HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoore, FlorenceTown ~f ~u~id~ G~F ~ ~f~ ~ ~e of STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, .._~:! ALL that-.tract .or pareel o£ 'land'~~<~... : .,~, ~,~.~,~ "". ~ sit~e lying ,~d being a~ ~u'.th01d, ~r .................................... being duly Sworn, ~~ .~"~ " ~ +~ ~ .... of ~,O~t~Gld,' C~tv · , . , . . ,':, , r ' I ~ V~ ~ VV z~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - j .... M~.~ ~ a~r~~ ~ ~f. M~ffolk. ~nd-M~mge of Ne~ York, gar a,nd Mubllsher o,f ~he MU~ FOLK · ' ~D bo~de.d on .gh'e ~o~gh' by Z~~ .O~D~~. ' - ' .... " ' , . ' ' . n' · ~ ~O 5 . , [Lmne; on ,~e sough'a~ ~u~-e~ bed ~'. ........ i~ ~ ~ov~r ~ i~ ~ cn ~ne annexea is a prln~ea copy, after .a -publiC hearing held pur-t ......... = .... ~'~ - - ' ~cl~ding ~e B'~di~g Zone. ~aPS),.~n~. ~llg~,ng.~o~ ~ps ~ as ~ ~ ....... weekk i of ~-he Town of So.~old 'S~folk ma~ca~e me location o~. sam prop-[ ........................................................ . t~,,.n+.v w~w ~k w~ dul~ ~Y ~ be.~g lo./ed m B Bum-[ ' 1 ' e lgr ne~ ~mc~ ~ :ae~mea ama re~-[ ~e~ded ~ folows ~g a,rgu ~ , . . ' .'.. ,,- ........ mee~ng of the To~ ~rd held, ma~e,a ~suan~. ~ ~e. ~a~g~ 1 9~...~ ..... ~at ike .Offi~a of t~ S~e.~s~r at' Zone' ~ainmnce (i~u~'ing' ~ne~ ........... GreemPGrt, 'N~ yOrk~ ~'.Au~g ~14, ~ ~u~di~ ~n~ ~5~) ~f ~e ~ ~~~...~~~ ................ 1957- . . [ ,o~ ~u~n~ta, ~.~olK ~o~y,. mew~ ~P~.~ ~d h,~- ~a~ '~t n~.~a~ nG~c,e, o~ such ~e ml~..~ ................. .... ,~ ~+~ ~ ~ ...... ~,. ~ge~c~ ha~ng ~~ion m ~e~ ................................................................................ ~.~ ~nd the B~d~ Z~ne'~-r ...--~-,~-. ~,. , ,: - . ~i ..... ~ ~i~'~...~ +ha ~..~:~'..~ Dated:..at,~ho~,.N.. Y. A~g~t 14,[ .0~, S~folk COunty, K~ Y~r~, by~ BY O~ OF ~ [ ::changing from "A" Resid~ti~::~dj ~~~ ~ ~~[ ~uated. ~ So~hold in s.~d-T~;:~' ' . , .. J L] . .] ~B' .... ~e Town ~o~d, 'of the iToWr~ orj din '., Pr, opertY '[ ~aid the , , the. provisions of'i the said,: BUild~g ' Building :~e ~o0:~. , loCated:in' I defined, ,and"'r~gUiated I Building Building: '~'.~d it~, iS :::: ,' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK~ Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE-LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the.notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long .. island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- .man once each week for ..... :~d~,,.~ .... /,..,¢ ...... )~eekd s~ccessiv~ly, cam~encin~ an the .......~...~ .... .~-~.dJ ............ ~ay o~ ...... ~.~.~z.~ ...... ] ~..~/ .Sworn to before me this ... ~: ..... :=... day of .... .~.¢.~,..~ ....... 19. .. . ...... · .,?~.~ ...... ............ :z: ....... Not~ry Publio . ADELE PAYN F. Notary Public, State of Res[din~ in Suffolk,, County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires ~arc~h 30, 1959 .: .... .'.. · z,, i,.!.,,',,.J..,,:,,~.t,,, .~:.:~,..,:,. 1., l ..... a ...... '~';- '~;~" ..... ~, ......... .* ......... .~ .......... '" ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ',~' ~ ~ "' :t ~ .......f ........ t"',~'. 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C.6 ~ t y ~ New Y o r k, ...... .... ...... ,,.,.,..,,. -.,., .... -.. ....... ¥.. ..... .. . . wa s du~y rog i r.',':~~~-'et.l.r~:g .of 't. he Town'Board .~'-he. id .'at the..'.'~off[ice. . ., . ..... :. :...~........::.:,.,::.... -'~... ~ .' . .. ,'.., .-'. - · .. · ". .'). ~' .: ..... '-~:"-'. ,~,' :-.-; ' "~;~' .~ ?', -:: '~.'.':7: '" "... "",'-, ':'~""' ... ~ nport.~ Ne.w ~o.rk ~" on. gus : ..'::'.'.-: ~' ~':~.-9 57: 81ipe~:"vi~:,o.r '~' ...... ~'" a;~ .~. ~,e . .......... · A.U t '"'t::"' ~.' l ~. -'~":-'~-~:~;-.".::.' '~". ':~" .' · .,...~ ...... u.i,., u ..~, ']~'. r"':~ ~;: ~,X ~..~..~.,.' ..:.. ..... , ................ ,.,,,,_ ,. ...... . :. . .: -~, : . . . ' '" :: .... ' ' '" : ' ..... :~':' ' ~' ~':' :' ~' '~" ~: '""' :: .... ";;7',':~'.-' :-.: .~'.i?.'~:'. .... ::'' .'. :':"'.:'":'::"~'.'..':.,... cn ........ · ..:: · ' '- "."2.~.( :.."' '.':- . -, , ..,..,~,.~,.,~:.~-,: o.~: :the ~°u. thold To P.,.]~,'% ......... :':"~ ~""' ""': ' .... ' ,. . ,....:., ,¢ :,..~, .~..~. " ':, ,"'" .i:.~oa:.r',d ha:'~'''~-::' '' "'.~'"~'" ed '.:', . .. ..:. . ": "' d 'o ,' '.~. '-, .... ,~,~..~ '.' I'- . ~, .... .},~ :~:.:. ~''' .' : . o ,~.: .~...~.." , c '"~ ~':, ~e. p. an r e (.,on,,me.~ ~. a. ~ ~ '-', ' ' .,.~ - ~,, ..... . .,.:......: . ........ ., ; :.... : .:..., · ..... : ~' ( ~ ·., :' .~ .-.. , , .,... ,~ .: .... ..-' :~.: . :: .... :'.~:.....: :. : '.'.. .. .?.-. -,..-:,.-.: . o r. onc ~.,~ .~,.,.,. or e' to a. meted the ild lng Zone· '"'..0r ~!:!'.na "' '~'' . ., . ....... .. .. ,' .. . . :. · .:,~.,, ,. :"'.'. .... .-. .,.,~;..-;:..:...:..:.:..-.( . - ,.. .' . . the. }:':luii, d. in~ .. Zone.... Maps ) o.f .. the. T owrt. : . . '0f.. "":~;~"---'..?., :., .... suffoik~'~.. . . ..: _:...'~':':.f::""..~,.~ ...... . Co'unty.::,'.(:.New York:,. "by,.'.cha.ng. ing :frOm. "-A':" Re id..d:'nt:t:,a.~l a.'nd ,:' · '".:, ~ ,~. ' : ~ . '"'B'" BUsiness Dist~:.io~- cert. ai..n''"p:, oD,"-t¢'''~'v' .':,, ul t'ural,.~~ . . .:."Di,~ ,~, tr ict t o..... :?.' . . :.. ...~:. : ... .. . .... ~ ",'.., ~ .'., . :~ · . . . ... . · .. . · , . . .... 'Town.,.. sl tu.a:ted, at ':* "" . oouthold .tn 8aid,'""' ''~ . ; ,. .. .: , .. ' '. - . ' _ .- .. : . .'. '. (. ' '' ... ~. · . . ~. : ~ : _., .. . .... : . . "~' ~"~" . .....T. ~"'" . .... .~.... (,,,ons'ideration.of .~::~,.n.,,.:.,.ao.~,.~he o~¢'.t~ Board:~...,af~e~ due. '~'~" '"'. ... . ....... .. . ' - . . . . ' .... d' -~' -. .pu~ .~ decide.', it was in the put, lie interest i.e.c.al]~, a:.~:hearin.~.'.. . . ..-..... ~r . . . . ant to th8...-provisio'..is,, . .n - of theTrowIiLaw and the said B'U':. .... .:: .... . o' ' ' '"'":'"".. ,, . ~- . , ·. : ~ .: : ... -': . . ·. .:. .. . go.no .Ordlnanee, and . ,. : ...... ~... · " · - ,~ ~ : . '.- - . · ~7., ': . . ~::'.',: :, . .' 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"' ,.J' ' ' ~: ' ' .... ~,'i: -:'..'; ::' .:':~.:~.:.::~ ~: ': ::" ' ."" a nd t:P,~'ea fter the public~.he~ing wa.clos'ed and' decisi°n ". . ., .~. .. " 1 ~:~ ~ -~ .. ~ : ' .~.' .:, ~.~ .. . · ... · ,w: .~:.:,:[.,,.,:~;.~ OR..~:~: ~.,.' BE R[,:,$6LVED 'BY TH'[~]: T';Ot~IN~ BOARD .:that the~' ~.. · ..... : , .:. . fo'.lloWing~ .prope~'ty be re~.o.ned i:y.. ch.a:n~:i,.ag from. .Resi. de. . . -:.+. v'.'. :i: ..', ,; '.:, :'.' f' . .~-':..' 1,; ~i..:;'.:;(i:::.':~i;; · .., .. ,: ..... '.. ::?.:~ q,:...[, ,,. ,;?:.. ::. ~.-, .:. :.. ..., ..u ::,~. .. :- .:. -);...7.,./.. .... ...: : ... ~ · · ~ .:' 'i ..... · : :,~:-,.- t:' ·. -and .. Southo],d'~ in th:e':f:,T "' ' ' "~.*~" ' ', ' ' · S t'a te :,.o.f... N~w.. Yo:rk,'. bound?d:' -o.n .... the "Nor th.. by BOwery Lane;':: -.South(,:a-nd.., ,. 5outh'east by ~",';:a"i:ti R.oad~. ~nd'''°n the We'St by''ia'nd''' ~'[~ ' ' ~ ""'. ' -7,: '"' ' ' '" " ' : ' " .. -... -).,..:-: . . ..' ~ .... : · . . ...... . . ..... .. . ...... · .: , ,,..;;,, ,. . ,f .. ing .:,OLVED ing, the-....~Buil,.d ~ g indicate : : ~. :, · · .. ~.,~:' C'ount.y' :j"-..New YO. rk .. .. ii" ~JJ:'k 'JL'k ':':' P'~'" .. . .. . ~' ::~ ~. :a u t h o..: i Z.e d ...... [.} .. :>....; . .. ' ~' ' . . · ~? : ; . : .-. ,J ur :i. ~"d i e: ,~ . .... ~,~ . .,, t ion ~::in t. he <- Dated,: a.t. ,'$ ou~hOl d ., , . .. ,.. . :. ... ... . :it: iS.' ... 'be the. ToWn 'Clerk be .and.. to.: ..... g.i~o the 'neC'.Os.sarY::: '.not:~ee of,'. sueh : LV .:~. ':ths:t .. .,, a.nd. · .':.':".:'.:::~ .:. -- . · .. . :7; ... .. :Z'" .. .. ' ": Street, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t ss. STATE OF NEW YORK~ Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly swpr, n, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a .public news- paper printed at Southo]d, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week fo r..~ .~.,z?~.' .... ~.~:.Z .... weeks successively, commencing on the ...................... day of ...~~...:.~ ........ 19..~..~/7 .......... :..:: ..... ;.: ...... '.~ ............................. ;.~.'. ................ Sworn to before me this ....... ~ ........... day of .... ; ...... ~' ~/ ADDLE PAYNE ~)otary Public,' Sta~e of New York Residing )n guffo)t( County No. Commissbn Exp)res March 30, 1959 [ L. i:i 2~ ~g ch~ng!n~ ~ ~k~ 2e~t~en~ial ~nd ~g~l~utt~l D!s~i'Ct / ',~ '. · ~'" :~ ' - '~ '. ;.:: : ,?: ' .. ~,~.~e~]4. ' a~: 'r~ll~: / : ' · · ' ' i' :, -' · · · . - ,~. ~';.., · ~J.%. - 1 Lue ~.~ ~.~: $~ ~e~ ~ ............... .... ............ ,.? !ir ............... . .... ~a~..· m~ % Sa ~ ~e~<::?:.: ............'-'"-- ' ............... ,,..?~,.~..,,,,,,:,:..{,..~.~,. , r[~.ll;~;~;. .,: ........ ~;:,~ .......... ~::: r'~n~;., 6l':~.t~, ?,:,,..~..,.~,,.~,~.,:~. ,.e. ,, .... ,,..,.' .1':~' ',." '.A~., ~: ',e~'~,t.A %,' .,' " . . -.' ,.~ ~,.,~ .., .,.....,: ,,.,~ ·,, ~. '. LOt ~'0~] ~1 ~S '~0-'~'~' ~. O~ maD'of_ pi~Op~ty Of ~.'~,,, k,u.:,:[ ' ': I ' ~ .... : ' ~ I ~ ~., , · [ [ ',' ,,; ~, '] ' . . ' , ~0.~ ~itUa%~d ~t ~¢~t ~'ion.~ TO~ ~ S~U~hO:d~ Suffolk ~'~:t.y~ ~v~y~d NOv~ ~5.~ ]~52 by 0~ W. V~ T~i & $on~ llcen~ed ~r~m-~o~t~.~ . .~,L:~ o~e~. ~n.a~ ~,ev.~op~.. by P.et]~ .S~nk ~ ~a~' . . · ; 'l::: A~y pe~n d~sii-i~g to ~ he~ o~ ~?he OpO ~':a~~nt~ .should ~ppe~r at 'th~ ti:~e ~! pla,~ a~v~ s~¢lfied~ ' THE CASE NO: ........................ STATE OF NEW YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MA¥1ER OF THE PETITION OF ?LO-'-'L~Ji¢CE *~. ~OORE FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: I, .............. residing et .].~,9..,~e~oz~..~e~J;.,~.de~. 01ty~ .......... ~o~:t;.ho3,~.~ ..................................... and more particuk:rly bounded and described as follows: North by Bowery Lzne South and southeast by State Road ~est by Glover 2. [ do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold ~a change, mcdity end emend the Building Zone Ordinance o~ the T-~wr, of Southold, Suffolk County, Nsw York, bcludlng the ~e~tfoned property !~_ a business dist~ict. being utilized predominantly for business p~t~poses. The above described property wo~ld b~ &dversely affected if Zoned in any other zone than business. Florenoe M. ]~oore STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ) SS: COL, NTY OF SU FFOI_K, ) ............... ~LOP~I~L.~....~r~0~[~ ........................ , BEING DULY SWORN, dcposes and says t',a~ne is the pe.~itior, er in the v,i~hin ocfioa; thc~ he has read the foregoing P*~itZon and knows the con-