HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreston & Chapman STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, -~... being duly Sworn, says that .... is Printer and Publisher' o,f the SUFFOLK TIMES., a. newspaper published at Gr'eeaport, in said county; and that the notice, o,f which the annexed is a printed copy, has been .published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for ........................................... ~ .............................................. week~ succesmvely commencing on the .......... ~~.: ............................. ~SWorn [o before me ghi~ ............................ da~of ...... ~~ ......... 1~... ~ .................. ...... ~7~;' Zq{~a]"g~ ~"~ ~W' ~ ................................... ~esi~'~g Suffolk Go~ ~y Commission Ex~ires point on westerly line of Manhanset Avem!e, ' 585~06 feet Southerly along . said westerly line from Champ.in PIace, Agnes minu~es seconds East, 566.79 feet to wester4y' line '0f:Minhanset AvenUe; : thence along said ~eSterlY, !inet, 2 courses, ..'as f0ilows.: ~-- . . ...... (1), No,th 60"'d~gr~e~ 56 minutes 5~ ~secOn'ds W~s~, 35:90 feet; thence "(2~ :North 4i "degrebs bo m'inuies 50 seconds West:, 411.54. feet to the- point 'of-beginning..-~ ~y amending ARTICLE IV.,. SEC- TION 4%}:(~U]Zdivision 14,, to "'r~ad as. follows: ,.- ...... - 14--Commercial .docks, marine fuel' docks, piers,: ferry ~sl'ips, ferzy houses, fishing Stations, boatyardS;~ :boal~' storage yards, ,boat storage basins,'. marines, moo~ing piers, bus ,Stations ' terminals; ~ _ cha~nging from "A''~ ReSidential to "B" Bus'ineSs District the' follow- described prdPe~ty: i · act'.or.DarceI of.-land ~, -lying: and being at. Cut- chOgue, in the ToWn'°~' South~id,~ 'Oounty. of ' State' of ~ NeW York, Walter r Lane. · . (139 '~onzo Jersey, ~ecomc, fl:: . ' ~A/tap of O. W. Vain Tuyt, ~pr~i~l 21, ~ 1930,~ File No. 763; ' [ ~ - : ~t~.)~.Nassau Point Ciub ProPe~ties, Tuyl, ~arCh 24, 1926;' and A~end- ~ Ma~S%btion'A. No. 156;~ ~ ~ (15.) Captain Kidd E's~tes, ~t'-~{~ N. Y., ~ap by ~.0~ w, :OLK t ~ ss. ]5.90 feet; feet ~mending ~ubdtvisiOn ~ 14, mooring~ t~ters, bu~ . . that being South Beebo ,,and West 400t The_stripping of land to o~ ~o secure, satisfactory for grading~ or other .,permitted, provided premises. constructed or altered ~c~wated m' Connection.~ :c6ns~rUCtion'' .'bt graaing premises "ma~ ~be s°ld Cement' ,block : .excava¢ion °r .clay, shale-or Other · deposit are .permitted~ exception by ~the being duly sworn, says that publisher of THE LONG ISLAND ICK WATCHMAN, a public news- ~uthoid, in Suffolk County; and that he annexed is a printed copy, has been Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- for ..... ~~'~'~. o ~ ,~, ~/~, ~, ~_ we%~ ' on-- ~the .......... ..~[...i'. ..... i ..... · ........ ......... ~_c ~ c~.z:.[ ..... ~ ............ ~ ~...?..~~~/~'[~~~:: ..... ;fore me this ......... ~ .......... day of Public STATE OF NEWYORK TOWN ()~ SOUTI~OLD La the Ma~er of the Petition of ROBERT York TO T~E TOWN BOARD OF T~E TOW~ OESOUT~OLD:- 5lh day of July, 1957. I~e p~tfiioners h~rein filed Towa of Soathold a petition for a change, modification ~uil~ing Zone Ordinance ~O~ ibc Town of Southoid, %o permit the o£enaiges described in oaragraph he used for the ~u~'poses se~ forth in said petitiom to be any portion o% the prs]nises are locsted withim ire b~nd~-ries of the Incorporated Vill~ge of Greeupor~ Tb~ Ye~t~lts cz said survey revealed t~is~t a port,on of sald prenmises lies Wl%bin lhe b~]undarles of the V~]lage of ~ree~lport. 2~=ttached hereto and made a par~ hereof is a s~rvey map sbo~ing tli~ port/on of the premises oatside the incorporated limits of t~ Vi!~ge o~' :Greenport wt~ch is bounded 8nd described as follows:- BEGII~N/N~ at a point on tke westerly li~ 585.06 feet southerly along said westerly Ii and runrJng South 21 degTeeS 18 minutes lC fea[; thence South 33 de.ecs 04 minutes 1~ feet, ~nence Soutb 40 degrees 18 ~nuies W boundary ~e of lhe ~co~o~led Village o] said boundary line, South ~4 de~eas 3~ ~ 309.07 feel to land of St. A~es Cemetery; of St A~es Cemetery, North 21 degrees 1 E~sl, 566~ 79 feet to said westerly lina of thence aidng said mes~erly~line, 2 courses, I.~s follows - {1) I~orib2 §0 degrccs 5~ lni~u]tes 50 second~ ~est, 35~ 90 feet~ thence (2) North 41 degrees 00 rmi'~ea 50 seconds ~2~est, 411.54 feet to the point of begirm/ng/ W~IEt%EFOI~E, petitioners respectfully request that the petition herein be amended to include only that porlion of lte pre~nises ouzsidc of the lira/ts of mhe Incorporated %Zillag~ of Greenpo~i as above described. STATE OF NEW YOIiK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK'~ ROBERT ~L PI{ESTON and LaGRANT CtIAPMAN, being duly sworn deposes and say iJ3~t they are the petitioff~s Jn the within procaedit~; that they have'read thc foregoing petition and know the con~en~s thcreof: that lhe samelis ~ue to their own knowledge excep~ as to the n~ers therein Sworn to before mc this day/qf October, I9~5~ Notary public SS. ~ being duly sworn, says that publisher of-THE LONG ISLAND WATCHMAN, a public news- in Suffolk County; and that ie annexed is a printed copy, has been g Island Z~a~eJerzMattituck Watch- for '"~~'~:'"'L'"'"'~"/:Lc ....g~weeks ~cing on the ............ ~,~ '~,~.:~ ......... ........... . me this ...... .i./... ......... day of C0Fr State of 'New .York Suflo,k Co~r~.ty 52.304Z000 ~ires iVlarc~ 30~ ~.959 ss: .~~~ ........... being duly S~vorn, and PUblisher o,f the SUFFOLK at Gree,npo~rt., in. said county; the annexed is a printed copy, said Suffolk Times once in each ............... ~~ ...................................... weeks 19,D~..7. .... RAGHEL O. VALENTINE Pubt]c, St~tte of New York Suffolk Co. C!ks. 1~o, 52-942360~ Ex~ires M~rch :~0, 19fi, STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, j ...... -~.-./.~ .... ~~~ .... ~~ ............ bein,g duly Sworn, sa~s that ....... ~ ..... is ~rinter a,nd P'ublishe~'. o,f the SU~ ~ OLK T~MES, a n~wspaper published at Gre.e~nport, in said county; ~nd tha~ ~h~ notice, of which the annexed is a p~n~ed copy, ha.s ~e,en published in the sa~d Suffolk T~m.e.s once in e~ch wee~; for ..................................................... ~ ................................... week~ success~vdy commencing on the ........ ~~ ................. ................... Swo~ ~o before me ~hi~ .... ~.~.~.... ~ ~ ~'~' ...................... ~ ...................................................................... ~ ................................................................................................ ;gJ'/~ RACHEL O. VALEnTInE pr~qrY Public. S~e of New Yor~ My -"g Suffoik Go ~lks. No. 52-9423605. Commission Expires M~reh 30, 19~ GREENPORT LUMBER CO., INC. BU~LDtNG MATERIALS GREENPORT, N. Y~ = 80UTHOLO, L.I., N.Y. Alfred Grebe AUgust 7~ 195~ duly 8, 1957 To~n ]Board of lhe Tov~ of Southold Souihold, N, Y. Dear Sirs: EncloSed herewilh please find original petiiion of Roberl H. Presion and LaGrant Chapnl~n for a change of zone on property on ihs westerly side of ~Ianharksel Avenue near Greenporl, filir~g fee ~J~erefor is likewise enclosed herewith. ~ is our andersla~ding. ~hat tkls n~atter will he hrought up for resol~lion on lbs lneeting of ihs To~n ]Board ~o be held on ~uly 9, 1957 anal we should tike lo be apprised of ihs date set for ~hs hearing lhereon. Thaak y~u for your eooperaliom CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NE'VV YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N TNE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF R~OB]3RT II. FOR A CHANGE MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BI_ ]LDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWix OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. PETW[ON PRESTON and La~RA.N'T C'H'APMAN TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: We, 1~ohert t{. Preston a~d 1 ]~.,...t~,~K.~+,..O, hF~p~ ....................... residing at ......~A?.~-~.q..r~..~ ................................ 2. ~Zdo nereuy pet~bon the Town Board of the Town of Southo]a rd change, modify eno amend the BuiJding Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southo]d Suffo!k Count- New York. inc!udin§ the Building Zone MaPs ~eretofore mede a mflrt thereof as foIIows: a. To amend ~rticle IV. Section 400, Subdivision 14 to read as follows.: 14- Commercial docks~ n~arine fuel docks, piers, ferry slips, fez~'y houses, fishing sialions, bogtyards, ooaz szor~e yards, boal szora~e of land hawing z fronl~ge sn ~he lw~rs ,of~tk~ ~Ts ~ow~. of Sgu~hold lying b~een . . o e~z us~nes' . w~ch is the ~ab~ecl of ~s. applica~on. The property io be a~fe~ted by the proposed eharrg~ of zone and amendment and oa,k piling. A 400 exclusive~ of th~ 'coSt o~ land~ a, Thc developmen~ ir~PT~e/r~enr and use of ~/le proper~f as proposed ~ improv~ it~'~haraeier ,~e area, will permit the ~nd lo he used for ~elI s~ted f~r ~ke use proposed tO be mJde of it I~ is bounded ontke west of your peiido~rs~ Opb~ ~Or~a~on ~m~ belieT, the l~ds ~ec%ly opposite ~nes ~urc~ f~ f~ ce~ery purposes, w~ch ~s the us~ p~esently purposes exeepz tb_e lands of your petitioners lying tn the r£orth of the a~ea ~d ~rl~ will ~l !he e~s~ de~d for p~-~ecied moo~ing factories d~ There is mo presengly e~g ~o~ ~for~ ~e Si~I~r h~ cbaracler f In tb~ event of t~e f~ilnre of this ~oard to grant ~he petilf0n to a~nend Subdivision 14 of ~ecllon ~00. ~nd ~o rezone p~+~oners properS- for ~ronl prO,fly ~S~ of COnk~n'S Poi~i sO zoned ~%h lke excep~on of the lands sii~ale om lh~ easterly s~e of Shipyard Lane. at Easl ~ar~on. N. Y~ ~hich I~dS are p~semtly ~d f~l' oyster aultnre g~d are co~plel~ly ~{l~e for ~ kse w~R peliti~ers proQose l~ ~e of %he~ lands. your petitioners respeclfully request thai the Town Board of the Town of So~thold. COUNTY OF ~OBt~I~T Il. PRESTON smd LaGlgANT Ci~APM-II~, being duly ~y¢orn depose and ~ay~; that ~ are the petitioners in the ~t~ roceed~'; ~ai they have re~d the forego~g peti~n and ~ow the contents lhereof that the ~mc is t~e to ~ /// 0 i F~