HomeMy WebLinkAboutStenson, Henry G WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Bo~rd of the WHEREAS said petition wc4~ du!¥ referred to fBe Planning Board for its investigation, recomt;~endation ~nd report, and i~ report having been filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, c~ F. ublic hearing ir~ r~latidn to said petition havin~ been dul~., held by' the Town Board on the ......... ........... de~y ......... ..................... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tl;e relief demanded in said 1957 CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD IN THE MA~[-ER OF THE PETITION OF PETITION FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMEF4DMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTNOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD: 1. I ...... ~ ......................... -~.~.~.~(~.'...., re~idlng ot ................ z...~..~.~: ........... : ................. ....... and more pa~Jcularly bounded and described ~s follows: 2. ] do hereby petition the Town Board of the Tow~ of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the 'Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Y~rk, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore re. ode a part thereof as folbws: STATE OF NEW ~'ORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ............... *.~ ..................... .~ ................................... BEING DULY S\,VO[~N, deposes a~,d say~ that he b IL, .~. ) ., ,.. ~. . . .... fc.~Z T~,~ ,, ,, , ,.,,~ ?,I .............................. C ~ONI~G BUild. ~ Ordinance i/:!,inc!udin~:, i~ ~he, :I c me-r:T0wn: cz: ~' '"~A?~ :: Residential:'I ,. ~i,~t;i~ to ,,B'.~us;~I ' f ~[ ,:~oPert~ ~tu-~ [~ :: [~f ~mnmg:,thenc~ ~alSng[~the land: las~ ~':~ ?/,. :~es ~ ~ec°nd~.~e%~'~36V.~::: ~eef ,~Ore ~ ~he:-shor~ Matti~uck' Creek 'a'dis. [ : ta~%'JOf:~S13~feet'm~? or le~s¢~~ th~ ,::~:~,,~ :~':, ~ou~heriY[line bf Milt: R°~f~thenc~ ~: ~ on~/~the .; souJtherly, line(: ~f Milt' ~ (D North ,73,: degrees 24: 2, sec0~ds. ~$~:~:~ 125.0 fbeb; ~-. :::,<2> ~,:Souc~.s~:,~r~ o5, minutes. ~nds. esst~"f6~.Vo: feet '~ ~ icon: [~ ',Cre~e. ~ monument ~. an~ 'the. ~bint ~ Or ,~ Dated: ~a~,~2i~ 1958, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK { STATE OF NEW YORK [ ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE .LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATT{TUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been. published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... "~.~.~(--~,-~-;.//(.Y.... ~w?eks/ O- he successiveFf, commencing ............... ~. :..',~.......~.... .... Sworn to before me this ...... .~.....l ......... day of ........... ....... ~otary ~Ublic AD~L~ PAYN~ ~otsry Pu~.Hc, State of New Yor~ Residing in Suffolk Cou:~ty No.' 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1959 ~/~ ':' LEGAL NOTIC~ ':-":,?'i .' ::~ -" ':' :q:'::'::':~' , ' Pursuant. t6~Seeti°n ~65': ~:': ~" ~ Tom~ Law, and Ar[iele ~IX Zon~~ oI~/a pu~lic he'~:i{ing' ~ill be Southold Towh. g%ra ~he. Supervisor, ., . por~, New .~Ork, at g :30 ~. ~n ihe to ~mend the (including ~the BUildin~}::Z0ue . . . ~, 1,:::1 ~' .. BusineSs .Dis~r~Cg ~e(:f~Ilow!n~ ':.~:~: ~LL "t'h~t trac~ or p~rcel of land :,~:,..::~:si ~uate, lyhxg and ~eing ; ,~n '~he .T~n o~ Soumold; ~ County of Suffolk)~nd Sta~e: of New ~York, boun~ed .. °n, ~ghe Y~ r ~ad,.~u~'186 feet;, ~ Lane ,tOarm) about the, ,~South ~by other W~g~n~ 'follows:: ! east . ~o the ~a~ -of 80 feel~ ~ line, a ~' descr'ibe~ the bay to ~he 320 west line .pn. an ..angi~;i.::t~b~ i :i men~, a dist~ficeOf ~ 18-~ feet ~" Point Of begtliging;',,, ,* . ' 3?By changin~:from A-' Residengial JaWing. described ~proper~y:' · .~:~,A~L tha~' lrae~': 0r: pgrcel, of land ':~ situate, ,~att~ %uck, :~n., tl~3(~oWri}~.of :'8oumoI~l, '~ New york; ' ~und~.: ' and on the WOst by · ahou~ 3 6 feet Any pex~o~,,d,esi~ing to be 'heard, ghe Propq~ed: ~a~endmen8 pear at :'~he ?:~me and, place ?,~boVe DaS~: December. 2gSh;: i9.5g; BY ORDEg'O~ T~ 80~OLD: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ 'STATE OF NEW YORK ! ss. , Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long ~sland Traveler-Mattituck Watch- ~ ' ' Z/we man-once each week for .... ~/.~ .... LF....'.~.. eLs successively, commencing on the ............ , .~..:.~/f.....~.. ....... day of ..~~ ..... 19...~L%/~ ,' Sworn to before me'this' ,/ &/ day of .... ..... ..... ~ ,~. ?/*.' . .~,.~-,.~,~. . . ~. . .,~ ....... d,,_// ' :"'1 / 1:/;/ N ..... ' Notary .Public ADELE PAYF~E i~otsry Public, Sts~e of New \'ark Residing in Suffolk County Commission Expires f~arc~ 3_0~ ~9~9 r :. . , '-,', , ~. · ~ ~ ,~~ ~,.~;~u~~ ,~.~.i :~,,:,~.~'olk and ,~..'~a te o.~t. . ... . ' ".--:-. ', "~.r] ....... ' ............ . '~" . .." ?-' ...... ,:. ~'...... ...- ~ ..... · '.-~.,', ~ .a.e~'re~. '~6 m~~te.s:. ~0 s%ond~ e:~:~'~,..~ ,~,, ..-.. · ....... ~ '........, .~, ~ ............... .... . -- , ..... ..' .. .. ~,... '..~ ,... . . . . ~. ........... ~:y ,......., .~,...~ .' ~ : . . . . ~.lo,u~'.~, t;.~he shore Of' Mattt~;u~k. Creek .~ ....... .:,,,.,,. ..... . of . . . il,'?. ' . , - . . . . .,, · :,,,., , - . .. - -, .'. .~. .... '~ if',":. .... .. f,'...--"',:. . .,: ~,~...'..... ""?:: t ., ., , .,,,,. 'L~u- :..,-. .. .', ~",, . . '... ..... ' '.. ' -" '' . ·. '" ' ' [ ~.1 '."· ' .. ~ :' ,, ,. ' :., ': ' . ~ ' ~. : .. ~//~ - t. , - . , .f. :,~ ,., .,. ~,.. ,..,,.. .. ...... . - , . . , .. ..... · . . ~':".. ~.'., .,~,,'. ~,. [:, · . · . . ..... :... · .... .~.~b~".~tff~" . .'~,- .., . ' ·-'". ..'-'., : ,~'.' . ,: .,'." .-" :~""~,,. :,"..,. ~".,' ~~',~'..:,.~:.ou~ 8~~'~',~,,~:,,~:,,,.:?~s :0~: m:~ntt~'e~ ~0 ~e.-e~d~': e~,~- '... : :."f.. : · . 25 A'PPLICATI ON 'OF HENRY G. AND , G, Stenson o.f Mill and. pet: · : the STATE TOWN In the for a c Ordina EYY C. STENSON next parc,el is that R oa d., '~.? :;:Ma t t i t u c k. . of the Petition of Henry G. and modification or amendment of the Town of Sou'thold, Suffolk of Henry i will re:ad Evy C o . .o t e ns oil the Building -Zone County, New York. TO ,THE :BOARD OF THE. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: Matti 'y G. Stenson, r;esiding at Mill Road, BoX, 738, · Y., Suffolk C:ounty, New York, the under signed ~ ,am the Se I of certain real property situated at Ma tt ituck, petition particularly bound, ed enclosed. and described as the Town Board, of the Town fo 1 lows: of Southo change,, modify and am,0,nd, the 'Building Zone inc Iud, i: fie foll the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Building Zone Maps heretofore, made a part York, thereof, Dis. trio from present "A" classification to "B" made for the foil. owing reasons: halt erosion on the westerly and/or bulkhead. bounda rn Business line ., etc. this A7 [~ I ' ha Ye ha d several' reques.ts fr°m mooring eps ce' for:'::' sma 11 ,, for · "B" KLI PP: 'P la nn i:n f or read t REPORT. This .is~ Southo P OR Matti classification ( $igned ) tienry This matter .Was, 26 ne ighbor lng..fa tm,er $, boats, I am maki,ng Agricu~ . inve s t iga t i on describ side of ,. Ma t t ituC~ to enable me 'to do so, G, .Stenson, turned over to the. end.. rec ommenda t ion. nda tion of' the Planning Boa rd, OLD TOWN BOARD that the following .a-ction was taken Board on December 3, 1957. Planning of Henr.y G. and Evy C. Stenson .of Mill Road, I will by ,.the Y., for · a change of zone from "'A"' Residentia 1 and. to "B" Business district all that tract of land · . a c c ompa ny ing map. as follows: 291' on the southerly' . Y., approximately 500' on. Road, Ma ttituck, N. Petition. for. ~C~eek 'x 367.' on the easterly side. , ,,~,Z~one requested' to enable owner to change nd,,~, ,,ent moor lng s pa c'e fo r s ma 11 boa t s ~i.~ ;.'['. ~ :"]:' ! .' ,~:w...,.::.s the determination of '(!,. ,.. 'recommen.'i~! ::.to the Town Board that ( signed SU PE;I3,VIS OR KLIPP: · ~i'she~ t,o'i':~.~be heard in bu lkhea d .we s t er ly the Planning Board to ( was uP R VZSOR this request be granted. ) John Wlckham~ Chairman $outhold 'Town Planning Board. At this time is there, any person fa'vor of th® change in zoning?. per s on- who no response,) KLIPP: I s the re a ny WlhO wishes, to be heard in~ ~ °pPosit ion to? (There wa s .~.'no ~espons e, ) S U P E RV I ~ ~,.~ OR KLIPP: Hear ing hear lng .. at th, is .time for further none,, :, we will de i ibe~'a t ion close the public by .the Boa r~d.. Boa:rd and copy of. Petitions of .&'I. bert Ss c,co, R.oute · t,o.. change.'Of zone: in. :accordant.e with Article tX .. . , .. copy of ':Bpli'cat':on~ ,~o'r o'pen (:le'VeloPem:~ng area '~. . . . ~' -. . of rea so.,.,ei, fcc t:e.d ., , .. Board... wi:th-tho.... · . yOi,;i'r' f.:: .~ .. .,. . , · T.oW:~l :Clerk'"'" ": ' .,