HomeMy WebLinkAboutBendickson & Smith Amend #18 .. ............. . ,......%.-;.. ,, .~ .... .,, ..y.. 'ti.".~' .. ~'~ '" '.' '~'~ ' .' '~ .. · ".i" :.: .:... ,- " "~,k ' , .... '~ . " ' ' ::' " ' '"" ' ~"'":4"~ · ' "' "'" "":""';' ';'" ' '': ' ": ..~, .... :~h~ .... ~ n o.~:.... ...... ~ x.' , ' J. ' : ./ '~ : '-. ', .... . .. · ...., . .. .. ~:;" ~:' .'.'~,:- ~, "~,.~ q.'..~.-~' . .... .~, ;~*~ ~ .~, ~. .. ... ....: . .i,.7 2'0 · ..:'[~.. a.-.~., ~,., ,~.,,,~,.,.~ ,?~.. ,~, - · . .. ..., . , ... , ..... i and-'.,A.'~;~:::~'''-'''~''''~',~: ..... , ..... :.-., .... ~2~ · ' :'," z, · , ~ ' ' · ., . · '. , · . .. . ' : ' ~ .: ,- ? ,... .' .'. · . : .... : ..,. ;- . -. . · ,- . , _ .-. ~ - ...-. . . .,. . . .,. . . . '..:,..'.¢.'~ ~, . . .¢~ . . .... """"" ..... aaa, .:,a~,' .:, ..... ~,, .... :' ...: .;~ '~'~' ,.~ ..... ":, .... ' {~j.. ~, ~.'., · ,..,, ¢~.. ....... ..:. ~ · ....~. ~:~oiltho]xi..~_........g~,. :.4..:~... ~.:.~.'- : .'~;: ,~;,. ~'" · . · ...... .. 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Board matter of amendment, of ~)h 2 of for a petition of ~'Harry chan~e of zone from "M"' MultiPle ~'1. to · , described in petition · was the dete~uinati°n b° t~ end .approval of the following on '-May Harry Smith, and a short · time the YORK action was taken 5, 1958: typewritten Stol'th, MaPle d on. the. North.Road' N' Y-" k County, by John pOrt~' nor .. ~his is signed lng Board. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: ~hes to be heard Lane, Southold, "A" Residential ;ion.? Residence District~, all ' as Parcel I and. 'Parcel Planning Board and' Parcel II. the village of of the · Pareel I west , of W i c kh am, at this Now, in' opposition and Agri- ~. . that tract Property Greenport, Chairlnan~ Southold time is there any...pers~ to the granting of. this' .Z lO (The re was no response.. )' Who s ~to be heard I ISOR KLIPP: Hearing none, is there any GEORGE in ~faVor like :: KAPP, ESQ , ( ~.~ prney for the to present to you' fo~,, ~he record:, Mr the location $ ~15 $ '~ ~ ~ ~,1 1o red sket ch this ~i~~ ti -co busi. yell gree ~ property ss ment~ ned 'bye: Portion is-the property,, t peck there is the labor c property already zoned one point 'in addition '~ tha~ , Terry said apply equal like ~o ~a?; · ' ~' :~" respectfully' call b there- Ct it was approved' bY th..~e' ~~:,_:f~. parently felt i't fits :i.,rlt;o' ToW~ ~uf Southold, and' on that ba ::.,- . wh~~ ~I won't bother you with,~ ~' .-. alii ,ese arg~ents on taxes, qpplication be - at this th . .. "!""i..'SUPERVISOR to:. 'e' heard in favor of? '(There he~.il rd in KLIPP: was : Is the~e no response. ) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: person appli cant Klipp, of the Te r~r, b e fo re and..the subject property. · and. the a.$.l...,.ii! ~ SUeh. 12 red is the- wo'uld-like The to think al:L. the things as well to this to opposition Is or there in particular vicinity,- I ~ould Just ntion of this .Board to anning Boa, rd and as such . -. tb.e zoning scheme for the s and on many other bases, any e I know you-have heard respectfully request other .person who ~ ,. wi s he s any person who wi shes to be ~r of? (There was no..~ .KLXP : tng On .. !~.....,~,.e Smith property deliberat-' on. of the Board. ( motion of' Mr, response, ) SecOnded and Maple ,imously carried, Lane, Southold, N, Demare s t, · will close the. ,, i', Parcel' I and Parcel II, voti. ng" aY~e ~, "' the by f~rther Mr. Tuthill, the aPPlication of Harry Smith, . r,,~a change of zone from Re.:!!.:.i.d'e:n. tia1 and Agricultural to "M" Multiple hear Residence of land 'described in petition was unanimously granted All He~y F~ $oisa A~fre~ grebe ~P.T TO~ SOUTNOLD TO.~ BO~ SOUTHOLD, ~* YOPK Gentlemen~ _.o~ragraph 2 of petitio~ of Har~? Smith, ~Maple L~e: Southold~ I~nd described in petition, as PA~OEL i and PAPSEL ii. V~ry ~aly ycure, Board of Appea!m april 3o: 19Y8~ ~hslr~n Plar~ing Boerd Cutchogue~ L.I.~ Dear Mr. Wiekham; E~closed ~erewith original and copy of amended petition of Hmrry Smith~ relative to change of zone on certain real property sit~mted in Southold~ New York~ in accordance with Article 1x~ S~ction 901~ Sn2-dlvision C. Also enclosed herewith original and copy of petitions of Charles O. Zieg!er~ of East Marion N.Y. and Perry E. Bendicksen et u~ of Arshamozaque, N~¥.~ relative to changed.of zone from '~A::'Resident~ igl end Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence District. Yon are instructed to prepare mn officiel report defining the conditions described in the petition end determine the area ~o effected with the recommendation of Very truly yours~ , E~ph~ ?. ~ooth RPB/mr To~n Clerk STATE OF Nb' YORK ) C,aU~TT OF S~OLK ) HARRy S~.LITH, oeir. g d~ly s-~o~n, deposes and says: I hereby ~end the b~ew~itten porbion of para- grsph 2. of my petition for a ch~Ee tn zone of my p~operty located on the No~th Road, So~:thold, New York, as ~ollows rial ~d Agric~tural District to zone "M" Multiple District, o~ ~ tD_e alternative to sc reclsssify that pcrtion of said parcel locsted alone the l~orth Road to a dopth as in to be just and ~easouab!e in 2he circu~st~ces. SWORI~ TO 6~ORE ME Alfred Grebe J~n~ar~ 15, l~Sg CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE F~.TTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMEND MENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: .~q~::~P~a..~..~gA"}c. .............................. ~and more particulcrlylbounded and described as folbws the Building Zone Ordinance of the Zowt~ oF Southold: Suffolk County, New York, including the To reclassl~ P~el I from zone t~&~ ~sidenti~ ~d To reelass~y P~el ~, ~om mane ~A~ Resident~l ~d ~ric~t~al District to ~on~ ~B~ B~s~esz Dist~t~ or ~ ~e a~%e~a%ive It is the intention of the petitiener to erect a ~!otel on Paroel II, ~d to use Pzrcel I as a means of access tc Long Island Soured for the Demefi$ ef the occupants of said Mobel~ and said uses are ~%~t ~ermitte~ under the presemt class~icationo STATE OF Nh,A/ YORK, ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ........................................ , ~ E~NG DUL~ ~WORN, d~p,sses and sa .s t, at he ~s [he petitioner [ri the within oc~[on; ~hat he has re~d the fc. reg~ing Petition and knows the car- (L. $.) ................. 2,,t3l .......... ^,~ ............................... PARCEL I - ALL that traut or p~rcel 9f land lying a~d beiug situate oear the Vi~e of Gre~po~ ~ the T~ ef Southold~ cowry ~ ~fo~ ~d S~ate ef New Tcrk~ ~d be~ mo~ p~ti~ly b~ded ~4 described ~ foll~s:- cribed ~d be~g the po~t of ~tersec~i~ feted by the e~rl~ l~e of the 1~ cen%~eyed by ~h~ ~. Joos~ to H~ H. ,R~ve ~d the mertherly l~e of Nerth ~ad; ~g thence ~ ~ gemer~ ~orthgr~ ~tion along the said (520) feet ~o the or~y hi~ water l~e cf ~g Isled Sc~d~ ~ thence i~ a gener~ ~sterly ~ecti~ ~ the o~d~ h~h wa~er l~e of s~ (~.~8) fe~ %0 ~he westerly li~ of 1~ fo~erly ~f W~i~ C. Gitt~g~ ~d ~fe, n~ of Elizf~h ~ompson Lyons, ~g then~ ~ a general s~th- er!y ~reotien alo~ the s~i~ o~er lau~ of ~q~sbsth ~omps~ L~ns ab~t ~iv~ ~e~ f~ty (550) ~ee~ to th~ ~o~herly~l~e eZ s~6 Ne~ Road; ~ Eor%h Read a ~st~ce of e~gh~y~iEh~ ~d cindy-flys or~-~edt~ (8B.85) feet to ~be po~b or place ~f beg~. m~est of the V~]~e of Greenport, ~ ~el~ of S~u~hold, Oo~ty ef the no~he~ter~7 co~er of the ~ of ~e V~aEe of G~po~ ~d be~ the northwast~ly corner ef lan~ cf S~ephen S12~es~, th~ce ~ong the th~ se~th~ly side of Ne~h R~ad Nor~ 61° 23'~ ~st 393.50 feet; ccn~u~g ~E the ~cutherly side of Nor~ ~ad No~ 58° 46' 30~ East 352.38 feeb to the l~d n~ or fo~er~v of F. ~. R. Fr~cisco Estate~ ~ence southerly along said last mentioned land Sout~ 23© 34' 20~ ~ast 427.38 feet; thence continuing ~ong said last m~ntiened l~nd South 21° 23' 3Pn East 106.C fee~ ko la~d of the Village ef ~reenport; r~ thence alone the lc~d (1) ~out~ 23° 1,9' West 241.26 feets (2) South 50 08 ' 30" West 671.h2 feet; (3) Nerth 68~ 42~ t0~~ ~est 432.43 feet; (4) No~,h 22e 18' ~,~est 564.52 feet; (5) South 72° 41' 10z ~est 119.90 feet~ (6) North 0o 53' 30'~West ~.58 feet te the s~ltherly ~ide ef North F WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board af the To~ of So. thoU bt, ......... ~... ~.~ ............................................... ing from !!~:~...]~:~.rf...~:..?:-'.~:i~..$~t... District t~..~::?..!.~¢~¢.~.~..~.~. WHEREAS sold petitlan was duly referred to tBe Plar, n[ng Board for its NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief d(manded iu said petition be, and it hereby is ~-~J :i WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore Bled wilh the Town Board of the I-owh of Sauthold by .......... :~:?::!~z.....~.r~......n:c.Z~,~.~;~?'_-..~:~ ......................... requesting a change, modification and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the Building Zone Mops made a part thereof by chan~- District the proper~ de~cri~ed in s~id petition, and WHEREAS said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its investigation, recommendalion ~nd report, end it-- report havin~ been filed with the ~own Board, and thereafter, o public hearing in relation to said petition having been dul~ held by thc Town Board on the .....~;E~.....do¥ of ............... ~.¢.~ .....................195..~, and due deliberotlon having been had thereon NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the reiief demanded in s~id petition be, and it hereby is ~ef~r~ ~e ~hls ~ Ne~e~¥ P~Bti~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss. Y~drk, bounded ~nd described as follows: North by land now or formerly of John Hoffman and Mackie; East ,by land now or' formerly-of John :lVlackie; ~South by North Roa~; and Wbst ~b~ Arsharnomoque Chapel. and land now or for~merly of~ohn".Hoff.: ~y changing fro~~' A' Residentiat,~ and Agricultural District to ",M' lVfu[tiple'Residence District, the roi- .lowing descffbed ~roperty: .... Al! that tract or parcel of land lying and ~being situate near the ¥i!!~ge of Greenport. in the .Town of ~outhold., County of' .Suffolk and S~a~e of New York ~anc~. being more particularly ~bounded .and described as I'ollows: Beginning at the. southwesterly corner of the premises.' herein ,,scribed and being the point of inter- section formed bY the easterly line 'of~the lands.'C°nveYeC~'by Arthur ;lYf. Joost to I-Iarry H. Reeve and-the northerly line of North R~ad; run- ning thence in a gener~t' northerly. direction alon~, the ,;said easterAy line of 'the lan~ of ,~,id ,B~q~rry H. Reeve about 5~O-feet' to 'the o~dinary nigh ,'wa~r line' .of Long ISland ~s°[md,. rtinnin~ thence in ~a general eaSterlY direction along the ordinar .high ,water line of said Long Island (? Soun¢~ about 11S.48 feet to the wester- ly line of lands o~ Elizabeth Thomp- son Lyons, running thence ina gen- eral southerly'direction along said' other lands of Elizabeth Thompson Lyons about §50-feet to the northerly thence in a general Westerly direction ,er ick C. Hawkins - NOTICE'OF AMENDlVfENT' OF . 3'1'" 'By 'chan~in~. from' "A¢~; ZONING 'ORDINANCE ..~ }~ '~atxd :~gri~ai~aral Dis~: of' the LONG ,SLAND-TRAVELER- ' · . ~END.~NT NO..18 { ~uitiPleResidenCe'O~t~3ct~ the ~oI~: CK WATCHMA N~ICE I8 H~EB'Y .GIvE~: that] '~].0Wing: described ProPei4y:~¢:~¢ff~ 1958, as follows; ,~~L~f~/~'~r . evly s~ae .o~ me'~?~orm~ nodal; a~ ghe ~. ~Y.ehanging. fro~ "A"~esiae~i~;~ n0rtaeas~rly)cp~&ei:~o~ t;hdlan4 of ;n~ on the /~' ~ ~ .... f :and A~icmmra~ Dis[ric~ ~o~ M' . -me va~%e oL:~Gr~or't and bein~'.~' ~ulttple Residence District-the fol- then°r(~wdste~lY ~J0~ner'(of i~na ~'-_~¢ . lowing described ~.pr0perty: .... . StePDen 8!eajeski; thence alo~g-the:C~~ ............. ] 9.~..~ 'Ali that 'trot or Parcel of land., ~ s0u~herly,s-ide 6f,NOrth Road as ~e~ situate, lying and being at' ~sh~o- : ¢~e~'C~'v~' '.~ 85~ tfee~, · rUn~in~ ~ ~5 ~ / / , · ~ , m fire Town of BOUth01d, . -*hence. ato~ the~SoatherIy side of.. County of 8uffolk and 8ta~e o~'~e~ ~ Nor~h~ ~ad 61 ¢~grees 23 minutes ~.'...].,d~;~<.~j. LC~.; .... ; ........ k ......... -~..'. ........ '..~;.'.[.Z.. ~enty '.seconds east ~: ~., ,hence. c0~qnuin~alons, the Soath:&~ ' ]~ erl~ side:o~ ~Orth Ro~ ~orm lJ~;q,grees1--~min~e;~ 30 ~seconds ea~:~ .~~ ruunmgSCence~umer~yaloVu ~a~n Sworn - las6 ~m'e~flOned'iand so~th 2.~grees " ,~ fee~; thence continuing along said ~-~ast. mentioned Iana ioum, 2~ ' sre~s '~3. ~nutes. 30 ;%c0ndS east GreenB°rt;~ runnl~-'thenCe~ along ~ the iagd-Of thb. Village of Green~rt (1) J~EOuth '~, degrees J 49 mi~tes (~) SOu~h 5. degrees~/~'~inutes 30 ADELE PAYN~ , s.econds~ wes~ 671.42-feet; .: tVotary Pub{lc, State of New Yor~ (3). ~orth 68 degrees,:~2' ~n~te~ Residing in SuSfo~k County 1.0,., secOnd, . west' ~2.43[. feet;_ I. [' ' N o . 52-3041000 (&), NO,Ih, 92,,deg~ees 18, m[n~es Oommbsion Expires March 30, 1959 '..'(~) · '8°USh. ~ d~rees 41 minu[e~ 10 s~onds ~est ,1t9,90 feet; -.. ~::~n~s~ ~s~: 3~.5~ feet' ~ ~he ~')~n~ or'~pl~e~of..b~i~n~, . Da~ed: JUne 9th/~ ~9~. "~.. By Order .of:~the ~0ut~old To~Boa~d ~Ra~h ~ ~th, 'i. .~':i~..: .....,~ ...~ .'.,..~ ¥~? · .~.., ~, ... ~f~ ~ .... · ~,..~, ~,t~' . . ',~' """' ,,~4.4: .... ~, ~,... : [' ' i. ,[ .~ ',~ · · ~?. . · , · '~ ,~' ::: ~. .... . :. . . , . . , · .. .'i ~' ?.'!f ,'.!."!!'.' "'~.!~:~'!~" ..'.~ :"~' ~' .. ....... . ....... ~., ~,.,¢~ ~,...~ .~.. ' . . ~: ~' "' "~" ~ ..... '~ ~, '~'""" '~"~ ~q'~'~ ~ '~.~,p ~:'~ ' · .. '. ;' .¢;;¢d..:¢¢,.;~. · .. ].. i. ., .~ ,,:,~. 'e ..... , :~,, .. . , ~: :... ..... ...:.~ ,~'~ .~?. ...... , ................. ,:~;~,~'[~ .~ . ... :"~": ,' ~:'!. ::] ~ ' ':'~:~'~ ' 'E':" '." '.:~:~' ~ . .' .. .: :, . .:' .. E, ' '- ' '. 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May 28. 1958 KLIP?, Supervisor CLARK, Justice of LL, Justlce: of !. the the (EMAREST, 'Justic'e of LBERTSON, Count:l,. lman Town Attorney the Pea,~ e Peace PeaCe ,_, s 'PERV soR KLIP'P': p lc-as e ~',.~..., ,.we~, .:hav~ 'three ,one on an I will read ".'notice Zoning" ce: NOTICE: RiNG Art i c 1 e t he .South° fo lk be hel Superv: Town on the l of Sou 1 Distri~ · descri ,. being Suffol~ · Eas.t b 2 and we two of The hearing:'"wlll., come to order, . hearings. '~· tonight::,~.- ,,-~'"'. two for. changes i ~,. ~ a....~.traller camp permit, " on the chan.ge~''~. ,Zone first and will hearing~ on .~!:~:~e R.~Op. :?~: sal to amend the 0N P~0POS ALS TO, ,. ?.: ENb to Section 265 o?~,~ ;; Building Zone 0rd'~'"i'''~,~,,,~, ~, ar!! County~ New York, . a ZONING ORDINANCE To:~-. Law and. 'e of the Town of .. iic hearing will in 'said Southold Town Board. '~'~'~~: t~e, office of. the 6 Sough Street, Oreenp~~t.~'*~l ~e~ York, 8th, 19D8 at .7.3'0 o.'cl ng proposals to amend . zbn eluding the Building _[ :...e Suffolk County, New Yo day, .. ~,Maps) of-the Town Changing from "A" Resi "~ ~' tial and Multiple Residence ~i ~ .s ct the perty: tract or. parcel 'of la:ad, iSituate, . que, In th~ Town ~.~ .S~ugho~d, ,, tate of New York Agri cultural following lying,, and · County o£ land now or formerly' now or formerlY o.f Joh ... ~rshamomoque Chapel and :l , described .. as. follows': )hn ,Joffman and Mackie. · . South~ by~ North Roa or formerly'.. 3 JOhn jOffman' describ near changing from Residential Multiple Residence and · Agricultural petty: tract or parcel 'of '1 ~"iage ~of .'Oreenport in and ~ying of a~ d,~ b the following and b .ei ng s i tuate Southold, County Of' Suff~''''~''~ ,...~nd' ~State of bound ed ~' ~~~''nd i!!! ~ de sc ribed, as ,t New York follows: mo re particularly at the s°uthwesterl -herein ~:, bed by the ~i: :~ l,?~ ,, . rly and being the'point line of the of the 'premises Y ~:.,~ o~ :.interSection .fo~ned. land ~On,ye d by, Arthur.M.... Joost hl~_h..wA~~~.,., .,, ~lne of] .~ng island S°und~.a'"'oUt~ 112,~8 feet" to" "the westerl~ ~line of lands. 'of Elizabeth 5h~mpson Lyons., running thence ,,, ~:.,! general southerly direct:idb ~,lon.,~ said other .~lands .,...~,~. { Lyons 'about 55~eet to the. northerlY of '~ izab~t: '.~: Thompson ~. . line of :;, said~'North Road; thence ],,n a' general westerly., direction. '. . along .he ,. , .. , .. 88.85' fe~. .! ,.northerly line of the t to-. the point 'or.place "' changi'ng f rom "A" said Nc, rth Road a distance of Multiple' Residence · ! I) i s t ri c 't , Agricultural the following described property: · . , · A'll'.'that. certain about ~t.w0 ~m :es west. bounded:i~: plot, of the ld, County :.: F, mes c rlbed as Be .g at' a point of a ': g'" ..... '::::nort.heasterly Oreenp.o St~phen ::~:~and being the :: 3 . . eski, thence long .piece of Villag o Su£fol nd, llowS ·. '~. , ....~ er!y on .the sou c.orner n o r t hW e st .,,, .~.~! Road east 39 :i ~ame curves :.:, 5© f..,. e e t; 'No.rth thence the of Nort :~ ~RO :~I north 58 EState; ~un ence land sO' '43 85, feet; ei ~i~:!es[ 23 c¢,ntinuing., long deg.~ no~ scut 4 thence degrees Village: degrees 34 m~ : n:, :inuing nutes 30 '~.G: 'reenpo rt; reel of land situate , , Greenport, in the' State of New York, side of the :North land' of the Village cozmer of land..of , ~outherly side of North r~nni, ng. thence aleng..::.the minutes 20 seconds southerly .side ' ,. seconds, east. L. R. FrancisCo · ,. last the mentio'ned 'ees. '4"6 m ~Utes 30 ,: . ~.or forme:~ly of F. ;; ..,,~ ~eeOnds .nut e s 20,; east 427.38 feet; along s'a d last n:e~tioned, land Seconds. east ,~ .~0 feet" run. n~.ng thence."':~'along. ~. 1.;he .soUth 21 · ,' ~ to the .~land, of · land of .the Village · (2 .(4 enport the' fgllowingl s~x courses. 'and..di..s:tances: th 23 degrees '49 minute.~.'West '241.26 feet N~':~th N '~ ~'uth s' ,. 5 degrees '68 degrees 22 degrees 72 'degrees .minutesI'' '. · · 3© seconds west 671.42 4.2 minu ~. I0 ,s'e t::ei, , c.onds 'west ~32'..43 18 mi west 564.52 re'et;. 41 re, inure ~0 seco:nds west 119,.90 ~' .;i - !. t " ' ft. ft ft 5 ft. Of NOrth ments (6 o · · to ','~.the' ',~S,outherly , begi ~I?,.? degrees side desiring ~appear Dated: By Ralph at 1958., to the Southold minUtes 30, NOrth ~,~,,Road be heard:~ on time and, Place TOwn Board, Town Clerk sec(rods west 343.58 at the point or place the proposed amend- above specified. ~:,--~f," the first ~'Ben · of Per~ ~'' "'dicksen and at the''h, ad' ~'of'Chapel it. and ication is purpos~ one we will take up .Beatrice ,. ~ Lan e, I, · made' for · Mu 1.t i p 1 e f bi! i i d i. n g a ~o t e I And BendiCksen.~, ,think, ~you · are a change .i Residence .. is the applicatim report of oentlem~l[:- .Th which is the land all f~iliar with ReSidential ])i s t ri c t "fo r ,,.:::.~.'the -I read you t,"h~ '~' Southoid Town Plannings. BOard: . uthoId Town Board, SoUt o .d, New at this ...... time~ the is' to York. certify that the.following action was .taken by' the ':i~!.,. S ~uth0 id' Town In.. l}he matter of B e a'g'~:t Be ndi eks en and ..~rd to ~, ~ . situated. .,r!Y described real particu 1958 -. in application Planning BOard on MaY r petition of Pe ry E. BendickSen and ' fora change' Of.<'~.~:zone from "A" ResideDtial , '"'M" Multiple Resid~mce~ Distri¢lt, ce,~taln at North' Road, .~.rshamomoque and. more ~.md map aeeompanying application, Map of land of P'erry Bendicksen, drawn January !3, 5 W~ van~yl & Son, 6 I t~, ~WaS' t he heard be heaEd- Mr, S~· of Mr, and the~'' as you proval, Mr'. and val determination o.f the Plannir~g , of Chis applicati ,On, by John .,~Signed "? Board, this time ition, to Wickham :: Chairman :is there any ~.person ,. the ;,applicatiOn s no. response. ). "the re · ,. r Of? . .: : _~ R TERRY, ESQ., '~,. and members . :, Bendieksen, ~... d ..l±ke go have .. . ~' ghe. plannlng . . j .- f there a're any ~. B ndIekeen ~oulO be ,~.~ :~ . ..; . .. ~'~!,~ :~.~ ." ':"~ '-' who 'for' the any ,person :., has does with t" '~alOng t enta{~i~~.y'drawn a · not yeg., p,tans County. Hea]..:b ~ :Department ., .......:,~,~:~ ,.~ ~nd, in ab eyanc:~= ~' ..~. ~. .. zng your . you ..a;n~. ~ ,,like you ~to , : . :~ .~' , ~ . . .., ,. . . .. ~ ,. .:,: :~ . ~:. for a c hang'e:'., . '(Attorney of 'the E~°ard . .. . both of Whom .;. your app.roval ~ Board has . .questions Board to another map of' Southold wishes- to. be · ., change.......~.in zone ? who wishes for ' tlhe' applic, an.t ): -, I appear on behalf · .. are' he:.re tonight, ... of the application indicated its ap- the Board mi. ght,. have glad! to' answer them. in which Mr,, Bendicks en sketch of a proposed ~nsuited and has not c( made application t~ reqUi, rements action, consider building. '" He wi th any - arc hi - ._ . . comply with the SUffo He has held 'that all , I WOuld like : i to leave this their ~ appli cation 7 to disC'uss'?,'0n.'~ it, We,.do time. s pending unders rand mostly For the to cal attention to the v to thei~i purpos the ne: of the · which .mo te 1 of f . don't. think there nOt~ have any plans · a at. er is. in the depending purpose of the the fact labor .Camp and you .granted a to the west, 'tOo the the 'SkYway ~that :also 'anything · furthe r at the present along the.~ ..... North ·. far foreseeable access o~f the Water .rec~)rd I would like . . ~the Property is .in in close- proximity cklange of zone and also that it is for the .. Theatre and prope'rty owned by thel the to be ,ge of Greenport. .( ,, If the~re is some question · heard. ,~,n · SOR no Is there response. )' KLIPP: sition Any pe'rson anY other present or in favor Heari:~.i~g non'e,. ,. cation this ti~.~ "'I' the ..... ;i,! .'! 0 r .... ,. ,~/'',~.' : and unan · . ..... :[',:i ii · '~. ..:. ~ .... B endi c ..... i;: :.~n ,~ and Of? ~we, 'wil'l close Bendicks en and person who wishes who wishes to'be . the .hearing on the. appli- Beat'rice Bendicks en the Board, further deliberation of t ' Mr... Demarest, Seeond'ed , Beatrice at by Mr. Tuthill the applic.atio~ of Perry E. · Bendicksen ifor a, change of zone "A" ResidentiaI Res i.den c'e. :DJ s t ri c t and. Agrlcul tura1 , granted~ 't,¢~, "M" M~ 1 t i p 1 e g 8 "Estate; ~nni~,"? thenCe southerly Town along said -las~ ,~: m~ntioned land of ~o~:' .~e~onas e~% ~.~8 fee~: ~he%e eon- EW YORK a~ub, tinuing along, s~id last menQoned b~ ,~he ~ land south '21 de~eeS 23: minutes 30 . [ office o~ . ~':d:sec0nds~ast 106.9"~eeg to'~the lan~ of ~village ' of '~Greenport;-:.:ru~ing ~ · :. ......... . '.:~ · k C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that ("al ~reenpor~ ;'f~e' :~0tto~t~ six~ner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND · eoUr~es ~nd at~t~oes:..: :L: ':>. ~z~: .~:~0Umr :~ ?~gree~ ~o.:.:mmut~ ]MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ?.~) r.~ou~h 5 deg~eeS:r08 :..mmu~es ~ at Southo[d, in Suffolk 'County; and that /~.30 sb~onaS:wes~:-6'~L¢2 fee~:~;: '~:~ J ' ": fz.0~::.:~:~': ~[~fn~ '...~ <m':: '~o~m.::r~e8/.:a~ree~:' ~ .mtnu~e~ ~hich the annexed is a printed copy, has been D~m~t.:to m. - ~..- .,,.' .._..~sa~d kona Island Traveler-Matt~tuck Watc - DiSfriCk~.the ~olZ' (¢) .. ~or~h ~z :~grees:' ~ ,,m~nu~c~ I ~ ' P~0p, erty:':' . : . Wes~~ 564.52 feet;. :~, :..:: :.:~::.~::.': ' ,~ /'/~/ . tract or~ ~r%1:6~ lan~; : (5) SOuth. 72, .:[~d,e~rees;':¢l?minUtes ~ch week for ...~~~.~...~~/week~ the of SOUth'01d,. (6) .~ North 0 de~ees 53 .minutes 30 .... n~o Any persofi':desirifi~': to ~e heard°n:~ ........... ~' _ · the Proposed,:amen~en~S','-:m~Uld ap. j/-'"'~ Pear, at the,,.bm~ :~and;:.pl~e above ~- :specified.: '~:"-:-: ,: :,'? ~:::' ~,-,,: ' ", ................. : ................ : ............................ ,ch~nging f~om "A" :[ · Dzstmct~..to tVii i ,,that Parcel ~f"land. and :-:-being ~ s~uate,' near the age of Greenp6~: in the T°wnj N~W Yo~nd being ,mor~:[ ~ ~0U~:::f~nd ~escribed j By Ordbr~ of'::,[he [:'TOwn'Board "'" Booth~ . ::i: :,:ii.[.:':,'i::: ',::::' ::':,:'::'.::":::: :~":::: ::':: ~ :~'T°wn'clerk:: , ./"/ ',' :?~"':, '_L'i:::':':m~Vorn to before me this ............ : ..........day of .:> :/.. n%mefly' line ly :line,~ Reeve._ line ~ Of :' .Long thence 'irt a the ,: !ine of-said ~ :the: of lands. LYons, southerly lands .' 'of: - Th6mP~:On LyOns. :. tO ~he :nOrtherly .line · ~aa; th,ence in a. gen~; '~ :'..direction :. along· . line., of ~he sai~" North' desfribed propei~y: .,: plO~, Pieee 'or Par, :Situate $~u~ ~wo milfs ~he:: ~Viliage :'6f Soum01a:, county: State. of :NeW YOrk~ and ~escri'bed as folloTM at a ~point ,on ,the ~ide: of the~North, R6a,d, corner ~ of the )land: Of ,the Village 6f Greenport ~d b~ing:, the northwesterly1 corner ,o~ la,n'~ 0f: SCephen ,$1ed~esk~; thence si~e of'~. North ': ~::~S, :~he: Same c~rv~' 43.85'l feet; thence along the SoUtherly th ~oad 61 degrees'~-~: thence con$~nuing along ~he ,.,~,: ,'., ,.~ .i, ~ _ s~de o~ North Road. n0t.,th ' ,:. . ~ ... , . .( ADELE PAYNE Notary Pu"i:c, '`<" . ~...~,e of New Resid,~;:~ ~n [~U;fO[k County No. OommissJon ~xpires March 30, 1959 .. , . '..' ,,;"' .,".~'~'~;t~'~'~ ..... ~ x" ~ ' '~'- "~" "~:~','":'::"~": "::~::"'~, ", ~ *~ .'~" ' , ~ ', ~'" ,'~ 'i' '.":: ........ ¥~' .... ' ...... 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NEW YORK This is to by the SouthOld in the paragraph 2 N. Y., for a cultural, to o~f land It recommend' located Suffolk certify that , Town ' P l.ann¢ ng t' the following action was Board on..May 5 1958: taken matter of amendme~.~t of -typewrit%en pOrtion'of -. , of petition of Harry~smith, MaPle Lane, Southold, , change of ZOnm{~ from "!A" R~'.~sidential and Agri- . . ... '"Mt' MultiPle 'R~sidenee~ 'District, all that .tract described in petition as " · was the determinati~on~ of approval Parcel on-' the west of of both No rt h Ro ad, N. Y" Joktn KLIPP: Now, County, This is signed by Parcel I and Parcel II, the Planning Board to and ' Parcel II. Property. the vill. age of Greenport, .Planning Board. SUPERVISOR 'Wickham, Chairatan, Southold Town at this ~time 'there any person who ~hes ~petition? to-be heard in'{ )pposition to the granting of..this lO (There was no response.~) Who. wish~s~ .to be heard in "favor · , . would~../~ike to present I to ~,: . this :mu..l~.:~i-colO~ed sketch which , . business~,. property. ~-mentioned 'bY , yelloW Hearing n e," is there any person ESQ, (A~~~'lJlo~ne, v for the appl.~ cant): you-fo?~, i e-record, Mr. Klipp, pOrt,on is. the property, green Speck there business property .; is the labor already in addition, · . JuSt make one point. Terry the location of the said. apply that Mr.. Terry~ before and.. the camp and. zoned as:'"" . · ..,,, SU C h !i[. think equally s~; we, ll :mm e d i a t e ,: v a. c i n i t y ~. ubJect property. The the red is the' I would' like. to all. the things to~ this particular . Property' as it is in the I would just like to ~respectfully' call the 'atte · ion of.this.Board the fact it was .' aPpr°ved~by the P1 ning Board and as they a. pparently, felt i't fits into Town of $outhoid, and' on that basi which. I won't bother you with, bec .~. all these, arg~ents, on. taxes,, etc. qpplication be. granted, -Is there- ~ a~7 that this to be SUPEI.{Vio oOR KLIPP': heard in favor .of? (There 'was no response, ) oUPERMISOR KLIPP: Is there ,, or in. favor df? heard'in oppositiOn to to such _ . .,,,~,~~,,,,? ,e zoning scheme four· the ,~,,,~ and on many other bases, ~,, a~se~ i know you- have. heard ~ we respectfully request ~,,, ~,,: other, person who : ... wi s he s. person who wishes to be · (There was :su,PSavCsoa , , · deliberation .. no; response. ) KLIPP: Hea, ring property of the Board. , at this we will close the e -for the further hear- (On motion of Mr. and. unS.nimously . . ,. Maple. I,ane,' Southold, N. Oist~ict all Paree.1 I .and voti'rlg "aye. idential carried, Dema ~e $ t, . the. application Y., for a ~hange Agricultural and that. track, of Parcel II~ was land -to des~ SecOnded by Mr. ~thill, of Harry Smith, of zone from "M" Multipl'e Residence ribed in petition as- unanimoUS ly~ gra:nted. All ~y 5~ 1958 This is to cert-'--*? thst the followL~g action w&s taken by the ~outho_c Town Ple-nni~:~ Bo~ on ~y 5, 1958: In the .~atter of petition of Perry E~ Bendicksen and 13~ 1958 b7 0. W. ?~uTuyl & Son. Jokn Wic~ham, Ohalrm~n SOUTHOLD TOW~_J PLA~;."~NG cc: Board of Appe~ls App!ioatio~_ £o~ J~enda?_ent of Duildi-~3 Zone 0~din~_ce of Per~ ~..6endicksen ~t ux To~n of Sout,~o!d,?~s ~closed Petibion fo_~ Ohange Of Zone. pre~ises to (lI} Mq~tiple Residence District. Potitioners rospeq~f~.ll>, req~cst bhat the Town no,c3 waive the enclosed fee ~k~ ~2~.00 in vl,w of th~ OCCL~rences to the p~evicus a~ication. Petibioners ;~eP9 ~dvised that ~Jotice ol Hs~.~ ~z bke!~ pz,oviou, s application ~.~ould P~ior to s~id hoal~, the p%~lic~ti~u r~qu~oment in only one papo~.'~ The ~7o!,ico of Pu3olic H~a~ir~ pstiti~ng~' ~plL~tion app~a~ed i~ the ~o~E T~ls.~ Trav~!ler only, The petitioners h~.,i no nctice of said ne~ing ~ad did that the Toe-in Oo~rd of the Toe-in of Soutbold waiv$ the ~2~.00 petitioners a Pe-h~;~zg on the p~eviou, s appliczbion (altno~;gh to (M) Dist~ict~ r~her than a (B) District). Jan~ry 22, 19%8 Mr. ~:~[~u~:, Wickham Chairnmn $1ar~ning Board Cutehogue ~ N.Y. Dear Mr. Wiekham; Enclosed herewith originml and copy of Patitions of Parry E. Bendrieksen? Constance Ker~iek 0verton end The Chase Manhattan Bank lstive to change of zone in accordance with Article IX~ Section 901~ Sub-division C, Also enalosed originml and copy of plic~tion for open development area of William Welle under She p~ovisions of Section 280-~ You are instructed to prapare an official report defining the conditions descriked in the petitions and appliestion and de~ermlne the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. EPB:EB Very truly yours Town Clerk · :(,.'~ L(? ~JPROPOSAL TO AMEND,,, ,~ -i'~ ~ZONiNG,,,OI~DINANCE'~',, '~(Z~ne M~pS).of' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ,~ Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that '!i, . .?![:!.! the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week .for .... CJ,~-r&~,'.C-~&...[,.../_~,/,,.... wee~z successively, commencing on the ......... ./..~.~ ............ i ........ day of ...:?...(~£.,~:.'%. .............. 1 ........ ~!~$:z ,g~:k//2:>~ ~- .~ ;' ... ," . ................................................................................ Sworn to before me this . /~ ..... 4 ..... ~ .......... day of :/ ? Notary Pubtic, State of New York ~esidinZ~ in ...... County NO, 5z-ou~iuu3 Commission Expkes March ~0, ~959 CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEVI YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF p~:~r ~. ~,~DiC~S~ a~c~ B~T~iC~ ~!~DZO~ FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMEND MENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUT;~OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, N~ YORK. T0 THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUT~i0LD: i. ~¢~ .~e~..E...Bend~c. kmen..e.t...~., residing et ..~A~..~O.~9. ................................... .~.~&..~...~.~]~.~'~ ......... and more pat't~cul~rly bounded etd described ~s followg: 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of t~e Town of £o~hold to change, modiF, end gmend the Build]ng Zone Ord;nance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, inch~ding the Building Zoue Mop~ heretofore mode c, part therer, f. ob follows: ~o aa ~o o~z~go ~,e &g~ioultura!~ tc ~4i'- Multipl~ Eesidenc~ Dist~ict~ Ar'~icle Zti ~ buil~g ~one C~na~ce of the To~ of Sout~!d. or b~n~galows (~ithin the lir~Italior~s of Sootien 3~0 (~) of the wi~hlr, the same limitations, Petitioners prer~ie~s a~e ~ocatec on the Nonth Road~ ne~ _.vre~ises pr6sent!y zeroed fo~ bue~uez~ use {~r~iclo 1V). Such proposed ~e e~ pre~isez zoned %r ~ultiple residence will be consdster~t w!bh tbs uoiEhbo~q~ood (th~ pre~ie~s zoned for busine~ ~oresala~. a~_d t.h~ p~-oporty of b?~ Eastez~n Suffolk Oooperatlve on tb~ otker side of Route 27k~ ~ add does not STATE OF NEV/ YORK, ) COUNTY OF SUFFOI l(, ) ................................................................................ ~ - m. they per_~.~, w~, Ber~dlcksen & Bec. trice Bem'~{y SWORN, depose~nd ~o%,~thot ~;k are