HomeMy WebLinkAboutMehl, Arthur & Levin, Jack NORTH fORl~ VARIETY STORE -- CUTCHOGUE LONG 15LAND. N. ¥. SUPERVISOR ~I?P, At this piece of p~operty in quotation Which ~!~ the pa~ce~l T0 T~ T~N'BOA~ 0~ TO~N OF SO--OLD: Situated at OUgchogue and mo~a parti~ul~rly boun~d ALL g~t ~act or pa~col of BEGINNING at a point on ~he we~go~ly- side ~ f~om i~ inte~see~ion ~:~-~f~,om ~aid point of beginning ~unning ghence in di~ecgion along the easterly ~ide fe0~ go othe~ land of ~ehl; ~nning ~ghence in direction,along sa, id land running thence in a ~outhe~ly along Koilme~, 100 feet to Wes~,te~ly Doint or now Po~t Office ~itdl~g b~ .~:he~ by him ' Dis%~iC~t~ fO~ a Post; :~ -~ y~u BoSrd, on '~ ~ io0.o feet to. othee land of ~eht; ~Unnlng tnene¢~ in easterly di~e~:'gion along said land~ ~f g~eht, 1BO ~eet land of Kollme.r, lO0 Feet t.o: °the~: !and .of Eehl thence .~in a we~ge~ly 'di~oction, 1BO~O .fe~t~' ~ ghe e It wa~s the determinati°n Of the Planning B~rd ..~:in opposition to the proposed c~nge of zone? h~a~d in fmvor of the p~opose~d ~b~nge? ~ ............................. ~,~,'~ thi~ Po~B Offic~ Building, b~ I. ~w~;Id llke to 'We think it i~ a very de~i~ab:lo lOO~Ing building,,,~ I, like I think t~t i~ the ougsldo ¢imenmi~Onm~ T~e in~d:~ io~ ~y be a little le~m. I thi~ tha:g ~he locatio~ arly desirable, it is ri~t on: ;~he~ berth side ~%he pa~k:ing, a~ea, ~t ~ill gi-Te P~.oPle a nice ogpo~tU~ ~ ;use the ~king a~a fo~ getting, th~;i~ ~,i!, It~ ~ mc~oss the St~eet,,~ This bui}iding ~e~ think will nice ass~et~ a~ we hope that ~gou ~*i-l~l approv~ it~: of couch:e, g~t the POst ~0 Department a '- SUP~IROR ~IPP1 A~e ~he~o an~r .other pensions go ~e h-ea~:~ ~in favor? .... g~ER~SOR KLIPPI Is the~e~, an7: othe~,pe~s~n. to be heard in ,oppoSition to or in favor ~Of. Haar(i~. none~ w~ will c~oSe' ~ :~hearIng On ~he a~pllcatilon of 'Arthur~ M~hi for a S~]UTHI]LD, L.I., N.Y. MEMBERS L~W OFFICES Fm~ R~tph Bo~th Town Clerk of I am enclosing She followi~: ~h~nge in ~ning fPom ~A payee1 of l~nd ~ ~chegue. ~. Cheek ef ~les ~el~e~ ~ the Fims% N~ienal ~mk of P~tingt~ ~ ~he ~ of $~5.00 to ~ o~de~ of the ~u~hel~ To~ Boamd ~ovem~E ~he fll~g fee. I believe the ~umheasSerly co~ne~ of thim pa~=el aerially 1/' CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NLq~' YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE K~TTER OF THE PETITION OF EOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THF_ BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW TO THE TOWN 9OARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: f~om ~ Resldcnti~l Dist.~ict ~o "B~ Bushiness District. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ............. .~-:a= ~ ..~...~? ¢ ......................... BEING DULY SWO~N ~eposes and se rs that he is this ..9,~...day of .....~9'~.~ ........... 19-3;7 ..... Notory Public. STATE OF i~E~I YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SD~FOLK: B~LPH P, BOOTK~ beir~ duly swcrn~ de[~sss and ssys 2hat he r~sides a~ Southcid~ in ~he Town of Scu~hoid~ County of Suffolk: ar~ S~ste of New York~ tha~ he is %he To~ Clerk ef the Te~a of posted a copy of ~he NOTICE OF 2~i~ OF to To~n Law in the Scuthold Town Ci~rk~s Off, cs Southoid: New ~evk; tb.a~ such posting by him was 'done pursuant ~o the provisions of the Tc~,n Law and to the Resolution of ~he South~ld Town Bgard. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~% day of Jan. ~ 19 ~ Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss,: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ~.~_.L..~~_.~.:.~.:~ ........................... bein~g duly Sworn, sa,ys that~.:~ ....... is Printer a,nd Publishe~ of the SUFFOLK TI~ES, .a n~wspaper published at Gree~npo.~, in said county; a~nd tha~ the notice, of ~hich the annexed is a prin~ed copy, has ~een published in the sa~d Suffolk T~mes once in e~ch week, for ......................................................... ~ .............................. weeks successively commencing on the ..... ~.~.~:.~:e~ ......... 19,..~.~ .... S,wo~n to before me this ...... ~...~.~ ........ COUNTY' OF SUFFOLK l ss. STATE OF NEW ¥ORK I Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ~SLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Is[and Trave[er-Mottituck Watch- man once each week for .... .,~,~.~..:~.H././ ..... week~/ successively, commencing on the ............. ~..~.~....'". dayof ~-.~ ~ .~ 19 .............. Sworn to before me this ................... day of · .................. ..... ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in Suffolk -Oounty No, 52-3041000 ~7ommiss;on Expires [v']~rch 30, 1959 , . .. - . .I' -.: .: . -. . ,,..... ' . .......~ · .... ~~... . ..... - ,. ' .. -. ..~ ,(,-'. ~- . ,.. , . " ': :'II .', . ~1~ . ' '.It, , . "t': ' " ~" ' 1 ~ ss: J bein~g duly Sworn, a,nd Publishe,r of the SUFFOLK at Greenport, in said county; the anne.xed is a prinled copy, said Suffolk Time.s once in each ..~ .................................................. weeks the ...~.: to ore me ......................... '~ ....... .~A~¢~,.~21~I~ ............................................ Notary Public, Stare ¢~ New ~er~ Res~d ~r:g Snf~o}k C¢~ CIkso No. 52-~9~23~ MY Commissio,n Expires March 30~ ~9~~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ STATE OF NEW YORKI ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .... ~~ .... L..-~:'...~'.... weeks succe~ssively, commencing on the ....... ~ ............ day of ...... ~~e~..~ ........... 19..~.~ .~7 ..... Sworn to before me this ............... day of ..... ~.....'7~~ ....... ~..¥..~ ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in Suffoik County No. 52-304t000 Commission ,Expires Marc_b 30k 1959 · . o~her 33 mark · of Eva ~above ~ ;. ~:;. ,,.. ,~' ,4~:. ..,..[..; ~. j .: ..... · ,,.. . ....~. -, ] ,' ,.-,,,~,.:... , -, .%.....~. '' ~ ":'.': '~ ~.' ~":',; ..... '.t;:~,:' . -",. ~ ,. '~ ~ .... . :,.:-.'"'::k", ':.'~ '~,;' .'.; - ~ L.-~';' ; :~ L:,..'(.'.~~ ;~ :; v · - ;' .' .~ ,. . ... .... -, . .. ,~';-.. ': .... -'.,-~ ..... ,. ':i. "'. ...~ -: ..... . .... ...%? ~:: ....." ~ ~ .; -....]:.. :::'.? (' "Y,(r.," ., ": . ., ~,.': .... ,... . . .. '~. '..?. ;,;,. ' .... ,'.:, ~-.',,' :.: . ,' . . ..... : , ",, .:' .-., ..~, i~.' ' ',' '~i '"" ': ' "'' "' ' ' .... · - ' -' .- ' ""r"; ". 'H ~:,:",?:':-,,'?,?,:,;,'~ '.;; :",:' .:~. 'x '~: '..:,' "-' · ..,:.:::. :, ,..,'~..' ,~, .."~,: ' ..,.'r-. 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L -:~-' ..: -:. .:. .[ _<. ::~;,.: :..._ .. ..... · .... ,..:: :. :?:~..~:.. .... ~. ':,:' ::" : -- a. ": . : - ~'::': :. '. :'-~-":.": :'".'.. :,: ?;C::?:.",.': - .: .'¥ .-' ' :'- ' : ' ~- .:.:.:, :. ' ,..~:,:: .... . ...... ._....:,, ..:: .:::..:-:.,. ~: - :. ,. ..::.. ,~.... . ::,::. :'...:'.:.......:-:..::.:.:?::~:~:.:~.-:%~...., ~ , .::::::.:. :,.:. ..... 'c ....... :,:.:.:-.:':::¥::,::..? . ~'. ':' .:,: ...... ~- ~' .:: .:,'>~::~:.-., " ::~:::::..: :.:: .::..: ..: . ~,. :.~:. ,:.::,.,:,:~ ::.':. .... ........... . ..~I-IUTHnLD, L.I., N.Y. pL.~N N JNC~ BOARD MEMBERS pts-unlng ~oard on October 29, 1957; CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITI DN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE ~/~kT1-ER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF £OUTHOLD, SUF~=OLK COUNTY. NE'M/YORK. TO THE TOWF. BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 3. Such request is made for the following reasons: L. S) ........ %~ ....................................................... '~;.~....:~.~:~ .............