HomeMy WebLinkAboutSage & GardeTown Board. of the B,. S, G.ARD ' ,,, amendment of the Build ing a petition was h re filed with the T own o f © ....... :"""r ............ ~ ' ' $ , , ~,, ~, , ~, :t~ Y~:: ~ ~,'l,~ , '~ ~ * . requesting a. ~i~,e:.,, mod~iicat~.on and Building Zone the Ordi' e.~" including ~..:.~ ..... ~,,~,:.by' ch ng].ng from .....Z o ne M a. p,,:~, ~ re.a. d e a p a r t t h e r '~,~,,:'' ',"', ,..,,. ,.",,, ''~:,,,,.,, ,~usi. r i).~ .... [~,[,riet the property ,, {~:~ ,,,:, descri, bed:::~n' s.a]~d petit;ion~ pe ti2ion'" '~, ,: ::~h [~ }i,' ~ PI. ,.~,~ nn.,:..~.,{g' Board 'for it~:~'~-~ invest'iga t:t. on-, ~.~,~...:;.::r,'::~ report: and .its report referred to the th erea fter ~ .. having been fi d' with the Town a public.~ hea. r.i:'~''''~*'~[,,~g in relation to Board.~ and petition having ' ' "' ::'':''''' Boa.rd on the been duly. hel, d by the:,~ ,.,~own ' A ril . 1..,,~,,~_~8~ a. nd'.due 14th. . . __day of . . ~ ......... . ..... ~ ., , . ~ del:i,,beration, having been had ther'eon ~~ the relief BE IT .n.i::~o ED that ereby is . . .dema. nded in said petition be~ and it granted.° said By order'of Southold April. 15, 1958, Town Board .RalPh' P. "BOoth Town Clerk · .e,z~;er' a publi, e: hearing, held' ~ursuanf~ '~ ~ ',~equirements , °f:~ l~W~'-~ ~he''~ Bdild~ ' zone[ ~rdihanCe ': .(including the, ~U~; amen~ :~at a ~g~lar me~t~g ~ &g~su!:furai DisSriCt t0 '.B,, BuSi. t ~i,~t ¢:~e~ .PllOWin~ describe~ ~ .~r6,Pe~ty:__r?- '?::~:......: .., ,. ~ . ~ , ' - ] ,~ A~L fha~t[ac~-~ p~rcet .of land[ mem~que, id(~he: TOw~Sf SOU~hold, ~in. Road (~Se 25)[ '~e a depth ,land. of::~ ~o~ ISl,:fid; RailrO~;· $$g.e: ~nd.,:B.: .;~[ G~rdS,' and :W~s~,- J COUNTY OF SUFFOLK i STATE OF NEW YORK, ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher .of THE LONG iSLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at' Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each weak'for ...~,~c,;¢~ ..~.."./....~...~weeI¢¢,~ '"-v'"~'" 'Z~ successively, commencin, g on t~e '. ......]..~.C ]~..~ ...... ]. day of ....~. ~.~. ~-~,Z~ ..~.. ..... 19. Sworn to before me th~s ..... .../...o.~... ...... day of ........ ........ 7: ......... N'o't~ry Public',. State of i'~ew York ResJdin~ in Su;foik Coun[y J'~o. 52-304Z000 Commission Expires March 30, 1959 i~,I~OP~::~L~IL ~1~0 ~~2,65 ,i'Town ' ~ifi,~::>wi~l ~e held by ~e 1 ~' ~wfi Bo~d .at' ~8 ..~fice of Su~~, 16 $o~ ~treet, ~reen- ~, N~ Yo~k, on ~U~ tt~, 1957;-~ ::~'~'.ur~a~ ~ ~e~d the: the Build~ng Z~e Ma~) o~. :~eW York: By changing fr~ ~ial ~ ~d: Agri~lt~ "B": Bus, ess District the ~o!!~g ~t~te, lyi~ ~d Sui!01k, in the':To~~ O}d; ~ty of S~iolk, and 0i':..~ew York,' bound~ on th~ North" .by .N~ Suff0ik' Avenue; on the E~t by ~f. th ~r~e~; 0n ~e ~ by Ga~son Bt:eet; and STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 ? ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, .:~.~..f,..~...~...~.~c.~.4....~.~..~.. ...................... bein,g duly Sworn, says that ..... :~ ........ is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIHES,, a. newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and thai the notice, o,f which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published ~ the said Suffolk Times once in each . week, for ................................................ <~.~ .......................................... weeks succesmvely commencing on the ...~~ ..... day of ........... ~:~(~:: .......................... 1 9,.~:~ ...... Swot~ day of ..' ....: ...................... : ......... ' [ STANLEY 8. ~otar~ PuM~c, S~:a~. of '~ ~y Commission Explres uarch 30, 1t58 State Of I~ew York, ,~the North by land ,of garde; on th,e East .by land ~ge and .G~de; on th.g ~ P~0n[c BaY-~d .~ b~' Peco~c Bay .... ~y. person desi~g. ~ be ~n -the proposed ~ho~'d appea~ at'the ~e ~a~d' May.' 14, 195~.. · ~u'f'w..,."..'.,'.~'~ ;'':~ ~, E,B¥ GIV.'LN lhat after., a. pub!i:'c' heari...g held pursuant . '~0 the- ~'equirenients of law, t~,~ 'B. uliding 'Z on"e .Ordinance (in. clu.ding .the ~guilding One "" '"":' "">" . ....... . M~a..~:s) .of: the Town of $outhold, SuffOll~'. c'~ou'nty'.· New . :. 'was :dU!y amended] at a. regui"a..~,r'' meeting of' the-South:ol~ 'Town 'Board on Aprxl 95,~;~.'., aS follows, .. . . -. . · 'By' 'chart g. from,-,"~'.~.: ,~.:.. Residentml and. ,g..g.rie'ultural D.ts'~rict to r.s, namo.n.,~.:aque, in.t~ie Town of :SOutho!d ounty, of ..... Suff°l'l{~ .~:,~ ,.....~..?.. yo. rk, ~bou. nqed and deae.ribed as, fOllows:,- ' 'nOrt.'her'ly' and 'w,.este~rly bY.''.:?Main:. ':Roaq"(R°Ute:' 25) ''t~eOr. a.' dePth of .200: feet; n.oz.t:.aer, ly. and ea'..s:teriy, by. land ~" 'Long... . Island i..~a,~l~oad~ .soutl~e~ !Y ~7 ot'her'land: of C'~arie~ S, ,Sage. and ..,,,4;;~.~"1i !8.', i:9 8. .: . .. :.- -Dated,; '.BY"" '~": '""'"::" .. H.E..S,C:.UTH©LD TOWN OF T...-..,, ...,-..).......' ..:,.. '.,..,....., '.' ' :'' RA" ..... '~"":' .. ....'~N ',.. I,.~Y H., P, BOOTH, · ., ....... ' ........ .' .~,.~' ',~5 ",..' ' .' ~, ' ' .i..h.i.,.~ 1 j......,,,,,, .~e~t.i fy t.n.a.~:......the ..~.?,,folio~i.n~ ac, t ion was.:.., taken · , ,;,t ~: ~ . ..... ' : ~. x-~,.'~ , - ..... --,,:: ..'.- ..... -: ,:. .... :.~, ,.~.~,. .... :;.::~ ..... ....... ( - .:' ~ ' - :'." }.': ..~:'-' ': .... .Zn~ -.:.he.. mar'[,er..-o.'r' .the 'p.e ?"~ ' ' ~ " ' ' '~ ' .......... ' ' ' ' 'B, $.,,..G~i'~ri.e· f""o.;r/.':a ~,~.hange in-' ,~.oi~e ',,:A,~'. ..... ,~ ,.-~,. "'" .......... . .... ,~... 'Re'sident:tai..:::'and .. ,... .. .. . : .... . . D,,,.L..St.z.~c,t Of . .,, .~,' .. .'": t'- . · '..' ....' ': . , : '.. ).[~. ~, . .. . . · .......:~ ..... ... .. ~. .- . ~. - ..... - .,f~ - . in the atta~h, ea ''~ ...... :r,., . . . . · ~h.e-- .~:D .... ~:' ~" "~' '"" '" '~ 3' ~' ' '~ " :' ~,.. 1.a~',inl~ig ~:.oar~ this : - .. . .. .. ..2 . .,. · ~he.. p,,~,,,,.. .... 'eli'. d:.e's.~ a rlbe.(t .. ~.~ or~r~l e n.ct,~;~..., ap pro va i. o f .., :. $outho. id .IS'- .. . .. ·. . :b e. 'h e,t ~ ..d. in f a. v o r. o,i~ ? . . · ..' ... ~ '~!.. ~ ,,,,,.'~ ~ .(~,iie.~e waS. nr~, re~ . ..,. ........ ~,"p.o.':r'~$ ~ ~ ) '.. :..'.../,: ... .... .. . . . .. · h.ea ri~"i~ thi::s t i ti ~ . ~ person :~o wishes., to. , .... this. · . · ....~:.~,~.,~.:~(~;~ ,,., .~. - ....- ... .... ,. -. . .. .. . , . . .. . . I will the, .... Dema~es't. · '~'" .... "~.l'¢:~.a,t~,.'l..~)!'.,~.. the .app '~' ..'.,' ~' "~" ~ ..... ' ':'~ ~i'-~ '.,' :'.':.~!:./"~. '*~ .~' ~.:i'..". "?.i ..." ......'; .. , ::;.~.--' .... . . .-.. · . . . : -... -, . . . .. .. . ...~ .~ . ~ ..... .... . . ..' ..:~ ...:- ,.f, ... ..~ . .. · : . .. . .:~ . ~; ;~;-[~!:.zo'NI~G: oRDINANCE- ''. · .:~?~.,;?-;%. :' . .... ... . .. z0n:~0~dihance of the TOwn'of,SoUth.: bld;i'~a~[':~'~bliC['hdari~: will held ,by: [{hS[~OU~hold'~'Tow~ Board at the ~i., ~h~.-S~r{i~., ~6 -So~m'~ ~:;: ~ '~ ~3o:~'. ~. (E..~:.'S~ T,), %'] th~ ;loi!ow!ng~;~i~roPosals ~ .amend BUilding'. Z'd~;:..o~dinanc-e .~/in~lud~ng; the Bidlding')~bne 'Ma~s) ~' th~ ~wn'. of- ~thold;~ Suffoik~ ' CoUnW, 1. ~ BY_;C~angi~..:from.'..'A. .Residential ~nd :~ri~!i~a;!~', District to ,,B, Bus'., iness ~DiStriCt~;.the following .desiribed vmperty~''~ ~ . ?~.'. . _ All th~. ~r~t~.~ ,parcel .o~ land. ~itu. ., :. ....; -~ [, · ... -. . . , .. of: 8Uff0'I~;/land S~ate_~f~ New York;' ~unded:.°,~:jthe ~ol'th 'bY New ~ ,~olk Avenue;~ On th~[':East :by Fifth ' ¥(; S~reet-; .: ~n ihe S~th 'by Jackson '~//~reet; and-on the West by the. zeveral lands 'of Elizabeth"Truex .- ~and. Gilbert Horton; , ~ .' .. '~' YL 2. By Cha~g~ng fr~'~:~A', and ~gric~.tu[ai- Di"~i"ict -~a ,,n;, ,~,,~. · PropertY:.' .[~ ?:.. ~: :'~!-~:~:.;... ~:-. :.~ . ~'].:-Al! :that...trac~ or~.~;~parca .'ol la~d~ :-'-m0a~que', in'a~: Town. qf ~;~ou~o~. i~! ' .~ ~ , '~,:,:.~, . '; ~.~ ~ ~ . ~ast ~ by the 'tardy, ,~of 8age and ~"~An~":~emon~desir~' t0 ~ heard ~P,pear~'at 'the time· and Place i'Dated:'}"~ay 14, '1957 . :': '. ' ' ' ' ': R'i~ .~. B~'TH, TOWN CLERK COUNTY .OF SUFFOLK t STATE OF NEW yoRK1 ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner, and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUC~ WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- ...(.,.~:~..., ./.. weeks man once each week for ,~..~...,~.,~.~...~,., ...... successively, commencing on the ........... d~. .......... ~;.;;.; .... ' ........ ;....,L..;.-...,.. .... '..."; ......... L..:...L':; Sworn to before me this ......... "~' ~-~.,/.'..,'... day of ...... ......... / /' 15 ..... ................ ~ .... t~ "' C ~6~-" ' '~"" '" ......... ~/ .... Notary Public - AP[LE PAYr~II~ Notary Public, State.of New Yeti[ Res/ding in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 'Cbmmission Expires March 30, 1959 '~ '~'x..~T- . .-.. ..... 'N-~' ~'~ ."~~"t° SecUon. 26§' of-.meTown ~ ~,.zone~:~dina~ce nf ~he To~' of ~uth- ~ (hea~g. Will 'b~ 'held by the I visor~;~i~.,South ,s~reet, ,Ore.efip "~ 3~ ~ in'sale'Town on A~ril i4, 1958, a% 'j [.o,,6160k~. ,.~he .~:af~rnoon,-df. sai4 d~y, ['~ ]'on mi: {olio~m¢-'~k6pb~kis ~o .-amend [~ the. BUilding' ~one .6r~iu¢~ee '(including t~ [ ~he B~ildi~' Zone ~¢~)~::'of.~he' ToWn. ~ of soumola;: ~uffom ~c6a~, N~w York :.~ ~ ~ ~ ~.':,h~'~¢m.O f 0m''''A ..... E~sidenU~l;"~' a~d ~Agricul~uaI Di~rlc~ ¢o B Bu ness:.Dis~ic~; ~he-following-described' .{. '~:'Ali [~9'-br~t or-p~rcel' of land [. ~Situ~e;: lying and .bei~¢'.~a¢ .~ ~ ~ :~ew Yom~ ~0andedLon ~he NotCh [- ~ :ia~a~Of ~sian~, 48 ~feet, on'the [ Eas~ 'by,_:.t~n~ "nOw 'of formerly of: ~'...: fe.e~?.~dbon,~me w~ byf]~n~ Neiife..witi~ms, i5~.~..I~, con' :?, ' t~ainin...g ,:bF" :-estimation:~' one. quarter COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t STATE OF NEW YORKl'ss' Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher 'of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER'- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southoid, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week 'for ...~...,e.~ .-/-~<'i..~.-~..t....,...'.....~, week,~/ successively, commencing on the ............ )~...G.~..~ ......... .~::' .,:~'.' ,". .....,.'2. ' . . ..,..' . acre,~more or less, ness: '~~,, t~' folt°~' '~~ ~t~: - - - :~I that tr~f: or~ ~areel of land ~ttu~t-~,. ~ ,':~n~ being. ~. ?ork',b~4ed and de~ribed.. - ' 2~ fee'S;:, nor~erty and es~erly ~and- :. ..of ,Long,'-,~,. ,~st~d':'. 'Railr°ad;sS: ~' .~age and B. ~S. :Garde and westerly by ian~ of Ca~OI_ ~I~]eskL ~ny per~.~ d~r'ifig :' to ~,7hear~ on~ -the propos~ ,amendment. should ~P- p~r-a~ the ftm~ and pl~e ~bove sp~l- .- Dated: ~t'ch' 31,.. 1958 - ~By ~der of ~he S0uthol4 Town Board ' .. ~.,:: ..... _~ -Ralph 9:~:,::: '~ ' ~ . '~ ',.Town Clerk., ~ ,~, . .. Sworn to before me this., ....... :..~...' .......... day of ...... .... ...... ........ /-:> q /' Notary Public ~'otary PuU~c, State of F~ew Eommission Expires J'¢~arch TDWN ~F ,--~IDUTHBLD CASE NO: ....................... STATE OF NBW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THB MA~FER OF THE P~ITION OF PETITION Charles S. Sage ~nd ~ .... ~arSe FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMEND MENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD: ]. I, ....~.~'.~D.A..~....~.gff .......................residing (insert name of petitioner) ...... .Z~S~s~mo~qD-~ ................................ ond more particu[~rly bounded o:',d described os follows: ~.ast side of _,,Bain ~oed~ that ~arcel of land bo~decl t.y tke stats nfgl¥¥ay 20Oft de~p from the Rail Road pro~srt? on :~orth %0 land of C~rol gt~d~eski (ssa shell resta~.~t u~opert/) on south~ ~'~e aisc o-~ ~1i the prooert~ bet~een this prc?cs~d 20Oft depth zc ~ae b~.y, STATE OF NE~,,V YORK, ) ) SS:-- COUNTYO~ SUFFOLI(, ) ................................................................................ , BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says ~hat he is