HomeMy WebLinkAboutBittner,Warren&Barbara Amend#26 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore fi!ed with the Town Board of the
Town of Southold by .... W~r.e,n...~..o...c~D. ct..J~,Eb~.~...]3.o...~,.t.t~e.~....
requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone
Ordinance including the Building Zone .Maps made a part thereof by chang-
ing from ...... .~.. Ee.a iclent i.al...ar~d.. Agr. i c.ul.t, ur. al .........................
District to ..... M..
District the property described in said petition, and
WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the P'lanning Board for its
investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed
with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said
petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the .......... 2.0. ......... day
of ......... .~.~,~r,Y:. ...................... 195c2.., and due deliberation having been
had thereon
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said
petition be, and it hereby is ~rant, ect.
Dated January 30, 1959
Effective as of February
By Order of the Southold Town Board
1959 Ralph P. Booth
Town Clerk
RALPH P. BOOTH, being duly
sworn, deposes and says that he resides at
Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of
Suffolk, and State of New York; that he is the
Town Clerk of the Town of Southold; that on the
. 70. day of January , 1959, he posted
NO. 26 , a copy of which is annexed hereto
on the signboard maintained by him pursuant
to Town Law in the Southold Town Clerk's
Office at Southold, New ~ork; that such posting
by ~im was done pursuant to the provisions of
the Town Law and pursuant to the Resolution
of the Southold Town Board.
Subscribed and sworn to
before me this 30
day of January , 1959.
Notary Public
~ Ss.
Frederick C. Hawkins, being duJy sworn, says that
he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND
TRAVELER - MA'i-I-ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news-
paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that
the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been
published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch-
man once each week for .... (~..-~<~.,..~. ...... (...,./..~. week~,'
~~,~,~, ~o~~,~ o~ ~ ............ .:.:Z...:: .........
day of .~.,,..[.~~.~.. .......... 19.
kd ..... ~'~' . -.. ~ A, Z '
...... :,', ..... .,~,~:,c :: :,',':c~, :,~,:,,:,~,,L :~,~,: :: :,:,:,:: ...........
Sworn to before me this ...... i~:,L .......... day of
.... [ .~._.~-.. ~.~..-'~_.. ........... 19...:~:/
......... ........
Notary Public /
/:,,q ELE Ph;NE
N:~t_~:'? Fu:,:c, '.;%:e of !'::w Y0rl~
No. 52-334].030
¢ommission Expires March 30, 19:59
NOT'ICE ~ EE.~BY O~~N that after a ..public Bearing held
pursuant to the requirements of law, the BuildLug Zone Ord. inanee
(lnelvdtng the ~lding Zone Haps) of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New ~ork was duly amm ded at a regular meeti, n~
of the ~5ou~ld Town Board. held on January 20, 1959, as
follows ~
l~ ehang~ frc~ -A" Residential and Agricultural District
to "M" Mmlti~ Residenee Dist~iet the following deseri~d
All that eertain tract or parcel of ]and situate
at A~sh- ~_-~_~_~--_que in the Town. of ~outhold, County of
~~ffo~~ and $.ta~ of ~ew '~ork and more partieularly
~~ az~ deseribed as follows,
Beg!~~n~ at a point on the northerly llne of
North Road at the southeasterly corner of land now
o~ fommerly of V~ooman~ f~om 8&id point of begi~ing
~_.~.~ ale~g said land now or formerly of Vrooman
No~'th ~ degrees 33 minutes ~+0 seconds West 129..
feet! then 8~u~ 73- degrees %0 minutes 20 seeonds
West 100 feet ,to 1.and of Bangs, formerly of Ho f~l
thenee el_~n, land last mentioned North ~ degrees
~Z s~matei-][o seeonds West %60 feet more or le ss to
the waterl of Long Island Sound! thenee easterly along
~ ~ho~e of I~n~ I~J.~mt S.omad 200 f®e~ more or
to 3,~ nov o1"' formerl7 of Daisy Dodg.et t henOesa~~~)ng
land last ~enttoned South 20 degree~ ~1 minute
· ee~s .Ea. ~t 660 feet more or less to the northerly
1~ of 1~.'~'~ t~~:!~ ~ee ~o~ th~ northerly lin~
of .~ Road the following two courses ~ (1) South
36 de.g~eees 33 ~izmtes 20 seocndl West 106.06 feet t
tinned (2) 8outh ~c~ degrees 06 minutes 10 seconds
West I~%.$R feet to the point or plaee of beginning.
Oon~ai~ng alxmt 2t, ?85 aore~ n~re or le~s,
'Ya~-P7 27 195'9
Greenport, N. Y.
January 20, 1959.
Pres ent :
NORMAN E. KLIPP, Supervisor
HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace
LOUIS DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace
RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace
ROBERT TASKER, ESQ., Town Attorney
RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk.
_ _ _ 111 ~.~, ..
I will read the Notice of Hearing:
Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX
of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, a public hearing will be held
by the Southold Town Board at the Office of the Supervisor,
16 South Street, Greenport, New ¥o~k, in said Town on
January 20, 1959, at 2:00 p.m. of said date, on the
following proposal to amend the Building Zone Ordinance
(including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York.
By changing from "A" Residmntial and Agricultural
District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following
described property:
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate~'
at Arshamomaque in the Town of Southold, County of
Suffolk, and State of New York and more particularly
bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of North
Road at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly
of Vrooman; from said point of beginning running along
said land now or formerly of Vrooman North RR degrees
33 minutes 40 seconds West 129.46 feet; then South 73
degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds West 100 feet to land of
Bangs, formerly ef Hoffman; thence along land last
mentioned North 4 degrees ~2 minutes 10 seconds West 560
feet more or less to the waters of Long Island Sound;
thence easterly along the shore of Long Island Sound
200. feet more or less to land now or formerly of
Daisy Dodge; 'thence along land last mentioned South 20
degrees ~1 minutes 40 seconds East 660 feet more or
less to the northerly line of North Road; thence along
the northerly line of North Road the following two courses:
(1) South B6 degrees BB minutes 20 seconds West 106.06
feet; thence (2) South .~8 degrees 06 minutes 10 seconds
West 1~5.82 feet to the point or place of beginning.
Containing about 3.788 acres more or less.
Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed
amendment should appear at the time and place above
Dated: January 6, 1959.
RALPH P. BOOTH, To~ Clerk.
I have the application in this
The purp. se as outlined in the petition is a request
for a change of zoning from "A~ Agricultural and Residential
District to "M" Multiple Residence District.
This matter
was referred to the Southold Town Planning Board and
I will read you the contents of the report:
Gent lemen:
This is to certify that the fellowing action was
taken by the Seuthold Town Planning Board at its meet-
lng December 16, 1958.
In the matter of the petition of Warren Bittner
for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural
District to "M" Multiple Residence District certain
real property located and bounded as follows: On the
North by Long Island Sound about 200 feet; Easterly by
land of Daisy Dodge about 660 feet; Southerly by the
North Road about 251 feet; thence Westerly 129 feet and
Southerly 100 feet by land now or formerly of .Vrooman and
thence Westerly by land of Bangs, formerly of Hoffman
about 560 feet; said premises being shown on annexed
map and designated as "C" - 3.788 acres.
The Planning Beard is familiar with the property
and it is large enough to serve the purpose. There is
no question as to whether additional motels can be
All motels have done an outstanding
business in 1958; therefore, it is the determination
of the Planning Board to recommend to the Town Board
approval of the change from "A" Residential and
Agricultural D~trict to "M" Multiple Residence District.
Yours very truly
Southold Town Planning Board.
Now, at this time, is there any person who wishes
to speak in favor of the granting of the relief asked
for in the petition?
FRANK J. McMANN, ESQ. (for the Petitioner):
Supervisor, I appear on behalf of the applicant.
I don't
know that there is much that I can add to what the Town
Board already knows. The location of the property is
very close to the northerly end of Chapel Lane and it
is almost directly across from two labor camps. The
property on the south, the property on the west, a
small parcel immediately adjoining on the west, is already
zoned for motel. The property which also bounds the
parcel in question on the west is owned by people by
the name of Bangs, and immediately west of that is
another sizeable parcel, which I believe is zoned for
A comparatively short distance to the east,
as your Zoning Map will show, there are two parcels,
one on the south side of the north road, and one on
the north side owned by the same person, which are
zoned in the same manner as we seek to zone the present
The applicant
at the present
a restaurant
business at Centerport. They
respectable people.
They are here today, and in the
event that the Board desires to make any further
they may d~ sc. Their intention is to erect first a
six-unit motel and to increase that to probably by the
same amount, and possibly again by another six units.
This depends on ~he .extent of the business
done, . and
arrangements which they can make for financing further
I am convinced that they are respectable
people, and that they will maintain an orderly place,
and that there will be no damage done to the value of
the property in that vicini ry.
KLIPP: Is there any other person present
who wishes to be heard in favor of the grantin~ of the
~. W~ BI~R: I am the person that Mr. McMann
is representing, and I want the Board to feel certain
that our intentions are to put up a motel of the same
grade as Silver Sands and Somnd Shore.
The. res taurant
we own presen~v in Oenterport, Long Island is of that
type place which would be similar to Olaudios, Porky's,
or Sound View, and our intentions are to build in the
near future, a year or two from this point, as soon as
my wife and I are able to acquire sufficient ~acking for
Is there any other person who
wishes to be heard in favor of?
(ThePe was no response. )
If not, is there any person who
wishes to be
heard in oppositinn to?
STANLEY OORWIN, ESQ., (Greenport): Mr.
and gentlemen, my name is Stanley Oorwin, and'I represent
the adjacent landowner, Isabel Shannon, who owns property
immediately on the east, which in the application are
described as being now the property of Daisy Dodge.
We are opposed to this application for several
In the first place, the proposed amendment
we believe unconstitutional, because it would constitute
the grossest kind of spot zoning. The official report
of the Planning Board does not cendone the contents
contained in the petition. Nor does it determine the
area affected as ~eacribed by Section 901 of the Town
Zoning Ordinance.
The reasons given in the report.-, for
approval by the Planning Board of the change do not have
any relation to the purposes of the ordinance stated in
the preamble.
The applicants have failed to set forth in their
petition adequate reasons for the Board to grant the
relief sought.
The proposed change will not, regarded in the
light of the entire ordinance, promote the health, safety,
morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the
Town of Southold, and with reasonable consideration,
among other things, the most desirable use of the land
peculiarly suitable for a particular use, and to conserve
property values of the district in building and develop-
ing in accordance with a well-considered plan.
First of all, with respect to the premises themselves,
I should like to call to the Board's attention, I am
sure you are familiar with the situation, that the
road frontage in this particular area is on a steep
curve, and it is near a place where that curve is crossed
by a dangerous intersection.
If anything, it would
increase the traffic coming on the highway from the
adjacent lane, would connotatively increase the danger
already in that area. With the exception of the property
of the Eastern Suffolk Cooperative, which is a non-
conforming use, the entire adjacent area is residential
and agricultural.
A number of new dwellings have recently
been erected on. a dozen or so locations to the east on
the premises between the nighway and the Sound. These
premises for which the application is made, are vacant.
They were vacant at the time the premises were acquired
by the applicant.
Now, the Planning Board based its ap-
proval of the
told that^the
for a change of zoning, I am
mote Is have done
an outstanding business
in 1958, from this they conclude that additional motels
are Justified without further explanation.
They determine
that the premises in question should be down-zoned.
Now, this determination of the Planning Board is
obviously arbitrary and capricious.
It is unreasonable.
If the same reasoning were to be applied to anyone who
wanted a change in zone, it would be the same, because
there was in the entire township a particular demand.
Therefore, anyone , regardless of the size of their
restaurant or their ability to arrange financing, are
applying on the theory that the zoning should be
Now, such a determinatien strikes at the very
reason for zoning. Generally relief is sought by the
owner, and recommended by the Planning Board for the
individual owner, and the welfare of the people of the
Town is to be given primary consideration.
Since the
Planning Board did~ not give that consideration, it
should not be granted.
Mirst of all~ there is no issue of hardship.
The public records indicate that the applicant acquired
the premises then and they are now vacant after the
zoning Ordinance went into effect.
There is no issue of need as far as the Town is
concerned, for a Multiple Residence use for these patti-
cular premises.
Granted that this area abounds as a
motel area, and thru demand might exceed the supply,
there is nothing before the Board that warrants these
premises being rezoned.
There is another point: the most desirable use for
which the land of each district may be adapted. This
is in the. preamble of the Ordinance, to be one of the
considerations to be given in determining district bound-
aries, and counsel would be hardpressed to find any
need for a multiple residence district and in proximity
of these premises as definmd'.in these ordinances.
The premises are not unique to other premises for
hundreds of yards east and west as far as location,
suitability, similarity of the land in the neighborhood
is concez,ned.
There is no reason for treating this
particular area any different than that on either side
for a considerable distance. Likewise, you would have
to strain to find that even a larger area could be used
for the purpose permitted in a multiple district. That
Sound Shore and Silver Sands are both in areas where the
distance between the road and the water is much more
limited than here, and both are practically similar to
the Duck Point Motel. The land along the higher bluff,
and from Orient and Mattituck, have always been devoted
exclusively to private residential use where there has
been any development at all.
There are other places
in the township where there was some rezoning to permit
this use much better suited
prescribed by this ordinance.
I think the remarks I have made are apt. There is no
difficulty to find the proper use for improvements that
have long been established.
A zoning commission does not have difficulty to
locate industry alongside of a railroad track
where there are existing stores in a business district
there is no great problem.
But there is a borderline area
admittedly where we have a little more trouble, and if
~he property is used in such an area considerable weight
should be given to protect the existing dwellings.
I know all of you know that right up and down to
the east of this property there have been developed
~ust since the war a number of private residences.
The trend up around there is in that direction.
isn't any question abou~ it. The Board should take
notice of it as an orderly manner. I realize Mr. McMann,
in his remarks to the Board, certainly would not make
any difference to the property values.
~oae are things
about which reasonable people have a difference of
opinion, but I am sure most reasonable people would
realize property values would not be enhanced if this
application were to be granted.
Now, I am aware that in many instances this Board
has, because of the 'fact that the Town was zoned very
tightly in the beginning, where an applicant made'~'an
application for ~ndividual lots, an amendment was granted
on one parcel of land.
The question, of spot zoning was raised, and nothing
has been done.
But that is no reason why every application
should be granted that way, because they happen to think
the situation is bad surrounding them and it tends to
make it easier to grant each successive application~ .~
even though it may lack merit. There is no reason why
the Board should grant this application, and I submit
for the reasons stated, and for others which I am sure
you are aware of, it should be denied.
THE CHAIRMAN: Is there any other person present
who wishes to be heard in opposition to?
C~here was no response.)
MR. BITTNER, Sr.: I am the father of the young man
who owns the property. I also have 63 acres on Sound
View Avenue west of the Town Beach. There are certain
things that this gentleman said, however, that should
be brought to light, and a clearer viewpoint brought on
them. The gentleman said he was opposed to spot zoning
and that this was an instance of spot zoning. Spot
zoning means where there is a single use of a piece of
land that is completely surrounded by another type of
zoning, and you make that a different type. Let it
be clearly understood that this is not so in,his case.
The adjoining property to the property that is being
asked to be changed for zoning for a motel. So it is
not spot zoning; it is an extension of the present
The gentleman said that the road had a steep hill
and a bend in it. The road has a slight hill and a bend
in it and the property would be too narrow for such use,
the property is over 500 feet deep, and if the property
of the Sound Shore is not"~to narrow, surely, and that is
only about ~5 feet deep, certainly a piece of property
500 feet deep, it would be a great stretch of the
imagination that it would be too narrow.
The gent leman
said that at the present time there is no need of any
further change for business.
I say that in a more broad-
minded view point, if land has been used for agriculture
for many years, there is nothing with progressive think-
ing that you change that to business and thereby increase
the income in the community.
There is nothing objection-
able to that.
Now, in regard to the present property that the
gentleman is speaking about, it must be remembered that
when those people acquired that property they knew that
there was a migrant camp across the way from it, and that
is not particularly a fine thing.
The private property
right opposite the migrant camp is there, over there only
in terms of a residential section, but that is the case
in this particular instance, and the migrant camp, even
though it is a non-conforming use today, it was there
prior to that time.
I think, gentlemen, that anything
that today is built to bring out more business to the
Town and bring out good wholeseme business is an. at~
traction to the Town, and certainly it would not hinder
or harm the adjacent property in any way more than it
is being harmed at the present time with a migrant camp
right across the street.
Is there any other person who
wishes to be heard in fayer of or in opposition to the
NR. McMANN: Mr. Supervisor, I snould like to
Just suggest that while perhaps the Planning Board did
not set forth in the greatest detail everything they
found and perhaps everything that prompted their
decision, it seems to me as a matter of common sense,
that it is reasonable to assume that they surveyed the
whole territory, the surro~unding territory, and that
being so, it seems that their decision was entirely
sound and reasonable.
Nobody is protruding into a
territory here, so-called virgin territory insofar as
business or agriculture, residential or agriculture
is concerned.
ice is broken right around that
immediate vicinity, and I am sure that when further
consideration is given to the two ~abor camps across
the street I am sure that all those things entered
into the consideration and Judgment and decision of
the Planning Board. I say from personal interest,
I can't help but feeling that their decision was sound.
MR. WARREN BITTNEE: I wish to bring out some other
points which my father and Mr. McMann already brought out.
I wish to show you that we have given-more consideration
to the neighborhood and the surrounding people than our
opposition has, insofar as in the points that our
opposition brought out are the points that we have
s treesed to avoid.
Now, first of all, the gentleman here said that
the height of the land in front of us was objectionable
for motel purposes. Well, obviously Mr. Corwin has not
been on the land or the land adjacent to us. The one
he thinks he is defending, so far as the land he is
defending, comes down to the shore where the green
grass is, and actually from there to the bank it is
perfectly level.
Now, if you were to take the average
height from the beginning of our property to the end
of our property, you would find the average height of
the bluff is not more than 10 feet, some places being
at sea level, some places being 15 to 20 ft. high.
We chose this land for the purpose which is of such
need in the Sound Shore Motel, it was free from hurricanes,
It will not be destroyed from waves coming in from severe
The next thing I wish to bring to your attention
is the fact of the neighborhood.
It has already been
said that there is a camp across the street, and to the
west there is a motel. So obviously you will have motels
Then Just down the street and south of us is the
Drive-In Theatre, which is clearly visible from all the
pieces of property in this neighborhood.
Now, certainly with a motel strip being there already
~f which there is over 1,000 ft. presently zoned in this
area, and we are trying to have ~50 ft. rezoned for a
motel, we have obviously chosen an area where you people
intend to put motels.
The next thing I wish to bring out', the changing
of this land to motel is obviously of sentimental value.
First of all, there is no home built in the area which
has people here who are defending.
They are opposed
because they feel that a motel would be objectionable
to them in fighting us. 'We, in turn, are trying to show
you that we intend to build a motel there that would be
a credit to the Town and run in the same manner as our
own restaurant which we have and which we would be
to have anyone come to in Huntington and visit us.
So I feel the opgosition has not any real opposition
to their having the land changed from Residential to
MRS. BITTNER: I believe that Mr. Corwin stated
that the opposing party's lands would be downgraded and
the value of the land would not be increased, but
certainly having a beautiful resort motel on the land
adjacent to this other land would certainly increase
the value of those people's properties.
I believe
that is all I want to say.
I can't think of anything
else at this time.
Mr. Supervisor, I ~ust feel that Mr.
McMann's statement should not go unchallenged, when
he referred to the implications apparent from the
Zoning Board's conclusions.
I think that exists only
in his imagination, and that the lack of, if anything
of effort and industry, and examination of neighboring
property is apparent from the letter, far more from the
letter, which would be Justification to him, which he
reads into it. It is somewhat similar to say because
the fish business has been not particularly good in the
last couple of years Mr. Barth is giving up a very
profitable soda business because he wanted to help the
fish business, or Mr. Cooper started a very profitable
business and did not want to extend the yard simply
because it is going good at the moment.
MR. BITTNER, Sr.: I ~onder if Mr. Corwin is aware
of .the fac-t that the Dong Island Chamber of Commerce
is doing all they can to improve the resort business on
this end of the Island. They are using the radio; they
are using their bulletin, and in every way they are
trying to increase that type of business for this end
of the Island.
MRS. BITTNER: Not cnly that which Mr. Bittner
has said, but also I have heard in passing that the
population of Greenport has gone down something like
200 to 500 and that is quite a lot, it seems to me.
The Town of Greenport and Southold needs something to
build up the town and not have the population dying off
all the time. Not only that, I believe, I Just wanted
to say that when we bought this land, or when we were
thinking about buying it, it was in June 1958, that
the piece of property west of us was at that time Just
zoned motel.
You see, I am not in a position
to debate, but I am hearing a debate.
MR. CORWIN: I would like to point out that my
client is a non-resident like these people.
naturally, we are not publicly obligated, and we are
not trying to stop the Long Island Association, or
anyone else from coming into this Town and making
something better of it.
She is Just as sentimental about
using her property for a private residence as they are
for using their property for a motel. I 'don't think
that is anything that this Board should take into
MRS. BITTNER: It is not only a fact that we are
not non-residents.
The Bittners are residents in Southold.
They have a home here and 63 acres of land. And not only
that, some day I intend to have my home on that piece
of land.
Mr. Supervisor, may I add Just a word
or two here.
The party making application for the use
of land for, we will say business purposes, although
not seeking to be zoned for business, now, these things
come up continually as you well know, and zoning was
designed to protect generally areas in the Township.
Now, this appears to me to be peculiarly a proposition
where the application can be ~ranted without harm to anyone.
In other words, the owner proposing the application,
no more harm could be done to her property than has
already been done by the existence of the labor camps
there. The damage that this motel, or the feared damage,
cannot approach that.
As I said before, it is not a new situation.
are not entering into a new situation; we are entering
into a residential area that is completely residential.
The damage has already been done.
Is there any other person who
wishes to be
(There was no response. )
If not, I will close the hearing
at this time for further deliberation and deteEnination
of the Board.
P~nt to
de~rees 42
5~0. feet
of Lor~
erly along
Sound 200.
now or
Soulh 20
seconds East
to the
North -
courses: (1)
minutes 20
thence~ (2~
utes 10
the point
~h~ propo~d
to be heard on
should appear
~bove specified.
Adele Payne, being duly sworn, says that she is
the Associate Editor of the LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-
MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed
at Southold, in Suffolk County, and that the notice of
which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published
in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watchman once
'. ...... '/'.. 'weeks successively,
each week for ...... vc. .. ....... ,.~. ¥..;:... '
commencing on the .................... ~:'~. ~ c C day of
~" ~ ..~ ..... .....~ ..... ~ ..... 19 ¥~') ~'"
....... '" .-..~-¢cc"/~'.'~'''''''''/(' C "~.:?~_,c~,-4~. ,~,~...
Sworn to before me this ........... ?: .......... day of
........ .... 9. ?z
.L,./L, ./.'.
........... t2_; ~'" ' '~ ...........
Notary Public
Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town l.aw~and Article IX of the
Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York,
a public hearin~ will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the
Supervisor, 16 South Street, G reenport, New York, in said town on
January 20. 1959, at 2:00 P.M. of said day, on the followin~ proposal to
amend the ~ildln~ Zone Ordinance (includin~ the buildin~ Zone Maps) of the
Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York:
By chan~ir~ from 'A' Residential and Agricultural District to
"M" Multiple Residence District the followin~ described property:
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate at Arshamomaque
in the Town of Southold0 County of Suffolk, and State of New York
and more particularly bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northerly Line of North Road
at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of
Vrooman; from said point of be~innin~ running aloa~ said
land now or formerly of Vrooman North 22 degrees 33
minutes 40 seconds West 129.46 feet; then South ?~ degrees
5~ minutes 20 seconds West 100. feet to land of Ban~s,
formerly of Hoffman; thence alon~ land last mentioned
North 4 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds West 560. feet
more or less to the waters of Lon~ Island Sound; thence
easterly along the shore of Long Island Sound 200. feet
more or less to land now or formerly of Daisy Dodge;
thence alon~ land last mentioned South 20 degrees 41
minutes 40 seconds East 660 feet more or less to the
northerly line of North Road; thence along the~ortherly
line of North Road the following two courses: (1) South
36 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds West 106.06 feet;
thence (2) South 48 degrees 06 minutes 10 seconds West
145. 82 feet to the point or place of beginnin~. Containin~
about 3. ?88 acres more or less.
Any person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment
should appear at the time and place above specified.
Dated: January
Southold Town Planning Board
John '~(/ickharn, Chairman
Harold R. Reeve
Henry Mois~
Alfred Grebe
Archibald Young
December 27, 1958
Report to : Southold Town Board ~outhold~ New York
This is to certify that the following action was taken by
the Southold Town P~anning Board at its meeting December 16~ 195U.
In the matter of petition of Warren Bittner for a change of
zone from "A" Residential and A§ricultural District to "M" ?'iultiple
Residence District certain real property located and bounded as
follows: On the North by Long Island Sound about 200 f :~et; Wasterly
by land of Daisy Dodge about 660 f~et; Southerly by the Nort~".Roa. d
about 2~1 feet; thence Westerly 129 feet and ~outherly 100 feet by
land now or formerly of Vrooman and thence Westerly by land of Bangs-
formerly of Hoffm. an about ~60 feet; said premises being shown on
annexed ~ap and desi~,at~d as "C" - 3 700 acres
The Planning Board is f~miliar with the property and it is
large enough to serve the purpose. There is no question as to whether
additional motels can be justified. All motels have done an out-
standing business in 19~8; therefore, it is the determination of
the Plan~ing Bosrd to recommend to the Town Board approval of the
change fro~ "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M,, Multiple
Residence District.
Yours very truly
John Wickham, Chairman
Southold Town Planning Board
November 26, 1958.
Mr. John Wickham
Chairman Planning Board
Cu~chogue, L.I., N.Y.
Dear Mr. Wickham;
The original petition of
Arshamomaque, Southold~ N.Y., relative to
change of zone from "A" Residential and
Agricultural District to "M" Multiple
Dwelling are in the files in the office
of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y.
You are instructed to
prepare an official report defining the
conditions described in the petition and
determine the area sS effected wi th the
recommendation of your Board.
Very truly yours
'R%lp~' P. Booth
Town Clerk
CASE NO: ....... ~....~.. ........
B. Bittner
1. W]~ ..W~r~.en..T../~±t.t~em...&Ba.r. bara/, residing at .... .Gez~ta:~.o:.¢~...N .....Y., ...............
(insert name of petitioner)
Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, a~r~ the owner~of certain real property situated at
.... and more particularly bounded and described as follows:
.~ parcel of unimproved land consisting of about 3.788 acres bounaea
northerly by Long Island Sound about 200 feet; easterly by land now
or formerly of Daisy Dodge about 660 feet; sotrther]_y by the North
Road 2~1 feet; thence westerly 129 feet and southerly 100 feet by
land now or formerly of Vrooman and thence westerly by land of
Bangs formerly of Hoffman about %60 feet; said premises being shown
on annexed map an~ designated as "C" 3,788 acres,
2. ~'~r~do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend
the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the
Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: Tt is our desire to
erect a motel on said premises. We contemplate the erection of six
units at first and expect to, add thereto until we have at least 12-18
units. We have in mind a motel generally similar to the Sound Shore
Motel and Silver Sands Motel situate in the same general area.
3. Such request is made for the following reasons: The premises in quest!.on are
now zoned as Residential ~ .~grieultural. In order to erect the
proposed motel: a change of Zoning to "M" Multiple Dwelling is
) SS:-
Warren T. Bittner snd
B.~r~ars B. Bi ttner
.............................................................................. , BEING DU[¥ SWORN, deposes and says that he is
the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con-
tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein
stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to
be true.
Sworn to before me
this ../.3 ...day of ~overa13er: ........ , 19.:. .........
· ~ Notary Public.
~ UR, VP' ~ Fo/=z '
All,4 ¢ /,< / E ,:,,~NO , ,