HomeMy WebLinkAboutCove Beach Est ss: berg duly Sworn, ~er and Publisher of the SUFFOLK at Gre. e,npo.r$, in sa.id county; the annexed is a printed copy, sa,id Suffolk Times once in each 5~.... ................................... week~ . RACHEL O. VALENTINE *'.~n~r¥ Pub!~c, State of New Yor~ Ce ' :",g Suffolk Co.. Clks. No. 52-94236¢~ MY Commission Expires March 30~ 195~J ' SS. being duly sworn, says that publisher of THE LONG ISLAND 'IUCK WATCHMAN, a punic news- ~hold, in Suffolk County; and that annexed is a printed copy, has been Island Traveler:Mattituck Watch- .. "-~'~'~,~..(/~..~... weeks :lng on the ........ ~.~,~ .................... ......... Sworn to before me this ....... ~..~ ..... day of ................ .ota,.~;'~'~'~i;'~ ..... No. 52-3041000 ~ommbsion Expires March 30, 1959 · ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ '" NDMENT OF ZONING 0R ~ANCE.. ~T N0~ 7.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE~ that afte a public hearing held pursuan~ to the require~ents of law, the building zone ~~~.e ~ ~.luding the Building Z~ne Maps)~ of~ the To~ ~f $outhold, i olk Oo~ty, New york,was duly amended as follows meeting of the To~ Board held. in the ~ c m~t a regul oIfi e of the , Greenpert,N.T-, en September llth, 19%7:- R~OLUTION G BUILD~G ZONE 0RDIN~OE (INOLUR~G BUI~G ZONE MAPS) WHE~, report a_ud Inc.~. to B'outhold Town P'lamni~ Board has prepared an off Joia com~lendation ~tpon the petition of Oove Beach Estates the Building Zone Ordinance(inclUding the Zone Maps WHEREAS decided i to the pr~ WHEREAS a me e ting. South at which amendment thereto and Town Board, after due consideration of the matter, ~s in the public interest to call a hearing pursuant ons of the Town Law and said Ordinance, and hearing was held (pursuant to notice duly given)at the Town Board at the Office of the ~uperVisor,' 16 .0 PoM on September llth, 19%7 at 7' 0 t, Gre enp Or t, N.Y., all persons desiring to be heard in favor .of said also all those desiring to be heard in opposition given a~ opportUnity to be heard, s~ud thereafter the publi hearing was closed and decision reserved: BE IT '~0LVED BY THE T0~ BOARD that the Building Incl~uding the B~ilding Zone Maps) of the Town of Oounty, N'ew York be amended by changing from tial and Agricultural District to~"B'~ Business Di the following described property: PARCEL ONE: ALL tha~ tract or parcel of land, sitUate, and being ~at East Marion,in the Town of Southold, lying O~uty of Sufiol~ ~zud State of New york,bounded on the No~th by Long Island ~ouud;en the East by land of 0ove B~ ach EstateS,Inc~; on the Bouth by the several lands · ~ 'd the West by Terry a~ad Irving Latham, an on 1 of Arlin de Guimaraes. TWO: ALL tt~at tract or pa~cel of land situate, -1~ a~d being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, in the County of S~f. lk and State of New York~ bounded on the. NOrth by land of~ C~ve Beach Estates, Into, on t~bY 1 nd of Fred Tabor;~.on the Bouth by 'land of Boken;' ~d on ~e West by land of Cove Beach Nor THREE:' Ali that ~ract or parcel of l~nd situate, ~and being at East Mar.ion, tn the Town. o~ Southotd, of SufZolk and State ~of NeW Yerk'bo~ded on the land of Cove B Estates,Inc.;eh the East ef J~sePh the South by State Highway en the West b.y l~d ef Willi~ Beken, snd it is F~THER RESOLVED, that the necessary changes be made upon the Zoning Maps of the Town of Southold so as to indicate the location of said properties~ as being located, in "B"~ Business~ District, and it is FURTH~ RE~0LVED, that the~ To~ Cle~k be and he hereby is authorized and directed to give the necessar~y notice of such changes in zoning to the departments and agencies having jurisdictio~ in the matter. Dated: ~8ep~tembe~ lIth, 1957 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD,RALPH P~ BOOTH, TOWN C~LERK~ P~LIC TOWN B0t TOWN OF SOt Gr eenpor t, SePtember 1 RING ~THOLD N~ Y~ 1957. Present: NORMAN E. KLIPP, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL~ justice of the ~peace H~ M'. DE~h~REST, justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman 'R~ G~ TERRY, Town Attorney SUPERVISOR ELIPP: I will read the affidavit of publication, and I will read the notice of hearing, excluding this Chap~an & Preston property: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PR0~ · Pursuant to Seetion 'of the Building Zone a public hearing will be at the Office of the Sup~ New York, on September on the following proposa'. 0SALS TO ANEND ZONING ORDINANCE 265 of the Town LaE'.-~ and Article )rdinance of the Tow~:~, of Southold, held by the Southold.. Town Board ~rvisor, 16 South Street, Greenport .th, 1957, at 7:00 PoM. (E.D.S.To 4s to amend the Building Zone 0rdinan~e (including the ~ilding Zone ~aps ) of the Town of Sou~hold, SUffOlk County, New York: ~. By changing from "A~ Residential and-Agricultural . . District to "B" Business District the following ~escribed property: PARCEL I: ALL that tract o~ parcel of land situate, lying and being at East ~arion, in the Town o.f Southold, - t e York, bounded on the County of Suf£olk and S at. of New North by Long Island S nd; on the East by la~d of Cove Beach Estates, Inc.$ on the South by the several lands of Spencer Terry, and Irving Latham; on the West by land of Arlin de Guimaraes. PARCEL II: ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying.and being at East Marion,! 'in the Town of Southol.d, County of Suffolk and Sbate of New York, bounded on the North.. by:.land of~Oove Be~.chEst-ates,~ Inc.,~.0n the.~.East j Y land of Fred Tabors; ~on.~,t~ onv~ ~he~ w~est~by land~.~ of'~ ¢~ ~,,~ ~ ~ PARCEL ~II:/~ ALL tha' lying and being, at East County~~ of~ Suffotk~and.~ St~ North by land of~ ¢ove~Be~ by .land ~ or. Joseph Boken.~ .and on the West by' land person desiring ments should appear at t Dateld:~ August 20, 1957. ~e~.~$outh bY land~ of Joseph Boken; ~ve BeaCh Esta:~es, Inc. ~ ~ ;.~traCtm~or parcel of land situate, ~arion, .... in/~. the ~. Town .of ~Southeld, ~te of~ New~ ~mork, bounded on. the ~ch~ Estates, ~ Inc,;.~ on the East on/the South by~ State. Highway~ #25; a of William BOken. ~ · to be heard~ on the .,proposed amend- he time and,~place above specified. ..... ~ ~ ..i BY' ORDER OF Tt RALPH P. BOOTH, TOWN E:!~SOU~OLD TOWN~-BOARD, SUPERVISOR KI~[PP: the ~ame as the notice ] construct and.operate a~ in good taste with ~mthe of the ~existing communll of the overnight we~iet is designed to attract ~entats hel~ to a three The motel site ~l ~ng Island Sound, appr Route 25. I have the petition here, which is have just read: We ~.~ropose to attractive and modern ~esort motel, ~ine character and rural atmosphere ~y. This resort motel .~will .not be of transient motel, but in contrast fine vacationing clientele with day minimum period. 1 be located on the waterfront of ~xX~t~l~ one-half mile Xn f~om Along with the resort motel offering the recreation of beach and surf we propose to develop the remaining area with other recreational facilities which will include tennis courts, playing field, etc. This proposed venture should prove to be of financial benefit to the Town of Southold, throug~ the influx of tourists and vacationists that it will draw to this area. We sincerely feel our project to be a desirable type of development for quite a large area of East Marion, on the land presently vacant and unproductive. Finally, we believe all this to be in keeping with the objectives of the newly organized Committee on Southold ?lannlng, having as one of their endeavors "To further promote the Township as a recreational area." This is signed by Russell V. Broach, Vice President, Cove Beach Estates, Inc. I miSht read at this time the report, this was turned over to the Southold Town Planning Board, and I will read you the report of the Planning Board. "Southold Town Board, Southold, N. Y. "Gentlemen: Re petition of Cove Beach Estates, Inc. at East Marion, N. Y., as described in accompanying petition and shown on accompanying map marked "Map of Land at East Marion, Suffolk County, New York, Cove Beach Estates, Inc." and dated August 8, 1957. This petition .requests change of zone from 'fA" to "B" on..these parcels shown on the map as Parcel 1- Parcel 2, and~,~arcel 3, and shaded ~green. Total area of these three parcels being somewhat ~less than one-half of the total area. "The Planning Board gone over this map with ~ ~eport to the Town Board~ this area and its topog~ ~eflects complete cooper~ Planning Board. .Since w, suited to this use and e~ wishes te report that they have he proprietors subject to our last that the Board is familiar with ~phy' and this petition and map tlon with the sugges~tioni~ of the ~ feel the land to be. naturally ~pect this developmen~ to be a very real asset to the ~illage of East Marion and Town of Southold. ~' "Therefore, by a u~animous action of the Southold Planning Board we do the $outhold Town Board. This is signed by $~PEBVISOR KLIPP: wishes to be heard in o] so, before you register the Clerk your name and (There was no resp SUPERVISOR KLIPP: ommend this change of zone to ohn Wickham, Chairman. Now, is there any person who )position to the petition, and if your opposition, would you give 'address. Is there any person who wishes to be heard'in favor of? OTtO UHL, Jr, ~ P~esldent~ Cove ~each-Estates~ Inc. ~ I am in favor. SNPERVISOR KLIPP: wishes~to be-heard in fa~ GEORGE VLOUTELY (Ea~ S~PERVISOR KLIPP: to be heard in favor of? (There was no respo SUPERVISOR KLIPP: to be ~eard in oppositio (There was nO respc $~PERVISOR KL1PP: for f~ther delibe~atior~ On motion of Mr. DE and unanimously carried All voting "aye ." s there~any other person who or of? t Marion): I am in ~.favor. s .there any other person who wishes ~se. ) Is there any person here that wishes to or in favor of at this time? nsc. ) I will declare the hearing closed of the Board. ~marest, seconded by ~. AlbertsOn, the change of zone was granted. STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, j .... ~... ~~~ ................... being duly Sworn, says that ........................ is Printer and Publishe,r of the SUFFOLK TIldES,_ a newspaper published at Gree,nport, in said county~ a,nd that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said S.uffo.lk T~m.es. once in each week, for .................................................. ~~ ...................................... week~ successively commencing on the ...... i....~~ .................... day of ........... ~,:~: .............. 19...~..7_. S,worn- to before me this ....~'O'~.~..~....L...~.,~: ..... i y o,~ ........... ~~.. ..... ~--~..7-. ~ ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t STATE OF NEW YORK:'I ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and punisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy,, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck War'ch- once each week for ..~~....~.~.~.~..~.~..~?':;;weeks man success~vely,~ommencMg on the ..: ...... '~.~ ....... .:~ .... ~.~ .... day of ..... ~~~...¢..~... 19~~ ~. Sworn to before me this ......... ~ ........... day of ........... '~' ~ ~' Notary Public Commission Expires Marc6 30, ~.959 ~' -~IOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. ~ugust 15~ ~r~ John~inkham Ohair~n Planning BoArd Enclosed herewith eriEinaiand ~epy Cove Beaeh Estates Inc. and William M. Beebo, ~rtiol~ 1×, Baetlen 901~ $~bdivialon C~ aR offlclel r~po~t d~flni~ ~he eoudl~ions It is reepeetfu/l¥ requested Vary tP~ly ~o~ RPB/r To~u~ Clerk CASE NO: .................... ;..~ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD xl THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATIOI~ OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: COV~ BEACH ESTATES~ ~C.~ ~ I. I ................................................................ ~ at ,,.w~8~.]~ ................................ ....... ~"}~$~N ...................................... and more ~arbcu[ar bounded arid descr ~ed as follows: on th~ w~'~ by l~nd of ~¢~m Bok~. 2. ~:'~o nereoy petition the Town Bogrd of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amena the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold Suffolk Count¢, New York including the Building Zone MODS heretofore rncdea Dart thereof os fo]low¢: ~u~e a le2ge ar®~ o~' ~as~ ~-[~ion, o~ ~c o~esen~ly vac~'zt ~ mu~rodu*' STAT-~ OF NEW YORK., COUN I~K OF SUFFOLK Cove Bea. ch Es~,':,es~, :me. .............................................................................. BI:lNG DULY SWORN, deposes end says thet he is Cove Beach Estates, Ina EAST MARION. _ L. N. ~L~ ~outhold P!~unir~ Board w~s b~ir~ yc~ o~ ~de~st~na ~ posmtion ~ orT~-ng to he, Ye th~ m~tter ~*~Ied as  BOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. Ju~y 17, This is %o eer%ify that the follow, ups,etlon was taken by ~he Southol& Town Plan~in~ Board on July 16, 1957: Reque~t of Otto LT~I, Jr., President, Cove JUlY ~ 1957~ Enclosed herewith original amd in accordance with Article l~, Section 901, It is respectfully requested that thia be given your immediate attention, Cove Beach Estates, Inc. EAST MARION L I. N. y J~zue 13, 1957 Tow~ C!~k on April 9, 1957. A descri~- p~ssib!~ (thonEh no~ new,mary) =+ ~uid be arr-=mEed to b~ held on ~ Friday Please reply direct 9 Derby Road Po~~t l~ashing%on~ L.I (Office Phone ~iteh 4~i9C~) CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK Pk-FITION TOWN OF SOUTHO[.D IN 'I'HE MATTER OF THE PETIT[ON OF FOR A CHANGe=, MODIFiCATiON OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW yORK. TO TNB TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD: (inse~ name of petitioner) Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, ~ the owne~of certain real property situated at ~.~.9~ ............................................. and more paRicu[q~iy bounded 6nd described as follows: G~pie~ ~r.; ~ t~ ~ ~ the sev~ ~m~f Joseph ~k~n, F~ ~b~ ~d 2. · do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of SQCtho d to change, modify and amend the Buiid~ng Zone Ordlnanco of tho Town of $outhold, Suffa[k County, New York, including the Bu~ldlng Zone Mops heretofore mc~de ~ part thereo{~ ~ oh~ f~ "A" ~sid~%i~l ~e above ~se~d p~ ~s ~r seg fo~a~ ag~c~d map. good ~t~ wi~h t.he fiu~ ~h~..~ci~r and rural ~tmosphere of held ~ ~ ~ d~ ~n~ ~ ~*~ ~ll ~ l~ on ~ warrant of L~ I~ ~ app~ ~ p~s~- ~n~ '~ p~ ~ ~ of f~o~ ~i~ ~ the Tram of ~ ~z~ty fe~! ~ p~c% to ~ ~ d~i~b~ ~ of ~ve!o~n~ for q~ LS) STATE OF NEW YORK. ) SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. thc petitioner in the within action; that he has read the tents thereof; that the some is true to his (her) own knowl stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that be true. before m~ SWOP, N, deposes ond says that he is egoing Petition and knows the con- Jge, except as to the matters therein to those matters he bellows it to