HomeMy WebLinkAboutKendrick-Overton & Wickham WNEREAS, a petition was heretofore fded with the Tawn B,~,ard af the Town of Sauthald by . ............. ~]~3~..~..[~P.~ ...................................... requesting a change, modificot[on and amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance including the building Zone Map~ made a pert thereof by chang- ing from ~.~..~-~..~.~,~'~..~.~... District to......~!~..,~b~-~:~e3~ ........ District the praperty described in said petitk;n, and Wi4ER~,S ~aid petition ~o~ duly referred t~ the Pl¢~n[ng hoard for its of .............'~_I .................. 195.~, and due d~liberatian having been had thereon THEREFORE, hE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said T~a E~feu~ive ~$ ef ~ 19~ 19~o 7 ,~P~LICATION ,9? JOP,~} 3UWE?JJISO_! K~iPP: JOPSI dICtUM, l, Chair-;an this tine is SoPERVISOK ?LLiFP: .'.~. JOg',? WiCBd~A~: K~a!£. i ~ hePe only to ~±ac,~ in ~k_~icn to gro~ zn so:aa direction. On this map there (The mao was d~sous:sed.) r~.. WI3~/~: i ha,~ ~alkea ,~it_~_ the HJ. ght~a~ S~t~e?_n~end- Henry F. ,NoIsa Al*red Grebe April 10:1958 P~PORT TO: 80UTHOLE TOWN BOAP~ Gentlemen: attached sketch as P~rcel "A"~ being appr~xim~tely 950 feet long and 230 fe~t wide. March 26, 1958. Mr. John Wickham Chairman P~Am_~ing Board Cutchogue~ N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; Mnclosed herewith oriEinsl end copy of petition of JOHN WI~KH~M~ of Cutoho~u% New Y~rk, relative to eha~ge of zone on certain real property situated in Cutchogua~ N.Y.~ in accordance with Article 1X, Sectio~ 901~ Sub-division C. You are instructed to prepare aa official report defining the conditions described in the petition end determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. Very truly ycurs~ R~ph i'~o ~oth APB/mr ~o~n ~er~ CASE NO: ....................... STATE OF NEV¢ YORK P[TITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF TFiE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENTOFTHEBUILDINGZONEORDIN^NCEO;z THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. TO TNE TOWN BOARD OF /HE 'IOWN OF SOUTHOLD: ~. I, ..~/,~..~2dcb.~ ................... , re~idi,g o~ ..C~.¢~.~ ..................... ~.'~.~.~. rcf~'.~/~ .................... and more porticuk~rly bounded and dsacribed as follcw-% 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board oF the Town of Southold to char, ge, modify end amend the Building Zone Ordinance of tl'.e Town of Southoid, Suffolk Counb', New Y=rk, indud[n9 the Building Zone Maps heretofore mede c part thereof, as foilows: STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) \l u z~ ~ /~/' .. ,~i~' ONING ORDINANCE ~[~J: ~ursUant to ~S.ection 265, of the Town ~e ~OrdinanCe:~f thef~oWn O~s~uth. ] ~roposais.i~,:~a~endf;the BUild~ Zone ~ zone Ma~sj~~ the ToW~~ of, S~U~hgid, ]~ls. D~?~he ~l!owi~: des~ib~: - I Ktlr~ ,' Arthur] ~o be:heard:on: O1~ :THE SOUTHoLDi, couNTy OF SUFFOLK ~ss. STATE. OF NEW YORK i Frederick C. Hawkins, 'being duly sworn, says that he 'Es the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER, MATT]TUCK WATCHMAN; a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; 'and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been · published in said Long' Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... ,~/~.~.,.(~:eeks__ ~~~ successively, commencing on the ........ ./...J./... ................. da. of ~~-~ ~ ~ ' y . ~-; ....... .......... 19.7 ....... Sworn to before me this .................. day of 'Commissio~ Excres ~*'.* · ' WHEREAS.. a petition was heretafore filed with the To~n Board of the Town of Southold by ...................................................................................... Ordinance including the Building Zo~e Map~ made ~ p~rt thereof by chang- WHEREAS said petition was dul~ referred to tke Planning Board for its NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the relief demanded in said petition be, and it hereby is 2 roil at ;I !UPERVISOP. KL~P?: if real ?pcper5y 140 ft. fcon~age x ~ranted. April iO~ 1958 SOUTHOI~. TO~N B0~LRD SOUTHOLD, ~F; CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE M~,TTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE O~DINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUPFOLK COUNTY, NEW' YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF S©UTHOLD: 1. I, .QP~,~.~.G~...~.~'~'!$.¢.}C...~.~Q~, residing at ........ ~-~f~.~D.Q~'~ ............................. (insert nar. aa of pe~'itJon~r) Suffolk Co~nty, N~v,. York, the underoi~ned, ~m thc- owner of certain real pr.,perty situated at ............... ~9~g.~ ................................ ~r:d Inor~ particularly bounded and described ~s fol!ows: ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying ~ud beir~E at Cutchogue, in the Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk and 8tare of New York, on the easterly side of New Suffol~ Road, also k~o~vn as New Suffolk Lane, having a frontage of 140 feet, more or less, on said Road or Lane~ beir~g distant 39~.49 feet southerly from the intersection of the easterly side of said Road or Lane with the southerly side of the ~ain Road, and being bounded, according to the Assessment Roll of said Tow~n, North by land of p. Krys~apowicz et al.~ East by J. Wic~laam Estate; South by K. Van Pelt; and West by New Suffolk Lane. 2. I do hereby petition the Tewn Board o~ the Tow~ o[ Southold to ch~:ge, modlfv and cr,~end the Building Zone Ordina:~c¢ of the Town ~f Southold, Suf,:alk County, N.=w York, includinc~, the By chang from "A" Residential to "B" Business District the above-described premises. (a) All the real property situated directly across New Su~folk Reed or Lane From the above-dessrioed property (o) All the real property abutting the above-described property on the north is now zoned as a "B" Business District; upon ir~o~mation anG bellef~ said property adjoining on the north is now owned by Cutchogue Fire District and is intended to be used eventually as the site fo~ a fire house~ Upon information and belfief, a petition le to be filed simultaneously herewith by the owners of the real prop~ erty abuttin~ the above-described p~operty on the south to change the zoning of said property adjoining on the south to a '~B" Businees District. STATE OF NEM/ YORK, COUN I~Y OF SUFFOLk;, ~.~6~...~.~..g~..~. .................. BEING DULY SWORN, dep~,se~ and soys COUNTY OF SUFFOLK i STATE OF NEW YORK ! ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for..~i'.~.~~.~...,~../Z~./}..., week~ successively, commencin§ on the ......... :.~. .................... Sworn to before me this ....i...~.~.. .......... day of '. ...... · ADELE PAYfiE Notary Pub[ic,:.State of New York Residing in S.,'~ffoJk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Exp.Jres [~arch 30, 1959 ' 'Purs~an~ to ~ thc i' e of sid¥' ~-lkYew i' .... · ,~s ,'L,: Eas~ by, S~um. by ~:, Or laa~rcel ~of being ,place, above speci- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK l ss. STATE OF NEW YORK~ Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that' the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long [sland Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- once sucCessively, commencing on the ...... ~...~ ................ ' ..... day of ..~~~ ...... 1 ......... .::(~;... :. :..'..: ................. · ...................... ~ ................ Sworn to before me this ....... ./..~..~ ..... day of ........... ' ' ~ot~y ~';;i]; ......... --"~ ..... ADELE PAYNE ~uf 0 ,~ County NO, : ~'~ '~ Cbmmiss~on Expires March 30, 1959 .... m:, ,. Cut '''~'' ..... .. ~D rM $ . .. Enclosed. he. rewith orig!~nal a nd. Copy '.' o f: pe ti'~ ion. · ' "'~'"'" ' "'"" "'"' '''¢ '~":' ..... ' ' of J (.,~,.~, .~,,, ..,, ,,,,,..:.,..,,,..:,.,...,,,, .~ of, '~ ~ ~'~ .' ~-'t,' ', ' ' ""' ... '." u ut c ho g.,.~e ,, .'.N~w 'YSr~k.:~ .rel.a. t i ye-,, t o."eha-'nge ' of' zone~ on cert. ai.n., reai'~ i.,,'~:. ,.:}~;~',:::,~ ty ~,.l.t, ust,ed . .. ., Yo'u., '$ re-. i n s t r u c t.e.d, t°. p r'e p a ..:. ' ' . . '~' ' , an officiat :r.e~Po.~t de.; i.¢~.l, ng' the condl , .' , . , . ' -:'~, '' . _.,,'.~. . de.scr,i;bed' .in t.he. Petition and det;ermi'~r~e . . a z ea .so e f f,~o c't ed wigh ~' 'the~ ..reComme. nda.. ti of..,..your., B.o,'''''',~, .a~:,. d., "' .. · . . .. . .... Very. trulY...-YOurs RPB/mr R ~ 1 ph. 'P.. ~o th Tow n,. '.. C 1 e. ~" ·