HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmend # 19 .. .. . .. ~. . {~.':..~.,:.;7%'.~,...~:.~:~.~ · , :i:~ ',~: . ,~ . . ,.~, · '.. ... : · . ...... . f:-.. · . .. ...... . . ,.~;~ ,~. '~a~' .. '~,~i""~. ,~, _[.' ...... ~ .. . ~;~,.. · · .. ,- . ,.. ~ ..~ .. .. . ,. . . . , '. ,~,: ~[ ~,~1 · ?,. 't?;, ~.~}~ .,~.~?.~,,,.,.:.~,~,~,,~:~. ~> ~.~:~), .;.% · F::. :':," '::'..:: ,.:,.:~:,~. .~.~ .~.~,~,~,~.~.:,.,,,~ .. . . .. ~.~,~. . . -: !i- (~!~'P ~.<~'.~,~...'.,.:.1: :' '~ ~ '" ' .... ' ?' '" ' ' ....... ' .... ~ ~ ....... '~ ........ ~"' ' ...... '~'"' ~' ~' ...... ~ ....~"~" '~" ~', ~' "~' ..... '~ '~ ~' '~ ' - . '.- : .,- ~i. I ~' ',"~ ~ ' ~,,';', ', '.' ' · ~"~.'~4. -'.' ' ....~.~,m~ "f ~"~ ':"~ : ' ." '~ .'~'" .lz,~ 'the'-To.wn o.f ',""':"'"~' . . . , . ,,. ..;.W' :'.'.''i'"~" ~ '~' ~.:. ' · ?,..~l ~.~,.,.~...~,, ..,,, of .,,,..,~, .... ,,~..0I,,~ .... a~'_~G- :S'J;.~{~ ~e'".o.f' .'~e:w-'Y.~:?.:::.k,,,?. Lo",.,.:::'.:~.d;e~ .......... . .: t ,.:.. ....... . .. ...: .... ...:~ ~,,.~: .:1o.~.~g. ~,[~ i.~:, I,..~...,:~ !~:,,,~. of, .~, o,.,~,, ,.,~:,. ~,,,,.:,~,,.~..~e. ,.~,~ ::.~:, ~:.:~,o ,,,~,,~.:,.:,.1 ZOO ,,,,..,,,.~,..,~:,, oz,...:~:o~..~i,~..~.' :~.,!.~.~...~,.:..:~ce ~,:.~. .... ~, L, .:.. ..: .: .:, . .,.~. . ~,~ .. -0~1 ~ 1~I~:~. :u:a.~91.':]:,:~:~l.'.:~.o...~~, .~.~; all-'po:lnts..~f .::....,,:.z .~,,. ~ ,~..~a:a~., {;h:~.~,:[c.e sou:the'""' '""~' ~'"'::*~' ~ ' '":~' '~('~'::":~ "" ' "': """<:9 .,~. ,,~j ..... :' ,. ...... ...-. . .. ~ · .-... . - .... , · .,,~,~ .... ~, ..~ . ,. , was. 'by John Wi c kham ~ 9 $outho!d Planning MR . Anyone here wish. ..~:;0 'be. heard in ,.:: opposition to th, i~ eh e? nO response. ). hea.rd in the re anyone change? (Cutchogue):. here who w'ishes to be I am one of those in favor of 'it. ~.t. [...,A,..:~ R, T o O N: that . MR.. Anyone els e C O'RW I i~ii::,,.,,, ..,, ,.:.,. J.:i A, ..[-}',.t..W 0 H L"..:a ..... ,-~- '? ( Cut cho gue ): WALTEF OWLAND .Cutchogue : MYRON?iJI. XON (Cutchogue):. I ..,, .' ' ( ) F RANK ~:-:.. .................. ~..:.~ Cut chogu e favor, of t change.. Ml::~, .[~.'~ .... f:::'~'?Rrpc~ ON :. ~yone her.e ,, w'i s~'~::.',':"' 't':,"~ "be heard on this ...... ~i.;~ .., ~, .. this part .~~ the hearing? '. ~:, :~ MR. ~a'ER P;50.N: I f 2"% ~,'th.e w~.sh t0 be heard? hearing I am in favor. I am in favor. am in favor. I' would like to state I am 'in in opposition or in favor of app ti cation b'e f o re · close not, we will close 'this part of the further deliberation of the Board. , Orl, mo n of Mr. ~'~thill, seconded by Mr'. Demarest, and ,. carried, the appIication, to gricultural District to' "B" change from "A" Resid- Business District the ¥% ~cr~b~ed property was 10 aye. ~y 20, 19~ This is to certify t~t the following acticn was taken b~ t;~e Southold Tmon ?%ar~i~g ~oard on ~y 20~ 19~8: northerly l~ne of ~in ~ad ab~_t 765 feet to land of Jeseo~ ~nceski~ then~ nor~er~= alone said ~nd of Joseph~e ~nces~ 2C0 feet or ~re; i'rom said o~rtner4~ l~s of ~ ~ad ab~t 740 feet to the wester4~ l~e of said ~h's ~ne; thence sontLerly mlon~ saiJ westerly l~e of ~h's ~ne CASE NO: ....................... STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MACI'ER OF THE P~T~TION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW' YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD; .~.~r,,.,~ G. ~,~- ...... ~:?.~...::~.'..~:..~L ........... ]. I,. .............. ~.: ........................................ , residing at STATE DF NEW 'fORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ................................................................................ , ~EING DULY SWORN, deposes end soys ti=et he is CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NM' YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN TIqE IVv~TTER OF TIq~ PETITION OF PETITION FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE ~UILDING ZONE ORDINANCE THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK Suffolk Cod nf,r', ................................................................ ~nd m C. re par~icu!arly bounded or, d describe4 as follows: 3. Such request' is made for ~he fo)lowing reasons: U ................................................................................ , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says ti]ac hc is CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF FIEV¢ YORK PETIT!Or,! TO\¥N OF SOUTHOLD from ~ residential ,~: Y.=~ricultural to "B'~ business STATE OF N~'CV YORK COUN, Y OF S JDFOLK, 2idnsy D. eebe ............................................................................... , DSING DULY SWORN, deposes and ~-a;,~ ~h~t hc is CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE P~TITION OF PETITION FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE EUILD~NG ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN 80ARD OF THE TOWN OF SOLI}'HOLD: ................................................................................. BE!NG DULY SWORN, de;os~s cznd seys that h~= is CASE NO: ........................ STAT£ OF NLuW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF PETITION FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMEND MENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 2 I do hereby petition Ihe Town Board of fh¢ To,vn o[ Soufha]d to chor~ge, mod[[y ;nd amend the BuiMing Zone Ordinance of the Town of ~uthald, Suffolk County, New York, including the STALL © NEW KORI% ) ' SS:-- COUNT~' OF SUFFOLK, ) ............................................................................... , DEING DULY SWORN, (ep~ses a.~d s~¥s that he is CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION - - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:--. ................................................................................. BEING DULY b~,¥©RN, ~,eposes ~nd ~a:-'s nat ha s Public. WHEREAS said pe[itiar~ wa~* duly referred to the PIonnin§ Board for/ts of ~'-~ .............. ]95..~, and due deliberation having been NOW, THEREEORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demar~ded ir~ .~aid Fay .20 ~. John %fi ckham Dear Enclosed herewith erig~nai and copy cf k~a.~w~ petitions of 8mi~h~ Peconie L~ne~ Peoonic~ ~,I, and per~icn of Ang~Io G ~nd OeoPge~te Petrueei~ of Bay Avg.? Cutchc~ue: ~,Y.~ reistive so chan~e of zone in accordance with Article IX: 901~ Suh-~ivlsion Ct Also enclosed herewith request te rezone property along Route 2~ in the vlcini~y of ?scenic and Cutchegus ~rom ':i'~ Residential aLd ~gricui~uPa! pare an ofeioiai report defining the eo~d?tions described in the petitions ~nd determine yoo~ Boerd~ Town ~ierk CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK P~'I'ITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~e~t b,v 2ecc~,tc L~ue 1~ f~et the Building Zone Ordir, arce af tho T~wn of Southald, Suffolk Count, New York, inc]udin~ t'ne >!~.c :~f t~e Town of ~o~lthai~ to c~e.i~e the ~se DisZr~c~ a!~s~i~c~tion classification 'Cot a 3. isCance cf o;~ tke icremi~es ss a fuel ,tist~ibuticn poi~.t fo~ v~il2 be conslsts~ w%th tDe use o~ zhs !a~gest adjoini~ 9rco~ry~ %~e ~lroad. ~etitlo:mers Fror.~rty ~.buts the premises STATE OF N~/V 'FORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ................... F-..-.~:r ............................................. BEING DULY SWORN, deposes end say~ h~t h- ~ · , .,. .: "' 'i~'~'H'/:,.U[RMAN: . T!!:{E .,.., . . :. :.. · ..,.,.. ,~::,,'-',, .,~,:,.,...t. d to · , .. i,:'. ... ,;......,,~. ,~..;' .'.:i~, . [':,'~ .;,::' ",;'; ~: :.",: ,[,', .~ i":';;: '.: :.:' ;~. j~ · :; ,.~i i:'.'" '.: i:h ':~:~'"':;~:?. I' ~""~i"l' ' "" ~ .... ~'~' ~.' ."i: ".": ::'",","~' . i: . , .' ~;:,. :'"' 'iii?: , ..:,.[ :'..',i,':?.. ;.": ': 'TI'~ C, ii. , ~',:. ~..,.,i '. [' .. . ,. i' ,, T HENRY I 'will read -,~. :~ utho!d ttt. e So certify that the Town ,~-, 'mr..;~tter of Petition ~'i?,, .~. ........... New York~ for a the premises an d Agri cue,? The. premises property affeC'~ marked!!i ~ determ:~.,.na ~;ion the ~uggestiOn all CH AIRMAN: s t ruc ture s not to obst John Is - there this change of :t... :,$1ponse ' Is there of zon, inS 44 ecor. smendation of the ,, jif ard: ing action was ta,ke'r:~ May oO 1958 omlth~ ry J. c" Peconic 'the Us e Dis tri c t ed by' the application, D Jk s t ri c't t o ' C '`'~' Indus t r J re the westerly 300 feet el t on map by O. W~ Board. to to al,]., tanks be below pt back from the highway t~.~.e view on this Southold who wishes 'to very be hca w z. ~'he~ to be hear,:~l. :t.n ooutho ld ) ~ members · . ,, · ...~:. ,':.x ..f?.'}:~.n I": :t. o n t o t h e ~f {')t"l"r~ .:.~' ;."1.. ~ .,. ,,, ................... , ~.~ ..... :.": ¥..':, .'{6 put n~me is ",' . ..... Harry' Sm~ Terry~ t aPl,e o r~ ., is late and ! to call ,; .,'!: :~ .. ....... ~';' ~ jl~:: {..., 31 'e' l' :... :,. '.',r .... ( ~ ( ............. , .................. ,,.,, t~:)n has been .,, ..~ ~ .......... ~ ,~... .,i":,..'..',. ,~.. ,...~-, '~,,', :".~ .~ ........ .[,. 'r') t i c a, ..,,..~,, ,~::.,,..:.., ,..;...,i. ,,:. :....,....~,.,, ,~.,. r e c o mm e n d a t i o n. t · :~:'":~: ~:',~"i~,,.,,.,,,,. 'r:'.e t;o t e 1 ] ' '" you . :. t~.,'.,, J..;i '.~: ,,' , ". ' ,: :'! '!',.:iii:, .'".:'," .: :; .ii,il: ..i:.,,: · ..:; ,~,..... 'r,,, a, nk~ ttnd e r i ~[: ;~ ~::L :' [' ::~.'.' ',.3 : ' · ..~ '..;~ ~i:'.. 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' "" ~ ~2) ..... i,~ ' ............ ~ no respon~e :~ ";i!"i, ~ ' ' "" '"'"'" ~':'~ ...... r4"Q" {"'~'.'~.;'":{. ~::::'.~: :~.: .~..,~, ~:,~ ...... ,,,, .:r.e. f,.~ .t. (~:.':. >"~ .... :~ ,".'. N'.~%IRMAN ~' i s the" '~, :~ ..t ::] k.,~ ~' ' ' .... ;i1~i~ ..: ': :'" .., :,':~i; ;~', : ,,' '.i .,.'J '"ii~,: '::, '-" "'~, '~ ~"~:'~'~' ":P~ ("~'O'OO ~:~ · L 10 ~ [, O O P .~ ,~' ~ ,..,., .~ .... :...-:~...::.: .~.~ ..... :; .... ' [Jj"i.' ....... .~'"" '~ ' ' t ':f,., ; ',j iu[: :i :,]~,j..', '] · ' ' Ii' ' ' ~i'~': ..... : ~l[J:' ~ "~ ;:'" '"';:" ' i"..,,:.' : ": '~ ~::: "::i"~". ii:'j: ' "',!~i' ' :~ ' :: ) ". " ......... '"~i;' ::' ~ ' ~.":~ ' .T~' ......... ~ .): ..:.'i · '.',I'.~ '.i: ,:,:~',',' ~ ., .,~,. , ..,~, ~: ' '::i~. ~ .... "::' ..... : ":" " , ~ii.~ · · ,,. e the heaping :::.,~,~,,r:~,, W:"~i.., 1 t 010 o , ~,' ',,;, i :~1~ !~' , .i". :~[ .~:I~ :~ ~;: ~,.: ,,i~',. ",. ., .~ ....~ . !,,i!: .,. ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ "~ ~ ............... '~[ ''~ :'~ .... i..,l~ } ';L' ~: :',:. :~!~.', : ,',i:':~ ....... '~:,~ : :i~:il ' .! .,~:.. ';:: :~ , ..!!i~ ~ .,:::~'i',,:. :'. ' .. I~ ~,"i; '[ ,, · ' ' "i~ ' "ii ~i' '~":.' ' ::: i: :'i' .:~i'i' .j~ :nded bY Mr~ Cla, rk, o f a Us e Dis ~,":'.; :i:'.'~:.'u, ...... ~h,e ~o R :, si. den was ~ra.n'[~ed, LEGAL NOTICE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 19 NOTICE IS /-IEI~,I~BY GIVEN that to the r~uiremen~s of Law, the Build- lng Zone O~nance (including Build- old ~uffolk County. New York ~as duly amended ag a regular meet~g of the Southol4 Town Board on June 17, 1958, as follows: of lgnd situate, lying and being at ~econic, in the Town of Southold. Oounty of Suffolk and State of Ne~ Y~, bound~ and de~dbed as toll.s: northerly line of ~aln Road 'at the easterly line of a 66 foot private about 15~ fee~ westerly from South said private road 200 feet more less; thence easterly and parallel to ~.~. a ~stanee of ~bout ~00 Ieet ~'~d of Adam Cierach; thence~ ~ly along said land of Adam ~r~h 2~ f~eet more or le~ ~/~d northerl~ line of Main Road; to the point of beginning. 2..~F changing from "A" Residential ~y: A~ that certain trot or parcel ~'land, situate, lying and being at ~d, ~ounty of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Betiding ak the inters~tion of the northerly line of Main ~ne and running thence westerly along said northerly line of Ma~ Road about 765 f~t ~ land ly along said land of J~phine easterly on a line ~el ~o and ~t all points 2~ f~ n~erly from of said ~vah's Lane; thence sou~-' erly along said westerly line of ~- 3. By changing from "A" Resident~ dustrial District, the following ~.L that tract or ~arcel of land situate, lying and be~g at ia the Town of Southol~ of Suffolk and State of New York, generally bound~ and described follows: · easterly by other land of Henry Smith a al'stance of 218.5 feet;, ~outherly by land of Bell and land and west~.ly by P~onic Lane a fence of ~69 feet. Dated: June 18, 1958. TO~ BOARD TOWN CL~K COUNTY OF SUFFOLK i ss. STATE OF NEW YORK ~ Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly s~vorn, soys that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed ot Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Motfifuck Watch- once each week for ~__~, ..,r~.-'~.,~..~....f.~'~ man · " ·, weeks successively, commencing on the day of '~- ' ....... 19 Sworn to before me this ....... ... ......... day of ........ * ...... ............ ~b ,.:. · . .... .. . . .. .. . . . . . , . -. . . .. . . . : . ~ , . , . .. . , .. ~ ; :, .. . . . · . . . -. . , -. .: . . . :. · . . .~ .. :... .... ., _. ..... ... .. -. . . , . . ~ ~. : ,. . . .. - . · . . .. .... . ...... . . . . . . . . _.. .. . . . . .. ., . . ... .;.. ..... .... ... .. ...... . .. ...~~ ·. . ', . · . .....~ ~.. ~ ,.. '~' . . - .. . . .. ..~ NOTICE Ia H~B~B~ QiTE-N that af~e_ a public hearing held pursuant to bhe requirements of~a~,- - the P~"~zd~.g~ Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the of Sfuthold~ Suffolk Ceunty~ New York was d:aiy amended et a regular meeting of the oauthold Io~u Board on June 17~ 1916~ as follcwa: By changing fram "A" Residential and ~gric~zlt~al District to "? Business District the following described property: ALL tn~t certain tract or parcel of land situate, l~ing and being at Pecan!% in the ~c%m of Southold~ County of Suffolk ~nd State of New York~ %om~ded and described as follows: Beginning at the point on the northerly line of Main Ro~d at ~he easterly li~e of a 66 foo~ private road west of Williams prop~r=y and about 1500 feet westerly fro~ South H6rt~r Lane mad rumuing thence ~rtharly along e~s~erly line of said private road 200 feat more o~ thence easterly and parallel to ant at allp~n~s~ ~ 200 feet n~r-~s~z., from said northerly line of Main Road~ a of about 700 feet to l~ad of kdam Cierach~ thence southerly along said land of Adam Cierach 200 feet more or less to s~id northerly lSne of ~,~in Road; thence westerly along said northerly lim~ of Main goad about 71~ f~et to th~ point of begim~ag. By ~aa~ing from "A" Residential ~nd A~ricultural District ~o 'B" Busines~ District the following property: ALL that c~rtsin tract or p~rcel of land, situate~ lyin~ and being at Cutchogue~ in the To%m of Southold~ County of S~ffolk a~ Stat~ of New York~ bounded and described as Be~inr~nE az the intersection of the northerly lin~ of l.miu Ro~d %,ith the ~estsrly line of Alvah~ Lane rubbing thence westerly along said northerly line of_~a~n;,; ~ Road ~bou% 76~ fee~ ~o land of Josephine Lenceski~ ~hen~e northerly along said i~nd of ~osephine Lenceski 200 feet more or less~ thence easterly on a line parallel to and at all points 200 feet northerly ~ ~_om said northerly line of ~in Road abou~ ¢~ feet to the ~es~erly line of s~id llv~h~s ¢=_~e~ thence southerly ~long said westerly line of Atvah's Lane 200 feet or more to the point of beEinnin6. By changing from 'k' Easidsntial and AErlcultur~i Dist.!ct to 'C" Ir~ustrla! District~ the followinE described prope=t~: ALL tha~ tr~c~ oR parcel of !8nd situate~ and bein~ at ~eoonic ~n the Town cf Sout._ozd~ County of Suffolk and State of Ne~¢ York~ generally ~ound~d ~nd descri~,ed ss follows: Northerly by lan~ of Lone Island Railroad ~ dis- tznce of 300 feet~ e~sterly by other la~ of Henry J. SmLth, * distance of 218.5 fee~; southerly by land of B.zl end la~d of Redell a distance of 300 fmst~ and westerly by Peconlc L~ne a distance of 169 fee~. Dated: June 183 19~8, BY ORDER OF .... TnB SOJTHOLD YO~f~ BO~.R~ ~ RALPH P, BOOTH TO~N CL~RK r public TOWN TOWN OF KSARING BOARD Greenport, June t7~ ALBERTS ON ~ .A~ CLARK~ Justice !~]THILL~ DEMAREST ~ TAS~R~ Justice 5k~stice P. BOOTH,~ Town of the Peace C 1 e rk ,** (Mr~ Tasker 'HEAR_NG re~d the following ON PROPOS AL TO .,.., .. · . . . [,.., .. ~ ,~'," I J,, C, ~".':, 0 ''~'a a, · o :[, t he ou p e fyi s o r., ~'... .~..:: '. ..~,..:~ 8 at 7 =30 ( ' ' '..'.i:~':' .~I ,' ".i~..i,,, ~, ~. '. '...:.:,,[[., .:: .~ '." '!: ... ~,i:':~' :: po ",., ,;~ .~:~ ;..',~'.,[:::; · ~]. Zc. ne Maps) of the W N~ s t By changing from .:op .! :i 265 of notice, ) Ordinance AMEND tract by' tt~e S 16 Sour o'clock .,~ Zone Town Distric~ :i.n the Town New York, bp 2 the point of'a 66 and about LaW~ and Arti.cle IX Town of o a pub- ~outhold., ld Town Board at the treet, Gr,eenport, N, , on the following pro-- ,inance (~,,nc luding the outhold, Suffolk County, .ential and Agricultural he following or parcel fo~t running thence ~ private road 200 f~~ at ~ of Mai~. Cierac~ ,, parallel to and nort'herly line to land of Adam described of land. situate, lying Southold~ Co~.m. ty of an.d described as ~ :. n. ortherly line o f private road west : Main Ro ad of South the easterly t hence northerly of' about feet westerly from ortherly along t' too.re or less; ?~1 points 200 ft, Road, a distance ':thence southerly along said 3 land of Adam Cierach 900 feet more or less to said northerly line of Main Road; thence westerly along said northerly line of Main Road about 715 feet to the point of beginning. 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the property: ALL that certain tract or parcel of land, and being at Cutchogue in the Town of Southold, following described situate, lying County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of Main Road with the westerly line of Alvah,s Lane and running thence westerly along said northerly line of Main '[toad about 765 feet to land of Josephine Lanceski; thence no.~therly alon2 said land of Josephine Lanceski 200 feet more or les~; thence easterly on a line parallel to and at all points 200 feet northerly from said northerly line of Main Road about 740 feet to the westerly line of said Alvah's Lane; thence southerly along said westerly line of Alvah's Lane 200 feet or more to the point of beginning. ~" B. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District the following described property: ALL that certain plot, piece of parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, Suffolk .New York~ at Fleets Neck West Road of J R~ N~gle~ minutes 20 seconds bounded and ... ~.:,~."~ .......... "~,t the intersection . and:. ',,,the westerly line of . -"" m thence south s'b axons said i+t~ of land nor - Si> degrees "~' '? ..... ~."' .... :'"~,'"" '~ "!:".~.!]; ;'''¢' outh ~ ~ ,.~,,i~ )"i'''';~'' .!).~, .... '.'..'~ -. - .... · ,.',',:~c.t ,....,.,.~ ;."!!t tie line running · '~ "'-"~, -" :'l '~ ~ "' *~'""~"~' · ~., .~,...',i ,, ....... ..... :,.. (i": .c', ~,~ -'. ..... shores Course ~.niicated by.a tie im;,...tes west 106,13 feet~ ;- , · alon.~;"'?~,.i& ~0he shores . . 60 ~ tOrth 65 i,. souther ~ line '; ~..'; ,monun:~..e hts e t · at o f Wickham (sa,id ,,ourse dea,rees~,' 17 minutes lands or minutes c,..."?',,o'", r't.";." :' al. "i that tract or parc( ,~.,.' i:" '""::'"" ~)' ' ...... i~:::,I::'.'.',',:'.'""*'"'",..,...,.: ~,'"":""tY.::::..,.. by' land. of Long I ,i'":',~..',.e''~'' :,,~. :, ,:...,.':-., ;.':,,. .., .s t e rly. by other land of West Road, 430 'the point or place and. Agri eul t¢'ra 1 desc~,-ibed lying ~ratly bom.~ded a~.~d described land. Railroad ~ '~ distance, of of' Jenry J,~ omith a southerly' by land Of Bell ar.~d ,,:.:,:.. e(: ".,t' , oQ 1 .......... ~" .... :il. ' .L i':":.i 'i..' ..... %~ ,,,~' .... ... ;~'. ;'"" ,2'.~ ~, ,~.~ ....... ~ :. ... }, : ..... . ~.'.~ ' : . ~,. ':f' .,~; .... ,~'~J ....... ~:~...~.:'~. ,~.~, ~3 · ~."ih,, ~ ..... ,'P"F . ,,~ .' · i ~.'}~. iI . '.1~. ;... 'I:~ 'J~i. ~.~. .Jif "4 'I'.;.' :..;["f..~ ........ . ~..~:.~ [.:~..~ ....... ~': .;.'~ ~: P ],. :~t:nt":i,.!,...,..,:~,r:::.:::~ 'Re a. ':t",,d ~ ~ .': '1~ : ';'.jl "~ ~.r ' ~ ........ ~,. ~,,.~ ,~. % ;,:,,;. ~1~.~ i~ Ge by 0 .~ 5 land of Bedel! a feet; and 'wester Peconie desiring ~! or.~ the !Place above OF THE ~:''' O.[1"..PB"c~LD'i'{'. TOWN BOARD ......... ~:' ..r:~. P ,,., ........... :,. H., ~; :. We will take 'the - re c ommendat i C~!!i:I POWN BOARD~ certify that 'the fOllowing ...... Town Planning Bo~rd on May ' ,ii:.,~:I: ~".~:i '~:'" . ~..~(:. ;:~ .,~ c,~:~, o~' '~::';he Town of Southol cha:nging from 't';$" La'ne a distance prop ~, ',,'-' ~d. antend-, Town' Clerk. parcels as Southold NEW YORK, ac tion., was 1958 specified, advertised~ Town Building Zone including; the building- -. "A" Residential and Aoricultural taken .,;,~,,,,.., NN,.L iN' a t the po in t OP desc. Pibed . property: of land situate, y~.ng the mowi Iof SoutholLd~ County of Ye rk ~ O~ ed and described as northerly line Main Road a'n.d S't a t e o f New tract the fell'°wing Dis t ri c t prc p er'l;y and about ... an d · 4','" ;''~ ........ o. 'ther,c e )~,~,v.a."t~;~'::'..r, oad 200 feet ~ i ':,:':".: : ' I ' , . '::;. · . .':. ?.[;' ... ,::, ~. , .,,~' ...~j[. ~,-..' ~ ,~,, ....: ..:..:~,:.,. :.. : .: .:..;.: ....... ::.';. :% :3":" '::, .. ' ' J ..... ..~,.. ,[, l C: '[ ::'::!0' ':~:' . ]..'.,j~:.;:.'. ii. ;." .... ~. 20 .... ~ .'" ~:~?. ]1.: "' ., ~.,, ;,. ;~i .,,:,., . · ~.:,d[i%/:: ).[[,~: ' ,'~ ':'~:.'.;'f~ [f"i. :.t® · :, ;~. ~:...%i'.'...*;,., ~' .... .. I ~',',-~ of a 66 .ft. 1500 feet weste 6 road west of 'Wi lliams ~ s from South Harbor Lane ~ ' '~ r' line northerly alorg t~e caste ly more or les' thence easterly .. points 9_00 feet nor Road~ a distance of of said ' d. . an paral!e rly from said northerly .ut 700 feet to land. of thence southerly al' said land of Adam Cierach more. or less to said no fly line of Main Road; said north~,* line of Main Road about esterly along 'the point of 'beginni~ determination 'the proposal to the signed, by John Wic ge ts up e a (:h · pe rs on .e Planning Board to recom~ Board for approval., ~ Chairman~ SouthoId Plan for or against t o ~:~ P~.;i~..,, ax e i the r ~ .... i ,,:.:. cl.~.,ese changes, ~,,~ ~ :~y .,,:.,,.... ~ . will they ~:,~~ their name '~':.es so t .at t,~te sec reta;rY m:a,y' get it down, '" ] '~": · ~ :[: p:.i...ece of land I just posed .to the chan.~ ~ re spo~s e. ) Any o n.e. wi, s h!..:, .., ere was no A!.,BERTSON , and place of In regard he report on? is the re anyone '! ....... *'~' ' '" ~"' ' er~::'.' was .no .:i".: i.. ~il. :.: ~;;i' "'":': ';; ':'..";,i"!l [ ',1: !''' ..,,,,,,,, ~:',~ .,...'.'t.t..'BERTS ON, ., :i': :.l i. ;., ' i.', ..... :~,..'..~II~', .1!, '~ : ',!:, !.!: , · ' i'~I'.: t!: :' .. ,[. ,.~ ' - Anyo n e h e "? :i speak in opposition to to speak In favor of 7 CORWIN. GRATHWOHL· 0 f r°.~c~ objeo'tion (Cutchogue.~ N, .to this that,. by 'the P1 else respon~* · Anyone wish tO ~'" '~ ............... ! ~'.X. '.:"' !,:i ,'.'" .,~';'~ .................... . , .' ]!Ili i'.: ':II . ', " II ,j . ~, ;',,~!' · '1 ' ~:P'~:: : I li,~. ';,, Ii:',:,i~.'~T~)~.,~! :'~ :~ ~ T T:~'ft~'~ T.~ q'~ ~ ~'~T ~ ifil ' :' ,'~ 'L.' ~. ~ . ! ~d.!l I:':~ ,i~ ';i,~, :. "!/'",:, 'I ~" I ,'1'q,,l~ ~" '~ , I~ ,i~ ~'i,~'. ,~iu '.' ]. · ,.,:.. !]1 ., i .' il:~ .,!. ~ ,~ :~.~ ~1 ..,~'. j, ,6. .,',i l: i'.1 · ....... ' . O I~,':,,¢[:. ~'.~i,;~ ~:.::',:~ '::]., · '!.:! .: ....,.; ';:;i~ i.l:' L!',!~¢':::~':'.~ ;..~'::,~ · ::.,:l$ ;[;.', .;,'::~l L;i ','~: ::¢:' j:'.~i~, I':';; ..: ..... , :.. [:!., ii ~ .e Town Board 'Board. to be heard speak either we Will close further , : feel. as should vote i.~.. favor for or again, st the pubIic hearing deliberation of the and Agricultural to i' I Business Demarest, char.~ge from "A' District was 265 Will ':16 o~: I~,!958 M, .on that · i I running' thence northwesterly' alt the, shores of' Wickharn ~:Creek :-to thc Southerly line of west }{oad ~(saic~. · course indicated-by a tie line ning north ,60 degrees 17 minutes, west-575.18 feet); running thence north 65 degrees 22 minutes 40' Sec, ~LK onds e.as~ ~lon.g the southerl~"!ine}~D~ :of West Road, 430' fee~, more o~21ess, to the monument se~ at-the:~i~ or.place, of beginni~., ,, ': : {::. ~4~ By changing fr0m~ A and Agricultural~ ;;District to~ . DisSrict, the . scribed property: All that trac~ or' .situate, lying and 5eing in-the Town of ~Southold, ' . Suffolk and-State of New. York, ~ ' erally bounded ant f011ows: . . · ':' ' ' ' :'Northerly by ladd of Long Railr0ad a distance 0f 300 easterly by other landor · '.Smith . a ,distance of' 21.~,.5 .southerly bY land of Be11 and "~ud of Bede1!- a distance of 300 and 'westerly ~by:' ~econic dis~:ance of 169 Any person PropOsed amen~ents pear at the t~e and place above fled. ' . · · D.a~ed: ~ay 29th,. 1958 ~Y ORDER,O~ THE SOLrlIHOLE~ TOWN BOARD,-" RALPH 'P. TOWN CLER~ -. SS. being duly sworn, says that she is of the LONG [SLAND TRAVELER- '.HMAN, a public newspaper printed ~olk County, and that the notice of a printed copy, has .been published Zraveler-Mattituck Watchman once ~:..~'~ ./.../... ~eek/successive~y, ................ .~.. ........................... day of ......... 19..~.....~' Sworn to befOre me this ...... ./..~-............. day of' : --.... 19. ........... .... Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New Residing in Suffolk County No, 52-3~41000 C'ommission Expires ~arch 30, !959 'a'bout~-:~/40:!.feet to ~h'e ~,,~of said' 'Alvah's Lane fee~ or ~pOint Of begiilrqng.~ k" i{ ,.- ~ ide,[ce ~Strict fhe f0116win~;[ prO~rtY: ..-:.,, ' of :land, ~i~t~ '1 in ~y 20~ 1,5= TOWN I-IF ~OUTH[3LD %ais is to cert!~y tn~t the fcllowinE mctic~ ~as taken by th~ Bcutho!g Town Fl~ain~ Board on 2,mrCh 18~ 19~8: in the matte~ ow the petitionI of Ei~s~ort2'. and 4inifrsd ai~plication~ ~ae ~ast -0areal cf tna Wiiila~s Estate~ i~orth side The Pl~nin~ Bcard recommence, approval ~f this a~pAica%iou and reco~uends i~elu~ing the adjciai~ sto~e rrcpert7 cf 3rel!ie Williams in thfs "b~: distrlct~ ~aal p~o~s~ty situmt~d a~ ~/S Main Rd.. Southotd a~so snc]osed opiginal snd copy c~ hi~'zys sks-i net be !~s t~an ~0 ~es~ in Town 5 ~:, ':.:' '!:; ;," :',: c/.!,"r'? :'"....': 0':: '":.,,i i, ~ :L, 7: .;'.':.Ni!i, Super:iS.o'~~ Klip'p~ i ~:~i%'l-Pead the lagel nQtioe.', i[[ ~n tha ~wo pu .li~ fop ,~'.'s~r~endm~n~ to the Legal NO ~ .'~ .~ :tn h~ ~w: of SuffOlk Co~'~y~ ~ Y , a pu~li.e. ~,..,~,:~,.,.:.~.,.:, will. b~. To~n Board at the c.>::.,. ~.~.;.~ ,.:..~. the $~tpervis~ ~.~ ..:~ ........... ._:,::~': > ~ ~ . ~he Zone Maps) of ",.; n ,'..'.: 'i'e'~:'.:';. :'~':~ $OuthO.~ All that tract or pa~cei ~!ana situ.ate.~ -, of O0'Oding 1~7.."34~f'~,., on ' ~st by land now by Main ROad Road;ge ~5}~ 48 £t;~. and on . Ne!l;: · by land of '- i, IX at .. .... . '.;", ',F,9 p ::!? ::: i: :., r - ~led j-e k~ ~ly per'Son desi-ring to b'e' heard o~,' the ..'.,tm,'..~:.:'i<,?.N.::::a.'i';s ~O~i~ 2~pee, S' 2.~ ~sHe ~ime and: pla~e eo:ev{',, speoifi~. ~ Dated..;~ Mal~ch ~:1~ 1958 on fiie. I w~f!i t~e the first applieatio~'which is the one of W:311ia:~s'~~ ~ -~ 'I Vrill Pegd '?'o':: Peport of the Hep-oPt t° $outhold TO~ Board~ Southotd~' I:: Y G%n~gi. emen ~. : This is to' certi~hy' that.-.:,n.,~ .:.:.,., ..... ~.,..,.;,:.'.~-..~.,~,,.,:..:~ act. lo: .:::':::~:.: ..... ~i~..:~ ...... the $o.uthOld TOwn ~ ....... -"' .... '~'~ .... ~ .'on :M~.zch t8, .,. . : . 4......., .... ;.') ~-.': · Grat.,.h~Ohl fo.~. a change in zone f~m ~A~:' Resi.de~tial and ........ ~ . . . ~ ". (.,(',(... ~..,.,,.~... ,, ~. las'~ pa~oel of the ¥':~.'?': ............ The t,:,~ r..?.,~ -7 .t';~...:;; ~ar~ ...... ,": .... '"'?':-:'.~.-': ..... ', ,.,' ............. ,', ,,., '.,,-.: ,.,,! ~l .: .; ~ ,, .~ ,: '.,~, I..,.~. and ~.co~ends :.[.u~.,::~':',~:?~"~ :a;:: 2he {Di~l.~. is..signed by .John Wi.ckhl2U~ -'~ ~ '.'~' ~ · ~.t this 't~'me is tn.ePe ~ny pe~'~°n who .~.~sh.~s to be hearst i,n opposition to. the ,?""~.",~,'~- SUP:ER~OR f~LiP'P~ I:s ~:'he~ ~ 'person who wishe~ ~o be~ h.~a~ in favor~ of th~ ch~g~ ~-. .this . .are~i '" P ~.. fo~~ ~he further delibe: of SUch time as" 'the _~d .-. ......... .... ~ joining iil,.,....,,.~e:~::ti,,..:.~;:.:...o~?i ~h'~ ~-a~$ a'~:,~,:,'? . ~_~-~..~Uaed in..'the Bu~.~ines.s .Zono. i 11 CASE NO: ....................... STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF PETITION FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMEND MENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: · ..;~[S L"[~,i'F~ ~¢~.~,~..mQ~l%]l.>~ (l and more po~:icularl,~, bounded and de,cribed es follows. ba!~g ~ ~,o~3.tho?d~ in the Eo~ of ~outho~d~ Co~m~tT, of $offolk. state cf GOO.lng _., _, ft~ on b~- >lain ..o~.c , anf. ~fest ~.¢ land of i, Iel!ie Jiilism~ l~2,73z't eonta!;~f.'~g b:r estimat!cil 3. Such request is mede for tl~e folio~ing reasons: STATE OF NE~ff YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLI(, gi~.S$:{OZ.R~:....~,..~2 ;~?.~ig?.~.~...~.~.~.}!~.~.!. ......... BEING DULY SWORN, dep,~ses end says that he i~ the ?e~ifianer in the within actien; tk, a? he has re~:d Che fo:egoing Petition ~nd' knows the con- tents thereof; that thz same is true to Els (hem own kne,vledge, except es ¢o thc m~t[e~s fi~erein