HomeMy WebLinkAboutRogers Midgley&Horton Amend #21of ...... ~ll~. .................... 195~.. and due deliberation hawng bcen NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relie[ demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is ~[J~lJ~J~l~ Ra!p~ P, ~th ~,f~eetlv~ as of :~optembe~ l, 19~8. LE~. ~.. NOTICE OF ZONING OItDINANCE [ AMENDMENT NO. ~1 iNOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN...~t a~ter a public hearing held. l~urs~nt i t~ the requi~, m _e!~.ol law, the Batld- i~.. ding Zon~) of the Towll of I~' dul~ amended at a regular meet- ~ii~. of the Southold Town .Board. on i AUgust 12, 1968,. as follows:-- i I~ '--' By changin~.:i:~rom "A°' R,,e?dential :and A. gricultur"~, istrict to B': Busi- f'ness District, tl~i,.following described . . , ' All that, - certain :- act or parcel I.~_~i~ ~ ~ T~w~-~uthold, eou~y i o~Suffolk ~,ud S~f t~lew York and l In~_' e ~a-ticularly ~unded and de- ~'s~lbed as follows:--.. e_r_~ line of t~lain ~d at the north-. ~erly cornet' of l~d of Aiber~ ~ d, bein~ abo~ 95 feet westerly ._. 'said line from" the westerly line -~Bay~:i&venue; running along said i~d ofi~/Albert Richmond, South 33 ~ees~'10' minutes ~0 seconds F~st ~1.32 feet; thence along land of Wil- Ili/~ Midgk~y, 'Jr. ami along land of i M~dgley and Hm-ton, South 62 degrees '[2~ .mtn ,~s I0 seconds West 150~-feet; [t~mce:.g~ll along~'land of Midgley and  ~orth ~'~ degre~ 29 minutes ~ We~ 93.~' feet to 'said ~th~. :~'~line of Main Road; thence r~0~ sout~, erly line, North 51 de- ;~rees 4V minutes 10'seeonds East 150.0 feet to the point of beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Residential f and Agricultural District to "B" Busi- ~' pistrict, tixe following dec.bed "' propert~:-- ; All tl~t certaill ~t Or ~arcel of land 'situate, lyix~ 'and being at _.. conic in the Tow~Of Southold, Coun~ of Suffolk and Slate of New York and more ~a~rticularly bounded and de- scribed as follows:~ ' at a cased post set on the so ..... ~i Main Road at the north .eUl~ly co.~.~_?, of land of George Bailey"-'~'~.d rT...--' '~'~: along said south- erly ~i~[ .... i~d, North ~ de- grees 5~ ~! .... ~onds ~ast 157:20 feet to a'~2' '~ northwesterly ~orner af '. :;ed to l~ank Rogers, Jr. ~_ 1ence along said conveyed laml ~...,~courses~ as fol- lows:--41) 'South 33 degrees 29 min- utes 30 seconds East 93,5.5 feet to a pipe; thence (2) NOrth 62 degrees 29 rain- 'Utes 10 seconds East 51//2 feat to a concrete monument set at the north- westerly comer of land of William Midgley,' Jr.; thence along said land of William Midgley, Jr.; South 10 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds East ~5.ao feet., to a concrete monumef~t set at the. northw~corner of land of Adelai .d~ sayre; :.~[[~e along said land mi~ut~lt~n~'~ ms~ ~o.00 feet to a col~'mo~umem; ~ the north- lesti~i~orner of land of~illiam Rich- ~n~hence partly alol~ saint land at ~tll~m Richmond and pa~: alo~.'... land of Isabel Ross~ South 13 d~ 'i'9'! minutes 10 seconds East 123.0 feet to a pipe set at the southwesterly corner l of land of Isabel Ross; thence along l land of Adam Doroski, Sr., South 8~ degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds West 215.14 feet to a concrete monument set at the southwesterly corner of the premises herein described; thence along land of Walter Sillec.k, North 27 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds West 98.52 feet to a pipe set at the south- 'westerly corner of said land of George B~iley,.I thence along said ,land George Bailey, two courses, as fol- lows:- (1) North 56 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East 64.53 feet to a Pipe; thence (2) North 2~ degrees 46 min- utes 30 seconds West 164.44 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.515 acres, by survey of Otto-W. Van Tuyl & Son dated March 30, 1954. ~..~ ~:?,..., c 3. By amending Article X, Section 1012 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold to re~d as follows general agent, architect, builder,' con- tractor or any other person who know- ingly commits, takes part or assists in any such violation or who maintains any buildings or premises in which any such violation shall exist, shall be guilty of an offense. Each week's con- ~Iinued violalion [shall constitute a separate additiona.1 violation. Such fines or penalties shall be collected as like fines are now collected by law. 4. B changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "1~[" ~VIul- tiple Residence 'District the following described property :-- ' Ail those tracts or parcels of .land, situate, lying and being at East Mar- ion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Ne.w York, bound- ed and described as follows:- Parcel. I Northerly by the Main Road (Route :ins, being duly sworn, says that .ublisher of THE LONG ISLAND CK WATCHMAN, a public news- ~ld, in Suffolk County; and that nnexed is a printed copy, has been ]sland Traveler-Mattituck Watch- Munch. · ~Parcel II Beginning at a point on the south line of the land formerly of Charles T. Brooks, which point is the north- east comer of land of Wayland C. 'Brown, forinerly of Henry Gardiner and the northwest corner of the land hereby described; running thence north 54 degrees 25 minutes east 133 feet to land of Ceasar Tedeschi; run- ning thence along land of Ceasar 'Ted- eschi south 30 degrees 15 minutes east 149 feet more or less; thence south 54 degrees 25 minute*s west 134 feet more or less to land of Wayland C. Brown, formerly of Henry Gardiner; thence along land last mentioned north 30 degrees west 149 feet more or lees to the point or ,place of beginning. Dated: August 13, 1958. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH, TO~ CLERK 25); easterly by land of Downs, south- erly partly by other land-formerly of . .~.~..~..~_..~... ~.~.. ~ Charles T. Brooks and partly by land r ......... week! of Wayland C. Brown, formerly of ~ .~. ~ Henry Gardiner; westerly by land Of g on the ........... :~.../...: ........ Reginald-Peterson, formerly of William .......... re me this ........ ~.2 .~.. ....... day of OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 21 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEI~ that after a public hearing held. pursuant ~i the recluirements. ~of law, the Build- i in~ Zone or~ (;h~cluding the i Bu~lding Zone,~-~) of the Town of S0uthold, SuffSlk County, New York was-duly amended at a regular meet- ~ing of the Southold Town ,Board on ~August 12, 1958, as follows:-- 1. By changing from "~" Residential and Agricultural. District to "B" Busi- ';ness Dist~ct, the. following described property :- .All that certain tract or parcel of ~ land situate, lying/~md ~eing at Pe* iconic in the Town .~fSouthold, County i of Suffolk and Sta~~of l~ew York and 1.nU~e ~articularly bounded and de- l scribed as follows:~ ~ ~eginning at a lx~int on the south- ~erlY line of Main ROad at the north- '~WeSterly corne~ of land of Albert Rich- !~md, being about 95 feet westerly :akmg said line from the westerly line o~~ Bay Avenue; running along said lend of Albert Richmond, South 33 i d~rees '20 minutes 30 seconds East t~1.32 feet; thence along land of Wil- llam Midgl~y, Jr. and along land of · M~dgley and tIorton, South 62 degrees 29 minutes 1~ seconds West 150.~ feet; thence still along land of Midgiey and Horton,'~North ~3 degrees 29 minutes ~0 ~ west 93.35 feet to said aoutherly line of Main Road; thence alon~ southerly line, North 51 de- grees 47 minutes 10 seconds East 150.0 feet to the point of beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Busi- ness ~istrict, the following described property:- All that certain tract or ~arcel of land situate, lying and being at conic in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and more ~articularly bounded and scribed as follows:-- Beginning at a cased post set on the southerl~, line of Main Road at the northeasterly corner of land of George Bailey and ~ along said south- erly line ..of .~~ad, North 55 54 '~onds East 15~.20 grees feet to a' ~ northwesterly ~orner of ~~yc,~l to Frank Rogers, Jr. an~ence along said conveyed land t~courses~ as lows:-~(1) South 33 degrees 29 mtn- utes 30 seconds East 93~5 feet to a pipe; thence (2) North 62 degrees 29 min- ~ttes 10 seconds East 51.~2 feet to a concrete monument set at the north- westerly corner of land of William Midgley, Jr.; thence along said land I of William Midgley, Jr.; South 10 l degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds East ~5.80 feet to a concrete monument set ~at the. northweste4'~y corner of land of I Adelaide Sayre; ~ along said land ~of Ade,l~i~.'de ~uth '/ degrees 08 minut~ ~seconds East I00.0~ feet to a co~~ monument setat the north- ~es~corner of land of William Rich- ~~hence partly along said land ~i Will, sm Richmond and partly alon~ land of Isabel Ross, South 13 degrees minutes 10 seconds East 123.0 feet to pipe set at the southwesterly corner i of land of Isabel Ross; thence along land of Adam Doroski, Sr., South 8~ degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds West 215.14 feet to a concrete monument set at the southwesterly corner of the premi.ses herein described; thence along land of Walter Silleck, North 2~ degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds West 98.52 feet to a pipe set at the south- Westerly corner of said land of George B~iley:! ther~ce .along said ,land George Bailey, two courses, as fol- lows:~ (1) North 56 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East 64.53 feet to a pipe; thence (2) North 2~/ degrees 46 min- utes 30 seconds West 164.44 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.515 acres., by survey of Otto. W. Van Tuyl & Son dated March 3. By amending, Article X, Section 1012 of the Building gone Ordinance of the tTown of Southold to read as follow~:~ ,SECTION 1012-PEN.aff.,TIF~-I*or any and every violation of the provisions of I this ordinance, the owner, the general l agent, or contractor of a building or ipremises, where such violations have been ,committed or shall exist, and the general agent, architect, bu/lder, con- tractor or any other person who know- ingly commits, takes part or assists in any such violation or who maintains any buildings or premises in which any such violation shall exist, shall be guilty of an offense. Each week's con- ~inued vi~la~ion ~all constitute a separate additional violation. Such fines or penaltles '~nall be collected as like fines are now collected by law. 4. B changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" tiple Residence District the following described property :~ All those tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying and being at East Mar- ion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and ,State of New York, bound- ed and described as Parcel I Nor{herly ;by the Main Road (Route 25); easterly by land of Downs, south- erly partly by other land 'formerly of Charles T. Brooks and partly by land of Wayland C. Brown, formerly of · Henry Gardiner; westerly by land of Reginald Peterson, formerly of William Munch. .Parcel II Beginning at a point on the south line of the land formerly of Charles T. Brooks, which point is the north- east corner of land of Wayland C. Bro'wn, formerly of Henry Gardiner and the northwest corner of the land hereby described; running thence north 54 degrees 25 minutes east 133 feet to land of Ceasar Tedeschi; run- ning thence along land of Ceasar Ted- eschi south 30 degrees 15 minutes east 149 feet more or less; thence so~th 54 degrees 25 minute's west 134 feet more or less to land of Wayland C. Brown, formerly of Henry Gardiner; thence along land last mentioned north 30 degrees .west 149 feet more or to the point or place of beginning. Dated: August 13, 1958. BY ORDER O1~ THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH, TOWN CLERK ]~ ss. : · :ins, being duly sworn, says that ,ublisher of THE LONG ISLAND CK WATCHMAN, a public news- >Id, in Suffolk County; and that innexed is a printed copy, has been lsland Traveler-Mattituck Watch- r ...~../..~C~..~.~.' ...... ~.~....X(/... week~/ g on the ............ w.../...:~ ..... .......... ...~ '~._ ~C ~:~.~-.~ re me this ........ ~..i...~.. ....... day of NOTICE IS HE.BY GIVEN theft .after a public he~ring held pursuant to the require?~nts of law, the Building Zone Ordi~nee (includ .rig the building Zone ~a~) of the Town of $outnold~ duly amended at a re~ul~ ~ ~eeting of the ;~ou ~hold T.m~.n B,.~r o~: ~~g~t 12 ~ 1958 ~ as follo~s :- 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to following,, described property,- All thn. t cer~aln tract or parcel of land $1tuat.,e, lying and being at Peeonie in tho Town of ~outhold, C.ounty of suffolk and State of New' York and more par'ticularly bounded and described as follows s- nor thwe feet we framing minutes ~dgley~ degrees land of H0rton, North West 93.35 feet to said southerly line said souther!y llne, North ~1 degrees 150.0 feet to the point of beginnin~. ginning at a point on the southerly line of Main Road at the s terly corner of land of A lber t ~lictnnond~ Selng about 9~ sterly along said line. from the westerly line of Bay Avenues alo,.xg .said land of Albert Rich,~ond, South 33 degrees 20 ~0 seconds Es. st 121.32 fee tg$ t$~nce along land of '~llliam Jr and along land of Eld ely and Horton~ South 62 29 ~nutms 10 seconds Wo,t 150d;0 fe.t~thonco still along Midgley a.=l 33 groom minutes 30 seconds of Main Road $ thence along 47 minutes 10 seconds East 2. By changing from "A" Residential and. Agricultural Distri.ct to Business District~ the following described property,- · All that certain tract or _pa, rcel of land sltuate~ lying and ii being at Peoonio in the Town of Southolds County of Suffolk and i~ State of New York and more particularly boun. d~ and described as I follows:- Beginning at a cased post set on the southerly line of Ma.in Road at the northeasterly cor~_mof land of G ergo B~iley and rurming along ,said sou~er~ of Nain Roa(~, North 55 degrees · 5~ minutes 40 seconds ma~t 15Y.20 ~eet to a pipe set a. t the north- westerly corner of land conveyed to Frank Rogers. Jr. ani wifet thence .along said conveyed land two courses, as ~o'llows~ (!) ~outh .~3. degrees.29 minutes 30 seconds East 93,55 feet ~to a pipeS thence degrees (2) North 62 2~ minutes 10 seconds East 51.72 feet to a concrete monument set William Mid~!ey. Jr. Jr., South 10 d~grees$ concrete monument set a t the nor thwe ste r~ corner of la nd of thence along said land of William Mldgley 33 minutes 10 seconds East ?5.80 feet to ~ at the northwesterly corner of l~nd of .Adelaide S_ayre$ thence along said land of Adelaide Sa. yre~ South 7 degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds East 100.00 feet to a concrete monument set ,at the northwesterly corner of land of William Rlchmond$ thence partly along said land of William Hic?~mond and pertly o long ,land of Isabel Ross, South 1~ degrees 19 minutes 10 seconds Es, st 123.0 feet to a pipe set at the southwesterly corner of land of isa'bel Hess; thence along land of Ada~Zorski ~~ South 87 degrees 3~ minutes 30 seconds West 215.-~ feet ~o a':' concrete monument set at the southwesterly corner of the premises herein described$ thence along ,land of Walter Silleck~ North ~ de,tees 02 minutes OO seconds ~est 9~.52 feet to a pipe set at the southwes'teriy corner of said land of George Balley$ thence along said land-.' of George Bailey~ two courseh as. follows~- (i) North thence (2) North 2g degrees 46 minutes 30 seeo.nds West 4% fee~ to the point of beginning.. Containing 115~%4.~ aeres~ by s~ey of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated March 30~ 5 By amending Article X, Section XO12 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold to read as follows s- SECTION 1012 - PE~A. LTIES - For any and every violation of the provislo~ of ~hi~ o~d~nce, the o~m~,~ ger~ral_agent~ or contracto~.of a building or premise~ where ~ueh violations have been committed or shall extst~ and the general agent, archtteet~ builder, -contractor or any other pe,rson who knowingly eommi"-ts~ ts~kes part or assists in any such v~olation or who maintains any building o-r pr~mis.es in which any suoh violation shall exist ' '~ ' ' "" ~' t shall be guilty of an offense, Ea.~,~week s continuedvioZatlon pe.nalties shall be collected as like fines are now' collected by law. 4. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "~ Multiple Residence District the following described propertys- All those 'tracts being at East Marion, a nd S ts te of New' YorR, or parcels of land, situate.~ lyi.ng and in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk bounded and described as follows !- Parc.e.1 .... I Northerly by the Main Road (Route 2%) $ easterly by land of Down~, southerly partly by other land formerly of Charles T, Brooks and part.l~ by land' of Wayland C. Brow.n~ formerly of ' Henry Gardiner$. westerly by land of Heglna. ld Peterson, formerly of William M~neh. Beginning at a .point on the south line. of the lam~t for~rly of Charles T. Brooks, which point i.s ~he northeast corner-of land of Wayland C, Brown.~ formerly of Henry Gardlner and the northwest corner of the land hereby described$ running thence north degrees 2~ minutes east 133 feet to land of Ceasar Ted.eschl~ running thence along, land of Oeasar Tedeschi south 30 degrees 1% minutes east 1~9 feet mo~e or 'less $ thence south ~4 degrees 2~ minutes west 134 feet more or less to land of Wayland C. Brom't., fo~rl~ of lie~ G~rd~ri thence mentioned north 30 degrees west 1 ,9 feet moro or less to the point or place of beglnni~. Dated! August 13, BY ORDER OF ~E $OUTHoLD TOWN BOARD RA. LPH P. BOOTit ~ TOWN June 11, 1958. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. RPB/mr Dear Mr. Wickham$ Enclosed herewith original and copy of petitions of Athanssios Spinthour- skis and Helen Spinthourakis, residing at East M~rion, N.Y., relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple RSsidence District and Edna A. Brown, residing at East Marion~ N.YL, relative to change of zone from "A" Residential and &~ricultural District to "B" Business District. You sre instructed to pre- pare an officlsl report defining the condit- ions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly yours~ ~- Town Clerk CASE NO' . .................. STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD &£on~ l~n~ ofu~-~s=z ..... fedesct,i south 30 ,1e~rees it ~i~ucez e~sC 1~9 2 !'fl~ do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Soalhutd to change, m~dffy and amend the Bu~ldi~;g Zone Ordinance of the T~wn of Soufhald Suffolk County. New York, including the Building Zer,¢ Mop~ he~ctofor¢ mode a port thereof, as follows: itt,~ .............. ~[.t.]:B.~...~.~..~g~ ~?.t~:~.~.t~.~. .................. BEING DULY ~WORN, depose~ a,;d ~a,~/that of ...... '.,D~I~I.I~ ................ ]9.~.., and due deliberGtion havii~g been NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the ~elief demanded in said ~ffec~.ve es of Se~t~t~er 1, pursuant t~ ~:..m requirements ( incl~/lin~ ~he B~Iding ~~ Suffo.~ C~~~ '~ew York was of .la.~, the Building ~-~ps) of ~b.e Town duly amended a t a the ;:;outho~ Town Retard on A..'.,'.~..ust 12~. ~ eha.~ing frcaa "A" Residential Zone ~din~nce District, the following of Southoldt re~ul~r ~eting of and A~rie~turaI District described All that certain tr. set or par~l of 1~~ situate,, l~ng and being at ~eoonio in 'the T,.own of' Southold, County of suffolk and S-tare of New York and ~.e Partleular'l~ lxmnded and des cri~d follows ~- bcEIn~ng at, a point on the southerly line of Main. Road at north~st~.~_ly corner of la~ of Albert feet westeTXy along, said line from ~ wester~ line of Bay Avenue j runn~ aleexg said land of Albert R.lotmo~t South 3~ degrees 20 ~tdsi~.~, ~., and a~n~ ~and ~~ M.~.gel~, des~'ees. ~ minutes 1.0 seeonds ~est l~.O fee ~,.nd ox' m._~~ and ~{:orto~ ~orth 33 de. grees_2~_m~,u~.? 30 sO.c. ¢:~est 93.3~'reet to sai~ souther:~ line or said sourly ~s North [1 dogrees 47 minutes 10 ~eeonds East 1~0.0 fo~ ~o tho poim~ of the changing .fr-,cm ;~usi~ess Dlstrict~ "A" Residential and Agx-Acultural Dietrtct the following .deseXed propertyt- Ail ~t oertain tract or parcel of lamd sltua~s lySng i bei~ at Peeonlc ~ the Town of' South~ld County of a, Uff~lk and State of New York amd 'more particularlF ~ounded and descried ' fol!ows ~- se~ianing. Road running a t a c~ sed pos t set on the s outher~ line of Main .at '.-'.the northeasterly corner of land of Oeorge Bat _le.y and. ng alat~ said sou~rly line of liain R.~~., Nor'.~ ~ minutes 40 secontts East IF2,20 feet to a pxpe se~ ~t 'the north.- westerly $a~...me of land eoaveyed ~o. Frank Rogers..jr. a~!: wife,. thence ml~.~ said 'conveyed la. md two-~seS~ ) North .~ de..grees 2~ ~..tes ~0 so~ East eon~e:.te.~~nt met .at the mor.~hwes~erlz eo~:. of la.~.of_ '~'illiam ~~gley~ Jr.$ 'themee aloz~ sa~ la.~ of ~,il ~liam 'Midg.l~, Jr,~ Sou~ lO degrees ~3 mtmu~es .~0 sleo~a '-.East _~-~:~ feet to a concrete m~nmment set at the-mo~wes~er~ eor~er of 1smd of .~ delatde Sam~~$tthemc. e a~ said la.~ of Adelaide Sayre d. egr~ms 05 es 40 seconds Hast lOOeO0 feet to monument let at the morthwesterly cormer of' l~md of Richm~~ence psrtly slong..- said lal~ of William Bichmo~ and .partly a. L~md of Isa~l Ross~ South 1~ degrees 19 ~tea 10 <,-;.econds ;...:alt ..~eO f~et to a pipe act at the southwesterly corner o£ land of I.~a~el ~o~.s ~ thence along--. ".La.nd of Adam Do.rs~i! s · "'' r%s "4 minutes - seconds ~iest 215,14 fee's, to a tl~outa.87ae.~..-.---, .3 .~ . 3o ...... . _ · concrete mon~nt ,set at ~he $outhwea .ter~ corner, of the premases herein .deoeribed$ thence along land of 7f'a lter Slllecks North de._.~.ees O~ minutes ¢~ .seconds v~-~ast 9~.,.~ feet to a pipe.' set at the the T'~)~n of tho P~~ ...... _. .... .,., .... ...... ~.~ b~~~ o~ p~,~...~.~~,~s in wl~~ any ' .... co!/e~te-d a s ~rm tties ~hai! be ' - like ~'~ are ~ collect, by . , .. . A ~ ~ ' "~.. '%0 ~ C:~,n~.~-~. ,--'~;' " '~' ~. · I those t~ec,s ~r ~ f. · ,.. _ - '. · -'-_ '- of Suffo~ ~1 .,.- . '- · - ' of ?~.,,i'nnin..g at a point on the sou~ lino. of the land .formerly f Cha~~$ T, Brooks't Whteh po~t is the northeast .eor,~r of land o. · ' .' .' _ : .-~"' ..-. - . ' - -e Oardiner ~nd. t~e northwest of ':~-..F ' , ' · be' ' Zmlnn~g tlae. no .... hex~' de scri - d J - corner of' the 'la.'~ ,.._:~. -.-',,-.~,. +~' ~~ of Ceasar .T-edesehtl · - . ',, '-.'..nee. alon land' of Ceos'ar Ted-esehi south 30,' 25 mi~'~-,.~'-'.-:~; wes~ ..~.~. ~,,,- ...:,,.~.-.-- .-.- .. '-'~ ce slollg l~n~ ~ns~,.. ~ ~D'~ ~ ~-.~E S OU~O~ TOWN Y.~J~¼ P. BOOTH~ being duly 6outhold~ ~n the Town of Souf~:old~ Co-~ty of ~SufFolk~ and S~ate o~ New York~ that he is the Town Clerk of ~he To~.,u of ~outho!d; tFat on the 22 day of ~~ 195~ he posted a copy of the i-(,~'L[~ 0~' kb[Ei~Db~NT OF ZOilING ~';0, 21 ON ~HE blG[lf:O~kF, D MAIiJTaI'~TD BY HiM purse~nt to Town Law in the Southold To~n Cle-k's Office at Seutbo?_d~ New York; That such posting by him was done pursuant to the provisions of the Yown Law snd pursu:~nt to tks Resolution of ~ day ~f &~ 19~8. Notary Publlc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE oF 'AMEN~T OF ZONING O~.'..INANCE ~ ND. 21 loiter a l~ pursuant ! to the ~ the Build-. / in~ Zone (~acluding 'the J BuUding .of the Town of I so~ hold C~unty, New York .! was dulY at a re~t~ meet- lingO:of th~ Board on  t and ness . District, property: :' -. All-- that land.-Situate,. coni6' in -.. of Suffolk seriI~l as erly line westerly mond, Ialong of Bay l~d of from "A°' -~,sidential District tO ~"2" Busi- foll°Wi~ described tract or parcel of County lqew York and · and de- point on t~he south- Road at t~e north; land of A~rt Rich- at 95 fq~ westerly ~.from the ..'~llterly line .ln!n~ntng .'!tlon~ said South 33 degrees '.{~,conds East ~21~2 feet i taen~ al0~if'iknd of wu- Ii.am .M~.~d~ley, "'!.-~.. ~ '" _.~191~_ ,land 'of 29 mln.,~ le~$~leo~da West 1~0.0 feet; thence~ .~:h~d o~. Mld~ley and aorton~ N..c~~ ~'ll9 minutes 30 m~con~ 9~ feet to said so~Ule~ ~ Main Road; thence along~d ~lY lJ~_, North 51 de- and ~ ~ t0-"'S" S~- land ~tuate,. ~ and being· at Pc- conic in the_Te~m .of Sou~old, County of Suffolk-and~St~te of New.-Yor]~ and' more ~CUll~.-i~ ~boundedj. and de-' scribed as fo~:-- ,. southerly line i [~/. northeasterly, Barley and erly line of grees feet to a- dprner .o~ Rogers, Jr, con~ed )ami lows :-~(1) utes 30 s~' .. t~he~ce (21~. utes 10 concret~ westerll~. " Mldgley, of at the Adelaide, Sayre; of Adelaide land th I0 East mbnument set ef land ,~.,..ut~ 40 feet to'. '~n~ete monmne~t set at the north-; ' {~ corner of land of William Rich- ' ' n~~~nce partly along said land of :Wi~ Richmond and 'Partly along land of Isabel Ross, South 13 degrees 19 minutes 10 seconds East 123.0 feet to a pipe set at the southwesterly corner of land of Isabel ..Ross; thence along land of 'Adam Doroski, Sr., South 87 degrees 34 .minutes 30 seconds West 215.14 feet to a concrete monument set at the southwesterly corner of the premises herein descried; thence along land of Walter Silleck, North 2~ degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds West 98.52 feet to a pipe set at the south- westerly corner of said land of George Bailey! thence .along said land-~ George Bailey, two courses, as fol- lows:~ (1) North 56 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East 64.53 feet to a pipe; thence (2) North 27 degrees 46 min- utes 30. seconds West 164.44 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.515 acres, by survey of Otto W. Van Tuy.1 & Son dated March 30, 19,54. · -"" c.: ' ," ii. · ~y arrienclir~ Article X, Section 1012 of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town-of Southold to read follows . E~-"I'ION 1012-PEHALTII~-Por any and every violation of the provisions of this ordinance, the owner, the general :agent, or contractor of a building or ipremises, where such violations have been committed or shall exist, and the general agent, architect, builder, con- factor or any other person who know- mgly commits, takes part or a~sists in any such violation or who maintains any buildings or premises in which any such violation shall exist, shall be guilty of an offense. Each week's con- ~Inued vialaliion ishall cor~stitute a separate additional violation. Such fines or penalties shall be collected as like fines are now collected by law. 4. B changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" ~tiple Residence District the. following described property.~Tc-/., , . Ail those tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying and being at East Mar- ion, in the Town of Southold, County of · Suffolk and State of New York, bound- ed and described as follows:- Parcel I l~lortherly by the Main Rogd (Route · 25); e~terly by land of Downs, south- erly partly by other land formerly of Charles T. Brooks and partly by land of Wayland C. Brown, formerly of Henry Gardiner; westerly by land of Reginald Peterson, formerly of William Munch. ,Parcel II Beginnir~ at a point on the ~outh line of the land formerly qf Charles T. Brooks, which point is the north- east corner of land of Wayland C. Brown, formerly of Henry Gardiner and the northwest corner of the land hereby deSCribed; running thence north 54 degrees 25 minutes east 133 feet to land of Ceasar Tedeschi; run- ning thence along land of Ceasar Ted- eschi south 30 degrees 15 minutes east 149 feet more or less; thence south 54 degrees 25 minutes west 134 feet more or less ·to land of Wayland C. Brown, formerly of Henry Gardiner; thence along land last mentioned north 30 degrees ~est 149 feet more or less to the point or place of beginning. Dated: August 13, 1958. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALm~ P. BOOTH, TOWN CLERK aRK ss. awkins, being duly sworn, says that d publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ~thold, in Suffolk County; and that ~e annexed is a printed copy, has been ~g Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- for ....... ~...~. L.~...((..(...). ...... weeks cing on the ........... ...~.'...(. .................. ,fore me this ....... [..~...'.?...::~.~.~.'doy of :'...~... .... 19.,-~ Notary Public ~.,/ ., to Section 265 of the Article IX of the of the Town Of County, New ~will be held 'at" on' August 12, P. M. of said. day,. ~i~ the proposals to amend'. ~the zo~.e Ord/nance Zone Maps) of th~i Suffolk CouaW, New .. from "A" Resi,.d/mtialI Residenc~ Dist..'ric~.the ~ol- prol~rty:~z tracts or I/arcels of land,~ lying 'and bein~'",at East: in th~. Town of Southold, of s .ud~' ~,~u~ stste o~ ~ew! ...... '' ~formerly of Charles T. 'l~rooksl ~y by land of Wa .~.lad ~. ~, formerly of Henry. G~,rdiner; ~ly ~y ~and of m~makl fPeter-~ ~rmerly of Willies: iMllnch. .. :.:.?'::' .... : . ::...:.?.:~! ..... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I STATE OF NEW YORK ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....~,.'~'~.~-~_'~...~.'/./...~.....-'~" --- weekg/ successive[~ commencing on the ............. ~..;..,~..;~: .......... 9~..~ day of .~~,C~.~:~f: ...... 1 me ............. day of ....... ..... .... .......... Notary Public ~ ADELE PAYN£ Notary Public Resahn? fn State o~ New York Suffolk County No. 52-204 i000 Commission EXpires March' 30, 1955 SS. ,.J'.z:~lo:~mt 11~t~ feet to s concrete ~t ~t. ~t the no~hWe~ly ~ or hnd or WflUsm Richmond; !bnee.~ ~dons' ~d hnd of W'~- ,kins, being duly sworn, says that publisher of THE LONG ISLAND · :~-.~;~. ~ ~ Rllgl~lo~ and part, IF.along land LJCK WATCHMAN, a public news- · ;.~:-[~ ::::;:,:~ ~u~'~O ~n~ ~t 1~.0 f~t to hold, in Suffolk County; and that ";~ .... '~~ :~ ~d of ~. ~; ~en~ along annexed is o printed copy, has been '~~i~~ ~u~ ~ ~~ W~t ~ ,s,ana .rave,er-~ottituc~ wa~cn- :. '~~.~:~ ~t ~ ~~t~*~e~ o~ ~e for ~.~~ Z...~..~,. week~ -~ :~ .... ~~~ ~ d~~; ~ ~ce. ' ........ ~:-~-'~ .... ~ / ?.~[~ ~-'min~ ~ ~~ W~t'/ng on me ......... .~..~.x.~.~m~ .......... ~ ~: .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~; ~ .......................................................... ..~.. -. · ~ · - ~~!_~' J.~llj ~r~, bY s~y of ~::~ ." ..... ~ ~.~ .~11. ~ ~~ ~e X, ~tion~f°re me this .......... day of / ~:;j~: ;'~ ~ ~:.' ,.,,~]~'~e ~ of ~~ ~ ~d ~: ......... 19 ........ ~ ~.'q~t; or ~nt~r of ~ // ~-/ - -~~ ~ ~ c~~ o~:' : ...... ~*'~ ..... ~/~-'*'~ ........... ~" ~ ~'[~tlon o[who ~tai~ a~ :' state of New York ' ,t~ . ~ ~ or ~mt~ ~ which any in52.3041000Suffotk County ';((: ~, ~~n ~' ~ ~ll be'.pires March 30, 1959 , ?' .'~ iof ~ o~. ~ week'~ ~~ ~t~n ~ co~~ ~' ~'~~ ~o~ ~ol~tlon. ~ch :.. .~ ~' ~ ~e' ~ ~e now ~llec~ by .._ hw~ ~ am~en~ shoed ~- ~'~":~ ~" ~' ~ V ~ of ~e ~~ld T~ Board ~ ~.~-~ :) - ~ .... ~ ~ ..~, ~ ~ } ~lph P. Booth, T~ ~erk P~PORT TO .' J~ly 15, 195g Bouthold ~own Board Southold, Bew York T~is is to certify that the following acticu was taken by the Sout~old in the matter of petition of the joint application of Frank B. Rogers, Jr., and Midgley & Morton for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricult~=al to "B" Business District, certain real property bedizening at a ooint on the Southerly line of Main Road at Northwesterly corner of land of Albert Ric~mond, be~ug about 95 feet Westerly along saidliue from the westerl~ line of Bay Avenue; r~r~uin~ alon~ said lar~ of Albert Richmond, South 33 degrees 20 minutes 30 secoo~s East 1~1.32 feet; thence along land of William }.¢idgley Jr., and along land of ~idgley and Horton, South 62 degrees 29 ~lnutes 10 seconds West 150.0 feet; thence still along land of Midgley and gorton~ North 33 deL~ees 29 ~inutes 30 s,couPs West ¥3.3~ feet to said Southerly line of Main Road; thence alon~ said S~utherly llne, North 51 d-grees 47 minutes lO seconds East 150.0 feet to t~e point of beginning. The abo_e described property is owned by Frar~ B. Rogers, Jr. The following land, owned by l!idgley and Horton, sit~mte at Peconic and more particl~larly bo~,nded ar~ described as lolls,s: Be~i;%n!ng at a eased Dost set on the s,~utherly line of Main R,~ad at tbe Northeasterly corner of land of Ger~,~ ~aily & rurmin~ along said southerly line of ~sin P~,N. 55'54' 40TM E.-157.20 ft. to a pipe set at the ~;orthwester]~ coruer of laud conveyed to Franh Rogers, Jr. B wi~; tl ence along saic c nveyed land two com3rses, as follws: (1) $. 33'2~' 30" E.~q3.55 ft. to a oipe; thence (2) N. 62'29' lO" E.-51.72 ft. to a coucrete monument set at the Northwesterly corner of land of William !.~idgley Jr., thence along said lar~ of William I.~idgley Jr., B. 10'33~ lO" E.-lO0.O0 feet. to a concrete mo~u.ment set at trm gorthwesterly dorner of laud o£ Adelaide ~ayre; thence along said land of Adelaide Sayr% B. 7'~8' /+0" E.-lOO.CO ft. to a concrebe ,~cntment set at hhe Norhhwesterly corner of laud of ~,illiam Richmond; thence ,~rt]v~ along~aid land cf William Ric~u,orld and parZ],v along land of Isabel Hose, S. 13;10' lO" E.-123.0 ft. t~ a pipe set at the soutB~.~esterly corner of land of Isabel Ross; thence alo~, land of Adam Doroski Sr., S. 87 34~ 30" W.-215.14 ft. to a concrete ~,onum~nt set at the s, uthwester/y corner of t e premises herein described; thence alonE land of Walter Sllleck, N.27'O2~ O0" W.- ed.52 ft. to a pipe set at the Southwesterl~ corner of said land of Gersge Bailey; the aloI~d said land of ,~ro~e Baile-, tow coarses, as follows: (~) !Q- 56 52' 00, E.-64.53 It was the determir~tion of the Planning Board to recommend aoprcval of this a?plica ion an~ also to ref~ ~e $25 fee. Ve~7 tru4~ yours, CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: Do~n~ business 38 '~o:':ers "er~ori~ls 1. I, .~.ra.~..~.~...~e~_er~,..,~r~ .......................... , residing at .....:.e..~%QDj,.G .......................................... (insert nom~ o[ petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, om the owner of certain real property situated at ............................... ~9~D~ ....................... and more particularly bounded and described as follows: 5e~in~:in~ ~t ~ ]~int on t~e ~outherl~, line of Lg~in Road ~t the~orthwesterly corner of l~nd of Albert PichmonQ, beiui~ ~bout 95 feet ~esterlyLlong saidliue from the ~esterly line of B~y Avenue; running ~loug s~id land of .tlbert ~ichmond, ~outh SF ~e~rees 20 minutes 30seconds So. st 1~1.32 feet~ thence ~long land of ;Tilli'~m ~idgley Jr. , ~nd .~lor~ l~nd of :.:idgley ~nd Morton, 3outh 6£ degrees 29 minutes l0 seconds;est 150.0 feet; thence still ~lon~ l':~nd of ;id~ley ~nd Eorton, North 5~ degrees 9 minutes 30 seconds %:'est 9~.5g feet to s&id Southerly line of ':~in ~oad; thence alon~ ssi& Southerly line, l:orth 51 de:;r>ss 4? minutes l0 :econds qast 150.0 fo~t to tho ;~oint of beginnins. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, os follows: To chan~e the hove described ~ror, erty from" ~" Residen~i~l '~nd 7~;ricultur'zl District To "B" Business District. August 30, 1956 Southold Town Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: In view of the zoning ordinance now being proposed for Southold town and the restrictions included therein, I feel it necessary to notify the board of the following: Whereas the proposed zoning map does not specify my property located in East Cutchogue, town of Southold, as a business zone and where- as I purchased such property in part as a future business site, I feel it necessary to notify the board of th_is for consideration in the final rendering of the zoning map. The property is locaed as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Main Road at the Northwesterly corner of land of Albert Richmond, being aoout 95 feet Westerly along said line from the westerly line of Bay Avenue; running along said land of Albert Richmond, South 33 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East 121.32 feet; thence along land of William Midgle~, Jr., and along land of William S. Midgley, Sr., South ~2 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds West 150.0 feet; thence still along land of William S. Midgley, Sr., North 33 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West 93.35 feet to said Southerly line of Main Road; thence along said Southerly line, North 51 degrees 47 minutes 10 seconds East 150.0 feet to the point of beginning. I have reserved the 50 feet frontage to the west of my house for the site of my business and plan to build as soon as I am able. I have been using the above frontage in some respect for the con- ducting of my business since the purchase date, March 25, 1954, and will use it in its entirety in the very near future for busi- ness. I would like to be able to do so with as little complication as possible. Very truly yours, ROGERS MEMORIALS FBR By--' ~ . 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: I, ~r~nk B. P,o~ers Jr., Doin.~ busine[~ az Hog'ers ~[emorials, Cuteho~ue, h..~vin,A' ourch~sed the aforesaid propert~J on ~.~rch 25, 1554 . .nd hR~vin~ ~iven %v~itten no~ice 5outhold To'.?n Bo,~rd on i~. :Z.O. ~956: cooy ~tt~.ched: of ~j~ intentional use of the %fores~id progorty in its entirety as a future business site for the ret~fl so, les of monumemtal the zoni~ change so %hL~t I, Frank B. Ro~ers Jr., doing business .,s EoGers ~Te~ori~ls, Cutcho~ue, m~~ improve .~n~ continue to us,~ this -~ro~,erty ~s a business si~e. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information end belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this ~ ...... day of...'..~.Z=.-... .................19.~.~. ..... Notary PuNic. Monuments Markers RO6ER$' A~EA~ORIAL$ MAIN STREET CUTC:HOGUE, L. I., N. y. TEL. PEcoNIC 4-6640 Statuary 0 -I 15'"0.0 CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, ..~J2.~.T~,....~..~L~[2.~,[ .......................... , residing at ..~eo.on£¢ ......................................... (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at ..?..e...O..O.~i.g .................................................. and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGIW~TINQ at a cased poet set on the southerly line o~~ ~.~ain ~oad at the l~ortheasterly corner of land of George Bailey,& rmaning along said soatherly line of :'Iain Rd., J. 55~54' 40" ~.- 157.20 Ft. to a pipe set at the Northwesterl y corner of land conveyed to Fr~k Rogers, Jr. $; wife; thence along said convoye d land tv~o coarses, as follows: (1) ~. 33029' 30" E.-93.55 Ft. to a pipe;thence (2)N. 62~ 29' lO" E.-51.72 Ft~ to a concrete taCh,tent set at the Jorthv~esterly corner of-l~d of ...illi~ ::idgley Jr; thence alon~ said land of ..illiam [~id~ley Jr., ~.-' 10~33' 10" ~.-75.o0'~ -'~t. to a concrete mon~cnt sot at the i~orthv~esterly cornor of land of Adelaide Sayre; thence along said land of Adelaide Sayre, S. 7"08' ~0" Z.- 100.O0 Ft. to a concrete monament sot at t~'~ ~ 17orthwesterly corner of land of ..illi~ i~icl~aond;th,~nce partly along s~id l~nd of-.'illiam 2ic~ond ~: partly along land of Isabel goss, S. 13'19' lO" pipe ~et at thc roubh'.'~est:::rlv cc, rns~- of land of Isabel ~OSS,tilOnC~/L].Ol2: ...... ,z~_,~l,,~.= heroin describe-fl;thence .'.t]ong 1 ,,nd of coz'n~r of said land of Geoz,..~ ~. · = . ~ ~ a · '~ 7,.~zl~y,tn~nc~ along said l~nd of '.'.-eorge Eailey, ~s follows (1) 56~52' 00" -~.-6,.5J ?t. to a oi,~e;thence (~ .'arch 30, L954. 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N~w York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: To ch~n~ s~.zd lsm. d from (..) re~zdentzal to (DJ bus::~inc, s 3. Such request is made for t~qe following reasons: '£h~ partnership of Z'ZDGL!~: -~0~¥_'0',.~ :~ch~sed the ~fores~id i,~'ope~'ty o~ the 21 ,~t. day or il.rc/~, 1~5,~ fo~~ tho ['~rpo~ of carrying on their buasine~;s of contractors ~ bui~0rs. Th~ subject of the afo~.~esaid k,n,'] heinz l,lacod on the zot~ing as bussi~c~ss l',ro:,e~ty ~as t, roug]~t to ir. Johzz .'iclzhc:z:zs attraction in ,~ugust of 1956. _~t that ti~e Zoning-'.ts a~til! in the planning stag~.!t Understood at that tir~3 bor :~C tt~at l[r. .,ic~haz,t ¥~as Chair:'.tan of the p!a:u%ins board }~avins to c~o -aith placing ~, desi~ating the places of huskiness on th,~ ,~u?. It 'oas ~d,~r:~tcod hy us that site %~as one of a f~z that %';ez'c acoidentaly missed. ,~lso that all we would have to ,~o to be placed on the .~ap properly ~;as to submit a petition along with S25. to the Do~rd of _~ppeals. ~kfter ¥~hich o~ site %';ould be placed on the raap ~ our money ref~ded. '~e pl~ to improve f.. continue to use this site as bussiness. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .¢:....: ............... ~ ................................. ~(~ ............... p and says that he is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this~ ........ dav of ...~ ................ 19..~..7~,~.. Notary Public. MIDGLEY ~ HORTON NCONTRACTORS & BUILDERS CUTCHO~UE, L I., N. Y. PE 4-6371 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS dohn Wickham Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. Robert W. Gill~spie, .Jr. Harold R. Reeve Charles Van Duzer Ge ntlemen: REPORT TO: July 15, 1958 Southold Town Board Southold, ~ew York This is to certify that the following action was taken by the $outhold Town Planning Board on July 15, 1958: ~ the matter of petition of the joint application of Frank B. Rogers, Jr., and Midgley & Horton for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to 'qB" Business District, certain real property beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Main Road at Northwesterly corner of land of Albert Richmond, being about 95 feet Westerl~ along saidline from the westerly line of Bay Avenue; running along said land of Albert Richmond, South 33 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East 121.32 feet; thence along land of William Nidgley Jr., and along ladd of Nidgl~r and Horton, South 62 degrees 29 ~inutes lO seconds Nest 150.0 feet; thence still along land of Midgley and Horton, North 33 de~rees 29 minutes 30 seconds West 93.35 feet to said Southerly line of Main Road; thence along said Southerly line, North 51 degrees 47 minutes lO seconds East 150.0 feet to the point of beginning. The above described property is owned by Frank B. Rogers, Jr. The following land, owned by Uidgley and Horton, situate~ at Peconic and more particularly bounded and ~escribed as follows: Begi~ning at a eased oost set on the s~therly line of Main Road at the Northeasterly corner of land of Geroge Baily& runnin!~ along said southerly line of ~in Rd,N. 55'54~ 40'' E.-157.20 ft. to a pipe set at the Northwesterly corner of land conveyed to Frank Rogers, Jr. & wi~e; tlence along said c~.nveyed land two courses, as follws: (1) $. 33'29' 30" E.-q3.55 ft. to a pipe; thence (2) N. 62'29' 10" E.-51.72 ft. to a concrete monument set at the Northwesterly corner of land of William ¥idgley Jr., thence along said land of William ~dgley Jr., S. 10'33' 10" E.-lO0.O0 feet. to a concrete monument set at the Northwesterly dorner of land of Adelaide Sayre; thence along said land of Adelaide Sayre, S. 7'~8' 40" E.-lO0.O0 ft. to a concrete mon~ment set at the Northwesterly corner of land of ~illiam Richmond; thence l~rtly a long,id land of William Richmond and partly along land of Isabel Ross, S. 13'19' lO" E.-123.0 ft. to a pipe set at the south%?sterly corner of land of Isabel Ross; thence along land of Adam Doroski Sr., S. 87 34' 30" W.-215.14 ft. to a concrete monument set at the s~uthwesterly corner of t'e premises herein described; thence along land of Walter Silleck, N.27'02~ 00" W.- 98.52 ft. to a pipe set at t~ Southwesterly corner of said land of Geroge Bailey; th along said land of Geroge Bailey, tow courses, as follows: (~) N. 56 52' 00, E.-64.5 ft. to a pipe/ thence (2) N. 27 46' 30" ¥;.-164.44 ft. to the_ooint of beginning. ContAi-~ing 1.515 acres, by survey of Otto ~. Ban Tuyl & Son, dated ~rhc 30, 1954. TOWN DF SBLITHBLD OFFIBE DF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLO, N. Y. TEL. SOL.ITHOLD 5-~-660 .~'u. norvi sor ?zne : O, ..~_ . ...~ The attached ~a~ers are a joint a~v].~..~at4or ear a chan?_¢ ~o,~ Cro,~ ' ~'~~~nt~[.~.~ qnd agricult~ir~! to :, briskness c~.strict Fren'~ Ro~er~. Jr and }~'~ ~l~'~,&.. . ,.,. .. Horton o~, *?i,~j-,.. ........ a. djni.n.~~. ~-o~~.._. ~tv t~,~* ........ s0~!lrb ~i'~ p o....~ ~-'~,,., ~,.. ,i';-'~.~ ~ ~_,., _... ""'~oo'~'' ,_.:.., ~. rr~t, ~,,~ r~ ~ ~-' ~'~ ]-r~ c ~n o ,~ ~ .."'~' . business ._. .,_, .-_C- S o, '%_