HomeMy WebLinkAboutKing, Edwin Amend #23 WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore fi!ed with the Town Board of the Town of Southold by ......... ir:~.~jf ..... ~ ..... ~;~. ...................................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Maps made a part thereof by chang- ing from ..... ."..~.. ~.. JCJ.~.~. ~.~fl A~ 11~.~],...~ 1;~ .. ~.~F.~ 1~. '1~.~.-~ ~ ..................... District to ...!~...~~t~;~&,], ................................................................. District the property described in said petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendation and report, and its report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the ....... ,],Ot~ ...... day of ........... JiG.~.tt~B~ ................. 195~.., and due deliberation having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~Fant~d. ~atedl So~amber ~1~ By Crd~ off the 8outho~d ~'ow~ Board Ralph P. Boo th To~n Clerk COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ · STATE OF NEW YORK! ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ............ ~.?.~..¢-~.. .............. weeks successively, commencing on the .......... ~,~..~ ................... day of .~.~'.LrL.I,..'~..'::?~.~ .... 19...~...~/ ............ .~. ~ .. ........... .................... , .................................... Sworn to before me this ..... ',~../. ............ day of · ~, ] 05~' ['om m b::Siori Lx;: .. · .... ;:,~ '.:. · ~' SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE RALPH P. BOOTH, C, LERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS $OUTHOLD, N. Y. ~n, depoees and says that be resides at aou~ldt in b Tom of 5~~dv Com~ of S~~lk~ T~ Cle~ of a eopy off t~ SOT ZCE OF A~~~ OF ZONI~ p~~nt ~ To~ ~ ~ t~ Southold T~ Clerk ts Offl~ at Sou~ld by ~ ~s ~m p~smnt ~ t~ p~vtst~ of t~ T~ ~v a~ p~~nt ~ t~ Resolutt~ of the Sou.t~ld ............ ..... ............................................ 5u~.or~d and 8~oFn to before ne this ~ da~ of' .~ove~be_? _~__, 19~8o PUBLIC NEARING TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. November 10, 1958. Present : NORMAN E. KLIPP, Supervisor HE~Y A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace L. DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTNILL, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman ROBERT TASKER, ESQ., Town Attorney RALPN P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. A,p. pL!,.CA?!ON.. OF... _ED, WiN__ KIN(;. 2 SUPERVISOR KLIPP: The request of Edwin H. King is made for the following reasons: sand and gravel pit. I will read you the report of the Southold Town Planning Board -. Gentlemen-. This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on October 14, 1958: Petition of Edwin H. King for a change of zone on certain real property situated at East Marion, Long Island, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: approximately 149 ft. on the north bounded by property of ~uiararaes, 516 ft. on the east bounded by land of Irving Latham, 141 ft. on the south bounded by Irving Latham and 500 ft. on the west bounded by land of the petitioner, Edwin N. King. It was the determination of the Planning Board that they would look favorably on. the request for a change from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "C" Industrial,and it is the understanding of the Planning Board that petitioner wishes to put in a gravel screening pit. The Planning Board therefore recommends to the Town Board approval of this change of zmne. This i's signed by John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board. I have read the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board. Is there any person ~ho wishes to speak in favor of the change of zoning on the matter of the Petition of Edwin H. King? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Hearing none, is there any person who wishes to speak in opposition to the change of zoning on the petition of Edwin H. King? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Apparently there is no person who wishes to be heard. We will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. On motion of ~r. Albertson, seconded by Mr. Demarest, and unanimously carried, the petition of Edwin H. King for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "C" Industrial was granted. All voting "aye." Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York and more particularly bounded anc~ described as follows: Consisting of two parcels on a 50 foot ri.ght-of-way running south- easterly from Sound View Avenue ~t a point 1400 feet southwesterly from Kenney's Road. PARCEL I Contains 2.3 acres ~n(~ begins on the northeasterly line of s~id §0 foot right-of-waY 300 feet south- easterly from Sound View Avenue and runs thence northeasterly p~r- ~llel to Sound View Avenue 195 feet; thence southeasterly along land of John Charnews 585 feet; thence southwesterly along Long Island Lighting Company easement 1 ..... ~-~..~ ........ ::..~ .... --'" -' feet' thence northwesterly along .~.~~~--~ '~ said right-of-waY 1080 feet to the' :'~ ..... ":"".¢'"-' ". "' point of beginning, dimensions and 'OLK :~::'~ .... '.:..' ..... . area bein~ approximate. K ._ ....... ~:~'" ,.~ PARCEL II · " ' :' .... '~'""~-' Contains 5 acres and, ,begins on the .La~,... ~' -" :~~ south~vesterly line of s~id right-of- SS. way at the northwesterly line o! awkins, being duly sworn, says that ~ong zszana Lighting.. Company ~d publisher of THE LONG ISLAND easement and view Avenue and runs thence ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- northeasterly along said right way 245 feet; thence northeasterly ,~thold, i~ Su~(olk Cou~t~; c~d thct across said right of way ~0 feet; thence southeasterly along the qe c~e×ed is c printed copy, hcs bee~ northwesterly line of said right-of- way 360 feet; thence southwesterly ,ng Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- ..?,ny approximately 5.00 feet. ~:erlv 5. By chanCng from "A" -~'"-~ ' ~u~- rial and ~ricultural D~trict to '~'. ~-~j~ ..........."~ ....'~- ....... ~ ........ : .... '~iew ~ Multiple Residence District, the roi- ....  1~`w d~ri;bed pr~ert~ ;~"~ ~' ' "~ong All that certain ,plot piece or -'- ~z ..... ~'~"~'" ":?th- of land, situate, tyi~ and ':'~ ~' 28~ ~shers Island, in the T~ of ~"- ,' :' ~]ong ~uthold, County of Suffo~, ~'- : ~., ...... : ~':~:~'~ ....... ~rth- .. S~a~ of N~ york, aaa. mo ......... .- -~--- _. ~~.' ............ - ..... ~'~ion ticularly b~nded ~~': : '- :-'~~ · . . ~..:.~. '" den- On the north 5y ~,~..... ...... . ~.~ ~; _ ~, Zabohonski' on the e~t 'by l~d:~'~ ;..,..~.~'~F~.:.~.:... .~~~.~~~_~ ~ Katherine Stone; on the ~u~ .... ~:.~~.~ ~......~.:_?:_.: .... ~ ..... ~:.~.:~~~. M~eline Aven~e; and on the . ,: .~.,, ......... . ~,:.,~:.:.~. ~_:~-:" , '-'..u_-.~ ~rcel by land of George Gr~in. ~.-.~- ~ ~.:.-.. ...... -., ...... Any ~r~n d~ir~ ~ ~ h~ ~'--:-~ -'b~-:':- ":-~~ - the p~posed amen~ents rho~ ' '$'-- ' ~ . . -~'.. - pear at the time and place a~ve ' .~ t: ' ~ ~.' . ~.. ~"' ' r.. ~ Dated' October 21, 1958 .), ~ ' , By Order of the Southold T~ To~ Clerk 220 feet; thence northwesterly along , land of HodCns 3~ feet; the~I for ... . .... wee .southwesterly along l~nd of Ho"-'I , ~ (.~ ...... .gins 370 feet; thence n°rth"bcina on he ......... ~...~2. and land of G. W. Smith ~ ( ........19.. 3~ feet; thence northeasterly the northwesterly line of sai~ ~~ '" Island ~ghting Company easem~t --, L ¢ ..... ' . ........ 497. feet to the point of b~~~~, dimensions and area ,being ~rox- imate only. 4. By changing from "A" ~sid~- tial and Agricultural District to "~'. Industrial D~trict, the follo~ng der fore me this ............... day of scrib~ property' All that tract or parcel of l~d, ../ ....... situate, lying and ~ing at Marian, Town of Southold, Co~ty of Suffolk, and State of New Yo~, and more particularly ~und~ ~d · . .~.: ............... , ........... d ..... On ~e~~~y~.~a~ Notary Public _.. .... . ............ s tel. 1412 feet; and ~ ~ ~n Su,l~.~.~ ~ ~wm H of~ the west by land o · · SouthoId Town Planning Board PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Harold R. Reeve Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young October 18, 19 58 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on October 14, 1c) 58: Petition of Edwin H. King for a change of zone on certain real property sittmted at East M~.rion, Long Islm~d, and more~rticul~rly bounded and described as follows: Approximately 149' on the north bounded by prope~y of Guin~r~es, 516' on the east bonded b7 l~nd of Irving Latham, 141' on the south bounded by Irving Latham and 500' ~.~.. on the west bonded by land of the petitioner, F~w~ H. King. It was the determination of the Planning Board that they would look favor&bl7 on the request for a clmnge from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "C" Industrial and it is the understanding of the Planning Board that petitioner wishes to put in a gravel screenSng pit. The Pl~.nning Boa~xt therefore recommends to the Town Board approval of this change of zone. Very truly yours, ~ohn Wickham CHAIP~N, ~OUTHOID TOWN PLANNING BOARD SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. PLANNIN® BOARD MEIvlBERS John Wickham, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. Robert W. Gillispie, ,Jr. Harold R. Reeve Charles Van Duzer CASE NO' STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR THE TOWN OF SOUTH,OLD, SUFFOLK AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF COUNT Y, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD: . (insert name of petitioner) residing at .... q~.$ .e. fi.t.,.. ~.~?~. ~...i[ R.1. ~.p..d. .................. Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the. owner of certain real property situated at .... ~..~.t..~f~.~.~'.J~.9..n.,...I4.o..~..~9..1.~.n..a. ............... and more particularly bounded and described as follows' North East South West ~ap on file with Planning Board . I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to char:ge, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of So uthold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows' Change to industrial Clas~ Sand & Gravel Fit. o Such request is made for the following reasons' Gravel Pzt (L. $.) .........? '-/ eeeeeeeeeeeee.e eeeeee STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) SS' ...... il~fl~j,.~...~.,...~..~..~.~ ............................................... , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is the petitioner in t. he within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; th.~t the / · stated to be alleged same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein on information and belief, and that as to those matters , he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me (L. $.) ............................ this ...9.t~...day of ....0.¢..~.9..b..e.~ .............. , 19...~..8. ...... t)