HomeMy WebLinkAboutKoroleski, John J Jr & DoroskiT own. pe'tition w~.s~ hereto.fore filed ,. the Boa, rd , ~.;;..f the 'To. wn e'f 'S ou th,. id by ~~ ~- reque s. ting., a modifi, cation aZ:~d a~endment of the ,B'U,l:~,l,d,ing Zone Ordinance i~.~¢llUdi~lg the%''~,~''?~'~ er ty ~on,e ....... "Maps'i 'made '.a':. pa.~:~t'..., thereof by changing from Residential .,&, .A¢.,.ricUltu~al '.'.:~ ,' ~District to described in sai-d-pe'ti'ti, oln',, a.nd.," a.;. ~d t h e. r e a fte r, .. WHER~AS'~ sa, id ~pe,.,-lt-..,,o.:..~... was (lUly referred to the~ : anning 'Boar. d for .i..,~,.~.. lnve~'~,'igation,~ ,recommenders,on and'. . -repOr't 'haVing "b...~ on fi. ied With. the ."a'" pubIic 'T.own' '.been '~ha'd' :g'hereon : · , hearing lin-,relatien to said · . ~d'emande d' in s',a id' pe tit ion be., ~¢,~d due de.li, becrs~'tlon ;~ES OLVED tha.'t here:by. .. and. t he 'relief' · , ,, . ., . By';: O~ d er. of'. ,-~he. ,~outhold Town,.. BOard APPLICATION OF FELIX .AND NELLIE DOROSKI I will read the petition of Felix SUPERVISOR KLIPP: and Nellie Doroski: STATE OF ~VEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of Felix Doroski & Wife for a change, modification or amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. I, Felix Doroski & Wife, residing at Main Road, Cutchogue, N. Y., Suffolk County, the undersigned, am the owner of certain real property situated at Main Road, Cutchogue , N. Y. and more particularly bounded and described ~s follows: North: M. Doroski Estate East: M. Doroski Estate South: Route 25 (Main Road) West: E~ Austin Containing approximately two acres in all. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: From '~A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Busine~ District. Such request is made for the following reasons: This pro.- petty has been used as business since May 1937, and was not ~(!:~:~ shown on the Zoning Map as such. I feel that I am too limited in my business as a non-conforming u.~e~ and wish t:his property .to be recognized as a full fledged business. We feel ~hat~as this property was left off the Zoning Map and we were not consulted about our classification that our fee should .be refunded. (Signed) Felix Doroski Nellie Doroski SUPERVISOR KLIPP: This matter was turned over to the Planning Board for their recommendation and investigation and I w~ll read their recommendation.: This is to certify that~ the ·following. action was.taken by the Southold Town Planning ~5:ard on D~ec~mber 17, 1957~ In the Matter of petition of Felix and Nellie Doroski, Main Road, Cutchogue, N. Y., for a change of zone from Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business district all that property located at Main Road., Cutchogu~, N. Y., and described as follows: North~ M. Doroski Estate, East: M. Doroski Estate, South: Route 26 (Main Road) and West: E. ~ustin, approximately two acres in all. It ~as the determination of the Planning Board that this change of zone be recommded to the Town Board for approval. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: This is signed by John Wickham, Chairman of the Southold Town Planning Board. At this time is there any person who wishes to be heard in favor of the proposed change? FELIZ DOROSKI (Cutchogue): this be changed. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I would like to ask that is there any other person who wishes '~o be heard in favor of the proposed change? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition to the proposed change? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any person who wishes to be heard either in opposition to or in favor of the propos'ed change? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: If not, we will close this hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. I~iOUTHI3LD, L.I., N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Jo'hn Wickham, Cha]rman Harold R. Reeve Henry F. ~oisa _~.1 fr oct 6~ebe T. Paul ~ontgome~ REPORT TO: December 18, 1957 SO~EOLD TOWN BOARD Gentlemen: This is to cvrt~y that the following action was taken by the Southol& Town Planning Board on December 17. 1957: In the matter of petition of Felix s~d Nellie Doroski, ~iain Road, Cutchogue, N. ¥., for a c~nge of zone from "ATT Residential and~Agricultural to "B' ~siness district all that property located at ~in Road, 6~tcho~e, described as follows: North: M. Doroski Estate, East: Doreski Estate, South: Route 25 (~ain Road) and ~est: E. ~.ustin, approximately two acres in all. it was the determzna.~o of the Planning Board that this change of zone be recommended to the To'~m Board for e~provalo Very truly yours, hn ~ic~_h~m, Chairmau SO. HOLD TO~ PLYING BO~ J~: gm CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: Felix DOrOSki & N~iFe FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR A~END~ENT OF TH~ BUILDING ZONE ORDINANC~ OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK. TC THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: SuFfolk Count) New York. ~r~¢ undersigned, om the owner of certain real proper~ situated o~ ~orth: M Doroski Estate East: M, Doroskl Estste South : Route 2~ ([~ln Road) West: E. Austin 2. I aa nercDy petition the Town Board of the Tow~ of Southold to change,, modify and amana the Building Zone Ordinance of the.Town of Southola Suffolk, County New York including the Building Zone Maas heretofore mode ~ ~art thereat as 'allows ~O~ "A*~ ~esidentia] and agricultural ye ~B" business ~istrict. 3. Such requestis mode forths ~llowfng reasons: This proper~ has been ~sed as business since ~¢ay i937, and was not shown on the Zoning Map as such. I feel that Z am too limited in my bNsiness as a non- con forming use~ and ,~ish this property to be recognized as a full fledged business, We foel that ms tb~s property was left off the Eoning map and we were not consulted about oo~ classification thmt our fee sho*ald be refunded. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) bo true. ~OU~H~:~_~ ~'O'~Yl~~' CLERK'S O~F[~CE ' STATE OF N~,~ YORK: CC~TY OF S%~FFOLE: RALPH P, B00TH~ b~ing duly sworn,deposes and ssys that he resides ~ SouShold, in the Tow~ of $outhold, ~oun~y of S~ffolk, aud State of N~w York; thst he is the Town Clerk of the Town s£ Southold; thst on the 14dray of Feb., COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK i SS. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and punisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..~~.x(~..;...~,..Z.~..~.. week~/ successiveJy, co~mmencing on the ........... ./....5 .................. day of ...... ~'... ~. -~~:~ ........ 19 ........ .......... .:.~.~E'.~:~.:~.~..~'"...~::~.~.:.~:~:.~.~.~ ....... Sworn to before me this ...... /..~.. ........ day of Notary Publi~ :~ Eesidin~ in o,, , ouffoh< County No. 52.-3041000 C'ommiss~on Expires ~arc~ 30,, I959 :WHERE,~ S.~: a petition~ was he'retofore f?iled With re. ques. t:.-...ng a...., ange..,, modi fli,oa .. O.n a nd . .. t of. the BUilding ~.~-~one' Ordinance~ inclUding .'the -. rial & ltural strict to .... '-' . TH, ERE:FORE., BE' ~IT-. ~-$~VED, ~'t'hat the. r..e!i'e~f'. .. . APPLICA ma tt,~r .': mod,'i,ficsti,on o'r;. am1 ' ~n. dment %f · . ~'~ p e t i t i o n.~ '4:':}.. din.~.nc:e. ,. ?' - . . /' }[:: -. Suffo Ik' Certa in- the' Town o'-f S.outhold:'(,'~ .ouff.?)ik C. , ..., , John. J. Koz.,o 1.e.~.ki, . ~ . - . ..... :~ounty.,.:.~-'l~'e~.. Yo,rk.~,,~ .the'. u. nderslgiied.,~ . , ,~ ,,. ~ , . . , ; . . - , . :, .,..,. ,. ~ .. ;Ill[il.[' ' '. ~..,. ..... . ' ' ...... 'l,. d'o he'rebY pet ir'ion- the Town.-~Oa~d':. of the Tow.r~. .. Such request i.,.:: raade f,.'r the .following reasons: ' .. wel..l a's he. .,, out a.s "We'll.'; · ... of..town pro,pie': may, P~;rcha,s e ga rd:en, "supplies ld To ma ke ?. · ,, the ret,,o : ., .... ' - .::.: ':5 ...:' .i' " .... ':- -':' -. · . '- i .~::': \." ,:, .... . :. :,.?: .:: .;.. .: . . . ., .....:...~hi.s..iS ':.:to: ::¢ ert .i f~ .. that Pla.nni:ng· Board on .... In. :;the ma. tte~, of. petlt'ion "d: John J . Koro...e:ski ,..-., ;.:..., . . .,: , .. ~ . . . .. .. ehan'%: of:', ,:......... ' "A" ..... .. zo:ne, f-:r ..~ :,' .-, .. . . :,:;' ,'. , , . . ; .. to "B" Buaine's'.s:' . .:. ,,ct:' eerta in:.· :rea!."": ':'"'"' :" , ?. ~, .,.:. .,. · .. . . ,. ..'.:: .... ?:,1 . . ..:', .,.,: ...... .: ..s:l¢¢&:t. ed at 182' ', ..... :d: "' ' ': .... ,.. : ,?., .: , -, · , . .. . bounded· a:nd ...... d:esc,'ribedt as i'o'llow:~'::~<,. Eas.t. by Mary .... , . ', ... : -. ..:.,..:.: ..;{j:' ~,.'...'~.. ,:' .;: .- ...... . ?-: : :': . - . - . bY Sound Avenue 300 :e-e.::.~:, ...: ....... .:~ ... . . ...... .,, .:~ . :: : :~...,:.~,,..;: .:? ' - .... ' .... ~' ': ,. ' ' "', ,.-. 18nt ' ' ': ' . . ',:"C ,' ' ' ', _.._. . · .),.~ :,) , .. .... :"~. -',.. ..... '.:". ~ .... ~r'' ~ · :' '"" ~ , . ~ ' ' .'I t. wa. s t he d. ete rm ina t io.n o f :'t' '~ - . . .. .~ , ' ' .:: ,: . ( , ., '{_ · ..,' ,:' . ¢ - , ,. .. ~ · , -.? - ~?.. ~ -. <. , the2'':: ~ee.ommeBd to 'the T.own' Boa~l(~, '& .' t!,at th is oha nge', O,~f.:.zone . ..::: :::~.. ¢ '~: . . :.. : ..- ..... - ,.:: '~:"'$~'. ..... ..- . . :.. : . ,- (.....::. . . . -.'-: .... ~...:.. ..... . ..... :: ..:1..~., ::. ,:.., .. .::?::"'.:'~. be :':'g:~a:nted t° 8.. qepth.. - o:f: -t..:>wo hund:~,:.ed::. (200} 'feet.'::, .... · , , '.- ... _. ,.: ,:: -: .,:::,:;;~.:..-. ., . outho..ld::..-,`: r." :-' - . ,, .:..,' ,¢. , .. . ...:. ~. , : , ..... ..: ~.. '-? to." '":": ' "" ,~n · :::::avo of .bhe p'ropos:¢:,:l. OTha.:i~:e ? ' '" ..... , ....:., .,. ........... :,. -. .... :, :;:..:'[: :~:: ,...._ . .:. . .:':.;. :::,. ,.~ .... ~ .~; ,.':.- . , ' .,~-:' . . .. : .'L'::.:~:' . : :Ma ~'"~ .: u .:- N.~ 'y,.., , . .',' ? : ,, : · u : .:": .;?--i,!? ~i~;:".;{}~: · i~, ;'.' ¥},'.';i: ' .'. ...... .::,:-.'.R:'}!~:.::v!:."?::~ . , ,..:. .. ': :~ 'i:. ' ':'-'....v ,~.,! ~i .:.?!-, ?~'. ...... .,. ,}:ii · ' '~' ~', .i'":,!" .  '. ,- : - ~. : '. .'b ,.~ ... .. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SIlATE OF NEW YORK Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southoid, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for...~~2~..~,~.~...~ weeks successively, commencing on the ......... ~ ........................... of ....~!~~~ ..... 19 ......... :.k'...'!..: ........ :'!~...' ............................................... Sworn to before me this ....... /i...?.... ..... day of ......... ADELE PAYNE Not~ry Public, State of New Yor]~ Rgsiding in Suffolk County No. 52-30z~.].000 Comm[ssion Expires Marc[~ 30, ~z959 being duly Sworn, and ?'ublishe,r o,f the SUFFOLK Led at Gree~npor~, in, said county; the annexed is a prin~ed copy, Suffolk Times once in each weeks the ...... ~~?~ .................................. 19 ....... ~[ ..... ~.:  SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y- Henry F. ~ois~ Alfred Grebe December 18, 1957 P~PORT TO: Two hundred (200) feet. December 6; 19~?~ Hr. ~ohn ~ickham Chsirm~n Piar~ning Board Cutchc~e, D~r Mr. Wickham$ Enclosed herewith original and copy of Petitions of John J. Koroieski~ Jr~ of Mattdtuck~ New Tork~ and Felix Doroski~ and ~ife o* Cutchogue~ New York~ relative to chenEe of zone in accordence with &rticle 1X~ Section 901~ Sub-division C~ You are instructed to prepare a~ official ~eport defining ~he condition~ deseribad in ~he p~tition ~n~ determine the area so e~£ected with th~ recommendation of your Board, BPB/mr Very truly yours; Town ~lerk CASE NO: STATE OE NEW YORK pETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEML YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: (insert name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the u~dersigned, am the owner of certain real praper~ situated ~t . .~..~.~ ............and m.o,e particularly bounded a~d described as fol[~vs: 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modi~ end amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Tow~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including ~he Such reo,~est Js mode for the roi)owing reosons: s'rATE OF NEW YORK, ) ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) .......... · ......~.z..¢~.~....4~...~..~:.~././;,/~¢'z., BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that he is ~he petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the con- tents thereof; that the same is true to his (her) own knowiedge, except as to the matters therein stated to be all~ged on information and belief, and that as to those matter~ he believes it to be true.