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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51402 Date: 11/21/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: David Affinito 220 Congress St#6G Brooklyn, NY 11201 To: construct additions and alterations and to legalize "as built" alterations to existing single-family dwelling as appliedfor perSCHD, DEC&Trustees approvals. Additional certification may be required. Premises Located at: 1675 Pine Neck Rd, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM#70.-5-42 Pursuant to application dated 08/27/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 11/21/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Single Family Dwelling- Addition &Alteration $879.00 As Built Alteration $152.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $1,131.00 uwilding Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 hit ': Iwww.southaldtowna Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT r 6 ECE For Office Use Only IDI, PERMIT NO. Building Ins ector: AUG 2 7 9O?4 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted Where the`A�plicant is not the owner,an BUILDING DEPT. Owneei Authorization form(pa ge'2)`shall,be completed. TOWN<)F SOUTIIOI Date: OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name. ,r SCTM#1000- ��� i Project Address: Phone#; Email: Mailing Address: G� " �� Air" CONTACT PERSON: Name: Mailing Address; f r Phone#:S l� �? Email: r ' DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: ` Name: Mailing Address: / 7 Phone#: Email: � � CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: �1 Phone#: Email:q&rAvr a Key✓� �1 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition IPAlteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $ ises? ❑Yeso Will the lot be re-graded? Yes;�No Will excess fill be removed from prem 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property:. Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes ❑No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ❑ Check Box After Reading; The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by i i5 HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone of ��" �,New fork and other applicable laws,Ordinances or Regulations for the construction of buildings, d s,aNfa Witt pI n as herein described The appUcant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, code and regulations and tqd fy lgbyf inspectors on,premises and in buildingisi for necessary inspections False statements made herein are 111b%P as a.Glass A mfsdemaanor li to�ectior{21D 4S of the New S(o%(f State Penal,l avr ,, , % Application Submitted By,(print name): ❑Authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: . ,..,E OF M.".At Ynpv,. SS: COUNTY Ok,LC��,, ) being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (NI-Ka of individual signin contract)above named, (S)he is the " (Contractor,Agen;Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of �' 1 20 Z �. Notary Public PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) residing at .� A 1 �hereb y .. �� ' _do authorize to apply on my behalf to the Tovdn of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. I Owner's Signature &J;t-BERRY -AlLi �}{�-, /1 , Notary Public-State of Ne,l�York Print Owner's Name No. 01BE60700 81 Qualified in Suffolk Cho my Commission Expires 2 Scott A. Russell SUPERVISOR �'7[��0>1[ 1\M[WAT1EIK �p�{�,; � JM[A\NXG1EM1ENT SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL-P.O.Box 1174 � "" 53095 Main Road-SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 " Town of Southold CHAPTER 236 - STORMWXFER MANAGEMENT UVERRAL FORM m .. .m... ( APPLICANT INFORMATION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT ONLY FOR PROPERTIES ONE ACRE IN AREA OR LARGER. ) APPLICANT; (Property Owner, Design Professional, Agent, Contractor, Other) � � NAME: Date: '�� ...� r' a��M Contact Information: ,. [E:Mad R l elephnne Nunihei) M 4 Pro erty Address / Location of Construction Site: 1000 District ........... .� Section Block Lot Zlle TO BE COMPLETED BY SOUTHOLD TOWN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Area of Disturbance is less than 1 Acre. No S.P.D.E S. P rr'r t is Required ! ❑ - Project does Not Discharge to Waters of the State. No S.P.D.E.S. Permit 1s Recalired ! ❑ - Area of Disturbance is Greater than 1 Acre & Storm-water Runoff Discharges Directly to Waters of the State of New York. THE APPLICANT MUST OBTAIN a S.P.D.E.S. Permit DIRECTLY From N.Y.S. D.E.C. Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit. ❑ - Area of Disturbance is Greater than l Acre & Storm-water Runoff Flows Through Southold Towns MS4 Systems to Waters of the State of New York. THE APPLICANT MUST OBTAIN a ST-D.E.S. Permit through the Southold Town Enoneerina De artment Prior to Issuance of a Buildinc Permit, rjaa Date: i Reviewed By: Fr1R M $ CMf P-Tnq (lrtnhPr 7(114 _.. �. ... _.,... _ Town Hall Annex Glenn Goldsmith,President SO 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold, New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeplesw� +ISM Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 17, 2023 Robert E. Herrmann En-Consultants 1319 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 RE: DAVID & ALLISON AFFINITO 1675 PINE NECK ROAD, SOUTHOLD SCTM#: 1000-70-5-42 Dear Mr. Hermann: The Southold Town Board of Trustees reviewed your letter dated March 23, 2023, along with the survey prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor, last dated September 28, 2022, and the site plan prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler, P.E., P.C., dated March 2, 2023; and determined that the proposed upgrade to the existing sanitary system in connection with the addition of a half-bathroom to an existing accessory garage (and an outdoor shower located outside thereof), is out of the Wetland jurisdiction under Chapter 275 of the Town Wetland Code and Chapter 111 of the Town Code. Therefore, in accordance with the current Wetlands Code (Chapter 275) and the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area (Chapter 111) no permit is required. Any construction activity or disturbance seaward of the limit of Trustee jurisdiction will require an application for full permit. Additionally, any structure proposed seaward of the line of jurisdiction will require a permit as well. With any future permits it would be looked favorably upon if there was a plan for tree replacement and a non-turf buffer. Please be advised, however, that no clearing, no removal of vegetation, no cut or fill of land or removal of sod, no construction, sedimentation, or disturbance of any kind may take place within 100' landward from the top of the bluff, or seaward of the tidal and/or freshwater wetlands jurisdictional boundary or seaward of the coastal erosion hazard area as indicated above, without further application to, 2 and written authorization from, the Southold Town Board of Trustees pursuant to Chapter 275 and/or Chapter 111 of the Town Code. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation within Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction and Coastal Erosion Hazard Area, which may result from your project. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and the coastal erosion hazard area and your project or erecting a temporary fence, barrier, or hay bale berm. This determination is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees GG:dd NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Division of Environmental Permits,Region 1 SUNY A Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,NY 11790 P:(631)444-0365 1 F:(631)444-0360 www.dec.ny.gov November 15, 2023 David Affinito 220 Congress St Apt 6G Brooklyn, NY 11201 Re: Permit No. 1-4738-03917/00002 Mod#1 Facility: 1675 Pine Neck Rd, Southold, NY SCTM# 1000-70-5-42 Jockey Creek Dear Permittee: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing regulations (6NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit modification for the referenced activity. Please carefully read all permit conditions and special permit conditions contained in the permit to ensure compliance during the term of the permit. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please contact us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from the weather and a Notice of Commencement/Completion of Construction. Sincerely, )4w, Ma A MacKinnon Permit Administrator cc: En-Consultants, Bureau of Marine Habitat, File "'� [7e artment of STATE nwlronrnenta(. Conservation NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 'Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03917 PERMIT Under the Environmental Conservation Law ECG ... Permittee and Facility Information Permit Issued To: Facility: DAVID AFFINITO AFFINITO PROPERTY 220 CONGRESS ST APT 6G 1675 PINE NECK RDISCTM#1000-70-5-42 BROOKLYN,NY 11201 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 ALLISON AFFINITO 220 CONGRESS ST APT 6G BROOKLYN,NY 11201 Facility Application Contact: EN-CONSULTANTS 1319 N SEA RD SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 (631) 283-6360 Facility Location: in SOUTHOLD in. SUFFOLK COUNT„ Facility Principal Deference Point: NYTM-E: 716.062 NYTM-N: 4548.002 Latitude: 41'03'1 w5 ' Longitude: 72°25"44.2" Project Location: 1675 Pine Neck Rd, Southold. SCTM#1000-70-5-42 Jockey Creek Authorized Activity: Installation and maintenance of an Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (I/A OWTS) to replace an existing septic system on residential property in Suffolk County. Work includes the following activities in areas regulated by 6 NYCRR Parts 661, 663, 666 and temporary dewatering subject to Part 602:: - The excavation necessary to expose the existing septic system. - The removal of some or all components of the existing septic system. - The installation of an Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment System model which has received Provisional or General Use Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, including all required exterior electrical and plumbing work and, if included in the design, the installation of a new, Pressurized Shallow Drainlleld. - The importation and placement of granular full or other appropriate fill/soil material (as necessary to construct a functional system)required to replace soils unsuited to the proper functioning of the new:I/A OWTS and topsoil necessary to landscape the completed installation area. 8I`lie use of a wellpoint system for the temporary dewatering necessary to control the groundwater level in the excavated area during construction and the discharge of the groundwater to the existing municipal street drainage system or surface waters as detailed in Long Island, Well Temporary Dewatering Permit Page 1 of 7 Aft NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03917 Conditions 1-10.. - Maintenance and repair tasks; including associated excavation, backfilling and dewatering, for the installed system such as the replacement of filter media or the repair/replacement of failed components. All work must be done in strict accordance with the plans prepared by Jeffrey T Butler, PE last revised 4/5/2023 and stamped NYSDEC approved 4/19/2023. MOD#1: Add second story to single family dwelling within the same foot print as the first floor. Install storinwater drainage system. Establish a 10 foot wide non-turf buffer to be planted with native vegetation. All work ariust be done in strict accordance with the plans prepared by Jeffrey T Butler, PE last revised 9/7/2023 and stamped NYSDEC approved 11/15/2023. _..... .._. ._.M........ Permit Authoriz ations .......... Tidal Wetlands - Under Article 25 Permit ID 1-4738-03917/00002 New Permit Effective Date: 4/19/2023 Expiration Date: 4/18/2028 Modification # I Effective Date: 11/15%2023 Expiration Date: 4/1 /228 NYSDEC Approval By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, and all conditions included as part of this permit. Permit Administrator: MARY A MACKINNON, DEPUTY REGIONAL PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR Address: NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters SUNY @ Stony Brook150 Circle Rd Stony Brook,NY 1790� 09 Date Authorized Signature: _ .�Distribution List EN-CONSULTANTS Bureau of Marine Habitat Protection File Mary MacKinnon Page 2 of 7 in NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03917 Permit Components NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS, APPLY TO ALL AUTHORIZED PERMITS NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS - Apply to the Following Permits: TIDAL WETLANDS _. 1. Post Permit 'Sign The permit sign enclosed with this permit shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the worksite and adequately protected from the weather. 2. Notice of Commencement At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project,the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work. 3. Conformance With Plans All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or applicant's agent as part of the permit application. Such approved plans were prepared by Jeffrey T Butler, PE last revised 9/7/2023 and stamped NYSDEC approved 11/1 /2023. 4. Authorized Systems This permit authorizes the installation of any models of Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems(I/A OWTS) which have received the approval of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS). If SCDHS rescinds its approval of one or more of these models during the term of this permit, DEC will no longer approve new installations of that model. The list of I/A OWTS systems which have received approval by SCDHS are found at: htt�//reclaimourwater.info/Portals/60/docs/Article19ApprovalList 4-17.9df, 5. Installed System Must Be Properly Maintained The permittee trust maintain, service and repair the installed. I/A OWTS in accordance with the maintenance schedule set forth in the SCDHS permit issued for the system. . Install and Maintain Erosion Controls Staked hay or straw bales or other DEC-approved erosion control measures are to be installed on the downslope edge of any disturbed areas. This barrier to sediments is to be put in place before any disturbance of the ground occurs and is to be maintained in a functional condition until all disturbed land is heavily vegetated. 7. Contain Stockpile and Disturbed Areas All disturbed areas where soil will be temporarily exposed or stockpiled for longer than one week shall be contained by a continuous line of staked hay bales/silt curtain (or other department-approved method)placed on the seaward side between the dull and wetland or protected buffer area, Tarps are authorized to supplement these approved methods. Page 3 of 7 ift NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03917 8. No Construction Debris in Weiland or Adjacent Area Any debris or excess material from construction of this project shall be completely removed from the adjacent area (upland) and removed to an approved upland area for disposal.No debris is permitted in wetlands and/or protected buffer areas. 9. No Disturbance to Vegetated Wetlands There shall be no disturbance to vegetated wetland areas as a result of the permitted activities. lo. Concrete Leachate During construction, no wet or fresh concrete or leachate shall be allowed to escape into any wetlands or waters of New York State, nor shall washings from ready-mixed concrete trucks, mixers, or other devices be allowed to enter any wetland or waters, Only watertight or waterproof forms shall be used. Wetet concrete shall not be poured to displace water within the forms. et Prohibited Toxic Materials The introduction of materials toxic to aquatic life,such as pesticides, te cleaning fluids, oils and chlorinated liquids is strictly prohibited in the absence of permit authorization.. 12. No Equipment in Wetland Heavy equipment, including bulldozers, backhoes, payloaders, etc., shall not be operated in the wetland. 13. Equipment Storage IO0' from Wetland, Water Body All equipment and machinery shall be stored and safely contained greater than 100 feet landward of the regulated wetland or water body at the end of each work day. This will serve to ,avoid the inadvertent leakage of deleterious substances into the regulated area. 14. Storage of Equipment, Materials The storage of construction equipment and materials shall be confined within the project work area and/or upland areas greater than 100 linear feet from the wetland boundary. Is. Clean Fill Only All fill shall consist of"clean soil, sand and/or gravel that is free of the fallowing substances: asphalt, slag, flyash,Broken concrete, demolition debris, garbage, household refuse,tires, woody materials including tree or landscape debris, and metal objects. The introduction of materials toxic to aquatic life is expressly prohibited. 16.. Seeding Disturbed Areas All areas of soil disturbance resulting from the approved project shall be stabilised with appropriate vegetation(grasses, etc.) immediately following project completion or prior to permit expiration, whichever cones first, if the project site remains inactive for more than 48 hours or planting is impractical due to the season, then the area shall be stabilized with straw or hay mulch or jute matting until weather conditions favor germi nation. 17. Precautions Against Contamination of Waters All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints,concrete,leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 18. Driveway/Parking Area of Pervious Material Driveway and parking areas shall be constructed of NYSDEC-approved pervious materials. 19. No Pool Discharges to Wetland There shall be no draining of swimming pool water directly or indirectly into wetlands or protected buffer areas. Page 4 of 7 9b NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 'Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03917 20. Runoff Directed to Upland Drywells Roof runoff shall be directed to drywells a minimum of 75 linear feet landward of the tidal wetland boundary for immediate on-site recharge. 21. Department Jurisdiction The department retains jurisdiction ofall regulated lands where fill has been permitted. Placement,of fill shalt not be used to alter the department's Tidal Wetland jurisdictional. area at the project site. IIhe area remains a regulated area subject to Tidal Wetland land Use restrictions of 6 NYCRR Part 661. 22. Materials Disposed at.Upland Site Any demolition debris, excess construction materials, and/or excess excavated materials shall be immediately and completely disposed of in ail authorized solid waste management facility. These materials shall be suitably stabilized as not to re-enter any water body, wetland or wetland adjacent area. 23. State May Order Removal or Alteration of Work if future operations by the State of New York require ail alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department oft Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood ,bows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation,of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners, shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, rernove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 24. State May Require Site Restoration If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may lawfully require,remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 2s, State Not Liable for Damage The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. Page 5 of 7 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 'Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03917 GENERAL CONDITIONS - Apply to ALL Authorized Permits: 1, Facility Inspection by The Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation(the Department) to determine whether the permittec is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECI,71- 0301 and SAPA 401(3). The permittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. 2. Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. 3. Applications For Permit Renewals,Modifications or Transfers The permittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for permit renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Stich application must include any forms or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal, modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. Submission of applications for permit renewal, modification or transfer are to be submitted to: Regional Permit Administrator NYSDEC Region I Headquarters SLNY @ Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony Brook,NY1 1790 -3409 4. Submission of Renewal Application The permittee must submit a renewal application at least 30 days before permit expiration for the following permit authorizations: Tidal Wetlands. 5. Permit Modifications, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to exercise all available authority to modify, suspend or revoke this permit. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a. materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b. failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c. exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d. newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions, relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; Page 6 of 7 in NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 'Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03917 e. noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. 6. Permit Transfer Permits are transferrable unless specifically prohibited by statute, regulation or another permit condition. Applications for permit transfer should be submitted prior to actual transfer of ownership. .. . NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS Item A. Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits, actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the perrnittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This indemnification does not extend to any claims,suits, actions, or damages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or, intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising under Article'7g of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item Ida Permittee''s Contractors to Comply with. Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the perrnittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee.. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of- way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Fights This permit does not convey to the perrnittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Page 7 of 7 NEW Department of YORSTAT E Env rol�n�ii�ll tat ��rA�r Conservation NOTIC The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has issued permit(s) pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law for work being conducted at this site. For further information regarding the nature and extent of work approved and any Departmental conditions on it, contact the Regional Permit Administrator listed below. Please refer to the permit number shown when contacting the DEC. Regional Permit Administrator SHERRI AICHER Permit Number: 1-4738-03917/00002 NYSDEC Region 1 Environmental Permits 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 Expiration Date: 4/18/2028 Email: dep.r1@dec.ny.gov Note: This notice is NOT a permit M1 BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 10511 DATE: DECEMER 1.3 2023 ISSUED TO: DAYID &ALLISON AFFINIT0 PROPERTY ADDRESS: `1675 PINE NECK ROAD SOUTHOLD SCTM# 1000-70-5-42 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant.to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in ` accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on Dee ernber 1 13,2O23, and in consideration of application fee in the sum of 11250.00 paid by David,&Allison Affinito. and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to construct a f772 sq.ft.second floor addition over and within the footprint of the first floor portion of existing 1,890 sq.ft. twa story,single-family dwelling with attached 606 sq.ft.deck and 375 sq.ft. porch (adjacent to existing�i158 sq.ft.second floor to remain),.with no demolition or increase in existing dwelling footprint; install trrmwater drainage system to collect roof runoff; and establish and perpetually maintain a 10' wide,±1,133 sq.ft.non-turf buffer area to be planted with additional native vegetation adjacent to the wetlands boundary; all as depicted on the site plan prepared by Jeffrey T.]Battler, received on October 31,2023,and, stamped approved on December 13,2023. ate Se al to be affixed and these hereby cause s its Corporate , IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees y 1P presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of the day and year first above written. %4fFD 10 t TERMS AND CONDITIONS tl The Permittee David& Allis n Affin- res din at 1675 Pine Neck Road Southold blew Yiark. as part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the following: 1. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages,or claims for damages,of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any operation performed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittee will,at his or her own expense,defend any and all such suits initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee assumes full liability with respect thereto,to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. 2 That this Permit is valid for a period.of 36 months, which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved,but should circumstances warrant,request for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date. 3. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely,or as long as the said P'ernaittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved,to provide evidence to anyone concerned that authorization was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents,and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 6. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized,or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees,the"Fork shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation,the said Permittee will be required., upon due notice,to remove or alter this work project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. 8. The Permittee is required to provide evidence that a copy of this Trustee permit has been recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as a notice covenant and deed restriction to the deed of the subject parcel. Such evidence shall be provided within ninety(90)calendar days of issuance of this permit. 9. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee of the completion of the work authorized. 10. That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be required supplemental to this permit,which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. 11. No right to trespass or interfere with riparian rights. This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor dues it authorize the impairment of any rights,title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. 1 J `JOCKEY CREEK _ a Ii - - j'`•w i€ 589 4740E - �� _ _T2I evm, - _ g LC3GATSON ASAP_- sp.w o 5 FR{3 4'P.€1liRtl2 A7'eYT-.A'+x'S AL7'L1t'siTl� � �� }$ waw m �5-SgT1:W451'ES§A"CeR 7RfiRT59`L45`5dF€t�.s� !tA i { � ` ' � � �•. fP��s SITF DhTA� vroAa�nit�m stamtto !' .- kLj . d �- � r - �� �a �..� �• I I fir---� '�`� r �€rz�2_12 9 �nw,n.,rvF °mo-nw n®w a4 W VPt� Q@ 52 OkA ZYM g - - e _ 179, la n f c 4 r.'•srrs�t nz. M g fir @L�.}SSilifs •�#fi6 fj¢ r�2riatt (([ " l � ENLARGEDPLAN �LrVRN6iAR� iNW SRMEY �� - ffi.� �'- a_ -4r PROPOSED SANITARY,S",97'EIM s �on TEST HOLD' o P.� R s3 sxaasez +� •. i c �n.. 00 I 6 O §§ OF g EXISTING SITE PLAN- , DEMOLITION at ® ss s SITE PLAN- s PAGE: _. PROPOSED WORK ra. .rTaeM x oe caK-rRc �ec�nc anz�w.armr�xi.axz:sue mmnff.� p1 E 74 CK R."�apUn— FIKE �:.��� ._ _ - - — of 4 -1-1111 Um oll CONN Atd ELECTRICAL ONE-LTNEDIAGRAM A fa-h -Z 10 1 1-mFl I- La 1H HYDRO ACTION ANBOO BUOYANCY CALCULATION-, =Z K 4-1 J, 5. P� CD xz 4IQ77-1 M:—M PART OF �T' dT"l PROPOSED SANITARY SYS. RISER DIAGRAM OT P INNOVATIVE I ALTERNATIVE ONZITE WASM%A d��UATMMN7 Ar- AN AC HYDRO-ACTION WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT N RM Cg < me� R WN§ < gw AC :-= ar h M P.T. EARTOT, PROPOSED SAINrTARY SYS, RISER DIAGRA-M 'NNOVATIVE 1 ALTFANAT-FVF.ON-5iT-r ........... ADVANICM TMkMMT LMT PAGE: SP2 of -- -- ..,..... ,., d.l.!" '),9 c:C3/40*Ici..6iJV EZOL-CO-CO SlVd jo WXXTZ W� I_x NO;.MzWWFMIOG � �f5'�KML"M1J^ �"TP9#AS.I� XK}#!'K dO AUYI'17X10- f cn td R r� ".[°�rk.E.g .In fi, 19�".M:1. % k aa� + � dH d101 urr�s Sy als aNld sLal 2 r�wi�a w.ueu x. " + O11NIijV HO ITIV ONV OVAVd -wre miva �.. r _......4 MG.......... .. xoa s-rt.a ivWoaa aut+•s•z aamgxo _........ a rx r �aa:ate<nx q+ +E xx rc a �"y yyx �� tlxmnv g. +N� c' x �, 'k ' kap� ffi +�' 4r + x P $ r+ & ga l 'y �ki W 3a G 2P x �p 4rc Rx uf`: afskq bz sa � Err * `X �s w 54�� frarcN "� gV �g+15 uxxxx + pm �� 1 " tl HIT s d 4 ^ tt 7A �I d v" yM h t RE 7 ,1 u� w w J Aix RP No xC64 61 y [fig n J- w4ill � d �� � " 01 iql�w / �! � E " tow Hill AIR! NMI 9 wb � v�"wuw»ww aI'� � W� kbPI E�1 x � yu a a'� ca..vrnra nar�.,c�a� °"w "� U, � ����9r dk �x: ��' � ,����7� g���'• g fill ' F!$$�9e�itlho �ze�'r:a kY �� d :."...wF xEp " `. i � [ aE g E Era I+wa ° .. p.� ¢ � 01� w m� q� x E€ l gal' Ed 'E ��4 U ysa g —ems E .� _ � V a�+ ............... SECOND FL = I b3o 50.17T. 0) PROPOSED GFA= 3,526 SGFT I/A OWTS UNIT SIZING: S,OD05.DIASION OF TAL.auALITY,STAWAR05 FOR APPROVAL OF Paws AND C4MTRr,TION FOR S54ACiE VISFMAL.SYSTEM FOR S1NSLE-FAMILY RE5 DATED: DECA!f-�241,2011 TAB,, MINIMIM VA ON-5ITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT'GAPAGITIE5 • 6 BEDROOM DWELLING ENGINEER: • MINMJM TANK CAPACITY =660&ALLON5 I/A OWTS UNIT LOAD CALCULATION: F NC- PROPOSED SANITARY DE516N FLOW: 660 GIRD •• b BEDROOMS 6 110 6PD/BEDROOM=660 6PD •L)5E (1) WORO AGTION wA5TE HATER TREATMENT RLANr 115E MODEL No.ANBOO,6RAV17Y SYSTEM •. TOTAL TREATMENT CAPACITY: 8OO 6Pv W •• TOTAL PD WORKING CAPACITY. 2,4bb 6 •• R.OW RANGE: 50-8010 6PD •• SE DETAIL FOR INFORMATION 011,46 5P2 •• MAINTAIN RBC> WM SEPARATION DISTANCES,DW6 5PI SANITARY ABSORPTION BED SIZING .EFFMREY`T. BUTLER,P.E. PROPOSED 6 BEDROOM D1ELLINS SOW FM MOFfUAL TION OF WM RLM AND FWOAAnON OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKp 1Tnf MO OF WATK OMPTER 11.PART 15.STAWARpS FOR INIOMM&ATE,K64TER � 9YPLY AND INDMV L.O "9E MASM'W TMEW"IEMS.APFENDIX5 A n/ IMZ�L; DAILY LION FLOH- 110 fir' Y (SW OPD TL"AW SLD.45,PIVISION OF I:MMRON-`IENTAL GIIJI4L.ITY,STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL OF FLAB/'COWTRZT1ON O [Q DWOSAL SYSTEM FOR SINSI E+AMLY REST - DATM VE049W A 2011 TABLE 15: WMU=WAM7INIS RATE,FOR PRESSMIZED*04M DRAW I 713), LL SIZE BASED ON BOTTOM AREA OF T IGH a OATE6CD OIR`r 1 VA OIL-3O APPLI A RATE SANITARY ABSORPTION BED CALCULATION: Z C N 2 p 110 GFV x b BPDROOM/3D(APP.RATE) = 220 GIRD O LU 220 6PO/ 325 SPA-F.(TR WI ENGH DTW =b7bq LIN FT W I } TL.U N6TI+OF TRENCH REWIRED =b7bq LIN Fr � < � O z O fY 115E: 4 LATERALS 16AY LONG EACH EA Z < O I < Q-. TL.LEN6TH OF TRENCH PROVIDED = 61.7 LIN Fr CL NOTE: 6EOMATT SHALL EE DELIVEIEW TO SITE IN ROLLS AND cur TO SIZE. O 0 p PROPOSED INSTALLATION: -j W � O (4)PI F LATERALS a 16.013 LIN.FT.EACH INSTALLED ALLED IN ABSOWnON BED- O BW 15 TO LAB EACH 31'H�T SHALL HAVE I"PVC � � Q VSCHEDU LE 40 PIP' ORAIFICE 4 1,-0•ON CENTER,OWZE HO�M TO BE ORLLED AT b LW0V-OCK AND 0 HIH 60MATRLX ORIFICE SHIELD: DISTAL HEAD DE516N OF FWE FOOT PER DISTAL MEAD. ONE D15TAL HEAD Q � Z MONI FOR ALL BEr�D AT THE END OFF H W 0 N w— I�I.?S• PVC, 40 PIPI*TRANSPORT M LL PIPE SHA 13E SLOP® p z v --► O CON Y BACK TOWJW5 FMIMP STATION FOR A V RA CYGL E5. WEEP LL} (z LLm m TO BE M�ILI�IN STATMON D SE w LL N O � n Revised Plan Approved 12/04/2023 OLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES O O O _..2,,....._..�.�...._ PERMIT FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION FORA -•-- SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND O Z W Expires GARAGE f 07/11/2026 — EXCAVATION INSPECTION REQUIRED � � No,, ..23 0511 O O Q DATE 1mwom H r .23 oVED APPRTOTAI MAXIMUM EvC. '�C„'k ^ _ FOR SANITARY SYSTEM i U BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ' EXPIRES THREE YEARS FR0M DATE 0FAPPROVAL —.....-1...............7— Abadonmcat of a.. mi .ysys PAGE ENGINE w IF1 s CERTCn TION�EGLIRED „-y • confomam'SU-1:T P-E-OR R.a- CCRTV CAT�i Iv �•Rw 6quhvmm 't crzz INssaU�r:ow ANo eoN srRucr—. I' Mianm SVM-060 aspmf OF IuRAC}V6ITa•INYDRCtiAY�90Y2 lr r. ,,, , , ,.. _ Water lLggtt ust a.�x�s.�ecMe the �. by_ _ M 1k O at. l;ppIL 2€HeaO_th_Services. SEE ATTACHED SPECIAL LAN.CONDITION, gall(631)852-5754,48 hours in /'-. r� advance,to schedule inspection(s). 47 . , RAD!RG PLAN AND/OR PLOT P�� of d C'11 ' t FKFili7la t'KVF'[J=V ,• •` .. } BEDROOM �r ys. FLU T ���P � CONTROLPAS AND 101^l t1,133 S.F.NON-TURF I, 644 fMCEPTAC14 C04TROL FAWEL. FOR,EW T 1 OPS GNM CmRl BLOWER BUFFER(TO BE VE6ETATED 4 fir :TAu PAIL FOR LIFT STA W MOINTt:'D AND 6FI RECEPTAGLE ON W FRAI'E,SEE MTN ADDITIONAL NATIVE i EE'T-III ON TE r�T13WER TREATMENT F�N�SAI TARY SM AS Sly NOTES ON DW6 SP2. PLANTIN6� Mm REAUIREME WM,DW6 5P2 f F�m 1m SP5 •FOR MOUNTNS CE96N/REWIR15t S,SEE 7 GRAVITY SYSTEM • PAWL 20� �N EIS VROPOSED'if FRAME DETAIL',ON DW6 5P5 EX.GONG,BLK WALL DE516H FLOW,b60 6PD ALL MOMW 35 BLOO •SEE 1GONTROL PNL REQ'MM5'NOTES,SEE DW6 5P2. ;NIRL CENT%W ALARM BEACON I AUDIBLE ABOVE EFL WHIU£VER 15 &- X(IAGATED REMOTELY,A5 SHOW GND Rum DY' s TO REMOTE CONTROL PHL �' �T� � 10 GW FROM A.G.TO OPS M�ATMY*40 YAWS OF SOIL DEFIIHJ ?�A�1` ����T EQR Em 12 a - T GW FROM P.T.TO HOUSE STACK AS'SP'OR%e PER A51M STANDARDS USED FOR THE •PROVIDE( I�CAL LOG ASS AW.4MN6 PER NOTATION AND CALCULATION PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM INSTALLATIOK •LATH AWAM�BE 16RD OR. f 4 HENCE REGEPTACLE NEARBY CONTROL PNL WI TIC 15 TO ACWNIE 10 K WTHATE AND TA HIM STD � I�AZTION ?� A A OF DISTL BAD AND TURNBUCKLE TO EACH IiELICAL ANCHOR ''S MAT Y I DISTAL PORT APPRO)OKA Y ,i � (0J� •SEE GALUJLATM DM 5P2 EX_GONG 16.e L6 LATERALS - BLK WALL ` PARATION DISTANCES E BOX AND DISTAL HEAD FOR EACH LATERAL E 5'BEYOND ETU,no SLOPE DOWN TO II &GRADE 091 MAXIMU)'ll ---EX.FLOATING ExanK 2 '5T_ g" � D'��� W5 SP3 TIDAL HET LANDS BOUNDARY WOOD DOCK IN B 9EMEV 0%EXPANSION 5HOWH AS DELINEATED 13 IM[P AND BASIN- EN-CO �11LTANTS,MAY 10,2022 EX. Ist X. FOOTPRINT TO IN 0155 SLFJ S.FJ EX.2nd FL TO REhIAIN(i•85B S�FJ X-x PF80b5 PIMP STATION A TIE LINE ALONG APPARE TT HIGH _X METAL PROP05ED 2nd FL. ADDITION (M2 5.F) WIT-FLOATATION FLANGE TO COUNTERACT BUOYANCY H'��K ON OCT.21,2020 RAMP MOP05ED 6 BEDROOM 41IEL,MOUNT ON PROP05ED N,FRAME F O Ibb'(NLJ '3 FOR DETAILS AND INFORMATION S 89°47'40" E IPIN(5 58.85r 6EX_F-EX S 79 r rr TRANSPORT PIPE(IYP,U.O.N) WOOD PoGK 052 13 .Y PIPE TRANSPORT PIPE all � � ! � 3 V'F �u 41 5r — UTION PIPE(OVER 6EOMAT ONLY)PERFORATED, •1£1r. E5 AT b 14 01GLO6K ONSTALL LEVEL) - + 4 3 o ,Ir. T + + + + + + + + + + + + w �� FOR SANITARY PROFILE + + '` �+++++ HIA fER(TO BE VEGETATED T ? - + + + + GoNG:K + + + + + WITH ADDITIONAL NATIVE -mo b Ls + + + + + 'AU PLANTINGS) -.� + + + /. 2.6 + WFml2 liI 14 10 - + PROP05ED PROPOSED W1R 12 1 + aIs STORM DRAINAGE STRWTUEE LINE 5PLIGE 14-- -� DEDIGATED TO OW ELLIN6 ROOF C.OI GTION PT T}I t r RUNOTf AND EX.GVRD PORCH EX GONG BLK is - ,LI 5 e Ike, 2 8 O G DP(SOLID GVR) Ex. T �I SEE GALL I DTL ON DWG SP4 CUY # 14 b T = � EK nION CONTROL ME;45URE s . P- • HIDE SILT Ffi�IGE BARRIER HABITABLE SP PROP05EU 5H"(APPROX 51l LINFTJ (�� 0 1 DETAIL AND REQUIREMENTS I ,� ➢ Ex 1 _ SILT A5 DWG SP4 EX.2nd FL DECK 12 5HOHN(t5R LIN.FTJ FOR DTL I ;15 HABITABLE 6065E I REG MIS,SEE DW6 SP4 OP05ED EX Arc, SPACE - I� F65F TO REMAIN RM DRAINAGE STRUG'TURE I6 I = L.P.P (tb5b 5F) p I � I IGATED TO DWELLING ROOF TANK ±65r _ .¢ TIE NEW PIPING T OFF AND EX.GVRD PORCH �' -` R' PROPGS®SERV 8'�x5'LIQ DP(SOLID GVR) '` 1 - ft5'C&C I DDI ON DW6 5P4__ ffi 54A' EX1511,d IN SPLICE SHG '. DILAPIDATED Ex pL,6 5TRUG, 30: F�W7 5TEP5, � y EX. 85 SF `6 14 ' EX,SLATE lO / WALK +1185F )PO HD e .ram PROPOSED `5, t STORM DRAINAGE 5TI46TURE DEDICATED i TER SERVICE SPLICE n} AI' FROM MODIFIED04 w TO ROOF RUNOFF PIPING TO Fxlsnr�s,rAP PROP. r - _ S III 5� t"NLAR6ED GARAGE AND OUTDOOR StIowEl� V.TO 6ARA6E IN 5PLIGE AS 5HOVN -12 SITE PLAN- I -6'm x b'LIQ DEPTH o }_ lvZ b; FROND SEE GALL AND DETAIL ON DYrG SP4 n T �Ex ai SANITARY SYS!, I w TAP Ex P 3 _ THIS DWG. PROPOSED p I SET,30 5F L5 NOC 14 I I OUTDOOR SHOWER ss 16 EX 1I16 P I p ; PERVIOU5 6RVL BASE, + i, FROI'I 150' Ei��PLAN 1- �T ' '` IJ 1 Q L PROPOSED 1 �T I8 --- � METER STORM DRAINAGE STRUGIURE MCO Ll - � T 150 1� � p f � FROM �, .,• d X DEDIGATED TO ROOF RUNOFF P I u FROM MODIFIED GARAGE AND - 1�R _ � � I STY FR � � -OUTDO�dxR65 UGI DP(SOLID COVER) eRVLg ` SEE GALG AND DTL ON DW6 SP4 :£ i r 18 6 ` T EXf5TIN6 I STY PR 6ARA6E I$ ' c =1 FOR INVHtT ELEVA� , PROVIDE I IS AT ( '� '+ _ 51�'GRO561N6/TRI�JGFI DETAIL P AND UTILITY GR0551N6 TABLE PROP05ED HALF BATH `` rff I6.& , I_ ' FOR ADD'L INFO 5EE DW6 SP4 P IT WEITZMAN 6ARA6E MODIFIGATION lq f EXIST ' BY K EHL DB16N A550C. P 77r NGROUND t FROPOSED �T U P ; P ' 5WIMMIN6 { .r 4' , WATER LINE I ! I I T F PROPOSED POOL , 5PLIGE,PT OF OUTDIOOR SHOWER, 1720 5F PERVIOUS 6RVL BASE, t25 SF I i om w I � O t3 I w LL 00 f� e-=, , j' \TOE ` � �k R ENLARGED ] EX,POOL BKW5H DTI. ( { F `F PROPOSED S \ 4 jt I EX EX UP I PERVIO05 3 LIL N0.15A S GRVL w 20 10 O } �ICRAPHIG SCALE r y w w WFA2 W1`43 wry_wr y IL4 -- f. :.• 41.�S + +ate+++*++++++++ + + + + + + + J 11 �-6 IVAL_ I + + g RY + + + AS DMINEATED HY, ` `3n EN-CONSULTANiS + MAY IO,2022 }+++ Vn12 25 T + + � `' X15TING �. + WF�13 r Yq + EX.I FL RT TO 9v _,w !sv -�, ,4, ,t RE N(11I SF,) ` 15 14 EK 2rd FIL TO RfMAlN N o s 2 d FL ADDITION � a HABITABLE b (tT12 5.F) 4 �(t72 ) PROP. 6 BEDRM ~ FFLFl.a 168'INLa LOCATION P: NOT TO 5GALE o EX. £- 1 PROPOSED INNOVATIVE AND a - � I ALTERNATIVE Ex.end FL. AUTO VENTED - ON—SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SITE PLj 5PACE To HABITABLE (AIR VENT TIED LL Ex ,. INTO HS 5TK) v n ±65F zEEr1aIN I X ry 51TUATE AT: DATUM: NAW55 L.P. (-858 5F) AMP MAIN 5ERV. W 16-5 PINE NEGK RD 5OUTHOLD, NY+ < U5E HAIR PNL IN H5 EX RF TOWN O .NK, ± F SOUTHOLD ELJM ZONE: IV (600 GPD/AG) T65F - 15.8' > 18.6 t HD o g BUFF OLK GO r x I. x = - LINTY,NEW YORK 5 w SGTM NO.: 1000-70-05-42 APPLIGANr/OWNER: ` I DAVID AND ALLISON AFFINITTI EX15TING SITE DATA: ' to -' DILAPIDATED TOTAL LOT ARF�1: INoll 3 sTRUGTURE 41,Q04 50.FT. (1.100 QG) STE , s _ F M [ +85SF T 8 , ADJACENT AAA: i31,436 5GIFT. (0.1211 ac) —t:-;X 5LATE — 10 (LOT AREA BETWEEN TIDAL WETLAND BOWARY AND 50OFT kETLAND SETBACK ' 'K ±IIBSF / 5x G0N5 DWELLING �I ,EA ~ EX.2 STY t1,890 901=T.(6AIA) EX.DECK EX.RA.Ym PORCH b641 51(2D4%) t35 SQFT.(1.19'1i J EX.MEGHANICALS a DWL6 L — 12 EX.HD STEPS t SLATE WALK t12 SQ.FT.(0.04%) I ; C� "� � MAINTAIN EX.GARA6E E PL.APRON SGLFT.(Ob5S6) s s; VINO,TAP z I I N EX MEGHANIGALS a GARAGE t168 SOFT.(2.44SG) I EIV �� ' �� CARD 5' EX.SWIMMING POOL SQ.FT.(O.II�) BEYOND ETU t720 50.FT.(2.2y%) ; I ' PROMI '` _ x11b` 1 THEN TAPER DN® TL ADJACENT AREA IMPERVIOU5 COVER y '' -- � 1:3 TO FINAL 6RD 464 50.FT.ObZQ jopol3 h : _ 14 r LOT Iffi ., U/6 t I ANTAIN GRD BUILDABLE LAND. t TO E►E f�M7EGTED_ - 135'� ;, 5 BEYOND 46,440 50.FT. (I.Orl4 AG) LL REG1b,MAINTAIN 5' I I �` ~. LEACHING BED, (LOT AREA -WETLAND AREA) 11- BThN ; J4a 5 THEN TAPER DN e � r ITO FINAL 6RD EX.2 57Y DWELLING tli0 SOFT.(402fG) _ = U lax ELE; EX.DECK *41 SOFT 0 36%) ss r I t ER EX.RA.ND PORCH t375 SOFT.(0I . x t I EX.GARAGE V - 1 _ t647 SQFT.(1.415% sI r r -L I POO ) ,. TL LOT CoOVERAISE FT 33 EXISTING �I_ an *4�23 5QFT.(q20%) I STY PR GAR _ C . _ ; tb9b 5F m : - e?1 f�I sfi I29 A.I.TIC 6FA 5HALL NOT EXCEED 1>$ PROVIDE �. PERMITTED 50.FT6.GALG AS FOLLOWS: PROPOSED FOR FROPOSED e.LOTS UP TO 80p00 SF OF LOT AREA: PLUS 5!K OF LOT AREA IN EXCESS OF 40 5,100 SOFT. HALF BATH ` , _ �1TARY OW SaFT. v I GFL 19.1 �q 3 I :, ;. LIFT I' nl. G7'A AND i FIELD)AS PER KAXIMIJIM 6FA 335 SQ.FT. � � 5,435 SQ.FT i EX.2 STY DWL6 W/ SLAT D 2nd FL ADDITION: MAIN LEVEL = 1,89b SQFT A C P .?? � x185 —� a z P. I = Lf�OSQ.F7 SECOND FL FOR 1NVT CATIONS PROPIOSED 6FA= 3�526 SdFT _ I rSEE tROS54I/TRENCH uA owTs DETAIL ANr,� ILrrY UNIT SIZING: P' F TABLE'DW 5P4 'SLDJ4 s.DM"OF Elea t AL CITY,STANDARDS FOR AL[ PLAtelS AN[ C0*TT TION Ft22 EXIST 1 � ,� ~ = Ib SY'STI�1 FOR AMILY RESIDEMM DATED, D IN6ROUND ��-�'� � �/ #���y I 24, 117 : o t 7 1/A ONE TTEATMIT GAPITTES 5WIMMIN6Ar }DATER b POOL T .[1 72O SF 'I 7L1I SPLICE NEI&IBORIN6 WELL5 • MIN TANK GAI AGI7'I� = Fr i I GOIEGTIoN PT ARE WRINN EO , I` I of PROPERTY I/A OWTS UNIT LOAD CALCULATION: PROPOSW_ UT r ftO 6PD 16 a 110 6pD/ b60 6PD E % I 5LWIWAFZSTM kA r,� (0 AGTIOR WASTE MATE TREA PLANT I :' �r =` •, .MOD No. 6RAY9'1`Y SYSTEMAT�cr PROP.TIE LINE ' TOTAL TREATMENT GAI�AGITY: O _ •• TOTAL NMI h �+ IT`f:2,466 6W s 6PP J I •• SEE DETAIL.FOR TI i •• MAINTAIN A� .. �. � � ,DH6 SPI SANITARY ABSORPTION ON BED SIZING 6 SOW FM 00faAL COMPOLATION OF COOM RIA.B57 AW R5MATM'OF TW StrATE OF N5i YORK TITLE 10 PWARftW OF HI.A7% 11.PARr-5.STAW N T AN `AFTT�N,_ T SLY MV 1 O E �T X 75-A ['ARY SYSTEM I56 MAIN ROAD I= 12AY 110 Y (6 TLID 51D� OIVI%ONOFOM AL aWIsr FM APPROVALOFPLC/JAME5PORT,NY 11941 SOR, FOR LY SURVEYED: APRIL 11, 2004 DAB'OEGEMBER A 2011 LAST IIPPATEF: SEPT. 25, 2022 T RA7M FOR U VAT[ It NAVI ON EOM Cr- :GA r.VA AO , � RATE PYRAMID LAIN SKY AMP 1 r = 20'-011 ITELTURAL 5ET BY - SANITARY ABSORPTION BED CALCULATION: ILO GPD x b BEDROOM/30(APR RATEF = 220 6PD 'WTLEK P E#P O. VATED 220 6PD/ 325 SPA-.F.(TRENC WI H DTH)=b7bQ LIN FT MAY 1 ,2023 TL.LB46TH OF TFJW-4 REQUIRED =67bq LIN FT TABLE R301.7 TABLE R301.6 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION MINIMUM ROOF LIVE LOADS IN POUNDS-FORCE DESIGN CRITERIA: NOTE: THESE DRAWINGS ARE INCOMPLETE WITHOUT DETAIL SHEETS (ADDENDUM TO DRAWING SET). OF STRUCTUAL MEMBERS(b,c) PER SQUARE FOOT OF HORIZONTAL PROJECTION WIND SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM GROUND SPECIAL SEISMIC FROST WINTER AIR AL ICE BARRIER USE/ ALLOWABLE TRIBUTARY LOADED SNOW SPEED EXPOSURE TOPOGRAPHIC WIND WIND-BORNE DESIGN LINE DESIGN FREEZING MEAN NDERLAYMENT FLOOD LIVE DEAD TYPE OF STRUCTUAL MEMBER WALL SHEATHING OCCUPANCY MEAN SPEC DEFLECTION AREA IN SQUARE FEET LOAD MPH ATAGORY EFFECTS REGION DEBRIS ZONE CATAGORY WEATHERING DEPTH TERMITE DECAY TEMP. INDEX TEMP REQUIRED HAZARDS LOAD LOAD ROOF UPLIFT LOAD SUCTION LOAD CLASSIFICATIONHEIGHT HEIGHT RATIO FIRE AREA CONSTRUCTION FOR ANY STRUCTURAL MODERATE SLIGHT TO FROM 1998 PERIMITER EDGE ZONE=37.2 psf EDGE ZONE=29.1 psf FIRST =1,896 SQ.FT. RAFTERS HAVING SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:12 L/180 MEMBER 11 599 599 YES Q WITH No FINISHED CEILING ATTACHED 70 RAFTERS 20 psf 140 B NO NO YES C SEVERE 36" TO HEAVY MODERATE FIRM MAPS 40 psf 20 psf INTERIOR ZONE=29.6 sf INTERIOR ZONE=24.6 sf SFD 29'9" 25'5" 1:3 SECOND FLOOR,1 630. .FT. TYPE V INTERIOR WALLS AND PARTICIANS H/180 0 TO 201 TO OVER ROOF SLOPE 200 600 600 SHEAR WALL/BRACED WALL DESIGNED WITH OPENINGS, SEE DETAIL SHEET FOR ALL NON-ENGINEERED LUMBER TO BE DOUGLAS FIR#2 OR BETTER SECTION R312:GUARDS AND WINDOW FALL PROTECTION FLOORS U360 PERFORATED SHEAR WALL DESIGN METHOD-130 MPH, HIGH WIND CONNECTION TABLE R301.5 FLAT LESS THAN 4 INCHES PER FOOT EXPOSURE B 3 SECOND GUST PER R 602.10 AND WFCM REQUIREMENTS 2020 NYS UNIFORM CODE: MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS(PSI) R312.1 GUARDS. CEILINGS WITH BRITTLE FINISHES U360 20 16 12 2015 130 MPH,TABLE 12 AND 13. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN DRAWN IN ACCORDANCE GUARDS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS R312.1.1 (INCLUDING PLASTER AND STUCCO) (I:3) CEILINGS WITH FLEXIBLE FINISHES U240 RISE 4 INCHES PER FOOT(1:3)TO LESS THAN (INCLUDING GYPSUM BOARD) 16 14 12 WITH 2O20 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE LIVE LOAD WINDOW PERFORMANCE DATA: THROUGH WHERE 12 INCHES PER FOOT(1:1) PUBLISHED BY NEW YORK STATE. R312.1.1 WHERE REQUIRED. u24o UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE 10 ALL OTHER STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ALL WINDOWS BY ANDERSEN,SERIES 400 DOUBLE HUNG GUARDS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR THOSE PORTIONS OF OPEN-SIDED WALKING RISE 12 INCHES PER FOOT(1:1) TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE,THESE PLANS UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITH LIMITED STORAGE 20 EXTERIOR WALLS-WIND LOADS (a)WITH U360 AND GREATER 12 12 12 U=.30,SHGC=.30,DP 30,DUEL PANE (https://www.andersenwindows.com) HABITABLE ATTICS AND ATTICS SERVED WITH FIXED STAIRS 30 SURFACES,INCLUDING STAIRS,RAMPS AND LANDINGS,THAT ARE LOCATED COMPLY WITH THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING MORE THAN 30 INCHES(762 MM)MEASURED VERTICALLY TO THE FLOOR OR PLASTER OR sTucco FINlsxas BALCONIES(EXTERIOR)AND DECKS 40 GRADE BELOW AT ANY POINT WITHIN 36 INCHES(914 MM)HORIZONTALLY TO EXTERIOR WALLS-WIND LOADS(a)WITH OTHER L/240 NOTE:L=SPAN LENGTH AND CONSTRUCTION CODES. FIRE ESCAPES 40 THE EDGE OF THE OPEN SIDE.INSECT SCREENING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BRITTLE FINISHES ,H=SPAN HEIGHT SCOPE OF WORK: EXTERIOR WALLS-WIND LOADS(a)WITH U120(d) a.FOR THE PURPOSED OF DETERMINING DEFLECTION LIMITS HEREIN, SECOND FLOOR ADDITION OVER EXISTING FIRST FLOOR. UARDS AND HANDRAILS 200 AS A GUARD. FLEXIBLE FINISHES THE WIND LOAD SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE TAKEN AS 0.7 TIMES THE TYPE V WOOD FRAME GUARD IN-FILL COMPONENTS 50 LINTELS SUPPORTING MASONRY COMPONENT AND CLADDING(ASD)LOADS OBTAINED FROM TABLE R301.2(2). NO CHANGE TO FOOTPRINT OF DWELLING. 6"DIA. PASSENGER VEHICLE GARAGES 50 u600 VENEER WALLS(e) R312.1.2 HEIGHT. OF THE CANTILEVER.b.FOR CANTILEVER MEMBERS,L SHALL BE TAKEN AS TWICE THE LENGTH CONSTRUCTION BASED ON SECTION 602 ROOMS OTHER THAN SLEEPING ROOMS 40 REQUIRED GUARDS AT OPEN-SIDED WALKING SURFACES,INCLUDING STAIRS, c.FOR ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OR PANELS USED OF THE BCNYS SLEEPING ROOMS 30 PORCHES,BALCONIES OR LANDINGS,SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 36 INCHES STAIRS 44 (914 MM)IN HEIGHT AS MEASURED VERTICALLY ABOVE THE ADJACENT REFLECTIVE RED PANTONE R301.2.2.2WEIGHTS OF MATERIALS. WALKING SURFACE OR THE LINE CONNECTING THE NOSINGS.EXCEPTIONS: FR AVERAGE DEAD LOADS SHALL NOT EXCEED 15 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT 1.GUARDS 34 THE OPEN SIDES OF STAIRS SHALL HAVE A HEIGHT NOT TOP OF RIDGE -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - #1 7) iv LESS THAN 34 INCHES(864 MM)MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM A LINE (720 PA)FOR THE COMBINED ROOF AND CEILING ASSEMBLIES(ON A REFLECTIVE WHITE 1/2" CONNECTING THE OF THE . HORIZONTAL PROJECTION)OR 10 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT(480 PA)FOR 2.WHERE THE TO, OF THE GUARD SERVES AS A HANDRAIL ON THE OPEN STROKE FLOOR ASSEMBLIES,EXCEPT AS FURTHER LIMITED BY SECTION R301.2.2. SIDES OF STAIRS,THE TOP OF THE GUARD SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 34 SIGN FOR WOOD FLOOR AND DEAD LOADS FOR WALLS ABOVE GRADE SHALL NOT EXCEED: INCHES(864 MM)AND NOT MORE THAN 38 INCHES(965 MM)AS MEASURED z 12 WOOD ROOFING FRAMING 1.FIFTEEN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT(720 PA)FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT-FRAME VERTICALLY FROM A LINE CONNECTING THE NOSINGS. WOOD WALLS. R312.1.3 OPENING LIMITATIONS. $ TRUSS IDENTIFICATION SIGN: REQUIRED GUARDS SHALL NOT HAVE OPENINGS FROM THE WALKING 2.FOURTEEN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT(670 PA)FOR EXTERIOR LIGHT- SURFACE TO THE REQUIRED GUARD HEIGHT THAT ALLOW PASSAGE OF A IDENTIFICATION OF FLOOR AND ROOF TRUSS CONSTRUCTION FRAME COLD-FORMED STEEL WALLS. SHALL BE PROVIDED BY SIGN OR SYMBOL AND SHALL BE AFFIXED SPHERE 4INCHES(102 MM)IN DIAMETER. TO THE EXTERIOR WALL OF THE RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE IN 3.TEN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT(480 PA)FOR INTERIOR LIGHT-FRAME EXCEPTIONS: COMPLIANCE WITH 19 NYCCR PART 1265.RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES WOOD WALLS. 1.THE TRIANGULAR OPENINGS AT THE OPEN SIDE OF NOT FORMED P BY THE WITH TRUSS TYPE CONSTRUCTION,PRE-ENGINEERED WOOD RISER,TREAD AND BOTTOM RAIL OF A GUARD,SHALL NOT ALLOW PASSAGE TOP OF PLATE - - CONSTRUCTION AND/OR TIMBER CONSTRUCTION. 4.FIVE POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT(240 PA)FOR INTERIOR LIGHT-FRAME OF A SPHERE 6 INCHES(153 MM)IN DIAMETER. 2.GUARDS ON THE OPEN SIDE OF STAIRS SHALL NOT HAVE OPENINGS THAT COLD-FORMED STEEL WALLS. ALLOW PASSAGE OF A SPHERE 4-3/8 INCHES(I I 1 MM)IN DIAMETER. El5.EIGHTY POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT(3830 PA)FOR 8-INCH-THICK(203 MM) R312.1.4 EXTERIOR PLASTIC COMPOSITE GUARDS. z MASONRY WALLS. PLASTIC COMPOSITE EXTERIOR GUARDS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE N 6.EIGHTY-FIVE POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT(4070 PA)FOR 6-INCH-THICK REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION R317.4,FT o r 00 Fm (152 MM)CONCRETE WALLS. m R312.2 WINDOW FALL PROTECTION. m LLu 7.TEN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT(480 PA)FOR SIP WALLS. WINDOW FALL PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH o SECTIONS R312.2.1 AND R312.2.2. _ m _0611 EXCEPTIONS: R312.2.1 WINDOW SILLS. 1.ROOF AND CEILING DEAD LOADS NOT EXCEEDING 25 POUNDS PER IN DWELLING UNITS,WHERE THE TOP OF THE SILL OF AN OPERABLE WINDOW N - OPENING IS LOCATED LESS THAN 24 INCHES(610 MM)ABOVE THE FINISHED TOP OF SUBFLOOR - - _ _ - SQUARE FOOT(1190 PA)SHALL BE PERMITTED PROVIDED THAT THE WALL FLOOR AND GREATER THAN 72 INCHES(1829 MM)ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE BRACING AMOUNTS IN SECTION R602.10.3 ARE INCREASED IN ACCORDANCE TOP OF CEILING - OR OTHER SURFACE BELOW ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING,THE - WITH TABLE R602.10.3(4). OPERABLE WINDOW SHALL COMPLY WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1.OPERABLE OW® 2.LIGHT-FRAME WALLS WITH STONE MASONRY VENEER SHALL 7U (102 MM)SPHERE TO PASS THROUGH WHERE THE OPENINGS ARE IN THEIR PERMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEE WIND OPENINGS WILL NOT ALLOW A 4-INCH-DIAMETER PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS R702.1 AND R703. LARGEST OPENED POSITION. 2.OPERABLE WINDOWS ARE PROVIDED WITH WINDOW FALL PREVENTION DEVICES THAT COMPLY WITH ASTM F2090. 3.FIREPLACES AND CHIMNEYS SHALL BE PERMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 3.OPERABLE WINDOWS ARE PROVIDED WITH WINDOW OPENING CONTROL c CHAPTER 10. , FP DEVICES THAT COMPLY WITH SECTION R312.2.2.Li ( 1 GROSS FLOOR AREA PER TC 208-207 R312.2.2 WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICES, v WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICES SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F2090. (1 •� THE WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICE,AFTER OPERATION TO RELEASE !J- X LOT AREA-47,904 SQ.FT. THE CONTROL DEVICE ALLOWING THE WINDOW TO FULLY OPEN,SHALL NOT REDUCE THE NET CLEAR OPENING AREA OF THE WINDOW UNIT TO LESS THAN 'Q ILL TOP OF SUBFLOOR - - ALLOWABLE GFA=4350 SQ.FT. +7.5%ABOVE 30,000 TO 5,100 SQ.FT. THE AREA REQUIRED BY SECTION R310.2.1. UJ Z ELE Iro.B' TOTAL ALLOWABLE 4350 SQ.FT.+(7.5%X17,904 SQ.FT.)= *5,692 SQ.FT. ul m *MAX ALLOWED=5,100 SQ.FT. FIRST FLOOR EXISTING LIVING AREA= 1,896 SQ.FT. (NO CHANGE) ` N r SECOND FLOOR EXISTING LIVING AREA= 858 SQ.FT. a EXISTING AVE. - ---- - SECOND FLOOR PROPOSED ADDITION=772 SQ.FT. Q m NATURAL GRADE = 12.4' TOTAL LIVING AREA PER TOWN CODE 208-207=3,526 SQ.FT. �mm X 9 O SEE SHEET 2 (REAR ELEVATION)FOR COMPLIANCE WITH TOWN CODE 280-208 PYRAMID LAW ill Z SOUTH ELEVATION a a o I. AREA OF SECOND FLOOR ADDITION _ I Lu m (1/ WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL LIL u- Lu FOR WAILL OPENING PROTECTION OF130 MPH 3-SECOND WIND GUSTS I CONT, RIDGE VENT I '7 ( MAXIMUM MEAN ROOF HEIGHT: 35') ENGINEER: NE1 SHUTTER ASSEMBLY MATCH EXISTINGs- - �',� N.T.S. OOF SHINGLES I \ I �,, °� FOR PANEL SPANS: I 0<4'0 WIDE SPAN \ \ 1 Ul I p J 12 23/32"APA SPAN-RATED 48/24 SHEATHING GRADE PLYWOOD I \ \ (OVERLAP AROUND OPENINGS 4") ASSEMBLY: •'1' - - P PLATEr�, ~70i�✓ ~�'!f' ATTACHING STRUCTURAL PANEL: FASTEN TO BUILDING w/ I To of #1OxY (w/WASHERS)GALVINIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL I JEFFREY`T,-BUTLER, P.E. WOOD SCREW @ -16" O.C. I I i! ALTERNATIVE FASTNER FOR SHUTTER TO BUILDING: \ \ I 4 0 #10 TEE NUTS ATTACHED TO BLDG. w/#10xl-1/2 (W/WASHERS) \•�;\ _ 0 m MACHINE BOLT @ 12" O.C. \ \ I ° @ \ I O N o a \ J - !� n MATCH EXISTING SIDING TOP OF SUBFLOOR r r i I'�. I Imo.• -t-; I.I t LTIPLE SECTION ASSEMBLY: - O z LT THIGIG BOLTS 2 OC - TOP OF CEILING ~ (K II II ' Q VLLI 0 O Z O 0 II �I I W to o I I II o (!) N ICI" I�� °O O Q- I IHill IH SHUTTER ASSEMBLYdi OW ul I 0 FOR PANEL. SPANS: I I I I I I I I IL � -g N o ;Q 4' OR WIDER SPAN I I I O m t II 23/32" APA SPAN-RATE-0 48/24 SHEATHING GRADE PLYWOOD I ��� i.l I�' - TOP OF SUBFLC�OR a (OVERLAP AROUND O1=ENINGsS 411) I i t I I II II U � n 2x4 STRONG-BAGGS o 24" OC ASSEMBLY: U. PREASSEMBLE PLYWOOD TO 2x4'6: * IOx3" (w/ WASHERS) GALVINIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL WOOD SCREW m 12" O.C. 2). ATTACHING STRUCTURAL PANEL: FASTEN TO BUILDING w/ I'I' *iox3" (w/ WASHERS) GALVINIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL • WOOD SCREW IN III O.C. PAGE. ALTERNATIVE FASTNER FOR SHUTTER TO BUILDING:-1/2 ( WEAST ELEVATION O *10 TEE NUTS ATtACH1-D TO BLDG. w/ *IOxI-I/2 l W/ WASHERS) MACHINE BOLT w 12" O.C. THE DESIGN OF THIS STRUCTURE IS BASED UPON THE PRESCRIPTIVE APPROACH USING THE WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL,HIGH WIND EDITION (WFCM)PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN FOREST AND PAPER ASSOCIATION. (2015) � NON-STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS ARE BASED UPON 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE PUBLISHED BY NEW YORK STATE. ,' `% FOR THE CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL DESIGN CRITERIA,SEE TABLE R301.2(1)AND THE TABLE ON COVER SHEET. f `% ALL NON-ENGINEERED LUMBER TO BE DOUGLAS FIR#2 OR BETTER ' i WIND LIMITATIONS-SECTION R301.2.1 ,' `% DESIGN CRITERIA-SECTION R301.2.1.1(SEE TABLE R301.2.1.2 FOR WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION �' Ix6 AZEK TRIM, %% FASTENING SCHEDULE FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS) ,' MATCH EXISTING DEAD LOAD-SECTION R301.4 ,' DETAILS 12 LIVE LOAD-SECTION R301.5 �� ��` SMOKE INDEX R302.9 ,� 5 `% FLAME SPREAD INDEX R302.10 FIRE BLOCKING R302.11 FIRE BLOCKING MATERIAL R302.11.1 ,' `% FIRE PROTECTION OF FLOORS R302.1.3 i' `% LIGHT AND VENTILATION-SECTION R.303 `% MINIMUM ROOM AREAS-SECTION R304 CEILING HEIGHT-SECTION R305 ��� - - TAP OF PLATE SANITATION-SECTION R306 i TOILET BATH AND SHOWER SPACES-SECTION R307 i� GLAZING-SECTION R308 GARAGES AND CARPORTS-SECTION R309 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS-SECTION R310 EXITS-SECTION R311 i� 5/4n x4"AZEK STAIRWAYS-SECTION R311.7 CASINGz, TYP. ` GUARDS-SECTION R312 `` SMOKE ALARMS-SECTION R314 FOAM PLASTIC-SECTION R316 �� O0 DWELLING UNIT SEPARATION-SECTION R302LH H PROTECTION AGAINST DECAY-SECTION R317 �� `%% R5o PROTECTION AGAINST TERMITES-SECTION R318 �� SITE ADDRESS-SECTION R312 i ACCESSIBILITY-SECTION R320 ' ELEVATORS AND PLATFORM LIFTS R321 FLOOD RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION-SECTION R322 TOP OF SUBFLOOIR� - ___- % � o FOUNDATION NOTES: IB N/A ' _ _ - - - TOP OF CEILING p FLOORS-WFCM PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FLOOR FRAMING SHALL BE NAILED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 3.1 WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION FLOOR CONSTRUCTION: E :H a 3/a"OSB PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR,FASTEN PER TABLE 3.1 WFCM FLOOR JOISTS:SEE FLOOR PLANS,SPACING AS NOTED FASTEN PER TABLE 3.1 WFCM o � FINISH FLOORS PER AGREEMENT oo 0 WALL CONSTRUCTION-WFCM PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD o WALL FRAMING AND FINISHING SHALL BE NAILED AND OR SCREWED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 3.1 WFCM 1X6 AZEK FASCIA MATCH ALL EXTERIOR TRIM DETAILS OVERHANGS MATCH ALL EXISTING z AZEK VENTED SOFFITS ALUMINUM GUTTERS AND LEADERS TOP OF SUBFLOOIR - w SIDING:MATCH EXISTING16.0, GRADE _ _ _ __ _ EL.=15.9' BLUESKIN m '/i'CDX SHEATHING,SEE FASTENING SCHEDULE,TABLE 3.1 WFCM EL.=14.5' 2 2X6 STUDS @ 16"O.C.WITH 2X6 SHOE:AND DOUBLE 2X6 PLATE 15.7' 2 1/2"GYPSUM WALL BOARD O x ''/i'MR GWB IN WET AREAS ir AT LEAST ONE WINDOW IN EACH SLEEPING ROOM SHALL COMPLY WITH THE EXIT REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION R310 NOTE DRILLING AND NOTCHING Ul LIMITATIONS IN FIGURE R602.6(1)FO'R BEARING WALLS AND FIGURE R602.6(2) Z 00 FOR NON-BEARING WALLS. FOLLOW EXTERIOR CORNER FRAMING DETAIL FIGURE R602.10.5 F ROOF ASSEMBLIES-WFCM PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD ASPHALT STRIP SHINGLES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF SIX(6) 48'0"TO PROPERTY LINE NORTH ELEVATION a FASTENERS PER SHINGLE(SECTION R905.6) UNDERLAYMENT APPLICATION(SECTION R905.2.7) (L FOR ROOF SLOPES OF TWO(2)UNITS VERTICAL IN TWELVE(12) Ul UNITS HORIZONTAL(17-PERCENT SLOPE), _Z UP TO FOUR(4)UNITS VERTICAL IN TWELVE(12)UNITS -I HORIZONTAL(33-PERCENT SLOPE),UNDERLAYMENT H SHALL BE TWO(2)LAYERS APPLIED iN THE FOLLOWING MANNER. APPLY A 19-INCH(483 MM)STRIP OF UNDERLAYMENT FELT PARALLEL I `� WITH AND STARTING AT THE EAVES,FASTENED SUFFICIENTLY TABLE 3.11 (WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION) TABLE 3.10(WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION) U TO HOLD IN PLACE. STARTING AT THE EAVE,APPLY 36-INCH-WIDE(914 MM)SHEETS OF d TABLE 3.2B(WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION-2015) (140 MPH 3-SECOND GUST=120 MPH FASTEST-MILE WIND SPEED[PER TABLE R3- ROOF SHEATHING ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS UNDERLAYMENT,OVERLAPPING SUCCESSIVE SHEETS 19 INCH XES(483 MM), SILL OR BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTIONS RESISTING LATERAL&SHEAR LOADS WALL SHEATHING ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS (140 MPH 3-SECOND GUST=120 MPH FASTEST-MILE WIND SPEED[PER TABLE R301.2(4)A) AND FASTENED SUFFICIENTLY TO HOLD IN PLACE. FOR ROOF SLOPES OF FOUR(4)UNITS VERTICAL IN TWELVE(12)UNITS SHEATHING LOCATION STUD SPACING STRUCTURAL SHEATHING MAXIMUM NAIL SPACING SHEATHING LOCATION STUD SPACING STRUCTURAL SHEATHING MAXIMUM NAIL SPACING ` LL BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION FOUNDATION MAXIMUM ANCHOR MAXIMUM ANCHOR OR PANEL SIDING FOR 8d COMMON NAILS OR PANEL SIDING FOR 8d COMMON NAILS HJ W m BOLT SPACING(IN.) BOLT SPACING(IN.) (SEE NOTE 1) (INCHES,O.C.) (SEE NOTE 1) (INCHES,O.C.) ICE PROTECTION(SECTION R D(SEC BOLT CONNECTION RESISTING SUPPORTING (SEE NOTE 3) (INCHES,O.C.) (SEE NOTE 3) (INCHES,O.C.) UNDERLAYMENT IN HIGH WIND(SEC:TION R 905.2.7.2) (1/2"ANCHOR BOLTS) (5/8"ANCHOR BOLTS) � � ('p [Il FLASHING(SECTION R 905.2.8) 4'EDGE ZONE 16 E 6 4'PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 16 E 6 Q 1^ O cHTMNEY'S AND FIRESPACEs-CHAPTER 10 F 6 140 MILE PER HOUR ZONE - NAILING SCHEDULE . c� F 12(SEE NOTE 2) 3: 1 ENERGY EFFICIENCY-CHAPTER 11,SEE ATTACHED REPORT E 6 (TABLE 3.1,WFCM HIGH WIND EDITION) N r MECHANICAL-CHAPTER 12 LATERAL AND SHEAR LOADS 1-3 STORY 31 48 E 6 INTERIOR ZONE 16 F 12(SEE NOTE 2) GENERAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS-CHAPTER 13 INTERIOR ZONE 16 E 4 JOINT DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF NAILS NAIL SPACING HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT-CHAPTER 14 F 12 GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRUSS F 4 ROOF FRAMING ci) � EXHAUST SYSTEMS-CHAPTER 15 1_ 0 � %D DUCT SYSTEMS-CHAPTER 16 NOTE:MAX 12"FROM EACH CORNER AND EACH SPLICE,PROVIDE BEARING PLATE BY SIMPSON,SEE DETAIL E=NAIL SPACING AT PANEL EDGES(IN.) E=NAIL SPACING AT PANEL EDGES(IN.) RAFTER TO TOP PLATE(TOE-NAILED) 4-8d PER RAFTER T� COMBUSTION AIR-CHAPTER 17 F=NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD(IN.) F=NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD(IN.) :3X CHIMNEYS AND VENTS-CHAPTER 18 CEILING JOIST TO TOP PLATE(TOE-NAILED) 4-8d PER JOIST O w PLUMBING-PARTVII 1.FOR WALL SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE CORNERS,THE 4 FOOT EDGE ZONE ATTACHMENT 1.FOR ROOF SHEATHING WITHIN 4 FEET OF THE PERIMETER EDGE OF THE ROOF,INCLUDING 4 FEET ON EACH z GENERAL NOTES: CQ REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE USED. SIDE OF THE ROOF PEAK,THE 4 FOOT PERIMETER EDGE ZONE ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE USED. CEILING JOIST TO PARALLEL RAFTER(FACE-NAILED) 9-16d EACH LAP 1.ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE,MUNICIPAL, 2.TABULATED 12 INCH O.C.NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO STUD FRAMING CEILING JOIST LAPS OVER PARTITIONS(FACE-NAILED) 9-16d EACH LAP O 2.TABULATED 12 INCH O.C.NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO ALLRAFTER/TRUSS FRAMING MEMBERS O LOCAL ZONING AND BUILDING CODES AND ORDINANCES HAVING JURISDICTION AND MEMBERS WITH GZ0.49.FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42<G<0.49,THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL WITH GZ0.49.FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42<�<Q.49,THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE REDUCED TO 6 INCHES O.C. COLLAR TIE TO RAFTER BEST STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BE REDUCED TO 6 INCHES O.C. (FACE-NAILED) 6-8d PER TIE ARCHITECTS CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY TO ALL WORK PERFORMED ON THIS PROJECT. 3.TABULATED 6 INCH O.C.NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRUSS FRAMING MEMBERS BLOCKING TO RAFTER(TOE-NAILED) 2-8d EACH END ,3.FOR EXTERIOR PANEL SIDING,GALVANIZED BOX NAILS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE SUBSTITUTED WITH GZ0.49.FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42<Q<Q,49,THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE REDUCED TO 4 INCHES O.C. �Q 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AT THE SITE.ANY DISCREPANCIES FOR COMMON NAILS. RIM BOARD TO RAFTER(END-NAILED) 2-16d EACH END MUST BE;BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT 4.TABULATED 4 INCH O.C.NAIL SPACING ASSUMES SHEATHING ATTACHED TO RAFTER/TRUSS FRAMING MEMBERS U--OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECTIONS NOT WITH G>0.49.FOR FRAMING MEMBERS WITH 0.42<G<0.49,THE NAIL SPACINGS SHALL BE REDUCED TO 3 INCHES O.C. WALL FRAMING 1 1 REPORTED ONCE HE HAS STARTED WORK EXCEPT FOR HIDDEN JOB CONDITIONS. _ _ 3.CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE TO THE OWNER THAT ALL MATERIALS AND AREA OF SECOND FLOOR ADDITION TOP PLATE TO TOP PLATE(FACE-NAILED) 2-16d(SEE NOTE 1) PER FOOT EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED IN THE WORK WILL BE NEW,AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE I I OF GOOD QUALITY,FREE FROM FAULTS AND DEFECTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM I I TOP PLATES AT INTERSECTIONS(FACE-NAILED) 4-16d JOINTS-EACH SIDE THE DATE OF THE FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. STUD TO STUD(FACE-NAILED) 2-16d 24"O.C. ENGINEER: 4.THE ENGINEER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION MEANS,METHODS, HEADER TO HEADER(FACE-NAILED) 16d 16"O.C.ALONG EDGES I I TECHNIQUES,SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES,OR FOR THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND I PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK,AND HE SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONT. RIDGE VENT TOP OR BOTTOM PLATE TO STUD(END-NAILED) 2-16d PER 2x4 STUD THE CONTRACTORS FAILURE TO CARRY OUT THE WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE - s� ' .( T. 3-16d PER 2x6 STUDCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. THE ENGINEER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS BY THE CONTRACTOR. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE IN THE DOCUMENTS 4 16d PER 2x8 STUD AND/OR THE BUILDING AS DESIGNED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE BOTTOM PLATE TO FLOOR JOIST,BANDJOIST, ENGINEER. 'r ENDJOIST OR BLOCKING(FACE-NAILED) 2-16d(SEE NOTE 1,2) PER FOOT U;3 ATCH EXISTING FLOOR FRAMING 5.THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL MAINTAIN CONTINUOUS � f . INSURANCE COVERAGE INCLUDING STATUTORY POLICIES(WORKER COMPENSATION,ETC.) ROOF SHINGLES JOIST TO SILL,TOP PLATE OR GIRDER(TOE-NAILED) 4-8d PER JOIST ��^ �, 0 AND GENERAL LIABILITY IN AN MOUNT NOT LESS THAT$5 MILLION AND AUTOMOBILE - /J 73�1 LIABILITY AND DAMAGE COVERAGE NOT LESS THAN$2 MILLION. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE BRIDGING TO JOIST(TOE-NAILED) 2-8d EACH END A NAMED INSURED ON ANY AND ALL POLICIES. BLOCKING TO JOIST(TOE-NAILED) 2-8d EACH END -LJ, 6.PROVIDE COPPER TERMITE SHIELDS OVER FIBROUS INSULATION AT ALL PERIMETER SILLS. BLOCKING TO SILL OR TOP PLATE(TOE NAILED) 3-16d EACH BLOCK JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. 7.ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY TO BE WOLMANIZED OR PRESSURE - LEDGER STRIP TO BEAM(FACE-NAILED) 3-16d EACH JOIST Q m CREOSOTED. TOP OF PLATE - - 8.A SINGLE STATION SMOKE DETECTOR ALARM DEVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH JOIST ON LEDGER TO BEAM(TOE-NAILED) 3-8d PER JOIST BEDROOM,ON ALL FLOORS AND SHALL BE ALL INTERCONNECTED PER CODE. ~ }BAND JOIST TO JOIST(END-NAILED) 3-16d PER JOIST 9.ALL BATHROOMS WITHOUT OPERABLE WINDOWS TO BE MECHANICALLY VENTILATED BAND JOIST TO SILL OR TOP PLATE(TOE-NAILED) 2-16d(SEE NOTE 1) PER FOOT LL AS PER NEW YORK STATE CODE. iL 10.HEATING TO BE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE 70 DEGREES F.WITH OUTDOOR DESIGNED ROOF SHEATHING O Q O AIR-TEMPERATURE OF 0 DEGREES F.AND 15 MPH WIND. o STRUCTURAL PANELS 8d SEE TABLE 3.11 THIS SHEET O O 11.ALL ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE IN ACCORDANCE TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING Q 9 Q THE N.Y.B.F.U.AND A N.Y.B.F.U.CERTIFICATE IS TO BE PRESENTED TO THE OWNER AT THE 1"x6"OR 1"x8" 2-8d PER SUPPORT O COMPLETION OF THE JOB. Lill] 1"x10"OR WIDER 3-8d PER SUPPORT CEILING SHEATHING Q ^ O 12.PLUMBING INSTALLATION TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND THE 1 l oft Z SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO MEET HEALTH DEPARTMENT STANDARDS. MATCH EXISTING CEILING $ SIDINCs Q O 13.DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. USE FIGURE DIMENSIONS ONLY. TOP OF SUBFLOOR - GYPSUM WALLBOARD Sd COOLERS 7"EDGE/10"FIELD Q z � 14.ALL WORK TO CONFORM TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE NEW YORK TOP OF CEILING - - ',' ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE. ALL GLAZED AREA TO BE DOUBLE WALL SHEATHING 0 a GLAZED AND ALL EXTERIOR DOORS TO HAVE INSULATED CORES. STRUCTURAL PANELS 8d SEE TABLE 3.11 THIS SHEET W z z Q 15.THE INSULATION PROTECTION AS INDICATED ON THESE PLANS EXCEEDS THE FIREBOARD PANELS (L 7/16" 16" O � 6d 3"EDGE FIELD ~ Y CODE'S MINIMUM STANDARDS. 25/32 8d 3"EDGE/6"FIELD O GYPSUM 16.THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND - U JO d SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ENGINEER WHETHER THE PROJECT FOR o WALLBOARD Sd COOLERS 7"EDGE/l0"FIELD � WHICH THEY ARE MADE IS EXECUTED OR NOT. THEY MAY NOT BE USED 5c ON ANY OTHER PROJECT EXCEPT By'WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE ENGINEER. HARDBOARD 8d SEE TABLE 3.11 THIS SHEET U O g 17.THE ENGINEER HAS NOT BEEN RETAINED FOR SITE SUPERVISION,ON-SITE PARTICLEBOARD PANELS 8d SEE TABLE 3.11 THIS SHEET lid INSPECTIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS AS REQUIRED OR REQUESTED BY THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR OR LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING 1"x6"OR 1"x8" 2-8d PER SUPPORT Q o UPLIFT-CONTINUOUS PATH CONNECTORS UPLIFT-CONTINUOUS PATH 1"x10"OR WIDER 3-8d PER SUPPORT V CONNECTORS(CONT.) TOP OF SUBFLOOR - - FLOOR SHEATHING USE SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS _ _ _ FOLLOW PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE AND RAFTER TO STUD CONNECTION USE: STRUCTURAL PANELS INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR HIGH WIND RESISTANT H8,EACH ROOF RAFTER V OR LESS 8d 6"EDGE/12"FIELD CONSTRUCTION CATALOG C-HW02 USE 8 16d NAILS AT EACH END GREATER THAN 1" IOd 6"EDGE/6"FIELD DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION USE: RAFTER TO RIDGE TO RAFTER CONNECTION USE: 1"x6"OR WI 2-8d PER SUPPORT PAGE : 1"x10"OR WIDER 3-8d PER SUPPORT USE 4 8d NAILS AT EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER MSTA 36,1 O.C. CS20 USE 8-8d NAILS IN EACH END 1.NAILING REQUIREMENTS ARE BASED ON WALL SHEATHING NAILED 6"ON-CENTER AT THE PANEL EDGE. FOR CANTILEVER CONDITION USE MTS12,16"O.C. IF WALL SHEATHING IS NAILED 3"ON-CENTER AT THE PANEL EDGE TO OBTAIN HIGHER SHEAR CAPACITIES, USE 4 8d NAILS AT EACH END NAILING REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE DOUBLED,OR ALTERNATE CONNECTORS, /1 O WEST ELEVATION SUCH AS SHEAR PLATES,SHALL BE USED TO MAINTAIN THE LOAD PATH. L 2.WHEN WALL SHEATHING IS CONTINUOUS OVER CONNECTED MEMBERS,THE TABULATED NUMBER OF al NAILS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE REDUCED TO 1-16d NAIL PER FOOT. -----------------------EXIST-voha-------------------------------------------------EXIST-VENT---------------------- 71 -------------------- EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING I I ' I I I I I , (2) 1 3/4 X II '1/8 LVq HDR, ( ) 1 3/4 X 11 ll S LVL HDR. II NOTE: ' 0 ' I , VERIFY (2)2xIO HDR I I I I 1 I I OVER EACH WINDOW 1 y ( WITHOUT NEW HDR NOTED ' EXISTING CRAWL SPACE i w 0 w-'I x z IL a 3g�g" O iz EXISTING: SLAB I I x I I >1-I I I 4 I EXISTING X' z —R' CMU PIER, TYP, I �" i `�I �!w ?Q LitI II r1 1 r1 I I I I 1 I x EXISTING ------- --- ---- -------9 -------- EXISTING EXIST-IN G M l�U I FAMILY ROOM DECK u m 8'0" CLC. HCT. (PROTECT AS R EQUIREDGIRDER I - - - 41 z [- • ` ' ` � � I I I w N O i t i X UNTIL WORK IS COMPLETE) ------- — -- ------- _ I I w I I NOTE: a I N p >' EXISTING CEILING AND ROOF wo I 0 , I -' ABOVE TO BE REMOVED, m Vol PROVIDE SHORING: AS REQUIRED. N ,i I I ; .4 Q I w 0 X 2 z i , , aL �, O EXISTING D.J. W Q 1 v = m lxll ' l7 y I �I V• IW— I I i i N E ISTING Ix 'w - FII� PLACE w 1 3/4" X 1 (4)2x4 POST I I I EXISTING I I 1 w CRAWL SPACE i i i 0 LVL F.J. TO FND BELOW I I lu 1 -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------��CE.rz.�Z---------- _ 1 Z NEW (3) 1 3/4"x14" LVL FLUSH, TECO NEW F.J. TO BEAM I I I _ — — — — - Ir------------------------------------------------------------------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I I ----------------------------- ; (4)2x4 POST 1 O I i i i TO FND BELOW XISTIN RNAC EXISTING EXISTING FLOOR JOISTS I HWH I I i � E�TINCs FLOOR JOISTS-. a Z I I X L _ _ _ _ _ _� ' EXISTING: I I EXISTING: '1, '4 u- EXISTING I 4'x5k5/8" F.C.I ' ' I yC BEDROOM I I lJJ w %.- o COLUMN ' GWB OVER ' w KITCHEN 8'0" CLG, HGT. I 1 8'0" CLG. HGT,EXISTING 2x10 F.J. FURNACE EXISTING 2x10 F.J. (K PER CODE I I I 1 I EXISTING 2x10 F.J. XI I I I ' iv SINK X 1�- I I --------- I I I -----i O m I I I I I I 1 -----------------------i i W.C. o 0 o W.C, o o RANGE ' X 1 1 EXIST, D.W. I EXISTING CELLAR I OIL i `------ LAv LA i EXISTING U! M II II EXIST®ING SLAB TANK i --- I -------------------, w / 11 1 0 z \o TUB/O EXISTING O SNOW W D OI EXISTING co BATH 0- O Li XI I� i 2'4 I-6" I I lhI ul z I z I EXIST, , N 1 I U l ---------'W i w Lu I I I NOTE: ' REPIPE SANITARY LINE AS , I i i i CLO, MUD ROOM REQUIRED FOR GRAVITY ___ EXIStINCx --------- I __-- ENGINEER: I I I 1 0 � E I FEED TO NEW SYSTEM I I I `_ EXISTING: - � � � O r. a, i I ( 4 { BEDROOM i i II i i i i i 8'O CLG. HGT. D.W. EXISTING R.R.EXISTING C.J. {`• P EXISTING I I I Ilu �} IIi EXITING D.J. > SANITARY _N EXISTING EX ST, OUT STAIR HALL u --- -- ------------------------------ EXI&T-EP--------------- ------------------- C1' /7777777 ; I I I , +-------- ------------------------------------ _-/ i i EATING EXISTING EXISTING 11 1 I I I I ,z , / EXIST, , • , 1 EXISTING R.R. CLO, ; ; JEFFREY T, BUTLER, P,E, 1 I I I Ik IX I / EXI TING EXISTING R.R. i Ll i i i i F (YER � \ P Q --U� XISTING0 E z ZIZ �+is zz COVERED PORCH 4 m `-----------------------' i w i i w i X x �(; G N X \y%O i i lr o 1 EXISTING: POST --- , I / 111 111 �� V W 111 I I O TO FOOTING, TYP, ---------------------------- i EXIS ING \�� \` z a O u' z ,n ° �I I I Q O u ----------------------------------- p --------------------------------------- p ------------------------------------ —I LINE OF EXISTING PORCH ABOVE ' ' LINE OF EXISTING PORCH ABOVE 1 R' I �..-. Q Z O m EXISTING R.R. zI ,EXISTING R.R. ' _ � O z I � I X i 1 EXISTING C.J. XI EXISTING C.J.�� 0 ul i ' WI i Q Q 1 1 --------------I ------- Z LINE OF EXISTING PORCH ABOVE W Z Z � w O M 0 fy 0 O N O XU. a ;p EXISTING FOUNDATION PLAN EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN 3 Sl"fOKE DETECTOR EXISTING LIVING AREA = 1,896 SQ.FT. tu 0 4 Q INTERCONNECT PER CODE � ONE PER FLOOR CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR SMOKE DETECTOR INTERCONNECT PER CODE coo CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR ONE PER FLOOR PAGE : 3 of � SECTIONP3103: VENT TERMINALS TABLE P3201.7 P3103.1 VENT PIPES TERMINATING OUTDOORS. SIZE OF TRAPS FOR PLUMBING FIXTURES WALL LEGEND VENT PIPES TERMINATING OUTDOORS SHALL BE EXTENDED TO THE OUTDOORS THROUGH THE ROOF OR A SIDEWALL OF THE BUILDING IN PLUMBING FIXTURE TRAP SIZE MIN. 5-tod ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE METHODS IDENTIFIED IN SECTIONS (INCHES) NAILS PROPOSED 2x6 WALL P3103.1.1 THROUGH P3103.1.4. BATHTUB(WITH OR WITHOUT SHOWER HEAD 1 1/2 P3103.1.1 ROOF EXTENSION. AND/OR WHIRLPOOL ATTACHMENTS a OPEN VENT PIPES THAT EXTEND THROUGH A ROOF THAT DO NOT MEET BIDET 1 1/4 a PROPOSED 2x4 WALL THE CONDITIONS OF SECTION IP3103.1.2 OR P3103.1.3 SHALL TERMINATE NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES(150 MM)ABOVE THE ROOF OR 6 INCHES(150 MM) CLOTHES WASHER STANDPIPE 2 ABOVE THE ANTICIPATED SNOW ACCUMULATION,WHICHEVER IS GREATER. i I 0 EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN P3103.1.2 ROOF USED FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES. DISHWASHER(ON SEPARATE TRAP) 1 1/2 iiI 0 WHERE A ROOF IS TO BE USED FOR ASSEMBLY,AS A PROMENADE, ill - - - - - OBSERVATION DECK OR SUNB ATHING DECK,OR FOR SIMILAR PURPOSES, FLOOR DRAIN 2 EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVED C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5-IOd OPEN VENT PIPES SHALL TERMINATE NOT LESS THAN 7 FEET(2134 MM) KITCHEN SINK(ONE OR TOW TRAPS,WITH OR 1 1/2 NAILS ABOVE THE ROOF. WITHOUT DISWASHER AND FOOD WASTE DISPOSER) P3103.1.3 ROOF EXTENSION COVERED. LAUNDRY TUB(ONE OR MORE COMPARTMENTS) 1 1/2 WHERE AN OPEN VENT PIPE TERMINATES ABOVE A SLOPED ROOF AND IS COVERED BY EITHER A ROOF-MOUNTED PANEL(SUCH AS A SOLAR LAVATORY 1 1/4 COLLECTOR OR PHOTOVOLTAIIC PANEL MOUNTED OVER THE VENT OPENING)OR A ROOF ELEMENT(SUCH AS AN ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE SHOWER(BASED ON THE TOTAL FLOW RATE OR A DECORATIVE SHROUD),THE VENT PIPE SHALL TERMINATE NOT LESS THROUGH SHOWERHEADS AND BODY SPRAYS) THAN 2 INCHES(51 MM)ABOVE THE ROOF SURFACE.SUCH ROOF ELEMENTS FLOW RATE: S I MPSON STRONG-TIE SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PREVENT THE ADVERSE EFFECTS OF SNOW 5.7 GPM AND LESS 1 1/2 ACCUMULATION CEMENT O A AND WI O 011 A VENT FUNCTION OF THE THE DESIGN THE OF A ROOF MORE THAN 5.7 GPM UP TO 12.3 GPM 2 �--IS �--IUR R I C /1 NE TIE E MORE THAN 12.3 GPM UP TO 25.8 GPM 3 f-� ELEMENT COVERING THE VENT PIPE SHALL PROVIDE FOR AN OPEN AREA MORE THAN 25.8 GPM UP TO 55.6 GPM 4 FOR THE VENT PIPE TO THE OUTDOORS THAT IS NOT LESS THAN THE AREA FOR SI: 1 INCH-25.4 mm, 1 FOOT=304.8 mm. OF THE PIPE,AS CALCULATED FROM THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE. SUCH VENT TERMINALS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A METHOD THAT PREVENTS BIRDS AND RODENTS FROM ENTERING OR BLOCKING THE VENT 36'4" z PIPE OPENING. o P3103.1.4 SIDEWALL VENT TERMINAL. 4'2" TO" T 0" TO" 7'0" 4'2" VENT TERMINALS EXTENDING THROUGH THE WALL SHALL TERMINATE 0. NOT LESS THAN 10 FEET(3048 MM)FROM A LOT LINE AND NOT LESS THAN 4" VTR 10 FEET(3048 MM)ABOVE THE HIGHEST GRADE ELEVATION WITHIN 10 FEET (3048 MM)IN ANY DIRECTION HORIZONTALLY OF THE VENT TERMINAL. - - - - - �I t�d2&1G�L - - - - - - - -�' - - - - - - - - _ VENT PIPES SHALL NOT TERMINATE UNDER THE OVERHANG OF A NEW MASTER BATH 3" NEW BATH -----_ EXISTING BATH NEW BATH I TEMPERED TEMPERED TW2 52-2 TW2852-2 TW2852-2 STRUCTURE WHERE THE OVERHANG INCLUDES SOFFIT VENTS.SUCH VENT _ _ ---� '------ --r-------- 1 I I ---1 -- r-----311 I - TERMINALS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A METHOD THAT PREVENTS BIRDS - ' ' ' ' r - 1 I 1 1 I I 1 r i I I I I I 1 I l2)2x10 DR Q oo (2)2x1 HDR (2)2x10 HDR (2)2x10 HDR AND RODENTS FROM ENTERING OR BLOCKING THE VENT PIPE OPENING I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' LAV - :.. ' Q � AND THAT DOES NOT REDUCE THE OPEN AREA OF THE VENT PIPE. LAV LAV 1 LAV 1 I 1 LAV I 1 I _ W.G. W.G. TUB/ ' I W,C. TUB/ W,C N tUB PROPOSED P3103.2 FROST CLOSURE. TUB SHOWER SHOWER311� SHOWER SHOWER v I 2x10 C.J, 16" O.C. z `' N PROPOSED 2xi0 C,J, 0 16" O,C, rn A a' N HANG FROM R.R, 3 z WHERE THE 97.5-PERCENT VALUE FOR OUTSIDE DESIGN TEMPERATURE IS ' p 14'0" °F(-18°C)OR LESS,VENT EXTENSIONS THROUGH A ROOF OR WALL SHALL 1 - 0 SECOND FLOORFy- uu u ' I ' r------- --- --------- --- W a--- ------------------------- ------ --- r---- I BE NOT LESS THAN 3 INCHES 76 MM IN DIAMETER.ANY INCREASE IN THE - ------- ---------' o ( ) 2" 1, �� 11 �� I r1 �� �� ' X PROPOSED BATH � 1 ' -- _ � � r SIZE OF THE VENT SHALL BE MADE NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT(304.8 MM)INSIDE 2 3 2 3 2" 1 3 2 2 3 2 ' H cw oo m THE THERMAL ENVELOPE OF THE BUILDING. 3 ' 2 i (X I 8'O" CLG. HGT, I 1 D i w -3- ----r-• 3 3" i 2r 6" 9r Orr 2r 6" 21r Orr I I O o �•--••---�_----- ' 11 V n 2 P3103.3 FLASHINGS AND SEALING. I I I I r-----, 1 - S0 VANITY THE JUNCTURE OF EACH VENT PIPE WITH THE ROOF LINE SHALL BE MADE LAV W,C LAV W,C 1 i ; (k I Q, tu I w WATERTIGHT BY AN APPROVED FLASHING.VENT EXTENSIONS IN WALLS TUB/ SINK I SINK I I AV. AV, �ry 110 PROPOSED � 9 SHOWER SHOWER ' I o 0 0 o Q z = o I m AND SOFFITS SHALL BE MADE WEATHER TIGHT BY CAULKING. o N — MASTER BEDROOM ,�° s } w � I O P3103.4 PROHIBITED USE. MAIN FLOOR [Dw. Fw] [D.�uj I cx Jul 2 RID IL � „� O c_, X °O S'0" CLG, HG,T, ry+� . Q c� A VENT TERMINAL SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN A 211 211 211 �8 O o A u I O SHOWER O W.C. ®E.F, Or G a om vVENT TERMINAL. 211 311 211 3" 211 211 .4 I o \ o 1A P3103.5 LOCATION OF VENT TERMINAL. LL O I / / \ Q � ` ��� � O AN OPEN VENT TERMINAL FROM A DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL NOT BE 311 r. 0 I a Ia ` a 1 0 LOCATED LESS THAN 4 FEET(1219 MM)DIRECTLY BENEATH ANY DOOR, i---FAI I 6'10" 6' 10" V i - OPENABLE WINDOW,OR OTHER AIR INTAKE OPENING OF THE BUILDING C.O. � z I OR OF AN ADJACENT BUILDING,NOR SHALL ANY SUCH VENT TERMINAL I PROPOSED 2x10 R.R. 6 16" O.C. z BE WITHIN 10 FEET(3048 MM)HORIZONTALLY OF SUCH AN OPENING UNLESS I ,PROPOSED 2xi0 R.R. 16" O.C, 1 t0 AN APPROVED � MATCH PITCH AND IT IS NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET(914 MM)ABOVE THE TOP OF SUCH OPENING. ' `� I _ OVERHANG OF EXISTING I MATCH PITCH AND 4" SANITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM Q I ATTIC 1K I OVERHANG OF EXISTING I PROPOSED x�cEss _ Q I Q ` X R905.1.2ICE BARRIERS: W I W,I,C, DOl l$LE �_° _ a FLUMEJINGx RISER DIAGRAM (NTS) N x - I � �- I � � � 14'0" ,?i�Al�€� N o0 IN AREAS WHERE THE HAS BEEN A HISTORY OF ICE FORMING cil ALONG THE EAVES CAUSING A BACKUP OF WATER AS DESIGNATED IN TABLE R301.2(1),AN ICE BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR 1 (2)2x10 HDR I O 1^ ASPHALT SHINGLES,METAL ROOF SHINGLES,MINERAL SURFACED I Q EXISTING � PROPOSED � I _ � N r AND WOOD SHAKES.THE ICE LATE-TYPE SHINGLES,WOOD SHINGLES I CHIMNEY - CLOSETS F4 N ROLL ROOFING,SLATE AND S BARRIER SHALL CONSIST OF NOT FEWER I ---------------------------- z __--------- 4'0" 4'0" 1 � m THAN TWO LAYERS OF UNDE',RLAYMENT CEMENTED TOGETHER,OR A 3 Q=__ (2)2x10 HDR (2)2x10 -------------------------- ------ .. SELF-ADHERING POLYMER-MODIFIEDBITUMEN SHEET SHALL BE USED IN PLACE OF NORMAL UNDERLAYMENT AND EXTEND FROM THE I 11'6" 2'011 5'0" 4'011 LOWEST EDGES OF ALL ROOF SURFACES TO A POINT NOT LESS THAN _ I cv I X �, TUB/SNOW R = ') 24 INCHES(610mm)INSIDE THE EXTERIOR WALL LINE OF THE BUILDING. I o I ju ON ROOFS WITH SLOPE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 8 UNITS VERTICAL I EXISTING �� EXISTING x Z IN 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL,THE ICE BARRIER SHALL ALSO BE APPLIED �2x10 R.R, 16" O.C. Q o > 2x10 R.R. 16" O,C, n I , NOT LESS THAN 36 INCHES(9114mm)MEASURED ALONG THE ROOF SLOPE 2x12 RIDGE ° M 0 n = E,F, W. FROM THE EAVE EDGE OF THE BUILDING. oo 1/2" RAFTERS N P OPOSE PROPOSED EXCEPTION:DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES i/2" CDX SHEATHING I N ' 150 FELT I PRO, . BEDROOM I NOT CONTAINING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA. ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES I PROPOSED CLO. BATH Q o S'0" CLIG, HGsT, C (MATCH EXISTING) I BEDROOM .. I ff 2x4 C.T. 6 16 O,C, CONT RIDGE VENT 4" I LOCATED IN UPPER i/3RD 1 0 8'O" GLG. HGt, I U- (2) 10 HDR I OF ATTIC PER 12 12 ROOF VENTILATION 1:300 OF THE INSULATED OF 2018 WFGM CEILING AREA UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED 1 F ^ I �O 8 5 EAVE PROTECTION TO EXTEND FROM THE I `.' `Y 1 cv Q cv EDGE OF THE ROOF, uo" UP THE SLOPE I A= O o ENGINEER: BUT NOT LESS THAN 12" BEYOND PROVIDE 2X4 STRAP AT EACH R.R. THE INTERIOR FACE OF THE EXTERIOR WALL I o o i 1 1 x N ICE BARRIER\ TO C.J,, BLOCK AS REQ'D BAFFLE AS REQUIRED FOR ROOF VENTILATION I SHOWER L qV i EXISTING i I � � I 1 T. PER RSO5.1,2, (2)2xi0 HDR TYPICAL ALL I o ABOVE �' (K 2 o ATTIC 1 1 2'4" ' SKYLITE ' I �'' IN. 2x6 STRONGBAGK, TYP. I /\ 1 1 p a I �------------- � p I _ � PRO. �E,F. � I EXISTING �' N� LINEN PRO, BATN � I d%0 — I BATH z I 8 o CLG. HGT. N I ���` — TOP OF PLATE I N 4r 0r1 3'4" 8'01r I �O 0734 PROVIDE BUILDING GASKET AT R-4S INSULATION 1/2" GWB ON - I ®E.F, X' I A O� E ALL SHEETROCK INTERSECTIONS WALLS AND GEEING - = ' BUILDING MUST PASS 3 AIR SPACKLE AND PAINT MATCH EXISTING, °O JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. CHANGE& PER HOUR FASCIA AND OVERHANG I 2'4" r. - 1 EXISTING I I p PROPOSED PROPOSED o I BEDROOM ' E ISTI G I O MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH 2x6 STUDS 0 I 8'0" CLG, HGT, I �' O IR-21 INSULATION I I I I N 8 1/211 CDX SHEATHING I o I I I u o NOTE: INSTALL FLOOR JOISTS BLUESKIN I EXISTING PER MFG, PRODUCT GUIDE MATCH EXISTING SIDING I W,I,C, ' I '� O a O 3/4 SUBFLOOR I it TOP OF SUBFLOOR I 4'8" I 14'4" I z ~ u o U U I Q I a — TOP OF CEILING I I I O � �- 0 I Ozr m 0 l3) 13/4"xl6" LVLF,J. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXISTING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXISTING- - - - I Q EXISO Q w0 EXISTING EXISTING GWB - � z : � N FAMILY ROOM EXISTING 2x4 STUDS W O ° EXISTING INSULATION U) Z N EXISTING SHEATHING O Q EXISTING HOUSEWRAP CL ~ m EXISTING SIDING O U d XISTING F,J. — — TOP OF SUBFLOOR 0- � EXISTING � Q Q CRAWL SPACE EXISTING CMU FOUNDATION 7771 SECOND FLOOR PLAN EXISTING LIVING AREA = 858 SQ.FT. PROPOSED ADDITION = 772 SQ.FT. TOTAL LIVING AREA = 1,630 SQ.FT. PAGE : SECTION A-A SMOKE DETECTOR INTERCONNECT PER CODE CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR O P ONE PER FLOOR Simpson Strong-Tie Simpson Strong-Tie CS 16 1'/a"COILED CS 16 1'/a"COILED STRAP- STRAP WIN MIN 12" 1/2"SPACING /—BLOCKING AT 16"O.C.USE 4-8d NAILS O�V,EERLAP AT EACH ALLOWS O HOLDDOWN AT EACH STUD,WRAP SUD HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION UNDER SILL PLATE ' INSTALLATION MIN OVERLAP IS 12" i ° SIDEWALL •• 7 NOTE: •• 00. STRAPS MAY BE i •• •• PLACED EITHER • i ° ENDWALL O 0 0 UNDER OR OVER • SHEATHING • HOLDDOWN (HDU5) O O CORNER STUD O ' 0 0 ' O CONNECTED TO ' • 0 TRANSFER SHEAR O •• •• ' O 0 bAL •• O cy 2-16d COMMON •• • • i • O HOLDDOWN NAILS AT 10"O.C. •• •• • ` (HDU5) O FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS- .• O •• �• •• CORNERSTUD •' • 2 16d COMMON CONNECTED TO •' •• •' CANTILEVER CONDITION •• NAILS AT 6"O.C. O TRANSFER SHEAR •• •• •• •° •• • •• °• Simpson Strong-Tie 0 • • ° MTS30C OR CS 16 1'X' 00 •' •• A °• COILED STRAP 2x4 CONTINUOUS .° AT EACH ROOF RAFTER •• •• LATERAL BRACE AT 6'O.C. USE 8-16d NAILS AT 0 •• 0 ' TRUSS OR CEILING JOIST •p° EACH END • ; • '1 2-10d NAILS GABLE END TRUSS O HOLD DOWN BRACKETS AT SHEAR WALL CORNERS, 00 Simpson Strong-Tie , � STUD TO ROOF RAFTER Oo cS1611i4"COILED STRAP- CONNECrCION AND WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS 16"AT EACH STUDd NAILS a (FLOOR TO FLOOR&FLOOR TO MIN OVERLAP IS 27" FOUNDATION;WFCM FIGURE 3.8a&3.8b) SILL PLATE TO RIM JOIST AND FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTIONS cso U TENSION- A STRAP P RIM JOIST TO STUD CONNECTION IN EACH END AT EACH ROOF RAFTER 10-8d NAILS z d� w A 5d COOLER NAILS AT 10"O.C. E- M d� RAFTER 2"x4"BLOCK NAILED TO EACH BRACE WITH 4-10d NAILS GYPSUM BOARD Ql RIDGE BEAM JOIST HANGER REQUIRED 5d COOLER NAILS AT 7"O.C. AT CATHEDRAL CEILINGS 20 GAUGE STRAP LSSU OR EQUAL RIDGE TENSION-STRAP 10-8dNAILS TOP PLATES DETAIL ENDWALL STUDS EXTERIOR OR BEARING WALL ENDWALL---,,,,, OISTS GABLE ENDWALL BRACING U STUD +- _c T (WFCM FIGURE 3.7a) x A J ul � IL BORED HOLE MAX A— DIAMETER 60% BLOCKING a cq OF STUD DEPTH NOTCH GREATER THAN BLOCKING 50%OF THE PLATE WIDTH T La 5/8"MIN.TO EDGE _ Cr- Q 16d NAIL AT 24"O.C. GYPSUM BOARD � N r- JU 5/8"MIN.TO EDGE 16 GAGE(0.054")AND 1.5"WIDE SECTION A-A m O v METAL TIE ACROSS AND TO EACH :3 0P SE 1- THE NOTCH MUST NOT EXCITED O NAILSOEACH SIDE NOTCH WITH 8-16d O 0 M 40%OF STUD DEPTH FLOOR BRACING AT END BAYS + z cz cz "- WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL O z LLLU (WFCM FIGURE 3.7b) INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE 8d NAIL AT 6"O.C. WITH NAILING SCHEDULE Lu (- TOP PLATESLu BORED HOLES SHALL NOT (ALL PANEL EDGES) (TABLE 3.1,WCFM HIGH WIND EDITION) 8d NAIL AT 12"O.C.ON ALL W_ � BE LOCATED IN THE SAME 8d NAIL AT 4"O.C. FRAMING MEMBERS NOT AT CROSS SECTION OF CUT OR LL NOTCH IN STUD PIPE PANEL EDGES lu . (a)OUTSIDE CORNER DETAIL 12"MAX. 8d NAIL AT 6"O.C. GYPSUM BOARD ENCxINE_ ER: (ALL PANEL EDGES) NOTCHING AND BORED HOLE LIMITATIONS —NAILS BASED RE SHEAR WALL REQUIREMENTS O) - r ,. TOP PLATE FRAMING TO ACCOMMODATE PIPING T. FOR IND RIOR NONBEARING WALLS (WFCM 2015 SBC HIGH WIND EDITION) WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL t NO CEILING RAFTERS AND CEILING DIAPHRAGM CENTER 2 BLOCKING x r t INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE �� „y� REQUIRED 16d NAIL AT 24"O.C. WITH NAILING SCHEDULE \^,f, JOISTS OR APPROVED ON SHEATHING JOINT ROOF TRUSS (TABLE 3.1,WCFM HIGH WIND EDTQ ION) 15/32 WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS e. .4v `a p 493 ON GABLE FACE AND ON WALL BELOW 8d NAIL AT 6"O.C.ON ALL TOP PLATE SECOND STORY TOP PLATE- BASED ON SHEARWALL REQUIREMENTS FRAMING MEMBERS AT PANEL EDGES AND 12"O.C.ON ALL JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. SEE DRILLING AND GABLE ENDWALL, BALLOON FRAMING FRAMING MEMBERS NOT AT Q NOTCHING PROVISIONS PANEL EDGES JOIST IS PERMITTED TO PREFERRED METHOD (b) INSIDE CORNER DETAIL 0 BE CUT OR NOTCHED I TOP PLATES FLOOR JOIST- BETWEEN THESE LIMITS SEE DRILLN G AND EXTERIOR CORNER FRAMING d e SEE DRILLING AND > BOTTOM PLATE NOTCHING PROVISIONS NOTCHING PROVISIONS O a- WFCM SECTION ROOF FRAMING DOUBLE TOP PLATE cv z WFCM SECTION a 19 1/3 SPAN /3 SPAN WAL �"— 1 O O z O ~ 15" Q i Q O STUD i F— JOIST ENDS TO BE WAL 0 T BLOCKED AGAINST n ROTATION IN ACCORDANCE o F"' o z r m BORED HOLE MAX FOR BLOCKING WITH WFCM RESTRAINT R PLE S DS (K Q - z° STUD TO RAFTER CONNECTION Q Q a In DIAMETER 40% TOP PLATE BAND JOIST AND BRIDGING OR FLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION I Q J n OR BLOCKING SEE WFCM SECTION 3.3 AND BRIDGING HEADER OF STUD DEPTH DEPENDING ON CONDITION,SEE (� " DETAILS ON SHEET 7 OF 7 THIS SET 21 CLEARANCE "30 Q tU 3: 5/8"MIN.TO EDGE BEARING z }- HEADER TO STUDS 21"CLEARANCE 24"CLEARANCE 0 a z WALL IN FRONT OF W to 5/8"MIN.TO EDGE PELTING (n Z LAP JOIST 3 IN.MIN. HEADER STUDS FULL LENGTH WATER SHOWER F- BOTTOM PLATE WALL STUDSCLOSET NOTCH MUST NOT EXCEED — BAND JOIST WAI O BIDET O V O Q 25%OF STUD DEPTH NOTE: 15" 15" WALL NILL NOTCHES SHALL NOT BE OR BLOCKING Q UPLIFT CONNECTION IS REULRED g � LOCATED IN MIDDLE ONE-THIRD • --------------------- AT EACH END OF HEADER AND OF STUD LENGTH SILL PLATE JOIST i - -��- - �- AT BOTTOM OF HEADER STUDS IN O z 3 • • �-�IC �PLIF i i ADDITION TO CONNECTORS AT IF HOLE IS BETWEEN 40%AND 60% CRAWL SPACE • C0 1ECTp;2 WALL STUDS AND AT TOP AND TUB z m OF STUD DEPTH,THEN STUD MUST OR BASEMENT SUBFLOOR i i REQUIRED i BOTTOM OF CRIPPLES a a BORED HOLES SHALL NOT lo BE DOUBLE AND NO MORE THAN If • i i U ° BE LOCATED IN THE SAME TWO SUCCESSIVE STUDS ARE • FOUNDATION • CROSS SECTION OF CUT OR DOUBLED AND SO BORED 21"CLEARANCE 21"CLEARANCE NOTCH IN STUD STUD TO PLATE /FOUNDATION TUB HEADER TO STUDS:USE LSTA 18 W/14 10d NAILS STUD TO PLATE/FOUNDATION: PAGE0 - PLATFORM FRAMING INTERMEDIATE (OPENINGS LESS THAN 6 FEET):USE DSP W/8 lOd NAILS IN STUD AND 4 lOd NAILS IN PLATE • NOTCHING AND BORED HOLE LIMITATIONS BEARING WALL (OPENINGS GREATER THAN 6 FEET):ADD PHD5 AT KING STUDS(2 TOTAL),INSTALL PER DETAIL SHEET 7 WATER CLOSETS FOR EXTERIOR: WALLS AND BEARING WALLS TYPICAL WALL, FLOOR AND ROOF FRAMING TYPICAL FRAMING AND UPLIFT FIGURE R307.1 (WFCM 2015 SBC HIGH WIND EDITION) CONNECTIONS FOR OPENINGS � O MINIMUM FIXTURE CLEARANCES COPYRIGHT 2013 JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E., P.C. REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM 15 PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E., P.C. JOIST-DETAILS Plate natl-, :, °x ") Load bearing or bracetlshear wall above(must stack over wall below) lX round holes may be Plate nall,�16d(0.135"x 3�") Plate nall,16d{0.135x 3 Yj") at 12'on-center Load bearing or bracedishearwal above * cut anywhere In web at 16'on-center at 16"on-center When sheathing thickness exceeds�", 2x stud wall at Floor panel hall- Blocking panel:iYa"TJ"Rim Board, (must stack over wall below when present) r� ALLOWABLE HOLES - TJ 1� J o i s LS outside of hatihO zone if Blocklg panel: trim sheathing tongue at rim board .16"on-center 8d(0.131"x 2X1 at V an-center 1% or'1Y`TimberStnind- LSL or No load bearing -.they ere located 3"away Mtn.distance from Table A fAn.distance from Table g Web stiffener TJrF'Dist. wall above horizontally I Ti"-Rim Board,IV or required on both` Platte nail-1sd(dA'5"x A) 1 Blocking panel: (edge-to-edge)front a 1Y2"TlrriberStrand''�LSL or Web stiffeners required on 2x4 minimum Web stiffeners 1Y8"TJO Wrrf Board, DO+ITT sides at A22W ONLY at 16"on center* bath ;Id€�s at A3 4�1V C�IVLY , " larger hole. TJI joist Sheathing squash blocks required each side IYCor 1V TlmberStrand LSL �ornofchfange_ Floor panel nail- botirndarynais, at S3W ONLY or Tir joist _ 8d(0.131"x 2 ")at 6"on lei rteC* " 1` 1Y"or 1 Yz" j� ^j Q Bd(6.131 x 2}'1") �J Rlm-t ' Ist Web Stiffeners required at.4°on-center I ImberStrand" Y Web stiffeners 6" nail = �� / LSL rim board. ' required on both 6" each side at A3_W $1 B'r W ° 1 Toe fall-'l aid(0.131' �,, ides of(x�th joist g' Li 2 x D1 D1 Closely grouped round L, 2 x Ly Toe n�. . Toe Hall. 1Y°71�'Rim Board. When sheath o ee er a - 6 6' s g x 3" at 6° n- nt ends sit BdW OiJLY No asrderrt rr4nlmu. holes are perrnlEt k minlmum /va seretut _ Da�rrvt haleszr rite group perimeter q s W Mies i q' End of olsts at i 0d(0.131"x 3') 10d(0.131 x 3") A3.11A3.1 W thickness exceeds 7js«, . 12 ) at ti'inn-renter at 6"can-center' . � � ( �Y} min. Web stiff�ers re €,iced _ 1 a°or 1�"llmberStrand'LSL. trim sheathing togue DO NOT (apples to all holesmeats g . joist ._ on both sides at 1 W centerline zones holes!n cantr7euer ex pt knockouts; round 4ui �� tt>ena��v� U • B cut ce TJr'rim joist at nm board and 82W QNLYirrfbr�ernenL nd or ware Web stliffener Toe nag-10d(0.131 x 3") of support required on both Arius#have 13/"minimum s - - Table A-End Support e s.¢ at 6 ort�enter Instal prep_r blocking�-. Blocklg petrels may b�required . - sines et Al W ONLY Jois#bearing at ends.Attach �r support all panel edges g2 132W Blocking panels maybe required w1th bracedishear with bracedishear walls above.or Minimum distance from edge of hole to Inside face of nearest end s Al Al W A2 A2W A3 0��.A A3.2r A3.3 walls above or below-see detal B1 rimjoin#PerA3 detail. below-see detail B1 Pgsr .T�f, ROUND HOLE SIZE SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE *For addition Iristallat;ion specifications see Rat Board Detalls and Installation In A3yU CAI A3.2 A3.3 For addltlonal Installatln specifications see Rln Board A3 4� l�3.4� oEmnt` 2" 3"- l $" gyr^ 7- fiat" 11" i3^ 2` 3" !" 5' 0'/r" 7- 9'k' 1i* i3^W Nall#hrough 2x_catitgever,woad backer and Wayr#riiaetlser irrstallafion Gtoirie for Floor anrJlioof t rareitn , TJ-9D01, W W Details and Installatbn_In Weysrhaeusal tnstatfafiat Otride Wits°TJ`Rim Board or 1 ya*of 1 "TimberStrand" Blocidrtg T.tlu joist web with 2 r9ws10d(t?.148"x 3 sic 1 m r e z-> a tr zs €ti€r z�r r a so" forftootartd IZciof training,TJ-9001_ LSL.Nail with 10d(0.131"x:3°)naffs,one each at nails at 6"on-center,cinched. top and bottom flan Nall to blocking panel ' 23o r-s- Teo" T-V 4� ss iW 2'-0' 3W 4' s_' flange. 9 Rand with Use Wool(O.i35 x 3�`2"j nails_wittt 3Yf TJI- aco 1'�" �'-o* Tom' a•-rr sue' €�s r-s ram* c-a' sue^ connections equivalent to floor panel schedule. joist widths. so 1'•$- r-s• 3•60' sw• r-& 760' 3-tr 4-0- g.g- e•-- V-0"Length of TJF'joist 8"diametermaximum hole for 1 f r�"- 1r- lio V_0" r.oa z €� a 1A TJa Rim Board 1Y"or t "TlmberStrande reinforcement and flller 16"deep blocking panels-6"diameter xio ram- 1'4r r o rya- s a 3-6- a c- no i� r� sir sue- s s s�- $ diarrteter nlaxintum hole#or 11 la"- block.rise 4 l lefgitt rnaarifiuni for blocking panels 9Yz" LSL.Nag with l tld 0.131".x 3" Halls, iAttach reinforcement fo jdst t+'�5' 230 T-G' r-s' r-o^ 7-V a'-(r T-r V-6- 11-4r T-W 7-T s'.s° sue- s s" ram"4`-0"length of ° y " ( ) ,Y'4"reinforcement 16'deep blocking panels,6"diameter with V1 and 11%`TJrK eep or shorter than 12"long. one:each at top and bottom flange. with one 8d(0.131-"x 2Y2") 3" T-6- 2'-T T-T T-I 4°-s T4r 7'4" i�- 2ss• :3-r ra s.W e-r i'-T 8'diameter maximum hole for on one side at E2. Attach reinforcement to joist nail at each corner ' so r-G- r-s 3-0' a• .6- 61-Ir V-(r 2'r 3-t r-T sae r.4r r s° 84r Web stiffeners 11'�"-16"tfeep blocking panels; n a +gym for etc g panels 9 ^ joists. Do not cut flanges. J" F1 applies to 1,0 1•-r r-T 11 r-0- 1•-F r-c- 3 ar s{' 1•-M 3{r 1'.r 7� Ter 44r e•-o• s•-0- both sides at E3 :d€ep or shorter than 72'ion . with one 8d(0.131'x 2J2} Horizontal blacking unt�,,...,t,` g g ifolmis' 210 i-01 t'-0' i'� 1'6' t(! r 6" 3•-ti" V_ i'-0' €'4r 7.0- 7-W 4'd" 4`•6° Load from above- required orrbofh fi"diameter maximum for 1 "'-Tr'ftiitl Board 1)a"or 1Yz' Hall at each corner sides at E1 W ONLY blocking panels fS "deep or Do not cut flanges, panels between each Ioatd joists 44` 2so ncr r� r o- r6- Tfi' r� xo• r4s r-o ro T-0' 3-0- a'o• sue• ram• e'-0" shorter than 12"Jong: TimberStrand-LSL.NJ with joist.Nail to-top plate 4h r only. 360 r-0 i a ram" 3�° 4 0" s e" a o° r o i s T�i" 4 c• scr g s• a'�- sue^ I0d(Q:131R x 3')nalls,t ire 12"length of l4` connections equivalent to Wood �c� sso 1'4r 1'-p• 2 7 s-rr a F-o- s•.0 a'-" 1:.e' T-W z ( ' its" Do not cuff flanges. 1X"Te Mm Board or-Wits"or 1Y7e each at t and bottom ffa e ' �} 110 1 -- ao 1:0' f'o t'a" 1'-c° r tr 3{r s'-n• 1:€r 1 r, ne' 1 c a� s-o s s• r-s° ie'.e~ TlmberStrarid£ISL:Nall wltt€10d reinforcefr�nton Hoot panel sdtedule. backer ",�kv�a Qp`1 2to r�r r-(r ro r{r 1(t ram- ns 3'� e-a• r�tr rfl- r� ro 3 a-a- 8$ s-0- ir-rr N ( ► one side at E5, 12".length of�'/q � �0� C _� t6` 230 1Kr V_-0w Tor 1�t7 1� V-6- 3'-T 4'� .a, Ile IW T4 •0" T-q4 4� r-T 9-0" 11tQ } (0.131"x 3')Halts,one each at _ Attach reinforcement to bath sides at E6 '� � top and bottom flange. ` joist web with 3 rows Full depth vertical .- reinforcement on one side v`�. , n 3� r�r r1r -r-o• 11• T E- r-s• a s- s�- sue• ao• 1'-4r -r-• a tr s o- sue- ir•a- 10 - 1 r�s_ tt' tu . at E7,both sides at E8 F1 \v 580 r r r�r r-(r r-a- T$- 3•4- s-tr r-e- €o'er" r(r° r-w x--(r 4-s" sue- r-c iir4r ir-a• tr-0- �- _ 1t7d(d.t48 at 3)naffs at 6" blocking between �' 2x4 minimum Attach reinforcement on-center,clinched.Use,2 e$ 't joist i- e r e" 10- 12- 14};" 1sY.- t- 8" 7" a" 10" 12- 143." 48'!i" squash blocks " to joist flange with- 2P rows with 9 2f°and 11ys" Less than 5" E7 E8 Less than 5" is- 3" 1'-4" €•-7 -1:u- r-0 4-0 g 6' �� r-0 3'-C" 4'-0- G-0 10-0' it-0" 1T� 4 8d(0.131 x 2 2^)rtells at 6" Ar TJI joists. sco 1'c" 1-¢" t'-o° r-e' -4-s' :tr 1a�' 7 sue• s-s' 9.0' 11•-b' 17•€r 1a-0- iys"TJ'Rim Board or �r+�` on-center.When reinforcing Co Gam WEB STIFFENER ATTACHMENT 360 1•-0- r e r� r-cr ro 4 cr r-a- 1tr�r r� 1°s• 3.0- a'�• e-o 1r 13 a 1s G5 Use 2x4 minlmum squash blocks to 9Y4"or1X-TfmberStrand4 LSL. Face grain y Ya"ninlinum 20- 660 11-T 1'-(r" 1 V T-T 7-0' 4°-6° s 0' 11�r r 0" 9 8" sue• r-0` 10�' 13 C i4� rs�'c� both sides,stagger Halls: transfer Joad amumi TJ1s joist Nail with 10d(0"131'x.3' horizontal E4. 2%'maximum. ! ) Not for use with 3f/s"Toll joist Range widths 1" E1. 1=1 nals,one,each at top and E2. E3 " (1Y2.for TJr� ° tdaiing: Table B -In#ermediate or Cantilever Support bottom flange. EXTERIOR DECK ATTACHMENT Option#1: 560,660D) See table below. Minimum distance from edge of hole to Inside face of nearest Intermediate or cantilever support APPIy subfloor Tir joist blocking with end .wise Tir- ROUND HOLE SIZE SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE Structural exterior sheathingt Web stiffener both sides. o�,y blocks Installed at ,joist-span _ r 3" a" s* s - r et• t1- 13- z Flush bearing late adhesive fO all Y. See table below. *With olntloadfrom above,and no support &'" r sib` 11- i3- 2` a- 4- sr O p required. Flashin locations tisln p Nanger height must g contact surfaces belaiv,Install web,stlffener tight lo tog flange 210 x o' rW Tom' 5%0' ram" 1 • 7fi T-T sW s� m Double TJI=Joist Filler Mock: Hanger Sacker 13bC1c:Install tight Rrtaxlmufn�"overhang -two 8d 0.113'x 2 m 19:rfflllrlr#rtlrfrOr6iP` ( Y2) Tight fit* 216 r-0' 2�6` 3-6' 617 @ ft rt1' 3-0' 4-0 fi°6' 7-0- Attach r the table.Cinch 4o top flange(tight tca bottom permitted at beam. (gap at boitam flarrga) s - o Pe g p Treated 2x - � nails or23o z�' 3Kt' a�tr' � s� r1r 3'-0• 4'-6 s•4r- r-T N Oriole#depth nails when possible. flange with face mount hangers). t< Nailing Requirements 360 3-0` 4-4r s-s F-0' V fr T•TO 4166• z•-• r-6' x� CD Po � n9ledger �aQ�_ ,� 2j'2"screws, c depth Minimum Web Clinch naffs when possible. t TJI�Jolst.Serles Number Nails sea f See fastener " -W typical (In.) Stiffener Type _ - Wits• -RIm Board or 1% End Intermediate 110 rn• 11 rs T 4 41 " a•� 1 fl` rs T-T r -r-c-T r a table below.minim In TJ , '0' no 1� 1� z6cr A--& 5%V V-0" 1W 260' 3•-0' 4•.a" e--c" e•-' 1cw . 2°distance(minimum)from or�1�"TlmberStrand LSL. 110 All �s"x��r1s � ," 1 ) ,r t a{l 11r( 290 1€r r t] rfi' 9-Cr• 3-6• 1V_(r 1.4r 2'-r 3--v s-0• T_u- 4`-L" im-e- Top mount eel a of I er to fastener: 210 All Ya x Z/15 hanger F g `'� 230&360 All 3 ° °,, (0.113"x 2Y2") 300 2-T 3'-r 4•T s'r r-(r r-r 1`11-T r-(r 7•6' sue" ram• sue• s•-s" 111-0" e Option#2; f8 X� IS 3 3 5" 1'.0` T-T V-T -r F-W 8`-8' # -T 4' 4' -4 -0" r: i `-T i2'-0" m Pace mount Backer block "1 Fastener Allowable Load'Y 7Th6hroug)h bolt Jotst•span llocati strapping onslusing two No All Zx4 3 3 �. 210 t-tr no• r-r 11 7-e' T-0" 5.8" 9'•0' V-0' V-0` 74r 3••6' V-W r-01 WAr' i3'-0" aste wable both sides of Web Plan Board Material X lag bole Y2 rough bole with Air S e ---_-_ _-- (0'1 14" 230 r-0' 1'-0� i%V 2'-0" _T-6• 4.0 V-0" W-6- 1'0" r-0' rs 4-0" s-6` r-e i1'•0" €3'-6"- hanger - 2Y screws per joist,typical with single-T_,11'joist .t,"Te Rim Board M 480 695 'iP+" 4 �t 340 r-r v-T 74r 3• F-r V-•r t2'-0• t•-(r T-(r d'-0• -s-0• W-Ir 1Q`-0' 1r� 1a'-0' We stifreners required if sides of 1 ."Tlmber5 LSL. 614 725 6151' `ppliart#t3: 660D 20' m -16d 5 5 No rear 1'-T r-rr^ 7-6- s-• V-r 9-6- 13'4- 1'-o• -3`T .sue^ r-s° 10'-0" i1•-o" IT_6" ly4r ` }11 hanger cis not laterally support at N With top mount hangers,backer block required only H3 1z"Timbers Let 675 725 Directly tippled t cling 2i (0:135'x 33'Z) 6_ 11 210 it i o i-o^ 14" j'o" i' 3�- e sr 1o1r 1�° 1�cr ice' t s" 4 a^ s s^ kc ins- is�- - least °of TA"joist to flange for downward loads exceeding 250 Ire or for uplift (.)Cprroslor>�esl4tarlt festerlers required tau�+iett ervlcl plkotlons. pg1 fi 13 f P g LA - When specified on rite layout Otlft 4f W 18- 230 ter 11-T _7 T-T 1%B r-0" 4'dr• 0'-0' r1•_(r- 14r 116r -T� Z$ r-o• v.(r iodr- 13•-a- 16'-s conditions:For nailing requirements`see page 5,TJ: (2)Allowable load determined In accordance with ASTRt r)7672. (1)P81 or P82 sheathing,face grain vertical 3E0 1-�1' t 3w° <� -6'-s" ia'4n 13{i' 1.�0' 1 x.p• s.q^ r$• e-8 13-0° 14�8• ,n0* 9001, Weyerhaeuser installation Guide for Floorand (3)%7 T r Rfm 13aard Is allowed with joist a ins i_16'only. #ale bracing options above 15 required y t +� y (2)Construction grade or better sea rat• i-+r T-T r4r ram- 3� ram•• ir-0- i54- I,(r 1=€r a•.s s� s•�r i0`�r' 1a•� 1s•-o- 1ir-0- .Roof Framing,TJ-9001. (41 Maxlmum,4-shimmed air space. (3)Web sfiiffeners ere always required for,22"anti 24"TJI SOD Joists �+ 4' B r r 10- 12- 14fz" 163�' 4' r r s- ur 12- 143Y..1' 1st'+ BEAM DETAILS FASTENING of FLOOR PANELS 3so 141° 1•-T re- s-0- e{r ��r 14�- 1 e^ 4'a s$' $a• 1a a 1s • 1�1r Guidelines for Closest On-Center Spacing per Row FILLER and BACKER BLOCK SIZES 1$' • TJF?-xzt slob 1'-6" 1`-C" 1'0' 2'-T W-W loci IV6" .1'-0" Vow a'-e" ii6' 158' is-0 7s� Rim Board 1aj TJr'Joists 110 210 230 or 360 360 560 560D 380 r a- r c- 1'-0" r a• 3-2' S-0' 1r-0" iso ro• r a-n• r a try iE ism- zr-0 BEARING FOR DOOR BEAM TO BEAM BEARING AT Nall Size 110,210, 360 and 1'rs"TJI Tlmberstrand'�LSL TtttberStrandaLSL Mlcrdlame Paraflamb j , � � " 5eo ram• r-o• r a° r m rs s c- ii e- ism• 1'0" 3 0' g tr° a g- 1a-0 1r� 1Y-0' ztr� IIEARINCx AT WALL and 230 560 Rim Board 1Y4-' 1,'•`z" wide LVL PSL iJapBi g)x"-1ir'a '14"•16' 9)'i"-i11a" 14"16` y/'t"-11 " 14-46" 1$"-2r 11f 14 46 18',20" 22"-24" RectarWarOwe*Mtedonrr��su vr�rudiargese ar r s Leave)V of web minimum at QRWIN[lOWH1:ADER CONNECTION CONCRETE WALL 8d(0.113"x3Y2"),Od(o.131"xZ22") 4' 3" 6" 4' 3" 3' 4• 4' Filler-Block(l) 2x64y" 2x8+i�,` 2x6+ ' 2x8+J`' 2x12+ - Two Two Two Four 'xi (minimum) +dbottomr t,ole,aoNOT rrjoist flanga� X 1 "TJ'Rirn t3oard tore Strap ptsr a jf top plc 2x6 2x8. • Tables are based on uniform bad tables In cement design Iltetature. %'or 1 z"Tlmber3trande is not continuous over 10d(0-148-x 3"),12d(0-148-x 3Y4") 4n 1 4"09 6" 4^ 3" 3^ 5' 4" (Detall H2) sheathing sheathing stceathing sheathing shea�� 2x6 2x8 2x92 sheathing . LSL or blockli for lateral header 18d 0.16Z k 3 • For simple span(5•minlmum),urlfornly loaded joists used In residential appicadom.one mardmum size round hole maybe IocaWLL ( "') g- {" i6'i°r 6"asi Fx"tst 6"is€ t;^t4). Ce" Ganfllever Filler 2x6 2x1Q Zx6+ * Zx1d+ = 2x5+y" 2xl o+Y2" Not at the center of the joist span provided that no other holes occur In tare jolst support tDetall Ell 4'-0"long 8dy long sheathing sheathing sheathing sheathing applicable riot aprflcaWe • Q �- pa el edges) r nails when using 4` st centeracing fJ Til maintain 'joist and panel edge distance.©s row of hownners.ls p...... d(twat alwttl tg 4'-0'ktrw 6'-€I"I 4'-G'low 6'-0-long � CA O } panel etfges-for diaphragms.Fastener spacing fo}TJI'jclsts in draph;aggrtl appolcadons cannot be less than shown in table.When fasteners for ALLOWABLE HOLES - Headers and Beams Q- ul � Strap per ware if top blocking 1s less than spacing shown above,rectangular blocking must b e used In lieu of TJIE Joists. � seeker clock in plate IS not continuous (2)For non-diaphragm appllcstlans,multiple rows of fasteners are permitted If then"weoffsetat least h"and staggered.- (Detan r1 �or�f" �"orr/s" ?r,"or 1"Net 2x6 2x8 2x92 Two 3/t'x 15 '1.55E TimberStrand@ LSL Headers and Beams � � � O u or H2) sheathing o I- 0 over column (3)VNth 10d(0"148"x t'.:')Halls,spacing can t reduced tn`3"lonerenter for light gauge steel straps; 2 x diameter of the I lit Top mount 14)Gan be reduced to 6'on-center If nail penetration Into the narrow edge is no more than 1Y4'(to minimize spll ting). Nall Slze Filler 10d(G.128"x 3"; Wool ft3.135'x,3 X`► largest hole(mink ntm) � N 'Q hanger ' -(5)Can be reduced to 4'on-center If ball penetration Into the nerrola }"(to minimize spllsltg). . Backer 10d(0.128'x X) � N r ewe Is no more than 1y Protect untreated a i Y1 d9pth Column Face mount �6)Can be reduced to 3;�"on-center It nag peRetratlton Into late narrow edge Is no more than 9Yd(.o minimize spltting>. - � Allowed hole zone V (� wood from direct n Recommer ded nailing Is 12'on-renter In field and 6"arrcente*along panel edge.Fastening reqtlrernenits art Nall rill ^� m hanger englnt�cf drawlr�s suede contact with recommendations listed above: fauantltyt2i B � J acker __ ____ __ _______ cite 1 each s e 25 e�h e L1 L2_ L 38e current Weyerhaeuser L4 concrete to Maximum nail spacing forT.111 joists is 16"on-center. - - 15 15 -- - ------------ - ------------ r.14 a staples may be substituted k13 tad G.f 13"x (d1 1f ri sssry,�cweas kr arxi+�cr 'b ex t egret far ice m�rg tta �s andr r in 'gsR a t3a 4'offs s�ue al w.�ikrand t�eker#orSc m X O ~ t�1 15 +•s-• g p" Y ( 2fz�Hale If rminlmur�l penetratkorm cif 1"Iota the Toll Joist or rim board is ftchleved, j L �m literature for framing connectors ■ ro 11ty s Iran �t s s. d a ._ pie r, -col n€4,vAthout sp t11ng t1T'mintnu n for backer bkkks and 24`ml�mt�s fm ill9ri l0 3cs]. Q Q a a 1.55 1<Tlmber-St nds LSL lti p N,maintain,fie dista tee and row spac!N of 2�x nag deter or'f",whldtevei•Is greater. (2)Clinch nails wren poi . o Ij1 q, ■Naling rows must be offset at least Y2'and staggered. tfole r%Ro m LU x For recommended naling sod adhesives,,:see INSTALLATION RECOMMENDATIONS on page 2 of Wey ihaettser Instaflabon Gtddee for Floor Ili Z (Z U-. Multiple-Member Connections for Top-Loaded Beams and RoofFr&m,,V:TJ-9001. V474%' 0- w Joists must be supportedlaterally at e" 11�4"-11'/„" 3%' o Fastener Installation Requirements cantilever and-end bearings by blocking W-16- 4s�, TJI&Joist floor frartling does E1 panels:hart�rs,or direct attachment to Q Piece #cot Fastener General Notes -sea■ustrarlon forallawed hrobxone � . 011 Width Plies Type"" Min.Length #Rows J O.Cr Spadng Location When fasteners are required on both ROI l t'(jtlllt'bridging OT a rift board or rim josh. ; Allowed hole zone suitable for.headers and beans with- BEARING AT sides,stagger fasteners on the second mid-span an blocking uniform armuor concentrated loads iinywhem along the member: +�-- 1 t)d nails 3" 3"t P 9 12' side so-they fall halfway between a Round hates only ,.,- COLUMN 2 12d-'I 6d naffs -3 Y4" 2 Brie side fasteners on the first Side. • No holes In readers or terms kt plank odentatlok J'• sde� Safi$"car Sits 2a" x2 r Other Trus Joist®Headers and Beams � 1 Od Halts- 3" 3°1 - - Al 12" Both sides .� - Rim board jdnt 3 12d-16d naffs :3 Y4" 2'=' DO norbavei cut joist E2 between joists QtJ NOT overhang-seat seat cuts 1Nkrollamt`LVL beyond Inside face of wall, n9 1 3E Tlmberstrartd! atilt Parallam"PSL 114" 3;E"or 3Y1° Both sides `° on beams amde ENGINEER: Screws _ load must be peed event moss � beyond the _LSL hole zone hole zone 2 x diameter of the 5. 2 24' One side applied y facat�frtmember. t1 ( ) p ��'` P� VI/ depth entire beam iaridth:Otherwise,.use tar f tsole minUtlum Verify colunin capacity , R -cotlneedons for slde4oaded beams. Do NOT cu4 notch orddN 10d nalls 3 3 ' One side x headers or ea and beam bearing 12" r holes in ms Length;See current 4 12i#-Wool Hales g Y4" 2'' - / d ----- ------1 except as lndicamd in s L 4 ten, t` (per ply) i/� � Weyerhaeuser literature. 5'or 61 ° Both sides _ - a Screws 2 24 Ntultlple=pieces can be ielle�t ortit3lt�together to - � _ s -, E----- _� a ,lrusfradonsarrdt�las. a a 6 3!4" One side TJI'rim joist f. C /F� Q - Lti #orm a header or bestir of-the requ l size,up to a j r 5"tar fi 84ttt sloes: maximum Width of 7° = Mieioltam' LVL and Other Trus JolsteBeams t Screws 2 24' f (_ /j 1 °TJa RIm Board or Parsllarri PSL Header or Lean Maximum Mound 3 z" 2 6-314: One side L3 Y2"TImberStxand'a LSL. allowed hole z oepn tea size 4 1Y4'-or 1 'bolts a' 2 24" � middle}�span ��""►► 11 II � AA� DETAILS (1)10d Weis are 0.128"diameter;l2d-Wool Weis are 4.148'-0.162'diameter screws are SDS.SDVtf,USP WS,orTrussLOK.e s�// L1 d 13E Tltnbers5 LSL slowed Itrle zate d Tits'-20' LOL V NA I'v D E ! AI L (2)An.additional row of halls Is required with depths of 14"or greater. A.-� Sm�arulwn�rAnawaa hole Zone - J (3)When connecting 4-ply members;hall each ply to the other and offset nal rows by 2"from the rows In the ply below. f J H1 / General Notes JEFFREY T. BUTLER P.E. /1 /} s Allowed hole zone suitable for-headers and beams with urdform looms only. Q BEAM ON • Round holmo O COLUMN CAP NAILING AT BEARING(FLOOR) � ^IY � ' f.No holes In cantllevers. T,11D Joist to Bearing Plate Squash Block's to TJr Joist f � r: f ' lye TJI f2im Board or {toad bearing wall above) ;!_ � - • No tides to headers or beams In plank orientation. O m or 1 Y2"TlmberStrand'LSL. Joist.may be shifted tip to 3"if USB$'1 Or B2 fit ` 'f 9 One 1,0d(0.128°x 3`) floor panel edge is supported One fad 0.113"x2Y2" Hall Into each flan B4 InterTrledlate bearingfs ' ' ( ) � and span rating is not exceeded. alai each side.-Dive }; _- with load bearing or . � Z .4 o nails at an t1n Do tot cut joist $ d m t at bra cedlshearwall Plumbing Drop least 1Y2'from end. f() O P1 End ofjoists - from above z o l)r O lei I Q 3X2"minimum at ceftetlne L2 Q o COLUMN BASE. 1Y,"minimum end bearing intermediate bearing Also see detall B2 of suppor± single-family applications -W4"may be required for maximum y 3 Shear transfer:Connectlons equivalent capacity V J I to floor panel malting schedule 7 P 0 D o 3 � � I Q Uo Rho to TJk Joist j UJ � ., iYa"TJ'I Rim Board, C) Z I- 0 n •.-.,- " TJI'$60 rim joist:Toe t 1 "or 1," TlrrrberStrand LSL. j Addltlonal joist is required if ° O z O nail with 10d(0.128'x 3) tloctr and edge is unsupported cited W Z or TJI"110 rim joist. p g pp nails,one each side of P2 One Wool(0.131"x 3")n- Irttcr t or V span rating is exceeded. -+"; ,' ` y r fuln6er rrvrrbn *, each flange T,ll joistflange TJt 560 0 'moo LA EacteC101'dDCIC b"rdorbt� a 1- TJ 07 210,230,and 3B0 rim jsilst: floor Jost +` _.s' :, Structural Attachment es itrrlaysfliirik �- V •44 Cane-l6d(O.13S'.z3 y')nall.i-tto INSTALLATION TIPS °` slteathlf saber hrstat/adon, ELEVATES) Ff o 9 Use only Q N 0 +3ti each flange. .Subloor adhesive will improve floor_ erformance,but cc COLUMN BASE Withdepths>.16" vse TJl''360 rim joist; p 6 engineeredAfMber. e 1 r`a"mIn1txu n bearing Top view may not be required. o_ CL u 12 '13 `n Locate rim toward joint between joists. ° Safety braclg(1x4 O z =Squash,blocks and blocking panels rry stacked Protect untreated wood O minimum)at 8'on-center(6' ? BEAM ATTACHMENT et BEARING vertical loans(details 81 and B2).Packing out the WO from direct contact with -See ALLOWABLE on-center for TJIO'110 joists)and z tu w of a TJI joist(with web stiffeners)Is not a substitute. Concrete 1Y�"knockouts a H3 HOLES extended to a braced end wag. 1,4"TJe Rim Board or for squash blocks or blocking panels. at approximately Fasten at each joist with 4_ 7Y4'or 1 Y2"TIrT?berSfrertde LSL. 12"on-center two 8d(0.113"x 212")nails minimum '" •When joists are doubled at 6on4oad bearing parallel partitions,space joists apart the width of the wall for WARNING). ( ) -Optional plumbing or HVAC. Bearing P3 flush wlthlIsideface_ non-shrink See framl of f a Ilcal car il� grout C1rive dais et an g� �. pP ) of wall or beam g� One 10d(0.128"x TJ nail each angle to minimize Weyerhaeuser Installation Guide for Floor -Additional jobtat plumbing (see detail). " side of member at bearing, spltdg of plate and Roof Framing, TJ-9fN30..For minirnurrt v* r PAGE : `1�"minimum{ram.enri end and intermediate bearing lengths. This sleet is intended silpplomorlt to the 11Voyorha -us - lrlstallati6 - Glide W Flc�+or and Roof Frannin -�, TJ-900'I, and the Deep Depth True Joist TJI Joi5tln�talletic�n �uicle, TJ-9006, which.should be referenced for additional information. � O GOPYRICsHT 2013 JEFI EY T. BUTLER, P.E., P.G. REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM 18 PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E., P.C. 2020 ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE OF NEW YORK STATE TABLE R402,4.1.1 - AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSTALLATION COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA A CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SEALANT BEAD BUILDING ENVELOPE OF SEAL CONTINUOUS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS THE EXTERIOR THERMAL ENVELOPE CONTAINS A AIR- PERMEABLE INSULATION SHALL NOT BE USED AS A CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER SEALING MATERIAL MANUFACTURED THIN-PROFILE ENTED AIR SPACE BREAKS OR JOINTS IN THE AIR BARRIER SHALL BE ATTIC VENTILATION BAFFLE SEALED (FULL WDTHI TTIC INSULAITONTHE I BARRIER SHALL B ALIGNED N Y DR OPPED AND FFIT pANY CEILING / ATTIC GAPS IN THE AIR BARRIER SHALL BE SEALED THE INSULATION IN ANY DROPPED CEILING/SOFFIT SHALL --CONTINUOUS MINIMAL ACCESS OPENINGS, DROP DOWN STAIRS OR KNEE WAL BE ALIGNED WITH THE AIR BARRIER EXPANDING FOAM AT DOORS TO UNCONDITIONED ATTICS SPACES SHALL BE WINDOW PERIMETER f SEALED I JNTINUOUS BEAD THE JUNCTION OF FOUNDATION AND SILL PLATE TO CAVITIES WITHIN CORNERS AND HEADERS OF FRAME WALLS OF SEALANT BE SEALED, SHALL BE INSULATED BY COMPLETELY FILING THE CAVITY WITH _EILING GYPSUM BOARD RIGID INSULATION WALLS THE JUNCTION OF TOP PLATE AND THE TOP OF A MATERIAL HAVING A THERMAL RESISTANCE OF R-3 PER AS AIR HARRIER EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE SEALED INCH MINIMUM ONTIIIUOUS BEAD EXTERIOR INSULATED EXTERIOR THERMAL ENVELOPE INSULATION FOR FRAMED WALLS -bMNDOW UNIT AS OF SEALANT WALL KNEE WALLS SHALL BE SEALED SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONTACT AND AIR BARRIER ONTINUOUS SEALANTuUS BEAD THIN-PROFILE ATTIC EAVE CONTINUOUS ALIGNMENT WITH THE AIR BARRIER O WINDOWS, SKYLIGHTS AND DOORS CONTINUOUS MINIMAL BAFFLE AND VENT THE SPACE BETWEEN WINDOW/DOOR JAMBS AND, EXPANDING FOAM AT QNrIN uMINIMAL FRAMING, AND SKYLIGHTS AND FRAMING SHALL BE WINDOW PERIMETER EXPANDING FOAM AT SEALED WINDOW PERIMETER CONTINUOUS BEAR GYPSUM BOARD MANUFACTURED RECESSED LIGHT RIM JOIST RIM ,JOIST SHALL INCLUDE THE AIR BARRIER RIM JOIST SHALL BE INSULATED z -0F SEALANT IX4 BLOCKING ENCLOSURE ATTIC INSULATION EILING JOISTS FLOOR FRAMING CAVITY INSULATION SHALL BE INSTALLED TO -CONTINUOUS BEAD FLOORS INCLUDING ABOVE GARAGES & THE AIR BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ANY MAINTAIN PERMANENT CONTACT WITH THE UNDERSIDE OF a OF ADHESIVE SUBFLOOR DECKING, OR FLOOR FRAMING CAVITY INSULATION CONTINUOUS BEAD NDOW UNIT AS CANTILEVERED FLOORS) EXPOSED EDGE OF INSULATION AIR BARRIER SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE IN CONTACT NTH THE TOP SIDE OF SEALANT SULATE1) EXTERIOR KaF SHEATHING, OR CONTINUOUS' INSULATION INSTALLEID ON LN ALL THE UNDERSIDE OF FLOOR FRAMING AND EXTENDS FROM THE CONTINUOUS MINIMAL XTERIOR WALLy yvyy BOTTOM TO THE TOP OF .ALL PERIMETER FLOOR FRAMING EXPANDING FOAM AT SHEATHING XPANDING FOAM SEALANT MEMBERS WINDOW PERIMETER 2-STUD CORNER bT dNTERIM T BEAD CRAWL SPACE WALLS EXPOSED EARTH IN UNVENTED CRAWL SPACES TO BE CRAWL SPACE INSULATION, WHERE PROVIDED INSTEAD OF OF SEALANT COVERED WITH A CLASS 1 VAPOR RETARDER WITH FLOOR INSULATION, SHALL BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO CONTINUOUS BEAD w/ 1X4 BACKER OVERLAPPING JOINTS TAPED THE WALLS. z RYWALL CEILING � F SEALANT ECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE SHAFTS / DUCT SHAFTS, UTILITY PENETRATIONS, AND FLUE w PENETRATIONS SHAFTS OPENING TO EXTERIOR OR UNCONDITIONED ° d ONTINUOUS BEAD SPACE TO BE SEALED -CONTINUOUS BEAD OF ADHESIVE OF SEALANT AIR SEALING AT RECESSED BAITS IN NARROW CAVITIES SHALL BE CUT TO FIT, OR ONTINUOUS BEAD 'BARROW CAVITIES NARROW CAVITIES SHALL BE FILLED BY INSULATION THAT ON � CONTINUOUS SILL SEALER OF SEALANT LIGHTING IN ATTIC INSTALLATION READILY CONFORMS TO THE AVAILABLE CAVITY ° -FULL WIDTH OF MUDSiLL ONTINUOUS BEAD SPACE OF ADHESIVE GARAGE SEPARATION -FOUNDATION WALL QNTINUOUS BEAD AIR SEAL BETWEEN GARAGE AND CONDITIONED SPACE � AS AIR BARRIER OF SEALANT RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES INSTALLED IN THE -CONCRETE SLAB AS RECESSED LIGHTING RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES INSTALLED IN THE BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE SHALL BE SEALED TO BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE SHALL BE SEALED AIR AIR BARRIER d THE DRYWALL/FINISH SURFACE. TIGHT AND IC RATED / n o ---FLOOR ASSEMBLY LOCKING AS REQUIRED iN EXTERIOR WALLS, GATT INSULATION SHALL BE CUT \ GYPSUM BOARD BOX PLUMBING AND WIRING A e ;�/ f CONTINUOUS BEAD ONTINUOUS BEAD ENCLOSURE NEATLY TO FIT AROUND WIRING AND PLUMBING, OR ° /s /°'fZ�,� F SEALANT OF SEALANT INSULATION THAT ON INSTALLATION READILY o ,a /�✓ f, J�,/ TTIC INSULATION CONFORMS TO AVAILABLE SPACE SHALL EXTEND \ QNTINUQUS BEAD EILING JOIST BEHIND PIPING AND WIRING SHOWER/TUB ON EXTERIOR WALL THE AIR BARRIER INSTALLED AT EXTERIOR WALLS OF SEALANT EXTERIOR WALLS ADJACENT TO SHOWERS AND TUBS I ` NTERIQR GYMSUMrf 9L ADJACENT T4 SHOWERS AND TUBS SHALL SEPARATE SHALL BE INSULATED U CONCEPTUAL AIR CONCEPTUAL AIR WALLBOARD As BARRIER THEM FROM THE SHOWERS AND TUBS ELECTRICAL/ PHONE BOX ON THE AIR BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED BEHIND CL -� SEALING STRATEGY SEALING STRATEGY CONCEPTUAL AIR SEALING EXTERIOR WALLS ELECTRICAL OR COMMUNICATION BOXES OR AIR-SEAL x BOXES SHALL BE INSTALLED • '4 LOWER WALL SECTION UPPER WALL SECTION STRATEGY AT UPPER FLOOR ICU d HVAC REGISTER XPANDiNG FOAM SEALANT BOOTS THERMAL ENVELOPE SHALL BE SEALED TO THE 3: ct) 1: BAND JOIST AT PERIMETER SUBFLOOR OR DRYWALL 'OR CEILING PENETRATED BY LU O SEALANUQUS BEAD OF THE BOOT DRYWALL CEILING CONCEALED SPRINKLERS WHEN REQUIRED TO BE SEALED, CONCEALED FIRE O N GYPSUM BOARD SPRINKLERS SHALL ONLY BE SEALED IN A MANNER JU C-4 '4 r 2) LAYERS 2" RIGID INSULATION RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE THAT 1S RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. INSTALL 1" RIGID INSULATION INSTALLED DURING FRAMING CAULKING OR OTHER ADHESIVE SEALANTS SHALL NOT ul CUT TO FIT BETWEEN THE AIR SEALING AT RECESSED BE USED TO FILL VOIDS BETWEEN FIRE SPRINKLER v4 --1 RAFTERS FROM SEAL BOTH COVER PLATES AND WALLS OR CEILINGS O ~ 1" RIGID INSULATION) SIDES ALONG RAFTER WITH �, LIGHTING IN ATTIC ill x � o m ROUGH CUT AROUND EXPANDING FOAM SEALANT. O � � VENTILATION CHUTE MAINTAIN EQUAL VENT SPACE -AIR SEAL PERIMETER NTILATION CHUTE FQR LENGTH QF RIGID IN5ULATIO LNSULATPED EXTERIOR MATERIALS R-VALUES. } z 0 LLWITH EXPANDING TTIC INSULATION ALL EMENT BACKERBOARD 0 uj FOAM SEALANT SHEATHING RI TALI TUB SURROUND FINISH MATERIAL R-VALUE f INSTALL 1" RIGID INSULATION VERTICALLY TO CONNECT TUB UNIT INSULATING SHEATHING TO RIGID 3-STUD CORNER w/ INSULATION BAFFLE. TUB SURROUND BUILDING BOARD U FOAM SEAL BOTH JOINT RIGID INSULATION PROVIDE BLOCKING AT BEYOND -^� STUD CAVITY AT TUB GYPSUM WALL BOARD (Y") 0«45 ONTINUOUS BEAD - AT EXTERIOR WALL ON71NUOUS BEAD " OF SEALANT GYPSUM WALL BOARD 5i$" 0,5625 OF SEALANT ONTINUOUS BEAD ( ) " RIGID INSULATION OF SEALANT INSULATED EXTERIOR THIN PROFILE WALL PLYWOOD {Y�"} 0.62 XTERIOR INSULATED " RIGID INSULATION STUD WALL SHEATHING ENGINEER: WALLI ROVIDE BLOCKING AT ONTINUOUS BEAD PLYWOOD {3/4`) 0;94pC I'���V C ` XTERI{?R INSULATED STUD CAVITY AT SHOWER OF SEALANT � � r WALL AT EXTERIOR WALL ,•,F,. �� I T 1" RIGID INSULATION AS ONTINUOUS BEAD OF 1" EXTERIOR INSULATION SHEATHING SEALANT NSTALL INTERIOR SHEATHING 71 SIDING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ATTIC )EAVE BAFFLE PREFAB FIREPLACE UNIT XPANDING FOAM ALUMINUM VINYL SIDING (NOT INSULATED) 0.61 AS ATTIC EAVE BAFFLE AND VENT / , CUT AROUND MANUF. VENT ALUMINUM/ VINYL SIDING (32" INSULATION) 1.80 ��m2 ""''' R(" ` REFAB ....... . ...... . FINISH OOD FRAME v TILE SURROUND FIN FIREPLACE : �Sc, ...,emu'-_.� • K^ - JEFFREY T, BUTLER, P.E. AIR SEALING BEHIND TUB w/ THIN-PROFILE SHEATHING o o N e O o c%4 z � °o INSULATED CANTIL6ER FLOOR _ o Q � r m O z o CAVITY INSULATION w/ 1" RIGID QC Cl O z INSULATION CLOSURE V ° AIR SEALING BEHIND SHOWER AIR SEALING AT PLATFORM FOR Q w ° o w/ THIN-PROFILE SHEATHING MANUF. FIREPLACE ASSEMBLY w uz, o z o 0 C. O U o Q q: L, u- m O z 9 Lu p a a U � ° A,IR SEALING AT AIR SEAL AT TOP PLATE AIR SEAL AT TOP PLATE PAGE : ATTIC HATCH PIPE PENETRATION AIR SEAL AT DUCT BOOT ELECTRICAL PENETRATION COPYRIGHT 2013 JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E., P.C. REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM 15 PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E., P.C.