HomeMy WebLinkAboutDefriest, David I. Amend #25: SOUTHOLD TOWN"CLE"Rk'S OFFICE RALPH P. BOOTH. CLERK SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ~ut~~t i.n ~ T~ off ~~old~ Co~~ of NO. ~ ~,,C~ Of which is 8nnewed hereto by h~ ~s ~ ~~ot ~. ~ p~si~ of the Sold ;o~ ~~. ._ ..... ~~~ .... 7...,~..~.~~_~.~.~ .............. ~ .... ~ ......... 5ubscri~d and s~rn day of l-~t~ry ~bllo NOTICE OF after a to the in~ Zone Buildi~ Zone ~Routhold, ~as duly.~ lng of the on ~Tovemt)er 25'" j By chan~.ix~ .and AiriCultural ness District, ~roperty: '~': ..... · ':~ An t,t~' land 'the Town and State... ~f par- ticularly as follows: Avenue, !gff.~'w~...~/~ or ~less; thence ~ 'Lttl~ !and no~ or ~ormer~v ~ i~~one ~nd now or fo ~.r~er]~ erly ~ . fo~,xnerly of or less; of 97 feet, more or erly al..o~ 265 feet, erly line of erly along line of · .the ~ln'. more or De~d: Town Clerk COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK! ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says thct he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...... .~..~..-?..../.~. ....... /'..( ~.... weeks successively, commencing on the ............. .~.'.' .................... Sworn to before me this ......... :?. ............ day of NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF BUILDING .ONE ORDINANCE ~M~'.ND~.~.~NT NO. 25 NOTICE iS hnREBY GIVE. N that after a public hearing held pursuant to the requirements of law~ the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone 1,laps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York wins duly amended at a regular meeting of the oouthold Town Board held on November 25, 1958, as follows: ~y changing from "A" Residential ~nd Agricultural District to "B" Business District, the following described property: ALL that certain tract or p~rcel of land situate ~t ~tt~tuck~ in the Town of So~thold~ County of Suffolk ~nd State of New York more p~rticularly bounded .~nd d~scribed ~s follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of M~in Rosd ~,ith the e~sterly line of Wickham Avenue; from said point of beginning running northerly ~long said easterly line of Wtckhsm Avenue, 195 feet, more or less; thence easterly along land now or formerly of Duryee and along land now or formerly of Conklin Estate 2~ feet, more or less; thence northerly along said land now or formerly of Conklin 'Estate,60 feet, more or less; thence easterly along land of Dries and along land of Hollenbeck~ 97 feet~ more or less; thence southerly along land of E~ward F. Jerome, 265 feet; more or less, to said northerly line of i'4ain Rosd; thence westerly ~long s~id northerly line of the Main Road, 3~3 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Da ted: November 26, 1958. BY ORDER CF ~-tE SOU/HOLD TO'.'!N BOARD RALPH P. BOCTH T 0':-/~ CLERK PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TO;tN OF $OUTHO'~ Greenport, N. Y. November 25, 1958. Pres en~ : NORMAN E. KLi PP, Chairman NENRY A. CLARK; Justice ,f She Peace RALPH ~~ILL, Justice of the Peace L. Dema~es$, justice of the Peace LEST~ ~TSON, Councilman ROBERT TA~~R, ESQ., Town Attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Town. Clerk APPLICATION OF DAVID I. DeFRIEST e 2 APPLICATION OF DAVID I. DeF~IEST SUPE~VISOR KLIPPz The Town Attorney has called my attention to the fact that this was the original petition of M~. DeFtest, and the Town Pl~allinE Boar~ on its own motion has taken in a fu~the~ a~ea to the east up to W[ckham Avenue. The repor~ of the Planning Board on that is as follows ~ "This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Plannin~ Board at a special meeting on 10, November^igc8. "In the matter of the p~oper~y at Mattituck described in the legal description ~upplied by Otto Van T~F1 & Sons dated November 10, 19~8 and attached to the application for change of zone from "^" to eS" district made by David E. DeFriest, dated November 6, 1958, and said property having been ~eferred to the Planning Board for study and a r~pox~c by the Town Board's own motion; it was ~ESOLVED. that the Plan~ing Boamd recommends this change of zone ~rom "A" residential and Agrucultu~al to "B" business district be made at the earliest time consistent with law. "The Chairman has recently talked with Dr. Stanley Jones, an adjoining property owner, whose pr~pel'ty is included in the area to be changed, also with Mm. Reeve, and they feel that this is the logical development for this properS. DP. Jones feels that his property would not be sold for ~esidenoe pux-poses in any event. The Board feels that the present 3 business dls~Ic~ is bound ~o ~xpand 'in ~his di~ectlon." This was signed by John Wiokham, Chairman. .At this ~ime is ~here any person who wishes to be heard in favor of the change of zone'? WALTER OEOROE KAPP (Att.o.rne¥ for the Petitioner~: Chairman and gentlemen of the Town Board: the petition, as probably most of you .know, is a funeral director, and he is conducting a funeral parlor in She Village of Southold for the last eighteen Years. The purpose for this petition is to permit him to conduct a similar operation in the village of Mat~ituck. And as evidence of the need in that particular section of this town I cite to you the fact that during 1957 Mr. DeFriest conducted fourteen funerals fo.r residents in and about the village of Mattituck, all of which, of course, had to be taken to ~is place in Southold. Now, aa far as the zoning picture of this particular area is concerned, I would like to submit to you a cepy of the latest tax map on which the areas which a_re zoned business have been shaded in blue; those which are zoned industrial are shaded in green, and the area under consideration tonight includes not only the area of the petitioner,, but also that recommended for business by the Planning Board, and also on motion of this Board, has been shaded in orange. I think that will probably give you a better picture than I could give you verbally. It is apparent from the map that the property that could be probably more adversely affected by the change in zoning .is the property .to the east of the property called for in this petition., and this is the property of Mr...Edward jerome who is located on. the main road, and it consists of a very attractive, well-kept resldence, Yesterday I spoke to Mr. jerome and asked him wh~t he thought of the re. zoning of the property next to. him to business. He told me he was aware of it; that he and Mrs. Jones had spoken about it. They feel if Mr. DeFriest comes to Mattituck and brings his fu~ral establishment to Mattituck, it will be to the benefit of the village, and they are therefore not opposed to it, and they authorized me to state to this .]~ard that they will consent to the re-zoning. As far as the need for this establishment is concerned, we have already gone over that, but there is an additional need this will provide. Now, there is an intention of the petitioner to maintain an ambulance on the premises at all times, and it is further his intention that suitable arrange- ments will be made to have attendants present on a 2~-hour day basis to operate the ambulance. I am sure that nobody will disagree that this is a service that Mattituck needs at the present time. And if necessary, the ambulance comes from $outhold which is some eight miles distant. For all of these reasons we feel the rezoning of this property will be beneficial to the To~n of Mattltuck and will be helpful to thehealth, 5 satety and welfare of So~thold Town, and we respectfully request that this petition be granted. SUPERVISOR l~I PP ~ Is there .any othe~ person who ~i'shes to be heard in favor of? (.The'~ was no response. ) SUPERVISOR XI~PP., Is there any other person who ~ishes to be heard in opposition to? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR FJ~IPP ~ Is there any person who wishes to be heard in opposition to or in favor of? (There was. no response. ) SUPERVISOR XLIPP: We will close this hearing at this time for ~he further deliberation of the Board. On motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Tuthill, and unanimously carried, the granted. Ail voted "aye. application It of David I DeFrlest was NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSALS AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE TO Pursuant to Section 26~ of the Town Law and Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk CountM~ New ~ork~ a public hearing will be held bM the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor~ 16 South~ ,Street~ Greenport~ New ~ork~ in said Town on November 2~th~ 19~8~ at 7:00 o'clock P.M. of said daM~ on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of $outhold~ Suffolk County~ New York: 5 By changin~o from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described pr ope r ty: Ail that certain situate at Mattituck County of Suffolk and ].oar t i cular ly bound ed tract or Dracel of land in the Tom of Southold~ State of New Zork and more and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Sound Avenue at the northwesterly corner of land of Papish said point of beginning being about 3dO feet westerly al ong said southerly line of oound Avenue from the point where said southerly line would be intersected bM the direct extension southorly of the westerly line of Cox Neck Road~ from said point of beginning running along the ].and of Papish south 21 degrees 1+9 minutes 20 seconds west 32~ feet; thence north 68 degrees ].0 minutes 1+0 seconds east 176.20 feet to land of ~,epko; thence south 19 degrees ~2 minutes 20 ~,econds east 15'21+ to land of C A I-,rice; thence north [6 degrees 19 minutes 20 second west 5c2 feet; thence south 66 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds west 13~ feet to land of Hallock; thence north 21 degrees ~9 minutes 20 seconds west 1309 feet to tho southerly line of Sound Avenue; thence south d9 degrees 13 minutes ~0 seconds east 51+1 feet to tho point or place of beginning. By changing from "A" District Residential to "B" Business District the and Agr i cult ur al following described property: Ail that certain tract or pracel at Mattituck in the 5'own of gouthold~ Suffolk and State of New ~ork and. more bounded and described as follows: of land situate County of particularly BEGI line of ~ along sai it is int of the we of be land land runni degre thenc west line lir~ 40 se of be NNING at a monument on the southerly ound Avenue about 180 feet westerly d southerly line from the point where ersected by the direct extension southerly sterly line of Cox Neck Road~ said point ginning being the ~orthwesterly corner of the of Sepko and the northeasterly cor ncr herein described¢ from. said point of ng alon~ said land of Sepko~ south 19 es ~'2 minutes 20 secon, ds east 248.29 feet; e south 6d degrees 10 minutes %0 seconds 176.20 feet¢ thence north 21 degrees 1+9 es 20 seconds west 325' feet to the southerly of ~ound Avenue; then aloe7 the southerly of Sound Avenue south d9 de;~rees~. 13 minutes conds east ;~00 feet to the point or place g inning. of the beginning By changing from "A" Re s id ential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following described property: Ail that certain tract or parcel of land situate at Mattituck~ in the Town of Southold~ ,~ount¥ of Suffolk and gtate of New ~ork more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEG INNING line of Wickham running Wickham easterly and along land now or Estate~ 25l+ feet~ more along said land now or 60 feet~ more larfl of Dries feet~ more or at the inter section of the northerly the Main Road with the easterly line of Avenue; from. said point of b~ginning northerly along said easterly line of Avenue~ 19~' feet~ more or less¢ thence along land now or formerly of Duryee formerly of Conklin or less; thence northerly formerly of ~.~onklin r:state~ thence easterly along 97 land or less; and along land of Hollenbeck~ less~ thenca southerly along 26 5' feet~ more or less~ to of the Main Road; thence northerly line of the i¥~ain or !ess~ to the po int of of Edward F. Jerome~ said northerly line westerly along said Road, 3~'3 feet, more beginning. ~ithereto ..~ , BM amending Article I, ~..ection a new paragraph to be paragraph 9A-F~iILY-0ne er more '.0ersons 100 by adding 9A to read as fol!ow~: occupying ~uremises as ia single housekeeping ~mnit. -section BM amending Article Vii by a~ding thereto a new to be ~ection ?03B to read as follows: ~W, CTIoN ?O~B CE!-~{TIFI ~ ~ ~ .......... C..TE OF OC~zUPANC Y. (a) it shall be unlawful to use or nremit the use ~of any building or premises ~i'erected' ~ changed~. ~ converted , ~its use o~ structure unti~ or part thereof~ hereafter created~ or enlarged wholly or ~iJartly~ in a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Inspector. Such Certificate shall indicate that such building or premises or part thereof and the proposed use thereof are in conformity withl i~e provisions of this Ordinance. Under such rules and regulations as may be established by the Board of Appeals~ a 'temporary ,~ertificate of ©ccupancy for a part of any building or !!:ermises may be is sued by th,= z~..~.ilo~in,~ Inspector. (c) Upon written request from the owner or occupant~ the Building Inspector shall issue a Certific ate of Occupancy for any existing lawful use and occu~anc'y of a building or ~)remis es. By amending Article X bY adding~hereto a new section to be section iO00A to read as follows: ~'v";CTION IO00A- No lot shall be sold~ divided~ or set off in such a manner that either the portion sold: d ivided~ or set off~ or the portion re:naining ~ha~ ~, =! have an area and/or open space of less than that prescribed by this Crdinance for the dis'tr' t in which said ~ot is located. AnM ~erson.,,:~. ~ desiring to be hear~ .......... on th~- ~.'.'"~ro-oose.,. -~,i amendments sho~..tld appear at the ted: ??ovember llth ~ 19~$ Order of the Ra!~}h ~..~::ooth M,., gACKS FTLF, ) SouthoId Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John '~(/ickham, Chairman Harold R. Reeve Henry Moisa ,AlFred Grebe Archibald YounB REPORT TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Southold, New York Gentlemen; Southold This to certify that the following action was taken by the Tom'~ Planning Board at a special meeting on November 10, 195'8. In the matter of the property at Nattituck described in the legal d~scription supplied by' Otto Van 2h~¥1 & Sons dated November 10, 19~8 and attached to the application for change of zone from "A" to "B" district made b7 David I. DeF~iest, date~ ~'ovember 6, 195'8, and sm~ property hav~i_ng been refferred to the ~lanning Board for study and a report by the Town Board's o~m motion; It was RESOLVED: That the Planning Board recommends this from "A" residential and' Agricultural to "B" business made at the earliest time consistant with law. change of zone district be The Chairman has recently talked with Dr. Stanley Jones, an adjoining property owner, who's property is included in the area to be changed~ also with Mr. Reeve, and they feel that this is the logical development for this property. Dr. Jones feels that his property would not be sold for residence purposes in any event. The Board feels that the present business district is bound to expand in this direction. Yours v~:~'.~Truly John Wickham, Chair~"~:an At a meeting of the Town Board of .the Town of $outhold heId on November lO~h, 1958. '~M1ERE~, an application has been filed with th~s Board by David I. DeFriest requesting an amendment, of ti~e Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance, including the Building Zone ~aps, by changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District ~o "B" Business ~istrict certain real property on the north side of ?~oute 25 a.t N~~tituck, New York, said property being more fully described in said application, and I~EREAS, the property along the southerly side of Route 25 opposite the property described in said application as well as the property on ~he north side of Route 25 west of Wi ckh~m Avenue, is presently zoned. 'B" Business,. s~d ~he business growth in this area warrants the creation of additional business zones, and l~iEI~AS, it is the opinion of ~his Board ~a~ the property described in said application as well as other property on ~he nort~-~erly side of t%oute 25, westerly to h~ic'kham Avenue, should be rezoned from "A" }~esidential and Agricult~al District to "B" Business District. NO~? THEREFOi~ BE IT RESOLVED, t~.~,at the Town Board of the Town of Southold refer to the South. old Town Plamxing Board for its official report, the proposal to amend, on its own motion, the $outho!d Tow'n Building "Zone Ordinance, including the Building Zone ~ps, by changing fro~, ,,A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B'? Business District, the following described property: All that certain at ~tattituck, in the of Suffolk~ and State Particularly bounded tract of land situate Town of Southold, County of New York, mor~ and described as follows:- BEGINNING line of Wic .kh~ at the intersection of t!,...~. ~.,~ ~'~.~"~_a~.~ oad ,~.~tl., the easterly Avenue nort!~e northerly line of ; from said point of beginni..no~ rurming riy along said easterly line · Wickham Avenue, 195 feet, ~uo're or le ss; the n ce · easterly along land now o~' fo~'r~erly o-f Duryee and along land now or fo~nerly of Conklin Estate, 254 feet, more or less; thence northerly- along said land now or formerly of Conklin estate, 60 feet, more or less; thence easterly along land of Dries and al. cng land of Hollenbeck, 97 fee~, more or les~; thence southerly along., land of Edward F. Jerome, 265 feet, more or less, to said no.rtherly line of the MaLn Head; thence westerly along ~atd no~herl¥ line of t.,ho M~tn Road, 3~3 feet, more or less, to ~he poin~ of bog~nning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, ~hat the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to request in writing that the Southold Town Planning Board prepare an officiaI report pursuant to Section 901 of said Ordinance concerning said proposed amc nd me n~. Southold Town Planning Board SEIUTHEILD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Harold R. Reeve Hznry Moisa Affrcd Grebe Archibald Youn~ REPORT TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on November 7, 19~8. In the matter of the application of David I. DeFriest for a change of zone From "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business Distircts property as described accurately on theapplication, and generally described as bounded south by Main Road~ east by Edward Jerome~ north by W. V. Duryee and others, west by Stan!.ye Jones, Dr. with right-away to Wickham Avenue. RESCLVE, That the Planning Board recommend that this applic~.ticn be granted. It is further reso!.ved that the Planning Bo':~rd recommend including the property of Dr. Stanley P1 Jones and John E. Woessner in this "B" Business District upon the Town Board's own motion. An accurate description of this area is attached to this report. The Chairman has talked with Dr. Jones and I~. Reeves, adjoining property owners~ and they feel that this is the logical development that will take place in this area. Dr. Jones feels that his property wouldn't be sold as a residence anyway~ and we feel that Mattituck business district is bound to expan$ in this direction. Yours very t.nuly~ "~ohn Wic~am~ Chairman SOUThOID TOWN CLErK's OfFiCE RALPH P. BOOTH, (~LERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS 5OUTHOLD, N. ¥. Nov. ?, 1958. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of DAVID I. DeFRIEST of Southold, L.I., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to zone "B" Business District are in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southold, N.Y.. You are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. RPB/mr Very truly yours, R~iph lIP . Booth Town Clerk SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFfiCE RALPH P. BOOTH, CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ~ovember 10, 1~8. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, New York. Dear'Mr. Wickham; You are hereby instructed to prepare an official report, defining the con- ditions and d~te~m~ne the area effected by a proposed amendment of the Southold Town Build- ing Zone Ordinance (including the Building ~one Maps) set forth in a resolution of the Town Board adopted on Xo~ember 10, lg58, a copy of which resolution is annexed hereto. RPB/mr Very truly yours, Ralph P:- Booth Town Clerk CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF PETITION FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) contract vendee (see below~ Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am ti~l~~/of certain real property situated at ...~.~.Jr..~.~..o..~....~...e..~....¥.o...~..~. .................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Description on separate sheet attached hereto and made a pa'rt hereof. The premises are presently owned by May C. Lupton and isabelle S. Conklin and petitioner has by contract dated November 5, 19~8, agreed to purchase same subject to rezoning as herein set forth. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To reclassify the said real property from zone "A" Residential and Agricultural District to zone "B" Business District. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: It is the intention of the petitioner to conduct a funeral parlor on said pre~_ises and said use is not permitted under the present classification. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ........... ..D..A..V...Z..~.....Z........D...~...~..Z...~.~..~. .......................... BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this ...6.t~..,~a/y of .... N.O.?.~]?.~.~. ........., 19..~...~. ..... / ......... ~ .... ! ........... ~. .... ? .... ~....~~.,.,.~. PETITION OF DAVID I. DeFRIEST FOR CHANGE IN ZONE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY PARCEL I - COM2~ENCING at the southwesterly corner thereof at the point on the northerly line of Main Road (State Highway 25) where the westerly line of the premises about to be described and the easterly line of the lands of Stanley P. Jones intersect the northerly line of Main Road; and From said point of beginning running North thirteen (13) degrees thirty-eight (38)minutes ten (10) seconds West along the easterly line of said lands of Jones one hundred eighty-five and sixty-seven hundredths (185 67) feet to a point; Continuing thence North thirteen (13) degrees thirty-eight (38) minutes ten (10) seconds West along the easterly line of Parcel II hereinafter described sixteen (16.00) feet to a point; Continuing thence in a northerly direction sixty and sixty hundredths (60.60) feet to the northwesterly corner of the premise herein described; Running thence in an easterly direction parallel to the southerly line of Pike Street and two hundred sixty (260) feet distant therefrom North seventy-four (74) degrees twenty-two (22) ~ minutes zero (00) seconds East ninety-seven and ninety-one hundredths (97.91) feet, more or less, to the westerly line of lands of Jerome; Running thence in a southerly direction along the westerly line of said lands of Jerome South fourteen (14) degrees forty- six (46) minutes fifty (50) seconds East two hundred sixty-five and eighty-three hundredths (265.83) feet, more or less, to the ~ northerly line of Main Road; Running thence in a westerly direction along the northerly lin~ ~of Main ~o~ad..~.So~t~e~venty-£ive~.~(7~) de~reea thirty-four (34) hundredths (7~.~7~i~ feeb to a~ngTe mn ~t~r~a~, Continuing thence in a westerly direction still along the northerly line of Main Road South seventy-eight (78) degrees twent seven (27) minutes forty (40) seconds West thirty-nine and sixty- nine hundredths (39.69) feet to the point or place of beginning. PARCEL II - Commencing at a concrete monument set on the easterly line of Wickham Avenue at the southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of W. V. Duryee; and running thence in an easterly direction along the southerly line of lands of Duryee and others North seventy-six (76) degrees thirty-one (3l) minutes forty (40) seconds East two hundred fifty-four and fifty-nine hundredths (254.59) feet t~_rough a concrete monument to the west- erly line of Parcel I above described; Running thence in a southerly direction along the westerly line of Parcel I above described South thirteen (13) degrees thirty-eight (38) minutes ten (10) seconds East sixteen (16.00) feet to the northerly line of lands of Stanley P. Jones; Running thence in a westerly direction along the northerly line of said lands of Jones and of others South seventy-six (76) degrees thirty-one (31) minutes forty (40) seconds West two hundred fifty-two and seventy-two hundredths (252.72) feet to the easterly line of Wickham Avenue; Running thence in a northerly direction along the easterly line of Wickham Avenue North twenty (20) degrees twenty-one (21) minutes twenty (20) seconds West sixteen and twelve hundredths (16.12) feet to the southerly line of lands now or formerly of W. V. Duryee and the concrete monument at the point or place of beginning. SE~E_ SHEET 8 ' ~JTHCL ~ TOY _~ .~ ~,,, ,~ m ,. ~ ....... . , ~?,,, ,, . .. .~ SHEET 6 ........,...._,,,_., ,,., ,,...., ,,, /"-'7 ;,' :,. : ~? , . ~ ' / / - / h.~ ' ~ ~ ' , ' ,~ ~ ~ / / ' . , '~ / / ~"%*'% "~" " ........ ~ / ~ ~ .... '-' / F, T UTI~ILL ~-- . j/ SEE SHEET I ' SEE SHEET I