1 200 131 DHP41056 59 5/16" 68 7/8" 28.37 28.37 .0.29 0.33 8.23 AND-N-27-04147-00001 1 200 C1 TW2456 29 5/8" 68 7/8" 14.17 14.17 0.31 0.31 4.39 AND-N-24-07389-00001 1 300 Al TW3046 37 5/8" 56 7/8" 14.86 14.86 0.3 0.31 4.46 AND-N-24-07365-00001 1 300 B1 TW3046 37 5/8" 56 7/8" 14.86 14.86 0.3 0.31 4.46 AND-N-24-07365-00001 1 400 Al FWG120611-4 141" 82 3/8" 80.66 80.66 0.3 0.26 24.2 AND-N-6-01764-00001 Total Weighted Total Weighted percentage of Total Job Summary Total Sgft Contribution to Entire Average Job Total Job Rated Units: 195.23 58.85 0.3 100% Non-Rated Units: 0 0% Quote#: 6270207 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:14,02,PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 1 of 2 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE *All graphics as viewed from the exterior.**Rough opening dimensions are minimums and may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps or flashings or sill panning or brackets or fasteners or other items. Thank you for choosing Andersen Windows & Doors Quote#: 6270207 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:14:02 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 2 of 2 AN D.ERSEN'M . WINDOWS & DOOR S ,:CREATED:DATE , ~9/3/2024 SOLD BY. SOLD TO: RIVERHEAD: Benjamin Blados-Millwork Sales r LATE§T.UPDATE: BUILDING SUPPLY Mobile:631-606-1454 Bone arauhi:Bnlld Better.• 9/11/2024 _- bblados@ftcorp.corh , 250 David Court OYVNER' Caiverton,NY 11933 Benjamin Blados Performance Report_ ,0007E NAME 0007E NUMER+ CUSTOMER:FO# —' _ _ TRADE ID Patriot Site Dev-BilVs House-Add On 635_94 7 !~ 4 �� 352678' V Awning 7-7-Z. _-- . Unit Unit Unit Total Contribution fgyt Line Pos Unit Tvpe/Dimensions Width Height Snft Sgft. U Value SHGC VLT, ER' to Entire Job, CPD Number 2 100 Al AX31 3515/16D 311/2" 7..86 15.72 0.28 0.32 4A AND-N-2-03738-00001 Total Weighted Total Weighted Percentage of Total Job Summary Total.Sgft Contribution to Entire Average Total Job Job Rated Units: 15.72 4.4 0.28 100% 'Non-Rated Units: 0 0% Quote#: 6359977 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:13:00 PM UTC All Images.Viewed from Exterior Page 1 of 2 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE. •All graphics as viewed from the exterior."Rough opening dimensions are minimums and may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps or flashings or sill panning or brackets or fasteners or other items. Thank you for choosing Andersen Windows & Doors Quote#: 6359977 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:13:00 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 2 of 2 mANPERSEN` WINDOWS & DOORS CREATED DATE_ SOLD BY: SOLD TO: 9/10/2024 !IRIVERHEAD Benjamin Blados-Millwork Sales LATEST UPDATE_'BUILDING Mobile:631�06-1454 /2024 BnU 9/11 d Smarloi.8oi1d 8ettm bblados@rbscorp.com , 250 David Court OWNER Calverton,NY 11933 Benjamin Blados Performance Report _ _ QUOTE NAME QUOTE NUMBER CUST_OMER:PO# __ TRADE-ID' - Patriot Site Dev-Billy's House=Add On DH 6396217 ~�! 352678 -OROER NOTES_ _ _a�� _ _ DELIVERY NOTES: Unit Unit Unit Total Contribution fit( Line Pos Unit Tvbe/Dimensions Width Height Saft Soft U Value SHGC VLT ER to Entire Job CPD Number 1 100 Al TW2852 33 5/8" 64 7/8" 15.15 15.15 0'.3 0.31 4.55 AND-N-24-07365-00001 Total Weighted Total Weighted Percentage of Total Job Summary Total Syft Contribution to Entire Average Total Job Job Rated Units: 15.15 4.55 0.3 100% Non-Rated Units: 0 0% Quote#: 6396217 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:12:12 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 1 of 2 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE ` `All graphics as viewed from the exterior.``Rough opening dimensions.are minimums and may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps or flashings or sill panning or brackets or fasteners or other items. Thank you for choosing Andersen Windows & Doors Quote#: 6396217 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:12:12 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 2 of 2 m.ANDERSEN' CREATED DATE; 8/91/2024 SOLD BY: SOLD:TO: !1RIVERHEAD Benjamin Blados-Millwork Sales ,LATE§T UPDATE' ' - -'BUILDING-SUPPLY Mobile:631-506-1454 8@2/2024 ,Build.Sinaiiet 86M,aitt, - bblados@rbscorp.com , 250 David Court OWNER Calverton,NY 11933 Benjamin Biados Performance Report �^�" 'QUOTE NAME _4 . " �-'QUOTE.NUMB_ ER-^V - _CUSTOMER`-PO#. TRADE ID. Patriot Site Dev Billy's-Bath&Kitchen 6296811 y ORDER NOTES YWeihted Unit Unit Unit Total Contribution Qtv Line Pos Unit Type/Dimensions Width Height eft Sgft :U Value SHGC VLT ER to Entire Job CPD Number 1 100 Al A41 48" 241/8" 8.04 8.04 0.29 0.32 2.33 AND-N-2-63786-00001 1 200 Al CN335 2011/32" 4013116" 5.76 5.76 0.28 0.32 1.61 AND-N-1-03555-00001 Left. 1 200. 131 CN335 2011/32" 4013/16P 5.76 5.76 0.28 032 1.61 AND-N-1-03555-00001 Center 1 200 C1 CN335 2011/32" 4013/16" 5.76 5.76 0.28 0.32 1.61 AND-N-1-03555-00001 Right Total Weighted Total Weighted Percentage of Total Job Summary Total Sqft Contribution.to Entire Average Total Job Job Rated Units: 25.32 7.17 0.28 100"% Non-Rated Units: 0 0% Quote#: 6296811 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:14:54 PM UTC All Images.Viewed from Exterior Page 1 of 2 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE *All graphics as viewed from the exterior.**Rough opening dimensions are minimums and may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps or flashings or sill panning or brackets or fasteners:or other items. Thank you for choosing.Andersen Windows &Doors Quote#: 6296811 Print Date: 11/25/2024 5:14:54 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Bderior Page 2 of 2 Job Name: System Reference: bate: �`'saz atsi ! I�it) 1 tti 4�?i�F'�Y.��`^:�'..•.'.s�"!.;f f ii •�S'`> IrF A . . .. ;... -� � II� II l� �I l�lli��"����.-::.�.: • . 1;'r� FEATURES • Compatible with M-and P-Series and CITY MULTIe indoor units.Branch box required for connection with M-and P-Series • Variable speed INVERTER-driven compressor • Seacoast protection on heat exchanger and base panel(rated for 2,000 hrs in accordance with ASTM B117 testing) • Thermal Differential 1`F(with PAC-MKA32/52BC only) Built-iti base pan heater Quiet outdoor unit operation,rated sound pressure as low as 49 dB(A) • High pressure protection • CornPressbr thermal protection • Compressor overcurrent detection • Fan motor overheating/voltage protection • Hyper-heatind performance offers 100%heating capacity at5°F and M/e heating capacity at-13•F ENERGYSTARacertitied.(non-ducted,mixed&ducted) ENERGY STAR products are third-party certified by an EPA-recognized'Ceditication Body. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 2024,Mitsubishl Electric Trane HVAC US LLC.All dghts're,served. ,y._ jMaxlmumCapacity ^:------- - j -BTUIH1 36,000//36,0001/36,000136,000/l36,000 ;Cooling' ;Rated Capacity ' BTUIH 38.000//36.000//36,000136,000!/36,000 �s• {Non-Ducted i/Mix(Mid-static)//Ducted:Minimum Capadty BTUIH ______ 14,000/!14,OD0//14,000)14,000/!14,000 3 .. _._..__..__.._...................._..._..•....,...._•---------._-._•------ _..__..__ -------..-"-..-`--------._......_---"-j (Mid static).(Mix(High-static)Il Ducted ;Maximum Power Input W -2,40Q'//2,700/13,00012,7951/3,190 :(High-static)) r-..__...._-.__-�..-_..___.__-._._._-_____.___...._.._.._..._..........................................._..............._.._.____..............__........_--....._.......... i,.R._a_t_e-d Power Input_. _..__.... N •.__.__ -,} 2400l/2,700113,00012,795!3,190 .......--'---'------_.._..._._.__ ....... . •..-._ ' __...-`---•--.-__-----.__..-_-...___.........._....__i --,_•-______._yP_rnNefFedof(208V,230V),__•,_.-___.___--.--_--.^_-__—_^---_^,_ /o •-�i-98�5;98.5//98.5�98.51/98.5�98.5198.5.98,5!/98;5,,98.5-s 5ininum um Capadty I BTUiH _ 42,000n,12,000//42 000 1 42,000/i42,D00 apacity BTUIH 42,000!/42,000 1/42 000 142,000//4E 000(Heating at47°F° �____.._._�_-_. i )(Non-Ducted ll Mix(Mid-Static)it❑ucted _Capacity -._ -----_�-_ W-_•-.- ,.--BTUIH 7 , ......... I-_..._..............22,6001l22,6001/22,6001 18,600/114,600 ,•_,--._..__j f(Mid-stato)1 Mix(Hlgh-static)!/Ducted ;Maximum Power Input W ) _3,080//3.30093,52013,35_6f13,620 1 (High-Static)) Rated Power Input W 3,080/13,300 H3,52013,350//3,620 f ' Power Factor(208V,230V) i %'//98.6,98.5//98.5,98.5198.5.98.51198.5.98.5 _... ,........._...-,- ...................(....._...._._._....•--._...__.... - -------- --_.-_..-- __._._.._........ ....__......_..................._...._._..-_.-._..............•.........-_.....__................_ -- ...... ;Heating at 17'F' {Maximum Capadty BTUM `42,0001/42,000%/42,OOD 142,0001/42?000 ........... i(Non-Ducted//Mix(Mid-static)/lDucted iRated Capacity } BTUIH 32,600/129,600.1126,600129.6001126,600 ---.-..-_ -------.-_:'-----..._.. !(Mid-static)J Mix(HlgMstatic)i!Ducted %Maximum Power Input W ) 5,600//5,878/f.6,15516,298/!6,995 :(High-statc)) - `Rated Power Input_ f W 3A15//3_1531/2,89013.333/13,250 _ ;Hearing at 5°F' Maximum Capadty I BTUM t » 38,5061/38,500%/38,500138,500 (Non-Ducted//Mix(Mid static)9 Ducted: I ;(Mid-statie)I Mix(High-slalic)//Ducted imakimum Power Input f W f $,645/65,8580 6,070)5,9561/6,270 ..............................................._......._........_...__.___"_,._.__._.---•-----.___1.-.____------------._.:._.......I......................_•_- i iSEER2 j 23.01/20.75//18.5119.31/15:6 ; ?EER2' ' 15.0!/13.5/112.0113.'75/111.3 lElliciency HSPF2(IV)m _._..............._-. ) 12-0//11.5 911.0 10.95//'9.9 !(Non-Oucted//Mix(Mid-static)//Ducted r- --------....._.__..._..._.....___- _------_-..._' _. ..._._.___......_.._; ,(Mid-static)1,M1x.(High-static)/!Ducted COP at4T°F: 4.01l3.75113:5-3.71l3,4, i (High-static)) :COP at 17°F at Maximum Capacity* 2.2//2.1 l/2011.98/l 1.76 } ,....__ __--____..._....__------.__.___.......,....._....._.....__...,_...._.....__......................--........,..-------t...._......................_................_...--....-.._:... _.,..I...........-.____._.........__._.............._...1 COP at 5°F at Maximum Capadty° j 2.3112.19 9 2G8 2.05//1.8 ___--___...._-'---__....._................................_........_..._._..........._......._:__...._.._.. _._._____..__.._ -.._.._._. :ENERGY.STAR°CertNied I YesllYes!/Yes)No#No, ) ..............._........__......._..........._.._......____..._....._-_.__.________ ._.._.___.______._ ` Voltage,Phase, I EE 'Electrical Power Requirements i F uen t 208/230,1,60 f t'--^,.^---'--""-......__........................ _.._._........._._.._._._.._._—'-_— --- --`-`i--'•-_.._---`-"--------____'__------_..._...___-_._..._..____i �Guaranleed Voltage Range VAC ; 187-263 Noltage:lndoor-Outdoor,SI-S2 VAC - 2081230 Voltage:lndoar-Outdoor,S2S3 V DC 24 _...---------`-•-g----- -`------_`_- ---- ----------- - ---- -- - --- ShortcircuitCurrenI In (SCCR� i ICA 5 ,..._..-.._. ...___.___..__...__.__.,_.._,.�..�................... ..... ..................._..............._.._........-._ ......._.__....__...._...._....._..._.................._.........__.....___..____.,......_........................_.I ;Rec i;ended'FuselBreaker S ze if Branch Box Powered by A - 45 ;Outdoor Unit ---•-----___»._...._..._._.___..__._......__•..................................i......._........................................_..................__.._.__.._.... ............................. _. =Recommended Fuse/Breaker Size without Branch Box or Branch i € :Electrical :Box Powered Separate __-.__--- .I A 40 1 :Recommended VWre Sike(Indoor-Outdoor)If Branch Box i AWG ;Powered by0utdoorUnit __ ;Recommended Wire Slie(Indoor-Outdoor)without Branch Box AW ar8ranch Box Powered Separate..........._................__...._.._......_.,....._...,.........,...- G�- ---...................._----.3 ;MCA if Branch Box Powered by Outdoor Unit A 51.0 _...,._:........................................._......._........................_..........................................................._........._...... _._..__......_..... I MOCP if Branch Box Powered by Outdoor Unit A i 86 ...:...........�..,:.._...................._ ... ..................•........_-.._._._....._..._........___........_.............»__.....___._.___........_.._.._____•_._._........................ MCA without Branch Box or Branch Box Powered Separate 1 A j 45 - ..._.._ch 8.o.-PowIe e---e---___: - _�_ - -.._._._..�_____----------___ - - f rMOCP without Branch Boxer Branch Boz PoweredSeparate ; A-�- 80 ( __...._..__----_-.__..._1 n Motor'Full Load Amperage___.---•.-__.._ 1 A 0.6W.6 NOTES: AHRI Rated Conditions. 'Coating(Indoor!/.Outdoor) °F 80 DB,67 WB"//95 D6,75 WB (Rated data is determined at a fixed compressor speed) zHealing at 47°F(indoor//Outdoor) °F 70�08,60 V0 47 OB,43 WS 'Heating at 17117(Indoor//Outdoor) °F 70 OB,60 WB//17 OB,15 WB Conditions 4Heating at 5°F(indoor!!Outdoor) °F 70 DB,60 WB!/5 DB,4 WB 'Applications should be restricted to comfort cooling only,equipment cooling applications are not recommended for low ambient temperature conditions. when 1 or more PLA-A•EA7 connected re Branch box should be placed within the level between the outdoor unit and indoor units r 5°17 DS-115°F DB when optional wind baffles are installed For actual capacity performance based on Indoor unit type and number of Indoor units connected,piease refer to MXZ Operational Performance, Although the meximurn connectable capacity(s 130%,Ahe outdoor unit cannot provide more than 100%of the rated capacity,Please•uulize this over capacity capability for load shedding or applications where it Is known�that all connected units will NOT be.operating at the same time. Mid and high external static pressure tests conducted at 0.3 and:0.5 in.w,g,respectively,according to AHRI 2101240.The extemal static pressures utilized have no;bearing on the capabilities of the indoor, unit:please refer to the Indaor unit manual to select the correct external static pressure setting for the application. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2024 Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US LLC.All rights reserved. i 'Airflow Rate,(Cooling I Heating) CFM 3,885/3,885 _ ..........-......................... ---- ---- - -_---_.--_�•-- -------------- ;Refrigerant Control LEV _..• - •..................................... ...--- __ _- _._... ;Defrost Method ! i ._...........•.._;. Reverse Cycle i :Heat ExchangarType 'r Plato fin coif Heat Exchanger Coating•.•_...,_,....._.._..,...______.__._._.__._ _,,,.Blue Fin CoaBng,•-_.�-___-__............... Sound Pressure'Level,Cooling' - - _,. i d8(Ay_....................' 49 ! 'Sound Pressure,Level.Heatingz d6(A)Coin __•....... ..__...,....._.............................__....._.._........_.._...._....._.__......L_--_ - ------------ -- Hermetic i lCompressorModel t AN633FJSMT _.__.___ -' _ ._-_.-__................ . . .. _......._.._..__._.t._._...._.... -__..__.__----._-.______:Compressor Motor Output_...-_..........._______----------------- ._,.._-_...__.,•� _._.___.. Compressor Rated Load Amps ---=----I ,:Outdoor unit >'._-_.__..---�-------- .. ..._._.......__...__. .. _. _ .. ---._._...._.. ------------•---..__. Compressor Lacked RotorAmps ; A 22.0 :Compressor Oil Type Charge -_Yoz_ _; FV50S/173-- _-__-_--_i 'Base Pan Heater ? Built in _._____......__.___.__._........•_........-._-----_.-_- - __-_. _-. _-------------___,.............._._...___._._____..._.__...____.......... __. I W:In.(mm)_.___..._.__._-.-___------_--_41.11I32[1,050)___---..._.._._......_.__._.___s fp.__.___.._..__.....__ :Unit Dimensions i D:In,[rrrmj -- _ 13[330] !--_--_._____.--__ --------_..__.._..._._..........._._...l.___.,.H:In,[coin!.............!..._._. ................... ...__5211/1..... 38 - 1 i W:In.(min] 4311,0901 ] -----_...................._... s ._....._..-.-_-_.__.___._...___.._..__..-.._-...._.._.._____.-.__.-._-,—.-_.•___............._......___.___- ! Package Dimensions D:In.[min] 1S[4501 { �._._.._._._..__ �__•.- .......................__.I....,_.___.Hyin.�mm] __..__.____r....__._._r_.,_.-57[1;4301 -t ! jUnit Weight _.._..__.._.__.____•_-_-t Lbs.[kgJ _. 278(126] -------_! ----- j Package.Weight _ - �..__..._._,__Lbs_[k91........... _-_^ ._....M.. .._...._....._....__._...__3g2 t137j- -- ----.........__._...._ _! lCooling Intake Air Temp(Maximum/Minimum j °FDB : 115/5'c i Outdoor unit operating temperature Cooling Thermal Lock cut/Restart Temperatures T (- °FDB f NIA/NIA iran9e 5HealingIntakeAir Temp(Maximum[Minimum) FD6 ; -� 59/-13 --_-�- ! :Heating Thermal'Lock-out I Re=start Temperatures •FDB i. -24/44 iRefrigerent lPre-C6arged:RefrigerentAmount _- -_ Lbs,oz 10.0,9.0 t . ! !Maximum Number of Connected IOU with Branch Box 1 4(3)- - -- .._•..._,..._`-.,..- --- - -- -_- -----r........................................--- —------ ., ;Maximum Number of Connected IOU without Branch Box_-� ( 11 [Indoor unit connection iMIN um.Connected Capacity with Branch Box - 12,000 (Minimum Connected Capacity without Branch Box 18,OD0 :Maximum connected capacity 46;800 1 ----...,.........-_.............__....._._.._ _-------------- ;Liquid -... ' Pipe Site O.D.(Flared) In.[mmj ; 3/8[9.521 ( p...................................___..._.._ _ ___ _.. ..................._............................_......._..._............_....... --._..__................. i Gas Pipe Size O.D.(Flared) I6,[mmi i 5/8[15:881 :....................................................................I.._..._............. !Total Piping Length when using Branch box FL(m) j 492[1501 i iI ootal Piping Length without Bninch Box--- FL[m] 864(3001 - Maximum Height Difference's;ODU above IDU FL[raj 164(501 i ___.___�•, ____•__._.____.....___,._...____.._....._..._____.__.__.__._........___....__..__._..__...---_.......___..._...--_ ---.-- ------................ Maximum Height Difference ,ODU below l0U FL[m] _ 131[401 i IMaximum Height Difference between branch boxes __-Ft.[m]- 49(15] D ;Piping tMaxi-•m sigh--_,._._•_._._-_�_-_.. bran.-..t __.__..L_ I- -- --_--•-------- --------- ----- -- --t ;Maximum Height Difference between IOU and IDU without bench; FL[MI 49[15] ;box 49 t Ft. ..........._.a._..._.___.._.___..__......._._.......__. _'___'7__._..-----_----_.---_._... Maximum Piping Length balween'ODU'and Branch Box FL[ml 180(55] _ -- ---_._._._......_..•...._}._.....__._.___-:---:-----.__...__. _ Farthest.Piptng Length from ODU to IDU with Branch Box FL[mj �•---��--�---_-�-�-��--_�-•-�----���••262[80j._--_-� •..---_..? Farthest Piping Length from ODU to IOU without Branch Box -_ _-FL[m] - -! 4921150j_ t- Farthest Piping Length after Branch Box 1 [m] 82 2 _._.._-__.__.__._..._.__._ ....__-- ---,- !( -. _----_-['7 ..............._. j ?TofaLPiping:Length between Branch.Boxes and IOU ...... Ft.[ra] 311 [�____ Maximum Number of Bends far IDU I 15 _.__--____.___.__.._.____.._...............__:...._.-.___._..__-______-_ ._Y,-_-__-----_-_-=---._.._-------. .._.....:_..........__........................... .___.___.-_.- ____...».......: NOTES: AHRI Rated Conditions 'Cooling(Indoor/I Outdoor) °F 80 OB,67 WB I/95 DB;75 WB (Rated data is determined at fixed compressor speed) 2Heatin9'aw,,°F(Indoor//Outdoor) °F 70 OB,6O.WB//47 OB,43 WB 'Healing at 17°F(Indoor H Outdoor) °F 70 DB,60 WB It 17 OB,15 WB Conditions 1Heatingat5°F(Indocr//Outdoor) °F 70DS,60WS1/5DB.4WS 'Applicat ons should be restricted to comfort cooling only,equipment cooling applications are not recommended for low ambient temperature conditions. when 1 or more PLA-AEA7 connected a Branch box should be placed within the level between the outdoor unit and Indoor units °5°F DB-115°F,DB when optional wind battles are installed For actual capacity performance based on indoor unit type and number of indoor units connected,please refer to MXZ Operational Performance. Although the maximum connectable capacity.is 130%;theoutdoor unit cannot provide more than'100%of the rated capacity.Please utilize this overcapacity capability for load shedding or applications where It is known thatafl connected units will NOT be operating at the same time. Mid and high external static pressure tests conducted at 0.3 and 0.5 in.w.g.respectively,according to AHRI 210/240.The external static pressures utilized have no bearing on the capabilities of the indoor unit;please refer to the indoor unit manual to select the correct external stage pressure setting for the application. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2024 Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US LLC.All rights reserved. ---------............................................__.__._.__........__.._._...____......_.__---_ ___.._..._..__.._._.____............__..._._---._.____ Air Deflector Vertical Air Deflector ❑ ADV-1 Air Outlet Guide i'ir Outlet Guide(1 Piece) ❑ PAGSH96SG•E(Avo pieces are reguire�' r_•-__--.__...:.._.,...,......._.........................t..................._._...«._....-..._.___..___..._......-.___-___._-.._...._..._..._......,.-__..___--_.-.-_-_-._-__-..-._--__-u-_...._.__•_-_.__.-..._.._ 5 Refr geration BaII Valve-112° i7 6V12FFSI2 ---___._._._.._......_.__...__...._......._..._..___.-_................._....._,.................. _........,_..............................,.Y_.............................,__..._.__._....______-..___.-_.. ;Refrigeration Ball Valve-1/4' `❑ BV_14FFS12 StillBa . _ -_ __ _ Valve — ---.._...--- ...._.__.....................................-. ._..... ....._--.._... . Refrigeration Ball Valve-Te ,❑ BV38FFS12 -'i i -__-�—_Refrigeration Bail Valve-518' ❑ BV58FFSI2 I Port Branch Box ❑ PAC-MKA326C ; r._....._..... - -- -._......_.....----.._............... --.................._........-.._...-- -- .._..... __...__........_..----- - ------r... - - -'- ----- ....................... .., a Port Branch Box i -_____ __-- _. ____-_.-O PAGMKA33BC^_............................_.._.___... ......... .... .. ........................_........_._..._.,....._._.._._._.._____----- r----..—..-._ ..__.i Branch Box 5 Part Branch Box ❑ PAC•MKA52BC S Port Branch Box "Cl PAC-MKA538C t Branch Box Enclosure _°❑ ggE-1 --- ----- ------- --._.._._....... .... - ...' ._...._..._...._._...__. `,Centralized Drain Pan ',Central Draln.Pan ...._............----.____.._..----_--.___._._- ----- ❑ PACSH9L -E M Net Control Wire,1,000'Roll(16-AWG,Standard,Twisted Pair,Shielded,Jacketed-Plenum rated). ❑ CW 162S-1000 ControlWire ----------. ___ _V —_— _ ------.__ ____-_-------___._.___----•-_,------.------.----._.._«.__---___.__.__ i M-Net Control Wire,250'Roll(16•AWG,Standard,Twisted Pair,Shielded,Jacketed-Plenum rated) fl CW762S.250 Control/Service Tool Maintenance Tool Interface ❑ PAGUSCMS-MN-1 :...._.............. . _.._._.,._............ ._........_..........._...._._...._._._..__....__...._....._....___...__.___.__.____._.__.___.. ____-_. _ __^__.___.._.__ _ —.—____. __.._......................._.._..._.__.. Brazed Connection ❑ Distributionpipe —_. _ _. _......__---.__-._..._..._---.-._______._.....__.................._..._.._.._-_..___..........................._........._.M......._...... ._..____. Flare Connection MSDD-SOAR-E Drain Socket Drain Socket ❑ PAC-SG60DS-E i Hail Guards Hail Guard ❑ HG A2 i14 Gauge,4 wire MiniSplit Cable-250'R.roll D S144-25D i ;14;Gau§e.4 wire MiniSplit Cable-250 fL roll n y - s ' ''-•-=----.__._................,.._.__..._..._........._.....--.--..........._.............._............_........._...._. SWt44-250 14 Gauge,4 wire MiniSplit Cable-50 ft.roll ❑ 5144-50 = ---------__------------------ ---- ---- -- -'------ _--------------t t 14 Gauge,4 wire MiniSplit Cable-50 ft.roll �7 SWt44.50 ` MiniSplitWire _ ..�:�..—.::�..�__...._............ ._.:..___...,.._...,._._......__.._....._. _. ..........._.__._.__ .•..._... ..............._-.------^--.._._---i. :16 Gauge,4 wire MiniSplit Cable-250 ft.roll ❑ S164-260 ....._..........:......_........___._. ... ii6"Gauge,4 wire MiniSplit Cable-250 ft rail '❑ SW164-250 .. . .. ......................._,....----------------- _._._.`-----------^--------- ---- --'---•--.__...`' ._............_..._..... i 06 Gauge,4 wire MiniSplit Cable-50 ft.roil '❑ S164-50 i 516 Gauge,4 wire MiniSplit Cable-50 ft.roll ❑ SW,164-50 k_._.________............................._._.___._,.___.__._..._ Mounting Pad Condensing Unit.Moun6ng Pad_;24'z 42'x 3'- ❑ ULTRILITE2 .._.................... ...........---------....._.._... _.. ........... lAdaptor.1/2'x3/8' '❑ MAC -E ._--.._.___..._...__._.___........._.._..._._-_-__.'--.__.----_--_----.-•------.-___._ _ -_._.-'- -----------_ Adaptor 112'x5/8' ❑ MACA456JP-E ,Port Adaptor Adaptor,4/4'x31W .'❑ PAC493PI Adapter.318'x 112' r..:...,.._................................................................................-...._..._._..'------- _ ^_ _ _------ R MAC A454JP-E i Adaptor...._ x5/--_._._--__.._._-__..._^_____..____._.---.-_�.._.__.._.__. --__-,.._....__.....,. �❑ PAC-SG76RJ-E :18'Dual Fan Stand ;❑ QSMS1802M 24'Dual Fan Stand ❑ OSMS2402M _ i Condenser Bracket Wall Brac Stand - _-- .............. _ -... aSW 2000M4 - ; 'Condenser Wall Bracket-Stainless Steel Finish ` ..................... ❑ aSWBSS Y Outdoor Unit 3-1/4 inch MounBng.Base(Pair)=Plastic ❑ D5D 400P i t _. _ __.._._._.__........_....._._............»..................._..........._........_-........._. Outdoor Unit Stand-12'High ;❑ OSM51202M i Wind Baffle Front Wind Baffle ❑ W&PA3 ludo k_....------------------------_`----. ... ..-=------•--._._Pieces are requi ad).._-____: Specifications are Subject to change without notice. ©2024 Mitsubishi Electric Trene HVAC US LLC.All rights reserved. Unit-mm einch> A$ �i( A uaSY atyrAac s R ` g Woo ot. II -rlrc= �m b 91 lip i i r e a° .9L{h 6 IaI pc r c 5 b g SI uj yy qL VA menu <ue>ss x E�4g I. aLvs � s j' .v a;l -1 arty � m • # � Z 'swc 9mNu a 1340 Satellite Boulevard Suwanee,GA 30024 Toll Free:800-433'�4822 www.mehvac.com ..I-2024 y�> i 7 FORM#MXZ SM6NAMH22 Intertek Specifications are-subject to change without notice. ©2024 Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US LLC.All rights:reserved. a Job Name: System Reference: Date: _......,; GENERAL FEATURES • Slim wall-mounted indoor units provide zone comfort control • Dual Barrier Coating applied to:the heatexchanger,vanes and fan to prevent hydrophilic and hydrophobic dirt build-up • Optional Microparticie Filter designed to capture PM2.5 The outdoor unit powers the indoor unit,and should a power outage occur, the system is automatically restarted when power returns. Quiet operation' ` Smart Set:recalls a preferred preset temperature setting at the,touch of a button • Built-in backup/auxiliary heater control available • Multiple fan speed options:Quiet,Low,Medium,High,Super-high,Auto • Multiple control options•available: o Back-lit screen handheld remote controller(provided with the unit) o kumo cloud®smart device app for remote access o Third-party interface options o Wired or wireless controllers I.. " i Cooling Capacity" ; BTU/H I 18,000 Heatng Capecityz' B1UlH ; 21.600 -- ----........_..._......_..._..._..._-. _-_.__._... --.......__...................--..-_---_ -------- _._. ------ Voltage,Phase,Frequency - _ i 2081230.1,60 -- i i Guaranteed Voltage Range .....-........_.. -'----__ _- - Vcltage,Indoor-Outdoor,Slv2 ? VAC- ____ _ ..- --- 208J230---LL - -------- Electrical S ._.___.;........_.._-' _ --- - _.._.__...._...-.....,...._..__--..............._..._-.._.................. .•._.... ._... __._.__... -- -- .. 1 Vol,a e•indoor-Outdoor,S2S3 V DC 24 1 I._......._9....._......._..-_..... ._._.__._._..__.._._._............_..................................................�....-...________._...__j.._ ___ Short-circAA Curient Rating[SCCRJ kA - --- - 6 - '- _...-----._._..........._._.. --- - _ MCA—--- ._._...... - —---- -—- A_...:....:..... -1.0 . - �. ......_.............___..__-----------__.- -..-_-i-------__--_..:.-_._......•.-.. Fan Motor Full Load Amperage _.._ ______ _._.____..___.-•-----...--_------........_...___..__. A i 0.5 i Fan,Motor Output W' 40 i AlrOow Rate at Cooling;Dry CFM ? 250-375-407-511-629 ;._..M....____.___._—-_—_..__-----._......._-_..._._.. _....._......_...._.:.._-__-.__.._......__.__...._...:.......... ..._______:_----------.__-•._.....__._._____, Airflow Rate at Cooling,Wet i CFM _ '226-292-367-46D-566 ! ;Airflow Rate at ........-_{---..._._.CFM.... Sound Pressure Level(Cooling] ; dB[Al i 28-33-38-44 9 i ---- ..._.._----'-.........._........_.._._........_....•__ Indoor Unit !sound Pressure Level[Heating] ; dB[A], i 28�4-39-43-48 y ; i Orain Pipe Size ;....._....In.(mm] --- 5t8[15.88] - - i Coating on.Heat Exchanger Dual Barrier Coating i ? (External Finish Color Mu r__._._ --_.----_-----'-`--•---..____....----_..._..._-___-__ - --------...__._,_nse11,1.0Y9.2/0.2 , Und Oimensions , H:In.[mm]...... 365/16 x-9-13115 x 12(923 x 250 x 3051 i Package Dimensions W x D'x H:In,[mml, _ 39 x,13.x 15(990 x330 x 380J ! 1 i Unil Weight..__. ............... Lbs,Ikgl.......,i .. 28112AJ ........- -----_._--_ ._._-_..----- - Package Weight___________-_-__--.._._._....__....._..__...._. u?Si(k91 32[14.2] �Refdgerant Typo R410A ----.-.-_---- i , e SizeO.D.[Flared] 1 f _In.[mm] f2-[12.701 ;Piping ,__.Gas Pip Si O _....-----___--- __-_.__--__ Liquid Pipe Size O.D.]Flared]__-..._.. ; Inamm]_..._._..' _11416.351 NOTES': Conditions 'Cooling(Indoor It Outdoor) 'F 80 DB,67 We 1195 DB,.75 WB 'Heating at47•F(Indoor/]Outdoor) •F 70 D.B.60 We 1147 D8,43 WB 'Capacity vanes based on the number of indoor units operating and the model of the Multi-zone Outdoor Unit.For reference to connected capacity charts,please referMul9-zono Outdoor.Unit Operational Performance. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2023 Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC IJS'LLC.All rights reserved. ...........................--_................. _.._.....___— ._.._......»..._........._............................................._,........................._..._................«.._...—.-..__—_...._....-_.—...._.._.__—...._._—•m----.._._._-__.........._._.._•_�__•_•_—_. BACner and Modbusm Interface ❑ PAGUKPRC001-CN4 1 }CN24 Relay fOt !0 CN24RELAY-KIT-CM3 ---- }IT Extender :❑ PACWHSDIIE-E s f }........................_---__._____._._...__-_.._._.............. ......__............... ...... ..._.__...._....................__._...._._..--'-•.__...._._..... _....__.__.._._..__........_...................--•---_...-i kumo stakon'for kumo Upud° S Control interface :-:.-:-.--._..-_•-.-...----....------._.....__.._-.----.--.-...--_-.---..__-..----.___...-_.----_-----_- ___T- _PAGWHSOIHGE - _- -'---- ._ i i System Control Interface 0 MAG-334IF-E_----^--.--` ........................................_........_.."--.-`----- t Thermostat Interface 1❑ PACUS444CN-1 I } j'USNAPAdapter 10 PAC-WHS0IUP-E ? }Wireless Interface for kumo cloud' ;0:PAGUSWHS002.WF.2 _. ......._�_...._'--.__._-.__._..... ........... ...... .. ....... ....._.•,.,_.____..._....-._.__..._......---.._........_...._.-_`_..........................................._. .__..............._..._._.- __..._..}. r Remote Sensor Wireless temperature and humility sensor for kumo cloud' ;❑ PACUSWHSD03-TH-1 Deluxe Wired MA Remote.Controllerf ❑ PAR 40MAAU ---------------- j Simple Ductless Wired Remote Controller ❑ PAGSDW01RG7 iWired Remote Conlydler :_._.._..____....___..........-................................_._..._.....:.__.-____...___..___.__._......._.—._._.__—_._---•---=--._..._.__._._.........._._____...•.._- Simple MA Remote Controlled ?❑ PAGYT53CRAUJ } ..............._..........................-..._..._................._.............----__-_...-_.._.--__._..._..._........_-•- { 1 ;TWO MAControtled ❑ PAR-CTOIMAUSB t-..._ — _ �__._........'- ---- _ --'- --- ... - ------ -— ------------------ 1 kumo touch"RedLINK'Wireless Controller #0 MHK2 WirelWi -•-•---- ^-.--------._.-__—__ —.��-.__-.-._..____...._._..:._._..__.._. ess Remote Controller i _:_.......__........_........__._—��__.._.__ Lockdown bracket for remote controller :❑ RCMKPICB b Blue Diamond(Advanced)Mini Condensate Pump wf Reservoir&.Sensor(20al230V)[recommended] '❑ X87-721 l ( 1 Blue Diamond(MegeBlueAdvanced)Condensate Pump wf Reservoir&.Sensor 0 X87-835 j _____._._.__..____................ ..........._..._._.____._______.._...,_.._--- -- ____—_� [ Blue Diamond Alarm Extension Cable-6.5 Ft. 0 C13-19X87-63 2 I l Blue Diamond MulbTank-collection tank for use with multiple pumps I❑ �21 Ojq — -......1 [Condensate }.__._._.._.....__.....__..____.._-_-_._----_ ��:__ _ ____-.___..._.._____.__.,___-.........................._......:....__........_............_..__...1_____.__....._..__ -__.-.-_...__....... ?Blue Diamond Sensor Extension Cable-:15 Ft. 1❑ C13103 _..r _..._._.....-_ ---- -.._.._..._.................................................._...__......_......_........_..._.. --_._ __-_----._.-...._......... - ..._ ,I 4 Drain Pan Level Sensor/Control i 0 SS610E i ._..._._.. —_--___—� Fascia Kit for MlcrbBlue Pump,mounts the MicroBlue and sensor directly beneath indoor unit `❑ T18&016 I - _... __-._ ------ -_ _._..._..._..--------------................--_....._._...._ Sauermann Condensate Pump i 0 SI30 230 !(30AI500VIUL)[fits 2'X 4-utility box]-Black ❑ TAZ-MS303 Disconnect Switch 1---.._--:_____......_.---_-__.-____-.._------...._.:.---._..__.---_�.-�—, . } (30A1600VfUL)[fits.2',X 4'utility box]-White i❑ TAZ-MS303W ...........:...a.._.._._..........,.-_.____....______............. ,; ;'Anti-allergy Enzyme Filter ;0 MAC-408FT-E1 Filter j i ------------- i MicropartiGe(PM2.5)'--Biter i❑ MACEMF515FT--E NOTES: *Requires MAC-3341F-E' -M-Series EZ FITS RecessedC.e}ling Cassette,Floor-mount and Wall-mount' Allows indoor units to connect to an MA Controller; Deluxe MA Remote Controller Simple MA Controller Touch MA Controller e Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©.2023,Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC'US LLC.All rights reserved. Unit:inch 7/16x13116 Installation late Oblon hole Indoor unit 14116 Won hole 3 i/t6 36 511fi 3.11116 8 716 35-IN16 8 7l8 1/d � m A p, O 9.13116 8-111t8 8-1116 V16 25116 5-7/6 15 3% 3 Air riin, Wall hole 63 Installation late 0 2.1/2 2-1116 27-15116 W16 Pi i N (D r \ J 4 Drain hose 2-�3-1-8-�-}�-- 3! f i � � 41J2 N � Airqui 5-3l4 N N 311/i6 o, "Insulation o2 O.D Wireless remote ` a:Li did line o5/16 15-3/8 Flared'connection e1/4 controller a Gas line e15l32 13 3/8 Flared conhecton o112 Drain hose Insulation 01-5132 Connected part o5/8 O-D a 1340 Satellite Boulevard Suwanee,GA 30024 Toll free:800-4334822 www.mehvac.com e c1�us FORM#MSZ=GS18NA-Ui-202304 Intertek Specifications are subject to change without notice, ©2023 Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US LLC.All rights reserved.