HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ordinance Amend. 14NOTICE OF HEARING ON ~\q~ or nursery products produced on unless decreased as a special ex. ~thereto a new Section t~ be Section PROPOSAL TO AMEND /.' ~.the premises or of animals raise~ ception by the Boar~ of Appeak~ ~as ,i!.:~ ZONING ORDINP~NCE '~' on the premises.. hereinafter ~'~ursuant to Section 265 of the Town 11. By amen~ling Article 'III, Section': SECTION ~, and Article IX of the Building 300, paragraph 10 to read as follows: I the "M" .M~tiP~'?~ide~ trict, there shall.~be two (~)gl~e e Ordinance of the Town of South- 10~One (1) real estate sign, either, - · Shfffolk County, 1~, Y., a public single or double faced, not larger yards, one (1) on '~ring will .be held Iby the Southold than. twelve (12) square feet in area! buildings, the total '~ of ~ ~Boar~l at the Office of the on any one (1) or more lots, ad- both side yards-shall ~ five (25) feet and no one ('i)"~de ~erv~r, 16 South Street, Greenport, vertising the sale or lease of only ~., on Apri-1 8, 1958 at 2:30 p.m. on the the premises on which it is main- ~ yard shall ~be less than ten, Zone Ordinance (including the :~~~d~ng Zone ~lVlaps) of the Town of .~thold, Suffolk County, New York: amending the Table of Contents I- ~to~ad as follows: TA~,JLE .OF CONTENTS ' ~. ~'ie I Definitions 100  le II DistriCts ~le III "A" Residential and le Agricultural Districts 300 IIIA "M" Multiple Resi- dence District 350 which the property fronts, PRO- cle IV "B" Business District 400 VIDED ~aid sign is set back not v'!e V "C" Industrial Dis- less than the front yard restric- trict 500 %ions required and not less than 'Je VI Tourist Camps, C~mp ten (10) feet from each side line. Cottages and Trailers 600 The lower edge of the sign shall .~.~-~ Y-Ii Applications and Per- i ~be not less than three (3) feet above mi~ 700i the ground and the upper edge of .. VIII Board of Appeals 8001 the sign shall not extend more than e IX Amendments 900~ fifteen (1.5) feet six (6.) inches ~bove .e X General. Provisions 1000 the ground. If the premises has a --~uding Article I, Section 100, frontage of less than~ five hundre~ ,~ to read as follows· (500) feet, the sign shall have an  f~-<;~kRDI. NG AND. TOURIST.~ area of not mOre than twelve (12) . .~ -A building other than a ~ square feet and the same restrictions '~ '~'..__Z,e loctging, with or With- shall apply. ., meals,' for five or more persons 12. By amending Article III, Section furnished fbr compensation. 300 by adding thereto a new paragraph amending Article I, Section 100 to be paragraph 11 to read as follows' d ~ ing thereto a new paragraph to l 1--Signs as provided in Section 408  ragraph 17A to read as follows' of this Ordinance when authorized  A--MARINA OR BOAT BASIN-- as a special except~ion by the Board :'Y premises~ containing one or' of Appeals as hereinafter provide~. ~gnore piers, wharves, docks, bulk- 13. By amending Article III, Section I. ~eads, buildings, slips, basins or 303 to read as follows' ~nd under water designed, use~ or~ SECTION 303---,'A" SIZE OP L(~ i:~tended to be used primarily fori AREA--In the "A" Residential and ~e docklng, mooring or accommoda- ! Agricultural lgistrict, no ,building of .boats for compensation, ! .shall be erected or alt~ed on a lot compensation is paid d~-- having an area of less than twelve or indirectly. ! thousand five hundred (12,500) g Article I, Section 100 square feet and a frontage of less thereto a new paragraph to than one hundred (100) feet. 17B to read as follows: 14~By amending Article IH, Section --A .building contain- 307 to read as follows'- guest rooms or dwelling units SECTION 307--"A" SIDE YARDS-- of which, or each pair of In 'the "A" Residential and ~Agri- has a separate entrance lead- cultural District, there shall be two directly from the outside of the (2) side yards, one (1) on each side with garage or parking of the buildings, the total aggregate conveniently located to each of both sides shall be twenty-five and which is designed, used (25) feet and no one (1) side yard intended to be used primarilyI shall be less than ten (10) feet. the accommodation of motor ye-. PROVIDED that, in the case of transients. ~ a lot held in Single and separate amending Article 1, Section 100 ownership' at the effective date of thereto a new paragraph to t~his Ordinance, of a width less than aragraph 19A to read ss follows' one hundred (100) feet and of an sign includes everyi area less than twelve thousand five of billboard, sign board, de-i hundred (12,500) feet, a single or display, designed, arranged' ~I family dwelling may be built there- or intended to ~be used to ad-i on with side yards redlmed fifty (50) :~r~e, announce, direct or other-'i percent and may ~be further reduced inform, including any writing,' when authorized as a special ex- figure, symbol or mark paint-, ception ~by the ,Board of Appeals as upon or incorporated in the ex- hereinafter proVided. ~arface of a building or 15. By aLnending .said Ordinance by ~ac~ding~ reto a new Article to be arnen~ng Article I, Section 100, Article ::_~_,~ to read as follows' thereto a new paragraph to ARTICLE III i 23A to read as follows''~ '~Vl?' :M~ple Residence District ............ ,.~. · _ 703A to read as follows: ~ON 703A---A permit, will.~ .be' ~.~/~ed prior to .the; erection of or, ~~tion to all signs except s~gns · ;~~tted by Article III, Section · $00,' paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 of this Ordinance. Metal identification tags, serially numbered shall be affixed by the Building' Inspector to all Signs .for which a permit is required. tained and set 'back not less than feet .... 25., B~f amending Article X, Section; the required frbnt yard distance .Sdg~ON ~58---REAR Y~In 1001 to r~ad as follows' and not less than ten (10) feet from i the "~I" Multiple Residence District SECTION 1001 .--- Notwithstanding each side line. I there shall be a rear. ~~:h~vlng arly other provisions of this Ordln- When the advertising sign is forI a minimum depth of twenty;flve ance, all automobile or other junk~ the purpose of the sale or lease of' (25) feet. '~ yards in existence at the effective acreage, or the sale of lots in al ~ECTION 359 -- ~OF~-STREET d~.te of this Ordinance shah with- subdivision, one (1)real estate sign,j PARKING AREA -- In the 'q~I" in three (3) years from ~such date either single or double faced, not,' l~ultiple Residence District, no 9rovide suitable ~screening in the exceeding twenty-four (24) square i buil .ding shall ,be hereafter erected form of fencing or hedges complete- feet will be permitted on each or altered or a~lded to in' excess of ly around the periphery of the area five hundred (500) feet to one ~ fifty (50) :percent of its area prior used for-such purposes, and the type thousand (1000) feet of frontage to the adoption of this Ordinance, of fencfng and hedges shall be sub- on the highway or highways on unless a minimum provision for off- ject to the approval of the Board s~reet parking shall be made as fol- of Appeals. lows- 26. By amending Article X, Section (a) Dwellings-One (1) pa~-?~g 1.002 t~ead as follows' space for each family unit! .... SECTION 1002 --- Notwithstanding (b) Hotels, boar~ng and' ~m'lst any other provisions of this Ordin- ( houses-One (1) parking space for ance, any sign in existence at the each two (2) guest wooms, effective date of this Ordinance (c) Motels and ~0urist Cottages-- which does not conform to the pro- One (1) parking space for each ~sions ~f this Ordnance, shall'. guest roo~ or dwelling unit. within five (5) years from such1 SECTION 360--SIGN~In the "M" date ,be ,discontinued unless its' Multiple Residence~District the fol- tinuance~ is authorized as a special lowing signs are permitted.,, exception ,by the Board of Appeals (1) Signs permitted in an ,A" as hereinbefore provided. . Residential and Agricultural DIs-127. By amending Article X, Sectioh trict. ,, · (2) On premises used for hotel, motel, 'b0a .~~ and tourist hduse purposes,':'~ otherwise provided as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, one (1) advertising sign either single or double faced not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in area adver- tising only the .business conducted on the premises and set back not less than five (5) feet from all street and property lines. 16. By amending Article IV, Section 400, paragraph 1 to read as follows' 1--One (1) family or two (2) family dwellings; multiple family dwellings. Notwithstanding any other provi- sions of this Article, such dwelling when erected or altered in a '~B" Business District shall comply with the proVisions of Section 301 to 308 inclusive of 'this Ordinance. ~ 17. By amending-Article IV, Section 408 to read as follows' · SECTION 408-- SIG~S-- Unless otherwise authorized as a special exception ~by the Boar~-of Appeals as herein provided, the following signs are. permitted in a "B" Busi- ness District' .. ~ (a) DE'rAOHED OR GROUND~ SIGNS--One (1) sign, single or double faced, not more ~han six (6) feet six (6) inches 'in height and twelve (12) feet six (6) inches in wi'.~!th, the lower e~ge of which shall be not less than three (3) feet above the ground and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches above the ground, which sign shall be set' back v~-+ less than five (5) feet from ar ':eet and property lines and sba.. advertise only the business conducted on the prem- 1006 to read as follows: SECTION 1006~No wall, fence, or other structure and no hedge, tree, shrub or other growth shall be erect- ed, altered or maintained on any comer lot at any POint wlthir~. twenty (20) feet f~, the inter, section of the street ~'~hich may cause danger to traff~?~n- a street by obsuring the view.' 28. By amending Article X, SectiOn 1007 to read as follows' SECTION 1007- NON-CONIOORM- ING L~S~Unless Otherwise au- thorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinbe- fore proVided, the following pro- v~sions shall apply to non-con- forming uses' (a) The lawful use of a ,building or premises existing on the effec- tive date of this Ordinance, or au- thorized .by a building permit issued ~l~'i6r thereto, may be continue~ although such use does not con- ~' form with the Provisions of t~his :.' Ordinance and 'St~Use .m~.~y be ex- 'tended throughout the bufld~ng law- fully acquired prior to said date.~' (b) A non-conforming use of a ,building or premises~ may be chang- .ed to a use of the ~ame or higher classification according to the pro.- visions of this Ordnance. (c) 'Whenever a district shall hereafter ,be changed, any then ex- ,isl~ug non-conforming 'use of a building or premises in such .chang- ed district may be continued or changed to a use of a similar or higher classification, provided all other regulations governing the new use are complied with. (d) Whenever a non-conforming. use of a building or premises hasi been c~iscontinued for a period of; rn~v~ ~,han,twO (2) years, or changed NOTICE OF HEARI~TG ON ,.\~k or nursery products produced on unless decreased as a special ex. l theretO a new Section t~ be Section FROPOSAL TO A~~' j,the premises or of animals raised ception by the Boar~ of Appea~,. as ?03A to read as follows: ~ on the premises.. ' ~:.: ZONING ORDIN/~NCE ~ursuant to .Section 265 of the Town 11. By amencling Article III, Sectioni hereinafter p~~. ~ '~'::' · ' ~.~ON 703A---A permit, will be ~. SEC~,, O,N 357~',.~i''Zll ~.:i~ed prior to the ~ erection of or k, and Article IX of the Building 300, paragraph 10 to read as follows' I the M' .MMlttPle'ii~idenC~'13~s~ . !.~~tion to all signs except signs ~e Ordinance of the Town of South- 10--One (1) real estate sign, either, trict, there shall, be. two (2). tide ~:~~tted by Article III, Section ~ SUffolk County, ~, Y., a public single or double faced, not larger yards, one (1) on 'each .tklit.:~/the '300,'l~aragraphs 8, 9 and 10 of this ....... ~ buildings, the total ~'~ 'of .~ring wzll be held .by the Southold than. twelve (12) square feet in area i Ordinance. Metal identification tags,, i~i~~ ~Boarci at the Office of'the on any one (1) or more lots, a~.- both side yards 'shall be:~'~ty- serially numbered shall be affixed by ~i i~rvLsor, 16 South Street, Greenport, vertising the sale or lease of only. five (25) feet and no one ('l)~"~de the Building' Inspector to all Signs ~ yard shall ~be less than ter~ (10) .for which a permit is required. ~:~!~, on Apri.1 8, 1958 a~ 2:30 p.m. on the ! the premises on which it is main- ~ I[ ~!~i~wing proposals to amend the Builcl.- t rained and set back not less than feet Zone Ordinance (including the!' the required frbnt yard distance SEICTION ~Sg--P~AR YARD--In. 25..1001 Bi/to r.~adamendingas follows'Article X, Section ~ ding Zone tMaps)of the Town ofi and not less than ten (10)feet fromi the "~" Multiple ReslEence t~istrict SEOTION 1001-- Notwithstanding I ;'~hold, Suffolk County, New York:} each side line. ! there shall be a rear. ~'ar~~~ any other provisions of this Ordin- ~ii~:~,.i~y amending the Table of Contents When the advertising sign is for a minimum depth of twenty~flve anco, all automobile or other junk~ t'i~read as follows: t the purpose of the sale or lease of l (25) feet. ~' yards in existence at the effective ! acreage' °r the sale °f l°ts in a I ~EC'TION' 859 ~ O~*I"~'STREI~'"r ds" te °f this Ordhn'ance shall with' TABLE OF CONTENTS subdivision, one (1) real estate sign, PARKING AREA -- In the '~Z" in three (3) years from such date ~~_t...Ti.~te - section, either single or double faced, not,' Multiple Residence District, no ~rovide suitable .screening in the ~le I Definitions 100 exceeding twenty-four (24) square ~le LI Districts 200 ! building shall ,be hereafter erected form of fencing or hedges complete- feet will be permitted on each or altered or added to in'-excess of ly around the periphery of the area ~le III "A" Residential an~I five hundred (500) feet to one fifty (50) ~' percent of its area prior used for such purposes, anct. the type Agricultural Districts 300. le i thousand (1000) feet of frontage to the adoption of this Ordinance, of fencing and hedges shall be sub- Il'fA "M" ~Multiple Resi- on the highway or highways on unless a minimum provision for off- ject to the approval of the Board ~' dence District 350 which the property fronts, PRO- s~reet parking shall'be made as fol- of Appeals. cie IV "B" Business District 400 VIDED saicl sign is set back not lows' 26. By amending Article X, Section Cie V "C" Industrial Dis- less than the front yard restric- . (a) Dwellings--One (1) parking. 1002 t~l~ead as follows: trict 500 ~ions required and not less than space for each family unit: ?~ SECTION 1002 ~ Notwithstanding ;lc VI Tourist Camps, Camp. ten (10) feet from each side line. (b) Hotels, boarcting and' ~m-lst any other provisions of this Ordin- Cottages and Trailers 600 The lower ectge of the sign shall houses--One (1) parking space, for ance, any sign in existence at thet ,~.'~ VII Applications and Per- ~be not less than three (3) feet above each two (2) guest,rooms, effective ~l. ate of this Ordinance ~ mits 700 the ground and the upper edge of (c) Motels and Tourist Cottages-- which does not conform to the pro- ~ .... VIII Board, of Appeals 800 the sign shall not extend more than One (1) l~arking space for each ~sions ~f tbfs Ordnance, shall', e IX Amend~nents 900 fifteen (1'5) feet six (6) inches ~bove guest room or dwelling unit. within five (5) years from such j .e X General. Provisions 1~)0 the ground. If the premises has a SECTION 360--SIGNS--I;n the ~{" date .be .discontinued unless its' con- - '~ouding Article I, Section 100, frontage of less than. five hundre~ Multiple Residence~District the fol- tinuance-is authorized as a special ~.. ,~ to read as follows· (500) feet, the sign shall have an lowing signs are permitted, exception ..by the Board of Appeals ~d~'kRDI~G AND .TOURIST area of not more than twelve (12) (1) Signs permitted in an "A" as herein,before provided. . .q~.~-A building other than a square feet and the same restrictions Residential and Agricultural DIs- 27. By amending Article X, Sectioh ? ~..l,~ lodging, ~ith or with- shall apply, trict. ~., meals,' for five or more persons 12. By amending Article III, Section (2) On premises used for hotel, 1006 to read as follows' SECTION 1006--No wall, .fence, or i~tlI furnished fbr compensation. 300 by adding thereto a new paragraph motel, 'b0ard~ and tourist house other structure and no hedge, tree, ~[i~ amending Article I, Section 100 to be paragraph 11 to read as follows: purposeS"'~ otherwise provided ~!~ding thereto a new paragraph to ll--signs as provided in Section 408 as a special'exception by the Boarct shr~bed, alterec]°r otherorgrOWthma~ntainedShall beonerect-any ~ragraph~_ 17A to read as follows: i of this Ordinance when authorized of Appeals as hereinafter provided, ~or~er lot at any point v~Ithir~. ~-~---MARINA OR BOAT BASIN---I; as a special exception by the Board one (1) advertising sign either ~-'~gny~ premises containing one or of Appeals as hereinafter providecl, single or double faced not exceeding twenty. (20) feet . -.~the. inter_- ~' secbon of the street ~~h~ch may !:~ore piers, wharves, docks, 'bulk- 13. By amending Article III, Section fifty (50) square feet in area adver- cause danger to t~~!~n a street i ~eads, buil~ngs, slips, basins or 303 to read as follows: tising only the .business conducted by obsuring the view'' ~nd under water designed, used or~ SECTION 303--"A" SIZE OF LOT on the premises and set back not !i'::~tended to be used primarily fori AREA~In the "A" Residential and less than five (5) feet from all 28. By amending Article X, Section i--~.e dock/rig, mooring or accommoda-i .4~ricultural ]gistrict, no ,building street and property lines. 1007 to read as follows' SECTION 1007- NON-CONfORM- itieS, on ~of .boats for compensation, i shall be erected or alt~ed on a lot 16. By amending Article IV, Section ING T~S~Unless °therwise au- [~.'.hether compensation is pakt df-., having an area of less than twelve 400, ~aragraph 1 to reacl, as follows: thorized as a special exception by tly or indirectly. 100! thousand five hundred (12,500) l~One (1) family or two (2) family the Board of Appeals as hereinbe- ~__.~mendingi~klding. theretoArticlea newI'paragraph~ecti°n to square feet and a frontage of less dwellings' multiple family dwellings, fore provided, the following 'pro- than one hundred (100)feet. Notwithstanding any other provi- visions shall apply to non-oon- [YB to read as follows: 14.By amending Article III, Section sions of this Article, such dwelling forming uses: -A .building contain- 307 to read as follows' when erected or altered in a '~B" (a) The lawful use of ~ building guest rooms or dwelling units SECTION 307~"A" SIDE yARDs-- Business District shall coml~ly with or premises existing on the effec- !~h of which, or each pair of In 'the "A" Residential and .Agri- the provisions of Section 3.01 to 308 tire date of this ordinance, or au- has a separate entrance lead- cultural District, there shall be two inclusive of "this Ordinance. thorized .by a building permit issued directly from the outside of the (2) side yards, one (1) on each side 17. By amending-Article IV, Section ~l~ridr thereto, may be continue~ with garage or parking 'of the buildings, the total a~gregate 408 to read as follows: although such u~e does not con- conveniently located to each of both sides shall be twenty-five SECTION 408-- SIG~S ~ Unless · form with the Pr0v. isions of this and which is designed, used~ (25) feet and no one (1) side yard otherwise authorized as a special Ordinance and '~~use .m~.~y be ex- intended to be used prlmarilyI shall be less than ten (10) feet. exception ,by the Boar~-of Appeals tended throughout the bui~l~tng law- ~ the accommoc~ation of motor ye-' PROVIDED that, in the case of as herein provided, the following fully acquired prior to sa'id date.~'' transients, i~ a lot helc~ in Single and separate signs are. permitted in a "B" Busi- (b) A non-conforming use of a amending Article 1, ~ection 100 ownership-at the effective date of nea~ District: .- " ,building or premises may be chang- thereto a new paragraph to this ordinance, of a width less than (a) DETAOHED OR GROUND~ ed to a use of the \same or higher 19A to read as follows' one hundred (100) feet ~nd of an SIGNS--One (1) sign, single or classification according to the pro.- sign includes everyi area less than twelve thousand five double faced, not more than six ($) visions of this ~nce. of billboard, sign board, de- hundred (12,500) feet, a single feet six (6) inches in height and . or display, designed, arranged, i (c) 'Whenever a d~strict shall . family dwelling may be built there- twelve (12) feet six (6) inches in hereafter ,be changed, any then ex- or intended to '.be used to ad-~ on with side yards redlzced fifty (50) wi.~!~h, the lower ec~ge of which ,ist~ng non-conforming use of a announce, direct or other-' percent and may ~be further reduced shall ,be not less than three (3) feet building or premises in such chang- inform, in~uding any writing, ! when authorized as a special ex- above the ground and the upper ed district may be continued or figure, symbol or mark paint- ception ~by the ,Board of Appeals as edge of which shall not extend more changed to a use of a similar or upon or incorporated in the ex-' hereinafter provided, than fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches higher 'classificat'ion, provided all surface of a building or 15. By -atnending. said Ordinance by above the ground, which sign shall other regulations governing the new affding, reto a new Article to be be set~ back v.-,.* less than five (5) use are complied with. amending Article I, Section 100, Article .... __,~ to read as follows' feet from al' '.'eot and property (d) Whenever a non-conforming, thereto a new paragraph to ARTICLE III A l'ines and sha,. advertise only the use of a building or premises hasi 23A to read as follows: "1VI" Mit~i~le Residence District business conducted on the prom- been discontinued for a period of~ rnr~r~ ~.han~;WO (2) years, or changed Mithis Ordinance .except. ~r 'more of the followin~ uses: 1: A. use ,pemfltted,.in an "A" Residential. and-'. ~tural DIS.' 2. Multiple dwellings design'ed for and' occupied by-not more than --. ~[o~,-'niotels, ?nd boarding .~.~.~n~4' tourist houses..' ToU~t ~es. (More, th~ one (i~ Tourist Co.trance may ,be per- when .au- 'by as. herein- ~hen ~ - i wall~.~ ~ public strut and -' ' advertisin~ 6hiy; .the' business-con- ducted-.tn-, such -building, prOvided ~shCh sign does not:'' 1.' ~' two ~( ,2) ,square feet in . total area for' each horizontal .foot 0~ such wall, and 2. Exceed in width-seventy-five (75) peecent of the horizontal mea- .surement .of such wall,, and 3,. 'Exceed ten (10) feet tn height, and :~ 4.-Exceed fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches .from grOund level to the ' mitted.[ on a' 10t. when.: suth0rized upper edge of sign, and '~~'~.-I~ as.'~.,:, .pecl~ .~~lon by the Board ~. :,. from'5' ProJeCtsuch ,wall.m°~e thanone (1)foot · ~ofAppeals~ .'as hereinafter .Provided.). rS. By.' amending Article IV, ./~ction ~- 5. 'A~rY uses'on r~e, same, 4~9 to read as follows:'-. ' _ .:..lot'With. ~ .~matSly. incidenrm S~ON 409--"B". SIZE OF LiYr ~O~ .Sai--H~OnT-- m the- A~A--m, the "~" ~usm~ ~s- to .a· hlghe¥''.~IE-s~H~lIbn' conforming ~se, anything in this 'Section to the contrary '-notwith-- stafi~g, the non-~onfOrming use of ~uch build .ir~. or premises shall no longer/)e permitted unless a variaflce therefor shah-haw ,been granted by the Board., of Appeals as herein- before proVided. ' (e) A non-conforming building may not be reconstructed or struc- turally altered during 'its life to an extent exceeding in aggregate cost fifty .(50) .percent of the fair value of the building, unless the use of such - .building is changed: to a con- forming use. _ ~f) A non-conformin/~ buildin$ which has been damaged by fire or other causes to .the extent of mor~ than fifty (50) Percent of its fair'~ value shah not 'be repaired or re- built unless the use of such bulldin~ ,~, ~[ult~le 'Residence District; no trict, ~no building sl~H .be ereCted is changed to a confOrming use. butldtng hereinafter e~ected or al- .or altered on a lot havh~ an area Any ..person desiring to ~e heard on! (-~ of [e~s than seventy-fiVe hun_dred the proposed amendments should_ap~ teredfeet, o~.three'_ (3)shall eX~dstories, tlflrty~flv_ein lte__li~n_ ~..'~ (7,500) ..... square feet anti afr. onta~e 'ar "at the time ..and place ~12o7 of l~ss ~tHan fifty (5(t) feet. · .~l~ecffied' . .' '~ '__ ~ON~,,35~'B'UILD~0`Al~'''- 1~9[' 'By amendi~ Article TV, Section Dated: March 25, 196~ In' the ~ MMtiple Reside. Las_-. '-titct, the:. total buil ..di~~ area .sh,ll 410, 9aragral)h (b) ~ read:as: fo_~ws: [By Order of the Southold Town ~t,.~X~.fiftY:-(50) percent.of the (b)- Theatres and Resmuran -- Ralph P. Booth, Town ' ' One (1) parking. Sl~ace. for every lot ares. ' -~- aEOrION SaS--W,Z~ O~ ~r ARia SeVen ¢~) seats. _-In {he "M" i:Mt/ItiPle Residence 20. By amending .. ~Article V, 8ect;i0nl d selxn~te [~e~,~. . ~t, no buli~'sha!l~ erected 500 by re. pe~!in~ the-last paragraph.., of '~~ to ;~ ~ or altered, on-a lot-ha~g an area Said-Sec~'~ t~ectton 502i ~ .~ ~. ,~, l~s thSA twelve [thud five 2I. By. s~nendm~ Article' ~,~:dentts~ ,. ~~._ '": hundred (I2~0~ s~sre feet M~d ~ to-read ~S follOWS: ~, ~. · ~ntele of less ~han one hundred . ~3EC'F~O~, M2--S~N~L--~Fhe" pro- · ' ' visions of ArtiCle 'iv,-Section 408. of --~' ~.or l~Pi'l~ I~,--FR(~ Y.~.AI~D. ~ this-Ordinance shall apply to oeeul~~ ~- ' ~,~' M~ Remae ' _ in a "C" l[ndustria! lYls~t. _ ~-or: llistrlet,- the ~i~l~ed fron ya~' 22.' By' atnend~ 'Article V, seotion 504[ ~. -" shall be not less th~n-thirtF (SO) to _.rem ss fonows: , ~ in the ~ty ts .paruy .buat ._UP ~lct, ~no ,tmfldin~. shah be erected or thereto,' . wi.th parmanent butl~ sad an altered on a lot having an area of average aetba~ line.has been estsb- -less than twelve thousand five the ' "ltshed, no bundine heremsfter erect-' hundred. (XinU0) '~ feet mid a ed or altered .shall ;Pr°~t .be~nd -lront~e of less ~ one hundred musre~ feet~n~m " the' lin~ o! the" average, setback o0 (100)~ fee~- the ,name' .and ~oN ssa-In' 'the case. of · thereto it new Section to be Section 0aly) of. ,~.~tho."corn~rthe ad0 .tg:10nl°t°f .record. of ~atordineaea,'the time of.s 601,SECS!~Olqto, read'as 801foll°ws:--~ · f~t ~d shah. be** requtred.. .Where. * TRAU~ O~ ~OV~ OAB--~ot- an averse ;setlmck line. has been : ~ri~dinS any other ~0ns' wifli~' Said avera~ setback line~ p/~~ to' a.potnt of'tnterseotl~ no .of this 'Ordinance, a sin~!e auto- mol~.h'a~er or house oar may be 'located outside a tomist .camp only When authorized b~- the Town flve'(tt6) feet fr~ eech street tine 24. ~e'. amendme Article VI3: ,by sddme .. L q 0 I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK j STATE OF NEW YORK ~ ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- successively, commencing on the ....... ~i...~....' ..... :...~ .... Sworn to before me this .........,~...~..... day of .... otary Public A~ELE PA:,'N E Notary Public, Sta','e of New York Resid/ng ia Suffolk County r,'o. 52-35~10,3o g, nmmission Expires [flarch 30, 1959 SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OffICE STATE C~ NE~ YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: RALPH P. BOOTH, being duly sworn,deposes and says that he resides at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and Stets of New York; that he is the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold; that on thel8 day of AD]~. 1958, he posted a copy of the NOTICE OF A~EN~{ENT OF ZONING NO. 14 on the signboard maintained by him pursuant to Town Law in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Southold, New York; that such posting by him was done pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law end pursuant to the Resolution of the Southold Town Board. Subscribed snd sworn to before me this 18 day of Aoril Notary Public I~Jdin~ · ~uffo k County SUP~E~IE COURT PlTF EX 10tH J. D. NOTICE ~F A2,IEND.~fENT OF ZONING ORDI~IANCE P.,M~NDMENT No. 14 N~CE ~ ~EBY ~I~ ~ter a public hearing held p~ant to ~e r~ements of law, the ~ ~a~nce (inclu~ng the ~ i~ ~ne Ma~) of the Town of old, ~ffo~ ~unty, New York duly ame~ at a regu~r m~ of the T~ ~ard on April 8, 19~, . follows :~ 1~ ~en~g the ~le of ~t ~ ~e ~ ~[~tio~ ~cul~l D~C~ . dense Di~rtct fArtlde I~r "B" B,t~!nees District ~ · ~ V "~' I~tflal D~- ~e ~ ~M~ C~, Camp .. ~ ~d ~e~ ~ Article ~ A~tio~ and Per- 7~ Article ~ ~ard of Appeals · Article ]Z~ ~te Article X General Previs/ons 1~00 2. By amending Art/c/e L ~c~ion 100, pa~graph 3 to read as follows: S -- BOA~J)I'NO AND TOUi~ KO~'~'a'~--A building other than a hots1 where lodging, wlth or With- out meals, for five or more persons is furnished for compensation. ~. By amending Article I, Section 100 by adding thereto a now paragraph to be paragraph I?A to read as follows: 1~. By amending Article III, ~--ction ~aragraph 10 t~__read as follows: --One (1) r~'w,l~ate sign, either single or do~ed, not larger than twelve ({~'~lare feet in area on any one (~ pr more lots, vertising the ~ or lsuee of only the premises ~k~'whl__ch it is main- tamed and act {~ not less than tJae required fro~t yard distance and not less than ten (10) feet from each side line. When the advertising sign is for the Imrpoee of the aais or lease of acr~ge, or the sale of lots in a subdivision, one (1) real estate sign, either single or dollble faced, not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet will be permitted on each five hundred (BO0) feet to one thousand (1000) feet of frontage on the highway or hi{hway~ on which the property fronts, PRO- ~IDED said sign i~ set back not less than 'the front yard restric- tions required and not leas than ten (10) feet from each side line. The low~' edge of the sign shall be not less than three (3) feet above the ground and the upper edge of the sign shall not extend more than · fifteen (15) feet six iS) inchee . the ground. If the premises has a frontage of leas than five hundred (r~{0) feet, the sign shall have an area of not more than twelve (12) g~luare feet and the same restrictions ~lhall apply. 12. By amending Article III, Section 300 by adding thereto a new paragraph to be paragraph 11 to read as follows: Il--Signs as provided in Section 408 of this Ordinance when authorized . la~l under water designed, used or ?~.ed to be used primarily for "-:'~ decking, mooring or accommeda- ~,~.. of boats for compensation, =..~-~1.. er compensat%n is paid df- · ~y or indirectly. ¢. ~y amending Article I, Section I00 0y '~dding thereto a new paragraph to be 17A--MARINA OR ]~OAT BASIN-- as a special exception by the Board Any premises containing one orI of Appeals as hereinafter provided. .mor~ pl~er~.:..wharves, docks, bulk-:113. By amending Article III, Section ne~s, mu~nngs, slips, basins or~302 to read as follows: SECTION 30~--"A" SIZE OP LOT AREA--In the "A' Residential and Agricultural District, no building shall be erected or altered on a lot having an area of less than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet and a frontage of less than one hundred (100) feet. paragraph ITS to read as follows: ~.-~.n.g... cen~o,,- ! 307 to read as follows: ~a~hgno~fest whichr°°ms or dwe. llmg~h~n ri. ir nr.tml~'i SECTION 307--"A" SIDE sept, rate, =,,~,,, ~= ,~--~'n-~-'/~-'~-! In the "A' Residential and building, with garage or par~nE sl~ee conveniently located to each unit, and which is designed, used[ or intended to be used l~lmsrlly for the accommodation of motor, vl~ 5. By amending- Article 1, Seq~{]~ I~ ~.ddtng thereto a new pac~ b~ paragraph 1PA to read s~[~W/l: 19A--~9IGN--A sign inshi~..-twery kind of billboard, sign ~ de- vice or disolay, designed, a~ used or intended to ~be used to ad. retries, announce, direct or other~ wise inform, including any writ, letter, figure, symbol or mark paint~ ed v,~on or incorporated in the ex- terior surface of a building or structure. §. By amending Article I, Section 1~0, by adding thereto a new paragraph to .. be paragraph 23A ti) read az follows: detnehed building having less than (2) side yards, ona (1) on each side of the buildings, the total aggregate of both sides shall be twenty-five (25) feet and no one (1) side yard shall be less than ten (10) feet, PROVIDED that, in the case of a lot held in single and separate ownership at the effective date of thic Ordinance, of a wk/th less than one hundred (100) feet and of an area less than twelve thousand five hundred ¢I2,~00) feet, a single family dwelling may bo built there- on with side yards reduced fifty (50) percent and may ,be further reduced when authorized as a special ex- caption by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided. 5. By amendil~,. ~ Ordinance by arkiing thereto W' new Article to be Article IHA to read as follows: AI~TI~LE III l '~" l~niiiple Residence District SECTION 350---In the "M" Multiple Residence District, no bull_ding or premises shall ~e used. and no caption hv the ~oard of Appeals as hereh provided. SECTIt.., SS'/--45IDE Y~ ~ ~ the "M" M~tiple ~d~ ~- t~ct, ~e ~ be ~ (2) ~de ~s, ons (1) on ~h gdo of ~e ~d~, ~e Wt~ ag~ of ~th ~de ya~ ~1 be twenW-' fi~ (~) f~t ~d no one (1) ~de ya~ sh~l ~e te~ t~n ~n (101 f~t. ] for w~ a ~it ~ r~. ~ON ~ Y~In'~ 25. By amen~ ~icte X, ~cu ~e '~' M~e_ ~ D~t I I~1 ~ r~d ~ follows.. there ~ll ~ a ~ ~ ha~ ~ON 1~1 ~ Notwiths~n~ a ~ de~h of tw~W-fl~ a~ other ~o~ of th~ ~- (~) f~t. { ance, all au~moblle or o~er ~ SECTION 359 -- pARKING, AREA -- In the Multiple Residence District, no ' building shall~ be hereafter erected: or altered or added to in excess of fifty (50> percent of its arco prior to the adoption of this Ordinance, unless a minimum provision for off- street parking shall be made as fol- lows: (al Dwellings---One (1) parking space for each family unit. (b) Hotels, boarding and tourist. houses---One (1) parking space for: each two (2) guest rooms. (c) Motels and Tourist Cottages-- One (1) parking space for each' guest room or dwelling unit. { SECTION 360--STONS~Tn the Multiple P~sidenee District the fol- lowing signs are permitted. (Il Signs permitted in an "A" Residential and Agricultural Dis- trAct. 121 On premises used for hotel, motel, boarding and tourist honss purposes, unless otherwise provided as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, one iii advertising sign either single or double faced not sxeeeding fifty (501 square feet in area adver- tising only the business conducted on the premises and set back not less than five (5) feet from all ' street and property lines. 16. By amending Article IV, ~ection 400, paragraph I to read as follows: 1--One (1) family or two (2) family dwellings; multiple family dwellll~s. Notwithstanding any other provi- sions of this Article, such dwelling when erected or altered in a '~" Business District shall comply with the previsions of Section 301 to inclusive of this Ordinance. 17. By amending Article I'V, Section 408 to read as follows: SECTION 408-~ SIGNS -- otherwise authorized as a special exception ,by the ~oard of Appeals as herein provided, the following signs are permitted in a "B" Busi- ness District: (al DETAOHED OR GROUND SigNs--One (1) sign, single or double faced, not more than six (8) lest six (6) inches in height and l twelve (12) feet six ($} Inches in l width, the lower edge of which[ shall he not less than three (31 feet above the ground and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than fifteen (15) feet six (61 inches above the ground, which sign shall be set back not less than five ($1 feet from all street and property lines and shall advertise only the business conducted on the prem- ises. (bi WALI~ SIONS~One (1) sign permitted by Article HI, Section 300, paragraphs 8, g and 10 of this Ordinance, l~etal identification ta~s, serially numbered shall be affixed by the Building Inspector to all sl~as yards in existence at the efts&lye date of this Ordinance shall with- in three (3) years from such date provide suitable screaning In form of fencing or hedges complete- ly around the periphery of the ares used for such purposes, and the type of fencing and hedges shall be sub- {ect to the approval of the Board of Appeals. 26. By amending Article X, Section 1002 to read as follows: SECTION 1002- Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Ordin~ ance, any sign m ex~tance at the effective ~to of this Ordinance which does not conform to the pro~ ~sions of th~ ~nance, shell within five (~/ years from s~ch date he discontinued unless its con- tinuanee is authorized as a special exception by the Board of Ap~sis as hereinbefore provided. 27. By amending Article X, Section 1006 to read as follows: SECTION 1006--No wall, fence other structure and no hedge~ t shrub or other growth shall be ed, altered or ma~ntained on corner lot at any point twenty (~0) feet from ' sscUon of the street lines. cause danger to traffic m by obsuring the view. 28. By amending Article X, 1007 to read as follows: SECTION 1007 -- /NO USES~Uniess o~ht, rwiso thorized as a special excepti~l, the Board of Appeals as herein fore provided, the following visions ~hall apply to non-c~ fo~ming uses: (a) The lawful use of a or premises ex~ting on th tire date of this Ordinan~ thorized by a building per prior thereto, may be o although such use doss n form with the provisions Ordinance and such use mi tended throughout the bull~ fully acqu/red prior f~ ih) A non-conforn~ use . ~buliding or premise~ may be c~ ed to a use of the same or ~ classification according to the I~ visions of this Ordinance. (c) '~rhenever a district hereafter he changed, any ths' ~is~/r~ non-conforming .~ building or premises in ed district may be con chat{ged to a use of a higher classification, pre other regulations governin~ use are complied with. id) Whenever a non-cc use of a bulMlng or pre~ been discontinued for a more than two (2) years, ~o a higher ¢laestftcetion, conforming use, anythin~ Section to the contrary standing, the non-so.fermi tach building or prerulses ~onger be i~'rultt ed unless therefor shall have been Board of Appeals a~ provided. A non-conforming may not be reconstructed ~urelly altered daring its ;xte~lt exceeding in aggre ~ifty (50) percent of the i )f the building, aulees ;uch ,building is changed i (19 A non-cunformi~g which has been damaged O~er causes to the extent than fifty (50) percent value thall not be repalre built unle~ tile use of such is changed to a conforming my person desiring to be ~i~ p0possd amendments sh Par at the time and plax ~ed: April 10, 1955 BOrder of the Scuthold Tow Ralph P. Eooth, Toy :nlxl~ on- a ~ ~ ~,..~.:~_ ~ ~: ..-- (e) ~-~ ~ 1~ ~ the lot ~~ ~d.' ~~Y ~d~ . dOCking:, mooring or. s°t~tllmo(~~n- -- ~i".:~tlple :.Residena~'-~, no '" ' 8~'"I~ON 4t}g'-'~]~" ~ OF ~ ~~i~ ~ a s~~"-e~p~'' b~ ]./. ~ ~ .:.' ":~ ~~-flve (~): ~t, no~ ~~ '~~ ~ er~t~ me ~rd of A~a~ ~' h~-[ "f~t ~.('~.(3) ~.m ~,:: or ~r~ on alotha~ ~ ar~ - ' - .... -~- ~ .... 4i0' ~~p~ (b) ~ r~ ~ ~oHows: .~ny of the above uses:When located · . on the same lot and.. not involV~n~ the eonduct of a ~te'bush!e~"- This shall be understood· t~-fin- clud~ the professional office er studio of a doctor., denttst,_.~, artist, architect, en~eer,.- tan, lawyer, magistrate or-'~- titltoner of a Similar ~ or tncludt~ dressmakl~, similar handicrafts, ~. tl~t the office, studio or oc~tr~- 'donaI rooms are lo,ted in trig in which the preetlttol:l~ an~ in a ~ufldin~, aeee~ therete, ere publicly displayed.on Ises and no sign or is ~own o~her ~han 'i ~ not la~- ecou~tion (words only) e~ tim pl*n~3~ollm-. .- , , 9---~ sale at retm~ ~ den or nursery ~,_--~ on ~e premises. One tn~ si~n, either slnlle er · ~ the sale~~ ~ on the premises. _. lot . .~.~:'.A,~~ (b). Theatres ~nd l~fmumnts -- '-In '~e 'M"../~:'~e Restd~- 'One (1) P~ ~aCe for ~e~ -~~t, no b~'~.~ ~ ~..-~y '~en~ ~tcle v, ~aon ...... Of. ~ ~~ ~~ ~' five ~ by r~ ~e 1~ ~m~aph of "..~ h~ ~) ~"f~t ~d a Said ~n, - "f~~ of I~ ~.~e h~ il. ~ amends ~~e V, ~~on ~ pro- ~io~ 5f'~e' ~, ~on ~ 0f ~'~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ (~) ~. B~' a~n~g .-~e V, ~~on ~ - ~~' ~t ~'~d ~ ~ct, no ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ st.b ~ of hundred. (l~dl~ mlusze feet nnd a t~mt~ge--of less limn ~e. h~~- (1~. f~. olk County Bee to~., Central Islip State P~pital, ~qll {~ :ussion of "How be the guest speaker ~, |i~ Suffolk [~OL ~nd demonstrate County ~/fental Healtl~- .2sociation's ' hives and frames Annual Dinner to be held on Wednes- (-~ -: · +:)f package bees, day~ April 30th, at the Patchogue Hotel, ~F~T~' :i' Suffolk County at 7 P. M. Dr. O'Neill's topic ,will be ~"" COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~'town Town Hall, "The Hospital, the Community, and 'thtown, L. I. on the Mentally II1." GrifflnSTATE OF NEW YORK , ~0 P.M.,'accord- An innovation at this year's meeting ~g of Centerport, will be a complimentary showing of Tel. J A four selected documentary films prior ~...--_--- ~ "Story of the to the dinner. The film showlng will _ _ e private life of :begin at 4 o'clock and continue until 6. ,~ her ',birth, her Films and times of showing are as fol- nd the complete lows' ~y will also be 4 P. ,M.--"A Place to Live"--a film · ested in bees is~ attempting to show how some of the bring questions problems of older people can be solved. 4:30 P. :M.--"Mr. Finley's Peelings"-- shows how an individual gains some SS. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, Dona{ he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND OPTOM~' TRAVELER. - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, o public news- says that i------ insight into how his emotional stresses , '1: ..' 'get him into difficulties, published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- ~,.:h~ary. ; 4'50 P. M;.--"Someone Who Cares"-- Party afilm depicting the efforts and results man once each week for .....(~~,', .~',~,..~....~.~ .... :,..../~_~. weekS~ of the volunteers In the mental hospital. ~1. I:~0 - ~ been completed 5'30 P..M.--"The Key"--the new film / ring Car~ Party, produced by the National Associat'ion Phone: successively, commencing on the ......... ~.../. ......... ~ ...... :man's Auxiliary for Mental Health s~bout the changing 'Medical .Society., picture of mental illness, day of ........ · · · ~~;/~* ~ ~ ~ .......... ~ ~..-....~.~' , mere- : D~sert Bridge" .her of the .Board of Directors, is chair- - .... ~ '" /~' ~' ' . 'riltra122nd,IsHpl P.state ~' whichman of theincludes~mmitteeMrs.On Sidneyarrangements~~, WAG] .......... ,..: .... : ........... ~ c ~... .......... :..,...., .~.; ..... ..7,. ....... ~.?... · the chairman- Patcho~e, and Mrs. ~niel Levy, ~y ~[[ ~ 'Neiil of Central Shore. __ The program following dinner ~1 RIVERS[ ed by Mrs. Allan a~o inclu6e the report of the Nomin- {j~{ ~e~ ~/. man; Mrs. Wi1- ating Co~ttee and the election of ~ ....... )bert Olinick of new officers and mem~rs of the Board. -- - Sworn to before me this day of ~eichel, ~s. Dr. O'Neill is a .~aduate of the Uni- "' ' '~ ............... .-~ ..~ .... '~~p and ~rs. Versity of Vermont College of ~~icine ~~_---~,  Terra.ce. ~izes' .and was formerly Direc~r of the Utica ......... ] 9. rg of Bay SHore, SCare Hospital. He 'is a ~et]ow of the :, an~ Seymour American M~ical As~iation and the raters. ~ usual, American P~chiatrtc Ass~iation and a , rful sel~tion of Diplomate of the American Board of ~ ~ ~ / .... '~.~ .... - is affair, due to Neurology and ~sychiatry. He ~ also Tel. ~Ou~ //'~' ,,- money for the New York University-Bellevue M~cal ............. ~'~ · ...... )f beautiful and Center. an6 is President of the Suf- , , ~ ._, Notary n's washes and folk ~nty Medical S~iety. A year )y the Auxiliary. ago Dr. O'Neill w~ sent ~ Gr~t ACELE P.AYF~ E assisting Mrs. Britain in ,company with a del~ation h'c~rY P~ ~c, ~ ~ ' ~bl'icity, ~s. from the New York ,State ~partment Plum ay Shore; Has- of Mental Hygiene to study the well- · [b of Pa~hogue. known British Mental Health Sys~m. ~0~~ qd J. Wexler, Since that time he has ,b~n ve~ mu~ ~ . j . . ~' Mrs. ~arles in demand the country over ~ a s~ak- , ~.. ~ed ~trelli of er the Significant chang~ bei~ ~de ", · it~e, Mrs. Ed- in the care and treatment of the men- - - ~r Stakes, Mrs. tally ill and the role of ho~it~ ~'. ne; Mrs. ~r~ and co~unity. His talk will be di- a~r~ and Mrs. r~ted to the lay person as we]] as to head. Refr~h- professional groups. "" La'~~t~ of Tickets for the ~nner ~e ~.qs. n; ~s. Frank which 'includes ~atuities, and rese~a- ~ Guggenheim, tions are limited ~ 150 person. Both ,. of Islip; Mrs. the film show~g and dinner are o~n ay Shore, Mrs. to the public. Ad~tional chairs ~11 be Say Shore; ~s. plac~ in the dining r~m following the ~ ~nnerty, ~s. di~er to ~co~o~te late-comers. :ho~e; Mrs. H. Please make all rese~atio~ t~o~h le; Mrs. Jo~ph the ~~iation's office, $5 ~tran6er ~coran of Baby- Avenue, Riverhe~,-N. Y. sky of Bright- - . .... ~ ~ ~apa, ~s. ~- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE )h ~o~ and '" '" '~ ........... . f Geatra] Is]ip. The spiritual relationship of ~ , · ......... , ---~ *~ and man wH] be brough~ out at G~ist- s~ct lan ~ience'~~'ices ~unday ~ the ,~. ~y ~ Lesso~-sermon eutitl~ "D~tdne of ~ ad~ Atonement." to i.- CRA i ~ ~A-- clude the follow~g from John (17:20, - '~' de~l 21)' "These wor~ spake Jesus, and : ., ~e" lift~ up his eyes ~ h~ven, and said, :3~ paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been '-(~ ! III !STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, j ......... ';~::~. ~~ ~(~d~~~~- be', dul Sworn, 'says that .... .~~~r~nter and Publisher o~the sYuFFOLK TIMES, a n~wspaper published at Greenport, in said county; ace for building imp-~ and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffo~ Times once in each 'week, for · ~'"~~'~-~'-- weeks successively commencing on the .........~.~:::~.~::~~ ................... day of .......... ~~~~.~ ........ 19..~~...- , .. ..____~~~~~~.~.~ ..~.~..~....~. ..... ,. ...... ~ ........................ ~A~EY ~ ~WIN ........................... ~eq-~~c;-~e-o~-~.Yd ............ My C~missi~ Ex~~ MA~ ~ ~~ ~ges in store.-layout. rs" of our Inven, 'I SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert W. C_=ilJisp]e, ,.Ir., C:heirrn~n Robert B'ergen Herbert Rosenberg Char!es Gregonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, ,Jr. Southold Town Pl_~ning Board Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Telephone ,SO 5-2660 October 24, 1957 Gentlemen: In the following letter of recommendations the Board of Appeals will attempt to bring up-to-date all of the recommendations for changes in the Zoning Ordinance which we h~ve made. 1. ARTIOLE I - Section 100 - Definitions - paragraph 3 - BOARDING AI~D TOURIST HOUSES. It is suggested that this be changed to read: "A building other than a hotel where lodging, with or without meals, for five or more persons is furnished for compensat ion." This change suggested in order to conform to the Multiple Residence Law of the State of New York. 2. ARTICLE I - Section 100- Definitions - We recommend that the following definitions applicable to Article I, covering Tourist Camps, Camp Cottages and ~ratlers be inserted alphabetically as follows: (a) A Tourist Camp is hereby defined to be any lot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more tents, tent houses, camp cottages, house cars, or trailers used as living or sleeping quarters are or may be located, said camp being operated for or without compensation. (b) A unit is hereby defined to be any section or plot of ground., ti_Don which is erected any tent, tent house or camp cottage, and/or for the accommodation of each automobile of each automobile trailer or house car. (c) Camp Cottage is defined to be any small building of whatever material con- structed hs~ing I ess than 350 square feet of cross section area and used as living or sleeping quarters and constructed and equipped only for seasonal occupancy. Southold To~ Planning Board October 24, 1957 (d) Automobile Trailer or House Car shall be defined to be ~ny vehicle used as sleeping or living_~. quarters, which is or may be mounted on wheels and is or may be propelled either by its own power or by smother power driven vehicle, to which it m~y be attached. (e) Board or Department of Health shall mean any such Board or Department established pursuant to the laws of the State of New York and entrusted with the regulation, control and supervision of m~tters pertaining to snd affecting the public health in the Town of Southold. 3. ARTICLE I - Section 100 - Definitions - We recommend that the following definition of Signe be included in Article I. "A Sign includes every kind of billboard, sign board and other shape or device or display, arranged, intended, designed or used to advertise, sA~nounce, direct or otherwise inform, including any text, symbol, marks, letters or figures, painted on or incorpor- ated in the composition o£ the exterior surface of a buildiB~ or structure." 4. ARTICLE III - "A" Residential smd Agricultural District - Section 300 Referring to the paragraphs covering signs it is recommended that Paragraph 8 be left as is. Paragraph 9 to be changed to read as follows: "The sale at retail of farm garden or nursery products produced on the premises or of animals raised on the premises. One (1) advertising sign, either single or double faced, not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet per Face in area advertising the sale of farm garden or nursery products produced on the premises or of animals raised on the premises." Note: This would orevent the erection of nu~,~rous s~all signs on the premises. Paragraph l0 - to be left as is, and the next successive ps~ragraph to be known as ~OA. Paragr~oh lOA to be changed to read as follows: '"~hen the advertising sign is for the puroose of selling or leasing of acreage, or the selling of lots in a su~itvision, one (1) real estate sign, having an area of not more than twenty-four (24) square feet, will be permitted on each five hundred (500) feet to one thousand (1000) feet of frontage on the highway or highways on which the property fronts, PROVIDED said sign is set back not less than the front ymard restrictions required and not less than ten (10) feet from each side line, the bottom of sign to be placed not ~ less th~n three (~) feet above the ground and the upper edge of the sign shall not exoeed fifteen feet six inches (15~6") above the ground. If the property should have a frontage of less than five hundred (500) feet, the sign permitted shall have an area of not more than twelve (12) square feet and the same restrictions shall apply." Note: The height of 15~6" was established by consultation with advertising groups. Paragraph ll to be added as follows: "Signs, as outlined in Section~08, ~ragraph (a) are permitted in the "A" Residential and_ Agricultural District only as a specizl exception by the Board of Appeals." As recommended in our letter of August l, 1957, we are strongly of the opinion that provision must be made for the location of business signs other than in the business districts, which are very few in number and area. This is not to be construed as a bl~Wet endorsement. Each case will be decided on its merits. Southold Town Planning Board October 25, 1957 ~RTICLE~ III - "A" Residential and Agricultural District - Section 303 - "A" SIZE OF LOT-AEEA. We recommend that this section be chsnged to read as follows: "In the"A" Residential and Agricultural District, no building shall be erected or altered on a lot of an area less than twelve thousand fiwe hundred (12,500) square feet and having a frontaM~e of less than one hundred (100) feet." ARTICLE III - "A" Residential and. ~g~ricultural District - Section 307 - "A" SIDE YARDS. We recommend that the second paragraph of this section be chsnged as follows: "PROVIDED that, in the case of a lot held in single and separate ownership at the effective date of this Ordins~ce, of a width less than one hundred (100) feet and of an area, etc." 7. ~ARTICLE IV - "B" Business District - Section 400 - par ~agraph 1. We recommend the omission of: (provided all requirements as are outlined in "A" Residential and ~ricultural District are complied with). The restrictions that are attempted in the above clause are covered in the addition to Section 409, covered later in this letter. 8. ARTICLE IV - "B" Busines~ District - Section $08 It is recommended that this section be ch~uged to read as follows: Section 40 8 - SIGNS ~ In the "B" Business District the following signs are allowed: (a) DETACEED OR GROUND SIGNS - One (1) sign, single or double faced,' not larger than six feet six inches (6'6") high by twelve feet six inches (12'6") long, the bottom of which shall ~ at least three (3) feet from the ground and the upper edge of sign shall not exceed ~ fifteen(15) feet six (6) inches above the ground level unless by special exception of the Board of Appeals. Sign shall be so placed as to be at least five (5) feet distant from all street a~i property lines and advertising only the business conducted on the premises on which placed and only when detached from any building or structure. (b) WALL SIGNS - One (1) sign attached to or incor?orated in each building wall on a public street and advertising only the business conducted in ~uch building when such sign does not: 1. Exceed in total area two (2) square feet for each horizontal foot of such wall, and 2. Exceed in width seventy five (75) percent of the horizontal measurement of such wall, and 3. Exceed ten (10) feet in height, and 4. Exceed fifteen .feet six inches (15'6") from ground level to upper edge of sign, and 5. Project not more than one (1) foot from such wall. (c) More t~han one sign on a Business or Industrial property is permitted only as a special exception by the Board of Appeals. Southold To,u% Planning ~eard October 24, 1957 9. ARTICL~ IV - "B" Business District - Section 409 - "B" SIZE OF LOT-AREA. We recommend that this section be changed to read as follows: "In the "B" Business District, no building shall be erected or altered on a lot of an area less than seventy-five hundred (7500) square feet and having a frontage of less than fifty (50) feet." 10. ARTICLE IV - "B" Business District - Section 409 ll. We recommend the addition of the following: "Provided any building used for Residential purposes shall have lot area, widths and all yard requirements at least equal to those req~,~ired in the "A" Residential and Agricultural District, unless varied by special exception of the Board of Appeals." ARTICLE V - "C" Industrial District - Section 500 - We recommend that the last paragraph, following paragraph 45, be eliminated because the meaning of this oar~graoh is covered in the opening paragraph, which reads: "In the "C" Industrial District, all buildings and premisesm except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, may be used for any use except the following:"~ the Ordinance now reads, the last paragraph of Section 500 would seem to be prohibitiv, e, which is not the case. 12. ARTICLE V - "C" Industrial District - Section 502 - It is recommended that this section be changed to read as follows: Section 502 - SIGNS - In the "C" Industrial District signs shall be allowed as under the provisions of ARTICLE IV - "B" Business District - Section 408. 13. ARTICLE V - "C" Indus~i~l District - Section 504- "C" SIZE OF LOT-A}~EA. We recommend that this section be changed to read as follows: "In the Industrial District, no building shall be erected or altered on a lot of an area less than twelwe thousand five h~zudred (12,500) square feet and upon a lot with a frontage of less than one hundred (100) ~eet." ARTICLE VI - TOURIST CA~.iPS, CA~P COTTAGES AND TliAILERS - Section 600 - We recommend that this Article be re-written as follows: Section 600 - No Tourist camp shall be established, maintained or operated in any district, nor shall any tent, tent-house, c~o cottage, house car or trailer, to be used or occupied as a place for living, sle'0ping or eating, whether charge is or is not made, be erected or placed thereinunless authorized by the Town Board following legal notice and public hearing. Section 601 -An ~gplica~nt to the Town Board for the use of shy land or premises as a tourist camp and/or the erection or placing therein of any tent, tent-house, house- car or trailer shall first obtain from the Department of Health a permit for the establishment and operation of such tourist camp. The Department of Health permit, or certified copy thereof, together with the plan upon which it was issed, showing clearly the extent and area to be used for camp purposes and a legal description of the property must be filed with the application. In determining the suitability of such use the Town Board shall give consider~tion to the effect of the proposed tourist cmAo on n.dJoining properties. The applicator shall be required to give written notice of Southold Town Planning Board October 24, 1957 Section 601, Continued the hearing before the Town Board on such application to all owners of property situated within one thous~ud (1000) feet of the proposed tourist camp and file at such hearing proof t~t such notice was so given. Such notice shall be given by registered mail, posted at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, and proof of mailing of such notice shall be filed with the Town Board. Section 602 -- If the Town Board authorized the use requested in such application, and/or to the extent such use is so authorized and providing all other regulations of State, County and Township have been complied with, the Town Board shall issue a permit for the establishment and operation of such tourist camp which permit shall require that such tourist camp be constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with the Ordinances, rules and regulations of the Department of Health and the Town Board. Section 603 -- It ~hall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place, keepor maintain a house trailer or camp car on any land within the Town of Southold, outside of the Incorporated Village of Greenport, without written permission of the owner of such land and no person sh~ll allow, suffer or permit any house trailer or camp car to be placed, kept or maintained on any land owned, leased or controlled by him, except in a tourist camp for which a permit has been issued by the Town Board, or except as may be allowed by special permission of the Town Board. Section 604 -- A single trailer may apply to the Town Board for a location permit subject to rules smd regulations established by the Town Board. It is recommended that a schedule of fees be established for permits under this Article commensurate with the costs involved. Section 605 -- Article VI shall not be deemed to apply to the temporary or seasonal camp of any unit of the Boy$couts of America or the Girl Scouts of America or other such organizations under the leadership orovided by said organizations respectively. There does not apoear to be any legal reason why any camp in existence at this time could not be regulated exactly the same as a camp seeking a permit today, with the sole exception of its location. In general it is our belief that all of the tourist camps now in existence in the Town are non-conforming uses. 15. ARTICLE VII - Applications and Permits -- It is recommended that Section 708 be added to this Article to rea~i as follows: Section 708 - All signs, with the exception of signs per$itted under paragraphs 8, 9 and l0 of ARTICLE III, Section 300, shall require a permit to be issed by the Building Inspector. These permits shall be issued with a metal identifaction tag, serially numbered, to be affixed to the sign by the Building Inspector. The fee for this permit and serial number shall be three dollars ($3.00) on a sign three (3) feet by four (4) feet (twelve (12) squ~re feet or smaller) and five dollars ($5.00) for signs of larger dimensions. 16. ARTICLE IX- Amendments - Section 901, paragraph (a) We recommend that this paragraph be changed to remA as follows: "By publishing a notice thereof once a week for two (2) successive weeks in one (1) Newspaper of general circulation published in the Town." Southold Town Planning Board October 24, 1957 The cost of publishing legal notices far exceeds the fees which can be used to recover publication costs and it is felt by the Board of Appeals that thisch~nge should be made as prom~tly as possible. 17. ARTICLE X - General Provisions - Section 1001 We recommend that this Section be changed to read as follows: "Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Ordinance all ~utomobile or other junk yards in existence e~ud in effect at the date of this Ordinance shall within the exoiration of 3 years from same provide ~ut~able screening in the form of fencing or hedges completely around, the periphery of the area used for such storage purposes, and the type of fence or hedge shall be subject to the approval of the Town Board." You will note th2,t we l~ve eliminated the word "solid" which preceded the word "fencing." It is the feeling of the Bo.s,rd of Appeals and., we believe, also of your Bo~rd that solid fencing as a screen might be unsightly. We have qhanged the approval to the Town Board as we believe that the Planning Board does not h~e the authority under the enabling act to aoprove or dis~Dprove the type of fence or here in this instance and that the authority of the Planning Board is largely confined to an advisory capacity. 18. ARTICLE X - General Provisions - Section 1002 We reco~mmend that this section be chan~ed to read as follows: "Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Ordimamce, any sign in existence at the effective date of this Ordinance, in any District, shall, at the expiration of five yearsfrom such date, be discontinuedunless in conformity with provisions of the Ordinance. The Board of Appeals may, however, permit its continuance as a special exception as herein provided." It seems to the Board of Appeals that it would be unfair and discriminatory to permit the existence of non-conforming signs in one district and prohibit such a sign in another district. 19. ARTICLE X - General Provisions - Section 1006 We recommend theft this section be changed to read as follows: "On any corner lot, no wall, fence or other structure shall be erected or altered, and no hedge, tree, shrub, or other growth shall be maintained which ma~v cause danger to traffic on a street by obscuring the view, at any point within twenty (20) £eet of the intersection of the street lines." A~ originally written the last clause in Section 1006 "mini~zm of twenty (20) feet" is confusing. 20. ARTICLE X - General Provisions - Section 1007 - NON-CONFORMING USES -- We recommend that wherever the word "building" is used in this section that "or premises" should be added. We believe the Ordim~nce originally contemplated that the term non-conformin~ use applied to buildings and also to premises on which the buildings are located. In ARTICLE I, Section 100, paragraph 18, defining non-conforming use, the term "building or premises" is used. Southold Town Planning Bosrd October 24, 1957 Item 20, Continued We also recommend that the following be incorporated in the Ordinance under: NON-001~0RMING USES: Unsafe structures --- Any structure er portion thereof declared unsafe by a proper authority may be restored to a safe condition. Alterations -- A non-conforming building my not be reconstructed or structurally altered during its life unless a special exception shall first be granted by the Beard of Appeals. Restoration -- Eo building damaged by fire or other causes shall be repaired or rebuilt except in conformity withthe provisions of this Ordinance without special exception granted by the Board of Appeals. In our original letter of recommendation to you ef August l, 1957, under Non-conforming Uses, we recommended that the aggregate cost of alterations and restoration be limited to an arbitrary percentage of assessed valuation. We believe that this arbitrary percentage should be eliminated in the ca~e of alterations and restoration because of assessment figures which are unrealistic when related to todayts cost of improvements. · ..¥our~ very t~u~y, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS RWGJ r: gm -' ~- ' K[[ [[~1 ] .......... ..... T~[-['[ Iii[ Ii _ i r HiFi III II .L ........ October ?. Paul ~ontgomery Town l~o~d Town Clerk's Office South.old, N. Y. ~entlemen: In conJ-~tion with the .Board-of Appeals we-would like to .~reeent the following amendment~ to the Zoning Ordin~ce for your immediate adoption: _ 1. AP, TIr,''~~--:., I - -Section 100 - '-Definitions- ~arag'ravh · t t~ e~-..~eated that the parag~ph be cheaged t.o read. eA 'B~ildin~.~ other t.han a hotel where lod~nc, more vers. ons ts furat e'hed for co.~ e.n~t ion. with -or .,ithout meal for five or This changed s~.~ge.t.et in order to congo-tm to the ~lti~le HeaIdenc® Law of the State ef New York. 2. A~I CLF, I - Sect ion 100 - Definit!ons -. We reccmmend tha't the following..? definitions applicable to ~.rti.cle I, ceverin~ Tourist Ca~s, Camp Co. tts~e~ ~d Trailers, ~ inserted alphabeti.cally a~ follows.', (a) ~. Tourist C! t~ her'Dy defined to be any lot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more tents, tent house~, c~~ cottage~, house car~, .or trailers used as living, or ~leeptn~ c_uarters are or may be loc~:~ted, said camp bei~...,, operated for or wi thout compensat i on, (b) A unit in hereby defined to Be ~ section or plot of ~und., upon which is erected any tent, tent hattie or ca~ cottage, and/or for tho acco~modation of each autoIo~ile of each autoIBle trailer .or house car. (c) Camp Cottage ia defined to be any small buildi~.~ of whatever material co~- ttructed havin~,.~ less thaa 3~0 Iqua~e feet of cross section area and uIed .as living or IleePtag quarters and comatr~cted and. equipped only for seasonal occupancy, 2 Town Boa, rd October 31, 1957 (d) Automobile Trailer or House Car ~m~ll be defined to be any vehicle u~ed as · le~i~ or livi~ o~arter~, whlc~ i~ ~r ~ be ~~mt~ ~ ~eel~ ~d i~ or ~ ~e ~repelled either by its ~~ power or ~' ~ot~r power driven vehicle, Se w~:.~ich it ~ ~e attached. (e) Board-or Deo~rtment....of H~:~..alth ~2~ail me~n any ~ch ~oard or ~part~':~ent e~tabli~ed ~r~~t to the law~ of tho State of New York ~d e~t~~ted 'with the re~lati.on, control ~d ~e~ialon of ~tter~ perta~i~ to and aff~ctt~ ti-~o public health tn the To~ of ~ou~~ld, 3- .~. ~. A - Section 100 - Definitions - We recommend tkat the followi~: definitions of Si~s Be included in Article "A $i~ included every kind. of l~illboard, ei~ Board ~ other s~pe or d~ice or di~l~, ~ra~ed, inte~~, de~i~ed or used to ~vertiee, ~o~ce, direct, or othe~~e ~form, including ~7 te~, ~~~1, ~k~, letters or fit~rea, paint~ on or inco~orate~ tn the co~o~ition of the e~terior mtrface of a ~ildi~ or ~tm~cture.'" 4, AP. TIC--f; iii - "A" Reatdential .~nd A~..~rlcultural Dietrict- Section 300 Referring to-the paragraphs coy'er''~' it is recommended ti~at Paragraph 8 be left am ia. Paragraph .9 to Be changed to read am follower. "The sale at retail' of farm ~den or nursery products produced on the ~remiaea or of animal~ rai~ed on the pr'emiee~, On~(1) adverti~inc.. ~ign, either ~~le or double faced, not exc.eedin~=.~ twenty-four (2--~') e~uare feet per face in area,' advertising the sale of farm garden or nur~er~ p.roducts produced on the premise~ or of anim~,le rai se~ on the premi ~e ~." Note~ Thim would prevent the erection of numer~e'., small ai.~ma on the premiaee, Paragraph 10 to Be left aa is .and.. the next followin~...~ paragraph to be known aa iOA, ]~aragraph IOA to read as follows: "~en the ad.verti~i.mg et~m is fo.r the mx.~oee of aelli~ or leaei~ of acre~e, or the ~lli~ of lots in a ~~.tvielon, one (1) re~ estate sign, ~vi~ ~ ~a of not ~re t~a twent~four (2~) ~uare feet, ~11 ~e pe~tt~ on each five ~mdr~ (~0) feet to one t~u~d (l~) feet of front~e on the highw~ or ~~-~ay~ on which the p~perty free, e, PROVI~ ~id ~i~ is set ~~ not lees th~ t~ front y~d-rr~rictione required ~ not le~s t~~ ten (10) fnet from e~h ~ide line, t~ ~ttom of ~t~ to placed, not l e~e t~ t~ee (3) feet a~ve ~he gro~ ~ the u~er e~ge of the ~ign ~t exce~ fifteen (15) f~t six (6) inches a~ve the ~o~~. if the property ~o~d }mv'e a front~~ of le~ t~ five hm~dr~ (500) f~t, t~ ~i~ pent,ted ~~11 have ~ea of not ?~o~ th~ t~lve (12) ~qu~e feet ~d the ~~e restrictions e~l apply. Note: The h~ght of 15~6" waa estaBli~hed t~ consultation with advertieimg groupm. ParagraDh 11 t o Be. a~lded as fol low · ~ "$t.~a, ae outline~l ia -Section ~O$, paragraph (a),_ ReeSdential and Agricultu~al District only a~ a special are perm_it Town Board October $l, 1957 ",;'e are stron~:,~ly of the opinion that 'provision .~u?~t be ~de for the location of business :~is;ns other t!~,~ in tiaa ~sin,.,~8~ district,, which area. Thi~ i~ not to be con~t~.~?d ~,s a 'el,raker ond. or~ement. Es. ch c,~..:~e '~,ill b(: decided 5. /dq'l'-I(:L~: III - "A" .Residential and A~ricultural District - Section "A" SIZE OF We recommend that this section be cha~ged to read s.m follows: "In t' .~:~-"A~ Residential and A~zrtm~ltural District, no buildin~:: ~h'~ll ~ erected er altered on .~, lot o~'~' ~n area le~s th~m twelve thousand five h~~ed (12,500) ~q~re feet ~n~"~ havin~:~ a fr.ont~ge of le~s t}~ one hundred (100) ~~." 6. ARTIC~-~; II1 & "A" R®ei~[ential ~ud Agricultural District - Section 307- "g" SIDE Y~lhDS. We reco'~.:~?mend that the seconS~ parat~raph ef this ~ection be ch~.~~ed a~ follow,,m: "PRO¥IDED that, in the ca~e of a lot held in $i~.:,l® and separate ownership at the effective date of this Ordtn~ce, of a width leas t~ cae h~dred (lo0) feet ~ of ~ area, otc," 7. ARTICLE IV - "B" Bue~nees Distrfc~- Section l~ - paragraph 1. recommend the oa~i!elo n of: (provided all requireme~te am are outlined ~ "A" Resident t al - ' ~.. · ~-~o A~ri~t~al District are complied with) The restriction~ that are ,~ttemp.,ted in the above clause are cove.---red in the oddities to Sect Ion -hog, covered later in thts let t er. 0 ARTTCI~ IV - "B" Business District - Section '-~O8- It is recommended that th. ia section be c)~~ed to read as follows~ Section 408- ~I(INS- In the "B" Bms~ess District the following ~igns are all owed -' ~,-N$ One (1) si~, single or double faced, not larger than (a) DET~CH~D OR OROUND SI ~' ' - six (6) feet six (6) inches high ~ twelve (12) feet six (6) t~he, lo~, ~ ~ttom of which small be at least three (3) feet from the ~o~md ~ the u~er ~i ~~ exce~ f[~~a (15) f~e~ ,ix (6) [mche~ m~ve ~he gro~ l~el ~~,t~t ....... ~~~ ...... of t~ ~~~ ~:~! 1 . 8ig~. s~l ~ lo placed as to ~ at least five (5) feet d i,t.~t from all street ~d property lt~s ~d ~ve~i~~ only the ~siness conducted on the pre~se~ on which plao~ ~nd ~M-~~~d~-~O~e-d (b) ~,~ALL SI~,~N$- One (I) si,,-~ attached to or incorporated in each buildi~ wall on a ~ublic street ~d advertising only the business conducted in such bulldt~ when such sign doe. not ~ 1. Exceed in total _area two (2) squ'~re feet for each horizontal foot of such wall, and 2. Exceed in width seventy five (75) percent of t~ horizontal measurement of such wall, and ~. Exceed ~en (10-) feet in height, i,. Exceed fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches from ground cig'n, and 5. Project not more ~-han one (1) foot from such'wall. level to upper edge of (c) More th.'..an one si~ on a Business or Industrial property is permitted only as a ~ecial exception by the Board of Appeals. . :,~ICl~'i I¥ - ]~Uslne~ District Section 409 - October 31, 1957 We recommend that this ~ectien Be char~c~ed to read., ae follows: I0, "Yn the "B' Business District, no buildir4~.~ .~t~11 be erected or altered on a lot of an area less th~..an seVenty-five h~.~ndred (7500) sc~~ ~eet ~,~d h.~vi~ a ffront~e of les~ th~ f~ fry (~) feet." ~^RTICI,~4 IV- 'B' t~usine2s District - Section !~)9- We reco~end the addition of t.h...~ foll~ 15 "Prov~.ded any buildinM used for Re.~idential purposes shall ?~%ve lot. area., widths ~d alt ya~. re~uire~.ente at lea~t eq~l to those requir~ ~n the "A" Residential a~ A~r~ m~ltural District, ~mles~ varied ~ ~pecial exce~tion of the ~a. rd of Appeals" .~RTIC~i IV - "B' Business District - Section ~10 - OFF-STE:2~T We recommend, th..~.t paragraph (b) o.~' this section be changed to resxt a's follows: (b) 'Theatres ...and Re .tauramt s -- One (1) Parki~ space f&r every (?) seats. t2. ~.RTI CLX; V - "C" Industrial Di strict - Sect ion ~o0 - ~e recommend th~.t tl~ last oaragraph, following paragraph 45, be eliminated Because the meanin? of thi~ para~:,~raph is covered in the op~~~ ~r~~ph, which re~~: "In the "C" Industrial District, all ~lldings ~ premises, exc~t as othe~ise ~r~ided tn this ~d~ce, m~ be used for ~ use except the followi~~ ". As the Ordi~anoe now reads the last ~aragr'aph of Section 500 would seem to be prohibitive, which is not the case, ARTICLE V - '"C" Industrial District - Section 502 - It i s recommended tImt t!~! s sect t on be c}mn.~sd to read am follows~ "Section 502- SI(INS- In the "C# Industrial District si~;n~ shall be allowed as l~,-, _ "]~" . under the provisions of ART!C_,~:, IV !~sinoss District - Section ~08. ~RTICL~: V - "C" Industrial District - Section 5OS- "C' SI~ OF L~Y~-AP-~A. ~e reco?.m, end that this section be ct-~anged to read. a~ follows: "In the "C" Industrial District, no bmilding shall be erected or altered on a lot of an area less tlm~ twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) sq~mre feet ,.and_ upon a lot wi t}~ a front~_~,e o£ less than o~e h~mdred (100) feet." 15. ARTIC~ VI - TO(IP~ST C~-~P$, C~.~IP COTT~CES ~[D TP~IL~;RS- Section 600 - We recommend t.~,at this Art!cie ~ re-written as follews: Section 600- No Tourist c~np shall beestablished,maintained or operated in any dtstrlct, nor .~hall .:.-any tent, t~nt-h.~uae, ca~ cottage, house car or trailer, to be ~sed or occ'upt~ as a ;')lace for livings, sleeping or eatS, whether eh~~ is or ts not m~e, be erected or 'pl~.ced therein ~mlees authorized ~ the To~ ~oard following l~al notice ~d public heari~. ~o~ ~oar8 October i.~1, 1957 Section 601 -An a~pltcan't to the Town Board for the use of :-.tn,v 1..'.~nd or a~ a tourist c.?~.~ ~d/or thee erection or p!.'.~cin~.~ therein of ~my tent, tant-.}'~ou~3e, h~..~e-car or trailer ~~ll first obtain from the ~'~~ment of Health a ~0e~tt for the e~tabl!~~e~t ~. operntion of ~uch tourist C~, T~ Department o, Ne~lth oem[t~ ,or e~~[fied copy thereof, togo~her with ~ho pl~ upon which i~~~, showi~ cle~l~ the e~ent ~.nd area to ~ u~ed for c~ p~'wpo~a~ :~-~.-~ a legal ~e~c~ption of the ~r~~rty ~~t ~ filed with the a~lication, in deter- mining the m~.tabll, ity of m,.ch u~e the To~ ~a~ ~ball .give con~i~.er,'~.ttoa to the ~ff~ct oi' the oro~o~e~ to~rlet ca~ on ~dJoin~5; or~.e~ie~, Tko ~pplic~t be re--utr~d go Kivo ~tt,n notice of the ~aring ~fore the Town ~n~ on ~uck the ~~~.o~od tourist cam a~d. file at tach ' -_ . gl.v~.. Such notice ~11 be gtv~n ~ r~g~ stored m. tl, ~~t~ at lea. st ten (i0) ~y~ prior ~o the h~r~g~ ~d. proof of ~tli~.~ of ~m~ no~ice ~~ll ~ f~led Section 602 - If th~ Torn ]$o~d authorized the uoe re~uested in ~uch application, and/or to th~ exist ~h u~e ts ~o authorize4 e~d pr~idi~ all other of State, Co~mty ~4. ~ow.~.~h~.~) h~ve %eon c~m. piled ~i~, ~he To-~ ~aard. ~?~II issue r~q. ui~ ~'.~at ~uch to~ls~ c~ '~ ooneg~c~ed., ~l~ta~ and op,sra~ed In a.ccord~ce ~~d, ~ch pe~i~. ~1I continue ~mles~ r~ok~. ~ %he Town ~oard for failure to ~E~ere to s~ of ~~ ~e~ and rg-~l~.tlone herein Section ~D3 It abel_ be ':.mlaw.~l for .~.;:mCf per~ton firm or corpor;~tton to pi~e, keep or ~intain a ~use ~railer or ca~ car on ~~- l~d with~ the Town of Sout~ld, o'u:~ald~ of th,~ inco~r~~d V~.~'3.~~ of Gr~,n'.>o~t, ~timut written pe~~~olon of the CamB c~r to b~ o ~ ' ' ~~~, k~t o~' ~[nta.~n~ on ~~ land o~e.&., lan. ao~ or controll~ ~ hi- excop~ i~t a tour,.at ca~a)-fo~ which a ~ermi~ hao been ~s~ed b~, tho To~ ~~r~, or excegt ;1~ ~y ~.~ ,~&low~'~,d by ~p~ctal po~ml.8~[o~ of the Tor~ ~ard, Note: It iz our ~.eation t~-~at permitm, Dertaini~ to Section 604, readily with a mtnim~m of de'~v. be. granted It is. reco~ended that a schedule of feoz be eetabli~ed for 'oar.mits ~nder thin Article comm..on.rate with the costs involved. Section 60% - Article 111 sh~ll not be deemed to apply to the tempor,~.ry or season~l camp of any ,u~it of the ~oy ~cout~ of America or 'the Oirl 5cout~ of Am~rlca or other such organtzatione under the leadership provided by said organizations respectively. ~'nere does not aopear to be any legal reason wh~ ~ ~ ~ existence .at this time could ~ot be re~,.,.l~-.t, ed exactly tb.e ~.am~ a~ a c~p ueekt~ a ps.it to.~L~, with. the sole exception of Itc location, in general, it ie our ~ltsf that all of the to~ist c~ps mew in existence in the To~ are no~onfo~in~- usee. 16. ART! C~.~~, V! I - Appl!eat ion 2 ~.and Perm! t o - It is recommended that Section 708 ~e added to thio Article a~ follo'ws~ Section 708 - All signs, 9 and 10 of ~ICLE IIi, with the exception of signm permitted under paragraphm 8, Section ~00, shall roe?ire a permit to be i q~ued by the Town Boar~ 6 October 31, 1957 17. Buildtn~ Inspector These pe~:~it~ s~z-~.ll be issued wit. h a metal ident ~ertally ~mm~red, to be afflxed t.o the si~:rn ~y the ~tldi~ Inspector. Th~ fee for thi~ ~emit ~ legal ~~er' sMll Be t~e dolla~;--.{~3.~~~ .~ / (5}.-~e,t-"~ ..... four ~-~et", ........ ~~~e .... (12-) ......... sm~~ ..... f~~ ..... ~tt~),- AiHT ICL. u IX A.me~udm~nt · Sect ion 901, ~ar~raoh (a) We recommend t.bat this ~ar~raph be c?.)a~ as l ollows.$ "By ~ubli shinE:, a not ice thereof once a week for two (2) ~acces~i~'~~~_~in oa.e (1) New~paper of general cir~xl.~t ion oubli'mhed in the Town., The cost of publishing lethal notice, far exceed the fee. which csm ~e u~~ to recover ~ublicati~n co~t~ a~ad i~ is felt 1~ the Board of App=.~s ~ud t~ Plam~ing Board that this c~~..~e ~hould ~ made as promptly a. pos.,ible. 18. General Provision~- Section 1001.- We recommend that this section be c~an~.~;ed to read. am £ollowa: "'Notwithst~ir~; any other ~vrovisions of thio Ordiz~l~oe all automo~i!e or other Junk ya~e in existence and in effect at the date ef thi$ Ordinance shall withi~ the expiration of ~ years from same provide suita'~le sc.-reening in the form of fencing or hedges completely around the periphery ef the area uae~ for such storage .~urpose~, amd. the type of fence or hedge ~hall Be subject to the approval of the Town Board," You will note tl~t we have eliminated the word Wfenc.t. ng." It is our feelin~ that solid fencing am a ".solid" which oreceded the word ·creen miF~ht ~e unsightly. We have cl'~nged the approval to the To'~m tMard ae we Believe tha~ the Planning~ ~oard does no~ hav® the authority under the enabling act to approve or disapprove the type o f fence- or hedge in thi · tnst~.mce and ~hat tho authority of the Flanning Bo~,.rd i~ !at. ely confined to an advisory .capacity. 19. ARTICL?: X- General Provisions - Section 1002- We recommend th,' ~ ..... t thio section be. c~.~an~..~,ed~, to. read a. follows.: #Notwtthet~ding any other ~rovisions of this Ordinance, any sign in existence at the effective date of this Ordinance, in an~ District, ~hall, at the expi~tion of five year~ from such date, l~e. discontinued unlels in conformity wi~h provi si one of the Ordinance. The 2card of A~peal~ may, however, permit its continuance ae a speclal except io~ a~ herei~ provided." It seems to ua that it would be unfair ..and discriminatory to permit the existence of non-confomiag signs in one district and prol~bit such a si~ in another district, ~ .ART. IC~ X- C~neral Provisions - ~ection 1006- We recessed that this section be ctmnged to read aa follows: ,On any corner lot, no wall, fence or other atx-~cture shall be erected or altered, and no hedge, tree, shrub, or Other growth shall b~ maintained which may cause danger to traffic on a street by obscurin,~ the view, at ar~y point wigh:tn 'twent~ (20) feet of tt~e intersection of th~ ~treet lines.~ As originally written, the last clause in Section 1006 "minimum of t'J~nty (20) feet" confusing° ? -~ ~ '~',~ ~ -~-~ ~ -, 21. A~£l. CJi~: X- C~neral Provi.B~.,~Jn~ - Sect~..on 1,;~07 -- NON-.C(,~,i.,,,,..~.~-~I~,t'~; U;:~.~$-- . We recon~end t].'~.~t wherever the word "building" ia used in t.~.'~i.~ section premi-~es" be ~d~. We ~li~e the Ordinance ori~~lly conte~lated t~t the tom non-con, fc~i~ u~e ~jooli~d to ~ildi~s ::~,nd ~eo to pr~i~e~ on which the O- ~~~raph 1~2, defining.: no~- ~ild!n~:.r~ are locate~, In .ARTiCt,E I, Section 1.-0, conffo~in::~: u.~:~e, the te.~. "~ildi~ or premises" ie u~. Unsafe str~.~ctnras --- Any st~.~ct~re or '..n. ortion thereef declared unsafe by .~, '..r>ro~er ~.uthortty .~~ 1~. restored to a ~fe comii, tiom, Alterations --- A non-~nfo~i~: building mr~V not be reeonstructed or structur.~.~ll¥ altered duri~ it~ life unle,~ a ~oectal exception ~hail first be granted by the Restoration -- No lmtid, i~ d.m~ed By fire or other causee ahall be repaired or rebuilt exc®ot in co.fortuity with ~he provtsion~ of thi~ ~dinance without ~ecial exception .~~ted ~ the ~ard_ of ~pe~s. ;n o'~ ori?;in~,l recommendation in ~Au~st, u~der ~on-conforming Uses, we recommend~ tha~ the a,...~:~e~.ate cost of alter~ t~.',n~ ~d restoration be limited to ~ arBttra~ perce~ ~e of as~e~ed val~.~atto~, We .~l~~e th~.t this arbltra~ perce~t~e shoed ~ eli~in,a$~. tn the ca~e of ~..lter..,:-~tions ~d restoration because of a.~.e~.s~en~ fl~res wi'~ich ~re ~reallstic when related to tod~y'~ co~t of' ~~rovements, Your ~ v cry truly. $O~fHOLD TO~'rN PL~,~ING bc: Members of the Planning Board Board o f Appeal Mr. Normsm Mr, R, ~o Terry, Jr, Mr. H. N. Terry jetta Wick. h~ Chairmaa APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert W. ®itlispie, Jr., Cheirm~n Robert Bergen Herbert Rosenberg Char~es Gregonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. Telephone SO 5-2660 August l, 1957 Southold Town Planning Board Front and Hain Streets Greenport, N. Y. Dear Sirs: The Board of Appeals respectfully offers for your consideration the following suggestions for the improvement of the Zoning Ordinance. The board un8~imously feels that the following suggestions will eliminate some of the confusion surrounding the Ordinance and materially assist in increas- ing public acceptance of Zoning: NON-COI~OP~[ING USES Unsafe structures -- Any structure or portion thereof declared unssfe by a proper authority may be restored to a safe condition. Alterations -- A non-conforming ~uilding may not be reconstructed or structurally altered during its life to an extent exceeding in aggregate cost 50% of the assessed value of the Building unless said ~uilding is changed to a conforming use. Restoration-- No building damaged by fire or other causes to an extent of more than 75% of its assessed value shall be repaired or rebuilt except in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance without special exception granted by the Board of Appeals. ARTICLE I, Section 100, paragraph 3 -- BOARDING AIfD TOURIST HOUSES. It is suggested that this ~e c?~mged to read: "A building other than a hotel where lodging, with or without meals, for five or more persons is furnished for compensation." This c?~nge is suggested in order to conform to the Multiple Residence L~..w of the State of New York. Southold Town Planning Board - 2- August l, 1957 ARTIC~ IV - "B" Business District - Section 407 - "B" DEI~SITY OF POPULATION. It is suggested that this Section, dealing with the density of population in the Business district, be eliminated since it is impossible under present Board of Health regulations relating to sewage to place (20) _ families on one acre of ground. It is thought that the continued inclusion of this section-will lead to unnecessary difficulties. SIGNS -- We are definitely of the opinion that some provision should be made for the location of ta~siness signs, other than in the Business Districts, which are very few in ntu~ber and area. It might Be possible for the Planning Board to designate appropriate areas for the location of additional business signs. The ~usiness people of the Town are greatly interested in advertising in order to properly conduct their activities. For instance, as we see it, to use one example; it would, not be readily possible to locate b~usiness signs between Greenport and Orient Point. The Building Inspector and one of our members have just completed a tour of the major highways of the Town and noted the widespread erection of %usiness signs in areas where they are not permitted under the Ordinsr. ce. Twenty seven specific instances were noted. It is the thinking of the board that all signs, with the exception of signs advertising agricul- tural produdts, require permits and that these permits be issued through the Building Inspector with a metal identification tag, serially nulnBered, to be applied to the sign by the Building Inspector. We believe that the fee for this permit should Be $3.00 on a sign 3~ x 4! (12 square feet or smaller) and a fee of $5.00 be required for signs of larger dimensions. GAS STATI OI~S -- In view of the number of gas stations which will probably be erected in the Town some thought should Be given to minimum safety requirements and other specifications which might ~e applicable, such as; pump setbacks, Building set~acks, signs and size and location of tanks. We understand the Town Board will pro~ably eventually adopt standard specifications for gas stations But in the meantime it maybe that the Planning Board would like to m~_j~e recommendations. ~yo~s ve~ruly, (~ .... Chairman ~ ~ SOUTHOLD TOWI~ BOARD 0F ~P~LS RWGjr:gm cc: Town Board Mr. R. G. Terry, Jr.