HomeMy WebLinkAboutKendrick, Vanpelt, Cadugan, etc , . ,,. , . . .. , - . . , ." -.- , : . ' '' ' -i '. ", . ' .: . . ::~. . · ... , _ ,,.. -. . . . . .. -, , .. .. . ... .. ~ .. bo-on ?filed wi~h .:.~:he Town . . . : . . .... ,, ..... . .. - ~ ...... , ..... ~i- . , , .~ · B, oai<i.:On, the,::. . : ,. : .. .- · . ., .. C~reenport, L. I., I~ew Tork. I roal~ze thc -~_sable to uss by teas keep business an the iod as ds possible. parcel,~ on the South property and Februar7 6: 1958. Re: Southwest coroner of Jericho T~npike and India~u Neck Lane, Peco~c, L. I., N. Y. Neck ~e~ Pecop~c, L. ~.~ ~. Y-s for ~ years~ ~d sine~ November 15~ 1957 ha~ We w~reurmble ~o be presen~ at the recent hea~ng and have been ad~sed the ~n their beha~ to ].od~e their objections herev=th ~_th yo~ Bo~d. Phc t~ ~e: ~. & l~s. i~a L. Parker ~ud I~L~. & Mrs. h~gh J. ~est. ~ of the lovely h~cs and prooerties aLr~a~ on the ~e~ to to rezone the oroperty~ on the L~ne adJoi~rg these one ~ould ~,rant to ersc~ a ni~e dwe~Sug ad~oir~ business it is most ~fficult therea~er to control its subsequent ~y be c~irely a~essLte to ~1 concerned~ but ~u a few such fr~ ts~ng place. reason and j~tifics~bion for ~laci~ tD~s ~rcel in its pres- justification can not ha~ cha~ed in the very short inte~. ~spect fury ~ub~tted, pye ~ t~e undsrsigned~ wish to re6ister our opposition _ _~n~ ~0 feet bn Rbut~ ~00 feet ~n Zn~ian ~ec'< Lane in Peconi~ from 2~if this ~ropsrty %s zone~ for bu~ine~n~ Zoning ~ommlssibn Peconic ~ 50 r. . . . .. ., ,t: -' : ., .:.. ., .' [ ; . the .Peace .. . . . . .. :: !~ -. :.',. . , . ",; -.'i!' ." '":.:', ..." . :~:: - . ... - . :, ...'. ':: " ' 't,- - -.'~' % .".. . ~:.' , :~ · . ., ::.~ ... ; . . -i . ~ t -?.. . ~}.;:'. . : .. ..:. . .: . . . . . %: .-,.. -..~. . ~, "'~-~:~ > .,-.. :%' . , ..~ ; .. · ,~, '[:: .: ,:-:~ ? - .. . -.. : ( . '.:' ' ;:~"' b' , ,~ ~- . ',~,.. . .. .. :.. , . ............... ..... a nd N e~ I ings · · .. .i a~.d .., _%: ., ,. :~/..~. -:.:...~,'-:Q.:? :.??.:-;:.~::~:~? . ... .... ~ ........ . .... . ..., . .? ALL. .. . ,. , .: t-' : . . ~}? . ' .' ~.: ::: :-..?.'.;:,,~';:.~:~??:~2:?:.- ' ' ?-,~ ~ ,,,. .~: ~,: ;: ..v,...: >.-:-...': :,:: V::[;;'. ?:~5: !-: -. - :..; . -: :1 :'~: .. Suffolk and, :~ : .~ ,,, : ~ ........... i,~ ........ : .... ',.: ........ ". ...... ;: .... '2.. :. ':'.'L'-5 ..... :... :~:: ............ a. · ; ~.. : . of A!be~t saeco and -,; . .' : :. :% , -. .. - -. ,. .. ·:.. :v .:, . . . ;: -. . -. '~ ?:-, , "'"' ..... f'":'; ".'~ ,.i, .¢,' ~: ' -S.j.:: P~ISOR' . . . ,., .-~ :., ~ ./. ,.,. ,,:; . ': -., · . ::!,. are :he.re ,.' /t:he:'~ ~Sae'c petitlon:~ . a nd a~t'~:.' · .~ y:ou- STAS,.~:..~ ' '::.' '.- TOWN . ~,,..,~ .....Sacco,.-'. r'es.iding .. ,. ... , ~ ..::- · : ., . : N., the: .underSiZed?.. am the. ..; .... . [. ' . . . . . ' :'~-" . ' ~ ' ' ' v". iof. 'certain. r'eaii:: · ;.? , , : -. a.ituat, ea:a:~, Route 25,.. PeconlCl N.,~:~ 'Y::,i~.ii'' ~md more pa:rt ': ' .-i :: . ',;;: i:' " ,. ' ' ' ' .... ;; .......... c ' -~i! !:! .'"' ' . · ..':' ~...' ..' , ."' ., .'" - .... .':.'.' ; ....': ....... t' :: !':" ;' ' ~ : [:' "(-: side b~:~: indian Neck L~ne '" .' t:. i. ..... South°ld 'to:- Change., modify' an'd, "' :'- L' t nc,e,.,.,of .t..le. Town · ; .... . .,quest' to th ¥.};.: '.: j '[' , .: · · . . TOWN . ': 7 . :. .~. . ,~ ~ ,. . _ . .%- to certify ~h %h° : . q - ... :..: Town. p:tanning~ B°a of..' Aib:e~:r'g A., SaCco'' .. . ~. . : ,.:, for a-change of Zone? ~.. .: ;. ...... ~ '" I,ndia. n Neck..Roa..d :200:- . : ..,,, :~ .~_ . . ..~.:... . . ~- /. . . . . . , .~. , ~of. the -Pla ' ~ ~..- · '.- ' ~ · :;-i. --:.4'.-; ;:.'~.: ~':' .[ ~' .~ ..}tull, Avenue~.? Corner. ed Boa r~d..~.,, on in , ,..-:; · , ': '_.::... ,. f ... .... ' .... . ., . . . . , ~ ' ptant~;.. · :. oghe,~. .. '~ .'/ ~ :7,-~ · ' ': . ,.~ :. . . ..'., . a:. . ., -w,oul -Of · {. ' 'i~:~' .-. Lane .... t t i , ',,)B~, ..KLIpp~ . ~. Pe~.S or.,~~' who Id b.e highl~.y: . a~.d .. .. · .. a.nothe. .. nei and~ zone, ? :. not ed. the:.! ' ' ' -t° :~e~ ide'nti~ i, raga :: lng :tOo.. -'-e wil':.'-: have. -the, ~'ln 'road ' ' ' ~t '.:'.f "" ' ~ ':.i ~ .t¥'~'~' . . ~ ;.. ' ~:.', ........ . , ~ .... :,~;~ .. : .. .~. ~:,' ~...- . ..... ... .. .' .¥'.,:~:" ::. ai whi foz :~ a. non to i a as, , grow' and -. deve m~[y become ' was in a re~'identie 1,~.~ ,.~,~, '. ~ ~ ' , -.. . ~...~~:~ - '~ 7" · few-. :w'o~ds, ~ I' think l.t is bad :to. create :~.po~.,:..:zones: rof -Zoning Ordinances.,. ~e $ ; . '~:..,...%: '. .... . . ,..,: .... . ,~:. . .. .. '-.... ,... out I' agree: would be' en.~<i, :table. rot - "' ' , '.~ · ' '~ '. : ' '[," .' ':,: ,-": '.'.',"'~. i:? t::'".'..," . ':. ':' . " -:'-.,..:~"'.: ': .... :' :' ::.[:.:~::::'>~," , ~[, . . .'. , , ,.. ,. .,,He °nee' ha~. It Zoned: :bUs In ..ss' he..,.,..~.an?.:~< . '~'~ . ' ,., . · :; ~ .< .. ,.. .... . ' '"'::i' -. ] . "~. :} :,D.-" ' · . :. l~- '. ' ': ": '-'[ ' '" : ;'.~'_. ' ?: " .. ~.. ,. ., ..... ,,.. the . . : · ' India · i ':: '::' ' '~ -' Pla ted:' t:o : .. :. ; -,._. ,. . ' ~' ,-/~ r ... ~ ',- ........ . :, . <~. - ,..~,:: : ~ ': .. ~,. ':, ?::: ?. ,:: "~'"' d i spca<k,:. :for< :I c.,, . , -, - :" · ;', '< · . .. . ~i ~"t'he i-a.'ssifi'oa . ~('~:.~'"~ And if :S :' " ' ..... .: ,'" · .... ": "' ' ' . '¢ .>: :, .. :-' :. -:f, : . : . ,- .. ., ~,. .. . .-. :~:? -f : ~.. .... ~. ' ?. ?:_?":' .; .- ..... .: ....... , . ;:, , . ..,:~:..:-::... ....[.. ¢ ...... ~ ,.. -~- '.,~'. -. ,. ..:...<.... .. . .. ;.,.,, .. ,:. -... ~ -< . ': - ' '" P: That 1'~'' " .... ... ~ . . . '... ?.. ::.~. ' ..... ~. -.~ :c if ~ha-'t..~ Mr:::,., . ::'eeo a -n:o~ he 'can -'. . . . ,. . ,. ,_ · . :..:: .... ;. _,. ., .~: ~ ::. ~:::. ?- :'-::: .... .. ;:'/::,d:id~. :s.:~ate what, the . un'le:.~:~. :t ~...::_. ::..:. s :·. '.::'.J:~. .:~.:- '_ ,, .. . <. .., .... .. . .... ' : ., ~ requi-e. ,a' cha:nge: ., anci; t: ~ . '. , · ~ ._ :. :. ::. :::: :;: ,:::,:- :.,: .. -..., :: ..?.... :... : ' . .. -.:':. ..: ...... : ~' .::. :. ' . ,.,:~ _::-' ~:::. ~'.):.,:::":-' ,. :- . :.: - . , pog'tPone a: .... of zone, ..... :. -, .- ., , . . % ., , ,,. · .: :-;;::,.. , . .. .....: .... :. ::- . . .. .:< .< ..... .:.. ,..:: :~: - ,. ':..,., ::. .[, :~ . ::' . , -: :.. : .. : . .-. .j ... . ,.. "trr "l 'to I 'and . J ! :, : . -.' .... 'f,: ~ .. ., .... .- ~ , -' .. KI~IPP:.'. is .~h.~ e .:..,... ,, .:: ..... ,:.{ ,, : .... - i-. {!'~ _.- . ' :.'::'..:¢:""~ii-'-,':?::.-,:'~,; ..... .: .' . : '~ ,?; - ..:..,-, .. ... . ~,. [' ;? . · .... , . '~, .. , ..;.......~' . -- , .~ · . _ : j ' .. ..- zonin$ of . '- . :.'.. (,.. : '. b ':{t-' · . -, . . _ " , ~:,. .. ~ . ~. .,. ~. ~ ,... - . .. . .,.. .... { · ., , to'. take ¢.a~' e, · to ? ehe granting ~o.f the. va a · ._ era, t:L'~m .of~ ;the Boa.:rc"~.,.~ . :?,~: '.. {,..-f ; ., .,. [, ,. , - NTT ~ Januar~ 27~ 19~8 To 2he Board o£ Supe~sors Suffo%k Coun~y~ ~e~- Terk 89-02 213 Street Quee~?~s Village 27, N.Y. January 26~ 1958 Peconic~ New York This is a reqoes% that ! be regim%ered as protesting any chauges There is se mueh ]amd ~a~.remdy given dyer to'busi~s~ enterprises %h~t i~ convenient for new ~sines~ a~l is sorecognized under the preser~ zonirsg taws. Therefore~ Can-t-we Eeep the residential property which is so zon~ at presen~ intae%? Sir~ erety yours, Ar~ette EnColock Pe¢onic ~ong Islard BEER, RICHARDS, LANE, HALLER ;~ E~UTTENW~EeER January 24~ 1958 Southold Board of Super~isors~ Town NalI, Gree[~or=, L,Z.N.Y. Particle D, Guinea and Helene D. Richards, joint owners of residential property ~n Indian Neck Lame, Peconie, u~ders~and that you propose to hold a hearing on January 28: 195S on a petition which has been made [e re-~one from residemtial to business use certain ~roperty facing 200 feet on Inkier Neck La~e and 500 ~eet on ~eute 25. T~ey will be u~able, to tend that me~ing end have requested me~o re~ister with you tl~ei='p~test to the in ~heir ju~me~t ghe granting of such petitio~woul~ establish a ~recedent w~ich could well result in the gradual deterloration aad ultimate destruction of the residential caliber of Indian Neck. Mrs. GuiDa~ and Mrs. Richards respectfully end strenuousl~ oppose the petiti~a and urge that it be de~ied. Ve~ ~rui¥ yours, F~th~ld Board of S~perviserm Town Hall Gree~pert: I understand that a bee. ring is beimg held at 7:30 P.M.: T~esday, Janua_~y 28th, with regard to a propesa! to ch~mge the seni~g fr~ residential te ~si~ess en oerta~ l~d ~ as T~e ~ ~ ~e~E 500 feet e~ ~ute 25 ~md 200 feet o~ ~di~ Neck ~e ~ ~e ~ ~f Peec~e. I ~ a ~eperty e~er em ~ N~ck ~e~ a~ as such~ am ~ery Very t~y yeurs~ ~eh~d M. C~er  5DUTHDLD, L.I., N.Y. Henry ;M~i~a .~lfre~ Grebe T. Paul Montgomery Dec. 5, 1957, Mr. John Wic~ham Chsirman PlaD~uing Board Cutehegue~ N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickhem$ Enclosed herewith original and copy of P~titions of Albert Sacoo~ Route 2~ Peconio~ N.Y~; Mrs~ Veronica Frohne, of Silvermere Bead, Greenpor~ N.Y. and Henry G~ Stenson~ of Mill Roed~ Mattit~ck, N~Y.~ relative to change of zone in accordance with Article Section 901, Sub-division C. ~leo enclosed original and copy of &pplication ~or open developem~u~ area of L. Barren Hill an~ Adelaide H. Hill of Creekside~ Seuthold~ N.Y.~ under the provisions of Section Yon are instructed to prepare an official report defining the conditions described in the petitions and applications and determine the area so effected with the r~eowGnendation ef your Board. Ralph ~. Booth Town Clerk CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK OETIT~ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER 0t: THE PET~T[ON OF FOR A. CHANGE. MODIFICATION OR AMBNDt, AENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN 80ARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1 I...~-]J2~,...~,&'~.Q .............................. '' '~ ' ~ ~' : -~'~ ~ '~ .... ~?.%~&..~5,~¢~ZZ~, ¢~ }~ ............... 6nd more portlcularl5 bounded and described os follows: 2. do hereb' ~etition the Town Board of the Town al Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York, including Building Zone Moms heretofore mode o >art thereol os follows: ~o A].ZO~ rsise ~d sell sn~o,o~er bussines purposes. 3. Such request is mode for thc fo[lowing reasons: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUN~f OF SUFFOLK, ) the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition o~nd knbws the con~ tents t%ereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowledge, except os to the mot~ers therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that ox to those matters he believes it to be ~rue. :the"'Tol~m. Bo.ard .,,...aone .Aaps... mad~ a part thereof., by ~ . . ~ .... ..~ ui s trier th~ proper ty ~e"':' "' '''~ '~ - :. · . ............ ,,.cz ibed in sa id pe ~itio. n..~. and - . . Boa. rd for . . fii ed.. wit h th~' '~'" ','own: . ., duly .held by'- the. TOwi. i h': yin.,,: be e n -h.a d .. .petition- b:e:~ :: and i; t La'te'd ~ P'ebrua..ry h ff ce' tire a s', .~ ~, , ;pi~ .,P.~- Sooth Town. Clerk " .~.~ . .... ,: . '4 On . .O~:dina.:~l,,'~l.e..... . ....... o~f t;e;.e,,~ Town: f :'. ' APPLICATION OF ,:~PER~iSoR . Execu ~ors In the THE KLIPP: the Estate EXECUTOB I ~"ill read the petition of of Kend~ick Van Pelt: S OF THE ESTATE OF KENDRICK VAN the Matter of .the Pet it ion,,,~, of the Executors of for a change, modi- Estate'~,~. ~of Kendrick van Pelt, Deceased, ficati°n Town amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Sonthold,. Suffolk -TO THE~ ~ ' ,~.TOWN BOARD l .~,ii We, THE office.~at GRAEF Oil , the La s~ the 40 Wall County,. New York. OF THE T CWN OF CHASE MANHATTAN Street, Testament of are the owners 1, East 43 Street, Will. and · b"ed descri as Cutchogue, and. SOUTH OLD: follows: BANK, with, '~ t New Yolk Ci y,- and, New Y6rk city, as KENDRICK VAN more A~ that 'tract or parcel of ' ~.~'1~ bein~ a~~ Cutchogue, in ac~~nt~, o o ffolk and State lNG at t ises herei tefly !ine thW st.er ly is~ F~. Billa ~ running °0nds Wes Lane i its princ,ipal 'ARTHUR W., L. KendriCk, de 32 minutes . ~the E,s,:ta te of feet to ,a, mon~m ExeCutors of PELT, Deceas ed,~ of:'~ certai'n real property particularly bounded and land. situate, lying the. Town of Southold, of ·New,, York, southwester ly corner a poiht Lane and he of the n described at in the of New S~uffolk at the corner o'f land rd a~.~d N,~talie thence.North 9 t along the easterly! llne of New 10~.25 fe~=t to land o~ ~the Estate ~eased; thence :North 68 sec onds 'Ea s t long !sa id now or formerly of T. Billard, his degrees 53 minutes is L. KC: and land ' deceased., rick', now. ,.:or former ly PELT 6 of Horton; thence South 21 degrees~ 25 minutes 20 seconds East along said. land.now o~ formerly of Horton .39 feet to a monument and: land of t,he afo~e- Billa.~ds ;· and .thence south 68~'~ degrees' 25 ' es.. 20 ,~..s,econd~s West along :said ~Biila~rds, land ~:5 feet to the point ~o~ :~' .... e.~:, ::~$f ~beginning, .s ,,, '~/,21- we do hereby petition the Tow~ Board of the Town, of SoU~hold to change, modify a 0rdi ce of the Town of SoUthold in¢lud ng the Building thereo ~. as ~.follows: · B ~' changing f~om Zone Maps ~' ~ ~the amend ' eto o~e "A" Res identia i to "B" [Building Zone County, ~New YOrk made a.part Business Dist~ict the ab all -described p~emises. Such request is made ~hich are alleged upon (l) The p~emises Road or La ne from premises; (2) the sa id Road or Lane as petitioners, said fo~ii'~ the following ~easons inrP~ma t ion. a nd b e Iie f: direc across New Suffolk Peg~t~ner~ ~ above--cleseribed p~emi~~ on ghe same alde of' . and located: approximate).~ .140 .feet ~g~om petitioners, northerly line; p~emises on the same si of .,said as peti~tione~s, said P~~I~ises and approximately pr.emis e s. no~ther ly s,,nd (3) the Road or Lane 730 feet rly located from petition- southerly line-, ar a.il zoned as "B" ~..Bus.iness District' (the ....... o,.~he.~ .... th~e,e '~i:;p~e~i s e s-, 'ha, st mentioned of said been so zoned by 7 (b) amendment to the Zoning Or~dinance adopted on o~ about No~embe~ ?, 1957). ~-,~Fo~ purpose of clarification, Exhibit l~ two there are ~anneXed hereto, as poFtions of a~i~?~'blueprint of the Building Zone Map Exhibit 1 in red sa id premises as premises above me The above-ment ion sa id- Road or Lane purposes, there b funeral home and mentioned premise premises a~e now' the~e Petit.~on~ show, premises ha ve indicated . ~?$ on ~.he app~oxi~~.~' ~ge locatim of thei~ , ~ell as the' !~ecently re-zoned ~tioned.. ed premises ~directly a-cross are now .used for business. eing maintain]ed thereon a coal yard., located so~ used for a b being maint etc. of a b~uilder. located nor th of ~ined thereQ The pet The above- ]th of petitioners' ~s-iness purpos e, ~ t'he office above-mentioned tioners, premises have recently bee trict and are to Petitioners, unde entered into a co .sale of sa id prem and Florence Blas by ,their annexed a sol.d to Cu 0e us ed. for ~ date of Ja ;chogue Fire Dis~ new fire house. ~uary 8, 1958, have ndit iona 1 Ises to Alex~ shack of So~'.~hold. ~ffidavit, S:~id ~tract for the ,~nder J. Blaschack As appears purchasers ~ in the event the pta[er of . this petition is g~ant ed and they take contract, in title tend to said premises under to 'use]~ ~the dwelling house on sa id premises to conduct a.t Sai~ or "Home for the viously conducted present res idence their res idence dwe i Iing i~,~ ~hous e and a.ts~o a "Rest Home" Aged" such :~,a;s they have pre- for many years at the ir i~n Southold,i. It further appears ers do ~from said not intend .mat.ter or signed_ sign ~bearing the or some simi. 1ar d affidavit .that said purchas- to place any advertising upon said premises except one legend "BlasChack Res't Home" esignation .' The dwelling house on is an extremely large ' 910.' between 1900~ and ~l house is hereto annexed dwe 1 i ing hous e, petitioners' sa id. premises one, erected sometime A phOtogra'ph of said , marked Exhibit 2, by rea son of its size, Said ts COrn- pletely outmoded res. idence under p fop US ~ as a one-family resent conditi~ons a~nd customs. Said dwel..iing, h~uie has.been vacant for of years Peti~ iOners, in performance duties as executo s, have experienced in' finding a buye who is desirous of a number of their difficulty pur c ha sing no said premises fo~ use as a one-family residenc,e.~ The village of Cu having the aforem, longe~ ,, remaining in ~chogue will be benefited by ~ntioned house restored to us'e~. ma inta ined home a vacant state, and .being as a combination :~re'sid. ence and rest by the aforementioned contract,pUrchasers, Sa id. imProvement appearance of the and a new busines: Furthermore, it home of the type the contract-purct the Town of ~ill- be twO-fold.in that the. neighborhooc[ will be bettered enterprise e~stablished. our Understanding that a rest ntended to,, 'be ma:LnSained by resets, is urgently needed '.in S,outh() ld of thee fact that, ,as appears by the annexed, and pariticula:~ly in view affidavit, the contract+purchasers intend, in any event, to discontinue the rest home. they in Southold. presently ma inta in By CHASE MANHATTAN BANK PHILLiP E.i HEAHY,, Assistant T~easu~er as ARTHUR W. Executors GRAEF, a s afo~esa id. lO STATE TOWN OF' NEW YORK . OF SOUTH OLD In the Matter of the Petiti the Executors of the Estate Kendr'.ick Vano. Pelt, Deceased a 'Chan~e, M~,dification or .A merit the ,Building Zone 0 h' nance t e, Town 'of Southo SUffo coUdty,i: New York. On of' of , fo1~ nend- rdi- ld, x x STATE OF NEW YORK ¢~ON,NTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: eac.h and of ALEXANDER J We now the,~,' Main Road BLASCHACK and FLORENCE do each for himself and BLASCHACK, being herself depose reside and own property on the at Southol~, Town of Southold. north side 2,,, We have entered i. · th ~e~' ~S ta te of Kend.~ ick Van~ Pelt, chase of premises County .of Suffolk the that provisli'lon of the p.~'aye~ If at Cutcho and. State Bus i ne,ss : pursuant annexed peti we may be re the., annexed p the :zoning of District to said and we ac into-a contract with 'the Executors Deceased, ~for the put- ,, gue, in the Town of Southold, -of New YOrk, more fully de- tion. Sa id contract c onta ins lieved .from same in the event et it ion is not granted. said premises be changed to contract, quire title .'to said premises "B" we intend to use the dwelling house as and, fo~ our dwe 11 l:ng "Home fo~ p~emises house what is the Aged". The type of is -described residence a'nd~' .a~o to conduct at sa id commonly ~nown~,ias a "Rest Home" or home we intend to maintain at sa id. in the Social Welfare Law of the State of New- YoZ, k as" apriva'te proprietary home adults", and, said term is by Subdivision 26 defined as follows: ~f~ Section '2 of said La,w, 26. A private proprietary home fo~? adults shall~. mean a facility opera ted fo~ the p~oviding .suitable care ther. ein, purpose of for compen- sation and profits, to tw~ o~ more adult persons who, though not requi~ing medica 1 o~ nursing care, are in Such condition by ~eason of their age, infirmities o:~ dis.- abilities as to require, in addition t~o lodging and board~ the ~ants 'to assure their and to enable them to fed or to move about. services of atten- safety and comfort be ~lba thed, d~?es s ed, 5, Private Proprietary homes for adults are closely supervised, ~by public authorities. .. The rules and regula- tions of the New York. State Department of Sociat Welfare in reference to same must be complied, with as well as the rules 1.2 of the Suffolk C~ounty Depar~tment ~of Public Welfare. They cannot be opera ted until Public~:~ We lfa re and a re · ~'~' therefore, in There l~S, f'urther~ assurance that,. certifie.d~ by ~the Department of . subJ add if ect to constant .. ition we are supervis ion. t'o ou~ own inclination 'permitted to put said premises to high degree the intended use, same~ of good maintenance. wi~i~l be opera ted .at a if we. acquire sa id premises, we do not intend to place, any advert~ing matter or signs upon the premises ~ex- similar to the signs nOw Ernest Moreli, cept one sign bearing the l'~egend "'Blaschack Rest Home" o~ some simila~ designation. Any such sign will be generally , or previously maintained by Fun,~ral Home, and. Sherwood the other, sid, e DeFr.iest of New 7. The type of Suffolk Road or- Lane.' home ~e intend to operate Beebe. ,on at said premises in the event we acquire title to same will be generally the same type of] many years a't our present.r~ Southold. We intend, in an~ home we now maintain at our ~lace as we have ma inta-ined for ~sidence on the Main Road in' r event, to discontinue the rest present residence due t0 the fact the recently it.will be unecon.oml¢, to improve same to a£orementioned rulee an~! ~eguSat:l. on~ ~h:I. ch ~ormu~aged pursuant: go an amendment o£ the comply ~.with have been S oc ia 1 We 1.fa re Law, 8 .,~ We ha ve · ~esidents of the home" ....: we~,~, have been been info Town of S ma inta ini will maintain at Cutchogue to the aforementioned premi 13 ... rmed by doctors and. many ot, her.~:,. outhotd~, that the type of rest ng in SOuthold, and which we in the .event ,,~we acquire title ses, is urge:~tly needed in the Town ¢,f:: Southo ld. AI'EXANDER J. BLASCHACK FLORENCE BLASCHACK SUPERVISOR was sent to the KLIPP: 'This petition f~$'r a Planning.Bo rd and reltu~ned and. I ~ead their report REPORT TO SOUTHOLD TOWN Gent l.emen: a t this BOA aD, time: SOUTHOLD., N.. Y. change of zone with the ir report This is to certify tha the ~'Southold. Town Planning In the matter of petit t the following action was. taken by Boa rd on January 27, 1958: ion of the Executors of the Estate of the late Kendrick Van Pelt for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business all that tract of la nd s itua t e,. lying as fo].lows: BEGINNING at the herein described Lane and at the 'of Ellis thence at a and. b:eing-at Cutchogue,. N. Y., described. southwesterly corner of the premises point' in .the easterly line of New Suffolk northwesterly corner of land now or formerly F. Billard and North 9 degrees Nat lie T. 53 minutes Bil!ard, his wife; running 20 seconds West along the 14 -easterly line of 'Es ta'te, of Cha ~ is New Suffolk Lane 110,25 feet to land. of degrees. 32 ~inmtes Es~tate Of c~aris monumen degrees L. Kendrick, dec,,: ased;, thence Nor'th 68 20 seconds East, along said ].and of the Kendrick, and land~ now' 25:minute~ 20 ~eeonds deceased, 260.91 feet to a or formerly of Ho~ton; thence · South f~et former].y Of !!!!H.orton 107.39 · afores~a ~;i:~,.B~ll. ard,-s, and. ~the 20 s,ec6nds W~st'along said the no~e ~land point o~' place of beginning. It~. was ~!!ithe determinatibn' of with the premises to be E asr along sa id land now or to a monument and lan'd of S'oU t.h· 68 familia~ or "Home for the degrees 25 minuteS a,pp~ova !' of 'this i. Billiards' 282.95 feet the Planning Board, conducted as a "Rest Aged" to recommend dhange of zone. JO~ WICKHAM,i soUTHOLD TOWN Now~ is SU'PERVISOR KLIPP: Who wishes to be heard in fa~vor ROBERT C. .DART'ESQ. (A~torney .super'visor, and members of the here asking to be heard in the there of the to the 'Town Boa rd to being Cha irma n P LANN lING BOARD any person present change of zone? the Applicant): Home ToWn Board~ I came down favor of the change, but after the having say read the whole petition and! aff~idavit-I think the kindest thing that I can ~do fo~, my hope that the application is granted. KLIPP: Is the~e anyon~e else who wishes client is to and noghsng and SUPERVISOR to be heard in favor of? 15 with t he Bi lla ~ds are very MR, DART: I might say who own the strongly in favor ~n would be better th this' if I could, that adjOUrning property, this .and they told .me this -big vacant house. I talked and. they that It is a- white![ elephant. dOn,~t familia'r with it. There is is..a biE~ vacant house buil anyone 'has. lived w ho wa s~!~ ~,' r e t i r e d a nd the..mi .,,.~.le 6£ Cutchogue, someth BlaS.cha must more the in it' .Th he died that is needed in' 'view of the mdhey than is mign. say, is bus ness from the MR* DART: Yes. , know t gentlemen are the pet it ion~.. I t. don' t be lieve waS' one' man who lived, in it It is sort of an eyesore in. will afford a good' business, in CutchOgue, , amendmen~ oC and because the the Social Welfare Law 'home in . outho!, because lea s ib lc,-and everYb'%dy favorable t in This .piece ma in And they can, t spend ,~ this Chart g~. when t t comes up, she I got service~~'~~~~ ~up to s,,ee that he~'repre'sented the He sai~' he would take Not onl~ will .we not will m,a~ke a Cutchogue, in touch of land, that would take i~n-all down to the hou,s.e ? I will be down here. a matter of public ~oad. right,~ , Mrs. ore,ton, ' is doing it as ~:I. h Renn e ~erry this came -if they would have any °bjec!ti'on t.o Kend~ick' ~ es tate and it up wi th ~rs. Dverton. ha-ve a.~y ob J~Ction :to" it. ' pet it ion on her behall?' she will go it. I knew "No " he said,, .. He-said: if your client along with the 16 change, her prop~ty so spot zoning, ~ a~nd will ~She is going~'1 tO live we ,will never have any semb lance of conform with the scheme in the house., and doesn't business now~ particularly. down there. want any SUPERVISOR KLIPP: heard in favor of o~ in hearing at, this time If ~here opp ° sit i on is no other person to~ be to~, I ~Wlill close the On motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Demarest, a nd- unanimous ly of the Estate of carried~ th~ application of the Executors Kend~ek V~n Pelg.,.i Deccan.ed, fo~ a change modiflca tion or amendment of the Bulilding Zone Ordinance o.f the Town of Southold,- Su folk CoUntY., New York, was granted, a I 1 rot lng "aye." Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Jauuary ~8~ 19~8 ~PO~tT TO: SO~THOLD TO%'J~ BOAPJD SOgI~{OLD~ N. Y. 5.~his is to certify that the following action ~as taken by the $outhold To,~m Planning Board on January 279 19~8: In the matter of petition of the Executors of the Estate of the late Kendrick V~n Pelt for a ch~age of zone from '~A~ Residential and Agricultural to ~B~' Business all that tract of land situate~ lying and being at Cutchogue~ No Z.~ described as follows: BEGIi~rING at the southwesterly corner of the premises herein dss- cribed at a point in the easterly tine of New Sn~fol~ Lane and at the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Ellis F. Billard and Natalie T. Biilard~ his wiles turning thence North 9 degrees ~3 m~ ~u~es 20 seconds W~st along the easterly line of Few Suffolk Lane 1i0.2~ feet to land of the ~suate of Charis L. Kendrick~ deceased~ thence Ncrth 68 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East alone said land of the ~mtate of Charis L. Kendrick~ deceased~ 260.91 feet to a monument a~nd land no~~ or formerly of Horton; thence ~ ~ 21 degrees 2~ minutes 20 seconds East along said land now or formerly of Horton 107,39 feet to a monv~nent and land of the aforesaid Billards~ and thence South 68 degrees 2~ minutes 20 seconds West along said land of Billards' 282~9~ feet to ~e point or plsce of beginning. It was the determination of the Planning Board~ being familiar ~th recommend to the To,fa Board approval of this change of zone. Very truly ~o~_~s ~ CASE NO.: ........... STATE OF NEW YORK TO%~N OF SOUTHOLD IN THE STUTTER OF THE PETITION PETITION OF THE EXECUTOES OF THE ESTATE OF ~NDRICK VAN PELT, DECEASED, FOR A CHANGE, MODI- FiCATION OR AMENE~NT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNT~j NA~M Y~RK. TO TS~ T~N BO;~D OF THE TOWN O~ SOUTHOLD: 1. We: THE CHASE M~k~ATTAN BAAq{, with its p~ineipal office e~ 40 Wall Street, New York City, ~nd ARTHUR W, C-R~ of I East 43 Street, New York City: as Executors of the Last Will ~nd Testament of ~NDRICK VAN PELT, Deceased, the undersigned~ sme the owners of certain reel proper~y situated a~ Cutchogue: and more particularl~ bounded and deso~ibed as follows: ~LL that ~rao~ or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Cutchogue: in tbs Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York: BEGINNING a~ the southwesterly corner of the premises herein described at ~ point in the easter- ly line of New Suffolk Lane ~nd a~ the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Ellis F. Billard and Natalie T. Billard, his wife~ running thence North ~ degrees 53 minutes ~0 seconds West along the easterly line of New Suffolk Lane 110.25 Feet to land of the Estate of Charis L. KendricE~ de- ceased; thence North 68 degrees 3~ minu=es RO seconds East along said land of the Estate of Charis L. Kendrick~ deseased, ~60.91 feet 5o a monument and land now or formerly of Horton~ ~nense South ~1 degrees R5 minutes ~0 seconds East along said land now or for~nerly of Herren feet to a monumen~ and l~nd of Oho aforesaid Billa~ds~ and thence South 68 degrees ~5 minuses 20 seconda West along said Billards' land 282.95 feet 5o the point or place of beginning. ~. Ne do hereby petition the Town Bomrd of the Town of Southold ~o change~ modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New including the Building gone 5~aps heretofore made a par~ I i - Business Distrie~ the aoove-described premises. 3. Such reques~ is made for the following reasons~ all of which are alleged upon i~ormation and belief: (a) (1) The premises directly across New Suffolk Road or Lane from petitioners' above-described premises; (2) the premises on the s~me side of said Road o~ Lane as petitioners' said premises and located approximately 140 feet northerl~ from peoitioners' uor~herly line; and (3) the premises ou the same side of said Road or Lane as petitioners' said premises and located o r0Ximately 730 feet southerly from petition- a p - .B~ e~e' southerly[tin~, are all zones B~slness Distrist (thel~st mentioned otherI thre~ pFemise~ bavlng, been es zoned b~ am~&ndment .to the Zoning Ordioanse adeoted about November 7] 1957). For pUrpose-of cl~-~ Mgp. P~titionerB have indie~u~d on Exhibit 1 in rmd the approximate location ef tkei~ s~id premises as ~ell as tb~remce~tlY rs=zoned (b) The above-mentioned pre,lees directly across said Road:er V-~ne a~e now used for business funeral ~ome 2nd a coal y~rd. ~ne above- mentione~ premises located south of petitioners there being m~lntained thereon the office~ shops~ etc. of a bui%de~o The ~above-mentioned k~ve recently been sold to Outchogue Fire Dis- Petitioners, entered into s~id s~id to ~nder date of January 8,~ 1958, have a conditional contract for she to &texander J. Blascha~k of Sou~hold. As appears ~fida~it, said purchasers~ in of this petition is to said premises under te ~se the dwelling ~ouse ~lr ~esidenss and also fu3~ther advertising see except one ~ ~est Hom or - 2 - The dwelling house on petitioners' said premises between 1900 aD_d 1910~ A photograph oF said house is hereto annexed, marked Exhibit 2. Said dwelling house~ by reason oF its size, is com- pletely outmoded refuse as a one-Family in finding, a buyer who is desirous Of purchasing said pre~i~s for use as a one-family re~sidence. Th% village of Cutohogus will ce benefited by having the aforementioned house restored ~e use, no longer remaining in a vao~at~state~ ~nd being maintained as a co~oina~ion r~siden6a ,aad,~r~st home by the afor h~sere. Said improvement will be Swo-fold in apRear~uce of the and a new b~siness Furthe~mor~ it is ou~ res~ home of the type intended to be ~he ~ontraet-purohasers the T~ of Sou~hold ~nd view of,th~ fact that, as b~ ~fidavit~ the contrmct- im~e~d~ in arj even~, ~o disoontinue~he :rest home they preseutly maintain in Southold. STATE OF NEW COUNTY Og ~EW YORK THE CHASE MANHATTAN B~_NK ) ~ SS.: ARTHUR W. GRAEF, being duly sworn, deposes and s~ys that he is one of the petitioners in the withi~ proceeding; that he b. as read the foregoing Petition ~nd knows the con- teDts thereof; that the ~ame is ~rue ~o his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein s~ated to be alleged on in- formation and belief~ and that as to those mac,ers he be- GraeT Sworn 5o before me this January, 1958 ..... STATE OF NE~ YOt~K TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter o£ the Petition of the ExecuTors of the Estate of Kendriek Van Pelt, Deceased, for a Change, Modifies. rich or Amendment of the Building Zone O~dinance of the ToWn of Southeld, Suffolk County, New York. STATE OF NEW YO~.K SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK &LEXANDER Jo each duly and say: 1. BLASCBL~CK and FLORENCE BLASGR~CK, being sworn: do each for himself and hemself depose We now reside aud own property on the north side of the Main Road at Southold, Town of Southold. 2. We have entered into a contract with the Executors of the Estate of Kendrlok Van Pelt~ Deceased, for the oh~se of premises a~ Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more fully de- scribed in the annexed petition° Said contract contains provision that we may be ~elieved from same in the even5 the prayer of the annexed petition is no~ gu~anted. ~ I£ the ~oning of said prem~se~ be changed ~o Business District and we acquire title to said premises pursuaut to said oon~mao~, we intend to use ~he dwelling house as and fo~ ou~ residence and also to conduct at said dwelling house what is eommonl~ known as ~ "Rest Home" or "Home for the Aged"~ p~emises State of adults", The type of home we intend ~o maintain at said is described in the Social Welfare Law of the New York as "a private proprietary home for and, by Subdivision ~6 of Section 2 of said Law, said temm is defined as fellows: ~6~ A private proprietary~ home for adults sh~ll mean a facility operated for the purpose of p~oviding suitable ca~e therein, for compen- sation and pro£it, to 5we or more adult persons who, though not wequiring medical or nursing eare~ ~ee in such condition by reason of their ~ge, in_eirm~ties or dis- abilities ms torequire~ in addition to lodEing and boamd: the services of atten- dants To assure ~heir s~fety and com~ort an~ to enable them to be bathed, dressed, fed G~ to move abous. 5. Private proprletaryhomes for adults are closely supervised by public ~uthorities. The rules and regula- tions of the New York State Department of Social Welfare in ?eferenee 5o same muss be complied with as well as the rules of the Suffolk Oou~n~y Depa~smen5 of P~blie Welfare. They cannot be operated until certified by She Depa~t~ent of Public Welfare and are eubJee= 5o constant supervision. There ~s, therefore, in addition 5o ou~ own inclination, further assurance that, if we ~re permitted 5~ put sa~d premises to the intended use, same will be operated a~ a high degree of good maintenance. 6. If we acquire said premises, we do not intend so place any advertising ma~ter or signs upon the premises ex- cept one sign bearing the legend "Blasohack Rest Home~ or some similar designation. Any such sign will be generally similar to the signs now or previously maintained by DeFriest Funeral Home, Ernest Morell~and Sherwood Beabe on the ether side of ~ Suffolk Road or Lane. 7o The type of home we intend to operate at said premises in the event we aequLre title to same will be generally the same type of place as we have maintained for - 2 - recently formulated p~suant to an amendment of bhe Social Walfere Law. 8. We have been informed by doctors ~ud many other residents of the Town of Southold that the type of res~ home we have been maintaining in Southold~ ~md which we will maintain at 0utcho~ue ~u the even~ we aoqui~s ~itle 5o the ~forementioned premisee~ is urgently needed in the Town of Southold. Sworn to before me this tlth ~ay of J~u~ry, ~958o - 3 - f.. _ .. ,. . ..+ day of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS. :afte~ a ~ub~ic Heari~. ~ld' Bursuant :~o t~. requirements of l~,":the:, :trig .:}~ne, ~d~anee ~: '.(.inc!.~g':,the ~>S~Ut~oi~,~.-Suffot~'' :.;C0~t~, ~_~. :~°r~,. i:..,'~ :..,~:~ )::>... ,,.~.,,,:,. ~, ...., ":. '~. ~n~, ~igglt~a!-}0,:; .~,,: Busme~ '~0'~e,' !n the Town of SduthOld, . . ~,.~ ,: ' : '~,, ' , ' ~oung~ 6f ~uffo~.. and ~a~e at ~ ~ ~ ,.~ . ~ g,'~ ~ . :--? ................. ~ ..-. . ~ .~.Z ....:',eas~erl7 line o~. h~ew Suffolk ~e · Z~ '"'Chari~ L., Kendrick, ~ thence ~orth 68 ~egrees 32 m~nut~ .'~ 20 seconds East along said land '.:~" the Estate of Charts L. Kendr[ck, : ...... ' ~eceased., 260.91 feet. to a monumen~ ' and ~and now or formerly of Hor- ?~on; ,~hence 8ou~h 21 degrees "{ .minutes 20 seconds East along said :'~: 'la. nd'. now or formerly of. Horton :'..~.':, 107.39 feet to a monument and land ':C} 'of the, 'aforesaid Billards; and ~hence South 68 degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds West along sa~d Billard'a land 282.95 feet to the '~oint 'or place of beginning. ~. By changing from "A" Re8idefitial to "B""Business District the f011o~-' in~ ~es~ribe~ property: .j. .AI~ .~hat certain plot, ?~ce or ~ar- -"' {. >oep of land, with the. buildings and' ~'[., "improvements thereon erected, sit- i ' Uate, .lying and .being a~ Cutchogue~ '"~.,, Town 'o~' Soughold, 8uffolk County, .. ~ :':~: j.. New York, bounded and describ~ · ,:.:.'~." as follows: ,",~ ~ BEGINNING at ~ iron pipe sei, on % ~. .the westerly l~n~. ~ of. L~nd.en Avenue "~' i · :aBout'203 iee~. soumerly. 'alo~ said' [[ ~t [:' westerlF*, line from- the ~a~ Road' [[ .~,~.['.. -(Rou~e:25) .and ru~i~ along [' ~.' c~rses ~i0I~ows:- ' "'" ' ' ,.in bhe':Town of Southold, County '.,/of Suffolk and .State of New York,' 'boundec~. lxI._or~th by .1vIain Road_ about i Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...~../~.~.-~.,.~../~.. week/ successively, comrnencing on the ...... ~...~ day of .., :'.f.' 19..,~..~. / Sworn to before me this ..... .~.~...'. ....... day of ............... ..... Public / ! ADEEE PAYNg Public, S~te of New Yor~ Res[din~, in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 C'ommiss[o~ Expires ~arch 30, 1959` :J:,L~AhiN G Super'visor Jus rice o ,f t'he Pea c.e .. .. 'Town. Attorney j .. I Wi 1'1' notlce ~ hea.,~ing r.eet. on. t 'e th'i.s .,. ~i~' :~&~ .... .~... -' .. and, G r e e n P'o z.'- t ~ : ,. own :l~!~oa l~'d., a _... · . · .. New' · York,, "~:~ r qp o s a ! s . ,-. ... ~.e ...... -'."~t~ '~ ..... ~ ~.. S-t....t.ea~ ~ ;'~'~*~'. ~', Ne:w York:, ~ .~ . · ~,[ ~ J I · . · .. ;,~ iI~ .'. :- .. . he ~ e. i n ~::;;~, ~ s c r i b:e.d: a t a. ........ ;' ;I ;i :1 - , .. ,' [' . . . . T .3' 'm .~ .... ' ";:" ~,; ~, ,., ~ · ~ ;, .Il! . ",. ii,,~ .. , ,: [ '.!1!'1 .: and A~ ucu, it.ura:l .-,. g des c r :[bed' propertY:: s'i. tua re, lying and ..being of Billa. r~d,. and Natalie 'h;,, ::. Z" 15 '~; .... ' .,..,.. ~.:. 9 degrees 53' _- . :. ,;..,.' .. of~- 'Suff.otk.. 'and .., _ . -: .. the p ~,, e m i. s e s ~ . , i lne of now' or formerly .. hi';~ ~w~:i. ge:g~ ~Unn.,ng west Suff'o lk i.,a','", .',.:, .la-nd .. . · . tO; 'I, Nor'th. ~ ~;" ;':'~"' ~'""~"65, d.e&.,r ees..' ", '~ : , ,_~he. Es. ta re,. of' .. , · . :. ... . .. . :. ...... ~:' ::..'., ':... ',5 '~. !:. .. :: - . . . · · . · .. · -:. HOrtOn :,:, Bi'l, .~.a .. .. E~st to a.' '.:nd.. t.henoe Sou t}."..i · P' i a c e- o'f'.'., b 6 a I n n i .r~ '.,~. ~ ... . Di.S..t:~ic.~- .~he . , .. .: · . -:":-' ALL · ..: · · . · ..:. .!- . 68' .:: . . ~ :'f : . . ., ... .,' '. " :'. ' :::' '." '; :~;:':,:;1~: ' -, ' 2'5,.08 ,. ... .. :, . . :'~' "i' ' "'-* K ~Piew ,. th:enC'.e , . sk:,~ . . ... .... O~ .,Z~.O seconds.' Ne'st .68,.89 · , ., o.f: 'Jab I .m s.k i.. ~' t hen C~.. , .. , ,:~;-, .. . .. deg-~ee:8 27'-"-'-:' '-:., .......: minutes. . , .. :'. of the ; :' minu t e.s . to. t;he 'to ,: ,;,:, .. .. ,. .: tjmt ¢.e'~ain p,.< et:.:, piece :Of' pa r,,i . .',,:i." ::.:: · , ' .- '.,,ce.l <:~.f "',, , , .... . ,, . .,~ .. a n ~ ~.':.,:, :' :: w i t 1 .a . t h. e bui..i,d, ii:~sa and :imp.~.ovements. 'theme'on., ::?..,: :. :~ ~.~e..,. 'ly:n¢ and '""' ' . ~ .~ .. ':' - '-:. . :;,'i; : ' .:"":"". . . . -. : ,. . ' ,. . ': . "' . '..- , .. .{.... . ":'[,.,:i,, ,, Cu'tC'hogue.:- TOwn or :Southol..d. :.SufrOl.'~::: .,, .:.,,,ii,i,, :' . · . . . . _. . "' ,.. -.,..:. ~ ;~. " '' '(,o'uaty New Yoz~l~'., bounded ' ' ' ' " ' :'¢ ' "' ": ':~ ';:' .il ". :' . ,, b e d · a S' S 0 ],: 1 OW $ -~ . ' ...... :- .:'. ':':"" "- ': '" :: :': '' t. .. ; , :'.::.'. . ":' - ..... ,: ' ,,~, ,,~.,.~ .....,' ,..,..:..,:.....~ . :j -- . ,?.' '...il'. :.::. " ,:,:,iNNING at. an i~,on, pipe set 'on " ..... <: :: '. . ,.' T..:!l.". 'i'. ' -'. :.' .... .. .. ~ . .,;~n,~:; we~te'~- ,1. ifie:, of' "' ""' :':': '~ ' ' ' ~ :; ":';?': ' ' ' '""~.;::'!'": ..... Li-riden avenue about 2.0;3 .feet .-.',:,'-. .' .... · .... sou the ~: .: ly ,,~": . ',, . '....,.. ..,.?,,.:" . , . :~,.~ · ...........,.eS,t,e,~..[~ ' .' ;;.... .:?: .' ~:. . : :I:"~.:.' . . .:.~ ~. " -:' :' 'i ~; . · h. '~'. '.; ' .' ' line f~.om -the Ma.in' Road (:~oo.t"e 25:) and ' '" ' ' '"'"':"':'" ' "' '"- ",. ~ "' ::',{~l,i:iil::~ !! '" ' ":" - " :, g ., " · ,~ ~ ' . '.iii:,:~', ': .... ' ' : ':' :. ' :)ii,[,:i~; ',: :: we:s.te,~-',Y ,:"l.ne o:f' Linden .AvenUe¢ 2 coU~,se.s:,i~,;.as:_follows,,,,,..:.,... , "- .~..'..:' : .. . . . " ,:i'il,,',; i~".: ':.'..: : a ,;,',i: '.: ~ :: . -' :. <... ,,,,,,, .. :~: .. :.; ;:;i. '-'. ,. :-.-.:..ou'th 2 'd'e.g~ees 19: .mi '": :" .s:. :. . ... ' .... ... ~,.. thence (2.). SoUth 50 de.g'~.ees o:-.,...;: ".:'?: . ':,.,,,,,',,,ii'.';i~',,.,' : ' ' ',' .'~5. :; a-:iri'¢:{~e.s 5,0 .;.s'eco~~ tS 'We, st . .. . '.,,,' . .. feet ,t..o a .cOncZ'ete raonUmen.t' and.-.l, an<~': '" , ~,~' . " · .... : ~.,,. · . "".eon'veYed t .'.~/i 'l":'" N ' ' ;;¢l :" a,,.on8 Said land.~:' o:Z~:t" ' ,;h :,,:~"' 83 d e g~ e e $ · , we.s.'t, ez,.ly, line .o£ Linden . , . '.-see ond a. Ea.: $'t :i'00.,. 1.'O , t a.. eonc':!~ete '""'. ....... . ..... ,~ ' ' · . ,~a.onum(~'z.~':t.. a..r,.td a, nd, a long .sa<id ,tand~:. of Jablonsk:i No.. ],8 . . seconds, 'We.st::'-8~':,7~ feet .. of Ma'eh i nei-::i,c k a ~ ;~ lsht, anai..es,: o .s a id . : :,. ' .. : "" ' ' '.......: ... :,, ,... .,~,i: ~[.' ........ :..--..... ..... ,,, ...... ~ .... -,,, re. ii ge.s lO .. " " "' . .. ,'.i .-. ::: , ~ j, , ;', ' ' :~'li I".'i.' " feet. :t.o the ,, . .- ' '. ,. . ,:>OUI, t:..I. OLD TOWN l? .APPLICATIO -OF LYDIA ISOR .of.~ 'Lyd ~ :'~ ?''''' Cadugan · TO n~ BOARD ia New York, the ,, proPerty KLIPP :. The next hearing is on I will read OF THE TOWN the~ petition. OF '.S OUTHOI,D: Cadugan, residing at ~Setauket, undersigned, am the owner. at Cutchogue and more ,:, i t'ua t ed ,~..$ the petition Suffolk County of certain real pa r t itu la rly bounded and d. escr.i~.bed as follows: AI,L that with the certain plot, piece or parcel, of land, buildings andl improvements 1.thereon~ected., situate, lying and bei ,.~u folk ~'ountY New Yc ng ,rk, at CUtchogue,' Town of Southold, bounded and diescr'ibed~..as f.ol. lows: B.~.~(..,INNING at an o f L i, n d, e n , A venu e iron pipe about set~ on feet the westerly line sou ther ly a long s.aid w e s t e r i y a i on g s a i d line from 'th~~ Ma in westerly m. onume nta nd .. land, morlum, e n t a nd Jab lonski . - long b,.].enc e a 25' 50" w la nd. conveyed Road (Route 25) and running 83° 03' land of S. 2° 19 ' 50" W 59.72 feet; N 18° other 25.~08 feet 'to a concrete to M. Kurpiewski; thence along ~ablonskI ;' 27' 10" land of feet ~to a concrete thenc~e along said land W 84-.75 feet to an iron stake Machinchick at right angles to , ' [. westerly line of Linden Ay.e. South° ,~. of the~,~' ..the Bui. · f o'11-ow ~ would the :/hereby n point of beginnin'~' . petition theTown BOard change, modify and, amcn~'~,, ~, ,d .the .~. of Southold, Suffolk C°~nty~ Zone Maps here.tofo~e~, Cade a ha nge., or 18 S 87° 40" 10" E. 100.10 of the Town of Building Zone Ordinance New York, including part thereof, as ,, include foregoing property '"e to use property for former located on Main Rd,., Walter 'in "B" Zoning an Antigues bus ine.ss, t. Cutcl~ogue for fifteen rec ent...~.:.~:: sold our..l~, request .... . i' :4[; ~iii.~; ;. q, .!:11.,, ,., ~;. i i..! ..,:L ' ' ~..',:: '.',i :' I!, ,, ~::', property to ReW.land. rea sons: following is made for the es bus iness. an ant igu (s igned) operate of the PYdia Ca duga n SU ISOR KLIPP: Town P,~,~U,~::,~ning Board: REPORT! ii{,,~,O',,,,,,,,,: SOUTHOLD' TOWN Geng 1.em¢'n: · . ,...'I ..:, ~ ,..q :. will rea~.the report BOARD, sOUTHOLD, N, Y the n oon;t.hold Town Planning Board o January .. In,:'"ithe matter of ..petition of LYdia Cadugan · 1t I1 es i Y,, ~~br a change of zone..from ~'A~ R-. dential "B' .~;3:~siness district that certain pa'~cel of to certify that the f°llowing action .was C u t c h o gu e, , t'.o on th :'~'esterly ~e of Linden AvenUe, x 100.i~', as described in peti'tion. 958: We were years ,... and Southold taken by of Setauket, and Agr icultura land loca~ted N. Y. 84.75' be was the ',to the ~:~,1.j PERVIS OR heard, in favor oOR termination Town Boa rd KLIPP: of the Planning ]Board that. they of the approval of this change of zone. no jOHN W ICKHAM, Cha i rrna n Sbuthold .Town Planning Is, there Board. any person who wishes gra.nting ,the petition? ': .... .. responses. ) Is ~here any person who wishes .to KLIPP: be hea rd in oppos it ion to the granting of the petition? wa"- ,. ) o - no response KLI PP: Hea'r ing none, I will. close the hearing. motion .of Mr. Dema~est, seconded a,nd una'~)i, mously carried, the petition of · a .change of.' zone from "A" Residential by Mr. Albertson., Lydia Cadugan for a nd Agr icu ltura.1 to . B,i,. on Business District that certain parcel of land the wester].y line of L!nden Avenue, :ranted, ate. a 11. rot lng Cut ¢; hogu e, loca ted COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK i ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news-. paper printed at Southoid, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long ~sland Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for successively, commencing on the ........... C9, ....................... day of ....z..¢ .~,¢~-~%..z,'. ..... 1.9..~..~ ......... Sworn to before me this ......... ./ ............ day of ~ ~,,~ ADELE PAY~q[ Notary PuNic, State of New Yortt Residing in Suffolk County No, 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, i959 Alfred C~r ebe T. Paul ~4on~gomery Thi~ !~ to eer$iTy that the followlaK action w~ t~d~en by the $outhold Towu p~-m~iug Board on Jar~y 13, 195g: CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD iN THE MAqWER OF THF PETITION OF PETITION FOR A CHANGE, ;~,ODIrICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTaOLD: I. I,....~'.?.'~':.?~......~¢Z~..&;.~1~.'~'~ ......... , residing at....~.~..~"/C.¢;.'~':'r~.~' .......................... .... ~'ZC%.;.~'..G:.L~'.~../~Z.~.,,~'~,. ............................ and more particuMrly bounded ord described os foiicws; STATE OF NEW YORK, COLNTY OF SUFFOL;(, .... (::..Z~..~.!.A......:=.~..~.~..,..~X..,~,. ............................ , BEIN,= DULY SWORN, deposes arm says thar~he is